Email WV Code

Email: Chapter 17


§17-1-1. Rules of construction generally.

Whenever in this chapter, or in any rule or regulation authorized by it, any of the words, terms or phrases defined in this article are used, they shall be taken and construed to have the meaning, application and effect ascribed to them in this article, unless otherwise specified or clearly intended.

§17-1-2. "Commission"; "road commission"; "state road commission."

The words and terms "commission," "road commission" or "state road commission," when used in this chapter, shall refer to and mean the West Virginia commissioner of highways, created by section one, article two-a of this chapter. Whenever reference is made to the "commission," "road commission" or "state road commission," the power or duty prescribed shall apply to the West Virginia commissioner of highways, unless the context clearly requires a different meaning.

§17-1-3. "Road"; "public road"; "highway".

The words or terms "road", "public road" or "highway" shall be deemed to include, but shall not be limited to, the right-of-way, roadbed and all necessary culverts, sluices, drains, ditches, waterways, embankments, slopes, retaining walls, bridges, tunnels and viaducts necessary for the maintenance of travel, dispatch of freight and communication between individuals and communities; and such public road or highway shall be taken to include any road to which the public has access and which it is not denied the right to use, or any road or way leading from any other public road over the land of another person, and which shall have been established pursuant to law. Any road shall be conclusively presumed to have been established when it has been used by the public for a period of ten years or more, and public moneys or labor have been expended thereon, whether there be any record of its conveyance, dedication or appropriation to public use or not. In the absence of any other mark or record, the center of the traveled way shall be taken as the center of the road and the right-of-way shall be designated therefrom an equal distance on each side, but a road may be constructed on any part of the located right-of-way when it is deemed advisable so to do.

The Legislature notes that there are public highways that run over the surface of this land, over and through the navigable streams, rivers and waterways on this earth and above the surface of this earth in the form of highways in the sky, commonly known as airways. The Legislature finds that each of these types of public highways are essential to the development of this state and that the health and safety of each of the citizens of this state are affected daily by the availability of each of these three types of public highways, and that it is the best interests of the people of this state that each of these be recognized and included within the meaning of public highways. The Legislature further recognizes that airports are an important and integral part of the public highways existing above the surface of this state, and that airports are necessary to access such highways, and therefore airports, including runways, taxiways, parking ramps, access roads and air traffic control facilities located at airports, are hereby declared to be part of the public highway system of this state.

The Legislature finds that a courtesy patrol program providing assistance to motorists on the state's highways is one of a most beneficial public safety service to residents of the state using public highways and serves as a showing of the state's hospitality and good will to tourists visiting the state. For that reason, on July 1, 2015:

(1) The administration of the courtesy patrol program shall be transferred to the Division of Highways and expenditures made by the division to fund the courtesy patrol program providing assistance to motorists on the state's highways shall be made pursuant to appropriation of the Legislature from the State Road Fund or as otherwise provided by law; and

(2) The administration of the special revenue account in the State Treasury known as the Courtesy Patrol Fund shall be transferred to the Division of Highways: Provided, That any balances remaining in the Courtesy Patrol Fund at the end of fiscal year 2015 shall be transferred and deposited into the Tourism Promotion Fund. After the June 30, 2015, expenditures from the Courtesy Patrol Fund shall be used solely to fund the courtesy patrol program providing assistance to motorists on the state's highways. Amounts collected in the Courtesy Patrol Fund which are found, from time to time, to exceed funds needed for the purposes set forth in this subdivision may be transferred to other accounts or funds and redesignated for other purposes by appropriation of the Legislature. Moneys paid into the fund may be derived from the following sources:

(A) Any gifts, grants, bequests, transfers, appropriations or other donations which may be received from any governmental entity or unit or any person, firm, foundation, corporation or other private entity;

(B) Any appropriations by the Legislature which may be made for the purposes of this section; and

(C) All interest or other return accruing to the fund.

Any moneys remaining in the fund at the end of a fiscal year shall remain in the fund and be available for expenditure during the ensuing fiscal year.

§17-1-4. "Vehicle."

"Vehicle" shall mean and include any mechanical device for the conveyance, drawing or other transportation of persons or property upon the public roads and highways, whether operated on wheels or runners or by other means, except those propelled or drawn by human power or those used exclusively upon tracks.



Acts, 1951 Reg. Sess., Ch. 129.



Acts, 1951 Reg. Sess., Ch. 129.



Acts, 1951 Reg. Sess., Ch. 129.



Acts, 1951 Reg. Sess., Ch. 129.



Acts, 1951 Reg. Sess., Ch. 129.



Acts, 1951 Reg. Sess., Ch. 129.



Acts, 1951 Reg. Sess., Ch. 129.



Acts, 1951 Reg. Sess., Ch. 129.



Acts, 1951 Reg. Sess., Ch. 129.



Acts, 1951 Reg. Sess., Ch. 129.



Acts, 1951 Reg. Sess., Ch. 129.



Acts, 1951 Reg. Sess., Ch. 129.



Acts, 1951 Reg. Sess., Ch. 129.


"State" shall mean the State of West Virginia, unless by the context some other state or territory or federal district of the United States is meant or intended.

§17-1-19."Political subdivision."

"Political subdivision" shall mean and include any county, city, town, or other similar governmental unit of the state.

§17-1-20."Local authorities."

"Local authorities" shall mean and include representatives of political subdivisions of the state, duly elected or appointed to administer the laws and ordinances of the state.

§17-1-21."Open country highway."

"Open country highway" shall mean a highway, or portion thereof, greater than one fourth of a mile in length, along either side of which the buildings average more than three hundred feet apart.

§17-1-22."Urban street."

"Urban street" shall mean a public street, road or highway, or portion thereof, other than an open country highway or suburban street.

§17-1-23."Suburban street."

A "suburban street" shall mean a public street, road or highway, or portion thereof, not less than one fourth of a mile in length, on either side of which the buildings average less than three hundred feet, but more than fifty feet, apart.

§17-1-24. "Stand."

"Stand" shall mean a fixed place of business in charge of a person and maintained by a person, firm or corporation operating motor vehicles for hire, where motor vehicles shall be parked when not out on calls.



Acts, 1951 Reg. Sess., Ch. 129.



Acts, 1967 Reg. Sess., Ch. 168.



Acts, 1967 Reg. Sess., Ch. 168.

§17-1-28. State and public roads.

"State road" shall mean and include all roads classified and prescribed as either "expressway," "trunkline," "feeder," or "state local service" roads. "Public roads" shall mean all other roads and bridges under the control of the county court or the governing body of a municipality.



Acts, 1951 Reg. Sess., Ch. 129.



Acts, 1951 Reg. Sess., Ch. 129.


§17-2-1. Definitions.

(a) As used in this article, unless the context clearly requires a different meaning:

(1) “Administrator” means any person who fills a statutorily created position in an agency within the Department of Transportation and who is designated by statute as commissioner, executive director, or other administrative title, however designated;

(2) “Agency” means any division, authority, board, commission, or other entity of state government, however designated, transferred to and incorporated in and administered as part of the Department of Transportation and includes agencies incorporated in the department pursuant to this code, including, but not limited to, §5F-2-1 of this code;

(3) “Code” means the Code of West Virginia, 1931, as amended by the Legislature;

(4) “Department of Transportation” and “department” means the executive department created pursuant to Chapter 5F of this code as the Department of Transportation; and

(5) “Secretary” and “Secretary of Transportation” means the Secretary of the Department of Transportation, who is appointed by the Governor with advice and consent of the Senate pursuant to §5F-1-2 of this code.

(b) All words defined shall be construed to include both the plural and the singular.


§17-2A-1. Duties of state road commissioner transferred to Division of Highways; department to act through commissioner of highways; office of commissioner of highways created; appointment, etc.

The office of state road commissioner heretofore existing is hereby continued in all respects as heretofore constituted, but is hereby designated as the West Virginia Division of Highways. All duties and responsibilities heretofore imposed upon the state road commissioner and the powers exercised by him are hereby transferred to the West Virginia Division of Highways and such duties and responsibilities shall be performed by said division and the powers may be exercised thereby through the West Virginia commissioner of highways who shall be the chief executive officer of the division.

There is hereby continued the office of West Virginia commissioner of highways who shall be appointed by the Governor, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, subject to the provisions of section two-a, article seven, chapter six of this code.



Acts, 2010 Reg. Sess., Ch. 32.

§17-2A-2. Qualifications; office requirements; devotion of full time to duties; supervisory authority; oath; bond.

The commissioner shall be a person who is experienced in highway planning, finance, construction, maintenance, management and supervision qualifying him or her for the duties of his or her office; shall devote his or her full time and attention to his or her official duties and responsibilities; shall be a resident of West Virginia; shall maintain his or her office headquarters at the state capital; shall be the chief executive officer of the commission and, subject to other provisions of law, shall have direct and full control, management and supervision of the entire state road program and system; and shall, prior to assumption of the duties of his or her office, take and subscribe to the oath prescribed by the Constitution and execute a bond, with surety approved by the commission, in the penal sum of $25,000, which executed oath and bond shall be filed with the Secretary of State. Premiums on the commissioner’s bond shall be paid from commission funds.

§17-2A-3. Salary and expenses.

The commissioner shall receive an annual salary as provided in section two-a, article seven, chapter six of this code. He or she shall be allowed and paid necessary traveling expenses incident to the performance of his or her duties. Statements covering such expenses shall be itemized and verified by the commissioner.

§17-2A-4. Selection, organization, classification, etc., of personnel; business manager and chief engineer assistants; employees' bonds.

The commissioner shall be in charge of and responsible for the selection, employment and effective organization of all commission personnel for the entire state road and highway program. He may establish such divisions, sections and other functional and organizational units within the commission as may be necessary and practical in the full and effective discharge of the duties and responsibilities of his office. Except as otherwise provided by law, all commission personnel shall be classified pursuant to the job classification system and shall be paid pursuant to the salary scale established by the commissioner.

The commissioner shall select and employ a business manager assistant and one or more chief engineer assistants who shall be registered professional engineers, and shall establish such other offices, activities, divisions, sections and organizational units as may be necessary and practical. The business manager assistant shall be in charge of and responsible for matters of finance and such other functions as may be assigned to him from time to time by the commissioner. The chief engineer assistant or, if the commissioner has selected and employed more than one chief engineer assistant, the chief engineer assistants shall be in charge of and responsible for planning, equipment, materials, construction, maintenance, and such other functions as may be designated by the commissioner as well as such other functions as may from time to time be assigned to such chief engineer assistant or assistants by the commissioner.

The commissioner shall require every employee who collects fees or handles funds or who has custody or control of equipment or supplies belonging to the state to give bond, with such sureties and in such penal sum as may be approved by the commissioner, for the faithful discharge of each such employee's duties and his accounting for all such fees, funds, equipment and supplies coming into his hands or under his custody or control. All such bonds, when approved by the commissioner, shall be filed in the office of the Secretary of State. Premiums on all such bonds shall be paid from commission funds.

§17-2A-4a. Payment of reasonable traveling expenses of prospective employees and moving expenses of new and transferred employees.

In addition to the other powers given and assigned to him in this chapter, the commissioner may authorize the payment of:

(1) The reasonable traveling expenses incurred by any person he requests to visit his office to be interviewed concerning the possible employment of such person by the state road commission;

(2) All or part of the reasonable expense incurred by a person newly employed by the commission in moving his household furniture, effects and immediate family to his place of employment;

(3) All or part of the reasonable expense incurred by a technical or supervisory employee of the commission, but excluding all employees at the county level, in moving his household furniture, effects and immediate family as a result of a reassignment of the employee which is considered desirable, advantageous to and in the best interests of the state: Provided, That no part of the moving expenses of any one such employee shall be paid more frequently than once in twelve months.

The expenditures for such payments shall be made from the state road fund, and shall be a cost of administration of said commission.

§17-2A-4b. Scholarships for training highway personnel; other training programs; notes for money advanced; payment or cancellation of notes.

The Legislature hereby declares that there is a wide and continuing need for trained personnel in the Division of Highways of this state and that the scholarships herein provided will aid the Division of Highways in attracting and holding competent employees.

The commissioner of highways is empowered to enter into contracts for training programs with state colleges, universities and other training sources and to award scholarships to competent persons, whether presently employed by the Division of Highways or not, for the purpose of enabling and encouraging such persons to attend a college or university to pursue the course of study as may be approved by the commissioner of highways, but the number of persons holding such scholarships at any one time shall not exceed fifteen. Each scholarship shall carry a stipend in an amount fixed by the commissioner of highways not in excess of $12,000 in the aggregate. The necessary expenditures for the scholarships shall be made from the funds available to the Division of Highways. The recipient of a scholarship shall execute notes and shall deliver said notes to the commissioner of highways. Each note shall be in the amount of the sum received from the state road fund and shall be payable on demand to the Division of Highways. The commissioner of highways shall hold said notes and if, for any reason, except death or physical or mental disability, or being drafted into the armed services, the recipient of a scholarship fails successfully to complete the course of study for which the scholarship was granted or if after the completion of the prescribed course of study does not continue or become an employee of the Division of Highways, or ceases to be an employee before all the notes have been paid or canceled, the commissioner of highways shall make demand for payment of all of the unpaid and uncanceled notes and shall promptly enforce collection thereon and shall deposit the sums so collected thereon in the state road fund. The commissioner of highways is authorized to credit the oldest outstanding notes in the sum of $1,500 every six months that the recipient of the scholarship is employed by the Division of Highways after completing the course of study for which the scholarship was granted. The commissioner of highways shall have the power and authority to make all necessary rules to carry this section into effect.

§17-2A-5. Disqualifications of commissioner and personnel; vacation of position.

No person, while in the employ of or holding any official relation to any person, firm or corporation selling or furnishing materials entering into the construction, reconstruction, repair or maintenance of any state roads or highways, or any part thereof, or who is pecuniarily interested therein as a stockholder or otherwise, shall be appointed commissioner or be otherwise employed in any capacity or employment by the commission or commissioner. Any such interest in or connection with any such person, firm or corporation, acquired by the commissioner or any such employee of the commission or commissioner subsequent to his appointment or employment, shall immediately disqualify such person from holding the office of commissioner or any other position or employment by the commission or commissioner and such office or position of employment, as the case may be, shall be immediately vacated.

No person may be appointed as commissioner or employed in any other capacity or employment by the commission or commissioner when he is a candidate for or holds any public office or is a member of any political party committee. In the event the commissioner or any employee of the commission or commissioner becomes a candidate for or holds any public office or becomes a member of any political party committee, his office as commissioner or position as employee, as the case may be, shall be immediately vacated.

§17-2A-6. Accounting and auditing; financial reports.

The commissioner, by and through his business manager assistant, shall centralize, standardize and integrate the budget, accounting and auditing services of the entire state road and highway program. Whenever there is provided by law a uniform system of accounting and auditing and policies and practices relating thereto for all state officials, departments and agencies, such uniform system shall be adopted by the commissioner. Until such system, policies and practices are formulated and prescribed, the commissioner shall establish his own system, policies and practices for all accounting and reporting services.

All commission accounting and auditing services shall be on the fiscal year basis. The commissioner shall prepare an annual financial report covering all receipts and disbursements for each fiscal year and shall deliver such report to the commission on or before December 1, next succeeding the end of the fiscal year.

The commissioner shall report quarterly to the commission on finances, personnel and other aspects and phases of the road program and system.

§17-2A-6a. Independent performance audit of the Division of Highways.

(a) Beginning May 1, 2015, the Division of Highways shall provide access to and make available all of the Division's books, accounts, records and any other information requested by the independent qualified firm that may be selected by the Joint Committee on Government and Finance to conduct a performance audit of the Division of Highways and any one or more of the individual district within the state road system for the preceding three fiscal years, as determined by the Joint Committee on Government and Finance.

(b) The independent qualified firm selected to conduct the performance audit shall be selected by the Legislative Auditor under the oversight of the Joint Committee on Government and Finance on a competitive bid based upon price and qualifications. The performance audit shall be conducted in accordance with the generally accepted government auditing standards. The audit may include, but not be limited to examination of areas of inefficiency, best practices, the appropriateness of staffing across functions and locations, vehicles allocated within the agency, compensation levels including overtime and relation to employee turnover, procurement practices, existing or recommended system of performance benchmarks, organizational structure, and internal operating or management policies.

(c) The independent qualified firm shall submit the final report of the audit to the Joint Committee on Government and Finance, with a copy to the Governor, on or before December 31, 2015. The Joint Committee on Government and Finance may authorize extension of the reporting requirement or expansion of the terms of the audit. The Joint Committee on Government and Finance shall pay the costs associated with the performance audit prescribed by this section.

§17-2A-7. Legal assistance.

 (a) Except as provided in subsection (b) of this section, the commissioner shall utilize the Attorney General for all legal assistance and services as provided by law.  

(b) The commissioner may:

(1) Employ a competent legal staff adequate for the ordinary legal services required by him or her and shall provide therefor such quarters, equipment, facilities, services and stenographic and other personnel as may be necessary: Provided, That for purposes of this subdivision, “ordinary legal services” does not include the retention or hiring of outside legal counsel; and

(2) Employ such additional legal counsel as he or she deems necessary upon a reasonable fee basis to perform legal services in acquiring, by right of eminent domain or otherwise, property, or an estate, right or interest therein.

§17-2A-8. Powers, duties, and responsibilities of commissioner.

In addition to all other duties, powers, and responsibilities given and assigned to the commissioner in this chapter, the commissioner may:

(1) Exercise general supervision over the state road program and the construction, reconstruction, repair, and maintenance of state roads and highways: Provided, That the commissioner shall implement reasonable design techniques intended to minimize damage that may result from recurring floods within the purpose and need of the state road system;

(2) Determine the various methods of road construction best adapted to the various sections and areas of the state and establish standards for the construction and maintenance of roads and highways in the various sections and areas of the state;

(3) Conduct investigations and experiments, hold hearings and public meetings, and attend and participate in meetings and conferences within and without the state for purposes of acquiring information, making findings, and determining courses of action and procedure relative to advancement and improvement of the state road and highway system;

(4) Enter private lands to make inspections and surveys for road and highway purposes;

(5) Acquire, in the name of the division, by lease, grant, right of eminent domain, or other lawful means all lands and interests and rights in lands necessary and required for roads, rights-of-way, cuts, fills, drains, storage for equipment and materials, and road construction and maintenance in general;

(6) Procure photostatic copies of any or all public records on file at the State Capitol of Virginia which may be considered necessary or proper in ascertaining the location and legal status of public road rights-of-way located or established in what is now the State of West Virginia, which when certified by the commissioner, may be admitted in evidence, in lieu of the original, in any of the courts of this state;

(7) Plan for and hold annually a school of good roads, of not less than three or more than six days’ duration, for instruction of his or her employees, which is held in conjunction with West Virginia University and may be held at the university or at any other suitable place in the state;

(8) Negotiate and enter in reciprocal contracts and agreements with proper authorities of other states and of the United States relating to and regulating the use of roads and highways with reference to weights and types of vehicles, registration of vehicles and licensing of operators, military and emergency movements of personnel and supplies, and all other matters of interstate or national interest;

(9) Classify and reclassify, locate, and relocate, expressway, trunkline, feeder, and state local service roads, and designate by number the routes within the state road system;

(10) Create, extend, or establish, upon petition of any interested party or parties or on the commissioner’s own initiative, any new road or highway found necessary and proper;

(11) Exercise jurisdiction, control, supervision, and authority over local roads, outside the state road system, to the extent determined by him or her to be expedient and practicable;

(12) Discontinue, vacate, and close any road or highway, or any part of any road or highway, the continuance and maintenance of which are found unnecessary and improper, upon petition and hearing or upon investigation initiated by the commissioner. Any petition, motion, notice, decision, and order related to the discontinuance, vacating, or closing of any road or highway or part thereof shall be posted by the commissioner on the division’s website available for review by the public. The division shall make virtual participation available to any person interested in participating in or attending any hearing related to such discontinuance, vacating, or closing;

(13) Close any state road while under construction or repair and provide a temporary road during the time of the construction or repair;

(14) Adjust damages occasioned by construction, reconstruction, or repair of any state road or the establishment of any temporary road;

(15) Establish and maintain a uniform system of road signs and markers;

(16) Fix standard widths for road rights-of-way, bridges, and approaches to bridges and fix and determine grades and elevations therefor;

(17) Test and standardize materials used in road construction and maintenance, either by governmental testing and standardization activities or through contract by private agencies;

(18) Allocate the cost of retaining walls and drainage projects, for the protection of a state road or its right-of-way, to the cost of construction, reconstruction, improvement, or maintenance;

(19) Acquire, establish, construct, maintain, and operate, in the name of the division, roadside recreational areas along and adjacent to state roads and highways;

(20) Exercise general supervision over the construction and maintenance of airports and landing fields under the jurisdiction of the West Virginia State Aeronautics Commission, of which the commissioner is a member, and make a study and general plan of a statewide system of airports and landing fields;

(21) Provide traffic engineering services to municipalities of the state upon request of the governing body of any municipality and upon terms that are agreeably arranged;

(22) Institute complaints before the Public Service Commission or any other appropriate governmental agency relating to freight rates, car service, and movement of road materials and equipment;

(23) Invoke any appropriate legal or equitable remedies, subject to §17-2A-7 of this code, to enforce his or her orders, to compel compliance with requirements of law, and to protect and preserve the state road and highway system or any part of the system;

(24) Make and promulgate rules for the government and conduct of personnel, for the orderly and efficient administration and supervision of the state road program, and for the effective and expeditious performance and discharge of the duties and responsibilities placed upon him or her by law;

(25) Delegate powers and duties to his or her appointees and employees who shall act by and under his or her direction and be responsible to him or her for their acts;

(26) Designate and define any construction and maintenance districts within the state road system that is found expedient and practicable;

(27) Contract for the construction, improvement, and maintenance of the roads;

(28) Comply with provisions of present and future federal aid statutes and regulations, including execution of contracts or agreements with and cooperation in programs of the United States government and any proper department, bureau, or agency of the United States government relating to plans, surveys, construction, reconstruction, improvement, and maintenance of state roads and highways;

(29) Prepare budget estimates and requests;

(30) Establish a system of accounting covering and including all fiscal and financial matters of the division;

(31) Establish and advance a right-of-way Acquisition Revolving Fund, a Materials Revolving Fund, and an Equipment Revolving Fund;

(32) Enter into contracts and agreements with and cooperate in programs of counties, municipalities, and other governmental agencies and subdivisions of the state relating to plans, surveys, construction, reconstruction, improvement, maintenance, and supervision of highways, roads, streets, and other travel ways when and to the extent determined by the division to be expedient and practical;

(33) Report, as provided by law, to the Governor and the Legislature;

(34) Purchase materials, supplies, and equipment required for the state road program and system;

(35) Dispose of all obsolete and unusable and surplus supplies and materials which cannot be used advantageously and beneficially by the division in the state road program by transfer of the supplies and materials to other governmental agencies and institutions by exchange, trade, or sale of the supplies and materials;

(36) Investigate road conditions, official conduct of division personnel, and fiscal and financial affairs of the division and hold hearings and make findings thereon or on any other matters within the jurisdiction of the division;

(37) Establish road policies and administrative practices;

(38) Fix and revise from time to time tolls for transit over highway projects constructed by the Division of Highways after May 1, 1999, that have been authorized by the provisions of §17-17A-5b of this code;

(39) Take actions necessary to alleviate any conditions as the Governor may declare to constitute an emergency, whether or not the emergency condition affects areas normally under the jurisdiction of the Division of Highways; and

(40) Provide family restrooms at all rest areas along interstate highways in this state, all to be constructed in accordance with federal law.

§17-2A-8. Powers, duties, and responsibilities of commissioner.

§17-2A-8a. Authority to employ expert witnesses in eminent domain proceedings; compensation.

Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, the commissioner may employ as witnesses to testify in eminent domain proceedings such persons who are qualified to give competent testimony as to the value of the property, or estate, right or interest therein, being condemned in an eminent domain proceeding, as he deems necessary. Each such person so employed shall receive for his services the sum agreed upon in a written contract signed by the commissioner and such person. The sum contracted to be paid, however, shall not be made contingent upon the outcome of the action or hearing in which the competent testimony is to be given.

§17-2A-8b. Authority to provide emergency road service.

In addition to the other powers given and assigned to him in this chapter, where an emergency exists, the commissioner may authorize the use of state road commission vehicles to provide towing service to vehicles stranded on any highway in this state, or may provide a sufficient quantity of gasoline or other fuel for the vehicle to propel it to a point where such fuel may be purchased.

§17-2A-8c. Use of public carriage for designated employees.

In addition to the other powers given and assigned to him in this chapter, the commissioner of highways shall have authority to use, and permit and allow or disallow his designated employees to use, publicly provided carriage to travel from their residences to their workplace and return: Provided, That such usage is subject to the supervision of such official and is directly connected with and required by the nature and in the performance of such official's or designated employee's duties and responsibilities.

§17-2A-9. Persons required to assist commissioner.

At the request of the commissioner, the dean of the college of engineering of West Virginia University, the director of the experiment station of the university and the heads of the several departments of science shall render to the commissioner all necessary aid and assistance in the performance of his duties, as the requirements of their respective offices and positions will permit, without extra charge or compensation for the service.

§17-2A-10. Production of documentary evidence and testimony at hearings, etc.; contempt for disobedience; self-incrimination.

In any hearing, investigation or proceeding conducted by or before the commission or commissioner, the evidence of witnesses and the production of documentary evidence may be required at any designated place of hearing and summons may be issued therefor by the commissioner or any member of the commission. In case of disobedience to a summons or other process so issued, the commissioner, a member of the commission or any party to the proceedings may invoke the aid of any circuit court in requiring the evidence and testimony of witnesses and the production of papers, books and documents. And upon proper showing, such court shall issue an order requiring such persons to appear before the commissioner or commission, as the case may be, and produce all books and papers and give evidence touching the matter in question. Any person failing to obey such order may be punished by such court as for contempt. A claim that any such testimony or evidence may tend to incriminate the person giving the same shall not excuse such witness from testifying, but such witness shall not be prosecuted for any offense concerning which he is compelled hereunder to testify.

§17-2A-11. Road maps; digital road map.

(a) The commissioner shall prepare and currently maintain a master road and highway map which will show all of the state roads and highways located, created and classified as provided by law; the mileage of roads and highways; the status of improvements; and travel conditions when practical. The commissioner may make economical reproductions of the map for official use and public information purposes, including a digital road map. The goal is for the maps to be computerized and searchable by the public to map routes for travel throughout the state.  

(b) The digital road map shall indicate whether public roads are unpaved and unimproved, unpaved and improved, unlined and paved, or lined and paved. The digital road map shall further indicate the types of vehicles that may use each road, including full-size vehicles and off-highway vehicles, such as all-terrain vehicles, utility-terrain vehicles, motorcycles and off-road vehicles.

§17-2A-12. Traffic control factors; parking regulations.

In the interest of safety and the convenience, coordination and control of pedestrian and vehicular traffic, the commission may from time to time cause surveys and findings to be made as to the necessity and propriety of setback lines, traffic islands, curb separations, entrance approaches, sidewalks and other traffic control factors. The commission may, pursuant to such surveys and findings, promulgate and enforce reasonable rules and regulations relating to and controlling the location, construction and maintenance of all such traffic control factors, but shall not in any case unduly interfere with any abutting property owner's entrance or access rights or approaches to any road or highway unless with the consent and voluntary action of such abutting property owner or through appropriate proceedings in court in the exercise of the right of eminent domain for determination of the lawful rights of the respective parties and the damages, if any, to be assessed. The limitations of this section on the commission's authority to regulate entrance and access to roads and highways shall not apply to freeways as defined in section thirty-nine of article four of this chapter.

The commission may regulate and, when the safety and convenience of the traveling public so require, may prohibit parking of vehicles on and along roads and highways and the rights-of-way thereof.

§17-2A-13. Purchase or acquisition of materials, supplies and equipment.

All materials, supplies and equipment required for the state road program and system shall be purchased and acquired by the commissioner through the department of purchases, except as otherwise provided by law. The director of purchases shall adopt rules and regulations governing and controlling acquisitions and purchases in accordance with accepted business practices so that no persons shall be precluded from participating and making sales thereof to the commission; shall establish and prescribe specifications, in all proper cases, for materials, supplies and equipment to be purchased; shall adopt and prescribe such purchase order, requisition or other forms as may be required; shall negotiate for and make purchases and acquisitions in such quantities, at such times and under contract, in the open market or through other accepted business methods and practices, as may be practicable in accordance with general law; shall determine whether to advertise for bids, to purchase by means of sealed bids and competitive bidding or to effect advantageous purchases through other accepted methods and practices; and shall post in a public place in the offices of the commission and the department of purchases, available to the public during all business hours, notices of all acquisitions and purchases to be made, at least two weeks prior to making such purchases.

All purchases and acquisitions shall be made in consideration and within limits of available appropriations and funds and in accordance with applicable provisions of article two, chapter five-a of this code, relating to expenditure schedules and quarterly allotments of funds.

The director of purchases shall make available the facilities and services of his department to the commissioner in the purchase and acquisition of materials, supplies and equipment and shall cooperate with the commissioner in all such purchases and acquisitions upon request of the commissioner. The actual expenses incurred by the director of purchases in all such cases shall be paid by the commissioner.

§17-2A-14. Disposition of surplus, etc., equipment and materials; inventories.

The commissioner shall dispose of obsolete and unusable equipment, surplus supplies and other unneeded materials, either by transfer to other governmental agencies or institutions, by exchange or trade, or by sale as junk or otherwise. The commissioner shall adopt and promulgate rules and regulations governing and controlling the disposition of all such equipment, supplies and materials. He shall advertise, by newspaper publication or otherwise, the availability or sales of such disposable equipment, supplies and materials and may sell same, in whole or in part, at public auction, or may transfer, exchange or trade same (if by exchange or trade, then without advertising), in whole or in part, as sound business practices may warrant under existing circumstances and conditions. The commissioner shall inventory all such disposable equipment, supplies and materials from time to time as quantity and stocks may warrant but shall make a complete semiannual inventory thereof as of the thirty-first day of March and September 30, of each year. He may report such inventories to the director of purchases whose services and facilities shall be available to the commissioner in making advantageous disposition of any part or all of such disposable equipment, supplies and materials. Such inventories shall briefly describe the disposable items, the date of purchase thereof, the vendor to the commissioner, the purchase price paid therefor and the commissioner's order number authorizing disposition thereof and shall indicate briefly the reason said items are no longer needed or can no longer be used by the commission. All such inventories shall be kept as public records open to public inspection at the office of the commissioner for a period of five years and may thereafter be destroyed.

§17-2A-15. Other code provisions relating to purchasing not controlling; exceptions.

(a) The provisions of §5A-3-1 et seq. of this code shall not control or govern the purchase, acquisition, or disposition of any equipment, materials, or supplies by the commissioner, except as provided in §17-2A-13 and §17-2A-14 of this code. The commissioner may, in his or her discretion, resort to applicable provisions of §5A-3-1 et seq. of this code and to rules and practices of the Purchasing Division within the Department of Administration in purchasing, acquiring, or disposing of equipment, supplies, and materials.

(b) The commissioner may accept ownership of equipment if the equipment has been rented or leased by the division, maintained by the division, and the equipment vendor voluntarily relinquishes ownership of the equipment to the division. Any equipment acquired pursuant to this subsection shall be included in the division’s inventory and the division’s equipment and vehicle reports. Prior to any termination of a rental or lease agreement with an assumption of ownership of equipment, the commissioner shall notify the Director of the Purchasing Division within the Department of Administration.

§17-2A-16. Prequalification disclosure by vendors; register of vendors.

Every person, firm or corporation selling or offering to sell to the commissioner of the West Virginia department of highways, upon competitive bids or otherwise, any materials, supplies or equipment shall comply with all of the provisions of section fourteen-a, article three, chapter five-a of this code and shall file with the director of the Purchasing Division of the State of West Virginia the affidavit required therein.

Any person, firm or corporation failing or refusing to comply with said statute as herein required shall be ineligible to sell or offer to sell commodities to the commissioner as hereinabove set forth.

§17-2A-17. Acquisition of property for state road purposes; “state road purposes” defined.

In addition to all other powers given and assigned to the commissioner in this chapter, the commissioner may acquire, either temporarily or permanently, in the name of the Division of Highways all real or personal property, public or private, or any interests or rights therein, including any easement, riparian right, or right of access, deemed by the commissioner to be necessary for present or presently foreseeable future state road purposes by gift, lease, grant, bequest, devise, agreement, purchase, exchange, right of eminent domain, or other lawful means. Real property may be acquired in fee simple or in any lesser estate or interest therein, except in the case of a public road, only the right-of-way shall be acquired. Acquisition of such personal property shall be subject to the provisions of §17-2A-13 and §17-2A-15 of this code. The acquisition of all such real and personal property is hereby declared to be a cost of highway construction. Nothing in this section restricts or relinquishes any right the state or any agency thereof now or hereafter possesses or may exercise by virtue of the police power or other lawful authority.

As used in this article, “state road purposes” shall include provision for, but shall not be limited to, the following:

(a) Constructing, establishing, laying out, widening, enlarging, extending, straightening, reconstructing, relocating, grading, altering, improving, and maintaining state roads;

(b) Rights-of-way for state roads, including those needed for such roads within municipalities, such rights-of-way to be to such width and depth as deemed necessary for the project by the commissioner and shall include all material therein;

(c) Adequate drainage of state roads;

(d) Controlled-access facilities, as defined in §17-4-39 of this code, including existing and vested rights of access, air, view and light, whether privately or publicly owned, and local service roads to controlled-access facilities;

(e) Broadcasting stations, weighing stations, shops, equipment sheds, office buildings, storage buildings and yards, snow fences, road maintenance, or construction sites;

(f) Road-building material storage sites, quarry sites, gravel pits, sites for the acquisition or manufacture of road-building materials including borrow pits, stockpile sites, waste-material sites and access roads to any such sites or places;

(g) The culture and support of trees which benefit any state road by aiding in the maintenance and preservation of the road;

(h) Landscape and roadside development, and maintenance thereof, within any state road right-of-way, and the acquisition and maintenance of lands and interests in lands for the restoration, preservation, and enhancement of places of scenic beauty, and other objects of attraction or scenic value adjacent to or near any state road, and the acquisition, development, and maintenance of publicly owned and controlled rest and recreation areas and sanitary and other facilities reasonably necessary for the accommodation of the traveling public, within, adjacent to, or near the right-of-way of any road within the state road system;

(i) Development and maintenance of parking places, auto camps, camp sites, roadside parks, historic roadside markers and sites, forest or timbered areas, or other places of attraction and scenic value which are adjacent to or near any state road and which in the judgment of the commissioner are necessary for the convenience of the public and will contribute to the general welfare and pleasure of the motoring public or road users;

(j) Maintenance of an unobstructed view of any portion of any state road in order to provide for the safety of the traveling public;

(k) Erection and maintenance of markers, warning signs and traffic signals;

(l) Construction and maintenance on state roads of sidewalks and highway illumination;

(m) Elimination or prevention of hazardous or undesirable points of entry to state roads from adjacent property;

(n) Acquisition of property, or any interest or right therein, for the purpose of exchanging it for other property, or any interest or right therein, which the Division of Highways is authorized to acquire by the other provisions of this section: Provided, That such substitute property, or any interest or right therein, may be acquired by the commissioner by condemnation only if the following conditions are satisfied: (1) Monetary compensation would be substantially inadequate for the property, or interest or right therein, which the commissioner is authorized to acquire by the other provisions of this section; and (2) the Division of Highways has entered into a written agreement to exchange the substitute property, or the right or interest therein, for the property, or right or interest therein, which is needed for state road purposes, regardless of whether the person who has agreed to accept the exchange has the right to condemn the substitute property, or the right or interest therein; and

(o) Acquisition of real property, not needed for a state road, for the purpose of moving and relocating thereon a building or other structure or appurtenance which is situated on a lot or tract of land all or a portion of which is needed for a state road and which, after relocation, will be suitable for the purpose for which it was used prior to its being relocated: Provided, That such additional real property may be acquired by the commissioner by condemnation only if the following conditions are satisfied: (1) The building or other structure or appurtenance is of substantial value; (2) the real property on which it is to be relocated is not substantially improved and is adjacent to or near the location from which it is to be removed; (3) the owner of the real property needed for the state road has entered into a written agreement with the Division of Highways to accept in exchange the additional property with the relocated building or structure or appurtenance thereon; (4) substantial savings in expenditure of state road funds will result from condemning the additional property and relocating the building or structure or appurtenance rather than condemning the lot or tract, or the portion thereof, on which the building or other structure or appurtenance may be located; and (5) the real property with the relocated building or structure or appurtenance thereon will be relatively equal in value to the real property needed for the state road.

§17-2A-18. Acquisition of real property not needed for road purposes.

In connection with the acquisition of real property, or any interest or right therein, for state road purposes, the commissioner may acquire, by any lawful means other than by eminent domain or condemnation, an entire lot, block, or tract of real property, or any portion thereof, even though it is not needed for present or presently foreseeable future state road purposes, if uneconomic remnants would be left the owner or if severance or consequential damages to the remainder make acquisition of the additional property more economical to the state.

§17-2A-19. Sale, exchange, or lease of real property.

(a) The Division of Highways, subject to the provisions of this section, may sell, exchange or lease real property, or any interest or right in the property, held by the Division of Highways. When the real property, or any interest or right in the property, is being held for future road purposes, it may be leased.

(b) This subsection applies to property held by the division, including a right-of-way, that was not acquired for use, or used, as a highway. When the real property, or any part of the property, or any interest or right in the property, is considered by the commissioner not necessary, or desirable for present or presently foreseeable future Division of Highways purposes, it may be exchanged for other real property, or any interest or right in the property, considered by the commissioner to be necessary or desirable for present or presently foreseeable future Division of Highways purposes, or it may be sold. In addition the division may exchange real property, or any part of the property, or any interest or right in the property, even though it may be necessary or desirable for present or presently foreseeable future Division of Highways purposes, if the exchange is made for other real property, or any interest or right in the property, in close proximity to the property which the commissioner considers of equal or superior useful value for present or presently foreseeable future Division of Highways purposes. In making exchanges the division may make allowances for differences in the value of the properties being exchanged and may move or pay the cost of moving buildings, structures or appurtenances in connection with the exchange.

Every sale of real property, or any interest or right in the property or structure on the property, shall be at public auction in the county in which the real property, or the greater part of the property, is located, and the division shall advertise, by publication or otherwise, the time, place, and terms of the sale at least twenty days prior to the sale. The property shall be sold in the manner which will bring the highest and best price. The division may reject any or all bids received at the sale. The commissioner shall keep a record, open to public inspection, indicating the manner in which the real property, or any interest or right in the property or structure on the property, was publicly advertised for sale, the highest bid received and from whom, the person to whom sold, and payment received. The record shall be kept for a period of five years and may be destroyed after five years.

(c)(1) This subsection applies to property held by the division, including a right-of-way, that was acquired for use, or used, as a highway. The commissioner may transfer, sell or otherwise dispose of any right-of-way properties or any interest or right in the property, owned by or to be acquired by the Division of Highways which the commissioner in his or her sole discretion determines are not necessary or desirable for present or presently foreseeable future highway purpose by first offering the property to the principal abutting landowners without following the procedure for public auction provided in subsection (b) of this section.

(2) The commissioner shall propose rules for legislative approval in accordance with the provisions of article three, chapter twenty-nine-a of this code governing and controlling the making of any leases or sales pursuant to the provisions of this subsection. The rules may provide for the giving of preferential treatment in making leases to the persons from whom the properties or rights or interests in the property were acquired, or their heirs or assigns and shall also provide for granting a right of first refusal to abutting landowners at fair market value in the sale of any real estate or any interest or right in the property, owned by the Division of Highways.

(3)(A) With respect to real property acquired subsequent to the year one thousand nine hundred seventy-three for use as a highway through voluntary real estate acquisition or exercise of the right of eminent domain, which real estate the commissioner has determined should be sold as not necessary for highways purposes, the commissioner shall give preferential treatment to an abutting landowner if it appears that:

(i) A principal abutting landowner is an individual from whom the real estate was acquired or his or her surviving spouse or descendant. In order to qualify for preferential treatment, the surviving spouse or descendant need not be a beneficiary of the individual. The terms used in this subdivision are as defined in section one, article one, chapter forty-two of this code; and

(ii) The primary use of the abutting property has not substantially changed since the time of the acquisition.

(B) When the provisions of paragraph (A) of this subdivision are met, the commissioner shall offer the property for sale to the principal abutting landowner at a cost equal to the amount paid by the Division of Highways in acquiring the real estate. If improvements on the property have been removed since the time of the acquisition, the cost shall be reduced by an amount attributable to the value of the improvements removed. The cost may be adjusted to reflect interest at a rate equal to the increase in the consumer price index for all urban consumers as reported by the United States department of labor since the time of disbursement of the funds.

(d) The commissioner may insert in any deed or conveyance, whether it involves an exchange, lease or sale, the conditions as are in the public interest and have been approved in advance by the Governor.

(e) All moneys received from the exchange, sale, or lease of real property, or any right or interest in the property, shall be paid into the State Treasury and credited to the state road fund.

(f) Notwithstanding the provisions of this section, property may not be transferred, sold or otherwise disposed of unless the commissioner finds that the right-of-way or other property has no significant value to the state as a hiking trail and does not serve as a link between two or more state owned properties. This subsection does not apply to property that lies within six hundred feet of any dwelling house.

§17-2A-19a. Transfer of airspace; procedures to be followed.

In any instance where the West Virginia department of highways has or shall hereafter acquire title to the airspace upon and over any highway or right-of-way for highway purposes, such department may, subject to the conditions herein, transfer such airspace or any part thereof to any person, firm or corporation by sale, lease or permit to use.

When such airspace or any part thereof is determined by the commissioner not necessary, or desirable for present or presently foreseeable future state road purposes, it may be transferred by lease for such period or periods of time and on such terms and conditions, including consideration, as the commissioner shall determine to be fair and reasonable, or it may be transferred by sale, or the commissioner may transfer the use thereof by a permit to use such airspace or any part thereof for such period or periods of time as he shall determine and under such terms and conditions, including consideration, as he shall deem fair and reasonable, except that in the case of a publicly or privately owned utility, no consideration shall be required for an easement through such airspace or any part thereof.

Every such transfer by sale shall be at public auction in the county in which the airspace to be transferred by sale is located, and the department shall advertise, by publication, the time, place and terms of such sale at least twenty days prior thereto. The publication shall be published as a Class I-O legal advertisement in compliance with the provisions of article three, chapter fifty-nine of this code, and the publication area for such publication shall be the county in which the airspace to be transferred by sale is located. The airspace shall be sold in a manner which will bring the highest and best price therefor. The department may reject any or all bids received at the sale. The commissioner shall keep a record, open to public inspection, indicating the newspapers in which the airspace to be transferred by sale was publicly advertised for sale, the highest bid received therefor and from what party, the party to whom sold, and the payment received therefor. Such record shall be kept for a period of five years and may thereafter be destroyed. Every such transfer by lease with any party other than another agency of this state or any county or municipality in this state or any agency thereof shall be upon the basis of competitive bids solicited by publication of a notice of the proposed lease published as a Class I-O legal advertisement in compliance with the provisions of article three, chapter fifty-nine of this code, and the publication area for such publication shall be the county in which the airspace to be transferred by lease is located.

The commissioner shall adopt and promulgate rules and regulations governing and controlling the transferring of airspaces by sale, lease, or permit to use, pursuant to the provisions of this section, which rules and regulations shall provide for the giving of preferential treatment in making leases or issuing permits to use to the persons from whom the airspace was acquired, or their heirs or assigns.

The commissioner may insert in any instrument executed pursuant to the provisions of this section such conditions as are in the public interest and have been approved in advance by the Governor.

All moneys received from the sale or lease of, or permit to use, any airspace or any part thereof, shall be paid into the State Treasury and credited to the state road fund.

§17-2A-20. Relocation assistance to and replacement housing costs for persons dislocated by highway construction.

The payment of relocation costs and replacement housing costs to persons dislocated by highway construction is hereby declared to be a cost of highway construction and may be paid from the state road fund, subject to the provisions of this section. The commissioner of highways shall make the payments authorized by this section to reduce hardships to persons so dislocated. In addition, the commissioner shall render advisory assistance to persons affected and shall call upon and coordinate the services of such other agencies of state and local government as may be capable of rendering such assistance to reduce hardships to persons affected and to reduce delays in highway construction. In rendering such advisory assistance, the commissioner may accumulate and maintain lists of various kinds of properties available to which persons affected may be relocated, and acquire and file such other information and take such other action as may be necessary to render such advisory assistance. With respect to persons dislocated by federal-aid highway projects, the commissioner shall provide a relocation assistance program which will comply with and implement the federal laws and regulations relating to relocation assistance to displaced persons as set forth in the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policy Act of 1970, being Public Law 91-646 enacted by the Ninety-first Congress of the United States of America, and the 1987 amendments thereto known as Title IV of the Surface Transportation and Uniform Relocation Assistance Act of 1987, being Public Law 100-17 enacted by the One Hundredth Congress of the United States of America.

Any individual, family, business concern (including the operation of a farm) or nonprofit organization to be displaced by a highway construction project shall be compensated consistent with the provisions and limitations of federal acts for reasonable and necessary costs to be incurred in consequence of being so displaced. When a family is displaced, no additional payment shall be made to individuals who are members of such family; but, if two or more displaced families occupy the same dwelling or comprise a single household, each family within such dwelling or household may receive relocation costs as provided in this section. Payments under this section are subject to the limitations provided herein and to any rules and regulations made by the commissioner as herein provided.

With respect to state highway projects and federal-aid highway projects, the commissioner shall have authority to make such payments for relocation costs, reestablishment costs, replacement housing costs, including the increased interest costs which the displaced person is required to pay for financing the acquisition of a comparable replacement dwelling, and reasonable expenses incurred by such displaced person for evidence of title, recording fees, and other closing costs incident to the purchase of the replacement dwelling, and expenses incidental to the transfer of property as are authorized by the abovementioned Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970, being Public Law 91-646 enacted by the Ninety-first Congress of the United States of America, and the 1987 amendments thereto known as Title IV of the Surface Transportation and Uniform Relocation Assistance Act of 1987, being Public Law 100-17 enacted by the One Hundredth Congress of the United States of America.

The commissioner shall establish by rules and regulations a procedure for the payment of relocation costs within the limits of and consistent with the policies of this section and the aforesaid federal laws and regulations. Such rules and regulations may authorize lump sum payments to individuals or families, in lieu of their respective provable costs, based upon the size of the dwelling being vacated or the number of persons being affected or any other reasonable basis. The commissioner may authorize the obligations of or payment of relocation costs in advance of expenditure for relocation by any person, firm or organization eligible to receive such payment where such advance obligation or payment would speed the clearance of highway construction sites or reduce hardships.

With respect to state highway projects and federal-aid highway projects, the commissioner shall also have authority to comply with the aforesaid federal laws and regulations relating to providing last-resort replacement housing.

Nothing contained in this section or in the federal laws and regulations relating to relocation assistance and payments to displaced person shall be construed as creating in any condemnation proceedings brought under the power of eminent domain, any element of damages not in existence on the effective date of this section or of the federal laws and regulations relating to relocation assistance and payments to displaced persons.

§17-2A-21. Commissioner authorized to contract for implementation of litter control programs.

In addition to all other powers granted and duties imposed upon the Commissioner, he or she shall contract with the Secretary of the Department of Environmental Protection and expend moneys from the highway litter control fund to implement the litter control program and litter control maintenance of the highways pursuant to article fifteen-a, chapter twenty-two of this code.

§17-2A-22. Administration of engineering and design related service contracts.

In order to promote engineering and design quality and to ensure maximum competition by professional companies of all sizes providing engineering and design services, the commissioner of highways may establish cost principles for determining the reasonableness and allowability of various costs. These cost principles will govern the overhead ceilings, salary limits, expense reimbursement and any other cost the commissioner may deem necessary to regulate. The commissioner of highways shall propose a legislative rule pursuant to article three, chapter twenty-nine-a of this code regarding standard cost principles for determining the reasonableness and allowability of various costs. The legislative rule may include provisions for deviations from the standard cost principles in special situations and circumstances.

§17-2A-23. Administration of commercial vehicle and equipment related work orders.

In order to promote cost effective vehicle and equipment repair work efficiently and effectively and in order to provide for repair work to be done in a safe and timely manner when in-house repair is determined not to be cost effective or practical under the circumstances, the commissioner of highways may establish a cost effective analysis for determining the reasonableness and effectiveness of obtaining repair of vehicles and equipment by certain certified vendors.

The commissioner may issue a commercial work order to certified vendors for repair of vehicles and equipment when the commissioner determines that the repairs would extend the life of the equipment or vehicle a minimum of five years and that the expenditure would be the safest cost effective alternative to purchase of new vehicles and equipment or in-house repair.

Any commercial vendor of vehicle and equipment repair may apply to the commissioner for certification as a certified repair vendor under the provisions of this section. In order to qualify, the vendor must provide proof that it has the trained personnel, the required tools, equipment and facilities to provide the work. The commissioner shall inspect or cause to be inspected the facilities and shall review the qualifications of personnel of vendors applying for certification. If approved by the commissioner, the vendor may be certified as a qualified vendor for the type of repair work the commissioner determines the vendor is qualified to provide.

Prior to issuing a commercial work order with a certified vendor, the commissioner must determine the cost of repair of the vehicle or equipment. If on site inspection is required, the commissioner may issue a work order to provide for the inspection and estimate.

Preference for issuing vehicle and equipment repair work orders shall be given to in-state licensed qualified vendors: Provided, That a vendor which fails to guarantee its work for at least one year, or which fails to guarantee its work for a longer period if the longer period is comparable to that offered by local rebuild or repair shops, or which fails to complete any work order in the time specified within the work order, or which fails to complete any work order to the specifications of the work order, shall be decertified for a period of one year.

Nothing herein requires the commissioner of highways to issue a work order to any particular commercial vendor.

The commissioner of highways shall propose a legislative rule pursuant to article three, chapter twenty-nine-a of this code regarding certification of qualified vendors and awarding work orders. The legislative rule may include provisions for deviations from the standard cost principles in special situations and circumstances.

§17-2A-24. Special employment procedures for Division of Highways personnel.



§17-2B-1. Legislative findings and purposes.

(a) The Legislature hereby finds and declares:

(1) That modern, well-constructed and properly maintained roads and highways are of great importance to the economic and industrial growth and development and well-being of the state and to the health, education, welfare and prosperity of its citizens;

(2) That due to budgetary and economic constraints, it is frequently not feasible, desirable nor prudent to meet the costs of construction and maintenance of a modern highways system sufficient to meet current or future needs of the state, of its citizens and of its industrial and commercial communities through the utilization of current revenues, increased or expanded taxation or general obligation bonds;

(3) That there is opinion that alternative methods of financing the construction and maintenance of an efficient and modern road and highway system could be desirable; that these alternative methods may include, but not necessarily be limited to, the utilization of tolls to be paid by the users of such highways and other methods of financing or a combination of various methods, including tolls; and

(4) That the purpose of this article is to create a commission, as hereinafter constituted and appointed, to study various and alternative methods of financing road and highway construction and maintenance, with particular emphasis upon the feasibility and desirability of adopting a system of tolls to be paid by the users of such roads and highways either alone or in combination with other methods of financing.

(b) The Legislature further declares that it recognizes that the provisions of section 1, article V of the Constitution of West virginia prohibit any person from exercising the powers of more than one branch or department of government at the same time; however, it is the express purpose, intent and finding of the Legislature that those members of the commission who are members of the Legislature are acting as such while serving on the commission and in the furtherance of the Legislature's inherent right and power to investigate and inquire into and report on those matters which are legimately within its powers, and that since the commission's role and duties are investigative and reportive in nature, the service upon the commission by its legislative members is not violative of nor inimical to the Constitutional mandate with respect to the separation of governmental powers.

§17-2B-2. Toll road study commission created; composition; appointment of members; chairman.

The West Virginia toll road study commission is hereby created. The commission shall consist of eleven members, who are designated or to be appointed as follows:

(a) The West Virginia commissioner of highways shall serve as a voting member of the commission by virtue of that person's office and shall serve as chairman of the commission;

(b) The chairman of the West Virginia turnpike commission shall serve as a voting member of the commission by virtue of that person's office;

(c) Three members shall be appointed by the Governor who shall be representative private citizens and who shall have been residents of this state for a period of at least one year immediately next preceding such persons' appointment no more than two of whom shall be members of the same political party; and

(d) Three members of the commission shall be members of the Senate, to be appointed by the president thereof; no more than two of whom shall be members of the same political party; and

(e) Three members of the commission shall be members of the House of Delegates, to be appointed by the speaker thereof; no more than two of whom shall be members of the same political party.

§17-2B-3. Compensation and expenses of commission members; expenses of commission.

(a) Members of the commission shall be reimbursed for their reasonable and necessary travel and other expenses actually incurred in connection with the performance of their duties as members of the commission, including, but not limited to, their attendance at meetings thereof.

(b) Except as to those members of the commission who are members of the Legislature, the reimbursement of expenses provided for in subsection (a) of this section shall be paid from legislative appropriations to the state department of highways, account number 6700, line item number 7, "Toll Road Examination."

(c) As to those members of the commission who are members of the Legislature, the reimbursement of expenses provided for in subsection (a) of this section shall be paid from legislative appropriations to the Joint Committee on Government and Finance, under "Account No. 103 - Joint Expenses."

(d) Members of the commission shall receive no other compensation for their services on or with the commission other than the reimbursement of expenses as provided in this section.

(e) All other expenses and costs incurred by the commission, which are not otherwise provided for in this section shall be paid from legislative appropriations to the state department of highways, account number 6700, line item number 7, "Toll Road Examination."

§17-2B-4. Powers and duties of the commission.

The commission shall have the following powers, duties and responsibilities:

(a) To conduct a thorough and comprehensive study into the various ways and means of financing the construction and maintenance of a modern and efficient system of roads and highways which would be in addition to or in augmentation of or in conjunction with already existing roads and highways, with particular, but not exclusive, emphasis upon the feasibility, desirability and prudence of utilizing the imposition of tolls upon the users of such roads and highways, either alone or together with other means and methods of financing the construction and maintenance of the same;

(b) Special attention shall be given to planning, financing and construction of a modern highway connecting the Appalachian Corridor "G" highway at Chapmanville with Interstate Highway 64 at Huntington; and the planning, financing, and construction of Appalachian Corridor "H";

(c) To file an interim report as to its progress and tentative conclusions with the Governor, the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Delegates not later than the second Wednesday in January, in the year 1986;

(d) To file its final report with respect to its findings and conclusions, together with any legislation it deems appropriate to recommend and as it deems necessary to carry its findings and conclusions into effect with the Governor, the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Delegates not later than the second Wednesday in January in the year 1988;

(e) To employ such legal, technical, investigative, clerical, stenographic, advisory and other personnel as it deems necessary and needful and to fix the reasonable compensation of such persons as may be so employed;

(f) To request such information and data from any state officer or agency or from any political subdivision of the state as the commission may deem necessary to assist it in the performance of its duties and it shall be the duty of all such officers and agencies to cooperate with and assist the commission in and about the completion of its studies and deliberations;

(g) To confer with representative citizens and groups of the private, business and industrial sectors with respect to all matters deemed relevant to the study program of the commission; and

(h) To perform every other act necessary or desirable to carry out any of the other powers, duties or responsibilities enumerated in this article.

§17-2B-5. Meetings of the commission; quorum.

The commission shall meet at such times and places as its chairman shall deem to be proper and expedient. Such meetings shall be coordinated with and be in conjunction with the monthly meeting of the Joint Committee on Government and Finance insofar as the same may be practicable. Nothing herein shall preclude the commission from meeting with such frequency or at such times and places as it may determine. The presence of no less than six members of the commission shall constitute a quorum for the conducting of any business by the commission.

§17-2B-6. Interpretation of article; termination of commission.

(a) The provisions of this article shall be liberally construed in order to permit the commission sufficient latitude for the orderly completion of its studies and duties.

(b) The commission shall cease its existence on July 1, 1988.


§17-2C-1. Establishment of an orphan road and bridge acquisition and maintenance program in all counties; criteria for designation as an orphan road or bridge.

Authority is hereby granted to the West Virginia Division of Highways to establish a program to acquire and maintain roads and bridges which meet the following three criteria: (1) Are in existence as of January 1, 1998; (2) are roads or bridges which the public has a right to use; and (3) are roads or bridges not maintained by any governmental agency. These roads and bridges are herein designated as orphan roads and bridges.

The Legislature hereby finds and declares it to be important for the economic and social development of the state that a program for the identification, acquisition and maintenance of orphan roads and bridges be undertaken by the state. In particular, the Legislature finds and declares that basic maintenance should be performed on orphan roads and bridges to promote the well-being of the public.

§17-2C-2. Development of program; acquisition of rights-of-way.

The West Virginia Division of Highways shall develop an orphan roads and bridges identification, acquisition and maintenance program which shall include all counties. At the discretion of the commissioner of the Division of Highways, existing and temporary employees of the division shall be assigned to locate and designate each orphan road and bridge in each county. These employees shall give to the commissioner of highways, in a form proscribed by him or her, a detailed report on acquisition, status of rights-of-way, and needed maintenance for orphan roads and bridges in each county or highway district. Specific contents of each report shall be designated by the commissioner.

In order for a road or bridge to qualify for inclusion into the state system, all necessary rights-of-way shall be either dedicated or donated to the Division of Highways.

In the event that all property owners do not agree to dedicate or donate the necessary rights-of-way, then any individual, group, business or governmental entity can donate to the state road fund a sum sufficient to cover the expense of acquiring the right-of-way that has not been dedicated or donated. The commissioner may also use any moneys donated to the state road fund specifically for the purposes of acquiring a right-of-way which has not been dedicated or donated.

§17-2C-3. Duties of commissioner with respect to orphan roads and bridges; criteria for inclusion.

After reviewing the reports made to section two of this article, the commissioner will determine whether a specific road or bridge should be added to the state maintenance system. The commissioner shall consider the following criteria in reaching his or her determination: (1) The availability of resources for maintaining the road or bridge; (2) the number of persons served by the road or bridge; (3) the current and anticipated use of the road or bridge; (4) the condition of the road or bridge; (5) the availability and suitability of alternate routes; (6) the suitability for maintenance equipment to access and maintain the road or bridge; (7) the existing design and layout of the road or bridge; and (8) the number of roads and bridges accepted into the maintenance system.

§17-2C-4. Workforce of welfare recipients and citizens' conservation corps participants; division of highways required to furnish maintenance materials.

The West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources shall make available to the division of highways a list of able-bodied welfare recipients who have given permission for their names to be listed as recipients available for work with the Division of Highways, and who are available and able to work a minimum of twenty hours a week at a manual labor job maintaining orphan roads and bridges under the supervision of the district or county highway offices. The commissioner of the Division of Highways may, by contract, employ persons participating in the citizens' conservation corps to maintain orphan roads and bridges. The employment of welfare recipients or workers provided through the citizens' conservation corps to maintain orphan roads and bridges may not be used to displace any Division of Highways employee in the classified civil service, or to reduce classified civil service positions within the division.

The Division of Highways is required to furnish trucks or other proper motor vehicles and gravel or other required materials to be used by the workforce created by this section in the maintenance of the orphan roads and bridges in each district and county.

§17-2C-5. Upgrading of roads and bridges in maintenance system.

Roads and bridges accepted into the maintenance system under the provisions of this article are admitted only for the purposes of maintenance. No upgrading of said roads and bridges is to be undertaken unless otherwise determined by the commissioner of highways.

§17-2C-6. Termination of orphan roads and bridges program; report to the Legislature.

The orphan roads and bridges acquisition and maintenance program established pursuant to this article will terminate on December 31, 2001.

On or before January 30, 1999, and annually thereafter, the commissioner of the Division of Highways shall submit a report to the Legislature which recounts the activities of the program and the roads and bridges which have been accepted into the state maintenance system. The report shall include a breakdown by county of those roads and bridges being maintained, the estimated costs associated with maintenance and any other information the commissioner deems necessary. Before January 30, 2002, the commissioner shall also submit proposed legislation formulating a policy for the designation and acceptance into the state system of orphan roads and bridges in the future.


§17-2D-1. Short title.

This article shall be known and may be cited as the West Virginia Highway Design-Build Pilot Program.

§17-2D-2. Highway Design-Build Program.

(a) Notwithstanding any provision of this code to the contrary, the Commissioner of the West Virginia Division of Highways may expedite the construction of projects by combining the design and construction elements of a highway or bridge project into a single contract as provided in this article.

(b)(1) The Division of Highways may contractually obligate no more than $50 million in each year in the program: Provided, That if any of the $50 million is not so contractually obligated in one year, the remaining amount may be applied to the following year’s contractual obligation amount: Provided, however, That the total aggregate amount to be contractually obligated may not exceed $150 million in any one year: Provided further, That for fiscal years beginning after June 30, 2017, the Division of Highways may contractually obligate no more than $200 million on any one project: And provided further, That for fiscal years beginning after June 30, 2017, the Division of Highways may contractually obligate no more than $400 million in each year in the program: And provided further, That for fiscal years beginning after June 30, 2017, if any of the $400 million is not contractually obligated in any year, the remaining amount may be applied to the following year’s contract obligation amount: And provided further, That for fiscal years beginning after June 30, 2017, the total aggregate amount to be contractually obligated may not exceed $500 million in any one year.

(2) Notwithstanding the limits set forth in §17-2D-2(b)(1) of this code, for projects financed without bonds for fiscal years beginning after June 30, 2019, the Division of Highways may contractually obligate in the program:

(A) No more than $200 million on any one project;

(B) No more than $200 million in each year; and

(C) No more than $300 million in the total aggregate amount in any one year.

(3) Notwithstanding and in addition to the limits set forth in §17-2D-2(b)(1) and §17-2D-2(b)(2) of this code, for projects financed with bonds for fiscal years beginning after June 30, 2018, the Division of Highways may contractually obligate in the program:

(A) No more than $300 million on any one project;

(B) No more than $600 million in each year; and

(C) No more than $700 million in the total aggregate amount in any one year.

(c) A design-build project may be let to contract only in accordance with the commissioner’s established policies and procedures concerning design-build projects.

(d) Projects receiving funding above the amount of federal core funding as appropriated to the state by formula in a federal highway authorization, currently titled MAP-21, may utilize the program, but shall not be included in calculating contractual obligation limits provided by §17-2D-2(b) of this code.

(e) The contractual obligations made for projects that are necessitated by a declared state of emergency within a county that the Governor has included in a declaration of emergency shall not be included in calculating contractual obligation limits provided in §17-2D-2(b) of this code.

§17-2D-3. Invitation for bids.

(a) The division shall prepare an invitation for bids for prequalified design-builders, which must provide at a minimum:

(1) The procedures to be followed for submitting bids and the procedures for making awards;

(2) The proposed general terms and conditions for the design-build contract;

(3) The description of the drawings, specifications or other information to be submitted with the bid, with guidance as to the form and level of completeness of the drawings, specifications or submittals that will be acceptable;

(4) A proposed time schedule commencement and completion of the design-build contract;

(5) Budget limits for the design-build contract, if any;

(6) Requirements or restrictions for the subletting of specific portions of the design-build contract, if any; and

(7) Requirements for performance bonds, payment bonds, insurance, professional liability insurance and workers' compensation coverage.

(b) The division shall make available to the qualified design-builders, a list of prequalified consultants, approved subcontractors, suppliers and sureties, as applicable, additional information including, but not limited to, surveys, soils reports, drawings or information regarding existing structures, environmental studies, photographs or references to public records, or other pertinent information.

(c) The division shall set forth its needs with sufficient clarity to assure that there is a comprehensive understanding of the project's scope and requirement.

§17-2D-4. Acceptance of design-build bid.

(a) The design-builder shall submit the bid to the division as required in the invitation for bids.

(b) The design-builder shall furnish a bid bond not to exceed five percent of the maximum cost of the design-build contract.

(c) The selection committee may choose to reject all bids. If the selection committee chooses to accept a bid, the committee shall award the project to the qualified design-builder based on low bid or a value-based selection process combining technical qualifications and competitive bidding elements. The selection committee shall ascertain that the submissions comply with the requirements of this article and the policies and procedures of the commissioner.

§17-2D-5. Report to the Legislature.

On or before January 15, 2014, and annually thereafter, the commissioner shall prepare and submit to the Joint Committee on Government and Finance a written report evaluating the experience of the Division of Highways with each project completed during the prior calendar year, including whether the division realized any cost or time savings, the number and cost of change orders, the quality of work performed, the number of bids received and other issues the commissioner considers appropriate: Provided, That the report submitted on or before January 15, 2014, shall contain such information as to all design-build projects that have been completed under the program prior to 2014.


§17-3-1. What constitutes fund; payments into fund; use of money in fund.

There shall be a State Road Fund, which shall consist of the proceeds of all state license taxes imposed upon automobiles or other motor or steam driven vehicles; the registration fees imposed upon all owners, chauffeurs, operators and dealers in automobiles or other motor driven vehicles; all sums of money which may be donated to such fund; all proceeds derived from the sale of state bonds issued pursuant to any resolution or act of the Legislature carrying into effect the Better Roads Amendment to the Constitution of this state, adopted in November, 1964, except that the proceeds from the sale of these bonds shall be kept in a separate and distinct account in the State Road Fund; all proceeds from the sale of state bonds issued pursuant to any resolution or act of the Legislature carrying into effect the Safe Roads Amendment of 1996 to the Constitution of this state, adopted in November, 1996, except that the proceeds from the sale of these bonds shall be kept in a separate and distinct account in the State Road Fund; all proceeds from the sale of state bonds issued pursuant to any resolution or act of the Legislature carrying into effect the Roads to Prosperity Amendment of 2017 to the Constitution of this state, adopted in October, 2017, except that the proceeds from the sale of these bonds shall be kept in a separate and distinct account in the State Road Fund; all moneys and funds appropriated to it by the Legislature; and all moneys allotted or appropriated by the federal government to this state for road construction and maintenance pursuant to any act of the Congress of the United States; the proceeds of all taxes imposed upon and collected from any person, firm or corporation and of all taxes or charges imposed upon and collected from any county, district or municipality for the benefit of the fund; the proceeds of all judgments, decrees or awards recovered and collected from any person, firm or corporation for damages done to, or sustained by, any of the state roads or parts thereof; all moneys recovered or received by reason of the violation of any contract respecting the building, construction or maintenance of any state road; all penalties and forfeitures imposed, recovered or received by reason thereof; and any and all other moneys and funds appropriated to, imposed and collected for the benefit of such fund, or collected by virtue of any statute and payable to such fund.

When any money is collected from any of the sources aforesaid, it shall be paid into the State Treasury by the officer whose duty it is to collect and account for the same, and credited to the State Road Fund, and shall be used only for the purposes named in this chapter, which are: (a) To pay the principal and interest due on all state bonds issued for the benefit of said fund, and any costs related to the issuance thereof, and set aside and appropriated for that purpose; (b) to pay the expenses of the administration of the Division of Highways; and (c) to pay the cost of maintenance, construction, reconstruction and improvement of all state roads.

§17-3-1a. Annual audit to be made of receipts and expenditures of state road commission.

The Legislature acting through the Joint Committee on Government and Finance shall cause an annual audit to be made by a resident independent certified public accountant of all books, accounts and records relating to all receipts and expenditures of the state road commission which are not audited by the United States bureau of public roads or the United States general accounting office. The state road commissioner shall make available to such independent Auditor or Auditors performing such audit all of the commission's books, accounts and records pertaining to all funds received and expended. The Auditor or Auditors performing such audit shall make available annually the audit report with copies thereof to the members of the Legislature, the Governor, the state road commissioner, the Secretary of State, the State Treasurer, the Attorney General and the State Auditor; and the audit report shall be available to the public in the office of the Secretary of State.

The Legislature acting through the Joint Committee on Government and Finance shall obtain the services of a resident independent certified public accountant for this purpose, the cost of which shall be payable out of funds appropriated by the Legislature. Any audits of the funds which have been made by any official auditing agency of the United States government shall be accepted and its work not duplicated.

§17-3-2. Payment of state road costs from moneys received by commission.

The cost and expense of the construction, reconstruction, improvement or maintenance of all state roads shall be paid out of any moneys received by or appropriated to the state road commission for that purpose.

§17-3-3. Report on and disposition of moneys collected by commission.

The commission shall make a full and detailed semimonthly report in duplicate, on the first and third Tuesdays of each month, to the treasurer and to the Auditor of the state, of all moneys collected by it from licenses or other fees, and all moneys and funds coming into its hands from any source whatsoever, except funds advanced to the commission pursuant to section five of this article, and shall at the same time pay to the treasurer all moneys so collected by it. The moneys so paid by the commission shall be deposited by the State Treasurer to the credit of the state road fund: Provided, That the commission may pay to the treasurer at any time such funds as may have been received by it, and the treasurer shall deliver to the commission a receipt therefor, and the commission shall be duly credited for such payments in its semimonthly reports.

§17-3-4. Disbursements from road fund.

The commissioner shall certify monthly to the State Auditor the amount due to each member of the commission, himself and each employee of the commission for services rendered as such members, commissioner and employees and the Auditor shall issue his warrant therefor on the State Treasurer, payable out of the state road fund appropriated for such purpose.

Any claim of a contractor or others, not otherwise provided for, for labor done or for materials, services or supplies furnished to the state road commission, pursuant to the provisions of any article to this chapter, shall be audited by the commissioner, and, if found correct, the commissioner shall issue the commission's requisition upon the Auditor of the state therefor, showing the nature of such claim and whether it is for labor done or materials, services or supplies furnished for construction of state roads, or for other purposes, and the Auditor shall issue his warrant upon the State Treasurer therefor, and the treasurer shall pay the same to the person, firm or corporation entitled thereto, out of the funds in the treasury provided for that purpose.

§17-3-4a. Advancement of compensation for property immediately needed.

When the state road commissioner has commenced an action for condemnation of any real or personal property, or estate, right, or interest therein, and immediate entry upon, possession of, appropriation or use thereof, is deemed necessary by the commissioner, he may certify to the State Auditor such facts, and issue the commission's requisition upon the Auditor for advancement of the sum the commissioner estimates to be the fair value of the property, or estate, right, or interest therein, sought to be condemned, and the damages, if any, to the residue beyond the benefits, if any, to such residue, by reason of the taking. Upon receipt of such certificate and requisition, the Auditor shall issue his warrant upon the State Treasurer in favor of the clerk of the court wherein the action was commenced, for the sum requisitioned by the commission, to the use of the defendants in that action, and the treasurer shall pay the same to the clerk of that court out of the funds in the treasury provided for this purpose.

§17-3-5. Emergency fund.

To provide a fund for the purpose of making prompt payments, refunds on license fees, and to secure cash discounts wherever possible, the state road commission may, from time to time, issue its requisition upon the State Auditor for such sum as it deems necessary to pay such claims, and the said Auditor shall issue his warrant upon the State Treasurer for such amount, subject to the limitation imposed by this section, and the treasurer shall pay the same to the said commission out of the road fund or funds provided for that purpose. The commission shall immediately deposit such funds to its credit in some bank, or banks, designated pursuant to article one, chapter twelve of this code, as a state depository or depositories. Such requisition upon the Auditor shall be accompanied with a statement duly verified by a member of the commission, showing the amount of money in the hands of the commission to the credit of the fund at the time the requisition is presented to the Auditor. The amount of such funds in the hands of the commission shall not exceed at any one time the sum of $5,000. When the commission makes such requisition it shall at the same time file with the State Auditor an itemized statement, showing what items and amounts have been paid by it out of such fund and for what purpose, and such statement shall be accompanied with a voucher for each item, duly signed by the party receiving payment, and showing the purpose for which made. The amounts so reported as paid by the commission, under its direction or authority, out of such fund, if found to be correct, shall be reported by the Auditor to the treasurer and credited by him to the commission on account of the advances made to it pursuant to this section.

§17-3-6. Apportionment of state road fund for construction and reconstruction purposes; reserve fund; budget request; appropriation of funds.

On or before January 1, of each year the state road commissioner shall ascertain and determine the total amount of available funds for expenditure in the whole state for the construction and reconstruction of state roads for the succeeding fiscal year, and shall also submit such determination of available funds together with the proposed expenditure thereof as a part of his budget request for such succeeding fiscal year. Of the amount so ascertained the commissioner may set aside as a "reserve fund" not to exceed twenty percent thereof, to be used and expended by him in his discretion in making desirable connections or economizing in construction.

All moneys received from the federal government for road construction shall be expended as provided, or as may hereafter be provided by act of Congress.

If at the end of any annual period, any money in the reserve fund remains unexpended or unappropriated, it shall be placed in the General Fund for reserve and distribution during the next annual period.

The remaining eighty percent, or, if such reserve fund is not set aside, then all the funds shall be appropriated in the following order and preference:

(1) For the construction, reconstruction, and maintenance of expressway and trunkline roads, and to comply with the requirements for the receipt of aid from the federal government;

(2) For the maintenance of all feeder and state local service roads, as provided in section six-a of this article;

(3) For the construction and reconstruction of feeder and state local service roads as prescribed in section six-a of this article.

§17-3-6a. Allotment of funds for feeder and state local service roads.

On or before January 1, of each year the state road commissioner shall ascertain and determine the total amount of available funds for expenditure in the whole state for the construction, reconstruction and maintenance of feeder and state local service roads during such annual period. Of the amount so ascertained the commissioner may set aside as a reserve fund not to exceed twenty percent thereof, to be used and expended by him in his discretion in such manner as will best serve the interests of the state and the convenience of its inhabitants.

The remaining eighty percent, or, if such reserve fund is not set aside, then all the funds shall be appropriated in the following order and preference:

(1) Maintenance funds. -- To be allocated to the various counties on the basis of the mileage of various types or road surfaces:

(a) Paved surfaces of all types, such as, brick, cement, concrete, bituminous, etc.

(b) Traffic-bound surfaces, such as, slag, crushed stone, gravel, chert, red dog, shale, etc.

(c) Unimproved earth roads; by applying certain weights or percentages, based on past experience, to the various types of road surfaces.

(2) Construction and reconstruction. -- To be allocated to the various counties on the basis of the ratio of the unimproved mileage of feeder and state local service roads in the county to the total unimproved mileage of feeder and state local service roads in the state.

For the purposes of this section, the words "unimproved mileage" are defined and shall be construed to mean roads which are not passable for all-weather travel by motor vehicle.

All moneys received from the federal government for road construction or reconstruction shall be expended as provided, or as may hereafter be provided by act of Congress.

§17-3-6b. Matching funds with counties for the construction, reconstruction, repair and maintenance of feeder and state local service roads.

When the state road commissioner determines that there are funds available for the purpose of participating, on a matching fund basis, with the county court of one or more counties for the construction, reconstruction, repair and maintenance of any feeder and state local service roads within said county or counties, he shall in his discretion determine the amount the county court must deposit or place in escrow for matching purposes before the state road commissioner will commit any funds to a proposed project.

Nothing in this section shall be construed to alter or change in any way the allotment of funds for feeder and state local service roads as provided by section six-a of this article: Provided, however, That the feeder and state local service road fund of the county or counties participating under this section shall be charged with the amount advanced by the state road commissioner.

§17-3-7. Assent to federal aid.

The Legislature of the State of West Virginia hereby renews its assent to the provisions of the act of Congress approved July eleventh, nineteen hundred and sixteen, entitled "An act to provide that the United States shall aid the states in the construction of rural post roads and for other purposes." The state road commission is hereby authorized to enter into contracts and agreements with the United States government relating to the survey, construction and maintenance of roads under the provisions of said act of Congress, to submit such scheme or program of construction and maintenance as may be required by the secretary of agriculture, or other authorized representative of the federal government, and to do all other things necessary to carry out the cooperation contemplated and provided for by said act. For the construction and maintenance of rural post roads, the good faith of the state is hereby pledged to the government of the United States to make available funds sufficient at least to equal the sums apportioned to this state by the United States government during the period for which federal funds are appropriated by section three of said act, and to maintain the roads constructed with the aid of funds so appropriated, and to make adequate provision for carrying out such maintenance.

The state of West Virginia hereby further assents to any similar provision or provisions that may be made by any subsequent act of Congress making appropriation for the survey, construction and maintenance of rural post roads.

§17-3-8. Issuance of duplicate road bond when registered original is lost or destroyed.

Upon the filing with the State Treasurer of proof, which in his judgment and discretion is full and satisfactory, of the loss or destruction of any registered West Virginia state road bond issued by virtue of the laws of this state, and a corporate surety bond in an amount equal to the face value of the lost bond, conditioned to indemnify the State of West Virginia and all persons against any loss in consequence of the issuance of a duplicate bond, the treasurer and Auditor of the state shall be authorized to issue and deliver to the last registered holder of any such lost or destroyed bond, a duplicate thereof.

Each duplicate bond issued under the provisions of this section shall correspond with the original as to date, maturity, form and execution, except it may be given a number different from the original. It shall have printed or engraved on the face thereof the word "duplicate," and on its back a certificate executed by the treasurer in the following form: "The within duplicate bond is executed and issued under and by virtue of an act of the West Virginia Legislature passed on February 19, 1929, in lieu of road bond number ..... in the amount of $......., dated ........., 19 ..... , and maturing ........, 19 ......."

Any duplicate bond issued hereunder shall be taken and treated in all respects as the original, and the original shall be deemed cancelled.

The finder of any lost bond for which a duplicate has been issued shall forthwith transmit the same to the treasurer, who shall cancel it. Any person who shall retain possession of any such bond with knowledge that a duplicate has been issued therefor, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not exceeding $1,000 or confined in jail not exceeding one year.

§17-3-9. Signs along interstate highways.

The state road commissioner shall agree in behalf of this state to permit the erection of signs within the rights-of-way of the interstate highway system, as authorized by subsection (f) of section 131, Title 23, United States code, to the full extent authorized or agreed to by the secretary of transportation.

§17-3-10. Special fund.

There is hereby created a special fund, to the credit of which shall be paid all federal funds allocated and distributed to the State of West Virginia in implementation of the provisions of Title 23, United States Code, Section 135, relating to a traffic operations program to increase capacity and safety, to be administered by the state road commissioner in the carrying out of that program. There shall also be paid to the credit of this special fund funds received from municipalities, which funds represent the municipalities' share of the cost of participating in the traffic operations program.


§17-3A-1. Industrial Access Road Fund created; construction guarantees by municipalities and counties.

(a) Any other provision of this code notwithstanding, there is hereby continued in the State Treasury the Industrial Access Road Fund, referred to in this article as "the fund". There shall be deposited into the fund three fourths of one percent of all state tax collections which are otherwise specifically dedicated by the provisions of this code to the State Road Fund or the percentage of those tax collections that will produce $3 million for each fiscal year. At the end of each fiscal year, all unobligated moneys in the fund revert to the State Road Fund.

(b) The moneys in the fund shall be expended by the Division of Highways for constructing and maintaining industrial access roads within counties and municipalities to industrial sites on which manufacturing, distribution, processing or other economic development activities, including publicly owned airports, are already constructed or are under firm contract to be constructed. In the event there is no industrial site already constructed or for which the construction is under firm contract, a county or municipality may guarantee to the Division of Highways an acceptable surety or a device in an amount equal to the estimated cost of the access road or that portion provided by the Division of Highways, that an industrial site will be constructed and if no industrial site acceptable to the Division of Highways is constructed within the time limits of the surety or device, the surety or device shall be forfeited.

§17-3A-2. Division of highways to determine construction of industrial access roads.

In determining whether or not to construct or improve any industrial access road and in determining the nature of the road to be constructed, the Division of Highways shall base its decision on the costs of the industrial access road in relation to the volume and nature of the traffic to be generated as a result of developing the industrial site within the total industrial area. In making a decision on any industrial site, the total volume of traffic to be generated shall be considered in regard to the overall cost of the project. The Division of Highways shall consult and work in cooperation with the West Virginia Development Office in determining the use of industrial access road funds.

Prior to a formal request for the use of moneys from the fund to provide access to new or expanding industrial sites, the location of the industrial access road shall be submitted for approval of the Division of Highways. The Division of Highways shall consider the cost of the industrial access road as it relates to the project's location and as it relates to the possibility of future extensions of the road to serve other possible industrial sites as well as the future development of the surrounding area.

Prior to the allocation of moneys from the fund for the construction or maintenance of an industrial access road to an industry proposing to locate or expand in a county or municipality, the governing body of the county or municipality shall, by resolution, request moneys from the fund and shall be responsible for the preliminary negotiations with the industries and other interested parties. The Division of Highways shall be available for consultation with the governing bodies of the counties or municipalities and other interested parties and may prepare surveys, plans, engineering studies and cost estimates for the proposed industrial access road.

§17-3A-3. Industrial access roads to be part of state road system.

Any industrial access road constructed under this article is a state local service road in the state road system and shall thereafter be maintained in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.

§17-3A-4. Restrictions on use of fund.

(a) The fund may not be used for the adjustment of utilities or for the construction of industrial access roads to schools, hospitals, libraries, armories, shopping centers, apartment buildings, government installations or similar facilities, whether public or private. The fund may not be used to construct industrial access roads on private property.

(b) Moneys from the fund may not be expended until the governing body of the county or municipality certifies to the Division of Highways that the industrial site is constructed and operating or is under firm contract to be constructed or operated, or upon the presentation of an acceptable surety or device in an amount equal to the estimated cost of the access road or that portion provided by the Division of Highways in accordance with section one of this article.

(c) Not more than $400,000 of unmatched moneys from the fund may be allocated for use in any one county in any fiscal year. The maximum amount of unmatched moneys which may be allocated from the fund is ten percent of the fair market value of the designated industrial establishment. The amount of unmatched funds allocated may be supplemented with additional matched moneys from the fund, in which case the matched moneys allocated from the fund may not exceed 150,000, to be matched equally from sources other than the fund. The amount of matched moneys which may be allocated from the fund over and above the unmatched funds may not exceed five percent of the fair market value of the designated industrial site.

(d) Funds may only be allocated to those items of construction and engineering which are essential to providing an adequate facility to serve the anticipated traffic. Funds may not be allocated for items such as storm sewers, curbs, gutters and extra pavement width unless necessary to extend or connect an existing access road.

§17-3A-5. Disbursements from fund.

Any claim of a contractor or others, not otherwise provided for, for labor done or for materials, services or supplies furnished to the Division of Highways pursuant to the provisions of this article shall be audited by the commissioner of the Division of Highways. If the commissioner determines that the claim is valid and correct, the commissioner shall issue a requisition of the division upon the State Auditor therefor showing the nature of the claim and specifying whether the claim is for labor done or materials, services or supplies furnished for the construction or maintenance of state roads, or for other purposes, and the Auditor shall issue his or her warrant upon the State Treasurer therefor. The treasurer shall issue the warrant to the person, firm or corporation entitled thereto out of the funds in the treasury provided for that purpose. The cost of acquiring a right-of-way shall be paid out of the fund.

§17-3A-6. Annual audit to be made of receipts and expenditures of fund.

The Legislature, acting through the Joint Committee on Government and Finance, shall cause an annual audit to be made by a resident independent certified public accountant of all books, accounts and records relating to all receipts and expenditures of the fund. The commissioner shall make available to the independent Auditor or Auditors performing the audit all of the division's books, accounts and records pertaining to all moneys received and expended. The Auditor or Auditors performing the audit shall make available annually the audit report with copies thereof to the members of the Legislature, the Governor, the commissioner of the Division of Highways, the Secretary of State, the State Treasurer, the Attorney General and the State Auditor. The audit report shall be available to the public in the office of the Secretary of State.

The Legislature, acting through the Joint Committee on Government and Finance, shall obtain the services of a resident independent certified public accountant for this purpose, the cost of which shall be payable out of funds appropriated by the Legislature. Any audits of the funds which have been made by any official auditing agency of the United States government shall be accepted in lieu of the state audit.


§17-4-1. Classification of state roads; control over state roads; control by county courts of roads, bridges and landings; roads in state parks, forests and public hunting and fishing areas made part of state road system.

The state road system shall consist of roads functionally classified into five categories as follows: (1) Expressway; (2) trunkline; (3) feeder; (4) state local service; and (5) park and forest. The authority and control over the state roads shall be vested in the commissioner of highways.

The county courts shall retain the superintendence and administration of roads, bridges and landings that remain under their jurisdiction as provided in section one, article ten of this chapter.

The commissioner of highways shall take control of all existing roads which are publicly owned within the state parks system and in the state forests including public hunting and fishing areas, formerly the responsibility of the director of the department of natural resources, on the effective date of this section and shall assume control of their further construction, reconstruction and maintenance as a part of the state road system. The commissioner is responsible for construction, reconstruction and maintenance as a part of the state road system of any new roads for public usage that may be constructed with the approval of the director of the department of natural resources, in existing state parks, state forests, public hunting and fishing areas or any such roads for public usage which may be established on publicly owned lands in any future state park, state forest, public hunting or fishing areas.

The director of the department of natural resources has the authority and responsibility to do the necessary cutting and planting of vegetation along road rights-of-way in state parks, state forests and public hunting and fishing areas.

§17-4-2. Definitions of roads comprising state road system.

The following meanings shall be ascribed to roads comprising the state road system:

 (a) "Expressway." -- Serves major intrastate and interstate travel, including federal interstate routes.

 (b) "Trunkline." -- Serves major city to city travel.

 (c) "Feeder." -- Serves community to community travel or collects and feeds traffic to the higher systems or both.

 (d) "State local service." -- Localized arterial and spur roads which provide land access and socioeconomic benefits to abutting properties.

 (e) "Park and forest." -- Serves travel within state parks, state forests and public hunting and fishing areas.

§17-4-3. Classification of roads in state road system; reclassification.

All roads in the state road system shall be classified by the state road commissioner. Classification shall be according to functional level of service, either as expressway, trunkline, feeder, or state local service. The designation of a road as expressway, trunkline, feeder, or state local service, shall be subject to change, however, whenever in the judgment of the commissioner altered conditions require that a road be reclassified from one category to another.

§17-4-4. Interstate and international highway planning.

The commissioner shall consider and plan the state's part in any contemplated interstate or international system of roads and highways, and may attend meetings and conferences within and without the state for discussion and planning of programs relating thereto.

§17-4-5. Right of eminent domain.

The state road commissioner, or the state road commission may acquire by right of eminent domain any land or water, or any interest therein or any rights, ways, or easements thereon or thereover, for the purpose of constructing, widening, straightening, grading, or altering any state road, or for the purposes enumerated in section twenty-five of this article, or to provide a detour or temporary road or bridge while a road is in the process of construction, reconstruction, improvement, or repair, or for any other purposes authorized by any provision of this chapter, whenever a just compensation cannot be agreed upon by the owner or claimant of such property, for such taking, use, or damage.

The state road commissioner, or the state road commission, for any of the purposes aforesaid may likewise acquire by eminent domain any bridge or bridge site across any stream separating this state from an adjoining state, any portion thereof, or the approaches thereto, or any interest, franchise, right, or privilege in the same, whether the same be owned and operated by a bridge company, a railroad or electric company, or other railway, or other utility, or any other person, firm, or corporation, such right to be exercised to provide either for a permanent title, ownership, use, or easement thereon or thereover, or for a temporary use and easement thereon or thereover as a detour, or temporary road or bridge; and such rights may be acquired subject to the use by any railroad or electric company, or other railway or utility, or under such reasonable regulation as to such use as the court may prescribe. The state road commission may also exercise in any adjoining state such powers of eminent domain for any of the purposes aforesaid, whether such powers are now conferred or may be hereafter conferred upon the commission by any act of Congress of the United States, if such act of Congress be necessary for the exercise of such powers. Title to property condemned in any adjoining state may be taken either in the name of the state or of the state road commission.

The proceedings for the purposes aforesaid may be instituted in the name of the commissioner, or the state road commission, either at law or in equity, and prosecuted and determined as provided in chapter fifty-four.

§17-4-6. Cost of acquiring rights-of-way.

The cost of acquiring all rights-of-way for road purposes shall be paid out of the state road fund.

§17-4-7. Information to be filed with clerk of county court.

The state road commissioner shall promptly file with the clerk of the county court of each county, all changes in titles to rights-of-way, maps, plats, surveys and all discontinuances of state roads within the county.

§17-4-8. Use of roadbed by railroad, telephone company, etc.

No railroad or electric or other railway shall be constructed upon the roadbed of any state road, except to cross the same, nor shall any person, firm or corporation enter upon or construct any works in or upon such road, or lay or maintain thereon or thereunder any drainage, sewer or water pipes, gas pipes, electric conduits or other pipes, nor shall any telephone, telegraph or electric line or power pole, or any other structure whatsoever, be erected upon, in or over any portion of a state road, except under such restrictions, conditions and regulations as may be prescribed by the state road commissioner. Whenever any railroad or electric or other railway, heretofore or hereafter constructed, shall cross any state road, it shall be required to keep its own roadbed, and the bed of the road or highway at such crossing, in proper repair, or else to construct and maintain an overhead or undergrade crossing, subject to the approval of the state road commissioner; and the tracks of such railroad or railway at grade crossings shall be so constructed as to give a safe and easy approach to and across the same, and when the construction of such approaches is made necessary by a change in the railroad grade at the grade crossing, the cost shall be upon the railway company.

§17-4-9. Separation, elimination or avoidance of railway-highway grade crossings -- When commissioner may require.

Whenever in his judgment it is necessary for the safety of the traveling public or to comply with the safety, design or construction standards for a federal-aid highway project, the state road commissioner may require any railroad company, owning, controlling or operating a railroad in this state, to eliminate railway-highway crossings at grade on existing highways and to avoid railway-highway crossings at grade on new highways, relocated highways and extensions of existing highways by separating the grades or by relocating an existing highway. The commissioner may determine the location, design and grade for any project or structure for the elimination or avoidance of railway-highway crossings at grade, and may determine whether a new, relocated or extended highway shall pass over or under the railroad right of way or tracks. The railroad company shall not be required to bear any part of the cost of construction or maintenance of such grade separation, except where the separation structure eliminates an existing grade crossing.

§17-4-10. Same -- Commissioner's order to eliminate, etc., crossing; amendment to order.

(a) Whenever, in the judgment of the state road commissioner, it is necessary for the safety of the traveling public, or to comply with the safety, design or construction standards for a federal-aid highway project, that a railway-highway crossing at grade be eliminated on an existing highway or avoided on a new highway, relocated highway or extension of an existing highway by separating the grades or relocating an existing highway, the state road commissioner shall make an order to that effect and furnish a copy thereof by registered mail to the State Auditor or attorney of record of the railroad affected by the order.

(b) The commissioner's order shall include at least the following:

(1) A statement describing and locating the railway-highway crossing at grade to be eliminated or avoided; and

(2) A statement of the general plan to be followed in effecting the elimination or avoidance of the specified railway-highway crossing at grade, including general details concerning the following matters:

(A) Whether a new, relocated or extended highway shall pass over or under the railroad right-of-way or tracks; and

(B) The location, grade and width of the grade separation structure or crossing to be constructed and the angle at which the structure or crossing shall meet and converge into the highway bed on either side of the railroad tracks or right-of-way.

(c) Whenever a railroad company affected by the order specified in subsection (a) refuses to enter into a written agreement with the state road commissioner respecting a federal-aid railway-highway project for elimination or avoidance of railway-highway crossings at grade, the commissioner may amend the order made under subsection (a) to incorporate therein insofar as practicable all the details required by the regulations, policies and procedures of the Bureau of Public Roads, United States Department of Commerce, to be included in written agreements between a railroad and a state respecting federal-aid railway-highway projects. The amended order shall be furnished by registered mail to the State Auditor or attorney of record of the railroad affected thereby.

§17-4-11. Same -- Protest against order; hearing; appeal.

Any railroad company dissatisfied with the order of the state road commissioner directing the separation or elimination of grades at any point, may, within thirty days after the receipt by the State Auditor or attorney of record of such railroad company of a copy of the order directing the separation or elimination at such grades, file with the state road commissioner a protest giving the reasons of said railroad why such order should not be enforced. On the filing of such protest, the state road commissioner shall set down for hearing the matter in issue. On the hearing of the protest the state road commissioner shall hear all evidence which may be offered by any party upon the reasonableness of the separation or elimination of the grades, and if the commissioner, from the evidence, shall find that the construction of the work is necessary, he shall enter an order to that effect, and direct that the work shall be proceeded with in accordance with this article.

Any order entered by the state road commissioner pursuant to the provisions of this section shall be subject to judicial review by the circuit court of the county in which the grades to be separated or eliminated are located, or the circuit court of Kanawha county, upon the filing in such court or with the judge thereof in vacation, of a petition for appeal by the party or parties aggrieved by such order, within thirty days from the date of the giving of written notice of such order by the state road commissioner to the party or parties to the hearing of the protest by certified or registered mail.

The party or parties making such appeal shall forthwith send a copy of such petition for appeal, by certified or registered mail, to the state road commissioner. Upon receipt of such copy of such petition for appeal the state road commissioner shall promptly certify and file in such court a complete transcript of the record upon which the order complained of was entered. The costs of such transcript shall be recovered by the party substantially prevailing on appeal.

The court sitting in lieu of the jury, or judge thereof in vacation, shall, after due notice, conduct a hearing on the issues presented by such appeal and shall permit argument, oral or written or both, by the parties. The court shall permit such pleadings, in addition to the pleadings before the state road commissioner, as it deems to be required. Evidence relating to the making of the order complained of and relating to the questions raised by the allegations of the pleadings or other questions pertinent in the proceeding may be offered by the parties to the proceeding.

Upon such conditions as may be required and to the extent necessary to prevent irreparable injury, any circuit court to which an appeal has been made as provided in this section, may, after due notice to and hearing of the parties to the appeal, issue all necessary and appropriate process to postpone the effective date of order of the state road commissioner complained of or to grant such other relief as may be appropriate pending final determination.

A circuit court to which an appeal has been made as provided in this section, may affirm, annul or revise the order of the state road commissioner complained of, or it may remand the proceeding to the state road commissioner for such further action as it directs.

The decision of the circuit court on an appeal from the state road commissioner shall be final, subject only to review by the Supreme Court of Appeals of West Virginia upon a petition for certiorari filed in such court within sixty days from the entry of the order and decision of the circuit court upon such appeal from the state road commissioner.

§17-4-12. Same -- Railroad to file plans, etc., for separation with commissioner.

Within sixty days after the entry of any order by the state road commissioner, directing a separation or elimination of grades at any point, as herein provided, unless legal proceedings be taken, the railroad company affected by such order shall, in the case of a separation of grades, prepare and present to the state road commissioner for his approval, plans, specifications and estimates of cost of the necessary approaches thereto.

§17-4-13. Same -- Bidding upon approval of plans; work to be let to lowest responsible bidder.

Upon the approval of such plans and specifications by the state road commissioner, the railroad company affected shall secure sealed bids for the construction of such work, and within thirty days after the approval of such plans shall receive and open such bids, after having notified the road commissioner five days in advance of the day on which such bids shall be opened. The work shall be let to the lowest responsible bidder, subject to the provisions hereinafter contained. The successful bidder shall be required to prosecute the work to completion with reasonable diligence.

§17-4-14. Same -- Distribution of cost between railroad and state.

The total cost of preparing plans, specifications and estimates, of the necessary property including damages to property not taken, of securing bids, and of the work, in grade separations, shall be borne by the railroad company or companies and the state: Provided, however, That unless otherwise agreed upon, said railroad company or companies involved shall be liable for ten per cent of such total cost: Provided, further, That all right-of-way, owned by the state or the railroad company or companies and needed and used for such grade separations, shall be donated for that purpose and shall not be considered as a part of such total cost to be prorated between the parties involved.

§17-4-15. Same -- Rejection of bids; new bids; performance of work by state or railroad.

The state road commissioner shall have the authority to order the rejection of any or all bids submitted for the construction of any work ordered to be done under the provisions of this article, and the railroad company shall secure new bids. The state road commissioner or the railroad company affected shall have the power to reject any and all bids, and elect to do the work itself, in which event there shall not be charged to the railroad company or to the state road commissioner any sum in excess of what it would have been required to pay had the contract been let to the lowest responsible bidder.

§17-4-16. Same -- Payment of state's share of cost; commissioner may furnish engineer.

In all cases the state road commissioner shall, as the work progresses, pay to the railroad company affected its share of the cost of such work as herein provided, which payment shall be made upon estimates furnished by the chief engineer of such railroad company. The state road commissioner shall have the right to furnish an engineer, at his expense, who shall act in cooperation with the engineering department of the railroad company affected in the supervision of such work.

§17-4-17. Same -- Maintenance of work.

After the construction of a grade separation under this article, where the highway is carried over the railroad the state shall maintain the state highway and the structures supporting it and the drainage thereof, and the railroad company shall maintain its tracks; and where the state highway is passed under the railroad then the state shall maintain the highway and the drainage thereof, and the railroad company shall maintain its roadbed and the tracks and the structures supporting the same: Provided, however, That the state, at its sole expense, shall bear the cost of repairing or replacing any part of such supporting structure which may be damaged or destroyed by highway traffic; and the railroad company, at its own sole expense, shall bear the cost of repairing or replacing any part of such supporting structure which may be damaged or destroyed by railroad traffic: Provided further, That the provisions of this section shall not be applicable to grade separations constructed prior to the effective date of this act.

§17-4-17a. Same -- Relocation or reconstruction of existing grade separation structures.

The state road commissioner shall have the same authority and follow the same procedure and the cost and maintenance provision shall be the same, in the relocation and reconstruction of existing grade separation structures, where the tracks of any railroad and any state road cross, as is provided in sections nine to seventeen, inclusive, of this article.

§17-4-17b. Relocation of public utility lines on highway construction projects.

(a) Whenever the division reasonably determines that any public utility line or facility located upon, across, or under any portion of a state highway needs to be removed, relocated, or adjusted in order to accommodate a highway project, the division shall give to the utility reasonable notice in writing as mutually agreed, but not to exceed 18 months, directing it to begin the physical removal, relocation, or adjustment of such utility obstruction or interference at the cost of the utility, including construction inspection costs and in compliance with the rules of the division and the provisions of §29A-3-1 et seq. of this code.

(b) If the notice is in conjunction with a highway improvement project, it will be provided at the date of advertisement or award. Prior to the notice directing the physical removal, relocation, or adjustment of a utility line or facility, the utility shall adhere to the division’s utility relocation procedures for public road improvements which shall include, but not be limited to, the following:

(1) The division will submit to the utility a letter and a set of plans for the proposed highway improvement project;

(2) The utility must within a reasonable time submit to the division a written confirmation acknowledging receipt of the plans and a declaration of whether or not its facilities are within the proposed project limits and the extent to which the facilities are in conflict with the project;

(3) If the utility is adjusting, locating, or relocating facilities or lines from or into the division’s right-of-way, the utility must submit to the division plans showing existing and proposed locations of utility facilities.

(4) The utility’s submission shall include with the plans a work plan demonstrating that the utility adjustment, location, or relocation will be accomplished in a manner and time frame established by the division’s written procedures and instructions. The work plan shall specify the order and calendar days for removal, relocation, or adjustment of the utility from or within the project site and any staging property acquisition or other special requirements needed to complete the removal, relocation, or adjustment. The division shall approve the work plan, including any requests for compensation, submitted by a utility for a highway improvement project if it is submitted within the established schedule and does not adversely affect the letting date. The division will review the work plan to ensure compliance with the proposed improvement plans and schedule.

(c) If additional utility removal, relocation, or adjustment work is found necessary after the letting date of the highway improvement project, the utility shall provide a revised work plan within 30 calendar days after receipt of the division’s written notification of the additional work. The utility’s revised work plan shall be reviewed by the division to ensure compliance with the highway project or improvement. The division shall reimburse the utility for work performed by the utility that must be performed again as the result of a plan change on the part of the division.

(d) Should the utility fail to comply with the notice to remove, relocate, or adjust, the utility is liable to the division for direct contract damages, including costs, fees, penalties, or other contract charges, for which the division is proven to be liable to a contractor caused by the utility’s failure to timely remove, relocate, or adjust, unless a written extension is granted by the division. The utility shall not be liable for any delay or other failure to comply with a notice to remove, relocate or adjust that is not solely the fault of the utility, including, but not limited to, the following:

(1) The division has not performed its obligations in accordance with the division’s rules;

(2) The division has not obtained all necessary rights-of-way that affect the utility;

(3) The delay or other failure to comply by the utility is due to the division’s failure to manage schedules and communicate with the utility;

(4) The division seeks to impose liability on the utility based solely upon oral communications or communications not directed to the utility’s designated contact person;

(5) The division changes construction plans in any manner following the notice to remove or relocate and the change affects the utility’s facilities; or

(6) Other good cause, beyond the control of and not the fault of the utility, including, but not limited to, labor disputes, unavailability of materials on a national level, act of God, or extreme weather conditions.

(e) In order to avoid construction delays and to create an efficient and effective highway program, the division may schedule program meetings with the public utility on a quarterly basis to assure that schedules are maintained.

(f) If a utility that is required by law to bear all or a portion of its own relocation costs elects to pursue a reimbursement agreement with the division pursuant to this subsection and provides the division with sufficient evidence to demonstrate that the utility is not adequately staffed, equipped, or capitalized to perform such relocation work with its own forces or contractors at a time convenient to and in coordination with the associated highway project, the division may pay for the associated relocation costs, including, but not limited to, design engineering, design review, construction, and inspection costs, out of the State Road Fund: Provided, That the utility shall reimburse the division in full for such portion of the relocation costs that it is required by law to bear within two years of the completion of the highway project. The division shall deduct from the utility’s reimbursement amount any costs resulting from work performed as a result of plan changes made by the division. Before the division may pay any relocation costs, the division and the utility shall enter into a written reimbursement agreement containing terms that are mutually acceptable to the division and the utility seeking the reimbursement agreement.  

(1) Preliminary engineering design work associated with utility relocations to be paid for by the division pursuant to a reimbursement agreement shall be completed by any of the following methods:

(A) The division’s or the utility’s internal forces;

(B) A consultant selected by the division if the contract is administered by the division: Provided, That the selected consultant shall be pre-approved by the utility; or

(C) Inclusion as part of the highway construction contract let by the division as agreed to by the utility: Provided, That the subcontractor performing the preliminary engineering design work associated with the relocation is pre-approved by the utility.

(2)  Utility relocation construction work paid for by the division pursuant to a reimbursement agreement shall be completed by either of the following methods:

(A) A contract awarded by the division to the lowest qualified bidder based on an appropriate competitive solicitation: Provided, That the lowest qualified bidder for utility relocation construction work is pre-approved by the utility; or  

(B) Inclusion as part of the highway construction contract let by the division as agreed to by the utility: Provided, That the subcontractor performing the utility relocation construction work is pre-approved by the utility.

(3) All design and construction work paid for by the division pursuant to a reimbursement agreement is subject to the reasonable inspection and acceptance of the utility, whose acceptance shall not be unreasonably withheld, and shall be performed in accordance with the specifications and standards required by the utility.

(4) All relocation work performed pursuant to a reimbursement agreement shall conform to applicable state and federal laws or regulations.

(5)  The provisions of this subsection are completely voluntary and shall not be interpreted to require any utility to enter into a reimbursement agreement with the division or avail itself of the options authorized by this subsection.

(6) The division may propose rules for legislative approval in accordance with the provisions of §29A-3-1 et seq. of this code and the division may promulgate emergency rules pursuant to the provisions of §29A-3-15 of this code in order to comply with this subsection.



Acts, 2006 Reg. Sess., Ch. 201.

§17-4-17d. Relocation of public utility lines and public service districts utility lines on state highway construction projects.

Whenever the Commissioner of Highways determines that any public utility line owned by a county or municipal governmental body located upon, across or under any portion of a state highway needs to be relocated in order to accommodate a highway project for which proportionate reimbursement of the cost is not available from any federal program, the commissioner shall notify the public utility owning or operating the facility which shall relocate the same in accordance with this section, and the cost of the relocation shall be paid out of the state road fund.

§17-4-18. Approved types of paving to be determined and advertised.

Before the state road commissioner shall advertise for any contract for the paving of any state road, he shall determine upon and approve plans and specifications for the construction of standard types of paving suitable for the project contemplated, and shall include in the advertisement and proposals for such work the types of paving approved.

§17-4-19. Contracts for construction, materials, etc.; work by prison labor, etc.; bidding procedure.

(a) All work of construction and reconstruction of state roads and bridges, and the furnishing of all materials and supplies therefor, and for the repair thereof shall be done and furnished pursuant to contract, except that the commissioner may not be required to award any contract for work which can be done advantageously, economically and practicably by commission forces or prison labor and by use of state road equipment, or for materials and supplies, which are manufactured, processed or assembled by the commissioner: Provided, That the commissioner may not be required to award any contract for work, materials or supplies for an amount less than $3,000. In all the work, the commissioner shall utilize state road forces or prison labor and state road equipment and shall manufacture, process and assemble all the materials and supplies for the work whenever and wherever the commissioner, in his or her discretion, finds work and services advantageous, economical and practicable in the state road program.

(b) If the work is to be done, or the materials therefor are to be furnished by contract, the commissioner shall thereupon publish the following described advertisement as a Class II legal advertisement, in compliance with the provisions of article three, chapter fifty-nine of this code, and the publication area for the publication shall be the county or municipality in which the road lies.

(c) The advertisement shall also be published at least once in at least one daily newspaper published in the city of Charleston and in other journals or magazines as may to the commissioner seem advisable. The advertisement shall solicit sealed proposals for the construction or other improvement of the road, and for the furnishing of materials therefor, accurately describing the same, and stating the time and place for opening the proposals and reserving the right to reject any and all proposals: Provided, That whenever the estimated amount of any contract for work or for materials or supplies is less than $3,000, the commissioner may not be required to advertise the letting of the contract in newspapers as above required, but may award the contract to the lowest responsible bidder, when two or more sealed proposals or bids have been received by him or her without the advertisement, but the contract may not be so awarded unless the bid of the successful bidder is $3,000 or less.

(d) The commissioner shall have the power to prescribe proper prequalifications of contractors bidding on state road construction work: Provided, That a vendor who has been debarred pursuant to the provisions of sections thirty-three-a through thirty-three-f, article three, chapter five-a of this code, may not bid on or be awarded a contract under this section.

(e) To all sealed proposals there shall be attached the certified check of the bidder or bidder's bond acceptable to the commissioner, in the amount as the commissioner shall specify in the advertisement, but not to exceed five percent of the aggregate amount of the bid; but the amount shall never be less than $5,00. The proposals shall be publicly opened and read at the time and place specified in the advertisement, and the contract for the work, or for the supplies or materials required therefor shall, if let, be awarded by the commissioner to the lowest responsible bidder for the type of construction selected.

(f) In case all bids be rejected, the commissioner may thereafter do the work with commission forces or with prison labor, or may readvertise in the same manner as before and let a contract for the work pursuant thereto.

§17-4-20. Bidder’s bond required; return or forfeiture of bond.

(a) In any case where a contract for work and materials shall be let as a result of competitive bidding, the successful bidder shall, within 20 days after notice of award, execute a formal contract to be approved as to its form, terms, and conditions by the commissioner, and shall also execute and deliver to the commissioner a good and sufficient surety or collateral bond, payable to the State of West Virginia, to be approved by the commissioner, in such amount as the commissioner may require, but not to exceed 110 percent of the contract price, conditioned that the contractor shall well and truly perform the contract. The commissioner may determine individual contractor surety or collateral bond amounts based upon objective criteria set by the commissioner, and any final decision that adversely affects a contractor shall be a contested case subject to appeal under Chapter 29A of this code.

(b) The contractor shall pay in full to the persons entitled thereto for all material, gas, oil, repairs, supplies, tires, equipment, rental charges for equipment and charges for the use of equipment, and labor used by the contractor in the performance of such contract, or which reasonably appeared, at the time of delivery or performance, would be substantially consumed in and about the performance of the contract. A legal action may be maintained upon the bond for breach thereof by any person for whose benefit the bond was executed or by his or her assignee.

(c) The bidder who has the contract awarded to him or her and who fails within 20 days after notice of the award to execute the required contract and bond shall forfeit such check or bond, which shall be taken and considered as liquidated damages and not as a penalty for failure of such bidder to execute the contract and bond.

(d) Upon the execution of the contract and bond by the successful bidder, his or her check or bond shall be released to him or her. The checks or bonds of the unsuccessful bidders shall be released to them promptly after the bids are opened and the contract awarded to the successful bidder.

(e) A duplicate copy of such contract and bond shall be furnished by the Commissioner of the Division of Highways, in electronic or paper form as may be required, to the county clerk of the county in which such contract is to be performed. It is the duty of the county clerk to bind and preserve the same in his or her office and index the same in the name of the commissioner and of the contractor.

§17-4-21. Form and signing of deeds and contracts made by commissioner.

Every deed and contract made by the state road commissioner shall be made in the name of the state road commission and shall be signed by the commissioner, and every contract shall also be signed by the contractor.

§17-4-22. Combination in restraint of trade; persons limiting competition in bidding.

Contracts authorized by this chapter shall not be let to any person, association of persons, firm, company or corporation, connected, directly or indirectly, with any combination in the form of an unlawful trust in restraint of trade, or who has an understanding, directly or indirectly, to limit, in any manner, competition in bidding upon the construction of any state road or bridge, or for furnishing any materials. Any such combination or unlawful trust is hereby forbidden. Any person, association of persons, firm or corporation entering into, or being a part of, any such combination or unlawful trust shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not exceeding $1,000; and every person, county or state officer, or any employee of any county of the state, or of the state road commissioner or other person connected therewith, directly or indirectly, and any officer or member of a corporation, who shall be engaged in any way in promoting any such combination or unlawful trust, or in aiding or abetting the same, or knowingly committing any acts in pursuance thereof, in addition to being subject to the fine aforesaid, may, in the discretion of the court, be imprisoned not exceeding six months.

§17-4-23. Certificate showing constituents of materials; false certificates.

Any person, firm or corporation offering for sale or selling to the state any paints, metal or metal culverts, fence or fencing, or any other materials or supplies for use upon or in the construction of any road or bridge or part thereof, shall, if requested, furnish therewith a certificate under oath, showing its purity, chemical constituents, and the percentage of impurities contained therein. Any person, firm or corporation knowingly making or furnishing a false certificate shall be guilty of perjury.

Any contract made by reason of any false statement or representation may be cancelled by order of the court.

§17-4-24. Testing and approval of materials or supplies.

Materials or supplies shall be used in the construction, reconstruction, improvement, repair, or maintenance of state roads only when tested, standardized and approved in writing by the state road commissioner.

§17-4-24a. Guardrail construction.

Beginning July 1, 1988, any guardrail placed or replaced in new or existing locations on the state road system must be constructed using wooden posts unless use of another material would reduce the costs of such construction or reconstruction: Provided, That when guardrails are damaged, materials of a like kind may be used.

§17-4-25. Acquisition, establishment and operation of quarries, cement and other plants.

For the purpose of obtaining materials to be used in the construction and maintenance of state roads and highways, the state road commissioner is hereby authorized and empowered, on behalf of the state, to establish stone quarries, stone crushing plants, brick kilns, cement plants, and other plants deemed by him needful or necessary in the prosecution of his work, and to acquire lands and appurtenances requisite thereto. The commissioner shall also have the power to rent, purchase, condemn or acquire by any other lawful method, stone quarries, gravel, clay, sand, and other deposits, with rights-of-way thereto, and wharves, landings, switches and storage places for shipping or receiving materials; hire or purchase all means of transportation for the same; remove such materials from such lands and other places; prepare such materials for use; manufacture such materials into road-making products; purchase all necessary machinery, tools and other equipment; make such contracts and employ such labor as may be needful or necessary to establish and operate such plants; acquire, prepare, manufacture and transport such materials for use, and to do all other things needful or necessary in connection with the purchase, production, accumulation and distribution of such materials for the uses aforesaid. All costs and expenses incidental thereto shall be paid out of the state road fund. The commissioner may sell the surplus of such materials, products or equipment to any county or municipality of the state, or to any person, firm or corporation, at not less than actual cost, when the same are to be used exclusively in the building of roads, streets and alleys in this state. The commissioner shall pay to the State Treasurer the funds received therefor, to be credited to the state road fund.

The commissioner is empowered to enter into contracts with the proper authorities of other states to establish, jointly, plants for the preparation and manufacture of cement, brick, stone and other materials to be used in the construction of roads as provided herein, and to operate jointly such plants, acquire all materials and do all other things necessary for such operation, and the disposition of the products thereof, for the more economic prosecution of the work of building and maintaining public roads.

§17-4-26. Municipal streets and bridges and free bridges designated as connecting part of state road system -- Authorized.

The state road commissioner may, at any time, after due consultation with and notice to the governing body of the municipal corporation, locate and designate or relocate and redesignate, as a connecting part of the state road system, any bridge or street within a municipal corporation. The commissioner may construct, reconstruct, improve and maintain the designated or redesignated connecting part at the cost and expense of the state.

Any existins free bridge forming a connecting link between two counties or two state routes is hereby adopted as part of the state road system and shall hereafter be maintained by the state, and any existing free bridge forming a connecting link between this and another state is hereby adopted as part of such system, and shall, as to that part of the bridge within the boundary of this state, be maintained by the state.

§17-4-27. Same -- Control of connecting parts of state road system within municipalities.

The state road commissioner shall exercise the same control over connecting parts of the state road system in municipalities, except the regulation of traffic, that he exercises over such system generally, but he shall assume no greater duty or obligation in the construction, reconstruction and maintenance of streets which are part of the state road system than he is required to assume in the case of state roads outside of municipalities. In order, however, to promote the safe and efficient utilization of such streets, the location, form and character of informational, regulatory and warning signs, curb and pavement or other markings, and traffic signals installed or placed by any municipality on any highway or street hereafter constructed with state or federal aid shall be subject to the approval of the state road commissioner.

§17-4-28. Same -- Notice and laying of necessary pipes, etc., before reconstruction within municipality.

Before the state road commissioner shall construct, reconstruct, improve or repair a section of the state road system within a municipality he shall, where the road is an "expressway" or "truckline," and he may, where said road is a "feeder" or "state local service" road, give the municipality a notice of such proposed construction, reconstruction, improvement, and repair, and shall likewise give notice to all public service companies and public utilities of such proposed work. Upon receipt of such notice, the municipality shall by ordinance compel all abutting property owners to lay all necessary pipe and to make necessary connections along, in, under, and through the said section of said road before the construction, reconstruction, improvement, or repair is started. All public service companies and public utilities receiving notice from said state road commissioner shall also lay all necessary pipe and make necessary connections along, in, under, and through said section of said road before the construction, reconstruction, improvement, or repair is started.

Should any person, firm, association, or corporation, including municipal corporation, fail or neglect to make all such necessary repairs and connections within a reasonable time after the enactment of such ordinance or the service of notice on them by the state road commissioner, then the said state road commissioner may law such pipe and make such connections and the cost and expenses of laying such pipe and making such connections shall be chargeable to the person, firm, association, or corporation who shall have failed or refused to lay such pipe and make such connections, and the state road commissioner shall collect all of such necessary costs and expenses from the person, firm, association, or corporation, who shall have so failed, refused or neglected to perform such work, by proper action in any court having jurisdiction thereof. However, the cost and expenses shall not be chargeable against any municipality to the extent that the same would impose an indebtedness against any municipality in excess of the amount allowed by law.

§17-4-29. Same -- Taking over streets not to affect franchise.

The taking over of streets as provided in section twenty-six shall not affect the rights owned or held by any person under any franchise now existing or hereafter granted.

§17-4-30. Same -- Taking over streets not to affect existing contracts.

The taking over of streets as a connecting part of the state road system shall not affect any existing contract for construction, reconstruction or improvement.

§17-4-31. Same -- Rules and regulations of commissioner to govern streets taken as connecting parts of state road system.

The state road commissioner may, by reasonable rules and regulations, govern the widths and grades of streets designated as connecting parts of the state road system. He may regulate the opening of pavement for the construction or repair of service lines or substructures, and may require adequate bond to secure the proper replacement of the pavement. He may also make other reasonable regulations concerning the construction and maintenance of the streets.

In the absence of regulations by the commissioner, the municipal authorities may continue to exercise the same authority that they have over other streets within their jurisdiction.



Acts, 1967 Reg. Sess., Ch. 175.

§17-4-33. Inspection, condemnation, etc., of unsafe bridges.

The commissioner shall inspect all bridges upon state roads. If any bridge is found to be unsafe, the commissioner shall promptly condemn, close and repair it.

§17-4-34. Contracts for interstate bridges; report to Governor.

When it is necessary and proper to connect a state road with a public highway of an adjoining state, the state road commissioner, with the approval of the Governor, is authorized to enter into a contract with the proper authorities of the adjoining state for the joint purchase, erection, and maintenance of a bridge across the stream separating this state from the adjoining state. The commissioner shall file with the Governor a report in writing, with necessary maps, plans and specifications of the bridge, showing the estimated cost, and all other facts that he may deem necessary, or that may be required by the Governor.

§17-4-35. Diversion of nonnavigable stream.

The state road commissioner, incidental to the construction and maintenance of state roads, shall have the power and authority to change or divert any stream of water which is not navigable, in order to avoid or facilitate the crossing thereof, or to economize in the construction or maintenance of any such road, or to protect the same from damage. To effect a change or diversion of any such stream, he may exercise the right of eminent domain.

§17-4-36. Construction and removal of sidewalks along state roads; injury to, failure to repair, etc., sidewalks.

Whenever the safety or convenience of the traveling public demands it, the state road commissioner may construct and maintain sidewalks along state roads. Any person, at his own expense, may build, with the permission of the state road commissioner, a sidewalk along any state road for the free use of the public. The commissioner shall order the sidewalk removed if it interferes with the public travel. Any person who, without authority, injures or destroys any such sidewalk and fails to repair the same, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, on conviction thereof, shall be fined not less than five nor more than $50.

§17-4-37. State not to be made defendant in action for damages.

The state shall not be made the defendant in any proceeding to recover damages because of the defective construction or condition of any state road or bridge.

§17-4-38. Violations of article; penalty.

Except as otherwise provided, a person violating any of the provisions of this article or any of the rules or regulations of the state road commissioner shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction shall be fined not less than ten nor more than $100, or be imprisoned not less than five nor more than thirty days, or both.

§17-4-39. Controlled-access facilities -- Defined.

For the purpose of this chapter, a controlled-access facility is defined as a highway or portion of a highway especially designed for through traffic, and over, from, or to which owners or occupants of abutting land or other persons have no right or only a controlled right or easement of access, light, air, or view by reason of the fact that their property abuts upon such controlled-access facility or for any other reason. Such highways may be freeways open to use by all customary forms of highway traffic; or they may be parkways from which trucks, buses, and other commercial vehicles shall be excluded.

§17-4-40. Same -- Authority to establish, maintain, regulate, etc.

The state road commissioner is hereby authorized to plan, construct, designate, establish, regulate, vacate, alter, improve, maintain, and provide controlled-access facilities for public use as a part of the state road system wherever present or reasonably anticipated future traffic conditions render such special facilities necessary. The commissioner, in addition to specific powers granted in connection with controlled-access facilities, shall also have and may exercise, relative to such controlled-access facilities, any and all additional authority now or hereafter vested in him relative to highways or the state road system. He may also regulate, restrict, or prohibit the use of such controlled-access facilities by the various classes of vehicles or traffic in a manner consistent with section thirty- nine of this article.

§17-4-41. Same -- Design of controlled-access facilities.

The state road commissioner is authorized to so design any controlled-access facility and to so regulate, restrict or prohibit access as to best serve the traffic for which such facility is intended. In this connection the commissioner is authorized to divide and separate any controlled-access facility into separate roadways by the construction of raised curbings, central dividing sections, or other physical separations, or by designating such separate roadways by signs, markers, or stripes, and the proper lane for such traffic by appropriate curbs, barriers, signs, markers, stripes or other devices. No person shall have any right of ingress or egress to, from, or across controlled-access facilities to or from abutting lands, except at such designated points at which access may be permitted, upon such terms and conditions as may be specified by the commissioner.

§17-4-42. Same -- Acquisition of property and property rights.

The state road commissioner may acquire private or public property rights or any interests in lands for controlled-access facilities and service roads, including existing and vested rights of access, air, view and light, by grant, gift, devise, purchase or condemnation in the same manner as the commissioner is now or may hereafter be authorized by law to acquire such property or property rights in connection with the highways of the state road system. In connection with the acquisition of such property or property rights for any controlled-access facility or portion thereof, or service road in connection therewith, the commissioner may, in his discretion, acquire an entire lot, block, or tract of land, if by so doing, the interests of the public will best be served even though said entire lot, block, or tract is not immediately needed for the right of way proper.

§17-4-43. Same -- New and existing facilities; grade crossing eliminations; consent to connect.

The state road commissioner may designate and establish controlled-access highways as new and additional facilities, or he may designate and establish an existing street or highway as a controlled-access facility or as a part of a controlled-access facility, and in the event such existing street or highway be so designated, the commissioner may acquire, by grant, gift, purchase or if the exercise of the right of eminent domain be necessary for acquisition purposes, shall condemn existing and vested access rights of abutting landowners to such existing street or highway if such access rights are taken or destroyed. The commissioner is authorized to provide for the elimination of intersection at grade of controlled-access facilities with existing state roads, city streets or other public or private roads or ways by grade separation or service road, or by closing off of such roads and streets at the right-of-way boundary line of such controlled-access facility. No city street, state road or other public or private road or way shall be opened into or connected with any such controlled-access facility without the written consent and previous approval of the state road commissioner, which consent and approval shall be given only if the public interest shall be served thereby.

§17-4-44. Same -- Authority to contract with other governmental agencies.

The state road commissioner is authorized to enter into agreements with municipalities, counties or other political subdivisions of the state, or with the federal government or any agency thereof, respecting the financing, planning, establishment, improvement, maintenance, use, regulation or vacation of controlled-access facilities or other public ways to facilitate the establishment of such controlled-access facilities.

§17-4-45. Same -- Local service roads and streets.

In connection with the development of any controlled-access facility the state road commissioner is authorized to plan, designate, establish, use, regulate, alter, improve, maintain and vacate local service roads and streets or to designate as local service roads and streets any existing road or street, and to exercise jurisdiction over said local service roads as a part of the state road system, in the same manner as is authorized over controlled-access facilities under the terms of this article, if, in his opinion, such local service roads and streets are necessary or desirable. Such local service roads or streets shall be of appropriate design, and shall be separated from the controlled-access facility proper by all devices designated as necessary or desirable by the commissioner.

§17-4-46. Same -- Certain commercial enterprises prohibited; commercial enterprises on service roads; turnpikes excluded from provisions of section.

No automotive service station or other commercial establishment for serving motor vehicle users shall be constructed or located within the right-of-way of, or on publicly owned or publicly leased land acquired or used for or in connection with, a controlled-access facility. Emergency services for disabled vehicles shall be authorized or conducted by the state road commissioner. The state road commissioner may construct service roads adjacent to a controlled-access facility in such a manner as to facilitate the establishment and operation of competitive commercial enterprises for serving motor vehicle users on private property abutting such service roads.

Nothing in this section, however, shall have any application to any turnpike project as defined in section four, chapter one hundred thirty-nine, acts of the Legislature, regular session, one thousand nine hundred forty-seven, as amended.

§17-4-47. Access from commercial, etc., property and subdivisions to highways -- Purposes of regulation; right of access; provisions inapplicable to controlled-access facilities; removal of unauthorized access; bond for access.

(a) Reciprocal access between state highways and real property used or to be used for commercial, industrial or mercantile purposes and reciprocal access between state highways and real property that is subdivided into lots is a matter of public concern and shall be regulated by the Commissioner of Highways to achieve the following purposes:

(1) To provide for maximum safety of persons traveling upon, entering or leaving state highways;

(2) To provide for efficient and rapid movement of traffic upon state highways;

(3) To permit proper maintenance, repair and drainage of state highways; and

(4) To facilitate appropriate public use of state highways.

(b) Except where the right of access has been limited by or pursuant to law, every owner or occupant of real property abutting upon any existing state highway has a right of reasonable means of ingress to and egress from such state highway consistent with those policies expressed in subsection (a) of this section and any regulations issued by the commissioner under section forty-eight of this article.

(c) If the construction, relocation or reconstruction of any state highway, to be paid for, in whole or in part, with federal or state road funds, results in the abutment of real property as defined in subsection (a) of this section on the state highway that did not previously abut on it, no rights of direct access shall accrue because of such abutment. However, the commissioner may authorize or limit access from an abutting property if the property is compatible with the policies stated in subsection (a) of this section and any regulations issued by the commissioner as authorized by section forty-eight of this article.

(d) The policies expressed in this section are applicable to state highways generally and shall in no way limit the authority of the Commissioner of Highways to establish controlled-access facilities under sections thirty-nine through forty-six, inclusive, of this article.

(e) Any unauthorized access to a state highway may be removed, blocked, barricaded or closed in any manner considered necessary by the commissioner to protect the safety of the public and enforce the policies of this section and sections forty-eight, forty-nine and fifty of this article.

(f) As a condition of granting access to a state highway, the commissioner may require the owners of real property developed or to be developed to provide a bond in an amount the commissioner determines necessary to compensate the division for improvements to highway facilities required as a result of the development. This bond shall be held a maximum of ten years: Provided, that no bond shall be required for any residential development consisting of one hundred homes or less.

§17-4-48. Same -- Regulations by commissioner.

The state road commissioner is hereby authorized to issue reasonable regulations specifying standards for the location, design and construction of access facilities to state highways and any other regulations necessary to carry out the policies stated in section forty-seven of this article. Such regulations may be based upon any or all of the following:

(a) Standards suggested by any public organization or body concerned with highway or traffic safety; or

(b) Studies, surveys or reports made for the commissioner or for any other governmental agency; or

(c) Any other data deemed relevant by the commissioner. Regulations affecting access previously issued by the commissioner or the state road commission shall continue in effect until altered or withdrawn by the commissioner.

§17-4-49. Same -- Points of commercial, etc.; access to comply; plans, objections and procedures for new points; review of and changes in existing points; commissioner's preliminary determination; requiring notice.

(a) No new points of access to and from state highways from and to real property used or to be used for commercial, industrial or mercantile purposes may be opened, constructed or maintained without first complying with this section and sections forty-seven and forty-eight of this article.  Access points opened, constructed or maintained without compliance are unauthorized.  

(b) Plans for any new point of access shall be submitted to the Commissioner of Highways directly and the following rules shall apply:

(1) Notice of the proposed new point of access shall be filed with the commissioner, along with a plan of the proposed new point of access.

(2) The commissioner shall review the plan to ensure compliance with the policies stated in section forty-seven of this article and with any regulations issued by the commissioner under section forty-eight of this article.

(3) If the commissioner objects to a plan, he or she shall reduce his or her objections to the proposed new point of access to writing and promptly furnish notice of the objection to the owner or owners of the real property affected and advise the owner or owners of the right to demand a hearing on the proposed plan and the objections.  If a plan is not objected to within six weeks from the time it is filed with the commissioner, it is considered approved by the commissioner.

(4) In any case where the commissioner objects to the proposed new point of access, the owner or owners of the real property affected shall have reasonable opportunity for a hearing on such objections.

(c) (1) Existing points of access to and from state highways from and to real property used for commercial, industrial or mercantile purposes may be reviewed by the commissioner to determine whether such points of access comply with the policies stated in section forty-seven of this article and with any regulations issued by the commissioner under section forty-eight of this article.  The commissioner may direct reasonable changes in existing points of access to and from state highways from and to property used for commercial, industrial or mercantile purposes if he or she determines from accident reports or traffic surveys that the public safety is seriously affected by such points of access and that such reasonable changes would substantially reduce the hazard to public safety.  When such changes require construction, reconstruction or repair, such work shall be done at state expense as any other construction, reconstruction or repair.

(2) If the commissioner makes a preliminary determination that any changes should be made, the following rules apply:

(A) The commissioner shall reduce his or her preliminary determination to writing and promptly furnish notice of such preliminary determination to the owner or owners of the real property affected and of their right to demand a hearing on the preliminary determination.  The commissioner's notice shall include a description of suggested changes suitable for reducing the hazard to the public safety.

(B) In any case where the commissioner makes a preliminary determination that any changes should be made, the owner or owners of the real property affected shall have reasonable opportunity for a hearing on the preliminary determination.

(d) For points of access existing on or before July 1, 2016, to and from state highways from and to real property used for commercial, industrial or mercantile purposes if the access is more than fifty feet wide, the access is along a state highway with a speed limit of more than forty-five miles per hour and the commissioner deems it appropriate due to heavy traffic or other circumstances, the commissioner shall either place “no parking” signs at each side of the driveway entrance fronting the state highway or clearly mark that right-of-way with yellow paint with the words "no parking" or both to provide notice that parking is prohibited.  

(e) For points of access approved by the commissioner after July 1, 2016, to and from state highways from and to real property used for commercial, industrial or mercantile purposes if the access is more than fifty feet wide, the access is along a state highway with a speed limit of more than forty-five miles per hour and the commissioner deems it appropriate due to heavy traffic or other circumstances, the owner or owners of the real property shall be required to place “no parking” signs at each side of the driveway entrance fronting the state highway or clearly mark that right-of-way with yellow paint with the words "no parking" or both to provide notice that parking is prohibited.  This subsection and subsection (d) of this section shall be known as "Sarah Nott's Law".

§17-4-50. Same -- Commissioner's authority as to subdivisions abutting state highway; notice of proposal to subdivide; filing, approval or disapproval of subdivision plans.

(A) In addition to other authority granted the commissioner to control access to state highways, the commissioner shall have authority in regard to the subdividing of land, any part of which abuts upon a state highway, as provided in this section.

(B) For purposes of this section, the following terms have the following meanings:

(1) "Lot" means an identified area of land one acre or less in size.

(2) "Subdividing" means the dividing, laying out or separating of five or more lots from or within a parcel of land or a successive dividing, laying out or separating of lots resulting in the creation of five or more lots within a parcel of land within five years.

(3) "Subdivision plan" means a graphic representation of a parcel of land showing the lots therein and any other relevant natural or man-made topographical feature.

(4) "Parcel" means an identified area of land owned by a person or owned by a combination of persons jointly or in common; or more than one identified area of land where such areas are contiguous and the owners act in concert in relation to such land.

(C) Subdividing occurs and a subdivision results within the meaning of this section whenever:

(1) A person subdivides five or more lots from a parcel at one time; or

(2) A successive division of lots out of a parcel results in the separation of the fifth or subsequent lot within a five- year period; or

(3) A person divides a parcel into tracts of land larger than a lot knowing, or having reason to know, that such parcels will in turn be divided or separated into a total of five or more lots.

(D) The remedies provided by this section shall not apply to lots which became such prior to the effective date of this section, but such lots may be considered in determining when an act of subdividing occurs after the effective date of this section, and in reviewing subdivision plans and applying remedies to lots which became such after the effective date of this section.

(E) The subdivision plans of the subdividing of any land, a part of which abuts on a state highway, shall be submitted to the state road commissioner directly, and the following rules shall apply:

(1) Notice of the proposal to subdivide shall be filed with the commissioner, along with a plan of the proposed subdivision.

(2) The commissioner shall review the plan to insure compliance with the policies stated in section forty-seven of this article and with any regulations issued by the commissioner under section forty-eight of this article.

(3) The commissioner shall reduce his objections to the proposed point of access to and from the state highway from and to the real property that is to be subdivided into lots, if any, to writing and promptly furnish notice of such objections to the person proposing such subdivision and of his right to demand a hearing thereon. A subdivision plan not so objected to within six weeks from the time it is filed with the commissioner shall be deemed to have been approved by the commissioner.

(4) In any case where the commissioner so objects to the proposed access to and from a new subdivision plan, the person submitting such plan shall have reasonable opportunity for a hearing on such objections.

(F) A subdivision is deemed disapproved if it was not submitted to the commissioner for review under the provisions of this section or if the commissioner has made timely objection to such plan and such objections have not been withdrawn. Disapproval shall have the following effect:

(1) The commissioner may post signs upon the adjacent highway right-of-way stating that the subdivision is disapproved, that access to and from lots in such subdivision from and to the state highway is not allowed, and any other relevant information deemed by the commissioner necessary to warn the public of such disapproval and its effect; and

(2) The commissioner shall have authority to limit access to and from such subdivision as a whole from and to the state highway to such access as would have been reasonable before the land was subdivided and to prevent and prohibit any other access to and from the state highway from and to such subdivision.

§17-4-51. Same -- Amendment or withdrawal of objections or preliminary determinations by commissioner; delegation of authority by commissioner.

(a) The state road commissioner may revise, amend or withdraw any objections issued by him and any preliminary determinations made by him under sections forty-seven, forty- eight, forty-nine or fifty of this article upon reasonable notice to the owner or owners of the property affected or to the person submitting a subdivision plan.

(b) The commissioner may delegate the authority to make, revise, amend and withdraw objections and preliminary determinations and hold hearings required or authorized under this section and sections forty-seven, forty-eight, forty-nine and fifty of this article.

§17-4-52. Same -- Requirements for objections, preliminary determinations and notices.

(a) All objections and preliminary determinations made pursuant to sections forty-seven, forty-eight, forty-nine and fifty of this article, and all notices required to be given pursuant to sections forty-seven, forty-eight, forty-nine, fifty and fifty-one of this article, shall be in writing. All such objections and preliminary determinations shall be signed by the person making them, and all such notices shall be signed by the person charged with the duty of giving the notice.

(b) Notice of any preliminary determination or objection required or authorized by sections forty-seven, forty-eight, forty-nine or fifty of this article shall be given by causing such notice to be delivered to the owner or owners of the real property affected or by causing a copy thereof to be sent by certified or registered mail to such owner or owners at his or their last-known place of business or residence.

§17-4-53. Same -- Appeals from and judicial review of determinations and final orders of commissioner.

(a) Any objection or preliminary determination issued by the state road commissioner under sections forty-seven, forty- eight, forty-nine or fifty of this article shall be subject to judicial review by the circuit court of the county in which the real property affected is located, or the circuit court of Kanawha county, upon the filing in such court or with the judge thereof in vacation, of a petition for appeal by the owner or owners aggrieved by such objection or preliminary determination, within thirty days from the date of the giving of notice of such objection or preliminary determination.

(b) The owner or owners making such appeal shall forthwith send a copy of such petition for appeal, by certified or registered mail, to the state road commissioner. Upon receipt of such copy of such petition for appeal the state road commissioner shall promptly certify and file in such court a complete transcript of the record upon which the preliminary determination or objection complained of was made. The costs of such transcript shall be paid by the commissioner.

(c) The court sitting in lieu of a jury, or judge thereof in vacation, shall, after due notice, conduct a hearing on the issues presented by such appeal and shall permit argument, oral or written or both, by the parties. The court shall permit such pleadings, in addition to the pleadings before the state road commissioner, as it deems to be required. Evidence relating to the making of the objection or preliminary determination complained of and relating to the questions raised by the allegations of the pleadings or other questions pertinent in the proceeding may be offered by the parties to the proceeding.

(d) Upon such conditions as may be required and to the extent necessary to prevent irreparable injury, any circuit court to which an appeal has been made as provided in this section, may, after due notice to and hearing of the parties to the appeal, issue all necessary and appropriate process to postpone the effective date of the objection or final determination of the state road commissioner or to grant such other relief as may be appropriate pending final determination.

(e) A circuit court to which an appeal has been made as provided in this section, may affirm, annul or revise the objection or preliminary determination of the state road commissioner, or it may remand the proceeding to the state road commissioner for such further action as it directs.

(f) The decision of the circuit court on an appeal from the state road commissioner shall be final, subject only to review by the Supreme Court of Appeals of West Virginia upon a petition for certiorari filed in such court within sixty days from the entry of an order and decision of the circuit court upon such appeal from the state road commissioner.

§17-4-54. Location of trash and garbage collection containers by counties and municipalities.

(a) The commissioner of the department of highways is authorized to issue permits to counties and municipalities for the location of containers on rights-of-way of state maintained roads and highways for the collection of trash and garbage: Provided, That by the issuance of these permits, counties and municipalities will not be in direct competition with private common carriers. Private common carriers are carriers that are regulated by the Public Service Commission. Such containers may be located on road and highway rights-of-way only when authorized in writing by the commissioner or his agent in accordance with rules promulgated by the commissioner in accordance with chapter twenty-nine-a of this code. Such rules shall take into consideration the safety of travelers on the roads and highways of this state and the elimination of unsightly conditions and health hazards. Such containers may not be located on controlled-access or interstate highways.

(b) The written authority given by the commissioner is no guarantee that the state is the owner of the land upon which a container is to be located and if any question exists concerning ownership of such land, the issuance of such written authority may not be granted until the county or municipality certifies that written permission to locate the container has been obtained from any person claiming an interest in the land if such person's whereabouts can be determined.

(c) Whenever any county or municipality fails to comply with the rules promulgated by the commissioner or of any order of the commissioner for the removal or relocation of a container, the permit for such container shall be revoked and, if not removed by the county or municipality, the commissioner may remove such container and charge the expense of removal to the county or municipality failing to comply with the rules or order of the commissioner.


§17-4A-1. Complete Streets.

(a) Vehicular, public transportation, bicycle and pedestrian modes are integral to the transportation system of this state. The Division of Highways may view all transportation improvements as opportunities to improve safety, access and mobility for all travelers.

(b) All transportation projects receiving federal or state funds should strive to improve safety, access and mobility for users of all ages and abilities, defined to include pedestrians, bicyclists, public transportation vehicles and their passengers, motorists, movers of commercial goods, persons with disabilities, older adults and children.

(c) Accommodation of all users should be considered in the planning, design, construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation, maintenance and operations of any state, county or local transportation facilities receiving funds from the Division of Highways. The Division of Highways is encouraged to create a safe, comprehensive, integrated and connected network to accommodate all users in a manner that is suitable to the rural, suburban or urban context.

(d) The Division of Highways is encouraged to use the latest and best design standards as they apply to bicycle, pedestrian, transit and highway facilities, which may include, but are not limited to, the latest editions of:

(1) A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets, from the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials;

(2) Designing Walkable Urban Thoroughfares: A Context Sensitive Approach: An ITE Recommended Practice, from the Institute of Transportation Engineers;

(3) Guide for the Development of Bicycle Facilities, from the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials;

(4) Guide for the Planning, Design and Operation of Pedestrian Facilities, from the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials;

(5) Public Rights-of-Way Accessibility Guidelines, from the U. S. Access Board; and

(6) Other relevant federal, state or local guidance as appropriate.

(e) The Division of Highways may provide assistance to and coordinate with regional and local agencies in developing and implementing complementary complete streets policies. In the development of projects within municipal boundaries, the Division of Highways and municipality may share expertise in multimodal transportation planning.

(f) The Division of Highways is encouraged to modify its procedures, documents, training systems and performance measures in a timely manner to ensure the needs of all users of the transportation system are included in all phases of the projects. The Division of Highways is encouraged to create an implementation plan, including a schedule and a regional and local government and public outreach plan, in consultation with the advisory board as outlined in section three of this article.

§17-4A-2. Exceptions.

(a) Accommodation of all users of a transportation facility need not be considered in the planning, designing, construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation, maintenance or operations of any state, county or local transportation facilities receiving funds from the Division of Highways if the commissioner determines that:

(1) Use of a transportation facility by pedestrians, bicyclists or other users is prohibited by law;

(2) The cost of new accommodation would be disproportionate to the need or probable use;

(3) There is a demonstrated absence of future need as determined by factors such as current and future land use, current and projected user volumes, population density and crash data;

(4) The time-sensitive or expedited nature of the project would be adversely affected; or

(5) The project has already moved beyond the initial planning stage at the time this article goes into effect.

(b) The commissioner is encouraged to consult local and regional plans and leaders, as appropriate, in assessing exceptions.

(c) Documentation of any granted exceptions may be made publicly available and shared with the advisory board as established in section three of this article.

§17-4A-3. Complete Streets Advisory Board.

(a) A Complete Streets Advisory Board to the Division of Highways is established to:

(1) Provide and facilitate communication, education and advice between the Division of Highways, counties, municipalities, interest groups, and the public;

(2) Make recommendations to the Division of Highways, counties, and municipalities for restructuring procedures, updating design guidance, providing educational opportunities to employees, and creating new measures to track the success of multimodal planning and design; and

(3) Submit to the Joint Committee on Government and Finance, through the Division of Highways, an annual report as outlined herein.

(b) The advisory board shall consist of 15 members, designated as follows:

(1) The Commissioner of Highways or his or her designee;

(2) The Secretary of the Department of Transportation or his or her designee;

(3) The Secretary of the Department of Health or his or her designee; and

(4) Twelve members who serve at the will and pleasure of the Governor and appointed by the Governor as follows:

(A) One member who is a licensed engineer with expertise in transportation or civil engineering;

(B) One member representing the American Planning Association;

(C) One member representing a state association of counties;

(D) One member representing state association of municipalities;

(E) One member representing a major regional or local public transportation agency;

(F) One member representing a national association of retired persons;

(G) One member representing an organization interested in the promotion of bicycling;

(H) One member representing an organization interested in the promotion of walking and health;

(I) One member representing an organization representing persons with disabilities;

(J) One member representing an automobile and/or trucking organization; and

(K) Two members of the general public interested in promoting complete streets policies, one representing each congressional district, as determined by the Governor.

(c) The Commissioner of Highways shall serve as the first chair of the board. The board shall meet at least twice a year and at the call of the chair or a majority of the members. The members of the board shall annually elect one of its members to serve as chair after the first year.

(d) The initial terms of appointment for members appointed by the Governor shall be as follows: Three members appointed to a term of one year, three members appointed to a term of two years, three members appointed to a term of three years and four members appointed to a term of four years. Thereafter each member shall be appointed for four years. A member shall serve until his or her successor is appointed. In the case of a vacancy the appointee shall serve the remainder of the unexpired term. Members of the board may succeed themselves and shall serve without compensation. The members appointed by the Governor are entitled to be reimbursed in a manner consistent with the guidelines of the Travel Management Office of the Department of Administration for actual and necessary mileage expenses incurred while attending official meetings of the board.

(e) On December 1, the board shall submit an annual report to the Governor, the Commissioner of Highways and the Joint Committee on Government and Finance on the status of implementation of section one of this article.

(1) The annual report shall include the following information:

(A) A summary of actions taken by the Division of Highways in the preceding year to improve the safety, access and mobility of roadways pursuant to section one of this article;

(B) Modifications made to or recommended for protocols, guidance, standards or other requirements to facilitate complete streets implementation;

(C) Status of the development of multimodal performance indicators;

(D) Any information obtained on the use made of bicycle, pedestrian, transit, and highway facilities together with the existing target level of use for these modes, if any;

(E) Available crash statistics by mode, age, road type, and location and other relevant factors; and

(F) Other related information that may be requested by the Governor or Legislature.

(2) The Division of Highways may assist the board in the preparation of the board's annual report.


§17-5-1. State convict road force; how used.

All male persons convicted of felony and, sentenced to imprisonment or confinement in the penitentiary by any court, or who may hereafter be sentenced for a felony, whether actually sentenced to labor or not, or so many thereof as may be required by the state road commissioner, shall, as incident to such sentence or confinement, constitute the state convict road force and as such may be employed under the supervision of the state road commissioner in building, surfacing and maintaining roads under the supervision of the state road commissioner, including all roads in the state road system, and in and about any quarries, gravel pits, sandbanks, crushers, brick kilns, or other plants and places operated by the state road commission for the manufacture and acquisition of materials for use in the construction, maintenance and repair of such roads.

§17-5-2. How convict workers selected; monthly report of suitable inmates.

The warden of the penitentiary shall prepare for the road commissioner a monthly report which shall show the names of not less than five hundred inmates who are suitable for road work. From the said prepared list of inmates the road commissioner shall select the number needed for road work.

The warden shall deliver and the road commissioner shall receive at the penitentiary, convicts selected by the warden to work on the road.

§17-5-3. Superior guard and assistants; hours of work of guards and prisoners; pay of prisoners.

The state convict road force shall be guarded when working on the roads and in making road materials, and when being transported to and from the penitentiary, by guards detailed by the warden, who shall designate one guard as the superior, and the other or others as assistants. The state guard and assistants shall obey the rules prescribed for prison camps. Any guard or assistant not obeying such rules shall, on the recommendation of the superintendent or engineer in charge of the work, be immediately recalled, and some other person detailed in his stead. The wages of each guard, superior and assistant, shall be fixed by the road commissioner. All guards and prisoners shall be under the direction of the warden, or his authority, and shall work not to exceed sixty hours per week, and each prisoner shall be paid for each work day, not to exceed ten hours, the sum of 10¢ and for time in excess thereof 10¢ per hour for such excess time worked.

§17-5-4. Housing, feeding and transportation of prisoners.

The state board of health Should this be Secretary of the Department of Health and, warden and the state road commissioner shall promptly formulate rules and regulations governing the camps essential to the housing of the prisoners, and the state road commissioner shall provide suitable quarters, not inconsistent with such rules and regulations, for such convict road force, to be constructed, when practicable, with prison labor. He shall supply such force with all necessary food, cooking utensils, beds and bedding, and provide means of transportation for such road force and camp equipment, when necessary, from place to place, or to and from work of such convicts.

§17-5-5. Escape of convict from state road force.

Any penitentiary convict who shall escape from the state road force, or in going to or returning therefrom, shall be guilty of a felony and, on conviction in the county where the escape was made, shall be sentenced by the court for a term of not less than one nor more than two years in addition to the unserved time of his original sentence; and he shall be returned to the West Virginia penitentiary; and it is made the duty of all arresting officers in the state to apprehend such escaped prisoner and return him to the West Virginia penitentiary where he will be available for court arraignment in the county where the escape was made; and the costs shall be paid by the state road commissioner, and the road commissioner may offer and pay suitable rewards for his apprehension, and any guard may pursue and arrest him in any county.

§17-5-6. Return of convicts to penitentiary because of infirmity, bad conduct, etc.; trusties.

The state road commissioner or warden shall in all cases where convicts or prisoners are under his control and supervision have authority to return any convict or prisoner to the penitentiary who because of mental or physical infirmity is unable to work, or whose presence in the camp, due to insubordination, bad conduct or disposition may impair the discipline of the road force.

Under the supervision of the warden, or rules promulgated for the government and discipline of the state convict road force approved by him such force, or so many thereof as appear eligible and trustworthy, shall be made trusties; but reasonable corrective measures may be taken against trusties who violate their privileges as such.

§17-5-7. Medical inspection of convict camps.

It shall be the duty of the state road commissioner to designate some competent physician or physicians to make inspection of all camps where a convict road force is employed. It shall be the duty of such physician to make thorough investigations of the sanitary conditions of such camps each sixty days and report every inspection to the Governor, together with such recommendations as he may deem necessary; and he shall furnish copies thereof to the warden of the penitentiary, the state road commissioner, the West Virginia board of health, and the local board of health of the county in which such camp is located. A reasonable compensation to the physician rendering such services shall be paid by the commissioner.

§17-5-8. Convicts in same classification to be placed in same camp.

It shall be the duty of the state road commissioner, with the assistance of the warden, to organize the penitentiary convicts in the state road force, as far as practicable, into groups or classes according to the similarity of their respective dispositions, temperaments, criminal inclinations, regard for orderly observance of the rules and general habits respecting stability or safety, and, as far as practicable, to place those so classified in separate camps, and particularly to employ or use in one camp, or class of camps, those youths and first offenders whose correction, improvement and reclamation may reasonably be anticipated and whose habits are not dangerous to their fellow convicts, and for the purpose of effecting such classifications prisoners may be removed from one camp to another. All classes of prisoners on the state convict road force shall be employed and used under such safeguards and in accordance with such rules and regulations as may be provided by the road commissioner, the warden and the Governor.

§17-5-9. Commissioner to pay expenses of convicts and cost of equipment and materials.

The expenses incident to the transportation of convicts and prisoners, their food, clothing, medical attention and maintenance while in the state convict road force shall be paid by the state road commissioner, and all equipment, materials, tools, teams and machinery necessary in the prosecution of the work shall be provided out of any funds at his disposal available for the building, surfacing, paving and completing of the roads upon which such convicts and prisoners labor. And when a convict is discharged at camp the commissioner shall pay him any sum due him and may pay in whole or in part his expenses home.

In any case of a prisoner taken from the penitentiary to a road convict camp the state road commissioner shall pay for the per diem cost of feeding, clothing and caring for such prisoners.

§17-5-10. Discharge of convicts at expiration of term; application of section relating to deduction from sentence for good conduct.

The warden of the penitentiary shall have power to discharge any prisoner working on the state road force wherever he may be in the state when the term of such prisoner has expired, and section twenty-seven, article five, chapter twenty-eight shall apply to all convicts from the penitentiary on said state road force.

§17-5-11. Commissioner may act through agents and may set up department of prison labor.

Where anything herein is required or permitted to be done by the state road commissioner, the same may be done in person or by superintendents, agents, or employees of the state road commissioner, upon his authority duly given, and he may set up a department of prison labor having charge of the agencies and persons under his authority as herein provided for, and account for the operations of the state convict road force therein; but in any event such accounts and operations shall be separately stated.

§17-5-12. Work which may be performed by convicts other than on state road force.

Convicts of either sex not employed in the state convict road force as provided by article five, chapter seventeen, may be employed by the warden under the directions of the state commissioner of public institutions in work for the state penitentiary or any farm now or hereafter under control of the state and in work for any public, nonprofit enterprise or program sponsored by the state or any of its governmental subdivisions, but such convicts actually confined within the penitentiary and not available for outside work shall as far as possible, be used in the making of articles required by the state departments and institutions. The warden may charge the various state departments and institutions for such convict-made supplies the actual costs of the materials used in the manufacture of the articles furnished them and, in addition thereto, an amount sufficient to defray the maintenance cost of the prisoners employed in such manufacture and to keep in repair with suitable replacements the machinery, tools and appliances used in the manufacture of such articles, to the extent of the fair market price thereof, the amount of which shall be stated by the state commissioner of public institutions. Any articles and supplies so manufactured and not required by the state departments and institutions may be sold by the warden to municipalities and counties and the agencies thereof, or to federal agencies, upon the same terms and conditions, but in no event shall such articles be sold to private persons, firms or corporations, or be sold or consumed otherwise than by public departments and institutions of government.

This article shall not impair any contracts now existing between the state commissioner of public institutions and any person, firm or corporation for the use of convict labor for manufacturing within the walls of the penitentiary, nor prevent the hiring of convicts either within or without the walls as otherwise provided by this article.




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§17-6-3. Certificate of convenience for public transportation vehicles -- When required; vehicles engaged in interstate commerce.

No motor vehicle shall be operated over any public road, highway, street or alley in this state, for public transportation of passengers or property, or both, for compensation until the owner or operator of such vehicle shall first have made application to and secured from the state road commissioner a permit or certificate of convenience to operate such vehicle. Such classification shall include public livery vehicles, cars for hire or for rent, taxicabs, bus lines, truck lines, and any other public transportation of passengers or property for compensation, without regard to whether such operation is between fixed termini or over regular routes or otherwise.

The state road commissioner may also grant certificates of convenience and necessity and permits for the transportation of persons or property, or both, for compensation in interstate commerce and regulate such interstate commerce under the authority of and in accordance with the provisions of any statute that has been or hereafter may be enacted by the Congress of the United States, vesting in or delegating to the state road commissioner of West Virginia the authority, as an agency of the United States government, so to grant such certificates and permits, and so to regulate such commerce. If the Legislature shall by statute transfer from the state road commissioner to any other commission, board or officer, the authority to grant certificates of convenience and permits and to regulate intrastate transportation of persons or property, or both, for compensation, then the authority herein granted shall vest in such other commission, board or officer. The state road commissioner, or such other commission, board or officer, as the case may be, is hereby authorized to notify the proper department of the federal government of his or its assent to conform to the requirements, conditions and obligations of said statute of the Congress in regard to interstate commerce by motor vehicles.

§17-6-4. Certificate of convenience for public transportation vehicles -- Application for certificate of convenience; action of commissioner on application; operation under certificate.

The application for such permit or certificate shall be in writing and shall contain full information concerning the financial condition and physical property of the applicant, and shall state the capacity of such vehicle or vehicles and the purpose for which they are to be used. If the service proposed is to be over a regular route, or between fixed termini, then such route or termini, the rates proposed to be charged and the proposed schedule or time cards shall be designated. If the service proposed to be rendered is not over a regular route or between fixed termini, then such other matters as the state road commissioner shall from time to time prescribe shall be designated.

All vehicles operating under the provisions of Class J, section nineteen shall operate from a stand or stands, and the state road commissioner shall have power to grant a permit to any applicant who operates from a stand or stands and who does not propose to operate upon a regular schedule, but who is privately employed for a specific trip and who will not solicit or receive patronage along a route for which a certificate of convenience has been granted by the state road commissioner for the operation of vehicles over a regular route or between fixed termini: Provided, however, That vehicles operating under Class J, or Class K may receive passengers or property along routes for which a certificate of convenience has been granted, but not at or within two hundred feet of any building owned or maintained as a designated stop: Provided further, That the charge made by such persons operating under Class J or Class K for such service, when rendered over a route for which a certificate of convenience has been granted, shall not be less than the rate charged by the holder of such certificate of convenience.

The state road commissioner shall have the power to issue to any applicant a certificate of convenience, or to refuse to issue the same, or issue it for the partial exercise only of the privileges sought, and may attach to the exercise of the rights given by such certificates such terms and conditions as in his judgment the public convenience and necessity may require. No such certificate of convenience shall be issued by the commissioner until it shall be established to the satisfaction of the commissioner, after a proper investigation, that the privilege so sought by the applicant is necessary or convenient for the public, and that the service so proposed to be rendered by the applicant is not being adequately performed at the time of such application by any other person, partnership or corporation. If a certificate of convenience be granted for service over a regular route or between fixed termini, the state road commissioner shall prescribe the route, territory, schedule, fare or tariff in connection with such service, and in all cases may make such other rules and regulations relative to the operation of such vehicle or vehicles as public justice may demand. When such certificate of convenience is issued for service over a regular route or between fixed termini, no change shall be made in the route, schedule, fares or tariffs of such vehicle or vehicles, without the express permission of the state road commissioner.



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Acts, 1933 Ex. Sess., Ch. 40.


§17-10-1. Power over bridges, approaches and public landings; relinquishment of authority over county-district roads; commissioner may purchase or rent road equipment and material from county court.

The county court shall have the superintendence and administration of the construction, reconstruction, repair and maintenance of bridges and approaches to bridges situated within municipalities and at the time of the adoption of this chapter remaining under the control and jurisdiction of the county court. The county court shall also have like authority over public landings. The term "roads and bridges" in this article shall be construed to mean the bridges and approaches to bridges which under this section remain within the jurisdiction of the county court, unless the context clearly requires a different meaning.

Pursuant to section two, article four, this chapter, the county court shall upon July 1, nineteen hundred thirty-three, relinquish to the state road commission its authority over county-district roads, and shall thereafter neither construct, reconstruct nor maintain any road or bridge except as is specifically authorized by this article.

The state road commissioner may purchase or rent from any county court any or all road equipment and materials in their possession and shall give preference in the purchase of such machinery from the county courts that may be needed by the commission and not needed for the maintenance and repair of the roads, bridges and landings remaining under their control.

§17-10-2. Extent of power over roads, bridges and public landings.

So far as applicable, the county court shall have with respect to the roads, bridges and public landings that remain within their jurisdiction similar powers to those granted to the state road commissioner by section four, article four of this chapter.

§17-10-3. Exercise of power of eminent domain.

In the exercise of the power of eminent domain with regard to the roads and bridges under their jurisdiction the county court shall be governed in the same manner and to the same extent as is the state road commissioner by section five, article four of this chapter.

§17-10-4. Records.

The county court shall keep a record book, to be known as the "road record" in which they shall record all orders, papers, and documents pertaining to road matters and required by this chapter to be recorded. This book shall only be used for the purposes specified. There shall also be filed with the clerk of the county court all changes in title to rights-of-way, maps, plats, surveys and all discontinuances of roads and bridges under the jurisdiction of the county court.

The county court shall also provide the clerk with a record book to be known as the "financial road record." It shall be in the form prescribed by the state road commissioner. The county court shall enter in it a record of county road bonds, county road funds and the road bonds and funds of the several districts. The record shall show the road upon which each item was spent, whether for construction or reconstruction and the kind thereof, or for maintenance, and the character of the road maintained, and shall show whether the construction and maintenance was upon bridges or upon the roadbed proper.

§17-10-5. Protection of roadbeds.

The provisions of section eight, article four of this chapter relating to the protection of roadbeds shall apply to the authority of the county courts over the roads and bridges within their jurisdiction.

§17-10-6. Inspection, condemnation, closing or repair of bridges.

The county court shall inspect all bridges under its jurisdiction and control. If any bridge is found to be unsafe the court shall promptly condemn, close, and repair it.

§17-10-7. Elimination of grade crossings.

County courts and municipalities shall have the same authority and shall follow the same procedure, so far as applicable, in the elimination of grade crossings, on roads, bridges, or public landings within their jurisdiction, as is provided in sections nine to seventeen, inclusive, article four of this chapter.

§17-10-8. Contracts -- Advertisement for letting.

In case the county court desires to contract for the construction, reconstruction or maintenance of a road or bridge or for the purchase of supplies and equipment, it shall advertise for the letting of the contract by publishing such advertisement as a Class II legal advertisement in compliance with the provisions of article three, chapter fifty-nine of this code, and the publication area for such publication shall be the county. Such publication shall be so made within fourteen consecutive days next preceding the date of the letting of the contract.

§17-10-9. Same -- Opening bids; award or rejection of bids; contractor's bond; publication of information as to bids; reserving portion of payment for work; penalties for unlawful conduct as to bids.

All bids for work to be done by contract on roads and bridges under the control of the county court shall be received at the courthouse of the county at the time specified in the advertisement, and shall be opened only in open court, and the amount and items comprising each bid shall be publicly announced, and the contract, if let, shall be awarded to the lowest bidder for the type of construction selected. The contractor shall give bond with security to be approved by the court in an amount equal to fifty percent of the contract price, conditioned for the faithful performance of the contract.

After such bids have been opened the county court shall publish immediately the names of all persons bidding on such contract, together with the itemized amount of their respective bids, designating the person to whom such contract was awarded, if awarded, together with the amount of his bid. Such information shall be published as a Class II legal advertisement in compliance with the provisions of article three, chapter fifty- nine of this code, and the publication area for such publication shall be the county.

The court may reject any and all bids, and may thereafter have the work done in any other manner that it may deem advisable. If there be two bids of the same amount for any section of road, or for any other improvement thereon, the court shall have the power to accept either of such bids.

The court may reserve from payment not more than twenty percent of the amount accruing on the contract until the work has been completed and approved.

Any person who shall open any of the bids at any other time or place than herein provided, or shall make known the name of the bidder, or the amount of his bid, otherwise than as herein provided, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not less than $50 nor more than $200, and be imprisoned in the county jail not less than one nor more than six months. Any member of the county court who shall violate any of the provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction, shall in addition to the penalties provided above forfeit his office.

§17-10-10. Same -- Prohibited contracts.

A county court shall not enter into any contract prohibited by the provisions of section twenty-two, article four of this chapter.

§17-10-11. Same -- Certificate of purity of materials; false statements or representations; cancellation of contract.

The county court may request a certificate of purity of the chemical constituents and the percentage of impurities contained in any materials or supplies offered to it for purchase. Any person, firm or corporation willfully making or furnishing a false certificate shall be guilty of perjury.

Any contract made by reason of any false statement or representation may be cancelled by order of the court.

§17-10-12. Same -- When work not done by contract; appointment and compensation of superintendent to supervise work.

In the event the county court shall decide to have work done other than by contract, the court shall make and record their decision in the road record and thereupon they may appoint a competent superintendent who shall have the supervision of the work. The court shall fix his compensation.

§17-10-13. Only standardized, tested and approved materials to be used.

The county court or person contracting with it shall only use in the construction, reconstruction, improvement, repair or maintenance of roads and bridges under its jurisdiction, materials that have been standardized, tested and approved by the state road commissioner.

§17-10-14. Supervision of employees.

The county court shall see that all its appointees and employees faithfully perform their respective duties, obey its orders and expend money and perform labor only as ordered and directed by the court and required by this chapter.

§17-10-15. May establish stone quarries, stone crushing plants, etc.

For the purpose of obtaining materials to be used in the construction and maintenance of roads or bridges under the jurisdiction of the county court, the court is authorized to establish and maintain stone quarries, stone crushing plants, and erect such buildings in connection therewith as shall be actually necessary in the prosecution of its work.

§17-10-16. Claims of contractors and others.

All claims of any contractor or others, which may, under the provisions of this chapter, be due to such contractor or other persons for labor done or materials furnished in and about the construction, reconstruction or improvement of a road or bridge under the jurisdiction of the county court, shall be presented to the county court at the proper session thereof, and if found correct, shall, upon the order or warrant of such court, signed by the president and clerk thereof, be paid by the sheriff. No claim shall be paid by the county court until a thorough investigation of its validity has been made.

§17-10-17. Action for damages occasioned by defective road, bridge, street, etc.

Any person who sustains an injury to his person or property by reason of any road or bridge under the control of the county court or any road, bridge, street, alley or sidewalk in any incorporated city, town or village being out of repair due to the negligence of the county court, incorporated city, town or village may recover all damages sustained by him by reason of such injury in an action against the county court, city, town or village in which such road, bridge, street, alley or sidewalk may be, except that such city, town or village shall not be subject to such action unless it is required by charter, general law or ordinance to keep the road, bridge, street, alley or sidewalk therein, at the place where such injury is sustained, in repair. If it is not so required, the action and remedy shall be against the county court. When judgment is obtained against the county court, such court shall at the time of the laying of the next annual levy, levy upon the taxable property of the district in which such injury is sustained a sufficient sum to pay such judgment with interest and costs, and the costs of collecting the same, and when it is obtained against the city, town or village the proper municipal authorities thereof shall lay such levies at the time of levying the next annual levy on the property subject to taxation in such city, town or village. In case of a failure by either so to do, or to pay the judgment as required by law, the circuit court of the county for which such county court acts or in which such city, town or village or the major portion of the territory thereof is located shall compel the laying of such levy, or the payment of such judgment, or both, by mandamus.

§17-10-18. Action for damages occasioned by defective turnpike, road or bridge, belonging to any company, etc.

Any person who may be injured by reason of a turnpike, road or bridge belonging to any company or person, or to any county in its corporate capacity, being out of repair, may recover all damages sustained by him by reason of such injury, in the manner prescribed in the preceding section, against such company, person or county, or against the lessee for the time being of any such road or bridge. Any judgment against a city, town, village or county under this section may be enforced by the circuit court by writ of mandamus.

§17-10-19. Determination of requirements for succeeding fiscal year.

The county court shall at the close of each fiscal year determine the amount necessary to maintain, construct, and reconstruct the roads, bridges and public landings within its jurisdiction for the succeeding fiscal year.

§17-10-20. Amount to be included in general county levy.

The county court shall include the amount determined under section nineteen of this article in the total amount for which a general county levy is laid as provided by article eight, chapter eleven, as amended.

§17-10-21. Existing bonded indebtedness to remain debt of property originally pledged as security; levies for payment; transfer of funds.

The bonded indebtedness incurred by the county and by its magisterial districts for road purposes shall remain the debt of the property originally pledged as security for the payment of the obligation. The county court shall impose upon the property in the county for county obligations, and in the magisterial district for district obligations, levies in the manner provided in sections seven and thirteen, article eight, chapter eleven, as amended, for the payment of the current requirements of principal and interest of the bonded indebtedness on and after July 1, 1933. All county courts, and other bodies acting in lieu thereof, are authorized to transfer to the general county fund any unexpended balances remaining in the county road and bridge funds or in district road funds, other than interest and sinking funds required for bonded indebtedness incurred for road purposes, and to transfer to the general county fund any unexpended balances of funds raised to pay the interest on and create sinking funds for any such bonded indebtedness where said bonded indebtedness has been fully paid off and discharged or where there remains no other bonded debt within such taxing district to which such unexpended balances might be applied, as well as any balance remaining in any special road fund created by law, and all moneys which may hereafter be paid into such funds through the collection of delinquent taxes or otherwise.

When there is in the state sinking fund commission to the combined credit of all district road bonds in any county issued prior to November 8, 1932, a sufficient amount to pay principal and interest on all such outstanding road bonds, the state sinking fund commission is authorized to apply from said balance a sufficient amount to pay all outstanding road bonds of said districts, together with the interest thereon to maturity, and to remit any balances remaining thereafter to the sheriff and treasurer of said county to be credited to the General Fund of the county.

§17-10-22. Counties and political subdivisions voting bonds for paving state road.

Any county, district, group of districts or municipal corporation may, in the manner provided by law, vote bonds, or provide funds by special levy, according to the procedure provided by section fifteen, article eight, chapter eleven as amended, for the improvement and paving of any state road lying within their respective boundaries, but such funds shall be expended under the charge and by the state road commissioner. The state road commissioner shall maintain roads so paved or constructed.

§17-10-23. Levy tax on property outside municipalities.

The county court of each county may levy a tax on all property situated outside of municipalities as follows: On class one property, as defined by law, not to exceed twelve and one- half cents on the $100' valuation, and on class two property, as defined by law, not to exceed 25¢ on the $100' valuation. The levy tax shall be collected by the sheriff and the proceeds thereof shall be paid into the State Treasury and credited to the road fund for the benefit of and to be expended for the maintenance, repair, construction and reconstruction of the roads of the county, outside of municipalities, in which the tax was raised.

§17-10-24. Delinquent lists of taxes; collection of delinquent taxes.

Delinquent lists of taxes uncollected under the provisions of this article shall be returned and disposed of as school and other district and county levies are returned and disposed of according to law. Such delinquent taxes shall be collected at the same time, and by the same officer, and in the same manner as state and county taxes are collected, pursuant to chapter eleven, of this code.

§17-10-25. Penalties.

A person violating any of the provisions of this article shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction shall be fined not less than $10 nor more than $100, or be imprisoned not less than five nor more than thirty days, or both.




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Acts, 2005 Reg. Sess., Ch. 178.

§17-15-4. Work by prisoners; relief of sheriffs and others from liability for injuries, etc.

Any person convicted of a criminal offense and sentenced to confinement in a county

or regional jail may, as incident to such sentence of confinement, be required to perform labor within the jail, as a trustee or otherwise, or in and upon the buildings, grounds, institutions, roads, bridges, streams or other public works of the county or the area within which the regional jail is located if he or she meets the following criteria:

(1) Such person is at least eighteen years of age;

(2) Such person is physically and mentally sound and has not been exempted for medical reasons from such work by a licensed physician or other medical professional; and

(3) Such person is considered by the sheriff or the executive director of the West Virginia Regional Jail Authority or designee not to pose a threat to the community if released for work purposes.

(b) The work described in subsection (a) of this section shall be performed under the supervision, care and custody of the executive director of the West Virginia Regional Jail Authority or designee, the sheriff, his or her deputies, correctional officers or other persons charged with inmate supervision to perform maintenance or control litter in this state.

 (c) In order to effectuate the provisions of this section, the sheriff or the executive director of the West Virginia Regional Jail and Correctional Facility Authority or designee shall promulgate rules for the safe and useful employment of inmate labor.

(d) Notwithstanding any provision of this code to the contrary, the executive director of the West Virginia Regional Jail Authority or its designee, members and agents, the sheriff, his or her deputies, correctional officers and agents shall be immune from liability of any kind for accidents, injuries or death to such inmate except for accident, injury or death resulting directly from gross negligence or malfeasance.

(e) The sheriff of the county in which the work is to be performed, with the approval of the executive director of the West Virginia Regional Jail Authority or designee, may hire or appoint any personnel necessary for the supervision of inmate labor.

(f) Nothing in this section shall be construed to allow the use of inmate labor for private projects or as contract employees of for-profit businesses.

(g) Any inmate who performs work pursuant to the provisions of this section shall receive, as sole and full compensation therefor, a reduction in his or her term of incarceration by one day for every eight hours of approved work: Provided, That any reduction of sentence earned pursuant to the provisions of this section shall be in addition to any other reduction of sentence the inmate may accumulate.

(h) Any person being held as a detainee or for contempt may voluntarily participate in such labor as provided for in this section under the terms and conditions hereinbefore set forth.

§17-15-5. Guards for county prisoners; monthly statement as to prisoners.

The sheriff, with the approval of the county court, may employ a sufficient number of persons to guard the prisoners, not in excess of one for each ten prisoners, or a lesser number in one group, and with said approval shall fix the wages of such guards, and shall have the control and authority over them. The wages of such guards shall be reasonable and shall be paid by the county court out of the county treasury.

The keeper of the jail shall file with the clerk of the county court a monthly statement showing the number of prisoners sentenced to work under this article, the number of prisoners who may volunteer and be allowed by the sheriff to work hereunder, and the number of days' work each prisoner has performed, and the allowance to the sheriff for their keep, food, maintenance and supplies, in accordance with the provisions of section twelve, article seven, chapter seven of the Code of West Virginia.

§17-15-6. Certification by clerk or justice of sentence and commitment of county convict; form of commitment.

If the accused is sentenced to labor as provided by this article, the clerk of the court, or the justice of the peace before whom the person is convicted, shall certify to the jailer the length of sentence and the amount of fine in the manner and form following:

Commitment by ............... for imprisonment for ............... sentence, fine and costs. State of West Virginia, County of .......... ss:

To the sheriff or any constable of said county, and to the jailer of said county:

Whereas, ............... was this day convicted of the crime of ............... and was sentenced to confinement in the county jail for the period of ..... days, or months, from this date, and to pay the state a fine of $ ..... and costs incurred, amounting to the sum of $ ..... itemized on the back hereof, and to labor on the roads and bridges under the control of the county court, or in the preparation of road materials, until said fine and costs are paid, as provided in article fifteen, chapter seventeen of the Code.

You (the said sheriff or constable), are hereby commanded, in the name of the said State, to receive and confine the said ............... in said jail, and to see that the said ............... labors according to law until his sentence, fine and costs have been satisfied, or until he is discharged according to law.

Given under my hand and seal this ..... day of ..... , 19 ...... ......................................... Clerk of court or justice of peace.

§17-15-7. Road work by misdemeanant in lieu of bail.

A person charged with a misdemeanor, who is unable to furnish a recognizance or bail bond with satisfactory sureties, may, after being committed to jail, elect to labor as provided for by this article. The circuit, criminal or intermediate court of any county, or the judge thereof in vacation, may, in its discretion, enter an order permitting such person to labor as provided for in this article until a time to be fixed in the order.

If at the trial such person is convicted and sentenced to imprisonment in the county jail, or to labor as specified in this article, he shall be credited on his term with the number of days already labored. If fined, he shall be credited on the fine and costs with $1 per day for each day he has labored. If acquitted, he shall be paid out of the general county funds $1 per day for each day he has labored.

§17-15-8. Credit on sentence for road work by county prisoner.

Every person sentenced to labor as provided for by this article and who has faithfully complied with all the rules and regulations prescribed by the sheriff or administrator of the regional jail facility governing the labor is entitled to five days' deduction for each month's jail sentence that is imposed upon him or her.


§17-16-1. “Obstructions” defined; obstructions declared nuisance; nuisance exception; abatement of nuisance by injunction.

Obstructions, within the meaning of this chapter, shall include trees which have been cut or have fallen either on adjacent land or within the bounds of a public road in such a manner as to interfere with travel thereon; limbs of trees which have fallen within a public road or branches of trees overhanging the same so as to interfere with travel thereon; landslides; carcasses of dead animals, lumber, wood, or logs piled within the bounds of a public road; machines, vehicles, conveyances, and implements abandoned or habitually placed within the bounds of a public road; fences, buildings, or other obstructions within the bounds of a public road; ashes, cinders, earth, stone, or other material placed on a public road or in any ditch or waterway along such road; water diverted from its regular course or channel so as to injure or endanger a public road; any road connected without lawful authority with a public road in such manner as to obstruct or impede travel thereon or the flow of water in the gutters or drains along such road; pipelines, telegraph, telephone, trolley, or other poles and wires connected therewith, constructed or erected on a public road in such a way as to interfere with the use thereof; or any other thing which will prevent the easy, safe, and convenient use of such public road for public travel. Such obstructions shall be considered within the bounds of any state or county-district road whenever any part thereof shall occupy any part of the right-of-way provided by law or acquired for road purposes, not including the additional land acquired for slopes, cuts, or fills. Fundraising by a volunteer fire department including boot drives and bucket brigades, and similar fund raising activities by school-approved or -sponsored groups, bona fide charitable organizations and nonprofit service organizations within the boundaries of a municipality do not constitute an obstruction or nuisance under this chapter: Provided, That the fund raising activity is conducted during daylight hours at a signal controlled intersection, an intersection requiring all vehicles to stop, or at a location approved for such an activity by the municipal law-enforcement agency. Such obstructions so placed and left within the limits of such road are hereby declared to be public nuisances, and, in addition to other remedies provided in this chapter, the county court or the State Road Commission, as the case may be, may apply to the circuit court, or other court of competent jurisdiction of the county in which they may be, for an injunction to abate such nuisance.

§17-16-2. Duty of landowner, occupant and public utility to remove obstructions and fill excavations.

It shall be the duty of the owner or occupant of land situated along any state or county-district road to remove all obstructions within the bounds of the road which have been placed there by himself or with his consent.

It shall be the duty of all telephone, telegraph, electric railway or other electrical companies to remove and reset telephone, telegraph, trolley and other poles and the wire connected therewith when the same constitute obstructions to the use of a state or county-district road by the traveling public.

It shall be the duty of all pipeline companies whose lines have been laid across or along any state or county-district road in this state for the purpose of transporting natural gas, oils, water, or any other substance, to fill up all excavations made thereby and to make the road in all respects as good as it was before the excavation was made, and to keep the same in like good condition, and, when any such line has been laid along any such road on the right-of-way thereof and constitutes an obstruction to the traveling public, to relay or remove the same.

§17-16-3. Removal of obstructions by state road commission or county; expense to be charged against owner, etc.

If such obstructions, poles, wires or pipelines are not removed, or such poles with wires reset, or such excavations are not properly filled and maintained, or such pipelines are not relaid or removed, within ten days after the service of a notice, by the state road commission, or its engineer in charge of the road obstructed, or the county road engineer or supervisor, as the case may be, upon such owner or occupant, or upon such company or corporation, requesting the same to be done, the commission or its engineer, or the county road engineer or supervisor, as the case may be, shall cause such obstructions and such poles and wires to be removed and reset, or such repairs on the excavation to be made, or such pipelines to be relaid or removed, as may be necessary to place the same in its original condition. The expense thereby incurred shall be paid in the first instance out of moneys levied and collected or available therefor, and the amount thereof shall be charged against such owner, occupant, company or corporation and levied and collected as provided in section four of this article.

§17-16-4. Assessment and collection of costs of removing obstructions.

The state road commission by its engineer or engineers in charge, as to state roads, and the county road engineer or supervisor, as to county-district roads, shall assess the cost of removing obstructions from state or county-district roads and removing and resetting poles and wires or the relaying or removing of pipelines pursuant to sections two and three of this article, against the owner, occupant, company or corporation neglecting to perform its duty imposed by the provisions of this article.

Such engineer or supervisor having charge of either state or county-district roads shall serve upon such owner, occupant or company a written notice stating that at the time and place specified therein, he or his agents will assess such costs against the owner, occupant or company neglecting to perform such duty. Such notice shall be served at least ten days prior to the time specified therein. If directed against a corporation, it may be served as other notices or process are served under chapter fifty-six of this code. At the time and place specified, he shall hear the parties interested and shall thereupon complete the assessment, stating therein the name of the owner, occupant or company, the amount assessed against him or it, and shall return such assessment to the state road commission or the county court of the county, as the case may be. Such assessment shall be made a matter or record by the commission or court, and the amount so assessed and fixed shall constitute a lien upon the property of such person, firm or corporation as a lien for taxes. The amount so assessed, fixed and levied may be placed in the hands of the sheriff of the county wherein such road is located and shall be collected by him as taxes levied and imposed are collected, and shall be paid into the State Treasury to the credit of the state road fund, or the county treasury to the credit of the district road fund, as the case may be, to reimburse the fund from which such costs were defrayed.

§17-16-5. Liability for failure to remove obstructions.

If any obstruction, such as is mentioned in section one of this article, be not removed by the person who, by himself or agent, caused the same, within ten days after written notice so to do, given on behalf of the state road commission or county court, by the engineer or person in charge of such road, then the person causing the obstruction shall be liable to such commission or county court, as the case may be, in a sum of not less than one nor more than $5 for each day such obstruction remains unremoved after the service of such notice.

§17-16-6. Permit by commission or county court for openings in or structures on public roads; franchises and easements of oil, etc., transportation companies.

No opening shall be made in any state or county-district road or highway, nor shall any structure be placed therein or thereover, nor shall any structure, which has been so placed, be changed or removed, except in accordance with a permit from the state road commission or county court, as the case may be. No road or highway shall be dug up for laying or placing pipes, sewers, poles or wires, or for other purposes, and no trees shall be planted or removed or obstructions placed thereon, without the written permit of the commission or county court, or its duly authorized agent, and then only in accordance with the regulations of the commission or court. The work shall be done under the supervision and to the satisfaction of the commission or court; and the entire expense of replacing the highway in as good condition as before shall be paid by the persons to whom the permit was given, or by whom the work was done: Provided, however, That nothing herein contained shall be so construed as to prevent any oil or gas company or person having a proper permit or franchise from transporting oil or gasoline along any of the public highways of this state, nor to give such company a franchise without paying to the landowners through whose lands such road passes the usual and customary compensation paid or to be paid to the landowners for such right of way. Any grant or franchise when made shall be construed to give to such company or person only the right to use the easement in such public road.

A violation of any provision of this section shall be a misdemeanor and, the person or corporation violating the same shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined not less than $25 nor more than $100 for each offense.



Acts, 1949 Reg. Sess., Ch. 116.

§17-16-8. Duty of railroad company to keep state or county- district road in good condition.

Every railroad company heretofore or hereafter incorporated which has, by the building of its road, or otherwise, obstructed, or shall hereafter obstruct, any state or county-district road, shall, as far as possible, put the road so obstructed in as good condition as it was in before the obstruction. Every railroad company which has changed, or shall hereafter change, the grade or location of any state or county-district road, shall put the same in as good condition and repair, and on as practical a grade, as such road was before its change; and if such road, after construction, becomes damaged or injured or is caused to be damaged or injured by reason of the construction of any railroad, such railroad company shall be liable for all damages occasioned thereby and for all costs incurred in repairing and keeping in repair the road so damaged or injured as aforesaid.

§17-16-9. Private driveways or approaches to roads; obstruction of ditches.

The owner or tenant of land fronting on any state road shall construct and keep in repair all approaches or driveways to and from the same, under the direction of the state road commission, and, likewise, the owner or tenant of land fronting on any county- district road shall construct and keep in repair all approaches or driveways to and from the same, under the direction of the county road engineer, and it shall be unlawful for such owner or tenant to fill up any ditch, or place any material of any kind or character in any ditch, so as in any manner to obstruct or interfere with the purposes for which it was made.


§17-16A-1. Constructing, operating, financing, etc., parkway, economic development and tourism projects.

In order to remove the present handicaps and hazards on the congested highways and roads in the State of West Virginia, to facilitate vehicular traffic throughout the state, to promote and enhance the tourism industry and to develop and improve tourist facilities and attractions in the state, to promote the agricultural, economic and industrial development of the state and to provide for the construction of modern express highways, including center divisions, ample shoulder widths, longsight distances, the bypassing of cities, multiple lanes in each direction and grade separations at all intersections with other highways and railroads, to provide for the development, construction, improvement and enhancement of state parks, tourist facilities and attractions and to provide for the improvement and enhancement of state parks presently existing, the West Virginia Parkways, Economic Development and Tourism Authority (hereinafter created) is hereby authorized and empowered to construct, reconstruct, improve, maintain, repair and operate parkway projects, economic development projects and tourism projects (as those terms are hereinafter defined in section five of this article) at such locations as shall be approved by the state Department of Transportation.

§17-16A-2. Parkway revenue bonds and revenue refunding bonds not debt of state or political subdivisions; statement on bonds.

Parkway revenue bonds and revenue refunding bonds issued under the provisions of this article shall not be deemed to constitute a debt of the state or of any political subdivision thereof or a pledge of the faith and credit of the state or of any such political subdivision, but such bonds shall be payable solely from the funds herein provided therefor from revenues. All such parkway revenue bonds and revenue refunding bonds shall contain on the face thereof a statement to the effect that neither the state nor any political subdivision thereof shall be obligated to pay the same or the interest thereon except from revenues of the project or projects for which they are issued and that neither the faith and credit nor the taxing power of the state or any political subdivision thereof is pledged to the payment of the principal of or the interest on such bonds.

§17-16A-3. West Virginia Parkways Authority.

(a) The West Virginia Parkways, Economic Development, and Tourism Authority is continued as an agency of the state, and commencing July 1, 2010, it shall be known as the West Virginia Parkways Authority. Any reference to the West Virginia Parkways, Economic Development, and Tourism Authority within this code shall mean the West Virginia Parkways Authority.

(b) The authority shall consist of the following seven members:

(1) The Governor or a designee;

(2) The Secretary of the Department of Transportation or a designee;

(3) Two public members representing the first congressional district;

(4) Two public members representing the second congressional district;


(5) One at-large public member.

(c) The term for the public members shall be five years. All public members' appointments shall be made by the Governor, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate.

(d) A public member may not serve more than two consecutive full five-year terms. A public member may continue to serve until a successor has been appointed and has qualified.

(e) Each public member shall be a resident of this state during the appointment term and shall have been a qualified elector for a period of at least one year next preceding the appointment.

(f) A vacancy on the authority shall be filled by appointment by the Governor for the unexpired term of the public member whose office is vacant and the appointment shall be made within 60 days of the vacancy.

(g) The Governor may remove any public member from the authority for neglect of duty, incompetency, or official misconduct.

(h) A public member immediately and automatically forfeits membership to the authority if he or she is convicted of a felony under the laws of any jurisdiction, or becomes a nonresident of this state.

(i) The Governor or designee shall serve as chair of the authority. The authority shall annually elect one of the public members as vice chair, and shall also elect a secretary and treasurer who need not be members of the authority.

(j) The Governor shall appoint an executive director of the authority, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate. The executive director serves at the will and pleasure of the Governor. The executive director is responsible for managing and administering the daily functions of the authority and performing all other functions necessary to the effective operation of the authority. The compensation of the executive director is annually set by the Governor.

(k) The public members of the authority are not entitled to compensation for their services, but shall be reimbursed for all reasonable and necessary expenses actually incurred in the performance of their duties in a manner consistent with guidelines of the Travel Management Office of the Department of Administration.

(l) Four members of the authority constitutes a quorum and the vote of a majority of members present shall be necessary for any action taken by the authority. No vacancy in the membership of the authority shall impair the right of a quorum to exercise all the rights and perform all the duties of the authority.

(m) The authority shall meet at least monthly. The chair or any four members of the authority may call a special meeting: Provided, That notice shall be given to all members of the authority not less than 10 days prior to any special meeting.

(n) Prior to commencing his or her duties as a member of the authority, each public member shall take and subscribe to the oath required by section five, article IV of the Constitution of this state.

(o) Before the issuance of any revenue bonds or revenue refunding bonds under the provisions of this article, each public member of the authority shall execute a surety bond in the penal sum of $25,000. The secretary and treasurer of the authority shall execute a surety bond in the penal sum of $50,000. Each surety bond shall be conditioned upon the faithful performance of the duties of his or her office, shall be executed by a surety company authorized to transact business in West Virginia as a surety, shall be approved by the Governor and filed in the Office of the Secretary of State.

(p) All expenses incurred in carrying out the provisions of this article shall be paid solely from funds provided under this article and no liability or obligation shall be incurred by the authority beyond the extent to which moneys shall have been provided under this article.

§17-16A-4. Transfer of powers, duties, functions, assets and liabilities of turnpike commission to parkways authority.

(a) The duties, powers and functions of the West Virginia turnpike commission are hereby transferred to the parkways authority.

 (b) All obligations, indebtedness and other liabilities of, and all rights, assets and other property owned by or used in the administration of, the West Virginia turnpike commission as of June 1, 1989, and all personnel of said turnpike commission as of said date are hereby assumed by and transferred to the parkways authority, which is hereby constituted the successor in interest to said commission in all respects.

 (c) All books, papers, maps, charts, plans, literature and other records in the possession of the West Virginia turnpike commission as of June 1, 1989, shall be delivered or turned over to the parkways authority.

 (d) The unexpended balance of appropriations or other funds available for use of the West Virginia turnpike commission as of June 1, 1989, is hereby transferred to the parkways authority for the use of the parkways authority.

§17-16A-5. Definitions.

As used in this article, the following words and terms shall have the following meanings, unless the context shall indicate another or different meaning or intent:

(a) “Cost” means the cost of construction, reconstruction, maintenance, improvement, repair and operation of the project, the cost of the acquisition of all land, rights-of-way, property, rights, easements and interests acquired by the Parkways Authority or the Department of Transportation for such construction, reconstruction, maintenance, improvement and repair, the cost of all machinery, equipment, material and labor which are deemed essential thereto, the cost of improvements, the cost of financing charges, interest prior to and during construction and for one year after completion of construction, the cost of traffic estimates and of engineering, consultant, accounting, architects’, trustees’ and legal fees and expenses, plans, specifications, surveys, estimates of cost and of revenues, other costs and expenses necessary or incident to determining the feasibility or practicability of constructing any such project, administrative expenses and such other costs and expenses as may be necessary or incident to the construction of the project, the financing of such construction and the placing of the project in operation or to the operation of the project. Any obligation or expense hereafter incurred by the Department of Transportation with the approval of the Parkways Authority, regardless of whether the approval was authorized before or after the obligation or expense was incurred, for traffic surveys, borings, preparation of plans and specifications, and other engineering and consulting services in connection with the construction of a parkway project shall be regarded as a part of the cost of such project and may be reimbursed to the state out of the proceeds of parkway revenue bonds or revenue refunding bonds hereinafter authorized.

(b) “Department of Transportation” means the West Virginia Department of Transportation and each of its respective divisions and subordinate agencies, including, without limitation, the Division of Highways.

(c) “Economic development project” means any land or water site, structure, facility or equipment which the Parkways Authority may acquire, create, develop, construct, reconstruct, improve or repair, or previously may have acquired, created, developed, constructed, reconstructed, improved or repaired under the provisions of this article to promote the agricultural, economic or industrial development of the state, together with all property rights, easements and interests which may be acquired by the Parkways Authority for the development, construction or operation of such project.

(d) “Expressway” means any road serving major intrastate and interstate travel, including federal interstate routes.

(e) “Feeder roads” means any road serving community-to-community travel or collects and feeds traffic to an expressway or turnpike.

(f) “Local service road” means any local arterialized and spur roads which provide land access and socioeconomic benefits to abutting properties.

(g) “Owner” means all individuals, co-partnerships, associations or corporations having any title or interest in any property, rights, easements and interests authorized to be acquired by this article.

(h) “Park and forest roads” means any road serving travel within state parks, state forests and public hunting and fishing areas.

(i) “Parkways Authority” or “authority” means the West Virginia Parkways Authority, or if the Parkways Authority is abolished, the board, body, commission or authority succeeding to the principal functions thereof or to whom the powers given by this article to the Parkways Authority shall be given by law.

(j) “Parkway project” means any expressway, turnpike, bridge, tunnel, trunk line, feeder road, state local service road or park and forest road, or any portion or portions of any expressway, turnpike, trunk line, feeder road, state local service road or park and forest road, whether contiguous or noncontiguous to the West Virginia Turnpike or to any such portion or portions thereof, which the Parkways Authority or the Department of Transportation may acquire, construct, reconstruct, maintain, operate, improve, repair or finance under the provisions of this article, which shall include for all purposes of this article, any acquisition, construction, reconstruction, maintenance, operation, improvement, repair or financing that the authority may undertake by agreement with the Department of Transportation, or any expressway, turnpike or other road constructed by the West Virginia Turnpike Commission pursuant to the authority granted to it under the laws of this state prior to June 1, 1989, and shall embrace all bridges, tunnels, overpasses, underpasses, interchanges, entrance plazas, approaches, toll houses, service stations and administration, storage and other buildings, which the Parkways Authority or the Department of Transportation may deem necessary for the operation of a parkway project, or which is used in the operation of a parkway project, together with all property, rights, easements and interests which may be acquired by the Parkways Authority or the Department of Transportation for the construction or the operation of a parkway project or which were acquired in connection with or are used in the operation of the turnpike or any other existing parkway project.  A parkway project shall also include any enhancements or improvements to the turnpike or any parkway project, including, without limitation, projects involving lane widening, resurfacing, surface replacement, bridge replacement, bridge improvements and enhancements, other bridge work, drainage system improvements and enhancements, drainage system replacements, safety improvements and enhancements, and traffic flow improvements and enhancements, which have been recommended by the authority’s or the Department of Transportation’s consulting engineers or traffic engineers, or both.

(k) “Project” or “projects” means a parkway project, economic development project or tourism project, or any combination thereof.

(l) “Public meeting” means a meeting designed to solicit input and provide information sufficient to allow the public to understand the scope and the costs of a particular project.

(m) “State Road Fund” means the State Road Fund created in article three, chapter seventeen of this code.

(n) “Transportation secretary” means the Secretary of the Department of Transportation.

(o) “Toll revenues” means any amount received by the Parkways Authority from any source as a fee for the right of transit over the West Virginia Turnpike or any other parkway project and any fees paid by owners of registered motor vehicles in the state or any other state collected pursuant to section seventeen, article ten, chapter seventeen-a of this code.

(p) “Tourism project” means:

(1) Any park or tourist facility and attraction which the Parkways Authority may create, develop, construct, reconstruct, improve, maintain or repair or may have previously created, developed, constructed, reconstructed, improved, maintained or repaired under the provisions of this article, and shall include all roads, interchanges, entrance plazas, approaches, service stations, administration, storage and any other buildings or service stations, structures which the Parkways Authority may deem necessary for the operation of the tourism project, together with all property rights, easements and interests which may be acquired by the Parkways Authority for the construction or operation of the tourism project; and

(2) The construction, reconstruction, improvement, maintenance and repair of any park or tourist facility and attraction owned by the state as of June 1, 1989.

(q) “Tourist facility and attraction” mean cabins, lodges, recreational facilities, restaurants and other revenue producing facilities, any land or water site, and any information center, visitors’ center or rest stop which the Parkways Authority determines may improve, enhance or contribute to the development of the tourism industry in the state.

(r) “Trunk line” means any road serving major city-to-city travel.

(s) “Turnpike” means the West Virginia Turnpike or any other toll road in the state.

(t) “West Virginia Turnpike Commission” means the State Turnpike Commission existing as of June 1, 1989.

(u) “West Virginia Turnpike” means the turnpike from Charleston to a point approximately one mile south of the intersection of Interstate 77 and U. S. Route 460 near Princeton in Mercer County, West Virginia, which road is presently a part of the Federal Interstate Highway System.

§17-16A-6.  Parkways Authority’s powers.

(a) The Parkways Authority is hereby authorized and empowered:

(1) To adopt bylaws for the regulation of its affairs and the conduct of its business;

(2) To adopt an official seal and alter the same at pleasure;

(3) To maintain an office at such place or places within the state as it may designate;

(4) To sue and be sued in its own name, plead and be impleaded. Any and all actions against the Parkways Authority shall be brought only in the county in which the principal office of the Parkways Authority is located;

(5) To construct, reconstruct, improve, maintain, repair, operate or finance projects, at such locations within the state or adjacent to the state pursuant to a reciprocal toll enforcement agreement as may be determined by the Parkways Authority: Provided, That after July 1, 2010, the Parkways Authority is prohibited from constructing new tourism projects or new economic development projects, but this prohibition shall not prevent the authority from entering into lease agreements, development agreements or other agreements with private businesses or companies allowing and providing for such private businesses or companies to acquire, develop, construct and operate motels, lodging facilities or other businesses and business facilities on land owned by the authority and located adjacent to the Tamarack project and facilities at Exit 45 of the West Virginia Turnpike;

(6) To issue parkway revenue bonds of the State of West Virginia, payable solely from toll revenues, for the purpose of paying all or any part of the cost of any one or more parkway projects;

(7) To issue parkway revenue refunding bonds of the State of West Virginia, payable solely from toll revenues, for any one or more of the following purposes:

(A) Refunding any bonds which shall have been issued under the provisions of this article or any predecessor thereof; and

(B) Repaying to the state all or any part of the state funds used to upgrade the West Virginia Turnpike to federal interstate standards;

(8) To charge, fix and revise, from time to time, tolls or fees for transit over each parkway project constructed or improved or financed by it, by the Department of Transportation or by the West Virginia Turnpike Commission:  Provided, That the Parkways Authority may not charge tolls or fees for transit over an existing road without express legislative authorization for the charging of such tolls or fees: Provided, however, That an existing road does not include the West Virginia Turnpike, new lanes or sections of an existing road, the replacement or construction of any bridge or tunnel, or related facilities;

(9) To fix and revise, rents, fees or other charges, of whatever kind or character, for the use of each tourism project or economic development project constructed by it or for the use of any building, structure or facility constructed by it or financed in connection with a parkway project;

(10) To acquire, hold, lease and dispose of real and personal property in the exercise of its powers and the performance of its duties under this article;

(11) To acquire in the name of the state by purchase or otherwise, on such terms and conditions and in such manner as it may deem proper, or by the exercise of the right of condemnation in the manner hereinafter provided, such public or private lands, including public parks, playgrounds or reservations, or parts thereof or rights therein, rights-of-way, property, rights, easements and interests, as it may deem necessary for carrying out the provisions of this article. No compensation shall be paid for public lands, playgrounds, parks, parkways or reservations so taken, and all public property damaged in carrying out the powers granted by this article shall be restored or repaired and placed in its original condition as nearly as practicable;

(12) To designate the locations of, and establish, limit and control such points of ingress to and egress from, each project as may be necessary or desirable in the judgment of the Parkways Authority to ensure the proper operation and maintenance of such project and to prohibit entrance to such project from any point or points not so designated;

(13) To make and enter into all contracts and agreements necessary or incidental to the performance of its duties and the execution of its powers under this article, and to employ consulting engineers, attorneys, accountants, architects, construction and financial experts, trustees, superintendents, managers and such other employees and agents as may be necessary in its judgment, and to fix their compensation. All such expenses shall be payable solely from the proceeds of parkway revenue bonds or parkway revenue refunding bonds issued under the provisions of this article or from toll revenues;

(14) To make and enter into all contracts, agreements or other arrangements with any agency, department, division, board, bureau, commission, authority or other governmental unit of the state to operate, maintain or repair any project;

(15) To receive and accept from any federal agency grants for or in aid of the construction of any project, and to receive and accept aid or contributions from any source of either money, property, labor or other things of value, to be held, used and applied only for the purposes for which such grants and contributions may be made;

(16) To study, investigate, evaluate and, if feasible, develop and implement a “single fee” program the purpose of which is to charge a flat fee to owners of motor vehicles registered in this state who opt into any such program or any other state which opts into any such program: Provided, That any single fee program shall apply only to passenger motor vehicles, divided into classes based on size and usage, and shall not apply to commercial motor vehicles. The flat fee shall be set by the authority at a rate or amount so that the aggregate of all toll revenues estimated to be received by the authority at the time of fixing any such rate or amount, or any increase thereof, provides sufficient toll revenues consistent with the purposes set forth in section thirteen of this article and to cover the administrative costs of any such single fee program. The separate fee shall be collected by adding it to the annual cost of vehicle registration as an additional fee payable solely to the authority pursuant to section seventeen, article ten, chapter seventeen-a of this code. A registered motor vehicle for which such single program fee has been paid shall be entitled to traverse all toll roads within the state without stopping to pay individual tolls during the effective period of said vehicle registration. The single fee program may also include comparable provisions which would allow vehicles registered in other states to traverse West Virginia toll roads in like fashion to West Virginia vehicles as set forth in this section upon the payment of a single fee for each and every vehicle registered in such state, in accordance with the same classification system adopted for West Virginia vehicles. The Parkways Authority, in consultation with the Division of Motor Vehicles, shall propose rules for legislative approval in accordance with the provisions of article three, chapter twenty-nine-a of this code to implement any single fee program under this subdivision (16);

(17) To enter into reciprocal toll enforcement agreements with other toll agencies in this state or in any other state or foreign country;

(18) To do all acts and things necessary or convenient to carry out the powers expressly granted in this article; and

(19) To file the necessary petition or petitions pursuant to federal bankruptcy laws.). The State of West Virginia hereby consents to the application of Title 11 of the United States Code to the Parkways Authority.

(b) Nothing in this article shall be construed to prohibit the issuance of parkway revenue refunding bonds in a common plan of financing with the issuance of parkway revenue bonds.

§17-16A-7. Parkways authority's incidental powers.

The parkways authority shall have authority to construct grade separations at intersections of any project with public roads and state highways and to change and adjust the lines and grades of such roads and highways so as to accommodate the same to the design of such grade separation. The cost of such grade separations and any damage incurred in changing and adjusting the lines and grades of such roads and highways shall be ascertained and paid by the parkways authority as a part of the cost of such project.

If the parkways authority shall find it necessary to change the location of any portion of any public road or state highway, it shall cause the same to be reconstructed at such location as the parkways authority shall deem most favorable and of substantially the same type and in as good condition as the original road or highway. The cost of such reconstruction and any damage incurred in changing the location of any such road or highway shall be ascertained and paid by the parkways authority as a part of the cost of such project.

 Upon the request of the parkways authority, the commissioner of the state department of highways shall relocate or discontinue any road or highway over which he has authority and control which is affected by the construction of any project.

 In addition to the foregoing powers, the parkways authority and its authorized agents and employees may enter upon any lands, waters and premises in the state for the purpose of making surveys, soundings, drillings and examinations as it may deem necessary or convenient for the purposes of this article, and such entry shall not be deemed a trespass, nor shall an entry for such purposes be deemed an entry under any condemnation proceedings which may be then pending. The parkways authority shall make reimbursement for any actual damages resulting to such lands, waters and premises as a result of such activities.

 The state of West Virginia hereby consents to the use of all lands owned by it, including lands lying under water, which are deemed by the parkways authority to be necessary for the construction or operation of any project.

§17-16A-8. Acquisition of land, property, easements, etc.

The parkways authority is hereby authorized and empowered to acquire by purchase, whenever it shall deem such purchase expedient, any land, property, rights, rights-of-way, franchises, easements and other interests in lands as it may deem necessary or convenient for the construction or operation of any project upon such terms and at such price as may be considered by it to be reasonable and can be agreed upon between the parkways authority and the owner thereof, and to take title thereto in the name of the state.

§17-16A-9. Condemnation of property.

Whenever a reasonable price cannot be agreed upon, or whenever the owner is legally incapacitated, or is absent, unknown or unable to convey valid title, the parkways authority is hereby authorized and empowered to acquire, by the exercise of the power of condemnation in accordance with and subject to the provisions of any and all existing laws and statutes applicable to the exercise of the power of condemnation of property for public use, any land, property, rights, rights-of-way, franchises, easements or other property deemed necessary or convenient for the construction or the efficient operation of any project or necessary in the restoration of public or private property damaged or destroyed. In any condemnation proceedings the court having jurisdiction of the suit, action or proceeding may make such orders as may be just to the parkways authority and to the owners of the property to be condemned and may require an undertaking or other security to secure such owners against any loss or damage by reason of the failure of the parkways authority to accept and pay for the property, but neither such undertaking or security nor any act or obligation of the parkways authority shall impose any liability upon the state or the parkways authority except such as may be paid from the funds provided under the authority of this article.

§17-16A-10.  Parkway revenue bonds, generally.

(a) The Parkways Authority is authorized to provide by resolution for the issuance of parkway revenue bonds of the state for the purpose of paying all or any part of the cost of one or more parkway projects. The principal of and the interest on bonds shall be payable solely from the funds provided for payment, except that:

(1) None of the proceeds of the issuance of parkway revenue bonds under this section shall be used to pay all or any part of the cost of any economic development project or tourism project;

(2) Nothing in this section shall be construed as prohibiting the Parkways Authority from issuing additional parkway revenue bonds to the extent permitted by applicable federal law for the purpose of constructing, maintaining and operating any highway constructed, in whole or in part, with money obtained from the Appalachian Regional Commission; and

(3) The authorization to issue bonds under this section is in addition to the authorization and power to issue bonds under any other section of this code.

(b) The bonds of each issue shall be dated, shall bear interest at a rate as may be determined by the Parkways Authority in its sole discretion, shall mature at a time not exceeding forty years from their date of issue as may be determined by the Parkways Authority, and may be made redeemable before maturity, at the option of the Parkways Authority at a price and under the terms and conditions as may be fixed by the Parkways Authority prior to the issuance of the bonds.

(c) The Parkways Authority shall determine the form of the bonds, including any interest coupons to be attached thereto, and shall fix the denomination of the bonds and the place of payment of principal and interest, which may be at any bank or trust company or securities depository within or without the state.

(d) The bonds shall be executed by manual or facsimile signature by the chair of the Parkways Authority, and the official seal of the Parkways Authority shall be affixed to or printed on each bond, and attested, manually or by facsimile signature, by the Secretary and Treasurer of the Parkways Authority. Any coupons attached to any bond shall bear the manual or facsimile signature of the chair of the Parkways Authority.

(e) In case any officer whose signature or a facsimile of whose signature appears on any bonds or coupons shall cease to be an officer before the delivery of the bonds, the signature or facsimile shall nevertheless be valid and sufficient for all purposes the same as if he had remained in office until delivery. In case the seal of the Parkways Authority has been changed after a facsimile has been imprinted on the bonds, then the facsimile seal will continue to be sufficient for all purposes.

(f) All bonds issued under the provisions of this article shall have all the qualities and incidents of negotiable instruments under the negotiable instruments law of the state. The bonds may be issued in coupon or in registered form, or both, as the Parkways Authority may determine, and provision may be made for the registration of any coupon bonds as to principal alone and also as to both principal and interest, and for the recorders into coupon bonds of any bonds registered as to both principal and interest.

(g) The Parkways Authority may sell the bonds at a public or private sale at a price it determines to be in the best interests of the state.

(h) The proceeds of the bonds of each issue shall be used solely for the payment of the cost of the parkway project or parkway projects and by the Division of Highways for any acquisition, construction, reconstruction, maintenance, improvement or repair of public highways and bridges as provided for in this article for which the bonds were issued, and shall be disbursed in a manner consistent with the resolution authorizing the issuance of the bonds or in the trust agreement securing the bonds.

(i) If the proceeds of the bonds of any issue, by error of estimates or otherwise, shall be less than the cost, then additional bonds may in like manner be issued to provide the amount of the deficit. Unless otherwise provided in the resolution authorizing the issuance of the bonds or in the trust agreement securing the bonds, the additional bonds shall be deemed to be of the same issue and shall be entitled to payment from the same fund without preference or priority of the bonds first issued.

(j) If the proceeds of the bonds of any issue exceed the cost of the parkway project or parkway projects for which the bonds were issued, then the surplus shall be deposited to the credit of the sinking fund for the bonds.

(k) Prior to the preparation of definitive bonds, the Parkways Authority may, under like restrictions, issue interim receipts or temporary bonds, with or without coupons, exchangeable for definitive bonds when the bonds have been executed and are available for delivery. The Parkways Authority may also provide for the replacement of any bonds that become mutilated or are destroyed or lost.

(l) All or any portion of the proceeds of any parkway revenue bonds issued pursuant to this section may be credited to the special revenue account within the State Road Fund created in section eleven of this article. Moneys in such fund shall be used by the Division of Highways for any acquisition, construction, reconstruction, maintenance, improvement or repair of public highways and bridges in this state.

(m) Bonds may be issued under the provisions of this article without obtaining the consent of any department, division, commission, board, bureau or agency of the state in accordance with this article: Provided, That the Parkways Authority shall comply with the provisions of section twenty-eight, article one, chapter five of this code.

§17-16A-11.  State Road Construction Account.

(a) There is hereby created within the State Road Fund a special revenue account to be known as the State Road Construction Account held in the State Treasury to be expended by the Division of Highways for construction, maintenance and repair of public highways and bridges in this state. The State Road Construction Account created in this section is a special revenue account in the State Treasury and is not part of the state General Revenue Fund.

(b) The State Road Construction Account shall consist of:

(1) All or any portion of the proceeds of any parkway revenue bonds issued pursuant to section ten of this article that the Parkways Authority, in its discretion, may credit to the State Road Construction Account, notwithstanding any provision of said section to the contrary;

(2) Any appropriations, grants, gifts, contributions or other revenues received by the State Road Construction Account from any source; and

(3) All interest earned on moneys held in the account.

(c) The funds in the special revenue account created by this section will be expended by the Division of Highways for the costs of acquisition, construction, reconstruction, maintenance, improvement or repair of public highways and bridges, as contained in the Division of Highways’ Statewide Transportation Improvement Plan as it existed on June 1, 2017, or the West Virginia Division of Highways SOS Transportation Investment Program Candidate Project List dated May 3, 2017, in the following counties:

(1) Raleigh County;

(2) Fayette County;

(3) Wyoming County;

(4) Mercer County;

(5) Kanawha County;

(6) Greenbrier County;

(7) Monroe County;

(8) Summers County;

(9) McDowell County; and

(10) Nicholas County.

§17-16A-11a.  West Virginia Parkways Authority Single Fee Program Fund.

There is hereby created within the State Treasury a special account within the State Road Fund, designated the West Virginia Parkways Authority Single Fee Program Fund. The account shall consist of any fees received from owners of registered motor vehicles in the state or any other state that have opted in under any single fee program that may be created and implemented by the authority pursuant to section six of this article. The account shall be administered by the Parkways Authority and expenditures from the fund shall be used exclusively by the authority for the purposes authorized in section thirteen of this article and for administrative costs related to any single fee program implemented by the Parkways Authority under subdivision (16), subsection (a), section six of this article.

§17-16A-12. Parkway revenue bonds -- Trust agreement.

In the discretion of the parkways authority any bonds issued under the provisions of this article may be secured by a trust agreement by and between the parkways authority and a corporate trustee, which may be any trust company or bank having the powers of a trust company within or without the state. Any such trust agreement may pledge or assign the tolls, rents, fees, charges and other revenues to be received, but shall not convey or mortgage any project or any part thereof. Any such trust agreement or any resolution providing for the issuance of such bonds may contain such provisions for protecting and enforcing the rights and remedies of the bondholders as may be reasonable and proper and not in violation of law, including covenants setting forth the duties of the parkways authority in relation to the acquisition of property and the construction, reconstruction, improvement, maintenance, repair, operation and insurance of the project or projects in connection with which such bonds shall have been authorized, and the custody, safeguarding and application of all moneys, and provisions for the employment of consulting engineers in connection with the construction or operation of such project or projects. It shall be lawful for any bank or trust company incorporated under the laws of the state which may act as depository of the proceeds of bonds or of revenues to furnish such indemnifying bonds, or to pledge such securities as may be required by the parkways authority. Any such trust agreement may set forth the rights and remedies of the bondholders and of the trustee, and may restrict the individual right of action by bondholders as is customary in trust agreements or trust indentures securing bonds and debentures of corporations. In addition to the foregoing, any such trust agreement may contain such other provisions as the parkways authority may deem reasonable and proper for the security of the bondholders. All expenses incurred in carrying out the provisions of any such trust agreement may be treated as a part of the cost of the operation of the project or projects to which the trust agreement applies.

§17-16A-13.  Tolls, rents, fees, charges and revenues; competitive bidding on contracts.

(a) The Parkways Authority is hereby authorized to fix, revise, charge and collect tolls and fees for the use of each parkway project and the different parts or sections thereof and to fix, revise, charge and collect rents, fees, charges and other revenues, of whatever kind or character, for the use of each economic development project or tourism project, or any part or section thereof, and to contract with any person, partnership, association or corporation desiring the use of any part thereof, including the right-of-way adjoining the paved portion, for placing thereon telephone, fiber optic or other data transmission lines or devices, electric light, power or other utility lines, gas stations, garages, stores, hotels, restaurants and advertising signs, or for any other purpose except for tracks for railroad or railway use, and to fix the terms, conditions, rents and rates of charges for such use: Provided, That the Parkways Authority may not charge tolls or fees for transit over an existing road without express legislative authorization for the charging of such tolls or fees: Provided, however, That an existing road does not include the West Virginia Turnpike, new lanes or new sections of an existing road, the replacement or construction of any bridge or tunnel, or related facilities. Such tolls, rents, fees and charges shall be so fixed and adjusted in respect of the aggregate of tolls, or in respect of the aggregate rents, fees and charges, from the project or projects in connection with which the bonds of any issue shall have been issued as to provide a fund sufficient with other revenues, if any: (1) To pay the cost of acquiring, constructing, reconstructing, maintaining, repairing, improving and operating such project or projects and to create reserves therefor; (2) to pay the principal of and the interest on such bonds and related costs and expenses as the same shall become due and payable, and to create reserves for such purposes; and (3) to comply with any covenants under any trust agreement securing any bonds issued by the Parkways Authority, or any predecessor thereof, or to maintain bond credit ratings. Such tolls, rents, fees and other charges shall not be subject to supervision or regulation by any other commission, board, bureau, department or agency of the state. The tolls, rents, fees, charges and all other revenues derived from the project or projects in connection with which the bonds of any issue shall have been issued, except such part thereof as may be necessary to pay the cost of acquiring, constructing, reconstructing, maintaining, improving, repairing and operating such project or projects and to provide such reserves therefor as may be provided in the resolution authorizing the issuance of such bonds or in the trust agreement securing the same, shall be set aside at regular intervals as may be provided in the resolution or the trust agreement in a sinking fund which is hereby pledged to, and charged with, the payment of: (i) The interest upon the bonds as such interest shall fall due; (ii) the principal of the bonds as the same shall fall due; (iii) the necessary charges of paying agents and trustees for paying principal and interest; and (iv) the redemption price or the purchase price of bonds retired by call or purchase as therein provided. The use and disposition of moneys to the credit of such sinking fund shall be subject to the provisions of the resolution authorizing the issuance of the bonds or of the trust agreement. Except as may otherwise be provided in the resolution or the trust agreement, such sinking fund shall be a fund for all bonds without distinction or priority of one over another. The moneys in the sinking fund, less such reserve as may be provided in the resolution or trust agreement, if not used within a reasonable time for the purchase of bonds for cancellation as above provided, shall be applied to the redemption of bonds at the redemption price then applicable.

(b) The Parkways Authority shall cause, as soon as it is legally able to do so, all contracts to which it is a party and which relate to the operation, maintenance or use of any restaurant, motel or other lodging facility, truck and automobile service facility, food vending facility or any other service facility located along the West Virginia Turnpike, to be renewed on a competitive bid basis. All contracts relating to any facility or services entered into by the Parkways Authority with a private party with respect to any project constructed after the effective date of this legislation shall be let on a competitive bid basis only. If the Parkways Authority receives a proposal for the development of a project, except for a parkway project, such proposal shall be made available to the public in a convenient location in the county wherein the proposed facility may be located. The Parkways Authority shall publish a notice of the proposal by a Class I legal advertisement in accordance with the provisions of article three, chapter fifty-nine of this code. The publication area shall be the county in which the proposed facility would be located. Any citizen may communicate by writing to the Parkways Authority his or her opposition to or approval to such proposal within a period of time not less than forty-five days from the publication of the notice. No contract for the development of an economic development project or a tourism project may be entered into by the Parkways Authority until a public hearing is held in the vicinity of the location of the proposed economic development project or tourism project with at least twenty days’ notice of such hearing by a Class I publication pursuant to section two of said article. The Parkways Authority shall make written findings of fact prior to rendering a decision on any such proposed project. All studies, records, documents and other materials which are considered by the Parkways Authority in making such findings shall be made available for public inspection at the time of the publication of the notice of public hearing and at a convenient location in the county where the proposed economic development project or tourism project may be located. The Parkways Authority shall promulgate rules in accordance with chapter twenty-nine-a of this code for the conduct of any hearing required by this section. Persons attending any such hearing shall be afforded a reasonable opportunity to speak and be heard on the proposed economic development project or tourism project.

§17-16A-13a.  Public notice and meeting requirements.

(a) Notwithstanding any provision of the law to the contrary, on and after the effective date of the amendment and reenactment of this section in 2017, the Parkways Authority is authorized after prior public notice and meeting, as set forth in this section, to:

(1) Fix initial rates, tolls or charges along any portion of a parkway project and fix fees for any single fee program implemented in accordance with section six of this article including, without limitation, fixing initial rates, tolls or charges that may be subject to adjustment or escalation from time to time, or approve any proposal or contract that would require the Parkways Authority to fix any initial rates, tolls or charges along any portion of a parkway project or any fees under any single fee program;

(2) Increase any rates, tolls or charges along any portion of the parkway project, increase fees for any single fee program implemented in accordance with section six of this article, or approve any proposal or contract that would result in or require an increase in any rates or tolls along any portion of the parkway project or any fees under any single fee program: Provided, That the Parkways Authority may not increase any passenger vehicle rates, tolls or charges without establishing either a single fee program pursuant to subdivision (16), subsection (a), section six of this article or a passenger motor vehicle unlimited use single fee EZ Pass transponder discount program pursuant to section twenty-nine of this article: Provided, however, That the program shall extend at least through the period that any rates, tolls or charges are imposed: Provided further, That the single annual fee proposed to be charged under either such program may not exceed:

 (A) An amount of $25 per year: Provided, That the Parkways Authority may adjust this amount every three years:  Provided, however, That an increase in such amount may not exceed five percent of the amount at each adjustment; and

 (B) A usage fee for the EZ Pass transponder, radio frequency identifying tag or other device issued by the Parkways Authority to participate in such program, which fee shall not exceed the actual cost of issuing such device;

(3) Issue any parkway revenue bond pursuant to section ten of this article or any parkway revenue refunding bond pursuant to sections twenty-one and twenty-two of this article which would require the Parkways Authority to increase or adjust rates, tolls, fees under any single fee program, or charges whether at the time of issuance of the bonds or at any time during the term of any bonds;

(4) Approve any contract or project which would require or result in an increase in the rates, tolls or charges along any portion of the parkway project or fees under any single fee program implemented in accordance with section six of this article; or

(5) Take any other action which would require or result in an increase in the rates, tolls or charges along any portion of the parkway project or fees under any single fee program implemented in accordance with section six of this article.

(b) The Parkways Authority shall publish notice of any proposed contract, project or bond which would require the Parkways Authority to fix any initial toll rates or charges or fees or result in an increase of any toll rates or charges or fees, along with the associated initial rate or fee and rate or fee increase, by a Class II legal advertisement in accordance with the provisions of article three, chapter fifty-nine of this code, published and of general circulation in each county which borders the parkway project or proposed parkway project affected by the proposed contract, project or bond.

(c) Once notice has been provided in accordance with the provisions of this section, the Parkways Authority shall conduct at least one public meeting at a reasonable time and location in any county which borders the parkway project or proposed parkway project affected by the proposed contract, project or bond, to allow interested members of the public an opportunity to ask questions and give written comments during the meeting respecting the proposed contract, project or bond which would require the Parkways Authority to fix any initial toll rates or charges or fees or result in an increase of any toll rates or charges or fees. Any citizen may also communicate by writing to the Parkways Authority his or her opposition to or approval of such proposal, initial rate or toll or fee, rate or toll or fee increase or amended bond terms. The public notice and written public comment period shall be conducted not less than forty-five days from the publication of the notice and the affected public must be provided with at least twenty days’ notice of any scheduled public meeting.

(d) All studies, records, documents and other materials which were considered by the Parkways Authority before recommending the approval of any such project or recommending the adoption of any such initial rate or increase shall be made available for public inspection for a period of at least twenty days prior to the scheduled meeting at a convenient location in each county where a public meeting is held or online.

(e) Any final action taken by the Parkways Authority to approve or implement any proposed initial rate or fee, rate or fee increase, contract or project which would require or result in a proposed initial rate or toll or fee or a proposed increase of any rate or tolls along any portion of a parkway project or fee for any single fee program without first satisfying the public notice and meeting requirements of this section, shall be null and void.

(f) Nothing in this section shall be construed to permit or authorize the Parkways Authority to charge tolls or fees on any existing road without express legislative authorization for the charging of such tolls or fees: Provided, That an existing road does not include the West Virginia Turnpike, new lanes or new sections of an existing road, the replacement or construction of any bridge or tunnel, or related facilities.

§17-16A-14. Trust funds.

 All moneys received pursuant to the authority of this article, whether as proceeds from the sale of bonds or as revenues, shall be deemed to be trust funds, to be held and applied solely as provided in this article. The resolution authorizing the issuance of bonds of any issue or the trust agreement securing such bonds shall provide that any officer to whom, or any bank or trust company to which, such moneys shall be paid shall act as trustee of such moneys and shall hold and apply the same for the purposes hereof, subject to such regulations as this article and such resolution or trust agreement may provide.

§17-16A-15. Remedies.

 Any holder of bonds issued under the provisions of this article or any of the coupons appertaining thereto, and the trustee under any trust agreement, except to the extent the rights herein given may be restricted by such trust agreement, may, either at law or in equity, by suit, action, mandamus or other proceeding, protect and enforce any and all rights under the laws of the state or granted hereunder or under such trust agreement or the resolution authorizing the issuance of such bonds, and may enforce and compel the performance of all duties required by this article or by such trust agreement or resolution to be performed by the parkways authority or by any officer thereof, including the fixing, charging and collecting of tolls, rents, fees and charges.

§17-16A-16. Exemption from taxation.

(a) The exercise of the powers granted by this article will be in all respects for the benefit of the people of the state, for the increase of their commerce and prosperity, and for the improvement of their health and living conditions, and as the operation and maintenance of projects by the parkways authority will constitute the performance of essential governmental functions, the parkways authority shall not be required to pay any taxes or assessments upon any project or any property acquired or used by the parkways authority under the provisions of this article or upon the income therefrom, and the bonds issued under the provisions of this article, their transfer and the income therefrom (including any profit made on the sale thereof) shall at all times be free from taxation within the state.

(b) In lieu of payment by the parkways authority of county property taxes and other assessments on restaurant and gas service facilities owned by it, or upon any facility described in subsection (b) of section thirteen herein which is leased to any private person, corporation, or entity, the parkways authority shall make an annual payment as provided herein to the county commission of such county. Any parkways authority project which is leased and is exempt from taxation shall be subject to a payment in lieu of taxes. Said payment shall be made to the county commission of the county in which the project is located and shall be in an amount equal to the property taxes otherwise payable. The county commission receiving such in lieu of payment shall distribute such payment to the different levying bodies in that county in the same manner as are property taxes. Nothing contained herein may be construed to prohibit the parkways authority from collecting such in lieu payment from any private party by contract or otherwise.

§17-16A-17. Repair, etc., of damaged property; conveyances, etc., by counties, cities, etc., to parkways authority; maintenance and policing of projects; defrauding parkways authority; evading payment of tolls, rents, fees or charges; trespassing.

All private property damaged or destroyed in carrying out the powers granted by this article shall be restored or repaired and placed in its original condition as nearly as practicable or adequate compensation made therefor out of funds provided under the authority of this article.

 All counties, cities, villages, townships and other political subdivisions and all public agencies and commissions of the State of West Virginia, notwithstanding any contrary provision of law, are hereby authorized and empowered to lease, lend, grant or convey to the parkways authority at its request upon such terms and conditions as the proper authorities of such counties, cities, villages, townships, other political subdivisions or public agencies and commissions of the state may deem reasonable and fair and without the necessity for any advertisement, order of court or other action or formality, other than the regular and formal action of the authorities concerned, any real property which may be necessary or convenient to the effectuation of the authorized purposes of the parkways authority, including public roads and other real property already devoted to public use.

 Each project when constructed and opened to traffic or use shall be maintained and kept in good condition and repair by the parkways authority. The parkways authority and the superintendent of the department of public safety may by agreement provide that such project or projects shall be policed by members of such department under such terms and conditions as they may determine, excepting that all costs thereof, either direct or indirect, including overhead costs attributable thereto, shall be paid unto such department by the parkways authority at regular intervals not to exceed one year.

 Whoever shall knowingly or intentionally defraud or attempt to defraud the parkways authority, any of its tolltakers or other employees in regard to the payment of tolls, rents, fees or charges established by the parkways authority for the use of any such project or evade or attempt to evade or whoever shall aid another to evade or attempt to evade the payment of such toll, rent, fee or charge or whoever shall intentionally and knowingly trespass upon any project shall be guilty of a misdemeanor; and for every such offense shall upon conviction thereof be fined not in excess of $50. Magistrate courts shall have jurisdiction of misdemeanors created by this paragraph concurrently with circuit courts.



Acts, 1989 Reg. Sess., Ch. 187.

§17-16A-18.  Corridor L toll fees authorized; commuter pass.

(a) The Parkways Authority is hereby authorized to operate the currently existing toll collection facility located at the interchange of U. S. Route 19 (Corridor L) and to fix, revise, charge and collect tolls for the use of such toll collection facility in accordance with the provisions of section thirteen of this article. Any proposed increase of any rate or toll for use of the toll collection facility located at Corridor L shall be subject to the public notice and meeting requirements of section thirteen-a of this article. (1) The Parkways Authority shall maintain, advertise, implement and otherwise make generally available to all qualified members of the public, resident or nonresident, a system of commuter passes, in a form to be determined by the authority. Applications for these commuter passes are to be made available by the Parkways Authority to Division of Motor Vehicles offices in the state;

(2) The system of commuter passes implemented in accordance with the provisions of subdivision (1), subsection (a) of this section, shall be available only for use when operating or traveling in a Class A motor vehicle as herein defined. Any person who knowingly or intentionally utilizes any commuter pass issued in accordance with this section while operating a vehicle other than a Class A motor vehicle, as herein defined, at the U. S. Route 19 (Corridor L) turnpike toll facility, or any other toll facility at or upon which such pass may later be usable, is guilty of a misdemeanor and, for every such offense, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished in accordance with the provisions of section seventeen, article sixteen-a of this chapter; and the Parkways Authority shall hereafter be authorized and empowered to cancel any such commuter pass or passes improperly used in accordance with this section;

(3) For the purpose of this section, a “Class A vehicle” shall be defined as a motor vehicle of passenger type and truck with a gross weight of ten thousand pounds or less and registered or eligible for registration as a Class A vehicle in accordance with section one, article ten, chapter seventeen-a of this code as the same is currently constituted; and

(4) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this code to the contrary, the Parkways Authority may not promulgate emergency rules in accordance with section fifteen, article three, chapter twenty-nine-a of this code to increase or decrease tolls, “single program” fees or the commuter pass fee established herein.

(b) Nothing in this section is to be construed to apply to, regulate or in any manner affect the operation of the three main line toll barriers and toll collection facilities currently located on the West Virginia Turnpike and operated by the Parkways Authority as Barrier A, Barrier B and Barrier C (I-64, I-77).



Acts, 2017 Reg. Sess., Ch.

§17-16A-19. Preliminary expenses.

(a) The Secretary of the Department of Transportation is authorized in his or her discretion to expend out of any funds available for the purpose, such moneys as may be necessary for the study of any parkway, economic development or tourism project or projects and to use the Department of Transportation's engineering and other forces, including consulting engineers and traffic engineers, for the purpose of effecting such study and to pay for such additional engineering and traffic and other expert studies as he or she may deem expedient.

(b) All such expenses incurred by the Department of Transportation prior to the issuance of parkway revenue bonds or revenue refunding bonds under the provisions of this article shall be paid by the Department of Transportation and charged to the appropriate project or projects, and the Department of Transportation shall keep proper records and accounts showing each amount so charged.

(c) Upon the sale of parkway revenue bonds or revenue refunding bonds for any project or projects, the funds so expended by the Department of Transportation in connection with such project or projects may be reimbursed to the Department of Transportation from the proceeds of such bonds.



Acts, 1989 Reg. Sess., Ch. 187.

§17-16A-20. Parkway projects part of state road system.

It is hereby declared that any expressway, turnpike, feeder road, state local service road or park and forest road or other road, or any subsequent expressway, turnpike feeder road, state local service road, park and forest road or other road constructed pursuant to this article shall be a part of the state road system, although subject to the provisions of this article and of any bonds or trust agreements entered into pursuant thereto, and that the construction of such parkway projects shall be considered as developments of the state road system.

§17-16A-21. Parkway revenue refunding bonds, generally.

The Parkways Authority is hereby authorized to provide by resolution for the issuance of parkway revenue refunding bonds of the state for the purpose of refunding any bonds then outstanding which shall have been issued or may be issued under the provisions of this article in connection with the construction of any parkway project, including the payment of any redemption premium thereon and any interest accrued or to accrue to the date of redemption of such bonds; and, if deemed advisable by the Parkways Authority, for the additional purpose of constructing improvements, extensions or enlargements of the project or projects in connection with which the bonds to be refunded shall have been issued: Provided, That this section shall not be construed as authorizing the issuance of parkway revenue refunding bonds for the purpose of refunding any bonds then outstanding which shall have been issued under the provisions of this article, or any predecessor thereof, in connection with the construction of the West Virginia Turnpike, which revenue refunding bonds may be issued only as authorized under section twenty-two of this article. The issuance of such bonds, the maturities and other details thereof, the rights of the holders thereof and the rights, duties and obligations of the Parkways Authority in respect of the same shall be governed by the provisions of this article insofar as the same may be applicable. No issuance of a refunding bond may extend the maturity date of such bond being refunded and may not exceed the outstanding principal of such bond being refunded. Any refunding bond shall be structured to provide for approximately level annual debt service savings each fiscal year through the final maturity or structured to approximate the level of debt service that would have been paid prior to the refunding, with a preponderance of the savings being deferred toward eliminating or reducing the most distant maturities. For purposes of this section, the outstanding principal is to be determined as of the date on which the revenue bond is refinanced.

§17-16A-22. Parkway revenue refunding bonds—West Virginia Turnpike.

The Parkways Authority is hereby authorized to provide by resolution for the issuance of parkway revenue refunding bonds of the state for the purpose of refunding any bonds which shall have been issued under this article, or any predecessor thereof, in connection with the construction of the West Virginia Turnpike, including the payment of any redemption premium thereon and any interest accrued or to accrue to the date of redemption of such bonds, and, to the extent permissible under federal law and if deemed advisable by the Parkways Authority, for repaying to the state all or any part of the state funds used to upgrade the West Virginia Turnpike to federal interstate standards: Provided, That none of the proceeds of the issuance of parkway revenue refunding bonds issued under this section shall be used to pay all or any part of the cost of any economic development project or tourism project. Except as otherwise specifically provided in this section, the issuance of parkway revenue refunding bonds pursuant to this section, the maturities and other details thereof, the rights of the holders thereof, and the rights, duties and obligations of the parkways authority in respect of the same, shall be governed by the provisions of this article insofar as the same may be applicable.

The authority to issue parkway revenue refunding bonds under the provisions of this section and section twenty-one of this article does not extend to the refunding of any parkway revenue refunding bonds outstanding on the effective date of the amendment and reenactment of such sections in 2017.

No issuance of a refunding bond may extend the maturity date of such bond being refunded and may not exceed the outstanding principal of such bond being refunded. Any refunding bond six shall be structured to provide for approximately level annual debt service savings each fiscal year through the final maturity or structured to approximate the level of debt service that would have been paid prior to the refunding, with a preponderance of the savings being deferred toward eliminating or reducing the most distant maturities. For purposes of this section, the outstanding principal is to be determined as of the date on which the revenue bond is refinanced.



Acts, 2017 Reg. Sess., Ch.

§17-16A-24. Article deemed to provide additional and alternative methods.

This article shall be deemed to provide an additional and alternative method for the doing of the things authorized thereby, and shall be regarded as supplemental and additional to powers conferred by other laws, and shall not be regarded as in derogation of any powers now existing. The issuance of special obligation bonds under the provisions of this article need not comply with the requirements of any other law applicable to the issuance of bonds.

§17-16A-25. Additional powers of parkways authority; issuance of special obligation bonds.

(a) In addition to all powers granted by the foregoing sections of this article, the parkways authority in connection with a proceeding prosecuted to completion under Title 11, United States Code, Secs. 401-403, as permitted by subdivision (17), section six of this article is hereby authorized to provide by resolution for the issuance of special obligation bonds of the state for the purpose of exchanging such special obligation bonds for all bonds then outstanding which shall have been issued under the provisions of this article. Special obligation bonds issued under the provisions of this section shall not be deemed to constitute a debt of the state or of any political subdivision thereof or a pledge of the faith and credit of the state or of any such political subdivision, but such bonds shall be payable solely from the funds herein provided therefor from pledged property and income therefrom as provided in subdivision (1) of this subsection. All such special obligation bonds shall contain on the face thereof a statement in accordance with the preceding sentence. The issuance of such bonds, the maturities and other details thereof, the rights of the holders thereof, and the rights, duties and obligations of the parkways authority in respect of the same shall be governed by the provisions of this article insofar as the same may be applicable with the following express exceptions:

 (1) The principal of and the interest on such special obligation bonds shall not be payable from tolls, rents, fees, charges or revenues of any parkway project but shall be payable solely from such other property purchased and pledged as security therefor as the parkways authority shall determine together with the income derived therefrom which other property may include direct obligations of, or obligations the principal of and the interest on which are guaranteed by, the United States government or participation certificates or other obligations issued by or by authority of the United States government; and

 (2) Following the issuance of such special obligation bonds there shall be no obligation to fix, revise, charge and collect tolls for the use of any parkway project and any parkway project shall be transferred to the state department of highways and shall thereafter be maintained by the state department of highways free of tolls. At such time as the special obligation bonds are issued, then section eighteen of this article shall be of no further force and effect.

 (b) Financial, legal, engineering and feasibility consultants may be employed to perform such services as the parkways authority shall deem necessary or desirable in connection with the Title 11 proceedings mentioned above and the issuance and exchange of the special obligation bonds.

 (c) The entire powers herein granted by this section to the parkways authority may be exercised by the state department of highways in which event the special obligation bonds herein authorized shall be executed by manual or facsimile signature by the Governor and by the commissioner of the department of highways, and the official seal of the department of highways shall be affixed to or printed on each bond, and any coupons attached to such bonds shall bear the manual or facsimile signature of the commissioner of the state department of highways. In the event that the state department of highways shall elect to exercise the powers granted by this section, it shall file a statement to that effect in the office of the chairman of the parkways authority and in the office of the Secretary of State, and upon the issuance of the special obligation bonds herein provided for, the state department of highways shall succeed immediately to the principal functions of the parkways authority and the parkways authority shall then be abolished.

 (d) The state department of highways is hereby empowered to acquire by purchase the parkways authority and all its rights-of-way, equipment, facilities and any and all other rights or interest the parkways authority has or had in any project, from any funds available to it, and to pay any expenses incident to such acquisition under the provisions of this article: Provided, That the contribution of the state department of highways in making such acquisition shall not exceed the sum of $20 million from all sources of public moneys of the State of West Virginia, excluding any funds reimbursed or reimbursable or otherwise provided or to be provided by the federal government. No funds derived from the sale of the $350 million bond issue authorized by the roads development amendment shall be included in the acquisition of the West Virginia Turnpike.

§17-16A-26. Annual report; audit.

(a) Annually, the Parkways Authority shall prepare and provide to each member of the West Virginia Legislature who so requests, an annual report detailing the financial condition and operations of the Parkways Authority. The Parkways Authority shall provide to the Joint Committee on Government and Finance any financial statements that are required under any trust agreement to which the Parkways Authority is a party.

(b) Annually, the Parkways Authority shall file with the Legislative Auditor's office a full and complete accounting of its activities, including the collection of all revenues, expenditures, liabilities, assets, bonds and disbursement of funds. The Legislative Auditor shall conduct an annual audit of the information provided by the Parkways Authority and the audit report of the Legislative Auditor shall be provided to each member of the Legislature requesting a copy.

§17-16A-27. Exit awareness signs.

Consistent with applicable federal laws, rules and regulations, the parkways authority shall develop and prepare a uniform roadway sign identifying the availability of restaurants, gas stations, hotel accommodations and emergency services available off each exit of the West Virginia Turnpike. At every tourism project maintained or operated by the parkways authority and which is constructed after the effective date of this legislation, and, to the extent permitted under the terms of the applicable lease, at every currently existing service station, gas station, hotel or restaurant, garage or store maintained, operated or leased by the parkways authority, the parkways authority shall at no charge or cost permit the placement of, in a conspicuous place, all reasonably sized advertising literature prepared and delivered by hotels, restaurants and other tourist attractions, whether public or private, located within the State of West Virginia.

§17-16A-28. Severability.

If any section, subsection, subdivision, subparagraph, sentence or clause of this article is adjudged to be unconstitutional or invalid, such adjudication shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this article, and, to this end, the provisions of this article are hereby declared to be severable.

§17-16A-29. Discount program for purchasers of West Virginia EZ Pass transponders.

(a) The Parkways Authority is hereby authorized to create a discount program for purchasers of West Virginia EZ Pass transponders: Provided, That prior to the fixation of any initial rates, tolls or charges or any increase in any rates, tolls or charges along any portion of the parkway project, the Parkways Authority may create a discount program for purchasers of West Virginia EZ Pass transponders. Any discount program created pursuant to this section shall provide discounts for each class of motor vehicles: Provided, however, That any single fee program implemented by the authority pursuant to subdivision (16), subsection (a), section six of this article shall apply only to passenger motor vehicles.

(b) The authority shall provide public notice and hold a public meeting on any proposed discount program as required in section thirteen-a of this article prior to implementation of such program.

(c) For purposes of this section, a “West Virginia EZ Pass transponder” means a device issued by the Parkways Authority which allows the purchaser to attach the device to his or her motor vehicle and travel through a Parkways Authority toll facility and be billed for such travel by the authority.

§17-16A-30. Coordination with county commission in counties where a parkway project may be located.

Once a parkway project for a new toll road is identified by the authority, the Governor shall appoint, with the advice and consent of the Senate, two persons from each county where the parkway project for the new toll road is located to serve on a local committee to provide recommendations and suggestions to the authority on all matters regarding the local identified project.  The local committee shall also report any of its findings to the county commission or county commissions of the counties in which the parkway project for the new toll road is located.  Prior to any final approval of a parkway project for a new toll road, the county commissions of the counties in which the parkway project road is located shall by resolution approve the parkway project: Provided, That a resolution approving the parkway project for a new toll road is only required from a simple majority of the county commissions of the counties in which the parkway project for a new toll road is located.


§17-16B-1. Creation of authority.


§17-16B-2. Board of directors — Members, officers, qualifications, terms, oath, compensation, quorum and delegation of power.


§17-16B-3. Executive director; appointment; powers and duties; compensation.




Acts, 1991 Reg. Sess., Ch. 137.

§17-16B-5. Definitions.


§17-16B-6. Powers and duties of authority.


§17-16B-7. Special West Virginia public port authority operations fund.


§17-16B-7a. Special Railroad and Intermodal Enhancement Fund; purposes.


§17-16B-7b. Study of feasibility intermodal facility at Prichard, West Virginia.


§17-16B-8. Designation of local port authority districts, powers and duties; plan for development.


§17-16B-9. Construction and operation of facilities by private enterprise; leasing of facilities by port authority.


§17-16B-10. Foreign trade zones; free trade zones; ports of entry and customs zones.


§17-16B-11. Study of feasibility of establishment of export trading company.


§17-16B-12. Division of tourist trains and transportation; duties.


§17-16B-13. Disclaimer of any liability of state of West Virginia.


§17-16B-14. Prohibition on funds inuring to the benefit of or being distributable to directors, employees, officers or private persons; prohibition against certain financial interests; criminal penalties.


§17-16B-15. Port revenue bonds — Generally.


§17-16B-16. Public port revenue bonds — Trust agreements.


§17-16B-17. Tolls, rents, fees, charges and revenues.


§17-16B-18. Trust funds.


§17-16B-19. Remedies.


§17-16B-20. Exemption from taxes.


§17-16B-21. Preliminary expenses.


§17-16B-22. Public port revenue refunding bonds — Generally.



§17-16C-1. Creation of division.


§17-16C-2. Designation of department.


§17-16C-3. Powers and duties of the division.


§17-16C-4. Public Transit Advisory Council.

There is hereby created the West Virginia Public Transit Advisory Council which shall consist of 11 members, selected by the Governor, who shall serve for two year terms commencing on April 1, 1992, and who shall serve at the will and pleasure of the Governor. The membership of the council shall be broadly representative of those groups affected by the implementation of this article: Provided, That no more than six of the members of the council shall reside in the same congressional district. No more than six members may be of the same political party. The members of the council shall serve without compensation and without provision for their expenses related to the work of the council. The council shall provide consultation, on an advisory basis, to the division of public transit on matters related to the implementation of the pilot program or programs referred to in subdivision (d), section three of this article.

§17-16C-5. Assistance of other state agencies.




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Acts, 1991 Reg. Sess., Ch. 137.



Acts, 1991 Reg. Sess., Ch. 137.



Acts, 1991 Reg. Sess., Ch. 137.


§17-16D-1. Legislative findings and purpose.

The Legislature finds and declares that the use of electronic and video technology for collection of tolls on roads, highways and bridges will benefit the citizens of this state by making toll roads, highways and bridges in this state safer and collection of tolls more efficient, by easing traffic congestion, by improving traffic flow, by furthering economic development and by promoting and enhancing more efficient commercial traffic and the shipment of goods in the state. This article shall be known as and may be cited as the "Electronic Toll Collection Act."

§17-16D-2. Definitions.

The following words and phrases have the following meanings when used in this article:

(1) "Authority" or "Parkways Authority" means the West Virginia Parkways Authority established by article sixteen-a of this chapter.

(2) "Division" means the Division of Highways of the West Virginia Department of Transportation, except where another division is clearly identified.

(3) "Electronic toll collection" means a system of collecting tolls or charges that has or includes the capability of charging an account holder, owner or operator of a vehicle for the prescribed toll:

(A) By electronic transmission of information between a device on a vehicle and a device located in a toll lane or otherwise used at a toll collection facility; or

(B) By means of a video collection system.

(4) "Owner" means any person in whose name a motor vehicle is registered under:

(A) Article three, chapter seventeen-a of this code;

(B) The laws of another state;

(C) The laws of a foreign county; or

(D) The International Registration Plan.

(5) "Toll collection facility" or "toll facility" means any facility, including all related structures, equipment, systems and software, used in connection with collecting or charging tolls for a toll road, highway or bridge in this state, regardless of whether the facility is located on, over or adjacent to the toll road, highway or bridge and regardless of whether the facility has toll lanes with toll booths and toll collection equipment that require passing vehicles to stop or slow down in order to pay a toll or uses additional or different methods, structures, technology and equipment in order to charge or collect tolls from some vehicles passing under or by the facility at highway speeds: Provided, That any such facility shall have the ability to accept cash for the payment of tolls.

(6) "Toll road" means any road, highway or bridge in this state upon which there is a toll administered, collected and enforced by the Parkways Authority or on behalf of the Authority.

(7) "Video collection system" means a vehicle sensor, placed in a location to work in conjunction with a toll collection facility, that automatically produces a videotape or photograph, microphotograph or other recorded image of the front or rear portion, or both front and rear portion, of each vehicle at the time the vehicle is used or operated on the toll facility in order to charge or collect tolls or detect violations of this article. This phrase includes, without limitation: (A) Any other technology which identifies a vehicle by photographic, electronic or other method; and (B) all related toll invoices, billing notices and other toll collection and violation enforcement efforts made using any such technology and information.

§17-16D-3.  Electronic toll collection authorized.

Notwithstanding the provisions of article sixteen-a and section five-b, article seventeen-a of this chapter and section seven-a, article six, chapter seventeen-c of this code to the contrary, the collection and enforcement of tolls for the use of roads, highways and bridges may be accomplished by electronic toll collection as provided in this article and in rules promulgated by authority of this article.

§17-16D-4. Advanced warning signs.

Before enforcing a toll, the Parkways Authority, or the operator of the toll facility, must install advance warning signs along the toll road, highway or bridge preceding the location at which the toll collection facility is located.

§17-16D-5. Imposition of liability for payment of tolls.

(a) If, as evidenced by a video collection system, a violation of this article occurs, the following applies:

(1) The Parkways Authority will prepare and mail a notice of violation as follows:

(A) The notice of violation shall be sent by first class mail to each person listed as owner;

(B) The notice shall be mailed, postage prepaid, to the address shown on the vehicle registration, which is presumed to be the last known address of the owner.

(C) Notice shall be mailed no later than one hundred twenty days after:

(i) The violation; or

(ii) The date that a lessor provides sufficient information to identify who is the actual owner.

(D) Personal service is not required.

(E) The notice shall contain the following:

(i) Information advising the person of the violation, when and where it occurred and that the violation may be contested.

(ii) A warning advising the person receiving the notice:

(I) That failure to contest in the manner and time provided is an admission of liability;

(II) That a default judgment may be entered on the notice;

(III) That a violation of this article may subject the owner or operator to civil penalties, administrative fees, administrative hearing costs, and collection fees and costs as provided in this article; and

(IV) That failure to pay civil penalties imposed pursuant to this article may result in denial of an application for a new or renewal of the vehicle registration in this state or in the state in which the vehicle is registered.

(F) A manual or automatic record of mailing prepared in the ordinary course of business is prima facie evidence of the mailing of notice on the date specified in the business record.

(b) If an owner of a vehicle receives a notice of violation of this article for any time period during which the vehicle was reported to a police department as having been stolen, that owner may not be held liable for the violation under this article if he or she provides a certified copy of the police report on the stolen vehicle to the Parkways Authority within thirty days after receiving the notice of violation.

(c) A certified report or a facsimile report of an authorized agent or employee of the Parkways Authority reporting a violation of section six of this article based upon the recorded information obtained from electronic toll collection system is prima facie evidence of the facts contained in the report and is admissible as an official record kept in the ordinary course of business.

(d) Notwithstanding any provision in the code to the contrary, videotapes, photographs, microphotographs or other recorded images, written records, reports or facsimiles prepared pursuant to this article are allowed and are for the exclusive use of the Parkways Authority, its authorized agents, its employees and law-enforcement officials for the purpose of discharging duties under this article. Except as may be necessary to enforce collection of tolls, civil penalties, administrative fees, administrative hearing costs and collection fees and costs from persons to whom a notice of violation is sent as provided in this section, or to whom any billing invoice, reminder letter or other toll collection or violation enforcement communication is sent using information from the electronic toll collection system, all images and records created or retained as provided herein that identify individual vehicles or vehicle registration plates, must be destroyed within sixty days after payment in full of the applicable toll or after any toll collection or enforcement action under this article involving the images or records has been resolved. This information may not be considered a public record under chapter twenty-nine-b of this code. The information is not discoverable by court order and it may not be offered in evidence in any action or proceeding that is not directly related to a violation of this article or indemnification permitted by this article. However, these restrictions:

(1) Do not preclude a court of competent jurisdiction from issuing an order directing that the information be provided to law-enforcement officials if the information is reasonably described and is requested in connection with a criminal law-enforcement action;

(2) Do not preclude the exchange of the information between any entities with jurisdiction over or that operate an electronic toll collection system in this state or any other jurisdiction within or outside of the United States; and

(3) Do not prohibit the use of information exclusively for the purpose of billing electronic toll collection account holders, deducting toll charges from the account of an account holder, enforcing toll collection provisions of this code or enforcing the provisions of an account holder agreement.

(e) Civil liability under this article is to be based upon a preponderance of evidence. Persons receiving a notice of violation as provided in this section must respond within thirty days of the date the notice was mailed by:

(1) Remitting the amount of the unpaid toll and any administrative fee assessed; or

(2) Requesting an administrative hearing in accordance with rules promulgated by the Parkways Authority pursuant to this article.

(f) In addition to the amount of any unpaid tolls, the Authority shall assess a reasonable administrative fee, in the amount determined by rule promulgated by the Authority, for each notification for each separate violation of this article. Persons who are found to be liable for payment of tolls and the administrative fees in an administrative hearing shall also be liable payment of the costs of the hearing, except where the judgment of the hearing examiner is reversed or set aside by a court of competent jurisdiction on appeal.

(g) Failure to remit the unpaid toll, assessed administrative fees and assessed hearing costs or to request a hearing shall result in entry of an administrative default judgment. The Parkways Authority may cause notice of the default judgment to be served on the person to whom the notice of violation was sent by certified mail, return receipt requested, advising the person that failure to pay the unpaid tolls, assessed administrative fees and assessed hearing costs within thirty days of receipt of the notice of default judgment will result in denial of an application for a new vehicle registration in this state. If the unpaid tolls, assessed administrative fees, and assessed administrative hearing costs are not paid as provided in the notice of default judgment, or if the judgment is not set aside by a court of competent jurisdiction, the Authority may take all lawful actions to collect on the judgment and may notify the Commissioner of the Division of Motor Vehicles, who shall refuse the registration or renewal of registration of the vehicle in this state as provided in section eleven of this article.

(h) Civil liability under this article is not a conviction and may not be made part of the owner's motor vehicle operating record. It may not be considered in the provision of motor vehicle insurance coverage.

(i) A person found to have violated this article is liable for:

(1) The amount of the toll evaded or attempted to be evaded; if the amount can be determined, or if it cannot be determined, the minimum toll from the nearest point of entry on the toll facility to the actual point of exit;

(2) An administrative fee per notification for each separate violation;

(3) Administrative hearing costs assessed under this article; and

(4) Reasonable fees and costs of attempting to collect on a judgment under subsection (g) of this section.

§17-16D-6. Liability of owner.

(a) All owners and operators of motor vehicles shall pay the posted toll when on any toll road, highway, or bridge authorized by the Legislature, including any toll collected by a private toll transportation facility pursuant to §17-17-38 of this code, either by paying the toll at a toll collection facility on the toll road, highway, or bridge at the time of travel thereon or by paying the toll within the time prescribed for toll payment in a toll billing notice or invoice generated by an electronic toll collection system. These tolls may be collected by electronic toll collection. If an owner or operator of a vehicle fails to pay the prescribed toll when due, the owner of the vehicle is in violation of this article.

(b) If a violation occurs, the registration plate number of the vehicle as recorded by a video collection system establishes a rebuttable presumption for civil enforcement purposes that the owner of the vehicle was operating the vehicle, or had consented to another person operating the vehicle, at that time. This presumption may be overcome only if the owner: (1) proves by a preponderance of the evidence that he or she was not in fact operating the vehicle at the time; and (2) identifies by name and mailing address the person who was operating the vehicle.

(c) If the presumption is not overcome by a preponderance of the evidence, the owner of the vehicle shall be found to have violated this article and be held responsible for payment of the tolls and the administrative fees and money penalties imposed by this article for failure to timely pay the tolls.

(d) Nothing in this section prohibits: (1) A law-enforcement officer from issuing a citation to a person in control of a vehicle for a violation of this article or other provisions of law at the time of the violation; (2) the Parkways Authority from issuing reminder notices or making other communications directly or indirectly in connection with toll collection efforts or efforts to enforce violations of this article. The Parkways Authority is authorized to use secondary sources of information and services including, but not limited to, services such as the National Change of Address Service or skip tracing services; or (3) a private toll transportation facility from issuing any notices, reminders, or other communications in connection with its toll collection efforts pursuant to §17-17-38(c) and §17-17-38(d) of this code.

§17-16D-7. Owner who is lessor.

(a) An owner of a vehicle who is a lessor of the vehicle used in violation of the toll collection monitoring system regulations of the authority shall not be responsible for the violation of this article if the lessor submits to the Parkways Authority, in a timely manner, the name and address of the lessee who leased the vehicle on the day of the violation: Provided, That a lessor shall provide a copy of the rental agreement, lease or other contract document covering that vehicle on the date of the violation to the Parkways Authority upon written request for a violation that is in litigation.

(b) If the lessor fails to provide the information in a timely manner, the lessor shall be held responsible for the violation of this article. If the lessor provides the required information to the Parkways Authority, the lessee of the vehicle on the date of the violation shall be deemed to be the owner of the vehicle for the purposes of enforcement of the violation of this article.

(c) Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, a certified report of an employee or agent of the authority reporting a violation of the toll collection monitoring system rules and regulations and any information obtained from a toll collection monitoring system shall be available for the exclusive use of the Parkways Authority and any law enforcement official for the purposes of discharging their duties under this article and the toll collection monitoring system rules and regulations. Any such report or information shall not be deemed a public record under article one, chapter twenty-nine-b of this code or the common law concerning access to public records. The certified reports and information, including but not limited to, any recorded image of any motor vehicle, the license plate of any motor vehicle or the operator or any passenger in any motor vehicle, shall not be discoverable as a public record by any person, entity or governmental agency, except pursuant to a properly issued subpoena or by an order of a court of competent jurisdiction, nor shall they be offered in evidence in any civil or administrative proceeding, not directly related to a violation of the toll collection monitoring system rules and regulations, or in any municipal court prosecution for a violation of the motor vehicle laws of this state. However, in the event that, notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (c), section nine of this article, a recorded image of the face of the operator or any passenger in a motor vehicle is produced by the toll collection monitoring system, that image shall not be used by the Parkways Authority for any purpose nor shall the image or any record or copy thereof be transmitted or communicated to any person, governmental, non-governmental, or judicial or administrative entity.

§17-16D-8. Placement of electronic toll collection devices.

An electronic toll collection device that is properly affixed to the front windshield of a vehicle in accordance with rules promulgated by the Parkways Authority, or is mounted elsewhere on a vehicle in accordance with mounting instructions of the manufacturer of the device included with the device, or is otherwise used in a manner that makes it operate as intended, is not a violation of section thirty-six, article fifteen, chapter seventeen-c of this code.

§17-16D-9. Privacy of electronic toll collection account holder information; subpoenas and court orders and related confidentiality protections.

(a) Except as provided in subsection (b) of this section, and notwithstanding any provision in the code to the contrary, videotapes, photographs, microphotographs, other recorded images, written records, reports or facsimiles prepared pursuant to this article are for the exclusive use of the Parkways Authority, its authorized agents, its employees and law-enforcement officials for the purpose of discharging their duties under this article. This information includes names, addresses, account numbers, account balances, personal financial information, vehicle movement records and other information compiled from transactions with the account holders. The information in the hands of the Authority, its authorized agents, its employees and law enforcement officials may not be considered a public record under chapter twenty-nine-b of this code.

(b) Notwithstanding subsection (a) of this section, videotapes, photographs, microphotographs, other recorded images, written records, reports or facsimiles prepared and retained pursuant to this article may be discoverable pursuant to a properly issued subpoena or by an order of a court of competent jurisdiction directing that the information be produced in a civil or criminal action or proceeding: Provided, That any such information required to be produced in response to a properly issued subpoena or court order shall at all times be confidential and may not be disclosed by the Parkways Authority other than in connection with, and only for the purposes of, the underlying civil action or criminal proceeding, and subject to compliance with the provisions of subsections (c), (d) and (e) of this section.

(c) All information disclosed or produced pursuant to subsection (b) of this section shall be clearly marked "CONFIDENTIAL." Any document or other material which is marked "CONFIDENTIAL" or the contents thereof, may only be used by a party to the underlying action or proceeding or a party's attorney, expert witness, consultant or other person who is actively engaged in working on the action or proceeding, and only for the purpose of the underlying action or proceeding and not for any other purpose. Prior to a party disclosing any document or other material marked as "CONFIDENTIAL," or the contents thereof, to an attorney, expert witness, consultant or other person actively engaged in working on such action or proceeding, the party making disclosure must first inform the person that he or she is bound by the duty of confidentiality established under this section and the person to whom disclosure is to be made shall sign an acknowledgment that the information is and shall remain at all times confidential and that the person agrees to abide by the duty of confidentiality established under this section.

(d) Prior to the production of any information under this section with any court of competent jurisdiction, the Parkways Authority shall file a motion with the court seeking to have the documents sealed and withheld from the public record throughout the action or proceeding.

(e) At the conclusion of the action or proceeding, all documents and other material marked as "CONFIDENTIAL" and any copies thereof, and all related notes and memoranda, shall promptly be returned to the Parkways Authority and in any event, within thirty days following the conclusion of the action or proceeding.

(f) All videotapes, photographs, microphotographs, other recorded images, written records, reports or facsimiles prepared pursuant to this article shall be destroyed within sixty days following the conclusion of the action or proceeding.

(g) Nothing in this article authorizes any law-enforcement agency to enter any information in a national database that is contained in videotapes, photographs, microphotographs, other recorded images, written records, reports or facsimiles prepared pursuant to this article.

§17-16D-10. Evading tolls; damaging, interfering with, or obstructing video toll collection or infrastructure; violations and criminal penalties.

(a) Any person who knowingly or intentionally evades or seeks to evade the payment of tolls, rents, fees, or charges established by the Parkways Authority for the use of any toll facility under the jurisdiction of the Authority, or of any private toll transportation facility pursuant to §17-17-38 of this code, is guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, shall be fined not more than $50 for each violation of this article.

(b) Any person who deliberately damages, defaces, or obstructs a video collection system infrastructure or power supply with the intent to interfere with, alter, or prevent the functioning of the system or electronic toll collection, or who obstructs a license plate or causes it to be unreadable by the video collection system, or who causes a transponder or other device used in an electronic toll system to be inoperable or unreadable thereby causing no toll to be charged, including a private toll transportation facility pursuant to §17-17-38 of this code, is guilty of a misdemeanor and, in addition to any other penalties provided by the code, and upon conviction, shall be fined not more than $500 for each such action and, if applicable, is additionally liable to the Parkways Authority or the private toll transportation facility for all costs incurred to repair the damaged, defaced, or obstructed property.

§17-16D-11. Nonrenewal of vehicle registration; effect of civil or criminal violation.

(a) Upon receipt of a notice from the Parkways Authority that a vehicle owner failed to pay tolls and costs in accordance with a notice of default judgment, or court order, the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles shall refuse to register, or renew the registration of any vehicle of which the person committing the violation is a registered owner or co-owner until such time as the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles receives notice from the Parkways Authority that all fees, penalties and costs imposed on that person pursuant to this article have been paid or satisfied.

(b) The Commissioner of Motor Vehicles shall refuse or suspend the registration of any motor vehicle incurring a toll violation under this article if:

(1) The commissioner is notified by the Parkways Authority that a registered owner has been served with a citation in accordance with this article and:

(A) Has failed to pay the electronic toll, administrative fee, and the civil penalty for the toll violation by the date specified in the citation; or

(B) Has failed to contest liability for the toll violation by the date identified and in the manner specified in the citation; or

(2) The commissioner is notified by the Parkways Authority or the circuit court that a person who elected to contest liability for a toll violation under this article has failed to appear for trial or hearing or has been determined to be responsible for the toll violation and has failed to pay the electronic toll and related civil penalty.

(c) In conjunction with any rule promulgated by the Parkways Authority, the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles may adopt regulations and develop procedures to carry out the refusal or suspension of a registration as authorized by this section.

(d) The procedures specified in this section are in addition to any other penalty provided by law for toll violations.

(e) The provisions of this section may be applied to enforce a reciprocal agreement entered into by this state and another jurisdiction in accordance with section thirteen of this article, and any reciprocal enforcement of toll violations entered into by the commissioner may include any such violations involving a private toll transportation facility operating pursuant to §17-17-38 of this code.

§17-16D-12. Cooperative agreements.

In connection with any toll road, highway or bridge in this state authorized by the Legislature and in addition to any powers granted to the Parkways Authority, or to the Commissioner of Highways, in this code, the Authority and the Commissioner may individually or jointly enter into cooperative agreements and arrangements with any agency or other entity that handles or assists in the collection or enforcement of tolls on the adjacent state's connecting toll highway, whereby that agency or entity would assist the Authority in the collection of tolls for the toll roads and bridges in this state or enforcement of toll violations for the toll roads and bridges in this state or both collection of tolls and enforcement of toll violations utilizing electronic toll collection.

§17-16D-13. Reciprocal enforcement agreements.

(a) The Parkways Authority and the Commissioner of Highways may individually or jointly enter into agreements with any other jurisdiction that provides for reciprocal enforcement of toll violations between this state and the other jurisdiction.

(b) An agreement made under this section shall provide that drivers and vehicles licensed in this state, while operating on the highways of another jurisdiction, shall receive benefits, privileges, and exemptions of a similar kind with regard to toll enforcement as are extended to drivers and vehicles licensed or registered in the other jurisdiction while operated in the state.

(c) A reciprocal agreement under this section may provide for enforcement of toll violations by refusal to renew or suspension of the registration of a motor vehicle in accordance with section eleven of this article.

§17-16D-14. Rule-making authority.

The Commissioner of Motor Vehicles and the Parkways Authority shall propose rules for legislative approval in accordance with the provisions of article three, chapter twenty-nine-a of the code to implement this article.


§17-16E-1. Purpose.

The purpose of this article is to establish authority for a State Safety Oversight Agency to oversee the safety for fixed guideway public transportation systems in West Virginia not regulated by the Federal Railroad Administration and to accomplish compliance with 49 U. S. C. §5329.

§17-16E-2. Designated oversight agency; prohibitions.

(a) The Division of Public Transit created by article sixteen-c of this chapter is hereby designated the State Safety Oversight Agency. The Division of Public Transit shall have the powers and duties assigned to the State Safety Oversight Agency.

(b) The State Safety Oversight Agency shall be financially and legally independent from any public transportation entity that the agency oversees. Any public transportation agency is prohibited from providing funds to the State Safety Oversight Agency. The agency may not employ any individual who is also responsible for the administration of rail fixed guideway public transportation programs.

§17-16E-3. Powers and duties; rules.

(a) The State Safety Oversight Agency has the following powers and duties:

(1) Oversee all safety aspects of the rail fixed guideway public transportation system pursuant to 49 U. S. C. §5329, including:

(A) The development, implementation and application of the public transportation system safety plan;

(B) Inspection, investigations or hearings involving all aspects of the facility and its operations including infrastructure, documentation, including electronic data, and personnel and may conduct or cause to be conducted such inspections, investigations or hearings; and

(C) Respond to information obtained through inspection, investigations, hearings, other incidents or occurrences of significance to the State Safety Oversight Agency by the issuance of directives, appropriate suspension of service, withholding of funding or the imposition of civil or criminal penalties;

(2) Enforce federal and state laws on rail fixed guideway public transportation safety;

(3) Determine, in consultation with the Federal Transit Administration, an appropriate staffing level for the State Safety Oversight Agency that is commensurate with the number, size and complexity of the rail fixed guideway transit systems in the state;

(4) Require that its employees and other designated personnel who are responsible for rail fixed guideway public transportation safety oversight are qualified to perform such functions through appropriate training, including successful completion of the public transportation safety certification training program established under 49 U. S. C. §5329(c);

(5) Coordinate all enforcement responsibilities with other governmental authorities as needed;

(6) Review, revise, approve, oversee and enforce the public transportation agency safety plan required under 49 U. S. C. §5329(d), including the implementation by the rail fixed guideway public transportation agency of such plan;

(7) Investigate and enforce the safety of rail fixed guideway public transportation systems;

(8) Audit, at least once every three years, the compliance of the rail fixed guideway public transportation systems in the state with the public transportation agency safety plan required under 49 U. S. C. §5329(d);

(9) Provide an annual status report on the safety of the state's rail fixed guideway public transportation systems to the Federal Transit Administration, the Governor, the Legislature and the governing body of the rail fixed guideway public transportation system;

(10) Prepare and provide to the Governor and Legislature drafts of proposed legislation that may be necessary for the state to remain compliant with the requirements of 49 U. S. C. §5329.

(b) The State Safety Oversight Agency shall propose rules for legislative approval in accordance with the provisions of article three, chapter twenty-nine-a of this code to accomplish the purpose of this article, including rules concerning the implementation of the duties set forth in subsection (a) of this section and the inspection and enforcement powers that are reasonably necessary to ensure compliance with 49 U. S. C. §5329.


§17-17-1. Tolls prohibited except over toll bridges forming part of public road, etc.

No tolls shall be charged or collected for travel upon any of the public roads, streets, or highways of this state, except such tolls as may be authorized under the provisions of this article for travel over a toll bridge forming a part of such public road, street or highway.

§17-17-2. Bridges over Ohio, Great Kanawha or Big Sandy Rivers; corporations for such purposes.

Corporations may be formed under the provisions of chapter thirty-one of this code for the purpose of bridging the Ohio River. Any such corporation or any railroad corporation is hereby authorized to construct and maintain a bridge across said river in the manner now, or which may hereafter be, provided by the Congress of the United States, upon complying with the requirements, conditions and provisions so prescribed, and not otherwise; and such corporation is authorized to take tolls for the passage of persons, railroad cars, engines, vehicles and other things passing on and over such bridge. Such corporation may obtain the real estate necessary for the construction of its bridge and the approaches thereto, under the provisions of chapter fifty-four of this code, and may purchase from any other corporation which may have taken steps toward the erection of a bridge in the manner aforesaid all the rights, franchises and property it may have acquired. Subscriptions to the stock or bonds of any such corporation may be made by counties, districts and municipal corporations in the manner provided by law; and subscriptions may be made thereto by other corporations, including railroad corporations, with the assent of the holders of two thirds of the stock of any such corporation, at any general or special meeting of the stockholders.

Any corporation heretofore or hereafter formed for the purpose of bridging the Great Kanawha or Big Sandy Rivers, or any railroad corporation constructing such bridge, shall have all the privileges accorded by this section to corporations formed for the purpose of bridging the Ohio River: Provided, however, That every bridge erected across the Great Kanawha River at and above the United States government lock number six, and between said lock number six and the United States government lock number three, shall have at least one channel span, the center of which shall be in the middle of the channel usually run by descending coal fleets in high towing stages; such channel span to have a clear opening of four hundred feet at low waterline, and be at least sixty-five feet above low water: Provided further, That every bridge erected across the Kanawha River at and above the United States government lock number three, and below a point six hundred feet below the intersection at low watermark of Nancy's branch with the Great Kanawha River -- said point being approximately the head of the slack water pool formed by the United States government dam number two -- shall have at least one channel span, the center of which shall be in the middle of the channel usually run by descending coal fleets in high water towing stages; such channel span to have a clear opening of four hundred feet at low water line, and be at least sixty-five feet above low water, except in cases where the United States government may authorize the construction of a bridge of a less height, not, however, to be below the minimum of sixty feet above low water; and said Great Kanawha River may be bridged by any such corporation at or above such point six hundred feet below the intersection at low watermark of Nancy's branch with the Kanawha River, subject only to such terms and conditions, if any, as the United States government acting through its authorized officers may prescribe.

The benefits of this section shall not inure to any corporation whose corporate rights have lapsed, been forfeited or become forfeitable.

§17-17-3. Power of bridge corporation to borrow money, mortgage or encumber by deed of trust.

Every corporation formed under the law of this state for the purpose of the construction and maintenance of a bridge or bridges, in addition to the powers heretofore conferred upon or possessed by it, shall have power from time to time to borrow such sums of money as may be necessary for the purposes and business of the company, and to issue bonds, bills of credit or indebtedness and preferred stock, and dispose of the same for any amount so borrowed, and to mortgage or encumber by trust deed its corporate property and franchises to secure payment of any debt contracted by such corporation for its purposes and business; but no such mortgage or trust deed shall be valid, unless authorized by a resolution adopted by the affirmative votes of the holders of a majority of the stock of the company. Any such mortgage or trust deed may include, grant and convey, and make subject to the lien thereof, all betterments, improvements and works made or constructed, and property and franchises acquired and used in the company's business, after the making of such mortgage or trust deed, money and debts due the granting company excepted. The purchaser at any sale under such mortgage or trust deed shall be entitled to such betterments, improvements, works, property and franchises, with the exception aforesaid, as well as the property and franchises granted thereby, owned and possessed by the company at the time of the making of the mortgage or trust deed, under which the sale is made, any other law or statute to the contrary notwithstanding.

All mortgages or trust deeds heretofore made by any bridge company incorporated under the laws of this state, whether the same shall have been executed by virtue of a resolution adopted by a vote of the stockholders, or shall have been executed by virtue of a resolution adopted by the board of directors of such corporation without any action on the part of the stockholders thereof, which purport to grant and convey the property and franchises of the granting company owned and possessed at the time of making the mortgage or trust deed, or such property and franchises, together with property or franchises, or both, of such company which it may have acquired subsequently to the making of such mortgage or trust deed, shall be as valid and effectual for the purpose of effecting such granting and conveyance, and make the same as effectually, as if this section had been in full force before and at the time of the execution of such mortgages or trust deeds; and purchasers at any sales thereunder shall have the same rights, powers and privileges as are by this section conferred upon the purchasers at sales made under mortgages and trust deeds executed by such companies after this code takes effect.

§17-17-4. When bridge deemed a nuisance; abatement.

Every bridge across the Ohio River hereafter erected or commenced, wholly or in part within the jurisdiction of this state, contrary to the provisions of the two next preceding sections, and every railroad bridge across the Great Kanawha or Big Sandy River hereafter erected or commenced, wholly or in part within the jurisdiction of the state, contrary to the provisions of said sections, shall be deemed a public nuisance, and, so far as the same is within the said jurisdiction, may be abated and the construction thereof prevented and enjoined by presentment, indictment, or bill in equity in the name of the state or other remedy appropriate to the case; and it shall be the duty of the Attorney General, as well as of the prosecuting attorney of the proper county, to cause proper proceedings to be instituted and prosecuted to abate, prevent and enjoin such work, as soon as they shall be credibly informed that the same has been or is about to be commenced. But the provisions of this and the preceding sections shall not apply to the portion of the Great Kanawha above the falls of said river, known as the falls of the Kanawha.

§17-17-5. Obstruction of navigation by bridge.

Every such bridge shall be so made as not to obstruct the navigation of the watercourse over which it is erected at any ordinary stage of water.

§17-17-6. Unsafe toll bridge.

Whenever complaint is made to the county court of any county wherein a toll bridge is, that the same is not in a safe condition, it shall order its road engineer or supervisor to inspect the same and report his investigation, and if, after considering such report, the court be of opinion that the bridge is in an unsafe or dangerous condition, it shall make its finding a matter of record, and cause its clerk to certify a copy thereof to the Public Service Commission for action thereon. It shall be the duty of said commission, upon the receipt of such certified record, to summon the corporation or person owning the bridge, or collecting tolls therefrom, to appear before it and make answer respecting such finding, whereupon the commission shall take such action and make such orders respecting such bridge as it may deem just. In case it is determined by the commission, upon such hearing, that the bridge is unsafe for travel, it shall prohibit the further collection of toll thereon until the same is placed in such condition as may be ordered or directed by the commission.

§17-17-7. Purchase, construction or repair of toll bridge.

When it is necessary to build or repair a toll bridge on any county-district road, or to purchase any existing toll bridge on such road within any county, or across the boundary thereof, the county court of the county may contract for the same, or any part thereof, on such terms as may be agreed upon, and take bond and security from the contractors in the sum of fifty percent of the amount of such contract, and pay for the same out of the county road fund or out of the road funds of the district or districts in which such improvement is located, or by issuing bonds for the amount that may be agreed upon; and to this end the court shall appoint a competent engineer to make a thorough investigation and estimate of the cost of such improvement. Upon receiving the estimate of cost, the court, if satisfied with the correctness of same and the necessity and importance of such improvement, may advertise for and receive proposals and make such other orders in the premises from time to time as shall be necessary and proper.

§17-17-8. Termination of privilege to erect and maintain toll bridge; toll rates.

When a certificate of incorporation is hereafter obtained for the erection of a toll bridge, if the work be not commenced within one year from the date thereof, or be not completed within five years after such commencement, or if, after its completion, there be an abandonment of the bridge, or a failure for three successive years to keep it in good order, in each of these cases the privilege granted by such certificate shall cease. There may be charged and collected on persons and things passing over any such bridge such reasonable tolls as the corporation may, by resolution, from time to time prescribe, subject, however, at all times to the control of the Public Service Commission.

§17-17-9. Toll rates for troops.

The tolls for troops or persons in the military or naval service of this state, or of the United States, with their arms, munitions and baggage, shall not exceed on any such bridge one fourth of the tolls for other persons.

§17-17-10. Payment of toll prior to passage; demand of excessive toll; evading payment of toll.

The proprietor of any toll bridge may require lawful toll to be paid previous to a passage thereover. Whoever shall knowingly or intentionally defraud, or attempt to defraud, the proprietor of any toll bridge by evading, or attempting to evade, the payment of lawful toll for crossing such bridge, or whoever shall aid another to evade, or attempt to evade, the payment of such toll, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, for every such offense shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined not in excess of $10.

§17-17-11. Gatekeeper to keep small change.

A gatekeeper on any toll bridge without an electronic toll collection system, as defined in §17-16D-2 of this code, shall keep such money of small denomination on hand, as may reasonably be required in the ordinary course of business, for making change for passengers, and it is the duty of passengers to offer money for passage of a denomination as near as possible to the amount charged for such passage. This section shall not apply to persons now having a lawful right to pass on such bridge without the payment of toll.

§17-17-12. Failure to provide gatekeeper and to allow prompt passage.

If at any toll bridge without an electronic toll collection system there be a failure to give any person or property a passage over the same in a reasonable time, the proprietor thereof shall forfeit to such person not less than $2 nor more than $20. If the keeper of any toll bridge without an electronic toll collection system shall absent himself therefrom without leaving any person in charge of the gates thereon, he shall leave the gates open. Any keeper of a toll bridge without an electronic toll collection who shall fail to comply with the requirements of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined $50 for every such offense; and any person injured by such failure shall be entitled to recover therefor from such keeper all damages sustained thereby.

§17-17-13. Definitions.

As used in this and the following sections of this article, the word "bridge" shall be deemed to include all property, rights and franchises relating thereto, including approaches; the word "improvements" shall mean such repairs, replacements, additions and betterments of and to a bridge acquired by purchase as are deemed necessary to place it in a safe and efficient condition for the use of the public, if such repairs, replacements, additions and betterments are ordered prior to the sale of any bonds for the acquisition of such bridge; the term "cost of bridge," as applied to a bridge to be acquired by purchase, shall include the purchase price, cost of improvements, financing charges, interest during any period of disuse before completion of improvements, and all other expenses, including legal fees, trustee's fees, traffic estimates and other estimates, which are necessarily or properly incidental to the acquisition or the improvement or the financing; the term "cost of bridge," as applied to a bridge to be constructed, shall embrace the cost of construction, the cost of all land, property, rights and franchises acquired which are deemed necessary for such construction, financing charges, interest during construction, and all other expenses, including legal fees, trustee's fees, traffic estimates and other estimates, which are necessarily or properly incidental to the construction or acquisition of the necessary land, property, rights and franchises or the financing; the word "commission" shall mean the state bridge commission created by this article, or, if said commission shall be abolished, any board or officer succeeding to the principal functions thereof or upon whom the powers given by this article to said bridge commission shall be given by law; the term "owner" shall include all individuals, incorporated companies, societies or associations having any title or interest in any bridge properties, rights or franchises to be acquired.



Acts, 1932 Ex. Sess., Ch. 1 § 1.

§17-17-15. Authority to purchase or condemn toll bridges; eminent domain.

The state road commissioner may, with the approval of the Governor, whenever he shall deem it expedient, purchase or condemn any toll bridge or bridges over and across any navigable river lying wholly or partly within the state, or forming a boundary of the state, or any such toll bridge or bridges wholly or partly constructed of such design or designs, and at such locations as he shall approve, or any franchises, permits, and/or contracts for the construction of any such bridge or bridges, title thereto to be taken in the name of the state; and payment of the consideration therefor, whether acquired by eminent domain or purchase, shall be solely by means of or with the proceeds of the bridge revenue bonds hereinafter authorized. The commissioner may also exercise in this state, and in any adjoining state, such powers of eminent domain as may be conferred upon him by any act of another state, or of the Congress of the United States, now in force or which may hereafter be enacted.

§17-17-16. Repair of toll bridge before purchase.

At or before the time any such bridge shall be acquired by purchase the state road commissioner, he shall determine what repairs, replacements, additions or betterments will be necessary to place the bridge in safe and efficient condition for the use of the public, and to cause an estimate of the cost of such improvement to be made and submitted to the commissioner by an engineer or engineers appointed by the commissioner. Such improvements shall be ordered by the commissioner before the sale of any bridge revenue bonds hereinafter authorized for the purchase of the bridge, and shall be paid for out of the proceeds of such bonds.

§17-17-17. Construction of toll bridge; purchase of land, etc., therefor.

The state road commissioner may construct, whenever he shall deem such construction expedient, but solely by means of or with the proceeds of the bridge revenue bonds hereinafter authorized, any toll bridge or bridges over and across any river or stream lying wholly or partly within the state or forming a boundary of the state, of such design or designs and at such place or places as may be approved by the state road commission. The commissioner may purchase within this state and within any adjoining state, solely from funds provided under the authority of this article, such lands, structures, rights of way, franchises, easements and other interests in lands, including lands under water and riparian rights of any person, railroad or other corporation or municipality or political subdivision, deemed necessary for the construction of any such bridge, upon terms and at such prices as may be considered by him to be reasonable and can be agreed upon between him and the owner thereof, title thereto to be taken in the name of the state.

§17-17-18. Power of eminent domain.

Whenever it shall become necessary, the state road commissioner may condemn any interest, franchise, right or privilege, land or improvement which may in his opinion be necessary, in the manner provided by law for the acquisition by this state of property for public purposes. The commissioner may also exercise in this state and in any adjoining state such powers of eminent domain as may be conferred upon the commissioner by any act of the Congress of the United States now in force or which may hereafter be enacted. Title to property condemned shall be taken in the name of the state. The state shall be under no obligation to accept and pay for any property condemned and shall in no event pay for the same except from the funds provided by this article, and in any proceeding to condemn, such orders shall be made by the court having jurisdiction of the suit, action or proceedings as may be just to the state and to the owners of property to be condemned, and a bond or other security may be required by the court securing such owners against any loss or damage to be sustained by reason of the failure of the state to accept and pay for the property, but such bond or security shall impose no liability or debt upon the state as contemplated by the provisions of the Constitution of the state in relation to state debt.

§17-17-19. Bridge revenue bonds generally.

The West Virginia commissioner of highways may pay the cost as defined hereinabove of any one or more such bridges by the issuance of bridge revenue bonds of the state, by a resolution of the commissioner which shall recite an estimate by the commissioner of such cost, the principal and interest of which bonds shall be payable solely from the special fund herein provided for such payment. The commissioner, after any such issue of bonds or simultaneously therewith, may issue further issues of bonds to pay the cost of any other one or more of such bridges, in the manner and subject to all of the provisions herein contained as to the bonds first mentioned in this section. All such bonds shall have and are hereby declared to have all the qualities of negotiable instruments under the Uniform Commercial Code of this state. Such bonds shall bear interest at not more than seven percent per annum, payable semiannually, and shall mature in not more than forty years from their date or dates and may be made redeemable at the option of the state, to be exercised by the commissioner, at such price and under such terms and conditions as the commissioner may fix prior to issuance of such bonds. The commissioner shall determine the form of such bonds, including coupons to be attached thereto to evidence the right of interest payments, which bonds shall be signed by the Governor and the commissioner, under the great seal of the state, attested by the Secretary of State, and the coupons attached thereto shall bear the facsimile signature of the commissioner. In case any of the officers whose signatures appear on the bonds or coupons shall cease to be such officers before the delivery of such bonds, such signatures shall nevertheless be valid and sufficient for all purposes the same as if they had remained in office until such delivery. The commissioner shall fix the denominations of such bonds, the principal and interest of which shall be payable at the Office of the Treasurer of the State of West Virginia, at the capitol of said state, or, at the option of the holder, at some bank or trust company in the city of New York to be named in the bonds, either in lawful money or in gold coin of the United States, of or equal to the then current standard of weight and fineness, as may be determined by the commissioner. Such bonds shall be exempt from taxation by the State of West Virginia or any county or municipality therein. The commissioner may provide for the registration of such bonds in the name of the owner as to principal alone and as to both principal and interest under such terms and conditions as the commissioner may determine, and shall sell such bonds in such manner as he may determine to be for the best interest of the state, taking into consideration the financial responsibility of the purchaser and the terms and conditions of the purchase and especially the availability of the proceeds of the bonds when required for payment of the cost of the bridges, such sale to be made at a price not lower than a price which, when computed upon standard tables of bond values, will show a net return of not more than eight percent per annum to the purchaser upon the amount paid therefor.

The proceeds of such bonds shall be used solely for the payment of the cost of the bridges, and shall be checked out by the commissioner and under such further restrictions, if any, as the commissioner may provide. If the proceeds of such bonds, by error or calculation or otherwise, shall be less than the cost of the bridge or bridges, additional bonds may in like manner be issued to provide the amount of such deficit, and, unless otherwise provided in the trust agreement hereinafter mentioned, shall be deemed to be of the same issue and shall be entitled to payment from the same fund, without preference or priority of the bonds first issued for the same bridge or bridges. If the proceeds of bonds issued for any bridge or bridges shall exceed the cost thereof, the surplus shall be paid into the fund hereinafter provided for payment of the principal and interest of such bonds. Such fund may be used for the purchase of any of the outstanding bonds payable from such fund at the market price, but at not exceeding the price, if any, at which such bonds shall in the same year be redeemable, and all bonds redeemed or purchased shall forthwith be canceled and shall not again be issued.

Prior to the preparation of definitive bonds, the commissioner may under like restrictions issue temporary bonds with or without coupons, exchangeable for definitive bonds upon the issuance of the latter. Such revenue bonds may be issued without any other proceedings or the happening of any other conditions or things than those proceedings, conditions and things which are specified and required by this article or by the Constitution of the state.

§17-17-20. Trust agreement respecting bonds.

The state road commissioner may enter into an agreement or agreements with any trust company or with any bank having the powers of a trust company, either within or outside of the state, as trustee for the holders of bonds issued hereunder, setting forth therein such duties of the state and of the commissioner in respect of the acquisition, construction, improvement, maintenance, operation, repair and insurance of the bridges, the conservation and application of all moneys, the insurance of moneys on hand or on deposit, and the rights and remedies of the trustee and the holders of the bonds, as may be agreed upon with the original purchasers of such bonds, and including therein provisions restricting the individual right of action of bondholders as is customary in trust agreements respecting bonds and debentures of corporations, protecting and enforcing the rights and remedies of the trustee and the bondholders, and providing for approval by the original purchasers of the bonds, of the appointment of consulting engineers and of the security given by those who contract to make improvements, and by any bank or trust company in which the proceeds of bonds or bridge tolls shall be deposited, and for approval by the consulting engineers of all contracts for improvements. All expenses incurred in carrying out such agreement may be treated as a part of the cost of maintenance, operation and repair of the bridge or bridges affected by the agreement.

§17-17-21. General supervision of bridges under jurisdiction of commissioner.

The commissioner of highways shall properly maintain, repair, operate, manage, and control the bridges owned by the state, fix the rates of tolls and establish bylaws and rules and regulations for the use and operation of the bridges owned by the state, and may make and enter into all contracts or agreements necessary and incidental to the performance of his duties and the execution of his powers under this article, including power to permit use of such bridges owned by the state by street railways and other transportation lines, and telephone, telegraph, pipe, and other lines, and contract with them for such use and fix the terms and conditions thereof and the charges or tolls for such use of the bridges owned by the state.

§17-17-22. Tolls to be charged for bond payment; intrastate and interstate bridges included in one issue; purchasing of existing bridges; disposition of tolls.

Tolls shall be fixed, charged, and collected for transit over such bridges owned by the state and shall be so fixed and adjusted, in respect of the aggregate of tolls from the bridge or bridges owned by the state for which a single issue of bonds is issued, as to provide a fund sufficient to pay the principal and interest of such issue of bonds and to provide an additional fund to pay the cost of maintaining, repairing, and operating such bridge or bridges, subject, however, to any applicable law or regulation of the United States of America now in force or hereafter to be enacted or made. Two or more bridges owned by the state may be included in one issue of bonds, and intrastate and interstate bridges may be grouped in the same issue: Provided, That no existing bridge or bridges owned by the state shall be acquired by purchase, eminent domain, or otherwise, unless the commissioner of highways shall have determined that the income therefrom, based upon the toll receipts for the next preceding fiscal or calendar year, will be sufficient to pay all expenses of operating and maintaining such bridge, in addition to the interest and sinking fund requirements of any bonds to be issued to pay the purchase price thereof, or, if such existing bridge or bridges owned by the state are to be combined with any other bridge or bridges, either then existing or thereafter to be constructed or acquired by purchase, eminent domain, or otherwise, as provided in §17-17-23b of this code, unless the commissioner of highways shall have determined that the income from such combined bridges, based upon the toll receipts for the next preceding fiscal or calendar year in the case of any existing bridge or bridges and upon estimates of future toll receipts in the case of any bridge or bridges to be constructed, will be sufficient to pay all expenses of operating and maintaining such combined bridges, in addition to the interest and sinking fund requirements of any bonds issued to pay the purchase price of such existing bridge or bridges and the interest and sinking fund requirements of any bonds issued to pay the cost of construction, acquiring, modernizing, repairing, reconstructing, or improving any bridge or bridges and approaches thereto, with which such existing bridge or bridges are to be so combined. The tolls from the bridge or bridges for which a single issue of bonds is issued, except such part thereof, as may be necessary to pay such cost of maintaining, repairing, and operating during any period in which such cost is not otherwise provided for (during which period the tolls may be reduced accordingly), shall be transmitted each month to the West Virginia Municipal Bond Commission and by it placed in a special fund which is hereby pledged to and charged with the payment of the principal of such bonds and the interest thereon, and to the redemption or repurchase of such bonds, such special fund to be a fund for all such bonds without distinction or priority of one over another. The moneys in such special fund, less a reserve for payment of interest, if not used by the West Virginia Municipal Bond Commission within a reasonable time for the purchase of bonds for cancellation at a price not exceeding the market price and not exceeding the redemption price, shall be applied to the redemption of bonds by lot at the redemption price then applicable. Notwithstanding the foregoing, payments of principal and interest on any bonds owned by the United States or any governmental agency or department thereof may be made by the governing body directly thereto.

Any bridge or bridges constructed or acquired by purchase, eminent domain, or otherwise, or reconstructed, repaired, or improved, under the provisions of this article and forming a connecting link between two or more state highways, or providing a river crossing for a state highway, are hereby adopted as a part of the state road system, but no such bridge or bridges shall be constructed or acquired by purchase, eminent domain, or otherwise, or reconstructed, repaired, or improved by the state, under the provisions of this article without the approval in writing of the commissioner of highways and the Governor. If there be in the funds of the West Virginia Municipal Bond Commission an amount insufficient to pay the interest and sinking fund on any bonds issued for the purpose of constructing or acquiring by purchase, eminent domain, or otherwise, or reconstructing, repairing, or improving, such bridge or bridges, the commissioner of highways is authorized and directed to allocate to said commission, from the state road fund, an amount sufficient to pay the interest on said bonds and/or the principal thereof, as either may become due and payable.

§17-17-23. When tolls to cease.

Except as otherwise provided in section thirty-five of this article, when the particular bonds issued for any bridge or bridges and the interest thereon shall have been paid, or a sufficient amount shall have been provided for their payment and shall continue to be held for that purpose, and there are no operating or maintenance expenses outstanding, and any advances made from the state road fund toward the construction, operation and maintenance of such bridge or bridges shall have been repaid, the authority operating such bridge or bridges shall cease the collection of tolls for the use thereof: Provided, That the commissioner may, in his discretion, continue thereafter tolls for a period sufficient to accumulate sufficient funds to pay for major maintenance and repairs foreseeable as being needed on such bridge or bridges in the immediate future: Provided, however, That tolls may be imposed or reimposed on any such bridge or bridges in the manner provided in section twenty-three-b of this article. Thereafter, and as long as the cost of maintaining, repairing and operating such bridge or bridges is being provided for through means other than tolls, no tolls shall be charged for transit thereover and such bridge or bridges shall be free: Provided further, That notwithstanding any other provision of law, if any portion of the cost of construction of a toll bridge is financed, with the aid of federal funds under federal-aid road legislation and the share of the cost of such bridge borne by the state or its subdivisions shall have been repaid from tolls, or a fund sufficient for such repayment shall have been provided or set aside for that purpose, tolls for the use of such bridge shall cease and such bridge shall thereafter be maintained and operated as a free bridge.

§17-17-23a. Transfer of excess tolls collected.

When the particular bonds issued for any bridge or bridges, and the interest thereon, shall have been paid, or a sufficient amount shall have been provided for the payment thereof and held for that purpose as in this article provided, and there remain in said fund a sum or sums of money accumulated from tolls on such bridge or bridges, such money shall be used first for the conversion of such bridge or bridges from a toll bridge or bridges to a free bridge or bridges; and if, after paying the cost of such conversion there remain any sum or sums in such fund, the same shall, upon the determination in writing by the commissioner to the State Auditor that such conversion has been completed, and that there are no outstanding claims against such bridge or bridges by reason of the same and having been operated as toll bridge or bridges, such remaining sum or sums of money shall be transferred to the state secondary road fund.

§17-17-23b. Combining of bridges; imposition or reimposition of tolls upon existing combined bridges; revenue bonds and disposition of tolls for combined bridges.

The commissioner is hereby authorized and empowered to combine any two or more bridges, including existing bridges and bridges to be constructed or acquired by purchase, eminent domain or otherwise and to pledge all or any part of the revenue derived from such combined bridges to the payment of interest and sinking fund requirements of any bonds issued in respect of said combined bridges, or either of them, pursuant to this section.

The commissioner is hereby authorized to impose or reimpose tolls or other charges on any existing bridge or bridges which shall be combined, pursuant to this section, with any other bridge, either existing or to be constructed or acquired and the tolls and other charges fixed by the commissioner for the bridges so combined, pursuant to this section, shall be fixed and adjusted in respect to the aggregate of tolls from the bridges so combined, so as to be sufficient to pay all expenses of operating, maintaining and repairing the combined bridges and the interest and sinking fund requirements of any bonds issued in respect of said combined bridges, or either of them, pursuant to this section: Provided, however, That no such tolls or other charges shall be imposed or reimposed on any existing bridge unless the imposition or reimposition thereof shall have, first, been approved by a resolution duly adopted by the council or other governing body of the municipality in which such existing bridge is situate, or, if such existing bridge is not situate within the limits of a municipality, then the imposition or reimposition of such tolls or other charges shall be first approved by an order duly adopted by the county court of the county or counties in which such existing bridge is situate. In either case, a certified copy of the resolution or order shall be filed with the commissioner.

The tolls and other charges from bridges so combined pursuant to this section, for which bonds are issued pursuant to this section, except such part thereof as may be necessary to pay the cost of maintaining, repairing, and operating such bridges during any period in which such cost is not otherwise provided for (during which period the tolls may be reduced accordingly), shall be transmitted each month to the state sinking fund commission and by it placed in a special fund which is hereby pledged to and charged with the payment of the principal of such bonds and the interest thereon, and to the redemption or repurchase of such bonds, such special fund to be a fund for all such bonds without distinction or priority of one over another. The moneys in such special fund, less a reserve for payment of interest and sinking fund requirements, if not used by the sinking fund commission within a reasonable time for the purchase of bonds for cancellation at a price not exceeding the market price and not exceeding the redemption price, shall be applied to the redemption of bonds by lot at the redemption price then applicable.

The commission may pay the cost, as hereinbefore in this article defined, of construction or acquisition by purchase, eminent domain or otherwise of any bridge or bridges combined with any other bridge or bridges pursuant to this section and/or the cost of modernization, improvement, repair and reconstruction of any existing bridge so combined with any other bridge or bridges pursuant to this section, including modernization, improvement, repair, reconstruction, construction and acquisition of approaches thereto, by the issuance of bridge revenue bonds of the state. Any such bridge revenue bonds shall be issued in the manner and in accordance with the procedure for the issuance of bridge revenue bonds hereinbefore set forth in this article: Provided, however, That nothing in this article shall be construed to permit any combination of an existing toll bridge with any other bridge at any time when there are bonds on such existing toll bridge unpaid or when any such toll bridge bonds, either the principal or interest thereon, are in default.

§17-17-24. Construction of article in relation to state debt.

Nothing in this article contained shall be so construed or interpreted as to authorize or permit the incurring of state debt of any kind or nature as contemplated by the provisions of the Constitution of this state in relation to the state debt.

§17-17-25. Additional and alternative method provided; permit for construction of competitive bridge.

Sections thirteen to twenty-eight, inclusive, of this article shall be deemed to provide an additional and alternative method for the doing of the things authorized hereby and shall be regarded as supplementary and additional to powers conferred by other laws: Provided, however, That no bridge for the use of the traveling public shall hereafter be erected and operated by any public authority authorized by law to construct bridges, or by any person, firm or corporation, across any river or other stream in this state, between any bridge across such river or other stream and any bridge thereover owned by the state and operated as a toll bridge by the state road commissioner, except under a permit of the commissioner in writing, until a certificate of convenience and necessity shall have been granted for the construction and operation thereof by the Public Service Commission. No such certificate of convenience and necessity shall be granted by the Public Service Commission until application in writing shall have been made therefor, and the applicant shall have filed with such application a map showing the location and design of the bridge for the erection and operation of which the certificate of convenience and necessity is sought, and the location of the existing bridges across the river or other stream between which the bridge is proposed to be erected, and the location of all the public roads leading to, and between, the existing bridges for a distance of twenty miles on either side of the river or other stream, and such other information as the Public Service Commission may deem necessary, together with proof that a copy of the application and map was, at least sixty days prior thereto, furnished to the commissioner; nor until the Public Service Commission shall, by investigation and by a hearing had thereon, under such rules as it may prescribe, determine that there is an imperative public need for the erection and operation of such bridge, and that its erection and operation will not materially injure the revenue of any bridge owned by the state and operated by the commissioner as a toll bridge. This proviso shall not apply where any bridge owned by the state and operated by the commissioner as a toll bridge is operated only for the maintenance, repair and operation of such bridge, and not for the purpose of paying any indebtedness against the same.

§17-17-26. When consent of other officers and boards not required.

It shall not be necessary to secure from any officer or board not named in this article any approval or consent or any certificate or finding, or to hold an election, or to take any proceedings whatever, either for the acquisition or construction of such bridges, or the improvement thereof, or their maintenance, operation or repair, or for the issuance of bonds hereunder, except such as are prescribed by this article or are required by the Constitution of the state.

§17-17-27. Liberal construction of §§17-17-13 to 17-17-28.

Sections thirteen to twenty-eight, inclusive, of this article, being necessary for the health, welfare and convenience of the citizens of the state, shall be liberally construed to effectuate the purposes thereof.

§17-17-28. Provisions of §§17-17-13 to 17-17-28 separable.

The provisions and parts of sections thirteen to twenty- eight, inclusive, of this article are separable and are not matters of mutual essential inducement, and it is the intention to confer the whole or any part of the powers herein provided for, and if any of the sections or provisions, or parts thereof, are for any reason illegal, it is the intention that the remaining sections and provisions or parts thereof shall remain in full force and effect.

§17-17-29. Certain powers, duties, etc., of bridge commission transferred to state road commissioner.

All rights, powers, privileges and functions which are conferred upon or vested in said West Virginia bridge commission by sections fifteen to twenty-eight, inclusive, of the official Code of West Virginia, are hereby transferred to, conferred upon, and vested in the state road commissioner of West Virginia; and the state road commissioner of West Virginia is hereby charged with the performance of all duties, contracts and other obligations imposed upon the said West Virginia bridge commission by said sections fifteen to twenty-eight, inclusive, of said official Code of West Virginia. Wherever the word "commission" is used in sections fifteen to twenty-eight, inclusive, of article seventeen of chapter seventeen of the official Code of West Virginia, or either thereof, or in any amendment thereto, it shall, from and after the time this section becomes effective, mean and refer to the said state road commissioner of West Virginia.

§17-17-30. Construction, operation, etc., of toll bridges and tunnels by counties and cities -- Authorized; authority to borrow money; consent of federal government and state road commission.

Any incorporated city, in which or adjoining which there is a portion of a navigable or nonnavigable river or stream, either wholly within the State of West Virginia, or partly within the said state, and another state or states, or between the State of West Virginia and any other state, including the Ohio River in this state, from its intersection with the Pennsylvania state line, to the mouth of the Big Sandy River, is hereby authorized and empowered, in its corporate capacity, or through and by means of a bridge commission or other agency to be created or appointed by it, to construct, reconstruct, maintain and operate a highway toll bridge or tunnel, or combination thereof, over or under and across, such river or stream, from such a point within the corporate limits of such city, to such point on the opposite side of such river or stream, either within or without said city, as the said city, through its proper authorities, shall designate and select, for public use in travel, passage and transportation, over or under and across such river or stream, and any such city may also construct, reconstruct, maintain and operate a highway toll tunnel under or through any mountain, hill or embankment, together with any bridges, causeways, fills or other approaches thereto, from a point within the corporate limits of such city to any other point either within or without the corporate limits of such city: Provided, however, That no bridge or tunnel shall be constructed, reconstructed, established or operated, over or under and across any navigable river, or under any mountain, hill or other embankment, without compliance with the requirements, conditions and provisions provided by the Congress of the United States and the laws of the United States, nor without approval of the state road commission of this state; and such city is authorized and empowered to borrow money by means of bonds payable from revenues, or otherwise, and/or to accept grants in part payment therefor from any state or federal governmental agency authorized to make loans, a sum of money sufficient and necessary to pay all costs of construction or reconstruction of such bridge or tunnel, or combination thereof, including approaches thereto, the acquisition of all necessary rights-of- way and all engineering, legal and other expenses necessary thereto or connected therewith, including interest during construction, or reconstruction, as a self-liquidating enterprise or project, within the meaning of the state or federal laws authorizing loans by any such governmental agency. And the county court of any county, in which there is a portion of such river or stream, or on which its county abuts or borders, is likewise authorized and empowered to construct, reconstruct, maintain and operate a highway toll bridge or bridges, or tunnel or tunnels, over or under and across such river or stream, and to construct, reconstruct, maintain and operate a highway toll tunnel under any mountain, hill or other embankment, and to borrow money, as aforesaid, for the construction or reconstruction thereof, in like manner and to the same extent, as such city, and to construct, reconstruct, maintain and operate such bridge or tunnel subject to the same limitations as are hereby imposed in the case of such cities.

Wherever the words "bridge,""toll bridge" or "highway toll bridge" are used in sections thirty-one, thirty-two, thirty-three or thirty-four of this article, or any of the other provisions of this article, the same shall be deemed to include bridges or tunnels, or any combinations thereof, together with any causeways, fills, or approaches necessary therefore.

§17-17-31. Same -- Acquisition of existing bridges.

Any city or county so situated with reference to any river or stream, over and across which there is now a highway bridge, owned and operated by any bridge company or corporation, and situated partly within such city or county, is authorized and empowered to purchase such bridge, with funds obtained in the manner and from the source or sources mentioned by section one of this act, and to own and operate the same, as a self-liquidating enterprise or project; and also to obtain the possession, control and operation of such bridge, under and by a lease or other contract, with the owner or owners thereof, upon such terms and conditions, and for such period of time, as may be agreed upon by such city or county court, and the owner or owners of such bridge.

§17-17-32. Same -- General powers of cities and counties; bonds generally; exemptions from taxation.

Any city or county court authorized and empowered by this act to construct or purchase and maintain and operate such highway toll bridge, is further authorized and empowered to do and perform any and all acts and make all contracts necessary to effectuate the general purposes of this act, including the acquisition, by original grant, purchase, condemnation or other lawful means, of all necessary permits, franchises, licenses, rights-of-way, easements and other rights in real estate, and title to and possession thereof, and/or to make such purchase, with the money borrowed as provided in section one of this act, or otherwise. Such city or county court shall have authority to make such contracts, agreements and covenants between it and said reconstruction finance corporation, public works administration, or other governmental agency, for the loan of said funds and securing payment thereof, as they may be able to effectuate, subject only to this limitation, that the bonds or other evidences of indebtedness issued or given as security therefore shall be payable solely out of the revenues of such bridge; and to construct, own, operate and maintain such bridge over and across such river or stream, and to make and enter into such contracts, and to do and perform such acts as may be necessary to the construction, and/or purchase, ownership, operation and maintenance of such bridge, subject to such burdens, restrictions and encumbrances as it may be necessary to incur and bear, in securing such funds for construction, including the creation by mortgage or deed of trust, on the said bridge, its equipment, tolls and revenues and franchise, and also subject to the laws of this state and the United States, relating to toll bridges over and across navigable streams, insofar as they are applicable to such bridges. Bonds, or other evidences of indebtedness, issued hereunder, shall be exempt from taxation by the State of West Virginia or any county, district or municipality thereof.

§17-17-33. Same -- Creation of mortgage lien.

In the event bonds, or other evidences of indebtedness, issued under the provisions of this act are not secured by a mortgage or deed of trust on the bridge acquired from the sale of such bonds, or other evidences of indebtedness, there shall be, and there is hereby, created a statutory mortgage lien upon the bridge and approaches so acquired or constructed from the proceeds of bonds, or other evidences of indebtedness, authorized to be issued, which shall exist in favor of the holder of said bonds, and each of them, and to and in favor of the holder of the coupons attached to said bonds, and such bridge and approaches thereto shall remain subject to such statutory mortgage lien until payment in full of the principal and interest of said bonds, or other evidences of indebtedness. Any holder of bonds, or other evidences of indebtedness, issued under the provisions of this act, or of any coupons representing interest accrued thereon, may, either at law or in equity, enforce the statutory mortgage lien hereby conferred, and may, by proper suit, compel the performance of the duties of the officials of the issuing municipality or county court set forth in this act. If there be default in the payment of the principal of and/or interest upon any of said bonds, or other evidences of indebtedness, any court having jurisdiction in any proper action may appoint a receiver to administer said bridge on behalf of the municipality or county court, with power to charge and collect rates sufficient to provide for the payment of said bonds, or other evidences of indebtedness, and interest thereon, and for the payment of the operating expenses and to apply the income and revenues in conformity with this act and the order of ordinance providing for the issuance of said bonds, or other evidence of indebtedness.

§17-17-34. Same -- Retiring bonds; remittance to sinking fund.

Every municipality or county court issuing bonds, or other evidences of indebtedness, under the provisions of this act, shall thereafter, so long as any such bonds or other evidences of indebtedness remain outstanding, operate and maintain its bridge so as to provide, charge, collect and account for revenues therefrom as will be sufficient to pay all operating costs, provide a depreciation fund, retire the bonds or other evidences of indebtedness, and pay the interest requirements as the same may become due. The ordinance or order pursuant to which any such bonds or other evidences of indebtedness are issued shall pledge the revenues derived from the bridge to the purposes aforesaid, and shall definitely fix and determine the amount of revenues which shall be necessary and set apart in a special fund for the bond requirements. The amounts, as and when so set apart into said special fund for the bond requirements, shall be remitted to the West Virginia Municipal Bond Commission at least thirty days previous to the time interest or principal payments become due, to be retained and paid out by said commission consistent with the provisions of this act and the ordinance or order pursuant to which such bonds or other evidences of indebtedness have been issued. Notwithstanding the foregoing, payments of principal and interest on any bonds owned by the United States or any governmental agency or department thereof may be made by the governing body directly thereto.

§17-17-35. Authorization for municipalities to maintain ownership of and continue charging tolls for toll bridges upon the payment of all bonds issued to acquire and construct or refinance the bridge and the interest thereon; permitted use of tolls collected.

Any municipality which owns and operates a toll bridge as of January 1, 1998, may, at the sole discretion of the municipality, and upon adoption of a resolution to such effect by the council of such municipality and subject to the requirements of section thirty-six of this article, retain ownership of the toll bridge and may establish and retain toll charges for the use thereof after all bonds issued for the acquisition and construction of the bridge, all bonds issued to refinance such bonds and all interest on such bonds have been paid or such payment has been provided for by defeasement or otherwise. All such tolls collected after a municipality determines to maintain ownership of a toll bridge and the bonds issued for the acquisition and construction of such bridge or issued to refinance such bonds and all interest thereon have been paid or such payment has been provided for by defeasement or otherwise, shall be applied first to provide a fund sufficient to pay the cost of maintaining, repairing, operating and demolishing such bridge pursuant to section thirty-six of this article, and thereafter, for any legal purpose of the municipality. Collected tolls remaining after providing for the payment of the cost of maintaining, repairing, operating and demolishing such bridge may be pledged or otherwise encumbered to effectuate any municipal purpose.

§17-17-36. Maintenance of bridges retained by municipalities after repayment of indebtedness thereon; inspections by commissioner; bridge maintenance fund.

(a) Prior to a municipality retaining ownership of a bridge pursuant to section thirty-five of this article, the municipality shall notify the commissioner in writing of its intent to do so. Upon receipt of such notice, the commissioner shall make an initial inspection of the bridge to determine what repairs, replacements, improvement and additions are necessary to place the bridge in a safe and efficient condition for use of the public, cause an estimate of the cost of such and shall also provide an estimate of the amount of funds required annually to maintain the bridge after completion of initial improvements. The commissioner shall appoint an engineer to inspect the bridge and to consult and assist the commissioner in making findings. The cost of the engineer's service shall be paid by the municipality.

(b) The municipality shall make the improvements to the bridge that are determined to be necessary by the commissioner. The commissioner may make periodic inspections during construction of improvements and at the completion of any improvement project. The commissioner shall report on each inspection to the municipality and include identification of any deficiencies with recommended action to correct the deficiencies. The municipality shall reimburse the commissioner for inspections and reports.

(c) The municipality shall establish a separate fund, designated as the "bridge maintenance fund". Proceeds in the fund shall be expended for the purpose of improvements and maintenance of the bridge in a safe and efficient condition for use by the public. Upon the initial inspection of the bridge by the commissioner pursuant to subsection (a) of this section, the municipality shall deposit in the fund an amount equal to the estimate of the commissioner for the costs of the initial improvements to the bridge made pursuant to subsection (a) of this section. Upon completion of the initial improvements, the municipality shall maintain an adequate balance of moneys in the fund sufficient to maintain the bridge annually, as determined by the commissioner pursuant to subsection (a) of this section.

§17-17-37. Transfer of toll bridge to county.

Notwithstanding any provision of this code to the contrary, in the event the municipality which owns and operates a toll bridge does not retain ownership of the bridge under the provisions of section thirty-five of this article, the county commission of the county in which the municipality is located has the option to take over the ownership and operation of the bridge. The commissioner of the Division of Highways shall notify the county commission in writing when the opportunity to exercise the option exists. The county commission has ninety days from receipt of the notification to exercise its option. If the county commission decides to assume the ownership and control of the bridge, it shall comply with all applicable provisions of this article that are imposed on a municipality that chooses to retain ownership of a toll bridge.


§17-17A-1. Purpose and scope.

This article is intended to facilitate the acquisition of right-of-way for, the construction of, the reconstruction of and the improvement or repair of any interstate or other highway, secondary road, bridge and toll road to be funded wholly or in part by amounts to be made available pursuant to the Federal Surface Transportation Assistance Act of one thousand nine hundred eighty-two, or from amounts to be made available pursuant to any other federal legislation, or from amounts specifically appropriated or dedicated therefor by the state, or from amounts which may be properly expended from the State Road Fund under article three, chapter seventeen of this code. This article authorizes notes, in an aggregate amount of outstanding notes not to exceed $500 million, to be issued to provide financing for such projects in anticipation of reimbursement from such sources, but such notes will be special obligations of the state only, and will not be general obligations of the state or secured by any claim on the general credit or taxing powers of the state.

§17-17A-2. Definitions.

As used in this article, the following words and terms shall have the following meaning:

"Commissioner" means the West Virginia commissioner of highways.

"Cost," when used with respect to any surface transportation improvement, means any and all costs of acquiring, constructing, reconstructing, replacing, completing or repairing any surface transportation improvement, including without limiting the generality of the foregoing, land, property, rights, franchises, materials, labor and services, contractors' fees, planning and engineering expenses, financing costs, legal fees, trustees' or paying agents' fees and interest on obligations issued under this article.

"Note" means any note or other obligation issued pursuant to this article.

"Outstanding note" means a note which has been issued pursuant to this article and has not been repaid, but does not include notes which are to be paid from designated moneys or securities which are irrevocably held in trust solely for such purpose.

"Surface transportation improvement" means any interstate or other highway, secondary road, bridge and toll road construction, reconstruction, improvement or repair, as to which all or a portion of the cost thereof is to be reimbursed to the state under federal legislation.

§17-17A-3. Authorization of notes.

The commissioner is hereby authorized to pay the cost of any surface transportation improvement through the issuance of special obligation notes. No such notes may be issued, however, unless they are part of an issue described in a written declaration executed by the Governor and the commissioner and filed in the office of the Secretary of State.

Except in the case of renewal notes, the proceeds of such notes shall be used solely for the payment of the cost of the surface transportation improvements which they were issued to finance, which shall be verified by the commissioner and under such further restrictions, if any, as may be provided. If the proceeds of such notes, by error or calculation or otherwise, shall be less than the cost of the related surface transportation improvements, additional notes may in like manner be issued to provide the amount of such deficit, and unless otherwise provided in the trust agreement hereinafter mentioned, shall be deemed to be of the same issue and shall be entitled to payment from the same sources, without preference or priority of the notes first issued for the same related surface transportation improvements. If the proceeds of notes issued for any related surface transportation improvements shall exceed the cost thereof, the surplus shall be applied to the payment, purchase or redemption of such notes.

Such notes shall be executed by the Governor and the commissioner, under the great seal of the state, attested by the facsimile signature of the Secretary of State, and the coupons, if any, attached thereto shall be authenticated by the facsimile signature of the commissioner. The Governor and the commissioner may execute such notes by their facsimile signatures, but, unless provision has been made for the authentication thereof by a trustee determined to be responsible by the commissioner, each note shall bear at least one manual signature.

Prior to the preparation of definitive notes, the Governor and the commissioner may under like restrictions issue temporary notes with or without coupons, exchangeable for definitive notes upon the issuance of the latter. Such notes may be issued without any other proceedings, or the happening of any other conditions or things than those proceedings, conditions and things which are specified and required by this article or by the Constitution of the state.

§17-17A-4. Establishment of terms and sale of notes; financial advisor.

The description contained in any declaration with respect to an issue of notes hereunder shall specify the particular surface transportation improvements to be financed through the issuance of the notes, the estimate of the cost of such improvements, the aggregate amount of outstanding notes which may at any point in time constitute a part of such issue, the time or times and manner of sale of such notes, and the particular terms of such notes, or the manner in which such terms will be determined, including the date or dates, time or times of issuance, time or times and amount or amounts of maturity or maturities, specified or variable rate or rates of interest, the form of such notes and provisions for registration or exchange, if applicable, the method and manner of payment of such notes, the provisions, if any, for redemption or renewal of such notes, and specifying such other similar matters as the commissioner may determine to be necessary and appropriate in connection with the sale and issuance of the notes.

The notes of an issue described in any such declaration shall be sold in such manner, at such price or prices and on such terms and conditions as no less than three members of the five- member group, comprised of the treasurer, the Auditor, the commissioner of finance and administration, the Tax Commissioner and the commissioner, determines to be in the best interest of the state, taking into account the financial responsibility of the purchaser and the terms and conditions of purchase and especially the availability of the proceeds of the notes when needed to pay the cost of the related surface transportation improvements. Such five-member group shall serve as financial advisor and upon the determination of no less than three members, as aforesaid, may retain professional financial assistance for such purpose.

§17-17A-5. Security for notes; trust agreements.

In connection with any issue of notes hereunder, the commissioner may pledge or assign, as security for the payment of the principal of or interest on such notes, any of the following:

(a) Any amounts to be received from the United States of America, or any agency or instrumentality thereof, as reimbursements of the costs incurred in connection with the surface transportation improvements to be financed by such notes, together with the rights and interests of the state with respect to such reimbursement;

(b) Any amounts in the state road fund which may properly be applied to the reimbursements of any such costs pursuant to article three of this chapter;

(c) The proceeds of any such notes pending their use or of notes which may be issued to renew or refund such notes;

(d) The proceeds of any insurance or letters of credit or similar arrangements undertaken in connection with the acquisition, construction or financing of such surface transportation improvements;

(e) The proceeds of any tolls, or portions of tolls, charged and collected pursuant to the provisions of sections five-a and five-b of this article that are designated by the commissioner as security for the payment of the principal of or interest on notes issued for the purposes described in section five-a of this article; and

(f) Any other amounts specifically designated for the purpose of paying any such costs, but only to the extent appropriated by the Legislature and paid from general revenues prior to such pledge or dedicated for such purpose by the Legislature from proprietary revenues of the state.

Any such pledge or assignment shall be valid and binding from the time it is made, and the lien of such pledge or assignment shall be enforceable and need not be perfected by delivery or any filing or further act. Such lien shall be valid against all parties having claims of any kind in tort, contract or otherwise, irrespective of whether such parties have notice of the lien of such pledge or assignment.

The commissioner may enter into an agreement or agreements with any trust company or with any bank having the power of a trust company, either within or outside of the state, as trustee for the holders of notes issued hereunder, setting forth therein such duties of the state and of the commissioner in respect of the acquisition and construction of surface transportation improvements, the conservation and application of all moneys, the insurance of moneys on hand or on deposit, and the rights and remedies of the trustee and the holders of the notes, as may be agreed upon with the original purchasers of such notes, and including therein provisions restricting the individual right of action of holders as is customary in such trust agreements to protect and enforce the rights and remedies of the trustee and the holders. All expenses incurred in carrying out such agreement may be treated as a part of the cost of construction of the surface transportation improvements affected by the agreement.

§17-17A-5a. Use of tolls for construction, maintenance, repair and operating costs; use of tolls to pay special obligation notes.

For highway projects described in section five-b of this article that are constructed after May 1, 1999, the commissioner of highways is hereby authorized to fix, revise, charge and collect tolls for transit over the highway projects and the different parts or sections thereof. The tolls shall be fixed and adjusted so that the aggregate of tolls from the project or projects provide a fund sufficient with other revenues, if any, to pay: (1) The cost of constructing, maintaining, repairing and operating such project or projects; and (2) the principal of and the interest on any notes issued to finance the project or projects as the same shall become due and payable, and to create reserves for such purposes. The tolls shall not be subject to supervision or regulation by any other commission, board, bureau, department or agency of the state. The tolls, except such part thereof as may be necessary to pay such cost of construction, maintenance, repair and operation and to provide such reserves therefor as may be provided for in the notes or in the trust agreement securing the same, shall be set aside at such regular intervals as may be provided in the notes or the trust agreement in a sinking fund which is hereby pledged to, and charged with the payment of: (1) The interest upon such notes as such interest shall fall due; (2) the principal of such notes as the same shall fall due; (3) the necessary charges of paying agents for paying principal and interest; and (4) the redemption price or the purchase price of notes retired by accelerated payment or purchase as therein provided. The use and disposition of moneys to the credit of such sinking fund shall be subject to the provisions of the notes or of the trust agreement. The moneys in the sinking fund, less such reserve as may be provided for in the notes or trust agreement, if not used within a reasonable time for the purchase of notes for cancellation as above provided, shall be applied to the redemption of the notes at the redemption price then applicable.

§17-17A-5b. Designation of class of toll roads.

(a) The commissioner may fix and charge tolls on any road which meets the following criteria:

(1) The road is a fully controlled access, four lane highway; and

(2) The road extends from the border of West Virginia and is a continuation of a fully controlled access four lane highway in the adjacent state; and

(3) The adjacent state charges tolls on its portion of the highway immediately adjacent to West Virginia; and

(4) The West Virginia portion of the highway connects to another fully controlled access four lane highway in West Virginia.

(b) Not less than one hundred eighty days prior to the final decision of the commissioner to charge tolls on any road described in subsection (a) of this section, the commissioner shall provide a report to the Joint Committee on Government and Finance setting forth:

(1) The location and a description of the road;

(2) The provisions of any special obligation notes intended by the commissioner to be secured, in whole or in part, by tolls charged on the road and any related trust agreements;

(3) The anticipated amount of tolls to be charged and the duration of time the commissioner expects tolls to be charged on the road; and

(4) Such other information that may be required by the Joint Committee on Government and Finance.

§17-17A-6. Rights of holders; limitation on liability of state.

The state of West Virginia does hereby pledge to and agree with the holders of any notes issued under this article that the state will not limit or alter the rights hereby vested in the commissioner to fulfill the terms of any agreements made with the holders thereof, or in any way impair the rights and remedies of such holders until such notes, together with the interest thereon, with interest on any unpaid installments of interest, and all costs and expenses in connection with any action or proceeding by or on behalf of such holders, are fully met and discharged. The commissioner is hereby authorized to include this pledge and agreement of the state in any agreement with the holders of such notes.

The holder of any note, or the trustee therefor, shall have the right to bring suit for the payment of such note or to compel the enforcement of any agreement securing such note to the extent therein provided. Such notes shall be special obligations of the state, payable solely from the sources herein provided, and shall not be a general obligation debt or liability of the state or constitute any claim on its general revenues or taxing power. Neither the commissioner nor any other officer of the state executing notes or other agreements hereunder shall have any personal liability thereon or be subject to personal accountability therefor.

§17-17A-7. Legality for investment; tax exemption.

The notes are hereby made securities in which all insurance companies and associations, and other persons carrying on an insurance business, all banks, bankers, trust companies, building and loan associations, savings and loan associations, investment companies and other persons carrying on a banking business, and other persons, except administrators, guardians, executors, trustees and fiduciaries, who are now or who may hereafter be authorized to invest in bonds or other obligations of the state, may properly and legally invest funds including capital in their control or belonging to them.

The notes and the income therefrom shall at all times be exempt from taxation, except for death and gift taxes, taxes on transfers, sales taxes, real property taxes and business and occupation taxes.



Acts, 1985 Reg. Sess., Ch. 152.


§17-17B-1 Short title; legislative findings and purpose.

(a) This article may be known and cited as the "State Transportation Infrastructure Fund Program.

(b) The Legislature finds and declares that new financing mechanisms will provide greater flexibility and additional funds for needed transportation infrastructure projects in the state. The creation of a financing mechanism, in conformance with the federal State infrastructure bank program, will enable the state, counties and municipalities to use federal and state highway funds to construct transportation projects eligible for assistance under the federal State infrastructure bank program.

§17-17B-2. Definitions.

As used in this article, the following words and terms shall have the following meaning:

(1) "Capitalized" means depositing funds as initial capital into a State Transportation Infrastructure Fund to establish the infrastructure fund.

(2) "Commissioner" means the West Virginia Commissioner of Highways.

(3) "Cooperative agreement" means written consent between the state and the United States Department of Transportation Secretary.

(4) "Department" means the West Virginia Department of Transportation.

(5) "Division" means the Division of Highways, a division within the West Virginia Department of Transportation.

(6) "Initial assistance" means the first round of funds that are loaned or used for credit enhancement by the State Transportation Infrastructure Fund for projects eligible for assistance under this section.

(7) "Loan" means any form of direct financial assistance from the infrastructure fund that is required to be repaid over a period of time and that is provided to a project sponsor for all or part of the costs of the project.

(8) "US DOT Secretary" means the United States Department of Transportation Secretary.

§17-17B-3. Purpose and scope.

(a) There is hereby created in the State Treasury the West Virginia State Transportation Infrastructure Fund. The special fund shall be a revolving fund, to be administered by the commissioner and used for the purposes described in this article. The fund consists of certain federal and state highway funds and other funds eligible for deposit under applicable federal law, payments received by the division in connection with the State Transportation Infrastructure Fund, investment earnings on money in state transportation infrastructure fund accounts, and other funds as may be provided by law. Separate accounts may be established within the State Transportation Infrastructure Fund if required for its proper administration. The account shall retain all earnings and interest, and may not be expired into the General Revenue Fund at the end of the fiscal year.

(b) The Commissioner of Highways shall use the State Transportation Infrastructure Fund to make loans to municipalities, counties, state agencies and quasi-state government agencies for eligible transportation projects. For purposes of this article, a project is an "eligible transportation project" and is "eligible for assistance" when it complies with the eligibility criteria established in the National Highway System Designation Act of 1995, Public Law 104-59, Section 350. Initial assistance provided with respect to a project from federal funds deposited into an infrastructure fund under this article may not be made in the form of a grant.

§17-17B-4. Authority to enter into agreements.

The loans shall be made upon such terms as the commissioner shall determine, including secured and unsecured loans, and in connection with the secured and unsecured loans. The commissioner may enter into loan agreements, subordination agreements and other agreements; accept notes and other forms of obligation to evidence the indebtedness, and mortgages, liens, pledges, assignments or other security interest to secure the indebtedness, which may be prior or subordinate to or on a parity with other indebtedness, obligations, mortgages, pledges, assignments, other security interests or liens or encumbrances, and take such actions as are appropriate to protect the security and safeguard against losses, including foreclosure and the funds for other projects.

§17-17B-5. Enforcement of provisions by commissioner; rules.

It is the function and duty of the Commissioner of Highways to administer and enforce the provisions of this article, and in the performance of duties hereunder, the commissioner may assign to other employees in the department, such duties as he or she may deem proper. The commissioner may propose rules for legislative approval in accordance with the provisions of article three, chapter twenty-nine-a of this code relating to the implementation and exercise of the authority granted by this article, including rules permitting the State of West Virginia to comply with the provisions of Title 23, Chapter 6 of the United States Code relating to the federal State infrastructure bank program; and for receiving, reviewing, evaluating and selecting projects for which financial assistance will be approved.


§17-18-1. Discontinuance of ferry by disuse.

Every ferry established and not discontinued before this code takes effect may continue to be kept. But if any such ferry, or any ferry that may hereafter be established, be disused for two years and six months, and any part of such time be after this code takes effect, it shall, by reason of such disuse, be ipso facto discontinued, without any judicial or other proceeding for that purpose.

§17-18-2. Establishment of ferry -- Application; notice.

A person desiring to establish a ferry across any watercourse, whether it be a stream bounding the state or not, who owns or has contracted for the use of land at the point at which he wishes to establish the same, may present his application for the privilege to the county court of the county, or either of the counties, in or from which he desires to establish such ferry. But notice that the application has been presented, or of the intention to present the same, shall be posted at the front door of the courthouse, and three other public places in the district, in or from which such ferry is proposed, three weeks at least before the application is acted upon.

§17-18-3. Same -- View of ferry site.

The county court, after notice has been given as aforesaid, shall appoint two or more viewers, or a committee of their own body, to view the place and report the advantages and disadvantages which, in their opinion, will result, as well to individuals as to the public, from the proposed ferry, and the facts and circumstances that may be useful to enable the court to determine whether the ferry ought to be established or not. The expenses of the proceeding shall be ascertained by the court and paid by the applicant. When proper, they shall cause notice of the pendency of such application to be given, in such manner as they may direct, to the parties interested, or any of them.

§17-18-4. Same -- Decision on application; regulations for ferries.

Upon such report, and on any other proper evidence, the court may reject the application, or may, unless the watercourse at such place be the division line between two counties, grant leave to establish such ferry, and prescribe, subject to revision and alteration by the Public Service Commission, the number of hands and the number and kind of boats to be kept, and the rates of ferriage for persons and things at the same.

§17-18-5. Same -- Ferry where watercourse is county boundary.

If, however, the watercourse be such division line, and the court be of opinion that the application ought to be granted, they shall certify such opinion to the county court of the other county, with the number of hands and the number and kind of boats, and the rates of ferriage, which they deem proper at the same, subject to revision and alteration by the Public Service Commission. The applicant may then apply to the county court of such other county, after notice therein as prescribed in section two of this article, and such court, upon the report already made, and any other proper evidence, may reject the application or grant the same on the terms prescribed by the other court.

§17-18-6. Unauthorized ferry generally.

If any person or corporation shall, without having obtained the privilege to do so, as provided in the four next preceding sections, establish, keep or maintain a ferry over any watercourse, on or over which another ferry has been legally established, or shall keep a boat or other watercraft with a hand or hands generally ready to transport or carry any person, horse, carriage, wagon, cart or other thing, whether for reward or not, or shall for compensation furnish, hire or loan to another any boat, skiff or other watercraft, to be used for ferrying any person or thing over such watercourse, every person so offending shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined for each offense not less than twenty-five nor more than $200. And if the owner or occupant of any land bordering on any such stream shall suffer or permit another person who is keeping or maintaining any such ferry, or who is keeping such boat or other watercraft with such hand or hands with the object or for the purpose aforesaid, to use any part of the land so owned or occupied by him as a landing for such ferry, boat or other watercraft, he shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, on conviction, fined as aforesaid. And the owner or keeper of every such ferry, not legally established as aforesaid, and every person who shall keep such boat or watercraft as aforesaid, and the owner or occupier of any such land as aforesaid, shall moreover be liable to the owner or lessee of any ferry legally established over such watercourse for all damages he may sustain by reason of the unlawful keeping or maintaining of any such ferry, boat or watercraft on any such watercourse. But no ferry privileges or franchises shall preclude the erection of bridges over any watercourse, or entitle the owner of such privileges or franchises to damages in case of the erection of a bridge or bridges over any watercourse.

§17-18-7. Operation of private boats.

The preceding section shall not be construed to prevent a person from going across any watercourse in his own boat, or taking therein his own property, or the members of his own family, or persons in his employment; nor to prevent a merchant or miller from carrying across a watercourse in his own boat, without reward therefor, any person bona fide engaged in the actual transportation to or from his store, mine, or mill, of grain, coal, timber or other produce.

§17-18-8. Forfeiture for unlawful transportation.

In the case of a watercourse over which there is a lawfully established ferry, if any person, his horse or carriage, be unlawfully transported for reward over such watercourse, the person so transporting the same shall forfeit $20 to the proprietor of such ferry over such watercourse as is nearest to the place of such transportation.

§17-18-9. Ferry wharves and landings -- Generally.

The proprietor of every ferry shall have a convenient wharf or landing made so as to be firm and dry. He shall also put up and maintain, at or near each landing of his ferry, a good and sufficient bell, conveniently hung and provided with a rope or other fixture for ringing the same; and he shall ferry persons or things from the point to which, as well as from the point from which, the ferry is established and receive therefor the rates established at such ferry.

§17-18-10. Same -- Establishment of wharf at public landing; regulation of and limitations on such wharf.

Any person desiring the privilege of erecting a wharf at or on any public landing, not a part of a state road, may present a petition to the county court of such county for such privilege; but notice of the petition, or of his intention to present the same, shall be posted at the front door of the county courthouse and at three public places in the district in which it is proposed to erect such wharf, three weeks at least before the petition is acted upon. Such court upon petition and notice may grant such privilege upon such conditions and limitations, and fix such rates and charges for wharfage, as it sees fit, subject to revision and alterations by the Public Service Commission. But it may at any time afterwards, upon ten days' notice to the owner of such wharf, or his tenants, revoke such privilege or alter such conditions or limitations, subject to the regulatory power of said commission.

§17-18-11. Same -- Wharf or pier on land along watercourse; abatement of wharf obstructing navigation.

Any person owning land upon a watercourse may erect a wharf on the same, or a pier or bulkhead in such watercourse, opposite his land, provided the navigation be not obstructed thereby, and provided such wharf, pier or bulkhead shall not otherwise injure the rights of any person. But the county court of the county in which such wharf, pier or bulkhead shall be, after causing ten days' notice to be given to the owner thereof of its intention to consider the subject, if it be satisfied that such wharf, pier or bulkhead obstructs the navigation of the watercourse, or so encroaches on any public landing as to prevent the free use thereof, may abate the same.

§17-18-12. Duty to have boats and hands at ferry within six months after order establishing it; cessation of rights.

If any person to whom leave may be granted to establish a ferry shall not, within six months thereafter, have at such ferry the number and kind of boats, and the number of hands prescribed by the order granting such leave, he shall not, after such six months, have any rights under such order.

§17-18-13. Ferry permit or license; certificate, bond, duties and hours of ferryman; night service; number of boats and hands.

The proprietor of every ferry shall keep at the same the number and kind of boats, and the number of competent hands prescribed by the order under which such ferry has been or shall be established, or by the order of the Public Service Commission. And it shall be unlawful for the proprietor of any ferry, or any person renting or leasing the same, at any ferry now established, or which may hereafter be established, on the watercourses of West Virginia or along the Ohio River, to engage in the business of ferryman, until he shall have obtained a permit or license from the county court, city, village or town council, or other tribunal in lieu thereof. Before such permit or license shall be granted, the applicant shall present to the authorities vested with the power to grant the same a certificate of good moral character, sober and temperate habits, with the requisite qualifications of a ferryman, together with a bond made payable to the State of West Virginia, in such penalty as the county court, city, village or town council, or other tribunal in lieu thereof, may fix, and with good security to be approved by the same, conditioned for the faithful performance of all duties required by law of such ferryman. And he shall promptly obey the summons given him by the ringing of such ferry bell, and ferry all persons and property during the hours which the county court, city, village, or town council, or other tribunal in lieu thereof, or the Public Service Commission, shall prescribe for the daily ferrying, and he shall also ferry any messenger going for a physician or surgeon, and ferry any physician or surgeon going to or returning from professional calls, also mail carriers and telegraph couriers, at all hours, whenever required to do so, when the rivers are in a condition to ferry over, for which night service, after the usual hours prescribed for daily ferrying, he shall be entitled to double the daily rate of compensation.

§17-18-14. Posting rates.

The Public Service Commission may require the proprietor of a ferry to keep conspicuously posted at each landing a list of the rates lawfully chargeable at such ferry.

§17-18-15. Prepayment of ferriage; unlawful ferriage.

The proprietor of any ferry may require lawful ferriage to be paid previously to a passage over his ferry. But if there be demanded at any such ferry more than is lawful, the proprietor shall forfeit to the party aggrieved so much as is illegally demanded and a further sum of not less than two nor more than $15.

§17-18-16. Prompt passage; ferries from railroad stations.

If at any ferry there be a failure to give any person or property a passage over the same in a reasonable time, the proprietor thereof shall forfeit to such person not less than two nor more than $20. The owner or lessee of any ferry across a river between any city, town or village and a railroad depot or station, whether his ferryboat be propelled by steam or not, shall, whenever it can reasonably be done, cause such boat to be at the landing on the side on which such depot or station is on the arrival of each passenger train on such railroad, or within five minutes after such arrival, for the accommodation of passengers arriving on such train who may desire to cross such river, whether the arrival of such train be in the day or night, unless there be a bridge across such river at or near such ferry. He shall also, whenever it can reasonably be done, carry all persons desiring to take passage on any such train and their baggage across such river in time to enable them to do so before the departure of such train. Any owner or lessee of a ferry who shall fail to comply with the requirements of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined $50 for every such offense; and any party injured by such failure shall be entitled to recover therefor from such owner or lessee all damages sustained thereby.

§17-18-17. Ferries across Shenandoah River.

The county court of any county in the State of West Virginia, through which the Shenandoah River runs, may establish on and across said river not more than three free ferries; and such ferries shall be provided with sufficient landings and boats, and such attendants for the boats, as may be necessary to accommodate public travel. The court shall pay all expenses of establishing such ferries, and of providing and maintaining the necessary boats and attendants therefor, out of the county treasury.

§17-18-18. Interference by ferries in another state.

Any owner or occupier, or the agent of an owner or occupier, of a ferry on the shore of another state opposite or within two miles of a ferry established under the laws of this state across such river, who shall ferry from the shore of such river within this state, whether for or without reward, any person, horse, carriage, cattle, sheep, hogs or other stock, and carry the same across such river to the shore of such other state, without the consent of the proprietor of the ferry so established under the laws of this state, shall, for every such offense, forfeit to such proprietor $10.

§17-18-19. Offenses and penalties; termination of ferry privilege.

Any proprietor of a ferry, or any ferryman, who shall violate any provision of this article, which makes the violation thereof a crime without specifying the grade or fixing the penalty, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not less than ten nor more than $20; and, moreover, if the proprietor of any ferry fail in any respect to comply with any section of this article, the county court in which such ferry is established may adjudge and declare all his privileges in respect to such ferry at an end, after first causing such proprietor to be summoned to show cause against such order.


§17-19-1. Prohibited signs, etc.; removal at owner's expense.

No person shall paint, mark, post, tack, nail, or otherwise affix any sign, advertisement, notice, picture, drawing, emblem, poster, printing, or writing, other than those placed and maintained in pursuance of law, on or to any stone, rock, tree, fence, stump, post, pole, building, or other structure, which is in or upon the right-of-way of any public road or highway, including the road or highway itself, except that the commissioner may provide for suitable road signs, danger signals and other signs of informational nature. No such sign or other marking shall be suspended over the right-of-way of any public road or highway. These prohibitions include, but are not limited to, such devices which are intended to invite or draw attention of the public to the candidacy of any person for any public office; and any such device which exists in violation of the provisions of this section shall constitute prima facie evidence that the person whose candidacy appears thereon violated this section: Provided, however, That the installation and/or maintenance of newspaper, postal or mailboxes shall not be prohibited or affected by this section.

Any person violating this section, whether as principal, agent, or employee, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not less than $25 nor more than $100; and such person shall be deemed guilty of a separate offense for each day during any portion of which any violation of this section is committed or continued. Every such prohibited sign or other marking is hereby declared to be a public nuisance. Upon receiving notice of any violation of this section, the commissioner shall cause the prohibited sign or other marking to be removed within ten days and shall cause the appearance of the property on which it was affixed to be restored, as near as may be practicable, to its condition immediately before such violation occurred. The commissioner shall, in the name of the state, recover from the persons who hereafter violate this section the amounts expended by the state in removing the sign or other marking and in restoring the appearance of the property on which it was affixed.

The commissioner is empowered to remove any such prohibited sign or other marking in place upon or over any road taken over by him for construction or maintenance.

§17-19-2. Travel on road under construction or closed to traffic; injury to road work, equipment or materials.

Any person who shall ride or drive upon any new roadbed or new repairs of any roadbed constructed or being constructed by or under the supervision of the state road commission or any county court before the same is open for traffic, and any person who shall remove any light or guard set up for the purpose of closing such road, or any part thereof, to traffic, and any person who shall otherwise maliciously injure or damage in any manner any road or highway built under the provisions of this chapter, either in the course of its construction or thereafter, or who shall maliciously injure or damage any work, equipment, material or structure used in connection therewith, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, on conviction thereof, shall be fined not more than $100, or imprisoned not more than three months, or, in the discretion of the court, may be both fined and imprisoned.

§17-19-3. Offenses affecting bridges.

Whoever shall obstruct or cause to be obstructed any walk or driveway to or upon any public bridge, or shall loiter upon or about the entrance to the same, or in anywise interfere with the gatekeeper or passengers upon such bridge, unless he be an officer acting in the discharge of his duty, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined $10.

§17-19-4. Solicitations, assessments and receipts for political party funds by commission or personnel thereof unlawful.

It shall be unlawful for any commission member, the commissioner or any employee thereof, acting individually or by or through any organization, committee, corporation or other program or agency, to plan, promote, encourage or participate in any manner in the contribution, solicitation, assessment or receipt of any money, donation, contribution or gift of any kind or character for political party campaign or fund purposes or uses, when such money, donation, contribution or gift arises from, is related to, is measured by or is in any manner identified with a percentage, aliquot or fractional part or all of the daily, monthly or other salary, wages, pay or compensation of personnel and employees of the commission. A violation of the provisions of this section shall be cause for employment termination and dismissal of any commission member, the commissioner or employee guilty thereof and every such violation shall constitute a misdemeanor offense, upon conviction of which the guilty person shall be fined not exceeding $100 or imprisoned not exceeding thirty days, or be both fined and imprisoned within said limits.



Acts, 1951 Reg. Sess., Ch. 129.



Acts, 1951 Reg. Sess., Ch. 129.



Acts, 1951 Reg. Sess., Ch. 129.

§17-19-8. Unlawful to employ relatives on roads; exception.

It shall be unlawful for any county court, or any county engineer or supervisor, or district road superintendent, to appoint or employ, as a laborer on the public roads, the father, son, son-in-law, grandson, brother, brother-in-law, nephew or first cousin by blood of any member of such court or of such engineer or supervisor or superintendent; provided a sufficient amount of other efficient labor can be secured within the vicinity. Any person violating the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, on conviction thereof, shall be fined not less than ten nor more than $100.



Acts, 1951 Reg. Sess., Ch. 129.



Acts, 1951 Reg. Sess., Ch. 129.

§17-19-11. False affidavit.

Any person who shall make a false affidavit, where an affidavit is required under any of the provisions of this chapter, shall, except as otherwise provided, be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not exceeding $1,000, or confined in the county jail not exceeding one year, or, in the discretion of the court of justice, both fined and imprisoned.

§17-19-12. Unlawful display of insignia of motor club.

It shall be unlawful for any person to display upon a motor vehicle in this state the insignia or emblem of any motor vehicle club or similar organization, unless he shall be entitled to use the same under the Constitution, bylaws, rules or regulations of such club or organization. Any person violating the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not less than $10 nor more than $50.

§17-19-13. Miscellaneous offenses.

If any person, by himself or agent, without lawful authority so to do, shall destroy, injure or deface any of the guideboards, milestones or posts, parapets, walks, culverts, bridges, masonry of any kind, gates belonging to or forming a part of a public road, or tollhouses in connection with a bridge authorized by law to receive tolls thereon; or who shall wilfully break down or destroy any bench or log placed across a stream for the accommodation of travelers; or who shall injure any statue, monument, chair or other seat, or lamp or lamppost, constructed on or being in any way connected with a public road, space or part, or any railing or fencing erected for public use, or inclosing any such space or park, or any railing, posts or guards along a public road for the protection of travel thereon, or any walk or crossing for foot passengers; or who shall obstruct or injure any public road or ditch made for the draining thereof, or any of its sewers, curbing, gutters, drains or culverts; or who shall place or leave in a public road any ashes, cinders, earth, stone or other material, obstructive to the travel and use of such road; or who shall place or leave in any public road any vehicle or conveyance of any kind, or any kind of implement, so as to interfere with travel thereon; or who shall divert any stream of water from its regular course or channel so as to injure or endanger a public road; or who shall connect any road with a public road in such manner as to impede the flow of water in the ditches or gutters thereof or obstruct or impede travel hereon; or who shall throw or place, or cause to be thrown or placed, on any public road, any tacks, nails, scrap metal, glass, crockery, wire or other substance injurious to the feet of persons or animals, or the tires of vehicles; or who shall remove, injure or destroy any material or equipment used or intended for use in the construction, reconstruction, repair or maintenance of any public road; or who shall kill a tree and leave it standing within fifty feet of any public road; shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not less than ten nor more than $50, and shall moreover be liable to the state road commission, county court or individual, as the case may be, for any injury caused by such act.

The term "public road," as used in this section, shall include any street, alley or public highway.



Acts, 1951 Reg. Sess., Ch. 129.



Acts, 1961 Reg. Sess., Ch. 133.

§17-19-14. Offense and punishment when not specifically defined or fixed.

Any person violating any of the provisions of this chapter, where such provisions make the violation thereof a crime without specifying the grade or fixing the punishment, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not less than five nor more than $50.

§17-19-15. Concurrent jurisdiction of justices over misdemeanors.

Justices of the peace shall have concurrent jurisdiction with the circuit, criminal and intermediate courts to enforce the misdemeanor penalties prescribed by this chapter.


§17-20-1. Roadside memorial markers authorized.

Notwithstanding any provision of section one, article nineteen of this chapter to the contrary, the commissioner of highways is authorized to propose legislative rules for promulgation in accordance with the provisions of chapter twenty-nine-a of this code providing for the placement of memorial markers or other tributes within state highway rights-of-way to memorialize people who have died as a result of vehicle related accidents.

§17-20-2. Roadside memorial marker criteria.

(a) Legislative rules proposed pursuant to section one of this article shall provide for the placement of markers in a manner that increases public awareness of highway safety and promotes the safe use of the highways and their rights-of-way. The rules shall prescribe circumstances under which:

(1) Memorial markers may be placed near to where a fatal accident occurred, considering available space, property owner complaints or other constraints; and

(2) Decorations, flowers or other memorial ornaments or tributes may be placed on the right-of-way by family members.

(b) Notwithstanding any provision of the rules to the contrary, the commissioner may direct or cause the removal of any memorial marker or tribute from a state highway right-of-way, without notice, upon the determination by the commissioner that the removal is necessary for construction, maintenance, safety or other purpose. The state of West Virginia, its agencies and subdivisions, and their officers and employees shall not be liable for any claims arising as a result of the removal of a marker or tribute.




Acts, 1951 Reg. Sess., Ch. 129.


§17-22-1. Legislative finding.

The Legislature hereby finds and declares: (a) That outdoor advertising is a legitimate, commercial use of private property adjacent to roads and highways; (b) that outdoor advertising is an integral part of the business and marketing function and an established segment of the national economy which serves to promote and protect private investments in commerce and industry; and (c) that the erection and maintenance of outdoor advertising signs, displays and devices in areas adjacent to federal-aid interstate and primary highways should be regulated in order to protect the public investment in such highways, to promote the recreational value of public travel, to preserve natural beauty and to promote the reasonable, orderly and effective display of such signs, displays and devices.

The Legislature further finds and declares that fiscal actualities reflect that the people of the State of West Virginia would suffer economically if the state failed to participate fully in the allocation and apportionment of federal-aid highway funds, more specifically that a reduction in federal-aid highway funds would necessitate increased local taxation to support and maintain the highway program and system, and that it is the intention of this bill, among other things, to provide a statutory basis for regulation of outdoor advertising consistent with the public policy relating to areas adjacent to federal-aid interstate and primary highways declared by the Congress of the United States, in Title 23, United States Code, and that the economic benefit resulting from full participation in the federal highway program would constitute a benefit to the community as a whole.

§17-22-2. Definitions.

As used in this article:

The word "sign" shall mean any structure erected for advertising purposes upon which any poster, bill, printing, writing, drawing, painting, or advertising material of any kind or character whatsoever, may be placed, posted, painted, tacked, nailed, glued or otherwise fastened, affixed or displayed.

The word "display" shall mean any poster, bill, printing, writing, drawing, painting, or advertising material of any kind or character whatsoever, designed and intended to draw the attention of the public to any goods, merchandise, property, real or personal, business service, entertainment or amusement, produced, bought, sold, conducted, furnished, or dealt in by any person, which is placed, posted, painted, tacked, nailed, glued or otherwise affixed or fastened to any advertising sign or structure, or otherwise displayed outdoors.

The word "device" shall mean any card, cloth, paper, metal or wooden advertising emblem or sign of any kind or character, which is posted, stuck, glued, tacked, nailed, painted or otherwise fastened or affixed to or upon any fence, post, tree or thing other than an advertising sign or structure.

"Person" shall include an individual, partnership, association, or corporation.

§17-22-3. Certain outdoor advertising prohibited; when removal required.

Except as provided in this article, no outdoor advertising sign, display, or device shall be erected or maintained within six hundred and sixty feet of the nearest edge of and visible as to informative content from the right-of-way of any road within the state road system designated and classified for purposes of allocation of federal highway funds as part of the federal-aid interstate or primary systems: Provided, however, That no outdoor advertising sign, display or device lawfully in existence adjacent to the federal-aid interstate or primary systems on September 1, 1965, which does not conform to the requirements of this article, shall be required to be removed until July 1, 1970: Provided further, That no other sign, display, or device lawfully erected which does not conform to the requirements of this article shall be required to be removed until the end of the fifth year after such sign, display or devices becomes nonconforming.

§17-22-4. General restrictions as to outdoor advertising.

The following restrictions shall apply to all advertising signs, displays and devices erected and maintained adjacent to any roads within the state road system, including federal-aid interstate and primary roads.

(1) No advertising sign shall be erected or maintained which involves rapid motion or rotation of the structure or any part thereof: Provided, That an advertising sign that does involve motion or rotation which is not rapid to effect changeable messages shall be permitted in accordance with legislative rules to be proposed by the Division of Highways of the Department of Transportation in accordance with the provisions of article three, chapter twenty-nine-a of this code;

(2) No advertising display or device shall use the word "stop" or "danger" or present or imply the need or requirement of stopping or the existence of danger;

(3) No advertising sign, display or device shall be a copy or imitate a traffic sign or other official sign;

(4) No advertising display or device shall attempt or purport to direct traffic;

(5) No advertising sign shall contain lighting which is not shielded and any lighting shall be of such low intensity as not to cause glare or impair the vision of the operator of any motor vehicle;

(6) No advertising display or device shall be illuminated by any rapid flashing, intermittent light or lights;

(7) No advertising display or device shall be painted, affixed or attached to any natural feature;

(8) No advertising sign, display or device shall hinder the clear, unobstructed view of approaching or merging traffic or obscure from view any traffic sign or other official sign;

(9) No advertising sign, display or device shall be so located as to obscure the view of any connecting road or intersection;

(10) No advertising sign, display or device shall be erected, outside of any municipality, within five hundred feet of any church, school, cemetery, public park, public reservation, public playground or state or national forest except markers for underground utility facilities;

(11) No advertising sign, the permit for which has been applied for subsequent to December 31, 2003, that is composed of stacked sign faces, one on top of the other, on the same structure, facing the same direction, each having more than three hundred square feet is permitted;

(12) No advertising device which is composed of separate sign faces in a side by side formation, on the same structure, facing the same direction, each having an area of more than three hundred square feet is permitted;

(13) No advertising device, the permit for which has been applied for subsequent to December 31, 2003, which contains a sign facing a single direction may have an area greater than six hundred seventy-two square feet: Provided, That cutouts and extensions which expand the area may be allowed to the extent the area is expanded by no more than thirty percent of its original permitted configuration;

(14) No more than one sign structure is permitted at a location.

§17-22-5. Payment of compensation upon removal of advertising signs, displays or devices.

Just and full compensation shall be paid upon the removal of any outdoor advertising signs, displays or devices, required by the provisions of section three of this article, which are (i) lawfully in existence at and upon the effective date hereof or (ii) lawfully in existence on or after the effective date hereof adjacent to any highway which shall be designated or redesignated as a part of the federal-aid interstate or primary systems or (iii) lawfully erected after the effective date hereof. Such compensation shall be paid for the following: (a) The taking from the owner of such sign, display or device of all right, title and interest in and to the sign, display or device and of the leasehold or other interest if any, related thereto; and (b) the taking from the owner of the real property on which the sign, display or device is located, of the right to lease, erect and maintain such signs, displays and devices thereon.

§17-22-6. Purchase or condemnation; powers of Commissioner of Highways; payment to claimants.

The Commissioner of Highways is hereby authorized and empowered to make acquisition of all of the property rights and interest specified in section five of this article by purchase at private sale or, in the event he is unable to do so, by proceeding in eminent domain. Upon any such taking or acquisition pursuant to the provisions of this article, just and full compensation for the sign and leasehold interest shall be paid directly to the owner thereof, and just and full compensation for the loss of the right to erect and maintain signs shall be paid directly to the owner of the affected real property. In any condemnation proceeding involving such taking or acquisition by the state, the commissioners or jury shall ascertain the compensation to which the owner of the sign and leasehold interest is entitled, separate and apart from the compensation to which the owner of the real property is entitled, as provided and authorized in section eighteen, article two, chapter fifty-four of this code.

§17-22-7. Exceptions to prohibited signs; standards for excepted signs.

The provisions of section three of this article shall not apply to the following: (a) Directional and other official signs and notices required or authorized by law, including, but not limited to, signs and notices pertaining to natural wonders, farm wineries, mini-distilleries, scenic and historical attractions, which such signs and notices shall conform to standards respecting lighting, size, number, spacing and such other appropriate requirements as may be designated and specified by the Secretary of Transportation of the United States: Provided, That the Commissioner of Highways shall not establish any standards respecting lighting, size, number, spacing and other appropriate requirements which are stricter than such standards designated and specified by the Secretary of Transportation of the United States; (b) signs, displays and devices advertising the sale or lease of property upon which they are located; and (c) signs, displays and devices advertising activities conducted on the property on which they are located, including markers of underground utility facilities.

§17-22-8. Exempted areas; agreements between Commissioner of Highways and United States Secretary of Transportation.

In order to promote the reasonable, orderly and effective display of outdoor advertising while remaining consistent with the purposes of this article, signs, displays and devices, whose size, lighting and spacing shall be determined by agreement between the Commissioner of Highways of West Virginia and the Secretary of Transportation of the United States, may be erected and maintained within six hundred sixty feet of the nearest edge of the right-of-way of federal-aid interstate or primary roads, within areas zoned industrial or commercial, or in unzoned commercial or industrial areas, as may be determined by agreement between the Commissioner of Highways of West Virginia and the Secretary of Transportation of the United States: Provided, That any such agreement shall contain a definition of unzoned commercial or industrial areas which reflects existing conditions in this state, such as, without limiting the foregoing, existing land use, availability of land for urban development, topography and accepted zoning practices now prevailing in this state. Any agreement between the Commissioner of Highways and the Secretary of Transportation relating to size, lighting and spacing shall reflect customary usage in this state. Any agreement between the Commissioner of Highways and the Secretary of Transportation defining unzoned commercial or industrial areas, or relating to size, lighting and spacing, shall be no more restrictive than necessary to secure to this state any federal aid contingent upon compliance with federal laws, or federal rules and regulations relating to outdoor advertising, and shall be subject to amendment or rejection by the Legislature of West Virginia: Provided, however, That the terms of any such agreement shall be no more restrictive than those included in any other similar agreement made by the Secretary of Transportation and other states: Provided further, That such agreement shall provide for its modification and amendment in the event and to the extent that the Secretary of Transportation and any other state shall thereafter agree to any provisions which shall be less restrictive. The provisions of this section shall not apply to signs, displays and devices referred to in clauses (b) and (c), section seven of this article.

§17-22-9. Signs, displays and devices providing information for the traveling public; location.

Signs, displays and devices giving specific information in the interest of the traveling public may be erected and maintained, pursuant to agreement between the Commissioner of Highways and the Secretary of Transportation, within the rights-of-way of highways within the federal-aid interstate system, at appropriate distances from interchanges on such interstate system.

§17-22-10. Special fund.

There is hereby created a special fund, to the credit of which shall be paid such funds as, from time to time, may be appropriated by the Legislature and all federal funds allocated and distributed to the State of West Virginia in implementation of the provisions of Title 23, United States Code, relating to outdoor advertising, to be administered by the Commissioner of Highways in the enforcement and carrying out of the provisions of this article.

§17-22-11. Enforcement of provisions by commissioner; rules and regulations.

It shall be the function and duty of the Commissioner of Highways to administer and enforce the provisions of this article, and in the performance of his or her duties hereunder, he or she may assign to division engineers, and other employees in his or her department, such duties as he or she may deem proper. The commissioner is hereby authorized and empowered to promulgate rules and regulations implementing the provisions of this article, including rules and regulations permitting the State of West Virginia to comply with the provisions of Title 23, United States Code, relating to the payment of bonuses for the regulation of outdoor advertising adjacent to the interstate system and the terms and provisions of any agreement heretofore entered into pursuant to law by and between the Commissioner of Highways of West Virginia and the Secretary of Commerce of the United States relating to the payment of such bonuses, any provisions of this article to the contrary notwithstanding.

§17-22-12. Territory to which article applies; entries for examinations and surveys.

The territory under the jurisdiction of the commissioner for the purposes of this article shall include all of the state. The commissioner and all employees under his direction, in the performance of their functions and duties under the provisions of this article, may enter into and upon any land upon which advertising signs are standing or upon which displays or devices are exhibited and make such examinations and surveys as may be relevant.

§17-22-13. Licenses required; application; expiration; exceptions; revocations; judicial review.

No person shall engage or continue in the business of outdoor advertising in this state without first obtaining a license for outdoor advertising from the commissioner; and no person shall construct, erect, operate, use, maintain, lease or sell any outdoor advertising sign, display or device in this state without first obtaining a license from the commissioner. The commissioner shall charge an annual license fee in the amount of $125, payable in advance, for licensees obtaining up to twenty permits. Licensees, including subsidiaries and affiliates, obtaining twenty-one or more permits shall pay an annual fee of $1,000, payable in advance. Applications for licenses, or renewal of licenses, shall be made on forms furnished by the commissioner and shall contain any pertinent information required by the commissioner and shall be accompanied by the annual fee. Licenses granted under this section expire on June 30 of each year and shall not be prorated. Applications for the renewal of licenses shall be made not less than thirty days prior to the date of expiration. Nothing in this section shall be construed to require any person to obtain a license who constructs, erects, operates, uses or maintains an on-premise sign, display or device solely on his or her own property at the location of the advertised business and within limitations established in rules authorized by section eleven of this article and promulgated in accordance with state law. The Commissioner of Highways, in his or her discretion, may propose for promulgation an emergency rule as provided in article three, chapter twenty-nine-a of this code that clarifies, explains or implements limitations or restrictions on the construction, erection, operation, use and maintenance of outdoor advertising signs, displays and devices. With the prior written approval of the Commissioner of Highways, a county commission may enact and enforce outdoor advertising ordinances which place limitations or restrictions on outdoor advertising signs, displays or devices which are in addition to or more restrictive than the limitations or restrictions provided by the Commissioner of Highways in the emergency rule on this subject.

The commissioner may, after thirty days' notice in writing to the licensee, make and enter an order revoking any license granted by him or her upon repayment of a proportionate part of the license fee, in any case where he or she finds that any material information required to be given in the application for the license is knowingly false or misleading or that the licensee has violated any of the provisions of this article, unless the licensee, before the expiration of said thirty days, corrects the false or misleading information and complies with the provisions of this article. The order shall be accompanied by findings of fact and conclusions of law upon which the order was made and entered. Any person adversely affected by an order made and entered by the commissioner is entitled to judicial review of the order. The judicial review shall be in the circuit court for the county in which the owner of the sign has his or her principal place of business in this state, or in the circuit court of Kanawha County if all parties agree. The judgment of the circuit court is final unless reversed, vacated or modified on appeal to the Supreme Court of Appeals of West Virginia. Legal counsel and services for the commissioner in appeal proceedings in any circuit court and the Supreme Court of Appeals shall be provided by the Attorney General or his or her assistants, and in appeal proceedings in any circuit court by the prosecuting attorney of the county as well, all without additional compensation. The commissioner may employ special counsel to represent the commissioner in a particular proceeding.

§17-22-14. Bond of out-of-state licensee.

No such license as is provided for in section thirteen of this article shall be granted to any person not residing in this state or to any person having his principal place of business outside the state, or which is incorporated outside the state, until such person shall have furnished and filed with the commissioner a bond payable to the state, with surety approved by the commissioner and in form approved by the Attorney General, in the sum of 2,500, conditioned that such licensee shall fulfill all the requirements of law and observe and obey all requirements of this article. Such bond shall remain in full force and effect so long as any obligations of such license to the state shall remain unsatisfied. All sums received from the forfeiture of any bond or bonds required by this section shall be deposited in the special fund created in section ten of this article and such sums shall be administered as provided by said section ten.

§17-22-15. Permit required for each sign, etc.; applications; refusal of permits; expiration and renewal; change of advertising copy; revocation; fee; judicial review.

(a) Except as in this article otherwise provided, no person shall construct, erect, operate, use, maintain or cause or permit to be constructed, erected, operated, used or maintained any advertising sign, display or device without first obtaining a permit for the advertising sign, display or device from the commissioner and paying the annual fee for the advertising sign, display or device as provided in this section. The commissioner shall not issue a permit to any person who has not obtained the license provided for in section thirteen of this article.

(b) A separate application for a permit shall be made for each separate advertising sign, display or device, on a form furnished by the commissioner, the application shall be signed by the applicant or his or her representative duly authorized in writing to act for him or her and shall describe and set forth the size, shape and the nature of the proposed advertising sign, display or device and its actual or proposed location with sufficient accuracy to enable the commissioner to locate and identify it. Every application for a changeable message sign shall be accompanied by a fee of $500, which shall be retained by the commissioner if the permit is issued. Every application for all other signs shall be accompanied by a fee of $20 for each advertising sign, display or device, which shall be retained by the commissioner if the permit is issued. In addition, a nonrefundable inspection fee of $75 shall be charged for each proposed location along interstate and federal-aid primary highways. A nonrefundable inspection fee of $25 shall be charged for each proposed location along all other public roads. An annual permit renewal fee, not to exceed $60 per permit, shall be charged for renewal of each changeable message sign. Permit renewal fees for all other signs shall be established by legislative rule not to exceed $25 per permit annually. Each portion of an advertising sign upon which a display is posted or exhibited constitutes a separate advertising sign for purposes of this section. If the permit is refused, the commissioner shall make and enter an order to that effect and shall cause a copy of the order to be served on the applicant by certified mail, return receipt requested, and shall refund one-half the fee to the applicant. The order shall be accompanied by findings of fact and conclusions of law upon which the order was made and entered. Each application shall be accompanied by an affidavit of the applicant or his or her agent that the owner or other person in control or possession of the real property upon which the advertising sign, display or device is to be constructed, erected, operated, used or maintained has consented to having the advertising sign, display or device on his or her property. Application shall be made in like manner for a permit to operate, use or maintain any existing advertising sign, display or device. Permits issued under this section expire on June 30 of each year and shall not be prorated and may be renewed upon the payment of a renewal fee as provided in this section. No application is required for a renewal of a permit.

(c) For all signs other than changeable message signs, if more than one side of an advertising sign is used for advertising, a permit application or renewal fee for each side is required. One permit application or renewal fee shall be charged for each changeable message sign. Advertisements sculptured in the round shall be treated as using three sides.

(d) The holder of a permit, during the term of the permit, has the right to change the advertising copy of the structure or sign for which it was issued without payment of any additional fee.

(e) The commissioner may, after thirty days' notice in writing to the permittee, make and enter an order revoking any permit issued by him or her under this section upon repayment of a proportionate part of the fee in any case where it shall appear to the commissioner that the application for the permit contains knowingly false or misleading information or that the permittee has violated any of the provisions of this article, unless the permittee shall, before the expiration of the thirty days, correct the false or misleading information and comply with the provisions of this article. The order shall be accompanied by findings of fact and conclusions of law upon which the order was made and entered. If the construction, erection, operation, use or maintenance of any advertising sign, display or device for which a permit is issued by the commissioner and the permit fee has been paid as provided for in this section is prevented by any zoning board, commission or other public agency which also has jurisdiction over the proposed advertising sign, display or device, or its site, the fee for the advertising sign, display or device shall be returned by the commissioner and the permit revoked. But one-half the fee shall be considered to have accrued upon the erection of an advertising sign or structure or the display of advertising material followed by any inspection by the commissioner or his or her representatives.

(f) Any person adversely affected by an order made and entered by the commissioner refusing to grant or revoking a permit is entitled to judicial review of the order. The judicial review shall be: (1) In the county in which the person applying for the permit has his or her principal place of business in this state; or (2) in the circuit court for the county in which the sign for which the permit is sought is to be located; or (3) in the circuit court of Kanawha County if all parties agree. The judgment of the circuit court is final unless reversed, vacated or modified on appeal to the Supreme Court of Appeals of West Virginia. Legal counsel and services for the commissioner in appeal proceedings in any circuit court and the Supreme Court of Appeals shall be provided by the Attorney General or his or her assistants, and in appeal proceedings in any circuit court by the prosecuting attorney of the county as well, all without additional compensation. The commissioner may employ special counsel to represent the commissioner in a particular proceeding.

§17-22-16. Permit identification number for signs; fastening to signs.

Every permit issued by the commissioner shall be assigned a separate identification number and each permittee shall fasten to each advertising sign or device and each advertising display not posted on an advertising sign a label or marker not larger than two inches by six inches, which shall be furnished by the commissioner, and on which shall be plainly visible the permit number, the expiration date of the permit and the name of the permittee. Permittees shall be charged $5 for each label or marker issued. The construction, erection, operation, use or maintenance of an outdoor advertising sign, display or device without having affixed to it a label or marker shall be prima facie evidence that it has been constructed or erected and is being operated, used or maintained in violation of the provisions of this article.

§17-22-17. Removal of signs, etc., after expiration or revocation of permit.

All outdoor advertising signs, displays, or devices shall be removed by the permittee within thirty days after the date of the expiration or revocation of the permit for the same. Any permittee failing to remove any such advertising sign, display, or device within said thirty days shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor. The provisions of this section shall not apply to signs, displays or devices required to be removed pursuant to the terms and provisions of sections three, five, six and eight of this article.

§17-22-18. Removal, defacing, etc., signs lawfully within highway limits.

Any person who willfully or maliciously displaces, removes, destroys or injures a mile-board, milestone, danger-sign, signal, guide-sign, guidepost, highway sign, or historical marker or any inscription thereon, lawfully within or adjacent to a highway, or who in any manner paints, prints, places, puts or affixes any advertisement upon or to any rock, stone, tree, fence, stump, pole, mile-board, milestone, danger-sign, guide-sign, guidepost, highway sign, historical marker, building or other subject lawfully within the limits of any highway, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, shall be punished accordingly.

§17-22-19. Consent of property owner for erection.

No person shall construct, erect, operate, use or maintain any outdoor advertising sign, display, or device without the permission of the owner or other person in lawful possession or control of the property on which such sign, display, or device is located.

§17-22-20. Disposition of fees.

All moneys received by the commissioner under the provisions of sections thirteen and fifteen of this article shall be paid by him into the special fund created in section ten of this article and such moneys shall be administered as provided in said section ten.

§17-22-21. Prohibited signs not to be allowed by other agencies, etc.

No zoning board or commission nor any other public officer or agency shall permit any advertising sign, display, or device which is prohibited under the provisions of this article, nor shall the commissioner permit any advertising sign, display, or device which is prohibited by any other public board, officer or agency in the lawful exercise of its or their powers.

§17-22-22. Penalties; signs in violation of article declared nuisance; abatement.

Any person, violating any provision of this article, whether as principal, agent or employee, for which violation no other penalty is prescribed, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not less than $50 nor more than $500; and such person shall be deemed guilty of a separate offense for each month during any portion of which any violation of this article is committed, continued or permitted. The erection or maintenance of any outdoor advertising sign, display, or device in violation of any provision of this article is hereby declared to be a public nuisance, and in addition to other remedies provided in this chapter, the state road commissioner or the prosecuting attorney of the county in which such sign, display, or device is located may apply to the circuit court, or other court of competent jurisdiction of the county wherein such sign, display, or device is located, for an injunction to abate such nuisance.

The provisions of this section shall not be deemed to prevent the payment of just compensation for signs, displays or devices required to be removed under sections three, five, six and eight of this article.

§17-22-23. Availability of funds to compensate for required removal of signs, etc.

Notwithstanding any other provision of this article to the contrary, no outdoor advertising sign, display or device shall be removed under the provisions of sections three, five, six or eight of this article unless at the time of such removal there are sufficient funds in the special fund created by section ten of this article to pay the affected parties the just and full compensation required to be paid under the provisions of sections five and six of this article.

§17-22-24. Effective date.

The provisions of this article shall take effect on January 1, 1968.

§17-22-25. Separability.

The terms of this article are declared to be separable; and should any word, phrase, sentence or section be declared unconstitutional or otherwise invalid, the remainder of this article shall not thereby be affected, but shall remain in full force and effect.


§17-23-1. Legislative finding.

The Legislature hereby finds and declares that the establishment, operation, maintenance and use of salvage yards in areas adjacent to state roads, including federal-aid interstate and primary roads, is unsightly, visually offensive, depresses the value of the public investment in such roads, detracts from the safety and recreational value of travel thereon and destroys natural beauty, and therefore should be controlled in order to protect the public investment in such highways, to promote the safety and recreational value of public travel thereupon, and to preserve natural beauty.

§17-23-2. Definitions.

As used in this article:

"Abandoned salvage yard" means any unlicensed salvage yard or any salvage yard that was previously licensed but upon which the license has not been renewed for more than one year.

"Commissioner" means the Commissioner of the West Virginia Division of Highways.

"Fence" means an enclosure, barrier or screen constructed of materials or consisting of plantings, natural objects, or other appropriate means approved by the commissioner and located, placed, or maintained so as effectively to screen, at all times, salvage yards and the salvage therein contained from the view of persons passing upon the public roads of this state.

"Occupied private residence" means a private residence which is occupied for at least six months each year.

"Owner or operator" includes an individual, firm, partnership, association or corporation, or the plural thereof.

"Regional distribution and dismantling center" means a facility that removes usable vehicle parts and offers them for resale through a national supply network. The regional distribution and dismantling center (i) does not receive vehicles from individuals; (ii) removes useable parts and stores said parts in an onsite warehouse facility; (iii) removes and processes all fluids and tires from the vehicles; and, (iv) stores the remainder of the vehicle in the confines of the screened property prior to being rotated out of the inventory.

A regional distribution and dismantling center is not a salvage yard as defined in this section.

"Residential community" means an area wherein five or more occupied private residences are located within any 1,000-foot radius.

"Salvage" means old or scrap brass, copper, iron, steel, other ferrous or nonferrous materials, batteries, or rubber and any junked, dismantled or wrecked machinery, machines or motor vehicles or any parts of any junked, dismantled or wrecked machinery, machines or motor vehicles.

"Salvage yard" means any place which is maintained, operated or used for the storing, keeping, buying, selling, or processing of salvage, or for the operation and maintenance of a motor vehicle graveyard: Provided, That no salvage yard shall accept, store or process more than 100 waste tires unless it has all permits necessary to operate a monofill, waste tire processing facility or solid waste facility. Any salvage yard which currently has on its premises more than 100 waste tires not on a vehicle must establish a plan in conjunction with the Department of Environmental Protection for the proper disposal of the waste tires.

"Waste tire" means any continuous solid or pneumatic rubber covering designed to encircle the wheel of a vehicle but which has been discarded, abandoned, or is no longer suitable for its original, intended purpose nor suitable for recapping, or other beneficial use, as defined in §22-15A-2 of this code, because of wear, damage or defect. A tire is no longer considered to be suitable for its original intended purpose when it fails to meet the minimum requirements to pass a West Virginia motor vehicle safety inspection. Used tires located at a commercial recapping facility or tire dealer for the purpose of being reused or recapped are not waste tires.

"Waste tire monofill or monofill" means an approved solid waste facility where waste tires not mixed with any other waste are placed for the purpose of long-term storage for eventual retrieval for marketing purposes.

"Waste tire processing facility" means a solid waste facility or manufacturer that accepts waste tires generated by sources other than the owner or operator of the facility for processing by such means as cryogenics, pyrolysis, pyroprossing cutting, splitting, shredding, quartering, grinding or otherwise breaking down waste tires for the purposes of disposal, reuse, recycling or marketing.

§17-23-3. License required; issuance; fee; renewal; disposition of fees.

No salvage yard or any part thereof shall be established, operated or maintained without a state license. The commissioner shall have the sole authority to issue such a state license, and he or she shall charge therefore a fee of $200 payable annually in advance. No license shall be issued to any salvage yard that contains more than one hundred waste tires which are not mounted on wheels on vehicles or machines unless the salvage yard has received a license, permit or approval from the Division of Environmental Protection for storage, use or processing of waste tires or has entered into an agreement with the Division of Environmental Protection for the proper disposal of the waste tires. All licenses issued under this section shall expire on January 1, following the date of issuance. A license may be renewed from year to year upon paying the commissioner the sum of $200 for each renewal. All renewal license fees collected under the provisions of this article shall be deposited in the special fund provided for in section ten of this article.

§17-23-4. Areas where establishment prohibited; screening requirements; existing licensed yards; approval permit required; issuance; county planning commission criteria satisfied; fee.

(a) On and after the effective date of this article: (1) No license may be issued to establish a salvage yard, or any part thereof, within 1,000 feet of the nearest edge of the right-of-way of any road within the state road system designated and classified or redesignated and reclassified as expressway, trunkline or feeder, or any road within the state road system designated and classified or redesignated and reclassified for purposes of allocation of federal highway funds as part of the federal-aid interstate or primary systems: Provided, That this limitation may not apply to landfills established and maintained by the state or any county or municipality if such landfill is effectively screened and obscured by natural objects, plantings, fences or other appropriate means so as not to be visible from the main traveled way of the system; and (2) no license may be issued to establish a salvage yard, or any part thereof, within 500 feet of the nearest edge of the right-of-way of any state local service road, unless the view thereof from such state local service road shall be effectively screened and obscured by fences: Provided, however, That this limitation may not apply to landfills established and maintained by the state or any county or municipality if the landfill is effectively screened and obscured by natural objects, plantings, fences or other appropriate means so as not to be visible from the main traveled way of the system; and (3) no license may be issued allowing a salvage yard within 1,000 feet of the nearest occupied private residence, unless waived by the owner of such residence, or within 5,000 feet of the nearest occupied private residence which is part of a residential community. The provisions of this paragraph, as amended, shall apply only to salvage yards licensed after April 1, 1988.

(b) The license of any salvage yard duly issued under the former provisions of this article, which salvage yard, or any part thereof, on the effective date of this article, is: (1) Within 1,000 feet of the nearest edge of the right-of-way of any road within the state road system designated and classified or redesignated and reclassified as expressway, trunkline or feeder, or any road within the state road system designated and classified or redesignated and reclassified for purposes of allocation of federal highway funds as part of the federal-aid interstate or primary systems; or is (2) within 500 feet of the nearest edge of the right-of-way of any state local service road; or is (3) within 1,000 feet of the nearest occupied private residence or within 5,000 feet of the nearest occupied private residence which is part of a residential community, may be renewed only if the view of the said salvage yard, and all parts thereof, are effectively screened from the adjacent road by natural objects, plantings, fences or other appropriate means, or a waiver is obtained from the owner of an occupied private residence. The provisions of this paragraph, as amended, shall apply only to salvage yards licensed after April 1, 1988.

(c) Any salvage yard which, on the effective date of this article, is duly licensed under the former provisions of this article may be established or continue to be operated and maintained without screening by natural objects, plantings, fences or other appropriate means so long as any part of such salvage yard is: (1) Not located within 1,000 feet of any road within the state road system designated and classified, or redesignated and reclassified as expressway, trunkline or feeder, or any road within the state road system designated and classified or redesignated and reclassified for the purposes of allocation of federal highway funds as part of the federal-aid interstate or primary systems; or is (2) not located within 500 feet of the nearest edge of the right-of-way of any state local service road; or is (3) not located within 1,000 feet of the nearest residence or within 5,000 feet of the nearest occupied private residence which is part of a residential community. Notwithstanding any other provision of this section to the contrary, ownership of a salvage yard duly licensed under the former provisions of this article and continuously maintained and licensed since July 1, 1998, may be sold or otherwise transferred, and the salvage yard is eligible for relicensure and may continue to be operated under the same legal requirements that would have been applicable had the change in ownership not occurred.

(d) On or after July 1, 1984, any owner or operator establishing, operating or maintaining a salvage yard for which a license is required under the provisions of this article, is hereby required to first obtain an approval permit from the county planning commission, or if the county does not have a county planning commission, from an appropriate office or agency designated by the county commission, in which the salvage yard is located. The county planning commission, or designated agency or office, shall promulgate such reasonable rules including, but not limited to, determining the effect of the proposed salvage yard on residential, business or commercial property investment and values, establishing a quota for the number of salvage yards in the county, and the social, economic and environmental impact on community growth and development in utilities, health, education, recreation, safety, welfare and convenience, if any, before issuing such approval permit. These rules shall conform to guidelines established in rules promulgated by the commissioner. The fee for the approval permit shall be $25, payable upon the filing of the application on forms to be designated and approved by the county planning commission or designated office or agency.

(e) Upon the granting of an approval permit by the county planning commission, the owner or operator shall then apply to the commissioner for a license to operate. The commissioner may issue a license to the applicant, but only after an approval permit has issued in the first instance and the location of the salvage yard is in compliance with the location requirements of §17-23-4 of this code. The approval permit requirement of this section does not apply to any owner or operator who has established, or is operating or maintaining, a salvage yard prior to July 1, 1984.

(f) A regional distribution and dismantling center may qualify for a specialized regional distribution and dismantling license from the Commissioner of the Division of Highways under this article provided that the regional distribution and dismantling center is not visible within 1,000 feet of the nearest edge of the right-of-way of an interstate highway or federal-aid primary highway and it obtains approval of, and is permitted by, the county commission as provided in this section.

§17-23-5. Requirements as to fences.

Fences shall be kept in good order and repair and no advertisement shall be permitted thereon other than the name of the licensee and the nature of the business conducted on the premises. The height, location, construction, planting, size and composition of any sign or advertisement and maintenance of fences, living or otherwise, shall conform to such rules and regulations as are promulgated with respect thereto by the commissioner.

§17-23-6. Payment of costs of screening.

The costs of screening by fences shall be paid by the salvage yard owner or operator: Provided, That if in the opinion of the commissioner, such screening cannot be accomplished by the usual and ordinary methods, the commissioner may determine and pay such additional costs as are necessary and required to provide effective screening.

§17-23-7. Exempt areas in municipalities.

The provisions of this article shall not apply to salvage yards or any parts thereof within municipalities situated in areas zoned industrial, nor to salvage yards or any parts thereof situated in areas within municipalities not zoned industrial but which the commissioner determines are used for industrial activities. The provisions of section four of this article shall not apply to salvage yards within municipalities in existence on the effective date of this article but not required to be licensed under the former provisions of this article, if the view of said salvage yards is effectively screened from the adjacent road by fences.

§17-23-8. Authority of commissioner to remove or purchase certain yards; restrictions on relicensing at location where yard terminated.

Whenever a salvage yard is so situated that it or any part thereof is or shall be required to be effectively screened by fences as provided in section four of this article, and the said salvage yard or any part thereof cannot, in the opinion of the commissioner, be effectively screened by fences to comply with the provisions of this article, so that the owner or operator of the salvage yard cannot lawfully continue to operate and do business in compliance with the terms hereof, or if a salvage yard has been abandoned, then and only in such events, the commissioner, in addition to all other powers herein conferred, may (1) with the consent of said owner or operator pay the cost of removal of all salvage and equipment from such salvage yard to such other location as the said owner or operator may direct whereon a salvage yard business may be conducted in compliance with the provisions of this article, or (2) purchase at private sale or acquire by proceeding in eminent domain, in accordance with the provisions of chapter fifty-four of this code, all such property rights and interests, other than title to real property, as are necessary and required to effect a lawful termination of the salvage business conducted on any such salvage yard, or on any part thereof.

If any salvage yard at any location is terminated under the provisions of this section or by court order as provided in section nine of this article, the commissioner shall not thereafter license any salvage yard at any such location if such location or any part thereof is (1) within one thousand feet of the nearest edge of the right-of-way of any road within the state road system designated and classified or redesignated and reclassified as expressway, trunkline or feeder, or any road within the state road system designated and classified or redesignated and reclassified for purposes of allocation of federal highway funds as part of the federal-aid interstate or primary systems or (2) within five hundred feet of the nearest edge of the right-of-way of any state local service road unless and until the view of such salvage yard or any part thereof from such state local service road is screened by fences as provided in this article.

§17-23-9. Violations declared public nuisance; abatement; injunctions; penalties.

The establishment, operation or maintenance of a salvage yard or any part thereof in violation of any provision of this article is hereby declared to be a public nuisance, and the commissioner or the prosecuting attorney of the county in which such salvage yard or any part thereof is located shall apply to the circuit court or other court of competent jurisdiction of the county in which said salvage yard or any part thereof is located, for an injunction to abate such nuisance. The court shall have authority to hear and decide such questions and grant injunctions or such other relief as the court may deem proper.

Any person violating any provision of this article, whether as principal, agent or employee, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not less than $100 nor more than $1,000; and such person shall be guilty of a separate offense for each month during a portion of which any violation of this article is committed, continued or permitted: Provided, however, That in the event of an appeal from any such conviction, the period between the date a notice of appeal is filed and the date of the final order of the court last considering the appeal shall not be considered a period of continuing in violation of this article.

§17-23-10. Special fund.

There is hereby created a special fund, to the credit of which shall be paid such funds as may from time to time be appropriated by the Legislature, all funds received from licenses issued under section three of this article and all federal funds allocated and distributed to the State of West Virginia in implementation of the provisions of Title 23, United States Code, relating to junkyards (salvage yards), to be administered by the commissioner in the enforcement and carrying out of the provisions of this article.

§17-23-11. Rules and regulations.

To implement the provisions of this article, the commissioner is hereby authorized and empowered to promulgate rules and regulations in accordance with the provisions of chapter twenty-nine-a of this code.

§17-23-12. Certain other code provisions inapplicable.

The provisions of section seven, article twelve, chapter eleven, and article thirteen-a, chapter eleven of this code, shall not apply to salvage yards covered by the provisions of this article.

§17-23-13. Severability.

If any provision of this article or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is held unconstitutional or invalid, such unconstitutionality or invalidity shall not affect other provisions or applications of this article, and to this end the provisions of this article are declared to be severable.




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§17-24A-1.  Definitions.

Unless the context clearly indicates a different meaning, as used in this article:

(1) “Commissioner” means the Commissioner of the Division of Highways or his or her designee.

(2) “Abandoned household appliance” means a refrigerator, freezer, range, stove, automatic dishwasher, clothes washer, clothes dryer, trash compactor, television set, radio, air conditioning unit, commode, bed springs, mattress or other furniture, fixtures or appliances to which no person claims ownership and which is not in an enclosed building, a licensed salvage yard or the actual possession of a demolisher.

(3) “Abandoned motor vehicle” means any motor vehicle, or major part thereof, which is inoperative and which has been abandoned on public property for any period over five days, other than in an enclosed building or in a licensed salvage yard or at the business establishment of a demolisher; or any motor vehicle, or major part thereof, which has remained on private property without consent of the owner or person in control of the property for any period over five days; or any motor vehicle, or major part thereof, which is unattended, discarded, deserted and unlicensed and is not in an enclosed building, a licensed salvage yard or the actual possession of a demolisher:  Provided, That a motor vehicle, or major part thereof, is not an abandoned motor vehicle if:  (a) The owner of the motor vehicle is storing the motor vehicle on the owner’s property; (b) the motor vehicle is being stored for the purpose of using its parts on other motor vehicles owned by the owner; (c) the owner owns other motor vehicles similar to the motor vehicle being stored; and (d) the owner is a business licensed to do business in the State of West Virginia and not in the primary business of offering motor vehicles or parts thereof for sale.

(4) “Abandoned antique motor vehicle” means a vehicle that qualifies as both an abandoned motor vehicle and an antique motor vehicle.

(5) "Antique motor vehicle" means a vehicle that was manufactured more than twenty-five years before the current date.

(6) “Demolisher” means any person licensed by the Commissioner of the Division of Highways whose business, to any extent or degree, is to convert a motor vehicle or any part thereof or an inoperative household appliance into processed scrap or scrap metal or into saleable parts or otherwise to wreck or dismantle vehicles or appliances.

(7) The "Division" means the West Virginia Division of Motor Vehicles.

(8) “Enclosed building” means a structure surrounded by walls or one continuous wall and having a roof enclosing the entire structure and includes a permanent appendage thereto.

(9) “Enforcement agency” means any of the following or any combination of the following:

(a) Public law-enforcement officers of this state, including natural resources police officers;

(b) Public law-enforcement officers of any county, city or town within this state; and

(c) The Commissioner of the Division of Highways, his or her duly authorized agents and employees.

(10) “Inoperative household appliance” means a refrigerator, freezer, range, stove, automatic dishwasher, clothes washer, clothes dryer, trash compactor, television set, radio, air conditioning unit, commode, bed springs, mattress or other furniture, fixture or appliance which by reason of mechanical or physical defects can no longer be used for its intended purpose and which is either not serving a functional purpose or use or is not in an enclosed building, a licensed salvage yard or the actual possession of a demolisher.

(11) “Junked motor vehicle” means a motor vehicle, or any part thereof which:  (a) Is discarded, wrecked, ruined, scrapped or dismantled; (b) cannot pass the state inspection required by article sixteen, chapter seventeen-c of this code; and (c) is either not serving a functional purpose or use or is not in an enclosed building, a licensed salvage yard or the actual possession of a demolisher:  Provided, That a motor vehicle, or major part thereof, is not a junked motor vehicle if:  (a) The owner of the motor vehicle is storing the motor vehicle on the owner’s property; (b) the motor vehicle is being stored for the purpose of using its parts on other motor vehicles owned by the owner; (c) the owner owns other motor vehicles similar to the motor vehicle being stored; and (d) the owner is a business licensed to do business in the State of West Virginia and not in the primary business of offering motor vehicles or parts thereof for sale.

(12) “Licensed salvage yard” means a salvage yard licensed under article twenty-three of this chapter.

(13) “Motor vehicle” means a vehicle which is or was self-propelled, including, but not limited to, automobiles, trucks, buses and motorcycles.

(14) “Person” means a natural person, corporation, firm, partnership, association or society and the plural as well as the singular.

(15) “Vehicle Identification Number” means a unique number or mark placed on a vehicle or part thereof by the manufacturer so as to identify it particularly and distinguish the vehicle or part from all other such vehicles or parts.

§17-24A-2. Abandonment of motor vehicle prohibited; inoperative household appliances prohibited in certain places; penalty.

(a) No person may, within this state, abandon a motor vehicle or major part thereof upon the right-of-way of any public highway, upon any other public property or upon any private property without the consent of the owner or person in control of the property, or upon property owned or controlled by that person, unless it be at a licensed salvage yard or at the business establishment of a demolisher, or a business licensed to do business in the State of West Virginia and not in the primary business of offering motor vehicles or parts thereof for sale. Any person who violates any provision of this section is guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be sentenced and fined as set forth below.

(b) No person may, within this state, place or abandon any inoperative household appliance upon the right-of-way of any public highway or upon any other public property; nor may any person, within this state, place or abandon any inoperative household appliance upon any private property unless it be at a licensed salvage yard, solid waste facility, other business authorized to accept solid waste or at the business establishment of a demolisher. Any person who violates any provision of this section is guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be sentenced and fined as set forth below.

(c) Any person who is guilty of a misdemeanor as described in this section and the abandoned motor vehicle, junked motor vehicle, or inoperative household appliance does not exceed one hundred pounds in weight or twenty-seven cubic feet in size is subject to a fine of not less than $50 nor more than $1,000 or, in the discretion of the court, sentenced to perform community service by cleaning up litter from any public highway, road, street, alley or any other public park or public property or waters of the state, as designated by the court, for not less than eight nor more than sixteen hours, or both.

(d) Any person who is guilty of a misdemeanor as described in this section and the abandoned motor vehicle, junked motor vehicle or inoperative household appliance is greater than one hundred pounds in weight or twenty-seven cubic feet in size, but less than five hundred pounds in weight or two hundred sixteen cubic feet, is subject to a fine of not less than $500 nor more than $2,000 or, in the discretion of the court, may be sentenced to perform community service by cleaning up litter from any public highway, road, street, alley or any other public park or public property or waters of the state, as designated by the court, for not less than sixteen nor more than thirty-two hours, or both.

(e) Any person who is guilty of a misdemeanor as described in this section and the abandoned motor vehicle, junked motor vehicle or inoperative household appliance is greater than five hundred pounds in weight or two hundred sixteen cubic feet in size is subject to a fine not less than $2,500 or not more than $25,000 or confinement in jail for not more than one year, or both. In addition, the violator may be guilty of creating or contributing to an open dump as defined in section two, article fifteen, chapter twenty-two of this code and subject to the enforcement provisions of section fifteen of said article.

(f) Any person convicted of a second or subsequent violation of this section is subject to double the authorized range of fines and community service for the subsection violated.

(g) The sentence of litter cleanup shall be verified by natural resources police officers from the Division of Natural Resources or environmental inspectors from the Department of Environmental Protection. Any defendant receiving the sentence of litter cleanup shall provide within a time to be set by the court written acknowledgment from a natural resources police officer or environmental inspector that the sentence has been completed and the litter has been disposed of lawfully.

(h) Any person who has been found by the court to have willfully failed to comply with the terms of a litter cleanup sentence imposed by the court pursuant to this section is subject to, at the discretion of the court, double the amount of the original fines and community service penalties.

§17-24A-3. Authority to take possession of abandoned motor vehicles, junked motor vehicles, and inoperative household appliances.

Any enforcement agency which has knowledge of or discovers or finds any abandoned motor vehicle, junked motor vehicle or inoperative household appliance on either public or private property may take it into its custody and possession. For that purpose, the enforcement agency may employ its own personnel, equipment and facilities or hire persons, equipment and facilities for the purpose of removing, preserving and storing abandoned motor vehicles, junked motor vehicles or inoperative household appliances: Provided, That before taking any abandoned motor vehicle or junked motor vehicle into custody and possession from private property, the enforcement agency shall give the private property owner and the owner of the motor vehicle, if ascertainable, a thirty-day notice by registered or certified mail that the action will be taken unless the motor vehicle is restored to a functional use.

§17-24A-4. Abandoned or junked motor vehicles; notification to motor vehicle owner and lienholder; charges and fees; exceptions.

(a) The enforcement agency which takes into custody and possession an abandoned motor vehicle or junked motor vehicle shall, within fifteen days after taking custody and possession thereof, notify the last-known registered owner of the motor vehicle and all lienholders of record that the motor vehicle has been taken into custody and possession, the notification to be by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested. The notice shall:

(1) Contain a description of the motor vehicle, including the year, make, model, manufacturer’s serial or identification number or any other number which may have been assigned to the motor vehicle by the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles and any distinguishing marks;

(2) Set forth the location of the facility where the motor vehicle is being held and the location where the motor vehicle was taken into custody and possession;

(3) Inform the owner and any lienholders of record of their right to reclaim the motor vehicle within ten days after the date notice was received by the owner or lienholders, upon payment of all towing, preservation and storage charges resulting from taking and placing the motor vehicle into custody and possession; and

(4) State that the failure of the owner or lienholders of record to exercise their right to reclaim the motor vehicle within the ten-day period shall be deemed a waiver by the owner and all lienholders of record of all right, title and interest in the motor vehicle and of their consent to the sale or disposal of the abandoned motor vehicle or junked motor vehicle at a public auction or to a licensed salvage yard or demolisher.

(b) If the identity of the last registered owner of the abandoned motor vehicle or junked motor vehicle cannot be determined or if the certificate of registration or certificate of title contains no address for the owner or if it is impossible to determine with reasonable certainty the identity and addresses of all lienholders, notice shall be published as a Class I legal advertisement in compliance with the provisions of article three, chapter fifty-nine of this code, the publication area shall be the county wherein the motor vehicle was located at the time the enforcement agency took custody and possession thereof and the notice shall be sufficient to meet all requirements of notice pursuant to this article. Any notice by publication may contain multiple listings of abandoned motor vehicles and junked motor vehicles. The notice shall be published within fifteen days after the motor vehicle is taken into custody and possession and shall have the same contents required for a notice pursuant to subsection (a) of this section, except that the ten-day period shall run from the date the notice is published as aforesaid.

(c) An enforcement agency which hires any person or entity to take into custody and possession an abandoned motor vehicle or junked motor vehicle pursuant to this section shall notify the person or entity hired of the name and address of the registered owner of the motor vehicle, if known, and all lienholders of record, if any, within fifteen days after the vehicle is taken into custody and possession: Provided, That the requirements of this subsection shall not apply to motor vehicles for which the registered owner cannot be ascertained by due diligence or investigation.

(d) The person or entity hired by an enforcement agency to take into custody or possession an abandoned motor vehicle or junked motor vehicle shall, within thirty days after the possession, notify the registered owner of the vehicle and all lienholders of record, if any, as identified by the enforcement agency pursuant to subsection (c) of this section, by registered mail, return receipt requested, that the motor vehicle has been taken into custody and possession. The notice shall have the same contents required for a notice pursuant to subsection (a) of this section, including the ten-day period the owner or lienholder has to reclaim the motor vehicle. Upon the issuance of the notice, the identified owner of the motor vehicle is liable and responsible for all costs for towing, preservation and storage of the motor vehicle: Provided, That failure to issue the notice required by this subsection within thirty days after possession of the motor vehicle relieves the identified owner of the motor vehicle of any liability for charges for towing, preservation and storage in excess of the sum of the first five days of the charges: Provided, however, That the requirements of this subsection do not apply to motor vehicles for which the registered owner thereof cannot be ascertained by due diligence or investigation.

(e) For an abandoned motor vehicle or junked vehicle having a loan value of $7,500 or less, as ascertained by values placed upon motor vehicles using a standard industry reference book, a person or entity hired by an enforcement agency to tow the abandoned motor vehicle or junked motor vehicle may, if the motor vehicle is not claimed by the owner or a lienholder after notice within the time set forth in subsection (d) of this section or if the identity of the last registered owner of the abandoned motor vehicle or junked motor vehicle cannot be determined or if the certificate of registration or certificate of title contains no address of the owner or if it is impossible to determine with reasonable certainty the identity and address of all lienholders after publication as set forth in subsection (b) of this section, file an application with the Division of Motor Vehicles for a certificate of title and registration which, upon payment of the appropriate fees, shall be issued. The person or entity may then sell the motor vehicle at private sale or public auction.

(f) A licensed motor vehicle dealer, as defined in section one, article one, chapter seventeen-a of this code, a licensed automobile auction as defined in section one, article six-c, chapter seventeen-a of this code, or a motor vehicle repair facility or a towing company registered with the Public Service Commission pursuant to section two-a, article two, chapter twenty-four-a of this code may file an application with the Division of Motor Vehicles for a certificate of title and registration for an abandoned motor vehicle or junked vehicle. Upon payment of the appropriate fees, the division shall deliver the certificate of title and registration to the applicant, if:

(1) The vehicle has a loan value of $9,500 or less, as ascertained by values placed upon motor vehicles using a standard industry reference book; and

(2) The motor vehicle is abandoned on the property or place of business of the dealer, licensed automobile auction, motor vehicle repair facility or towing company; and

(3) This amount will be increased every five years on September 1 of the fifth year based on the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics most current Consumer Price Index; and

(4) One of the following situations applies:

(A) The identity of the last registered owner of the abandoned motor vehicle cannot be determined; or

(B) The certificate of registration or certificate of title contains no address of the owner; or (C) It is impossible to determine with reasonable certainty the identity and address of all lienholders after publication as set forth in subsection (b) of this section.

(D) The motor vehicle is not claimed by the owner or a lienholder after notice within the time set forth in subsection (d) of this section.

(g) Upon receipt of the certificate of title and registration, the dealer, licensed automobile auction, motor vehicle repair facility or towing company may sell the vehicle at private sale or public auction.

(h) For purposes of this section motor vehicle repair facilities and towing companies are not used motor vehicle dealers as that term is defined by subdivision (2), subsection (a), section one, article six, chapter seventeen-a of this code.

§17-24A-5. Disposal of abandoned motor vehicles, junked motor vehicles, and inoperative or abandoned household appliances.

(a) If an abandoned motor vehicle or junked motor vehicle is not reclaimed as provided for in section four of this article, the enforcement agency in possession of the abandoned motor vehicle or junked motor vehicle shall sell it either at a public auction or to a licensed salvage yard or demolisher. The purchaser of the motor vehicle shall take title to the motor vehicle free and clear of all liens and claims of ownership and shall receive a sales receipt from the enforcement agency which disposed of the motor vehicle. The sales receipt at the sale shall be sufficient title only for purposes of transferring the motor vehicle to a licensed salvage yard or to a demolisher for demolition, wrecking or dismantling and no further titling of the motor vehicle shall be necessary by either the purchaser at the auction, the licensed salvage yard or the demolisher, who shall be exempt from the payment of any fees and taxes required under article three, chapter seventeen-a of this code: Provided, That the purchaser at the auction must place the motor vehicle in the possession of a licensed salvage yard or demolisher within twenty days from the date he or she purchased the motor vehicle and the licensed salvage yards or demolisher must demolish, wreck or dismantle the motor vehicle within six months after taking possession of the motor vehicle and if the licensed salvage yard or demolisher does not, the licensed salvage yard or demolisher shall be required to pay all fees and taxes required under article three, chapter seventeen-a of this code.

(b) When an enforcement agency has in its custody and possession inoperative or abandoned household appliances collected in accordance with section seven of this article it shall sell the property from time to time at public auction or to a licensed salvage yard or demolisher.

§17-24A-6. Proceeds from sale of abandoned motor vehicles, junked motor vehicles, and inoperative household appliances.

From the proceeds of any sale, the enforcement agency which sold the abandoned motor vehicle, junked motor vehicle or inoperative household appliance shall reimburse itself for any expenses it may have incurred in removing, towing, preserving and storing said property and the expenses of conducting any auction and any notice and publication expenses incurred pursuant to this article.

Any remainder from the proceeds of the sale of an abandoned motor vehicle or junked motor vehicle after payment of expenses shall be held for the last registered owner of the motor vehicle or any lienholder for ninety days, after which time, if no owner or lienholder claims the remainder, it shall be deposited in the state road fund.

§17-24A-6a.  Title to abandoned antique motor vehicle; special procedure; notice to owner; fees; criminal penalties.

(a) Application for Title to Abandoned Antique Motor Vehicle. —

(1) A person may apply to the division for ownership and title to an abandoned antique motor vehicle if that person:

(A) Is the owner of private property on which the vehicle is located; or

(B) Has obtained a valid Vehicle Removal Certificate from the division.

(2) The application shall include the following:

(A) The name, address and other contact information of the applicant;

(B)  The year, make, model, Vehicle Identification Number and any other identifying marks on the vehicle:  Provided, That if there is no Vehicle Identification Number, the applicant shall provide all information available or reasonably ascertainable to identify the year, make and model of the vehicle; and

(C) Any other information required by the division.

(3) Upon application for title to an abandoned antique motor vehicle, the applicant shall pay a fee of $100 to the division.

(b) Vehicle Removal Certificate. — In a manner prescribed by the division, a person may apply for a Vehicle Removal Certificate at no fee, by presenting records sufficient to demonstrate to a reasonable degree of certainty that the owner of the private property on which an abandoned antique motor vehicle is located has given the applicant written permission to remove the vehicle from the private property.

(c) Search for Owner and Lienholders; Notice. —

(1) Upon receipt of an application for title to an abandoned antique motor vehicle, the division shall initiate a search for the last owner of the vehicle and any lienholders of record of the vehicle, using the year, make, model, Vehicle Identification Number and any other identifying marks on the vehicle, and, if there is no Vehicle Identification Number, the information provided on the application related to the year, make and model of the motor vehicle that was available to the applicant.  The division shall, at a minimum, search:

(A) Its own records;

(B) The records of a nationally recognized crime database; and

(C) Records of a nationally recognized motor vehicle title database for owner information.

(2) If, in the course of a search, the division discovers that the vehicle has been reported as stolen, the division shall notify the appropriate law-enforcement agency of that fact.

(3) If the division determines the identity and address of the owner and any lienholder, the division shall, by certified mail with return receipt requested, notify the owner and any lienholder of the application for title to the vehicle and the contact information for the owner of the property on which the vehicle is located.  Such notice, when sent in accordance with these requirements, shall be sufficient regardless of whether or not it was ever received.  The owner or lienholder will then have the following options, which shall be detailed in the division’s letter of notice:

(A) Pay a $100 fee to the division, $50 of which shall be awarded to the applicant, and reclaim and remove the vehicle from private property within 30 days of the date of receiving notice at a time and in a manner arranged with the owner of the private property; or

(B) Waives all right, title, and interest in the motor vehicle, and the right, title, and interest in the vehicle shall be transferred to the applicant, free of all liens and encumbrances.

(4) If the division performs a search pursuant to this subsection and the identity and address of the owner cannot be determined with reasonable certainty, the division shall immediately transfer all right, title, and interest in the vehicle to the applicant, free and clear of all liens and encumbrances.

(d) Rules and Forms. —

(1) The division shall promulgate rules necessary to carry out this section, and shall create the following forms:

(A) A form to apply for the title to an abandoned antique vehicle, which shall require an applicant to provide the following information:

(i) The applicant’s legal name and contact information;

(ii) The Vehicle Identification Number: Provided, That if the vehicle does not have a Vehicle Identification Number, the applicant shall follow the procedure set forth in subdivisions (2) and (3) of this subsection;

(iii) The year, make and model of the vehicle;

(iv) The current location of the vehicle; and

(v) The current contact information for the owner of the private property on which the vehicle is located.

(B) A Vehicle Removal Certificate, which shall be issued to a person who presents the records required by subsection (b) of this section and shall require the following information:

(i) The applicant’s legal name and contact information;

(ii) The Vehicle Identification Number: Provided, That if the vehicle does not have a Vehicle Identification Number, the applicant shall follow the procedure set forth in subdivisions (2) and (3) of this subsection;

(iii) The year, make and model of the vehicle;

(iv) The current location of the vehicle; and

(v) The current contact information for the owner of the private property on which the vehicle is located.

(2) If an applicant or person requesting a Vehicle Removal Certificate cannot, after reasonable efforts, determine the Vehicle Identification Number of the vehicle, the person may pay a $100 fee to the West Virginia State Police to inspect the vehicle, determine, in the sole discretion of the division, the year, make and model of the motor vehicle using all information available or reasonably ascertainable and assign the motor vehicle a new Vehicle Identification Number.

(3) If the West Virginia State Police cannot locate a Vehicle Identification Number on an abandoned antique vehicle, the West Virginia State Police shall verify in writing that the vehicle has no Vehicle Identification Number.  The applicant may then present the written verification to the division, which shall then issue a new Vehicle Identification Number for the vehicle pursuant to section twenty, article three, chapter seventeen-a of this code.

(e) Obstruction of removal of vehicle from private property prohibited. — No person shall knowingly interfere with a person who has acquired title to an antique motor vehicle and is reclaiming and removing a vehicle from private property pursuant to the procedures set forth in this section.  Any person violating this subsection is guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined $500.

§17-24A-7. Injunctive relief; additional remedy.

In addition to all other remedies provided for in this article, the Attorney General of this state, the prosecuting attorney of any county where any violation of any provision of this article occurs or any citizen, resident or taxpayer of the county where any violation of any provision of this article occurs may apply to the circuit court, or the judge thereof in vacation, of the county where the alleged violation occurred for an injunction to restrain, prevent or abate the maintenance and storage of abandoned motor vehicles, junked motor vehicles or inoperative household appliances, in violation of any provision of this article.


§17-25-1. Legislative finding.

The Legislature hereby finds that the continued and future success of the coal industry is greatly dependent upon a quality network of roads and highways. Critical market forces make it imperative for such a road system to be constructed and maintained. It is the responsibility of the state and all industry to form a partnership to accomplish this goal. "Industrial roads," for the purposes of this article, may be construed to include a single bridge or combination of bridges.

§17-25-2. Definitions.

(a) "Company" means an individual, partnership or corporation licensed under the laws of the State of West Virginia and engaged in any industrial business.

(b) "Industrial road" means a public road of ten miles or less in length which is vital to transporting of coal, or a road, which upon the designation of the commissioner, is determined to be vital to one or more companies.

(c) "Commissioner" means the commissioner of the department of highways.

(d) "Cost" means all funds needed to do engineering, right-of-way acquisition, construction or upgrading. Upgrading does not mean normal routine maintenance.

(e) "Department" means the department of highways.

(f) "Upgrading" means any work on a highway or bridge which is not routine maintenance.

§17-25-3. Application to designate industrial road.

Any company may apply to the commissioner to have a certain road designated an industrial road. The commissioner shall develop an application form. In such application the company shall agree to pay to the department one half of the amount of money needed to bring such road up to the standards needed to become an industrial road. All construction or upgrading to be performed under this article shall be bid out to an independent contractor in such a manner as prescribed in this code. Upon approval of the application by the commissioner the company shall transfer to a special revenue account for the department of highways in the State Treasury as set forth in this article a sum equal to one half of costs needed to upgrade or construct the road to standard or the company shall deliver to the commissioner an irrevocable letter of credit drawn on a bank chartered by the State of West Virginia or the federal government in an amount equal to such cost: Provided, That the company shall transfer the moneys before any construction or upgrading is contracted for.

The department shall then begin the process as outlined in this code to upgrade or construct such public road.

§17-25-4. Industrial roads; how designated.

The commissioner shall promulgate rules establishing a program for designating industrial public roads in the state. The criteria for such designation shall include:

(a) The economic impact of such road on the coal or other companies which use such public road;

(b) The impact on the citizens which use the road in their daily business; and

(c) The cost of any improvements which would be necessary to bring the road up to standard versus the benefits.

The commissioner shall publicize the program and allow any company to make such application.

§17-25-5. Standards to be established by commissioner.

The commissioner shall establish standards for construction and upgrading of industrial roads. In the design of these standards, he shall consult with representatives or organizations which represent companies. The standards shall provide for:

(a) Each road to be at least sixteen feet in width in addition to any berms or shoulders;

(b) Design and construction to handle the weight of coal and other industrial trucks and equipment as transported by the companies;

(c) Giving the citizens of the area a better road to travel;

(d) Having adequate drainage; and

(e) Any other feature which the commissioner determines is necessary to carry out the goals of this article.

§17-25-6. Special revenue fund created.

There shall be created in the State Treasury a special revenue fund to be known as the "Industrial Road Construction Fund." The fund shall receive all funds contributed by companies for the construction of approved roads. Only moneys needed to pay the costs of the roads shall be withdrawn, however, the commissioner may use any moneys generated by any earned interest to offset his administrative costs in administering this article.

§17-25-7. Powers of the commissioner.

In addition to all other powers conferred upon the commissioner under other provisions of this code, the commissioner shall have all powers necessary to carry out the construction, planning or development of any industrial road provided for by this article.

§17-25-8. Expiration of article.

This article shall expire on December 31, 1992, unless reauthorized by the Legislature of the State of West Virginia: Provided, That if the Governor feels the continuation of this article, before the above mentioned date, would cause a hardship, he may cancel the program. However, any project which is approved by the commissioner shall be completed.

§17-25-9. Rules.

The commissioner shall have the authority to promulgate rules to effectuate this article.

§17-25-10. Severability clause; interpretation.

The provisions of this article are severable and if any of its provisions shall be held unconstitutional, the decision of the court shall not impair the remaining provisions of this article. This article shall be construed liberally.


§17-26-1. Definitions.

For purposes of this article:

(a) "Commissioner" means the West Virginia commissioner of highways continued pursuant to section one, article two-a of this chapter;

(b) "Amendment" means the amendment to the Constitution of this state entitled "Safe Roads Amendment of 1996" as approved by referendum in November, 1996;

(c) "State road bond" means any bond or bonds issued by the state pursuant to section two of this article;

(d) "Division" means the West Virginia Division of Highways established under section one, article two-a, of this chapter, or any successor to all or any substantial part of its powers and duties; and

(e) "Secretary" means the secretary of the West Virginia Department of Transportation.

§17-26-2. State road general obligation bonds; amount; when may issue.

Bonds of the State of West Virginia, under authority of the "Safe Roads Amendment of 1996" of the par value not to exceed in the aggregate $550,000,000, are hereby authorized to be issued and sold for matching available federal funds for highway construction and for general highway construction or improvements in each of the fifty-five counties in this state, as provided for by the Constitution and the provisions of this article. During the fiscal year ending June 30, 1998, the amount of $110,000,000 in bonds may be sold. That same amount is authorized to be sold in each of the next four following fiscal years: Provided, That any amount not sold in a fiscal year may be carried forward and sold in the next fiscal year.

These bonds may be issued by the Governor upon resolution passed by the Legislature authorizing the same. The bonds shall bear the date and mature at the time, bear interest at the rate, be in amounts, be in denominations, be in the registered form, carry registration privileges, be due and payable at the time and place and in amounts, and subject to terms of redemption as the resolution may allow.

Both the principal and interest of the bonds shall be payable in the lawful money of the United States of America and the bonds and the interest thereon shall be exempt from taxation by the State of West Virginia, or by any county, district or municipality thereof, which fact shall appear on the face of the bonds as part of the contract with the holder of the bond.

The bonds shall be executed on behalf of the State of West Virginia, by the manual or facsimile signature of the State Treasurer, under the great seal of the state or a facsimile of the great seal, and countersigned by the manual or facsimile signature of the Auditor of the state.

§17-26-3. Creation of debt service fund; disbursements to pay debt service on state road general obligation bonds.

There is hereby created a special account in the State Treasury, which shall be designated and known as the "Safe Road Bond Debt Service Fund", into which shall be deposited any and all amounts appropriated by the Legislature from the state road fund or funds from any source whatsoever which is made liable by law for the purpose of paying the interest on the bonds or paying off and retiring bonds issued pursuant to this article.

§17-26-4. Safe road bond debt service fund; sources used to pay bonds and interest; investment of remainder.

All funds deposited to the credit of the safe road bond debt service fund shall be kept by the treasurer of the state in a separate account and all money belonging to the fund shall be deposited in the treasury to the credit of the fund.

The fund shall be applied by the treasurer of the state for payments on the principal and interest on bonds sold pursuant to this article as it becomes due and payable. The remainder of the fund, if any, shall be invested by the state Board of Investments in the manner authorized under article six, chapter twelve of this code.

§17-26-5. Covenants of state.

The state of West Virginia covenants and agrees with the holders of the bonds issued pursuant hereto as follows: (1) That the bonds shall constitute a direct and general obligation of the State of West Virginia; (2) that the full faith and credit of the state is hereby pledged to secure the payment of the principal and interest of the bonds; (3) that an annual state tax shall be collected in an amount sufficient to pay, as it may accrue, the interest on the bonds and the principal thereof; and (4) that the tax shall be levied in any year only to the extent that the moneys transferred to the safe road bond debt service fund as provided in sections three and four, of this article which are irrevocably set aside and appropriated for and applied to the payment of the interest on and principal of any bond becoming due and payable in such year are insufficient therefor.

§17-26-6. Sale by Governor; minimum price; certification of annual debt service amount.

The Governor shall sell the bonds herein authorized at a time or times as provided by a resolution enacted by the Legislature. The Governor, in his or her discretion, may, by executive message, request that a resolution be proposed for the issuance of bonds pursuant to this article. The Governor shall determine the manner by which bonds will be sold. On or before June 1 in each fiscal year the commissioner shall certify to the treasurer and secretary of the Department of Tax and Revenue the principal and interest requirement for the following fiscal year on any bonds issued pursuant to this article.

§17-26-7. Conflicts of interest.

No part of the proceeds from the sale of bonds under this article may inure to the benefit of or be distributable to the officers, employees of the state except to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered to the state. Any person violating the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not more than $1,000, or confined in jail not more than one year, or both fined and imprisoned.

§17-26-8. State road bonds lawful investments.

All state road bonds issued pursuant to this article shall be lawful investments for banking institutions, societies for savings, building and loan associations, savings and loan associations, deposit guarantee associations, trust companies, insurance companies, including domestic for life and domestic not for life insurance companies.

§17-26-9. Refunding bonds.

Any state road general obligation bonds which are outstanding may at any time be refunded by the issuance of refunding bonds in an amount deemed necessary to refund the principal of the bonds to be refunded, together with any unpaid interest thereon; to accomplish the purpose of the amendment and to pay any premiums and commissions necessary to be paid in connection therewith. Any refunding may be effected whether the state road general obligation bonds to be refunded shall have then matured or shall thereafter mature. Any refunding bonds issued pursuant to this article shall be payable from the safe road bond debt service fund.

§17-26-10. Termination or dissolution.

Upon the termination or dissolution of the West Virginia Division of Highways, all rights and properties of the West Virginia Division of Highways with respect to the safe road bond debt service fund shall pass to and be vested in the state, subject to the rights of bondholders, lienholders and other creditors.

§17-26-11. Treasurer to determine financial advisor.

The treasurer, in his or her discretion, may select a competent person or firm to serve as financial advisor for the issuance and sale of general obligation bonds issued pursuant to this article.

§17-26-12. Governor to determine bond counsel.

The Governor shall select a competent person or firm to serve as bond counsel who shall be responsible for the issuance of a final approving opinion regarding the legality of the sale of general obligation bonds issued pursuant to this article. Notwithstanding the provisions of article three, chapter five of this code, bond counsel may represent the state in court, render advice and provide other legal services as may be requested by the Governor, the secretary or the commissioner regarding any bond issuance pursuant to this article and all other matters relating to the bond issue. The Governor may also, in his or her discretion, select a person or firm to serve as underwriter for any issuance pursuant to this article.

§17-26-13. Approval and payment of all necessary expenses.

All necessary expenses, including legal expenses, incurred in the issuance of any general obligation bonds pursuant to this article shall be paid out of the safe road bond debt service fund. The amount of any expenses incurred shall be certified to the commissioner of highways.

§17-26-14. Dedication of tax.

(a) There shall be dedicated an annual amount from the collections of the tax imposed pursuant to section three, article fourteen, chapter eleven of this code, sufficient to pay the principal and interest of any state road bonds issued pursuant to this article.

(b) Beginning in the month of July, in the fiscal year in which bonds are first issued, and monthly thereafter, there shall be deposited into the safe road bond debt service fund an amount equal to one tenth of the projected annual principal, interest requirements, as certified by the commissioner, on all bonds issued pursuant to this article, of the tax collected pursuant to article fourteen, chapter eleven of this code.


§17-26A-1. Definitions.

For purposes of this article:

(1) “Commissioner” means the West Virginia Commissioner of Highways continued pursuant to section one, article two-a of this chapter;

(2) “Amendment” means the amendment to the Constitution of this state entitled Roads to Prosperity Amendment of 2017 as approved by referendum in October, 2017;

(3) “State road bond” means any bond or bonds issued by the state pursuant to section two of this article;

(4) “Division” means the West Virginia Division of Highways established under section one, article two-a of this chapter, or any successor to all or any substantial part of its powers and duties; and

(5) “Secretary” means the Secretary of the West Virginia Department of Transportation.

§17-26A-2. State road general obligation bonds; amount; when may issue.

(a) Bonds of the State of West Virginia, under authority of the Roads to Prosperity Amendment of 2017 of the principal amount not to exceed in the aggregate $1.6 billion are authorized to be issued and sold for matching available federal funds for highway and bridge construction in this state and for general highway and secondary roads and bridge construction or improvements in each of the fifty-five counties in this state, as provided for by the Constitution and the provisions of this article. During the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2017, the principal amount of $800 million in bonds may be sold.  During the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2018, the principal amount of $400 million in bonds may be sold. During the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2019, the principal amount of $200 million in bonds may be sold.  During the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2020, the principal amount of $200 million in bonds may be sold.  Any amount not sold in a fiscal year may be carried forward and issued in any subsequent year before July 1, 2021.

(b) These bonds may be issued by the Governor upon resolution passed by the Legislature authorizing the same. The bonds shall bear the date and mature at the time, bear interest at the rates, be in amounts, be in denominations, be in the registered form, carry registration privileges, be due and payable at the times and place and in amounts, and be subject to terms of redemption as the resolution may allow.

(c) Both the principal and interest of the bonds shall be payable in the lawful money of the United States of America, and the bonds and the interest thereon shall be exempt from taxation by the State of West Virginia, or by any county, district or municipality thereof, which fact shall appear on the face of the bonds as part of the contract with the holder of the bond.

(d) The bonds shall be executed on behalf of the State of West Virginia, by the manual or facsimile signature of the Governor, under the Great Seal of the State or a facsimile of the Great Seal, and countersigned by the manual or facsimile signature of the Secretary of State.

§17-26A-3. Creation of debt service fund to pay debt service on state road general obligation bonds.

There is hereby created a special account in the State Treasury, which shall be designated and known as the Roads to Prosperity Bond Debt Service Fund, into which shall be deposited any and all amounts appropriated by the Legislature from the State Road Fund or funds from any source whatsoever which is made liable by law for the purpose of paying the interest on the bonds or paying off and retiring bonds issued pursuant to this article.

§17-26A-4. Roads to Prosperity Bond Debt Service Fund; sources used to pay bonds, interest and cost of issuance; investment of remainder.

(a) All funds deposited to the credit of the Roads to Prosperity Bond Debt Service Fund shall be kept by the State Treasurer in a separate account, and all money belonging to the fund shall be deposited in the Treasury to the credit of the fund.

(b) The fund shall be applied by the State Treasurer for payments on the principal and interest on bonds sold pursuant to this article as it becomes due and payable and any costs related to the issuance thereof. The remainder of the fund, if any, shall be invested by the West Virginia Board of Treasury Investments in the manner authorized under article six-c, chapter twelve of this code.

§17-26A-5. Covenants of state.

The State of West Virginia covenants and agrees with the holders of the bonds issued pursuant hereto as follows: (1) That the bonds are a direct and general obligation of the State of West Virginia; (2) that the full faith and credit of the state is pledged to secure the payment of the principal and interest of the bonds; (3) that an annual state tax shall be collected in an amount sufficient to pay, as it may accrue, the interest on the bonds and the principal thereof; and (4) that the tax shall be levied in any year only to the extent that the moneys transferred to the Roads to Prosperity Bond Debt Service Fund as provided in sections three and four of this article which are irrevocably set aside and appropriated for and applied to the payment of the interest on and principal of any bond becoming due and payable in such year are insufficient therefor.

§17-26A-6. Sale by Governor; certification of annual debt service amount.

The Governor shall sell the bonds herein authorized at a time or times as provided by resolutions enacted by the Legislature. The Governor, in his or her discretion, may, by executive message, request that a resolution be proposed for the issuance of bonds pursuant to this article. The Governor shall determine the manner by which bonds will be sold at an aggregate price equal to, above or below par value. On or before June 1 in the fiscal year in which the first bonds are issued pursuant to this article and June 1 of each fiscal year, the commissioner shall certify to the Treasurer and Secretary of the Department of Revenue the principal and interest requirement for the following fiscal year on any bonds issued pursuant to this article.

§17-26A-7. Conflicts of interest.

No part of the proceeds from the sale of bonds under this article may inure to the benefit of or be distributable to the officers or employees of the state except to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered to the state. Any person violating the provisions of this section is guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not more than $1,000, or confined in jail not more than one year, or both fined and confined.

§17-26A-8. State road bonds lawful investments.

All state road bonds issued pursuant to this article shall be lawful investments for banking institutions, societies for savings, building and loan associations, savings and loan associations, deposit guarantee associations, trust companies, and insurance companies, including domestic for life and domestic not for life insurance companies.

§17-26A-9. Refunding bonds.

Any state road general obligation bonds which are outstanding may at any time be refunded by the issuance of refunding bonds in an amount deemed necessary to refund the principal of the bonds to be refunded, together with any unpaid interest thereon; to accomplish the purpose of the amendment and to pay any premiums necessary to be paid in connection therewith. Any refunding may be effected whether the state road general obligation bonds to be refunded shall have then matured or shall thereafter mature. Any refunding bonds issued pursuant to this article shall be payable from the Roads to Prosperity Bond Debt Service Fund.

§17-26A-10. Termination or dissolution.

Upon the termination or dissolution of the West Virginia Division of Highways, all rights and properties of the West Virginia Division of Highways with respect to the Roads to Prosperity Bond Debt Service Fund shall pass to and be vested in the state, subject to the rights of bondholders, lienholders and other creditors.

§17-26A-11. Treasurer to determine financial advisor.

The Treasurer, in his or her discretion, may select a competent person or firm to serve as financial advisor for the issuance and sale of general obligation bonds issued pursuant to this article.

§17-26A-12. Governor to determine bond counsel.

The Governor shall select a competent person or firm to serve as bond counsel who shall be responsible for the issuance of a final approving opinion regarding the legality of the sale of general obligation bonds issued pursuant to this article. Notwithstanding the provisions of article three, chapter five of this code, bond counsel may represent the state in court, render advice and provide other legal services as may be requested by the Governor, the secretary or the commissioner regarding any bond issuance pursuant to this article and all other matters relating to the bond issue. The Governor may also, in his or her discretion, select a person or firm to serve as underwriter for any issuance pursuant to this article.

§17-26A-13. Approval of and payment of all necessary expenses.

All necessary expenses, including legal expenses, incurred in the issuance of any general obligation bonds pursuant to this article shall be paid out of the Roads to Prosperity Bond Debt Service Fund or the State Road Fund if so appropriated by the Legislature. The amount of any expenses incurred shall be certified to the Treasurer by the Commissioner of Highways.

§17-26A-14. Dedication of taxes and fees.

(a) There shall be dedicated an annual amount from the collections of the taxes and fees imposed pursuant to chapters eleven, seventeen-a, seventeen-b, seventeen-c and seventeen-d of this code, that are required to be deposited to the credit of the State Road Fund sufficient to pay the principal and interest of any state road bonds issued pursuant to this article.

(b) Beginning in July in the fiscal year in which the first interest payment on the bonds issued pursuant to this article is due, and monthly thereafter for the first ten months of each fiscal year, there shall be deposited into the Roads to Prosperity Bond Debt Service Fund an amount equal to one tenth of the projected annual principal and interest requirements, as certified by the commissioner, on all bonds issued pursuant to this article, of the tax collected pursuant to chapter eleven of this code: Provided, That each tenth payment shall be reduced by any interest earnings accrued to the Roads to Prosperity Bond Debt Service Fund: Provided, however, That if bonds issued after the annual certification have a first interest or principal payment coming due in the then current or next fiscal year, the monthly deposits shall be made in such a manner to provide for the payment of the interest and/or principal coming due.


§17-27-1. Legislative findings and purposes.

The Legislature finds and declares:

(1) That there is a public need for timely acquisition or construction of and improvements to transportation facilities within the state that are compatible with state and local transportation plans;

(2) That public need may not be wholly satisfied by existing ways in which transportation facilities are acquired, constructed or improved;

(3) That authorizing private entities to acquire, construct or improve one or more transportation facilities may result in the availability of transportation facilities to the public in a more timely or less costly manner, thereby serving the public health, safety, convenience and welfare and the enhancement of the residential, agricultural, recreational, economic, commercial and industrial opportunities;

(4) That providing a mechanism for the solicitation, receipt and consideration of proposals submitted by private entities for the purposes described in this section serves the public purpose of this article to the extent that the action facilitates the timely acquisition or construction of or improvement to a qualifying transportation facility or the continued operation of a qualifying transportation facility; and

(5) That providing for the expansion and acceleration of transportation financing using innovative financing mechanisms, including, but not limited to, design-build contracting and financing arrangements, will add to the convenience of the public and allow public and private entities to have the greatest possible flexibility in contracting with each other for the provision of the public services which are the subject of this article.

§17-27-2. Definitions.

As used in this article, the following words and terms have the following meanings:

(1) "Comprehensive agreement" means the comprehensive agreement by and between a developer and the division required by section nine of this article.

(2) "Department" means the Department of Transportation.

(3) "Developer" means the private entity that is responsible for the acquisition, construction or improvement of a qualifying transportation facility.

(4) "Division" means the Division of Highways.

(5) "Material default" means any default by the developer in the performance of its duties under subsection (f), section eight of this article that jeopardizes adequate service to the public from a qualifying transportation facility and remains unremedied after the division has provided notice to the developer and a reasonable cure period has elapsed.

(6) "Private entity" means any natural person, corporation, limited liability company, partnership, joint venture or other private business entity.

(7) "Public entity" means the State of West Virginia or any political subdivision thereof.

(8) "Qualifying transportation facility" means one or more transportation facilities acquired, constructed or improved by a private entity pursuant to this article.

(9) "Revenues" mean the user fees or service payments generated by a qualifying transportation facility.

(10) "Service contract" means a contract entered into between a public entity and a developer pursuant to section six of this article.

(11) "Service payments" mean payments to the developer of a qualifying transportation facility pursuant to a service contract.

(12) "State" means the State of West Virginia.

(13) "Transportation facility" means any public inland waterway port facility, road, bridge, tunnel, overpass or existing airport used for the transportation of persons or goods, and the structures, equipment, facilities or improvements necessary or incident thereto.

(14) "User fees" mean the rates, tolls, fees or other charges imposed by the developer of a qualifying transportation facility for use of all or a portion of the qualifying transportation facility pursuant to the comprehensive agreement.

§17-27-3. Prerequisites for development.

Any private entity seeking authorization under this article to acquire, construct, or improve a transportation facility shall first submit a conceptual proposal as set forth in §17-27-5 of this code.

§17-27-4. Powers and duties of the division and other agencies that are part of the department.

In addition to the powers and duties set forth elsewhere in this code, the division and any other agency that is part of the department may:

(1) Review proposals submitted by private entities in accordance with this article. The review shall consist of the review by the division of the conceptual proposal: Provided, That expenses of the division incurred for review of an unsolicited proposal or proposals shall be paid by the private entity submitting the proposal. The division shall take into account at all times the needs and funding capabilities of the state as a whole in terms of transportation;

(2) Enter into agreements, contracts, or other transactions with any agency that is part of the department, as well as any federal, state, county, municipal agency, or private entity;

(3) Act on behalf of the state and represent the state in the planning, financing, development, and construction of any transportation facility for which proposals have been received in accordance with the provisions of this article. Other public entities in this state shall cooperate to the fullest extent with what the division considers appropriate to effectuate the duties of the division;

(4) Exempt from disclosure any sensitive business, commercial, or financial information that is not customarily provided to business competitors that is submitted to the division for final review and approval;

(5) Exempt from disclosure any documents, communications, or information described in this section including, but not limited to, the project’s design, management, financing, and other details in accordance with §29B-1-1 et seq. of this code; and

(6) Do any and all things necessary to carry out and accomplish the purposes of this article.

§17-27-5. Submission and review of conceptual proposals; approval by the Commissioner of the Division of Highways.

(a) The division may solicit, or a private entity may submit in writing, a conceptual proposal for a transportation facility to the division for consideration. The conceptual proposal shall include the following:

(1) A statement of the private entity’s qualifications and experience;

(2) A description of the proposed transportation facility;

(3) A description of the financing for the transportation facility; and

(4) A statement setting forth the degree of public support for the proposed transportation facility, including a statement of the benefits of the proposed transportation facility to the public and its compatibility with existing transportation facilities.

(b) The conceptual proposal shall be accompanied by the following material and information unless waived by the division with respect to the transportation facility or facilities that the private entity proposes to develop as a qualifying transportation facility:

(1) A topographic map (1:2,000 or other appropriate scale) indicating the location of the transportation facility or facilities;

(2) A description of the transportation facility or facilities, including the conceptual design of the facility or facilities and all proposed interconnections with other transportation facilities;

(3) The projected total life-cycle cost of the transportation facility or facilities and the proposed date for acquisition of or the beginning of construction of, or improvements to, the transportation facility or facilities;

(4) A statement setting forth the method by which the private entity proposes to secure all property interests required for the transportation facility or facilities: Provided, That with the approval of the division, the private entity may request that the comprehensive agreement assign the division with responsibility for securing all property interests, including public utility facilities, with all costs, including costs of acquiring the property, to be reimbursed to the division by the private entity. The statement shall include the following information regarding the property interests or rights, including, but not limited to, rights to extract mineable minerals:

(A) The names and addresses, if known, of the current owners of the property needed for the transportation facility or facilities;

(B) The nature of the property interests to be acquired;

(C) Any property that the division may expect to condemn; and

(D) The extent to which the property has been or will be subjected to the extraction of mineable minerals.

(5) Information relating to the current transportation plans, if any, of each affected local jurisdiction;

(6) A list of all permits and approvals required for acquisition or construction of or improvements to the transportation facility or facilities from local, state, or federal agencies and a projected schedule for obtaining the permits and approvals: Provided, That the acquisition, construction, improvement, or operation of a qualifying transportation facility that includes the extraction of mineable minerals is required to obtain all necessary permits or approvals from all applicable authorities in the same manner as if it were not a qualifying transportation facility under this article;

(7) A list of public utility facilities, if any, that will be crossed or affected by or as the result of the construction or improvement of the public port transportation facility or facilities and a statement of the plans of the developer to accommodate the crossings or relocations;

(8) A statement setting forth the private entity’s general plans for financing and operating the transportation facility or facilities;

(9) The names and addresses of the persons who may be contacted for further information concerning the request;

(10) Information about the private entity and, to the extent they differ, any developer, including, but not limited to, an organizational chart, capitalization, experience in the operation of transportation facilities, and references and certificates of good standing from the Tax Commissioner, Insurance Commissioner, and the Division of Unemployment Compensation evidencing good standing with state tax, workers’ compensation, and unemployment compensation laws, respectively; and

(11) Any additional material and information requested by the Commissioner of the Division of Highways.

(c) The division may solicit proposals for the acquisition, construction, or improvement of any transportation facility or facilities if it finds that it serves the public purpose of this article. The division may find that the acquisition, construction, or improvement of the transportation facility or facilities serves a public purpose if:

(1) There is a public need for the transportation facility;

(2) The transportation facility and the proposed interconnections with existing transportation facilities are reasonable and compatible with the state transportation plan and any applicable local plans;

(3) The estimated cost of the transportation facility or facilities is reasonable in relation to similar facilities: Provided, That moneys used by the state road fund shall not exceed $100 million.

(4) The use of federal funds in connection with the financing of a qualifying transportation facility has been determined by the division to be compatible with the state transportation plan and any applicable local plans; and

(5) The solicitation will result in the timely acquisition, construction, or improvements of transportation facilities, or the more efficient operation thereof, and will result in a more timely and economical delivery of transportation facilities than otherwise available under existing delivery systems.

(d) If proposals for a transportation facility are solicited by the division, the division shall review all solicited conceptual proposals, assign them a priority ranking, and present them with the priority ranking to the Commissioner of the Division of Highways for review. Upon presentation of the priority-ranked proposals, the commissioner shall approve or modify the division’s rankings, and may authorize the division to negotiate and enter into a comprehensive agreement with the highest-ranked developer or reject all proposals. The division has no duty to accept, consider, or review a conceptual proposal that was not solicited by the division, but may do so in its sole discretion.

§17-27-6. Service contracts.

In addition to any authority otherwise conferred by law, any public entity may contract for services to be provided for a qualifying transportation facility in exchange for service payments and other consideration as the division determines appropriate.

§17-27-7. Dedication of public property.

Any public entity may dedicate any property interest that it has for public use as a qualified transportation facility if it finds it will serve the public purpose of this article. In connection with the dedication, a public entity may convey any property interest that it has to a developer or the division for any consideration determined by the public entity. This consideration may include, without limitation, the agreement of the developer to develop the qualifying transportation facility. No real property may be dedicated by a public entity pursuant to this article unless all other public notice and comment requirements are met.

§17-27-8. Powers and duties of the developer.

(a) The developer has all power allowed by law generally to a private entity having the same form of organization as the developer and may acquire, construct or improve a qualifying transportation facility and impose user fees in connection with the use of the facility.

(b) The developer may own, lease, or acquire any other right to facilitate the development of a qualifying transportation facility.

(c) Any financing of a qualifying transportation facility may be in the amounts and upon terms and conditions negotiated by the developer. The developer may issue debt, equity or other securities or obligations, enter into sale and leaseback transactions and secure any financing with a pledge of, security interest in, or lien on, any or all of its property, including all of its property interests in the qualifying transportation facility.

(d) In developing the qualifying transportation facility, the developer may:

(1) Make classifications according to reasonable categories for assessment of user fees; and

(2) With the consent of the division, make and enforce reasonable rules to the same extent that the division may make and enforce rules with respect to a similar transportation facility. The developer may, by agreement with appropriate law-enforcement agencies, arrange for video enforcement in connection with its toll collection activities.

(e) The developer shall:

(1) Acquire, construct, or improve the qualifying transportation facility in a manner that meets the engineering standards of:

(A) The authority for facilities operated and maintained by the division, in accordance with the provisions of the comprehensive agreement; and

(B) The division, in accordance with the provisions of the comprehensive agreement;

(2) Keep the qualifying transportation facility open for use by the members of the public at all times after its initial opening upon payment of the applicable user fees or service payments: Provided, That the qualifying transportation facility may be temporarily closed because of emergencies or, with the consent of the division, to protect the safety of the public or for reasonable construction or maintenance procedures;

(3) Contract for the performance of all maintenance and operation of the transportation facility through the division, using its maintenance and operations practices, until the date of termination of the developer’s duties as defined in the comprehensive agreement;

(4) Cooperate with the division in establishing any interconnection with the qualifying transportation facility requested by the division;

(5) Remain in compliance with state tax, workers’ compensation, and unemployment compensation laws; and

(6) Comply with the provisions of the comprehensive agreement and any service contract.

§17-27-9. Comprehensive agreement.

(a) Prior to acquiring, constructing, or improving the qualifying transportation facility, the developer shall enter into a comprehensive agreement with the division. The comprehensive agreement shall provide for:

(1) Delivery of performance or payment bonds in connection with the construction of or improvements to the qualifying transportation facility, in the forms and amounts satisfactory to the division;

(2) Review and approval of the final plans and specifications for the qualifying transportation facility by the division;

(3) Inspection of the construction of or improvements to the qualifying transportation facility to ensure that they conform to the engineering standards acceptable to the division;

(4) Maintenance of a policy or policies of public liability insurance or self insurance, in a form and amount satisfactory to the division and reasonably sufficient to insure coverage of tort liability to the public and employees and to enable the continued operation of the qualifying transportation facility: Provided, That in no event may the insurance impose any pecuniary liability on the state, its agencies, or any political subdivision of the state. Copies of the policies shall be filed with the division accompanied by proofs of coverage;

(5) Monitoring of the maintenance and operating practices of the developer by the division and the taking of any actions the division finds appropriate to ensure that the qualifying transportation facility is properly maintained and operated;

(6) Itemization and reimbursement to be paid to the division for the review and any services provided by the division;

(7) Filing of appropriate financial statements on a periodic basis;

(8) A reasonable maximum rate of return on investment for the developer;

(9) The date of termination of the developer’s duties under this article and dedication to the division; and

(10) That a transportation facility shall accommodate all public utilities on a reasonable, nondiscriminatory, and completely neutral basis and in compliance with §17-4-17b of this code.

(b) The comprehensive agreement may require user fees established by agreement of the parties. Any user fees shall be set at a level that, taking into account any service payments, allows the developer the rate of return on its investment specified in the comprehensive agreement: Provided, That the schedule and amount of the initial user fees to be imposed and any increase of the user fees shall be approved by the Commissioner of the Division of Highways. A copy of any service contract shall be filed with the division. A schedule of the current user fees shall be made available by the developer to any member of the public upon request. In negotiating user fees under this section, the parties shall establish fees that are the same for persons using the facility under like conditions and that will not unreasonably discourage use of the qualifying transportation facility. The execution of the comprehensive agreement or any amendment to the comprehensive agreement constitutes conclusive evidence that the user fees provided in the comprehensive agreement comply with this article. User fees established in the comprehensive agreement as a source of revenues may be in addition to, or in lieu of, service payments.

(c) In the comprehensive agreement, the division may agree to accept grants or loans from the developer, from time to time, from amounts received from the state or federal government or any agency or instrumentality of the state or federal government.

(d) The comprehensive agreement shall incorporate the duties of the developer under this article and may contain any other terms and conditions that the division determines serve the public purpose of this chapter. Without limitation, the comprehensive agreement may contain provisions under which the division agrees to provide notice of default and cure rights for the benefit of the developer and the persons specified in the comprehensive agreement as providing financing for the qualifying transportation facility. The comprehensive agreement may contain any other lawful terms and conditions to which the developer and the division mutually agree, including, without limitation, provisions regarding unavoidable delays.

(e) The comprehensive agreement shall require the deposit of any earnings in excess of the maximum rate of return as negotiated in the comprehensive agreement in the State Road Fund established pursuant to §17-3-1 of this code.

(f) Any changes in the terms of the comprehensive agreement, agreed upon by the parties, shall be added to the comprehensive agreement by written amendment.

(g) Notwithstanding any provision of this article to the contrary, at least 60 days prior to execution, the commissioner shall provide a copy of a comprehensive agreement, with any findings required by this article, to the Joint Committee on Government and Finance and the Joint Legislative Oversight Commission on Department of Transportation Accountability and the commissioner shall provide notice to the public.

(h) If a developer and the division cannot agree to the terms of a comprehensive agreement, neither party shall have any further obligation or liability to the other. In the event a developer and the division fail to enter into a comprehensive agreement, the commissioner may authorize the division to negotiate and enter into a comprehensive agreement with any next-highest-ranked developer identified pursuant to §17-27-5 of this code.

(i) Before entering into any comprehensive agreement related to or resulting from an unsolicited proposal, the commissioner shall make a written finding that entry into the comprehensive agreement serves the public purpose of this article and is in the best interest of the state.

§17-27-10. Federal, state and local assistance.

The division may take any action to obtain federal, state or local assistance for a qualifying transportation facility that serves the public purpose of this article and may enter into any contracts required to receive federal assistance. The division may determine that it serves the public purpose of this article for all or any portion of the costs of a qualifying transportation facility to be paid, directly or indirectly, from the proceeds of a grant or loan made by the local, state or federal government or any agency or instrumentality thereof.

§17-27-11. Material default; remedies.

(a) Except upon written agreement of the developer and any other parties identified in the comprehensive agreement, the division may exercise any or all of the following remedies provided in this section or elsewhere in this article to remedy any material default that has occurred or may continue to occur.

(1) To elect to take over the transportation facility or facilities and in that case, it shall succeed to all of the rights, title and interest in the transportation facility or facilities, subject to any liens on revenues previously granted by the developer to any person providing financing for the facility or facilities and the provisions of this section;

(2) To exercise the power of condemnation to acquire the qualifying transportation facility or facilities;

(3) To terminate the comprehensive agreement and exercise any other rights and remedies that may be available to it at law or in equity, subject only to the express limitations of the terms of the comprehensive agreement; and

(4) To make or cause to be made any appropriate claims under the performance or payment bonds required by this article.

(b) If the division elects to take over a qualifying transportation facility pursuant to subdivision (1), subsection (a) of this section, the division may acquire, construct, or improve the transportation facility, impose user fees for the use of the transportation facility and comply with any service contracts as if it were the developer. Any revenues that are subject to a lien shall be collected for the benefit of, and paid to, secured parties, as their interests may appear, to the extent necessary to satisfy the developer’s obligations to secured parties, including the maintenance of reserves and the liens shall be correspondingly reduced and, when paid off, released. The full faith and credit of the division may not be pledged to secure any financing of the developer by the election to take over the qualifying transportation facility. Assumption of development of the qualifying transportation facility does not obligate the division to pay any obligation of the developer from sources other than revenues.

§17-27-12. Governmental entities prohibited from pledging full faith and credit.

The full faith and credit of the state, or any county, municipality or political subdivision of the state may not be pledged to secure any financing of the developer in connection with the acquisition, construction or equipping of a qualifying transportation facility.

§17-27-13. Condemnation.

(a) At the request of the developer, the division may exercise the power of condemnation that it has under law for the purpose of acquiring any lands or estates or interests in any lands or estates to the extent that the division finds that the action serves the public purpose of this article. Any amounts to be paid in any condemnation proceeding shall be paid by the developer.

(b) Until the division has provided written certification as to the existence of a material default under §17-27-11(a) of this code, the power of condemnation may not be exercised against a qualifying transportation facility.

§17-27-14. Utility crossings.

The developer and each county, municipality, public service district, utility, railroad, and cable television provider whose facilities are to be crossed or affected shall cooperate fully with the other in planning and arranging the manner of the crossing or relocation of the facilities. Any entity possessing the power of condemnation is expressly granted the powers in connection with the moving or relocation of facilities to be crossed by the qualifying transportation facility or that must be relocated to the extent that the moving or relocation is made necessary or desirable by construction of or improvements to the qualifying transportation facility, which includes construction of or improvements to temporary facilities for the purpose of providing service during the period of construction or improvement. Any amount to be paid for the crossing, construction, moving or relocating of facilities shall be paid by the developer.

§17-27-15. Dedication of assets.

The division shall terminate the developer’s authority and duties under this article on the date set forth in the comprehensive agreement. Upon termination, the duties of the developer and division under this article cease and the qualifying transportation facility shall be dedicated to the division for public use.

§17-27-16. Qualifying a transportation facility as a public improvement.

Comprehensive agreements entered into pursuant to this article are exempt from the provisions of §5-22-1 et seq. of this code. The provisions §21-1C-1 et seq. of this code apply to the construction of all qualifying transportation facilities approved under this article.

§17-27-17. Exemptions from taxation.

(a) The exercise of the powers granted in this article will be in all respects for the benefit of the people of this state, for the improvement of their health, safety, convenience and welfare and for the enhancement of their residential, agricultural, recreational, economic, commercial and industrial opportunities and is a public purpose. As the construction, acquisition, improvement, operation and maintenance of qualifying transportation facilities will constitute the performance of essential governmental functions, a developer is not required to pay any taxes or assessments upon any qualifying transportation facility or any property acquired or used by the developer under the provisions of this article or upon the income therefrom, other than taxes collected from the consumer pursuant to article fifteen, chapter eleven of this code.

§17-27-18. Construction.

The provisions of this article are remedial and shall be liberally construed and applied so as to promote the purposes set out in section one of this article.


§17-28-1. Short title.

This article may be known and referred to as the "West Virginia Community Empowerment Transportation Act."

§17-28-2. Legislative findings.

The Legislature finds as follows:

(1) That a broad and unified system should be continued and persistently upgraded by state law for financing, planning, designing, constructing, expanding, improving, maintaining and operating the public road system and transportation facilities that together comprise the transportation infrastructure of this state;

(2) That, in addition to traditional means and methods of putting transportation infrastructure into place, a significant contribution to a system as described in subdivision one of this section can be made by public-private partnerships that will assist federal, state and local governments in their efforts to meet the evolving needs of governmental entities, industry, labor, commerce, and, most importantly, the citizens of this state;

(3) That available public funding necessary to provide for an adequate or more than adequate transportation infrastructure have not kept pace with the needs of the governmental entities that are charged with financing, developing and maintaining an optimal transportation infrastructure in this state;

(4) That investment in transportation infrastructure by private entities should be facilitated, and innovative financing mechanisms should be encouraged and developed, so as to utilize private capital and other funding sources to supplement governmental actions taken in support of transportation projects, to the end that the financial and technical expertise and other experience of private entities regarding the development of transportation facilities may be garnered and put into service on behalf of the state;

(5) That public and private entities should have a clear and well-designed statutory framework to work within that allows for flexibility in partnering with each other and developing transportation infrastructure projects; and

(6) This article should not be limited by any rule of strict construction, but should be liberally construed to effect the legislative purpose of conceiving and creating a modern transportation infrastructure under the leadership and guidance of governmental entities, with corresponding and cooperative assistance, under appropriate circumstances, by public-private partnerships, inuring to the benefit and prosperity of the state and the welfare of its citizens.

§17-28-3. Definitions.

Unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, as used in this article:

(1) "Affected local jurisdiction" means any county or incorporated municipality of this state in which all or any part of a transportation facility is or will be located, or any other local public entity, including, but not limited to, a public service district or highway authority or highway association that is directly affected by a transportation project.

(2) "Commissioner" means the Commissioner of Highways who is the chief executive officer of the Division of Highways.

(3) "Department" means the West Virginia Department of Transportation.

(4) "Division" refers to the Division of Highways, a division within the West Virginia Department of Transportation.

(5) "Governmental entity" means any county, municipality, or other governmental unit or political subdivision of the State.

(6) "Highway authority" or "highway association" means any entity created by the Legislature for the advancement and improvement of the state road and highway system, including, but not limited to, the New River Parkway Authority, Midland Trail Scenic Highway Association, Shawnee Parkway Authority, Corridor G Regional Development Authority, Coalfields Expressway Authority, Robert C. Byrd Corridor H Highway Authority, West Virginia 2 and I-68 Authority, Little Kanawha River Parkway Authority, King Coal Highway Authority, Coal Heritage Highway Authority, Blue and Gray Intermodal Highway Authority and the West Virginia Eastern Panhandle Transportation Authority or, if an authority is abolished, any entity succeeding to the principal functions of the highway authority or to whom the powers given to the highway authority are given by law.

(7) "Private entity" means any natural person, corporation, general partnership, limited liability company, limited partnership, joint venture, business trust, public benefit corporation, nonprofit entity or other business entity.

(8) "Project costs" means capital costs, costs of financing, planning, designing, constructing, expanding, improving, maintaining or controlling a transportation facility, the cost of land, equipment, machinery, installation of utilities and other similar expenditures and all other charges or expenses necessary, appurtenant or incidental to the foregoing.

(9) "Sponsor" or "project sponsor" means a governmental entity proposing a transportation project.

(10) "Public-private partnership" means a consortium that includes the Division of Highways, a governmental entity, a highway authority or any combination thereof, together with a private entity or entities, which proposes to finance, acquire, plan, design, construct, expand, improve, maintain or control a transportation facility.

(11) "Public service district" means a public corporation or political subdivision of this state created pursuant to section two, article thirteen-a, chapter sixteen of this code.

(12) "Revenue" means all revenue, income, earnings, user fees, lease payments or other service payments arising out of or in connection with supporting the development or operation of a transportation facility, including, without limitation, money received as grants or otherwise from the United States of America, from any public entity or from any agency or instrumentality of the foregoing in aid of such transportation project, moneys generated by way of contract, pledge, donation, bequest or bonds and moneys generated by taxes which are authorized to be assessed and levied by the Legislature or another governmental entity.

(13) "Secretary" means the Cabinet Secretary of the West Virginia Department of Transportation.

(14) "Transportation facility" means a public highway, road, bridge, tunnel, overpass, building, structure, airport, vehicle parking facility, riverport facility, rail facility, or intermodal facility used for the transportation of persons or goods.

(15) "Transportation project" means any project to acquire, design, construct, expand, renovate, extend, enlarge, increase, equip, improve, maintain or operate a transportation facility in this state for which a governmental entity is permitted by law to expend public funds but does not include any project that would otherwise be under the authority of the Public Port Authority, the Aeronautics Commission or the Parkways, Economic Development and Tourism Authority.

(16) "User fee" means a rate, toll, or fee imposed by an operator for use of all or a part of a transportation facility authorized in section five of this article.

(17) "Utility" means a privately, publicly or cooperatively owned line, facility or system for producing, transmitting or distributing communications, cable television, power, electricity, light, heat, gas, oil, crude products, water, steam, waste, storm water not connected with highway drainage, or any other similar commodity, including fire or police signal system or street lighting system, which directly or indirectly serves the public.

§17-28-4. Governmental entities to submit transportation project requests to commissioner of highways generally; commissioner's powers and duties to implement the act; transportation project plan requirements; Division of Highways plan review; proprietary information.

(a) In addition to any other powers which a governmental entity may now have, a governmental entity seeking state funds for a transportation project may submit a transportation project plan to the commissioner as a project sponsor. The commissioner shall review the transportation project plan and the available financing for the project and shall encourage project sponsors to pursue alternative funding sources. Alternative funding sources may include, without limitation, utilization of tax increment financing, issuance of general obligations bonds, special revenue bonds or anticipation notes, cooperation with other governmental units, dedicated user fees and public-private partnerships.

(b) To implement and carry out the intent of this article, the commissioner shall propose legislative rules in accordance with article three, chapter twenty-nine-a of this code. The commissioner shall establish comprehensive, uniform guidelines in order to evaluate any transportation project plan. The guidelines shall address the following:

(1) The use of alternative sources of funding which could finance all or a portion of the transportation project;

(2) The transportation needs of the region;

(3) Project costs;

(4) Whether dedicated revenues from a project sponsor are offered for project costs;

(5) Available federal and state funds;

(6) The degree to which the transportation project impacts other infrastructure projects and implements cost-effective and efficient development of transportation projects with other infrastructure improvements;

(7) The cost effectiveness of the transportation project as compared with alternatives which achieve substantially the same economic development benefits;

(8) The project sponsor's ability to operate and maintain the transportation project or finance the continued operation and maintenance of the transportation project if approved;

(9) The degree to which the transportation project achieves other state or regional planning goals;

(10) The estimated date upon which the transportation project could commence if funding were available and the estimated completion date of the transportation project; and

(11) Other factors the commissioner considers necessary or appropriate to accomplish the purpose and intent of this article.

(c) The commissioner shall create a transportation project plan application form that is to be used by project sponsors requesting funding assistance from the state for transportation projects. The application must require a preliminary proposal that includes:

(1) The location of the transportation project and affected local jurisdictions;

(2) The estimated total project cost of the transportation project;

(3) The amount of funding assistance desired from the Division of Highways and the specific uses of the funding;

(4) Other sources of funding available for the transportation project;

(5) Information demonstrating the need for the transportation project and documentation that the proposed funding of the project is the most economically feasible alternative to completing the transportation project;

(6) A timeline for activities to be performed by the project sponsors;

(7) A statement setting forth the financing of the project costs, including the sources of the funds and identification of any dedicated revenues, proposed debt, tax increment financing plans, issuance of bonds or notes, in-kind services or equity investment of project sponsors;

(8) A list of utilities that can be constructed in coordination with the transportation project and a statement of the plans to accommodate those utilities;

(9) Project sponsor contact information;

(10) A statement of the projected availability and use of dedicated revenues from user fees, lease payments, taxes, and other service payments over time; and

(11) Other information as the commissioner considers necessary to enable the review of the transportation project.

(12) The commissioner may also require the submission of geographic information system mapping of the transportation project and electronic filing of the preliminary proposal.

(d) If a preliminary proposal is approved by the commissioner for detailed review, the division will advise the project sponsors of the estimated cost of a detailed review. The project sponsor must deposit a bond with the commissioner, irrevocable letter of credit or other acceptable instrument guaranteeing payment by the project sponsors of the actual costs incurred by the division to perform a detailed transportation project plan review, to the maximum of the estimated costs, before a detailed review may begin.

(e) In evaluating any transportation project, the commissioner may rely upon internal staff reports or the advice of outside advisors or consultants.

(f) The commissioner is to encourage collaboration among project sponsors, affected local jurisdictions and private entities through intergovernmental agreements and public-private partnerships including, without limitation, recommending the amounts and sources of funding which affected local jurisdictions or project sponsors may pursue, which state transportation or infrastructure agency or agencies may be consulted for appropriate investment of public funds and alternatives to carry out the intent of this article.

(g) After a detailed review, the commissioner may recommend to the Governor those transportation projects which are a prudent and resourceful expenditure of public funds. No proposal may be recommended or approved which is inconsistent with the division's twenty-year long range plans or other transportation plans.

(h) The commissioner must prepare and publish an annual report of activities and accomplishments and submit it to the Governor and to the Joint Committee on Government and Finance on or before December 15 of each year. The commissioner must also prepare and submit an annual report to the Governor and the Legislature outlining alternative road funding models and incentive packages. The report may also recommend legislation relating to third-party donation of funds, materials or services, federal credit instruments, secured loans, federal Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act funds, state infrastructure banks (SIBS), private activity bonds or other matters respecting transportation considered by the commissioner to be in the public interest. The commissioner may consider alternatives to the current system of taxing highway use through motor vehicle fuel taxes including, without limitation, pilot programs for testing technology and methods for the collection of mileage fees.

(i) All documents maintained pursuant to this article shall be subject to the requirements of chapter twenty-nine-b of this code.

§17-28-5. Powers conferred on counties; special charges for transportation facilities and projects; election on ordinance for user fees; form of ballots; procedure.

(a) In addition to any other powers which a county may now have, each county, by and through its county commission, shall have the following powers:

(1) To finance one or more transportation projects, or additions thereto, which shall be located within the county;

(2) To impose by ordinance reasonable user fees upon users of transportation facilities within a county to be collected in the manner specified in the ordinance, including, but not limited to, paying the costs of one or more transportation projects, the payment of debt service on any revenue bonds issued under section six of this article. The ordinance shall provide for the administration, collection and enforcement of the fee; and

(3) To establish a special transportation fund as a separate fund into which all user fees and other revenues designated by the county commission shall be deposited, and from which all transportation project costs shall be paid, which may be assigned to and held by a trustee for the benefit of bondholders if special transportation revenue bonds are issued by the county commission under section six of this article.

(b) No ordinance imposing a user fee authorized by this section is effective until it is ratified by a majority of the legal votes cast by the qualified voters of the county at a primary or general election. The ballot question must set forth the amount of the fee, the manner in which it will be imposed, the general use to which the proceeds of the fee will be put, a description of the transportation project to be financed with the fee, whether revenue bonds will be issued, and if bonds are to be issued, the estimated term and amount of the revenue bonds. The county commission may include additional information in the notice. Notice of the election shall be provided and the ballots shall be printed as set forth in subsection (c) of this section.

(c) On the election ballots shall be printed the following:

Shall the County Commission of (name of county) be authorized to adopt an ordinance to establish a fee for the use of the (transportation facility description) in accordance with section five, article twenty-eight, chapter seventeen of the code of West Virginia?

 Yes

 No

(d) If a majority of the legal votes cast upon the question be for the ordinance, the provisions of the ordinance become effective upon the date the results of the election are declared. If a majority of the legal votes cast upon the question be against the ordinance, the ordinance shall not take effect.

(e) Subject to the provisions of subsection (d) of this section, an election permitted by this section may be conducted at any regular primary or general election as the county commission in its order submitting the same to a vote may designate.

(f) Notice of an election pursuant to this section shall be given by publication of the order calling for a vote on the question as a Class II-0 legal advertisement in compliance with the provisions of article three, chapter fifty-nine of this code and the publication area for the publication shall be the county in which the election is to be conducted.

(g) Any election permitted by this section shall be held at the voting precincts established for holding primary or general elections. All of the provisions of the general election laws of this state applicable to primary or general elections not inconsistent with the provisions of this section shall apply to voting and elections authorized by this section.

(h) Before an election is held, the county commission shall obtain written confirmation from the commissioner approving the user fee and a transportation project plan within the county that was reviewed by commissioner under section four of this article.

§17-28-6. Issuance of transportation project revenue bonds by county.

(a) The county commission, in its discretion, may use the moneys in such special transportation fund established under section five of this article to finance the costs of transportation projects on a cash basis. Every county commission is empowered and authorized to issue, in the manner prescribed by this section, special revenue bonds secured by user fees authorized by section five of this article to finance or refinance all or part of a transportation project and pledge all or any part of the user fees for the payment of the principal of and interest on such bonds and the reserves therefor. Bonds issued for any of the purposes stated in this section shall contain in the title or subtitle thereto the word "transportation", in order to identify the same.

(b) The transportation revenue bonds may be authorized and issued by the county commission to finance or refinance, in whole or in part, public transportation projects in an aggregate principal amount not exceeding the amount which the county commission determines can be paid as to both principal and interest and reasonable margins for a reserve therefor from user fee revenues. A county commission issuing transportation revenue bonds shall establish a fund to deposit user fee revenues. The county commission shall thereafter deposit all revenues pledged to the payment of principal and interest of transportation revenue bonds into the fund.

(c) The issuance of transportation revenue bonds may be authorized by an order of the county commission. The transportation revenue bonds shall: (1) Bear a date or dates; (2) mature at a time or times not exceeding forty years from their respective dates; (3) be in a denomination not more than a maximum denomination fixed by the county commission; (4) be in a registered form with exchangeability and interchangeability privileges; (5) be payable in a medium of payment and at a place or places within or without the state; (6) be subject to such terms and prices for redemption, if any, as approved by the county commission; (7) bear a rate of interest that is not more than a maximum rate fixed by the county commission; and (8) may have such other terms and provisions as determined by the county commission. The transportation revenue bonds shall be signed by the president of the county commission under the seal of the county commission, attested by the clerk of the county commission. Transportation revenue bonds may be sold in a manner as the county commission determines is for the best interests of the county.

(d) The county commission may enter into: (1) Trust agreements with banks or trust companies within or without the state and in trust agreements or orders authorizing the issuance of bonds; (2) valid and legally binding covenants with the holders of the transportation revenue bonds as to the custody, safeguarding and disposition of the proceeds of the transportation revenue bonds, the moneys in the user fee revenue fund, sinking funds, reserve funds or any other moneys or funds; as to the rank and priority, if any, or different issues of transportation revenue bonds by the county commission under the provisions of this section; (3) agreements as to such provisions as payment, term, security, default and remedy provisions as the county commission shall consider necessary or desirable; and (4) agreements as to any other matters or provisions which are considered necessary and advisable by the county commission in the best interests of the county and to enhance the marketability of such transportation revenue bonds.

(e) The transportation revenue bonds are negotiable instruments under the Uniform Commercial Code of this state and are not obligations or debts of the state or of the county issuing the bonds and the credit or taxing power of the state or county may not be pledged therefor, but the transportation revenue bonds may be payable only from the revenue pledged therefor as provided in this article.

(f) A holder of transportation revenue bonds has a lien against the user fee revenues and the user fee revenue fund for payment of the transportation revenue bond and the interest thereon and may bring suit to enforce the lien.

(g) A county commission may issue and secure additional bonds payable out of the user fee revenues and the user fee revenue fund which bonds may rank on a parity with, or be subordinate or superior to, other bonds issued by the county commission and payable from the user revenue fee fund.

(h) For the purposes of this section, a county commission is authorized to sue and be sued; make contracts and guarantees; incur liabilities; borrow or lend money for any time period considered advisable by the county commission; sell, mortgage, lease, exchange, transfer or otherwise dispose of its property; or pledge its property as collateral or security for any time period considered advisable by the commission. All sales, leases or other disposition of real property acquired with state road funds or federal funds, or of real property dedicated to the state road system, must be done in accordance with applicable federal and state law and may be done only with the approval of the commissioner. A county commission is also authorized to create trusts as will expedite the efficient management of transportation projects and other assets owned or controlled by the county commission. The trustee, whether individual or corporate, in any trust has a fiduciary relationship with the county commission and may be removed by the county commission for good cause shown or for a breach of the fiduciary relationship with the county commission. Nothing in this article effects a waiver of the sovereign, constitutional or governmental immunity of the state or its agencies.

(i) The powers conferred by this article are in addition and supplemental to any other powers conferred upon county commissions by the Legislature relating to streets, road maintenance or to construct and maintain transportation facilities.

(j) After the issuance of any transportation revenue bonds, the user fee pledged to the payment thereof may not be reduced as long as any of the bonds are outstanding and unpaid except under such terms, provisions and conditions as shall be contained in the order, trust, agreement or other proceedings under which the transportation revenue bonds were issued.

§17-28-7. Comprehensive agreement.

(a) Prior to acquiring, constructing or improving a transportation facility, the project sponsors shall enter into a comprehensive agreement with the division. The comprehensive agreement shall provide for:

(1) Delivery of performance or payment bonds in connection with the construction of or improvements to the transportation facility, in the forms and amounts satisfactory to the division;

(2) Review and approval of the final plans and specifications for the transportation facility by the division;

(3) Inspection of the construction of or improvements to the transportation facility to ensure that they conform to the engineering standards acceptable to the division;

(4) Maintenance of a policy or policies of public liability insurance or self-insurance, in a form and amount satisfactory to the division and reasonably sufficient to insure coverage of tort liability to the public and employees and to enable the continued operation of the transportation facility. However, in no event may the insurance impose any pecuniary liability on the state, its agencies or any political subdivision of the state. Copies of the policies must be filed with the division accompanied by proofs of coverage;

(5) Monitoring of the maintenance and operating practices of the sponsoring governmental entity by the division and the taking of any actions the division finds appropriate to ensure that the transportation facility is properly maintained and operated;

(6) Itemization and reimbursement to be paid to the division for the review and any services provided by the division;

(7) Filing of appropriate financial statements on a periodic basis;

(8) The date of termination of the sponsoring governmental entity's duties under this article and dedication to the division; and

(9) That a transportation facility must accommodate all public utilities on a reasonable, nondiscriminatory and completely neutral basis and in compliance with section seventeen-b, article four, chapter seventeen of this code.

(b) In the comprehensive agreement, the division may agree to accept grants or loans from the sponsoring governmental entity, from time to time, from amounts received from the state or federal government or any agency or instrumentality of the state or federal government.

(c) The comprehensive agreement is to incorporate the duties of the sponsoring governmental entity under this article and may contain any other terms and conditions that the division determines serve the public purpose of this chapter. Without limitation, the comprehensive agreement may contain provisions under which the division agrees to provide notice of default and cure rights for the benefit of the sponsoring governmental entity and the persons specified in the comprehensive agreement as providing financing for the qualifying transportation facility. The comprehensive agreement may contain any other lawful terms and conditions to which the sponsoring governmental entity and the division mutually agree.

(d) Any changes in the terms of the comprehensive agreement, agreed upon by the parties must be added to the comprehensive agreement by written amendment.

§17-28-8. Commissioner's authority over transportation projects accepted into the state road system; use of state road funds.

(a) Notwithstanding anything in this article to the contrary, the commissioner has final approval of any transportation project. However, no state road funds may be used, singly or together with funds from any other source, for any purpose or in any manner contrary to or prohibited by the constitution and laws of this state or the federal government or where such use, in the sole discretion of the commissioner, would jeopardize receipt of federal funds.

(b) All transportation projects that are accepted as part of the state road system, and all real property interests and appurtenances, are under the exclusive jurisdiction and control of the commissioner, who may exercise the same rights and authority as he or she has over other transportation facilities in the state road system. As a condition of acceptance of a transportation project into the state road system, the commissioner may require that the project sponsor provide a dedicated revenue source for the continued operation and maintenance of the transportation project.

(c) No state road funds may be used to finance a transportation project without the written approval of the commissioner.

§17-28-9. Qualifying a transportation project as a public improvement.

All transportation projects authorized under this article are public improvements and are subject to article five-a, chapter twenty-one of this code. Article twenty-two, chapter five of this code applies to all transportation projects authorized under this article. All construction, reconstruction, repair or improvement of transportation projects under this article will be awarded by competitive bidding. Competitive bids are to be solicited by the governmental entity sponsoring a transportation project for each construction contract in excess of $25,000 in total cost. Competitive bids must be solicited by the sponsoring governmental entity through publication of a Class II legal advertisement, as required by article three, chapter fifty-nine of this code, and the publication area is the county or municipality where the transportation facility is to be located. The advertisement must also be published as a Class II advertisement in a newspaper of general circulation published in the city of Charleston. The advertisement is to include the solicitations of sealed proposals for the construction of the transportation project, stating the time and place for the opening of bids. All bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. Construction contracts must be awarded to the lowest qualified responsible bidder, who furnishes a sufficient performance or payment bond. The sponsoring governmental entity has the right to reject all bids and solicit new bids for the construction contract. Article one-c, chapter twenty-one of this code applies to the construction of all transportation projects approved under this article.

§17-28-10. Coordination and development of transportation projects with other infrastructure; information sharing; agreements among municipal utilities and public service districts to participate in transportation projects; rates to include costs borne by municipal utilities and public service districts in coordination with transportation projects; exemption from Public Service Commission approval.

(a) The commissioner is to encourage the joint and concurrent development and construction of transportation projects with other infrastructure including, without limitation, water and sewer infrastructure.

(b) To coordinate and integrate the planning of transportation projects among local jurisdictions, all governing bodies, units of government, municipal utilities and public service districts within the affected local jurisdiction are to cooperate, participate, share information and give input when a project sponsor prepares a transportation project plan.

(c) Municipal utilities and public service districts may enter into agreements with any project sponsor for the purpose of constructing new infrastructure facilities or substantially improving or expanding infrastructure facilities in conjunction with a transportation project and dedicating revenue or contributing moneys to transportation project costs. Each agreement must contain, at a minimum, engineering and construction standards, terms regarding the revenue sources, allocation of project costs and confirmation that the agreement does not violate any existing bond covenants. Each agreement shall also comply and be consistent with the comprehensive agreement applicable to the transportation project. No infrastructure facilities may be located or relocated within a right-of-way in, or to be included within, the state road system except in accordance with transportation project plans approved by the commissioner.

(d) The rates charged by a municipal utility or public service district to customers in an affected local jurisdiction may include the additional cost borne by the municipal utility or public service district as a result of entering into an agreement with a project sponsor to contribute moneys or dedicate revenue to transportation project costs.

(e) This article may not be construed to affect the authority of the Department of Environmental Protection nor the authority of the Department of Health pursuant to this code.

(f) This article may not be construed to give the Public Service Commission authority to regulate or intervene in the approval and construction of any transportation project or any agreement between a project sponsor and a municipal utility or public service district under this article.

§17-28-11. Excess funds; termination of user fee.

(a) When revenue bonds have been issued as provided in this article and the amount of user fees imposed pursuant to section five of this article and collected, less costs of administration, collection and enforcement, exceeds the amount needed to pay project costs and annual debt service, including the finding of required debt service and maintenance reserves, the additional amount shall be set aside in a separate fund and used to either fund transportation projects on a cash basis or retire some or all of the outstanding revenue bonds before their maturity date. The county commission may establish a call date for which bonds must be refunded with excess funds after a date determined by the county commission.

(b) Once the revenue bonds issued as provided in this article are no longer outstanding or a certified public accountant certifies that sufficient reserves have been or will be accumulated as of a specified date to pay all future debt service on the outstanding bonds, the user fee that is applicable to those specific bonds shall be discontinued. Termination of the user fee as provided in this section shall not bar or otherwise prevent the county commission from collecting user fees that accrued before the termination date.

§17-28-12. Severability.

If any section, clause, provision or portion of this article shall be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such holding shall not affect any other section, clause or provision of this article which is not in and of itself unconstitutional.


§17-29-1.  Definitions.

As used in this article:

(1) "Personal vehicle" means a vehicle that is:

(a)  Used by a transportation network company driver to provide a prearranged ride;

(b) Owned, leased or otherwise authorized for use by the transportation network company driver; and

(c) Not a taxicab or for-hire vehicle.

(2) "Digital network” means any online-enabled application, software, website or system offered or utilized by a transportation network company that enables the prearrangement of rides with transportation network company drivers.

(3) "Transportation network company" means a corporation, partnership, sole proprietorship, or other entity that is licensed pursuant to this article and operating in West Virginia that uses a digital network to connect transportation network company riders to transportation network company drivers who provide prearranged rides. A transportation network company does not control, direct or manage the personal vehicles or transportation network company drivers that connect to its digital network, except where agreed to by written contract.

(4) “Transportation network company driver" or "driver" means an individual who:

(A) Receives connections to potential passengers and related services from a  transportation network company in exchange for payment of a fee to the  transportation network company; and

(B) Uses a personal vehicle to offer or provide a prearranged ride to transportation network company riders upon connection through a digital network controlled by a transportation network company in return for compensation or payment of a fee.

(5) "Transportation network company rider" or "rider" means an individual or persons who use a  transportation network company’s  digital network to connect with a  transportation network company driver who provides prearranged rides to the rider in the driver’s personal vehicle between points chosen by the rider.

(6) "Prearranged ride" means the provision of transportation by a driver to a transportation network company rider, beginning when a driver accepts a transportation network company rider’s request for a ride through a digital network controlled by a transportation network company, continuing while the driver transports the requesting rider, and ending when the last requesting rider departs from the personal vehicle. A prearranged ride does not include:

(A) Transportation provided using a taxi, limousine or other for-hire vehicle; or

(B) Transportation provided under a ridesharing arrangement, as defined in section one, article twenty-two, chapter seventeen-c of this code or any other type of arrangement or service in which the driver receives a fee that does not exceed the driver’s costs associated with providing the ride.

§17-29-2.  Not other carriers.

Transportation network companies or  transportation network company drivers are not common carriers by motor vehicle or contract carriers by motor vehicle, or motor carriers, as defined in section two, article one, chapter twenty-four-a of this code, nor do they provide taxicab or for-hire vehicle services.

§17-29-3. Transportation Network Company permit required.

(a) A person may not operate a transportation network company in West Virginia without first having obtained a permit from the Division of Motor Vehicles.

(b) The Division of Motor Vehicles shall issue a permit to each applicant that:

(1) Provides proof of an agent for service of process in the State of West Virginia to the Division of Motor Vehicles in accordance with section four of this article;

(2) Provides a copy of a certificate of insurance maintained by the transportation network company in accordance with section eight of this article;

(3) Provides a copy of the transportation network company’s zero tolerance for drug or alcohol use policy to the Division of Motor Vehicles in accordance with section twelve of this article;

(4) Provides a copy of the transportation network company’s policy prohibiting solicitation or acceptance of street hails to the Division of Motor Vehicles in accordance with section fifteen of this article;

(5) Provides a copy of the transportation network company’s policy prohibiting solicitation or acceptance of cash payments from riders to the Division of Motor Vehicles in accordance with section sixteen of this article;

(6) Provides a copy of the  transportation network company’s policy of nondiscrimination with respect to riders and potential riders to the Division of Motor Vehicles in accordance with section seventeen of this article; and

(7) Has paid an annual permit fee of $1,000 to the Division of Motor Vehicles.

(c) Any fees collected under the provisions of this article shall be deposited into the Motor Vehicle Fees Fund established in accordance with section twenty-one, article two, chapter seventeen-a of this code. The Division of Motor Vehicles shall use the fees collected for the payment of the costs and expenses necessary for the administration of this article.

§17-29-4.  Agent.

A transportation network company shall maintain an agent for service of process in this state.

§17-29-5. Fare collected for services.

On behalf of a transportation network company driver, a transportation network company may charge a fare for the services provided to riders: Provided, that if a fare is collected from a rider, the transportation network company shall disclose to the rider the fare calculation method on its website or within the software application service. The transportation network company shall also provide riders with the applicable rates being charged and the option to receive an estimated fare before the rider enters the transportation network company driver’s vehicle.

§17-29-6. Identification of transportation network company vehicles and drivers.

The transportation network company’s software application or website shall display a picture of the transportation network company driver and the license plate number of the motor vehicle utilized for providing the prearranged ride before the rider enters the transportation network company driver’s vehicle.

§17-29-7. Electronic receipt.

Within a reasonable period of time following the completion of a prearranged ride, a transportation network company shall transmit an electronic receipt to the rider on behalf of the transportation network company driver that lists:

(a) The origin and destination of the prearranged ride;

(b) The total time and distance of the prearranged ride; and

(c) An itemization of the total fare paid, if any.

§17-29-8. Financial responsibility of transportation network companies.

(a) On or before July 1, 2016, and thereafter, a transportation network company driver or transportation network company on the driver’s behalf shall maintain primary automobile insurance that recognizes that the driver is a transportation network company driver or otherwise uses a vehicle to transport passengers for compensation and covers the driver:

(1) While the transportation network company driver is logged on to the transportation network company’s digital network; or

(2) While the driver is engaged in a prearranged ride.

(b) The following automobile insurance requirements apply while a participating  transportation network company driver is logged on to the  transportation network company’s  digital network and is available to receive transportation requests, but is not engaged in a prearranged ride:

(1) Primary automobile liability insurance in the amount of at least $50,000 for death and bodily injury per person, $100,000 for death and bodily injury per incident and $25,000 for property damage; and

(2) Uninsured and underinsured motorists’ coverage as required in section thirty-one, article  six, chapter thirty-three of this code.

(3) The coverage requirements of this subsection may be satisfied by any of the following:

(A) Automobile insurance maintained by the transportation network company driver; or

(B) Automobile insurance maintained by the transportation network company; or

(C) Any combination of paragraphs (A) and (B) of this subdivision.

(c) The following automobile insurance requirements apply while a transportation network company driver is engaged in a prearranged ride:

(1) Primary automobile liability insurance that provides at least $1,000,000 for death, bodily injury and property damage; and

(2) Uninsured and underinsured motorists’ coverage as required in section thirty-one, article  six, chapter thirty-three of this code.

(3) The coverage requirements of this subsection (c) may be satisfied by any of the following:

(A) Automobile insurance maintained by the transportation network company driver; or

(B) Automobile insurance maintained by the transportation network company; or

(C) Any combination of paragraphs (A) and (B) of this subdivision.

(d) If insurance maintained by a driver in subsection (b) or (c) has lapsed or does not provide the required coverage, insurance maintained by a transportation network company shall provide the coverage required under this section beginning with the first dollar of a claim and have the duty to defend such claim.

(e) Coverage under an automobile insurance policy maintained by the transportation network company shall not be dependent on a personal automobile insurer first denying a claim nor shall a personal automobile insurance policy be required to first deny a claim.

(f) Insurance required under this section may be placed with an insurer authorized to do business in this state or with a surplus lines insurer eligible under section five, article twelve-c, chapter thirty-three of this code that has a credit rating of no less than “A-” from A.M. Best or “A” from Demotech or similar rating from another rating agency recognized by the Insurance Commissioner.

(g) Insurance satisfying the requirements of this section shall be deemed to satisfy the financial responsibility requirement for a motor vehicle under article four, chapter seventeen-d of this code.

(h) A transportation network company driver shall carry proof of coverage satisfying subsections (b) and (c), section eight of this article with him or her at all times during his or her use of a personal vehicle in connection with a transportation network company’s digital network. In the event of an accident, a transportation network company driver shall provide this insurance coverage information to the directly interested parties, automobile insurers and investigating police officers, upon request pursuant  to  section four, article two-a, chapter seventeen-d of this code. Upon such request, a  transportation network company driver shall also disclose to directly interested parties, automobile insurers, and investigating police officers, whether he or she was logged on to the  transportation network company’s  digital network or on a prearranged ride at the time of an accident.

§17-29-9. Disclosures.

The transportation network company shall disclose in writing to transportation network company drivers the following before they are allowed to accept a request for a prearranged ride on the transportation network company’s digital network:

(1) The insurance coverage, including the types of coverage and the limits for each coverage that the  transportation network company provides while the  transportation network company driver uses a personal vehicle in connection with a transportation network company’s  digital network; and

(2) That the  transportation network company driver’s own automobile insurance policy might not provide any coverage while the driver is logged on to the transportation network company’s  digital network and is available to receive transportation requests or is engaged in a prearranged ride, depending on its terms.

§17-29-10. Automobile insurance provisions.

(a) Insurers that write automobile insurance in this state may exclude any and all coverage afforded under the policy issued to an owner or operator of a personal vehicle for any loss or injury that occurs while a driver is logged on to a  transportation network company’s  digital network or while a driver provides a prearranged ride. This right to exclude all coverage may apply to any coverage included in an automobile insurance policy including, but not limited to:

(1) Liability coverage for bodily injury and property damage;

(2) Uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage;

(3) Medical payments coverage;

(4) Comprehensive physical damage coverage; and

(5) Collision physical damage coverage.

Such exclusions apply notwithstanding any requirement under article four, chapter seventeen-d of this code. Nothing in this section implies or requires that a personal automobile insurance policy provide coverage while the driver is logged on to the  transportation network company’s  digital network, while the driver is engaged in a prearranged ride or while the driver otherwise uses a vehicle to transport passengers for compensation. Nothing shall be deemed to preclude an insurer from providing coverage for the transportation network company driver’s vehicle, if it so chooses to do so by contract or endorsement.

(b) Automobile insurers that exclude the coverage described in section eight of this article have no duty to defend or indemnify any claim expressly excluded thereunder. Nothing in this article  invalidates or limits an exclusion contained in a policy, including any policy in use or approved for use in this state prior to the enactment of this article that excludes coverage for vehicles used to carry persons or property for a charge or available for hire by the public. An automobile insurer that defends or indemnifies a claim against a driver that is excluded under the terms of its policy shall have a right of contribution against other insurers that provide automobile insurance to the same driver in satisfaction of the coverage requirements of section eight of this article at the time of loss.

 (c) In a claims coverage investigation, transportation network companies and any insurer providing coverage under section eight of this article shall cooperate to facilitate the exchange of relevant information with directly involved parties and any insurer of the transportation network company driver if applicable, including the precise times that a transportation network company driver logged on and off of the transportation network company’s digital network in the twelve hour period immediately preceding and in the twelve hour period immediately following the accident and disclose to one another a clear description of the coverage, exclusions and limits provided under any automobile insurance maintained under section eight of this article.

§17-29-11. Limitation on transportation network companies.

(a) Drivers are independent contractors and not employees of the transportation network company if all of the following conditions are met:

(1) The transportation network company does not prescribe specific hours during which a transportation network company driver must be logged into the transportation network company’s digital network;

(2) The transportation network company imposes no restrictions on the transportation network company driver’s ability to utilize digital networks from other transportation network companies;

(3) The transportation network company does not assign a transportation network company driver a particular territory in which to operate;

(4) The transportation network company does not restrict a transportation network company driver from engaging in any other occupation or business; and

(5) The transportation network company and transportation network company driver agree in writing that the driver is an independent contractor of the transportation network company.

(b) A transportation network company operating under this article is not required to provide workers’ compensation coverage to a transportation network company driver that is classified as an independent contractor pursuant to this section.

§17-29-12.  Zero tolerance for drug or alcohol use.

(a) The transportation network company shall implement a zero tolerance policy regarding a transportation network company driver’s activities while accessing the transportation network company’s digital network. The zero tolerance policy shall address the use of drugs or alcohol while a  transportation network company driver is providing prearranged rides or is logged into the transportation network company’s  digital network but is not providing prearranged rides, and the transportation network company shall provide notice of this policy on its website, as well as procedures to report a complaint about a driver with whom a rider was matched and whom the rider reasonably suspects was under the influence of drugs or alcohol during the course of the trip.

(b) Upon receipt of such rider complaint alleging a violation of the zero tolerance policy, the transportation network company shall immediately suspend such transportation network company driver’s access to the transportation network company’s digital network and shall conduct an investigation into the reported incident. The suspension shall last the duration of the investigation.

(c) The transportation network company shall maintain records relevant to the enforcement of this requirement for a period of at least two years from the date that a rider complaint is received by the transportation network company.

§17-29-13. Transportation network company driver requirements.

(a) Before allowing an individual to accept trip requests through a transportation network company’s digital platform:

(1) The individual shall submit an application to the  transportation network company, which includes information regarding his or her address, age, driver’s license, motor vehicle registration, automobile liability insurance and other information required by the transportation network company;

(2) The transportation network company shall conduct, or have a third party conduct, a local and national criminal background check for each applicant that shall include:

(A) Multistate/multijurisdiction criminal records locator or other similar commercial nationwide database with validation (primary source search); and

(B) National Sex Offender Registry database.

(3) The transportation network company shall review, or have a third party review, a driving history research report for such individual.

(b) The transportation network company shall not permit an individual to act as a transportation network company driver on its digital network who:

(1) Has had more than three moving violations in the prior three-year period, or one major violation in the prior three-year period, including, but not limited to, attempting to evade the police, reckless driving or driving on a suspended or revoked license;

(2) Has been convicted, within the past seven years, of any felony or misdemeanor, driving under the influence, reckless driving, hit and run, or any misdemeanor violent offense or sexual offense, or more than three misdemeanors of any kind;

(3) Is a match in the National Sex Offender Registry database;

(4) Does not possess a valid driver’s license;

(5) Does not possess proof of registration for the motor vehicle(s) used to provide prearranged rides;

(6) Does not possess proof of automobile liability insurance for the motor vehicle(s) used to provide prearranged rides; or

(7) Is not at least nineteen years of age.

§17-29-14. Vehicle safety and emissions.

The  transportation network company shall require any motor vehicle that a  transportation network company driver will use to provide  transportation network company services to meet the inspection requirements of section four, article sixteen, chapter seventeen-c of this code or the inspection requirements for a private motor vehicle of the state in which the motor vehicle is registered.

§17-29-15. No street hails.

A transportation network company driver may not solicit or accept street hails.

§17-29-16. No cash trips.

The transportation network company shall adopt a policy prohibiting solicitation or acceptance of cash payments from riders and notify transportation network company drivers of such policy. Transportation network company drivers may not solicit or accept cash payments from riders. Any payment for prearranged rides shall be made only electronically using the transportation network company’s digital network or software application.

§17-29-17. No discrimination; accessibility.

(a) The transportation network company shall adopt a policy of nondiscrimination with respect to riders and potential riders and notify transportation network company drivers of such policy: Provided, That no provision of this article may be construed to require that the policy of nondiscrimination with respect to riders and potential riders be more stringent than state law governing unlawful discriminatory practices.

(b) Transportation network company drivers shall comply with all applicable laws regarding nondiscrimination against riders or potential riders.

(c)  Transportation network company drivers shall comply with all applicable laws relating to accommodation of service animals.

(d) A transportation network company may not impose additional charges for providing services to persons with physical disabilities due to those disabilities.

§17-29-18. Records.

A transportation network company shall maintain the following customer records:

(a) Individual trip records of rider customers for at least two years from the date each trip was provided; and

(b) Individual records of transportation network company driver customers at least until the two year anniversary of the date on which a transportation network company driver’s customer relationship with the transportation network company has ended.

§17-29-19. Controlling authority.

(a) Notwithstanding any provision of chapter twenty-four or any other provision of this code to the contrary, the regulation of the business activities of transportation network companies and transportation network company drivers is governed exclusively by this article.

(b) Taxation. — No municipality, county or other local governmental entity or special district may impose a special district excise tax, sales tax, use tax, business and occupation tax, or any other tax or fee on, or require a license for, a  transportation network company, a  transportation network company driver, or a personal vehicle used by a  transportation network company driver, where such tax or license relates to, or is imposed upon, the service or privilege of providing prearranged transportation of persons or property. No municipal consumer’s sales and service tax and use tax or special district excise tax may be imposed on the customers of a transportation network company or a transportation network company driver for, or with relation to, purchases of transportation network company transportation services.

(c) Licensure, registration and qualification. — No municipality, county or other local governmental entity or special district may require a transportation network company driver to obtain a business license or any other similar authorization to operate within the jurisdiction, or subject a transportation network company or transportation network company driver to any licensure requirement, fee, tax, entry requirement, registration requirement, operating or operational requirement or any other requirement.

(d) Consumers sales and service tax and use tax exemptions. —

(1) The provision of prearranged transportation service by a transportation network company driver is exempt from the consumers sales and service tax and use tax imposed under articles fifteen and fifteen-a, chapter eleven of this code.

(2) Transportation network companies may assert a lawful and timely exemption from the consumer sales and service tax and use tax, in accordance with section nine, article fifteen, chapter eleven of this code, for purchases of tangible personal property and services directly used in transportation.

(e) Limitations and interpretation. —

(1) No provision of this section or this article shall be interpreted to void, abrogate, restrict or affect imposition of the ad valorem property tax on tangible personal property of a transportation network company or of a transportation network company driver by any levying body.

(2) No provision of this section or this article shall be interpreted to void, abrogate, restrict or affect imposition of the state personal income tax or state corporation net income tax on a transportation network company or a transportation network company driver.

(3) No provision of this section or this article shall be interpreted to void, abrogate, restrict or affect imposition of the motor fuel excise tax on any taxable motor fuel or alternative fuel purchased by any transportation network company or transportation network company driver.

(4) No provision of this section or this article shall be interpreted to void, abrogate, restrict or affect the requirements of chapter eleven of this code for issuance of a business registration certificate for transportation network companies and transportation network drivers.

(5) No provision of this section or this article voids, abrogates, restricts or affects any requirement of state law with relation to licensure of drivers or motor vehicles.

(6) Transportation network company drivers may not assert the exemption from the consumer sales and service tax and use tax, for purchases of tangible personal property and services directly used in transportation under section nine, article fifteen, chapter eleven of this code.

§17-2A-8d. Reimbursement for volunteer fire departments.

(a) In addition to the other powers given and assigned to him or her in this chapter, the Commissioner of the Division of Highways may enter into reimbursement agreements, based upon reasonable actual costs incurred, with volunteer or part-volunteer fire departments for services provided by volunteer or part-volunteer fire departments relating to tree or debris removal from state highways and rights-of-way when the commissioner requests such services.

(b) A volunteer or part-volunteer fire department may be reimbursed without a prior request by the commissioner when the traveled way of a state highway is obstructed by a fallen tree or other debris and the volunteer or part-volunteer fire department is the first responder: Provided, That the volunteer or part-volunteer fire department subsequently enters into a reimbursement agreement with the commissioner to recoup only the costs actually incurred to clear the traveled way of the state highway to permit the public to safely travel upon it.

(c) The commissioner shall retain authority to properly remove and dispose of any cleared trees, debris, or other obstructions cleared from the traveled way by a volunteer or part-volunteer fire department, and the commissioner shall not reimburse a volunteer or part-volunteer fire department for any final disposal of any cleared debris or obstruction.

(d) The commissioner shall not reimburse a volunteer or part-volunteer fire department for services contracted out by the volunteer or part-volunteer fire department.

(e) The commissioner may propose rules for legislative approval in accordance with the provisions of §29A-3-1 et seq. of this code to effectuate the purposes of the section. Any rule promulgated pursuant to this section shall include provisions establishing minimum reporting, auditing, and other necessary documentation requirements to approve reimbursement requests submitted to the commissioner.

§17-2A-17a. Acquisition of property for utility accommodation purposes; "utility" defined.

(a) The Legislature finds that it is in the public interest for utility facilities to be accommodated on the right-of-way of state highways when such use and occupancy of the highway right-of-way does not adversely affect highway or traffic safety or otherwise impair the highway or its aesthetic quality, and does not conflict with the provisions of federal, state, or local laws, legislative rules, or agency policies. Utilities provide essential services to the general public and, as a matter of sound economic public policy and law, utilities have used state road rights-of-way for transmitting and distributing their services. The accommodation of utility facilities on the rights-of-way of state highways serves an important public purpose by increasing public access to utility services.

(b) "Utility" means, for purposes of this chapter, any privately, publicly, or cooperatively owned line, facility, or system for producing, transmitting, or distributing communications, data, information, video services, power, electricity, light, heat, gas, oil, crude products, water, steam, waste, stormwater not connected with highway drainage, or any other similar commodity, including any fire or police signal system or street lighting system, which directly or indirectly serves the public. The term "utility" also includes those similar facilities which are owned or leased by a government agency for its own use, or otherwise dedicated solely to governmental use, or those facilities which are owned or leased by a local exchange carrier, as defined by 150 CSR 6.

(c) In addition to all other powers given and assigned to the commissioner in this chapter, the commissioner may acquire, either temporarily or permanently, in the name of the division, and adjacent to public roadways or highways, all real or personal property, public or private, or any interests or rights therein, including any easement, riparian right, or right of access, determined by the commissioner to be necessary for present or presently foreseeable future utility accommodation purposes.

(d) Notwithstanding any provision of this article to the contrary, the commissioner may lease real property held by the division or any interest or right in the property, including airspace rights, if any, for the purpose of accommodating any utility providing telecommunications or broadband services that has requested a lease if the commissioner finds, in his or her sole discretion, that entering into the lease agreement with such utility is in the public interest. The execution and governance of such accommodation leases are subject to the following:

(1) The term of any accommodation lease authorized by this section may not exceed 30 years;

(2) Neither competitive bids nor public solicitations are required prior to entering into a utility accommodation lease;

(3) Any utility accommodation lease shall require the utility to pay fair market value for the real property interest as determined by the commissioner: Provided, That because the social, environmental, and economic benefits from such use of state highway rights-of-way is of overwhelming value to the citizens of this state and is in the overall public interest, the division shall establish the fair market value for purposes of this article at $0 in monetary compensation: Provided, however, That a utility accommodation lease may include provisions that convey the state in-kind compensation if the lease includes multiple districts of the Division of Highways;

(4) For any utility which is not subject to the jurisdiction of the Public Service Commission, an accommodation lease may not contain any exclusivity provisions;

(5) The provisions of this subsection do not require any utility to lease any real property, or any interest or right in the property, from the commissioner; and

(6) The ownership, control, or any rights related to any in-kind compensation received by the division may, upon written approval of the Governor, be transferred or assigned to any other state agency.


§17-2E-1. Legislative findings.

(a) The Legislature finds that it is in the public interest to accommodate telecommunications facilities on Division of Highways right-of-way when the use of the right-of-way does not adversely affect the safety of the traveling public or impair the highway or its aesthetic quality or conflict with any federal, state, or local laws, rules, regulations, or policies.

(b) The Legislature further finds that a broadband connection is an essential part of developing the state and local economies, enhancing the transportation system and creating a safer and more secure environment for our citizens.

(c) The Legislature further finds that expanding telecommunication facilities will allow the state to participate in the E-Rate Program of funding for digital education in America to provide reliable services opportunities for education and training.

(d) The Legislature further finds that fast, reliable broadband connections enhance telemedical opportunities for our rural doctors and hospitals, linking them to our major medical centers. Thereby overcoming distance barriers, and improving access to medical services that often are not consistently available in rural communities.

(e) The Legislature further finds that instituting a dig once policy encourages telecommunications carriers to coordinate installation of broadband conduit to minimize costs to the carriers and minimize disruption and inconvenience to the traveling public.

§17-2E-2. Definitions.

In this article, unless the context otherwise requires:

(1) "Broadband conduit" or "conduit" means a conduit, innerduct, or microduct for fiber optic cables that support facilities for broadband service.

(2) "Broadband service" has the same meaning as defined in §31G-1-2 of this code.

(3) "Council" means the Broadband Enhancement Council.

(4) "Direct bury" means the burying of telecommunications wire or cable directly into the ground by means of plowing or direct insertion without the opening of a trench and without the installation of conduit or innerduct.

(5) "Division" means the Division of Highways.

(6) "Longitudinal access" means access to or the use of any part of a right-of-way that extends generally parallel to the traveled right-of-way.

(7) "Permit" means an encroachment permit issued by the commissioner of the division under the authority of this code, and pursuant to the Accommodation of Utilities on Highway Right-of-Way and Adjustment and Relocation of Utility Facilities on Highway Projects Policy, or equivalent policy, as may be currently enforced by the division, that specifies the requirements and conditions for performing work in a right-of-way and where such work involves the creation or opening of a trench for the installation of telecommunications facilities in a right-of-way.

(8) "Right-of-way" means land, property, or any interest therein acquired or controlled by the division for transportation facilities or other transportation purposes or specifically acquired for utility accommodation.

(9) "Telecommunications carrier" means a telecommunications carrier:

(A) As determined by the Public Service Commission of West Virginia; or

(B) That meets the definition of telecommunications carrier with respect to the Federal Communications Commission, as contained in 47 U.S.C. §153.

(10) "Telecommunications facility" means any cable, line, fiber, wire, conduit, innerduct, access manhole, handhole, tower, hut, pedestal, pole, box, transmitting equipment, receiving equipment, power equipment, or other equipment, system, or device that is used to transmit, receive, produce or distribute a signal for telecommunications purposes via wireline, electronic, or optical means.

(11) "Utility" has the meaning ascribed to it in §17-2A-17a of this code.

(12) "Wireless access" means access to, and use of, a right-of-way for the purpose of constructing, installing, maintaining, using, or operating telecommunications facilities for wireless telecommunications.

§17-2E-3. Use of rights-of-way; broadband conduit installation in rights-of-way; permits; agreements; compensation; valuation of compensation; telecommunications facilities construction and installation in rights-of-way.

(a) If in-ground construction or installation of a telecommunications facility in rights-of-way owned or controlled by the division serves a public purpose and shall be accommodated as a utility pursuant to federal and state law, the division will receive applications and issue a permit consistent with this section with respect to requirements and conditions for performing work in division rights-of-way.

(b) Upon receipt of a complete application as specified in the Accommodation of Utilities on Highway Right-of-Way and Adjustment and Relocation of Utility Facilities on Highway Projects Policy, or equivalent policy, as may be currently enforced by the division, that specifies the requirements and conditions for performing work in a right-of-way, the division shall, within 60 business days, advise applicant in writing of any deficiencies with the planned project that:

(1) Adversely affect the safety, design, construction, operation, maintenance, or stability of the state road system;

(2) Interfere with or impair the present use or planned future expansion of any affected highway or bridge;

(3) Conflict with applicable division policy with respect to requirements and conditions for performing work in division rights-of-way; or

(4) Violates applicable federal or state law.

(c) An applicant may correct any deficiencies and resubmit the application, which shall be reviewed by the division and either approved or denied within 30 days of the resubmittal. Any denial of a resubmittal shall be in writing and explain any deficiencies as provided in subsection (b) of this section. After the division approves a permit application, notwithstanding any other provision of this code to the contrary, the division shall issue a specific district level construction authorization for the approved project within 10 business days unless specific logistical issues reasonably prevent commencement.

(d) Compliance with applicable environmental laws shall at all times be the responsibility of the applicant. If any environmental clearance must be performed by the division before an application is approved, the division will notify the applicant in writing of all necessary requirements for such clearance within 15 business days of receiving a complete application. The division will also provide a list of all known federal and state entities with whom an applicant may also need to consult and coordinate for environmental clearance purposes.

(e) The division will create and make available for potential applicants an informational notice specific to in-ground telecommunications facility construction and installation that explains routine issues for such projects, including a consolidated checklist or flow chart of all state or federal regulatory requirements, including but not limited to applicable permits, required reviews, required approvals, and required forms. The division shall annually update such informational notice for accuracy and completeness by coordination with each state or federal agency having required regulatory action in the permitting process legal, regulatory, and division requirements and may request the assistance of the Office of Broadband in preparing this informational notice.

(f) The provisions of this article shall not apply to the relocation or modification of existing telecommunications facilities in a right-of-way, nor shall these provisions apply to aerial telecommunications facilities or associated apparatus or equipment in a right-of-way. Relocation of telecommunications facilities within rights-of-way for state highways shall be in accordance with the provisions of §17-4-17b of this code.

§17-2E-4. Highway safety.

(a) The Division of Highways, in its sole discretion, may deny any longitudinal access or wireless access if such access would compromise the safe, efficient, and convenient use of any road, route, highway, or interstate in this state for the traveling public.

(b) Any longitudinal access or wireless access to a right-of-way granted by the Division of Highways pursuant to this article does not abrogate, limit, supersede, or otherwise affect access granted or authorized pursuant to the Division’s rules, policies, and guidelines related to accommodation of utilities on highways’ rights-of-way and adjustment and relocation of utility facilities on highway projects.

§17-2E-5. Telecommunications carrier initiated construction and joint use.

(a) Upon application for a permit, the applicant shall notify, by email, the Office of Broadband and all other telecommunications carriers on record with the office of the application. Other telecommunications carriers have 15 calendar days to notify the applicant of their interest to share the applicant’s trench. This requirement extends to all underground construction technologies.

(b) If no competing telecommunications carrier provides notice of interest to share the applicant’s trench within 15 calendar days of notice of the project, the applicant shall provide written certification in accordance with subsection (g) of this section.

(c) If a competing telecommunications carrier provides notice of interest to share the applicant’s trench, an agreement between the two (or more) telecommunications carriers shall be executed by those entities within 30 days of the notice of interest, outlining the responsibilities and financial obligations of each, with respect to the installation within the right-of-way. The financial obligations of each carrier shall be based on the proportionate sharing of costs between each carrier for joint trenching or trench sharing based on the amount of conduit or innerduct space or excess conduit that is authorized in the agreements entered into pursuant to this article. If the division uses a trench, it shall also pay its proportional share unless it is utilizing the trench as in-kind payment for use of the right-of-way, or the division has otherwise determined, in its sole discretion, that including the division in the apportionment of costs is not warranted. A copy of the executed agreement shall be provided to the division.

(d) Should a dispute arise between the initial applying telecommunications carrier and a competing telecommunications carrier, including a failure to execute an agreement required by subsection (c) of this section, the dispute shall be adjudicated by the Public Service Commission. All disputes brought to the Public Service Commission under this article shall be adjudicated within 45 days.

(e) If two or more telecommunications carriers are required or authorized to share a single trench, each carrier in the trench must share the cost and benefits of the trench in a fair, reasonable, competitively neutral, and nondiscriminatory manner. This requirement extends to all underground construction technologies.

(f) The provisions of this section do not apply to the following projects:

(1) Projects where the total continuous length of the trench is less than 1,000 feet;

(2) Projects that use the direct bury of cable or wire facilities;

(3) Projects that are solely for the service of entities involved in national security matters or where the disclosure or sharing of a trench location would be against federal policy; or

(4) Projects made available for lease to competing telecommunications carriers on a nondiscriminatory basis at rates established by the rules of the Federal Communications Commission Projects where the telecommunications carrier installs an amount of spare conduit or innerduct equal to what is being installed for its own use and which is given to the Office of Broadband. Such spare conduit or innerduct shall be made available for sale or lease to competing telecommunications carriers on a nondiscriminatory basis at rates apportioned on the basis of the cost of the installation thereof, to other telecommunications providers, and the revenues derived from such sale, less any costs associated therewith, shall be remitted to the telecommunications carrier that installed such spare conduit or innerduct in a manner consistent with all applicable state and federal law and regulations. All carriers installing spare conduit or innerduct shall notify the council and the Office of Broadband of the location and capacity of such spare conduit and innerduct upon completion of the project, and the council shall make such information publicly available for competing telecommunications carriers.

(g) The Office of Broadband is responsible for ensuring compliance with this section and will provide the division and the applicant with certification of compliance at such time as the applicant has met all of the requirements of this section.

§17-2E-6. In-kind compensation.


§17-2E-7. Use of telecommunications facilities owned or controlled by Division of Highways.

The division may enter into an agreement and issue a permit consistent with the requirements of §17-2E-3 of this code to allow any carrier to use excess telecommunications facilities owned or controlled by the division: Provided, That this section shall be subject to the provisions of the Vertical Real Estate Management and Availability Act, as provided for in §31G-5-1 et seq. of this code, and no excess telecommunications facilities owned or controlled by the division subject to §31G-5-1 et seq. of this code shall be governed by the provisions of this section.

§17-2E-8. Disposal of in-kind compensation; excess telecommunications facilities.

Upon written approval of the Governor, the division may transfer or assign the ownership, control, or any rights related to any excess telecommunications facilities owned or controlled by the division to any other state agency.

§17-2E-9. Rule-making authority.

The commissioner of the division may promulgate rules pursuant to the provisions of §29A-3-1 et seq. of this code as may be necessary to carry out the purpose of this article.

§17-4-17e. Utility relocation on state highway construction projects financed by proceeds of bonds or notes issued before July 1, 2021.

Subject to the provisions of §17-4-17d of this code, and notwithstanding any other provisions to the contrary, whenever the Commissioner of Highways determines that any utility facility located upon, across, above, or under any portion of a state highway needs to be relocated in order to accommodate a highway project funded, in whole or in part, with proceeds of bonds or notes issued by the division, commissioner, West Virginia Parkways Authority, or the State of West Virginia on or after January 1, 2018, and on or before July 1, 2021, the commissioner shall notify the utility owning or operating the facility, which shall relocate the facility in accordance with this article and in accordance with the cost-sharing provisions of this section. The utility shall bear 85 percent of any such relocation costs, and the Division of Highways shall bear 15 percent of any such relocation costs. The division’s share shall be paid out of the State Road Fund or paid with other eligible funds, within two years of completion of the highway project, and shall be considered a cost of the highway project: Provided, That nothing in this section shall alter or amend the responsibility of the division to pay for the cost of utility facilities relocation when such costs are incurred to accommodate a highway project and such utilities maintain pre-existing property rights in their facilities’ present location.

§17-4-55. Rest area, welcome center, road, and vehicle commercial sponsorship program.

(a) The Division of Highways shall undertake a study of the feasibility of implementing a program to facilitate commercial sponsorship of rest areas, welcome centers, roads, and vehicles owned or leased by the Division of Highways to help offset the costs of the operation and maintenance of rest areas, welcome centers, roads, and vehicles.

(b) The Division of Highways shall implement a program to facilitate commercial sponsorship of rest areas, welcome centers, roads, and vehicles owned or leased by the Division of Highways (1) if it is feasible and practicable, in accordance with the study required by subsection (a) of this section, and (2) upon approval of the proposed sponsorship program by the Federal Highway Administration.  

(c) Upon implementation of the program, the Division of Highways may enter into sponsorship agreements with private entities in accordance with this section. A sponsorship agreement may allow a private entity to place signs and placards identifying itself as a sponsor of the rest area, welcome center, road or vehicle that is visible to the traveling public in exchange for consideration at fair market value. A sponsorship agreement may include any other provisions the Division of Highways deems necessary. Sponsorship agreements shall comply with all applicable state and federal rules and regulations.

(d) All net revenue received by the Division of Highways from the sponsorship agreements shall be deposited in the State Road Fund.  

(e) The Commissioner of the Division of Highways may propose rules for legislative

approval or emergency rules pursuant to §29A-3-1 et seq. of this code to establish and implement the program as may be necessary to carry out the purposes of this section.

(f) On or before December 1, 2018, the Commissioner of the Division of Highways shall

submit a report to the Joint Committee on Government and Finance detailing the status and progress of the feasibility study directed in subsection (a) of this section. If the sponsorship program is implemented, the commissioner shall also report to the Joint Committee on Government and Finance on the status of the sponsorship program.

§17-2A-6b. Country roads accountability and transparency.

(a) The Legislature finds that taxpayers should be able to easily access the details of how the state is spending their tax dollars to build and repair state and public roads. The taxpayers should also be able to easily access and compare the budgeted moneys and the performance results that are achieved for those expenditures. It is the intent of the Legislature, therefore, to direct the Auditor to create and maintain a searchable website detailing where, how much, and from what source the taxpayer moneys in state government are expended for state and public roads.

(b) No later than July 1, 2020, the Auditor shall develop and make publicly available a searchable website containing, at a minimum, the following information for a given fiscal year, and the three immediately preceding fiscal years:

(1) The project number or name for each state and public road in which moneys have been expended to build or repair or in which funding has been directed;

(2) The county location for each such project;

(3) The funding source for a given funding action or expenditure;

(4) The budget program or activity related to a given funding action or expenditure;

(5) The name and the address, principal location or residence of the recipients of a given funding action or expenditure; and

(6) Additional information as to the funding action or expenditure the Auditor considers valuable for the public.

(c) For the purposes of this section:

“Auditor” means the State Auditor of West Virginia, by himself or herself, or by any person appointed, designated or approved by the State Auditor to perform the service;

“Funding action or expenditure” includes details on the type of spending (grant, contract, appropriations, etc.). This includes, but is not limited to, tax exemptions, tax credits, or any expenditure from any civil contingency or similar fund. Where possible, a hyperlink to the actual grants or contracts shall be provided: Provided, That any private or confidential information is redacted: Provided, That any private or confidential information contained in the contract shall be redacted;

“Funding source” means the state account from which the funding action or expenditure is appropriated;

“Recipients” means any individual, person, corporation, association, union, limited liability corporation, limited liability partnership, legal business entity including nonprofit organizations, grantees, contractors, or any county, municipal or other local government entity that directly receives the benefit of a funding action or expenditure;

“Searchable website” means a website that allows the public at no cost to search and aggregate information regarding the state’s budget and spending.

(d) The searchable website shall be updated periodically as new data becomes available and is submitted by the commissioner to the Auditor. The commissioner shall provide to the Auditor, in a format specified by the Auditor, all the data that is required to be included in the searchable website no later than 30 days after the data becomes available to the agency. The Auditor shall provide guidance and specifications to the commissioner to promote compliance with this section.

(e) Nothing in this section may be construed to require the commissioner to provide information in a form that is not already available in the Division of Highways’ accounting system: Provided, That when funding action or expenditure is not available separately for a road, the commissioner shall provide available information by county.

(f) The Auditor shall annually provide an update to the Joint Committee on Government and Finance as to the status of the website and shall make known to the Joint Committee and the public any failure by the commissioner to timely submit to the Auditor appropriate and requested information.

§17-17-38. Municipal sale of ownership of toll bridges to private toll transportation facility; maintenance of tolls; imposition of liability for collection and payment; tax treatment and divestment.

(a) Sale of municipally owned toll bridge. — Any municipality which owns and operates a toll bridge pursuant to this article may, at the sole discretion of the municipality, and upon adoption of a resolution to such effect by the council of such municipality, sell and convey such toll bridge to a private toll transportation facility subject to such terms and conditions as the council of such municipality may agree.

(b) Privilege to maintain tolls. — Any private toll transportation facility purchasing a municipally-owned toll bridge located fewer than five miles from a toll-free bridge which crosses the same body of water or obstacle pursuant to subsection (a) of this section may retain, modify, and collect any such toll charges for the use thereof on persons and things passing over any such bridge as the facility may, by resolution, from time to time prescribe.

(c) Electronic collection of tolls and imposition of liability for payment. — The collection and enforcement of tolls for the use of any such bridge may be accomplished by electronic toll collection in the same manner and procedures as provided in §17-16D-1 et seq. of this code, and the imposition of liability for payment of such tolls shall apply as set forth specifically in §17-16D-5, §17-16D-6, §17-16D-7, and §17-16D-10 of this code: Provided, That the toll rates provided for in §17-17-9 of this code shall not apply to a private toll transportation facility.

(d) Nonrenewal of vehicle registration. — If an owner of a vehicle has received at least one invoice from a private toll transportation facility for any unpaid tolls and has: (1) failed to pay the unpaid tolls and administrative fees, and (2) failed to file a notice to contest liability for a toll violation as provided for in the invoice, then the private toll transportation facility may notify the Commissioner of the Division of Motor Vehicles, who shall, if no form contesting liability has been timely filed with the private toll transportation facility, refuse to register or renew the registration of any vehicle of which the person committing the violation is a registered owner or co-owner until such time as the private toll transportation facility has notified the commissioner that such fees and unpaid tolls have been paid or satisfied.

(e) Tax treatment of municipally owned toll bridge sold to private toll transportation facility. — A municipally owned toll bridge sold to a private transportation facility pursuant to this section shall be considered exempt for purposes of ad valorem property taxation under §11-1-1 et seq. of this code: Provided, That if said exemption is in any way held to be invalid, then the value of a municipally owned toll bridge purchased by a private toll transportation facility, for purposes of ad valorem property taxation under §11-1-1 et seq. of this code, shall in no event be valued at more than its salvage value, which for purposes of this article is the lower of fair market salvage value or five percent of the original cost of the property.

(f) Divestment of private toll bridge. — Nothing in this section shall be construed to limit or prevent the subsequent sale, lease, assignment, or transfer of a municipally-owned toll bridge purchased by a private toll transportation facility, provided that all other requirements of this section are met.

(g) Definitions. — For purposes of this section, the term “private toll transportation facility” means any natural person, corporation, general partnership, limited liability company, limited partnership, joint venture, business trust, public benefit corporation, nonprofit entity, or other business entity engaged in the collecting or charging of tolls on a previously municipal-owned toll bridge pursuant to this article.


§17-16F-1. Legislative findings and creation of division.

(a) The Legislature finds and declares that there is a need to streamline the execution and implementation of the state’s multimodal transportation goals and reduce related costs by consolidating existing multimodal authorities to a single division, known as the West Virginia Division of Multimodal Transportation Facilities, under the Secretary of Transportation pursuant to the provisions of chapter 5F of this code. The Department of Transportation, through the West Virginia Division of Multimodal Transportation Facilities, is designated as the agency of this state responsible for administering all federal and state programs related to public ports, railroads, aeronautics, airports, and air navigation facilities.

(b) The Legislature further finds and declares that the establishment of local port authority districts will enhance the efficiency and cost of the movement of goods and services to and from markets in this state and will encourage the construction and completion of local infrastructure projects for all types of transportation systems.

(c) On July 1, 2022, the Public Port Authority, the West Virginia State Rail Authority, the Division of Public Transit, and the West Virginia State Aeronautics Commission are reestablished, reconstituted, and continued as the West Virginia Division of Multimodal Transportation Facilities, an agency of the state. The purpose of the division is to administer all federal and state programs related to public ports, railroad transportation and commerce, public transit, aeronautics, airports, and air navigation facilities in the State of West Virginia, and thereby to encourage and facilitate growth and economic development opportunities utilizing such transport facilities. The powers and duties heretofore imposed upon the Public Port Authority, the West Virginia State Rail Authority, Division of Public Transit, and the West Virginia State Aeronautics Commission are transferred to and imposed upon the West Virginia Division of Multimodal Transportation Facilities in the manner prescribed by this article.

(d) It is the intent of this article to consolidate into the West Virginia Division of Multimodal Transportation Facilities those entities and employees performing functions which will be facilitated by their consolidation. The Department of Transportation shall provide appropriate office locations necessary to fulfill the functions of the division.

(e) On the effective date of this article, all real property interests, vehicles, equipment contracts or agreements, interests under any existing insurance policy, and records belonging to the Public Port Authority, the West Virginia State Rail Authority, the Division of Public Transit, and the West Virginia State Aeronautics Commission shall be transferred to the West Virginia Division of Multimodal Transportation Facilities. Any state funds, special revenue funds, and all accounts created for the benefit or use of the Public Port Authority, the West Virginia State Rail Authority, the Division of Public Transit, and the West Virginia State Aeronautics Commission are transferred to the West Virginia Division of Multimodal Transportation Facilities in accordance with the provisions of this article.

§17-16F-10. Construction and operation of facilities by private enterprise; leasing of facilities by division.

(a) The division shall foster and encourage the participation of private enterprise in the development of railroad, waterway, transit, and airway facilities to the fullest extent it deems practicable in the interest of limiting the necessity of construction and operation of such facilities by the division. In this respect, the division shall advertise and solicit for the construction, operation, maintenance, or a combination thereof for any facility included in the development plan in accordance to plans, specifications, policies, or guidance prepared by the division.

(b) When the division considers it advisable and practicable, it may include certain facilities in the development plan to be installed by private enterprise and leased back to the division on an installment contract or option to purchase: Provided, That any such lease back arrangement must be financially feasible, and any bonds or loans utilized to enter into such lease back arrangement shall be repayable in full from the expected rentals to be generated by such facility.

§17-16F-11. Foreign trade zones; free trade zones; ports of entry and customs zones.

The division shall develop, maintain, and operate foreign trade zones, free trade zones, ports of entry and customs zones under such terms and conditions as are or may be prescribed by federal law, and to keep foreign trade zone status for, and to assist in the applications for foreign trade zone status of political subdivisions and eligible private corporations under federal law.

§17-16F-12. Special West Virginia Public Port Operations Fund; West Virginia Multimodal Division Operations Fund; other funds transferred to the Division of Multimodal Transportation.

(a) The special West Virginia Public Port Authority Operations Fund created by prior enactment of §17-16B-7 of this code, is continued and shall be known as the West Virginia Multimodal Division Fund. The moneys in the fund shall only be expended to fulfill the provisions of this article. At the end of each fiscal year, any unexpended funds in this account shall be appropriated and available for expenditure for the subsequent fiscal year.

(b) Any fund utilized for any purpose within the State Aeronautics Commission, the Division of Public Transit, the Public Port Authority, or the State Rail Authority shall be transferred to the Division of Multimodal Transportation and continued until such time when the division determines a fund is unnecessary or may be better managed by combining certain funds to best serve the interests of the division and the public.

§17-16F-13. Additional powers and duties of division related to railroad projects.

(a) The secretary shall appoint necessary staff to oversee and manage the facilities and operations of the state rail section. Staff are covered by the Department of Transportation merit- based personnel system and the Classification and Compensation Career Plan. The division shall facilitate railroad transportation and commerce within the state by exercising those powers of the state necessary to qualify for rail services continuation subsidies pursuant to the provisions of the federal Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act of 2015 and any future amendments and regulations from the federal government.

(b) The division shall carry out railroad projects or direct railroad projects to be carried out pursuant to a lease, sublease, or agreement with any person or governmental agency; shall make loans and grants to or with governmental agencies or to persons for railroad projects; and shall issue bonds of this state, payable solely from revenues, to pay the cost of such projects. The division will not undertake a railroad project unless it is consistent with any applicable development plans for railroad projects previously approved.

(c) The division shall establish, fund, construct, reconstruct, acquire, repair, replace, operate, and maintain railroads and railroad projects.

(d) The division shall make available the use of services of any railroad project to one or more persons, one or more governmental agencies or any combination.

(e) The division shall engage in research and development with respect to railroads.

(f) The division shall make and enter into contracts and agreements to acquire rolling stock or equipment with a value of $1 million or less exempt from the provisions of §5A-3-1 et seq. of this code. The secretary may propose rules for promulgation for adoption by the Legislature in accordance with the provisions of §29A-3-1 et seq. of this code which set forth the methods for determining value of rolling stock or equipment to be purchased and any other rules as may be needed.

(1) Where rolling stock, equipment or trackage of the division is in need of immediate maintenance, repair, or reconstruction to avoid a cessation of its operations, economic loss, the inability to provide essential service to customers, or would otherwise be a danger to rail personnel or the public, the following requirements and procedures for entering into the contract or agreement to remedy the condition shall be in lieu of those provided in §5A-3-1 et seq. of this code or any pursuant promulgated legislative rule:

(A) If the cost under the contract or agreement involves an expenditure of more than $1,000, but $50,000 or less, the division shall award the contract to or enter into the agreement with the lowest responsible bidder based upon at least three oral bids made pursuant to the requirements of the contract or agreement; or

(B) If the cost under the contract or agreement, other than one for compensation for personal services, involves an expenditure of more than $50,000, but $150,000 or less, the division shall award the contract to or enter into the agreement with the lowest responsible bidder based upon at least three bids, submitted to the division in writing on letterhead stationery, made pursuant to the requirements of the contract or agreement.

(2) Notwithstanding any provision of this code to the contrary, a contract or lease for the operation of a railroad project constructed and owned by the division or an agreement for cooperation in the acquisition or construction of a railroad project authorized by this article is not subject to the provisions of §5A- 3-1 et seq. of this code or any promulgated legislative rule and the division shall enter into the contract or lease or the agreement pursuant to negotiation and upon such terms and conditions and for a period of time as it finds to be reasonable and proper under the circumstances and in the best interests of proper operation or of efficient acquisition or construction of the railroad project.

(3) The division may reject any bids. A bond with good and sufficient surety, approved by the division, is required of all contractors in an amount equal to at least 50 percent of the contract price, conditioned upon the faithful performance of the contract.

(g) The division shall purchase fire and extended coverage and liability insurance for any railroad project, and for any offices of the division insurance protecting the division, officers and employees against liability, if any, for damage to property or injury to or death of persons arising from its operations and be a member of, and to participate in, the state workers’ compensation insurance.

(h) The division shall charge, alter, and collect rates, rentals and other charges for the use or services of any railroad project as provided in this article.

(i) The division may purchase railroad tracks being abandoned by any common carrier.

(j) The division shall acquire rail properties both within and not within the jurisdiction of the Surface Transportation Board and rail properties within the purview of the federal Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act of 2015, any amendments to it, and any other relevant federal legislation.

(k) The division shall assume the agreements and contracts currently in effect for the State Rail Authority and may enter into agreements with owners of rail properties for the acquisition of rail properties or use, or both, of rail properties upon the terms, conditions, rates, or rentals that can best effectuate the purposes of this article.

(l) The division shall acquire rail properties and other property of a railroad in concert with another state or states as is necessary to ensure continued rail service in this state.

(m) The division shall provide in the state plan for the equitable distribution of federal rail service continuation subsidies among state, local, and regional transportation authorities.

(n) The division shall maintain adequate programs of investigation, research, promotion, and development in connection with the purposes of the division and to provide for public participation.

(o) The division shall provide satisfactory assurances on behalf of the state that fiscal control and fund accounting procedures will be adopted by the state necessary to assure proper disbursement of and accounting for federal funds paid to the state as rail service continuation subsidies.

(p) The division shall comply with the regulations of the Secretary of Transportation of the United States Department of Transportation affecting federal rail service continuation programs.

(q) The division shall maximize federal assistance to the state under Title IV of the federal Regional Rail Reorganization Act of 1973 or any current or future federal statutes and to qualify for rail service continuation subsidies pursuant to the federal Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act of 2015 or any future federal statutes.

§17-16F-14. Additional authority regarding the Maryland Area Regional Commuter.

(a) The division shall coordinate all activities with the Maryland Transit Administration for the operation of the commuter rail operation between Maryland, the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area, and West Virginia. Any payments of track access fees pursuant to the agreement shall be paid from the fund created in §17-16F-27 of this code as provided by appropriation of the Legislature.

§17-16F-15. Rail operations; purchases.

(a) The division may sell, transfer, or lease all, or any part of, the rail properties and other property acquired under the provisions of this article to any responsible person, firm, or corporation for continued operation of a railroad or other public purpose: Provided, That approval for the continued operation or other public purpose, is granted by the Surface Transportation Board of the United States, whenever approval is required. The sale, transfer, or lease shall be for a price and subject to any further terms and conditions which the division deems necessary and appropriate to this article.

(b) After acquiring any railroad lines within the state, the division shall assist any responsible person, firm, or corporation to secure, as promptly as possible, any order or certificate required by the Surface Transportation Board for the performance of railroad service. The division shall also give any assurances or guarantees which are necessary or desirable to carry out the purposes of this article.

(c) The division shall take whatever steps are necessary to determine the absolute fee simple title ownership of all rail properties of any railroad within the state. The determination may include the status of the rail properties with respect to easements, rights-of-way, leases, reversionary rights, fee simple title ownership, and any related title matters. The division may retain attorneys, experts, or other assistants, and issue any contracts as are necessary to make the title determination.

(d) All rail properties offered for sale by any railway corporation within the state after the enactment date of this article shall be offered first for sale to the state.

(e) The division shall cooperate with other states when purchasing rail properties within this state. The division shall also acquire railroad rights in other states and rail properties lying in other states to carry out the intentions and purposes of this article. In carrying out the powers and duties conferred by this article, the division shall enter into general contractual arrangements, including joint purchasing and leasing of rail properties with other states.

(f) In weighing the varied interests of the residents of this state, the division shall consider the individual interest of any county or municipality expressing a desire to acquire a portion, or all, of the abandoned real estate located within its jurisdiction. The division may acquire the abandoned property for subsequent conveyance to the county or municipality.

(g) The division may utilize federal funds, grants, gifts, or donations which are available and any sums that are appropriated in carrying out the purposes of this article. The division may also apply for discretionary or other funds available under the provisions of the federal Regional Rail Reorganization Act of 1973 or any current or future federal programs.

(h) The division may apply for an acquisition and modernization loan, or a guarantee of a loan, pursuant to the federal Regional Rail Reorganization Act of 1973, or any other federal programs, within the limit of funds appropriated for those purposes.

(i) The division may purchase any railroad rolling stock, equipment, and machinery necessary for the operation and maintenance of any rail properties purchased by it on behalf of the state, with any funds made available for this purpose. The division may also acquire and have available a pool of equipment and machinery which may be utilized by the operators of the rail properties for the purpose of track maintenance and other related railroad activities upon terms and conditions determined appropriate. Notwithstanding any the provisions of this code to the contrary, the division and the Commissioner of the Division of Highways may enter into contracts or agreements for the lease or purchase and maintenance of any vehicles required for its purposes.

(j) The division may contract for the rebuilding or relocation of any rail properties acquired pursuant to this article, within the provisions of the federal Regional Rail Reorganization Act of 1973 or any current or future federal statutes, or any other applicable legislation. The division may also spend any sums appropriated, as well as any other available funds, for the modernization, rebuilding, and relocation of any rail properties owned by the state or by a private carrier. The division shall do any maintenance on any rail properties owned by the state as is necessary in the public interest.

(k) The division may contract with any domestic or foreign person, firm, corporation, agency, or government to provide, maintain, or improve rail transportation service on the rail properties acquired by the state under this article.

(l) Whenever the division determines that any rail properties acquired by the state are no longer needed for railroad purposes, it shall, with the permission of the Governor, permanently or temporarily transfer the rail properties to any other state department or agency or political subdivision of the state, which shall utilize the properties for a public purpose. Whenever more than one department or agency or political subdivision wishes to utilize the property, the division shall resolve such a conflict and make a prompt determination of the reasonable and proper order of priority, taking into consideration any applicable state plans, policies, or objectives. If no state department or agency or political subdivision wants the properties, the division may sell them.

§17-16F-16. Railroad Maintenance Fund.

The Railroad Maintenance Fund heretofore created is hereby continued and shall be administered by the division. Expenditures are authorized from collections but are to be made only in accordance with appropriation by the Legislature and in accordance with the provisions of §12-3-1 et seq. of this code and upon fulfillment of the provisions of §11B-2-1 et seq. of this code. Any balance remaining in the special revenue account at the end of any state fiscal year does not revert to the General Revenue Fund but remains in the special revenue account and shall be used solely in a manner consistent with the state rail portions of this article. All costs and expenses incurred pursuant to this article for state rail, including administrative, shall be paid from those funds. The division may expend, out of any funds available for the purpose, such moneys as are necessary for the study of any proposed railroad project and may use its engineering and other forces, including consulting engineers for the purpose of effecting such study. All such expenses incurred by such study and engineering shall be paid from the Railroad Maintenance Fund.

§17-16F-17. Division empowered to issue bonds, renewal notes and refunding bonds; requirements and manner of such issuance.

(a) The division, with approval of the secretary, may raise the cost of one or more railroad projects or parts of railroad projects by the issuance of railroad maintenance revenue bonds and notes of the state in such principal amount as the division deems necessary, but the aggregate amount of all issues of bonds and notes outstanding at one time for all projects authorized hereunder may not exceed that amount capable of being serviced by revenues received from such projects.

(b) The division, with approval of the secretary, may issue renewal notes, issue bonds to pay the notes and whenever it deems refunding expedient, refund any bonds by the issuance of railroad maintenance revenue refunding bonds of the state, whether the bonds to be refunded have or have not matured, and issue bonds partly to refund bonds then outstanding and partly for any other authorized purpose. The refunding bonds shall be sold, and the proceeds applied to the purchase, redemption, or payment of the bonds to be refunded. Except as may otherwise be expressly provided by the division, every issue of its bonds or notes pursuant to this section are obligations of the division payable out of the revenues of the State Rail Section, which are pledged for such payment, without preference or priority of the first bonds issued, subject only to any agreements with the holders of particular bonds or notes pledging any particular revenues. Such pledge is valid and binding from the time the pledge is made, and the revenue so pledged and thereafter received by the division is immediately subject to the lien of such pledge without any physical delivery or further act and the lien of any such pledge is valid and binding as against all parties having claims of any kind in tort, contract or otherwise against the division irrespective of whether the parties have notice.

(c) All bonds and notes have and are declared to have all the qualities of negotiable instruments.

(d) The bonds and notes authorized by the division, with approval of the secretary, shall bear the date and shall mature at such time, in the case of any note or any renewals not exceeding five years from the date of issue of the original note, and in the case of any bond not exceeding 50 years from the date of issue, as the authorization may provide. The bonds and notes shall bear interest at a rate, be in denominations, be in the form, either coupon or registered, carry registration privileges, be payable in a medium of payment, at place and be subject to any terms of redemption that the division may authorize. The bonds and notes shall be sold by the division at public or private sale, at or not less than the price the division determines. The bonds and notes shall be executed by the commissioner. The official seal of, or a facsimile, shall be affixed or printed and attested, manually or by facsimile signature, by the commissioner, which may be made by facsimile or electronic signature. Any coupons attached shall bear the signature, facsimile signature, or electronic signature of the commissioner. In case the commissioner whose signature, a facsimile signature, or an electronic signature, appears on any bonds, notes or coupons ceases to be commissioner before delivery of the bonds or notes, the signature, facsimile or electronic signature is nevertheless sufficient for all purposes the same as if he or she had remained in their respective positions until delivery and in case the seal of the commissioner has been changed after a facsimile has been imprinted on such bonds or notes the facsimile seal will continue to be sufficient for all purposes.

(e) Any authorization of any bonds or notes or any issue shall contain provisions, subject to agreements with bondholders or noteholders as may then exist, as part of the contract with the holders, as to pledging all or any part of the revenues of the State Rail Section to secure the payment of the bonds or notes or of any issue; the use and disposition of revenues of the State Rail Section; a covenant to fix, alter and collect rates, rentals and other charges so that pledged revenues will be sufficient to pay the costs of operation, maintenance and repairs, pay principal of and interest on bonds or notes secured by the pledge of such revenues and provide any reserves that may be required by the applicable authorization or trust agreement; the setting aside of reserve funds, sinking funds or replacement and improvement funds and the regulation and disposition; the crediting of the proceeds of the sale of bonds or notes to and among the funds referred to or provided for in the authorization of issuance of the bonds or notes; the use, lease, sale or other disposition of any railroad project or any other assets of the division; limitations on the purpose to which the proceeds of sale of bonds or notes may be applied and pledging such proceeds to secure the payment of the bonds or notes or of any issue; notes issued in anticipation of the issuance of bonds, the agreement of the commissioner to do all things necessary for the authorization, issuance and sale of such bonds in such amounts that may be necessary for the timely retirement of the notes; limitations on the issuance of additional bonds or notes; the terms upon which additional bonds or notes may be issued and secured; the refunding of outstanding bonds or notes; the procedure, if any, by which the terms of any contract with bondholders or noteholders may be amended or abrogated, the amount of bonds or notes the holders of which must consent and the manner in which such consent may be given; limitations on the amount of moneys to be expended by the division for operating, administrative or other expenses of the division; securing any bonds or notes by a trust agreement; and any other matters, of like or different character, which in any way affect the security or protection of the bonds or notes.

(f) No person executing the bonds or notes is liable personally on the bonds or notes or be subject to any personal liability or accountability by reason of the issuance.

§17-16F-18. Trustee for bondholders; contents of trust agreement.

(a) In the discretion of the commissioner, any railroad maintenance bonds or notes or railroad maintenance refunding bonds issued by them under this article may be secured by a trust agreement between the commissioner and a corporate trustee, which trustee may be any trust company or banking institution having the powers of a trust company within or without this state.

(b) Any such trust agreement shall pledge or assign revenues of the State Rail Section to be received, but shall not convey or mortgage any railroad project in whole or in part. Any such trust agreement or any authorization providing for the issuance of such bonds or notes may contain such provisions for protecting and enforcing the rights and remedies of the bondholders or noteholders as are reasonable and proper and not in violation of law, including covenants setting forth the duties of the division in relation to the acquisition of property, the construction, improvement, maintenance, repair, operation, and insurance of the railroad project in connection with which such bonds or notes are authorized, the rentals or other charges to be imposed for the use or services of any railroad project, the custody, safeguarding, and application of all moneys and provisions for the employment of consulting engineers in connection with the construction or operation of such railroad project. Any banking institution or trust company incorporated under the laws of this state which may act as depository of the proceeds of bonds or notes or of revenues shall furnish such indemnifying bonds or pledge such securities as are required by the division. Any such trust agreement may set forth the rights and remedies of the bondholders and noteholders and of the trustee and may restrict individual rights of action by bondholders and noteholders as customarily provided in trust agreements or trust indentures securing similar bonds. Such trust agreement may contain such other provisions as the commissioner deems reasonable and proper for the security of the bondholders or noteholders. All expenses incurred in carrying out the provisions of any trust agreement may be treated as a part of the cost of the operation of the railroad project. Any trust agreement or authorization of the issuance of railroad maintenance revenue bonds may provide the method whereby the general administrative overhead expenses of the division shall be allocated among the several projects acquired or constructed by it as a factor of the operating expenses of each such project.

§17-16F-19. Legal remedies of bondholders and trustees.

Any holder of railroad maintenance revenue bonds issued under the authority of this article or any of the appertaining coupons and the trustee under any trust agreement, except to the extent the rights given by this article may be restricted by the applicable authorization or trust agreement, may by civil action, mandamus, or other proceedings, protect and enforce any rights granted under the laws of this state or granted under this article, by the trust agreement or by the authorization of issuance of bonds, and may enforce and compel the performance of all duties required by this article, or by the trust agreement or authorization, to be performed by the commissioner, division or any employee, including the fixing, charging and collecting of sufficient rentals or other charges.

§17-16F-2. Secretary’s Powers and duties.

The Secretary of the Department of Transportation or his or her designee shall be the chief operating officer of the division who shall:

(1) Administer the operations of the division, consistent with the provisions of this article, by allocating the functions, activities, and personnel of the division among the various sections;

(2) Coordinate with the Secretary of the Department of Economic Development and any other applicable departments or agencies to facilitate economic development utilizing transportation facilities;

(3) Supervise payrolls and audit payrolls, reports, or transactions for conformity with the provisions of this article;

(4) Plan, evaluate, administer, and implement multimodal transportation programs and policies in the state as set forth in this article;

(5) Utilize professional staff within the Department of Transportation to assist in the operations of the division and authorize reimbursement therefor;

(6) Assist the Governor in multimodal transportation matters; and

(7) Make a report by June 30, and every year thereafter, to the Governor and all other special or periodic reports as may be required and post all reports on its website. Reports to the Legislature are not required; however, upon request of any member or committee, a report must be provided and may be provided electronically. Paper copies of any report shall be provided upon request.

§17-16F-20. Bonds and notes not debt of state, county, municipality, or of any political subdivision; expenses incurred pursuant to article.

(a) Railroad maintenance revenue bonds and notes and railroad maintenance revenue refunding bonds issued under authority of this article and any coupons in connection therewith do not constitute a debt or a pledge of the faith and credit or taxing power of this state or of any county, municipality, or any other political subdivision of this state, and the holders or owners have no right to have taxes levied by the Legislature or taxing authority of any county, municipality, or any other political subdivision of this state for the payment of the principal or interest, but such bonds and notes are payable solely from the revenues and funds pledged for their payment as authorized by this article unless the notes are issued in anticipation of the issuance of bonds or the bonds are refunded by refunding bonds issued under authority of this article, which bonds or refunding bonds are payable solely from revenues and funds pledged for their payment as authorized by this article. All bonds and notes shall contain on the face of a statement to the effect that the bonds or notes, as to both principal and interest, are not debts of the state or any county, municipality, or political subdivision, but are payable solely from revenues and funds pledged for their payment.

(b) All expenses incurred in carrying out the provisions of this article are payable solely from funds provided under authority of this article. The division is not authorized to incur indebtedness or liability on behalf of or payable by the state or any county, municipality, or political subdivision.

§17-16F-21. Use of funds by division; restrictions.

All moneys, properties and assets acquired by the division, whether as proceeds from the sale of railroad maintenance revenue bonds or as revenues or other source which are attributable to a railroad project or purpose, shall be held by it in trust for the purposes of carrying out his or her powers and duties, and shall be used and reused in accordance with the purposes and provisions of this article. Such moneys may at no time be commingled with other public funds. Such moneys, except as otherwise provided in any authorization of the issuance of railroad maintenance revenue bonds or in any trust agreement securing the same, or except when invested pursuant to §17-16F-23 of this code, shall be kept in appropriate depositories and secured as provided and required by law. The authorization of the issuance of bonds of any issue or the trust agreement securing bonds shall provide that any person to whom, or any banking institution or trust company to which, moneys are paid shall act as trustee of such moneys and hold and apply them for the purposes hereof, subject to the conditions this article and the authorization or trust agreement provide.

§17-16F-22. Investment of funds by division.

Funds of the State Rail Section in excess of current needs, except as otherwise provided in any authorization for the issuance of railroad maintenance revenue bonds or in any trust agreement securing the same, may be invested by the West Virginia Investment Management Board as authorized to invest under §12-6-1 et seq. of this code. Income from all such investments of moneys in any fund shall be credited to such funds as the commissioner determines, subject to the provisions of any authorization or trust agreement and such investments may be sold at such times as the commissioner, determines.

§17-16F-23. Rentals and other revenues from railroad projects; contracts and leases of division; cooperation of other governmental agencies; bonds of such agencies.

(a) The division shall charge, alter, and collect rates, rentals, or other charges for the use or services of any project, and contract in the manner provided by this section with one or more persons, one or more governmental agencies, or a combination, desiring the use or services, and fix the terms, conditions, rates, rentals, or other charges for use or services. The rentals or other charges are not subject to supervision, or regulation by any other division, authority, department, commission, board, bureau, or agency of the state, and the contract may provide for acquisition by a person or governmental agency of all or any part of a railroad project for consideration payable over the period of the contract or otherwise as the division in its sole discretion determines to be appropriate, but subject to the provisions of any authorized issue of railroad maintenance revenue bonds or notes or railroad maintenance revenue refunding bonds of the division or any trust agreement securing the same. Any governmental agency which has power to construct, operate, and maintain railroad projects may enter into a contract or lease with the division whereby the use or services of any railroad project of the division will be made available to such governmental agency and pay for such use or services such rentals or other charges as may be agreed to by such governmental agency and the division.

(b) Any governmental agency or agencies shall cooperate with the division in the acquisition or construction of a railroad project and shall enter into such agreements with the division when necessary, facilitating cooperation and safeguarding the respective interests of the parties, which agreements shall provide for such contributions by the parties in such proportion as may be agreed upon and such other terms as may be mutually satisfactory to the parties, including without limitation the authorization of the construction of the project by one of the parties acting as agent for all of the parties and the ownership and control of the project by the division to the extent necessary or appropriate for purposes of the issuance of railroad maintenance revenue bonds by the commissioner. Any governmental agency may provide contributions as is required under the agreements by the appropriation of money or, if authorized by a favorable vote of the electors to issue bonds or notes or levy taxes or assessments and issue notes or bonds in anticipation of the collection, by the issuance of bonds or notes or by the levying of taxes or assessments and the issuance of bonds or notes in anticipation of the collection, and by the payment of such appropriated money or the proceeds of such bonds or notes to the division pursuant to such agreements.

(c) Any governmental agency, pursuant to a favorable vote of the electors in an election held for the purpose of issuing bonds to provide funds to acquire, construct or equip, or provide real estate and interests in real estate for a railroad project, whether or not the governmental agency at the time of such election had the authority to pay the proceeds from such bonds or notes issued in anticipation to the division as provided in this section, may issue such bonds or notes in anticipation of the issuance and pay the proceeds to the division in accordance with an agreement between such governmental agency and the division: Provided, That the legislative authority of the governmental agency finds and determines that the railroad project to be acquired or constructed by the division in cooperation with such governmental agency will serve the same public purpose and meet substantially the same public need as the facility otherwise proposed to be acquired or constructed by the governmental agency with the proceeds of such bonds or notes.

§17-16F-24. Maintenance, operation, and repair of projects; reports to Governor and Legislature.

(a) Each railroad project, when constructed and placed in operation, shall be maintained, and kept in good condition by the division. Each project shall be operated by the division’s employees pursuant to a contract or lease with a governmental agency or person. All public or private property damaged or destroyed while carrying out the provisions of this article shall be restored or repaired to its original condition, or as nearly as practicable or adequate compensation made out of funds provided in accordance with the provisions of this article.

(b) As soon as possible after the close of each fiscal year, the authority shall make an annual report of its activities for the preceding fiscal year to the Governor and the Joint Committee on Government and Finance. Each such report shall set forth a complete operating and financial statement covering the authority’s operations during the preceding fiscal year. The authority shall cause an audit of its books and accounts to be made at least once each fiscal year by certified public accountants and the cost thereof may be treated as a part of the cost of construction or of operations of its projects. Any report under this section may be made electronically and paper copies may be provided upon request.

§17-16F-25. Railroad maintenance bonds lawful investments.

By the provisions of §12-6-1 et seq. of this code, notwithstanding any code section to the contrary, all railroad maintenance revenue bonds issued pursuant to this article are lawful investments for the West Virginia Investment Management Board and are also lawful investments for banking institutions, societies for savings, building and loan associations, savings and loan associations, deposit guarantee associations, trust companies, insurance companies, including domestic for life and domestic not for life insurance companies.

§17-16F-26. West Virginia Commuter Rail Access Fund.

There is continued a special fund in the State Treasury known as the West Virginia Commuter Rail Access Fund. The fund shall be administered by the division and shall consist of appropriations by the Legislature. Subject to legislative appropriation, the division shall administer the fund to pay track access fees pursuant to agreement as required by this article. Balances in the fund at the end of any fiscal year shall not expire but shall be expended for those purposes in ensuing fiscal years.

§17-16F-27. State rail plan required.

(a) The division shall establish, administer, and coordinate a state plan for rail transportation and local rail services. In establishing and updating the plan, the division may request input from freight and rail passenger associations.

(b) The plan shall, at a minimum, comply with the provisions of the laws and regulations of the United States relating to capturing and administering federal moneys for rail transportation, local rail services, and intermodal facilities as deemed necessary by the division.

§17-16F-28. Additional powers and duties of division related to aeronautics, airports, and air navigation projects.

(a) The secretary shall appoint necessary staff to oversee and manage the facilities and operations of the aeronautics section. Staff are covered by the Department of Transportation merit based system and the Career, Classification, and Compensation Plan. The division shall encourage, foster, and assist in the development of aeronautics in this state and encourage the establishment of airports and air navigation facilities. The division shall cooperate with and assist the federal government, the municipalities of this state, and other persons in the development of aeronautics and shall act to coordinate the aeronautical activities of these bodies and persons. Municipalities are authorized to cooperate with the division in developing aeronautics and aeronautics facilities in this state. The division is given the power and authority to make such policies as it may consider necessary and advisable for the public safety, governing the designing, laying out, locating, building, equipping, and operating of all airports and the conduct of all other phases of aeronautics.

§17-16F-29. State financial assistance for county, municipal and regional airports.

The division, out of any appropriation funds made by the Legislature or any funds at its disposal, may make funds available by grant or otherwise to counties, municipalities, and regional airport authorities, created under the provisions of chapter 8 of this code, for the planning, acquisition, construction, improvement, maintenance, or operation of airports owned or operated or to be owned or operated by such counties, municipalities, or regional airport authorities. Acceptance of any moneys by any such county, municipality, or regional airport authority, shall constitute consent by the recipient that a reasonable use of such airport may be made, upon request of the division, by the United States, the state, or any of their respective agencies, including the National Guard of West Virginia for State purposes related or incidental to aeronautics. Such financial assistance may be furnished in connection with federal or other financial aid for the same purpose.

§17-16F-3. Definitions.

As used in this article, unless the context indicates another or different meaning or intent:

“Aeronautics” means the art and science of flight, including, but not limited to, transportation by aircraft; the operation, construction, repair, or maintenance of aircraft, aircraft power plants, and accessories, including the repair, packing, and maintenance of parachutes; and the design, establishment, construction, extension, operation, improvement, repair, or maintenance of airports or other air navigation facilities.

“Aircraft” means any contrivance now known, or hereafter invented, used, or designed for navigation of, or flight in the air whether manned or unmanned.

“Air navigation” means the operation or navigation of aircraft in the air space over this state or upon any airport within this state.

“Air navigation facility” means any facility other than one owned or controlled by the federal government used in, available for use in, or designed for use in aid of air navigation, including airports, and any structures, mechanisms, lights, beacons, markers, communications system, or other instrumentalities or devices used or useful as an aid or constituting an advantage or convenience to the safe taking off, air navigation, and landing of aircraft or the safe and efficient operation or maintenance of an airport, and any combination of any or all of such facilities.

“Airport” means any area of land or water which is used, or intended for use, for the landing and takeoff of aircraft and any appurtenant areas which are used, or intended for use, for airport buildings or other airport facilities or rights-of-way, together with all airport buildings and facilities located thereon.

“Bond” means a revenue bond or rate issued by the division to effectuate the intents and purposes of this article.

“Commissioner” means the chief operating officer and administrative head of the Multimodal Division, when such person is appointed by the Secretary of Transportation.

“Commuter rail” means a transit mode that is an electric or diesel propelled railway for urban passenger train service consisting of local short distance travel operating between a central city and adjacent suburbs. Service must be operated on a regular basis by or under contract with a transit operator for the purpose of transporting passengers within urbanized areas or between urbanized areas and outlying areas. The rail service, using either locomotive-hauled or self-propelled railroad passenger cars, is generally characterized by multi-trip tickets, specific station-to-station fares, or railroad employment practices and usually has only one or two stations in the central business district. It does not include heavy rail, rapid transit, light rail, or streetcar transit service. Intercity rail service is excluded except for that portion of service operated by or under contract with a public transit agency for predominantly commuter services. Only the predominantly commuter service portion of an intercity route is eligible for inclusion when determining commuter rail route miles.

“Development plan” means a document which details the overall strategy of the division for the proper planning and sustainable development of an area and consists of a written statement and accompanying maps.

“Division” means the West Virginia Division of Multimodal Transportation Facilities.

“Heavy rail” means a transit mode that is an electric railway with the capacity for a heavy volume of traffic. It is characterized by high speed and rapid acceleration passenger rail cars operating singly or in multicar trains on fixed rails, separate rights-of-way from which all other vehicular and foot traffic are excluded, sophisticated signaling, and high-platform loading.

“Income” means and includes all money accruing to the division or part thereof from any source.

“Intermodal transportation” means the successive transport of goods or passengers using more than one mode of transportation, including air, rail, ship, or roadway.

“Light rail” means a transit mode that typically is an electric railway with a light volume traffic capacity. It is characterized by passenger rail cars operating singly or in short, usually two-car trains, on fixed rails in shared or exclusive rights-of-way, low- or high-platform loading, and vehicle power drawn from an overhead electric line via a trolley or a pantograph.

“Multimodal transportation” means the consideration or connection of various modes of transportation, including air, rail, ship, or roadway.

“Operation fund” means the special West Virginia Public Port Operation Fund as created by §17-16F-12 of this code.

“Operation of aircraft” or “operate aircraft” means the use, navigation, or piloting of aircraft in the airspace over this state or upon the ground within this state.

“Owner” means and includes all individuals, co-partnerships, associations, corporations, companies, transportation companies, public service corporations, the United States or any of its agencies or instrumentalities, common carriers by rail and railroad companies having any title or interest in any rail properties authorized to be acquired, leased, or used by this article.

“Person” means any individual, firm, corporation, partnership, company, foreign or domestic association, including railroads, joint stock association, or body politic and includes any trustee, receiver, assignee, or other similar representative.

“Political subdivision” means any county commission, municipality, city, town, village, or county board of education; any separate corporation or instrumentality established by one or more counties or municipalities, as permitted by law; any instrumentality supported in most part by municipalities; or any public body charged by law with the performance of a government function and whose jurisdiction is coextensive with one or more counties, cities, or towns.

“Port” or “public port” means ports, airports, wayports, terminals, buildings, roadways, rights-of-way, rails, rail lines, facilities for rail, water, highway or air transportation, and such structures, equipment, facilities, or improvements as are necessary.

“Predominantly commuter services” means that for any given trip segment (i.e., distance between two stations), more than 50 percent of the average daily ridership travels on the train at least three times a week.

“Public port development” or “public port project” means any activities which are undertaken with respect to public ports.

“Rail properties” means assets or rights owned, leased, or otherwise controlled by a railroad or other person which are used, or useful, in rail transportation service: Provided, That rail properties do not include any properties owned, leased, or otherwise controlled by a railroad not in reorganization, unless it consents to such properties’ inclusion in the particular transaction.

“Rail service” means both freight and passenger service.

“Railroad” means a common carrier by railroad as defined in Section 10102 of the Interstate Transportation Act (49 U.S.C. § 10102).

“Railroad project” means the initiation, acquisition, construction, maintenance, repair, equipping, or operation of rail properties or rail service, or the provisions of loans or grants to or with government agencies, or to persons for such purposes, by the division.

“Secretary” means the Secretary of Transportation.

“Wayport” means an airport used primarily as a location at which passengers and cargo may be transferred between connecting flights of air carriers engaged in air commerce, but also allows passengers to initiate and terminate flights and shipments of cargo to originate and terminate at the airport or similar type facility.

“West Virginia Commuter Rail Access Fund” means the special West Virginia Commuter Rail Access Fund created by §17-16F-27 of this code.

“West Virginia Railroad Maintenance Fund” means the West Virginia Railroad Maintenance Fund created by §17-16F-17 of this code.

§17-16F-30. Financial aid.

(a) The division shall cooperate with the United States, and any agency or department, in the planning, acquisition, construction, improvement, maintenance, and operation of airports and other air navigation facilities in this state and may accept federal aid either outright or by way of matching, in whole or in part, as required, and when funds for matching are available to the division, comply with the provisions of the laws and regulations of the United States for the expenditure of federal moneys upon such airports and other air navigation facilities.

(b) The division may accept, receive, and receipt for federal moneys and other moneys, either public or private, for and on behalf of this state, or any municipality, for the planning, acquisition, construction, improvement, maintenance, and operation of airports and other air navigation facilities, whether such work is to be done by the state or by such municipality, or jointly, aided by grants of aid from the United States, upon such terms and conditions as are or may be prescribed by the laws, rules, or regulations of the United States. The division shall be designated as the agency of the state and shall act as agent of any municipality upon the request of such municipality, in accepting, receiving, and receipting for such moneys on its behalf for airports or other air navigation facility purposes, and in contracting for the planning, acquisition, construction, improvement, maintenance, or operation of airports or other air navigation facilities, financed, either in whole or in part, by federal moneys. Any such municipality shall enter an agreement with the division prescribing the terms and conditions of such agency in accordance with federal laws and regulations and with this article. Such moneys paid by the United States shall be retained by the state or said municipalities under such terms and conditions as may be imposed by the United States in making such grants.

(c) All contracts for the planning, acquisition, construction, improvement, maintenance, and operation of airports, or other air navigation facilities made by the division, either as the agent of the State or as the agent of any municipality, shall be made pursuant to the laws of this state: Provided, That where the planning, acquisition, construction, improvement, maintenance, and operation of any airport or other air navigation facility is financed wholly or partially with federal moneys, the division, as agent of the State or of any municipality, shall execute contracts in the manner prescribed by the federal laws, rule, or regulations, notwithstanding State law to the contrary.

(d) All moneys accepted for disbursement by the division pursuant to this section shall be deposited in the State Treasury, and, unless otherwise prescribed by the authority from which the money is received, kept in separate funds, designated according to the purposes for which the moneys were made available, and held by the State in trust. All such moneys are appropriated for the purposes for which the same were made available and shall be expended in accordance with federal laws and regulations and with the provisions of this article. The division shall, whether acting for this state or the agent of any municipality, when requested by the United States or any agency or department or by the state or municipality for which the money has been made available, disburse such moneys for the designated purposes, but this shall not preclude any other authorized method of disbursement.

(e) The state or municipality shall cooperate with the United States, and any agency or department, in the acquisition, construction, improvement, maintenance, and operation of airports and other air navigation facilities in this state and shall accept federal aid, either by way of outright grant or by matching the same, in whole or in part, as required to comply with the provisions of the laws and regulations of the United States for the expenditure of federal moneys upon such airports and other air navigation facilities.

§17-16F-31. Establishment and operation of state airports.

(a) The commissioner is authorized on behalf of and in the name of the State, out of appropriations and other moneys made available for such purposes, to plan, establish, construct, maintain, and operate airports and air navigation facilities within the state. For these purposes the director may, by purchase, gift, devise, lease, condemnation, or otherwise, acquire such property, real or personal, as is necessary to permit safe and efficient operation of the airports and air navigation facilities. In like manner, the director may acquire existing airports and air navigation facilities: Provided, That he or she may not acquire or take over any airport or air navigation facility owned or controlled by a municipality of this or any other state without the consent of the municipality.

(b) The commissioner may by sale, lease, or otherwise, dispose of property, airport, air navigation facility, or portion thereof or interest therein. Any disposal by lease shall be made pursuant to the terms of §8-28-7 of this code. Any disposal by sale or otherwise shall be in accordance with the laws of this state governing the disposition of other property of the state, except that in the case of disposal to any municipality or state government or the United States for aeronautical purposes incident thereto the sale or other disposal may be effected in such manner and upon such terms as the director determines are in the best interest of the state.

(c) Nothing contained in this article shall be construed to limit any right, power, or authority of the State or a municipality to regulate airport hazards by zoning.

(d) The commissioner may exercise any powers granted by this section jointly with any municipalities or agencies of the state government, with other states or their municipalities, or with the United States.

(e) In the condemnation of property authorized by this section, the director shall proceed in the name of the State in the manner provided by §54-1-1 et seq. of this code.

(f) The acquisition of any lands or interests therein pursuant to this article, the planning, acquisition, establishment, construction, improvement, maintenance, and operation of airports and air navigation facilities, whether by the state separately or jointly with any municipalities, and the exercise of any other powers herein granted to the director are hereby declared to be public and governmental functions, exercised for a public purpose, and matters of public necessity. All lands and other property and privileges acquired and used by or on behalf of the State in the manner and for the purposes enumerated in this article shall and are hereby declared to be acquired and used for public and governmental purposes and as a matter of public necessity.

§17-16F-32. Use of state and municipal facilities and services.

The division shall use the facilities and services of other agencies of the state and of the municipalities to the utmost extent possible, and such agencies and municipalities shall make available their facilities and services in furtherance of aeronautics in this state.

§17-16F-33. Disposition of fees.

All fees or other moneys collected by the division under the provisions of this article shall be paid into the State Treasury in the manner provided in §12-2-1 et seq. of this code, and shall be deposited in a separate account and be used and expended only to carry out the provisions of this article. The fees or other moneys so paid into the State Treasury shall constitute and be treated as an excepted fund, and all the provisions of §12-2-2 of this code, applicable to the funds excepted from the general provisions for the deposit and payment of state funds, shall be applicable to the fund derived from collections made pursuant to the provisions of this article.

§17-16F-34. Severability.

If any provision of this article or the application to any person or circumstance shall be held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the provisions or applications of this article which can be given effect without the invalid provisions or application, and to this end the provisions of this article are declared to be severable.

§17-16F-4. Powers and duties of division.

The division shall perform all acts necessary and proper to carry out the purposes of this article and is granted the following powers and duties:

(1) To promote, supervise, and support safe, adequate, and efficient transportation throughout the state;

(2) To preserve roadway, railroad, waterway, and airway facilities;

(3) To help facilitate economic development in this state utilizing transportation facilities;

(4) To meet and cooperate with similar divisions, authorities, or bodies of any of the several states contiguous with this state, whose purpose in their respective states is to establish an interstate or intermodal transportation network;

(5) To take all steps appropriate and necessary to effect siting, development, and operation of public ports, railroads, or airport facilities within the state;

(6) To employ managers, superintendents, and other sufficiently trained and qualified personnel and retain or contract with consulting engineers, financial consultants, accountants, attorneys, and other consultants and independent contractors when necessary to carry out the provisions of this article and fix their compensation or fees. All expenses are payable from the proceeds of revenue bonds or notes issued by the division, from revenues and funds appropriated for this purpose by the Legislature, or from grants from the federal government which may be used for such purpose;

(7) To make and enter into all contracts and agreements with any federal, state, county, municipal agency, or private entity and execute all instruments necessary or incidental to the performance of its duties and the execution of its powers including, but not limited to, the power to make contracts and agreements in accordance with the provisions set forth in this article;

(8) To acquire, purchase, lease, construct, own, hold, operate, maintain, equip, use, and control, by eminent domain or other means, any land, property, rights, franchises, easements, ports, and such terminals, buildings, roadways, rights-of-way, rails and such structures, equipment, facilities, any and every kind or character of motive powers and conveyances or appliances necessary or proper to carry goods, wares, and merchandise over, along, upon, or through the railway, waterway or airway, or other conveyance of such transportation system, excluding pipelines or improvements, as are necessary or incident to carry out the provisions of this article, upon such terms and at such price as may be considered by it to be reasonable and to take title in the name of the state;

(9) To lease, sell, or otherwise dispose of real and personal property in the exercise of its powers and the performance of its duties as set forth in this article;

(10) To act on behalf of the state and to represent the state in the planning, financing, development, construction, and operation of any port, transit facility, railroad, or aeronautics project or any facility related to any such project, with the concurrence of the affected public agency. Other state agencies and local governmental entities in this state shall cooperate to the fullest extent the division deems appropriate to effectuate the duties of the division;

(11) To act as agent for the United States of America, or any of its agencies, departments, corporations, or instrumentalities, in any manner coming within the purposes or powers of the division;

(12) To expend funds available for the purpose of studying any proposed railroad project, which may include consulting with engineers. All expenses incurred in conducting the study and necessary engineering shall be paid from the funds established in §17-16F-17 of this code;

(13) To report annually to the Legislature by December 31 of each year the status of projects, operations, financial condition, and other necessary information relating to the statewide multimodal transportation system and activities in accordance with this article and any report may be made electronically with paper copies provided upon request to any member of the Legislature;

(14) To meet with political subdivisions of the state to assess both specific and general transportation needs of the state in terms of transportation, as well as consider feasibility studies for the purpose of determining the best site locations for transportation centers, terminals, railroads, airports, ports and harbors, and foreign trade zones;

(15) To authorize creation of local port authority districts;

(16) To apply for and accept loans, grants or gifts of money, property, or service from the United States, any political subdivision, any public or private sources available, or any public or private lender or donor, to give such evidence of indebtedness as may be required and to permit the state Board of Investments to invest, as provided by this code, any funds received by the division pursuant to the provisions of this code;

(17) To make loans and grants, out of any appropriation made to the division by the Legislature or out of any funds at its disposal, to governmental agencies and persons for carrying out any multimodal transportation projects by any governmental agency or person in accordance with rules adopted under this article;

(18) To issue revenue bonds or request other appropriate state agencies to issue and administer revenue bonds to finance port, railroad, transit, or aeronautics projects;

(19) To collect reasonable fees and charges in connection with making and servicing loans, notes, bonds, obligations, commitments, and other evidence of indebtedness, and in connection with providing technical, consulting, and project assistance services; and

(20) To act, through the Department of Transportation, the division is hereby designated as the agency of this state responsible for administering all federal and state programs relating to public transportation and public transit facilities.

§17-16F-5. Rules of division.

(a) All rules promulgated by the Public Port Authority, the West Virginia State Rail Authority, the Division of Public Transit, or the West Virginia State Aeronautics Commission in effect at the time of creation of the division shall continue in full force and effect until revised or repealed by the division.

(b) The division, upon consultation with the Secretary of the Department of Transportation, may propose legislative rules for promulgation in accordance with §29A-3-1 et seq. of this code to implement the purposes of this article, including an application process for the creation of local port authority districts. The division may promulgate any necessary emergency rules to implement the provisions of this article pursuant to the provisions of §29A-3-15 of this code.

§17-16F-6. Advisory Boards.

(a) The division may convene advisory boards composed of members with subject-matter expertise and experience in the various modes of transportation under the purview of the division.

(b) Any such advisory board may advise the division on issues and assist the division as requested.

(c) The Secretary of the Department of Transportation shall be the chairperson of any such advisory board: Provided, That the secretary may appoint a designee to act in his or her stead at meetings.

(d) The Secretary of the Department of Transportation shall not receive any compensation for serving as chairperson. Any appointed members of a board shall receive the same compensation and expense reimbursement as is paid to members of the Legislature for their interim duties as recommended by the citizens legislative compensation commission and authorized by law for each day or substantial portion thereof engaged in the discharge of official duties. All compensation and expenses incurred shall be payable from funds applicable to the advisory board from the corresponding section within the division or from funds appropriated for such purpose by the Legislature and no liability or obligation shall be incurred by the section beyond the extent to which moneys are available from funds of the section or from such appropriations.

§17-16F-7. Annual report.

(a) The division shall prepare and file a comprehensive report annually by December 31 with the Governor and the Joint Committee on Government and Finance setting forth the overall strategic plan for both short term and long term for goals and accomplishments of the purposes set forth in this article. Incidental to the development of a comprehensive strategic plan for multimodal transportation, the division shall analyze the intermodal shipment of products and passengers through the state, and shall be authorized to collect and analyze such information, which is maintained in the ordinary course of business by the person, firm, or corporation providing such information, pertaining to the transportation of products and passengers which has been moved by rail, water, or air to and from points within and without this state.

(b) Any such information and data supplied to the division shall be for exclusive use of the division. Such information is deemed confidential and is not subject to disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act, §29B-1-1 et seq. of this code. The division shall not publicly disclose this information and data to any person, firm, corporation, or agent. It is unlawful for any employee of this State to divulge or make known in any manner any information obtained pursuant to this subsection or disclose information concerning the personal or business affairs of any individual or the business of any single firm or corporation, or disclose any particulars set forth or disclosed in any report or other information provided to the division. Violation of this subsection by any employee or former employee will result in a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, is punishable by a fine of not more than $1,000 or by imprisonment for not more than one year, or by both, together with costs of prosecution.

§17-16F-8. Financial interest in contracts prohibited; penalty.

No employee of the division may be financially interested, directly or indirectly, in any contract of any person with the division, or in the sale of any property, real or personal, to or from the division. This section does not apply to contracts or purchases of property, real or personal, between the division and any governmental agency. Violation of this subsection by a division employee will result in a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, is punishable by a fine of not more than $1,000 or by imprisonment for not more than one year, or by both, together with costs of prosecution.

§17-16F-9. Public purpose of activities; property of public utilities and common carriers.

(a) The division is authorized to acquire any lands or interests pursuant to this article. The planning, acquisition, establishment, construction, improvement, maintenance, and operation of public port, railroad, transit, airport, or air navigation facilities, whether by the state separately or jointly with any municipalities and the exercise of any other powers granted to the division are declared to be public and governmental functions, exercised for a public purpose, and matters of public necessity. All lands and other property and privileges acquired and used by or on behalf of the state in the manner and for the purposes enumerated in this article are declared to be acquired and used for governmental purposes and as a matter of public necessity.

(b) The division shall take or distribute property or facilities belonging to any public utility or to a common carrier, which property or facilities are required for the proper and convenient operation of such public utility or common carrier, if provision is made for the restoration, relocation, or duplication of such property or facilities elsewhere at the cost of the division.

(c) The division shall make reasonable policies for the installation, construction, maintenance, repair, renewal, relocation, and removal of railroad or public utility facilities in, on, over or under any public port, railroad, airport, or air navigation facility project. Whenever the division determines that any such facilities installed or constructed in, on, over, or under property of the division pursuant to such policies must be relocated, the railroad or public utility owning or operating such facilities shall relocate or remove them in accordance with the order of the division. The cost and expenses of such relocation or removal, including the cost of installing such facilities in a new location, the cost of any lands or any rights or interests in lands and the cost of any other rights acquired to accomplish such relocation or removal, may be paid by the division as a part of the cost of such project.

(d) When relocating or removing facilities, the railroad or public utility owning or operating them, and its successors or assigns, shall maintain, and operate such facilities, with the necessary appurtenances in the new location in, on, over, or under the property of the division for as long a period and upon the same terms as it had the right to maintain and operate such facilities in their former location.

(e) In the condemnation of property authorized by this section, the division shall proceed in the name of the State in the manner provided by chapter 54 of this code.


§17-30-1. Department of Transportation to develop electric vehicle plan.

The Department of Transportation shall create an Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Development Plan for West Virginia that describes how our state intends to use its share of NEVI Formula Program funds. The plan shall take a wholistic approach, considering the future charging infrastructure needs of school systems, public transportation, counties and municipalities, and other public and private users. The Department shall share this plan and report with the interim Joint Committee of Government and Finance by July 1, 2022.

§17-2-2. Powers and duties of the Secretary of Transportation.

(a) The secretary is the administrative head of the department, controls and supervises the department, and is responsible for the work of all department employees.

(b) The secretary has the power and authority set forth in this article or elsewhere in code, including, but not limited to, the power and authority specified in §5F-2-2 of this code.

(c) The secretary may employ professional staff, including, but not limited to, certified public accountants, engineers, attorneys, deputies, assistants, hearing officers, and other employees as necessary for the efficient operation of the department, may prescribe their powers and duties, and may fix their compensation within the amounts appropriated and in accordance with the department’s merit-based system authorized in §5F-2-8 of this code.

(d) The secretary may designate any administrator or employee of the department as the secretary’s designee on any board, authority, or commission on which the secretary serves. An administrator or employee thus designated may take the secretary’s place in any hearings, appeals, meetings, or other activities, and such designee shall have the same powers, duties, authority, and responsibility as the secretary.

(e) The secretary may arrange for any of the department’s agencies to utilize the services of the department or any other agency within the department, on an as-needed or ongoing basis, for the cost-effective and efficient administration of the department. Interagency agreements may be executed among the department’s agencies, or between one or more agencies and the department, if, in the secretary’s discretion, such agreement is desired or necessary for the cost-effective and efficient administration of the department.

(f) The secretary shall ensure that the department and its agencies carry out functions in a manner that supplements, complements, and complies with policies, programs, and funding requirements of the Federal Aviation Administration, the Federal Highway Administration, the Federal Railroad Administration, and the Federal Transit Administration, as applicable. The secretary may require that administrators and employees of the department or its agencies consult with appropriate federal, state, and local governmental units to ensure that the department is aware of and in compliance with policies, programs, laws, and regulations affecting the department.

(g) The secretary may, on behalf of the department, sign in the name of the state any contract or agreement with any division, agency, or other unit of federal, state, or local government, any legal entity, or any individual: Provided, That the powers granted to the secretary under this subsection may not exceed, or be interpreted as authority to exceed, the powers granted by the Legislature to the department or the various agencies of the department.



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§17-2E-10.Taskforce on infrastructure deployment clearinghouse; reporting; sunset date.

(a) There is hereby created a taskforce under the leadership of the Commissioner of the Division of Highways, or his or her designee, for the purpose of studying best practices for the creation of a clearinghouse with information on public rights-of-way, including environmental and historic preservation content, that may reduce regulatory hurdles, lower costs, and increase the speed of infrastructure deployment. The purpose of the clearinghouse is to provide information relevant to infrastructure deployment, such as identifying public rights-of-way that may be readily accessed. For purposes of this section, “infrastructure deployment” means the deployment of underground infrastructure in public rights-of-way in West Virginia.

(b) The taskforce shall consist of the following:

(1) The Commissioner of the Division of Highways, or his or her designee;

(2) The Director of the Division of Environmental Protection, or his or her designee;

(3) The director of the historic preservation section of the Department of Arts, Culture, and History, or his or her designee;

(4) Any designee as may be selected by Miss Utility of West Virginia; and

(5) Any designees as may be selected by the Legislative Oversight Commission on Department of Transportation Accountability.

(c) The infrastructure deployment clearinghouse taskforce shall examine and report on the following:

(1) Regulatory hurdles affecting infrastructure deployment;

(2) The availability of information that may reduce regulatory hurdles;

(3) Information available, including environmental factors, historically-significant sites, and previously-disturbed ground as relevant to infrastructure deployment;

(4) Recommendations on ways to create a clearinghouse that contains information relevant to reduce regulatory hurdles, lower costs, and accelerate infrastructure deployment;

(5) Recommendations on restrictions that may be needed concerning access to clearinghouse information; and

(6) Other information and recommendations the taskforce deems important to create the clearinghouse and improve infrastructure deployment.

(d) The taskforce shall report and make recommendations to the Legislative Oversight Commission on Department of Transportation Accountability, including:

(1) Status updates upon request; and

(2) Written recommendations, including any proposed legislation, by December 31, 2023.

(e) The provisions of this section sunset and cease to have effect after March 31, 2024.

§17-2A-25. Road optimization and assessment data pilot program; legislative findings and purposes; reporting.

(a) The Legislature hereby finds and declares that:

(1) Properly maintained roads are important to the economic and industrial growth and development of the state and to the health, education, welfare, and prosperity of the state’s residents;

(2) Roads that are not well-maintained because of potholes, patching, cracking, road shoulder issues, canopy brush, or drainage issues do not contribute to the health, education, welfare, and prosperity of the residents of this state;

(3) Data is and has been collected by the West Virginia Division of Highways for purposes of an overall assessment and evaluation of road maintenance; and

(4) The purpose of this section is to create a pilot program to study alternative, advanced methods of assessing the conditions of the roads that will lead to improved processes of addressing road maintenance needs.

(b) The Road Optimization and Assessment Data (ROAD) Pilot Program is hereby created. The Commissioner of Highways shall develop and implement the pilot program concerning the collection of data and the overall assessment of the conditions of the paved roads of the state and the repairs and maintenance required to ensure well-maintained roads. The pilot program shall include a combination of urban and rural roads, using Monongalia County and Preston County as the test areas for this pilot program and, to the broadest extend feasible:

(1) Use existing assessments in the pilot counties to teach the program;

(2) Incorporate machine learning (ML), artificial intelligence (AI), or other advanced technologies to assess state roads;

(3) Use Global Positioning System (GPS) data or geotagging, including high accuracy precision GPS, to indicate road geometry and curvature;

(4) Use laser measuring systems, including video, that are capable of longitudinal profiling, identifying and measuring of cracks, pavement distress, potholes, patching, road shoulder issues, canopy brush, and drainage issues;

(5) Use video for road imagery as well as canopy brush and drainage documentation;

(6) Use a reflectometer system to check the reflectivity of painted lines;

(7) Utilize post-data capture processing to create a baseline for road condition assessment based on standards of the Division of Highways and the ASTM D6433-11 Standard Practice for Roads and Parking Lots Pavement Condition Index Surveys; and

(8) Incorporate the data gathered pursuant to this section within the Division of Highways’ existing pavement management system, or an alternative machine learning or artificial intelligence system in order to improve predictive analysis of roads and to guide in the performance of preventive maintenance for roads rather than reactive maintenance.

(c) The commissioner shall provide for the data capturing and processing pursuant to this section at intervals determined by the commissioner to adequately collect and assess data for maintenance purposes: Provided, That data capturing and processing shall occur at least twice during the pilot project. The data shall compare the changes in road conditions, such as deterioration of roads from previous conditions, average daily traffic, and heavy truck traffic if such information is available.

(d) The term of this pilot program is five years. At the conclusion of year two and year four of the pilot program, and at the conclusion of the pilot program, the commissioner shall report to the Joint Legislative Oversight Commission on Department of Transportation Accountability on the steps taken to implement the pilot program, identify the technologies used in the pilot program, outline the data collected through the pilot program, identify costs of the pilot program, summarize any improvements in road maintenance and pavement management processes that may be realized through the pilot program, and make recommendations concerning improvements to and continuation of the pilot program.

§17-16F-10a. Authorization to create a local port authority district.

A political subdivision of this state, a joint venture of two or more political subdivisions, a joint venture of political subdivisions and a private entity or entities, or a joint venture of political subdivisions and any bordering state may create a local port authority district in accordance with the procedure set forth in §17-16F-10b of this of this code.

§17-16F-10b. Application to division for approval to create local port authority district.

The division shall create an application and approval process for creation of a local port authority district. In deciding on a local port authority district designation, the division shall consider areas which have entered into a joint venture with private industry and areas which have made or will make the greatest effort, both financially and otherwise, to encourage the establishment of facilities to enhance the efficiency and cost of the movement of goods and services to and from markets in West Virginia, or will make the greatest effort to encourage the construction and completion of infrastructure projects, including all types of transportation systems.

§17-16F-10c. Creation of board of directors for local port authority district; powers and duties.

(a) A local port authority district may appoint a board of directors to administer the district. Board members shall be appointed from political subdivisions and the private sector and, at a minimum, represent the following areas:

(1) One member from each political subdivision and each private entity comprising the local port authority district;

(2) One member from the congressional district in which the local port authority district is located who shall represent the public interest generally;

(3) At least two members that have recognized ability and practical experience in transportation;

(4) At least two members with recognized ability and practical experience in economic development, freight, or logistics;

(5) At least one member that has recognized ability and practical experience in international trade;

(6) At least one member with recognized ability and practical experience in business management, economics, or accounting; and

(7) Two members representing the public at large.

(b) The board may exercise all powers necessary and proper to implement the purpose of the local port authority district so long as those powers do not exceed or supersede the powers of the division: Provided, That the power of eminent domain may only be exercised by the division itself and not by any local port authority district.

(c) The board shall prepare and submit a plan by October 31 of each year with the division for future development, construction, and improvement of its services and facilities.