§17C-15-9. Additional lighting and reflector equipment required on certain vehicles.

In addition to other equipment required in this chapter the following vehicles shall be equipped as herein stated under the conditions stated in section eight of this article.

(a) On every bus or truck, whatever its size, there shall be the following:

On the rear, two reflectors, one at each side, and one stop light.

(b) On every bus or truck eighty inches or more in overall width, in addition to the requirements in paragraph (a):

On the front, two clearance lamps, one at each side.

On the rear, two clearance lamps, one at each side.

On each side, two side marker lamps, one at or near the front and one at or near the rear.

On each side, two reflectors, one at or near the front and one at or near the rear.

(c) On every truck tractor:

On the front, two clearance lamps, one at each side.

On the rear, one stop light.

(d) On every trailer or semitrailer having a gross weight in excess of three thousand pounds:

On the front, two clearance lamps, one at each side.

On each side, two side marker lamps, one at or near the front and one at or near the rear.

On each side, two reflectors, one at or near the front and one at or near the rear.

On the rear, two clearance lamps, one at each side, also two reflectors, one at each side, and one stop light.

(e) On every pole trailer in excess of three thousand pounds gross weight:

On each side, one side marker lamp and one clearance lamp which may be in combination, to show to the front, side, and rear.

On the rear of the pole trailer or load, two reflectors, one at each side.

(f) On every trailer, semitrailer, or pole trailer weighing three thousand pounds gross or less:

On the rear, two reflectors, one on each side. If any trailer or semitrailer is so loaded or is of such dimensions as to obscure the stop light on the towing vehicle, then such vehicle shall also be equipped with one stop light.

Bill History For §17c-15-9

1951 Regular Session