§17C-17-9. Gross weight of vehicles and loads for the national system of interstate and defense highways.

(a) It shall be unlawful for any owner, lessee or borrower of a vehicle or combination of vehicles to operate on any national system of interstate and defense highways such vehicle or combination of vehicles with a gross weight in excess of the gross weight for which such vehicle or combination of vehicles is registered or in excess of any weight limitation set forth in this chapter, whether such limitation be specifically stated in this chapter or set by express authority granted in this chapter.

(b) Subject to the limit upon the weight imposed upon the highway through any one axle as set forth in section eight of this article, or the limit imposed upon the highway through any tandem-axle as set forth in section eight-a of this article, the total gross weight with load imposed upon the highway by any one group of two or more consecutive axles of a vehicle or combination of vehicles shall not exceed the gross weight given for the respective distance between the first and last axle of the total group of axles measured longitudinally to the nearest foot as set forth in the following table:

Distance in feet between the extremes of any groups of two or more consecutive Maximum load in pounds carried on any group of two or more consecutive axles
axles 2 axles 3 axles 4 axles 5 axles 6 axles
4 34000
5 34000
6 34000
7 34000
8 34000 34000
9 39000 42500
10 40000 43500
11 44000
12 45000 50000
13 45500 50500
14 46500 51200
15 47000 52000
16 48000 52500 58000
17 48500 53500 58500
18 49500 54000 59000
19 50000 54500 60000
20 51000 55500 60500 66000
21 51500 56000 61000 66500
22 52500 56500 61500 67000
23 53000 57500 62500 68000
24 54000 58000 63000 68500
25 54500 58500 63500 69000
26 55500 59500 64000 69500
27 56000 60000 65000 70000
28 57000 60500 65500 71000
29 57500 61500 66000 71500
30 58500 62000 66500 72000
31 59000 62500 67500 72500
32 60000 63500 68000 73000
33 64000 68500 74000
34 64500 69000 74500
35 65500 70000 75000
36 66000 70500 75500
37 66500 71000 76000
38 67500 72000 77000
39 68000 72500 77500
40 68500 73000 78000
41 69500 73500 78500
42 70000 74000 79000
43 70500 75000 80000
44 71500 75500 80500
45 72000 76000 81000
46 72500 76500 81500
47 73500 77500 82000
48 74000 78000 83000
49 74500 78500 83500
50 75500 79000 84000
51 76000 80000 84500
52 76500 80500 85000
53 77500 81000 86000
54 78000 81500 86500
55 78500 82500 87000
56 79500 83000 87500
57 80000 83500 88000
58 84000 89000
59 85000 89500
60 85500 90000

Provided, That no vehicle or combination of vehicles shall have a gross weight, including the load, in excess of sixty-five thousand pounds, except that the maximum gross weight of vehicles operating on the national system of interstate and defense highways and any highway providing reasonable access to and from terminals and facilities for food, fuel, repairs and rest within the state shall not be in excess of eighty thousand pounds and except as otherwise provided in this article. Notwithstanding the limits prescribed in this subsection, two consecutive sets of tandem-axles may carry a gross load of thirty-four thousand pounds each providing the overall distance between the first and last axles of such consecutive sets of tandem-axles is thirty-six feet or more: Provided, however, That the limits prescribed in this subsection shall not prohibit the operation of any vehicle or combination of vehicles of a type which could be lawfully operated in accordance with gross vehicle weights in effect on January 1, 1975: Provided further, That no maximum weight in excess of or in conflict with any weight limitations prescribed by or pursuant to any act of Congress shall be permitted on the national system of interstate and defense highways.

§17C-17-9. Gross weight of vehicles and loads for the national system of interstate and defense highways.

Bill History For §17c-17-9

1983 Regular Session
1975 Regular Session
1967 Regular Session
1957 Regular Session
1951 Regular Session