§19-15A-6. Embargo; suspension or cancellation of registration; seizure of materials.

(a) The commissioner may suspend or cancel the registration of any brand of agricultural liming material and may refuse the application for registration of any brand of agricultural liming material upon being presented satisfactory evidence that the registrant has used false, fraudulent or deceptive practices in the evasion or attempted evasion of the provisions of this article or any related rule: Provided, That no registration shall be suspended, revoked or refused until the registrant has been given an opportunity to appear for a hearing before the commissioner.

(b) The commissioner may issue an embargo order to the owner or custodian of any lot of agricultural liming material when he or she finds said agricultural liming material is being offered or exposed for sale in violation of any of the provisions of this article or related rule. The order shall remain in effect until it has been rescinded in writing by the commissioner: Provided, That the commissioner may not rescind any embargo order until the requirements of this article have been complied with and all related costs and expenses have been paid.

(c) Any agricultural liming material found to be in violation of the provisions of this article is subject to seizure on complaint of the commissioner to a court of competent jurisdiction in the county in which such agricultural liming material is located. If the court orders the condemnation of such material it shall be disposed of in a manner consistent with the quality of the agricultural liming material and the laws of the state. The court may not order the disposition of agricultural liming material without first giving the owner or custodian an opportunity to apply to the court for release of the agricultural liming material or for permission to process or relabel the agricultural liming material to bring it in compliance with this article.

§19-15A-6. Embargo; suspension or cancellation of registration; seizure of materials.

Bill History For §19-15A-6

1990 Regular Session
1990 Regular Session
1975 Regular Session
1975 Regular Session