§60A-9-9.  Drugs of concern designation.  

(a)  The Board of Pharmacy may designate certain drugs as drugs of concern which must be reported to the database established pursuant to this article. The designation of a drug of concern shall be reserved for drugs which have a high potential for abuse.  Whenever a medical services provider dispenses a drug of concern or whenever a prescription for a drug of concern is filled by: (i) A pharmacist or pharmacy in this state; (ii) a hospital, or other health care facility, for outpatient use; or (iii) a pharmacy or pharmacist licensed by the Board of Pharmacy, but situated outside this state for delivery to a person residing in this state, the medical services provider, health care facility, pharmacist or pharmacy shall, in a manner prescribed by rules promulgated by the Board of Pharmacy under this article, report the following information, as applicable:

(1) The name, address, pharmacy prescription number and Drug Enforcement Administration controlled substance registration number of the dispensing pharmacy or the dispensing physician or dentist;

(2) The full legal name, address and birth date of the person for whom the prescription is written;

(3) The name, address and Drug Enforcement Administration controlled substances registration number of the practitioner writing the prescription;

(4)  The name and national drug number of the drug of concern dispensed;

(5)  The quantity and dosage of the drug of concern dispensed;

(6) The date the prescription was written and the date filled;

(7) The number of refills, if any, authorized by the prescription;

(8) If the prescription being dispensed is being picked up by someone other than the patient on behalf of the patient, information about the person picking up the prescription as set forth on the person’s government-issued photo identification card shall be retained in either print or electronic form until such time as otherwise directed by rule promulgated by the Board of Pharmacy; and

(9) The source of payment for the drug of concern dispensed.

(b)  The penalties set forth in section seven of this article shall not apply to drugs listed as drugs of concern.  Failure to report may be considered a violation of the practice act of the prescriber and may result in discipline by the appropriate licensing board.   

(c)  The Board of Pharmacy may promulgate emergency rules pursuant to the provisions of section fifteen, article three, chapter twenty-nine-a of this code to effectuate the provisions of this section.

Bill History For §60a-9-9