§60A-10-8. Reporting requirements; confidentiality.

(a) Until January 1, 2013, upon each sale, retail, transfer or distribution of any drug product referred to in section seven of this article or another designated precursor, the pharmacist, pharmacy intern, or pharmacy technician making the sale, transfer or distribution shall report the following information for inclusion in the central repository established and maintained by the Board of Pharmacy:
(1) The date of the transaction;
(2) The name, address and driver's license or state-issued identification number of the person; and
(3) The name, quantity of packages and total gram weight of the product or products purchased, received or otherwise acquired.
(b) The information required to be reported by this section shall be reported by paper log maintained at the point of sale: Provided, That, beginning on January 1, 2007, reporting shall be by electronic transmission to the Board of Pharmacy no more frequently than once a week. Beginning on January 1, 2013, the electronic transmission of the information required to be reported in subsection (a) of this section shall be reported to the MSRTTS, and shall be made in real time at the time of the transaction.
(c) The information required by this section shall be the property of the state. The information shall be disclosed as appropriate to the federal Drug Enforcement Administration and to state and local law-enforcement agencies. The information shall not be accessed, used or shared for any purpose other than to ensure compliance with this article and federal law. NADDI shall forward state transaction records in the MSRTTS to the West Virginia State Police weekly, and provide real-time access to MSRTTS information through the MSRTTS online portal to authorized agents of the federal Drug Enforcement Administration and certified law enforcement in this and other states for use in the detection of violations of this article or of federal laws designed to prevent the illegal use, production or distribution of methamphetamine.