§9-5-28. Requirement for telehealth rates.

The Medicaid plan, which issues, renews, amends, or adjusts a plan, policy, contract, or agreement on or after July 1, 2021, shall provide reimbursement for a telehealth service at a rate negotiated between the provider and the insurance company for virtual telehealth encounters. The Medicaid plan, which issues, renews, amends, or adjusts a plan, policy, contract, or agreement on or after July 1, 2021, shall provide reimbursement for a telehealth service for an established patient, or care rendered on a consulting basis to a patient located in an acute care facility whether inpatient or outpatient on the same basis and at the same rate under a contract, plan, agreement, or policy as if the service is provided through an in-person encounter rather than provided via telehealth.

Bill History For §9-5-28

1963 Regular Session
House Bill 190
1953 Regular Session
House Bill 366
1936 First Special Session
House Bill 1