§56-10-7. Right of circuit judge to hold hearings and enter orders in any county of circuit unless objection filed; jury cases excepted.

In any (a) appeal from or to review the judgment, order or ruling of any court of record or administrative agency, (b) appeal from a justice of the peace court, (c) ex parte proceeding, (d) adoption proceeding, (e) change of name proceeding, (f) summary procedure or proceeding, (g) eminent domain proceeding, (h) juvenile proceeding, (i) action wherein an extraordinary remedy is sought, such as mandamus, prohibition, certiorari, habeas corpus, quo warranto, or information in the nature of quo warranto, and (j) civil action instituted under the Rules of Civil Procedure for Trial Courts of Record, the judge of a judicial circuit may hold hearings, including but not limited to pretrial conferences, and enter orders in any county of his circuit although he is not physically present in the county in which such action, appeal or proceeding was instituted or is pending, unless there is objection thereto in writing, filed by one of the parties prior to such hearing or the entry of such order: Provided, That in any appeal, action or proceeding in which a jury trial has been demanded or exists as a matter of right, trial by jury shall be held only in the county wherein such appeal, action or proceeding is pending.

§56-10-7. Right of circuit judge to hold hearings and enter orders in any county of circuit unless objection filed; jury cases excepted.

Bill History For §56-10-7

1965 Regular Session
Senate Bill 190