§17C-20-1. Authority of West Virginia turnpike commission.

The provisions of this chapter shall apply to toll roads under the jurisdiction of the West Virginia turnpike commission insofar as they are not in conflict with the provisions of chapter one hundred thirty-nine, acts of the Legislature, regular session, one thousand nine hundred forty-seven, as amended. The turnpike commission shall have all rights, privileges, and powers in regard to turnpike projects under its jurisdiction, which are by this chapter granted, reserved or otherwise accorded to the state road commission or commissioner or to any local or public authority or body in regard to other public highways. In addition, the turnpike commission shall have full authority to adopt rules and regulations for the movement of traffic upon any turnpike project under its jurisdiction and to amend the limits imposed by article six (speed restrictions) and article seventeen (size, weight, and load) of this chapter insofar as their application to toll roads under its jurisdiction are concerned by resolution entered upon the turnpike commission's minute book: Provided, That speed limits so established shall be posted conspicuously at intervals along the turnpike. Violations of any amendments by the turnpike commission of said limits as aforesaid or of any rules, regulations, or resolutions of the turnpike commission adopted pursuant to this article shall be punishable in the same manner and to the same extent as elsewhere in this chapter provided for the punishment of violations of limits set forth herein and of rules, regulations, resolutions, and ordinances of the state road commission or commissioner and local or public authorities or bodies in regard to roads, streets, or highways within their respective jurisdictions, unless no punishment is provided elsewhere herein, in which event each such violation shall be a misdemeanor subject to the jurisdiction of justices of the peace and circuit courts upon conviction of which a fine not to exceed $50 shall be levied.

Bill History For §17c-20-1

1955 Regular Session
1951 Regular Session