CHAPTER 1. THE STATE AND ITS SUBDIVISIONS. CHAPTER 2. COMMON LAW, STATUTES, LEGAL HOLIDAYS, DEFINITIONS AND LEGAL CAPACITY. CHAPTER 3. ELECTIONS. CHAPTER 4. THE LEGISLATURE. CHAPTER 5. GENERAL POWERS AND AUTHORITY OF THE GOVERNOR, SECRETARY OF STATE AND ATTORNEY GENERAL; BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS; MISCELLANEOUS AGENCIES, COMMISSIONS, OFFICES, PROGRAMS, ETC. CHAPTER 5A. DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION. CHAPTER 5B. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ACT OF 1985. CHAPTER 5C. BASIC ASSISTANCE FOR INDUSTRY AND TRADE. CHAPTER 5D. PUBLIC ENERGY AUTHORITY ACT. CHAPTER 5E. VENTURE CAPITAL COMPANY. CHAPTER 5F. REORGANIZATION OF THE EXECUTIVE BRANCH OF STATE GOVERNMENT. CHAPTER 5G. PROCUREMENT OF ARCHITECT-ENGINEER SERVICES BY STATE AND ITS SUBDIVISIONS. CHAPTER 5H. SURVIVOR BENEFITS. CHAPTER 6. GENERAL PROVISIONS RESPECTING OFFICERS. CHAPTER 6A. EXECUTIVE AND JUDICIAL SUCCESSION. CHAPTER 6B. PUBLIC OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES; ETHICS; CONFLICTS OF INTEREST; FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE. CHAPTER 6C. PUBLIC EMPLOYEES. CHAPTER 6D. PUBLIC CONTRACTS. CHAPTER 7. COUNTY COMMISSIONS AND OFFICERS. CHAPTER 7A. CONSOLIDATED LOCAL GOVERNMENT. CHAPTER 8. MUNICIPAL CORPORATIONS. CHAPTER 8A. LAND USE PLANNING. CHAPTER 9. HUMAN SERVICES. CHAPTER 9A. VETERANS' AFFAIRS. CHAPTER 10. PUBLIC LIBRARIES; PUBLIC RECREATION; ATHLETIC ESTABLISHMENTS; MONUMENTS AND MEMORIALS; ROSTER OF SERVICEMEN; EDUCATIONAL BROADCASTING AUTHORITY. CHAPTER 11. TAXATION. CHAPTER 11A. COLLECTION AND ENFORCEMENT OF PROPERTY TAXES. CHAPTER 11B. DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE. CHAPTER 12. PUBLIC MONEYS AND SECURITIES. CHAPTER 13. PUBLIC BONDED INDEBTEDNESS. CHAPTER 14. CLAIMS DUE AND AGAINST THE STATE. CHAPTER 15. PUBLIC SAFETY. CHAPTER 15A. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY. CHAPTER 16. PUBLIC HEALTH. CHAPTER 16A. MEDICAL CANNABIS ACT. CHAPTER 16B. INSPECTOR GENERAL. CHAPTER 17. ROADS AND HIGHWAYS. CHAPTER 17A. MOTOR VEHICLE ADMINISTRATION, REGISTRATION, CERTIFICATE OF TITLE, AND ANTITHEFT PROVISIONS. CHAPTER 17B. MOTOR VEHICLE DRIVER'S LICENSES. CHAPTER 17C. TRAFFIC REGULATIONS AND LAWS OF THE ROAD. CHAPTER 17D. MOTOR VEHICLE SAFETY RESPONSIBILITY LAW. CHAPTER 17E. UNIFORM COMMERCIAL DRIVER'S LICENSE ACT. CHAPTER 17F. ALL-TERRAIN VEHICLES. CHAPTER 17G. RACIAL PROFILING DATA COLLECTION ACT. CHAPTER 17H. FULLY AUTONOMOUS VEHICLE ACT. CHAPTER 18. EDUCATION. CHAPTER 18A. SCHOOL PERSONNEL. CHAPTER 18B. HIGHER EDUCATION. CHAPTER 18C. STUDENT LOANS; SCHOLARSHIPS AND STATE AID. CHAPTER 19. AGRICULTURE. CHAPTER 20. NATURAL RESOURCES. CHAPTER 20A. WATER RESOURCES (REPEALED). CHAPTER 21. LABOR CHAPTER 21A. UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION. CHAPTER 22. ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES. CHAPTER 22A. MINERS' HEALTH, SAFETY AND TRAINING. CHAPTER 22B. ENVIRONMENTAL BOARDS. CHAPTER 22C. ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES; BOARDS, AUTHORITIES, COMMISSIONS AND COMPACTS. CHAPTER 23. WORKERS' COMPENSATION. CHAPTER 24. PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION. CHAPTER 24A. COMMERCIAL MOTOR CARRIERS. CHAPTER 24B. GAS PIPELINE SAFETY. CHAPTER 24C. UNDERGROUND FACILITIES DAMAGE PREVENTION. CHAPTER 24D. CABLE TELEVISION. CHAPTER 24E. STATEWIDE ADDRESSING AND MAPPING. CHAPTER 24F. VETERANS' GRAVE MARKERS. CHAPTER 25. DIVISION OF CORRECTIONS. CHAPTER 26. STATE HEALTH FACILITIES. CHAPTER 27. MENTALLY ILL PERSONS. CHAPTER 28. STATE CORRECTIONAL AND PENAL INSTITUTIONS. CHAPTER 29. MISCELLANEOUS BOARDS AND OFFICERS. CHAPTER 29A. STATE ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES ACT. CHAPTER 29B. FREEDOM OF INFORMATION. CHAPTER 29C. UNIFORM NOTARY ACT. CHAPTER 30. PROFESSIONS AND OCCUPATIONS. CHAPTER 31. CORPORATIONS. CHAPTER 31A. BANKS AND BANKING. CHAPTER 31B. UNIFORM LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ACT. CHAPTER 31C. CREDIT UNIONS. CHAPTER 31D. WEST VIRGINIA BUSINESS CORPORATION ACT. CHAPTER 31E. WEST VIRGINIA NONPROFIT CORPORATION ACT. CHAPTER 31F. WEST VIRGINIA BENEFIT CORPORATION ACT. CHAPTER 31G. BROADBAND ENHANCEMENT AND EXPANSION POLICIES. CHAPTER 31H. SMALL WIRELESS FACILITIES DEPLOYMENT ACT. CHAPTER 31I. TRUST COMPANIES. CHAPTER 32. UNIFORM SECURITIES ACT. CHAPTER 32A. LAND SALES; FALSE ADVERTISING; ISSUANCE AND SALE OF CHECKS, DRAFTS, MONEY ORDERS, ETC. CHAPTER 32B. THE WEST VIRGINIA COMMODITIES ACT. CHAPTER 33. INSURANCE. CHAPTER 34. ESTRAYS, DRIFT AND DERELICT PROPERTY. CHAPTER 35. PROPERTY OF RELIGIOUS, EDUCATIONAL AND CHARITABLE ORGANIZATIONS. CHAPTER 35A. NAMES, EMBLEMS, ETC., OF ASSOCIATIONS, LODGES, ETC. CHAPTER 36. ESTATES AND PROPERTY. CHAPTER 36A. CONDOMINIUMS AND UNIT PROPERTY. CHAPTER 36B. UNIFORM COMMON INTEREST OWNERSHIP ACT. CHAPTER 37. REAL PROPERTY. CHAPTER 37A. ZONING. CHAPTER 37B. MINERAL DEVELOPMENT. CHAPTER 37C. MINERAL DEVELOPMENT. CHAPTER 38. LIENS. CHAPTER 39. RECORDS AND PAPERS. CHAPTER 39A. ELECTRONIC COMMERCE. CHAPTER 39B. UNIFORM POWER OF ATTORNEY ACT. CHAPTER 40. ACTS VOID AS TO CREDITORS AND PURCHASERS. CHAPTER 41. WILLS. CHAPTER 42. DESCENT AND DISTRIBUTION. CHAPTER 43. DOWER AND VALUATION OF LIFE ESTATES. CHAPTER 44. ADMINISTRATION OF ESTATES AND TRUSTS. CHAPTER 44A. WEST VIRGINIA GUARDIANSHIP AND CONSERVATORSHIP ACT. CHAPTER 44B. UNIFORM PRINCIPAL AND INCOME ACT. CHAPTER 44C. UNIFORM ADULT GUARDIANSHIP AND PROTECTIVE PROCEEDINGS JURISDICTION ACT. CHAPTER 44D. UNIFORM TRUST CODE. CHAPTER 45. SURETYSHIP AND GUARANTY. CHAPTER 46. UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODE. CHAPTER 46A. WEST VIRGINIA CONSUMER CREDIT AND PROTECTION ACT. CHAPTER 46B. REGULATION OF THE RENTAL OF CONSUMER GOODS UNDER RENT-TO-OWN AGREEMENTS. CHAPTER 47. REGULATION OF TRADE. CHAPTER 47A. WEST VIRGINIA LENDING AND CREDIT RATE BOARD. CHAPTER 47B. UNIFORM PARTNERSHIP ACT. CHAPTER 48. DOMESTIC RELATIONS. CHAPTER 49. CHILD WELFARE. CHAPTER 50. MAGISTRATE COURTS. CHAPTER 51. COURTS AND THEIR OFFICERS. CHAPTER 52. JURIES. CHAPTER 53. EXTRAORDINARY REMEDIES. CHAPTER 54. EMINENT DOMAIN. CHAPTER 55. ACTIONS, SUITS AND ARBITRATION; JUDICIAL SALE. CHAPTER 56. PLEADING AND PRACTICE. CHAPTER 57. EVIDENCE AND WITNESSES. CHAPTER 58. APPEAL AND ERROR. CHAPTER 59. FEES, ALLOWANCES AND COSTS; NEWSPAPERS; LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. CHAPTER 60. STATE CONTROL OF ALCOHOLIC LIQUORS. CHAPTER 60A. UNIFORM CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES ACT. CHAPTER 60B. DONATED DRUG REPOSITORY PROGRAM. CHAPTER 61. CRIMES AND THEIR PUNISHMENT. CHAPTER 62. CRIMINAL PROCEDURE. CHAPTER 63. REPEAL OF STATUTES. CHAPTER 64. LEGISLATIVE RULES. CHAPTER 49. CHILD WELFARE. Article 3All ArticlesArticle 5ARTICLE 4. COURT ACTIONS.§49-4-101. Exercise of powers and jurisdiction by judge in vacation.§49-4-102. Procedure for appealing decisions.§49-4-103. Proceedings may not be evidence against child, or be published; adjudication is not a conviction and not a bar to civil service eligibility.§49-4-104. General provisions relating to court orders regarding custody; rules.§49-4-105. Hearing required to determine "reasonable efforts."§49-4-106. Limitation on out-of-home placements.§49-4-107. Penalties.§49-4-108. Payment of services.§49-4-109. Guardianship of estate of child unaffected.§49-4-110. Foster care; quarterly status review; transitioning adults; annual permanency hearings.§49-4-111. Criteria and procedure for temporary removal of child from foster home; foster care arrangement termination; notice of child's availability for placement; adoption; sibling placements; limitations.§49-4-112. Subsidized adoption and legal guardianship; conditions.§49-4-113. Duration of custody or guardianship of children committed to department.§49-4-114. Consent by agency or department to adoption of child; statement of relinquishment by parent; counseling services; petition to terminate parental rights; notice; hearing; court orders.§49-4-115. Emancipation. §49-4-116. Voluntary placement; petition; requirements; attorney appointed; court hearing; orders.§49-4-117. Information provided in certain adoptions.§49-4-201. Accepting possession of certain relinquished children.§49-4-202. Notification of possession of relinquished child; department responsibilities.§49-4-203. Filing petition after accepting possession of relinquished child.§49-4-204. Immunity from certain prosecutions.§49-4-205. Adoption eligibility.§49-4-206. Designation of local fire department as a safe-surrender site; posting requirement.§49-4-301. Custody of a neglected child by law enforcement in emergency situations; protective custody; requirements; notices; petition for appointment of special guardian; discharge; immunity.§49-4-302. Authorizing a family court judge to order custody of a child in emergency situations; requirements; orders; investigative reports; notification required.§49-4-303. Emergency removal by department before filing of petition; conditions; referee; application for emergency custody; order.§49-4-401. Purpose; system to be a complement to existing programs.§49-4-402. Multidisciplinary investigative teams; establishment; membership; procedures; coordination among agencies; confidentiality.§49-4-403. Multidisciplinary treatment planning process; coordination; access to information.§49-4-404. Court review of service plan; hearing; required findings; order; team member's objections.§49-4-405. Multidisciplinary treatment planning process involving child abuse and neglect; team membership; duties; reports; admissions.§49-4-406. Multidisciplinary treatment process for status offenders or delinquents; requirements; custody; procedure; reports; cooperation; inadmissibility of certain statements.§49-4-407. Team directors; records; case logs.§49-4-408. Unified child and family case plans; treatment teams; programs; agency requirements.§49-4-409. After-care plans; contents; written comments; contacts; objections; courts.§49-4-410. Other agencies of government required to cooperate.§49-4-411. Law enforcement; prosecution; interference with performance of duties.§49-4-412. Exemption from multidisciplinary team review before emergency out-of-home placements.§49-4-413. Individualized case planning.§49-4-501. Prosecuting attorney representation of the Department of Human Services; conflict resolution.§49-4-502. Prosecuting attorney to cooperate with persons other than the department in child abuse and neglect matters; duties.§49-4-503. Prosecuting attorney to represent petitioner in juvenile cases.§49-4-504. Prosecuting attorney duty to establish multidisciplinary investigative teams.§49-4-601. Petition to court when child believed neglected or abused; venue; notice; right to counsel; continuing legal education; findings; proceedings; procedure.§49-4-601a. Preference of child placement.§49-4-601b. Substantiation by the department of abuse and neglect; file purging; expungement; exceptions.§49-4-602. Petition to court when child believed neglected or abused; temporary care, custody, and control of child at different stages of proceeding; temporary care; orders; emergency removal; when reasonable efforts to preserve family are unnecessary.§49-4-603. Medical and mental examinations; limitation of evidence; probable cause; testimony; judge or referee.§49-4-604. Disposition of neglected or abused children; case plans; dispositions; factors to be considered; reunification; orders; alternative dispositions.§49-4-605. When department efforts to terminate parental rights are required.§49-4-606. Modification of dispositional orders; hearings; treatment team; unadopted children.§49-4-607. Consensual termination of parental rights.§49-4-608. Permanency hearing; frequency; transitional planning; out-of-state placement; findings; notice; permanent placement review.§49-4-609. Conviction for offenses against children.§49-4-610. Improvement periods in cases of child neglect or abuse; findings; orders; extensions; hearings; time limits.§49-4-701. Juvenile jurisdiction of circuit courts, magistrate courts and municipal courts; Constitutional guarantees; requirements; hearings; right to counsel; opportunity to be heard; evidence and transcripts.§49-4-702. Prepetition diversion to informal resolution; mandatory prepetition diversion program for status offenses and misdemeanor offenses; prepetition review team.§49-4-702a. Noncustodial counseling or community services provided to a juvenile; prepetition counsel and advice.§49-4-703. Juvenile drug courts; hearing officers.§49-4-704. Institution of proceedings by petition; notice to juvenile and parents; preliminary hearings; subpoena.§49-4-705. Taking a juvenile into custody; requirements; existing conditions; detention centers; medical aid.§49-4-706. Detention hearing; rights of juvenile; notification; counsel; hearings.§49-4-707. Review of order following detention hearing.§49-4-708. Preliminary hearing; counsel; custody; court requirements; preadjudicatory community supervision period.§49-4-709. Right to jury trial for juveniles; inapplicability.§49-4-710. Waiver and transfer of jurisdiction.§49-4-711. Adjudication for alleged status offenders and delinquents; mandatory initial disposition of status offenders.§49-4-712. Intervention and services by the department pursuant to initial disposition for status offenders or juvenile found incompetent to stand trial; enforcement; further disposition; detention; out-of-home placement; department custody; least restrictive alternative; appeal; prohibiting placement of status offenders or a juvenile found incompetent to stand trial in a Bureau of Juvenile Services facility.§49-4-713. Graduated penalties for juvenile alcohol consumption; fines; community service; revocation of driver's license.§49-4-714. Disposition of juvenile delinquents; appeal.§49-4-715. Authority of the courts to impose additional penalties; public service projects; ineligible to operate a motor vehicle; restitution.§49-4-716. Teen court program; alternative; suitability; unsuccessful cooperation; requirements; fees.§49-4-717. Sexting educational diversion program; requirements.§49-4-718. Modification of dispositional orders; motions; hearings.§49-4-719. Juvenile probation officers; appointment; salary; facilities; expenses; duties; powers.§49-4-720. Prohibition on committing juveniles to adult facilities.§49-4-721. Rules governing juvenile facilities; rights of juveniles.§49-4-722. Conviction for offense while in custody.§49-4-723. Discrimination prohibited; penalties; damages.§49-4-724. Standardized assessments.§49-4-725. Restorative justice programs.§49-4-726. Study of juvenile competency issues; requiring and requesting report and proposed legislation; submission to Legislature.§49-4-727. Juvenile competency proceedings.§49-4-728. Definitions for juvenile competency proceedings.§49-4-729. Motion for determination of competency, time frames, order for evaluation.§49-4-730. Juvenile competency qualified forensic evaluator; qualifications.§49-4-731. Juvenile competency evaluation.§49-4-732. Hearing to determine juvenile’s competency to participate in the proceedings.§49-4-733. Procedure after determination of juvenile’s competency to participate in the proceedings.§49-4-734. Disposition alternatives for incompetent juveniles.§49-4-735. Stay of transfer to criminal jurisdiction.§49-4-801. Support of a child removed from home pursuant to this chapter; order requirements.§49-4-802. General provisions for support orders; contempt.§49-4-803. Enforcement of support orders.§49-4-901 Repealed. Acts, 2016 Reg. Sess., Ch. 32§49-4-902 Repealed. Acts, 2016 Reg. Sess., Ch. 32§49-4-903. Interference with disposition of child punishable as contempt of court.§49-4-904. 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