§19-23-13a. West Virginia bonus race fund.

An association licensed by the West Virginia Racing Commission to conduct horse race meetings may establish at its track a special fund to be known as the "Bonus Race Fund," in the manner hereinafter provided by this section.

The fund shall be established only if written approval is given by the duly authorized representative of a majority of the owners and trainers who hold the permit required by section eight of this article at the horse racetrack and by the authorized agent of the association.

The association shall deposit each day, into the fund hereby established, an amount equal to one tenth of one percent of the total daily pari-mutuel pool or pools, which sum shall be appropriated from the special purse fund established in subsection (b) (1), section nine of this article. In addition thereto, the association shall, from the commission retained by the association under the provisions of said section nine of this article, deposit into the "Bonus Race Fund" the following sums: Each day an amount equal to four one hundredths of one percent of the total daily pari-mutuel pool during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1982 and each year thereafter; an additional three one hundredths of one percent of the total daily pari-mutuel pools for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1983 and each year thereafter; and an additional three one hundredths of one percent of the total daily pari-mutuel pools for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1984 and each year thereafter.

To be eligible to participate in purses to be paid from the proceeds of this fund, each horse must be registered with the West Virginia thoroughbred breeders association. To qualify for such registration the said horse must have been foaled in the State of West Virginia or sired by a stallion standing in the State of West Virginia or both foaled in West Virginia and sired by a stallion standing in West Virginia.

(a) A horse is bred where it is foaled. The breeder is the owner of the dam at the time of foaling.

(b) Any owner or breeder may appeal from the refusal of the West Virginia thoroughbred breeders association to register a horse under this rule to the West Virginia Racing Commission, and the decision of the commission shall be final.

(c) To be considered a West Virginia stallion, it is required that he be in the State of West Virginia for at least one full breeding season, commonly understood to be the first six months of a year, or if the stallion is brought in subsequent to the start of the breeding season, he must be approved as a West Virginia stallion by the West Virginia thoroughbred breeders association.

At each horse racetrack at which such fund is created, the funds shall be administered by a committee comprised of the following members: Two elected members of the West Virginia thoroughbred breeders association, one elected member of the local horsemen's benevolent protective association, the general manager of the local track or his representative and a member of the West Virginia Racing Commission or someone designated by the Racing Commission.

The powers and authority of the Racing Commission established under the provisions of section six of this article are extended to supervision of the fund created by this section and to the promulgation of reasonable rules and regulations for implementing and making effective the provisions of this section.

Bill History For §19-23-13a

1982 Regular Session