Email WV Code

Email: Chapter 16B, Article 5, Section 3

§16B-5-3. Powers, duties, and rights of Inspector General.

In the administration of this article, the Inspector General has the following powers, duties, and rights:

(a) To enforce rules and standards for assisted living residences which are adopted, promulgated, amended, or modified by the Inspector General;

(b) To exercise as sole authority all powers relating to the issuance, suspension, and revocation of licenses of assisted living residences;

(c) To enforce rules adopted, promulgated, amended, or modified by the Inspector General governing the qualification of applicants for assisted living residences, including, but not limited to, educational requirements, financial requirements, personal, and ethical requirements;

(d) To receive and disburse federal funds and to take whatever action not contrary to law as may be proper and necessary to comply with the requirements and conditions for the receipt of federal funds;

(e) To receive and disburse for authorized purposes any moneys appropriated for the division by the Legislature;

(f) To receive and disburse for purposes authorized by this article, any funds that may come to the division by gift, grant, donation, bequest, or devise, according to the terms thereof, as well as funds derived from the division’s operation or otherwise;

(g) To make contracts and to execute all instruments necessary or convenient in carrying out the director’s functions and duties; and all such contracts, agreements, and instruments will be executed by the Inspector General;

(h) To appoint officers, agents, employees, and other personnel and fix their compensation;

(i) To offer and sponsor educational and training programs for assisted living residences’ administrative, management, and operational personnel;

(j) To undertake survey, research and planning projects, and programs relating to administration and operation of assisted living residences and to the health, care, treatment, and service in general of residents of assisted living residences;

(k) To assess civil penalties for violations of assisted living residence standards in accordance with §16B-5-10 of this code;

(l) To inspect any assisted living residence and any records maintained therein subject to the provisions of §16B-5-9 and §16B-5-10 of this code;

(m) To establish and implement procedures, including informal conferences, investigations and hearings, subject to applicable provisions of §29A-3-1 et seq. of this code, and to enforce compliance with the provisions of this article and with rules issued hereunder by the Inspector General;

(n) To subpoena witnesses and documents, administer oaths and affirmations, and to examine witnesses under oath for the conduct of any investigation or hearing. Upon failure of a person without lawful excuse to obey a subpoena to give testimony, and upon reasonable notice to all persons affected thereby, the director may apply to the circuit court of the county in which the hearing is to be held or to the Circuit Court of Kanawha County for an order compelling compliance;

(o) To make complaint or cause proceedings to be instituted against any person for the violation of the provisions of this article or of rules issued hereunder by the Inspector General. Such action may be taken by the Inspector General without the sanction of the prosecuting attorney of the county in which proceedings are instituted if the prosecuting attorney fails or refuses to discharge his or her duty. The Circuit Court of Kanawha County or the circuit court of the county in which the conduct has occurred shall have jurisdiction in all civil enforcement actions brought under this article and may order equitable relief without bond. In no such case may the Inspector General or any person acting under the Inspector General’s direction be required to give security for costs;

(p) To delegate authority to the Inspector General's employees and agents to perform all functions of the Inspector General; and

(q) To make available to the Governor, the Legislature, and the public at all times online access through the Office of Health Facility Licensure and Certification website the following information. The online information will describe the assisted living residence licensing and investigatory activities of the division. The online information will include a list of all assisted living residences in the state and such of the following information as the director determines to apply: Whether the assisted living residences are proprietary or nonproprietary; the classification of each assisted living residence; the name of the administrator or administrators; the total number of beds; license type; license number; license expiration date; health investigations information and reports; life safety investigations information and reports; and whether or not those assisted living residences listed accept Medicare and Medicaid residents.

(r) The Inspector General designates the director of the Office of Health Facility Licensure and Certification to enforce the provisions of this article, except there otherwise stated.