§18B-3F-7. Administrative planning committee; purpose; membership; duties; termination.

(a) On the effective date of this article, or as soon thereafter as practicable, the council shall establish an administrative planning committee to advise in the reorganization of Bridgemont and Kanawha Valley Community and Technical Colleges.

(b) Membership. – The administrative planning committee consists of the following members:

(1) The president of each affected institution;

(2) The chair of the board of governors of each affected institution;

(3) The chair of the council;

(4) The vice chancellor for administration, appointed pursuant to section two, article four of this chapter, or a designee; and

(5) The chancellor, who chairs the planning committee.

(c) The administrative planning committee serves in an advisory capacity to the board of governors in developing the strategic reorganization plan and serves as liaison to the council during the reorganization period.

(d) The administrative planning committee shall submit to the board of governors a list of at least three names from which the board shall choose a name for the consolidated, multicampus community and technical college at their first meeting as soon after June 30, 2013, as feasible.

(e) The planning committee shall report to the council at least quarterly, or more often if requested, on development of the strategic reorganization plan and the progress of the board of governors in implementing the reorganization.

(f) The administrative planning committee is created specifically to assist in the reorganization of Bridgemont and Kanawha Valley Community and Technical Colleges and ceases to exist on July 1, 2014, or on the date when the council determines the reorganization has been completed, whichever occurs first.