§8A-12-11. Definitions.

For purposes of the voluntary farmland protection programs, the following terms have the meanings set forth in this section.

(a) Acquisition of easement. -- The holding or coholding of land-use restrictions as defined in this article, whether obtained through purchase, gift, devise, bequest, grant or contract to cohold with another holder.

(b) Conservation easement. –- This article incorporates the definition of a conservation easement found in section three, article twelve, chapter twenty of this code, except that a conservation easement created under this article must be held or coheld by at least one "holder" as defined in that section in perpetuity.

(c) Farm, farmland or agricultural land. -- A tract, or contiguous tracts of land, of any size, used or useable for agriculture, horticulture or grazing and includes all real property designated as wetlands that are part of a property used or useable as farmland.

(d) Preservation easement. -- This article incorporates the definition of a preservation easement found in section three, article twelve, chapter twenty of this code, except that a preservation easement created under this article must be held or coheld by at least one "holder" as defined in that section and must be perpetual in its duration.

(e) Woodland. -- Woodland shall be considered land of a farm only if it is part of or appurtenant to a tract of land which is a farm, or held by common ownership of a person or entity owning a farm, but in no event may woodland include land used primarily in commercial forestry or the growing of timber for commercial purposes or any other use inconsistent with farm use.

(f) Opt-out provision. –- A provision which may be inserted into any conservation or preservation easement agreement entered into pursuant to this article which would act as a mechanism to place the easement selling price into an escrow fund for the purpose of allowing the owner or owners up to five years to rescind the decision to enter into the farmland protection program.