§19-2C-6a. Investigation of complaints; board of review.

(a) The Department of Agriculture may, upon its own action, and shall upon the verified written complaint of any person, investigate the actions of any auctioneer, apprentice auctioneer, any applicant for an auctioneer’s or apprentice auctioneer’s license, or any person who assumes to act in that capacity, if the complaint, together with other evidence presented in connection with it, establishes probable cause. Upon verification of the complaint, the department shall present the complaint to the board of review. The board of review shall consider all of the facts of the complaint and recommend a course of action to the commissioner.

(b) The board of review shall be appointed by the Governor, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, and shall consist of three members, each appointed for a staggered three-year term. Two members of the board of review shall be licensed auctioneers in West Virginia and residents of this state and shall have been licensed and been practicing the profession of auctioneering for five years immediately preceding their appointment. The third member shall be a lay person from the commercial or agricultural community who has utilized services of auctioneers for at least three years. No more than two board members shall be from any one congressional district and no more than two members shall be from the same political party. Board members shall receive no compensation for their service on the board, but shall be entitled to receive reimbursement for expenses in accordance with the Department of Agriculture travel regulations. There shall be no limit on the number of consecutive terms a member may serve on the board. The Governor is authorized to fill a vacancy when it occurs on the board for any reason. An appointment to fill a vacancy shall be for the remainder of the existing term of the vacant position.

Bill History For §19-2C-6a