Email WV Code

Email: Chapter 17A, Article 3


§17A-3-1. Misdemeanor to violate provisions of article; penalty.

(a) It is unlawful for any person to drive or move or for an owner knowingly to permit to be driven or moved upon any highway any vehicle of a type required to be registered under this article which is not registered or for which a certificate of title has not been issued or applied for or for which the appropriate fee has not been paid when and as required under this article, except as otherwise permitted by the provisions of this chapter: Provided, That in the event of the sale of a vehicle by a person other than a registered dealer, the person purchasing the same may, for a period of not more than ten days, operate such vehicle under the registration of its previous owner and display the registration thereof: Provided, however, That he or she shall have and display on the demand of any proper officer the consent in writing of such previous owner so to use such registration.

(b) Unless otherwise provided for in this article, any person violating the provisions of this article is guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not more than $500; and upon a second or subsequent conviction thereof, shall be fined not more than $500, or confined in the county or regional jail not more than six months, or both.

§17A-3-1a. Registration of vehicles of new residents.

(a) Every owner of a motor vehicle, trailer or other vehicle, shall, within thirty days after taking up residence in the state, apply to the division and obtain registration and title for the vehicle.

(b) For the purposes of this chapter there is a rebuttable presumption that a natural person is a resident of this state if any of the following elements exist including, but not limited to:

(1) The person is registered to vote in this state.

(2) The person enrolls the person's child to be educated in a public elementary or secondary school in this state.

(3) The person is receiving public assistance from this state.

(4) The person resides or has continuously remained in this state for a period exceeding thirty days except for infrequent or brief absences.

(5) The person has accepted employment or engages in any trade, profession, or occupation within this state, except that this does not include a person who is commuting from the person's residence in another state or whose employment is seasonal or temporary, not exceeding ninety days.

(6) The person has filed for a homestead tax exemption on property in this state.

"Resident" does not include a person who is attending a college, university or other educational institution in this state, if the person has a domicile in another state and has a valid operator's license and vehicle registration issued by the state of domicile. "Resident" also does not include members of the Armed Forces that are stationed in West Virginia providing that their vehicles are properly registered in their state of residence or a member of the Armed Forces stationed in another state or country providing that their vehicles are properly registered in that state or country.

A corporation, association, partnership, company or firm whose principal place of business is located within this state is a resident of this state.

The provisions of this section shall not apply to vehicles registered under proportional registration agreement.

§17A-3-2. Every motor vehicle, etc., subject to registration and certificate of title provisions; exceptions.

(a) Every motor vehicle, trailer, semitrailer, pole trailer, and recreational vehicle when driven or moved upon a highway is subject to the registration and certificate of title provisions of this chapter except:

(1) Any vehicle driven or moved upon a highway in conformance with the provisions of this chapter relating to manufacturers, transporters, dealers, lienholders, or nonresidents or under a temporary registration permit issued by the division as authorized under this chapter;

(2) Any implement of husbandry upon which is securely attached a machine for spraying fruit trees and plants of the owner or lessee or for any other implement of husbandry which is used exclusively for agricultural or horticultural purposes on lands owned or leased by the owner of the implement and which is not operated on or over any public highway of this state for any other purpose other than for the purpose of operating it across a highway or along a highway other than an expressway as designated by the Commissioner of the Division of Highways from one point of the owner's land to another part of the owner's land, irrespective of whether or not the tracts adjoin: Provided, That the distance between the points may not exceed 35 miles, or for the purpose of taking it or other fixtures attached to the implement, to and from a repair shop for repairs. The exemption in this subdivision from registration and license requirements also applies to any vehicle described in this subsection or to any farm trailer owned by the owner or lessee of the farm on which the trailer is used, when the trailer is used by the owner of the trailer for the purpose of moving farm produce and livestock from the farm along a public highway for a distance not to exceed 35 miles to a storage house or packing plant, when the use is a seasonal operation:

(A) The exemptions contained in this section also apply to farm machinery, tractors, and mini-trucks: Provided, That the machinery, tractors, and mini-trucks may use the highways in going from one tract of land to another tract of land regardless of whether the land is owned by the same or different persons. For the purposes of this section, "mini-truck" means a foreign-manufactured import or domestic-manufactured vehicle designed primarily for off-road use and powered by an engine ranging in size from 550cc to 660cc and weighing approximately 1,800 pounds;

(B) Any vehicle exempted under this subsection from the requirements of annual registration certificate and license plates and fees for the registration certificate and license plate may not use the highways between sunset and sunrise unless the vehicle is classified as a Class A motor vehicle with a farm-use exemption under the provisions of §17A-10-1 of this code and has a valid and current inspection sticker as required by the provisions of §17C-16-1 et seq. of this code and is traveling from one tract of land to another over a distance of 35 miles or less;

(C) Any vehicle exempted under this section from the requirements of annual registration certificate and license plates may use the highways as provided in this section whether the exempt vehicle is self-propelled, towed by another exempt vehicle or towed by another vehicle required to be registered;

(D) Any vehicle used as an implement of husbandry exempt under this section shall have the words "farm use" in at least 10-inch letters affixed to both sides or to both front and back of the implement or in at least 2-inch letters on license plates affixed to both front and back of the implement. Any vehicle which would be subject to registration as a Class A or B vehicle if not exempted by this section shall display a farm-use exemption certificate on the lower driver's side of the windshield:

(i) The farm-use exemption certificate shall be provided by the commissioner and shall be issued annually by the assessor of the applicant's county of residence. The assessor shall issue a farm-use exemption certificate to the applicant upon his or her determination pursuant to an examination of the property books or documentation provided by the applicant that the vehicle has been properly assessed as Class I personal property. Nothing in this section or any rule promulgated under the authority of chapter 29A of this code may be construed to require any applicant for a renewal of a farm use exemption certificate to appear personally before any assessor. The assessor shall charge a fee of $2 for each certificate, which shall be retained by the assessor;

(ii) A farm-use exemption certificate shall not exempt the applicant from maintaining the security required by §17D-1-1 et seq. of this code on any vehicle being operated on the roads or highways of this state;

(iii) No person charged with the offense of operating a vehicle without a farm-use exemption certificate, if required under this section, may be convicted of the offense if he or she produces in court, or in the office of the arresting officer, a valid farm-use exemption certificate for the vehicle in question within five days;

(3) Any vehicle which is propelled exclusively by electric power obtained from overhead trolley wires though not operated upon rails;

(4) Any vehicle of a type subject to registration which is owned by the government of the United States;

(5) Any wrecked or disabled vehicle towed by a licensed wrecker or dealer on the public highways of this state;

(6) The following recreational vehicles are exempt from the requirements of annual registration, license plates and fees, unless otherwise specified by law, but are subject to the certificate of title provisions of this chapter regardless of highway use: Motorboats, all-terrain vehicles, utility terrain vehicles, and snowmobiles; and

(7) Any special mobile equipment as defined in §17A-1-1(r) of this code.

(b) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (a) of this section:

(1) Mobile homes or manufactured homes are exempt from the requirements of annual registration, license plates and fees;

(2) House trailers may be registered and licensed; and

(3) Factory-built homes are subject to the certificate of title provisions of this chapter.

(c) The division shall title and register low-speed vehicles if the manufacturer's certificate of origin clearly identifies the vehicle as a low-speed vehicle. The division may not title or register homemade low-speed vehicles or retrofitted golf carts and such vehicles do not qualify as low-speed vehicles in this state. In addition to all other motor vehicle laws and regulations, except as specifically exempted below, low-speed vehicles are subject to the following restrictions and requirements:

(1) Low-speed vehicles shall only be operated on private roads and on public roads and streets within the corporate limits of a municipality where the speed limit is not more than 25 miles per hour;

(2) Notwithstanding any provisions in this code to the contrary, low-speed vehicles shall meet the requirements of 49 C.F.R. §571.500 (2003);

(3) In lieu of periodic inspection, the owner of a low-speed vehicle shall, upon initial application for registration and each renewal thereafter, certify under penalty of false swearing, that all lights, brakes, tires, and seat belts are in good working condition; and

(4) Any person operating a low-speed vehicle must hold a valid driver's license, not an instruction permit.

§17A-3-3. Application for registration; statement of insurance or other proof of security to accompany application; criminal penalties; fees; special revolving fund.

Every owner of a vehicle subject to registration under this article shall make application to the division for the registration of the vehicle upon the appropriate form or forms furnished by the division and every application shall bear the signature of the owner or his or her authorized agent, written with pen and ink, and the application shall contain:

(a) The name, bona fide residence and mailing address of the owner, the county in which he or she resides or business address of the owner if a firm, association or corporation.

(b) A description of the vehicle including, insofar as the data specified in this section may exist with respect to a given vehicle, the make, model, type of body, the manufacturer's serial or identification number or other number as determined by the commissioner.

(c) In the event a motor vehicle is designed, constructed, converted or rebuilt for the transportation of property, the application shall include a statement of its declared gross weight if the motor vehicle is to be used alone, or if the motor vehicle is to be used in combination with other vehicles, the application for registration of the motor vehicle shall include a statement of the combined declared gross weight of the motor vehicle and the vehicles to be drawn by the motor vehicle; declared gross weight being the weight declared by the owner to be the actual combined weight of the vehicle or combination of vehicles and load when carrying the maximum load which the owner intends to place on the vehicle; and the application for registration of each vehicle shall also include a statement of the distance between the first and last axles of that vehicle or combination of vehicles.

The declared gross weight stated in the application may not exceed the permissible gross weight for the axle spacing listed in the application as determined by the table of permissible gross weights contained in chapter seventeen-c of this code; and any vehicle registered for a declared gross weight as stated in the application is subject to the single-axle load limit set forth in that chapter.

(d) Each applicant shall state whether the vehicle is or is not to be used in the public transportation of passengers or property, or both, for compensation and if used for compensation, or to be used, the applicants shall certify that the vehicle is used for compensation and shall, as a condition precedent to the registration of the vehicle, obtain a certificate of convenience or permit from the Public Service Commission unless otherwise exempt from this requirement in accordance with chapter twenty-four-a of this code.

(e) A statement under penalty of false swearing that liability insurance is in effect and will continue to be in effect through the entire term of the vehicle registration period within limits which may not be less than the requirement of section two, article four, chapter seventeen-d of this code, which shall contain the name and National Association of Insurance commissioners assigned code of the applicant's insurer, the policy number, and any other information required by the commissioner of Motor Vehicles or that the applicant has qualified as a self-insurer meeting the requirements of section two, article six of said chapter and that as a self-insurer he or she has complied with the minimum security requirements as established in section two, article four of that chapter. If the commissioner determines that the required security is not or was not in effect, he or she shall suspend the vehicle owner's driver's license and revoke the vehicle registration in accordance with the provisions of article two-a, chapter seventeen-d of this code.

If any person making an application required under the provisions of this section, in the application knowingly provides false information, false proof of security or a false statement of insurance, or if any person, including an applicant's insurance agent, knowingly counsels, advises, aids or abets another in providing false information, false proof of security, or a false statement of insurance in the application he or she is guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not more than $500, or be imprisoned in jail for a period not to exceed fifteen days, or both fined and imprisoned and, in addition to the fine or imprisonment, shall have his or her driver's license suspended for a period of ninety days and vehicle registration revoked if applicable.

(f) Any further information that is reasonably required by the division to enable it to determine whether the vehicle is lawfully entitled to registration.

(g) Each application for registration shall be accompanied by the fees provided in this article and an additional fee of 50¢ for each motor vehicle for which the applicant seeks registration.

(h) Revocation of a motor vehicle registration pursuant to this section does not affect the perfection or priority of a lien or security interest attaching to the motor vehicle that is noted on the certificate of title to the motor vehicle.

§17A-3-3a. Payment of personal property taxes and emergency ambulance fees prerequisite to registration or renewal; duties of assessors; schedule of automobile values.

(a) Certificates of registration and renewal of registration of any vehicle or registration plates for any vehicle may not be issued or furnished by the Division of Motor Vehicles, or any other officer charged with the duty, unless the applicant for the certificate or registration plate, except an applicant exempt from payment of registration fees under section eight, article ten of this chapter, has furnished the receipt provided in this section or the division has received verification by electronic means to show full payment of:

(1) The personal property taxes for the current calender year or the calendar year which immediately precedes the calendar year in which application is made on all vehicles which were registered with the Division of Motor Vehicles in the applicant`s name on the tax day for the former calendar year; and

(2) All emergency ambulance fees owed pursuant to section seventeen, article fifteen, chapter seven of this code at the time the receipt is prepared, except for any of the fees that are not yet past due: Provided, That any county which does not impose emergency ambulance fees or which chooses not to show emergency ambulance fees on the personal property tax receipt may issue a receipt without complying with this subdivision and the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles may issue or renew registration without regard to such fees.

(b) If the applicant contends that any registered vehicle was not subject to personal property taxation for that year or that he or she does not owe any emergency ambulance fees if a receipt for fees are required by the county, he or she shall furnish the information and evidence as the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles may require to substantiate his or her contention.

(c) The assessor shall require any person having a duty to make a return of property for taxation to him or her to furnish information identifying each vehicle subject to the registration provisions of this chapter. When the property taxes on any vehicle have been paid, the officer to whom the payment was made shall deliver to the person paying the taxes a written or printed receipt for the payment and shall retain for his or her records a duplicate of the receipt. It is the duty of the assessor and sheriff, respectively, to see that the assessment records and the receipts contain information adequately identifying the vehicle as registered under the provisions of this chapter. The officer receiving payment shall sign each receipt in his or her own handwriting.

(d) Each receipt given to a taxpayer for payment of personal property taxes on a vehicle may indicate on the receipt whether the taxpayer has paid all emergency ambulance fees owed pursuant to section seventeen, article fifteen, chapter seven of this code at the time the receipt is prepared, except for any of the fees that are not yet past due: Provided, That each county shall include on the same notice of personal property taxes due the additional amount due for all emergency ambulance fees.

(e) The State Tax Commissioner shall annually compile a schedule of automobile values based on the lowest values shown in a nationally accepted used car guide. The State Tax Commissioner shall furnish the schedule to each assessor and it shall be used by him or her as a guide in placing the assessed values on all automobiles in his or her county.

§17A-3-3b. Motor vehicles believed illegally unregistered; assessor to make verification.

If, on information and belief the assessor has reason to believe that a motor vehicle has not been properly registered in this state in violation of the provisions of section one of this article, he or she shall give notice by posting on the vehicle a notice advising the owner of the vehicle to contact the office of the assessor within fifteen days to verify that the owner is not a resident of the State of West Virginia. Factors to be considered in determining whether or not such person is a resident of this state include, but are not limited to, the following:

(1) The person is registered to vote in this state;

(2) The person enrolls the person's child or children to be educated in an elementary or secondary school in this state or has complied with applicable provisions of this code indicating an intent to home school the person's child or children in this state;

(3) The person is receiving public assistance from this state;

(4) The person resides or has continuously remained in this state for a period exceeding thirty days, except for infrequent brief absences;

(5) The person has accepted employment or engages in any trade, profession or occupation within this state, except that this does not include a person who is commuting from the person's residence in another state or whose employment is seasonal or temporary, not exceeding thirty days;

(6) The person has filed for a homestead tax exemption on property in this state;

(7) The person subscribes to public utilities in this state in his or her own name;

(8) The person receives his or her mail in this state pursuant to verification from the United States postal service.

In the event the assessor receives no response from the posting, the assessor will refer the matter to the prosecuting attorney. If it is determined that the vehicle has not been properly registered in this state, the owner of the vehicle is in violation of the provisions of this article and the person will be subject to the criminal sanctions contained in section one of this article.

§17A-3-4.  Application for certificate of title; fees; abolishing privilege tax; prohibition of issuance of certificate of title without compliance with consumers sales and service tax provisions; exceptions.

(a) Certificates of registration of any vehicle or registration plates for the vehicle, whether original issues or duplicates, may not be issued or furnished by the Division of Motor Vehicles or any other officer or agent charged with the duty, unless the applicant already has received, or at the same time makes application for and is granted, an official certificate of title of the vehicle in either an electronic or paper format. The application shall be upon a blank form to be furnished by the Division of Motor Vehicles and shall contain a full description of the vehicle, which description shall contain a manufacturer’s serial or identification number or other number as determined by the commissioner and any distinguishing marks, together with a statement of the applicant’s title and of any liens or encumbrances upon the vehicle, the names and addresses of the holders of the liens and any other information as the Division of Motor Vehicles may require. The application shall be signed and sworn to by the applicant. A duly certified copy of the division’s electronic record of a certificate of title is admissible in any civil, criminal or administrative proceeding in this state as evidence of ownership.

(b) A tax is imposed upon the privilege of effecting the certification of title of each vehicle in the amount equal to five percent of the value of the motor vehicle at the time of the certification, to be assessed as follows:

(1) If the vehicle is new, the actual purchase price or consideration to the purchaser of the vehicle is the value of the vehicle. If the vehicle is a used or secondhand vehicle, the present market value at time of transfer or purchase is the value of the vehicle for the purposes of this section: Provided, That so much of the purchase price or consideration as is represented by the exchange of other vehicles on which the tax imposed by this section has been paid by the purchaser shall be deducted from the total actual price or consideration paid for the vehicle, whether the vehicle be new or secondhand. If the vehicle is acquired through gift or by any manner whatsoever, unless specifically exempted in this section, the present market value of the vehicle at the time of the gift or transfer is the value of the vehicle for the purposes of this section.

(2) No certificate of title for any vehicle may be issued to any applicant unless the applicant has paid to the Division of Motor Vehicles the tax imposed by this section which is five percent of the true and actual value of the vehicle whether the vehicle is acquired through purchase, by gift or by any other manner whatsoever, except gifts between husband and wife or between parents and children: Provided, That the husband or wife, or the parents or children, previously have paid the tax on the vehicles transferred to the State of West Virginia.

(3) The Division of Motor Vehicles may issue a certificate of registration and title to an applicant if the applicant provides sufficient proof to the Division of Motor Vehicles that the applicant has paid the taxes and fees required by this section to a motor vehicle dealership that has gone out of business or has filed bankruptcy proceedings in the United States bankruptcy court and the taxes and fees so required to be paid by the applicant have not been sent to the division by the motor vehicle dealership or have been impounded due to the bankruptcy proceedings: Provided, That the applicant makes an affidavit of the same and assigns all rights to claims for money the applicant may have against the motor vehicle dealership to the Division of Motor Vehicles.

(4) The Division of Motor Vehicles shall issue a certificate of registration and title to an applicant without payment of the tax imposed by this section if the applicant is a corporation, partnership or limited liability company transferring the vehicle to another corporation, partnership or limited liability company when the entities involved in the transfer are members of the same controlled group and the transferring entity has previously paid the tax on the vehicle transferred. For the purposes of this section, control means ownership, directly or indirectly, of stock or equity interests possessing fifty percent or more of the total combined voting power of all classes of the stock of a corporation or equity interests of a partnership or limited liability company entitled to vote or ownership, directly or indirectly, of stock or equity interests possessing fifty percent or more of the value of the corporation, partnership or limited liability company.

(5) The tax imposed by this section does not apply to vehicles to be registered as Class H vehicles or Class M vehicles, as defined in section one, article ten of this chapter, which are used or to be used in interstate commerce. Nor does the tax imposed by this section apply to the titling of Class B vehicles registered at a gross weight of fifty-five thousand pounds or more, or to the titling of Class C semitrailers, full trailers, pole trailers and converter gear: Provided, That if an owner of a vehicle has previously titled the vehicle at a declared gross weight of fifty-five thousand pounds or more and the title was issued without the payment of the tax imposed by this section, then before the owner may obtain registration for the vehicle at a gross weight less than fifty-five thousand pounds, the owner shall surrender to the commissioner the exempted registration, the exempted certificate of title and pay the tax imposed by this section based upon the current market value of the vehicle: Provided, however, That notwithstanding the provisions of section nine, article fifteen, chapter eleven of this code, the exemption from tax under this section for Class B vehicles in excess of fifty-five thousand pounds and Class C semitrailers, full trailers, pole trailers and converter gear does not subject the sale or purchase of the vehicles to the consumers sales and service tax.

(6) The tax imposed by this section does not apply to titling of vehicles leased by residents of West Virginia. A tax is imposed upon the monthly payments for the lease of any motor vehicle leased by a resident of West Virginia, which tax is equal to five percent of the amount of the monthly payment, applied to each payment, and continuing for the entire term of the initial lease period. The tax shall be remitted to the Division of Motor Vehicles on a monthly basis by the lessor of the vehicle.

(7) The tax imposed by this section does not apply to titling of vehicles by a registered dealer of this state for resale only, nor does the tax imposed by this section apply to titling of vehicles by this state or any political subdivision thereof, or by any volunteer fire department or duly chartered rescue or ambulance squad organized and incorporated under the laws of this state as a nonprofit corporation for protection of life or property. The total amount of revenue collected by reason of this tax shall be paid into the State Road Fund and expended by the Commissioner of Highways for matching federal funds allocated for West Virginia. In addition to the tax, there is a charge of $10 for each original certificate of title or duplicate certificate of title so issued: Provided, That this state or any political subdivision of this state or any volunteer fire department or duly chartered rescue squad is exempt from payment of the charge. The Division of Motor Vehicles may adjust the fee for each original certificate or duplicate certificate of title every five years on September 1, based on the U. S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics most current Consumer Price Index: Provided, That an increase in the fee may not exceed ten percent of the total fee amount in a single year.

(8) The certificate is good for the life of the vehicle, so long as the vehicle is owned or held by the original holder of the certificate and need not be renewed annually, or any other time, except as provided in this section.

(9) If, by will or direct inheritance, a person becomes the owner of a motor vehicle and the tax imposed by this section previously has been paid to the Division of Motor Vehicles on that vehicle, he or she is not required to pay the tax.

(10) A person who has paid the tax imposed by this section is not required to pay the tax a second time for the same motor vehicle, but is required to pay a charge of $10 for the certificate of retitle of that motor vehicle, except that the tax shall be paid by the person when the title to the vehicle has been transferred either in this or another state from the person to another person and transferred back to the person. The Division of Motor Vehicles may adjust the fee for each original certificate of title every five years on September 1, based on the U. S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics most current Consumer Price Index: Provided, That an increase in such fee may not exceed ten percent of the total fee amount in a single year.

(11) The tax imposed by this section does not apply to any passenger vehicle offered for rent in the normal course of business by a daily passenger rental car business as licensed under the provisions of article six-d of this chapter. For purposes of this section, a daily passenger car means a Class A motor vehicle having a gross weight of eight thousand pounds or less and is registered in this state or any other state. In lieu of the tax imposed by this section, there is hereby imposed a tax of not less than $1 nor more than $1.50 for each day or part of the rental period. The commissioner shall propose an emergency rule in accordance with the provisions of article three, chapter twenty-nine-a of this code to establish this tax.

(12) The tax imposed by this article does not apply to the titling of any vehicle purchased by a senior citizen service organization which is exempt from the payment of income taxes under the United States Internal Revenue Code, Title 26 U. S. C. §501(c)(3) and which is recognized to be a bona fide senior citizen service organization by the Bureau of Senior Services existing under the provisions of article five-p, chapter sixteen of this code.

(13) The tax imposed by this section does not apply to the titling of any vehicle operated by an urban mass transit authority as defined in article twenty-seven, chapter eight of this code or a nonprofit entity exempt from federal and state income tax under the Internal Revenue Code and whose purpose is to provide mass transportation to the public at large designed for the transportation of persons and being operated for the transportation of persons in the public interest.

(14) The tax imposed by this section does not apply to the transfer of a title to a vehicle owned and titled in the name of a resident of this state if the applicant:

(A) Was not a resident of this state at the time the applicant purchased or otherwise acquired ownership of the vehicle;

(B) Presents evidence as the commissioner may require of having titled the vehicle in the applicant’s previous state of residence;

(C) Has relocated to this state and can present such evidence as the commissioner may require to show bona-fide residency in this state;

(D) Presents an affidavit, completed by the assessor of the applicant’s county of residence, establishing that the vehicle has been properly reported and is on record in the office of the assessor as personal property; and

(E) Makes application to the division for a title and registration, and pays all other fees required by this chapter within thirty days of establishing residency in this state as prescribed in subsection (a), section one-a of this article: Provided, That a period of amnesty of three months be established by the commissioner during the calendar year 2007, during which time any resident of this state, having titled his or her vehicle in a previous state of residence, may pay without penalty any fees required by this chapter and transfer the title of his or her vehicle in accordance with the provisions of this section.

(c) Notwithstanding any provisions of this code to the contrary, the owners of trailers, semitrailers, recreational vehicles and other vehicles not subject to the certificate of title tax prior to the enactment of this chapter are subject to the privilege tax imposed by this section: Provided, That the certification of title of any recreational vehicle owned by the applicant on June 30, 1989, is not subject to the tax imposed by this section: Provided, however, That mobile homes, manufactured homes, modular homes and similar nonmotive propelled vehicles, except recreational vehicles and house trailers, susceptible of being moved upon the highways but primarily designed for habitation and occupancy, rather than for transporting persons or property, or any vehicle operated on a nonprofit basis and used exclusively for the transportation of intellectually disabled or physically disabled children when the application for certificate of registration for the vehicle is accompanied by an affidavit stating that the vehicle will be operated on a nonprofit basis and used exclusively for the transportation of intellectually disabled and physically disabled children, are not subject to the tax imposed by this section, but are taxable under the provisions of articles fifteen and fifteen-a, chapter eleven of this code.

(d) Beginning on July 1, 2008, the tax imposed under this subsection (b) of this section is abolished and after that date no certificate of title for any motor vehicle may be issued to any applicant unless the applicant provides sufficient proof to the Division of Motor Vehicles that the applicant has paid the fees required by this article and the tax imposed under section three-c, article fifteen, chapter eleven of this code.

(e) Any person making any affidavit required under any provision of this section who knowingly swears falsely, or any person who counsels, advises, aids or abets another in the commission of false swearing, or any person, while acting as an agent of the Division of Motor Vehicles, issues a vehicle registration without first collecting the fees and taxes or fails to perform any other duty required by this chapter or chapter eleven of this code to be performed before a vehicle registration is issued is, on the first offense, guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not more than $500 or be confined in jail for a period not to exceed six months or, in the discretion of the court, both fined and confined. For a second or any subsequent conviction within five years, that person is guilty of a felony and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not more than $5,000 or be imprisoned in a state correctional facility for not less than one year nor more than five years or, in the discretion of the court, both fined and imprisoned.

(f) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this section, any person in the military stationed outside West Virginia or his or her dependents who possess a motor vehicle with valid registration are exempt from the provisions of this article for a period of nine months from the date the person returns to this state or the date his or her dependent returns to this state, whichever is later.

(g) No person may transfer, purchase or sell a factory-built home without a certificate of title issued by the commissioner in accordance with the provisions of this article:

(1) Any person who fails to provide a certificate of title upon the transfer, purchase or sale of a factory-built home is guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall for the first offense be fined not less than $100 nor more than $1,000, or be confined in jail for not more than one year, or both fined and confined. For each subsequent offense, the fine may be increased to not more than $2,000, with confinement in jail not more than one year, or both fined and confined.

(2) Failure of the seller to transfer a certificate of title upon sale or transfer of the factory-built home gives rise to a cause of action, upon prosecution thereof, and allows for the recovery of damages, costs and reasonable attorney fees.

(3) This subsection does not apply to a mobile or manufactured home for which a certificate of title has been canceled pursuant to section twelve-b of this article.

(h) Notwithstanding any other provision to the contrary, whenever reference is made to the application for or issuance of any title or the recordation or release of any lien, it includes the application, transmission, recordation, transfer of ownership and storage of information in an electronic format.

(i) Notwithstanding any other provision contained in this section, nothing herein shall be considered to include modular homes as defined in subsection (i), section two, article fifteen, chapter thirty-seven of this code and built to the state building code as established by legislative rules promulgated by the State Fire Commission pursuant to section five-b, article three, chapter twenty-nine of this code.

(j) The provisions of this section enacted in 2017 take effect on July 1, 2017.

§17A-3-5. Application for specially constructed, reconstructed or foreign vehicles or new vehicles purchased outside this state.

(a) In the event the vehicle to be registered is specially constructed, reconstructed, or a foreign vehicle, such fact shall be stated in the application and with reference to every foreign vehicle which has been registered heretofore outside of this state the owner shall surrender to the department all registration plates, registration cards, and certificates of title or other evidence of such foreign registration as may be in his possession or under his control except as provided in subsection (b) hereof.

(b) Where in the course of interstate operation of a vehicle registered in another state it is desirable to retain registration of said vehicle in such other state, such applicant need not surrender but shall submit for inspection said evidences of such foreign registration and the department upon a proper showing shall register said vehicle in this state but shall not issue a certificate of title for such vehicle.

(c) In the event application for registration and certificate of title is made for a new vehicle purchased from a dealer outside this state, a certificate of title shall not be issued for such vehicle nor shall such vehicle be registered by the department unless and until such application shall be accompanied by a certificate of title or a manufacturer's certificate of origin, or if the state of purchase does not require a certificate of title such application shall be accompanied by a manufacturer's certificate of origin, accompanied by evidence that such seller is a bona fide dealer of the state in which such vehicle was purchased.

§17A-3-6. Temporary permit pending registration and certification.

The department in its discretion may grant a temporary permit to operate a vehicle for which application for registration and certificate of title has been made where such application is accompanied by the proper fee, pending action upon said application by the department.

§17A-3-7.  Grounds for refusing registration or certificate of title.

The division shall refuse registration or issuance of a certificate of title or any transfer of registration upon any of the following grounds:

(1) That the application contains any false or fraudulent statement or that the applicant has failed to furnish required information or reasonable additional information requested by the division or that the applicant is not entitled to the issuance of a certificate of title or registration of the vehicle under this chapter;

(2) That the applicant fails to present a statement of insurance or proof of other security as required pursuant to the provisions of section three of this article;

(3) That the vehicle is mechanically unfit or unsafe to be operated or moved upon the highways;

(4) That the division has reasonable grounds to believe that the vehicle is a stolen or embezzled vehicle or that the granting of registration or the issuance of certificate of title would constitute a fraud against the rightful owner or other person having a valid lien upon such vehicle;

(5) That the registration of the vehicle stands suspended or revoked for any reason as provided in the motor vehicle laws of this state;

(6) That the required fee has not been paid;

(7) That the vehicle is operated by a commercial motor carrier who has failed to provide a federal motor carrier identification number (USDOT number) or whose authority to operate in interstate commerce has been denied or suspended by the federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration; or

(8) That any road user fee due under a single fee program imposed by the West Virginia Parkways Authority has not been paid.

§17A-3-8. Examination of registration records and index of stolen and recovered vehicles.

The department, upon receiving application for original registration of a vehicle or any certificate of title, shall first check the manufacturer's serial or identification number shown in the application against the indexes of registered motor vehicles and against the index of stolen and recovered motor vehicles required to be maintained by this chapter.

§17A-3-9. Act of registration and record thereof; registration indexes.

The department shall file each application received and when satisfied as to the genuineness and regularity thereof, and that the applicant is entitled to register such vehicle and to the issuance of a certificate of title shall register the vehicle therein described and keep a record thereof in suitable books, on index cards, or by means of magnetic recording devices as follows:

(1) Under a distinctive registration number assigned to the vehicle;

(2) Alphabetically, under the name of the owner;

(3) Under the manufacturer's serial or identification number if available, otherwise any other identifying number of the vehicle; and

(4) In the discretion of the department, in any other manner it may deem desirable.

§17A-3-10. Division to issue registration card; duplicate to county assessor.

The division upon registering a vehicle, or an agent of the division upon collecting the required fees and taxes in accordance with the provisions of section one-b, article six of this chapter, shall issue a registration card to be delivered to the owner and containing thereon the date issued, the name and address of the owner, the registration number assigned to the vehicle and such description of the vehicle as determined by the commissioner. The division shall send a duplicate of said registration card to the assessor of the county in which the owner resides, or in cases of nonresidents of the state, to the assessor of the county wherein the vehicle is located.

§17A-3-11. Registration of vehicles according to permissible gross weight.

The commissioner, upon registering any truck, truck tractor or road tractor, under the laws of this state, may require such information and may make such investigation or test as necessary to determine whether such motor vehicle may safely be operated upon the highways in compliance with all the provisions of law relating to such vehicles. Every such vehicle shall be registered with a permissible gross weight under which the vehicle can safely be operated upon the highways, which weight may not exceed the limitations set forth in chapter seventeen-c of this code.

The commissioner shall include on the registration card issued for every such motor vehicle the gross weight for which it is registered, and if it is a motor vehicle to be used for propelling other vehicles, a separate listing of the total permissible gross weight of such motor vehicle and other vehicles to be propelled by it shall be included. The commissioner shall also cause to be printed or stamped upon the registration card a statement that the vehicle although registered for the gross weight appearing on the registration card is subject to the axle load limit set forth in chapter seventeen-c of this code.

§17A-3-12. Commissioner to issue certificate of title; signatures on certificate; certificate of title to be delivered to owner or lienor.

(a) The commissioner, if satisfied that the applicant for a certificate of title is the owner of such vehicle, or otherwise entitled to have the same registered in the applicant's name, shall issue an appropriate certificate of title in either an electronic or paper format. The certificate of title in an electronic format shall contain all of the information required by this section.

(b) The certificate of title shall contain upon the face thereof the date issued, the name and address of the owner, the description of the vehicle as determined by the commissioner, and a statement of the owner's title and of all liens and encumbrances upon the vehicle therein described and whether possession is held by the owner under a lease, contract of conditional sale or other like agreement, and shall bear thereon the seal of the division.

(c) The certificate of title shall contain upon the reverse side a space for the signature of the owner and the owner shall write his or her name with pen and ink in the space upon receipt of the certificate. The certificate shall also contain upon the reverse side forms for assignment of title or interest and warranty thereof by the owner with space for notation of liens and encumbrances upon the vehicle at the time of a transfer.

(d) The commissioner, upon issuing a certificate of title, shall deliver same in either an electronic or paper format to the person who holds legal title to the vehicle described on the face of said certificate: Provided, That when a certificate of title is issued showing upon the face thereof a lien or encumbrance of liens or encumbrances, the certificate of title shall be delivered to the lienholder in either an electronic or paper format in order of priority. It shall be unlawful and constitute a misdemeanor for a lienor who holds a certificate of title, as hereinabove in this section provided, to refuse or fail to surrender the certificate of title to the person legally entitled thereto within ten days after the lien or encumbrance or liens or encumbrances shown on the face thereof shall have been paid and satisfied.

§17A-3-12a. Disclosure of odometer information; exceptions; penalties.

(a) In accordance with the provisions of sections four hundred eight-a and four hundred eight-e of the Motor Vehicle Information and Cost Savings Act, Public Law 92-513, the transferor of a motor vehicle must complete the odometer disclosure form on the certificate of title or a separate written odometer disclosure statement, before executing any transfer of ownership document and before a new certificate of title may be issued for a transfer of ownership of a vehicle. The odometer disclosure form on the certificate of title and the separate written odometer disclosure statement shall contain the following information:

(1) The odometer reading at the time of transfer (not to include tenths of miles);

(2) The date of transfer;

(3) The transferor's name and current address;

(4) The transferee's name and current address;

(5) The transferor's printed name and signature acknowledging the disclosure;

(6) The identity of the vehicle, including its make, model, year, body type and identification number;

(7) Certification by the transferor that to the best of his or her knowledge the odometer reading reflects:

(A) The actual mileage the vehicle has been driven;

(B) The amount of mileage in excess of the designated mechanical odometer limit ; or

(C) A difference from the number of miles the vehicle has actually been driven and that the difference is greater than that caused by odometer calibration error, and that the odometer reading is not the actual mileage. This certification shall state that the odometer reading does not reflect the actual mileage and should not be relied upon, and shall also include a warning notice to alert the transferee that a discrepancy exists between the odometer reading and the actual mileage; and

(8) A warning statement referring to state and federal law and the statement: "That failure to complete or providing false information may result in fines and/or imprisonment."

Upon issuance of a new title, the division shall mark the new title with an appropriate brand which reflects certification of the prior owner.

(b) Before executing any transfer of ownership document, the lessor of a leased motor vehicle must notify a lessee in writing that the lessee is required to provide a written odometer disclosure statement to the lessor. The odometer disclosure statement shall contain the following information:

(1) The odometer reading at the time of transfer (not to include tenths of miles);

(2) The date of statement;

(3) The lessee's name and current address;

(4) The lessor's name and current address;

(5) The lessee's printed name and signature acknowledging the disclosure;

(6) The identity of the vehicle, including its make, model, year, body type and identification number;

(7) The date that the lessor notified the lessee of the disclosure requirements;

(8) The date that the completed disclosure statement was received by the lessor;

(9) The signature of the lessor;

(10) Certification by the lessee that to the best of his or her knowledge the odometer reading reflects:

(A) The actual mileage the vehicle has been driven;

(B) The amount of mileage in excess of the designated mechanical odometer limit; or

(C) A difference from the number of miles the vehicle has actually been driven and that the difference is greater than that caused by odometer calibration error, and that the odometer reading is not the actual mileage. This certification shall state that the odometer reading does not reflect the actual mileage and should not be relied upon; and

(11) A warning statement referring to state and federal law and the statement: "That failure to complete or providing false information may result in fines and/or imprisonment."

If a lessor transfers the leased vehicle without obtaining possession of it, the lessor may indicate on the title the mileage disclosed by the lessee, unless the lessor has reason to believe the disclosure does not state the actual mileage.

(c) Notwithstanding the provisions of this section, the form for odometer disclosure on the certificate of title or a separate written odometer disclosure statement need not be completed for any of the following motor vehicles:

(1) A vehicle having a gross weight of more than sixteen thousand pounds;

(2) A vehicle that is not self-propelled;

(3) A vehicle that is ten years old or older;

(4) A vehicle sold directly by the manufacturer to any agency of the United States in conformity with contracted specifications; or

(5) A new motor vehicle prior to its first transfer for purposes other than resale.

(d) Dealers and distributors of motor vehicles who are required by law to execute an odometer disclosure statement shall retain for five years a photostat, carbon or other facsimile copy of each odometer mileage statement which they issue and receive, at their primary place of business in an order that is appropriate to business requirements and that permits systematic retrieval.

(e) Lessors shall retain for five years following the date they transfer ownership of the leased vehicle each odometer disclosure statement which they receive from a lessee, at their primary place of business in an order that is appropriate to business requirements and that permits systematic retrieval.

(f) Auction companies shall retain for five years following the date of sale of each motor vehicle, at their primary place of business in an order that is appropriate to business requirements and that permits systematic retrieval, the following records:

(1) The name of the most recent owner (other than the auction company);

(2) The name of the buyer;

(3) The vehicle identification number; and

(4) The odometer reading on the date the auction company took possession of the motor vehicle.

(g) A transfer of a motor vehicle which has not been previously titled in this state or which has a certificate of title issued prior to January 1, 1991, must include the execution of the transfer by the owner and the purchaser on a form prescribed by the commissioner signed by each of the two parties, which form contains substantially the same information as is required in this section and with the provisions of the odometer mileage statement form pursuant to the Motor Vehicle Information and Cost Savings Act.

(h) The commissioner shall promulgate rules for the administration of this section in accordance with chapter twenty-nine-a of this code.

(I) Any person who violates any of the provisions of this section with intent to defraud shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not less than $200 nor more than $1,000, or imprisoned in the county jail for not more than six months, or both fined and imprisoned.

§17A-3-12b. Canceled certificates of title for certain mobile and manufactured homes; reissuance of certificates of title; procedure.

(a) The commissioner may cancel a certificate of title for a mobile or manufactured home affixed to the real property of the owner of the mobile or manufactured home. The person requesting the cancellation shall submit to the commissioner an application for cancellation together with the certificate of title. The application shall be on a form prescribed by the commissioner. The commissioner shall return one copy of the cancellation certificate to the owner and shall send a copy of the cancellation certificate to the clerk of the county commission to be recorded and indexed in the same manner as a deed, with the owner’s name being indexed in the grantor index. The commissioner shall charge a fee of $10 per certificate of title canceled. The clerk shall return a copy of the recorded cancellation certificate to the owner, unless there is a lien attached to the mobile or manufactured home, in which case the copy of the recorded cancellation certificate shall be returned to the lienholder. Upon its recording in the county clerk’s office, the mobile or manufactured home shall be treated for all purposes as an appurtenance to the real estate to which it is affixed and be transferred only as real estate and the ownership interest in the mobile or manufactured home, together with all liens and encumbrances on the home, shall be transferred to and shall encumber the real property to which the mobile or manufactured home has become affixed.

(b) The commissioner shall reinstate and reissue any title for a mobile home or manufactured home which was previously titled in this state and for which the title was canceled pursuant to this section when the owner of the mobile or manufactured home seeks to sever the home from the real property and applies for a certificate of title in accordance with the provisions of this section. For purposes of this subsection, “owner” means the owner, secured lender of foreclosed or surrendered property, owner of real property who takes possession of an abandoned manufactured home on the property or other person who has the legal right to the manufactured home through legal process.

(1) The owner shall file with the clerk of the county commission where the real property is located an affidavit that includes or provides for all of the following information:

(A) The manufacturer and, if applicable, the model name of the mobile or manufactured home;

(B) The vehicle identification number and serial number of the mobile or manufactured home;

(C) The legal description of the real property on which the mobile or manufactured home is or was placed, stating that the owner of the mobile home or manufactured home also owns the real property;

(D) Certification that there are no security interests in the mobile home or manufactured home that have not been released by the secured party; and

(E) A statement by the owner that the home has been or will be physically severed from the real property.

(2) The owner must submit the following to the commissioner:

(A) A copy of the affidavit filed in accordance with subdivision (1) of this subsection; and

(B) Verification that the manufactured home has been severed from the real property. Confirmation of severance by the assessor where the real property is located is acceptable evidence that the unit has been severed from the real property.

(3) Upon receipt of the information required in subdivision (2) of this subsection, together with a title application and required fee, the commissioner shall issue a new title for the manufactured home.

§17A-3-13. Registration card to be carried and exhibited on demand.

Every registration card shall at all times be carried in the vehicle to which it refers or shall be carried by the person driving or in control of such vehicle who shall display the same upon demand of a police officer or any officer or employee of the division. Carrying and displaying an electronic or mobile registration card issued by the division satisfies the provisions of this section.

§17A-3-14. Registration plates generally; description of plates; issuance of special numbers and plates; registration fees; special application fees; exemptions; commissioner to promulgate forms; suspension and nonrenewal. suspension of registration; electronic signatures.

(a) The division, upon registering a vehicle, shall issue to the owner one registration plate with a registration number consisting of a combination of letters, numerals, symbols, or characters in a configuration determined by the commissioner.

(b) Registration plates shall meet the following requirements:

(1) Plates must incorporate reflectorized material.

(2) Registration numbers shall be plainly readable from 100 feet during daylight.

(3) The commissioner may assign any additional feature to facilitate reciprocal agreements, facilitate interstate travel, promote highway safety, or promote the efficient operation of the division.

(c) The commissioner may suspend the registration of any owner who displays a damaged or illegible plate or otherwise fails to comply with the requirements of §17A-3-19 of this code.  

(d) Any license plate issued or renewed pursuant to this chapter which is paid for by a check that is returned for nonsufficient funds is void without further notice to the applicant. The applicant may not reinstate the registration until the returned check is paid by the applicant in cash, money order, or certified check and all applicable fees assessed as a result thereof have been paid.

(e) In furtherance of the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act, §39A-1-1 et seq. of this code, the division may accept or authorize an electronic signature in any instance the law required to be enforced by the commissioner requires a signature or a pen and ink signature.

§17A-3-15. Display of registration plates.

(a) Registration plates issued for vehicles required to be registered under this article shall be attached to the rear of the vehicles except that on truck tractors and road tractors designed and constructed to pull trailers or semitrailers, the registration plate shall be mounted to the front.

(b) Every registration plate shall at all times be securely fastened in a horizontal position to the vehicle for which it is issued so as to prevent the plate from swinging and at a height of not less than twelve inches from the ground, measuring from the bottom of the plate, in a place and position to be clearly visible and shall be maintained free from foreign materials and in a condition to be clearly legible.

(c) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (b) of this section, an owner of a motor vehicle with a Class G registration as defined in section one, article ten of this chapter may choose to:

(1) Display a standard, Class G registration plate in a horizontal position; or

(2) Display a specially designed Class G registration plate in a vertical position issued by the Division of Motor Vehicles if the owner:

(A) Pays a one-time fee of $25 to cover the additional cost and services necessary to issue the special registration plate to be deposited into a special revolving fund to be used for the administration of this chapter; and

(B) Pays all other required fees and complies with all other applicable provisions of this code regarding the titling, registration and operation of the vehicle.

§17A-3-16. Expiration of registration and certificates of title.

(a) Every vehicle registration under this chapter and every registration card and registration plate issued under this chapter expires at midnight on the last day of the month designated by the commissioner: Provided, That the commissioner may extend the period during which the registration plates may be used.

Certificates of title need not be renewed annually but remain valid until canceled by the division for cause or upon a transfer of any interest shown in the vehicle.

(b) Notwithstanding the provisions of this section or of any provision of this chapter, the commissioner shall adopt a staggered registration system whereby the registration of Class A motor vehicles is for a period of twelve consecutive calendar months, the expiration dates of the registrations to be staggered throughout the year: Provided, That on or after July 1, 1997, the commissioner shall also offer an optional two-year registration system whereby the registration of all vehicles shall be for a period of twenty-four consecutive calendar months, the expiration dates of the registrations to be staggered throughout the year. Under this option, all annual fees due at the time of registration shall be multiplied by two.

(1) On or after July 1, 1997, all Class A motor vehicles as defined in section one, article ten of this chapter shall be registered for a period of twelve or twenty-four consecutive calendar months. There hereby are established twelve registration periods, each of which shall start on day one of each calendar month of the year and shall end on the last day of month twelve from date of beginning. The period ending on January 31 is designated the first period; that ending on February 28 or 29 is designated the second; that ending on March 31 is designated the third; that ending on April 30 is designated the fourth; that ending on May 31 is designated the fifth; that ending on June 30 is designated the sixth; that ending on July 31 is designated the seventh; that ending on August 31 is designated the eighth; that ending on September 30 is designated the ninth; that ending on October 31 is designated the tenth; that ending on November 30 is designated the eleventh; and that ending on December 31 is designated the twelfth.

(2) All Class A motor vehicles, which are operated for the first time upon the public highways of this state to and including day fifteen of any given month are subject to registration and payment of the fee for the twelve- or 24-month period commencing day one of the month of operation. All Class A motor vehicles operated for the first time upon the public highways of this state on and after day sixteen of any given month are subject to registration and payment of fee for the twelve- or 24-month period commencing day one of the month of the next following calendar month.

(c) On or before July 1, 1996, all Class T and Class R vehicles shall be registered for a maximum period of three years or portion thereof based on the number of years remaining in the three year period designated by the commissioner.

(d) On or before July 1, 2000, all Class C trailers shall be registered for the duration of the owner's interest in the trailer and shall not expire until either sold or otherwise permanently removed from the service of the owner.

(e) Notwithstanding the provisions of this section or of any other provision of this chapter to the contrary, the commissioner shall on or before July 1, 2010, offer an optional two-year registration for Class G vehicles. The commissioner may offer extended prorated registration renewal cycles to accommodate changes in designated expiration dates.

§17A-3-17. Application for and renewal of registration; sheriffs authorized to issue renewals of registration for certain vehicles.

(a) Application for renewal of a vehicle registration shall be made by the vehicle owner by proper application and payment of taxes and registration fees provided by law.

(b) The division may receive applications for renewal of any vehicle registration and each sheriff shall receive applications from residents in his or her county for renewal of any Class A or G vehicle registration. The division and each sheriff shall issue the renewals of registration each receives, respectively, in accordance with all of the provisions in this article pertaining to renewal of vehicle registration including, but not limited to, the payment of the taxes and fees required thereunder.

(c) Each sheriff shall charge a service fee of $1 for each renewal of a Class A or G vehicle registration he or she issues. Effective July 1, 1998, the sheriff shall pay one half of this fee into the county general fund. The sheriff shall pay the remaining one half of this fee into the deputy sheriff retirement fund created in section six, article fourteen-d, chapter seven of this code.

(d) On the first day of each month, each sheriff shall pay over to the commissioner all fees he or she collected during the preceding month for renewal of Class A and G vehicle registrations, except his or her service fees. The payment shall be accompanied by a report showing the name of the county, the name and address of the person who obtained the registration and paid the registration fee therefor, the vehicle registered, the registration number, the date the registration was issued, the signature of the sheriff and any other information the commissioner may reasonably require in order to maintain the functions and records of the department. The commissioner shall deposit all fees he or she receives from the sheriffs for renewal of Class A and G vehicle registrations in the State Treasury to the credit of the state road fund as provided in section twenty-one, article two of this chapter.

(e) The commissioner shall provide each sheriff with the necessary forms, supplies, registration plates, registration decals and instructions necessary to enable him or her to perform the duties and functions specified in this section.

(f) No person may display upon a vehicle a new registration plate or registration decal prior to the first day of the month preceding the new registration period.

§17A-3-17a. Application for registration; certain motor vehicle dealers authorized to issue certificates of registration for certain vehicles.

The division may authorize a motor vehicle dealer as defined and licensed in accordance with the provisions of article six of this chapter to issue or transfer motor vehicle registration plates upon the sale of any motor vehicle in compliance with the provisions of section one-b, article six of this chapter. The division shall provide to an authorized motor vehicle dealer the necessary supplies, registration plates, registration decals and instructions necessary for the issuance and transfer of motor vehicle registrations. The division may authorize a service provider to distribute the necessary supplies.

§17A-3-18. Notice of change of address or name.

(a) Whenever any person after making application for or obtaining the registration of a vehicle or a certificate of title shall move from the address named in the application or shown upon a registration card or certificate of title the person shall within ten days thereafter notify the division in writing of the old and new addresses.

(b) Whenever any person, after making application for or obtaining the registration of a vehicle or a certificate of title, is assigned a new address by the United States postal service or other legally constituted authority, the person shall notify the division in writing of the old and new address and of the registration or title number of the vehicle held by the person. The notification of change of address shall be made at least ten days prior to the last date on which mail with the old address is deliverable by the United States postal service.

(c) Whenever the name of any person who has made application for or obtained the registration of a vehicle or a certificate of title is thereafter changed by marriage or otherwise the person shall within ten days notify the division of the former name and new name upon a form prescribed by the commissioner. The notification shall be accompanied by application for retitle under the new name.

(d) The provisions of section one, article eleven of this chapter relating to imprisonment do not apply to persons who violate the provisions of this section.

§17A-3-19. Lost or damaged certificates, cards and plates.

In the event any registration card or registration plate is lost, mutilated, or becomes illegible the owner or legal representative or successor in interest of the owner of the vehicle for which the same was issued as shown by the records of the department shall immediately make application for and may obtain a duplicate or a substitute or a new registration under a new registration number, as determined to be most advisable by the department, upon the applicant furnishing information satisfactory to the department.

In the event any certificate of title is lost, mutilated, or becomes illegible, the owner or legal representative or successor in interest of the owner of the vehicle for which the same was issued, as shown by the records of the department, shall immediately make application for and may obtain a duplicate upon the applicant furnishing information satisfactory to the department. Upon issuance of any duplicate certificate of title the previous certificate last issued shall be void.

§17A-3-20. Department may assign new identifying numbers.

The department may assign a distinguishing number to a motor vehicle whenever the serial number thereon is destroyed or obliterated and issue to the owner a special plate bearing such distinguishing number which shall be affixed to the vehicle in a position to be determined by the commissioner. Such motor vehicle may then be registered under such distinguishing number in lieu of the former serial number.

§17A-3-21. Regulations governing change of motors.

The commissioner is authorized to adopt and enforce such registration rules and regulations as may be deemed necessary and compatible with the public interest with respect to the change or substitution of one engine in place of another in any motor vehicle.

§17A-3-22. Issuance and distribution of registration bulletins.

The commissioner shall annually, following a renewal of registration, compile and publish in books or bulletins a list of all registered vehicles and shall thereafter compile and publish monthly supplements thereto. The list of registered vehicles shall be arranged serially according to the registration numbers assigned to registered vehicles and shall contain in addition the names and addresses of registered owners and a brief description of each vehicle.

Law-enforcement officers may be furnished with copies of the lists, and copies may also be furnished to other interested parties as may be authorized by the Governor or by the commissioner. The commissioner may also furnish copies of the lists to similar officers in adjoining states. Subject to the provisions of article two-a of this chapter, copies may be furnished to any person upon application, at a price to be fixed by the commissioner.

§17A-3-23. Registration plates to state, county, municipal and other governmental vehicles; use for undercover activities.

(a) Any motor vehicle designed to carry passengers, owned or leased by the State of West Virginia, or any of its departments, bureaus, commissions, or institutions, except vehicles used by the Governor, Treasurer, not to exceed eight vehicles operated by investigators of the Office of the Attorney General, three vehicles per elected office of the Board of Public Works not otherwise specified, vehicles operated by the State Police, not to exceed five vehicles operated by the office of the Secretary of Military Affairs and Public Safety, not to exceed five vehicles operated by the Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, vehicles operated by natural resources police officers of the Division of Natural Resources, not to exceed 10 vehicles operated by the arson investigators of the Office of State Fire Marshal, not to exceed two vehicles operated by the Division of Protective Services, not to exceed 16 vehicles operated by inspectors of the Office of the Alcohol Beverage Control Commissioner, vehicles operated by the West Virginia Wing of the Civil Air Patrol, and vehicles operated by probation officers employed under the Supreme Court of Appeals may not be operated or driven by any person unless it has displayed and attached to the front thereof, in the same manner as regular motor vehicle registration plates are attached, a plate of the same size as the regular registration plate, with white lettering on a green background bearing the words “West Virginia” in one line and the words “State Car” in another line, and the lettering for the words “State Car” shall be of sufficient size to be plainly readable from a distance of 100 feet during daylight: Provided, That beginning January 1, 2019, state vehicle license plates shall be gold with blue lettering.

The vehicle shall also have attached to the rear a plate bearing a number and any other words and figures as the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles shall prescribe. The rear plate shall also be green with the number in white: Provided, That beginning January 1, 2019, state vehicle license plates shall be gold with blue lettering.

(b) Registration plates issued to vehicles owned by counties shall be white on red with the word “County” on top of the plate and the words “West Virginia” on the bottom.

(c) Registration plates issued to a city or municipality shall be white on blue with the word “City” on top and the words “West Virginia” on the bottom.

(d) Registration plates issued to a city or municipality law-enforcement department shall include blue lettering on a white background with the words “West Virginia” on top of the plate and shall be further designed by the commissioner to include a law-enforcement shield together with other insignia or lettering sufficient to identify the motor vehicle as a municipal law-enforcement department motor vehicle. The colors may not be reversed and shall be of reflectorized material. The registration plates issued to counties, municipalities, and other governmental agencies authorized to receive colored plates hereunder shall be affixed to both the front and rear of the vehicles.

(e) (1) Registration plates issued to vehicles operated by county sheriffs shall be designed by the commissioner in cooperation with the sheriffs’ association with the word “Sheriff” on top of the plate and the words “West Virginia” on the bottom. The plate shall contain a gold shield representing the sheriff’s star and a number assigned to that plate by the commissioner. Every county sheriff shall provide the commissioner with a list of vehicles operated by the sheriff, unless otherwise provided in this section, and a fee of $10 for each vehicle submitted by July 1, 2002.

(2) Registration plates issued to vehicles operated by the West Virginia Wing of the Civil Air Patrol shall be designed by the commissioner in cooperation with the Civil Air Patrol and include the words “Civil Air Patrol” on the plate. The Civil Air Patrol shall provide the commissioner with a list of vehicles operated by the Civil Air Patrol, unless otherwise provided in this section, and a fee of $10 for each new vehicle for which a Civil Air Patrol license plate is requested.

(f) The commissioner is authorized to designate the colors and design of any other registration plates that are issued without charge to any other agency or nonstate government entity entitled to registration plates at no charge in accordance with the motor vehicle laws: Provided, That where the institutions of higher education opt to have their logo displayed on the state license plate, such institution shall bear any additional costs of those added features: Provided, however, That no public service districts or designated nongovernmental organizations shall be issued a license plate designated for vehicles owned or leased by the State of West Virginia, or any of its departments, bureaus, commissions, or institutions.

(g) Upon application, the commissioner is authorized to issue a maximum of five Class A license plates per applicant to be used by county sheriffs and municipalities on law-enforcement vehicles while engaged in undercover investigations.

(h) The commissioner is authorized to issue a maximum of five Class A license plates to be used on vehicles assigned to the Division of Motor Vehicles investigators for commercial driver examination fraud investigation and driver’s license issuance fraud detection and fraud prevention.

(i) The commissioner is authorized to issue an unlimited number of license plates per applicant to authorized drug and violent crime task forces in the State of West Virginia when the chairperson of the control group of a drug and violent crime task force signs a written affidavit stating that the vehicle or vehicles for which the plates are being requested will be used only for official undercover work conducted by a drug and violent crime task force.

(j) The commissioner is authorized to issue 20 Class A license plates to the Criminal Investigation Division of the Department of Revenue for use by its investigators.

(k) The commissioner may issue a maximum of 10 Class A license plates to the Division of Natural Resources for use by natural resources police officers. The commissioner shall designate the color and design of the registration plates to be displayed on the front and the rear of all other state-owned vehicles owned by the Division of Natural Resources and operated by natural resources police officers.

(l) The commissioner is authorized to issue an unlimited number of Class A license plates to the Commission on Special Investigations for state-owned vehicles used for official undercover work conducted by the Commission on Special Investigations.

(m) The commissioner is authorized to issue a maximum of two Class A plates to the Division of Protective Services for state-owned vehicles used by the Division of Protective Services in fulfilling its mission.

(n) The commissioner is authorized to issue Class A registration plates for vehicles used by the Medicaid Fraud Control Unit created by §9-7-7 of this code.

(o) The commissioner is authorized to issue Class A registration plates for vehicles used by the West Virginia Insurance Fraud Unit created by §33-41-8 of this code.

(p) No other registration plate may be issued for, or attached to, any state-owned vehicle.

(q) The Commissioner of Motor Vehicles shall have a sufficient number of both front and rear plates produced to attach to all state-owned or leased vehicles.

(r) The commissioner shall, after consultation with the Fleet Management Division established pursuant to §5A-12-1 et seq. of this code and the Enterprise Resource Planning Board established pursuant to §12-6D-1 et seq. of this code, develop and adopt a standardized naming convention for the title, registration, and licensing of state vehicles, pursuant to §17A-3-25 of this code. The naming convention adopted shall be consistent with the naming convention adopted for the centralized accounting system as maintained by the Enterprise Resource Planning Board for the purpose of creating and maintaining an accurate and up to date inventory of the state vehicle fleet.

(s) It is the duty of each office, department, bureau, commission, or institution furnished any vehicle to have plates as described herein affixed thereto prior to the operation of the vehicle by any official or employee.

(t) The commissioner may issue special registration plates for motor vehicles titled in the name of the Division of Public Transit or in the name of a public transit authority as defined in this subsection and operated by a public transit authority or a public transit provider to transport persons in the public interest. For purposes of this subsection, “public transit authority” means an urban mass transportation authority created pursuant to §8-27-1 et seq. of this code or a nonprofit entity exempt from federal and state income taxes under the Internal Revenue Code and whose purpose is to provide mass transportation to the public at large. The special registration plate shall be designed by the commissioner and shall display the words “public transit” or words or letters of similar effect to indicate the public purpose of the use of the vehicle. The special registration plate shall be issued without charge.

(u) Each green registration plate with white letters affixed to a state vehicle, and each corresponding title and registration certificate for all state vehicles, other than those vehicles with Class A registration plates as provided in this section, terminates at midnight on December 31, 2018. Each spending unit assigned a state vehicle that is required to display a state vehicle license plate and registration shall obtain a new title, new registration card, and new state vehicle license plate prior to January 1, 2019: Provided, That no state vehicle license plate shall be issued unless the spending unit has provided an affirmative statement that the vehicle is a state asset recorded in the central accounting system as maintained by the Enterprise Resource Planning Board, and the same has been verified by the commissioner, as required by §17A-3-25 of this code. When new registrations are issued pursuant to this article and for subsequent, non-Class A registrations of state owned or leased vehicles, the state vehicle registration plate and certificate shall be valid for a period of not more than 24 months and shall be required to be renewed every two years.

(v) The commissioner is authorized to prepare and promulgate emergency rules, pursuant to §29A-3-1 et seq. of this code in order to implement amendments to this section.

 (w) Any person who violates the provisions of this section is guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not less than $50 nor more than $100. Magistrates have concurrent jurisdiction with circuit courts for the enforcement of this section.

§17A-3-24. Emergency waiver of registration and licensing requirements; conditions and limitations; statement of purpose; length of emergency waiver period; promulgation of rules.

(a) The Governor may authorize the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles or his or her designee to waive temporarily any requirements under the provisions of this chapter, or any other provision of this code relating to any permits, authorizations or licenses required to operate a motor vehicle in this state: Provided, That such temporary waiver shall be for the sole purpose of facilitating the response of motor carriers providing humanitarian relief during time of emergency officially declared by the president of the United States, the Governor of this state or the chief executive of any other state or jurisdiction: Provided, however, That the following conditions are satisfied:

(1) The driver of any such vehicle shall be properly licensed in his state of residency;

(2) The motor vehicle to be operated is properly licensed and registered in this or any other state; and

(3) The motor vehicle to be operated satisfies all motor vehicle insurance requirements or provisions of its state of registration.

(b) Proof of the insurance required by subdivision (3), subsection (a) of this section shall be carried in the cab of the motor vehicle.

(c) Any motor vehicle operating pursuant to this section shall be issued a statement from the person or entity authorizing the transport of such goods or materials certifying that the motor carrier is providing humanitarian relief without compensation on a volunteer basis and including a description of materials or goods being transported during the time of declared emergency while it is in this state. Such statement shall be carried in the cab of the motor vehicle and be made available for inspection upon request of the commissioner, any of his or her designees, or any law-enforcement officer.

(d) The Commissioner of Motor Vehicles shall determine at the time the temporary waiver is issued the length of time such waiver shall be in effect: Provided, That all temporary waivers issued pursuant to this section shall become void upon the termination of the time of emergency as determined by the president of the United States, the Governor of this state or the chief executive of any other state or jurisdiction.

§17A-3-25. State vehicle title, registration and relicensing project of 2018; emergency and legislative rules

(a) On or before July 1, 2018, the commissioner shall coordinate with the Fleet Management Division established pursuant to §5A-12-1 et seq. of this code and the Enterprise Resource Planning Board established pursuant to §12-6D-1 et seq. of this code and other applicable agencies, to develop a standardized titling and registration system for state vehicles. To the extent practicable, the standardization of vehicle title, registration, and state vehicle license plates shall conform to the state’s central accounting system maintained by the Enterprise Resource Planning Board. The standardization of state vehicle titles, registrations, and license plates, as described in this section, shall be known as the “State Vehicle Title, Registration, and Relicensing Project of 2018”. Every spending unit shall comply with the provisions of this section, and §17A-3-23 of this code.

(b) The commissioner, in coordination with the Fleet Management Division, shall develop a standard system for identifying and recording the names of agencies, offices, or spending units to which each state vehicle is assigned, or registered, and such standard naming conventions shall be developed to align with the state’s central accounting system, and the centralized state vehicle inventory system. The commissioner shall propose legislative and emergency rules, pursuant to §29A-3-1 et seq. of this code, establishing those standard naming conventions for the registration, titling, and licensing of every state vehicle, and assigning by rule a list of the standardized naming conventions for each spending unit for the purpose of issuing new title, registration, and license plates to each state vehicle by December 31, 2018.

(c) Once the commissioner has promulgated legislative and emergency rules as authorized pursuant to subsection (b) of this section, and not later than September 1, 2018, the division shall begin to issue the standardized title, registration, and state vehicle license plates for all state vehicles.

(d) Any spending unit applying to license or relicense a state vehicle pursuant to this section shall include with the application an affirmative statement that the vehicle is a state asset recorded in the central accounting system as maintained by the Enterprise Resource Planning Board before the commissioner is required to issue any motor vehicle registration plates: Provided, That for leased vehicles, the spending unit shall affirm to the commissioner that the vehicle is leased and not required to be recorded in the state central accounting system.

(e) The commissioner shall confirm that each vehicle for which an agency applies for a license, title, or registration is properly listed within the centralized accounting system as being a vehicle owned by a state agency before processing the application.

(f) The commissioner is authorized, by legislative and emergency rule, to establish a procedure whereby the commissioner shall reject the application for a state vehicle title, registration and state vehicle license plate if that application does not conform to the standard naming convention requirements. The commissioner shall provide by rule for the reasonable remedy, correcting of errors, or to compel compliance with the standard naming conventions.

(g) At midnight on December 31, 2018, all green state vehicle license plates with white lettering affixed to vehicles shall expire. The commissioner, in coordination with the Fleet Management Division, shall provide notice to each spending unit, and advertise as deemed appropriate, to inform the fleet coordinators, as defined in §5A-12-3 of this code, that such license plates expire and the procedure for being issued new titles, registrations, and license plates pursuant to this article. The head of each spending unit with state vehicles shall cooperate and comply with the requirements of the State Vehicle Title, Registration, and Relicensing Project of 2018, and the centralized accounting system.

(h) Upon receipt of the new title, registration, and license plates, each spending unit shall enter the appropriate information into the state’s central accounting system maintained by the Enterprise Resource Planning Board, in such detail and specificity as required by the board, the Fleet Management Division established pursuant to §5A-12-1 et seq. of this code.

§17A-3-26. Enforcement; report.

Beginning January 1, 2019, any state vehicle in this state with a green state license plate with white lettering is in violation of this article.

§17A-3-27. Compliance audit.

On or before December 31, 2019, the Legislative Auditor, in accordance with §4-10-1 et seq. of this code, shall audit the Division of Motor Vehicles for compliance with the State Vehicle Title, Registration, and Relicensing Project of 2018. The Legislative Auditor may make recommendations for future compliance monitoring of any spending unit found not in compliance with the project and make such recommendations for administrative penalties for noncompliance with the project.

§17A-3-2a. Registration of nonresident vehicles.

(a) A nonresident vehicle is not required to be registered pursuant to §17A-3-2 of this code: Provided, That a nonresident vehicle may be registered in this state and be issued a West Virginia registration plate upon payment of all applicable fees to the division. For purposes of this subsection, the receipt and verification requirements of §17A-3-3a of this code do not apply.

(b) For purposes of this section, “nonresident vehicle” means a vehicle titled in this state under the provisions of §17A-4-11 of this code, which is not intended to spend a majority of service time on West Virginia roads, owned by a business whose principal place of business is not in this state, that is not a common carrier, and that maintains a local, national, or international fleet of vehicles.

(c) Nothing in this section subjects a nonresident vehicle to the inspection requirement set forth in §17A-16-4 of this code. A nonresident vehicle is not domiciled in any county in this state, and nothing in this section requires the imposition of personal property taxes within this state pursuant to §11-5-1 et seq. of this code.

(d) The division may promulgate emergency rules pursuant to the provisions of §29A-3-15 of this code and may propose rules for legislative approval in accordance with the provisions of §29A-3-1 et seq. of this code to accomplish the provisions of this section.

§17A-3-14a. Special registration plates for government officials.

(a) The Governor shall be issued two registration plates, on one of which shall be imprinted the numeral one and on the other the word one.

(b) State officials and judges may be issued special registration plates as follows:

(1) Upon appropriate application, the division shall issue to the Secretary of State, State Superintendent of Schools, Auditor, Treasurer, Commissioner of Agriculture, Attorney General, members of both houses of the Legislature, including elected active and former officials of both houses of the Legislature, active or retired or former justices of the Supreme Court of Appeals of West Virginia, judges of the Intermediate Court of Appeals, representatives and senators of the state in the Congress of the United States, active or retired on senior status judges of the West Virginia circuit courts, the judges of the United States district courts for the State of West Virginia, and judges of the United States Court of Appeals for the fourth circuit, if any of the judges are residents of West Virginia, a special registration plate for any vehicle owned by the official or his or her spouse.

(2) Each plate issued pursuant to this subsection shall bear any combination of letters and numbers, not to exceed an amount determined by the commissioner, and a designation of the office. Each plate shall supersede the regular numbered plate assigned to the official or his or her spouse during the official’s term of office and while the vehicle is owned by the official or his or her spouse.

(3) The division shall charge an annual fee of $15 for every registration plate issued pursuant to this subsection, which is in addition to all other fees required by this chapter.

(4) The division shall charge a special initial application fee of $10 for every application received by a former or retired government official authorized to receive a plate in this section, which is in addition to all other fees required by this chapter.

§17A-3-14b. Special registration plates for military personnel.

(a) The division may continue to issue special plates for any plate class authorized by enactments of §17A-3-14 of this code prior to the year 2023 for active, retired, or honorably discharged military personnel, or the next of kin of a member of any branch of the armed services of the United States killed in combat. The division shall charge an initial application fee of $10 for each special registration plate issued pursuant to this section, which is in addition to all other fees required by this chapter. A surviving spouse may continue to use his or her deceased spouse’s military license plate until the surviving spouse dies, remarries, or does not renew the license plate.

(b) The applicant shall present documentation as determined by the commissioner as evidence of qualification for any plate authorized in this section.

(c) The division may issue a special registration plate pursuant to this section to any number of vehicles titled in the name of the applicant.

(d) If a new special plate as authorized in this section recognizes members of a military organization chartered by the United States Congress, the division may produce such plate upon receipt of a guarantee from the organization of a minimum of 100 applicants.

(e) A Gold star spouse shall be exempt from all registration fees otherwise required by the provisions of this chapter for the registration of one Gold Star Family license plate for personal use. For purposes of this section, a “Gold star spouse” means a widow (remarried or not) or widower (remarried or not) of a veteran who is eligible to receive a gold star lapel pin under 10 U.S.C. § 1126 (or its successor).

§17A-3-14c. Specially arranged registration plates.

Specially arranged registration plates for plate classes and special registration plate types authorized by the commissioner may be issued as follows:

(1) Upon appropriate application, any owner of a motor vehicle subject to registration, may request that the division issue a registration plate bearing specially arranged letters or numbers with the maximum number of letters or numbers to be determined by the commissioner. The division shall attempt to comply with the request wherever possible.

(2) The commissioner shall propose rules for legislative approval in accordance with the provisions of §29A-3-1 et seq. of this code regarding the orderly distribution of the plates: Provided, That for purposes of this subsection, the registration plates requested and issued shall include all plates bearing the numbers two through 2,000.

(3) An annual fee of $15 shall be charged for each special registration plate issued pursuant to this section, which is in addition to all other fees required by this chapter.

§17A-3-14d. Special honorary military plates.

(a) The division may issue special plates to disabled veterans, recipients of the distinguished Purple Heart medal, recipients of the Congressional Medal of Honor, recipients of the Distinguished Service Cross, Navy Cross, and Air Force Cross, or veteran survivors of the attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. Registration plates issued pursuant to this section are exempt from all registration fees otherwise required by the provisions of this chapter. A surviving spouse may continue to use the license plate of his or her deceased spouse that was issued pursuant to this section until the surviving spouse dies, remarries, or does not renew the license plate.

(b) A qualified applicant may obtain a second license plate as described in this section for use on a passenger vehicle titled in the name of the applicant. The division shall charge for the second plate a one-time fee of $10, to be deposited into the State Road Fund, which is in addition to all other fees required by this chapter.

(c) The applicant shall present satisfactory proof as determined by the commissioner as evidence of qualification for any plate authorized in this section.

(d) An applicant qualified to receive a special plate under subsection (a) of this section, or qualified to receive a registration fee exemption under §17A-10-8(6) of this code as a former prisoner of war, may choose to transfer the registration fee exemptions to a special registration plate for military personnel for which the applicant also qualifies under §17A-3-14b of this code instead of receiving the honorary military plate pursuant to this section.

§17A-3-14e. Special registration plates for organizations.

(a) The division may continue to issue all special registration plates to organizations issued under a prior enactment of §17A-3-14 of this code.

(b) An organization requesting the creation and issuance of a special registration plate shall make application with the division. The application shall include sufficient information, as determined by the commissioner, to determine whether the special registration plate requested, and the organization making the application, meet all the requirements set forth in this section and legislative rule. The application shall include a proposed design, including lettering, logo, image, or message to be placed on the registration plate. The commissioner shall notify the organization of the commissioner’s approval or disapproval of the application.

(c) (1) The commissioner may not begin the design or production of any license plates authorized and approved pursuant to this section until the organization which applied for the special registration plate has collected and submitted collectively to the division applications completed by at least 100 persons and collectively deposited with the division all fees necessary to cover the first year’s basic registration, one-time design and manufacturing costs, and the first year additional annual fee for all of the submitted applications.

(2) By concurrent resolution of the Legislature, the requirement to collectively deposited with the division all fees necessary to cover the first year’s basic registration, one-time design, and manufacturing costs may be waived for any organization.

(d) If the organization fails to submit the required number of applications and fees within six months of the effective date of the approval of the application for the plate by the commissioner, the plate may not be produced until a new application is submitted and is approved by the commissioner: Provided, That an organization that is unsuccessful in obtaining the minimum number of applications may not make a new application for a special plate until at least two years have passed since the approval of the previous application of the organization.

(e) The division shall charge a special initial application fee of $25 for each special license plate in addition to all other fees required by this chapter. This special fee shall be collected by the division and deposited in the State Road Fund.

(f) The division shall charge an annual fee of $15 for each special registration plate in addition to all other fees required by this chapter.

(g) Upon appropriate application, the division may issue a special registration plate designed by the commissioner in consultation with the organization for any number of vehicles titled in the name of a qualified registration plate applicant. Persons desiring the special registration plate shall offer sufficient proof of membership in the organization unless the organization has identified in the application that the special registration plate is desired to be made available for general issuance.

(h) The commissioner may discontinue the issuance or renewal of the registration of any special plate issued pursuant to this section if:

(1) The number of valid registrations for the specialty plate falls below 100 plates for at least 12 consecutive months; or

(2) The organization no longer exists or no longer meets the requirements of this section.

(i) If a new design is requested after issuance of a special registration plate, the organization shall pay the costs of design and any unused material from the previous design. In addition, the division shall charge a special initial application fee of $25 for each newly designed special license plate in addition to all other fees required by this chapter.

§17A-3-14f. Special 10-year registration plates.

(a) The division may issue special 10-year registration plates as follows for any registration plate exempted from registration fees pursuant to any provision of this code or any restricted use antique motor vehicle license plate authorized by §17A-10-3a of this code: Provided, That the provisions of this subsection do not apply to any person who has had a special registration suspended for failure to maintain motor vehicle liability insurance as required by §17D-2A-3 of this code or failure to pay personal property taxes as required by §17A-3-3a of this code.

(b) An initial nonrefundable fee shall be charged for each special registration plate issued pursuant to this section, which is the total amount of fees required by §17A-3-3, §17A-10-3a, or §17A-10-15 of this code for the period requested.

§17A-3-14g. Special registration plates for first responders.

(a) The division may issue special emergency or volunteer registration plates as follows:

(1) Any owner of a motor vehicle who is a resident of the State of West Virginia and who is a certified paramedic or emergency medical technician, member of a paid fire department, member of the State Fire Commission, the State Fire Marshal, State Fire Marshal assistant, State Fire Administrator, or voluntary rescue squad member may apply for a special license plate for any number of Class A vehicles titled in the name of the qualified applicant which bears the insignia of the profession, group, or commission. Any insignia shall be designed by the commissioner. License plates issued pursuant to this subsection shall bear the requested insignia in addition to the registration number issued to the applicant pursuant to the provisions of this article.

(2) Each application submitted pursuant to this subsection shall be accompanied by an affidavit signed by the fire chief or department head of the applicant stating that the applicant is justified in having a registration with the requested insignia, proof of compliance with all laws of this state regarding registration and licensure of motor vehicles, and payment of all required fees.

(3) Each application submitted pursuant to this subsection shall be accompanied by payment of a special initial application fee of $10, which is in addition to all other fees required by this chapter. All special fees shall be collected by the division and deposited into the State Road Fund.

(b) The division may issue special certified firefighter registration plates as follows:

(1) Any owner of a motor vehicle who is a resident of the State of West Virginia and who is a certified firefighter may apply for a special license plate that bears the insignia of the profession for any number of Class A vehicles titled in the name of the qualified applicant. Any insignia shall be designed by the commissioner. License plates issued pursuant to this subsection shall bear the requested insignia pursuant to the provisions of this article. Upon presentation of written evidence of certification as a certified firefighter, certified firefighters are eligible to purchase the special registration plate issued pursuant to this subsection.

(2) Each application submitted pursuant to this subsection shall be accompanied by an affidavit stating that the applicant is justified in having a registration with the requested insignia, proof of compliance with all laws of this state regarding registration and licensure of motor vehicles, and payment of all required fees. The firefighter certification department, section, or division of the West Virginia University fire service extension shall notify the commissioner in writing immediately when a firefighter loses his or her certification. If a firefighter loses his or her certification, the commissioner may not issue him or her a license plate under this subsection.

(3) Each application submitted pursuant to this subsection shall be accompanied by payment of a special initial application fee of $10, which is in addition to all other fees required by this chapter. All special fees shall be collected by the division and deposited into the State Road Fund.

(c) The division may issue special volunteer firefighter registration plates as follows:

(1) Any owner of a motor vehicle who is a resident of West Virginia and who is a volunteer firefighter may apply for a special license plate for any Class A vehicle titled in the name of the qualified applicant which bears the insignia of the profession in white letters on a red background. The insignia shall be designed by the commissioner and shall contain a fireman’s helmet insignia on the left side of the license plate.

(2) Each application submitted pursuant to this subsection shall be accompanied by an affidavit signed by the applicant’s fire chief, stating that the applicant is a volunteer firefighter and is justified in having a registration plate with the requested insignia. The applicant must comply with all other laws of this state regarding registration and licensure of motor vehicles and must pay all required fees.

(3) Each application submitted pursuant to this subsection shall be accompanied by payment of a special one-time initial application fee of $10, which is in addition to all other fees required by this chapter. All application fees shall be deposited into the State Road Fund.

(d) The division may issue special registration plates to applicants supporting law-enforcement officers, to retired members of the West Virginia State Police, and to survivors of wounds received in the line of duty as a member with a West Virginia law-enforcement agency as follows:

(1) Upon appropriate application, the division shall issue a special registration plate designed by the commissioner which recognizes, supports, and honors the men and women of law-enforcement and includes the words Back the Blue. Upon appropriate application, the division shall issue to any member of a municipal police department, sheriff’s department, the State Police, or the law-enforcement division of the Division of Natural Resources who has been wounded in the line of duty and awarded a Purple Heart in recognition thereof by the West Virginia Chiefs of Police Association, the West Virginia Sheriffs’ Association, the West Virginia Troopers Association, or the Division of Natural Resources a special registration plate for one vehicle titled in the name of the qualified applicant with an insignia appropriately designed by the commissioner.

(2) For special registration plates supporting law-enforcement officers, the division shall charge a special initial application fee of $10 in addition to all other fees required by this chapter. This special fee shall be collected by the division and deposited in the State Road Fund. An annual fee of $15 shall be charged for each plate supporting law-enforcement officers in addition to all other fees required by this chapter.

(3) Registration plates issued pursuant to this subsection to survivors of wounds received in the line of duty as a member with a West Virginia law-enforcement agency are exempt from the registration fees otherwise required by the provisions of this chapter. A surviving spouse may continue to use his or her deceased spouse’s special registration plate until the surviving spouse dies, remarries, or does not renew the plate. Survivors of wounds received in the line of duty as a member with a West Virginia law-enforcement agency may obtain a license plate as described in this subsection for use on a passenger vehicle titled in the name of the qualified applicant. The division shall charge for the second plate a one-time fee of $10, to be deposited into the State Road Fund, which is in addition to all other fees required by this chapter.

(4) Upon appropriate application, the division may issue special registration plates designed by the commissioner for any number of vehicles titled in the name of the qualified applicant who offers sufficient proof of being a retired member of the West Virginia State Police. The division shall charge a special initial application fee of $10 in addition to all other fees required by this chapter. This special fee shall be collected by the division and deposited in the State Road Fund.

§17A-3-14h. Special themed registration plates.

(a) The division may issue new special themed registration plates at the discretion of the commissioner and may continue to issue any special themed registration plate authorized under a prior enactment of §17A-3-14 of this code. The commissioner may discontinue the issuance or renewal of a special registration plate issued or authorized under this section at any time.

(b) Unless otherwise provided in this section, the division shall charge an initial application fee of $10 and an annual fee of $15 for each special themed registration plate in addition to all other fees required by this chapter.

(c) The division may not issue any special themed registration plate pursuant to subsection (a) of this section until at least 100 persons complete an application and deposit with the division a check to cover the first year’s basic registration fee, initial application fee, and annual fee.

(d) The division may issue special nongame wildlife registration plates and special wildlife registration plates as follows:

(1) Upon appropriate application, the division shall issue a special registration plate displaying a species of West Virginia wildlife that shall display a species of wildlife native to West Virginia as prescribed and designated by the commissioner and the Director of the Division of Natural Resources.

(2) All annual fees collected pursuant to this section for nongame wildlife registration plates and wildlife registration plates shall be deposited in a special revenue account designated the Nongame Wildlife Fund and credited to the Division of Natural Resources under authority granted in Article VI, Section 56 of The Constitution of West Virginia.

(3) All initial application fees collected by the division for nongame wildlife registration plates and wildlife registration plates shall be deposited in the State Road Fund.

(e) Racing theme special registration plates:

(1) The division may issue a series of special registration plates displaying National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing themes.

(2) An annual fee of $25 shall be charged for each special racing theme registration plate in addition to all other fees required by this chapter. All annual fees collected for each special racing theme registration plate shall be deposited into the State Road Fund.

(3) A special application fee of $10 shall be charged at the time of initial application as well as upon application for any duplicate or replacement registration plate in addition to all other fees required by this chapter. All application fees shall be deposited into the State Road Fund.

§17A-3-14i. Manufacturing of certain special registration plates; rulemaking.

(a) For all registration plates authorized pursuant to the provisions of §17A-3-14a, §17A-3-14b, §17A-3-14c, §17A-3-14d, §17A-3-14e, §17A-3-14f, §17A-3-14g, and §17A-3-14h, the division is not required to keep a stockpile of such plates, but may create a process for the issuance of such plates by special order.

(b) The division may propose rules for legislative approval in accordance with the provisions of §29A-3-1 et seq. of this code to administer the issuance of all special registration plates authorized in this article.