§33-16F-5. Eligibility of individuals and groups.

(a) Individuals. –- Eligibility to enroll in an individual West Virginia affordable health care plan is limited to any resident of this state who:
(1) Is not covered by a private insurance policy and is not eligible for coverage under an employer-sponsored group plan or through a public health insurance program, such as Medicare, Medicaid or the state Children's Health Insurance Program; and
(2) Has not been covered by any health insurance program at any time during the past six months, unless coverage under a health insurance program was terminated within the previous six months due to loss of a job that provided an employer-sponsored health benefit plan or death of, or divorce from, a spouse who was provided an employer-sponsored health benefit plan or, with respect to a public health insurance program, eligibility for such program was lost due to an inability to meet income or categorical requirements: Provided, That an individual may not be excluded from enrollment in a West Virginia affordable health care plan on the ground that he or she is eligible for or is enrolled in a COBRA plan.
(b) Group. -– An otherwise eligible group may not obtain coverage under a West Virginia affordable health care plan unless the group has not had coverage under any health insurance plan at any time during the previous six months.