§16-38-4. Facilities and equipment.

(a) General physical environment. -–

(1) Tattoo studios shall have at least fifty footcandles of light and adequate ventilation. Walls and ceilings shall be painted a light color;

(2) The floor of the tattoo workroom shall be constructed of impervious material. The floor shall be swept and wet-mopped daily. Floors, walls or ceilings shall not be swept or cleaned while tattooing is in operation;

(3) Convenient, clean and sanitary toilet and hand-washing facilities shall be made accessible to customers;

(4) The building and equipment shall be maintained in a state of good repair at all times. The studio premises shall be kept clean, neat and free of litter and rubbish.

(b) Workroom. -–

(1) Each tattoo studio shall have a workroom separate from a waiting room or any room or rooms used for any other purpose. The workroom may not be used as a corridor for access to other rooms. Patrons or customers shall be tattooed only in the workroom;

(2) The workroom shall be equipped with hot and cold running water, with one sink or basin per artist operating at the same time;

(3) The sinks and basins shall be for the exclusive use of the tattoo artists for washing their hands and preparing customers for tattooing. They shall be equipped with foot, wrist or single-lever action controls, soap, a germicidal solution, single-use towels and individual hand brushes clean and in good repair for each tattoo artist. All plumbing shall be in compliance with industry standards;

(4) Persons may not consume any food or drink nor smoke in the workroom.