Email WV Code

Email: Chapter 16B, Article 12


§16B-12-1. Reporting.

(a) The Office of the Inspector General shall send to county prosecutors any findings that may be subject to criminal prosecution in cases of abuse and neglect with Intellectual/Developmental Disability (IDD). The Office of the Inspector General shall send to the Protection and Advocacy (P&A) the findings of any cases involving instances of substantiated abuse or neglect involving a person with a developmental disability.

(b) An annual report shall be submitted to the Legislative Oversight Commission on Health and Human Resources Accountability including:

(1) All instances where abuse and neglect cases involving IDD at any location has been substantiated by the Office of the Inspector General.

(2) The county or region where the substantiated abuse or neglect occurred;

(3) The descriptive category of the abuse and neglect;

(4) The type of setting where the abuse and neglect occurred;

(5) Whether the abuse and neglect information was turned over to the county prosecutor and law enforcement;

(6) The name of the provider, if the provider is involved, who is charged with the care of the individual; and

(7) The age range and gender of the individual.

(c) In instances where abuse and/or neglect leads to the death of an individual, the department shall send a letter, within 30 days after the findings where substantiated, to the Senate President, the Speaker of the House, and the chairs of LOCHHRA outlining the information above about the case.

§16B-12-2. Independent Mental Health Ombudsman.

(a) (1) The Office of the Inspector General shall continue an independent mental health ombudsman;

(2) The duties of the mental health ombudsman shall include, but are not limited to, the following:

(A) Advocating for the well-being, treatment, safety, and rights of consumers of mental health care facilities or psychiatric hospital;

(B) Participating in any procedure to investigate, and resolve complaints filed on behalf of a consumer of a mental health care facility or psychiatric hospital, relating to action, inaction, or decisions of providers of mental and behavioral health, of public agencies, or social service agencies, which may adversely affect the health, safety, welfare, and rights of a consumer of a mental health care facility or psychiatric hospital; and

(C) Monitoring the development and implementation of federal, state, and local legislation, regulations, and policies with respect to mental and behavioral health care and services;

(3) The mental health ombudsman shall participate in ongoing training programs related to his or her duties or responsibilities;

(4)(A) Information relating to any investigation of a complaint that contains the identity of the complainant or consumer shall remain confidential except:

(i) Where imminent risk of serious harm is communicated directly to the mental health ombudsman or his or her staff; or

(ii) Where disclosure is necessary to the Office of Health Facility Licensure and Certification in order for such office to determine the appropriateness of initiating an investigation to determine facility compliance with applicable rules of licensure, certification, or both;

(B) The mental health ombudsman shall maintain confidentiality with respect to all matters including the identities of complainants, witnesses, or others from whom information is acquired, except insofar as disclosures may be necessary to enable the mental health care ombudsman to carry out duties of the office or to support recommendations;

(C) All information, records, and reports received by or developed by the mental health ombudsman program which relate to a consumer of a mental health care facility or psychiatric hospital, including written material identifying a consumer are confidential, and are not subject to the provisions of §29-1-1, et seq. of this code, and may not be disclosed or released by the mental health ombudsman program, except under the circumstances enumerated in this section;

(D) Nothing in this section prohibits the preparation and submission by the mental health ombudsman of statistical data and reports, as required to implement the provisions of this section or any applicable federal law, exclusive of any material that identifies any consumer or complainant; and

(E) The Inspector General shall have access to the records and files of the mental health ombudsman program to verify its effectiveness and quality.

§16B-12-3. Annual capitation rate review.

(a) The Bureau for Medical Services shall conduct an annual study reviewing the adequacy and appropriateness of the reimbursement rates to providers in the IDDW Program. The bureau shall also include a recommendation for any adjustment deemed appropriate, including, but not limited to, annual inflationary costs, costs arising from amendments to existing contracts, costs relating to recruiting and retaining personnel, and any other costs necessitating additional payments to IDDW providers. The bureau may require, and contracted providers shall provide financial data to the bureau to assist in the study. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing in conducting this study, the bureau shall review and compare equivalent programs both in and out of state in order to determine appropriate rates.

(b) Upon completion of the study, Bureau for Medical Services shall provide the report to the Joint Committee on Finance beginning July 1, 2024, and annually thereafter, on its findings, conclusions, and recommendations, together with drafts of any legislation necessary to effectuate its recommendations.