§61-3-39c. Reason for dishonor; duty of drawee.

It shall be the duty of the drawee of any check, draft or order, before refusing to pay the same to the holder thereof upon presentation, to cause to be written, printed or stamped in plain language thereon or attached thereto, the reason for drawee's dishonor or refusal to pay same. In all prosecutions under section thirty-nine or thirty-nine-a of this article, the introduction in evidence of any unpaid and dishonored check, draft or other written order, having the drawee's refusal to pay stamped or written thereon, or attached thereto, with the reason therefor as aforesaid:

(a) Shall be prima facie evidence of the making or uttering of said check, draft or other written order, and the due presentation to the drawee for payment and the dishonor thereof, and that the same was properly dishonored for the reasons written, stamped or attached by the drawee on such dishonored checks, drafts or orders; and

(b) Shall be prima facie evidence, as against the maker or drawer thereof, of the withdrawing from deposit with the drawee named in the check, draft or other written order, of the funds on deposit with such drawee necessary to insure payment of said check, draft or other written order upon presentation within a reasonable time after negotiation; and

(c) Shall be prima facie evidence of the drawing, making, uttering or delivering of a check, draft or written order with the knowledge of insufficient funds in or credit with such drawee.

Bill History For §61-3-39C

1977 Regular Session