§3-8-5b. Where financial statements and reports shall be filed; filing date prescribed.

(a) The financial statements provided for in this article shall be filed, by or on behalf of candidates, with:
(1) The Secretary of State for legislative offices, circuit judge, and family court judge, and for statewide and other offices to be nominated or elected by the voters of a political division greater than a county;
(2) The clerk of the county commission by candidates for offices to be nominated or elected by the voters of a single county or a political division within a single county, except circuit judge and family court judge; or
(3) The proper municipal officer by candidates for office to be nominated or elected to municipal office.
(b)(1) The following statements or reports shall be filed electronically, in a manner prescribed by the Secretary of State:
(A) Financial statements filed by or on behalf of candidates for Governor, Secretary of State, Attorney General, Auditor, Treasurer, Commissioner of Agriculture, State Senate, House of Delegates, Supreme Court of Appeals, circuit judge, or family court judge;
(B) Financial statements filed by political committees;
(C) Electioneering communication reports; and
(D) Independent expenditure reports.
(2) If through or by no fault of the candidate the candidate is unable to file the campaign financial statement, the candidate shall then file said statement in person, via facsimile or other electronic means of transmission, or by certified mail postmarked at the first reasonable opportunity.
(3) Committees required to report electronically may apply to the State Election Commission for an exemption from mandatory electronic filing in the case of hardship. An exemption may be granted at the discretion of the State Election Commission.
(c) Candidates for all offices not identified in subsection (b) of this section may file financial statements by mail, in person, by facsimile, or by other electronic means of transmission. For purposes of this article, the filing date of a financial statement shall, in the case of mailing, be the date of the postmark of the United States Postal Service, and in the case of hand delivery or delivery by facsimile or other electronic means of transmission, the date delivered to the office of the Secretary of State, or to the office of the clerk of the county commission, in accordance with the provisions of subsection (a) of this section, during regular business hours of that office.
(d) The sworn financial statements required to be filed by this section with the Secretary of State shall be posted on the Internet by the Secretary of State within 10 business days from the date the financial statement is filed.