Email WV Code

Email: Chapter 17C, Article 19, Section 10

§17C-19-10. Guaranteed arrest bond certificates as cash bail.

Any guaranteed arrest bond certificate of any surety company licensed to do business by the Insurance Commissioner, shall, when presented by the person whose signature appears thereon, be accepted in lieu of cash bail in an amount not to exceed $500, as a bail bond, to guarantee the appearance of such person in any court, or before any justice, mayor, or municipal judge in this state, at such time as may be required by the court, justice, mayor or municipal judge, when such person is arrested for violation of any motor vehicle law of this state or traffic ordinance of any municipality in this state (except for the offenses of reckless driving, driving while intoxicated or for any felony) committed prior to the date of expiration shown on such guaranteed arrest bond certificate: Provided, That any such guaranteed arrest bond certificate so presented as a bail bond in any court in this state shall be subject to the same forfeiture and enforcement provisions as any other bail bond.

The term "guaranteed arrest bond certificate," as used herein, means any printed card or other certificate issued by an automobile club or association to any of its members, which said card or certificate is signed by such member and contains a printed statement that such automobile club or association and a surety company guarantee the appearance of the person whose signature appears on the card or certificate and that they will in the event of failure of said person to appear in court at the time of trial, pay any fine or forfeiture imposed on such person in an amount not to exceed $500.