§12-7-11. Documentary materials concerning trade secrets; commercial, financial or personal information; confidentiality.

Any documentary material or data made or received by the board for the purpose of furnishing assistance, to the extent that the material or data consists of trade secrets, commercial, financial or personal information regarding the financial position or activities of such business or person, shall not be considered public records and shall be exempt from disclosure pursuant to the provisions of chapter twenty-nine-b of this code. Any discussion or consideration of the trade secrets, commercial, financial or personal information may be held by the board in executive session closed to the public, notwithstanding the provisions of article nine-a, chapter six of this code: Provided, That the board shall make public the following information regarding executed investments: (1) The names and addresses of the principals of the business and its board of directors; (2) the location or locations of the projects; (3) the amount of the investment or financial assistance provided by the board; (4) the purpose of the investment or financial assistance; (5) the maturity, interest rate and other pertinent terms of the investment; (6) the fixed assets which serve as security for the investment; and (7) the names and addresses of all persons holding twenty-five percent or more of the equity of the entity receiving investment assistance: Provided, however, That the board shall keep available in its offices for inspection by any citizen of this state the annual report prepared pursuant to the requirements of section twelve of this article and the annual audit report prepared pursuant to the requirements of sections nine and fourteen of this article.

§12-7-11. Documentary materials concerning trade secrets; commercial, financial or personal information; confidentiality.

Bill History For §12-7-11

1992 Regular Session
1992 Regular Session