§60A-7-706. Disposition of forfeited moneys, securities or other negotiable instruments; distribution of proceeds.

(a) Whenever moneys, securities or other negotiable instruments are forfeited under the provisions of this article, such proceeds shall be distributed as follows:

(1) Ten percent of the proceeds shall be tendered to the office of the prosecuting attorney which initiated the forfeiture proceeding;

(2) The balance shall be deposited in a special law-enforcement investigation fund. The fund may be placed in any interest-bearing depository insured by an agency of the federal government. The fund shall be administered by the chief of the law-enforcement agency that seized the forfeited property.

(b) No funds shall be expended from the special law-enforcement investigation fund except as follows:

(1) In the case of the funds belonging to the State Police, the funds shall only be expended at the direction of the Superintendent of the State Police and in accordance with the provisions of article two, chapter eleven-b of this code and the provisions of subdivision (10), subsection (b), section two, article two, chapter twelve of this code;

(2) In the case of funds belonging to the office of either the sheriff or prosecuting attorney of any county in which the special fund has been created, the funds therein may only be expended in the manner provided in sections four and five, article five, chapter seven of this code; and

(3) In the case of funds belonging to the police department of any municipality in which the special fund has been created, the funds therein may only be expended in the manner provided in section twenty-two, article thirteen, chapter eight of this code.

§60A-7-706. Disposition of forfeited moneys, securities or other negotiable instruments; distribution of proceeds.

Bill History For §60a-7-706