Email WV Code

Email: Chapter 11, Article 16


§11-16-1. Short title.

This article shall be known and may be cited as "The Nonintoxicating Beer Act."

§11-16-2. Declaration of legislative findings, policy and intent; construction.

It is hereby found by the Legislature and declared to be the policy of this state that it is in the public interest to regulate and control the manufacture, sale, distribution, transportation, storage, and consumption of the beverages regulated by this article within this state and that, therefore, the provisions of this article are a necessary, proper, and valid exercise of the police powers of this state and are intended for the protection of the public safety, welfare, health, peace and morals and are further intended to eliminate, or to minimize to the extent practicable, the evils attendant to the unregulated, unlicensed, and unlawful manufacture, sale, distribution, transportation, storage, and consumption of such beverages and are further intended to promote temperance in the use and consumption thereof. The Legislature further finds and declares that advertising is essential to the growth of business and job promotion within the state.  In order to further these ends, the provisions of this article and of the rules promulgated pursuant thereto, shall be construed so that the accomplishment of these stated purposes may be effectuated.

§11-16-3. Definitions.

For the purpose of this article, except where the context clearly requires differently:

(1) "Brand" means a nonintoxicating beer product manufactured, brewed, mixed, concocted, blended, bottled, or otherwise produced, imported, or transshipped by a brewer or manufacturer, the labels of which have been registered and approved by the commissioner, that is being offered for sale or sold in West Virginia by a distributor who has been appointed in a valid franchise agreement or a valid amendment thereto.

(2) "Brewer" or "manufacturer" means any person manufacturing, otherwise producing, importing, or transshipping nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer for sale at wholesale to any licensed distributor. Brewer or manufacturer may be used interchangeably throughout this article. A brewer may obtain only one brewer's license for its nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer.

(3) "Brewpub" means a place of manufacture of nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer owned by a resident brewer, subject to federal and state regulations and rules, a portion of which premises is designated for retail sales of nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer by the resident brewer owning the brewpub.

(4) "Class A retail license" means a retail license permitting the retail sale of liquor at a freestanding liquor retail outlet, licensed pursuant to §60-1-1 et seq. of this code.

(5) "Class B retail license" means a retail license permitting the retail sale of liquor at a mixed retail liquor outlet licensed pursuant to §60-1-1 et seq. of this code.

(6) "Commissioner" means the West Virginia Alcohol Beverage Control Administration Commissioner.

(7) "Distributor" means and includes any person jobbing or distributing nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer to retailers at wholesale and whose warehouse and chief place of business is within this state. For purposes of a distributor only, the term "person" means and includes an individual, firm, trust, partnership, limited partnership, limited liability company, association, or corporation. Any trust licensed as a distributor or any trust that is an owner of a distributor licensee, and the trustee or other persons in active control of the activities of the trust relating to the distributor license, is liable for acts of the trust or its beneficiaries relating to the distributor license that are unlawful acts or violations of §11-16-1 et seq. of this code notwithstanding the liability of trustees in §44D-10-1 et seq. of this code.

(8) "Franchise agreement" means the written agreement between a brewer and a distributor that is identical as to terms and conditions between the brewer and all its distributors, which has been approved by the commissioner. The franchise agreement binds the parties so that a distributor, appointed by a brewer, may distribute all the brewer's nonintoxicating beer products, brands, or family of brands imported and offered for sale in West Virginia, including, but not limited to, existing brands, line extensions, and new brands all in the brewer's assigned territory for the distributor. All brands and line extensions being imported or offered for sale in West Virginia must be listed by the brewer in the franchise agreement or a written amendment to the franchise agreement. A franchise agreement may be amended by mutual written agreement of the parties as approved by the commissioner with identical terms and conditions for a brewer and all its distributors. Any approved amendment to the franchise agreement becomes a part of the franchise agreement. A brewer and a distributor may mutually agree in writing to cancel a franchise agreement. A distributor terminated by a brewer as provided in this article and the promulgated rules no longer has a valid franchise agreement. If a brewer has reached an agreement to cancel a distributor or has terminated a distributor, then a brewer may appoint a successor distributor who accedes to all the rights of the cancelled or terminated distributor.

(9) "Franchise distributor network" means the distributors who have entered into a binding written franchise agreement, identical as to terms and conditions, to distribute nonintoxicating beer products, brands, and line extensions in an assigned territory for a brewer. A brewer may only have one franchise distributor network: Provided, That a brewer that has acquired the manufacturing, bottling, or other production rights for the sale of nonintoxicating beer at wholesale from a selling brewer, as specified in §11-16-21(a)(2) of this code, shall continue to maintain and be bound by the selling brewer's separate franchise distributor's network for any of its existing brands, line extensions, and new brands.

(10) "Freestanding liquor retail outlet" means a retail outlet that sells only liquor, wine, beer, nonintoxicating beer, and other alcohol-related products, as defined pursuant to §60-3A-4 of this code.

(11) "Growler" means a container or jug that is made of glass, ceramic, metal, or other material approved by the commissioner, that may be no larger than 128 fluid ounces in size and must be capable of being securely sealed. The growler is used by an authorized licensee for purposes of off-premise sales only of nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer for personal consumption not on a licensed premise and not for resale. The nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer served and sold in a sealed growler may include ice or water mixed with the nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer to create a frozen nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer beverage. Any frozen nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer beverage machine used for filling growlers shall be sanitized daily, shall be under the control of the licensee in the secure area, and served to the patron by the licensee from the secure area. Notwithstanding any other provision of this code to the contrary, a securely sealed growler is not an open container under federal, state, and local law. A growler with a broken seal is an open container under federal, state, and local law unless it is located in an area of the motor vehicle physically separated from the passenger compartment. The secure sealing of a growler requires the use of a tamper-evident seal, security tape, or other material, as approved by the commissioner, placed on or over the growler's opening, which seal, security tape or other material is clearly marked with the date of the secure sealing by the authorized licensee who is selling the growler.

(12) "Line extension" means any nonintoxicating beer product that is an extension of a brand or family of brands that is labeled, branded, advertised, marketed, promoted, or offered for sale with the intent or purpose of being manufactured, imported, associated, contracted, affiliated, or otherwise related to a brewer's existing brand through the use of a brewer, its subsidiaries, parent entities, contracted entities, affiliated entities, or other related entities. In determining whether a nonintoxicating beer product is a line extension, the commissioner may consider, but is not limited to, the following factors: Name or partial name; trade name or partial trade name; logos; copyrights; trademarks or trade design; product codes; advertising promotion; or pricing.

(13) "Manager" means an individual who is the applicant's or licensee's on-premises employee, member, partner, shareholder, director, or officer who meets the licensure requirements of §11-16-1 et seq. of this code and rules promulgated thereunder who actively manages, conducts, and carries on the day-to-day operations of the applicant or licensee with full and apparent authority or actual authority to act on behalf of the applicant or licensee. Duties include but are not limited to: Coordinating staffing; reviewing and approving payroll; ordering and paying for inventory, such as nonintoxicating beer, wine, and liquor, as applicable; and managing security staff, security systems, video, and other security equipment; and any further acts or actions involved in managing the affairs of the business, on behalf of owners, partners, members, shareholders, officers, or directors.

(14) "Nonintoxicating beer" means all natural cereal malt beverages or products of the brewing industry commonly referred to as beer, lager beer, ale, and all other mixtures and preparations produced by the brewing industry, including malt coolers and nonintoxicating craft beers with no caffeine infusion or any additives masking or altering the alcohol effect containing at least one half of one percent alcohol by volume, but not more than 11.9 percent of alcohol by weight, or 15 percent alcohol by volume, whichever is greater. The word "liquor", as used in §60-1-1 et seq. of this code, does not include or embrace nonintoxicating beer nor any of the beverages, products, mixtures, or preparations included within this definition.

(15) "Nonintoxicating beer floor plan extension" means a temporary one-day extension of an existing Class A licensee's floor plan to a contiguous, adjoining, and bounded area, such as a parking lot or outdoor area, which shall for the temporary period encompass the licensee's licensed premises; further the license shall be endorsed or approved by the county or municipality where the license is located; the license shall be in good standing with the commissioner, and further the temporary event shall cease on or before midnight of the approved temporary one-day event.

(16) "Nonintoxicating beer sampling event" means an event approved by the commissioner for a Class A retail licensee to hold a nonintoxicating beer sampling authorized pursuant to §11-16-11a of this code.

(17) "Nonintoxicating beer sampling day" means any days and hours of the week where Class A retail licensees may sell nonintoxicating beer, pursuant to §11-16-11a and §11-16-18(a)(1) of this code, and who are approved, in writing, by the commissioner to conduct a nonintoxicating beer sampling event.

(18) "Nonintoxicating craft beer" means any beverage obtained by the natural fermentation of barley, malt, hops, or any other similar product or substitute and containing not less than one half of one percent by volume and not more than 15 percent alcohol by volume or 11.9 percent alcohol by weight with no caffeine infusion or any additives masking or altering the alcohol effect.

(19) "Original container" means the container used by a resident brewer or brewer at the place of manufacturing, bottling, or otherwise producing nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer for sale at wholesale.

(20) "Person" means and includes an individual, firm, partnership, limited partnership, limited liability company, association, or corporation.

(21) "Private club" means a license issued pursuant to §60-7-1 et seq. of this code.

(22) "Resident brewer" means any brewer or manufacturer of nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer whose principal place of business and manufacture is located in the State of West Virginia; which may also have multiple manufacturing locations located in West Virginia as set forth in §11-16-9 of the code; and which does not brew or manufacture more than 25,000 barrels of nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer annually at all manufacturing locations in the aggregate and does not self-distribute more than 10,000 barrels thereof in the State of West Virginia annually from all manufacturing locations in the aggregate.

(23) "Retailer" means any person selling, serving, or otherwise dispensing nonintoxicating beer and all products regulated by this article, including, but not limited to, malt coolers at his or her established and licensed place of business.

(24) "Tax Commissioner" means the Tax Commissioner of the State of West Virginia or the commissioner's designee.

§11-16-4. Responsibility of Alcohol Beverage Control Commissioner; administrators, employees and agents; administration and enforcement expenses.

(a) The Alcohol Beverage Control Commissioner described under the provisions of article two, chapter sixty of this code shall have sole responsibility for the administration of this article, except for those responsibilities expressly vested in the Tax Commissioner under sections thirteen, fourteen and fifteen of this article.

All acts heretofore performed by the nonintoxicating beer commissioner under previous proceedings of this article are hereby again ratified and confirmed, and the commissioner shall succeed to the same position previously maintained by the nonintoxicating beer commissioner in all proceedings and official acts instituted and perfected under the provisions of this article prior to the effective date of this section.

(b) The commissioner shall appoint an adequate number of competent persons to serve as administrators, employees and agents of the commissioner for the purpose of keeping all necessary accounts and records required under the provisions of this article; investigating the books, accounts, records and other papers of retailers, distributors and brewers; investigating applicants for license and the places of business of retailers, distributors and brewers; procuring evidence with respect to violations of the provisions of this article, and particularly for use at hearings held by the commissioner and on proceedings instituted in court for the purpose of revoking or suspending licenses hereunder; and such administrators, employees and agents shall perform such other duties as the commissioner may direct. Such administrators, employees and agents shall have the right to enter any licensed premises in the state in the performance of their duties at any hour of the day or night when beer is being sold or consumed on such licensed premises. Refusal by any licensee or by any employee of a licensee to permit such administrators, employees or agents to enter the licensed premises shall be an additional cause for revocation or suspension of the license of such licensee by the commissioner. The compensation of such administrators, employees and agents shall be fixed by the commissioner: Provided, That the commissioner may employ up to eleven special investigators who shall be nonclassified exempt employees of the division.

(c) Services rendered the state by clerks, sheriffs, commissioners in chancery and special commissioners, designated by the court, and court reporters and stenographers performing services for said commissioner and fees of witnesses summoned on behalf of the state in proceedings to revoke or suspend retailer's licenses shall be treated as part of the expenses of administration and enforcement, and such officers and said other persons shall be paid the same fees and charges as would be chargeable for like services performed for an individual; and the compensation of such clerks, sheriffs and other persons shall be paid out of the amount allocated for the expense of administration enforcement, after the amount of such fees and other charges shall be certified by the court to the Auditor.

§11-16-5. State license required; alcoholic content of beer manufactured for sale without state.

No person shall manufacture, tender, sell, possess for sale, transport, or distribute nonintoxicating beer except in accordance with the provisions of this article, and after first obtaining a state license therefor, as provided in this article.

§11-16-6. License in one capacity only; no connection between different licensees; when brewer may act as distributor; credit and rebates proscribed; brewer, resident brewer, and brewpub requirements.

(a) A person shall not be licensed in more than one capacity under the terms of this article, and there shall be no connection whatsoever between any retailer, distributor, resident brewer, or brewer, and a person shall be interested, directly or indirectly, through the ownership of corporate stock, membership in a partnership, or in any other way in the business of a retailer, if the person is at the same time interested in the business of a brewer, resident brewer or distributor. A resident brewer may act as distributor in a limited capacity for his or her own product from the resident brewery or place of manufacture or bottling, but a resident brewer, is not permitted to act as a distributor as defined in §11-16-3 of this code: Provided, That nothing in this article may prevent a resident brewer from using the services of licensed distributors as specified in this article. A resident brewer or distributor may sell to a patron for personal use and not for resale, quantities of draught beer in original containers that are no larger in size than one-half barrel for off-premises consumption. A resident brewer who also has a brewpub license may sell nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer produced by the resident brewer in cans, bottles, or sealed growlers, pursuant to §11-16-6b of this code, for personal consumption off of the brewpub's licensed premises and not for resale.

In order to promote the state's hospitality and tourism industry, as well as promoting economic development within the state by supporting the development of local breweries, including the application for licensure of brewery owners seeking licensure as a resident brewer in this state while licensed in other states, the commissioner may not consider licensure in such other states as a limiting factor or as the basis of licensure denial when evaluating applications for licensure as a resident brewer in this state. Any applicant seeking licensure as a resident brewer in this state (1) must meet all requirements for licensure as a resident brewer in this state, (2) must be in good standing in all other jurisdictions wherein the applicant is licensed as a brewer or resident brewer as such terms are defined in the licensing jurisdiction and, (3) must never have had a license revoked in any other state; Provided, that persons licensed as resident brewers in this state are limited to producing 25,000 barrels of non-intoxicating beer and limited to self-distribution rights of 10,000 barrels of non-intoxicating beer, and such production and distribution limits shall apply, in the aggregate, whether produced in another state or West Virginia, as to all non-intoxicating beer produced by a person licensed as a resident brewer in West Virginia.

(b) It is unlawful for any brewer, resident brewer, manufacturer, or distributor to assist any retailer or for any retailer to accept assistance from any brewer, manufacturer, or distributor, accept any gifts, loans, forebearance of money or property of any kind, nature, or description, or other thing of value, or give any rebates or discounts of any kind whatsoever, except as permitted by rule, or order promulgated by the commissioner in accordance with this article.

(c) Notwithstanding subsections (a) and (b) of this section, a brewpub may offer for retail sale nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer so long as the sale of the nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer is limited to the brewpub's licensed premises, except as provided in §11-16-6b of this code.

(d) A brewer or resident brewer licensed under this section may also be licensed under §60-4-1 et seq. of this code: Provided, That the holder of the license meets all the requirements for the additional licenses required by the commissioner and pays all fees related to the license: Provided, however, That the licensee maintains all the rights and privileges associated with the license.

§11-16-6a. Brewer and resident brewer license to manufacture, sell, and provide samples.

(a) Legislative findings. — The Legislature hereby finds that it is in the public interest to regulate, control, and support the brewing, manufacturing, distribution, sale, consumption, transportation, and storage of nonintoxicating beer and nonintoxicating craft beer and its industry in this state in order to protect the public health, welfare, and safety of the citizens of this state, and promote hospitality and tourism. Therefore, this section authorizes a licensed brewer or resident brewer with its principal place of business and manufacture located in this state to have certain abilities in order to promote the sale of nonintoxicating beer and nonintoxicating craft beer manufactured in this state for the benefit of the citizens of this state, the state’s growing brewing industry, and the state’s hospitality and tourism industry, all of which are vital components for the state’s economy.

(b) Sales of nonintoxicating beer. — A licensed brewer or resident brewer with its principal place of business and manufacture located in the State of West Virginia may offer only nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer manufactured by the licensed brewer or resident brewer for retail sale to customers from the brewer’s or resident brewer’s licensed premises for consumption off of the licensed premises only in the form of kegs, bottles, cans, or growlers for personal consumption and not for resale. A licensed brewer or resident brewer may not sell, give, or furnish nonintoxicating beer for consumption on the premises of the principal place of business and manufacture located in the State of West Virginia, except for the limited purpose of samples as permitted in subsection (c) of this section.

(c) Samples. — A licensed brewer or resident brewer with its principal place of business and manufacture located in the State of West Virginia may only offer samples of nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer brewed at the brewer’s or resident brewer’s principal place of business and manufacture located in the State of West Virginia. The samples may be no greater than two ounces per sample per patron, and a sampling shall not exceed 10 two-ounce samples per patron per day. A licensed brewer or resident brewer providing samples shall provide complimentary food items to the patron consuming the samples; and prior to any sampling, verify, using proper identification, that the patron consuming the samples is 21 years of age or over and that the patron is not visibly intoxicated.

(d) Retail sales. — Every licensed brewer or resident brewer under this section shall comply with all the provisions of this article as applicable to nonintoxicating beer retailers when conducting sales of nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer and is subject to all applicable requirements and penalties in this article. In the interest of promoting tourism throughout the state, every licensed brewer or resident brewer manufacturing nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer in this state is authorized, with a limited off-site retail privilege at private fairs and festivals, for on-premises consumption sales and off-premises consumption sales of only the brewer or resident brewer’s nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer. At least five days prior to an approved private fair and festival, an authorized brewer or resident brewer shall provide a copy of a written agreement to sell only nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer manufactured by the brewer or resident brewer at the private fair and festival’s licensed premises. If approved, an authorized brewer or resident brewer may conduct on-premises and off-premises consumption sales of their nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer from a designated booth at the private fair and festival as set forth in §60-7-8a of this code. All authorized and approved brewers or resident brewers conducting the on-premises and off-premises consumption sales shall comply with all retail requirements in §11-16-1 et seq. of this code, and specifically with respect to all markups, taxes, and fees. Additionally, an authorized brewer or resident brewer may provide, sell, and serve its nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer samples in the amount set forth in subsection (c) of this section and its nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer by the glass or drink, or by the bottle or can for on-premises consumption when licensesd as set forth in this article to patrons who are 21 years of age or over and who are not intoxicated in the amounts set forth in subsection (c).

(e) Payment of taxes and fees. — A licensed brewer or resident brewer under this section shall pay all taxes and fees required of licensed nonintoxicating beer retailers, in addition to any other taxes and fees required, and meet applicable licensing provisions as required by this chapter and by rule of the commissioner.

(f) Advertising. — A licensed brewer or resident brewer under this section may advertise a particular brand or brands of nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer produced by the licensed brewer or resident brewer and the price of the nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer subject to state and federal requirements or restrictions. The advertisement may not encourage intemperance.

(g) Growler requirements. — A licensed brewer or resident brewer under this section shall fill a growler and patrons are not permitted to access the secure area or fill a growler. A licensed brewer or resident brewer under this section shall sanitize, fill, securely seal, and label any growler prior to its sale. A licensed brewer or resident brewer under this section may only offer for retail sale growlers no larger than 128 fluid ounces of nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer manufactured by the licensed brewer or resident brewer for personal consumption off of the licensed premises and not for resale. A licensed brewer or resident brewer under this section may refill a growler subject to the requirements of this section. A licensed brewer or resident brewer shall visually inspect any growler before filling or refilling it. A licensed brewer or resident brewer may not fill or refill any growler that appears to be cracked, broken, unsafe, or otherwise unfit to serve as a sealed beverage container.

(h) Growler labeling. — A licensed brewer or resident brewer under this section selling growlers shall affix a conspicuous label on all sold and securely sealed growlers listing the name of the licensee selling the growler, the brand of the nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer in the growler, the alcohol content by volume of the nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer in the growler, and the date the growler was filled or refilled. All labeling on the growler shall be consistent with all federal labeling and warning requirements.

(i) Growler sanitation. — A licensed brewer or resident brewer authorized under this section shall clean and sanitize all growlers he or she fills or refills in accordance with all state and county health requirements prior to its sealing. In addition, the licensed brewer or resident brewer shall sanitize, in accordance with all state and county health requirements, all taps, tap lines, pipelines, barrel tubes, and any other related equipment used to fill or refill growlers. Failure to comply with this subsection may result in penalties under §11-16-23 of this code.

(j) Fee. — There is no additional fee for a licensed brewer or resident brewer authorized under this section to sell growlers.

(k) Limitations on licensees. — To be authorized under this section, a licensed brewer or resident brewer may not produce more than 25,000 barrels per calendar year at the brewer’s or resident brewer’s principal place of business and manufacture located in the State of West Virginia. No more than one brewer or resident brewer license may be issued to a single person or entity and no person may hold both a brewer and a resident brewer license. A licensed brewer or resident brewer under this section may only conduct tours, give samples, and sell growlers during the hours of operation set forth in §11-16-18(a)(1) of this code. A licensed brewer or resident brewer authorized under this section is subject to the applicable penalties under §11-16-23 of this code for violations of this section.

(l) (1) Alternating Proprietorship Agreements. - A licensed brewer or resident brewer may enter into alternating proprietorship agreements with another licensed brewer or resident brewer with its principal place of business and manufacture located in the State of West Virginia for purposes of sharing brewing equipment or facilities as part of the manufacture of nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer. Any such alternating proprietorship agreement shall be provided to the West Virginia Alcohol Beverage and Control Administration and set forth the following terms and conditions:

(A) The licensed brewer or resident brewer serving as the brewer of record and retaining ownership, rights, title, and interest in the nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer recipe and brand;

(B) The licensed brewer or resident brewer who will be responsible for executing any brew of nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer;

(C) The location of the facilities to be used for the manufacture of the nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer;

(D) Specifications regarding the packaging of all nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer manufactured under the contract brewing services agreement; and

(E) The manner of payment of any and all federal and state excise taxes associated with the manufactured nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer.

(2) The licensed brewer or resident brewer serving as the brewer of record is responsible for the transportation of the finished and packaged product to its licensed facility, where it must come to rest tax determined. Any nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer manufactured pursuant to an alternating proprietorship agreement shall be credited to the specified brewer of record for purposes of the barrel limitations set forth in §11-16-6a(k) of this code, and not the licensed brewer or resident brewer responsible for executing any brew on behalf of the brewer of record.

(m) Rules. — The commissioner, in consultation with the Bureau for Public Health concerning sanitation, may propose rules for legislative approval, pursuant to §29A-3-1 et seq. of this code, to implement this section.

§11-16-6b. Brewpub, Class A retail dealer, Class B retail dealer, private club, Class A retail licensee, and Class B retail licensee’s authority to sell growlers.

(a) Legislative findings. — The Legislature hereby finds that it is in the public interest to regulate, control and support the brewing, manufacturing, distribution, sale, consumption, transportation, and storage of nonintoxicating beer and nonintoxicating craft beer and its industry in this state in order to protect the public health, welfare, and safety of the citizens of this state and promote hospitality and tourism. Therefore, this section authorizes a licensed brewpub, Class A retail dealer, Class B retail dealer, private club, Class A retail licensee, or Class B retail licensee to have certain abilities in order to promote the sale of nonintoxicating beer and nonintoxicating craft beer manufactured in this state for the benefit of the citizens of this state, the state’s growing brewing industry, and the state’s hospitality and tourism industry, all of which are vital components for the state’s economy.

(b) Sales of nonintoxicating beer. — A licensed brewpub, Class A retail dealer, Class B retail dealer, private club, Class A retail licensee, or Class B retail licensee who pays the fee in subsection (i) of this section and meets the requirements of this section may offer nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer for retail sale to patrons from their licensed premises in a growler for personal consumption only off of the licensed premises and not for resale. Prior to the sale, the licensee shall verify, using proper identification, that any patron purchasing nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer is 21 years of age or over and that the patron is not visibly intoxicated. A licensee authorized under this section may not sell, give or furnish alcoholic liquors, including wine, for consumption off of its licensed premises, unless it is a private club licensed to sell sealed wine for consumption off of the licensed premises and meets the requirements set out in §60-8-3(j) and §60-8-3(l) of this code, for the sale of wine, not liquor.

(c) Retail sales. — Every licensee authorized under this section shall comply with all the provisions of this article as applicable to nonintoxicating beer retailers when conducting sales of nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer and shall be subject to all applicable requirements and penalties in this article.

(d) Payment of taxes and fees. — A licensee authorized under this section shall pay all taxes and fees required of licensed nonintoxicating beer retailers, in addition to any other taxes and fees required, and meet applicable licensing provisions as required by this chapter and by rule of the commissioner.

(e) Advertising. — A licensee authorized under this section may advertise a particular brand or brands of nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer and the price of the nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer subject to state and federal requirements or restrictions. The advertisement may not encourage intemperance.

(f) Growler requirements. — A licensee authorized under this section must fill a growler and patrons are not permitted to access the secure area or fill a growler. A licensee authorized under this section must sanitize, fill, securely seal, and label any growler prior to its sale. A licensee authorized under this section may only offer for retail sale growlers no larger than 128 fluid ounces of nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer for personal consumption off of the licensed premises and not for resale. A licensee under this section may refill a growler subject to the requirements of this section. A licensee shall visually inspect any growler before filling or refilling it. A licensee may not fill or refill any growler that appears to be cracked, broken, unsafe, or otherwise unfit to serve as a sealed beverage container.

(g) Growler labeling. — A licensee authorized under this section selling growlers shall affix a conspicuous label on all sold and securely sealed growlers listing the name of the licensee selling the growler, the brand of the nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer in the growler, the alcohol content by volume of the nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer in the growler, and the date the growler was filled or refilled, and, further, all labeling on the growler shall be consistent with all federal labeling and warning requirements.

(h) Growler sanitation. — A licensed brewer or resident brewer authorized under this section shall clean and sanitize all growlers he or she fills or refills in accordance with all state and county health requirements prior to its sealing. In addition, the licensed brewer or resident brewer shall sanitize, in accordance with all state and county health requirements, all taps, tap lines, pipe lines, barrel tubes, and any other related equipment used to fill or refill growlers. Failure to comply with this subsection may result in penalties under §11-16-23 of this code.

(i) Fees. — Commencing July 1, 2015, and every July 1 thereafter, there is an annual $100 nonrefundable fee for a licensee, except for a licensed brewpub, to sell growlers as provided by this section. The licensee must be in good standing with the state at the time of paying the fee.

(j) Complimentary samples. — A licensee authorized under this section may provide complimentary samples which may be no greater than one ounce per sample and a sampling shall not exceed three different nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer complimentary one-ounce samples per patron per day. A licensee authorized under this section providing complimentary samples shall prior to any sampling verify, using proper identification, that the patron sampling is 21 years of age or over and that the patron is not visibly intoxicated. All nonintoxicating beer and nonintoxicating craft beer utilized for sampling purposes must be purchased from the licensee’s inventory.

(k) Limitations on licensees. — A licensee under this section may only sell growlers during the hours of operation set forth in §11-16-18(a)(1) of this code. Any licensee licensed under this section must maintain a secure area for the sale of nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer in a growler. The secure area must only be accessible by the licensee. Any licensee licensed under this section shall be subject to the applicable penalties under §11-16-23 of this code for violations of this section.

(l) Nonapplicability of certain statutes. — Notwithstanding any other provision of this code to the contrary, licensees under this section are permitted to break the seal of the original container for the limited purpose of filling a growler or providing complimentary samples as provided in this section. Any unauthorized sale of nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer or any consumption not permitted on the licensee’s licensed premises is subject to penalties under this article.

(m) Rules. — The commissioner is authorized to propose rules for legislative approval, pursuant to §29A-3-1 et seq. of this code, to implement this section.

§11-16-7. License not transferable; change of location.

No license issued under the provisions of this article shall be transferred to another person, nor shall the location of the premises to which the license relates be changed without the written consent of the commissioner, which consent may be given or refused, in his or her discretion.

§11-16-8. Form of application for license; fee and bond; refusal of license.

(a) A license may be issued by the commissioner to any person who submits an application, accompanied by a license fee and, where required, a bond, and states under oath:

(1) The name and residence of the applicant, the duration of the residency, and that the applicant is 21 years of age. If the applicant is a firm, association, partnership, limited partnership, limited liability company, or corporation, the application shall include the residence of the members or officers. If a person, firm, partnership, limited partnership, limited liability company, association, corporation, or trust applies for a license as a distributor, the person, or in the case of a firm, partnership, limited partnership, limited liability company, association, or trust, the members, officers, trustees, or other persons in active control of the activities of the limited liability company, association, or trust relating to the license, shall include the residency for these persons on the application. All applicants and licensees shall include a manager on the applicant's license application, or a licensee's renewal application, who shall meet all other requirements of licensure. The applicant shall be a United States citizen or a naturalized citizen, pass a background investigation, be at least 21 years of age, be a suitable applicant, and meet other requirements, all as set forth in this article and the rules promulgated hereunder, all in the interest of protecting public health and safety and being a suitable applicant or licensee. In order to maintain licensure, a licensee shall notify the commissioner immediately of a change in managers. If the applicant is a trust or has a trust as an owner, the trustees, or other persons in active control of the activities of the trust relating to the license, shall provide a certification of trust as described in §44D-10-1013 of this code. This certification of trust shall include the excerpts described in §44D-10-1013(e) of this code and shall further state, under oath, the names, addresses, Social Security numbers, and birth dates of the beneficiaries of the trust and certify that the trustee and beneficiaries are 21 years of age or older. If a beneficiary is not 21 years of age, the certification of trust shall state that the beneficiary's interest in the trust is represented by a trustee, parent, or legal guardian who is 21 years of age and who will direct all actions on behalf of the beneficiary related to the trust with respect to the distributor until the beneficiary is 21 years of age. Any beneficiary who is not 21 years of age or older shall have his or her trustee, parent, or legal guardian include in the certification of trust and state under oath his or her name, address, Social Security number, and birth date;

(2) The place of birth of the applicant, that he or she is a citizen of the United States and of good moral character and, if a naturalized citizen, when and where naturalized. If the applicant is a corporation organized or authorized to do business under the laws of the state, the application shall state when and where incorporated, the name and address of each officer, and that each officer is a citizen of the United States and a person of good moral character. If the applicant is a firm, association, limited liability company, partnership, limited partnership, trust, or has a trust as an owner, the application shall provide the place of birth of each member of the firm, association, limited liability company, partnership or limited partnership and of the trustees, beneficiaries, or other persons in active control of the activities of the trust relating to the license and that each member or trustee, beneficiary, or other persons in active control of the activities of the trust relating to the license is a citizen of the United States, and if a naturalized citizen, when and where naturalized, each of whom shall qualify and sign the application;

(3) The particular place for which the license is desired and a detailed description thereof;

(4) The name of the owner of the building and, if the owner is not the applicant, that the applicant is the actual and bona fide lessee of the premises;

(5) That the premises or building in which the applicant proposes to do business conforms to all applicable laws of health, fire, and zoning regulation; is a safe and proper place or building; and is not within 200 feet of a school or church measured from front door-to-front door, along the street or streets. This requirement does not apply to a Class B license or to a place occupied by a beer licensee so long as it is continuously so occupied. The prohibition does not apply to a college, university, or church that has notified the commissioner, in writing, that it has no objection to the location of a proposed business in a place or building within 200 feet of the college, university, or church;

(6) That the applicant is not incarcerated and has not, in the previous five years before application: (A) Been convicted of a felony; (B) been convicted of a crime involving fraud, dishonesty, or deceit; or (C) been convicted of a felony for violating alcohol-related distribution laws;

(7) That the applicant is the only person in any manner pecuniarily interested in the business to be licensed and that no other person is in any manner pecuniarily interested during the continuance of the license; and

(8) That the applicant has not during five years preceding the date of the application had a nonintoxicating beer license revoked.

(b) In the case of an applicant that is a trust or has a trust as an owner, a distributor license may be issued only upon submission by the trustees or other persons in active control of the activities of the trust relating to the distributor license of a true and correct copy of the written trust instrument to the commissioner for his or her review. Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, the copy of the written trust instrument submitted to the commissioner pursuant to this section is confidential, is not a public record, and is not available for release pursuant to the West Virginia Freedom of Information Act codified in §29B-1-1 et seq. of this code.

(c) The provisions and requirements of subsection (a) of this section are mandatory prerequisites for the issuance of a license and, if any applicant fails to qualify, the commissioner shall refuse to issue the license. In addition to the information furnished in any application, the commissioner may make any additional and independent investigation of each applicant, manager, and of the place to be occupied as necessary or advisable and, for this reason, all applications, with license fee and bond, shall be submitted with all true and correct information. For the purpose of conducting the independent investigation, the commissioner may withhold the granting or refusal to grant the license for a 30-day period or until the applicant has completed the conditions set forth in this section. If it appears that the applicant and manager meet the requirements in the code and the rules, including, but not limited to, have not been convicted of a felony in the previous five years before application, have not been convicted of a crime involving fraud, dishonesty, or deceit in the previous five years before application, have not been convicted of a felony for violating any alcohol-related distribution laws; have not made any false statements or material misrepresentations; involving no hidden ownership; and having no persons with an undisclosed pecuniary interest contained in the application; and if there are no other omissions or failures by the applicant to complete the application, as determined by the commissioner, the commissioner shall issue a license authorizing the applicant to sell nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer.

(d) The commissioner may refuse a license to any applicant under the provisions of this article if the commissioner is of the opinion:

 (1) That the applicant or manager has, within the previous five years before application: (A) Been convicted of a felony within the previous five years; (B) been convicted of a crime involving fraud, dishonesty, or deceit; or (C) been convicted of a felony for violating any state or federal alcohol- laws; and (D) that the applicant or the manager is not a suitable applicant;

 (2) That the place to be occupied by the applicant is not a suitable place; or is within 200 feet of any school or church measured from front door to front door along the street or streets. This requirement does not apply to a Class B licensee or to a place now occupied by a beer licensee so long as it is continuously so occupied. The prohibition does not apply to a college, university, or church that has notified the commissioner, in writing, that it has no objection to the location of any such place within 200 feet;

(3) That any manager, owner, employee, or other person in a contractual relationship to provide goods or services to the applicant is an active employee of the commissioner; or

(4) That the license should not be issued for reason of conduct declared to be unlawful by this article.

§11-16-9. Amount of license tax; Class A and Class B retail dealers; purchase and sale of nonintoxicating beer permitted; distributors; brewers; brewpubs.

(a) All retail dealers, distributors, brewpubs, brewers, and resident brewers of nonintoxicating beer and of nonintoxicating craft beer shall pay an annual fee to maintain an active license as required by this article. The license period begins on July 1 of each year and ends on June 30 of the following year. If the license is granted for a shorter period, then the license fee shall be computed semiannually in proportion to the remainder of the fiscal year: Provided, That if a licensee fails to complete a renewal application and make payment of its annual license fee in renewing its license on or before June 30 of any subsequent year, then an additional $150 reactivation fee shall be charged and paid by the licensee; the fee may not be prorated or refunded, prior to the processing of any renewal application and applicable full year annual license fee; and furthermore, a licensee who continues to operate after the expiration of its license is subject to all fines, penalties, and sanctions available in §11-16-23 of this code, all as determined by the commissioner.

(b) The annual license fees are as follows:

(1) Retail dealers shall be divided into two classes: Class A and Class B.

(A) For a Class A retail dealer, the license fee is $150 for each place of business; the license fee for social, fraternal, or private clubs not operating for profit, and which have been in continuous operation for two years or more immediately preceding the date of application, is $150: Provided, That railroads operating in this state may dispense nonintoxicating beer upon payment of an annual license tax of $10 for each dining, club, or buffet car in which the beer is dispensed.

Class A licenses issued for railroad dining, club, or buffet cars authorize the licensee to sell nonintoxicating beer at retail for consumption only on the licensed premises where sold. All other Class A licensees may sell nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer at retail, as licensed, for consumption on the licensed premises or off the licensed premises. Class A licensees may sell nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer for consumption off the licensed premises when it is in a sealed original container and sold for personal use, and not for resale. Class A licensees shall provide prepared food or meals along with sealed nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer in the original container or in a sealed growler as set forth for sales and service in §11-16-6d of this code, to a purchasing person who is in-person or in-vehicle picking up prepared food or a meal, and sealed nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer orders-to-go, subject to verification that the purchasing person is 21 years of age or older, and not visibly or noticeably intoxicated, and as otherwise specified in this article.

(B) For a Class B retail dealer, the license fee, authorizing the sale of both chilled and unchilled beer, is $150 for each place of business. A Class B license authorizes the licensee to sell nonintoxicating beer at retail in bottles, cans, or other sealed containers only, and only for consumption off the licensed premises. A Class B retailer may sell to a purchasing person, for personal use, and not for resale, quantities of draught beer in original containers that are no larger in size than one-half barrel for off-premises consumption. The commissioner may only issue a Class B license to the proprietor or owner of a grocery store. For the purpose of this article, the term "grocery store" means any retail establishment commonly known as a grocery store or delicatessen, and caterer or party supply store, where food or food products are sold for consumption off the premises, and includes a separate and segregated portion of any other retail store which is dedicated solely to the sale of food, food products, and supplies for the table for consumption off the premises. Caterers or party supply stores shall purchase the appropriate licenses from the Alcohol Beverage Control Administration.

(C) A Class A retail dealer may contract, purchase, or develop a mobile ordering application or web-based software program to permit the ordering and purchase of nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer, as authorized by the licensee's license. The nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer shall be in a sealed original container or a sealed growler and meet the requirements of §11-16-6d of this code.

(2) For a distributor, the license fee is $1,000 for each place of business.

(3) For a brewer or a resident brewer with its principal place of business or manufacture located in this state and who produces:

(A) Twelve thousand five hundred barrels or less of nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer, the license fee is $250 for each place of manufacture, and no more than three places of manufacture are permitted for licensure;

(B) Twelve thousand five hundred one barrels and up to 25,000 barrels of nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer, the license fee is $1,000 for each place of manufacture, and no more than five places of manufacture are permitted for licensure;

(C) More than 25,001 barrels of nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer, the license fee is $1,500 for each place of manufacture.

(D) A brewer or resident brewer licensed under paragraph (A) or (B) of this subdivision shall receive one license for use at all places of manufacture; each place of manufacture shall meet all licensing requirements in this article and the rules; and all places of manufacture shall be noted on the one brewer or resident brewer license in compliance with §11-16-5 and §11-16-6a(k) of this code.

(4) For a brewer whose principal place of business or manufacture is not located in this state, the license fee is $1,500. The brewer is exempt from the requirements set out in subsections (c), (d), and (e) of this section: Provided, That a brewer whose principal place of business or manufacture is not located in this state that produces less than 25,000 barrels of nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer may choose to apply, in writing, to the commissioner to be subject to the variable license fees of subdivision (3), subsection (b) of this section and the requirements set out in subsections (c), (d), and (e) of this section subject to investigation and approval by the commissioner as to brewer requirements.

(5) For a brewpub, the license fee is $500 for each place of manufacture.

(c) As part of the application or renewal application and in order to determine a brewer or resident brewer's license fee pursuant to this section, a brewer or resident brewer shall provide the commissioner, on a form provided by the commissioner, with an estimate of the number of nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer barrels and gallons it may produce during the year based upon the production capacity of the brewer's or resident brewer's manufacturing facilities and the prior year's production and sales volume of nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer.

(d) On or before July 15 of each year, every brewer or resident brewer who is granted a license shall file a final report, on a form provided by the commissioner, that is dated as of June 30 of that year, stating the actual volume of nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer in barrels and gallons produced at its principal place of business and other sites of manufacture during the prior year.

(e) If the actual total production of nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer by the brewer or resident brewer exceeded the brewer's or resident brewer's estimate that was filed with the application or renewal application for a brewer's or resident brewer's license for that period, then the brewer or resident brewer shall include a remittance for the balance of the license fee pursuant to this section that would be required for the final, higher level of production.

(f) Any brewer or resident brewer failing to file the reports required in subsections (c) and (d) of this section, and who is not exempt from the reporting requirements, shall, at the discretion of the commissioner, be subject to the penalties set forth in §11-16-23 of this code.

(g) Notwithstanding subsections (a) and (b) of this section, the license fee per event for a nonintoxicating beer floor plan extension is $50, and the fee may not be prorated or refunded. A licensee shall submit an application, certification that the event meets certain requirements in this code and rules, and any other information required by the commissioner, at least 15 days prior to the event, all as determined by the commissioner.

(h) Notwithstanding subsections (a) and (b) of this section, a Class A retail dealer, in good standing with the commissioner, may apply, on a form provided by the commissioner, to sell, serve, and furnish nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer for on-premises consumption in an outdoor dining area or outdoor street dining area, as authorized by any municipal government or county commission in the which the licensee operates. The Class A retail dealer shall submit to the municipal government or county commission, for approval, a revised floorplan and a request to sell and serve nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer, subject to the commissioner's requirements, in an approved outdoor area. For private outdoor street dining, or private outdoor dining, the approved and bounded outdoor area need not be adjacent to the licensee's licensed premises, but in close proximity and under the licensee's control with right of ingress and egress. For purposes of this section, "close proximity" means an available area within 150 feet of the Class A retail dealer's licensed premises. A Class A retail dealer may operate a nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer outdoor dining or outdoor street dining in conjunction with a temporary private outdoor dining or temporary private outdoor street dining area set forth in §60-7-8d of this code and temporary private wine outdoor dining or temporary private wine outdoor street dining set forth in §60-8-32a of this code.

(i) For purposes of this article, "nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer outdoor dining and nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer outdoor street dining" includes dining areas that are:

(1) Outside and not served by an HVAC system for air handling services and use outside air;

(2) Open to the air; and

(3) Not enclosed by fixed or temporary walls; however, the commissioner may seasonally approve a partial enclosure with up to three temporary or fixed walls. Any area where seating is incorporated inside a permanent building with ambient air through HVAC is not considered outdoor dining pursuant to this subsection.

§11-16-10. Brewer’s license for foreign corporation; application; bond; contents of application; limitations; licensed representatives for brewers, resident brewers, and distributors; annual license fee; renewal; suspension; license fee for sales representatives; transportation permits; container label registration; and Beer License Operations Fund created; and implementation operations of fee.

(a) A brewer’s license shall be issued by the commissioner to a foreign corporation which submits an application therefor accompanied by the license fee hereinafter prescribed, a certified copy of the certificate of authority issued by the Secretary of State authorizing such foreign corporation to transact business in the state, and a certified copy of its most recent corporation charter. Such application shall be verified and shall state:

(1) The name of the corporation and the state under the laws of which it is incorporated;

(2) The date of incorporation;

(3) The address of the principal office of the corporation;

(4) The names and respective addresses of the directors and officers of the corporation;

(5) The date that such foreign corporation qualified to transact business in this state; and

(6) Such other information as the commissioner, by rule or regulation, may require.

(b) So long as the foreign corporation remains qualified to transact business in this state so that the Secretary of State can accept service of notice and process for such foreign corporation, then, notwithstanding any other provision of this article to the contrary, none of the officers and directors of such foreign corporation need be residents of this state.

(c) The license fee for a brewer’s license for a foreign corporation selling any nonintoxicating beer product within this state, whether or not its principal place of business be located in this state, shall be $1,500 per annum. The license period shall begin on July 1 of each year and end on June 30 of the following year, and if granted for a lesser period, the same shall be prorated semiannually in proportion to the remainder of the fiscal year.

(d) As of July 1, 2019, there is an annual nonrefundable and non-prorated operational fee for all brewers, resident brewers, Class A retail dealers, Class B retail dealers, and distributors of $100 which shall be paid on or before July 1, 2019 and every July 1 thereafter. All fees collected by the commissioner pursuant to this subsection shall be deposited in a special revenue account in the State Treasury, hereby created, to be known as the Beer License Operations Fund. Moneys in the fund may only be expended by the commissioner for the administration of this article, and as appropriated by law.

(e) All representatives engaged in the selling, marketing, merchandising, or the conducting of any other sales on behalf of any brewer, resident brewer or distributor of nonintoxicating beer shall be issued a license by the commissioner. A licensee is subject to the provisions of §11-16-23 of this code for violations of this article and the rules promulgated thereunder. It is a violation of the code and rules to operate without such license and is punishable by the penalties available under this article. The commissioner shall prescribe forms to complete such licensure.

(f) Any brewer, resident brewer, distributor or any person transporting nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer for resale, and not for personal use, in or through this state on behalf of such licensees or persons, or by contract or other means, who is operating in this state may only transport nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer available for resale, and not personal use, in or through this state. All vehicles transporting nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer shall be issued a nonintoxicating beer transportation permit. Transporting nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer for resale, and not for personal use, in or through this state without a nonintoxicating beer transportation permit is in violation of law and the penalties prescribed under §11-16-18 and §11-16-23 of this code are applicable for any violation. The commissioner shall prescribe forms to complete such permitting.

(g) Any brewer or resident brewer offering nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer for sale under this article shall register, prior to offering such beer for sale in the state, with the commissioner each nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer container label. No nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer brand may be sold under this article unless all of such nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer brand’s container labels for the product intended for sale in the state have been registered and reviewed by the commissioner. Prior to registration of any nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer container labels, this review shall include, but not be limited to, a review of the alcohol content, corporate or product information, marketing and advertising so that the nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer container label is not intended to be marketed to persons less than 21 years of age. The commissioner shall remove all nonrenewed nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer container labels, and any licensee who sells nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer with nonrenewed container labels shall be subject to the penalties under §11-16-23 of this code. Failure to register, obtain a review, and a certification for a nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer container label and failure to register such labels will subject the brewer or resident brewer to penalties under said section. The commissioner shall prescribe forms to complete such registration.

 (h) The licenses and permits issued under the provisions of this section shall be renewed annually upon application for renewal on a form prescribed by the commissioner and payment of the annual license fee.

 (i) If at any time a foreign corporation is no longer qualified to transact business in this state, the Secretary of State shall notify the commissioner of such fact and the commissioner shall thereupon suspend the brewer’s license issued to such foreign corporation until such time as such foreign corporation has again qualified to transact business in this state and has otherwise complied with the provisions of this section.

 (j) Notwithstanding any other provision of this article to the contrary, any corporation issued a brewer’s license under the provisions of this article shall not engage in the business of a distributor or retailer as defined in this article.

§11-16-11. Special license for festivals and fairs; license fee and application; license subject to provisions of article; exceptions.

The commissioner may issue a special license to be designated a Class S license for the retail sale of nonintoxicating beer at a festival or fair, provided the festival or fair is sponsored or endorsed by the governing body of either the municipality or of the county wherein the festival or fair is to be conducted. Such special license shall be issued for a term of no longer than ten consecutive days and the fee therefor shall be $250 regardless of the term of the license. The application for such license shall contain such information as the commissioner may require and shall be submitted to the commissioner at least thirty days prior to the first day upon which nonintoxicating beer is to be sold at such festival or fair.

A license issued under the provisions of this section and the licensee holding such license shall be subject to all other provisions of this article and the rules, regulations, and orders of the commissioner relating to such special license: Provided, That the commissioner may by rule, regulation, or order provide for certain waivers or exceptions with respect to such provisions, rules, regulations, or order as the circumstances of each such festival or fair may require, including, without limitation, the right to revoke or suspend any license issued pursuant to this section prior to any notice or hearing, notwithstanding the provisions of section twenty-four of this article: Provided, however, That under no circumstances shall the provisions of subdivisions (1), (2) or (3), subsection (a), section eighteen of this article, be waived nor shall any exception be granted with respect thereto.

§11-16-11a. Nonintoxicating beer sampling.

(a) Notwithstanding any provision of this code to the contrary, a Class A retail licensee or Class B retail licensee may, with the written approval of the commissioner, conduct a nonintoxicating beer sampling event on a designated nonintoxicating beer sampling day.

(b) At least five business days prior to the nonintoxicating beer sampling, the Class A retail licensee or Class B retail licensee shall submit a written proposal to the commissioner requesting to hold a nonintoxicating beer sampling event, including:

(1) The day of the event;

(2) The location of the event;

(3) The times for the event;

(4) The names of up to three specific brands, types, and flavors, if any, of the nonintoxicating beer to be sampled; and

(5) A statement indicating that all the nonintoxicating beer brands have been registered and approved for sale in the state by the commissioner.

(c) Upon approval by the commissioner, a Class A retail licensee or Class B retail licensee may serve the complimentary nonintoxicating beer samples of the approved brands, types, and flavors that are purchased by the Class A retail licensee or Class B retail licensee, with all taxes paid, from its inventory.

(d) The complimentary nonintoxicating beer sample on any nonintoxicating beer sampling day shall not exceed:

(1) Three separate and individual sample servings per brand, type, and flavor per customer verified to be 21 years of age or older; and

(2) Four ounces in total volume per brand, type, and flavor.

(e) Servers at the nonintoxicating beer sampling event shall:

(1) Be employees of the Class A retail licensee or Class B retail licensee;

(2) Be at least 21 years of age or older; and

(3) Have specific knowledge of the nonintoxicating beer being sampled to convey to the customer.

(f) All servers at the nonintoxicating beer sampling event shall verify the age of the customer sampling nonintoxicating beer by requiring and reviewing proper forms of identification. Servers at the nonintoxicating beer event may not serve any person who is:

(1) Under the age of 21 years; or

(2) Intoxicated.

(g) A nonintoxicating beer sampling event shall:

(1) Occur only inside the Class A retail licensee's or Class B retail licensee’s licensed premises; and

(2) Cease on or before 9:00 p.m. on any approved nonintoxicating beer sampling day.

(h) Any nonintoxicating beer bottle or can used for sampling must be from the inventory of the licensee, and clearly and conspicuously labeled "SAMPLE, NOT FOR RESALE". If the seal is broken on any nonintoxicating beer bottle or can, or if any nonintoxicating beer bottle or can is opened, then that nonintoxicating beer bottle or can must be removed from the licensed premises immediately following the event.

(i) Violations of this section are subject to the civil and criminal penalties set forth in §11-16-18, §11-16-19, §11-16-20, §11-16-22, §11-16-23, §11-16-24 and §11-16-25 of this code.

(j) To implement the provisions of this section, the commissioner may promulgate emergency rules pursuant to the provisions of §29a-3-1 of this code or propose rules for legislative approval in accordance with the provisions of §29a -3-1 et seq. of this code.

§11-16-12. When bond not required; bond of a Class A retail dealer; action on bond of retail dealer upon revocation of license; duty of prosecuting attorney.

(a) There shall be no bond for a brewer, resident brewer, distributor, Class S brewpub license, as the license privilege itself secures the payment of taxes and is subject to suspension and revocation for failure to pay said taxes.

(b) Each Class A retail dealer, in addition to furnishing the information required by this article, shall furnish, as prerequisite to obtaining a license, a bond with some solvent surety company as surety, to be approved by the commissioner, payable to the State of West Virginia, in the amount not less than $500 nor more than $1,000 within the discretion of the commissioner. All such bonds shall be conditioned for the faithful observance of the provisions of this article, the rules, regulations and orders promulgated pursuant thereto and of any other laws of the State of West Virginia generally relating to the distribution, sale and dispensing of nonintoxicating beer and shall be forfeited to the state in the full amount of said bond upon the revocation of the license of any such retail dealer. Such money received by the state shall be credited to the State Fund, General Revenue.

(c) Upon the revocation of the license of any Class A retail dealer by the commissioner or by any court of competent jurisdiction, the commissioner or the clerk of said court shall notify the prosecuting attorney of the county wherein such retail dealer’s place of business is located, or the prosecuting attorney of the county wherein the licensee resides, of such revocation, and, upon receipt of said notice, it shall be the duty of such prosecuting attorney forthwith to institute appropriate proceedings for the collection of the full amount of said bond. Upon request of such prosecuting attorney, the commissioner shall deliver the bond to him. Willful refusal without just cause therefor by the prosecuting attorney to perform said duty hereby imposed shall subject him or her to removal from office by the circuit court of the county for which said prosecuting attorney was elected upon proper proceedings and proof in the manner provided by law.

§11-16-13. Barrel tax on nonintoxicating beer.

(a) There is hereby levied and imposed, in addition to the license taxes provided for in this article, a tax of $5.50 on each barrel of thirty-one gallons and in like ratio on each part barrel of nonintoxicating beer manufactured in this state for sale within this state, whether contained or sold in barrels, bottles or other containers, and a like tax is hereby levied and imposed upon all nonintoxicating beer manufactured outside of this state and brought into this state for sale within this state; but no nonintoxicating beer manufactured, sold or distributed in this state is subject to more than one barrel tax. The brewer manufacturing or producing nonintoxicating beer within this state for sale within this state shall pay the barrel tax on such nonintoxicating beer, and, except as provided otherwise, the distributor who is the original consignee of nonintoxicating beer manufactured or produced outside of this state, or who brings such nonintoxicating beer into this state, shall pay the barrel tax on such nonintoxicating beer manufactured or produced outside of this state: Provided, That the barrel tax imposed by this section shall not apply to nonintoxicating beer manufactured by a brewpub.

(b) On or before the tenth day of each month during the license period, every brewer or operator of a brewpub who manufactures or produces nonintoxicating beer within this state shall file a report in writing, under oath, to the Tax Commissioner, in the form prescribed by the Tax Commissioner, stating its total sales, or in the case of a brewpub, its total estimated production of nonintoxicating beer within this state during that month, and at the same time shall pay the tax levied by this article on such production. On or before the tenth day of each month during the license period, every distributor who is the original consignee of nonintoxicating beer manufactured or produced outside this state or who brings such beer into this state for sale shall file a report in writing, under oath, to the Tax Commissioner, in the form prescribed by the Tax Commissioner, stating its total estimated purchases of such nonintoxicating beer during that month, and at the same time shall pay the tax thereon levied by this article for such estimated monthly purchase: Provided, That the Tax Commissioner may allow, or require, a brewer who manufactures or produces nonintoxicating beer outside this state to file the required report and pay the required tax on behalf of its distributor or distributors. Any brewer or distributor or operator of a brewpub who files a report under this subsection may adjust its monthly estimated sales or purchases or production report or reports by filing amended reports by the twenty-fifth day of the reporting month.

(c) Every brewer or distributor or operator of a brewpub who files a report under subsection (b) of this section shall file a final monthly report of said sales or purchases or production, in a form and at a time prescribed by the Tax Commissioner, stating actual nonintoxicating beer sales, purchases, or production and other information which the Tax Commissioner may require, and shall include a remittance for any barrel tax owed for actual sales or purchases or production made in excess of the amount estimated for that month.

(d) Any brewer or distributor or operator of a brewpub who files a report pursuant to subsection (b) of this section reflecting an underestimation of twenty-five percent or more of actual sales or purchases or production of nonintoxicating beer as shown by the report filed pursuant to subsection (c) of this section shall be assessed a penalty of one percent of the total taxes due in such prior month.

(e) Brewers and distributors and operators of brewpubs shall keep all records which relate to the sale or purchase in this state of nonintoxicating beer for a period of three years unless written approval for earlier disposal is granted by the Tax Commissioner.

(f) Brewpubs shall keep such records as required by the federal government and may, in lieu of the recordkeeping and reporting requirements contained in subsections (a) through (e) of this section, file copies of the federal reports contemporaneously with the Tax Commissioner at the time of such filings with the federal government. The filing of duplicate copies of the federal reports with the State Tax Commissioner shall be deemed as compliance with subsections (a) through (e) of this section.

§11-16-14. Collection of unpaid license tax.

If any person whose report to the Tax Commissioner as provided for in section thirteen of this article shows him to be liable for any unpaid taxes, and who shall fail to pay the same as provided herein, the Tax Commissioner shall be authorized to institute collection remedies provided for in article ten of this chapter. In addition, the Alcohol Beverage Control Commissioner may revoke the license of any such person failing to pay any such tax.

§11-16-15. Records of brewer, manufacturer or distributor or operator of a brewpub; collection of unpaid tax and penalty.

Every brewer, manufacturer or distributor or operator of a brewpub shall maintain, keep and preserve for a period of three years such record or records of nonintoxicating beer manufactured, sold or distributed in this state, including, but not limited to, coolers, together with such invoices, records, receipts, bills of lading and other pertinent papers as may be required by the Tax Commissioner, and the Tax Commissioner shall have authority to inspect, by himself or through the commissioner's duly designated agent, the books, accounts, records and memoranda of any person licensed under the provisions of this article, and to examine, under oath, any officer, agent or employee of any brewer, manufacturer or distributor or operator of a brewpub. The Tax Commissioner may require the production, within this state at such time and place as the commissioner may designate, of any books, accounts, papers or records kept within or without the state, or verified copies in lieu thereof, in order that an examination thereof may be made by the Tax Commissioner or the commissioner's duly designated agents. If, as the result of such examination, it shall be found that any nonintoxicating beer, subject to the payment of a tax, has been manufactured, brewed, sold or distributed by any person, upon which the tax has not been paid, the Tax Commissioner shall make an assessment of the amount of tax so found to be due, and, in addition thereto and as a part thereof, shall assess a penalty of fifty percent of the amount of such tax and shall notify such person of the total amount due. If the same remains unpaid for a period of thirty days, the Tax Commissioner shall have the authority to collect the amount found to be due by an appropriate legal proceeding in any of the circuit courts in which an action for the collection of unpaid taxes may be maintained under section fourteen of this article, unless an appeal is taken from the action of the Tax Commissioner as hereinafter provided. The Tax Commissioner shall notify the Alcohol Beverage Control Commissioner of any such unpaid assessment.

Within ten days after receipt of notice of any additional amount claimed to be due from any person as shown by an examination by the Tax Commissioner, such person, if he or she deems themselves aggrieved thereby, shall so notify the Tax Commissioner and shall request a hearing thereon and the Tax Commissioner shall set a hearing into the matters raised by such notice, which hearing shall be held as a contested case pursuant to article ten of this chapter, except that the licensee shall have the right of appeal from the Tax Commissioner's findings only to the circuit court of Kanawha County, West Virginia. Whether the finding of the Tax Commissioner is affirmed or reversed, such circuit court shall enter an order accordingly and either party shall then have the right of appeal to the Supreme Court of Appeals of the state.



Acts, 1981 Reg. Sess., Ch. 41.

§11-16-16. Restrictions on nonresident brewers, manufacturers and distributors.

No brewer or manufacturer whose chief place of business is outside the State of West Virginia shall offer for sale or sell nonintoxicating beer, in the State of West Virginia, or offer any of the same for shipment into this state, except to a distributor who is duly licensed under this article, and no such brewer or manufacturer shall consign, ship or deliver any of the same to any person within the State of West Virginia, or sell and deliver the same outside the State of West Virginia to be transported into the State of West Virginia, except to a duly licensed distributor for delivery at the place of business of such distributor as set forth in such brewer's or manufacturer's license. No such brewer or manufacturer shall have any interest in the business of any distributor or retailer, nor be connected directly or indirectly with any distributor or retailer. Every such brewer or manufacturer shall mail to the commissioner on or before the tenth day of each calendar month, a sworn statement showing all such sales and shipments of nonintoxicating beer made by such brewer or manufacturer during the preceding calendar month. If any such brewer or manufacturer shall violate any of the provisions of this article or shall violate any of the rules, regulations, or order of the commissioner, such brewer or manufacturer shall be punished in like manner as provided for any nonresident brewer who shall violate any provisions of this section. If any such brewer shall violate any of the provisions of this article, he shall not be permitted to sell, ship or deliver any nonintoxicating beer to any distributor or to otherwise engage in any business authorized by this article for a period of not to exceed one year from the date the notice shall be mailed to such brewer or manufacturer by the commissioner of the fact that such brewer or manufacturer has violated the provisions of this article or such rules, regulations, or orders of the commissioner. During such period of one year it shall be unlawful for any distributor or manufacturer or for any other person within the jurisdiction of the State of West Virginia, to buy or receive from such brewer or manufacturer any nonintoxicating beer or have any dealings with such brewer or manufacturer with respect thereto. A distributor, who has not qualified with residence requirements of this article or whose chief place of business is outside the State of West Virginia shall not sell, ship, transport, convey or deliver, or cause to be sold, shipped, transported, conveyed or delivered, directly or indirectly, any nonintoxicating beer to any distributor within the State of West Virginia. If any such distributor shall violate any of the provisions of this article, he shall be punished in like manner as provided for any nonresident brewer or manufacturer who shall violate any provisions of this section.

§11-16-17. Container labeling.

It shall be unlawful for any brewer, brewpub, manufacturer, distributor or retailer to have affixed upon any beer, ale or other malt beverage or malt cooler container, sold or for sale in this state, a label bearing any design, picture or wording, indicating that the contents of the container are brewed or manufactured for one particular distributor or retailer or group of retailers, or use any trademark other than that of a licensed brewer or manufacturer.

§11-16-17a. Commissioner to investigate, review, and approve or deny franchise agreements, labels, brands, and line extensions.

(a) The commissioner shall investigate and review:

(1) All franchise agreements and any amendments to a franchise agreement to verify compliance with this article and the promulgated rules.

(2) The registration of all container labels for brands manufactured, imported or sold in West Virginia, as further specified in §11-16-10(g) of this code.

(3) The registration of all brands and line extensions with the commissioner that are the subject of a franchise agreement or an amendment to a franchise agreement.

(4) The appointment of all brands or line extensions to a distributor in a brewer’s established franchise distributor network and to that distributor’s assigned territory from the brewer.

(5) The appointment of all brands or line extensions acquired by a brewer as either an acquiring brewer, successor brewer and also any successor entities of a brewer, as specified in §11-16-21(a)(3) of this code, to the distributor in the selling brewer’s established franchise distributor network and to that distributor’s assigned territory.

(b) The commissioner’s investigation and review under subsection (a) of this section may include, but is not limited to: the brewer, its subsidiaries, parent entities, contracted entities, affiliated entities, associated entities or any other related entities, the brewer’s corporate structure, the nature of the relatedness of various entities, ownership, trade names or partial trade names, logos, copyrights, trademarks or trade design, product codes, marketing and advertising, promotion or pricing.

(c) The commissioner may approve or deny any item listed in subsection (a) of this section as determined by the commissioner in accordance with this article, the promulgated rules as the facts and circumstances dictate.

(d) Any brewer adversely affected by a denial as specified in subdivision (3) or (4), subsection (a) of this section, may request, in writing, a final written determination from the commissioner.

(e) Upon receipt of final determination as provided in subsection (d) of this section, a brewer may request an administrative hearing by filing a written petition and as otherwise required per §11-16-24 of this code and the rules promulgated by the commissioner. Upon filing a written petition, the brewer shall file a $1,000 hearing deposit, via certified check or money order, to cover the costs of the hearing. Such certified check or money order shall be made payable to the commissioner. In any such hearing held by the request of a brewer, the burden of proof is on the brewer and the standard of review for the administrative hearing is by a preponderance of the evidence.

§11-16-18. Unlawful acts of licensees; criminal penalties.

(a) It is unlawful:

(1) Except as provided for in §7-1-3ss and this chapter of this code, any licensee, his, her, its, or their servants, agents, or employees to sell, give, or dispense, or any individual to drink or consume, in or on any licensed premises or in any rooms directly connected thereto, nonintoxicating beer between the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m., or a Class A retail dealer to sell nonintoxicating beer for on-premises consumption only between the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m;

(2) For any licensee, his, her, its, or their servants, agents, or employees to sell, furnish, or give any nonintoxicating beer, as defined in this article, to any person visibly or noticeably intoxicated or to any person known to be insane or known to be a habitual drunkard;

(3) For any licensee, his, her, its, or their servants, agents, or employees to sell, furnish, or give any nonintoxicating beer as defined in this article to any person who is less than 21 years of age;

(4) For any distributor to sell or offer to sell, or any retailer to purchase or receive, any nonintoxicating beer as defined in this article, except for cash and a right of action shall not exist to collect any claims for credit extended contrary to the provisions of this subdivision. Nothing contained in this section prohibits a licensee from crediting to a purchasing person the actual price charged for packages or containers returned by the original purchasing person as a credit on any sale, or from refunding to any purchasing person the amount paid or deposited for the containers when title is retained by the vendor: Provided, That a distributor may accept an electronic transfer of funds if the transfer of funds is initiated by an irrevocable payment order on the invoiced amount for the nonintoxicating beer. The cost of the electronic fund transfer shall be borne by the retailer and the distributor shall initiate the transfer no later than noon of one business day after the delivery;

(5) For any brewer or distributor to give, furnish, rent, or sell any equipment, fixtures, signs, supplies, or services directly or indirectly or through a subsidiary or affiliate to any licensee engaged in selling products of the brewing industry at retail or to offer any prize, premium, gift, or other similar inducement, except advertising matter, including indoor electronic or mechanical signs, of nominal value up to $25.00 per stock keeping unit, to either trade or consumer buyers: Provided, That a distributor may offer, for sale or rent, tanks of carbonic gas: Provided, however, That, in the interest of public health and safety, a distributor may, independently or through a subsidiary or affiliate, furnish, sell, install, or maintain draught line equipment, supplies, and cleaning services to a licensed retailer so long as the furnishing or sale of draught line services may be negotiated at no less than actual cost: Provided further, That a distributor may furnish, rent, or sell equipment, fixtures, signs, services, or supplies directly or indirectly or through a subsidiary or affiliate to any licensee engaged in selling products of the brewing industry at retail under the conditions and within the limitations as prescribed in this section. Nothing contained in this section prohibits a brewer from sponsoring any professional or amateur athletic event or from providing prizes or awards for participants and winners in any events.

(6) For any brewer or distributor to sponsor any professional or amateur athletic event or provide prizes or awards for participants and winners when a majority of the athletes participating in the event are minors, unless the event is specifically authorized by the commissioner;

(7) For any retail licensee to sell or dispense nonintoxicating beer through draught lines where the draught lines have not been cleaned at least every two weeks in accordance with rules promulgated by the commissioner, and where written records of all cleanings are not maintained and available for inspection;

(8) For any licensee to permit in his or her premises any lewd, immoral, or improper entertainment, conduct, or practice;

(9) For any licensee, except the holder of a license to operate a private club issued under the provisions of §60-7-1 et seq. of this code or a holder of a license or a private wine restaurant issued under the provisions of §60-8-1 et seq. of this code to possess a federal license, tax receipt, or other permit entitling, authorizing, or allowing the licensee to sell liquor or alcoholic drinks other than nonintoxicating beer;

(10) For any licensee to obstruct the view of the interior of his or her premises by enclosure, lattice, drapes, or any means which would prevent plain view of the patrons occupying the premises. The interior of all licensed premises shall be adequately lighted at all times: Provided, That provisions of this subdivision do not apply to the premises of a Class B retailer, the premises of a private club licensed under the provisions of §60-7-1 et seq. of this code, or the premises of a private wine restaurant licensed under the provisions of §60-8-1 et seq. of this code;

(11) For any licensee to manufacture, import, sell, trade, barter, possess, or acquiesce in the sale, possession, or consumption of any alcoholic liquors on the premises covered by a license or on premises directly or indirectly used in connection with it: Provided, That the prohibition contained in this subdivision with respect to the selling or possessing or to the acquiescence in the sale, possession, or consumption of alcoholic liquors is not applicable with respect to the holder of a license to operate a private club issued under the provisions of §60-7-1 et seq. of this code, nor shall the prohibition be applicable to a private wine restaurant licensed under the provisions of §60-8-1 et seq. of this code insofar as the private wine restaurant is authorized to serve wine;

(12) For any retail licensee to sell or dispense nonintoxicating beer, as defined in this article, purchased or acquired from any source other than a distributor, brewer, or manufacturer licensed under the laws of this state;

(13) For any licensee to permit loud, boisterous, or disorderly conduct of any kind upon his or her premises or to permit the use of loud musical instruments if either or any of the same may disturb the peace and quietude of the community where the business is located: Provided, That a licensee may have speaker systems for outside broadcasting as long as the noise levels do not create a public nuisance or violate local noise ordinances;

(14) For any person whose license has been revoked, as provided in this article, to obtain employment with any retailer within the period of one year from the date of the revocation, or for any retailer to knowingly employ that person within the specified time;

(15) For any distributor to sell, possess for sale, transport, or distribute nonintoxicating beer except in the original container;

(16) For any licensee to knowingly permit any act to be done upon the licensed premises, the commission of which constitutes a crime under the laws of this state;

(17) For any Class B retailer to permit the consumption of nonintoxicating beer upon his or her licensed premises;

(18) For any Class A licensee, his, her, its, or their servants, agents, or employees, or for any licensee by or through any servants, agents, or employees, to allow, suffer, or permit any person less than 18 years of age to loiter in or upon any licensed premises; except, however, that the provisions of this subdivision do not apply where a person under the age of 18 years is in or upon the premises in the immediate company of a parent or legal guardian, or where and while a person under the age of 18 years is in or upon the premises for the purpose of and actually making a lawful purchase of any items or commodities sold, or for the purchase of and actually receiving any lawful service rendered in the licensed premises, including the consumption of any item of food, drink, or soft drink lawfully prepared and served or sold for consumption on the premises;

(19) For any distributor to sell, offer for sale, distribute, or deliver any nonintoxicating beer outside the territory assigned to any distributor by the brewer or manufacturer of nonintoxicating beer or to sell, offer for sale, distribute, or deliver nonintoxicating beer to any retailer whose principal place of business or licensed premises is within the assigned territory of another distributor of the nonintoxicating beer: Provided, That nothing in this section is considered to prohibit sales of convenience between distributors licensed in this state where one distributor sells, transfers, or delivers to another distributor a particular brand or brands for sale at wholesale; and

(20) For any licensee or any agent, servant, or employee of any licensee to knowingly violate any rule lawfully promulgated by the commissioner in accordance with the provisions of chapter 29A of this code.

(b) Any person who violates any provision of this article, including, but not limited to, any provision of this section, or any rule, or order lawfully promulgated by the commissioner, or who makes any false statement concerning any material fact in submitting an application for a license or for a renewal of a license or in any hearing concerning the revocation of a license, or who commits any of the acts in this section declared to be unlawful is guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished for each offense by a fine of not less than $25, nor more than $500, or confined in the county or regional jail for not less than 30 days nor more than six months, or by both fine and confinement. Magistrates have concurrent jurisdiction with the circuit court and any other courts having criminal jurisdiction in their county for the trial of all misdemeanors arising under this article.

(c) (1) A Class B licensee that:

(A) Has installed a transaction scan device on its licensed premises; and

(B) Can demonstrate that it requires each employee, servant, or agent to verify the age of any individual to whom nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer is sold, furnished, or given away by the use of the transaction device is not subject to: (i) Any criminal penalties whatsoever, including those set forth in subsection (b) of this section; (ii) any administrative penalties from the commissioner; or (iii) any civil liability whatsoever for the improper sale, furnishing, or giving away of nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer to an individual who is less than 21 years of age by one of his or her employees, servants, or agents. Any agent, servant, or employee who has improperly sold, furnished, or given away nonintoxicating beer to an individual less than 21 years of age is subject to the criminal penalties of subsection (b) of this section. Any agent, servant, or employee who has improperly sold, furnished, or given away nonintoxicating beer to an individual less than 21 years of age is subject to termination from employment, and the employer shall have no civil liability for the termination.

(2) For purposes of this section, a Class B licensee can demonstrate that it requires each employee, servant, or agent to verify the age of any individual to whom nonintoxicating beer is sold by providing evidence: (A) That it has developed a written policy which requires each employee, servant, or agent to verify the age of each individual to whom nonintoxicating beer will be sold, furnished, or given away; (B) that it has communicated this policy to each employee, servant, or agent; and (C) that it monitors the actions of its employees, servants, or agents regarding the sale, furnishing, or giving away of nonintoxicating beer and that it has taken corrective action for any discovered noncompliance with this policy.

(3) “Transaction scan” means the process by which a person checks, by means of a transaction scan device, the age and identity of the cardholder, and “transaction scan device” means any commercial device or combination of devices used at a point of sale that is capable of deciphering in an electronically readable format the information enclosed on the magnetic strip or bar code of a driver’s license or other governmental identity card.

(d) Nothing in this article nor any rule of the commissioner shall prevent or be considered to prohibit any licensee from employing any person who is at least 18 years of age to serve in the licensee’s lawful employ, including the sale or distribution of nonintoxicating beer as defined in this article. With the prior approval of the commissioner, a licensee whose principal business is the sale of food or consumer goods, or the providing of recreational activities, including, but not limited to, nationally franchised fast food outlets, family oriented restaurants, bowling alleys, drug stores, discount stores, grocery stores, and convenience stores, may employ persons who are less than 18 years of age, but at least 16 years of age: Provided, That the person’s duties may include the sale of nonintoxicating beer or alcoholic liquors only when directly supervised by a person 21 years of age or older: Provided, however, That the authorization to employ persons under the age of 18 years shall be clearly indicated on the licensee’s license.

§11-16-19. Unlawful acts of persons; criminal penalties.

(a) (1) Any person under the age of twenty-one years, who purchases, consumes, sells, possesses or serves nonintoxicating beer is guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined an amount not to exceed $500 or shall be confined in jail, or, in the case of a juvenile, a detention facility, for a period not to exceed seventy-two hours, or both fined and confined or, in lieu of such fine and confinement, may, for the first offense, be placed on probation for a period not to exceed one year. Any person convicted under this section may be sentenced pursuant to the provisions of section one-a, article eleven-a, chapter sixty-two of this code.

(2) Nothing in this article, nor any rule or regulation of the commissioner, shall prevent or be deemed to prohibit any person who is at least eighteen years of age from serving in the lawful employment of any licensee, which may include the sale or delivery of nonintoxicating beer as defined in this article. Further, nothing in this article, nor any rule or regulation of the commissioner, shall prevent or be deemed to prohibit any person who is less than eighteen but at least sixteen years of age from being employed by a licensee whose principal business is the sale of food or consumer goods or the providing of recreational activities, including, but not limited to, nationally franchised fast-food outlets, family-oriented restaurants, bowling alleys, drug stores, discount stores, grocery stores and convenience stores: Provided, That such person shall not sell or deliver nonintoxicating beer.

(3) Nothing in this subsection shall prohibit a person who is at least eighteen years of age from purchasing or possessing nonintoxicating beer when he or she is acting upon the request of or under the direction and control of any member of a state, federal or local law-enforcement agency or the West Virginia Alcohol Beverage Administration while the agency is conducting an investigation or other activity relating to the enforcement of the alcohol beverage control statutes and the rules of the commissioner.

(b) Any person under the age of twenty-one years who, for the purpose of purchasing nonintoxicating beer, misrepresents his or her age or who for such purpose presents or offers any written evidence of age which is false, fraudulent or not actually his or her own or who illegally attempts to purchase nonintoxicating beer is guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined an amount not to exceed $100 or shall be confined in jail, or in the case of a juvenile, a juvenile detention facility, for a period not to exceed seventy-two hours, or both such fine and confinement or, in lieu of such fine and confinement, may, for the first offense, be placed on probation for a period not exceeding one year.

(c) Any person who shall knowingly buy for, give to or furnish nonintoxicating beer to anyone under the age of twenty-one to whom they are not related by blood or marriage is guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined an amount not to exceed $100 or shall be confined in jail for a period not to exceed ten days, or both such fine and confinement.

(d) (1) Any person who at any one time transports into the state for their personal use, and not for resale, more than six and seventy-five hundredths gallons of nonintoxicating beer, upon which the West Virginia barrel tax has not been imposed, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined an amount not to exceed $100 or confined for ten days in jail, or both fined and imprisoned. The untaxed nonintoxicating beer found in the person's possession shall be confiscated.

(2) If the Congress of the United States repeals the mandate established by the Surface Transportation Assistance Act of 1982 relating to national uniform drinking age of twenty-one as found in section six of Public Law 98-363, or a court of competent jurisdiction declares the provision to be unconstitutional or otherwise invalid, it is the intent of the Legislature that the provisions contained in this section and section eighteen of this article which prohibit the sale, furnishing, giving, purchase or ownership of nonintoxicating beer to or by a person who is less than twenty-one years of age shall be null and void and the provisions therein shall thereafter remain in effect and apply to the sale, furnishing, giving, purchase or ownership of nonintoxicating beer to or by a person who is less than nineteen years of age.

§11-16-20. Unlawful acts of brewers or manufacturers; criminal penalties.

(a) It is unlawful:

(1) For any brewer or manufacturer, or any other person, firm or corporation engaging in the business of selling nonintoxicating beer, ale or other malt beverage or cooler to a distributor or wholesaler, to discriminate in price, allowance, rebate, refund, commission, discount or service between distributors or wholesalers licensed in West Virginia. "Discriminate," as used in this section, shall mean granting of more favorable prices, allowances, rebates, refunds, commissions, discounts or services to one West Virginia distributor or wholesaler than to another.

(2) For any brewer or manufacturer, or any other person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of selling nonintoxicating beer, ale or other malt beverage or malt cooler to a distributor or wholesaler, to sell or deliver nonintoxicating beer, ale or other malt beverage or malt cooler to any licensed distributor or wholesaler unless and until such brewer, manufacturer, person, firm or corporation, as the case may be, shall have filed the brewery or dock price of such beer, ale or other malt beverage or malt cooler, by brands and container sizes, with the commissioner. The pricing submitted to the commissioner shall also be submitted contemporaneously to the licensed distributor or wholesaler. No price schedule shall be put into effect until ninety days after receipt of same by the commissioner and shall be submitted on or before the following quarterly dates of January 1, April 1, July 1 and October 1 of the calendar year to be effective: Provided, That any price shall remain in effect not less than ninety days.

(3) For any brewer or manufacturer, resident brewer or any other person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of selling nonintoxicating beer, ale or other malt beverage or malt cooler to a distributor or wholesaler to sell, offer for sale or transport to West Virginia any nonintoxicating beer, ale or other malt beverage or malt cooler unless it has first registered its labels and assigned to the appropriate distributor per an equitable franchise agreement, all as approved by the commissioner.

(4) For any brewer or manufacturer, or any other person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of selling nonintoxicating beer, ale or other malt beverage or malt cooler to provide, furnish, transport or sell its nonintoxicating beer products, brands and line extensions to any person or distributor other than the appointed distributor per the franchise agreement and established in the franchise distributor network in the territory assigned to that appointed distributor.

(5) For any brewer or manufacturer, or any other person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of selling nonintoxicating beer, ale or other malt beverage or malt cooler to provide, furnish, transport or sell its nonintoxicating beer products, brands and line extensions that have been denied by the commissioner.

(6) For any resident brewer that chooses to utilize a franchise agreement and a franchise distributor network, either in addition to or in conjunction with its limited quantity of nonintoxicating beer for self-distribution, to violate this section and the resident brewer is subject to the sanctions in subsections (b) and (c) of this section.

(b) The violation of any provision of this section by any brewer or manufacturer shall constitute grounds for the forfeiture of the bond furnished by such brewer or manufacturer in accordance with the provisions of section twelve of this article.

(c) The violation of this section by any brewer or manufacturer is grounds for sanctions as determined by the commissioner in accordance with sections twenty-three and twenty-four of this article and the rules promulgated by the commissioner.

(d) Any resident brewer that chooses to utilize a franchise agreement and a franchise distributor network, either in addition to or in conjunction with its limited quantity of nonintoxicating beer for self-distribution, shall be treated as a brewer under this article and the applicable promulgated rules.

§11-16-21. Requirements as to franchise agreements between brewers and distributors; transfer of franchise by distributor; franchise distributor network; notice thereof to brewer; arbitration of disputes as to such transfer; violations and penalties; limitation of section.

(a) On and after July 1, 1971, it shall be unlawful for any brewer to transfer or deliver to a distributor any nonintoxicating beer, ale or other malt beverage or malt cooler without first having entered into an equitable franchise agreement with such distributor, which franchise agreement and any amendments to that agreement shall be in writing, shall be identical as to terms and conditions with all other franchise agreements and any amendments between such brewer and its other distributors in this state in its approved franchise distributor network, all as approved by the commissioner and which shall contain a provision in substance or effect as follows:

(1) The brewer recognizes that the distributor is free to manage his or her business in the manner the distributor deems best and that this prerogative vests in the distributor, subject to the provisions of this article, the exclusive right: (A) To establish his or her selling prices; (B) to have the distribution rights to the brands and line extensions of nonintoxicating beer products that are bound by franchise agreements specifying a distributor's assigned territory and that are assigned to a franchise distributor network, and, further, that the distributor may determine which brands and line extensions of nonintoxicating beer products he or she wishes to handle; and (C) to determine the efforts and resources which the distributor will exert to develop and promote the sale of the brewer's nonintoxicating beer products handled by the distributor. However, since the brewer's nonintoxicating beer products, brands and line extensions shall only be handled by the distributor with a franchise agreement for a certain territory in West Virginia as a part of the brewer's overall franchise distributor network in West Virginia and will not be sold by other distributors in the territory, the brewer is dependent upon the appointed distributor alone for the sale of such products in the assigned territory. Consequently, the brewer expects that the distributor will price competitively the nonintoxicating beer products handled by the distributor, devote reasonable effort and resources to the sale of such products and maintain a satisfactory sales level.

(2) The franchise agreement binds the parties so that a distributor, appointed by a brewer, may distribute all of the brewer's nonintoxicating beer products, brands or family of brands imported and offered for sale in West Virginia, including, but not limited to: existing brands, line extensions and new brands in the brewer's assigned territory for the distributor. All brands and line extensions being imported or offered for sale in West Virginia must be listed by the brewer in the franchise agreement or a written amendment to the franchise agreement. A franchise agreement may be amended by mutual written agreement of the parties as approved by the commissioner with identical terms and conditions for a brewer and all of its distributors. Any approved amendment to the franchise agreement becomes a part of the franchise agreement.

(3) Whenever the manufacturing, bottling or other production rights for the sale of nonintoxicating beer at wholesale of any brewer is acquired by another brewer, the franchised distributor and franchise distributor network of the selling brewer shall be entitled to continue distributing the selling brewer's nonintoxicating beer products as authorized in the franchised distributor's existing franchise agreement and the acquiring brewer shall market all the selling brewer's nonintoxicating beer products through said franchised distributor and franchise distributor network as though the acquiring brewer had made the franchise agreement and the acquiring brewer may terminate said franchise agreement only in accordance with subdivision (2), subsection (b) of this section: Provided, That the acquiring brewer may distribute any of its other nonintoxicating beer products through its duly authorized franchises and franchise distributor network in accordance with all other provisions of this section. Further, this subdivision shall apply to the brewer, successor brewers and also any successor entities of a brewer who shall be bound by the existing franchise agreement and the franchise distributor network, unless all the parties mutually agree, in writing, to change or cancel the existing franchise agreement and franchise distributor network or unless the brewer terminates a distributor as provided in this article and the promulgated rules.

(b) It shall also be unlawful:

(1) For any brewer, resident brewer or distributor, or any officer, agent or representative of any brewer, resident brewer or distributor, to coerce or persuade or attempt to coerce or persuade any person licensed to sell, distribute or job nonintoxicating beer, ale or other malt beverage or malt cooler at wholesale or retail, to enter into any contracts or agreements, whether written or oral, or to take any other action which will violate or tend to violate any provision of this article or any of the rules, regulations, standards, requirements or orders of the commissioner promulgated as provided in this section;

(2) For any brewer, resident brewer or distributor, or any officer, agent or representative of any brewer, resident brewer or distributor, to cancel, terminate or rescind without due regard for the equities of such brewer, resident brewer or distributor and without just cause, any franchise agreement, whether oral or written, and in the case of an oral franchise agreement, whether the same was entered into on or before June 11, 1971, and in the case of a franchise agreement in writing, whether the same was entered into on, before or subsequent to July 1, 1971. The cancellation, termination or rescission of any such franchise agreement shall not become effective for at least ninety days after written notice of such cancellation, termination or rescission has been served on the affected party and the Commissioner by certified mail, return receipt requested: Provided, That said ninety-day period and said notice of cancellation, termination or rescission shall not apply if such cancellation, termination or rescission is agreed to in writing by both the brewer and the distributor involved.

(c) In the event a distributor desires to sell or transfer his or her franchise and assigned territory in the brewer or resident brewer's franchise distributor network, such distributor shall give to the brewer, or resident brewer at least sixty days' notice in writing of such impending sale or transfer and the identity of the person, firm or corporation to whom such sale or transfer is to be made and such other information as the brewer or resident brewer may reasonably request. Such notice shall be made upon forms and contain such additional information as the Commissioner by rule or regulation shall prescribe. A copy of such notice shall be forwarded to the commissioner. The brewer or resident brewer shall be given sixty days to approve or disapprove of such sale or transfer. If the brewer or resident brewer neither approves nor disapproves thereof within sixty days of the date of receipt of such notice, the sale or transfer of such franchise shall be deemed to be approved by such brewer or resident brewer. In the event the brewer or resident brewer shall disapprove of the sale or transfer to the prospective franchisee, transferee or purchaser, such brewer or resident brewer shall give notice to the distributor of that fact in writing, setting forth the reason or reasons for such disapproval. The approval shall not be unreasonably withheld by the brewer or resident brewer. The fact that the prospective franchisee, transferee or purchaser has not had prior experience in the nonintoxicating beer business or beer business shall not be deemed sufficient reason in and of itself for a valid disapproval of the proposed sale or transfer, but may be considered in conjunction with other adverse factors in supporting the position of the brewer or resident brewer. Nor may the brewer or resident brewer impose requirements upon the prospective franchisee, transferee or purchaser which are more stringent or restrictive than those currently demanded of or imposed upon the brewer or resident brewers or other distributors in the State of West Virginia. A copy of such notice of disapproval shall likewise be forwarded to the commissioner and to the prospective franchisee, transferee or purchaser. In the event the issue be not resolved within twenty days from the date of such disapproval, either the brewer, resident brewer, distributor or prospective franchisee, transferee or purchaser shall notify the other parties of his or her demand for arbitration and shall likewise notify the commissioner thereof. A dispute or disagreement shall thereupon be submitted to arbitration in the county in which the distributor's principal place of business is located by a board of three arbitrators, which request for arbitration shall name one arbitrator. The party receiving such notice shall within ten days thereafter by notice to the party demanding arbitration name the second arbitrator or, failing to do so, the second arbitrator shall be appointed by the chief judge of the circuit court of the county in which the distributor's principal place of business is located on request of the party requesting arbitration in the first instance. The two arbitrators so appointed shall name the third or, failing to do so within ten days after appointment of the second arbitrator, the third arbitrator may be appointed by said chief judge upon request of either party. The arbitrators so appointed shall promptly hear and determine and the questions submitted pursuant to the procedures established by the American Arbitration Association and shall render their decision with all reasonable speed and dispatch but in no event later than twenty days after the conclusion of evidence. Said decision shall include findings of fact and conclusions of law and shall be based upon the justice and equity of the matter. Each party shall be given notice of such decision. If the decision of the arbitrators be in favor of or in approval of the proposed sale or transfer, the brewer or resident brewer shall forthwith agree to the same and shall immediately transfer the franchise to the proposed franchisee, transferee or purchaser unless notice of intent to appeal such decision is given the arbitrators and all other parties within ten days of notification of such decision. If any such party deems himself or herself aggrieved thereby, such party shall have a right to bring an appropriate action in circuit court. Any and all notices given pursuant to this subsection shall be given to all parties by certified or registered mail, return receipt requested.

(d) The violation of any provision of this section by any brewer or resident brewer shall constitute grounds for the forfeiture of the bond furnished by such brewer or resident brewer in accordance with the provisions of section twelve of this article and shall also constitute grounds for sanctions in accordance with sections twenty-three and twenty-four of this article. Moreover, any circuit court of the county in which a distributor's principal place of business is located shall have the jurisdiction and power to enjoin the cancellation, termination or rescission of any franchise agreement between a brewer or resident brewer and such distributor and, in granting an injunction to a distributor, the court shall provide that the brewer or resident brewer so enjoined shall not supply the customers or territory of the distributor while the injunction is in effect.

§11-16-22. Powers of the commissioner; rules, or orders.

(a) In addition to all other powers conferred upon the commissioner and in order to effectively carry out the provisions, intent and purposes of this article, the commissioner shall have the power and authority to adopt, promulgate, repeal, rescind and amend, in accordance with the provisions of chapter 29A of this code, rules, standards, requirements and orders, including, but not limited to, the following:

(1) Prescribing records and accounts, pertaining to the manufacture, distribution and sales of nonintoxicating beer, to be kept by the licensee and the form thereof;

(2) Requiring the reporting of such information by licensees as may be necessary for the effective administration of this article;

(3) Regulating the branding and labeling of packages, bottles or other containers in which nonintoxicating beer may be sold; and, in his or her discretion, requiring the collection of all taxes provided for under §11-16-13 of this code;

 (4) Prohibiting shipment into the state and sale within the state of low grade or under-standard nonintoxicating beer;

(5) Referring to licenses and the issuance and revocation of the same;

(6) Establishing the suitability of businesses and locations for licensure, and requiring licensees to keep their places of business where nonintoxicating beer is sold at retail, and the equipment used in connection therewith, clean and in a sanitary condition;

(7) Restricting the content of advertising so as to prohibit false, misleading, or deceptive claims, depictions or descriptions of nonintoxicating beer being consumed irresponsibly or intemperately, or advertising presentations designed to appeal to persons below the legal drinking age: Provided, That the commissioner may not promulgate any rule which prohibits the advertising of a particular brand or brands of nonintoxicating beer and the price thereof, which restricts or prohibits:

(A) The advertising medium or equipment used; or

(B) Signage except for exterior signage governed by §17-22-1 et seq. of this code.

(8) Wholesale prices or price changes, including, but not limited to, the regulation and extent, if any, of any temporary price markoff or markdown, temporary wholesale price change downward or price discount, sometimes referred to as “post downs” or as “posting down” or any other price change, the express purpose of which is to put into effect a temporary price reduction, as well as the duration of time during which such temporary price reduction is to remain in effect;

(9) Restrictions upon West Virginia distributors or other licensees with respect to the purchase of any nonintoxicating beer or malt coolers from manufacturers or brewers whether within or without the state who have failed to qualify for manufacture or shipment of any such product in the state; and

(10) Regulating, restricting or prohibiting a distributor from selling, offering for sale, distributing or delivering nonintoxicating beer to any retailer whose principal place of business, residence or licensed premises is located without or beyond the assigned territory of such distributor of such nonintoxicating beer.

(b) Any rule or order heretofore adopted by the commissioner and currently in effect upon the convening of the regular session of the Legislature held in the year one thousand nine hundred eighty-six shall remain in effect until changed by the commissioner in the manner prescribed by article three, chapter twenty-nine-a of this code, irrespective of whether specific authority for such currently effective rule existed prior to such date.

§11-16-23. Revocation or suspension of license; monetary penalty; hearing assessment of costs; establishment of enforcement fund.

(a) Upon a determination by the commissioner that a licensee has: (i) Violated the provisions of §11-16-18 of this code, or of §60-1-1 et seq. of this code; (ii) acted in such a way as would have precluded initial or renewal licensure; or (iii) violated any rule or order promulgated by the commissioner, he or she may:

(1) Revoke the licensee's license;

(2) Suspend the licensee's license;

(3) Place the licensee on probationary status for a period not to exceed 12 months; and

(4) Impose a monetary penalty not to exceed $1,000 for each violation where revocation is not imposed.

(b) Any monetary penalty assessed and collected by the commissioner shall be transmitted to the State Treasurer for deposit into the State Treasury to the credit of a special revenue fund designated the Alcohol Beverage Control Enforcement Fund established by the provisions of §60-7-13 of this code.

(c) In addition to the grounds for revocation, suspension, or other sanction of a license set forth in subsection (a) of this section, conviction of the licensee of any offense constituting a violation of the laws of this state or of the United States relating to nonintoxicating beer or alcoholic liquor are mandatory grounds for sanctioning of a license. Conviction of the licensee of any violation of the laws of this State or of the United States relating to prostitution or the sale, possession, or distribution of narcotics or controlled substances is mandatory grounds for revocation of the licensee's license for a period of at least one year.

§11-16-24. Hearing on sanctioning of license; notice; review of action of commissioner; clerk of court to furnish commissioner copy of order or judgment of conviction of licensee; assessment of costs; procedure for appealing any final order of the commissioner which revokes, suspends, sanctions or denies the issuance or renewal of any license issued under this article.

(a) The commissioner may not revoke or suspend a license issued pursuant to this article or impose a civil penalty authorized under this article unless and until a hearing is held after at least ten days' notice to the licensee of the time and place of the hearing, which notice shall contain a statement or specification of the charges, grounds or reasons for the proposed contemplated action, and which is served upon the licensee as notices under the West Virginia Rules of Civil Procedure or by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the address for which license was issued; at which time and place, so designated in the notice, the licensee has the right to appear and produce evidence in his or her behalf, and to be represented by counsel.

(b) The commissioner may summon witnesses in the hearings before him or her, and fees of witnesses summoned on behalf of the state in proceedings to sanction licenses shall be treated as a part of the expenses of administration and enforcement. The fees shall be the same as those in similar hearings in the circuit courts of this state. The commissioner may, upon a finding of violation, assess a licensee a sum not to exceed $150 per violation to reimburse the commissioner for expenditures for witness fees, court reporter fees and travel costs incurred in holding the hearing. Moneys so assessed shall be transferred to the Nonintoxicating Beer Fund created by section twenty-three of this article.

(c) If, at the request of the licensee or on his or her motion, the hearing is continued and does not take place on the day fixed by the commissioner in the notice of hearing, then the licensee's license may be suspended until the hearing and decision of the commissioner, and in the event of revocation or suspension of the license, upon hearing before the commissioner, the licensee is not permitted to sell beer pending an appeal as provided by this article. Any person continuing to sell beer after his or her license has been suspended or revoked, as hereinbefore provided, is guilty of a misdemeanor and, shall be punished as provided in section nineteen of this article.

(d) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (b), section four, article five, chapter twenty-nine-a of this code, the action of the commissioner in revoking, suspending, sanctioning or refusing a license is subject to review by the circuit court of Kanawha County or the circuit court in the county where the proposed or licensed premises is located and will or does conduct sales: Provided, That in all other respects, such review shall be conducted in the manner provided in chapter twenty-nine-a of this code. The petition for review must be filed with the circuit court within thirty days following entry of the final order of revocation, suspension, sanction or refusal issued by the commissioner. An applicant or licensee obtaining an order for review is required to pay the costs and fees incident to transcribing, certifying and transmitting the records pertaining to the matter to the circuit court. An application to the Supreme Court of Appeals of West Virginia for a writ of error from any final order of the circuit court in the matter shall be made within thirty days from and after the entry of the final circuit court order.

(e) All hearings, upon notice to show cause why license should be revoked, suspended, sanctioned or refused, before the commissioner shall be held in the offices of the commissioner in Charleston, Kanawha County, unless otherwise provided by the commissioner in the notice of hearing. When the hearing is held elsewhere than in the commissioner's office, the licensee may be required to make deposits of the estimated costs of the hearing.

(f) Whenever a licensee has been convicted of an offense constituting a violation of the laws of this state or of the United States relating to nonintoxicating beer, or alcoholic liquor, and the conviction has become final, the clerk of the court in which the licensee has been convicted shall forward to the commissioner a certified copy of the order or judgment of conviction if the clerk has knowledge that the person so convicted is a licensee, together with the certification of the clerk that the conviction is final.

(g) In the case of a Class B licensee with multiple licensed locations, the commissioner may, in his or her discretion, revoke, suspend or otherwise sanction, per the provisions of section twenty-three of this article, only the license for the location or locations involved in the unlawful conduct for which licensure is sanctioned, as opposed to all separately licensed locations of the licensee.

§11-16-25. Reissuance of license after revocation.

No license shall be issued to any person who has formerly held a license, under the provisions of this article, which has been revoked by the commissioner, within a period of two years from the date of such revocation; nor shall any license be issued hereunder to any person who was an officer or stockholder of a corporation whose license was revoked as aforesaid, nor to any person who was a member of a partnership or association whose license was revoked as aforesaid, within said period of two years from the date of revocation; nor shall any license be issued to any corporation having a stockholder or director who has had a license revoked as aforesaid, within said period of two years from the date of the revocation of such person's license: Provided, That the commissioner may, in his or her discretion, reissue Class B licenses for any of such licensee's locations not involved in the unlawful conduct of which licensure was revoked notwithstanding such two year period.

§11-16-26. Municipal license tax.

Any municipal corporation in this state shall have the authority to levy a license tax under the provisions of this article upon any retailer, distributor or brewer or operator of a brewpub of nonintoxicating beer whose place of business is situated within such municipality, but the amount of the license tax levied by such municipal corporation shall in no event exceed the amount fixed herein to be levied by the state. Only one municipal tax is to be so imposed and that only by the municipality in which the place of business, or warehouse, is located. Cities and incorporated towns are hereby empowered to enact ordinances for the enforcement of this article in conformity with the provisions of the same: Provided, That in no case shall the rate of such municipal license tax exceed the rate of such tax in effect on January 1, 1986.

In the case of a brewpub, such municipal tax shall not exceed the same proportions of taxation as the other licensees.

§11-16-27. Revenue collected and paid to State Treasurer; expense of administration.

Taxes imposed and collected under the provisions of this article shall be paid to the State Treasurer in the manner provided by law, and the taxes imposed by sections nine and thirteen of this article shall be credited to the state fund, general revenue. The expenses of administration and enforcement shall be paid out of the taxes collected under sections nine and thirteen of this article, but shall not exceed fifteen percent of the amount so collected.

§11-16-28. Expiration date of existing licenses; when provisions operable.

(a) A license now in effect authorizing the manufacture, distribution or sale of nonintoxicating beer shall remain in effect until June 30, 1986, unless sooner revoked in accordance with the provisions of this article.

(b) The provisions of this article enacted during the regular session of the Legislature held in the year 1986 shall become operable at 12:01 a.m. on July 1, of said year: Provided, That the commissioner may issue licenses prior to such date and any licensee may do any act necessary in order to prepare for and be able to engage in the retail sale of any product regulated by this article on that date and at that time.

§11-16-29. Severability.

The provisions of subdivision (cc), section ten, article two, chapter two of this code shall apply to the provisions of this article to the same extent as if the same were set forth in extenso herein and to the extent therein provided the provisions of this article are declared to be severable.

§11-16-11b. Special license for one-day charitable events; application; license subject to provisions of article; exception.

(1) The commissioner may issue a special one-day license to be designated a Class S1 license for the retail sale of nonintoxicating beer and nonintoxicating craft beer to a duly-organized nonprofit corporation, limited liability entity, or an association having received federal tax exempt status allowing the sale and serving of nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer when raising money for artistic, athletic, charitable, educational, or religious purposes. The commissioner may not charge a fee to the applicant that meets requirements for licensure. The special license shall be issued for a term no longer than one day. No more than six licenses may be issued to any single licensee during any calendar year. The license application shall contain a copy of the documents showing approved federal tax-exempt status and other information required by the commissioner and shall be submitted to the commissioner at least 15 days prior to the event. Nonintoxicating beer served and sold during the event shall be purchased from a licensed distributor or resident brewer, acting in the limited capacity of a distributor for its own products, that services the location where the festival, fair, or other event is occurring. All distributors and resident brewers in the area must be notified in writing by mail, facsimile or electronic mail of the event in advance and be presented with the opportunity to participate in the event. Licensed representatives of distributors, brewers, or resident brewers may attend the one-day event and discuss their products, but may not engage in the serving or selling of the nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer. A licensee licensed by this section may use bona fide employees or volunteers of the charitable entity to sell and serve nonintoxicating beer and nonintoxicating craft beer.

(2) A license issued under the provisions of this section and the licensee holding the license are subject to all other provisions of this article and the rules and orders of the commissioner relating to the special license: Provided, That the commissioner may by rule or order allow certain waivers or exceptions with respect to those provisions, rules, or orders as the circumstances of each event requires, including, without limitation, the right to revoke or suspend any license issued pursuant to this section prior to any notice or hearing notwithstanding the provisions of §11-16-24 of this code: Provided, however, That under no circumstances may the provisions §11-16-18(a)(1), §11-16-18(a)(2), or §11-16-18(a)(3) of this code, be waived or an exception granted with respect to those provisions.

§11-16-6c. Class B retail dealer which is a grocery store, mobile application, or web-based sales privilege permit; fee.

(a) A Class B retail dealer who is licensed to sell nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer and who operates a grocery store containing over $100,000 of fresh produce and saleable food and food products fit for human consumption in a combination of displayed and stored inventory may apply for a Class B license privilege granting the licensee the ability to complete the sale of such nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer in the original sealed container for off-premises consumption to a person purchasing the nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer from a vehicle:

(1) If the vehicle is parked in a licensed parking area which is contiguous to the Class B licensee’s licensed premises; or

(2) If the vehicle is parked in a licensed parking area which is within 500 feet of the Class B licensee.

(b) The parking area referenced in subsection (a) of this section shall be designated by signage solely for the use of persons who have previously ordered items including, but not limited to, nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer using a mobile application or web-based software program.

(c) No nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer may be loaded into a vehicle under this section unless the Class B licensee or such licensee’s staff have verified that both the person placing the order, and, if different from the person placing the order, the person picking up the order are 21 years of age or older and not noticeably intoxicated; and

(d) To operate under this section, a Class B retail dealer licensee must be in good standing with the commissioner, apply, qualify, pay the Class B license privilege fee and obtain the permit for the Class B licensee privilege for nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer sales at a designated parking area. The Class B license privilege permit nonrefundable and non-prorated annual fee is $250. For purposes of criminal enforcement of the provisions of this article, persons placing orders and picking up orders are deemed to be purchasers.

(e) The licensee shall be subject to all requirements, penalties and sanctions of this article.

§11-16-11c. Unlicensed brewer or unlicensed home brewer temporary license; fees; requirements.

(a) An unlicensed brewer or home brewer may obtain a temporary special license, upon meeting the requirements set forth in this section, to offer its nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer for sampling and sales at a fair and festival licensed under §11-16-11 and §11-16-11b of this code, when granted approval by the fair and festival licensee. The unlicensed brewer or home brewer is exempt from the requirements of registering the brand and using a distributor and a franchise agreement due to the limited nature of this temporary license.

(b) An unlicensed brewer or home brewer is subject to the limits, taxes, fees, requirements, restrictions, and penalties set forth in this article: Provided, That the commissioner may, by rule or order, provide for certain waivers or exceptions with respect to the provisions, laws, rules, or orders as required by the circumstances of each festival or fair. The commissioner may revoke or suspend any license issued pursuant to this section prior to any notice or hearing, notwithstanding the provisions §11-16-23 and §11-16-24 of this code: Provided, however, That under no circumstances shall the provisions of §11-16-8(a)(1), §11-16-8(a)(2), and §11-16-8(a)(3) of this code, be waived nor shall any exception be granted with respect to those provisions.

(c) A brewer or home brewer, regardless or of its designation in its domicile state, that is duly licensed and in good standing in its domicile state, but unlicensed in this state, or an unlicensed brewer or home brewer that is a resident of West Virginia, shall pay a $150 nonrefundable and non-prorated fee and submit an application for a temporary license on a one-day basis. The temporary special license allows the unlicensed brewer or home brewer to sell nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer to a licensed fair or festival for the sampling and sale of the nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer for on-premises consumption at the licensed fair or festival. The brewer or home brewer shall pay all taxes due and the appropriate markup on the nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer.

(2) The unlicensed brewer or home brewer temporary license application shall include, but is not limited to, the person or entity’s name, address, taxpayer identification number, and location; if the unlicensed brewer or home brewer is from out of state, a copy of its licensure in its domicile state; a signed and notarized verification that it produces 25,000 barrels or less of nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer per year; a signed and notarized verification that it is in good standing with its domicile state; copies of its federal certificate of label approvals and a certified lab alcohol analysis for the nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer it plans to sell to a fair or festival licensed under §11-16-11 and §11-16-11b of this code; and any other information required by the commissioner.

(3) The applicant shall include in its application a list of all nonintoxicating beers or nonintoxicating craft beers it proposes to provide, in sealed containers, to a licensed fair or festival for sampling or sale so that the commissioner may review them in the interest of public health and safety. Once approved, the submitted nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer list creates a temporary nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer brand registration for up to two days at any event licensed under §11-16-11 and §11-16-11b of this code, for no additional fee.

(4) An applicant that receives this temporary license for any event licensed under §11-16-11 and §11-16-11b of this code shall provide a signed and notarized agreement acknowledging that it is the applicant’s duty to pay all municipal, local, and sales taxes applicable to the sale of nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer in West Virginia.

(5) The unlicensed brewer or home brewer shall submit an application for each temporary special license sought for an event licensed under §11-16-11 and §11-16-11b of this code, at which the applicant proposes to provide nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer for sampling or sale. The license fee covers up to two separate one-day licenses for the event before an additional fee is required. Any applicant desiring to attend more than four events per year or otherwise operate in West Virginia shall seek appropriate licensure as a brewery or resident brewery in this state.

(6) Notwithstanding the provisions of this article and requirements for licensure, brand registration, franchise requirements, payment of beer barrel tax, and the appointment of a distributor franchise network, this temporary special license for an event licensed under §11-16-11 and §11-16-11b of this code, once granted, permits the licensee to operate in this limited capacity only at the approved specific, events licensed under §11-16-11 and §11-16-11b of this code, subject to the limitations noted in this section.

(7) The applicant shall also apply for and receive a nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer transportation permit in order to legally transport nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer in the state as required by §11-16-10(f) of this code: Provided, That the commissioner may not charge or collect an additional fee for a nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer transportation permit to an applicant seeking a temporary special license under this section.

(8) The licensee is subject to all applicable violations and/or penalties under this article and related legislative rules that are not otherwise excepted by this section: Provided, That the commissioner may by rule or order provide for certain waivers or exceptions with respect to the provisions of this code, rules, or orders required by the circumstances of each festival or fair. The commissioner may revoke or suspend any license issued pursuant to this section prior to any notice or hearing notwithstanding the provisions of §11-16-23 and §11-16-24 of this code: Provided, however, That under no circumstances shall the provisions of §11-16-8(a)(1), §11-16-8(a)(2), and §11-16-8(a)(3) of this code, be waived nor shall any exception be granted with respect to those provisions.

§11-16-6d. Nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer delivery license for a licensed Class A retail dealer or a third-party; requirements; limitations; third-party license fee; retail transportation permit; and requirements.

(a) A Class A retail dealer who is licensed to sell nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer may apply for a nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer delivery license permitting the order, sale, and delivery of nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer in a sealed original container of bottles or cans, and sealed growlers, when separately licensed for growler sales. The order, sale, and delivery of nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer is permitted for off-premises consumption when completed by the licensee or the licensee's employees to a person purchasing the nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer by telephone, a mobile ordering application, or a web-based software program, as authorized by the licensee's license. There is no additional fee for licensed Class A retail dealers to obtain a nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer delivery license. The order, sale, and delivery process shall meet the requirements of this section. The order, sale, and delivery process is subject to the penalties of this article.

(b) A third party, not licensed for nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer sales or distribution, may apply for a nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer delivery license for the privilege and convenience to offer ordering and delivery services of nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer in the sealed original container of bottles or cans, and sealed growlers, from a licensee with a growler license. The order, sale, and delivery of nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer is permitted for off-premises consumption when the Class A retail dealer sells to a person purchasing the nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer through telephone orders, a mobile ordering application, or a web-based software program. The annual nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer delivery license fee is $200 per third-party entity, with no limit on the number of drivers and vehicles. The delivery license fee under this subsection may not be prorated nor refunded.

(c) The nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer delivery license application shall comply with licensure requirements in §11-16-8 of this code, and shall require any information set forth in this article and as reasonably required by the commissioner.

(d) Sale Requirements. —

(1) The nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer purchase shall accompany the purchase of prepared food, or a meal and the completion of the sale may be accomplished by the delivery of the prepared food or meal and nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer by the Class A retail dealer or third-party licensee;

(2) Any person purchasing nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer shall be 21 years of age or older, may not be visibly or noticeably intoxicated at the time of delivery, and shall meet the requirements set forth in this article for the sale of nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer;

(3) "Prepared food or a meal" shall, for purposes of this article, mean food that has been cooked, grilled, fried, deep-fried, air-fried, smoked, boiled, broiled, twice baked, blanched, sautéed, or in any other manner freshly made and prepared, and does not include pre-packaged food from the manufacturer;

(4) A third-party delivery licensee may not have a pecuniary interest in a Class A retail dealer, as set forth in this article, therefore a third-party delivery licensee may only charge a convenience fee for the delivery of any nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer. The third-party licensee may not collect a percentage of the delivery order for the delivery of alcohol, but may continue to collect a percentage of the delivery order directly related to the prepared food or a meal. The convenience fee charged by the third-party delivery licensee to the person purchasing may not be greater than $20 per delivery order where nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer are ordered by the purchasing person. For any third-party licensee also licensed for wine growler delivery as set forth in §60-8-6c of this code, or craft cocktail growler delivery as set forth in §60-7-8f of this code, the total convenience fee of any order, sale, and delivery of a sealed growler, wine growler, or craft cocktail growler may not exceed $5.

(e) Delivery Requirements. —

(1) Delivery persons employed for the delivery of nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer shall be 21 years of age or older. The licensed Class A retail dealer and the third-party delivery licensee shall file each delivery person's name, driver's license, and vehicle information with the commissioner;

(2) A Class A retail dealer or third-party delivery licensee shall train delivery persons on verifying legal identification and in identifying the signs of intoxication and shall submit certification of the training to the commissioner;

(3) The Class A retail dealer or third-party delivery licensee shall hold a retail transportation permit for each delivery vehicle delivering sealed nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer pursuant to §11-16-6d(g) of this code: Provided, That a delivery driver may retain an electronic copy of his or her permit;

(4) A Class A retail dealer or third-party delivery licensee may only deliver prepared food or a meal, and sealed nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer orders in the county or contiguous counties where the Class A retail dealer is located;

(5) A Class A retail dealer or third-party delivery licensee may only deliver prepared food or a meal, and sealed nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer to addresses located in West Virginia. A Class A retail dealer or third-party delivery licensee shall pay and account for all sales and municipal taxes;

(6) A Class A retail dealer or third-party delivery licensee may not deliver prepared food or a meal, and nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer to any other Class A licensee;

(7) A Class A retail dealer or third-party delivery licensee may only deliver prepared food or a meal, and sealed nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer for personal use, and not for resale; and

(8) A Class A retail dealer or third-party delivery licensee may not deliver and leave prepared food or a meal, and sealed nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer at any address without verifying a person's age and identification as required by this section.

(f) Telephone, mobile ordering application, or web-based software requirements. —

(1) The delivery person may only permit the person who placed the order through a telephone, mobile ordering application, or web-based software to accept the prepared food or a meal, and nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer delivery which is subject to age verification upon delivery with the delivery person's visual review and age verification;

(2) Any mobile ordering application or web-based software used shall create a stored record and image of the purchasing person's legal identification and details of the sale, accessible by the delivery person for verification, and shall include the delivery driver's name and vehicle information and delivery shall be subject to legal identification verification;

(3) Any telephone ordering system shall maintain a log or record of the purchasing person's legal identification and details of the sale, accessible by the delivery person for verification, and shall include the delivery driver's name and vehicle information and delivery shall be subject to legal identification verification;

(4) All records are subject to inspection by the commissioner. A Class A retail dealer or third-party delivery licensee shall retain all records for three years, and may not unreasonably withhold the records from the commissioner's inspection; and

(5) Each vehicle delivering nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer shall be issued a retail transportation permit per §11-16-6d(g) of this code.

(g) Retail Transportation Permit. —

(1) A Class A retail dealer or third-party delivery licensee shall obtain and maintain a retail transportation permit for the delivery of prepared food and nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer.

(2) A Class A retail dealer or a third-party licensee shall apply for a permit and provide vehicle and driver information, as required by the commissioner. Upon any change in vehicles or drivers, the Class A retail dealer or third-party delivery licensee shall update the vehicle and driver information with the commissioner within 10 days of the change.

(h) Enforcement. —

(1) A Class A retail dealer or third-party delivery licensee is responsible for any violations committed by their employees or independent contractors under this article, and more than one violation may be issued for a single violation involving multiple Class A retail dealers or licensees, employees, or independent contractors.

(2) A license or permit granted by this section is subject to the penalties of probation, monetary fines, suspension, and revocation, as set forth in this article, for violations committed by the Class A retail dealer or third-party delivery licensee, its employees, or independent contractors.

(3) It is a violation for any licensee, its employees, or independent contractors to break the seal of a growler subject to the maximum penalties available in this article.

(4) For purposes of criminal enforcement of the provisions of this article, persons ordering, purchasing, or accepting delivery of orders are considered to be purchasers.

§11-16-6e. License required for sale and shipment of nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer by a brewer or resident brewer; shipment of limited quantities of nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer; requirements; license fee; and penalties.

(a) Authorization. — Notwithstanding the provisions of this article or any other law to the contrary, any person that is currently licensed and in good standing in its domicile state as a brewer, resident brewer, other nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer manufacturer, and who also obtains a nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer direct shipper’s license from the commissioner, as provided in this article, may sell and ship nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer brewed by the brewer, resident brewer, other nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer manufacturer by mail to a purchasing person who is 21 years of age or older, for personal use, and not for resale. A nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer direct shipper may ship nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer by mail to a purchasing person who is 21 years of age or older who purchases nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer, subject to the requirements of this article, in and throughout West Virginia. A nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer direct shipper may sell and ship nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer out of this state by mail to a purchasing person who is 21 years of age or older subject to the recipient state’s or country’s requirements, laws, and international laws.

(b) License requirements. — Before sending any shipment of nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer to a purchasing person who is 21 years of age or older, the nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer direct shipper must first:

(1) File a license application with the commissioner with the appropriate background check information, using forms required by the commissioner. Criminal background checks will not be required of applicants licensed in their state of domicile who can provide a certificate of good standing from their state of domicile;

(2) Pay to the commissioner the $250 non-prorated and nonrefundable annual license fee to ship and sell only nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer;

(3) Obtain a business registration number from the Tax Commissioner;

(4) Register with the office of the Secretary of State;

(5) Provide the commissioner a true copy of its current active license issued in the state of domicile, proving that the nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer direct shipper is licensed in its state of domicile as a brewer, resident brewer, or other nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer manufacturer;

(6) Obtain from the commissioner a nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer direct shipper’s license;

(7) Submit to the commissioner a list of all brands and labels of nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer to be shipped to West Virginia and attest that all nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer brands and labels are manufactured by the brewer, resident brewer or other nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer manufacturer seeking licensure and are not counterfeit or adulterated nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer;

(8) Attest that the brewer, resident, brewer or other nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer manufacturer brews less than 25,000 barrels of beer per calendar year and provide documentary evidence along with the attestation.

(9) Meet all other licensing requirements of this chapter and provide any other information that the commissioner may reasonably require.

(c) Shipping Requirements. — All nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer direct shipper licensees shall:

(1) Not ship more than a maximum of two, 24 bottle or can, cases of nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer based on a 12-fluid ounce bottle or can, however no combination of bottles or cans may exceed a total for the two cases of 576 fluid ounces of nonintoxicating beer   residing in West Virginia, for such person’s personal use and consumption, and not for resale.

(2) Not ship to any licensed brewers, resident brewers, retailers, retail liquor outlets, any type of private club, private caterers, private wine restaurants, private wine spas, private wine bed and breakfasts, wine retailers, wine specialty shops, taverns, or other licensees licensed under this article or chapter 60 of this code;

(3) Ensure that all containers of nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer shipped directly to a purchasing person who is 21 years of age or older are clearly and conspicuously labeled with the words “CONTAINS ALCOHOL: SIGNATURE OF PERSON 21 OR OLDER REQUIRED FOR DELIVERY”;

(4) Not ship nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer that has not been registered with the commissioner, register and pay any registration fees, and prove by documentation that the direct shipper has the rights from the manufacturer to ship the nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer;

(6) Not ship or deliver to:

(A) Any person under the age of 21;

(B) To an intoxicated person; or

(C) To a person physically incapacitated due to the consumption of nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer, wine, or liquor, or the use of drugs;

(7) Obtain a written or electronic signature upon delivery to a person who the nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer direct shipper’s carrier verifies in-person is at least 21 years of age or older, and if the carrier is not able to verify the age of the person and obtain that person’s signature, then the carrier may not complete the delivery of the nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer shipment;

(8) Utilize a licensed and bonded shipping carrier who has obtained a transportation permit as specified in §60-6-12 of the code;

(9) First deliver any nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer shipment being shipped in and throughout West Virginia to the nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer brand’s nearest appointed distributor who has the nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer brand’s franchise territory located in the purchasing person’s county of residence in West Virginia: Provided, That, if no distributor has been appointed for the nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer brand, then the brewer of the brand shall appoint a franchise distributor in the franchise territory where the purchasing person of the nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer resides;

(10) Have the appointed distributor complete any nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer shipment order with an in-person pickup, at the location of appointed distributor’s distributorship, to the purchasing person subject to age and identity verification by the appointed distributor; Provided, That, the appointed distributor is not a retailer, and therefore cannot charge an additional fee for the in-person pickup for the nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer shipment as this would be considered a part of the service provided under the appointed distributor’s franchise agreement.

(d) Payment of Fees and Taxes.

(1) Any nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer direct shipper licensee must meet the markup requirements for retail sales set forth in §47-11A-6 of the code.

(2) Further, the nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer direct shipper licensee shall collect and remit all beer barrel tax, state sales tax, and local sales tax on the sale of nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer to the Tax Commissioner at the close of each month and file a monthly return, on a form provided by the Tax Commissioner, reflecting the taxes paid for all sales and shipments to persons residing in West Virginia. No nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer direct shipper shall pay any beer barrel or sales tax more than once.

(3) File monthly returns to the commissioner showing the total of nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer, by type, brand, sold, and shipped into West Virginia for the preceding month;

(4) Permit the Tax Commissioner or commissioner or their designees to perform an audit of the nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer direct shipper’s records upon request;

(5) The payment of fees to the commissioner and taxes to the Tax Commissioner may be in addition to fees and taxes levied by the nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer direct shipper’s domicile state.

(6) No nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer direct shipper will be required to pay any fees to the commissioner or taxes to the Tax Commissioner more than once.

(e) Jurisdiction. — By obtaining a nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer direct shipper licensee the licensee shall be considered to have agreed and consented to the jurisdiction of the commissioner, which is Charleston, West Virginia and the Kanawha County circuit court, concerning enforcement of this chapter and any other related laws or rules.

(f) Records and reports. —

(1) Licensed nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer direct shippers must maintain accurate records of all shipments sent to West Virginia.

(2) Provide proof or records to the commissioner, upon request, that all direct shipments of liquor were purchased and delivered to a purchasing person who is 21 years of age or older.

(g) The nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer direct shipper may annually renew its license with the commissioner by application, paying the nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer direct shipper license fee and providing the commissioner with a true copy of a current brewer, resident brewer, or other nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer manufacturer’s license from the nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer direct shipper’s domicile state.

(h) The commissioner may promulgate rules to effectuate the purposes of this law.

(i) Penalties.

(1) The commissioner may enforce the requirements of this chapter by administrative proceedings as set forth in §11-16-23 and §11-16-24 of this code to suspend or revoke a nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer direct shipper’s license, and the commissioner may accept payment of a penalties as set forth in §11-16-23 and §11-16-24 of this code or an offer in compromise in lieu of suspension, at the commissioner’s discretion. Hearings and appeals on such notices may be had in the same manner as in the case of revocations of licenses set forth in §11-16-23 and §11-16-24a of this code.

(2) If any licensee violates the provisions of this article, the commissioner may determine to suspend the privileges of the brewer, resident brewer, or other nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer manufacturer to sell, ship, or deliver nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer to a purchasing person who is 21 years of age or older or to the commissioner, or otherwise engage in the liquor business in this state for a period of one year from the date a notice is mailed to such person by the commissioner of the fact that such person has violated the provisions of this article. During such one-year period, it shall be unlawful for any person within this state to knowingly buy or receive nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer from such licensee or to have any dealings with such licensee with respect thereto.

(k) Criminal Penalties. — A shipment of nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer directly to citizens in West Virginia from persons who do not possess a valid nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer direct shipper’s license is prohibited. Any person who knowingly makes, participates in, transports, imports, or receives such an unlicensed and unauthorized direct shipment of nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer is guilty of a felony and, shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined in an amount not to exceed $10,000 per violation. Without limitation on any punishment or remedy, criminal or civil, any person who knowingly makes, participates in, transports, imports, or receives such a direct shipment constitutes an act that is an unfair trade practice.

§11-16-6f. Nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer delivery license for a licensed Class B retail dealer or a third-party; requirements; limitations; third-party license fee; retail transportation permit; and requirements.

(a) A Class B retail dealer who is licensed to sell nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer may apply for a nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer delivery license permitting the order, sale, and delivery of nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer in a sealed original container of bottles or cans, and sealed growlers, when separately licensed for growler sales. The order, sale, and delivery of nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer is permitted for off-premises consumption when completed by the licensee or the licensee's employees to a person purchasing the nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer by a telephone, a mobile ordering application, or web-based software program, as authorized by the licensee's license. There is no additional fee for licensed Class B retail dealers to obtain a nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer delivery license. The order, sale, and delivery process shall meet the requirements of this section. The order, sale, and delivery process is subject to the penalties of this article.

(b) A third party, not licensed for nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer sales or distribution, may apply for a nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer delivery license for the privilege and convenience to offer ordering and delivery services of nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer in the sealed original container of bottles or cans, and sealed growlers, from a licensee with a growler license. The order, sale, and delivery of nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer is permitted for off-premises consumption when the Class B retail dealer sells to a person purchasing the nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer through a telephone order, a mobile ordering application, or web-based software program. The nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer delivery annual license fee is $200 per third-party licensee, with no limit on the number of drivers and vehicles. The delivery license fee under this subsection may not be prorated nor refunded.

(c) The nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer delivery license application shall comply with licensure requirements in §11-16-8 of this code and shall require any information set forth in this article and as reasonably required by the commissioner.

(d) Sale Requirements. —

(1) The nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer purchase shall accompany the purchase of food and the completion of the sale may be accomplished by the delivery of food and nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer by the licensee or third-party licensee;

(2) Any person purchasing nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer shall be 21 years of age or older, may not be visibly or noticeably intoxicated at the time of delivery, and meet the requirements set forth in this article for the sale of nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer;

(3) Food, for purposes of this section, means food that has been cooked, microwaved, or that is pre-packaged food from the manufacturer; and

(4) A third-party delivery licensee may not have a pecuniary interest in a Class B retail dealer, as set forth in this article. A third-party delivery licensee may only charge a convenience fee for the delivery of any nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer. The third-party licensee may not collect a percentage of the delivery order for the delivery of nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer, but may continue to collect a percentage of the delivery order directly related to food. The convenience fee charged by the third-party delivery licensee to the purchasing person may not be greater than $20 per delivery order. For any third-party licensee also licensed for wine delivery, as set forth in §60-8-6f of this code, the total convenience fee for any order, sale, and delivery of sealed wine may not exceed $20.

(e) Delivery Requirements. —

(1) Delivery persons employed for the delivery of nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer shall be 21 years of age or older. A Class B retail dealer and a third-party licensee shall file each delivery person's name, driver's license, and vehicle information with the commissioner;

(2) A Class B retail dealer and a third-party licensee shall train delivery persons on verifying legal identification and in identifying the signs of intoxication and submit the certification of the training to the commissioner;

(3) The Class B retail dealer or third-party delivery licensee shall hold a retail transportation permit for each delivery vehicle delivering sealed nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer pursuant to §11-16-6f(g) of this code: Provided, That a delivery driver may retain an electronic copy of his or her permit as proof of the licensure;

(4) A Class B retail dealer and a third-party licensee may deliver food and sealed nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer orders in the county where the Class B retail dealer is located;

(5) A Class B retail dealer and a third-party licensee may only deliver food and sealed nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer to addresses located in West Virginia. A Class B retail dealer and a third-party licensee shall pay and account for all sales and municipal taxes;

(6) A Class B retail dealer and a third-party licensee may not deliver food and nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer to any other Class B licensee;

(7) Deliveries of food and sealed nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer are only for personal use, and not for resale; and

(8) A Class B retail dealer and a third-party licensee shall not deliver and leave food and sealed nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer at any address without verifying a person's age and identification as required by this section.

(f) Telephone, mobile ordering application, or web-based software requirements. —

(1) The delivery person may only permit the person who placed the order through a telephone, mobile ordering application, or web-based software to accept the food and nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer delivery. The delivery is subject to age verification upon delivery with the delivery person's visual review and age verification;

(2) Any mobile ordering application or web-based software used must create a stored record and image of the purchasing person's legal identification and details of the sale, accessible by the delivery person for verification, and shall include the delivery driver's name and vehicle information and delivery shall be subject to legal identification verification;

(3) Any telephone ordering system shall maintain a log or record of the purchasing person's legal identification and details of the sale, accessible by the delivery person for verification, and shall include the delivery driver's name and vehicle information and delivery shall be subject to legal identification verification;

(4) All records are subject to inspection by the commissioner. A Class B retail dealer and a third-party licensee shall retain all records for three years, and may not unreasonably withhold the records from the commissioner's inspection; and

(5) Each vehicle delivering nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer shall be issued a retail transportation permit in accordance with §11-16-6f(g) of this code.

(g) Retail Transportation Permit. —

(1) A Class B retail dealer and a third-party licensee shall obtain and maintain a retail transportation permit for the delivery of food and nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer.

(2) A Class B retail dealer or a third-party licensee shall apply for a permit and provide vehicle and driver information, required by the commissioner. Upon any change in vehicles or drivers, Class B retail dealer and a third-party licensee shall update the vehicle and driver information with the commissioner within 10 days of the change.  

(h) Enforcement. —

(1) The Class B retail dealer and a third-party licensee are responsible for any violations committed by their employees or independent contractors under this article, and more than one violation may be issued for a single violation involving multiple Class B retail dealers or third-party licensees, employees, or independent contractors.

(2) A license or permit granted by this section is subject to the penalties of probation, monetary fines, suspension, and revocation, as set forth in this article, for violations committed by the Class B retail dealer or third-party licensee, their employees, or independent contractors.

(3) It is a violation for any Class B retail dealer or third-party licensee, their employees, or independent contractors to break the seal of a growler subject to the maximum penalties available in this article.

(4) For purposes of criminal enforcement of the provisions of this article, persons ordering, purchasing, or accepting delivery of orders are considered to be purchasers.

§11-16-5a. Off-premises sales not required to be bagged.

A licensee who is licensed for off-premises sales of nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer is not required to place nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer, in a bag.