§60A-8-14. Disciplinary actions - wholesale drug distributor.

(a) In accordance with article five, chapter thirty of this code, the Board of Pharmacy may suspend, revoke or refuse to renew any license issued to a wholesale distributor of prescription drugs pursuant to this article or may impose a civil money penalty not to exceed $1,000, in the discretion of the board for any of the following causes:

(1) Making any false material statements in an application for a license or for renewal of a license as a wholesale distributor or pharmacy distributor of prescription drugs;

(2) Violating any federal, state or local drug law, any provision of this article or any rule of the board;

(3) Conviction of a felony. For purposes of this subdivision "felony" means a felony or crime punishable as a felony under the laws of this state, any other state or the United States;

(4) Ceasing to satisfy the qualifications for licensure under section seven of this article or the rules of the board;

(5) The license or registration of a wholesale drug distributor licensed under this article has been revoked by the licensing authority of another state, jurisdiction of foreign nation; or

(6) Any reason for which the board may impose disciplinary sanctions under the provisions of chapter thirty of this code.

(b) Upon the suspension or revocation of the license of any wholesale distributor of prescription drugs, the distributor shall immediately surrender the license to the board.

(c) If the board suspends, revokes or refuses to renew any license issued to a wholesale distributor of prescription drugs and determines that there is clear and convincing evidence of a danger of immediate and serious harm to any person, the board may place under seal all drugs owned by or in the possession, custody or control of the affected wholesale distributor. Except as provided in this article, the board may not dispose of the drugs sealed under this subsection until the distributor exhausts all of his or her appeal rights under this article or article five, chapter thirty of this code. The court involved in the appeal may order the board, during the pendency of the appeal, to sell sealed dangerous drugs that are perishable. The board shall deposit the proceeds of the sale with the court.

Bill History For §60a-8-14