Email WV Code

Email: Chapter 18


§18-1-1. Definitions.

The following words used in this chapter and in any proceedings pursuant thereto have the meanings ascribed to them unless the context clearly indicates a different meaning:

(a) "School" means the students and teachers assembled in one or more buildings, organized as a unit;

(b) "Local educational agency" means a public board of education or other public authority legally constituted within the State of West Virginia for either administrative control or direction of, or to perform a service function for, public elementary or secondary schools in a city, county, township, school district, or other political subdivision of the State, as authorized by West Virginia Code, including county school districts, schools and facilities under the supervision of the West Virginia Board of Education (WVBE), and public charter schools;

(c) "District" means county school district and is subsumed under the category of local educational agency;

(d) "State board" means the West Virginia Board of Education;

(e) "County board" or "board" means a county board of education and is subsumed under the category of local educational agency;

(f) "State superintendent" means the state superintendent of Schools;

(g) "County superintendent" or "superintendent" means a local educational agency superintendent of schools;

(h) "Teacher" means a teacher, supervisor, principal, superintendent, public school librarian or any other person regularly employed for instructional purposes in a public school in this state;

(i) "Service person" or "service personnel", whether singular or plural, means any nonteaching school employee who is not included in the meaning of "teacher" as defined in this section, and who serves the school or schools as a whole, in a nonprofessional capacity, including such areas as secretarial, custodial, maintenance, transportation, school lunch and aides. Any reference to "service employee" or "service employees" in this chapter or chapter eighteen-a of this code means service person or service personnel as defined in this section;

(j) "Social worker" means a nonteaching school employee who, at a minimum, possesses an undergraduate degree in social work from an accredited institution of higher learning and who provides various professional social work services, activities or methods as defined by the state board for the benefit of students;

(k) "Regular full-time employee" means any person employed by a local educational agency who has a regular position or job throughout his or her employment term, without regard to hours or method of pay;

(l) "Career clusters" means broad groupings of related occupations;

(m) "Work-based learning" means a structured activity that correlates with and is mutually supportive of the school-based learning of the student and includes specific objectives to be learned by the student as a result of the activity;

(n) "School-age juvenile" means any individual who is entitled to attend or who, if not placed in a residential facility, would be entitled to attend public schools in accordance with: (1) Section five, article two of this chapter; (2) sections fifteen and eighteen, article five of this chapter; or (3) section one, article twenty of this chapter;

(o) "Student with a disability" means an exceptional child, other than gifted and exceptional gifted, pursuant to section one, article twenty of this chapter;

(p) "Casual deficit" means a deficit of not more than three percent of the approved levy estimate or a deficit that is nonrecurring from year to year; and

(q) "Athletic director" means a person employed by a local educational agency to work in a school's athletic program pursuant to section one-a, article two, chapter eighteen-a of this code.

§18-1-2. School year.

The school year shall begin on July 1, and end on June 30, and all reports, accounts and settlements respecting the free schools shall be made with reference to the school year.

§18-1-3. Scope of school district; abolition of magisterial school districts, etc., and independent districts.

A school district shall include all the territory in one county. Existing magisterial school districts and subdistricts and independent districts are abolished.

§18-1-4. Vision 2020: An Education Blueprint for Two Thousand Twenty.

(a) This section, together with section one-a, article one, chapter eighteen-b of this code and article one-d of said chapter, shall be known as and may be cited as Vision 2020: An Education Blueprint for Two Thousand Twenty.

(b) For the purposes of this section:

(1) "Goals" means those long-term public purposes which are the desired end result and only may include those items listed in subsection (e) of this section;

(2) "Objectives" means the ends to be accomplished or attained within a specified period of time for the purpose of meeting the established goals; and

(3) "Strategies" means specific activities carried out by the public education system which are directed toward accomplishing specific objectives.

(c) The Legislature finds that:

(1) The measure of a thorough and efficient system of education is whether students graduate prepared to meet the challenges of the future as contributing members of society and that these challenges change, becoming ever more complex and involving a global context more than at any other time in the history of our nation;

(2) The state recently has embraced and is implementing the Partnership for 21st Century Skills model for teaching and learning including six key elements (core subjects, 21st Century content, learning and thinking skills, information and communications technology literacy, life skills and 21st Century assessments) to help better prepare students for the challenges of the 21st Century;

(3) Published national studies by several organizations routinely examine various elements of state education systems and selected underlying socioeconomic variables and rate and rank West Virginia and the other states, the District of Columbia and the territories based on the measurement systems and priorities established by the organizations, and these measurement systems and priorities change;

(4) While the state should take pride in studies that show West Virginia is among the leaders in several of its efforts and is making progress, its students often outperforming expectations based on typical indicators of the likelihood for student success, such as the income and education levels of their parents, it should also recognize that the state must do even more to ensure that high school graduates are fully prepared for post-secondary education or gainful employment;

(5) Therefore, the purpose of this section is to provide for the establishment of a clear plan that includes goals, objectives, strategies, indicators and benchmarks to help guide the state's policymakers on the continuous development of the state's education system for the 21st Century.

(d) As part of Vision 2020: An Education Blueprint for Two Thousand Twenty, the state board shall establish a plan in accordance with the provisions of this section for submission to and consideration by the Legislative Oversight Commission on Education Accountability. The plan shall include only the goals, objectives, strategies, indicators and benchmarks for public education set forth in this section and that meet the requirements of this section. To add clarity and avoid confusion, the goals for public education set forth in the plan pursuant to this section are the exclusive goals for public education. The plan shall include:

(1) The goals set forth in this section and no other goals;

(2) At least the objectives set forth in this section and specified periods of time for achieving those objectives and any other objectives that may be included in the plan;

(3) Strategies for achieving the specific objectives;

(4) Indicators for measuring progress toward the goals and objectives established in this section; and

(5) Benchmarks for determining when the goals and objectives have been achieved.

(e) The plan shall include the following list of exclusive goals for the public education system in West Virginia:

(1) Academic achievement according to national and international measures will exceed national and international averages. These national and international measures should include scores on assessments such as the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), the ACT, the SAT and the Programme for International Assessment (PISA);

(2) The public education system will prepare fully all students for post-secondary education or gainful employment;

(3) All working-age adults will be functionally literate;

(4) The public education system will maintain and promote the health and safety of all students and will develop and promote responsibility, citizenship and strong character in all students; and

(5) The public education system will provide equitable education opportunity to all students.

(f) The plan also shall include at least the following policy-oriented objectives:

(1) Rigorous 21st Century curriculum and engaging instruction for all students. – All students in West Virginia public schools should have access to and benefit from a rigorous 21st Century curriculum that develops proficiency in core subjects, 21st Century content, learning skills and technology tools. These students also should have that curriculum delivered through engaging, research-based instructional strategies that develop deep understanding and the ability to apply content to real-world situations;

(2) A 21st Century accountability and accreditation system. – The prekindergarten through twelve education system should have a public accrediting system that: (i) Holds local school districts accountable for the student outcomes the state values; and (ii) provides the public with understandable accountability data for judging the quality of local schools. The outcomes on which the system is based should be rigorous and should align with national and international standards such as the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), the ACT, the SAT and the Programme for International Assessment (PISA). The broad standards established for these outcomes should include a focus on: (A) Mastery of basic skills by all students; (B) closing the achievement gap among student subgroups; and (C) high levels of proficiency in a wide range of desired 21st Century measures and processes. The system for determining school and district accreditation should include school and district self analysis and generate appropriate research-based strategies for improvement. It also should allow opportunities to create innovative approaches to instructional delivery and design. Thus, the system will incorporate processes for encouraging innovation, including streamlined applications for waivers to state board policy, financial support for successful initiatives and recognition of those practices that can be brought to a district or statewide scale. The primary goal of the accreditation system is to drive school improvement. This 21st Century accountability and accreditation system also should include the methods of addressing capacity set forth in section five, article two-e of this chapter;

(3) A statewide balanced assessment process. – State, district, school and classroom decisionmaking should be grounded in 21st Century balanced assessment processes that reflect national and international rigorous performance standards and examine student proficiency in 21st Century content, skills and technology tools. A balanced assessment system includes statewide summative assessments, local benchmark assessments and classroom assessments for learning;

(4) A personnel allocation, licensure and funding process that aligns with the needs of 21st Century school systems and is supported by a quality coordinated professional development delivery system. – Increased accountability demands, as well as the focus on 21st Century learning, require a reexamination of traditional approaches to personnel allocation, licensure and funding. Creating schools of the 21st Century requires new staffing roles and staffing patterns. It also requires ongoing professional development activities focused on enhancing student achievement and achieving specific goals of the school and district strategic plans. Thus, schools should have the ability to access, organize and deliver high quality embedded professional development that provides staff with in-depth sustained and supported learning. Effective school improvement should allow opportunity for staff to collectively learn, plan and implement curricular and instructional improvements on behalf of the students they serve;

(5) School environments that promote safe, healthy and responsible behavior and provide an integrated system of student support services. – Each school should create an environment focused on student learning and one where students know they are valued, respected and safe. Furthermore, the school should incorporate programs and processes that instill healthy, safe and responsible behaviors and prepare students for interactions with individuals of diverse racial, ethnic and social backgrounds. School and district processes should include a focus on developing ethical and responsible character, personal dispositions that promote personal wellness through planned daily physical activity and healthy eating habits consistent with high nutritional guidelines and multicultural experiences that develop an appreciation of and respect for diversity;

(6) A leadership recruitment, development and support continuum. – Quality schools and school systems of the 21st Century cannot be created without high-quality leaders. Thus, West Virginia should have an aligned leadership professional development continuum that attracts, develops and supports educational leadership at the classroom, school and district level. This leadership development continuum should focus on creating: (i) Learning-centered schools and school systems; (ii) collaborative processes for staff learning and continuous improvement; and (iii) accountability measures for student achievement;

(7) Equitable access to 21st Century technology and education resources and school facilities conducive to 21st Century teaching and learning. – A quality educational system of the 21st Century should have access to technology tools and processes that enhance effective and efficient operation. Administrators should have the digital resources to monitor student performance, manage a variety of data and communicate effectively. In the classroom, every teacher in every school should be provided with the instructional resources and educational technology necessary to deliver the West Virginia content standards and objectives. Schools of the 21st Century require facilities that accommodate changing technologies, 21st Century instructional processes and 21st Century staffing needs and patterns. These school facilities should mirror the best in green construction and be environmentally and educationally responsive to the communities in which they are located;

(8) Aligned public school with post-secondary and workplace readiness programs and standards. – An educational system in the 21st Century should be seen as a continuum from the public school (prekindergarten through twelve) program through post-secondary education. In order to be successful in a global competitive marketplace, learning should be an ongoing, life-long experience. Thus, the public schools and the institutions of post-secondary education in West Virginia should create a system of common standards, expectations and accountability. Creating such an aligned system will enhance opportunities for success and assure a seamless educational process for West Virginia students; and

(9) A universal prekindergarten system. – A high-quality, universal prekindergarten system should be readily available to every eligible student. The system should promote oral language and preliteracy skills and reduce the deficit of these foundational skills through proactive, early intervention. Research indicates that universal prekindergarten systems improve graduation rates, reduce grade level retentions and reduce the number of special education placements. Therefore, local school systems should create the supports and provide the resources to assure a quality prekindergarten foundation is available to all eligible students.

(g) In addition to the policy-oriented objectives set forth in subsection (f) of this section, the plan established pursuant to this section also shall include at least the following performance-oriented objectives:

(1) All children entering the first grade will be ready for the first grade;

(2) The performance of students falling in the lowest quartile on national and international measures of student performance will improve by fifty percent;

(3) Ninety percent of ninth graders will graduate from high school;

(4) By 2012, the gap between the county with the lowest college-going rate and the state average as of the effective date of this act will decrease by fifty percent and the college-going rate of the state will equal the college-going rate of the member states of the Southern Regional Education Board; and

(5) By 2012, the gap between the county with the lowest college-going rate and the state average for school year 2012 will decrease by fifty percent and the college-going rate of the state will exceed the college-going rate of the member states of the Southern Regional Education Board by five percentage points.


§18-2-1. Creation; composition; appointment, qualifications, terms, and removal of members; offices.

There is a State Board of Education, to be known as the West Virginia Board of Education, which is a corporation and as such may contract and be contracted with, plead and be impleaded, sue and be sued, and have and use a common seal. The state board consists of 12 members, of whom one is the state Superintendent of Schools, ex officio; one of whom is the Chancellor of the Higher Education Policy Commission, ex officio; and one of whom is the Chancellor of the West Virginia Council for Community and Technical College Education, ex officio, none of whom is entitled to vote. The other nine members are citizens of the state, appointed by the Governor, with the advice and consent of the Senate, for overlapping terms of nine years. Terms of office begin on November 5 of the appropriate year and end on November 4 of the appropriate year. Not more than five members are appointed from any one congressional district.

No more than five of the appointive members may belong to the same political party and no person is eligible for appointment to membership on the state board who is a member of any political party executive committee or holds any other public office or public employment under the federal government or under the government of this state or any of its political subdivisions, or who is an appointee or employee of the board. Members are eligible for reappointment. Any vacancy on the board shall be filled by the Governor by appointment for the unexpired term.

Notwithstanding the provisions of §6-6-4 of this code, a member of the state board may not be removed from office by the Governor except for official misconduct, incompetence, neglect of duty, or gross immorality and then only in the manner prescribed by law for the removal by the Governor of state elective officers.

Before exercising any authority or performing any duties as a member of the state board, each member shall qualify as such by taking and subscribing to the oath of office prescribed by section five, article IV of the Constitution of West Virginia, the certificate whereof shall be filed with the Secretary of State. A suitable office in the state Department of Education at the State Capitol shall be provided for use by the state board.

Notwithstanding the provisions of §6-5-5 of this code, no person who has been convicted of an offense under the provisions of §61-8A-1 et seq., §61-8B-1 et seq., §61-8C-1 et seq., and §61-8D-1 et seq. of this code in which the victim is a minor may hold office as a member of the state board.



Acts, 1947, Reg. Sess., Ch. 72.

§18-2-3. Meetings; compensation and expenses of members.

The state board shall hold at least six meetings in every year at such times and places as it may prescribe. It may meet at such other times as may be necessary, such meetings to be held upon its own resolution or at the call of the president of the state board. The members of the state board, other than the ex officio members of the board, shall be paid $100 per diem each day or any part thereof spent in the performance of their duties under this article, and shall be reimbursed for all reasonable and necessary expenses actually incurred incident to the performance of their duties. The State Superintendent of Schools, the chancellor of the board of trustees and the chancellor of the board of directors shall be reimbursed for such expenses, but shall not receive a per diem allowance. Upon presentation of itemized sworn statements, the per diem and reimbursement payments shall be made from appropriations made by the Legislature to the state board.

§18-2-4. Organization; appointment, compensation and duties of secretary.

At its first regular meeting in every year the state board shall elect one of its members as president, who may serve an unlimited number of terms, but no more than two consecutive terms, and one as vice president of the board. The state superintendent shall be the chief executive officer of the state board and, subject to its direction, shall execute its policies.

The state board shall appoint a secretary and fix the secretary's salary to be paid out of the general school fund upon warrants drawn by the state superintendent. The secretary shall keep a record of the proceedings of the state board and shall perform such other duties as it may prescribe.

§18-2-5. Powers and duties generally; specific powers and duties for alternatives that improve student learning.

(a) Subject to and in conformity with the Constitution and laws of this state, the State Board of Education shall exercise general supervision of the public schools of the state, and shall promulgate rules in accordance with the provisions of article three-b, chapter twenty-nine-a of this code for carrying into effect the laws and policies of the state relating to education. The rules shall relate to the following:

(1) Standards for performance and measures of accountability;

(2) Physical welfare of students;

(3) Education of all children of school age;

(4) School attendance;

(5) Evening and continuation or part-time day schools;

(6) School extension work;

(7) Classification of schools;

(8) Issuing certificates based upon credentials;

(9) Distribution and care of instructional resources by county boards;

(10) General powers and duties of county boards, teachers, principals, supervisors and superintendents; and

(11) Such other matters pertaining to the public schools of the state as the state board considers necessary and expedient.

(b) The state board, in exercising its constitutional responsibility for the general supervision of public schools, must do so as provided by general law. Included within the general law is the process for improving education which has been recognized by the court as the method chosen by the Legislature to measure whether a thorough and efficient education is being provided. The court further recognized that the resulting student learning is the ultimate measure of a thorough education and that it must be achieved in an efficient manner. To achieve this result, the state board must have reasonable discretion to balance the local autonomy and flexibility needed by schools to deliver a thorough and efficient education with the letter of the laws as enacted for school operations.

(c) The purpose of this subsection is to authorize the state board to approve alternatives to the letter of the laws enacted for school operations in the areas enumerated in this subsection. The state board may approve such alternatives as proposed by a county board or school if, in the sole judgment of the state board, the alternatives meet the spirit and intent of the applicable statutes and are intended solely to optimize student learning.

(1) The Legislature finds that alternatives are warranted and may be approved by the state board on a case-by-case basis when a county board submits to the state board a comprehensive plan for optimizing student learning that:

(A) Achieves the spirit and intent of the laws for an instructional term that provide the instructional time necessary for students to meet or exceed the high quality standards for student performance adopted by the state board;

(B) Ensures sufficient time within the instructional term to promote the improvement of instruction and instructional practices;

(C) Incorporates a school calendar approved in accordance with the approval process required by section forty-five, article five of this chapter;

(D) Allows for school-level determination of alternatives affecting time within the school day that preserve the spirit and intent of providing teachers with: (i) Sufficient planning time to develop engaging, differentiated instruction for all students in all classes, which includes at least forty minutes in length for the elementary level and as required by section fourteen, article four, chapter eighteen-a of this code for the secondary level; and (ii) Collaborative time for teachers to undertake and sustain instructional improvement. This determination may be made only in the form of a school policy that is part of the school's strategic improvement plan and is approved by a vote of the faculty senate; and

(E) Has the sole purpose of improving student learning and that improvement is evident within a reasonable period.

(2) The Legislature makes the following findings for consideration by the state board with respect to optimizing student learning:

(A) Maximizing learning time is a critical factor needed to improve student learning and requires multiple strategies and policies that support great teaching and learning;

(B) Learning time is that portion of instructional time in the school day during which a student is paying attention and receiving instruction that is appropriately leveled, and learning is taking place. Learning time must not be assumed to be the time that a student is seated at a desk, but may be achieved through a variety of methods that actively engage students in learning;

(C) A student's time engaged in learning is maximized when the student is allowed to progress and acquire competency at a pace which challenges his or her interest and intellect while receiving guidance and assistance when needed. Instructional strategies to help personalize student learning in this manner are frequently assisted by technology;

(D) Providing teachers with the resources and support needed to engage students in meaningful, appropriately leveled learning for as much time as is possible during the school day may be as important as facilities, equipment and staff development for maximizing learning time and improving student learning;

(E) Successful schools are distinguishable from unsuccessful schools by the frequency and extent to which teachers discuss professional practices, collectively design materials and inform and critique one another;

(F) Even successful schools must be self-renewing systems and learning organizations marked by deliberate effort to identify helpful knowledge and spread its use within the organization;

(G) Unless teachers are collectively involved in planning and implementing school improvement, it is unlikely to be sustained; and

(H) Given sufficient control over their own programs and supportive district leadership and policies, schools themselves may best be suited to determine the variety of methods through which time during the school day is allocated for teachers to plan individually and collectively to maximize learning time. Examples of methods used by successful schools include, but are not limited to, scheduling, using special subject teachers and guest presenters, dedicating time set aside for staff development, implementing alternative staff utilization patterns, providing opportunities for administrators to teach, and utilizing accrued instructional time.

§18-2-5a. Board rules to be filed with Legislature.

The State Board of Education shall file a copy of any rule that it proposes to promulgate, adopt, amend or repeal under the authority of the Constitution or of this code with the Legislative Oversight commission on education accountability pursuant to article three-b, chapter twenty-nine-a of this code. "Rule," as used herein, means a regulation, standard, statement of policy, or interpretation of general application and future effect.

§18-2-5b. Medicaid-eligible children; school health services advisory committee.

(a) The state board shall become a Medicaid provider and seek out Medicaid-eligible students for the purpose of providing Medicaid and related services to students eligible under the Medicaid program and to maximize federal reimbursement for all services available under the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1989, as it relates to Medicaid expansion and any future expansions in the Medicaid program for Medicaid and related services for which state dollars are or will be expended.

(b) The state board may delegate this provider status and subsequent reimbursement to regional education service agencies, county boards or both: Provided, That a county board is not required to seek reimbursement if it determines there is not a net benefit after consideration of costs and time involved with seeking the reimbursement for eligible services and that the billing process detracts from the educational program.

(c) Annually, no later than January 1, the state board shall report on a county by county basis to the Legislature:

(1) The number and age of children eligible for Medicaid;

(2) The number and age of children with Medicaid coverage;

(3) The types of Medicaid-eligible services provided;

(4) The frequency of services provided;

(5) The Medicaid dollars reimbursed; and

(6) The problems encountered in the implementation of this system.

(d) The state board shall appoint and convene a school health services advisory committee to advise the Secretary of Human Services and the state superintendent on ways to improve the ability of regional education service agencies, local school boards and Department of Human Services' employees to provide Medicaid-eligible children with all the school-based Medicaid services for which they are eligible and to ensure that the school-based Medicaid service providers bill for and receive all the Medicaid reimbursement to which they are entitled.

(e) The committee shall consist of at least the following individuals:

(1) The person within the Department of Education responsible for coordinating the provision of and billing for school-based Medicaid services in schools throughout the state, who shall provide secretarial, administrative and technical support to the advisory committee;

(2) The person within the Department of Human Services responsible for coordinating the enrollment of Medicaid-eligible school children throughout the state;

(3) Two representatives of regional education service agencies who are experienced with the process of billing Medicaid for school-based health services;

(4) Two Department of Human Services' employees responsible for supervising employees;

(5) Two persons jointly appointed by the Secretary of Human Services and the state superintendent; and

(6) One representative of the Governor’s task force on school health.

(f) The school health services advisory committee shall meet in the first instance at the direction of the state superintendent, select a chairperson from among its members, and meet thereafter at the direction of the chairperson. The committee shall report its findings and recommendations to the state board and Department of Human Services, which findings shall then be included in the report to the Legislature by the state board and Department of Human Services provided in subsection (c) of this section.

(g) All actual and necessary travel expenses of the members of the committee shall be reimbursed by the member’s employing agency, for those members not employed by a state agency, the member’s actual and necessary travel expenses shall be paid by the state board. All such expenses shall be reimbursed in the same manner as the expenses of state employees are reimbursed.

§18-2-5c. Birth certificate required upon admission to public school; required notice to local law-enforcement agency of missing children.

(a) No pupil shall be admitted for the first time to any public school in this state unless the person enrolling the pupil presents a copy of the pupil's original birth record certified by the state registrar of vital statistics confirming the pupil's identity, age, and state file number of the original birth record. If a certified copy of the pupil's birth record cannot be obtained, the person so enrolling the pupil shall submit an affidavit explaining the inability to produce a certified copy of the birth record: Provided, That if any person submitting such affidavit is in U.S. military service and is in transit due to military orders, a three-week extension shall be granted to such person for providing the birth records.

(b) Upon the failure of any person enrolling a pupil to furnish a certified copy of the pupil's birth record in conformance with subsection (a) above, the principal of the school in which the pupil is being enrolled or his designee shall immediately notify the local law-enforcement agency. The notice to the local law-enforcement agency shall include copies of the submitted proof of the pupil's identity and age and the affidavit explaining the inability to produce a certified copy of the birth record.

(c) Within fourteen days after enrolling a transferred pupil, the principal of the school in which the pupil has been enrolled or his designee shall request that the principal or his designee of the school in which the pupil was previously enrolled transfer a certified copy of the pupil's birth record.

(d) Principals and their designees shall be immune from any civil or criminal liability in connection with any notice to a local law-enforcement agency of a pupil lacking a birth certificate or failure to give such notice as required by this section.

§18-2-5d. Duty of board to report guidelines for productive and safe schools.


§18-2-5e. Higher education participation in development and use of public education assessments.

(a) It is the duty of the state board to consult with the duly selected representatives of public higher education appointed pursuant to subsection (b) of this section and to make full use of their expertise when developing assessment instruments to be administered in the public schools. Among other things, the higher education representatives shall assist the state board in assuring that assessment instruments provide meaningful data to be used by higher education pursuant to subsection (c) of this section.

(b) The chancellor of the Higher Education Policy Commission shall appoint appropriate representatives from the system of public higher education to participate in the development of any assessment instruments required by rules of the state board to be administered in grades nine through twelve of the public schools of this state. It is the responsibility of these higher education representatives to assist the state board in developing assessments that test the knowledge and skills needed for success in postsecondary education.

(c) Not later than the school year beginning in two thousand five, the Higher Education Policy Commission shall require that each institution's compact, as set forth in section two, article one-b, chapter eighteen-b of this code, includes provisions for incorporating the data generated by public education assessments into their decision making processes. The use of the data may include, but is not limited to, consideration as a factor in admission to postsecondary education, college placement, or determinations of necessity for remedial course work.

§18-2-5f. Use of student social security numbers.

(a) Restrictions on use of student social security numbers. -- No public or private elementary or secondary school or college or university shall display any student's social security number to identify students for posting or public listing of grades, on class rosters or other lists provided to teachers, on student identification cards, in student directories or similar listings, or, unless specifically authorized or required by law, for any public identification purpose: Provided, That any student identification cards, directories or similar listings produced prior to July 1, 2002 shall not be subject to the provisions of this section.

(b) Use of social security numbers. -- Nothing in this section shall be construed as prohibiting the Higher Education Policy Commission, state institutions of higher education, state Board of Education, county boards of education or the public or private schools from using a student's social security number for internal record keeping purposes or studies.

(c) Social security number or alternative required for enrollment or attendance in public school. --

(1) Effective on July 1, 2003, the appropriate county board shall request the parent, guardian, or other responsible person to furnish the social security number of each child who is currently enrolled in a public school under the jurisdiction of the county board.

(2) Prior to admitting a child to a public school in this state, the appropriate county board shall request the parent, guardian, or other responsible person to furnish the social security number for each child who is to be enrolled after July 1, 2003.

(3) The county board shall inform the parent, guardian or other responsible person that, if he or she declines to provide a social security number for a child who is currently enrolled or for a child to be enrolled, the county board shall assign to the child a nine-digit number as designated by the state board.

(4) For any student who is attending a public school and for whom a social security number has not been provided, the county board shall make a request annually to the parent, guardian, or other responsible person to furnish the social security number.



Acts, 2016 Reg. Sess., Ch. 88

§18-2-5h. Student Data Accessibility, Transparency and Accountability Act.

(a) Title. -- This section shall be known and may be cited as the “Student Data Accessibility, Transparency and Account-ability Act.”

(b) Definitions. -- As used in this section, the following words have the meanings ascribed to them unless the context clearly implies a different meaning:

(1) “Board” means the West Virginia Board of Education;

(2) “Department” means the West Virginia Department of Education;

(3) “Student Data system” means the West Virginia Department of Education statewide longitudinal data system;

(4) “Aggregate data” means data collected that is reported at the group, cohort, or institutional level with a data set of sufficient size that no information for an individual parent or student is identifiable;

(5) “Redacted data” means a student dataset in which parent and student identifying information has been removed;

(6) “State-assigned student identifier” means the unique student identifier assigned by the state to each student that shall not be or include the Social Security number of a student in whole or in part;

(7) “Student data” means data collected or reported at the individual student level included in a student’s educational record;

(8) “Provisional student data” means new student data proposed for inclusion in the student data system;

(9) “School district” means a county board of education, the West Virginia Schools for the Deaf and Blind and the West Virginia Department of Education with respect to the education programs under its jurisdiction that are not in the public schools;

(10) “Directory information” means the following individual student information that is subject to disclosure for school-related purposes only: Student name, address, telephone number, date and place of birth, major field of study, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, weight and height of members of athletic teams, dates of attendance, indication of “graduate” or “nongraduate,” degrees and awards receives, most recent previous school attended, and photograph.

(11) “Confidential student information” means data relating to a person’s Social Security number, or other identification number issued by a state or federal agency, except for the state-assigned student identifier as defined in this section, religious affiliation, whether the person or a member of their household owns or possesses a firearm, whether the person or their family are or were recipients of financial assistance from a state or federal agency, medical, psychological or behavioral diagnoses, criminal history, criminal history of parents, siblings or any members of the person’s household, vehicle registration number, driver’s license number, biometric information, handwriting sample, credit card numbers, consumer credit history, credit score, or genetic information;

(12) “Affective computing” means human-computer interaction in which the device has the ability to detect and appropriately respond to its user’s emotions and other stimuli; and

(13) “Fair Information Practice Principles” are United States Federal Trade Commission guidelines that represent widely accepted concepts concerning fair information practice in an electronic marketplace.

(c) Data Inventory -- State Responsibilities. -- The Department of Education shall:

(1) Create, publish, and make publicly available a data inventory and dictionary or index of data elements with definitions of individual student data fields in the student data system to include, but not be limited to:

(A) Any individual student data required to be reported by state and federal education mandates;

(B) Any individual student data which has been proposed in accordance with paragraph (A), subdivision (7) of this subsection for inclusion in the student data system with a statement regarding the purpose or reason and legal authority for the proposed collection; and

(C) Any individual student data that the department collects or maintains with no current identified purpose;

(2) Develop, publish, and make publicly available policies and procedures to comply with all relevant state and federal privacy laws and policies, including, but not limited to, the Federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and other relevant privacy laws and policies. The policies and procedures specifically shall include, but are not limited to:

(A) Access to student and redacted data in the statewide longitudinal data system shall be restricted to:

(i) The authorized staff of the department and the contractors working on behalf of the department who require access to perform their assigned duties as required by law and defined by interagency data-sharing agreements;

(ii) District administrators, teachers and school personnel who require access to perform their assigned duties;

(iii) Students and their parents; and

(iv) The authorized staff of other West Virginia state agencies as required by law and defined by interagency data-sharing agreements;

(B) Ensure that any inter-agency data-sharing agreements shall be posted on the Department website, and parents shall be notified of their right to opt out of sharing the child’s data pursuant to agreements.

(C) Use only aggregate data in public reports or in response to record requests in accordance with this section;

(D) Unless otherwise prohibited by law, develop criteria for the approval of research and data requests from state and local agencies, the Legislature, researchers working on behalf of the department, and the public. Student data maintained by the department shall remain redacted; and

(E) Notification to students and parents regarding student privacy rights under federal and state law;

(3) Unless otherwise provided by law, the department shall not transfer confidential student information or redacted data that is confidential under this section to any federal, state or local agency or other person or entity, public or private, with the following exceptions:

(A) A student transfers out-of-state or a school or school district seeks help with locating an out-of-state transfer;

(B) A student leaves the state to attend an out-of-state institution of higher education or training program;

(C) A student registers for or takes a national or multistate assessment;

(D) A student voluntarily participates in a program for which a data transfer is a condition or requirement of participation;

(E) The department enters into a contract that governs databases, assessments, student or redacted data, special education or instructional supports with an in-state or out-of-state contractor for the purposes of state level reporting;

(F) A student is classified as “migrant” for federal reporting purposes;

(G) A federal agency is performing a compliance review; or

(H) In the event that the ACT or the SAT tests are adopted for use as the state summative assessment, nothing in this article prevents the ACT or the College Board from using a student’s assessment results and necessary directory or other permissible information under this Act. If information classified as confidential is required, the ACT, SAT or College Board shall obtain affirmative written consent from the student if the student is eighteen years of age or older, or from the student’s parent or guardian if the student is under eighteen years of age. The consent shall contain a detailed list of confidential information required and the purpose of its requirement.

(4)  Develop a detailed data security plan that includes:

(A) Guidelines for the student data system and for individual student data including guidelines for authentication of authorized access;

(B) Privacy compliance standards;

(C) Privacy and security audits;

(D) Breach planning, notification and procedures;

(E) Data retention and disposition policies; and

(F) Data security policies including electronic, physical, and administrative safeguards, such as data encryption and training of employees;

(5) Ensure routine and ongoing compliance by the department with FERPA, other relevant privacy laws and policies, and the privacy and security policies and procedures developed under the authority of this act, including the performance of compliance audits;

(6) Ensure that any contracts that govern databases, assessments or instructional supports that include student or redacted data and are outsourced to private vendors include express provisions that safeguard privacy and security and include penalties for noncompliance; and

(7) Notify the Governor and the Legislature annually of the following:

(A) New student data proposed for inclusion in the state student data system. Any proposal by the Department of Education to collect new student data must include a statement regarding the purpose or reason and legal authority for the proposed collection. The proposal shall be announced to the general public for a review and comment period of at least sixty days and approved by the state board before it becomes effective. Any new student data collection approved by the state board is a provisional requirement for a period sufficient to allow schools and school districts the opportunity to meet the new requirement;

(B) Changes to existing data collections required for any reason, including changes to federal reporting requirements made by the U.S. Department of Education and a statement of the reasons the changes were necessary;

(C) An explanation of any exceptions granted by the state board in the past year regarding the release or out-of-state transfer of student or redacted data; and

(D) The results of any and all privacy compliance and security audits completed in the past year. Notifications regarding privacy compliance and security audits shall not include any information that would itself pose a security threat to the state or local student information systems or to the secure transmission of data between state and local systems by exposing vulnerabilities.

(8) Notify the Governor upon the suspicion of a data security breach or confirmed breach and upon regular intervals as the breach is being managed. The parents shall be notified as soon as possible after the suspected or confirmed breach.

(9) Prohibit the collection of confidential student information as defined in subdivision ten of subsection (b) of this section.

(d) Data Inventory -- District Responsibilities. -- A school district shall not report to the state the following individual student data:

(1) Juvenile delinquency records;

(2) Criminal records;

(3) Medical and health records; and

(4) Student biometric information.

(e) Data Inventory -- School Responsibilities. -- Schools shall not collect the following individual student data:

(1) Political affiliation and beliefs;

(2) Religion and religious beliefs and affiliations;

(3) Any data collected through affective computing;

(4) Any data concerning the sexual orientation or beliefs about sexual orientation of the student or any student’s family member; and

(5) Any data concerning firearm’s ownership by any member of a student's family.

(f) Data Governance Manager. -- The state superintendent shall appoint a data governance manager, who shall report to and be under the general supervision of the state superintendent. The data governance manager shall have primary responsibility for privacy policy, including:

(1) Assuring that the use of technologies sustain, and do not erode, privacy protections relating to the use, collection, and disclosure of student data;

(2) Assuring that student data contained in the student data system is handled in full compliance with the Student Data Accessibility, Transparency, and Accountability Act, FERPA, and other state and federal privacy laws;

(3) Evaluating legislative and regulatory proposals involving collection, use, and disclosure of student data by the Department of Education;

(4) Conducting a privacy impact assessment on proposed rules of the state board and department in general and on the privacy of student data, including the type of personal information collected and the number of students affected;

(5) Coordinating with the general counsel of the state board and department, other legal entities, and organization officers to ensure that programs, policies, and procedures involving civil rights, civil liberties, and privacy considerations are addressed in an integrated and comprehensive manner;

(6) Preparing a report to the Legislature on an annual basis on activities of the department that affect privacy, including complaints of privacy violations, internal controls, and other matters;

(7) Establishing department-wide policies necessary for implementing Fair Information Practice Principles to enhance privacy protections;

(8) Working with the Office of Data Management and Analysis, the general counsel, and other officials in engaging with stakeholders about the quality, usefulness, openness, and privacy of data;

(9) Establishing and operating a department-wide Privacy Incident Response Program to ensure that incidents are properly reported, investigated and mitigated, as appropriate;

(10) Establishing and operating a process for parents to file complaints of privacy violations;

(11) Establishing and operating a process to collect and respond to complaints of privacy violations and provides redress, as appropriate; and

(12) Providing training, education and outreach to build a culture of privacy across the department and transparency to the public.

The data governance manager shall have access to all records, reports, audits, reviews, documents, papers, recommendations, and other materials available to the department that relate to programs and operations with respect to his or her responsibilities under this section and shall make investigations and reports relating to the administration of the programs and operations of the department as are necessary or desirable.

(g) Parental rights regarding child’s information and education record. -- Parents have the right to inspect and review their child’s education record maintained by the school and to request student data specific to their child’s educational record. School districts must provide parents or guardians with a copy of their child’s educational record upon request. Whenever possible, an electronic copy of the educational record must be provided if requested and the identity of the person requesting the information is verified as the parent or guardian.

The state board shall develop guidance for school district policies that:

(1) Annually notify parents of their right to request student information;

(2) Ensure security when providing student data to parents;

(3) Ensure student data is provided only to the authorized individuals;

(4) Detail the timeframe within which record requests must be provided;

(5) Ensure that school districts have a plan to allow parents to view and access data specific to their child’s educational record and that any electronic access provided is restricted to eligible parties;

(6) Ensure compliance in the collection, use and disclosure of directory information and providing parents or guardians with a form to limit the information concerning their child in directory and subject to release; and

(7) Informing parents of their rights and the process for filing complaints of privacy violations.

(h) State Board Rules. -- The state board shall adopt rules necessary to implement the provisions of the Student Data Accessibility, Transparency, and Accountability Act.

(i) Effect on Existing Data. -- Upon the effective date of this section, any existing student data collected by the Department of Education shall not be considered a new student data collection under this section.

§18-2-6. Classification and standardization of schools; standards for degrees and diplomas; certificates of proficiency; establishment of alternative education programs.

(a) The state board shall promulgate rules for the accreditation, classification, and standardization of all schools in the state, except institutions of higher education, and shall determine the minimum standards for granting diplomas, advanced certifications, and certificates of proficiency by those schools.

(1) The certificates of proficiency shall include specific information regarding the graduate’s skills, competence, and readiness for employment, or honors and advanced education and shall be granted, along with the diploma, to every eligible high school graduate.

(2) The certificate of proficiency shall include the program of study major completed by the student only for those students who have completed the required major courses, or higher level courses, advanced placement courses, college courses, or other more rigorous substitutes related to the major, and the recommended electives.

(3) Students who have completed a secondary education program in a public, private, or home school and have continued to be enrolled in a program leading to an advanced certification or an advanced career education program shall be considered adults enrolled in regular secondary programs in accordance with §18-9A-2(i) of this code: Provided, That the State Superintendent of Schools, the Chancellor for the Council for Community and Technical College Education, the Chancellor of the Higher Education Policy Commission, and the Secretary of the Department of Commerce may designate additional programs that provide valuable workplace credentials and students enrolled in such programs shall also be considered adults enrolled in regular secondary programs in accordance with §18-9A-2(i) of this code.

(b) An institution of less than collegiate or university status may not grant any diploma or certificate of proficiency on any basis of work or merit below the minimum standards prescribed by the state board.

(c) A charter or other instrument containing the right to issue diplomas or certificates of proficiency may not be granted by the State of West Virginia to any institution or other associations or organizations of less than collegiate or university status within the state until the condition of granting or issuing the diplomas or other certificates of proficiency has first been approved in writing by the state board.

(d) The state board shall promulgate a rule for the approval of alternative education programs for disruptive students who are at risk of not succeeding in the traditional school structure.

(1) This rule may provide for the waiver of other policies of the state board, the establishment and delivery of a nontraditional curriculum, the establishment of licensure requirements for alternative education program teachers, and the establishment of performance measures for school accreditation.

(2) This rule shall provide uniform definitions of disruptive student behavior and uniform standards for the placement of students in alternative settings or providing other interventions including referrals to local juvenile courts to correct student behavior so that they can return to a regular classroom without engaging in further disruptive behavior.

(e) The state board shall establish up to five pilot projects at the elementary or middle school levels, or both, that employ alternative schools or other placements for disruptive students to learn appropriate behaviors so they can return to the regular classroom without further disrupting the learning environment. The state board shall report to the Legislative Oversight Commission on Education Accountability by December 1, 2010, on its progress in establishing the pilot projects and by December 1 in each year after that for the duration of the pilot projects on the effect of the projects on maintaining student discipline.

(f) If a student attends an approved alternative education program or the Mountaineer Challenge Academy, which is designated as a special alternative education program pursuant to §15-1B-24 of this code, and the student graduates or passes the high school equivalency tests within five years of beginning ninth grade, that student shall be considered graduated for the purposes of calculating the high school graduation rate used for school accreditation and school system approval, subject to the following:

(1) The student shall be considered graduated only to the extent that this is not in conflict with any provision of federal law relating to graduation rates;

(2) If the state board determines that this is in conflict with a provision of federal law relating to graduation rates, the state board shall request a waiver from the United States Department of Education; and

(3) If the waiver is granted, notwithstanding the provisions of §18-2-6(f)(1) of this code, the student graduating or passing the high school equivalency tests within five years shall be considered graduated.

(g) The state board shall promulgate a rule to support the operation of the National Guard Youth Challenge Program operated by the Adjutant General and known as the Mountaineer Challenge Academy which is designated as a special alternative education program pursuant to §15-1B-24 of this code for students who are at risk of not succeeding in the traditional school structure. The rule shall set forth policies and procedures applicable only to the Mountaineer Challenge Academy that provide for, but are not limited to, the following:

(1) Implementation of provisions set forth in §15-1B-24 of this code;

(2) Precedence of the policies and procedures designated by the National Guard Bureau for the operation of the Mountaineer Challenge Academy special alternative education program;

(3) Consideration of a student participating in the Mountaineer Challenge Academy special alternative education program at full enrollment status in the referring county for the purposes of funding and calculating attendance and graduation rates, subject to the following:

(A) The student shall be considered at full enrollment status only for the purposes of calculating attendance and graduation rates to the extent that this is not in conflict with any provision of federal law relating to attendance or graduation rates;

(B) If the state board determines that this is in conflict with a provision of federal law relating to attendance or graduation rates, the state board shall request a waiver from the United States Department of Education;

(C) If the waiver is granted, notwithstanding the provisions of §18-2-6(g)(3)(A) of this code, the student shall be considered at full enrollment status in the referring county for the purposes of calculating attendance and graduation rates; and

(D) Consideration of the student at full enrollment status in the referring county is for the purposes of funding and calculating attendance and graduation rates only. For any other purpose, a student participating in the academy is considered withdrawn from the public school system;

(4) Articulation of the knowledge, skills, and competencies gained through alternative education so that students who return to regular education may proceed toward attainment or may attain the standards for graduation without duplication;

(5) Consideration of eligibility to take the high school equivalency tests by qualifying within the extraordinary circumstances provisions established by state board rule for a student participating in the Mountaineer Challenge Academy special alternative education program who does not meet any other criteria for eligibility; and

(6) Payment of tuition by a county board to the Mountaineer Challenge Academy for each student graduating from the academy with a high school diploma that resides in that county board’s school district. For purposes of this subdivision, "tuition" means an amount equal to 75 percent of the amount allotted per pupil under the school aid formula.

(h) Nothing in this section or the rules promulgated under this section compels the Mountaineer Challenge Academy to be operated as a special alternative education program or to be subject to any other laws governing the public schools except by its consent.

(i) The Legislature makes the following findings regarding students at risk:

(1) Defeated and discouraged learners. —

(A) Any child who is unlikely to graduate on schedule with both the skills and self-esteem necessary to exercise meaningful options in the areas of work, leisure, culture, civic affairs, and personal relationships may be defined as being an at-risk student;

(B) Problems associated with students at risk often begin for them in the early grades as they gradually fall further behind in the essential skills of reading, writing, and math;

(C) These problems may be accompanied by such behavior patterns as poor attendance, inattentiveness, negative attitudes, and acting out in class. These patterns are both symptoms of and added catalysts for students to become increasingly defeated and discouraged learners;

(D) By the middle grades, students with growing skill deficits usually know they are behind other students and have good reason to feel discouraged. A growing lack of self-confidence and self-worth, limited optimism for the future, avoidance of school and adults, and a dimming view of the relationship between effort and achievement are among the characteristics of defeated and discouraged learners;

(E) Public schools are expected to address the needs of all students, minimizing the likelihood that they will become at risk and giving additional attention to those who do; however, the circumstances involved with a becoming at risk often are complex and may include influences both within and outside of the school environment; and

(F) In fragile homes, a child who is at risk and is becoming a discouraged and defeated learner often lacks adequate support and may develop peer relationships that further exacerbate the difficulty of reengaging him or her in learning, school, and responsible social behavior.

(2) The Legislature further finds that the public schools should not be deterred from seeking and assisting with enrollment of students in an alternative program that helps remedy the discouragement, lessens skill deficits, and facilitates a successful return to public school.

 (j) For this purpose, subject to approval of the county superintendent, a student enrolled in the public schools of the county may continue to be enrolled while also enrolled in an alternative program subject to the following conditions:

(1) The alternative program is approved by the state board;

(2) The student meets the general description of an at-risk student and exhibits behaviors and characteristics associated with a discouraged and defeated learner;

(3) The alternative program complies with all requests of the county superintendent for information on the educational program and progress of the student;

(4) The alternative program includes a family involvement component in its program. This component shall include, but is not limited to, providing for student and parent participation in activities that help address the challenging issues that have hindered the student’s engagement and progress in learning;

(5) The alternative program includes an on-site boarding option for students;

(6) The alternative program provides an individualized education program for students that is designed to prepare them for a successful transition back into the public schools; and

(7) The parents or legal guardian of the student make application for enrollment of the student in the alternative program, agree to the terms and conditions for enrollment, and enroll the student in the program.

§18-2-6a. Sale of healthy beverages and soft drinks in schools.

(a) In order to generate funding for necessary programs and supplies, county boards may permit the sale of healthy beverages and soft drinks in county schools except during breakfast and lunch periods as follows:

(1) During a school day, soft drinks may not be sold in areas accessible to students in an elementary school, middle school or junior high school through vending machines on the premises, in school stores or in school canteens or through fund raisers by students, teachers, groups or by any other means. In elementary, middle school or junior high school, only healthy beverages may be sold in vending machines on the premises, in school canteens or through fund raisers by students, teachers, groups or by any other means. Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit or limit sale or distribution of any food or beverage item through fund-raising activities of students, teachers or educational groups when the items are intended for sale off the school grounds.(2) Those high schools which permit the sale of soft drinks through vending machines also shall offer for sale healthy beverages. Of the total beverages offered for sale, at least fifty percent shall be healthy beverages. Vending machines containing healthy beverages shall be in the same location or substantially similar location as vending machines containing soft drinks.

(3) The sale of healthy beverages and soft drinks shall be in compliance with the rules of the National School Lunch Program and the School Breakfast Program of the state Board and the Nutrition Service of the United States Department of Agriculture, which became effective on June 17, 1985. Seventy-five percent of the profits from the sale of healthy beverages and soft drinks shall be allocated by a majority vote of the faculty Senate of each school and twenty-five percent of the profits from the sale of healthy beverages and soft drinks shall be allocated to the purchase of necessary supplies by the principal of the school.

(b) For the purposes of this section:

(1) "School day" means the period of time between the arrival of the first student at the school building and the end of the last instructional period; and

(2) "Healthy beverage" means water, one hundred percent fruit and vegetable juice, low-fat milk and other juice beverages with a minimum of twenty percent real juice.

§18-2-6b. General Educational Development (GED) diploma; legislative findings and intent; examination costs; testing materials and procedures; report required.

(a) The Legislature makes the following findings related to the General Educational Development (GED) examination:

(1) The GED examination is an instrument for success that can keep a student from dropping out of school and can transform the future for both school age and adult individuals who attain a GED diploma. One in every seven Americans with a high school credential has received the GED, as well as one in every twenty college students. For those who have not graduated from high school, attaining a GED diploma greatly increases their employment opportunities and earning potential.

(2) While West Virginia's average per-capita income has increased over the past ten years as the state's economy has held steady or grown slightly, most other states have shown declines. Despite these positive changes, West Virginia still ranks as one of the five poorest states in the nation. Additionally, many counties within the state fall far below the state average; therefore, the current cost of the GED examination is difficult for many citizens to afford without help, and significant cost increases will make the GED examination cost prohibitive.

(3) In addition to the cost factor, large areas of West Virginia are without broadband Internet access or without adequate broadband Internet access speeds, which results in diminished opportunities for rural residents to participate in the rapidly unfolding digital revolution compared to their nonrural neighbors. Citizens living in these areas have few opportunities to become adept in computer technology. Therefore, most such citizens, especially adults seeking to earn a GED years after leaving the public school system, are not proficient or even comfortable using the Internet.

(4) Individuals who may benefit most from earning a GED diploma are those who lack many of the skills needed to secure employment or to function successfully in an age dependent upon technology. Because such individuals also lack the financial resources to obtain those needed skills, if the GED is unattainable they are likely to remain in a state of poverty.

(b) It is the intent of the Legislature to make the GED diploma available to the widest possible range of state residents who have not achieved a high school diploma. To that end, an examination of the following issues is required:

(1) The impact on prospective GED test takers of the proposed changes in the design and delivery of the qualifying examination made by the American Council on Education (ACE) in 2011;

(2) The impact of the increase in costs per individual tested; and

(3) The alternatives available to reduce costs and to retain the option of pen and paper testing for those who desire it.

(c) The State Board shall perform an exhaustive study of the issues surrounding administration of the GED examination in the state including, but not limited to, the following:

(1) Analysis of research, pilot testing, or both, that was done in West Virginia by the American Council on Education prior to its decision to eliminate pen and paper examinations, along with the justifications offered for eliminating this type of examination as a possible option;

(2) Determination of the current and future costs to the state to provide GED examinations free of charge to eligible individuals; and

(3) Recommendations for statutory or rule changes to achieve the following goals:

(A) Reducing or controlling escalating costs of administering the GED examinations; and

(B) Retaining paper and pen testing for those individuals who request or require it; or

(C) Eliminating or reducing significantly the difficulty for individuals who are not comfortable or proficient in taking online examinations.

(d) The State Board shall complete its work and report its findings, conclusions and recommendations, together with drafts of any legislation or rule changes necessary to effectuate the recommendations, to the Legislative Oversight Commission on Education Accountability no later than July 1, 2012.



Acts, 1990 3rd. Ex. Sess., Ch. 4.

§18-2-7. Courses of study; language of instruction.

The state Board of Education shall prescribe minimum standards in the courses of study to be offered in elementary schools, high schools, vocational schools and in all other kinds, grades and classes of schools or departments thereof, which may now or hereafter be maintained in the state, in whole or in part, from any state fund or funds: Provided, That the courses of study in the public schools in the state shall be prepared by the faculties, teachers or other constituted authority thereof, and shall, before going into effect, be submitted to the state Board of Education for its approval. The basic language of instruction in all schools, public, private and parochial, shall be the English language only. The state board shall not adopt any policies or rules which set out time requirements within the instructional day for instruction in kindergarten through fourth grade.

The state Board of Education shall accept American sign language as a credited course of study in a foreign language in elementary schools, high schools, vocational schools and in all other kinds, grades and classes of schools or departments thereof: Provided, That nothing in this section shall be construed to require the provision of instruction in American sign language that is not otherwise required by state or federal statute or regulation: Provided, however, That on or before January 6, 1995, the state board shall provide to the Governor and to the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Delegates a plan for teaching American sign language in public schools, which plan shall include the form and manner proposed by the state board for implementation of the teaching of American sign language in the schools, the time frame for implementation and the projected cost of the implementation.

§18-2-7a. Legislative findings; required physical education; program in physical fitness.

(a) The Legislature hereby finds that obesity is a problem of epidemic proportions in this state. There is increasing evidence that all segments of the population, beginning with children, are becoming more sedentary, more overweight and more likely to develop health risks and diseases including Type II Diabetes, high blood cholesterol and high blood pressure. The Legislature further finds that the promotion of physical activity during the school day for school children is a crucial step in combating this growing epidemic and in changing the attitudes and behavior of the residents of this state toward health promoting physical activity.

(b) As a result of these findings, the state Department of Education shall establish the requirement that each child enrolled in the public schools of this state actively participates in physical education classes during the school year to the level of his or her ability as follows:

(1) Elementary school grades. –- Not less than thirty minutes of physical education, including physical exercise and age-appropriate physical activities, for not less than three days a week.

(2) Middle school grades. –- Not less than one full period of physical education, including physical exercise and age-appropriate physical activities, each school day of one semester of the school year.

(3) High school grades. –- Not less than one full course credit of physical education, including physical exercise and age-appropriate physical activities, which shall be required for graduation and the opportunity to enroll in an elective lifetime physical education course.

(c) Enrollment in physical education classes and activities required by the provisions of this section shall not exceed, and shall be consistent with, state guidelines for enrollment in all other subjects and classes: Provided, That schools which do not currently have the number of certified physical education teachers, do not currently have the required physical setting or would have to significantly alter academic offerings to meet the physical education requirements may develop alternate programs that will enable current staff, physical settings and offerings to be used to meet the physical education requirements established herein. These alternate programs shall be submitted to the state Department of Education and the Healthy Lifestyle Council for approval. Those schools needing to develop alternate programs shall not be required to implement this program until the school year commencing two thousand six.

(d) The state board shall prescribe a program within the existing health and physical education program which incorporates fitness testing, reporting, recognition, fitness events and incentive programs which requires the participation in grades four through eight and the required high school course. The program shall be selected from nationally accepted fitness testing programs designed for school-aged children that test cardiovascular fitness, muscular strength and endurance, flexibility and body composition: Provided, That nothing in this subsection shall be construed to prohibit the use of programs designed under the auspices of the President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports. The program shall include modified tests for exceptional students. Each school in the state shall participate in National Physical Fitness and Sports Month in May of each year and shall make every effort to involve the community it serves in the related events.

(e) The state board shall promulgate a rule in accordance with the provisions article three-b, chapter twenty-nine-a of this code that includes at least the following provisions to provide for the collection, reporting and use of body mass index data in the public schools:

(1) The data shall be collected using the appropriate methodology for assessing the body mass index from student height and weight data;

(2) The data shall be collected on a scientifically drawn sample of students;

(3) The data shall be collected and reported in a manner that protects student confidentiality;

(4) The data shall be reported to the Department of Education; and

(5) All body mass index data shall be reported in aggregate to the Governor, the state Board of Education, the Healthy Lifestyles Coalition and the Legislative Oversight Commission on Health and Human Resources Accountability for use as an indicator of progress toward promoting healthy lifestyles among school-aged children.

§18-2-7b. Programs in drug prevention and violence reduction.

(a) In order for the schools to become healthy learning environments and to provide a strong defense against drug use and violence, the State Board of Education shall prescribe programs within the existing health and physical education program which teach resistance and life skills to counteract societal and peer pressure to use drugs, alcohol, and tobacco, and shall include counselors, teachers, and staff in full implementation of the program. The board shall also prescribe programs to coordinate violence reduction efforts in schools and between schools and their communities and to train students, teachers, counselors, and staff in conflict resolution skills. The program shall be comprehensive, interdisciplinary, and shall begin in elementary school.

(b) No later than the start of the 2018-2019 school year, a county board shall implement comprehensive drug awareness and prevention programs for students in grades K through 12 to receive instruction regarding the dangers of substance abuse. The purpose of the drug awareness and prevention program is to:

(1) Keep students from illegally using alcohol, tobacco, or other drugs;

(2) Reduce or eliminate the incidence and prevalence of student’s alcohol, tobacco, and other drug abuse;

(3) Reduce the factors that place students at risk of abusing alcohol, tobacco, or other drugs through school and a community-based planning processes;

(4) Contribute to the development of school environments and alternative activities that are alcohol, tobacco, and drug-free;

(5) Increase the knowledge and skills of students, staff, and community members for avoiding the harmful effects of alcohol, tobacco, and drug use, and of blood borne pathogens;

(6) Actively involve staff, students, parents, and community members in the development and implementation of the drug awareness and prevention program plans;

(7) Facilitate an understanding and appreciation of the risks to, duties of, and likely actions by law-enforcement officers when conducting investigations; and

(8) Instruct how to respond to an officer during a vehicular or other stop or police interaction, including problematic or dangerous action and behaviors that could result in a person being detained or arrested.

(c) The county board shall coordinate the delivery of instruction to meet the purposes of subsection (b) of this section with educators, drug rehabilitation specialists, and law-enforcement agencies to periodically provide age appropriate student education on their experiences with the impacts of illegal alcohol and drug use.

(d) Beginning with the 2018-2019 school year, instruction required pursuant to §18-2-9 of this code in the subject of health education in any of the grades six through 12 as considered appropriate by the county board shall include at least 60 minutes of instruction for each student on the dangers of opioid use, the additive characteristics of opioids, and safer alternatives to treat pain.

(e) Beginning with the 2020-2021 school year, comprehensive drug awareness and prevention programs for students in grades K through 12 may include faith-based electives, along with nonfaith-based electives, for drug awareness in classrooms. The state board shall promulgate a rule on how the faith-based electives can be offered in a way that is consistent with constitutional requirements.

§18-2-7c. Program in personal finance.

(a) The Legislature finds and declares that persons with an understanding of personal finance are better prepared to manage their money and that providing a personal finance program in secondary schools in West Virginia will prepare students to handle their finances.

(b) To provide students a basic understanding of personal finance, the state board shall develop a program of instruction on personal finance which may be integrated into the curriculum of an appropriate existing course or courses for students in secondary schools.

(c) Beginning with the class of students entering 9th grade in the 2024-2025 school year and thereafter, each high school student shall complete one-half credit course of study in personal finance during their 11th or 12th grade year as a requirement for high school graduation. The State Board of Education shall develop and issue implementation guidance to local school boards and other education agencies as to curriculum, content matter standards, eligible teacher certification(s), and graduation requirements the course may fulfill before July 1, 2024.

(d) Every student shall complete a course in personal finance prior to high school graduation.

§18-2-8. Course of study in fire prevention.

The state Board of Education shall, with the advice of the state Superintendent of Schools, prescribe a course of study in fire prevention for use in the public, private and parochial schools of this state, dealing with the protection of lives and property against loss or damage as a result of preventable fires. It shall be the duty of the county superintendent, Board of Education, directors, trustees, or other committees or persons having control of public, private and parochial schools in each county, village, city or school district, to arrange for such course of study in fire prevention and to compel its use in each school under their control or direction.

§18-2-8a. Hunter safety orientation program.

(a) The Legislature finds that:

(1) Firearms and hunting are important parts of West Virginia’s history, culture, and economy;

(2) Unfortunately, the use of firearms while hunting or at any other time can be dangerous when the firearms are not handled in a careful and safe manner; and

(3) Therefore, the opportunity of participating in a hunter safety orientation program should be offered to students in certain grades.

(b) The State Board of Education shall establish and implement a program of instruction of hunter safety orientation with appropriate classes and hands-on training. The hunter safety orientation program may be scheduled for the regular hours of the school day, so as to work in conjunction with the regular course schedule, or may be scheduled outside of the regular hours of instruction for the school day, if the resources and student interest allow. To the extent possible, the hunter safety orientation program shall be conducted at school facilities and scheduled so that students attending the program class may also make use of regularly provided student transportation.

(c) The State Board of Education shall, with the advice of the state Superintendent of Schools and the Director of the Division of Natural Resources, promulgate a rule in accordance with the provisions of §29A-3B-1 et seq. of this code for the implementation of a hunter safety orientation program for use in the public schools of this state. The rule shall, at a minimum, include the following provisions:

(1) The hunter safety orientation program shall be offered at least once every spring semester in every middle school of the state. At the option of each county board of education, the hunter safety orientation program may also be offered during the fall semester in any middle school in the state or may be offered in any high school in the state: Provided, That the demand to take the hunter safety orientation program is sufficient and that certified instructors are available. If there is an insufficient number of students at a middle school requesting or registering for the class in a given semester, the school shall not be required to conduct the class that semester. The county board of education shall have the discretion to establish the minimum number of students requesting the safety orientation program class in a semester necessary to provide the class that semester.

(2) The hunter safety orientation program is voluntary to students;

(3) The hunter safety orientation program shall include instruction relating to:

(A) The protection of lives and property against loss or damage as a result of the improper use of firearms; and

(B) The proper use of firearms in hunting, sport competition, and the care and safety of firearms in the home;

(4) The hunter safety orientation program may use materials prepared by any national nonprofit membership organization which has as one of its purposes the training of people in marksmanship and the safe handling and use of firearms; and

(5) The hunter safety orientation program shall be conducted by an instructor employed or certified by the Division of Natural Resources or who has other training necessary to conduct the program as determined by the state board.

(d) The Division of Natural Resources shall issue a certificate of training, required by §20-2-30a of this code, to any student who completes the hunter safety orientation program.

§18-2-9. Required courses of instruction.

(a) (1) In all public, private, parochial, and denominational schools located within this state there shall be given prior to the completion of the eighth grade at least one year of instruction in the history of the State of West Virginia. The schools shall require regular courses of instruction by the completion of the 12th grade in the history of the United States, in civics, in the Constitution of the United States, and in the government of the State of West Virginia for the purpose of teaching, fostering, and perpetuating the ideals, principles, and spirit of political and economic democracy in America, and increasing the knowledge of the organization and machinery of the government of the United States and of the State of West Virginia. The required courses shall include instruction on the institutions and structure of American government, such as the separation of powers, the Electoral College, and federalism. The required courses shall include instruction that provides students an understanding of American political philosophy and history, utilizing writings from prominent figures in Western civilization, such as Aristotle, Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, and Thomas Jefferson. The courses of instruction shall offer an objective and critical analysis of ideologies throughout history including, but not limited to, capitalism, republicanism, democracy, socialism, communism, and fascism. The required courses shall emphasize the use of primary sources and interactive learning techniques, such as mock scenarios, debates, and open and impartial discussions.

(2) The state board shall, with the advice of the state superintendent, and after consultation with other entities, prescribe the courses of study, including the basic course requirements for middle school and high school, and the academic standards listed in subdivision (1) of this subsection for these courses of study covering these subjects for the public schools, and publish an approved list of instructional resources pursuant to §18-2A-1 et seq. of this code. The curriculum used in the delivery of instruction shall cover the standards adopted for such courses. The other entities for consultation may include such organizations as the Florida Joint Center for Citizenship, the College Board, the Bill of Rights Institute, Hillsdale College, the Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History, the Constitutional Sources Project, educators, school administrators, postsecondary education representatives, elected officials, business and industry leaders, parents, and the public. Officials or boards having authority over the respective private, parochial, and denominational schools shall prescribe courses of study for the schools under their control and supervision similar to those required for the public schools.

(3) The state board shall provide testing or assessment instruments for the history and civics courses of instruction required by this section. These testing instruments shall:

(A) Be aligned with the academic standards required by this section;

(B) Be mandatory for students enrolled in those courses of instruction;

(C) Be cumulative by including questions about knowledge learned in prior history and civics courses; and

(D) Measure students’ factual and conceptual knowledge including how the facts interrelate and the reasons behind historical documents and events.

(4) To further this study, every high school student eligible by age for voter registration shall be afforded the opportunity to register to vote pursuant to §3-2-22 of this code.

(b) The state board shall cause to be taught in all public schools of this state the subject of health education, including instruction in any of the grades six through 12 as considered appropriate by the county board, on: (1) The prevention, transmission, and spread of acquired immune deficiency syndrome and other sexually transmitted diseases; (2) substance abuse, including the nature of alcoholic drinks and narcotics, tobacco products, and other potentially harmful drugs, with special instruction as to their effect upon the human system and upon society in general; (3) the importance of healthy eating and physical activity in maintaining healthy weight; and (4) education concerning cardiopulmonary resuscitation and first aid, including instruction in the care for conscious choking, and recognition of symptoms of drug or alcohol overdose. The course curriculum requirements and materials for the instruction shall be adopted by the state board by rule in consultation with the Department of Health. The state board shall prescribe a standardized health education assessment to be administered within health education classes to measure student health knowledge and program effectiveness.

(c) An opportunity shall be afforded to the parent or guardian of a child subject to instruction in the prevention, transmission, and spread of acquired immune deficiency syndrome and other sexually transmitted diseases to examine the course curriculum requirements and materials to be used in the instruction. The parent or guardian may exempt the child from participation in the instruction by giving notice to that effect in writing to the school principal.

(d) After July 1, 2015, the required instruction in cardiopulmonary resuscitation in subsection (b) of this section shall include at least 30 minutes of instruction for each student prior to graduation on the proper administration of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and the psychomotor skills necessary to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation. The term "psychomotor skills" means the use of hands-on practicing to support cognitive learning. Cognitive-only training does not qualify as "psychomotor skills". The CPR instruction shall be based on an instructional program established by the American Heart Association or the American Red Cross, or another program which is nationally recognized and uses the most current national evidence-based emergency cardiovascular care guidelines and incorporates psychomotor skills development into the instruction. A licensed teacher is not required to be a certified trainer of cardiopulmonary resuscitation to facilitate, provide, or oversee such instruction. The instruction may be given by community members, such as emergency medical technicians, paramedics, police officers, firefighters, licensed nurses, and representatives of the American Heart Association or the American Red Cross. These community members are encouraged to provide necessary training and instructional resources such as cardiopulmonary resuscitation kits and other material at no cost to the schools. The requirements of this subsection are minimum requirements. A local school district may offer CPR instruction for longer periods of time and may enhance the curriculum and training components, including, but not limited to, incorporating into the instruction the use of an automated external defibrillator (AED): Provided, That any instruction that results in a certification being earned shall be taught by an authorized CPR/AED instructor.

(e) A full week of classes during the week selected by the county board of education shall be recognized as Celebrate Freedom Week. The purpose of Celebrate Freedom Week is to educate students about the sacrifices made for freedom in the founding of this country and the values on which this country was founded.

Celebrate Freedom Week shall include appropriate instruction in each social studies class which:

(1) Includes an in-depth study of the intent, meaning, and importance of the Declaration of Independence, the Emancipation Proclamation, and the Constitution of the United States with an emphasis on the amendments that are crucial to the survival of democracy and freedom, such as the Bill of Rights and the thirteenth, fourteenth, fifteenth, and nineteenth amendments;

(2) Uses the historical, political, and social environments surrounding each document at the time of its initial passage or ratification; and

(3) Includes the study of historical documents to firmly establish the historical background leading to the establishment of the provisions of the constitution and Bill of Rights by the founding fathers for the purposes of safeguarding our constitutional republic.

The requirements of this subsection are applicable to all public, private, parochial, and denominational schools located within this state. Nothing in this subsection creates a standard or requirement subject to state accountability measures.

(f) Beginning the 2018-2019 school year, students in public schools shall be administered a test the same as or substantially similar to the civics portion of the naturalization test used by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services between their ninth and 12th grade years as an indicator of student achievement in the area of civics education. The test results may be reported in the aggregate to the county board for evaluation by the board’s curriculum director and reported to the board members. Nothing in this subsection creates a standard or requirement subject to state accountability measures.

§18-2-10. Certificates and awards.

The State Board shall promulgate rules and shall determine the minimum standards for the granting of certificates and awards for secondary vocational education, adult basic education, adult occupational education and adult technical preparatory education, subject to the provisions of section two, article two-b of this chapter and article three-a of chapter eighteen-b of this code.

The State Board shall provide a program of adult basic education at each state community and technical college campus where developmental education services are provided in cooperation with the West Virginia Council for Community and Technical College Education and the institutional board of governors of each college. This approach to providing adult basic education links these programs with developmental education and creates a simpler, clearer pathway for adults to enter college.

§18-2-11. Sabbatical leaves for teachers and certain aides.

(a) The state board shall by December 1, 1988, establish by policy a sabbatical leave program. Such program participation shall be considered optional for each county board. Individuals employed as professional educators, as defined in section one, article one, chapter eighteen-a of this code, and aides shall be eligible for the sabbatical leave program: Provided, That such aides have a cumulative grade point of three and two tenths on a possible four point scale pursuant to successful completion of at least sixty-four semester hours of course work at an approved institution of higher education. Such policy shall establish the educational objectives, peer selection criteria and other guidelines the board deems necessary. The sabbatical leave policy shall provide that not less than ninety-five percent of sabbatical leaves granted shall be for classroom teachers and such policy shall not provide for the granting of sabbatical leave to any employee who has fewer than ten years of West Virginia public school service, nor shall compensation during such leave be more than one half of the employee's regular salary. While on sabbatical leave the employee shall be deemed to be a full-time employee for purposes of years of experience and participation in the Teachers Retirement System and the public employee insurance program. Any employee receiving a sabbatical leave shall be required to return to employment by the board which granted the leave for a period of at least one year or repay the compensation and benefits received during that time and have deducted the retirement credit and years of service credit accrued during sabbatical leave: Provided, however, That sabbatical leaves for teachers and certain aides shall be optional by the respective boards.

(b) Notwithstanding any other provision of this code to the contrary, if the state teacher of the year either works with programs approved by the state department or attends school at a college or university to further his or her education, the teacher shall receive a sabbatical from his or her position for up to one year in which the teacher has been selected as state teacher of the year: Provided, That if the state teacher of the year chooses to take a sabbatical, then the state department shall provide the county from where the teacher is taking the sabbatical with an allowance equal to the state average contractual salary for teachers.

§18-2-12. Computer science courses of instruction; learning standards; state board plan development.

(a) Legislative findings:

(1) Computer technology increasingly is pervasive in nearly every function of society from consumer products to transportation, communications, electrical infrastructure, logistics, agriculture, medical treatments, research, security, and financial transactions;

(2) The U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts that by 2024, there will be more than 800,000 new jobs in the STEM fields and more than two thirds of these directly will be in computing occupations;

(3) Studying computer science prepares students to enter many career areas, both within and outside of computing, teaching them logical reasoning, algorithmic thinking, design, and structured problem-solving skills applicable in many contexts from science and engineering to the humanities and business;

(4) Computer science is an established discipline at the collegiate and post-graduate levels but, unfortunately, computer science concepts and courses have not kept pace in the K-12 curriculum, to the point that the nation faces a serious shortage of computer scientists at all levels that is likely to continue for the foreseeable future; and

(5) Organizations such as the Computer Science Teachers Association, the International Society for Technology in Education, and technology industry leaders have developed recommendations for standards, curriculum, and instructional resources for computer technology learning in K-12 schools.

(6) Foundational age-appropriate instruction in the computer science field for all students beginning in elementary school with required and optional advanced computer science instruction for middle school and high school students has become an important component of a well-developed education. Computer science standards should align to relevant aspects of the field such as computational thinking, block-based programming, text-based programming, network communication, computer architecture, coding, application development, and cyber security. Computer science education standards should be established to ensure students have the fundamentals to be successful in a digital-driven world and the advanced knowledge to prepare them for careers in or linked to computer science.

(b) Nothing in this section requires adoption or implementation of any specific recommendation or any level of appropriation by the Legislature.

(c) Recognizing the importance of computer science instruction and how computer science instruction will assist students in their transition to post-secondary opportunities, the state board shall adopt a policy detailing the appropriate level of computer science instruction that shall be available to students at each programmatic level.

(d) The West Virginia Department of Education shall develop and offer professional development opportunities to ensure educators are equipped with the requisite knowledge and skill to deliver computer science instruction as outlined in this section. The department may partner with high-quality computer science professional learning providers in developing and offering the professional development opportunities.

§18-21A-1. Definitions.

As used in this article, unless used in a context that clearly requires a different meaning the term:

"Academic skills instruction" means instruction on skill sets required to discover and take advantage of educational opportunities, including, but not limited to: post-secondary education admissions requirements; employment rates and average salaries of graduates of vocational schools and higher education institutions; state, federal, and private scholarship and grant opportunities; and preparation of a college or technical school application.

"Career skills instruction" means instruction on skill sets required to discover and take advantage of employment opportunities, including, but not limited to: performing a job search; developing a résumé; preparing for a job interview; and developing and deploying personal networks to find job opportunities.

"Elective Course" means a one semester course in which a student may choose to enroll.

"Guest Speakers" mean individuals who are not employed by the middle school who the qualified instructor chooses to assist in meeting the pilot program objectives.

"Qualified instructor" means teachers and other middle school staff possessing a post-secondary degree. Additional certification or licensure are not required to instruct the course.

"Participating middle school" means any school containing the fifth, sixth, seventh or eighth grade that chooses to participate with the requirements of the pilot program.   

"Local Partners" means high schools, vocational schools, community and technical colleges, public universities, and any other state institutions of higher education that choose to provide speakers to participating middle schools upon the middle school’s request.

"On-Site Research" means on-site presentations and experiential learning at local employer job sites, job fairs, high schools, vocational schools, community and technical colleges, public and private universities, and other post-secondary academic institutions that introduce students to potential career paths.

"Personal Graduation Plan" means a student's formal written plan to become employable following high school.

§18-2-13. Character education integration.

(a) The state board shall establish a comprehensive approach to integrate character education into all aspects of school culture, school functions and existing curriculum.

(b) The state board shall require all public schools that operate from preschool to grade twelve to develop and integrate components of character development into their existing curriculum. The schools may incorporate such programs as "life skills", "responsible students", or any other program encompassing any of the following components:

(1) Honesty;

(2) Caring;

(3) Citizenship;

(4) Justice;

(5) Fairness;

(6) Respect;

(7) Responsibility;

(8) Voting;

(9) Academic achievement;

(10) Completing homework assignments;

(11) Improving daily attendance;

(12) Avoiding and resolving conflicts;

(13) Alternatives to violence;

(14) Contributing to an orderly positive school environment;

(15) Participating in class;

(16) Resisting social peer pressures to smoke, drink and use drugs;

(17) Developing greater self-esteem and self-confidence;

(18) Effectively coping with social anxiety;

(19) Increasing knowledge of the immediate consequences of substance abuse;

(20) Increasing knowledge of the consequences of ones actions;

(21) The corrupting influence and chance nature of gambling; and

(22) The value of decent, honest work.

(c) Character education shall be integrated into each public school curriculum by September 1, 2001.

(d) The state board shall assist county boards in developing in-service training regarding integrated character education as provided in this section.

(e) The State Department of Education is encouraged to utilize any existing moneys available to the department for existing character development programs, along with any new funds appropriated for the purposes of this section, to secure the maximum amount of any federal funding available for which the state department is eligible to receive for implementing character development in the schools.

§18-2-13a. Control of property and business affairs of state educational institutions.

The control of the financial, business and all other affairs of the state educational institutions named in the preceding section is hereby transferred from the state board of control to the state Board of Education. The state Board of Education shall, in respect to the control, management and property of such institutions, have the same rights and powers and shall perform the same duties as were heretofore exercised or performed by the state board of control. The title to all property of such institutions is hereby transferred to and vested in the state Board of Education.

§18-2-13b. Additional authority of state Board of Education concerning revenue bonds for dormitories, homes or refectories.


§18-2-13c. Payroll deductions for employees' participation in group insurance plans.

Whenever any employees of the West Virginia Board of Education or institutions operating under the jurisdiction of the West Virginia Board of Education shall be eligible to participate in any group insurance plan, the board shall have the authority to authorize such participation, and, upon the written request of any participating employee, may make periodic deductions from salary payments due such employee of the amount of the contribution he is required to make for such participation. Upon proper requisition of the board, the Auditor shall periodically issue a warrant, payable as specified in the requisition, for the total contributions so withheld from the salaries of all participating employees.

§18-2-13d. Marshall University.

Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the state educational institution located at Huntington, West Virginia, previously known as Marshall College shall, after the effective date of this section, be known as Marshall University, and any reference to said Marshall College contained in law shall be construed to apply to Marshall University; and this university shall remain under the supervision and control of the state Board of Education.

§18-2-13e. Transfer of property for the use of Marshall University.

On and after July 1, 1961, supervision and control of all of the real property, heretofore administered by the commissioner of public institutions containing one hundred eighty-four and one-half acres, more or less, located in Guyandotte district, Cabell county, and known as the "West Virginia Home for Aged and Infirmed Colored Men and Women" shall be transferred to the supervision and control of the West Virginia board of regents. The West Virginia board of regents shall be authorized to use the property for any purpose it may deem advisable in connection with the educational program of Marshall University. The title to all such property is hereby vested in the West Virginia board of regents, which board may at any time sell or otherwise dispose of all or any part of such property, however, the proceeds of any such sale or sales, less costs of sale, shall be utilized for capital improvements or expansion of the Marshall University campus or facilities.

§18-2-13f. Responsibility for administration and provision of educational services in state correctional institutions.

The state board is responsible for the administration of programs for the education of all institutionalized school-age juveniles within facilities operated by the department of corrections. School-age juvenile means in this article any individual who would, if not institutionalized, be entitled to attend the public schools in accordance with (1) section five, article two of this chapter; (2) sections fifteen and eighteen, article five of this chapter; or (3) section one, article twenty of this chapter. To strengthen the administration of educational programs, there shall be: (1) A full-time principal or lead teacher at each department of corrections facility having any school-age juveniles and (2) a full-time director of educational services for institutionalized school-age juveniles employed by the Department of Education. Such principal or lead teacher shall be employed by and responsible to the director of educational services.

Classroom teachers and other school personnel shall be hired and provided as necessary to all institutionalized juveniles by the state Department of Education to the extent necessary to provide adequate and appropriate educational opportunity. Adequate and appropriate educational opportunity requires education services for institutionalized school-age juveniles on a twelve-month basis, excepting only normal school holidays and those additional days determined by the state Board of Education in consultation with the appropriate department head to be necessary. School personnel shall be responsible to the principal or lead teacher while providing educational services but shall comply with rules established by the department of corrections to ensure security and safety in the facility. Educational personnel employed at and by correctional facilities and institutions shall be permitted to transfer to comparable positions as school personnel of the state Department of Education if those personnel meet the qualifications established for those positions by the state Department of Education. The daily rate of pay of educational personnel employed by the state Department of Education shall be equivalent to the daily rate of pay of the comparable position in the public schools of the county where the institution is located.

There shall be a separate line item account of the budget of the state Department of Education for the education of institutionalized school-age juveniles. All money that the Legislature may annually appropriate for that purpose shall be placed into this account. This account shall be used solely for the education of such juveniles. Money for education of juveniles in the department of corrections shall be deposited in that account and accounted for separately.

§18-2-13g. Procedure for contracting with insurers; licensing of insurer; exemption of certain insurers from premium and annuity taxes.

In contracting for the group insurance provided for in section thirteen-c and for the supplemental retirement benefits provided for in section thirteen-f of this article, as well as for other insurance benefits for any and all persons employed by it at institutions of higher learning under its control, the state Board of Education shall solicit proposals for the coverage sought, which proposals shall be obtained by public notice published as a Class II legal advertisement in compliance with the provisions of article three, chapter fifty-nine of this code, and the publication area for such publication shall be the state. Such notice shall be so published within fourteen consecutive days next preceding the final date for submitting proposals. The board may also solicit proposals by sending requests by mail to prospective insurers. Upon receipt and consideration of such proposals as may be submitted the board shall have the authority to accept the proposal of and contract with the insurer offering the insurance program or programs determined by the board, in its judgment, to be the most desirable to the beneficiaries thereof, whether such insurer be then licensed as an insurance company in this state or not: Provided, That no contract shall be made effective unless and until the insurance company becomes licensed as a life insurance company in accordance with article three, chapter thirty-three of this code, as amended: Provided further, That if such insurer shall be a life insurance company organized and operated without profit to any private shareholder or individual exclusively for the purpose of aiding and strengthening nonprofit institutions or foundations engaged primarily in education or research, by issuing insurance and annuity contracts only to or for the benefit of such institutions and to individuals engaged in the service of such institutions, it shall be exempt from the payment of premium and annuity taxes provided for by sections fourteen, fourteen-a and fifteen, article three, and any other pertinent premium tax sections, of chapter thirty-three of this code, as amended, as to all annuity or insurance contracts made with educational institutions located within, or relative to subjects of insurance resident in, West Virginia.

§18-2-13h. Provision of educational services for school-age juveniles placed in residential facilities for custody and treatment.

(a) The state Board of Education and the Department of Human Services are authorized to provide for adequate and appropriate education opportunities for school-age juveniles placed in the following residential facilities as a result of proceedings commenced under the provisions of chapters twenty-seven and forty-nine of this code: Davis-Stuart, Inc., located in Lewisburg, West Virginia; the Elkins Mountain School, located in Elkins, West Virginia; the Abraxas Foundation of West Virginia, located in Waverly, West Virginia; and the Barboursville School, located in Barboursville, West Virginia.

(b) Subject to appropriations by the Legislature, the state board shall have the following authority: (1) To provide education programs and services for school-age juveniles on the grounds of residential facilities, pursuant to agreements with the Department of Human Services and the licensed child-care agencies of such department; (2) to hire classroom teachers and other school personnel necessary to provide adequate and appropriate education opportunities to these juveniles; and (3) to provide education services for school-age juveniles in residential facilities on a twelve-month basis.

(c) The Department of Human Services shall cooperate with the state board and the state superintendent in the establishment and maintenance of education programs authorized under this section. Subject to appropriations by the Legislature, the Department of Human Services shall provide, or cause to be provided, adequate space and facilities for such education programs. The state board shall not be required to construct, improve or maintain any building, other improvement to real estate or fixtures attached thereto at any residential facility for the purpose of establishing and maintaining an education program.

(d) The state Board of Education and the Department of Human Services are authorized to enter into agreements to provide adequate and appropriate education opportunities for school-age juveniles who are placed in residential facilities other than the facilities identified in this section.

§18-2-14. Reports by state Board of Education, state commissioner of public institutions, and chief officers of state educational institutions to Auditor.

The state Board of Education and the state commissioner of public institutions shall, from time to time, as may be necessary, make a report to the Auditor, which shall state the name of each person employed by the state Board of Education at any of the institutions named in the next preceding section of this article, his official designation and rate of compensation per month (or by the day or week, if employed for less than a month), and out of what funds or appropriation the same is payable. The chief officer or head teacher of any such institution, or other person who may have been appointed for the purpose by the state commissioner of public institutions, shall make out and certify to the Auditor at the end of each month a list of persons to whom any payments may be due, stating for what purpose due, the amount due each person, and the fund or appropriation from which payable, one copy whereof shall be filed in the office of the institution where made, and one in the office of the state commissioner of public institutions. If the Auditor finds such list correct and in accordance with the report made to him by the state Board of Education and the state commissioner of public institutions, he may pay to the persons entitled thereto the amounts so certified as due each.



Acts, 2013 Reg. Sess., Ch. 56.



Acts, 2013 Reg. Sess., Ch. 56.

§18-2-16. Establishment and operation of state camp and conference center; rental thereof; expenditures; gifts and donations; county court may erect and equip buildings.

For the purpose of developing competent leadership, developing character, training for useful citizenship, fostering patriotism, and of providing and encouraging the development of organized recreational activities for Future Farmers of America and Future Homemakers of America members, and other youth and adult groups, a camp and conference center is hereby established.

The West Virginia Board of Education is hereby authorized to secure a site for the camp and conference center at some suitable place and provide the necessary buildings and equipment therefor.

The camp and conference center shall be operated by the division of vocational education of the West Virginia Board of Education. The camp and conference center may be rented for educational purposes only and the rent received therefor shall be deposited in the State Treasury and paid out on requisition of the division of vocational education of the West Virginia Board of Education for the maintenance and operation of the camp and conference center.

The minimum salary requirements in sections eight-a and eighteen, article four, chapter eighteen-a of this code do not apply to service employees who are initially employed on or after July 1, 2014 by the division of vocational education to provide services at the camp and conference center.

Any appropriations now or hereafter made by the Legislature to carry out the provisions and purposes of this section shall be expended through the West Virginia Board of Education.

The West Virginia Board of Education may receive and use such gifts and donations of money, land, buildings, materials, equipment, supplies and labor, either from public or private sources, as may be offered unconditionally or under such conditions as in the judgment of the West Virginia Board of Education are proper and consistent with the provisions of this section.

All the money received as gifts and donations, by the West Virginia Board of Education shall be deposited in the State Treasury to be used by the said Board of Education in establishing and maintaining the aforesaid camp and conference center. A report of all gifts and donations offered and accepted, together with the names of the donors and the amounts contributed by each and all disbursements therefrom shall be submitted annually to the Governor of the state by the West Virginia Board of Education.

The county commission of any county may appropriate and expend money from the general county fund, or from any special fund available for such purpose, to erect and equip a cottage or county building on the camp and conference center property.

§18-2-16a. Construction of buildings and recreational facilities at state camp and conference center; charges for use; financing by revenue bonds or notes permissible; trustee for holders of bonds or notes; contents of trust agreement.

The West Virginia Board of Education is hereby authorized to construct, erect, acquire and improve dining halls, cottages, and other buildings or recreational facilities it considers necessary and beneficial for the proper conduct and management of the camp and conference center and may charge such rates, fees, rentals and other charges for the use of the buildings and recreational facilities as it determines necessary and advisable.

The construction, erection, acquisition and improvement of dining halls, cottages and other buildings or recreational facilities may be financed by the issuance of revenue bonds or notes of the State of West Virginia payable solely from the revenues derived from the operation of the camp and conference center notwithstanding any of the provisions of section sixteen of this article.

The revenue bonds or notes shall be authorized by resolution of the West Virginia Board of Education, hereinafter referred to in this section as the "board", and the revenue bonds or notes shall not constitute a debt of the State of West Virginia within the meaning of any of its statutes or Constitution.

The principal of and interest on the bonds or notes shall be payable solely from the special fund provided for in this section for such payment. The board shall pledge the moneys in the special fund, except that part of the proceeds of sale of any bonds or notes to be used to pay the cost of a project, for the payment of the principal of and interest on bonds or notes issued pursuant to this section. The pledge shall apply equally and ratably to separate series of bonds or notes or upon such priorities as the board determines. The bonds or notes shall be authorized by resolution of the board which shall recite an estimate of the cost of the project, and shall provide for the issuance of bonds or notes in an amount sufficient, when sold as provided in this section, to produce such cost, less the amount of any funds, grant or grants, gift or gifts, contribution or contributions received, or in the opinion of the board expected to be received from any source. The acceptance by the board of any and all funds, grants, gifts and contributions, whether in money or in land, labor or materials, is hereby expressly authorized. All bonds or notes shall have and are hereby declared to have all the qualities of negotiable instruments. The bonds or notes shall bear interest at not more than twelve percent per annum, payable semiannually, and shall mature in not more than forty years from their date or dates of issuance, and may be made redeemable at the option of the board, at such price and under such terms and conditions, as the board may fix prior to the issuance of the bonds or notes. The board shall determine the form of the bonds or notes, including coupons, if any, to be attached thereto to evidence the right of interest payments, which bonds or notes shall be signed by the chairman and secretary of the board, under the great seal of the state, attested by the Secretary of State, and the coupons, if any, attached thereto shall bear the facsimile signature of the chairman of the board. In case any of the officers whose signatures appear on the bonds or notes or coupons issued as authorized under this section shall cease to be such officers before the delivery of the bonds or notes, the signatures are nevertheless valid and sufficient for all purposes the same as if they had remained in office until such delivery. The board shall fix the denominations of the bonds or notes, the principal and interest of which shall be payable at the Office of the Treasurer of the State of West Virginia at the state Capitol, or at the option of the holder, at some bank or trust company within or without the State of West Virginia to be named in the bonds or notes, in such medium as may be determined by the board. The bonds or notes and interest thereon are exempt from taxation by the State of West Virginia, or any county or municipality in the state. The board may provide for the registration of the bonds or notes in the name of the owners as to principal alone, and as to both principal and interest under such terms and conditions as the board may determine, and shall sell the bonds or notes in such manner as it may determine to be for the best interest of the state and the board, taking into consideration the financial responsibility of the purchaser, and the terms and conditions of the purchase, and especially the availability of the proceeds of the bonds or notes when required for payment of the cost of the project, the sale to be made at a price not lower than a price which, computed upon standard tables of bond values, will show a net return of not more than thirteen percent per annum to the purchaser upon the amount paid therefor. The proceeds of the bonds or notes shall be used solely for the payment of the cost of the project for which bonds or notes were issued, and shall be deposited and checked out in the same manner as provided by article six, chapter five of this code, and under such further restrictions, if any, as the board may provide. If the proceeds of bonds or notes issued for a project or a specific group of projects exceeds the cost of the project or projects, the surplus shall be paid into the fund provided for in this section for payment of the principal and interest of the bonds or notes. The fund may be used for the purchase of any of the outstanding bonds or notes payable from the fund at the market price, but at not exceeding the price, if any, at which the bonds or notes are in the same year redeemable. All bonds or notes redeemed or purchased shall forthwith be canceled, and shall not again be issued. Prior to the preparation of definitive bonds or notes, the board may, under like restrictions, issue temporary bonds or notes with or without coupons, exchangeable for definitive bonds or notes upon the issuance of the latter. Notwithstanding the provisions of sections nine and ten, article six, chapter twelve of this code, revenue bonds or notes issued under the authority granted in this section are eligible as investments for the workers' compensation fund, teachers retirement fund, division of public safety death, disability and retirement fund, West Virginia Public Employees Retirement System and as security for the deposit of all public funds. The revenue bonds or notes may be issued without any other proceedings or the happening of any other conditions or things than those proceedings, conditions and things which are specified and required by this article, or by the Constitution of the State. For all projects authorized under the provisions of this section, the aggregate amount of all issues of bonds or notes outstanding at one time shall not exceed $2,500,000 including the renegotiation, reissuance or refinancing of any bonds or notes.

Notwithstanding anything in this section to the contrary, the board is authorized to issue bonds or notes or otherwise finance or refinance the projects in this section, including the costs of issuance and sale of the bonds or notes or financing, all necessary financial and legal expenses and creation of debt service reserve funds in an amount not to exceed $2,500,000.

The board may enter into an agreement or agreements with any trust company, or with any bank having the powers of a trust company, whether within or outside of the state, as trustee for the holders of bonds or notes issued under this section, setting forth in the agreement the duties of the state and of the board in respect of the acquisition, construction, improvement, maintenance, operation, repair and insurance of the project, the conservation and application of all moneys, the insurance of moneys on hand or on deposit, and the rights and remedies of the trustee and the holders of the bonds or notes, as may be agreed upon with the original purchasers of the bonds or notes. The agreement or agreements shall include provisions restricting the individual right of action of bondholders or noteholders as is customary in trust agreements respecting bonds or notes and debentures of corporations, protecting and enforcing the rights and remedies of the trustee and the bondholders or noteholders, and provide for approval by the original purchasers of the bonds or notes of the appointment of consulting architects, and of the security given by those who contract to construct the project, and by any bank or trust company in which the proceeds of bonds or notes or rentals shall be deposited, and for approval by the consulting architects of all contracts for construction. All expenses incurred in carrying out the agreement may be treated as a part of the cost of maintenance, operation and repairs of the project.

§18-2-16b.  State camp and conference center; property transferred; powers and duties of Commissioner of Agriculture.

(a) Effective July 1, 2016, the state camp and conference center, known as the Cedar Lakes Camp and Conference Center and its facilities, authorized to be owned and operated by the West Virginia Board of Education under sections sixteen and sixteen-a, article two, chapter eighteen of this code is transferred to the Department of Agriculture. All real and personal property held by the West Virginia Board of Education, including all operating funds for the operations of the camp and conference center, and all employees of the West Virginia Board of Education primarily dedicated to those operations, are transferred to the Department of Agriculture, at their existing hourly rate and with all accrued benefits. All employees shall become will and pleasure employees in accordance with section four, article six, chapter twenty-nine of the code of West Virginia, and are exempt from coverage by classified service. The Commissioner of the Department of Agriculture is given all those powers, duties and responsibilities relating to the state camp and conference center previously vested in the West Virginia Board of Education and its Division of Vocational Education.

(b) All active full-time, permanent employees transferred to the Department of Agriculture pursuant to subsection (a) shall participate in the Public Employees Retirement System beginning July 1, 2016. Notwithstanding the provisions of article ten, chapter five of this code, employees transferred pursuant to this section shall be considered a member of the Public Employees Retirement System as of their original date of hire with the Cedar Lake Camp and Conference Center.

(c) The Consolidated Public Retirement Board shall transfer assets and service credit from the Teachers Retirement System Trust Fund into the Public Employees Retirement System Trust Fund for those employees who were members in the Teachers Retirement System no later than December 30, 2016. The amount of service credit recognized by the Teachers Retirement System as of June 30, 2016 for the transferring employees shall be the service credit transferred and recognized by the Public Employees Retirement System.

The amount of assets to be transferred for each employee who is a member of the Teachers Retirement System shall be computed as of July 1, 2016, using the July 1, 2015, actuarial valuation of the Teachers Retirement System, and updated with seven and one-half percent annual interest to the date of the actual asset transfer. The market value of the assets of the transferring employees in the Teachers Retirement System shall be determined as of the end of the month preceding the actual transfer. To determine the computation of the asset share to be transferred, the Consolidated Public Retirement Board shall:

(1) Compute the market value of the Teachers Retirement System assets as of the July 1, 2015, actuarial valuation date under the actuarial valuation approved by the Consolidated Public Retirement Board;

(2) Compute the actuarial accrued liabilities for all Teachers Retirement System retirees, beneficiaries, disabled retirees and terminated inactive members as of the July 1, 2015, actuarial valuation date;

(3) Compute the market value of active member assets in the Teachers Retirement System as of July 1, 2015, by reducing the assets value under subdivision (1) of this subsection by the inactive liabilities under subdivision (2) of this subsection;

(4) Compute the actuarial accrued liability for all active Teachers Retirement System members as of the July 1, 2015, actuarial valuation date approved by the Consolidated Public Retirement Board;

(5) Compute the funded percentage of the active members' actuarial accrued liabilities under the Teachers Retirement System as of July 1, 2015, by dividing the active members' market value of assets under subdivision (3) of this subsection by the active members' actuarial accrued liabilities under subdivision (4) of this subsection;

(6) Compute the actuarial accrued liabilities under the Teachers Retirement System as of July 1, 2015, for active employees transferring to the Public Employees Retirement System; and

(7) Determine the assets to be transferred from the Teachers Retirement System to the Public Employees Retirement System by multiplying the active members' funded percentage determined under subdivision (5) of this subsection by the transferring active members' actuarial accrued liabilities under the Teachers Retirement System under subdivision (6) of this subsection and adjusting the asset transfer amount by interest at seven and five-tenths percent for the period from the calculation date of July 1, 2015, through the first day of the month in which the asset transfer is to be completed.

(d) Once an employee transfers from the Teachers Retirement System to the Public Employees Retirement System, the Teachers Retirement System shall bar any further liability and the transfer is an agreement whereby the transferring employee forever indemnifies and holds harmless the Teachers Retirement System from providing him or her any form of retirement benefit whatsoever until that employee obtains other employment which would make him or her eligible to reenter the Teachers Retirement System with no credit whatsoever for the amounts transferred to the Public Employees Retirement System.

(e) Assets for employees who are members in the Teachers Defined Contribution System pursuant to article seven-b, chapter eighteen, shall remain invested in his or her Teachers Defined Contribution retirement account until termination of employment with the Department of Agriculture.



Acts, 2014 Reg. Sess., Ch. 47.



Acts, 2013 Reg. Sess., Ch. 56.



Acts, 1972 Reg. Sess., Ch. 104



Acts, 1972 Reg. Sess., Ch. 104.



Acts, 1972 Reg. Sess., Ch. 104.



Acts, 1990 3rd. Ex. Sess., Ch. 4.



Acts, 2013 Reg. Sess., Ch. 56.



Acts, 2013 Reg. Sess., Ch. 55.

§18-2-24. Collaboration of state institutions of higher education having a teacher preparation program with the Center for Professional Development, state board and the regional education service agencies.


§18-2-25. Authority of county boards to regulate athletic and other extracurricular activities of secondary schools; delegation of authority to West Virginia Secondary School Activities Commission; authority of commission; approval of rules by state board; incorporation; funds; participation by private and parochial schools and by home-schooled students and participants in the Hope Scholarship Program or in a Microschool or Learning Pod.

(a) The county boards of education shall exercise the control, supervision, and regulation of all interscholastic athletic events, and other extracurricular activities of the students in public secondary schools, and of those schools of their respective counties. The county board of education may delegate control, supervision, and regulation of interscholastic athletic events and band activities to the West Virginia Secondary School Activities Commission.

(b) The West Virginia Secondary School Activities Commission is composed of the principals, or their representatives, of those secondary schools whose county boards of education have certified in writing to the State Superintendent of Schools that they have elected to delegate the control, supervision, and regulation of their interscholastic athletic events and band activities of the students in the public secondary schools in their respective counties to the commission. The West Virginia Secondary School Activities Commission may exercise the control, supervision, and regulation of interscholastic athletic events and band activities of secondary schools, delegated to it pursuant to this section. The rules of the West Virginia Secondary School Activities Commission shall contain a provision for a proper review procedure and review board and be promulgated in accordance with the provisions of chapter 29A of this code, but shall, in all instances, be subject to the prior approval of the state board. The West Virginia Secondary School Activities Commission, may, with the consent of the State Board of Education, incorporate under the name of West Virginia Secondary School Activities Commission, Inc., as a nonprofit, nonstock corporation under the provisions of chapter 31 of this code. County boards of education may expend moneys for and pay dues to the West Virginia Secondary School Activities Commission, and all moneys paid to the commission, as well as moneys derived from any contest or other event sponsored by the commission, are quasi-public funds as defined in §18-5-1 et seq. of this code, and the funds of the commission are subject to an annual audit by the State Tax Commissioner.

(c) The West Virginia Secondary School Activities Commission shall promulgate reasonable rules providing for the control, supervision, and regulation of the interscholastic athletic events and other extracurricular activities of private and parochial secondary schools as elect to delegate to the commission control, supervision, and regulation, upon the same terms and conditions, subject to the same rules and requirements and upon the payment of the same fees and charges as those provided for public secondary schools. Any such private or parochial secondary school shall receive any monetary or other benefits in the same manner and in the same proportion as any public secondary school.

(d) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, or the commission's rules, the commission shall consider eligible for participation in interscholastic athletic events and other extracurricular activities of secondary schools a student who is receiving home instruction pursuant to §18-8-1(c) of this code, is a participant in the Hope Scholarship Program, pursuant to §18-8-1(m) of this code and as provided for in §18-31-1, et seq. of this code, or participates in a microschool or learning pod, pursuant to §18-8-1(n) of this code, and who:

(1) Has demonstrated satisfactory evidence of academic progress for each year in

compliance with the provisions of that subsection: Provided, That the student's average test results are within or above the fourth stanine in all subject areas;

(2) Has not reached the age of 19 by August 1 of the current school year;

(3) Is an amateur who receives no compensation but participates solely for the educational, physical, mental and social benefits of the activity;

(4) Agrees to comply with all disciplinary rules of the West Virginia Secondary School Activities Commission and the county board in which the student lives; and

(5) Agrees to obey all rules of the West Virginia Secondary School Activities Commission governing awards, all-star games, parental consents, physical examinations, and vaccinations applicable to all high school athletes.

Eligibility is limited to participation in interscholastic athletic events and other extracurricular activities at the public secondary school serving the attendance zone in which the student lives: Provided, That students who leave a school during the school year are subject to the same transfer protocols that apply to member-to-member transfers. Reasonable fees may be charged to the student to cover the costs of participation in interscholastic athletic events and other extracurricular activities.

(e) Students enrolled in a private school shall be eligible to participate in extracurricular activities at the public secondary school serving the attendance zone in which the student lives if the extracurricular activity is not offered at the student's private school: Provided, The student meets the requirements of subsection (d)(4) and (d)(5) of this section.

(f) The West Virginia Secondary School Activities Commission shall recognize preparatory athletic programs, whose participants attend a secondary school in West Virginia for academic instruction, as nonparticipating members of the commission solely for the purpose of competing on the national level: Provided, That the preparatory athletic program shall pay the same fees as member schools. Such recognition does not entitle the preparatory athletic program to compete against a member school during the regular season or in any commission state championship events. The commission may promulgate an emergency rule pursuant to subsection (b) of this section, if necessary, to carry out the intent of this subsection.

§18-2-25a. Management of concussions and head injuries in athletics at West Virginia Secondary School Activities Commission member high school or middle school.

(a) The Legislature makes the following findings:

(1) Concussions are one of the most commonly reported injuries in children and adolescents who participate in sports and recreational activities. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that as many as 3.9 million sports-related and recreation-related concussions occur in the United States each year;

(2) A concussion is caused by a blow or motion to the head or body that causes the brain to move rapidly inside the skull. The risk of catastrophic injuries or death is significant when a concussion or head injury is not properly evaluated and managed;

(3) Concussions are a type of brain injury that can range from mild to severe and can disrupt the way the brain normally functions;

(4) Concussions can occur in any organized or unorganized sport or recreational activity and can result from a fall or from players colliding with each other or with obstacles;

(5) Concussions occur with or without loss of consciousness, but the vast majority occur without loss of consciousness;

(6) The interscholastic athlete who continues to play or practice with a concussion or symptoms of head injury is especially vulnerable to greater injury and even death; and

(7) Even with generally recognized return-to-play-and-practice standards for concussion and head injury, some affected interscholastic athletes are prematurely returned to play or practice resulting in increased risk of physical injury or death to the athletes in the state of West Virginia.

(b) For the purposes of this section, "interscholastic athlete" means any athlete who is participating in interscholastic athletics at a high school or middle school that is a member of the West Virginia Secondary School Activities Commission. "Licensed health care professional" means a health care provider whose licensed scope of practice includes the ability to diagnose and treat an injury or disease.

(c) The West Virginia Secondary School Activities Commission shall promulgate rules pursuant to §18-2-25 of this code that address concussions and head injuries in interscholastic athletes: Provided, That prior to state board approval and notwithstanding the exemption provided in §29A-1-3 of this code, the state board shall submit the rule to the Legislative Oversight Commission on Education Accountability pursuant to §29A-3B-9 of this code.

(d) The rules required by this section shall include, but are not limited to, the following:

(1) Guidelines and other pertinent information to inform and educate appropriate school administrators, coaches, interscholastic athletes, and their parents or guardians of the nature and risk of concussion and head injury including the risks of continuing to play or practice after a concussion or head injury;

(2) A concussion and head injury information sheet that shall be signed and returned by the interscholastic athlete and the athlete’s parent or guardian on an annual basis before the interscholastic athlete begins practice or competition;

(3) A requirement that each head coach of an interscholastic sport at a high school or middle school who is a member of the West Virginia Secondary School Activities Commission complete a commission-approved concussion and head injury recognition and return-to-play protocol course annually;

(4) A requirement that an interscholastic athlete who is suspected by a licensed health care professional or by his or her head coach or licensed or registered athletic trainer of having sustained a concussion or head injury in a practice or game shall be removed from competition at that time;

(5) A requirement that an interscholastic athlete who has been removed from play or practice may not return to play or practice until the athlete is evaluated by a licensed health care professional trained in the evaluation and management of concussions and receives written clearance to return to play and practice from the licensed health care professional;

(6) A list of the respective categories of licensed health care professionals including, but not limited to, licensed physical therapists and licensed or registered athletic trainers who, if properly trained in the evaluation and management of concussions, are authorized to provide written clearance for the interscholastic athlete to return to play; and

(7) A requirement that all member schools must submit a report to the West Virginia Secondary School Activities Commission within 30 days of an interscholastic athlete suffering or being suspected of suffering a concussion or head injury in a practice or game. The report must state whether an evaluation by a licensed health care professional verified that a concussion or head injury was actually suffered, whether the athlete received written clearance to return to play or practice and, if written clearance was given, the number of days between the incident and the actual return to play or practice. If written clearance to return to play is given after 30 days of the incident, a report update shall be submitted. The West Virginia Secondary School Activities Commission shall compile and submit the reports to the appropriate state and national organization or agencies to analyze and make determinations on whether the rule required by this section needs to be amended or if equipment worn by interscholastic athletes needs to be changed accordingly. The West Virginia School Activities Commission also shall submit the reports to the Legislative Oversight Commission on Health and Human Resources Accountability.

(e) Any member school not complying with the requirements of this section, and rules promulgated thereof, shall be subject to the disciplinary actions ordered by the West Virginia Secondary School Activities Commission: Provided, That the West Virginia Secondary School Activities Commission shall promulgate rules to establish guidelines for noncompliance and related disciplinary actions: Provided, however, That prior to state board approval and notwithstanding the exemption provided in §29A-1-3 of this code, the state board shall submit the rule to the Legislative Oversight Commission on Education Accountability pursuant to §29A-3B-9 of this code.

§18-2-25b. Emergency action plans for athletics.

(a) No later than August 1, 2017, the West Virginia Secondary School Activities Commission shall promulgate rules to establish guidelines for emergency action plans for athletics designed to respond to athletic injuries that occur on school property during school-sponsored athletic events. The rules shall address, at a minimum:

(1) Protocols for practices and for games;

(2) Directives for personnel or equipment which should be available on sports fields or in school buildings for both girls" and boys" teams; and

(3) Training needed for school or volunteer personnel on an as-needed basis.

(b) All member schools shall submit an emergency action plan for athletics to the West Virginia Secondary School Activities Commission and their county boards of education by December 31, 2017: Provided, That the county boards shall keep the emergency plan of each school in the county on file and, unless otherwise provided for, provide a copy of each school’s emergency action plan for athletics to each local emergency response agency that has a role in the plan.

(c) Any person licensed by, or certified or registered in, this state to provide health care or professional health care services who renders services of a medical nature to students under this section, who has an agreement with a county board of education that defines the scope of his or her duties as such, and for which no remuneration is demanded or received, is not liable for any civil damages as a result of rendering such services, or as a result of any act or failure to act in providing or arranging further medical treatment.  

(1) The limitation of liability only applies if the services are provided in accordance with acceptable standards of care and the licensed health care provider is not grossly negligent or does not demonstrate willful misconduct.  

(2) Any liability is limited to the applicable limits of the professional liability insurance provided by the State Board of Risk and Insurance Management in effect at the time.  

(3) Nothing in this subsection nullifies the immunity from civil liability as granted pursuant to §55-7-15 of this code or federal law except to the extent to which the actions are covered within the applicable limits of the professional liability insurance provided by the State Board of Risk and Insurance Management pursuant to this section and in effect at the time.

(d) Any member school not complying with the requirements of this section, and rules promulgated thereof, shall be subject to the disciplinary actions ordered by the West Virginia Secondary School Activities Commission: Provided, That the West Virginia Secondary School Activities Commission shall promulgate rules to establish guidelines for noncompliance and related disciplinary actions: Provided, however, That prior to state board approval and notwithstanding the exemption provided in §29A-1-3 of this code, the state board shall submit the rule to the Legislative Oversight Commission on Education Accountability pursuant to §29A-3B-9 of this code.

§18-2-26. Abolishment and transition of regional education service agencies.

(a) The regional education service agencies previously established by this section and W. Va. 126CSR72, filed October 15, 2015, and effective November 16, 2015, shall remain and may continue to operate in accordance with the provisions of this section prior to its amendment and reenactment at the Regular Session of the Legislature, 2017, and with said rule, unless and until modified by a cooperative agreement entered into by county boards within the agency boundaries or dissolved by said county boards: Provided, That on July 1, 2018, the regional education service agencies as provided under prior provisions of this section are dissolved.

(b) On July 1, 2018, all property, equipment and records held by the regional education service agencies necessary to effectuate the purposes of this article shall be transferred or liquidated or disbursed in accordance with section thirteen-c, article five of this chapter.



Acts, 2017 Reg. Sess., Ch. 72.

§18-2-27. Authority to contract for programs, services and facilities.

The state Board of Education is authorized and empowered to enter into contracts and expend funds for programs, services and facilities provided by public and private educational institutions, associations, boards, agencies, consortia, corporations, partnerships, individuals and local, state and federal governmental bodies within and outside of West Virginia in order that maximum educational opportunities of high quality may be provided to the citizens of the state in the most economical manner: Provided, That in no event shall a contract for such services and facilities be entered into unless the board has determined that said services and/or facilities are necessary and that said services and/or facilities would be at a savings to the state.

Notwithstanding the provisions of this section, nothing herein contained shall supersede the responsibility and respective duties of the commissioner of finance and administration, the director of the Purchasing Division of such department and the Attorney General, for the execution and approval of the contracts entered into under this article and such contracts shall be in complete conformity with the provisions of articles three and five, chapter five-a of this code.



Acts, 1990 3rd. Ex. Sess., Ch. 4.

§18-2-29. Competitive grant program for selected schools and school districts.




Acts, 2013 Reg. Sess., Ch. 56.



Acts, 2013 Reg. Sess., Ch. 56.

§18-2-32. Posthumous high school diplomas.

(a) This section shall be known as "Todd's Law".

(b) Notwithstanding any provision of this code to the contrary, the state board shall provide for the awarding of a high school diploma to a deceased student, at the request of the parent, guardian or custodian, if the student:

(1) Was enrolled in a public school in this state at the time of death;

(2) Was academically eligible, or on track to complete the requirements for graduation at the time of death; and

(3) Died after the completion of the eleventh grade school year.

§18-2-33. Rules for antihazing.

(a) The Legislature hereby finds that hazing has become a problem in a limited number of public school-sponsored student organizations and that legal liability has already resulted from some of those activities. It is the intent of this section that problems with hazing in public school-sponsored student organizations be addressed.

(b) The state board shall promulgate legislative rules in accordance with article three-b, chapter twenty-nine-a of this code that addresses hazing in the public school system. The rules shall include at least the following:

(1) A definition of hazing;

(2) A definition of a public school-sponsored student organization that includes both cocurricular and extracurricular activities;

(3) A method to advise students and employees of the problems associated with hazing;

(4) Appropriate penalties or procedures for establishing penalties for students who haze while engaged in the activities of a public school-sponsored student organization; and

(5) Methods to prevent hazing in public school-sponsored organizations.

(c) The state board shall consider the antihazing law set forth in article sixteen, chapter eighteen in drafting the rules required by this section.

(d) Nothing in this section or in the policy promulgated in accordance with this section may be construed to prevent a suspension or expulsion executed in accordance with section one-a, article five, chapter eighteen-a of this code.

§18-2-34. High school diplomas for surviving veterans of World War II, the Korean War, and the Vietnam Conflict.

(a) Notwithstanding any provision of this code to the contrary, the state board shall provide for the awarding of a high school diploma to any surviving veteran of World War II, the Korean War, or the Vietnam Conflict, who:

(1) Left school prior to graduation and served in the Armed Forces of the United States;

(2) Did not receive a high school diploma;

(3) Was discharged from the armed forces under honorable conditions; and

(4) Completes the application process as provided by the joint rules of the state board and the veterans' council.

(b) The state board and the veterans' council, created in article one, chapter nine-a of this code, shall jointly propose rules for the identification of eligible veterans and for awarding high school diplomas. The rules shall provide for an application process and the credentials required to receive a high school diploma.

(c) A diploma shall be awarded by the county board in the county in which the veteran resides or in the county in which the veteran would have received his or her diploma, whichever location the veteran chooses.

(d) For purposes of this section:

(1)"World War II veteran" means any veteran who performed wartime service between September 16, 1940, and December 31, 1946;

(2) "Korean War veteran" means any veteran who performed military service between June 27, 1950, and January 31, 1955;

(3) "Vietnam Conflict veteran" means any veteran who performed military service between February 28, 1961, and May 7, 1975.

§18-2-35. Dress codes requiring school uniforms for students.


§18-2-36. Framework for initiating comprehensive transformation of school leadership.

(a) Legislative findings.--

(1) The report and recommendations of Imagine West Virginia on Transforming School Leadership in West Virginia are clearly on point that school leadership and the essential role of the principal in achieving a high performing school are well documented, long studied and too often set aside. The report and recommendations also clearly recognize the value of providing teachers with authentic opportunities and resources to lead, influence professional practice, and assume shared responsibility for school and classroom improvement. The recommendations related to school leadership, the role, preparation and selection of the principal and a career ladder for teacher leaders once again bring the importance of strong school-level instructional leadership, including mechanisms for career advancement for teachers in leadership roles, to the forefront of discussions on school improvement. The state board posted the report recommendations for comment with the intent of providing a starting point for deeper deliberation and stakeholder input.

(2) Among the general conclusions of the Education Efficiency Audit of West Virginia’s Primary and Secondary Education System is the need to drive more educational decision-making down to the level closest to the students, to the classroom and building level, allowing principals to lead and teachers to deliver the most effective curriculum for their students, and then holding them accountable for student success.  Such a system heightens the imperative for strong school leadership.  The school climate and culture observed in high quality schools reflects strong leadership that develops shared beliefs and values among the staff, high expectations for all, and a safe, orderly and engaging environment.  A key concept in developing good school leadership and then holding schools accountable for student performance is that they have the authority, resources and flexibility to affect the outcome.

(3) An increasing body of knowledge concludes that unless teachers are collectively involved in the planning and implementation of school improvement, it is unlikely to be sustained.  Successful schools are distinguishable from unsuccessful ones by the frequency and extent to which teachers discuss professional practices, collectively design materials and inform and critique one another.  Even successful schools must be self-renewing systems, learning organizations marked by deliberate effort to identify helpful knowledge and spread its use within the organization.  Again, leadership by the principal combined with authentic roles for teacher leaders are necessary ingredients.

(4) The school responsibilities for accreditation adopted by the state board to implement West Virginia’s performance based accreditation system embodied in section five, article two-e of this chapter, the Process for Improving Education, include a collective and collaborative process for continuous school improvement led by the principal.  The process includes data analysis, goal setting, strategic planning, progress review and results analysis.  It includes identifying what and where improvement is needed, establishing goals and a strategic plan for improved student learning, defining the roles and responsibilities of all team members, securing the professional development needed to achieve the goals, and sharing the responsibility and rewards for the results.  The principal must foster and develop distributed leadership in order to focus collective action for improved school performance.  The school’s faculty and members of the Local School Improvement Council must participate effectively in the self-assessment and annual and cyclical reviews of school performance to effect a process of continuous improvement.

(5) The prior studies and Imagine WV report in which they are cited recognize that the job of principal has become overwhelming.  The report focuses on instructional leadership as the most important role of the principal, but notes that it has become a less prominent function in the overall job of being a principal.  The diminished time devoted to instructional leadership has been a gradual crowding out by other necessary functions, rather than a conscience choice.   Just as important for high performing schools is the strong leadership role necessary for operations management, establishing the climate and culture of the school as a learning environment, and instructional leadership.  All require strong leadership skills, but in a different context.  They require different skill sets, all of which are needed to lead high quality schools.  The reality, however, is that these many responsibilities inherent in the operation of high quality schools compete for time and it is difficult for principals to do them all well.  Various scenarios have been discussed for enabling a heightened focus on instructional leadership, including the introduction of school manager positions or the broader use of assistant principals in all schools to allow greater principal attention to instructional improvement.  A further scenario builds upon the research that high quality schools are distinguishable by the collective and collaborative involvement of teachers in sustained school improvement.  It brings a heightened focus on instructional leadership to assist, and under direction of, the principal by providing authentic opportunities for teacher leaders to participate and assume greater responsibility.  This scenario involves various approaches to reward excellent teaching, to provide the time necessary for excellent teachers to lead instructional improvement, and to enable excellent teachers to advance in their teaching careers and levels of compensation through instructional leadership positions without leaving the classroom completely.

(6) Emerging research and policy direction toward distributed leadership and shared responsibility for results as cited in these findings, elevate the focus for all teachers on instructional improvement, and particularly for excellent teachers to assume instructional leadership roles.  In most schools today, excellent teachers rarely have authority, time, or sustained incentives to lead while teaching.  Developing models for supporting new teacher induction, for professional development and mentoring for struggling teachers, and for teacher collaboration on instructional improvement all involve a role for teacher leaders.  As professional educators, teachers should have an established structure through which they can advance their careers as experienced instructional leaders without leaving classroom teaching completely.  Like other professionals, teachers should be afforded an opportunity to take on more responsibility, share their expertise with other less experienced teachers and advance their teaching career as teacher leaders.  Like other professions, teaching should provide for a routine progression of continuing education for license maintenance and opportunities for salary advancement as additional knowledge, skill and expertise are acquired that directly affect student learning.  Examples of leadership roles that may be performed by teachers include serving on the school leadership team, leading collective and collaborative processes for strategic improvement planning, leading teacher collaboration processes within the school day, leading the faculty senate, serving on the local school improvement council, supervising student teachers, serving as mentors and models for new and struggling teachers and teachers-in-residence, and helping arrange school level professional development.  Ideally, in an opportunity culture for teachers, career paths and teacher pay will recognize and reward the value of excellent teaching and teacher leadership roles for extending excellent teaching to all students consistently.

(7) Education is a human resources intensive endeavor.  It competes for talented professionals with other occupations with higher levels of compensation, particularly in the STEM fields. While opportunities for career advancement and added compensation for teachers under career ladder type arrangements may improve the attractiveness of the profession for excellent teachers, it will not replace the need for general salary increases.  In West Virginia and nationally, the enrollments in college and university teacher preparation programs are declining.  For West Virginia particularly, the need to recruit and retain excellent teachers is exacerbated by the increasing numbers of retirements of a very senior teaching force.  Increasingly important will be a variety of methods for encouraging and supporting an interest in the teaching profession, preparing the next generation of educators, actively recruiting top talent graduating from teacher preparation programs and supporting their development through the first years of their careers.  In the human resources intensive business of education, human resource development should not be left to chance.

(b) Legislative purpose, intent, process for stakeholder input; items for recommendation.--

(1) The purpose of this section is to provide a framework for development of the statutory and policy changes needed to support and sustain a comprehensive transformation of school leadership.  A further purpose of this section is to initiate the comprehensive transformation of school leadership through a general statement of legislative intent to pursue this change in public policy and, thereby, provide assurances and parameters under which the work toward this change may proceed. It is expected that the transformation will affect both the public education system and the educator preparation programs at institutions of higher education to develop, prepare and credential teacher, principal and administrative leaders to accomplish a systemic change in school leadership.  It is expected that the transformation will involve multiple, and in some cases sequential, steps that may require a period of years to accomplish to ensure that the necessary supports are in place to enable school leaders to meet the expectations of new roles and responsibilities and to finance the necessary improvements.

(2) It is further expected that the transformation will involve roles and responsibilities for leadership that may not match the certification and training of all of those currently in leadership positions. Therefore, the options for implementation will need to take the existing legacy into account to minimize cost and system disruption while bringing new models of leadership for instructional improvement to every school expeditiously.  Finally, it is expected that district size and resources, school size and programmatic level, existing leadership positions, and differences in school performance may all be factors that will affect the transformation of school leadership within the various school systems and they should be afforded ample local flexibility for establishing priorities and implementation within their schools.

(3) The findings set forth in subsection (a) of this section provide a context for considering a leadership framework that promotes instructional improvement and for determining the statutory and policy changes needed to enable it.  It is the intent of the Legislature to begin this transformation through a process of broad stakeholder input to consider and make recommendations to accomplish this task.  Therefore, the state board shall convene the relevant stakeholders, including, but not limited to, principals, teachers, superintendents, county board members, educator preparation program personnel, legislators or their designees and a Governor’s designee to assist the state board in developing state board policies, practices and recommended statutory changes consistent with the findings of this section.  Among the issues the state board shall consider are:

(A) Issues relating to principal leadership that include, but are not limited to, the following:

(i) A clear definition of the role and responsibilities of principals and assistant principals in statute and policy that include leadership for instructional improvement;

(ii) The role and responsibilities of the principal as the legally responsible party in charge of the school with the added need for authority and flexibility to delegate responsibilities to accomplish a distributed leadership model for instructional improvement;

(iii) Leadership standards that include the essential role of the principal for leadership in developing a culture of collegiality and professionalism among the staff so that improving student learning is a shared responsibility;

(iv) The scope of topics to be covered in the preparation programs and certifications for principals and assistant principals;

(v) A process of preparing new principals that may include clinical experiences and mentoring through a partnership between higher education and county boards.  It may include a commitment of county board resources to assist in the training, as well as a commitment from the candidate to stay in the system for some period of time;

(vi) The additional school-level tools needed to give good principals the flexibility and authority necessary for success, including additional independent, school-level authority needed to adequately fulfill the responsibilities;

(vii) A method of implementation under which the capacity of the principal for leading is a condition precedent to implementation of methods for distributed leadership;

(viii) Limitations on the employment of new principals to those candidates prepared and credentialed under the new standards, or some comparable standards approved by the state board, and limitations on the applicability of Master’s degrees in education administration for advanced salary classification if earned after a certain date following state board approval of a new preparation program; and

(ix) Differentiation and improvements in the salary schedules and increments for principals subject to the newly defined roles and responsibilities for school leadership;

(B) Issues relating to teacher leadership that include, but are not limited to, the following:

(i) Various approaches that reward excellent teaching, provide authentic opportunities for excellent teachers to influence professional practice and enable excellent teachers to advance in their teaching careers and compensation without leaving the classroom completely including, but are not limited to, incentive increments, career lattice steps and career ladder positions;

(ii) Incentive increments in the salary scale for advanced degrees, approved course work or advanced certification in the teacher’s area of certification and for excellent teaching;

(iii) Career lattice steps that provide extra pay and/or extra time for teachers for specific types of assignments made by the principal or, in some cases, by the faculty senate for instructional and school improvement work.  These types of steps may not be permanent and may change or involve different teachers and team members from time to time depending on the needs of the school and the ability of teachers to participate;

(iv) Career ladder steps that are permanent steps for master teachers who possess the appropriate leadership certification to progress in teacher leadership positions with additional compensation and reduced teaching load to assume duties under the direction of the principal without leaving the classroom completely;

(v) A clear definition in statute and policy of the role and responsibilities of career ladder teacher leaders that includes leadership for instructional improvement;

(vi) Career ladder teacher leader standards that include the essential role of leadership in developing a culture of collegiality and professionalism among the staff so that improving student learning is a shared responsibility;

(vii) The scope of topics to be covered in the preparation programs and certifications for career ladder teacher leaders;

(viii) Appropriate limitations on the number of teachers in career lattice positions and on the number of teachers in career ladder positions, separately, for schools of different size and programmatic level; and

(ix) An additional incentive increment in the salary scale for excellent teachers and principals who accept transfer to a low performing school for a certain number of years;

(C) Issues relating to a leadership development pipeline that include, but are not limited to, the following:

(i) A comprehensive leadership development process for school systems to identify, recruit and train outstanding leadership candidates consistent with numbers needed to meet the projected needs of the school system;

(ii) A method for school-level identification of those teachers who most clearly demonstrate budding leadership qualities as potential candidates for development into the career ladder teacher leaders, assistant principals and principals of the future;

(iii) Appropriate school district and higher education partnerships for preparation, support and credentialing at each step so the focus on instructional leadership will become pervasive; and

(iv) Allowances that may be necessary to fill positions during the transition to new leadership models; and

(D) Issues related to local and state systems of support that include, but are not limited to, the following:

(i) Information management tools that enhance the capacity of school leaders and leadership teams to quickly assemble performance information on student learning and other aspects of the school’s learning environment into the actionable intelligence needed for strategic planning, adjusting instructional strategies and focusing on individual student needs;

(ii) School-level tools or resources that give principals a flexible, timely and targeted way to meet the professional development needs of teachers at their school;

(iii) Methods to help ensure the uniformity and inter-rater reliability of the portion of the professional personnel performance evaluation based on teaching standards;

(iv) Additional state-level infrastructure that may be needed to support the additional credentialing and monitoring of course work and degree attainment for salary progressions and new leadership positions;

(v) Methods to support, encourage and facilitate school-level leadership for instructional improvement, to endorse and encourage innovation to improve the success of all students rather than rely on top-down enforcement of one size fits all approaches to education; and

 (vi) Methods to establish an emphasis on human resource management including, but not limited to, approaches to improve the position posting and recruitment of new graduates for shortage area positions, and improving the retention of new professional personnel.

(c) Reports and recommendations to Legislature and Governor.--

(1) Not later than regular session of the Legislature, 2018, the state board shall make a report to the Joint Standing Committee on Education and the Governor on transforming school leadership including, at a minimum:

(A) Recommendations on a general leadership structure and definitions of the roles and responsibilities for principals and teacher leaders;

(B) Identification of affected statutes and policies, including pending and completed policy revisions, and recommendations for statutory amendments, if any, needed to effectuate its recommendations;

(C) An outline of sequential implementation of the changes needed to transform school leadership, and recommendations for phased implementation, if any; and

(D) The estimated costs of implementation of the recommendations and statutory changes necessary to effectuate the recommendations along with potential funding sources from improved efficiencies or other cost savings from the 5 elimination of unnecessary operations or programs.



Acts, 2013 Reg. Sess., Ch. 56.



Acts, 2013 Reg. Sess., Ch. 56.

§18-2-39. College and career readiness initiative.

(a) The Legislature finds that:

(1) According to ACT, only twenty-five percent of ACT-tested high school graduates in the nation met college readiness benchmarks in English, reading, mathematics and science and only seventeen percent in West Virginia met the benchmarks in all four subjects;

(2) The post-secondary remediation rates of students entering post-secondary institutions directly out of high school indicate that a large percentage of students are not being adequately prepared at the elementary and secondary levels;

(3) This high level of post-secondary remediation is causing both students and the state to expend extra resources that would not have to be expended if the students were adequately prepared at the elementary and secondary levels;

(4) A strong foundation in English/language arts and math provides a basis for learning in all other subject areas and for on-the-job training; and

(5) A comparison of the percentages of students considered proficient in eighth grade reading and math by the state assessment and the National Assessment of Educational Progress indicate that the state assessment currently does not accurately reflect national standards.

(b) Before the 2014-2015 school year, the state board, the Higher Education Policy Commission and the Council for Community and Technical College Education shall collaborate in formally adopting uniform and specific college- and career-readiness standards for English/language arts and math. The standards shall be clearly linked to state content standards and based on skills and competencies rather than high school course titles. The standards shall allow for a determination of whether a student needs to enroll in a post-secondary remedial course. The state board shall develop a plan for gradually bringing the standards for a high school diploma and college and career readiness into uniformity, and report this plan to the Legislative Oversight Commission on Education Accountability not later than December 31, 2013.

(c) The results on the comprehensive statewide student assessment program in grade eleven in English/language arts and mathematics shall be used to determine whether a student has met the college- and career-readiness standards adopted pursuant to subsection (b) of this section. Beginning with the 2015-2016 school year, instead of using the comprehensive statewide student assessment program, the state board may develop and implement end-of-course exams in English/language arts and math courses it determines appropriate. These exams are designed for determining whether a student has met the college- and career-readiness standards. In order to allow for the enrollment in transitional courses in the twelfth grade if necessary pursuant to subsection (e) of this section, the courses, assessments and exams, as applicable, shall be administered before the twelfth grade.

(d) Under its authority granted in section one, article three, chapter eighteen-a of this code, the state board shall require all teacher preparation programs in the state to include appropriate training for teachers seeking to teach in at least any of grades eight through twelve with respect to teaching the adopted college- and career-readiness standards. This training shall focus on teaching the standards directly, through embedding the standards in other courses or both, as appropriate.

(e) The state board shall develop a twelfth-grade transitional course for both English/language arts and math for those students who are not on track to be college and career ready based on the assessment or exam, as applicable, required pursuant to subsection (c) of this section. The transitional courses shall be aligned with the standards adopted pursuant to subsection (b) of this section. The state board in collaboration with the West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission and the Council for Community and Technical College Education shall use the American College Testing Program's Computerized Adaptive Placement Assessment and Support System (COMPASS) or other mutually agreed-upon assessment to determine whether a student has met the college- and career-readiness standards after completion of the transitional course.

(f) For all West Virginia public high school graduates who graduate during or after the 2016-2017 school year, all state institutions of higher education may use no factor other than the assessment, exam or test, as applicable, required pursuant to subsections (c) and (e) of this section to determine whether a student is to enroll in a remedial course or is to be placed in a college-level introductory course. Nothing in this subsection prohibits an institution from administering a diagnostic test to determine specific areas of weakness so that the specific weaknesses can be remediated rather than requiring a student to take an entire remedial course.

(g) The state board shall:

(1) Hold high schools and districts accountable for increasing the percentages of students who meet the college- and career-readiness standards as indicated by the assessments, exams or tests, as applicable, required pursuant to subsections (c) and (e) of this section. This accountability shall be achieved through the school and school system accreditation provisions set forth in section five, article two-e of this chapter;

(2) Align the comprehensive statewide student assessment for all grade levels in which the test is given with the college- and career-readiness standards adopted pursuant to subsection (b) of this section or develop other aligned tests at each grade level so that progress toward college and career readiness in English/language arts and math can be measured; and

(3) Hold all schools and districts accountable for helping students in earlier grade levels achieve scores on math and English/language arts tests that predict success in subsequent levels of related coursework. This accountability shall be achieved through the school and school system accreditation provisions set forth in section five, article two-e of this chapter;

(h) Except as otherwise specified, all provisions of this section become effective with the 2014-2015 school year.

(i) On or before December 31, 2013, the state board shall promulgate a legislative rule in accordance with article three-b, chapter twenty-nine-a of this code to implement the provisions of this section.

§18-2-40. Suicide prevention awareness training; dissemination of information.

(a)(1) Legislative findings. — The Legislature recognizes that the state of West Virginia has one of the highest rates of suicide in the nation, and that suicide serves as one of the leading causes of death in our state.

(2) The Legislature further finds that nationwide, suicide rates amongst adolescents and young adults are on the rise. As a result of disrupted families, poverty, and the opioid crises which have severely affected a significant number of families across this state, West Virginia’s students face a number of issues which may increase their risk of suicide.

(3) Consequently, the Legislature finds that it is imperative that those in our education system closest to our students receive training to increase their ability to better recognize students who may be exhibiting signs that they are at risk of suicide.

(b) On or before September 1, 2020, upon employment and every three years after, the State Board of Education shall provide for the routine education of all professional educators, including principals and administrators, and those service personnel having direct contact with students on warning signs and resources to assist in suicide prevention under guidelines established by the state board. The education may be accomplished through self-review of suicide prevention materials and resources approved by the state board.

(c) On or before September 1, 2020, and each year thereafter, a public middle and high school administrator shall disseminate and provide opportunities to discuss suicide prevention awareness information to all middle and high school students. The information may be obtained from the Bureau for Behavioral Health and Health Facilities or from a commercially developed suicide prevention training program approved by the State Board of Education in consultation with the bureau to assure the accuracy and appropriateness of the information.

(d) The provisions of this section shall be known as Jamie’s Law.


§18-2A-1. Definition; adoption groups; adoption schedule.

(a) "Instructional Resources" include print materials, electronic resources and systems, or combinations of such instructional resources which convey information to the pupil.

 (b) Instructional resources approved for adoption and listed on the state multiple list shall substantially cover the required content and skills for the subject as approved by the state board. The instructional resources shall be current and the information shall be presented accurately. The instructional resources may consist of a single resource, print or electronic, or a compilation of resources, print or electronic, that together cover the required criteria established for approval as a primary instructional resource. The resources may be updated or otherwise changed and improved on an ongoing basis to ensure that they are current and accurate.

(c) On or before July 1 of each year, the state board shall classify the elementary and secondary school subjects required to be taught in the schools of our state into adoption groups by related subject fields as nearly as possible. A schedule for the periods of adoption, not to exceed six years, shall be determined by the state board. However, during the school year beginning on July 1, 2010, the state board shall develop a method by which newly developed and substantially revised instructional materials submitted by vendors or available as open resources may be reviewed for compliance with established criteria. When an instructional resource is found to be in compliance with established criteria, it may be added to the official multiple list and thereafter be available for adoption by a county board. County board instructional resources adoption committees may request a waiver of the adoption cycles from the state board. Software, print and electronic magazines, print and electronic newspapers and other print and electronic periodicals and other licensed or subscription-based instructional resources may be purchased county board for classroom use to supplement those items adopted on the state multiple list without having to comply with the adoption procedures provided in this article.

(d) Software, print and electronic magazines, print and electronic newspapers and print and electronic periodicals are considered to be instructional resources for purposes of special excess levies subject to the provisions of section sixteen, article eight, chapter eleven of this code when the described purpose under that section is for textbooks or instructional resources.

(e) A county board that selects an electronic instructional resource may, subject to the approval by the state board of its request to do so, choose not to renew that option before the end of the established contract period and select a new or different instructional resource from the official multiple listing before the end of the established contract period.

(f) The vendor of an adopted electronic resource, after notice of explanation to the state board, may offer an update to the navigational features or management system, or both, related to the learning technology and may update the content of the learning technology as needed to accurately reflect current knowledge or information without charge. Vendor changes to the electronic resources may not require the purchase of a new operating system during the established contract period. Vendors shall continue to provide support for the version adopted.

(g) The state board shall adopt guidelines and procedures for updates and changes to electronic instructional resources submitted by vendors.

§18-2A-2. Request for samples and bids; deposit by bidder; selection, approval and publication of multiple list.

(a) Prior to each adoption year, and not later than August 1, the state board by written request or otherwise shall ask the various vendors of instructional resources, print or electronic, or any combination thereof, to submit samples and prices on items considered appropriate by the state board to teach the curriculum in the public elementary and secondary schools of the state for the current adoption period. The state board also shall accept for consideration newly developed and substantially revised instructional resources for content areas not in the current adoption cycle.

(b) All bids or proposals shall be under seal, and each bidder shall deposit in the State Treasury such sum of money as the state board may designate, such deposit to be not less than $1,000, and not more than $3,000 and such deposit shall be forfeited to the general school fund if such bidder shall fail or refuse to make and execute such contract and bond as are herein required in case of acceptance of all or part of the vendor's bid, and otherwise shall be returned to such bidder after the contract has been made. The state board reserves the right to set the sum of money a vendor is required to deposit in the State Treasury upon submitting a bid: Provided, That the vendor has a previous history of failure or refusal to execute contracts or bonds with the State of West Virginia. The state board may set and collect review fees from publishers and vendors participating in the state instructional resources approval and adoption process.

(c) All bids shall be opened by the state board, or its designee, in public session. After considering the subject matter, product quality, general suitableness, and prices of items submitted, the state board shall, prior to March 1 of each year in which approvals for adoption are made by it, establish a committee of teachers and other educational specialists, including a sufficient number with experience with electronic instructional resources, and with the aid of the committee, shall on or before December 1, prior to county adoptions, select, approve and publish a list of items in each subject and grade in the elementary and secondary subjects required to be taught by the state board. The committee of teachers and other educational specialists shall report their recommendations to the state board on or before November 15 of the year preceding the adoption by the county board. The state board may create a standing committee of teachers and other education specialists, including a sufficient number with experience with electronic instructional resources, for each subject and grade level to review all new or revised instructional resources submitted after the initial approvals for adoption.

§18-2A-3. Disposition of and requests for samples.

(a) Items to be reviewed in excess of the official sample submitted to the state board for examination shall remain the property of the vendor submitting them if claimed within thirty days after state board adoption of the multiple list. If not claimed within that period, the items may be sold by the state board and the money credited to the Department of Education Instructional Resources Fund or items may be distributed to state educational agencies.

(b) Sample items submitted to county boards or regional education service agency selection teams remain the property of the vendor submitting them if claimed within thirty days after instructional materials have been formally adopted. Unclaimed items may be distributed free of charge by the respective county board or regional educational service agency to any school, library or individual who may have need for the sample items.

(c) Vendors claiming samples within the thirty-day period shall notify the respective board of education or regional education service agency at the time samples are submitted for study of their intent to recall the samples. All costs shall be borne by the vendors.

(d) No county or regional education service agency adoption committee is entitled to request or receive more than eight free samples of any multigrade program being considered for adoption. Any single grade level subject area items used above grade six shall be limited to five free samples per county selection committee. Any individual requesting samples in excess of these limits shall be billed by the vendor at the lowest wholesale price plus shipping. In the case of electronic instructional resources, it is sufficient for vendors to provide access for the purpose of reviewing the resources via a user name and password to a web-based resource or through on-line file transfer or download.

§18-2A-4. Execution of contracts; bond.

(a) When the selection and approval of the multiple list have been properly made, it is the duty of the state board to furnish contracts for the selected items with the vendors within thirty days of the approval and adoption of the multiple list, prepare a list of the adopted resources on the multiple list and publish it in electronic format and make the list available through a page on the West Virginia Department of Education web page. The contract for adoption shall run for a period of time as designated by the state board.

(b) Each vendor awarded a contract by the West Virginia Department of Education shall enter into a bond payable to the State of West Virginia in the penal sum of not less than $2,000 and not more than $10,000 to be approved by the state board of public works. The bond shall be executed as surety by a responsible surety company authorized to carry on its business in West Virginia. The contract shall be prepared by the Attorney General in accordance with the terms and provisions of this article. The contract shall be executed in triplicate, one copy to be held by the vendor, one by the state board and one attached to the bond filed with the board of public works.

(c) Bonds required of successful vendors shall provide that:

(1) The vendor will furnish any of the instructional resources on the multiple list under vendors contract for the period of the adoption, from the date of the bond, to any county school unit, a dealer appointed by the county, or any state board approved depository or depositories as defined in section seven of this article, at the lowest wholesale price contained in the bids or contracts made to any other county school unit, dealer, county, school or depository in any other state, like conditions prevailing. The state board shall determine, from time to time, the terms of the bids and contracts and may require the vendor to bear the costs of shipping, mail or transportation or offer any other financial benefit available in the highest amount paid by a vendor to any other county school unit, dealer, county or depository in any other state: Provided, That the state board shall decide whether from time to time bids and contracts for instructional resources are to be for the delivery directly to each county school unit, dealer appointed by the county, county or to each depository or depositories, or any combination thereof, under this section.

(2) The vendor will automatically reduce the prices in West Virginia when prices are reduced anywhere in the United States, so that no such item or items shall at any time be sold in West Virginia at a higher wholesale price than received for items elsewhere in the United States, like conditions prevailing.

(3) All items sold in West Virginia will be identical with the official samples submitted to the state board as regards quality standards, specifications, subject matter, and other particulars which may affect the value of the items. The state board may, however, during the period of the contract approve revised editions of adopted items, which will authorize a vendor to furnish such revisions. All contracts and bonds shall be filed in accordance with the appropriate state board process prior to July 1.

§18-2A-5. Selection by county boards; school curriculum teams.

(a) Vendors, upon requests of county superintendents, shall furnish to county boards the requested sample copies of resources that were selected and placed on the state multiple list by the state board in accordance with the provisions of section three of this article. In the case of electronic instructional resources, it is sufficient for vendors to provide access for the purpose of reviewing the resources via a web-hosted online format.

(b) School curriculum teams shall make their curriculum and instructional needs known to the county superintendent and selection committees prior to the consideration of any adopted grouping in accordance with the provisions of section three of this article. The county board shall, upon recommendation of the county superintendent with the aid of a committee of teachers and not later than May 1 of the year following that in which the multiple list for the group was made and approved, select from the state multiple list one or more resources to deliver instruction for a period as provided for elsewhere in this article. Counties are authorized to include nonvoting advisors from the general public in the adoption process, but shall require advisors to provide their assessment of the resources appropriate for the subject before the voting committee commences the selection process.

(c) In order to avoid duplication and to maximize resources, with agreement of all county superintendents within a regional education service agency area and subsequent regional education service agency actions, a regional education service agency instructional resources selection team may be established to conduct a review of selected resources placed on the state multiple list by the state board. The membership of the selection team will be established through agreement of the county superintendents with representation of all counties, including any nonvoting advisors from the general public. The resource selection team will provide recommendations to each county superintendent for consideration, review and adoption by each county board.

(d) County boards adopting electronic instructional resources shall ensure equity of access for all students at school and shall have a plan to provide equity of access at home if necessary through alternate avenues including, but not limited to, print, software, and hardware support.

§18-2A-6. Retail prices; limitation on profit; violation; penalty.

It shall be the duty of the state board to fix prices at which the various instructional resources on the state multiple list shall be sold to patrons, the excess of which above contract price shall represent the profit to the retailer; but in no case shall such profit exceed twenty percent of the contract price. The state board shall notify each county superintendent of the instructional resources on the state multiple list and the prices at which they are to be sold, and any person selling such resources at a higher price than that fixed by the state board shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not less than $10 nor more than $50.

§18-2A-7. Exchange privilege; use of supplementary items; state-approved depositories authorized.

Contractors shall arrange for the exchange of items, allowing pupils or boards of education an exchange price as liberal as granted on the same items to any city, county, or state in the United States, like conditions prevailing. The exchange privilege shall extend through one entire school year. Nothing in this article prevents the use of supplementary instructional resources, print or electronic, provided they do not displace the adopted instructional resources, nor the use of more advanced items in such schools as may be ready for the same. The state Board of Education is authorized to approve any depository or depositories, either public or private, to serve any county or several counties, whose purpose includes, but is not limited to, offering the savings and services generally associated with local distribution of instructional resources or electronic instructional resources that are not web-based, or any combination thereof, to counties and schools.

§18-2A-8. Instructional resources must be approved and listed; when changes may be effected; rules.

(a) No instructional resource, print or electronic, may be used in any public elementary or secondary school in West Virginia as the primary source to deliver the instructional goals and objectives for state required courses unless it has been approved and listed on the state multiple list by the state board, except as otherwise provided in this section. Any changes of items made by the state board shall become effective upon approval. The state board may upon request by a county board and upon justification of that request, and subsequent to the adoption by a county board approve the adoption of additional items to meet the needs of specific children which were not provided for in the original adoption, or waive the requirement to adopt and use resources in a particular school as provided for in section six, article five-a of this chapter. Nothing in this section shall apply to the supplementary items that are needed from time to time.

(b) The state board may grant permission to county boards for the continued use of previously adopted resources that are listed on the most recently expired multiple list appropriate for the subject category under consideration. The continued use shall not exceed a period as designated by the state board. The state board may make such rules as it may deem necessary and expedient to carry out the provisions of this article.

§18-2A-9. Gifts and bribes to influence adoption of instructional resources a felony; penalty.

Any member of the state board, any county superintendent, any member of a county board or any other person who shall receive, solicit, or accept any gift, present, or thing of value to influence that individual in the vote for the adoption of instructional resources, print or electronic, or any combination thereof, or any person who shall either directly or indirectly give or offer to give any such gift, present, or thing of value to any person to influence that individual in voting for the adoption of instructional resources, print or electronic, or any combination thereof, shall be guilty of a felony and, upon conviction thereof, shall be confined in a correctional facility for not less than one year nor more than three years.


§18-2B-1. Aims and purposes of program; areas where available.

The aims and purposes of the area vocational educational program are to provide vocational training or retraining on an organized basis designed to prepare individuals for useful employment in recognized occupations. The program shall be made available to residents of West Virginia in an area or areas designated and approved by the State Board.

§18-2B-2. Authority to establish programs, etc.; Division of Vocational Education established; rules; director.

(a) The State Board may establish, operate and maintain area vocational educational programs including the acquisition by purchase, lease, gift or otherwise of necessary lands and the construction, expansion, remodeling, alteration and equipping of necessary buildings for the purpose of operating and conducting educational training centers.

(b) The State Board may delegate its operational authority for multicounty vocational centers to an administrative council composed of equal representation from each of the participating county boards of education, the superintendent of schools from each participating county, and the state director of vocational education or his or her representative. To this end, there is hereby expressly established in the State Board a division of vocational education which shall determine the area or areas in which the programs are to be conducted and is authorized to promulgate rules necessary to carry out the provisions of this article, pursuant to article three-b, chapter twenty-nine-a of this code. The director of the division of vocational education administers and supervises the area vocational educational programs.

§18-2B-2a. Withdrawal from multicounty vocational center prohibited.

Any county which participates in the operation of a multicounty vocational center shall not be permitted to withdraw from such participation.

§18-2B-3. Area vocational education program funds.

There is hereby established a fund to be known as the Area Vocational Education Program Fund for Secondary Education. There is hereby established a separate fund to be known as the Area Vocational Education Program Fund for Post-Secondary Vocational Education. All moneys appropriated for such purpose by the Legislature as well as any gifts or grants made to the appropriate fund by any governmental subdivision of the state or by the United States government or by any individual, firm or corporation, to carry out the provisions of this article shall be expended by the State Board.

§18-2B-4. Expenditure of funds; title to property.

The State Board may expend the area vocational education program funds for salaries; teachers' retirement contributions and necessary traveling expenses of teachers and other necessary employees, including, but not limited to, vocational guidance counselors; for purchase, rental, maintenance and repair of instructional equipment, buildings and supplies; and for the necessary costs of transportation of certified students.

§18-2B-5. Title to property.

Title to any property, equipment, tools, furniture or instructional materials purchased prior to the effective date of this section out of the fund provided for area vocational education program funds previously established and existing immediately prior to the effective date of this article shall be transferred to and vested in the West Virginia Board of Education. After the effective date of this article, purchases from funds established in section four shall be vested in the state Board of Education or the board of directors as the case may be.



Acts, 1975 Reg. Sess., Ch. 194.

§18-2B-7. Transportation of students.

The State Board may pay for the transportation of any certified unemployed person participating in any area vocational educational program during the period of time that he or she is engaged in the training program at any of the instructional centers.

§18-2B-8. Consulting committees.

The director of vocational education may appoint a consulting committee for each area designated, composed of members representing business, labor, management, school administrators and lay groups. The consulting committee shall advise the head of the local area or training center on such matters pertaining to shop equipment, curriculum, labor- management coordination or selection of personnel. A statewide consulting committee may be appointed by the director of vocational education to serve in the same capacity and for the same purposes.


§18-2C-1. Legislative findings.

The Legislature finds that a safe and civil environment in school is necessary for students to learn and achieve high academic standards. The Legislature finds that harassment, intimidation or bullying, like other disruptive or violent behavior, is conduct that disrupts both a student's ability to learn and a school's ability to educate its students in a safe, nonthreatening environment.

The Legislature further finds that students learn by example. The Legislature charges school administrators, faculty, staff and volunteers with demonstrating appropriate behavior, treating others with civility and respect, and refusing to tolerate harassment, intimidation or bullying.

§18-2C-2. Definitions.

(a) As used in this article, "harassment, intimidation or bullying" means any intentional gesture, or any intentional electronic, written, verbal or physical act, communication, transmission or threat that:

(1) A reasonable person under the circumstances should know will have the effect of any one or more of the following:

(A) Physically harming a student;

(B) Damaging a student's property;

(C) Placing a student in reasonable fear of harm to his or her person; or

(D) Placing a student in reasonable fear of damage to his or her property;

(2) Is sufficiently severe, persistent or pervasive that it creates an intimidating, threatening or emotionally abusive educational environment for a student; or

(3) Disrupts or interferes with the orderly operation of the school.

(b) As used in this article, an electronic act, communication, transmission or threat includes but is not limited to one which is administered via telephone, wireless phone, computer, pager or any electronic or wireless device whatsoever, and includes but is not limited to transmission of any image or voice, email or text message using any such device.

§18-2C-3. Policy prohibiting harassment, intimidation or bullying.

(a) Each county board shall establish a policy prohibiting harassment, intimidation or bullying. Each county board has control over the content of its policy as long as the policy contains, at a minimum, the requirements of subdivision (b) of this section. The policy shall be adopted through a process that includes representation of parents or guardians, school employees, school volunteers, students and community members.

(b) Each county board policy shall, at a minimum, include the following components:

(1) A statement prohibiting harassment, intimidation or bullying of any student on school property, a school bus, at a school bus stop or at school sponsored events;

(2) A definition of harassment, intimidation or bullying no less inclusive than that in section two of this article;

(3) A procedure for reporting prohibited incidents;

(4) A requirement that school personnel report prohibited incidents of which they are aware;

(5) A requirement that parents or guardians of any student involved in an incident prohibited pursuant to this article be notified;

(6) A procedure for documenting any prohibited incident that is reported;

(7) A procedure for responding to and investigating any reported incident;

(8) A strategy for protecting a victim from additional harassment, intimidation or bullying, and from retaliation following a report;

(9) A disciplinary procedure for any student guilty of harassment, intimidation or bullying;

(10) A requirement that any information relating to a reported incident is confidential, and exempt from disclosure under the provisions of chapter twenty-nine-b of this code; and

(11) A requirement that each county board shall input into the uniform integrated regional computer information system (commonly known as the West Virginia Education Information System) described in section twenty-six, article two of this chapter, and compile an annual report regarding the means of harassment, intimidation or bullying that have been reported to them, and the reasons therefor, if known. The West Virginia Department of Education shall compile the information and report it annually beginning July 1, 2012, to the Legislative Oversight Committee on Education Accountability.

(c) Each county board shall adopt the policy and submit a copy to the State Superintendent of Schools by December 1, 2011.

(d) To assist county boards in developing their policies, the West Virginia Department of Education shall develop a model policy applicable to grades kindergarten through twelfth. The model policy shall be issued by September 1, 2011.

(e) Notice of the county board's policy shall appear in any student handbook, and in any county board publication that sets forth the comprehensive rules, procedures and standards of conduct for the school.

§18-2C-4. Immunity.

A school employee, student or volunteer is individually immune from a cause of action for damages arising from reporting said incident, if that person:

(1) In good faith promptly reports an incident of harassment, intimidation or bullying;

(2) Makes the report to the appropriate school official as designated by policy; and

(3) Makes the report in compliance with the procedures as specified in policy.

§18-2C-5. Policy training and education.

(a) Schools and county boards are encouraged, but not required, to form bullying prevention task forces, programs and other initiatives involving school staff, students, teachers, administrators, volunteers, parents, law enforcement and community members.

(b) To the extent state or federal funds are appropriated for these purposes, each school district shall:

(1) Provide training on the harassment, intimidation or bullying policy to school employees upon employment and volunteers who have direct contact with students; and

(2) Develop a process for educating students on the harassment, intimidation or bullying policy.

(c) Information regarding the county board policy against harassment, intimidation or bullying shall be incorporated into each school's current employee training program upon employment and renewed every three years thereafter.

§18-2C-6. Liability.

Except as provided in section four of this article, nothing in this article prohibits a victim from seeking redress under any other provision of civil or criminal law.


§18-2D-1. Legislative findings and purpose.

The Legislature hereby finds and declares that the public school system in any community is most effective when it involves and serves all of the people of that community and not just the kindergarten, elementary and secondary school students of that community; and that community education promotes a more efficient use of community facilities through an extension of buildings, personnel and equipment. In recognition of these findings and declarations, it is hereby declared to be the purpose of this article to facilitate the providing of educational, recreational, cultural, social, health and other community services, in accordance with the needs, interests and concerns of the community, through the establishment of community education programs, in cooperation with other governmental agencies and community service organizations.

§18-2D-2. Definition.

For the purpose of this article "community education" means a process by which public facilities in a community are utilized as community centers operated in conjunction with governmental agencies and community service organizations to provide educational, including, but not limited to, driver education courses, recreational, cultural, social, health and other community services for all persons in such community in accordance with the needs, interests and concerns of such community.

§18-2D-3. Implementation and operation of programs.

The state Board of Education shall promote the implementation and operation of community education programs throughout the state, and shall, by rules and regulations promulgated pursuant to the provisions of chapter twenty-nine-a of this code, provide for the government and supervision of such programs.

§18-2D-4. County boards of education authorized to participate.

Each county board of education in this state is hereby authorized, but not obligated, to coordinate a community education program within its county.


§18-2E-1. Legislative purpose.

The purpose of this article is to provide for the establishment of high quality educational standards, to provide for the evaluation of student progress in attaining the knowledge and skills essential for them to become productive members of society, and to provide assurances to the public that a thorough and efficient system of education is being provided for all public school children in West Virginia.

§18-2E-1a. Standards, assessment and accountability programs; duties of the state board.

(a) Prior to adoption or revision of academic standards in mathematics, English language arts, science and social studies, the state board shall constructively engage with the legislative oversight commission on education accountability as outlined in subsection (b). Prior to adoption of a new statewide summative assessment, the state board shall constructively engage with the legislative oversight commission on education accountability on the assessment program it intends to adopt to measure the progress of public school students in attaining a high quality education. Prior to the full implementation of a new accountability system, state board shall develop and recommend to the legislative oversight commission on education accountability an accountability program to help ensure a thorough and efficient system of schools. In developing the standards, assessment program and the accountability program, the state board shall take into consideration recommendations arising from any legislative interim study undertaken at the direction of the joint committee on government and finance and also shall take into consideration any recommendations made by the legislative oversight commission on education accountability.

(b) As part of their on-going responsibility for developing and implementing a program of standards, assessments and a program of accountability, the state board:

(1) Is prohibited from implementing the Common Core academic standards;

(2) Shall allow West Virginia educators the opportunity to participate in the development of the academic standards;

(3) Shall provide by rule for a cyclical review, by West Virginia educators, of any academic standards that are proposed by the state board;

(4) Shall review assessment tools, including tests of student performance and measures of school and school system performance, and determine when any improvements or additions are necessary;

(5) Shall consider multiple assessments, including, but not limited to, a state testing program developed in conjunction with the state’s professional educators with assistance from such knowledgeable consultants as may be necessary, which may include criterion referenced tests;

(6) Is prohibited from adopting the Smarter Balanced Assessment system or the PARCC assessment system as the statewide summative assessment;

(7) Shall review all accountability measures, such as the accreditation and personnel evaluation systems and consider any improvements or additions deemed necessary; and

(8) Shall ensure that all statewide assessments of student performance are secure.

(c) The state board shall not adopt any national or regional testing program tied to federal funding, or national or regional academic standards tied to federal funding, without oversight by the legislative oversight commission on education accountability.

§18-2E-2. National assessment of educational progress program testing.

Beginning in the school year one thousand nine hundred ninety--ninety-one, and continuing thereafter, national assessment of educational progress program tests shall be administered in academic areas at the various grades designated by the national assessment of educational progress officials to provide comparisons of West Virginia students to a national sample.



Acts, 1996 Reg. Sess., Ch. 114.

§18-2E-3a. Honors and advanced placement programs.

(a) The purpose of this section is to provide honors and advanced placement programs to meet the needs of students who have the potential and desire to complete curriculum more demanding than that offered in the regular classroom for their current grade level. Honors programs are those programs offering courses to expand the academic content in a given program of study and may include but shall not be limited to research and in-depth studies, mentorships, content-focused seminars, and extended learning outcomes instruction in the content area. Advanced placement programs are those programs offering classes which are advanced in terms of content and performance expectations of those normally available for the age/grade level of the student and providing credit toward graduation and possible college credit. Advanced placement classes also include those recognized or offered by the college board, postsecondary institutions and other recognized foundations, corporations or institutions.

Curriculum approved under this section shall be designed to advance the achievement of students in the subject area or areas in which the student has achieved at least two of the following three criteria: (a) Demonstrated exceptional ability and interest through past performance, (b) obtained the prerequisite knowledge and skills to perform honors or advanced placement work, and (c) recommended by the student's former or present teachers. Honors and advanced placement curriculum may include advanced placement courses offered through the college board or other public or private foundations, corporations, institutions, or businesses whose courses are generally accepted as leading to advanced placement or standing in a postsecondary institution, accelerated instructional courses offered via satellite and other courses and arrangements, approved by the state board, which provide students an opportunity to advance their learning above that offered through the regular curriculum. To the maximum extent possible, honors and advanced placement courses shall be taught by a regular classroom teacher. Such classroom teacher shall have adequate knowledge in the subject area for the instruction of such course. If a teacher, licensed by the state board, with adequate knowledge in the advanced subject area is not available, an adjunct teacher or other qualified person may be employed, contracted for, or shared between schools to instruct such course: Provided, That the position shall be posted annually prior to the beginning of the school year immediately following the school year in which the adjunct teacher or other qualified person is employed. The state board may grant waivers to existing certification requirements for an adjunct teacher or other qualified person who has an earned bachelors degree and has demonstrated competence in the subject to be taught.

(b) The honors and advanced placement curriculum shall be phased-in in accordance with the following schedule:

(1) Prior to June 1, 1989, the state board shall establish a program coordinated through the colleges and universities or some other entity, to provide training to teachers in the instruction of honors and advanced placement courses: Provided, That the state board shall not establish an additional certification area for the teaching of honors or advanced placement courses.

(2) To assist in the implementation of teacher training for honors and advanced placement instruction, there shall be an appropriation to the state board;

(3) On or before June 1, 1989, and each year thereafter, teachers shall be selected to teach honors and advanced placement courses based upon the teacher's qualifications and academic interests and the needs of the students. The county boards of education shall, if necessary, make arrangements for the teachers to attend a training program;

(4) Beginning in the school year 1990-91, each county board shall provide in grades nine through twelve honors and advanced placement courses as provided under subsection (a) of this section.

(c) The state board shall designate one employee who is an expert in the area of higher education financial aid, including, but not limited to, loans, grants and work studies, to work on a full-time continuous basis with high school counselors to ensure that all high school students are informed of the availability of financial assistance to attend college.

§18-2E-3b. Placement advisory committee established.

Gifted students in grades nine through twelve may be served in honors and advanced placement programs as described in section three of this article, pursuant to the student's individualized education program and set forth in the student's four year education plan. Prior to the end of grade eight, a placement advisory committee shall convene for the purpose of determining whether a student should be placed in an honors or advanced placement program pursuant to the placement criteria set forth in section three-a of this article. Upon a determination that placement in one of the programs would be appropriate, the placement advisory committee shall write a four year education plan which will designate honors or advanced placement courses and/or offerings appropriate and agreed to by the school, parent and student.

The four year education plan must be reviewed annually and approved by the parent, student and school. Schools shall be required to deliver the individualized education program as stated in the four year education plan.



Acts, 2013 Reg. Sess., Ch. 56.



Acts, 2013 Reg. Sess., Ch. 56.



Acts, 2005 Reg. Sess., Ch. 91.

§18-2E-3f. Building the basics early childhood curriculum; legislative findings; state board rule.

(a) Legislative findings. -– The Legislature makes the following findings:

(1) Children entering early childhood education programs have significant differences in their cognitive development, mastery of the early basic skills and readiness for instruction in a formal setting;

(2) Mastery of the basic skills of reading, mathematics and English language arts is the foundation for all further learning and, therefore, providing the instruction necessary for each child to attain mastery in these basic skills must be the priority for early childhood education programs;

(3) Deficiencies in the basic skills of reading, mathematics and English language arts that persist in children beyond the early childhood years become more difficult to overcome as they retard further progress in building the basics and lead to significant gaps in the basic knowledge needed to comprehend more advanced content in other subject areas; and

(4) Intensive instruction, early detection and intervention to correct student deficiencies in the basic skills of reading, mathematics and English language arts during early childhood education are more effective strategies for improving student performance than the alternatives such as grade level retention, social promotion and referral for special services and can lessen the prevalence of low basic skills as a contributing factor in student truancy, delinquency and dropout rates.

(b) Intent and purpose. -- The intent and purpose of this section is to establish the priority for early childhood education to provide intensive instruction in the basic skills of reading, mathematics and English language arts, along with early detection and intervention strategies to correct student deficiencies, to address the findings of this section.

(c) State board rule. -- On or before July 1, 2004, the state board shall adopt rules to effectuate the intent and purpose of this section, including, but not limited to, provisions that address the following:

(1) Reading, mathematics and English language arts are the only subjects that are required to be taught daily in kindergarten through grade two early childhood education programs;

(2) Instruction in other subject matter in kindergarten through grade two shall be oriented to reinforce instruction in reading, mathematics and English language arts;

(3) Strategies for the early detection and intervention to correct student deficiencies in reading, mathematics and English language arts shall be employed throughout the instructional term in each of the early childhood grades to help students achieve mastery in these subjects, including allowing flexibility in student schedules to provide additional time and instruction for students who are below mastery in these subjects in grades three and four;

(4) Accountability for student performance on the statewide assessment of student performance in the early childhood grades shall only include the basic skills of reading, mathematics and English language arts; and

(5) Any other provisions considered necessary by the state board to achieve the intent and purpose of this section.



Acts, 2016 Reg. Sess., Ch. 88

§18-2E-4. Better schools accountability; school, school district and statewide school report cards.

(a) For the purpose of providing information to the parents of public school children and the general public on the quality of education in the public schools which is uniform and comparable between schools within and among the various school districts, the state board shall provide a uniform format for school, school district and statewide school report cards and shall promulgate rules concerning the collection and reporting of data and the preparation of report cards under this section. The format shall provide for brief, concise reporting in nontechnical language of required information. Any technical or explanatory material a county board wishes to include shall be contained in a separate appendix available upon request.

(b) The school report cards shall include information as prescribed in this section to give the parents of students at the school and the general public an indication of the quality of education at the school and other programs supportive of community needs, including, but not limited to, the following:

(1) Indicators of student performance at the school in comparison with the county, state, regional and national student performance, as applicable, including student performance by grade level in the various subjects measured pursuant to a uniform statewide assessment program adopted by the state board; school attendance rates; the percent of students not promoted to next grade; and the graduation rate;

(2) Indicators of school performance in comparison with the aggregate of all other schools in the county and the state, as applicable, including enrollment; average class size; pupil-teacher ratio; pupil-administrator ratio; operating expenditure per pupil; county expenditure by fund in graphic display; and the average degree classification and years of experience of the administrators and teachers at the school;

(3) The names of the members of the local school improvement council, created pursuant to section two, article five-a of this chapter; and

(4) The name or names of the business partner or partners of the school.

 (c) The school district report card shall include the data for each school for each separately listed applicable indicator and the aggregate of the data for all schools, as applicable, in the county for each indicator. The statewide school report card shall include the data for each county for each separately listed indicator and the aggregate for all counties for each indicator.

(d) The report cards shall be prepared using actual local school, county, state, regional and national data indicating the present performance of the school and also shall include the state norms and the upcoming year’s targets for the school and the county board.

The state board shall provide technical assistance to each county board in preparing the school and school district report cards.

Each county board shall prepare report cards in accordance with the guidelines set forth in this section. The school district report cards shall be presented at a regular school board meeting subject to applicable notice requirements and shall be made available to a newspaper of general circulation serving the district. The school and school district report cards shall be made easily accessible on, or through a report card icon or link on, the county board website and provided in paper form upon request to the parent or parents, guardian or custodian of a child enrolled in that school. In addition, each county board shall submit the completed report cards to the state board which shall make copies available to any person requesting them. The report cards shall be completed and disseminated prior to January 1, 1989, and in each year thereafter, and shall be based upon information for the current school year, or for the most recent school year for which the information is available, in which case the year shall be clearly footnoted.

(e) In addition to the requirements of subsection (c) of this section, the school district report card shall list the following information:

(1) The names of the members of the county board and the dates upon which their terms expire; and

(2) The names of the county school superintendent and every assistant and associate superintendent and their area of school administration.

(f) The state board shall develop and implement a separate report card for nontraditional public schools pursuant to the appropriate provisions of this section to the extent practicable.

§18-2E-4a. Exception to requirement of mailing school report cards.


§18-2E-5. Process for improving education; education standards; statewide assessment program; accountability measures; Office of Education Performance Audits; school accreditation and school system approval; intervention to correct low performance.

(a) Legislative findings, purpose and intent. — The Legislature makes the following findings with respect to the process for improving education and its purpose and intent in the enactment of this section:

(1) The process for improving education includes four primary elements, these being:

(A) Standards which set forth the knowledge and skills that students should know and be able to perform as the result of a thorough and efficient education that prepares them for the twenty-first century, including measurable criteria to evaluate student performance and progress;

(B) Assessments of student performance and progress toward meeting the standards;

(C) A system of accountability for continuous improvement articulated by a rule promulgated by the state board that will build capacity in and ensure the efficiency of schools and districts to meet rigorous outcomes that assure student performance and progress toward obtaining the knowledge and skills intrinsic to a high-quality education, rather than monitoring for compliance with specific laws and regulations; and

(D) A method for building the capacity and improving the efficiency of schools and school systems to improve student performance and progress;

(2) As the constitutional body charged with the general supervision of schools as provided by general law, the state board has the authority following constructive engagement of the Legislature as provided in section one, article two-h of this chapter and as delegated by the Legislature by general law to establish the standards and assess the performance and progress of students against the standards, and to exercise its supervisory responsibility to hold schools and school systems accountable and assist schools and school systems to build capacity and improve efficiency so that the standards are met, including, when necessary, seeking additional resources in consultation with the Legislature and the Governor;

(3) As the constitutional body charged with providing for a thorough and efficient system of schools, the Legislature has the authority and the responsibility to establish and be engaged constructively in the determination of the knowledge and skills that students should know and be able to do as the result of a thorough and efficient education. This determination is made by using the process for improving education to determine when school improvement is needed by evaluating the results and the efficiency of the system of schools, by ensuring accountability and by providing for the necessary capacity and its efficient use;

(4) In consideration of these findings, the purpose of this section is to establish a process for improving education that includes the four primary elements as set forth in subdivision (1) of this subsection to provide assurances that the high-quality standards are, at a minimum, being met and that a thorough and efficient system of schools is being provided for all West Virginia public school students on an equal education opportunity basis; and

(5) The intent of the Legislature in enacting this section is to establish a process through which the Legislature, the Governor and the state board will constructively consult on any measures affecting standards, assessments and accountability prior to their adoption, examine the performance and progress of students, schools and school systems and, when necessary, consider alternative measures to ensure that all students continue to receive the thorough and efficient education to which they are entitled. However, nothing in this section requires any specific level of funding by the Legislature.

(b) Electronic county and school strategic improvement plans. — The state board shall promulgate a rule consistent with this section and in accordance with article three-b, chapter twenty-nine-a of this code establishing an electronic county strategic improvement plan for each county board and an electronic school strategic improvement plan for each public school in this state. Each respective plan shall be for a period of no more than five years and shall include the mission and goals of the school or school system to improve student, school or school system performance and progress, as applicable. The strategic plan shall be revised annually in each area in which the school or system is below the standard on the annual performance measures. The plan shall be revised when required pursuant to this section to include each annual performance measure upon which the school or school system fails to meet the standard for performance and progress, the action to be taken to meet each measure, a separate time line and a date certain for meeting each measure, a cost estimate and, when applicable, the assistance to be provided by the department and other education agencies to improve student, school or school system performance and progress to meet the annual performance measure.

The department shall make available to all public schools through its website or the West Virginia Education Information System an electronic school strategic improvement plan boilerplate designed for use by all schools to develop an electronic school strategic improvement plan which incorporates all required aspects and satisfies all improvement plan requirements of the Every Student Succeeds Act or subsequent federal law.

(c) High-quality education standards and efficiency standards. — In accordance with article three-b, chapter twenty-nine-a of this code, the state board shall adopt and periodically review and update high-quality education standards for student, school and school system performance and processes in the following areas:

(1) Academic standards;

(2) Workplace readiness skills;

(3) Finance;

(4) Transportation;

(5) Special education;

(6) Facilities;

(7) Administrative practices;

(8) Training of county board members and administrators;

(9) Personnel qualifications;

(10) Professional development and evaluation;

(11) Student performance, progress and attendance;

(12) Professional personnel, including principals and central office administrators, and service personnel attendance;

(13) School and school system performance and progress;

(14) A code of conduct for students and employees;

(15) Indicators of efficiency;

(16) Digital literacy skills; and

(17) Any other areas determined by the state board.

(d) Comprehensive statewide student assessment program. — The state board shall establish a comprehensive statewide student assessment program to assess student performance and progress in grades three through twelve. The assessment program is subject to the following:

(1) The state board shall promulgate a rule in accordance with article three-b, chapter twenty-nine-a of this code establishing the comprehensive statewide student assessment program;

(2) Prior to the  testing window of the 2017-2018 school year, the state board shall align the comprehensive statewide student assessment for all grade levels in which the test is given with the college-readiness standards adopted pursuant to section thirty-nine, article two of this chapter or develop other aligned tests to be required in grades three through eight and administered once during the grade span of nine through twelve to assess progress toward college and career readiness in English/language arts and math. The assessment in science shall be administered once in grade spans three through five, once in grade spans six through eight, and once in grade spans nine through twelve;

 (3) In accordance with articles two and two-e, chapter eighteen of this code, the state board shall review or develop, and adopt a college and career readiness assessment to be administered in grade eleven: Provided, That the adopted college and career readiness assessment administered in grade eleven counts toward the statewide student assessment and must be used by a significant number of regionally accredited higher education institutions for determining college admissions;

(4) The comprehensive statewide student assessment shall be administered to students in accordance with the requirements of the Every Student Succeeds Act or subsequent federal law;

(5) The state board may provide, through the statewide assessment program, other optional testing or assessment instruments applicable to grade levels kindergarten through grade twelve which may be used by each school to promote student achievement. The state board annually shall publish and make available, electronically or otherwise, to school curriculum teams and teacher collaborative processes the optional testing and assessment instruments.  For any online assessment, the state board shall provide online assessment preparation to ensure that students have the requisite digital literacy skills to be successful on the assessment;

(6) The state board may adopt a career readiness assessment that measures and documents foundational workplace skills and leads to a nationally recognized work readiness certificate for students that meet minimum proficiency requirements; and

(7) The comprehensive statewide student assessment adopted prior to the testing window of the 2017-2018 school year shall continue to be used for at least a total of four consecutive years;

(8) No summative assessment approved by the state board may take more than two percent of a student’s instructional time;

(9) No student may be required to complete a greater number of summative assessments than is required by the Every Student Succeeds Act except as otherwise required by this subsection; and

(10) Collection of personal data as part of the assessment process except for what is necessary for the student’s instruction, academic and college and career search needs is prohibited.

 (e) State annual performance measures for school and school system accreditation. —

The state board shall promulgate a rule in accordance with article three-b, chapter twenty-nine-a of this code that establishes a system that is based in multiple measures and meets the requirements of any federal law to assess and weigh annual performance measures to assure that schools and school systems are providing a thorough and efficient education to their students.  State accreditation shall be reviewed and approved in a balanced manner that gives fair credit to all measures affecting students and subgroups of students in the schools and school systems. The state board also may establish performance incentives for schools and school systems as part of the state accreditation system. On or before December 1, 2018, the state board shall report to the Governor and to the Legislative Oversight Commission on Education Accountability the proposed rule for establishing the measures and incentives of accreditation and the estimated cost therefore, if any. Thereafter, the state board shall provide an annual report to the Governor and to the Legislative Oversight Commission on Education Accountability on the impact and effectiveness of the accreditation system. The rule for school and school system accreditation proposed by the board may include, but is not limited to, the following measures:

(1) Student proficiency and growth in English and language arts, math, science and other subjects determined by the board;

(2) Graduation and attendance rate;

(3) Students taking and passing AP tests;

(4) Students completing a career and technical education class;

(5) Closing achievement gaps within subgroups of a school’s student population; and

(6) Students scoring at or above average attainment on SAT or ACT tests.

(f) Indicators of efficiency. — In accordance with article three-b, chapter twenty-nine-a of this code, the state board shall adopt by rule and periodically review and update indicators of efficiency for use by the appropriate divisions within the department to ensure efficient management and use of resources in the public schools in the following areas:

(1) Curriculum delivery including, but not limited to, the use of distance learning;

(2) Transportation;

(3) Facilities;

(4) Administrative practices;

(5) Personnel; and

(6) Any other indicators as determined by the state board.

Each county board of education shall use the statewide electronic information system established by the state board for data collection and reporting to the state Department of Education.

(g) Assessment and accountability of school and school system performance and processes. — In accordance with article three-b, chapter twenty-nine-a of this code, the state board shall establish by rule a system of education performance measures to evaluate the quality of education and the preparation of students based on the annual measures of student, school and school system performance and progress. The system of education performance measures shall provide information to the state board, the Legislature and the Governor, upon which they may determine whether a thorough and efficient system of schools is being provided. The system of education performance measures shall include:

(1) The assessment of student, school and school system performance and progress based on the annual measures established pursuant to subsection (e) of this section;

(2) The evaluation of records, reports and other documents that provide information on the quality of education and compliance with statutes, policies and standards: and

(3) The review of school and school system electronic strategic improvement plans.

(h) Uses of school and school system assessment information. — The state board shall use information from the system of education performance measures to assist it in ensuring that a thorough and efficient system of schools is being efficiently provided and to improve student, school and school system performance and progress. Information from the system of education performance measures further shall be used by the state board for these purposes, including, but not limited to, the following:

(1) Determining accountability and accreditation for schools and school system approval status as required by state board rule and any federal law or regulations; and

(2) Holding schools and school systems accountable for the efficient use of existing resources to meet or exceed the standards; and

(3) Targeting additional resources when necessary to improve performance and progress.

The state board shall make the performance measures information available to the Legislature, the Governor, the general public and to any individual who requests the information, subject to the provisions of any act or rule restricting the release of information.

(i) Early detection and intervention programs. — Based on the assessment of student, school and school system performance and progress, the state board shall establish early detection and intervention programs using the available resources of the Department of Education, or other resources as appropriate, to assist underachieving schools and school systems to improve performance before conditions become so grave as to warrant more substantive state intervention. Assistance shall include, but is not limited to, providing additional technical assistance and programmatic, professional staff development, and providing monetary, staffing and other resources where appropriate.

 (j) The state board may employ experienced education professionals, who serve at the will and pleasure of the state board, to coordinate on site and school system improvement efforts with staff at the State Department of Education to support schools and school systems in improving education performance measures.

(k) School accreditation. —

(1) The state board shall establish levels of accreditation to be assigned to schools. The establishment of levels of accreditation shall be subject to the following:

(A) The levels will be designed to demonstrate school performance on multiple measures as established by the state board by legislative rule in accordance with article three-b, chapter twenty-nine-a of this code and consistent with the applicable state laws, policies and standards, which include standards for performance-based accountability, high-quality education, and continuous improvement; and

(B) Will ensure compliance with federal law and applicable state laws, policies and standards at a minimum.

(2) The state board annually shall review the information from the system of education performance measures submitted for each school and shall accredit each school as designated in the rule, and consistent with the applicable state laws, policies and standards; and

(3) Exercise other powers and actions the state board determines necessary to fulfill its duties of general supervision of the schools and school systems of West Virginia.

(l) School system approval. — The state board annually shall review the information submitted for each school system from the system of education performance measures and issue to each county board an approval status in compliance with federal law and established by state board rule.

(m) Nonapproval for extraordinary circumstances.

(1) The state board shall establish and adopt additional standards to identify school systems in which the program may be nonapproved and the state board may issue nonapproval status whenever extraordinary circumstances exist as defined by the state board.

(2) When extraordinary circumstances exist, but do not rise to the level of immediate intervention as described in subsection (n) of this section, the state board may declare a state of emergency in the school system and shall direct designees to provide recommendations within sixty days of appointment for correcting the extraordinary circumstances. When the state board approves the recommendations, they shall be communicated to the county board. If progress in correcting the extraordinary circumstances, as determined by the state board, is not made within six months from the time the county board receives the recommendations, the state board shall intervene in the operation of the school system to cause improvements to be made that will provide assurances that a thorough and efficient system of schools will be provided. This intervention may include, but is not limited to, the following:

(A) Limiting the authority of the county board in areas that compromise the delivery of a thorough and efficient education to its students as designated by the state board by rule, which may include delegating decision-making authority regarding these matters to the state superintendent who may:

(B) Declare that the office of the county superintendent is vacant;

(C) Declare that the positions of personnel who serve at the will and pleasure of the county superintendent as provided in section one, article two, chapter eighteen-a of this code, are vacant, subject to application and reemployment;

(D) Fill the declared vacancies during the period of intervention; and

(E) Take any direct action necessary to correct the extraordinary circumstance.

(n) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, the state board may intervene immediately in the operation of the county school system with all the powers, duties and responsibilities contained in subsection (m) of this section, if the state board finds any of the following:

(1) A county board fails to act on a statutory obligation which would interrupt the day-to- day operations of the school system;

(2) That the conditions precedent to intervention exist as provided in this section; and that delaying intervention for any period of time would not be in the best interests of the students of the county school system; or

(3) That the conditions precedent to intervention exist as provided in this section and that the state board had previously intervened in the operation of the same school system and had concluded that intervention within the preceding five years.

(o) Capacity. — The process for improving education includes a process for targeting resources strategically to improve the teaching and learning process. Development of electronic school and school system strategic improvement plans, pursuant to subsection (b) of this section, is intended, in part, to provide mechanisms to target resources strategically to the teaching and learning process to improve student, school and school system performance. When deficiencies are detected through the assessment and accountability processes, the revision and approval of school and school system electronic strategic improvement plans shall ensure that schools and school systems are efficiently using existing resources to correct the deficiencies. When the state board determines that schools and school systems do not have the capacity to correct deficiencies, the state board shall take one or more of the following actions:

(1) Work with the county board to develop or secure the resources necessary to increase the capacity of schools and school systems to meet the standards and, when necessary, seek additional resources in consultation with the Legislature and the Governor;

(2) Recommend to the appropriate body including, but not limited to, the Legislature, county boards, schools and communities methods for targeting resources strategically to eliminate deficiencies identified in the assessment and accountability processes. When making determinations on recommendations, the state board shall include, but is not limited to, the following methods:

The state board, or its designee, the West Virginia Department of Education, and county school systems, shall work collaboratively in:

(1) Examining reports and electronic strategic improvement plans regarding the performance and progress of students, schools and school systems relative to the standards and identifying the areas in which improvement is needed;

(2) Determining the areas of weakness and of ineffectiveness that appear to have contributed to the substandard performance and progress of students or the deficiencies of the school or school system;

(3) Determining the areas of strength that appear to have contributed to exceptional student, school and school system performance and progress and promoting their emulation throughout the system;

(4) Requesting technical assistance from the School Building Authority in assessing or designing comprehensive educational facilities plans;

(5) Recommending priority funding from the School Building Authority based on identified needs;

(6) Recommending special staff development programs from county boards based on identified needs;

(7) Submitting requests to the Legislature for appropriations to meet the identified needs for improving education;

(8) Directing educational expertise and support services strategically toward alleviating deficiencies;

(9) Ensuring that the need for facilities in counties with increased enrollment are appropriately reflected and recommended for funding;

(10) Ensuring that the appropriate person or entity is held accountable for eliminating deficiencies; and

(11) Ensuring that the needed capacity is available from the state and local level to assist the school or school system in achieving the standards and alleviating the deficiencies.

(p) Building leadership capacity. — To help build the governance and leadership capacity of a county board during an intervention in the operation of its school system, and to help assure sustained success following return of control to the county board, the county board shall establish goals and action plans, subject to approval of the state superintendent, to improve performance sufficiently to end the intervention within a period of not more than five years. The state superintendent shall maintain oversight and provide assistance and feedback to the county board on development and implementation of the goals and action plans. At a minimum, the goals and action plans shall include:

(1) An analysis of the training and development activities needed by the county board and leadership of the school system for effective governance and school improvement;

(2) Support for the training and development activities identified which may include those made available through the state superintendent, West Virginia School Board Association, and other sources identified in the goals and action plans; and

(3) Active involvement by the county board in the improvement process, working in tandem with the county superintendent to gather, analyze and interpret data, write time-specific goals to correct deficiencies, prepare and implement action plans and allocate or request from the Department of Education the resources, including board development training and coaching, necessary to achieve approved goals and action plans and sustain system and school improvement.

At least once each year during the period of intervention, the state board shall appoint a designee to assess the readiness of the county board to accept the return of control of the system or school from the state board and sustain the improvements, and shall make a report and recommendations to the state board supported by documented evidence of the progress made on the goals and action plans. The state board may return any portion of control of the operations of the school system or end the intervention in its entirety by a majority vote. If the state board determines at the fifth annual assessment that the county board is still not ready to accept return of control by the state board and sustain the improvements, the state board shall hold a public hearing in the affected county at which the attendance by all members of the county board is requested so that the reasons for continued intervention and the concerns of the citizens of the county may be heard. The state board may continue the intervention only after it holds the public hearing and may require revision of the goals and action plans. The state board must thereafter hold a public hearing after each annual assessment beyond the fifth year. If a school system is in intervention status on the effective date of this provision, the total years of intervention shall be calculated from the date of initial intervention.

Following the termination of an intervention in the operation of a school system and return of full control by the state board, the support for governance education and development shall continue as needed for up to three years. If at any time within this three years, the state board determines that intervention in the operation of the school system is again necessary, the state board shall again hold a public hearing in the affected county so that the reasons for the intervention and the concerns of the citizens of the county may be heard prior to intervening.

§18-2E-5a. County superintendent employment contract.

(a) The Legislature previously granted authority to the state board to intervene in the operation of a county school system in section five, article two-e of this chapter. Part of the authority given is the authority of the state board to declare that the office of the county superintendent is vacant. County boards enter into contracts to employ persons as superintendents for a term of years which creates substantial rights and obligations. Although the statute provides that the state board may declare the office of the county superintendent vacant, the statute did not specifically give the state board authority to void the contract of the county superintendent. The intent of this section is to clarify what contractual obligations continue after removal.

(b) Whenever the state board intervenes in the operation of a school system and the office of the county superintendent is declared vacant pursuant to section five, article two-e of this chapter, the state board may, for any intervention which is instituted after the effective date of this section, void any existing employment contract between the county board and the county superintendent.

(c) Whenever a county board elects a county superintendent and enters into a written contract of employment with the superintendent, the county board shall include within the contract a conspicuous clause that informs the superintendent that if the state board intervenes in the operation of the county school system pursuant to section five, article two-e of this chapter, the state board may vacate the office and void the employment contract.



Acts, 2014 Reg. Sess., Ch. 47.



Acts, 2013 Reg. Sess., Ch. 55.

§18-2E-5d. Standards for the duration of school bus transportation times for students to and from school.

(a) The high quality standards for transportation adopted by the state board pursuant to section five of this article shall include standards for the recommended duration of the one-way school bus transportation time for students to and from school under normal weather and operating conditions as follows:

(1) For elementary school students, thirty minutes;

(2) For middle school, intermediate school and junior high school students, forty-five minutes; and

(3) For high school students, sixty minutes.

(b) A county board may not create a new bus route for the transportation of students in any of the grade levels prekindergarten through grade five to and from any school included in a school closure, consolidation or new construction project approved after July 1, 2008, which exceeds by more than fifteen minutes the recommended duration of the one-way school bus transportation time for elementary students adopted by the state board in accordance with subsection (a) of this section unless:

(1) The county board adopts a separate motion to approve creation of the route and request written permission of the state board to create the route; and

(2) Receives the written permission of the state board to create the route.

(c) A county board may not create, nor may the state board permit, the creation of a new bus route for the transportation of students in any of the grade levels prekindergarten through grade five to and from any school included in a school closure, consolidation or new construction project approved after July 1, 2008, which exceeds by more than thirty minutes the recommended duration of the one-way school bus transportation time for elementary students adopted by the state board in accordance with subsection (a) of this section.

(d) The state board shall provide technical assistance to county boards with the objective of achieving school bus transportation routes for students which are within the recommended time durations established by the state board.

§18-2E-6. Falsifying reports; penalty.

It shall be unlawful for any person knowingly and intentionally to falsely report any information required under this article.

Any person who violates the provisions of this section is guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be imprisoned in the county jail for not more than one year, or fined not more than $1,000, or both.

§18-2E-7. Providing for instruction and learning in all public schools.

(a) The Legislature finds that:

(1) The knowledge and skills children need to succeed are changing dramatically and that West Virginia students must develop proficiency in the subject matter content, technology tools and learning skills to succeed and prosper in life, in school and on the job;

(2) Students must be equipped to live in a multitasking, multifaceted, technology-driven world;

(3) The provision technologies and software resources in grades prekindergarten through twelve is necessary to meet the goal that high school graduates will be prepared fully for college, other post-secondary education or gainful employment;

(4) This goal reflects a fundamental belief that the youth of the state exit the system equipped with the skills, competencies and attributes necessary to succeed, to continue learning throughout their lifetimes and to attain self-sufficiency;

(5) To promote learning, teachers must be competent in content and learning skills and must be equipped to fully integrate technology to transform instructional practice and to support skills acquisition;

(6) For students to learn technology skills, students and teachers must have equitable access to high quality, technology tools and resources;

(7) When aligned with standards and curriculum, technology-based assessments can be a powerful tool for teachers; and

(8) Teachers must understand how to use technology to create classroom assessments for accurate, timely measurements of student proficiency in attainment of academic content.

(b) The state board shall ensure that the resources to be used to provide technology services to students in grades prekindergarten through twelve are included in a West Virginia Strategic Technology Learning Plan to be developed by the Department of Education as an integral component of the county electronic strategic improvement plan required in section five of this article. The provision of technologies and services to students and teachers shall be based on a county technology plan developed by a team that includes school building-level professional educators and is aligned with the goals and objectives of the West Virginia Strategic Technology Learning Plan. This plan shall be an integral component of the county electronic strategic improvement plan as required in section five of this article. Funds shall be allocated equitably to county school systems following peer review of the plans that includes providing necessary technical assistance prior to submission and allows timely review and approval by the West Virginia Department of Education. Equitable allocation shall be defined by the state board and may include per school-site equity for technologies requiring a site license or other per school application. Technology tools purchased from appropriations for this section shall adhere to state contract prices: Provided, That contingent upon approval of the county technology plan, counties that identify, within that plan, specific software or peripheral equipment not listed on the state contract, but necessary to support implementation, may request the West Virginia Department of Education to secure state purchasing prices for those identified items. Total expenditure to purchase these additional items may not exceed ten percent of the annual county allocation. To the extent practicable, the technology shall be used:

(1) To maximize student access to learning tools and resources at all times including during regular school hours, before and after school or class, in the evenings, on weekends and holidays and for public education, noninstructional days and during vacations; and

(2) For student use for homework, remedial work, personalized learning, independent learning, career planning and adult basic education.

(c) The implementation of this section should provide a technology infrastructure capable of supporting multiple technology-based learning strategies designed to enable students to achieve at higher academic levels. The technology infrastructure should facilitate student development by addressing the following areas:

(1) Mastery of rigorous core academic subjects in grades prekindergarten through eight by providing software, other technology resources or both aligned with state standards in reading, mathematics, writing, science, social studies and learning tools;

(2) Mastery of rigorous core academic subjects in grades nine through twelve by providing appropriate technology tools aligned with state standards for learning skills and technology tools;

(3) Attainment of skill outcomes for all students in the use of technology tools and learning skills;

(4) Proficiency in new, emerging content;

(5) Participation in relevant, contextual instruction that uses dynamic, real-world contexts that are engaging and meaningful for students, making learning relevant to life outside of school and bridging the gap between how students live and how they learn in school;

(6) Ability to use digital and emerging technologies to manage information, communicate effectively, think critically, solve problems, work productively as an individual and collaboratively as part of a team and demonstrate personal accountability and other self-directional skills;

(7) Providing students with information on post-secondary educational opportunities, financial aid and the skills and credentials required in various occupations that will help them better prepare for a successful transition following high school;

(8) Providing greater access to advanced and other curricular offerings than could be provided efficiently through traditional on-site delivery formats, including increasing student access to quality distance learning curricula and online distance education tools;

(9) Providing resources for teachers in differentiated instructional strategies, technology integration, sample lesson plans, curriculum resources and online staff development that enhance student achievement; and

(10) Providing resources to support basic skills acquisition and improvement at the above mastery and distinguished levels.

(d) Developed with input from appropriate stakeholder groups, the West Virginia Strategic Technology Learning Plan shall be an integral component of the electronic strategic county improvement plan as required in section five of this article. The West Virginia Strategic Technology Learning Plan shall be comprehensive and shall address, but not necessarily be limited to, the following provisions:

(1) Allocation of adequate resources to provide students with equitable access to technology tools, including instructional offerings and appropriate curriculum, assessment and technology integration resources aligned to both the content and rigor of state content standards as well as to learning skills and technology tools;

(2) Providing students and staff with equitable access to a technology infrastructure that supports the acquisition of skills in the use of technology, including the ability to access information, solve problems, communicate clearly, make informed decisions, acquire new knowledge, construct products, reports and systems and access online assessment systems;

(3) Inclusion of various technologies that enable and enhance the attainment of the skills outcomes for all students;

(4) Collaboration with various partners, including parents, community organization, higher education, schools of education in colleges and universities, employers and content providers;

(5) Seeking of applicable federal government funds, philanthropic funds, other partnership funds or any combination of those types of funds to augment state appropriations and encouraging the pursuit of funding through grants, gifts, donations or any other sources for uses related to education technology;

(6) Sufficient bandwidth to support teaching and learning and to provide satisfactorily for instructional management needs;

(7) Protection of the integrity and security of the network, as well as student and administrative workstations;

(8) Flexibility to adjust the plan based on developing technology, federal and state requirements and changing local school and county needs;

(9) Incorporation of findings based upon validation from research-based evaluation findings from previous West Virginia-based evaluation projects;

(10) Continuing study of emerging technologies for application in a learning environment and inclusion in the technology plan, as appropriate;

(11) An evaluation component to determine the effectiveness of the program and make recommendations for ongoing implementation;

(12) A program of embedded, sustained professional development for teachers that is strategically developed to support a thorough and efficient education for all students and that aligns with state standards for technology, integrates technology skills into educational practice and supports the implementation of software, technology and assessment resources in the classroom;

(13) Providing for uniformity in technological hardware and software standards and procedures;

(14) The strategy for ensuring that the capabilities and capacities of the technology infrastructure is adequate for acceptable performance of the technology being implemented in the public schools;

(15) Providing for a comprehensive, statewide uniform, integrated education management and information system for data collection and reporting to the Department of Education and the public;

(16) Providing for an effective model for the distance delivery, virtual delivery or both types of delivery of instruction in subjects where there exists low student enrollment or a shortage of certified teachers or where the delivery method substantially improves the quality of an instructional program such as the West Virginia Virtual School;

(17) Providing a strategy to implement, support and maintain technology in the public schools;

(18) Providing a strategy to provide ongoing support and assistance to teachers in integrating technology into instruction such as with technology integration specialists and technology system specialists;

(19) A method of allowing public education to take advantage of appropriate bulk purchasing abilities and to purchase from competitively bid contracts initiated through the southern regional education board educational technology cooperative and the America TelEdCommunications Alliance;

(20) Compliance with United States Department of Education regulations and Federal Communications Commission requirements for federal E-rate discounts; and

(21) Other provisions as considered appropriate, necessary or both to align with applicable guidelines, policies, rules, regulations and requirements of the West Virginia Legislature, the Board of Education and the Department of Education.

(e) Any state code and budget references to the Basic Skills/Computer Education Program and the SUCCESS Initiative will be understood to refer to the statewide technology initiative referenced in this section, commonly referred to as the 21st Century Tools for 21st Century Schools Technology Initiative.

§18-2E-8. Creating jobs through education.

(a) Findings and intent. -- The Legislature finds that the Governor, the Legislature, the state board and the people of West Virginia established goals for education through an education summit and series of town meetings in the summer of the year 1990, and that these goals were codified in section four, article one of this chapter during the third extraordinary session of the Legislature of that year. Among these goals is the goal that high school graduates will be prepared fully for college, other post-secondary education or gainful employment and that the number of high school graduates entering post-secondary education will increase by fifty percent. The Legislature finds that this goal reflects a fundamental belief that the result of a thorough and efficient system of free schools is that the youth of the state exit the system equipped with the skills, competencies and attributes necessary to succeed, to continue learning throughout their lifetimes and to attain economic self-sufficiency.

The Legislature further finds that the full preparation of youth as indicated in these findings cannot be accomplished by the school system alone, but requires the full and active partnership with parents and people from business, labor, higher education, economic development and other organizations and entities in the community that have an interest in providing quality education. Therefore, the intent of this section is to establish a policy framework and strategy for the state board in fulfilling its responsibility for the general supervision of free schools in order to encourage and utilize actively involved partnerships in the formulation of rules and practices to achieve the goal that high school graduates will be prepared fully for college, other post-secondary education or gainful employment, particularly in the delivery of programs that provide work-based learning opportunities for students within the school or at the workplace. The Legislature recognizes that many skilled jobs require education beyond the high school level, that the goals of West Virginia include increased post-secondary attendance and that the goals for post-secondary education as set forth in section one-a, article one, chapter eighteen-b of this code include an increased focus within higher education on relevancy, responsiveness to business, industry, labor and community needs, and on the current and future work force needs of the state. Therefore, it is further the intent of this section to enhance the linkages between secondary and post-secondary education.

(b) Comprehensive goals for jobs through education. -- The Legislature hereby establishes the following goals to be accomplished by the year 2001 for all students in all schools:

(1) The elimination of student grouping or tracking systems that result in high school students completing a general curriculum that does not prepare them fully for college, other post-secondary education or gainful employment;

(2) The replacement of the general curriculum, as stated in subdivision (1) of this subsection, with a system of career clusters and education majors that increases the academic expectations for all students, includes a system of career information and guidance and incorporates structured work-based learning;

(3) The requirement that every student, in consultation with his or her parents and school advisor, establish an individualized student transition plan covering grades nine through twelve and the first year beyond graduation from high school;

(4) The active involvement of partners at the state, regional and local levels in assuring the full preparation of graduates for college, other post-secondary education or gainful employment;

(5) The creation of a process through which qualified graduates will receive a portable credential that is recognized and valued by employers as an indicator of the skills, competence and readiness for employment of the graduates; and

(6) The implementation of continuous program assessment, program improvement and staff development.

(c) Increased academic expectations and career development for all students. -- The Legislature finds that there is a need to establish higher academic expectations and a system of career development for all students that contains the following elements:

(1) Assessment. -- The implementation of an assessment program that measures student performance by grade level and assesses student attainment of the basic academic foundation skills;

(2) Focus on basic skills in kindergarten through fourth grade. -- The strengthening and refocusing of kindergarten through fourth grade in order to assure that all students perform at grade level at the completion of the fourth grade by concentrating on teaching the basics of reading, writing, mathematics and computer skills;

(3) Development of rigorous curriculum. -- The development and implementation of a rigorous and relevant curriculum of basic academic requirements that lays a foundation for further learning and skill development. The proficiencies of the students shall be assessed at the end of the eighth grade and all students should attain the basic academic requirement levels by no later than the end of the tenth grade;

(4) Career exploration in grades five through eight. -- The exploration by students in the fifth through eighth grades of their interests and abilities in career clusters through accessing information about occupational skills and labor markets;

(5) Creation and initial implementation of individual student transition plan for grades nine and ten. -- The creation, by the end of the eighth grade, of the first two years of an individualized student transition plan that builds upon career awareness and exploration activities in the earlier grades and enables the student in consultation with his or her parents and school advisor to select a broad career cluster for further exploration in grades nine and ten;

(6) Choosing career majors for grades eleven through post-secondary. -- The creation of the second part of the individualized student transition plan by the end of the tenth grade. The second part of the individualized student transition plan shall establish a career major for the final years of high school and the first year after high school that will prepare the student for college, other post-secondary education or gainful employment;

(7) Implementation of career majors. -- The fulfillment of the secondary education component of the career major in grades eleven and twelve, including the successful completion of the necessary curriculum and participation in work-based learning experiences; and

(8) Completion of individualized student transition plan and assessment. -- The completion of the individualized student transition plan in the first year following graduation from high school by attending college, other post-secondary education or securing gainful employment. The state board shall provide an assessment form to be completed by the student and returned to the high school upon the completion of the individualized student transition plan. The form shall provide for the student to report his or her success in completing the plan and the strengths and weaknesses of his or her education preparation.

(d) Report of recommendations on comprehensive career development. -- To assist in the establishment of a comprehensive career development system, the state school-to-work steering committee shall report to the state board and the Legislative Oversight commission on education accountability by November 1, 1996, the recommendations of the career guidance committee established pursuant to the state school-to-work implementation plan.

(e) Guidelines for increasing the ability of all students to meet higher academic expectations and become self-motivated learners. -- Practices that increase the academic expectations for all students and help them to succeed in achieving those higher expectations include, but are not limited to:

(1) Utilizing instructional methods that require the student to be a worker who is actively engaged in the learning process;

(2) Utilizing methodologies that require students to apply academic knowledge in practical situations and problem solving;

(3) Utilizing computers and other technologies to provide opportunities for creative instruction, both individually and in groups in all subjects;

(4) Providing structured opportunities for students to participate in credit and noncredit learning activities outside the school that are integrated with and are an extension of the school-based program of study for the student through such activities as field trips, job shadowing, community service, entrepreneurship development, mentoring, internships, apprenticeships, school-based enterprises in partnership with the private sector and other cooperative learning experiences connected to student education majors and school-based instructional programs;

(5) Integrating and interrelating academic and technical content throughout the curriculum and ensuring numerous opportunities for cross-disciplinary learning to emphasize the importance of reading, writing, speaking, listening and viewing; and

(6) Encouraging teachers to plan and work together and exercise their professional judgment in the classroom.

(f) Establishing partnerships. -- As soon as practicable following the effective date of this section, the Governor shall appoint or designate a "Jobs Through Education Employer Panel", to assure the high quality preparation of our youth for college, other post-secondary education or gainful employment. The jobs through education employer panel shall advise and assist the state board, the higher education governing boards and institutions, other post-secondary education training programs and agencies and employers in assuring that graduates are prepared fully for further education and training or gainful employment and shall perform other functions as set forth in this section. In providing such advice and assistance and in the performance of such other functions, the jobs through employer panel shall solicit input from the county steering committees.

As soon as practicable, following the effective date of this section, county boards shall appoint a county steering committee that includes parents and people from business, labor, higher education, economic development, local school improvement councils, faculty Senates and other organizations and entities in the community as valuable partners in developing and implementing a system within the county that meets the intent of this section and adheres to the rules of the state board. The membership of the county steering committee and participation in the community and technical college district consortia committee, as created by section three-a, article three, chapter eighteen-b of this code, shall be coordinated to the extent that it is practical.

(g) Guidelines for work-based learning. -- Work-based learning is a structured activity that correlates with and is mutually supportive of school-based learning for the student, and includes specific objectives to be mastered by the student as a result of the activity. It is central to the education preparation process to develop within the student an awareness of the work environment and how the skills the student is acquiring will be applied in that environment. Broadly defined, work-based learning opportunities are activities that assist students to gain an awareness of the workplace, develop an appreciation of the relevancy of academic subject matter to workplace performance and gain valuable work experience and skills while exploring their occupational interests and abilities. Incorporating work-based learning as a central part of the education process and also as a final step in the formal education process includes, but is not limited to:

(1) Providing students in the early grades with activities such as field trips, career-oriented speakers in the classroom, courses such as junior achievement which are taught by volunteers in the classroom, job shadowing and other such activities to increase student awareness of the workplace; and

(2) Providing students in the later grades, including college and other post-secondary education, with activities such as structured community service, apprenticeships, internships, clinical experiences, cooperative education and other work-site placements, school-based enterprises, workplace simulations and entrepreneurial development, that provide students with more specific work experience in an occupational area associated with their education major.

To the extent possible, student work-based learning, and particularly workplace learning, should be jointly assessed by a school-based educator or advisor and a work-based mentor who possesses the skills set forth in the work-based learning objectives of the student, and who has been trained in mentoring and assessing student performance.

(h) Special consideration for providing work-based learning in counties with few opportunities for employment. -- Providing work-based learning opportunities for all students in counties with few employers will be particularly difficult. While the following additional examples of ways to increase opportunities for work-based learning are applicable for all counties, they are most important in counties with few employers. Additional examples include, but are not limited to:

(1) Computer software that simulates workplace situations and problem solving;

(2) Interactive and other technology to bring an exposure to the workplace into the classroom;

(3) Community service;

(4) Partnerships with city, state and county government for work-based placements;

(5) Volunteer programs, such as junior achievement and other programs that utilize volunteers trained to deliver work-related instruction;

(6) Assumption of recordkeeping and other measures by the schools, or through the use of community-based organizations or other intermediaries, that make it easier for small businesses to participate in accepting students for workplace learning;

(7) Rural entrepreneurship through action learning programs;

(8) School-based enterprises;

(9) Projects through 4-H, scouts, junior ROTC and other school and nonschool student and civic organizations;

(10) Multiple partnerships with existing employers, such as hospitals that have multiple departments;

(11)Agricultural education, FFA projects and supervised work experience programs; and

(12)Programs at vocational-technical education centers.

The state board shall make recommendations to the Legislature by November 1, 1996, on any further actions that may be appropriate to assist counties with few employers in providing work-based learning opportunities for all students.

(i) Electronic portfolio of student accomplishments and preparation. -- For the purpose of better documenting the preparation of high school graduates for college, other post-secondary education or gainful employment, the state board shall develop an electronic portfolio which will be a permanent record for every student. The electronic portfolio shall be issued by the appropriate county board and shall include the accomplishments of the student during his or her education preparation. Upon request, students shall receive the contents of the electronic portfolio in written or computer readable form. The electronic portfolio shall be subject to the same confidentiality and disclosure laws and rules as any other student records. The electronic portfolio shall include, but not be limited to:

(1) Documentation of attendance, grades, accomplishments, education plans, education major interests, curriculum, special activities, honors and advanced education and other items appropriate for inclusion in the portfolio as determined by state board rule to present the accomplishments and achievements of the student;

(2) A separate area for the student to enter presentations, examples and other information on his or her special areas of interest and advanced achievement;

(3) Certification of student attainment of the minimum level of proficiency in the basic skills that lays the foundation for further learning and skill development for success in college, other post-secondary education or gainful employment; and

(4) Certification of the skills, competence and readiness for college, other post-secondary education or employment, as indicated by: (i) College entrance tests; (ii) specialized assessments that measure the attainment of necessary skills and competencies required in the workplace; (iii) the attainment of industry recognized credentials, licensure or certification; (iv) the completion of nationally accredited technical education programs; (v) performance in specialized learning experiences such as paid and unpaid structured work-based learning in the private or public sectors, including, but not limited to, registered youth apprenticeships, internships, cooperative education, community service, entrepreneurship development and school-based enterprises in partnership with the private sector; and (vi) other indicators relevant to the student's skills, competence and readiness for college, other post-secondary education or gainful employment.

(j) Guidelines for certification on the electronic portfolio of student skills, competencies and readiness for employment. -- The certification of student skills, competencies and readiness for a particular industry or occupation to be included on the electronic portfolio, including certification offered by an institution of higher education or other job training programs, shall require the approval of an appropriate entity designated by the jobs through education employer panel. Local education agencies, institutions of higher education and other job training programs desiring to issue such certification to meet local labor market or community needs and circumstances may apply to the panel for such approval. To the extent possible, such certification shall provide the student with a proficiency credential that is widely recognized and accepted within an industry or occupational area as a reliable indicator of the ability of the student. The jobs through education employer panel shall consult other established skill standards for use in certifying proficiency in skills, competencies and readiness within specific industries and occupations. The intent of these provisions is to provide a formal mechanism for the ongoing alignment of the certification of student skills, competencies and readiness with current minimum requirements for success in the industry or occupational area for which the student is preparing, including requirements which will be met through additional education in college or other post-secondary education.

 (k) Staff development. -- Meeting the intent and objectives of this section will require a continued focus on staff development to increase the ability of teachers and administrators to employ various methodologies for strengthening the rigor, content and relevance of the learning process and help all students achieve at higher levels. Teachers and administrators must know about workplace requirements to help students internalize the relationship between learning in school and success in the careers they envision for themselves in adult life. The use of student assessment and program evaluation information continually to check and improve the curriculum, instruction, school climate and school organization and management, is critical to maintaining high quality instruction that is relevant to changing workplace requirements. Staff development opportunities shall include, but not be limited to:

(1) Designation by the state board of exemplary counties and schools that have implemented comprehensive school-to-work systems as model demonstration sites to be visited and observed;

(2) Collaboration and utilization of the resources of the state Department of Education, institutions of higher education, the center for professional development and county staff development councils for both in-service and preservice preparation programs;

(3) Teacher and business exchange programs that enable teachers to gain exposure and experience in the workplace and business persons to gain exposure and experience in the schools; (4) Structured programs or institutes that take educators into the workplace to observe the work environment and skills necessary to perform work tasks; and

(5) Staff development activities which include joint participation by public school, college and other post-secondary faculty where appropriate.

(l) Study committee for staff development credits. -- There is hereby created a study committee to make recommendations on the feasibility of, and the possible process for, crediting staff development activities toward fulfilling the requirement for renewal of certificates, pursuant to section three, article three, chapter eighteen-a of this code, and the progression through the state minimum salary schedule, pursuant to section two, article four of said chapter. The committee shall consist of the chancellor of the university of West Virginia board of trustees, or a designee; the state superintendent, or a designee, who shall serve as chair of the committee; a member of the state board, to be selected by the state board; a representative of West Virginia University to be selected by the president of the university; a representative of Marshall university, to be selected by the president of the university; a representative of the West Virginia graduate college, to be selected by the president of the college; four classroom teachers to be appointed by the Governor within thirty days of the effective date of this section; and the director of the center for professional development or a designee. Such committee shall report its recommendations to the Legislative Oversight commission on education accountability by January 1, 1997.

(m) State board rule. -- On or before November 1, 1996, the state board, with advice from the jobs through education employer panel, and in consultation with the higher education governing boards, shall adopt a rule in accordance with the provisions of article three-b, chapter twenty-nine-a of this code for the implementation of this section. The rule shall allow flexibility for local variation to meet local circumstances and shall establish a five-year plan for phased implementation. The proposed rule developed pursuant to this section shall contain a financial impact statement as well as a job impact statement.

(n)Any study groups or committees created by the state board to assist in development of policies or rules for the implementation of this section shall contain significant representation by classroom teachers as defined by section one, article one, chapter eighteen-a of this code. Further, the state board shall include in its annual budget request sufficient funds to implement programs, policies or rules adapted to meet the goals set out in this section: Provided, That nothing in this section shall be construed to require any specific level of funding by the Legislature.

§18-2E-8a. Electronic portfolio repealed.

Notwithstanding the provisions of subsections (i) and (j), section eight of this article, information on student attainment of special skills, honors, advanced education, exceptional performance and other outstanding accomplishments shall be included on the certificate of proficiency granted to eligible high school graduates along with the diploma pursuant to section six, article two of this chapter. All provisions for development of an electronic portfolio by the state board are hereby null and void and without future effect.



Acts, 2014 Reg. Sess., Ch. 47.

§18-2E-8c. The "Robert C. Beach" vocational agriculture credit.

(a) The Legislature finds that vocational agriculture curriculum plays a vital role in the development of science education for those students enrolled in the program. The Legislature further finds that as a former member of the West Virginia House of Delegates, Robert C. Beach was a strong supporter of the vocational agriculture program.

(b) Students completing two successful semesters in vocational agriculture classes, as defined by state board policy on October 1, 1999, shall receive no more than one of the three required units towards high school graduation for science.

§18-2E-8d. Further expressions of legislative intent with respect to this article; parental consent for substitute classes.

(a) The Legislature finds that many school systems are improving the quality of education for their students through implementation of the goals and policies set forth in this article. The Legislature finds that local school systems have had and should continue to have substantial flexibility for implementing these improvements. The Legislature further finds that certain of the goals address legally recognized elements within the definition of a thorough and efficient education among which is the development in every child his or her capacity and knowledge to intelligently pursue his or her options. The purpose of this section is to further this progress through a greater expression of the legislative intent with respect to eliminating the general track curriculum and to insure that all students perform at high levels of academic achievement.

(b) The intent of the Legislature is to provide in an economical manner for a thorough and efficient education that:

(1) Provides information to parents and students which clearly identifies the courses a student should take to prepare fully for continuing their education in college, other post-secondary education or employment so they can intelligently choose among the many options available to them;

(2) Encourages the involvement of parents in their child's education by providing parents and students with information and opportunities to help students explore their interests and plan a program of study while they are still in high school and have greater options and flexibility;

(3) Ensures that the quality, content, and alignment of the curriculum is sufficient to prepare students fully for the transition to college, other post-secondary education or employment in areas in which they have an interest following graduation from high school; and

(4) Improves student learning by increasing the rigor of the curriculum, making it more relevant to students, and reinforcing academic instruction through applications to real life problem solving so that whatever options a student pursues following graduation from high school, the student has acquired a foundation of knowledge, skills and abilities that prepares him or her fully for success.

(c) Notwithstanding the courses specified as required major courses within a high school program of study, a student in consultation with his or her parents and school advisor, and with the written consent of his or her parents, may take a higher level course, advanced placement course, college course or other more rigorous substitute. The parental consent form shall include a certification signed by the school advisor that the parents were advised of the impact of the substitute course on the student's preparation for college, other post-secondary education or employment in the student's major field of study and that the student's certificate of proficiency will not indicate that the student completed a program of study major unless such substitute courses are related to the major field of study selected by the student.

(d) Notwithstanding the courses specified as recommended electives within a high school program of study, a student in consultation with his or her parents and school advisor, and with the written consent of his or her parents, may substitute other elective courses in place of those recommended to prepare the student fully for continuing his or her education in college, other post-secondary education or employment. The parental consent form shall include a certification signed by the school advisor that the parents were advised of the impact of the substitute course on the student's preparation for college, other post-secondary education or employment in the student's major field of study and that the student's certificate of proficiency will not indicate that the student completed a program of study major unless such substitute courses are related to the major field of study selected by the student.

(e) On or before July 1, 1999, the state board shall establish a uniform parental consent form to be maintained in the students permanent record for the purposes of subsections (c) and (d) of this section which shall contain:

(1) A statement to be signed and dated by the parents to consent to their child's substitution of another course for a required major course as provided in subsection (c) of this section and the course titles of the required major course and the substitute course;

(2) A statement to be signed and dated by the parents to consent to their child's substitution of another course for a recommended elective course as provided in subsection (d) of this section and the course titles of the recommended elective course and the substitute course; and

(3) A statement to be signed and dated by the school advisor certifying that the school advisor advised the parents of the impact of the substitute course on the student's preparation for college, other post-secondary education or employment in the student's major field of study and the student's certificate of proficiency.

(f) Nothing in this section shall prohibit a county board from establishing high school graduation requirements which exceed the minimum high school graduation requirements established by the state board.

§18-2E-8e. Veteran's honors funeral assistant community service program.

(a) Findings. -- The Legislature makes the following findings:

(1) Serving in the armed services in defense of the life, liberty and pursuit of happiness enjoyed in our democratic society involves a tremendous sacrifice on the behalf of those who serve, often at the cost of their own lives;

(2) It is a fitting tribute to those who have served in the Armed Forces and the families who have shared in their sacrifice to honor that service and that sacrifice in the most respectful manner;

(3) It is often difficult for the families of deceased veterans who wish to lay their loved ones finally to rest in a military honors funeral to find a bugler to sound their final Taps; and

(4) Organizations within the state and nationally, such as the Veterans of Foreign Wars, the American Legion, Bugles Across America and many others, have recognized the difficulty of finding buglers to sound Taps at military honors funerals and may be able to assist.

(b) Purpose. -- The purpose of this section is to facilitate collaboration that will encourage capable young people to assist with the sounding of Taps at military funerals honoring our veterans and, thereby, help them to develop a better understanding of the sacrifices, a respect for the commitment and an appreciation of the privileges that the men and women of the armed services have protected through their service.

(c) State board guidelines. -- The state board shall, in collaboration with organizations and supporters of veterans, establish general guidelines for the establishment of school level programs that encourage capable students in grades six through twelve, inclusive, to sound Taps on a standard or valved bugle, trumpet, cornet or flugelhorn during military honors funerals held in this state. The general guidelines shall address the issues to be set forth in the county board policies required under this section and shall include contact information for technical assistance from the Department of Education and organizations and supporters of veterans assisting in these programs. The state board shall distribute the guidelines to every county board. The state board shall also distribute an appropriate program summary and contact information to the colleges and universities in the state so that they may establish similar programs for their students.

(d) County board policies. -- Each county board shall establish a policy for the implementation of a veteran's honors funeral assistant community service program that addresses at least the following:

(1) The distribution of information to music and band teachers for their use in notifying capable students and obtaining the consent of their parents or guardians for voluntary registry as a candidate able to sound Taps during military honors funerals held within a reasonable distance from their residence;

(2) The credit toward community service or work based learning requirements of the county or other recognition that will be awarded to a student for the registry and sounding of Taps during military honors funerals; and

(3) The limits on the amount of regular classroom instruction that a student may miss for the sounding of Taps during military honors funerals to fulfill a community service or work based learning requirement or, if none, on the excused absences that the student may accrue for this activity.

County boards are not responsible for any costs associated with the program, may not be required to provide or pay for student transportation to funerals and are not liable for student supervision while absent to participate in funerals. However, county boards are encouraged to collaborate with organizations of veterans and supporters of veterans to assist with the veteran's honors funeral assistant community service program.

§18-2E-8f. Creating the "West Virginia Remembers Program;" rules.

(a) There is hereby created the "West Virginia Remembers Program." The objective of the West Virginia Remembers Program is to provide a forum wherein children in the public schools may learn about military service, patriotism and courage in the defense of our country from veterans who volunteer to share their experiences in the educational setting. The state board shall promulgate a rule for implementation of the program, including, but not limited to, the following:

(1) The program is not a part of the required curriculum;

(2) Presentation of the program in any classroom is the option of the classroom teacher; and

(3) A process is established for soliciting speakers from veterans groups and identifying available speakers.

§18-2E-9. West Virginia virtual school.

(a) Findings: -- The Legislature finds that:

(1) West Virginia schools have improved and expanded Internet access which enables schools to offer courses through the Internet and other new and developing technologies;

(2) Current technology is available to provide students with more resources for learning and new and developing technologies offer even more promise for expanded learning opportunities;

(3) A number of states and other jurisdictions have developed Internet-based instruction which is available currently and which is being used by schools in this state;

(4) To educate better the students of West Virginia, more course and class offerings can be made available through technology, especially to students who are geographically disadvantaged;

(5) Virtual learning enables students to learn from remote sites, learn at times other than the normal school day and learn at a different pace and gives students access to courses that would not be available in their area;

(6) There is a need to assure that Internet-based courses and courses offered through new and developing technologies are of high quality; and

(7) The state and county school systems can benefit from the purchasing power the state can offer.

(b) The Legislature hereby creates the West Virginia virtual school. The West Virginia virtual school shall be located within the office of technology and information systems within the West Virginia Department of Education.

(c) The State Superintendent of Schools shall appoint the director of the West Virginia virtual school with the approval of the state board.

(d) The director of the West Virginia virtual school has the following powers and duties:

(1) To contract with providers for courses and other services;

(2) To review courses and courseware and make determinations and recommendations relative to the cost and quality of the courses and the alignment with the instructional goals and objectives of the state board;

(3) To develop policy recommendations for consideration by the state board, which may include, but not be limited to, the following:

(A) Hardware and software considerations for the offering of courses on the Internet or other developing technologies;

(B) Standards of teachers and other school employees who are engaged in the activities surrounding the offering of courses on the Internet or other developing technologies;

(C) Sharing of resources with other agencies of government, both within and outside West Virginia, to facilitate the offering of courses on the Internet or other developing technologies;

(D) Methods for including courses offered on the Internet or through other developing technologies in alternative education programs;

(E) Methods for making courses offered on the Internet or through other developing technologies available for students receiving home instruction;

(F) Methods for brokering the courses offered on the Internet or through other developing technologies;

(G) Methods for applying for grants;

(H) Methods for employing persons who are the most familiar with the instructional goals and objectives to develop the courses to be offered on the Internet and through other developing technologies; and

(I) Proper funding models that address all areas of funding including, but not limited to, which county, if any, may include a student receiving courses on the Internet or through other developing technologies in enrollment and who, if anyone, is required to pay for the courses offered on the Internet or through other developing technologies; and

(4) Any other powers and duties necessary to address the findings of the Legislature in subsection (a) of this section.

(e) Subject to the process outlined in this section, the West Virginia virtual school's approved virtual and distance learning courses are exempt from the mandatory use of primary source instructional materials listed on the state multiple list.

(f) The West Virginia Department of Education shall report the progress of the West Virginia virtual school to the Legislative Oversight commission on education accountability on or before September 1, 2000.

§18-2E-10. Third Grade Success Act; multi-tiered system of support for early literacy and numeracy in kindergarten through grade three; pre-service and in-service teacher training; notice to parent or guardian; third grade retention policy with exceptions; interventions continuing in fourth grade for students below proficient.

(a) This section shall be known and may be cited as the Third Grade Success Act.

(b) The Legislature finds that:

(1) In the early learning years, ensuring that each student masters the content and skills needed for mastery at the next grade level is critically important for student success;

(2) Students who do not demonstrate grade-level proficiency in reading and mathematics by the end of third grade become increasingly less likely to succeed at each successive grade level and often drop out of school prior to graduation;

(3) State board policy requires every school to establish a process for ensuring the developmental and academic progress of all students. This process is to be coordinated by a school student assistance team that reviews student developmental and academic needs that have persisted despite being addressed through instruction, multi-tiered system of support for intervention, and as applicable, supports for personalized learning. Ensuring the developmental and academic success of all students requires every school to implement, in an equitable manner, programs during and after the instructional day at the appropriate instructional levels that contribute to the success of students; and

(4) To ensure that all students read and perform mathematics proficiently by the end of third grade, a statewide comprehensive approach to early literacy and numeracy is required. This approach shall focus on intensive supports during the early learning years which include schools and engaged communities mobilized to remove barriers, expand opportunities, and assist parents in fulfilling their roles and responsibilities to serve as full partners in the success of their children.

(c) “Science of reading” means evidence-based reading instruction practices that address the acquisition of language, phonological and phonemic awareness, phonics and spelling, fluency, vocabulary, oral language, comprehension, and writing that can be differentiated to meet the needs of individual students.

(d) The state board shall, in accordance with §29A-3B-1 et seq. of this code, promulgate legislative rules as necessary to effectuate the provisions of this section. The rules shall provide for at least the following:

(1) Development of a statewide comprehensive, systemic approach to close the reading and mathematics achievement gaps by third grade, which targets school readiness, the attendance gap, science of reading instruction (phonics, phonemic awareness, vocabulary, fluency, comprehension, and writing), summer learning loss, the use of screeners and/or benchmark assessments in English language arts and mathematics for students in grades kindergarten through three, and a multi-tiered system of support for students exhibiting a substantial reading or mathematics deficiency;

(2) Ensuring all West Virginia children have access to high-quality early learning experiences that focus on healthy learners as part of the school readiness model, resulting in increased populations of children on target for healthy development prior to entering first grade;

(3) Closing the attendance gap to certify West Virginia children attend school regularly and limit chronic absenteeism in the early grades;

(4) Providing assistance to county boards with the training and implementation of the science of reading training for all kindergarten through grade three educators, early childhood classroom assistant teachers, aides, paraprofessionals and any interventionists that a county board may choose to employ instead of an early childhood classroom assistant teacher, aides, or paraprofessionals pursuant to §18-5-18a(b) of this code;

(5) Assisting county boards in establishing and operating targeted, sustained extended day and extended year reading and mathematics programs to ensure grade level proficiency and battle summer learning loss;

(6) Establishing an approved list of screeners and/or benchmark assessments in English language arts and mathematics for students in grades kindergarten through three for the purpose of identifying students with a significant reading and/or mathematics deficiency. The screener and/or benchmark assessments shall be given in the first 30 days of the school year and repeated at mid-year and at the end of the school year to determine student progression in reading and mathematics in kindergarten through third grade;

(7) Establishing an approved list of dyslexia screeners to be administered to students no less than twice per year in kindergarten through third grade and any time students with identified deficiencies are not responding to interventions;

(8) Any student in kindergarten or grades one through three who exhibits a deficiency in reading at any time, based upon the screeners and/or benchmark assessments, and/or the comprehensive statewide student assessment, and any fourth-grade student promoted for good cause shall receive an individual reading improvement plan no later than 30 days after the identification of the reading deficiency. The reading improvement plan shall be created by the teacher, principal, other pertinent school personnel, and the parent(s) or guardians, and shall describe the research-based reading intervention services the student will receive to remedy the reading deficit. Each student shall receive intensive reading intervention until the student no longer has a deficiency in reading. Reading interventions may include evidence-based strategies frequently used to remediate reading deficiencies and includes, but is not limited to, individual instruction, small-group instruction, tutoring, mentoring, or the use of technology that targets specific reading skills and abilities;

(9) Maximizing family engagement to result in the development of a culture of literacy and numeracy, which shall at least include:

(A) Providing parents or guardians with regular updates to inform them of their child’s progress toward proficiency in reading and mathematics;

(B) Ensuring parents or guardians are informed of and have access to resources which they may utilize to improve their child’s literacy and numeracy skills;

(C) Ensuring the parent or guardian is informed of the importance of their child being able to demonstrate grade level reading and mathematics skills by the end of the third grade and the measures that will be employed pursuant to this section to improve the reading and mathematics skills of children who are not meeting the standards; and

(D) The parent or guardian of any student in kindergarten through grade three who exhibits a deficiency in reading or mathematics at any time during the school year must be notified in writing no later than 15 days after the identification of the deficiency, and the written notification must include the following:

(i) That the student has been identified as having a deficiency in reading and/or mathematics;

(ii) A description of the proposed research-based reading and/or mathematics interventions and/or supplemental instructional services and supports that will be provided to the child to address the identified area(s) of deficiency;

(iii) Strategies for the parent or guardian to use at home to help their child succeed in reading and/or mathematics; and

(iv) That if the child’s reading or mathematics deficiency is not corrected by the end of grade three, the child may not be promoted to grade four unless an exemption is met;

(10) Supporting high-quality schools and a workforce prepared to address early literacy and numeracy by the provision of professional development for administrators, kindergarten, first, second, and third grade teachers including, but not limited to, the following:

(A) The approved benchmark assessment and/or screener tools to ensure teachers have the knowledge and skill to administer the assessment and/or screener, analyze the data to inform instruction, and identify students exhibiting substantial deficiencies in reading or mathematics;

(B) Comprehensive training on the science of reading and numeracy instruction to ensure all kindergarten through grade three teachers, early childhood classroom assistant teachers, aides and paraprofessionals, have the knowledge and skill to teach and/or support all students to read and perform mathematics at grade level. The rules also shall provide that any interventionist a county chooses to employ instead of an early childhood classroom assistant teacher, aides or paraprofessionals pursuant to §18-5-18a(b) receives this comprehensive training;

(C) Training and materials to inform classroom teachers of the characteristics of dyslexia and dyscalculia in students, components of benchmarks and screeners that may indicate dyslexia or dyscalculia, and strategies for instruction; and

(D) Job-embedded, on-site teacher training on evidence-based reading and mathematics instruction and data-driven decision-making that provides kindergarten through grade three teachers with immediate feedback for improving instruction;

(11) Ensuring the employment of qualified teachers and service personnel in accordance with §18-5-39 and §18A-4-7c of this code to provide instruction to students enrolled in early literacy and numeracy support programs including, but not limited to, ensuring that educator preparation programs prepare candidates seeking licensure for elementary education with training and instruction to:

(A) Include instruction in state-adopted grade-level content standards, foundational reading and mathematics skills, and how to implement reading instruction using high-quality instructional materials;

(B) Provide effective instruction and intervention for students with reading and math deficiencies, including students with characteristics of dyslexia or dyscalculia; and

(C) Understand and use student data to make instructional decisions;

(12) Creating a formula or grant-based program for the distribution of funds appropriated specifically for the purposes of this section or otherwise available for the support of a targeted, multi-tiered system of support intervention for early literacy and numeracy;

(13) Providing support for transportation and healthy foods for students required to attend after-school and extended year early literacy and numeracy instructional support programs and supervision at the school that accommodates the typical work schedules of parents; and

(14) Receiving from county boards any applications and annual reports required by rule of the state board.

(e) A student in grades kindergarten through grade three shall be required to attend an extended year early literacy and numeracy instructional support program as a condition for promotion if:

(1) The student has been provided additional academic assistance through interventions offered during the school day or after-school in early literacy and numeracy and, prior to the end of the school year, the student assistance team or the student’s classroom teacher recommends that further additional academic help is needed for the student to be successful at the next grade level; and

(2) The county board has established a literacy and numeracy instructional support program during the extended year for the student’s grade level.

(f) County boards shall provide high-quality educational facilities, equipment, and services to support literacy and numeracy instructional support programs established pursuant to this section. Extended year programs may be provided at a central location for kindergarten through third graders who qualify for the program.

(g) Each county board shall adopt high-quality instructional materials grounded in scientifically-based reading research and aligned to state standards to be used as the core curriculum. The instructional materials shall not include practices that are aligned with the Three-Cueing Systems Model of teaching reading.

(h) This section may not be construed to prohibit a classroom teacher from recommending the grade level retention of a student in any of the grades kindergarten through grade three based upon the student’s lack of mastery of the subject matter and preparation for the subject matter at the next grade level. Benchmark and/or screener data shall be used to inform the classroom teacher’s recommendation.

(i) This section may not be construed to affect the individualized education plans of exceptional students.

(j) This section may not be construed to limit the authority of the county board to establish an extended year program in accordance with §18-5-39 of this code. County boards may not charge tuition for enrollment in early literacy and numeracy instructional support programs established pursuant to this section.

(k) Each county board shall implement the provisions of this section and the provisions of the state board rule required by subsection (b) of this section. The county board shall establish a process for ensuring the developmental and academic progress of all students through the auspices of student assistance teams as currently required by state board policy and perform a needs assessment to determine the potential capacity requirements for the multi-tiered system of support for early learners. Each county board also shall provide in-service training:

(1) For kindergarten through grade three early childhood classroom assistant teachers, aides and paraprofessionals, specifically related to literacy, numeracy, and their responsibilities and appropriate measures for exercising authority and control over students. The county board shall also provide this training to any interventionists it chooses to employ instead of an early childhood classroom assistant teacher, aide or professional pursuant to §18-5-18a(b) of this code; and

(2) For classroom teachers in grades kindergarten through three to help the classroom teachers gain a strong understanding of how to best utilize the early childhood classroom assistant teachers, aides, paraprofessionals or interventionists during classroom instruction and during other periods of the day.

(l) The state board shall provide a report describing the proposed implementation of the multi-tiered system of support for early literacy and numeracy to the Legislative Oversight Commission on Education Accountability on or before July 1, 2023.

(m) The state board shall provide a comprehensive report regarding the status of the multi-tiered system of support for literacy and numeracy to the Legislative Oversight Commission on Education Accountability, the Joint Committee on Government and Finance, and the Governor on or before November 1, 2023, and annually on or before November 1 of each year thereafter. The report shall address, at a minimum, the progress of the program throughout the state, its effect on student achievement, and the sources of the funding both available to and used by the program.

(n) Legislative appropriations to the State Board of Education – State Department of Education Elementary Literacy and Numeracy Program shall be used for the implementation of the provisions of this section along with other funds available for providing a high-quality education.

(o) Effective for the school year beginning July 1, 2026, and thereafter, a public school student who generally demonstrates a minimal understanding of, and ability to apply, grade level English language arts or mathematics knowledge, skills, and abilities, or both, as indicated on the West Virginia General Summative Assessment relative to the West Virginia College and Career Readiness Standards at the end of third grade, shall upon the recommendation of the teacher and the student assistance team, be retained in the third grade for the ensuing school year subject to the following exceptions:

(1) A student with disabilities whose Individual Education Plan indicates participation in the statewide alternate summative assessment;

(2) A student identified as an English language learner who has had less than three years instruction in English as a second language;

(3) A student with disabilities who participates in the statewide summative assessment, has an Individual Education Plan or Section 504 plan that reflects that the student has received intensive intervention for more than two years and still demonstrates a deficiency or who was previously retained in any of the grades kindergarten through grade three;

(4) A student who is in the process of a special education referral or evaluation for placement in special education, has been diagnosed as having a significant impairment, including dyslexia or dyscalculia, or is a child with a disability if the student’s individualized education program team and the student’s parent or guardian agree that promotion is appropriate based on the student’s Individualized Education Plan;

(5) A student who has received intensive intervention for two or more years, still demonstrates a deficiency, and who was previously retained in any of the grades kindergarten through grade three for a total of two years: Provided, That the student shall continue to receive intensive intervention in grade four;    

(6) A student who demonstrates an acceptable level of performance on an alternative standardized assessment approved by the state board;

(7) A student who attends an extended year learning program following the third grade and has attained proficiency; and

(8) A student whose parent or guardian has requested a good cause exemption within the time period established by the county board and the superintendent, or his or her designee, determines that the good cause exemption is in the best interests of the child: Provided, That a good cause exemption may not prohibit the grade level retention of a student by a classroom teacher based upon the student’s lack of mastery of the subject matter and preparation for the subject matter at the next grade level.




Acts, 2010 Reg. Sess., Ch. 33.



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Acts, 2010 Reg. Sess., Ch. 33.




Acts, 2014 Reg. Sess., Ch. 47.



Acts, 2014 Reg. Sess., Ch. 47.



Acts, 2014 Reg. Sess., Ch. 47.


§18-2H-1. Legislative findings.

The Legislature hereby finds and declares that, while an educated and informed citizenry is essential to a democratic society, so also is the right, opportunity and guarantee that the citizenry have the right to notice and participation in any state-mandated educational reform which changes, or is intended to change, statewide data systems, statewide curriculum, or any state-mandated education reform which constitutes a significant change in the philosophy or goals of education in the public schools of West Virginia as that is defined by state board rule.

In order to ensure the right and opportunity of the citizenry to notice and participation in any proposed state-mandated educational reform, a procedure for notice to the citizenry and public hearings shall be developed.

§18-2H-2. Notice, written comments and public hearing.

Prior to the adoption or implementation of any state-mandated education reform which constitutes a significant change in the philosophy or goals of education in the public schools of West Virginia, the state Board of Education shall give notice and hold public hearings on the proposed education reform.

At least sixty days prior to the date set for hearings, the state board shall provide notification of the proposed education reform in the manner specified in section three of this article: Provided, That the provisions of this section do not apply to emergency rules promulgated by the state Board of Education pursuant to section ten, article three-b, chapter twenty-nine-a of this code.

From the date of the public notice through the date of the last scheduled public hearing, the state board shall receive written comments to the intended state-mandated education reform constituting a significant change in the philosophy or goals of education in the public schools of West Virginia. After the minimum period of sixty days following the public notice of hearings, the state board, or the state Department of Education if so delegated by the state board, shall hold not less than four public hearings at various locations in the state, during which hearings the general public and affected citizenry shall have the opportunity to have questions and objections to the proposed education reform answered and to have their views made part of the public record.

If, after receipt of written comments and the public hearings, the state board makes any change in the proposed education reform, it shall make a public announcement of that change not less than thirty days prior to its vote on the reform. The affected citizenry may submit written comments on any such changes.

§18-2H-3. Procedures for hearings and public participation.

(a) Prior to the implementation of any state-mandated educational reform which constitutes a significant change in the philosophy or goals in the public schools of this state and the hearings required thereon, the state board shall provide notice by submitting a copy of the proposed reform and a press release to public and private television and radio stations, disseminating press releases to newspapers of general circulation, and notifying the parents of students in all schools which might be affected by sending notices home with the students, or by distribution to the parents in any other reasonable manner. The notice and plans shall be in such form and contain such information as the state board may require to fully inform the citizenry of the nature and scope of the educational reform, including the proposed educational reform and the date, time and place of the public hearings.

(b) The state board shall provide timely written notice to any person who has asked the state board to place the person's name on a mailing list maintained by the state board.

(c) The state board shall maintain a verbatim record of all hearings.

(d) The state board may not impose fees or other charges for such a public hearing.

§18-2H-4. Impact of public participation.

The extent of additional information received by the state board from the general public and the affected citizenry, with respect to the impact of the proposed educational reform, may be cause for the state board to change, alter, amend, implement or rescind the proposed educational reform.


§18-2I-1. Professional development coordination and delivery; system goals.

The purpose of this article is to establish clear state-level leadership for professional development for all West Virginia public school educators and administrators. As the state institution charged with the general supervision of the state school system, the state board shall institute a system for the coordination and delivery of high-quality professional development. The system shall clearly define the goals for professional development and delineate roles and responsibilities of the various state, school district and individual school levels for the delivery of high-quality professional development. The state board shall include among the goals for the system of professional development the following:

(1) The instructional leadership skills of principals are developed to ensure that each school is led by a principal who is knowledgeable of continuous improvement processes and capable of leading effective improvement efforts. The principal also must understand the value of fair and accurate personnel performance evaluations as an effective, continuous improvement effort to drive professional learning at the school level;

(2) Professional development is among the array of supports and processes necessary under a performance-based accreditation system to build the capacity of schools to impact student performance and well-being by increasing staff individual and collective skills, competencies, and abilities. It should be based on a thorough analysis of accountability data and strategic planning for continuous improvement that addresses those areas that must be a priority for individual school support, including an analysis of personnel evaluation data in order to target individualized professional learning at the school level;

(3) The school is the unit of change. Local and state resources, policies, and procedures must focus on assisting the improvement of each West Virginia school and on differentiating supports according to need and level of performance, including the implementation of school-based professional development programs that address the unique needs of staff and students; and

(4) Professional development should be delivered using techniques, school schedules or time in a manner that does not diminish student learning by the absence of their classroom teacher.

§18-2I-2. Legislative findings.

The Legislature finds:

(1) That high-quality professional development is critical in supporting improved practice, assuring teacher quality and raising student achievement;

(2) That professional development is vital in the state’s overall school improvement efforts;

(3) That the state board shall assure the efficient delivery of high-quality professional development programs and that the duplication of efforts be minimized;

(4) That the state board shall assure all stakeholders are appropriately involved in the planning and implementing of programs to meet requisite needs and that high-quality professional development programs be provided to public school educators of West Virginia in the most efficient and cost effective manner;

 (5) That continuous improvement is the on-going process of planning, determining, implementing, and refining efforts to improve student performance and well-being. It is the collective staff process of analyzing student performance data, studying current school and classroom practices, determining root causes, researching solutions, and implementing processes outlined in the school’s strategic plan; and

(6) That the capacity for excellence resides in every school. Schools are responsible for creating school-wide and classroom conditions that produce student success. Every school needs quality leadership and the flexibility and support to make the decisions that will lead to the achievement of all students.



Acts, 2018 Reg. Sess., Ch. 105.

§18-2I-4. Coordination, development and evaluation of professional development programs.

(a) On or before November 1, 2018, the state board shall promulgate a rule in accordance with §29A-3B-1 et seq.  of this code to ensure the coordination, development and evaluation of high-quality professional development programs. The rule shall include, but is not limited to, the following:

(1) Standards for quality professional development that all professional development providers shall use in designing, implementing, and evaluating professional development that shall become part of the system for the coordinated delivery of high-quality professional development established by the state board;

(2) Processes for aggregating information, in part from school and school district strategic plans, to determine areas of common need for professional development, as well as those more varied, to assist in the design of the most effective and efficient method and level of delivery;

(3) Processes for assuring professional development resources are appropriately allocated to identified areas of need;

 (4) Processes for evaluating the effectiveness, efficiency, and impact of the professional development;

(5) Processes for ensuring all stakeholders, including affected principals and classroom teachers, have a voice in the identification of needed professional development and various delivery models;

(6) Processes for collaboration among West Virginia Department of Education, county boards, principals and classroom teachers; and

(7) Processes for ensuring that the expertise and experience of state institutions of higher education with teacher preparation programs are included in developing and implementing professional development programs.

(b) The Center for Professional Development, formerly provided for under §18A-3A-1 et seq. of this code before the effective date of the amendment and reenactment of this section during the 2018 regular session of the Legislature, is hereby transferred to be under the authority and control of the state board. To assist in the delivery of high quality professional development for teachers, principals, and other school employees, the state board shall incorporate within the Department of Education the Center for Professional Development whose general mission shall be under the direction of the state board to advance the quality of teaching and learning in the schools of West Virginia through programs, technical assistance and support to schools and school systems to meet the legislative findings and goals of this article. The center shall perform other duties that may be assigned to it by the state board. In addition, the center shall provide statewide coordination for the continued growth and development of advanced placement programs in West Virginia high schools, including, but not limited to, serving as a liaison for The College Board, Inc., and providing for the training of advanced placement teachers.

§18-2I-5. Strategic Staff Development Fund.

(a) There is created an account within the state board titled the Strategic Staff Development Fund. The allocation of balances which accrue in the General School Fund shall be transferred to the Strategic Staff Development Fund each year when the balances become available. Any remaining funds transferred to the Strategic Staff Development Fund during the fiscal year shall be carried over for use in the same manner the next fiscal year and shall be separate and apart from, and in addition to, the transfer of funds from the General School Fund for the next fiscal year.

(b) The money in the Strategic Staff Development Fund shall be used by the state board to provide staff development in schools, counties or both that the state board determines need additional resources.



Acts, 2013 Reg. Sess., Ch. 55.



Acts, 2013 Reg. Sess., Ch. 55.




Acts, 2015 Reg. Sess., Ch. 53.



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Acts, 2015 Reg. Sess., Ch. 53.


§18-2K-1. Title of article.

This article shall be known as "The Diabetes Care Plan Act."

§18-2K-2. Adoption of guidelines for individual diabetes care plans.

(a) The State Board of Education shall adopt guidelines for the development and implementation of individual diabetes care plans on or before January 1, 2007. The guidelines for information and allowable actions in a diabetes care plan shall meet or exceed the American Diabetes Association's recommendations for the management of children with diabetes in the school and day care setting. The State Board of Education shall consult with the Bureau for Public Health in the development of these guidelines. The State Board of Education also shall consult with county board of education employees who have been designated as responsible for coordinating their individual county's efforts to comply with federal regulations adopted under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, 29 U.S.C. §794. In its development of these guidelines, the state Board of Education shall consider recent resolutions by the Office of Civil Rights of the United States Department of Education regarding investigation of complaints alleging discrimination against students with diabetes.

The guidelines adopted by the state board shall include:

(1) Procedures for school nurses to develop an individual diabetes care plan for any student diagnosed with diabetes, which shall involve the parent or guardian, the student's health care provider, the student's classroom teacher, the student if appropriate, and other appropriate school personnel;

(2) Procedures for regular review of an individual care plan.

(3) Information to be included in a diabetes care plan, including the responsibilities and appropriate staff development for teachers and other school personnel, an emergency care plan, the identification of allowable actions to be taken, the extent to which the student is able to participate in the student's diabetes care and management and other information necessary for teachers and other school personnel in order to offer appropriate assistance and support to the student; and

(4) Procedures for information and staff development to be made available to teachers and other school personnel in order to appropriately support and assist students with diabetes.

(b) The State Board of Education shall provide that the guidelines and any subsequent changes are published and disseminated to county boards of education.

§18-2K-3. Establishment and implementation of diabetes care plans by county boards to support and assist students with diabetes.

Each county board of education shall establish and adopt a diabetes care plan which shall be implemented in schools in which students diagnosed with diabetes are enrolled. The plan shall be adopted not later than six months after the state Board of Education adopts guidelines for the plans pursuant to section two of this article. The plan shall meet all of the guidelines for diabetes care plans adopted by the state Board of Education pursuant to section two of this article. In particular, the boards shall require the implementation of the procedures set forth in those guidelines for the development and implementation of individual diabetes care plans. County boards also shall make available necessary information and staff development to teachers and school personnel in order to appropriately support and assist students with diabetes in accordance with their individual diabetes care plans.

§18-2K-4. Progress report to the Legislature.

The State Board of Education shall report no later than September 1, 2007, to the Legislative Oversight Commission on Health and Human Resources Accountability on the board's progress regarding the adoption and dissemination of the guidelines pursuant to section two of this article and the establishment and implementation of diabetes care plans by county boards of education pursuant to section three of this article.


§18-3-1.  Appointment; qualifications; compensation; traveling expenses; office and residence; evaluation.

There shall be appointed by the state board a State Superintendent of Schools who serves at the will and pleasure of the state board. He or she shall be a person of good moral character, shall be able to perform the duties listed in this article and possess such other educational, administrative, experiential and other qualifications as determined by the State Board of Education. He or she shall hold at least a master’s degree from a regionally accredited institution of higher education or equivalent degree as determined by the state board. He or she shall receive an annual salary set by the state board, to be paid at least twice per month. The state superintendent also shall receive necessary traveling expenses incident to the performance of his or her duties to be paid out of the General School Fund upon warrants of the State Auditor. The state superintendent shall have his or her office at the state Capitol. The state board shall report to the Legislative Oversight Commission on Education Accountability upon request concerning its progress during any hiring process for a state superintendent.

The state board annually shall evaluate the performance of the state superintendent and publicly announce the results of the evaluation.

§18-3-2. Seal; requisitions on Auditor for money.

The State Superintendent of Schools shall provide a seal for his office. He shall sign all requisitions on the Auditor for the payment of money out of the state Treasury for school purposes, except as otherwise provided by law.

§18-3-3. General supervision of schools.

The State Superintendent of Schools shall have general supervision of the free schools of the state, and shall be the chief executive officer of the state Board of Education. He shall be charged with the general supervision of all county and city superintendents of free schools and of county and district boards of education within the state, except as provided in article nine, chapter six of this code. He shall prescribe the forms and cause to be prepared and printed all blanks necessary for carrying out the details of the school system of the state, and of the rules of the state Board of Education, so as to secure the uniform operation of the same throughout the state. In respect to general school statistics, such forms and blanks shall conform as nearly as may be to the forms and blanks recommended by the United States bureau of education. The state superintendent shall also cause such forms and blanks to be forwarded to all school officers and other persons whose duty or right it is to use them.

§18-3-4. Proceedings to enforce school laws; examination and fees of witnesses; removal of school officials.

The State Superintendent of Schools shall cause to be instituted such proceedings or processes as may be necessary properly to enforce and give effect to any provision or provisions of this chapter and to the provisions of any other general or special laws pertaining to the school system of the state, or any part thereof, or of any rule or direction of the state Board of Education made in conformity with its powers and duties. The superintendent shall have authority to administer oaths and to examine under oath, in any part of the state, witnesses in any proceeding pertaining to the public schools, and to cause such examination to be reduced to writing. Witnesses, other than employees of the state, shall be entitled to the same fees as in civil cases in the circuit court. The State Superintendent of Schools shall have power to institute proper proceedings for the removal of any school official charged with dishonesty, continued neglect of duty, or with failure to comply with the provisions of this chapter or of the rules of the state Board of Education.

§18-3-5. Conferences of school superintendents.

The State Superintendent of Schools shall have the authority to call conferences of the county, district, and city superintendents of schools of the state, or of any group or groups of such superintendents, for the purpose of considering with them any matters relating to the conditions and needs of the schools and the proper means of improving the schools throughout the state, or any section thereof.

§18-3-6. Interpretation of school laws and rules of state Board of Education.

At the request in writing of any citizen, teacher, school official, county or state officer, the state Superintendent of Schools shall give his interpretation of the meaning of any part of the school law or of the rules of the state Board of Education.

§18-3-7. Preparation, printing and distribution of state manuals and other publications; maintenance of minimum standards; examination of pupils.

From time to time, as may be necessary, the state Superintendent of Schools shall cause to be prepared and published, for distribution to the proper persons to receive them, manuals of the courses of study prescribed by the state Board of Education, as provided by section seven, article two of this chapter. It shall be his duty to see that the minimum standards set forth therein shall be maintained in all the several kinds and grades of the public schools throughout the state. It shall also be the duty of the state Superintendent of Schools to provide for the examination of pupils completing such courses of study and to cause diplomas or certificates to be issued to all persons who satisfactorily complete such courses.

The superintendent shall cause to be printed and distributed from time to time a sufficient number of copies of the school law to supply the needs of school officials and other citizens of the state. He shall cause to be prepared and published a list of books suitable for school libraries, and shall recommend the proper conditions for the purchase and use of such books. Such list shall be distributed among the teachers, principals, and superintendents throughout the state. The State Superintendent of Schools shall also have authority to publish and distribute such other reports, circulars of information, and bulletins as in his judgment will promote the best interests of the schools.

The expenses of printing all such publications or other documents shall be paid out of the general school fund on warrants drawn by the state Superintendent of Schools.

§18-3-8. Report of state superintendent.

On or before November 1, preceding each regular session of the Legislature, the state Superintendent of Schools shall make and transmit a report to the Governor, to be transmitted by him to the Legislature. Such report shall contain summaries of the annual reports of the county superintendents and such other information about the conditions of the public school system of the state as the superintendent may deem it wise to communicate to the Governor and the Legislature. The report shall, however, contain such information about the public schools of the state as the Governor or the Legislature may have previously requested, and shall also include the recommendations of the state superintendent respecting needed legislation on behalf of the schools.

§18-3-9. State Department of Education.

For carrying into effect the provisions of this chapter, the state Superintendent of Schools shall maintain a Department of Education at his office at the state Capitol, and he shall have authority to employ assistants and such other employees as may be necessary.

§18-3-9a. Authority of state superintendent as to fire hazards and safety of buildings.

Whenever any county board shall fail to comply with an order of the state Fire Marshal for correction of fire hazards in any public school building, the state superintendent shall close the building, or the unsafe part thereof, until the board complies with such order. The state superintendent shall also have the power and authority to inspect any public school building and to order the making of such repairs or alterations as may be necessary to put the building into a safe condition.

§18-3-9b. Reduction in amount budgeted for personal services.


§18-3-10. Other powers and duties of state superintendent.

The State Superintendent of Schools shall exercise such other powers and discharge such other duties as are herein assigned to him or as may from time to time be assigned to him by the Legislature and by the state Board of Education.

§18-3-11. Classification of schools.

The state superintendent shall classify all elementary and secondary schools on the basis of standards, rules and regulations established by the state board after publishing such standards, rules and regulations, and forwarding them to the district boards of education, county superintendents, and other school officers.

§18-3-12. Special Community Development School Pilot Program.

The state superintendent shall establish a Special Community Development School Pilot Program to be implemented in a neighborhood of at least five public schools, which shall include at least one elementary and middle school, for the duration of five years. The neighborhood of public schools designated by the state superintendent for the pilot shall have significant enrollments of disadvantaged, minority and underachieving students. The designated neighborhood of public schools under the direction of the county board and county superintendent shall work in collaboration with higher education, community organizations, Center for Professional Development, local community leaders, affected classroom teachers, affected parents and the state board to develop and implement strategies that could be replicated in other public schools with significant enrollments of disadvantaged, minority and underachieving students to improve academic achievement. For purposes of this section "neighborhood" means an area of no more than seven square miles.


§18-4-1. Election and term; interim superintendent.

(a) The county superintendent shall be appointed by the board upon a majority vote of the members thereof to serve for a term of not less than one, nor more than four years. At the expiration of the term or terms for which he or she shall have been appointed, each county superintendent shall be eligible for reappointment for additional terms of not less than one, nor more than four years.

(1) At the expiration of his or her term or terms of service the county superintendent may transfer to any teaching position in the county for which he or she is qualified and has seniority, unless dismissed for statutory reasons.

(2) The appointment of the county superintendent shall be made between January 1 and June 1 for a term beginning on July 1 following the appointment.

(b) In the event of a vacancy in the superintendent's position that results in an incomplete term, the board may appoint an interim county superintendent:

(1) To serve until the following July 1 if the vacancy occurs before March 1.

(2) To serve until July 1 of the next following year if the vacancy occurs on or after March 1, unless a superintendent is appointed sooner.

(c) If the superintendent becomes incapacitated due to accident or illness to an extent that may lead to prolonged absence, the county board, by unanimous vote, may enter an order declaring that an incapacity exists in which case the county board shall appoint an acting superintendent to serve until a majority of the members of the board determine that the incapacity no longer exists. An acting superintendent may not serve in that capacity for more than one year, nor later than the expiration date of the superintendent's term, whichever occurs sooner, unless he or she is reappointed by the county board.

(d) Immediately following the appointment of a county superintendent or an interim county superintendent, the president of the county board shall certify the appointment to the state superintendent. Immediately following the appointment of an acting county superintendent or a vote by a majority of the members of the county board that an incapacity no longer exists, the president of the county board shall certify the appointment, reappointment, or appointment termination of the acting superintendent to the state superintendent.

(e) During his or her term of appointment, the county superintendent shall be a state resident and shall reside in the county which he or she serves or in a contiguous county. The county superintendent in office on the effective date of this section shall continue in office until the expiration of his or her term.

§18-4-2. Qualifications; health certificate; disability; acting superintendent.

(a) A county superintendent shall hold a professional administrative certificate endorsed for superintendent, or a first class permit endorsed for superintendent, subject to the following:

(1) A superintendent who holds a first class permit may be appointed for one year only, and may be reappointed two times for an additional year each upon an annual evaluation by the county board and a determination of satisfactory performance and reasonable progress toward completion of the requirements for a professional administrative certificate endorsed for superintendent;

(2) Any candidate for superintendent, assistant superintendent or associate superintendent, who possesses an earned doctorate from an accredited institution of higher education and either has completed three successful years of teaching in public education or has the equivalent of three years of experience in management or supervision as defined by state board rule, after employment by the county board shall be granted a permanent administrative certificate and shall be a licensed county superintendent;

(3) The state board shall promulgate a legislative rule in accordance with §29A-3B-1 et seq. of this code, to address those cases where a county board finds that course work needed by the county superintendent who holds a first class permit is not available or is not scheduled at state institutions of higher education in a manner which will enable the county superintendent to complete normal requirements for a professional administrative certificate within the three-year period allowed under the permit; and

(4) Any person employed as assistant superintendent or educational administrator prior to June 27, 1988, and who was previously employed as superintendent is not required to hold the professional administrative certificate endorsed for superintendent.

(b) In addition to other requirements set forth in this section, a county superintendent shall meet the following health-related conditions of employment:

(1) Before entering upon the discharge of his or her duties, file with the president of the county board a certificate from a licensed physician certifying the following:

(A) A tuberculin skin test, of the type Mantoux test (PPD skin test), approved by the Commissioner of the Bureau for Public Health has been made within four months prior to the beginning of the term of the county superintendent; and

(B) The county superintendent does not have tuberculosis in a communicable state based upon the test results and any further study;

(2) The commissioner may require selective testing of superintendents for tuberculosis when there is reason to believe that they may have been exposed to the tuberculosis organism or they have signs and symptoms indicative of the disease. The county superintendent should contact the local health department in instances where they have reason to suspect that they have been exposed to tuberculosis or have symptoms indicative of the disease. Positive reactors to the skin test are to be referred immediately to licensed health care practitioner for evaluation and indicated treatment or further studies;

(3) A county superintendent who is certified by a licensed health care practitioner to have tuberculosis in a communicable stage shall have his or her employment discontinued or suspended until the disease has been arrested and is no longer communicable; and

(4) A county superintendent who fails to complete required follow-up examinations as set forth in this subsection shall be suspended from employment until a report of examination is confirmed.

§18-4-3. Removal and suspension.

The board may remove the superintendent from office for official misconduct, insubordination, incompetence, neglect of duty, or immorality. The charges shall be stated in writing, and the superintendent shall be given an opportunity to be heard by the board upon not less than ten days' notice. The superintendent may be suspended by the board, with or without pay, pending final disposition of such charges.

§18-4-4. Compensation.

On or before June 1 of the year in which the superintendent is appointed, the board shall fix the annual salary of the superintendent for the period of appointment for the term beginning on the following July 1. The board shall pay the salary from the general current expense fund of the district.

§18-4-5. Payment of compensation.

The board shall pay the compensation of the superintendent monthly upon orders drawn in the same manner as other bills of the district.

§18-4-6. Evaluation of county superintendent.

(a) At least annually, the county board shall evaluate the performance of the county superintendent. The evaluation process to be used shall be one authorized by the state board. The West Virginia school board association shall maintain a catalog of evaluation instruments which comply with this section and shall make them available to county boards.

(b) At a minimum, the evaluation process shall require the county superintendent and county board to establish written goals or objectives for the county superintendent to accomplish within a given period of time. Additionally, the county board shall evaluate the county superintendent on his or her success in improving student achievement generally across the county and specifically as it relates to the management and administration of low performing schools.

(c) The evaluation also may cover the performance of a county superintendent in the areas of community relations, school finance, personnel relations, curricular standards and programs and overall leadership of the school district as indicated primarily by improvements in student achievement, testing and assessment.

(d) The evaluation of a county superintendent shall occur in executive session. At the conclusion of the evaluation, the county board shall make available to the public a general statement about the evaluation process and the overall result. Additional information about the evaluation may be released only by mutual consent of the county superintendent and the county board. The county board may use the evaluation results to determine:

(1) Whether to extend the contract of the county superintendent;

(2) Whether to offer the county superintendent a new contract; and

(3) The level of compensation or benefits to offer the county superintendent in any new or extended contract.

§18-4-7. Office.

 The board shall provide a suitable office within the county for use by the superintendent and the members of the board. The board shall supply the office with janitorial service and with the necessary equipment and supplies.

§18-4-8. Clerical assistants; monthly salary from maintenance fund.

The superintendent, with the consent of the board, may appoint clerical assistants necessary for efficient operation of his office. Their salaries shall be paid monthly by the board from the maintenance fund.

§18-4-9. Reimbursement for traveling expenses; voucher.

The board may reimburse the superintendent from the current expense fund for all reasonable and necessary travel expenses actually incurred in the performance of his official duties. But no allowance shall be made except upon sworn itemized statements.

§18-4-10. Duties of county superintendent.

The county superintendent shall:

(1) Act as the chief executive officer of the county board as may be delineated in his or her contract or other written agreement with the county board, and, under the direction of the state board, execute all its education policies;

(2) Nominate all personnel to be employed; in case the county board refuses to employ any or all of the persons nominated, the county superintendent shall nominate others and submit the same to the county board at a time the county board may direct. No person or persons shall be employed except on the nomination of the county superintendent;

(3) Assign, transfer, suspend or promote teachers and all other school employees of the district, subject only to the approval of the county board, and to recommend to the county board their dismissal pursuant to the provisions of this chapter;

(4) Report promptly to the county board in such manner as it directs whenever any school in the district appears to be failing to meet the standards for improving education established pursuant to section five, article two-e of this chapter;

(5) Close a school temporarily when conditions are detrimental to the health, safety or welfare of the pupils;

(6) Certify all expenditures and monthly payrolls of teachers and employees;

(7) Serve as the secretary of the county board and attend all meetings of the county board or its committees, except when the tenure, salary or administration of the county superintendent is under consideration;

(8) Administer oaths and examine witnesses under oath in any proceedings pertaining to the schools of the district, and have the testimony reduced to writing;

(9) Keep the county board apprised continuously of any issues that affect the county board or its schools, programs and initiatives. The county superintendent shall report to the county board on these issues using any appropriate means agreeable to both parties. When practicable, the reports shall be fashioned to include a broad array of data and information that the county board may consult to aid in making decisions;

(10) Exercise all other authority granted by this chapter or required by the county board or state board; and

(11) In case of emergency, act as the best interests of the school demand. An emergency, as contemplated in this section, is limited to an unforeseeable, catastrophic event including natural disaster or act of war and nothing in this section may be construed as granting the county superintendent authority to override any statutory or Constitutional provision in the exercise of his or her emergency power except where such authority is specifically granted in the particular code section.

§18-4-11. Other powers and duties.

The county superintendent shall:

(1) Visit the schools as often as practicable; observe and make suggestions concerning the instruction and classroom management of the schools and their sanitary conditions;

(2) Report to the county board cases of incompetence, neglect of duty, immorality or misconduct in office of any teacher or employee;

(3) Recommend for condemnation buildings unfit for school use;

(4) Call, at his or her discretion, conferences of principals and teachers to discuss the work of the schools of the district;

(5) Report to the county board the progress and general condition of the schools;

(6) Make reports as required by the state superintendent. In case the county superintendent fails to report as required, the state superintendent may direct that the salary of the county superintendent be withheld until an acceptable report is received; and

(7) Perform all other duties prescribed in this chapter or required by the county board or the state board.

§18-4-12. Exception to §18-4-4.



§18-5-1. Supervision and control of county school districts; number, nomination and election of members.

Each county school district shall be under the supervision and control of a county board of education, which shall be composed of five members, nominated and elected by the voters of the respective county without reference to political party affiliation. No more than two members shall be elected from the same magisterial district.

§18-5-1a. Eligibility of members; training requirements.

(a) A person who is a member of a county board:

(1) Shall be a citizen and resident in the county in which he or she serves on the county board. Also, a person who is a candidate for membership on a county board or who is a member-elect of a county board shall be a citizen and resident in the county in which he or she seeks to serve on the county board;

(2) May not be employed by the county board on which he or she serves, including employment as a teacher or service person;

(3) May not engage in the following political activities:

(A) Become a candidate for or hold any other public office, other than to succeed him or herself as a member of a county board subject to the following:

(i) A candidate for a county board, who is not currently serving on a county board, may hold another public office while a candidate if he or she resigns from the other public office prior to taking the oath of office as a county board member.

(ii) The term "public office" as used in this section does not include service on any other board, elected or appointed, profit or nonprofit, under the following conditions:

(I) The person does not receive compensation; and

(II) The primary scope of the board is not related to public schools.

(B) Become a candidate for, or serve as, an elected member of any political party executive committee;

(C) Become a candidate for, or serve as, a delegate, alternate or proxy to a national political party convention;

(D) Solicit or receive political contributions to support the election of, or to retire the campaign debt of, any candidate for partisan office;

(4) May engage in any or all of the following political activities:

(A) Make campaign contributions to partisan or bipartisan candidates;

(B) Attend political fund raisers for partisan or bipartisan candidates;

(C) Serve as an unpaid volunteer on a partisan campaign;

(D) Politically endorse any candidate in a partisan or bipartisan election; or

(E) Attend a county, state, or national political party convention.

(b) A member or member-elect of a county board, or a person desiring to become a member of a county board, may make a written request to the West Virginia Ethics Commission for an advisory opinion to determine if another elected or appointed position held or sought by the person is an office or public office which would bar service on a county board pursuant to subsection (a) of this section.

(1) Within 30 days of receipt of the request, the Ethics Commission shall issue a written advisory opinion in response to the request and shall publish the opinion in a manner which, to the fullest extent possible, does not reveal the identity of the person making the request.

(2) A county board member who relies in good faith upon an advisory opinion issued by the West Virginia Ethics Commission to the effect that holding a particular office or public office is not a bar from membership on a county board and against whom proceedings are subsequently brought for removal from the county board on the basis of holding that office or offices, is entitled to reimbursement by the county board for reasonable attorney's fees and court costs incurred by the member in defending against these proceedings, regardless of the outcome of the proceedings.

(3) A vote cast by the member at a meeting of the county board may not be invalidated due to a subsequent finding that holding the particular office or public office is a bar to membership on the county board.

(4) Good faith reliance on a written advisory opinion of the West Virginia Ethics Commission that a particular office or public office is not a bar to membership on a county board is an absolute defense to any civil suit or criminal prosecution arising from any proper action taken within the scope of membership on the county board, becoming a member-elect of the county board or seeking election to the county board.

(c) To be eligible for election or appointment as a member of a county board, a person shall possess at least a high school diploma or a general educational development (GED) diploma. This provision does not apply to members or members-elect who have taken office prior to May 5, 1992, and who serve continuously from that date forward.

(d) A person elected to a county board after July 1, 1990, may not assume the duties of county board member unless he or she has first attended and completed a course of orientation relating to boardsmanship and governance effectiveness which shall be given between the date of election and the beginning of the member's term of office under the following conditions:

(1) A portion or portions of subsequent training such as that offered in orientation may be provided to members after they have commenced their term of office;

(2) Attendance at the session of orientation given between the date of election and the beginning of the member's term of office permits the member-elect to assume the duties of county board member, as specified in this section;

(3) Members appointed to the county board shall attend and complete the next orientation course offered following their appointment; and

(4) The provisions of this subsection relating to orientation do not apply to members who have taken office prior to July 1, 1988, and who serve continuously from that date forward.

(e) Annually, each member of a county board shall receive seven clock hours of training in areas relating to boardsmanship, governance effectiveness, and school performance issues including, but not limited to, pertinent state and federal statutes such as the "Process for Improving Education" set forth in §18-2E-5 of this code and the "No Child Left Behind Act" and their respective administrative rules.

(1) The orientation and training shall be approved by the state board and conducted by the West Virginia School Board Association or other organization or organizations approved by the state board:

(A) The state board may exclude time spent in training on school performance issues from the requisite seven hours herein required; and

(B) If the state board elects to exclude time spent in training on school performance issues from the requisite seven hours, the state board shall limit the training to a feasible and practicable amount of time.

(2) Failure to attend and complete the approved course of orientation and training relating to boardsmanship and governance effectiveness without good cause, as determined by the state board by duly promulgated legislative rules, constitutes neglect of duty under §6-6-7 of this code.

(f) In the final year of any four-year term of office, a member shall satisfy the annual training requirement before January 1. Failure to comply with the training requirements of this section without good cause, as defined by the state board by duly promulgated legislative rules, constitutes neglect of duty under §6-6-7 of this code.

(g) The state board shall appoint a committee named the "County Board Member Training Standards Review Committee" whose members shall meet at least annually. Subject to state board approval, the committee shall determine which particular trainings and training organizations shall be approved, and whether county board members have satisfied the annual training requirement. Members of the committee serve without compensation but may be reimbursed by their agencies or employers for all reasonable and necessary expenses actually incurred in the performance of their duties under this subsection.

(h) Notwithstanding the provisions of §6-5-5 of this code, no person who has been convicted of an offense under the §61-8A-1 et seq., §61-8B-1 et seq., §61-8C-1 et seq., and §61-8D-1 et seq. of this code in which the victim is a minor may hold office as a member of a county board.

§18-5-1b. Election; terms of office.

As the terms of county school board members who presently hold office expire, members shall be elected for four-year terms at the time of each regular primary election commencing with the year one thousand nine hundred ninety. The terms of such members shall begin on July 1, next following the primary election at which they were elected.

The term of office of any member of any county board of education shall immediately cease, and a vacancy shall exist, upon occurrence of ineligibility as prescribed in section one-a of this article.

This section shall in no manner be construed so as to affect the unexpired terms of county school board members who hold office or were elected under prior existing law.

§18-5-1c. Organization of board; evaluation.

(a) On the first Monday of July, following each biennial primary election, each respective county board shall organize and shall elect a president from its own membership for a two-year term. The county board shall report promptly to the state superintendent the name of the member elected as county board president.

(b) Annually, each county board shall assess its own performance using an instrument approved by the state board. In developing or making determinations on approving evaluation instruments, the state board may consult with the West Virginia school board association or other appropriate organizations. The evaluation instrument selected shall focus on the effectiveness of the county board in the following areas:

(1) Dealing with its various constituency groups and with the general public;

(2) Providing a proper framework and the governance strategies necessary to monitor and approve student achievement on a continuing basis; and

(3) Enhancing the effective utilization of the policy approach to governance.

At the conclusion of the evaluation, the county board shall make available to the public a summary of the evaluation, including areas in which the board concludes improvement is warranted.

§18-5-2. Filling vacancies.

(a) The board shall, by appointment, fill within forty-five days any vacancy that occurs in its membership. In the event that the board does not fill the vacancy within forty-five days, the state Superintendent of Schools shall appoint a person to fill the vacancy.

(b) (1) When the vacancy occurs after the eighty-fourth day before a general election, and the affected term of office ends on June 30 following the next primary election, the person appointed to fill the vacancy shall continue in office until the completion of the term.

(2) When the vacancy occurs after the eighty-fourth day before a general election and not later than the close of candidate filing for the next succeeding primary election, and the affected term of office does not end on June 30 following the next primary election, an election for the unexpired term shall be held at the next primary election, and the appointment shall continue until June 30 following the primary election with the duly elected and certified successor taking office on July 1, following the primary election and serving until the expiration of the original term of office.

(3) When the vacancy occurs after the close of candidate filing for the primary election and not later than eighty-four days before the general election, the vacancy shall be filled by election in the general election, and the appointment shall continue until a successor is elected and certified.

§18-5-3. Oath of members.

Every board member shall take the oath prescribed by section 5, article IV of the Constitution, before performing any of the duties of his office. The oath shall be filed with the secretary of the board.

§18-5-4. Meetings; employment and assignment of teachers; budget hearing; compensation of members; affiliation with state and national associations.

(a) The county board shall meet on the dates provided by law, and at any other times the county board deems necessary. Subject to adequate public notice, nothing in this section prohibits the county board from conducting regular meetings in facilities within the county other than the county board office. At any meeting authorized in this section and held in compliance with the provisions of §18A-1-1 et seq. of this code, the county board may employ qualified teachers, or those who will qualify by the time they assume their duties, necessary to fill existing or anticipated vacancies for the current or next ensuing school year. Meetings of the county board shall be held in compliance with the provisions of §18A-1-1 et seq. of this code for purposes relating to the assignment, transfer, termination and dismissal of teachers and other school employees.

(b) Special meetings may be called by the president or any three members, but no business may be transacted other than that designated in the call.

(c) In addition, a public hearing shall be held concerning the preliminary operating budget for the next fiscal year not fewer than ten days after the budget has been made available to the public for inspection and within a reasonable time prior to the submission of the budget to the state board for approval. Reasonable time shall be granted at the hearing to any person who wishes to speak regarding any part of the budget. Notice of the hearing shall be published as a Class I legal advertisement in compliance with the provisions of §59-3-1 et. seq. of this code.

(d) A majority of the members of the county board constitutes the quorum necessary for the transaction of official business.

(e) Board members may receive compensation at a rate not to exceed $260 per meeting attended, but they may not receive pay for more than 40 meetings in any one fiscal year. Board members who serve on an administrative council of a multicounty vocational center also may receive compensation for attending up to twelve meetings of the council at the same rate as for meetings of the county board: Provided, That council meetings are not counted as board meetings for purposes of determining the limit on compensable board meetings: Provided, however, That a county board member who is in default of a training requirement established in §18-5-1a of this code shall not, until after the default is cured, receive compensation for any meeting held during the period of default. For purposes of compensation, a member in default of a training requirement may cure the default by completing the unfulfilled training requirements within three months of the default. Upon curing the default, the member shall receive compensation, without interest, for the meetings held during the period of default: Provided, further, That up to five paid meetings may be provided when planning for activities such as running an election for excess levy, construction bond hearings, school closure hearings, personnel hearings, student expulsion hearings, and in the case of a disaster: And provided further, That members shall be paid for up to two trainings.

(f) Members also shall be paid, upon the presentation of receipts, for all necessary traveling expenses, including all authorized meetings, incurred on official business, at the order of the county board.

(g) When, by a majority vote of its members, a county board considers it a matter of public interest, the county board shall join the West Virginia School Board Association and may join the National School Board Association and shall pay the dues prescribed by the associations and approved by action of the respective county boards. Membership dues and actual traveling expenses incurred by board members for attending meetings of the West Virginia School Board Association shall be paid by their respective county boards out of funds available to meet actual expenses of the members, but no allowance may be made except upon presentation of receipts.

§18-5-5. Corporate character and general powers of board; exemption of school property from legal process and taxes.

The county board of education shall be a corporation by the name of "The Board of Education of the county of ..........," and as such may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, contract and be contracted with. It shall succeed and be subrogated to all the rights of former magisterial and independent district boards and may institute and maintain any and all actions, suits and proceedings now pending or which might have been brought and prosecuted in the name of any former board for the recovery of any money or property, or damage to any property due to or vested in the former board, and shall also be liable in its corporate capacity for all claims legally existing against the board of which it is a successor. The board shall, according to law, hold and dispose of any real estate or personal property belonging to the former corporation or its predecessors, or that may hereafter come into its possession.

The board according to law and the intent of the instrument conferring title, shall receive, hold and dispose of any gift, grant or bequest.

All public school property used for school purposes shall be exempt from execution or other process, and free from lien or distress for taxes or municipal, county or state levies.

§18-5-6. Validation of titles to land in possession of board.

The county board shall have title to any land or school site which for five years has been in the undisputed possession of the county board or any Board of Education of a magisterial district, or subdistrict, or independent district, and to which title cannot be shown by any other claimant. Such land shall be held and used for school purposes, as provided by section eight of this article.

§18-5-7. Sale of school property at public auction; rights of grantor of lands in rural communities; oil and gas leases; disposition of proceeds; lease of school property.

(a) Except as set forth in subsection (b) of this section, if at any time a county board determines that any building or any land is no longer needed for school purposes, the county board may sell, dismantle, remove or relocate the building and sell the land on which it is located at public auction, after proper notice and on such terms as it orders, to the highest responsible bidder.

(b) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (a) of this section, in rural communities, the grantor of the lands or his or her heirs or assigns has the right to purchase at the sale, the land, exclusive of the buildings on the land and the mineral rights, at the same price for which it was originally sold: Provided, That the sale to the board was not a voluntary arms length transaction for valuable consideration approximating the fair market value of the property at the time of the sale to the board: Provided, however, That the provisions of this section may not operate to invalidate any provision of the deed to the contrary.

(c) The county board, by the same method set forth in subsection (a) of this section for the sale of school buildings and lands, may, in lieu of offering the property for sale, enter into a lease for oil or gas or other minerals any lands or school sites owned in fee by it. The proceeds of the sales and rentals shall be placed to the credit of the fund or funds of the district as the county board may direct.

(d) The county board may make any sale of property subject to the provision that all liability for hazards associated with the premises are to be assumed by the purchaser. In any sale by the county board of improved property in which the actual consideration is less than $10,000 or in any sale of unimproved property in which the actual consideration is less than $1,000, the county board shall make any sale of property subject to the provision that all liability for hazards associated with the premises are to be assumed by the purchaser. The county board shall inform any prospective purchaser of known or suspected hazards associated with the property.

(e) Except as provided by the provisions of subsection (b) of this section, where a county board determines that any school property is no longer needed for school purposes, the county board may, upon determining that it will serve the best interests of the school system and the community, offer the property for lease. The procedure set forth in subsection (a) of this section relating to sale of school buildings and lands shall apply to leasing the school property. Any lease authorized by the provisions of this subsection shall be in writing. The writing shall include a recitation of all known or reasonably suspected hazards associated with the property, an assumption by the lessee of all liability related to all hazards, whether disclosed or not, and provisions wherein the lessee assumes all liability for any actions arising from the property during the term of the lease.

(f) Notwithstanding any provision of this section to the contrary, the provisions of this section concerning sale or lease at public auction may not apply to a county board selling, leasing or otherwise disposing of its property for a public use to the State of West Virginia, or its political subdivisions, including county commissions, for an adequate consideration without considering alone the present commercial or market value of the property.

§18-5-7a. Disposition of school property in flood control projects.

(a) If at any time the board ascertains that any land or part thereof then being used for school purposes is to be included in any federal flood control project the board may:

(1) Sell, dismantle, remove or relocate any buildings thereon;

(2) Contract with the United States of America, or any instrumentality, agency or political subdivision thereof, for the sale or exchange of its interest in the land or any part thereof; and

(3) Without auction sell or exchange its interest in the land or any part thereof to the United States of America, or any instrumentality, agency or political subdivision thereof, in accordance with the terms and provisions of the contract.

(b) If the flood control project is proposed in a county where the state Board of Education has intervened in the operation of the county school system pursuant to the provisions of section five, article two-e of this chapter or any other Constitutional or statutory authority to intervene, the powers granted in this section are vested in the state board.

(c) Notwithstanding the provisions of section seven of this article, neither the grantor of the land or any part thereof nor his heirs or assigns has the right to purchase the land or any part thereof or have any other rights whatever under section seven of this article.

§18-5-7b. Charitable or community use of unneeded buildings.

If, in the sound judgment of the board, the needs of the community require the use of property not needed for school purposes, for charitable, economic development or other community use, notwithstanding the provisions of section seven of this article, the board may convey by deed or by lease, for nominal consideration, to a private, nonprofit, tax-exempt organization, such tax-exempt status having been granted by the Internal Revenue Service under the provisions of 26 United States code section 501 (c) (3) through (8) inclusive, (19) or (23), upon such terms and conditions as will permit title to revert to the board if the organization is dissolved or ceases to use the property for the intended purpose within the first five years of such conveyance: Provided, That such reversion provision shall be subordinated to such extent as may be required solely in order to obtain a loan for the purpose of improving the property. In any absolute conveyance under this section, the transfer shall be subject to the provisions that all liability for hazards associated with the premises are to be assumed by the recipient. The board shall inform any prospective donee of known or suspected hazards associated with the property.

§18-5-8. Condemnation of land necessary for educational purposes.

The board shall purchase by condemnation or otherwise, the land necessary for school buildings, playgrounds, athletic fields, experiments in agriculture, warehouses, bus garages, and other educational purposes, and may make necessary expenditures for the improvement of the land.

The board may petition the circuit court to condemn such lands, or easements in such lands, necessary or convenient for educational purposes for school buildings, playgrounds, athletic fields, experiments in agriculture, warehouses, bus garages, or extensions, improvements, or additions thereto. The rights, powers, and privileges of eminent domain in a board shall be coextensive with the rights, powers, and privileges of the state.

Condemnation proceedings shall be in the name of the board and according to the provisions of chapter fifty-four of the code.

§18-5-9. Schoolhouses, buildings and equipment; health of pupils; repairs; medical and dental clinics.

The board shall provide:

(1) By purchase, lease, building or otherwise, a sufficient number of suitable schoolhouses and other buildings to meet the educational needs of its district;

(2) The necessary furniture, fixtures, apparatus, fuel and all necessary supplies for the schools;

(3) For the health and cleanliness of the pupils;

(4) For the repair and good order of the school grounds, buildings and equipment.

The board may also provide for medical and dental clinics.

§18-5-9a. Energy-savings contracts.

(a) For the purposes of this section:

(1) "Energy-conservation measures" means goods or services, or both, to reduce energy consumption operating costs of school facilities. These include, but are not limited to, installation of two or more of the following:

(A) Insulation of a building structure and systems within a building;

(B) Storm windows or doors, caulking or weather stripping, multi-glazed windows or doors, heat-absorbing or heat-reflective glazed and coated window or door systems or other window or door modifications that reduce energy consumption;

(C) Automatic energy control systems;

(D) Heating, ventilating or air conditioning systems, including modifications or replacements;

(E) Replacement or modification of lighting fixtures to increase energy efficiency;

(F) Energy recovery systems;

(G) Co-generation systems that produce steam or another form of energy for use by the county board of education in a building or complex of buildings owned by the Board of Education; or

(H) Energy-conservation maintenance measures that provide long-term operating cost reductions of the building's present cost of operation.

(2) "Energy-savings contract" means a contract for the evaluation and recommendation of energy operations conservation measures and for implementation of one or more such measures. The contract shall provide that payments, except obligations upon termination of the contract before its expiration, are to be made over time. A county board of education may supplement these payments with federal, state or local funds to reduce the annual cost or to lower the initial amount to be financed.

(3) "Qualified provider" means a person, firm or corporation experienced in the design, implementation and installation of energy-conservation measures.

(b) County boards of education are hereby authorized to enter into performance-based contracts with qualified providers of energy-conservation measures for the purpose of reducing energy operating costs of school buildings.

(c) A board of education may enter into an energy-savings contract with a qualified provider to significantly reduce energy operating costs. Before entering into such a contract or before the installation of equipment, modifications or remodeling to be furnished under such a contract, the qualified provider shall first issue a proposal summarizing the scope of work to be performed. Such a proposal shall contain estimates of all costs of installation, modifications or remodeling including the costs of design, engineering, installation, maintenance, repairs or debt service as well as estimates of the amounts by which energy operating costs will be reduced. If the board finds, after receiving the proposal, that the proposal includes more than one energy-conservation measure designed to save energy operating costs, the board may enter into a contract with the provider pursuant to this section.

(d) An energy-savings contract shall include the following:

(1) A guarantee of a specific minimum amount of money that the board will save in energy operating costs each year during the term of the contract; and

(2) A statement of all costs of energy-conservation measures including the costs of design, engineering, installation, maintenance, repairs and operations.

(e) An energy-savings contract which is performance-based and includes a guarantee of savings and a comprehensive approach of energy-conservation measures for improving comfort is subject to competitive bidding requirements. The requirements of article five-a, chapter twenty-one of this code as to prevailing wage rates shall apply to the construction and installation work performed under such a contract.

(f) A board may enter into a "lease with an option to purchase" contract for the purchase and installation of energy-conservation measures if the term of the lease does not exceed fifteen years and the lease contract includes the provisions hereinafter contained in subsection (g) and meets federal tax requirements for tax-exempt municipal leasing or long-term financing.

(g) An energy-savings contract may extend beyond the fiscal year in which it first becomes effective except that such a contract may not exceed a fifteen-year term and shall be void unless such agreement provides the board the option to terminate the agreement during each fiscal year of the contract. The board may include in its annual budget for each fiscal year any amounts payable under long-term energy-savings contracts during that fiscal year.

(h) Nothing contained in this section requires or permits the replacement of jobs performed by service personnel employed by the local school board pursuant to sections eight and eight-a, article four, chapter eighteen-a of the code, as amended.

§18-5-9b. Implementation of the Integrated Pest Management Program.

By August 15, 1995, the board shall implement the integrated pest management program promulgated under rules by the Department of Agriculture under authority of section four, article sixteen-a, chapter nineteen of this code.

§18-5-10. Approval by state board of plans and specifications for buildings.

The state board may require all plans and specifications for the erection of school buildings to comply with the requirements of law. They may require all county boards to submit all plans and specifications for their approval.

§18-5-11. Joint establishment of schools.

(a) The boards of two or more adjoining counties may jointly establish and maintain schools. The title to the school shall be vested in the board of the county in which the school is located. The agreement by which the school is established shall be reduced to writing and entered of record in the minutes of each board.

(b) The boards of the several districts shall determine the site of the proposed school and the amount to be expended for its establishment and equipment.

(1) The participating counties shall enter a formal agreement regarding the manner in which the cost for the acquisition of the property and equipment shall be apportioned.

(2) The board in the district in which the building is located shall be vested with the control and management of the school, except as may otherwise be provided in the agreement between the counties.

(c) The annual operating costs shall be the responsibility of the county in which the joint school is located and subject to the allowance transfer set forth in section fourteen, article nine-a of this chapter unless otherwise provided in the agreement between the counties..

(d) For a county board that sends students to a jointly established school in another county and that provides transportation for those students or that otherwise contributes to the support services or instructional program of the school, the net enrollment of the county for the purposes of calculating its basic foundation program as provided in article nine-a of this chapter, only, shall be increased by fifteen one hundredths multiplied by the number of full-time equivalent students from the county who are enrolled in the jointly established school.

§18-5-11a. Joint governing partnership board pilot initiative.

(a) The Legislature finds that many examples exist across the state of students who reside in one county, but who attend the public schools in an adjoining county.

(1) These arrangements have been accommodated by the boards of the adjoining counties and applicable statutes to serve best the interests of the students by enabling them to attend a school closer to their homes.

(2) Typically, these arrangements have evolved because school closures or construction of new schools in the student's county of residence have made a cross-county transfer to an existing school in an adjoining county a more convenient, practical and educationally sound option.

(b) The Legislature further finds that as population changes continue to occur, the boards of adjoining counties may best serve the interests of their students and families by establishing a new school in partnership to be attended by students residing in each of the counties. Particularly in the case of elementary grade level schools established in partnership between adjoining counties, the Legislature finds that each of the county boards, as well as the parents of students from each of the counties attending the school, have an interest in the operation of the school and the preparation of the students for success as they transition to the higher grade levels in the other schools of their respective home counties. Therefore, in the absence of a well defined governance structure that accommodates these interests, the purpose of this section is to provide for a joint governing partnership board pilot initiative.

(c) The pilot initiative is limited to the joint establishment by two adjoining counties of a school including elementary grade levels for which a memorandum of understanding on the governance and operation of the school has been signed. The pilot initiative is subject to amendment of the agreement as may be necessary to incorporate at least the following features of a joint governing partnership board:

(1) The joint governing partnership board is comprised of the county superintendent of each county, the president of the county board of each county or his or her designee, and a designee of the state superintendent;

(2) The board shall elect a chair from among its membership for a two-year term and may meet monthly or at the call of the chair.

(A) Meetings of the board are subject to the open governmental proceedings laws applicable to county boards.

(B) The boards of the respective counties are responsible for the expenses of its members and shall apportion other operational expenses of the board upon mutual agreement.

(C) Once the jointly established school is opened, the meetings of the board shall be held at the school.

(3) All provisions of law applicable to the establishment, operation and management of an inter-county school including, but not limited to, section eleven, article five and section fourteen, article nine-a of this chapter and article eight-i, article four, chapter eighteen-a of this code apply, except that the joint governing partnership board may exercise governing authority for operation and management of the school in the following areas:

(A) Personnel.

(1) Notwithstanding any other laws for employment, evaluation, mentoring, professional development, suspension and dismissal of public school employees, the powers and duties of the county superintendent are vested in the joint governing partnership board with respect to the employees employed by the county in which the school is located or assigned to the school from the partner county. Pursuant to the provisions of section eight-i, article four, chapter eighteen-a of this code, employees who are hired by the county board of the receiving county shall accrue seniority in both the sending and receiving counties during the time in which they continue to be employed at the jointly established school. Upon losing a position at the jointly established school due to reduction in force or involuntary transfer, an employee shall displace a less senior employee in the county of employment which immediately preceded employment at the jointly established school. Once an employee from the sending county voluntarily transfers or resigns from a position at the jointly established school and is no longer employed in the receiving county, the employee's seniority and any other statutory rights in the receiving county cease.

(2) When initially filling service and professional employee positions at the jointly established school, the counties shall follow the procedures established in section eight-i, article four, chapter eighteen-a of this code. For the initial school year of the jointly established school's opening only, the receiving county may not fill any vacancies created by the retirement or voluntary transfer of employees of the receiving county school from February 1 of the school year immediately preceding the opening of the school until January 1 following the opening of the jointly established school until the receiving county has received the list of employees created pursuant to the provisions of subsection (c), section eight-i, article four, chapter eighteen-a of this code. The receiving county may not fill any of the vacancies referenced in this subsection until the vacancies have been offered to qualified individuals from the certified list.

(3) The employees of the jointly established school are the employees of the employing county board and the partnership board may make recommendations concerning these employment matters to the employing board it considers necessary and appropriate.

(B) Curriculum.

(1) The joint governing partnership board is responsible for the formulation and execution of the school's strategic improvement plan and technology plan to meet the goals for student and school performance and progress.

(2) In its formulation of these plans, the partnership board shall consider the curriculum and plans of the respective county boards to ensure preparation of the students at the school for their successful transition into the higher grade level schools of the respective counties;

(C) Finances. The joint governing partnership board shall control and may approve the expenditure of all funds allocated to the school for the school budget from either county and may solicit and receive donations, apply for and receive grants and conduct fund raisers to supplement the budget; and

(D) Facilities. Consistent with the policies in effect concerning liability insurance coverage, maintenance and appropriate uses of school facilities for the schools of the county in which the school is located, the joint governing partnership board governs the use of the school facility and ensures equitable opportunities for access and use by organizations and groups from both counties.

(d) The joint governing partnership board may adopt policies for the school that are separate from the policies of the respective counties and, working in concert with its local school improvement council, may propose alternatives to the operation of the school which require the request of a waiver of policy, interpretation or statute from either or both county boards, the state board or the Legislature as appropriate.

(e) The superintendents and presidents of county boards of adjoining counties that have in effect on the effective date of this section a memorandum of understanding on the governance and operation of a jointly established school shall report to the Legislative Oversight Commission on Education Accountability on or before November 1, 2013, on the status of implementation of this section.

(1) Once established, the joint governing partnership board established under this pilot initiative shall remain in effect for five consecutive school years unless authority for the pilot initiative is repealed.

(2) The Legislative Oversight Commission on Education Accountability may request the superintendents and the presidents of the county boards to provide periodic updates on this pilot initiative. Also, at the conclusion of the five-year pilot initiative, they shall report their recommendations on the viability of the joint governing partnership board approach and any recommended changes to the Legislative Oversight Commission on Education Accountability.

(A) When the five-year period is concluded, by affirmative vote of both boards, the joint governing partnership board shall remain in effect; or

(B) The agreement between the boards for the governance and operation of the school shall revert to the terms in effect on the effective date of this section, subject to amendment by agreement of the boards.

§18-5-12. Bond of contractors.

Boards shall require all persons contracting for the building or repairing of school property, where the contract exceeds $25,000 to execute a bond, with approved security, in the amount of the contract price.



Acts, 1983 Reg. Sess., Ch. 35.

§18-5-13. Authority of boards generally.

Subject to the provisions of this chapter and the rules of the state board, each county board may:

(a) Control and manage all of the schools and school interests for all school activities and upon all school property owned or leased by the county, including:

(1) Requiring schools to keep records regarding funds connected with the school or school interests, including all receipts and disbursements of all funds collected or received by:

(A) Any principal, teacher, student or other person in connection with the schools and school interests;

(B) Any program, activity or other endeavor of any nature operated or conducted by or in the name of the school; and

(C) Any organization or body directly connected with the school;

(2) Allowing schools to expend funds for student, parent, teacher and community recognition programs. A school may use only funds it generates through a fund-raising or donation-soliciting activity. Prior to commencing the activity, the school shall:

(A) Publicize the activity as intended for this purpose; and

(B) Designate for this purpose the funds generated;

(3) Auditing the records and conserving the funds, including securing surety bonds by expending board moneys. The funds described in this subsection are quasipublic funds, which means the moneys were received for the benefit of the school system as a result of curricular or noncurricular activities;

(b) Establish:

(1) Schools, from preschool through high school;

(2) Vocational schools; and

(3) Schools and programs for post-high school instruction, subject to approval of the state board;

(c) Close any school:

(1) Which is unnecessary and assign the students to other schools. The closing shall occur pursuant to official action of the county board. Except in emergency situations when the timing and manner of notification are subject to approval by the state superintendent, the county board shall notify the affected teachers and service personnel of the county board action not later than the first Monday in April. The board shall provide notice in the same manner as set forth in section four of this article; or

(2) Pursuant to subsection (e) of this section;

(d) Consolidate schools;

(e) Close any elementary school whose average daily attendance falls below twenty students for two consecutive months. The county board may assign the students to other schools in the district or to schools in adjoining districts. If the teachers in the closed school are not transferred or reassigned to other schools, they shall receive one month’s salary;

(f) Provide transportation according to rules established by the county board, as follows:

(1) To provide at public expense adequate means of transportation:

(A) For all children of school age who live more than two-miles distance from school by the nearest available road;

(B) For school children participating in county board-approved curricular and extracurricular activities;

(C) Across county lines for students transferred from one district to another by mutual agreement of both county boards. The agreement shall be recorded in the meeting minutes of each participating county board and is subject to subsection (h) of this section; and

(D) Within available revenues, for students within two-miles distance of the school; and

(2) To provide transportation for participants in projects operated, financed, sponsored or approved by the Bureau of Senior Services. This transportation shall be provided at no cost to the county board. All costs and expenses incident in any way to this transportation shall be borne by the bureau or the local or county affiliate of the bureau;

(3) Any school bus owned by the county board may be operated only by a bus operator regularly employed by the county board, except as provided in subsection (g) of this section;

(4) Notwithstanding any other provision of this code to the contrary and pursuant to rules established by the state board, the county board may provide for professional or service employees to be certified to drive county board-owned and insured vehicles: Provided, That:

(A) No more than 10 passengers including the driver may be transported at one time;

(B) Not more than two of these vehicles may be used for any school-sponsored activity; and

(C) The certified employees may use the vehicles to transport students for school-sponsored activities, but may not use the vehicles to transport students between school and home.

(5) Notwithstanding any other provision of this code to the contrary, students may be transported to a school-sponsored activity in a county-owned or leased vehicle that does not meet school bus or public transit ratings: Provided, That no more than 10 passengers including the driver may be transported at one time: Provided, however, That this section does not prohibit a parent, guardian, or other adult approved in writing by the parent or guardian from transporting students in a privately-owned vehicle;

(6) Students may be transported to a school-sponsored activity in a vehicle that has a seating capacity of 16 or more passengers which is not owned and operated by the county board only as follows:

(A) The state board shall promulgate a rule to establish requirements for:

(i) Automobile insurance coverage;

(ii) Vehicle safety specifications;

(iii) School bus or public transit ratings; and

(iv) Driver training, certification and criminal history record check; and

(B) The vehicle owner shall provide to the county board proof that the vehicle and driver satisfy the requirements of the state board rule; and

(7) Buses shall be used to transport 19 or more passengers for extracurricular activities as provided in this section only when the insurance coverage required by this section is in effect;

(g) Lease school buses pursuant to rules established by the county board.

(1) Leased buses may be operated only by bus operators regularly employed by the county board, except that these buses may be operated by bus operators regularly employed by another county board in this state if bus operators from the owning county are unavailable.

(2) The lessee shall bear all costs and expenses incurred by, or incidental to the use of, the bus.

(3) The county board may lease buses to:

(A) Public and private nonprofit organizations and private corporations to transport school-age children for camps or educational activities;

(B) Any college, university or officially recognized campus organization for transporting students, faculty and staff to and from the college or university. Only college and university students, faculty and staff may be transported pursuant to this paragraph. The lease shall include provisions for:

(i) Compensation for bus operators;

(ii) Consideration for insurance coverage, repairs and other costs of service; and

(iii) Any rules concerning student behavior;

(C) Public and private nonprofit organizations, including education employee organizations, for transportation associated with fairs, festivals and other educational and cultural events. The county board may charge fees in addition to those charges otherwise required by this subsection;

(h) To provide at public expense for insurance coverage against negligence of the drivers of school buses, trucks or other vehicles operated by the county board. Any contractual agreement for transportation of students shall require the vehicle owner to maintain insurance coverage against negligence in an amount specified by the county board;

(i) Provide for the full cost or any portion thereof for group plan insurance benefits not provided or available under the West Virginia Public Employees Insurance Act. Any of these benefits shall be provided:

(1) Solely from county board funds; and

(2) For all regular full-time employees of the county board;

(j) Employ teacher aides; to provide in-service training for the aides pursuant to rules established by the state board; and, prior to assignment, to provide a four-clock-hour program of training for a service person assigned duties as a teacher aide in an exceptional children program. The four-clock-hour program shall consist of training in areas specifically related to the education of exceptional children;

(k) Establish and operate a self-supporting dormitory for:

(1) Students attending a high school or participating in a post high school program; and

(2) Persons employed to teach in the high school or post high school program;

(l) At the county board’s discretion, employ, contract with or otherwise engage legal counsel in lieu of using the services of the prosecuting attorney to advise, attend to, bring, prosecute or defend, as the case may be, any matters, actions, suits and proceedings in which the county board is interested;

(m) Provide appropriate uniforms for school service personnel;

(n) Provide at public expense for payment of traveling expenses incurred by any person invited to appear to be interviewed concerning possible employment by the county board, subject to rules established by the county board;

(o) Allow designated employees to use publicly provided carriage to travel from their residences to their workplace and return. The use:

(1) Is subject to the supervision of the county board; and

(2) Shall be directly connected with, required by and essential to the performance of the employee’s duties and responsibilities;

(p) Provide at public expense adequate public liability insurance, including professional liability insurance, for county board employees;

(q)(1) Enter into cooperative agreements with one or more county boards or educational services cooperative to provide improvements to the instructional needs of each district. The cooperative agreements may be used to employ specialists in a field of academic study or for support functions or services for the field.

(2) Enter into cooperative agreements with one or more county boards to facilitate coordination and cooperation in areas of service to reduce administrative and/or operational costs, including the consolidation of administrative, coordinating, and other county level functions into shared functions to promote the efficient administration and operation of the public school systems including, but not limited to:

(A) Purchasing;

(B) Operation of specialized programs for exceptional children;

(C) Employment of any school personnel as defined in §18A-1-1 of this code;

(D) Professional development;

(E) Technology including, but not limited to WVEIS; and

(F) Billing for school-based Medicaid services in schools throughout the state.

Each such cooperative agreement shall be in writing and agreed to by each county board participating in the cooperative agreement. Each cooperative agreement that is an employment agreement may be entered into on a case-by-case basis. Notwithstanding the geographic quadrants as provided in §18-5-13b of this code, school systems may enter into cooperative agreements with any school system in the state.

(3) Enter into a cooperative agreement with other county boards to establish educational services cooperatives as provided in §18-5-13c of this code.

(r) Provide information about vocational and higher education opportunities to exceptional students. The county board shall provide in writing to the students and their parents or guardians information relating to programs of vocational education and to programs available at state institutions of higher education. The information may include sources of available funding, including grants, mentorships and loans for students who wish to attend classes at institutions of higher education;

(s) Enter into agreements with other county boards for the transfer and receipt of any funds determined to be fair when students are permitted or required to attend school in a district other than the district of their residence. These agreements are subject to the approval of the state board; and

(t) Enter into job-sharing arrangements, as defined in section one, article one, chapter eighteen-a of this code, with its employees, subject to the following provisions:

(1) A job-sharing arrangement shall meet all the requirements relating to posting, qualifications and seniority, as provided in §18A-4-1 et seq. of this code;

(2) Notwithstanding any contrary provision of this code or legislative rule and specifically §5-16-1 et seq. of this code, a county board that enters into a job-sharing arrangement:

(A) Shall provide insurance coverage to the one employee mutually agreed upon by the employees participating in that arrangement; and

(B) May not provide insurance benefits of any type to more than one of the job-sharing employees, including any group plan available under the State Public Employees Insurance Act;

(3) Each job-sharing agreement shall be in writing on a form prescribed and furnished by the county board. The agreement shall designate specifically one employee only who is entitled to the insurance coverage. Any employee who is not designated is not eligible for state public employees insurance coverage regardless of the number of hours he or she works;

(4) All employees involved in the job-sharing agreement shall meet the requirements of §5-16-2 (3) of this code; and

(5) When entering into a job-sharing agreement, the county board and the participating employees shall consider issues such as retirement benefits, termination of the job-sharing agreement and any other issue the parties consider appropriate. Any provision in the agreement relating to retirement benefits may not cause any cost to be incurred by the retirement system that is more than the cost that would be incurred if a single employee were filling the position; and

(u) Under rules it establishes for each child, expend an amount not to exceed the proportion of all school funds of the district that each child would be entitled to receive if all the funds were distributed equally among all the children of school age in the district upon a per capita basis.

§18-5-13a. School closing or consolidation.

(a) In addition to the provisions of §18-5-13 of this code, prior to any final decision of a county board on any proposal to close or consolidate any school, except in cases in which a construction bond issue was passed by the voters and which bond issue included the schools to be closed or consolidated, the county board shall:

(1) Prepare and reduce to writing its reasons and supporting data regarding the school closing or consolidation, and an impact statement on the school closing or consolidation. The written reasons and impact statement, as applicable, shall:

(A) Be available for public inspection in the office of the county school superintendent during the 30 days preceding the date of the public hearing required by this section;

(B) Be delivered in duplicate to the:

(i) Principal of a school which is proposed to be closed or consolidated, and of any school which will receive the students who are relocated as a result of the closure or consolidation; and

(ii) The chair, if any, of the local school improvement council representing a school which is proposed to be closed or consolidated, and any school which will receive the students who are relocated as a result of the closure or consolidation;

(C) Comply with the rule relating to the written statement of reason promulgated pursuant to subsection (b) of this section; and

(D) Comply with the rule relating to the impact statement promulgated pursuant to subsection (c) of this section;

(2) Provide notice for a public hearing. The notice shall be advertised through a Class III legal advertisement, pursuant to the provisions of §59-3-1 et seq. of this code for the three weeks prior to the date of the hearing. The notice shall contain the time and place of the hearing and the proposed action of the county board. Additionally, the notice shall contain the statement that the hearing location is subject to change if at the time the meeting is called to order, it is determined that the meeting location is of insufficient size. A copy of the notice shall be posted at any school which is proposed to be closed or consolidated, and at any school which will receive the students who are relocated as a result of the closure or consolidation, in conspicuous working places for all professional and service personnel to observe. The notice shall be posted at least 30 days prior to the date of the hearing;

(3) Conduct a public hearing which meets the following criteria:

(A) At least a quorum of the county board members and the county superintendent from the county wherein an affected school is located shall attend and be present at the public hearing;

(B) Members of the public may be present, submit statements and testimony, and question county school officials at the public hearing;

(C) A separate hearing shall be held for each school closed or consolidated;

(D) More than one hearing may be held during any one day;

(E) The hearing shall be held in a facility of sufficient size to accommodate all those who desire to attend;

(F) If, at the time the hearing is called to order, it is determined by the board that insufficient space is available to accommodate all those who desire to attend, the hearing shall be recessed and moved to a new location of sufficient size to accommodate all those who desire to attend. If the meeting location is changed due to insufficient capacity, the county board shall cause the new meeting location to be posted at the original meeting location; and

(G) The hearing is subject to the requirements set forth in the rule promulgated in accordance with subsection (d) of this section; and

(4) Receive findings and recommendations from any local school improvement council representing an affected school relating to the proposed closure or consolidation prior to or at the public hearing.

(b) If a county board is required to prepare an impact statement pursuant to subsection (a) of this section, the board shall give the impact statement substantial weight when making a decision on any proposal to close or consolidate a school.

(c) The state board shall promulgate a rule, in accordance with §29A-3B-1 et seq. of this code, detailing the type of supporting data a county board shall include as part of its written statement of reason required by this section for school closing or consolidation. The rule shall require at least any data required by the state board to amend a county’s comprehensive educational facilities plan.

(d) The state board shall promulgate a rule pursuant to §29A-3B-1 et seq. of this code detailing information that a county board shall include as part of its impact statement required by this section for school closing or consolidation. The rule shall require at least the impact on the following:

(1) The students, which at least shall include the transportation time of the affected students;

(2) The financial health of the county, which at least shall include the anticipated cost or savings;

(3) The enrollment of schools designated by the county board to receive the students as it relates to the capacity of the school;

(4) The school personnel employed by the county board, which at least shall include the anticipated increase or decrease in the number employed, and if a decrease in school employees is anticipated, the number of school employees that are anticipated to be decreased through attrition and the number anticipated to be decreased through a reduction in force; and

(5) The community.

(e)The state board shall promulgate a rule, in accordance with §29A-3B-1 et seq. of this code, that establishes the procedure to be followed by county boards when conducting a public hearing on the issues of school consolidation and closing.

(1) The rule shall provide standards for at least the following:

(A) The appropriate forum and venue for public hearings to be held;

(B) A process for affording interested parties the opportunity for their perspectives to be expressed;

(C) Establishing, where necessary, reasonable restrictions on the amount of time allowed each individual desiring to speak so that all parties wishing to speak at the hearing are given an equal amount of time; and

(D) Scheduling and organizing public hearings when more than one school within a county is proposed for consolidation or closure.

(2) It is the purpose of this subsection to provide for uniformity among the counties in the procedures followed when scheduling, organizing, and conducting public hearings on the issues of school consolidation and closure.

(f) The state board shall promulgate the rules required by this section by June 1, 2023.

(g) Any project currently in progress, or approved by the county board on the effective date of this section, shall not be subject to the 2023 amended provision of this legislation.

§18-5-13b. County Superintendents’ Advisory Council, purpose, reports.

(a) The County Superintendents’ Advisory Council, (“the Council”) is hereby established. The purpose of the council is to promote collaboration among county districts and to provide input to the State Board of Education and state superintendent on issues facing school systems.

(b) After the effective date of this section, but no later than June 1, 2017, all fifty-five county superintendents shall convene to divide the state into four geographic quadrants for the purpose of carrying out the work of the council as described herein.

(c) County superintendents’ responsibilities –

(1) County superintendents belonging to the same geographic quadrant shall meet to select a county superintendent to represent the geographic quadrant. The method of selection of the representative is at the discretion of each geographic quadrant. The representative of each geographic quadrant will represent the council at the state level.

(2) County superintendents of each geographic quadrant shall meet as necessary to identify coordination and cooperation in areas of service to reduce administrative and/or operational costs, including the consolidation of administrative, coordinating, and other county level functions into shared functions to promote the efficient administration and operation of the public school systems. These areas of service include, but are not limited to, the cooperative agreement areas as provided in subsection (q), section thirteen of this article.

 (d) The representative from each of the four geographic quadrants of the council shall identify issues facing their geographic quadrants and present them at the state level as follows:

(1) Meet semiannually with the State Superintendent of Schools;

(2) Meet annually with the State Board of Education; and

(3) Provide an annual report to Legislative Oversight Commission on Education Accountability and the Governor on or before June 30 of each year.

(e) At least one meeting in each geographic quadrant annually shall include on the meeting agenda a discussion of any recommendations of the county boards in the quadrant for changes in laws or policies needed to better empower them to meet the state’s education goals.  A report of these recommendations, if any, shall be included in the annual report to Legislative Oversight Commission on Education Accountability and the Governor.

§18-5-13c. Educational services cooperatives; purpose; establishment; governance; authorized functions and services.

(a) Pursuant to subsection (q), section thirteen of this article, a county board is authorized to enter into a cooperative agreement with one or more other county boards to establish educational services cooperatives which shall serve as regional units to provide for high quality, cost effective lifelong education programs and services to students, schools, school systems, and communities in accordance with this section. Each educational services cooperative may serve as a regional public multi-service agency to develop, manage, and provide such services or programs as determined by its governing council and as provided in this section or otherwise provided in this code.  All references in this code to regional education service agencies or RESA’s mean an educational services cooperative as authorized under this section.

(b) The regional education service agencies previously established by section twenty-six, article two of this chapter and W. Va. 126CSR72, filed October 15, 2015, and effective November 16, 2015, shall remain and may continue to operate in accordance with said section and rule unless and until modified by a cooperative agreement entered into by county boards within the boundaries of the agency or dissolved by said county boards: Provided, That on July 1, 2018, the regional education service agencies as provided under prior provisions of section twenty-six, article two of this chapter are dissolved. If a regional education service agency is reconfigured pursuant to a cooperative agreement or is dissolved, all property, equipment and records held by the regional education service agency necessary to effectuate the purposes of this section shall be transferred or liquidated and disbursed in accordance with the  following priority order: (1) To any successor educational services cooperative substantially covering the same geographical area; (2) To the county boards who were members of the regional education service agency as agreed upon by those counties; or (3) To the state board or to other appropriate entities as provided by law.

(c) An educational services cooperative shall be under the direction and control of a governing council consisting of the following members:  

(1) The county superintendent of each county participating in the cooperative agreement;

(2) A member of the board of education from each county participating in the cooperative agreement selected by the county board of education as provided in the bylaws of the governing council of the educational services cooperative; and

(3) The following representatives, if any, to be selected by the educational services cooperative administrator with the consent of the governing council:

(A) Representatives of institutions of higher education and community and technical colleges serving the geographical area covered by the educational services cooperative;

(B)  One non-superintendent chief instructional leader employed by a member county;

(C) One school principal employed by a member county;

(D) One teacher employed by a member county; and

(E) Additional members representing business and industry, or other appropriate entities, as the governing council determines fit to meet its responsibilities.

(d) The governing council of an educational services cooperative:

(1) Shall adopt bylaws concerning the appointment and terms of its members, including the authorization of designees by its members, the selection of officers and their terms, the filling of vacancies, the appointment of task forces and study groups, the evaluation of the executive director and staff and any other provisions necessary for the operation of the educational services cooperative. A quorum for governing council meetings shall be a simple majority of the number of members of each governing council;

(2) Shall appoint an individual to serve as the educational services cooperative administrator who shall serve at the will and pleasure of the governing council and shall implement the policies of the governing council.

(3) May employ regular full-time and part-time staff, as necessary, after a majority of the members of a governing council, by vote, verify that such employment is necessary for effective provision of services and to perform services or other projects that may require staff and support services for effective implementation. Staff who are hired into a position that requires a specified certification must maintain the certification for the duration of employment. The governing council is the sole employer of the educational services cooperative’s personnel it employs and shall be responsible for any benefit and liability programs necessitated by such employment. Employees of the educational services cooperative are considered state employees for the purposes of participation in the state’s public employees’ insurance and retirement programs.  A recipient of personnel services from the educational services cooperative is not deemed an employer because of the exercise of supervision or control over any personnel services provided;

(4) May purchase, hold, encumber and dispose of real property, in the name of the educational services cooperative, for use as its office or for any educational service provided by the educational services cooperative if a resolution to do so is adopted by a two−thirds vote of the members of the governing council and then approved by three−fourths of the county boards in the educational services cooperative by majority vote of each county board;

(5) Shall operate as Local Educational Agencies (LEA’s) for financial purposes, including grants and cooperative purchasing, and collectively as essential agencies responsible for performing service functions to the total community. An educational services cooperative is eligible as an LEA to participate in partnership with or on behalf of any county school system or school in those programs that will accomplish implementation of the strategic plan and/or state education initiative of the system or school, or to further statutory priorities consistent with educational services cooperative operations;

(6) May receive, expend and disburse funds from the state and federal governments, from member counties, or from gifts and grants and may contract with county boards of education, the West Virginia Department of Education, institutions of higher education, persons, companies, or other agencies to implement programs and services at the direction of the council.  The state board, department of education, or any member county board may request implementation of programs and services by the educational services cooperative. An educational services cooperative may also receive funds from profit-generating enterprises, the funds of which will contribute to the educational services cooperative initiatives. Each educational services cooperative is encouraged to partner with member school systems, particularly those designated as low-performing, and other organizations as appropriate to attract and leverage resources available from federal programs to maximize its capacity for meeting the needs of member schools and school systems.  Educational services cooperatives are recognized as eligible LEA’s for the purposes of applying, on behalf of school systems, for grant funds consistent with performing regional services and functions and/or supportive of education initiatives of the educational services cooperative;

(7) Upon the request of one or more county boards of education, or by the state board as permitted or contracted, and if directed by law, an educational services cooperative may assume responsibility for one or more functions otherwise performed by one or more county boards of education;

(8) May offer technical assistance, including targeted comprehensive staff development services, or other technical assistance to any member school or school system, and give priority to those schools and school systems that are found to be out of compliance with a state law or federal law;

(9) May serve as repositories of research-based teaching and learning practices, and shall use technology, particularly web-based technology, to ensure maximum access to such practices by public schools in the region and state; and

(10) Shall develop and/or implement any other programs or services as directed by law or the governing council, or requested by individual member counties or groups of member counties subject to available funds.  The Legislature expects that the assistance and programs developed and/or implemented by the educational services cooperatives may differ among the schools, counties and educational services cooperatives.

(e) The administrator of each educational services cooperative shall submit annually a plan to the governing council that identifies the programs and services which are suggested for implementation by the educational services cooperative during the following year.  The plan shall contain components of long-range planning determined by the governing council. These programs and services may include, but are not limited to, the following areas:

(1) Administrative services;

(2) Curriculum development;

(3) Data processing;

(4) Distance learning and other telecommunication services;

(5) Evaluation and research;

(6) Staff development;

(7) Media and technology centers;

(8) Publication and dissemination of materials;

(9) Pupil personnel services;

(10) Planning;

(11) Secondary, postsecondary, community, adult, and adult vocational education;

(12) Teaching and learning services, including services for students with special talents and special needs;

(13) Employee personnel and employment services;

(14) Vocational rehabilitation;

(15) Health, diagnostic, and child development services and centers;

(16) Leadership or direction in early childhood and family education;

(17) Community services;

(18) Fiscal services and risk management programs;

(19) Legal services;

(20) Technology planning, training, and support services;

(21) Health and safety services;

(22) Student academic challenges;

(23) Cooperative purchasing services; and

(24) Other programs and services as may be provided pursuant to other provisions of this Code.

(f) The educational services cooperative administrator, with advice and assistance of the governing council, may select as its fiscal agent one of the county boards of education comprising the educational services cooperative. The county board so selected may maintain a separate bank account or accounts for the receipt and disbursement of all educational services cooperative funds and perform the accounting functions specified in the policies adopted by the state board. A county board of education serving as a fiscal agent may not initiate action, direct the programs or substitute its judgment for that of the educational services cooperative administrator as advised by the governing council. The county board of education may reject an action of the educational services cooperative administrator if sufficient funds are not available, or if it perceives a legal conflict. The educational services cooperative administrator shall make arrangements for an annual audit to be conducted in accordance with the requirements of the OMB Uniform Guidance (2 C.F.R. 200) and the cost of the audit shall be incurred by the educational services cooperative. Prior to making those arrangements, the educational services cooperative administrator must coordinate with the respective fiscal agent to ensure the audit addresses all applicable issues.

(g) Notwithstanding any other provision of this code to the contrary, employees of educational services cooperatives shall be reimbursed for travel, meals and lodging at the same rate as state employees under the travel management office of the Department of Administration.

(h) Notwithstanding any other provision of this code to the contrary, county board members serving on governing councils of educational services cooperatives may receive compensation at a rate not to exceed $100 per meeting attended, not to exceed fifteen meetings per year. County board members serving on governing councils may be reimbursed for travel at the same rate as state employees under the rules of the travel management office of the Department of Administration. A county board member may not be an employee of an educational services cooperative.

§18-5-14. Policies to promote school board effectiveness.

(a) No later than January, 2020, each county board shall adopt policies that promote school board effectiveness and may modify the policies as necessary. The policies shall address the following objectives:

(1) Establishing direct links between the county board and its local school improvement councils and between the county board and its faculty senates for the purpose of enabling the county board to receive information, comments and suggestions directly from the councils and faculty senates regarding the broad guidelines for oversight procedures, standards of accountability and planning for future needs as required by this section. To further development of these linkages, each county board shall:

(A) Meet at least annually with the local school improvement council of each school deemed to be low performing under the accountability system established by the state board. The meeting or meetings shall be held at a time and in a manner to be determined by the county board;

 (B) At least 30 days before a meeting with the local school improvement council of a school deemed to be low performing, develop and submit to the council an agenda for the meeting which requires the school principal and council chair or a member designated by the chair, to address the dialogue of its meeting or meetings at which the parents, students, school employees, business partners and other interested parties were given the opportunity to make specific suggestions on how to address issues which are seen to affect the school’s academic performance. The principal, council chair or other designated member shall also address any reports by the county superintendent with respect to the school’s performance and progress, and any one or more of the following issues as determined by the county board:

(i) School performance;

(ii) Curriculum;

(iii) Status of the school in meeting the school’s strategic improvement plan established pursuant to §18-2E-5 of this code; and

(iv) Status of the school in meeting the relevant parts of the county’s strategic improvement plan established pursuant to §18-2E-5 of this code;

(C) Make written requests for information from the local school improvement council throughout the year or hold community forums to receive input from the affected community as the county board considers necessary; and

(D) Nothing in this subdivision prohibits a county board from meeting with and requesting information from representatives of any of its local school improvement councils such times and in such manner determined by the county board.

 (2) Providing for the development of direct links between the county board and the community at large allowing for community involvement at regular county board meetings and specifying how the county board will communicate regularly with the public regarding important issues;

(3) Providing for the periodic review of personnel policies of the district in order to determine their effectiveness;

(4) Setting broad guidelines for the school district, including the establishment of specific oversight procedures, the development and implementation of standards of accountability and the development of long-range plans to meet future needs as required by this section; and

(5) Using school-based accountability and performance data provided by the state board and other available data in county board decision-making to meet the education goals of the state and other goals as the county board may establish.

(b) On or before August 1, of each year, county school boards shall review the policies listed in subsection (a) of this section and may modify these policies as necessary.

§18-5-15. Ages of persons to whom schools are open; enrollment of suspended or expelled student.

(a) The public schools shall be open for the full instructional term to all persons who have attained the entrance age as stated in section five, article two and section eighteen, article five, chapter eighteen of this code: Provided, That any student suspended or expelled from public or private school shall only be permitted to enroll in public school upon the approval of the superintendent of the county where the student seeks enrollment: Provided, however, That in making such decision, the principal of the school in which the student may enroll shall be consulted by the superintendent and the principal may make a recommendation to the superintendent concerning the student's enrollment in his or her new school: Provided further, That if enrollment to public school is denied by the superintendent, the student may petition the board of Education where the student seeks enrollment.

(b) Persons over the age of twenty-one may enter only those programs or classes authorized by the state Board of Education and deemed appropriate by the county board of education conducting any such program or class: Provided, That authorization for such programs or classes shall in no way serve to affect or eliminate programs or classes offered by county boards of education at the adult level for which fees are charged to support such programs or classes.

§18-5-15a. Study of multicultural education for school personnel.

County boards of education shall upon employment and every three years thereafter, provide a program, during at least one noninstructional day of the school term, for the study of multicultural education for all school personnel as defined in subsection (a), section one, article one, chapter eighteen-a of this code. The study provided shall be in compliance with regulations to be developed by the state Board of Education.

As used in this section, multicultural education means the study of the pluralistic nature of American society, including its values, institutions, organizations, groups, status positions and social roles.

§18-5-15b. Pledge of allegiance to the flag.

Every instructional day in the public schools of this state shall be commenced with a pledge of allegiance to the flag of the United States. Pupils who do not wish to participate in this exercise shall be excused from making such pledge.

§18-5-15c. County boards of education; training in prevention of child abuse and neglect and child assault; regulations; funding.

(a) In recognition of the findings of the Legislature as set forth in §49-2-401 of this code, the Legislature further finds that public schools are able to provide a special environment for the training of children, parents, and school personnel in the prevention of child abuse and neglect and child assault and that child abuse and neglect prevention and child assault prevention programs in the public schools are an effective and cost-efficient method of reducing the incidents of child abuse and neglect, promoting a healthy family environment, and reducing the general vulnerability of children.

(b) County boards of education shall, to the extent funds are provided, establish programs for the prevention of child abuse and neglect and child assault. The programs shall be provided to students, parents and school personnel as considered appropriate. The programs comply with rules developed by the state Board of Education with the advice and assistance of the Department of Human Services and the West Virginia State Police: Provided, That any programs which substantially comply with the rules adopted by the board and were in effect prior to the adoption of the rules may be continued.

(c) Funds for implementing the child abuse and neglect prevention and child assault prevention programs may be allocated to the county boards of education from the children’s trust fund established pursuant to the provisions of §49-2-401 of this code or appropriated for such purpose by the Legislature.

(d) County boards of education shall request from the state Criminal Identification Bureau the record of any and all criminal convictions relating to child abuse, sex-related offenses, or possession of controlled substances with intent to deliver the controlled substances or all of its future employees. This request shall be made immediately after the effective date of this section, and thereafter as warranted.

(e) Contractors or service providers or their employees may not make direct, unaccompanied contact with students or access school grounds unaccompanied when students are present if it cannot be verified that the contractors, service providers, or employees have not previously been convicted of a qualifying offense, as defined in §15-12-2 of this code. For the purposes of this section, contractor and service provider shall be limited to any vendor, individual, or entity under contract with a county school board. County school boards may require contractors and service providers to verify the criminal records of their employees before granting contact or access. Where prior written consent is obtained, county school boards may obtain information from the Central Abuse Registry regarding contractors, service providers, and their employees for the purposes of this subsection. Where a contractor or service provider gives his or her prior written consent, the county school board also may share information provided by the Central Abuse Registry with other county school boards for the purposes of satisfying the requirements of this subsection.

§18-5-15d. In-service training programs in the prevention, transmission, spread and treatment of acquired immune deficiency syndrome; parent attendance.

Under guidelines established by the Department of Education in consultation with the department of health, training programs on the prevention, transmission, spread and treatment of acquired immune deficiency syndrome shall be provided by the county boards as in-service training for all school personnel. The county boards shall encourage the attendance of parents at these programs and notify such parents to the fullest extent practicable, including notification in written form and by publication.



Acts, 2014 Reg. Sess., Ch. 47.

§18-5-15f. Affirmation regarding the suspension or expulsion of a pupil from school.

(a) Prior to the admission of a pupil to any public school in West Virginia, the county superintendent shall require the pupil's parent(s), guardian(s) or custodian(s) to provide, upon registration, a sworn statement or affirmation indicating whether the student is, at the time, under suspension or expulsion from attendance at a private or public school in West Virginia or another state. Any person willfully making a materially false statement or affirmation shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, the penalty shall be the same as provided for "false swearing" pursuant to section three, article five, chapter sixty-one of this code.

(b) Prior to the admission of a pupil to any public school, the principal of that school or his or her designee shall consult the uniform integrated regional computer information system (commonly known as the West Virginia Education Information System) described in subsection (f), section twenty-six, article two, chapter eighteen of this code, to determine whether the pupil requesting admission is, at the time of the request for admission, serving a suspension or expulsion from another public school in West Virginia.

(c) The State Board of Education shall provide for the West Virginia Education Information System to disallow the recording of the enrollment of any pupil who is, at the time of attempted enrollment, serving a suspension or expulsion from another public school in West Virginia, and for that system to notify the user who has attempted to record the enrollment that the pupil may not be enrolled, and to notify that user of the reason therefor.

(d) Notwithstanding any other provision of this code to the contrary, any pupil who has been suspended or expelled from school pursuant to section one-a, article five, chapter eighteen-a of this code, or who has been suspended or expelled from a public or private school in another state, due to actions described in section one-a, article five, chapter eighteen-a of this code, may not be admitted to any public school within the State of West Virginia until the period of suspension or expulsion has expired.

§18-5-16. Student transfers; definitions; appeals; calculating net enrollment; fees for transfer.

(a) Establishment of attendance zones within counties. — The county board may establish attendance zones within the county to designate the schools within its district that resident students typically attend: Provided, That a county board may permit any eligible elementary, middle or high school resident student to apply for enrollment in any school with grade level capacity and existing programs and services currently outside any established attendance zone in which the student resides. Upon the written request of any parent or guardian, or person legally responsible for any resident student, the superintendent may grant a resident student’s transfer request from one school or program to another within the county so long as grade level capacity and the program and services exist at the time of the request. Counties with a critical need shortage policy may further review the request to determine if appropriate staffing is available in the requested grade, program, service, or content area. A superintendent may not transfer a resident student from one school to another within the county for reasons affecting the best interests of the schools without the consent of the student’s parent or legal guardian. Any aggrieved person may appeal a transfer or denial of transfer by the county superintendent to the county board. When making enrollment decisions, a county superintendent or county board may not distinguish between students on the basis of residential or potential disability status. A county superintendent or county board may determine if appropriate staff, resources, services and programs are in place to meet the disability needs of the student at the requested school. A decision of the county board may be appealed to the state superintendent of schools, whose decision shall be final.

(b) Definitions. — For the purposes of this section, unless a different meaning clearly appears from the context:

(1) "Nonresident student" means a student who resides in this state and who is enrolled in or is seeking enrollment in a county school district other than the county school district in which the student resides.

(2) "Open enrollment" means a policy adopted and implemented by a county board to allow nonresident students to enroll in any school within the district. Open enrollment is distinct from a mutual agreement of two county boards regarding mass transfer of students, as contemplated in §18-5-13(f)(1)(C) of this code.

(c) Enrollment policies for nonresident students. — County boards shall establish and implement an open enrollment policy for nonresident students without charging tuition and without obtaining approval from the board of the county in which a student resides and transfers. This policy shall clearly establish an open enrollment process and enrollment application period for nonresident students to enroll in any school within the district. The process for enrollment application shall be clearly publicized to parents and the general public, including dates and timelines, and shall be made available on the board’s website. As part of the open enrollment policy, county boards shall also establish a process for nonresident students to enroll in any school within the district on a case-by-case basis at any time during the academic year so long as all other requirements are met including that the student has not previously transferred within the same school year. The open enrollment policy shall not discriminate against nonresident students on the basis of their residential address or any potential disability status. Enrollment policies are subject to the following:

(1) A county board may give enrollment preference to:

(A) Siblings of students already enrolled through the open enrollment policy;

(B) Secondary students who have completed 10th grade and, due to family relocation, become nonresident students, but express the desire to remain in a specific school to complete their education;

(C) Students who are children, grandchildren, or legal wards of employees;

(D) Students whose legal residences, though geographically within another county, are more proximate to a school within the receiving county, whether calculated by miles or transportation time;

(E) Students who reside in a portion of a county where topography, impassable roads, long bus rides, or other conditions prevent the practicable transportation of the student to a school within the county, and a school within a contiguous county is more easily accessible; and

(F) The county board to which the student wishes to be transferred may not refuse a transfer by virtue of the student transferring from a private, parochial, church, or religious school holding an exemption approved pursuant to §18-8-1(k) of this code: Provided, That nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to allow a county board to give an enrollment preference to a student transferring from a private, parochial, church, or religious school holding an exemption approved pursuant to §18-8-1(k) of this code.

(2) A county shall comply with all enrollment requirements for children who are in foster care or who meet the definition of unaccompanied youth prescribed in the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. § 11434a(6)).

(3) The county board for the county educating the nonresident student may provide an adequate means of transportation to nonresident students when students have complied with the procedure for obtaining authorization to attend school outside their county of residence, subject to the following:

(A) County boards of education are not required to uniformly provide nonresident student transportation, and may consider whether a nonresident student meets the eligibility criteria for free or reduced price lunch and milk established within the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act (42 U.S.C. § 1758); and

(B) The county board for the county educating the nonresident student shall provide transportation to and from the school of attendance, or to and from an agreed pickup point on a regular transportation route, or for the total miles traveled each day for the nonresident student to reach the school of enrollment if the nonresident student is a student with disabilities and has an individualized education program that specifies that transportation is necessary for fulfillment of the program.

(4) An application may only be denied by a county board of education due to lack of grade level capacity, lack of programs or services due to areas identified in the county board critical need policy, or the commission of Level 3 or Level 4 inappropriate behavior as defined by West Virginia Board of Education Policy 4373 in the last year. The denial shall be in writing, sent to the parent or guardian of the nonresident student and the West Virginia Department of Education within three business days of the decision, and include the reason and explanation for the denial and information on appealing the denial of the application. If a nonresident student fails to fill out or submit an open enrollment application correctly, a county board shall provide an explanation of ways in which the application may be corrected and submitted for necessary approval.

(d) Appeal. — The State Board of Education shall establish a process whereby a parent or guardian of a student may appeal to the State Superintendent the refusal of a county board to accept the transfer of the student. If during the appeal process, the State Superintendent discovers that the education and the welfare of the student could be enhanced, the State Superintendent may direct that the student may be permitted to attend a school in the receiving county.

(e) Net enrollment. — For purposes of net enrollment as defined in §18-9A-2 of this code, whenever a student is transferred on a full-time basis from one school district to another district pursuant to the provisions of this section, the county to which the student is transferred shall include the student in its net enrollment, subject to the following:

(1) If a student transfers after the second month of any school year, the county to which the student transferred may issue, in the following fiscal year, an invoice to the county from which the student transferred for the amount, determined on a pro rata basis, that the county now responsible for educating the student otherwise would have received under the state basic foundation program established in §18-9A-1 et seq. of this code had such student been included in the county’s prior year’s net enrollment;

(2) If a student in grades kindergarten through 12 transfers after the second month of any school year, the county to which the student transferred may issue, in the following fiscal year, an invoice to the county from which the student transferred for the amount the county now responsible for educating the student otherwise would have received under aid to exceptional students had such student been included in the county’s prior year’s child count enrollment;

(3) If a student in prekindergarten transfers after the child count of exceptional students is certified for any school year, the county to which the student transferred may issue, in the following fiscal year, an invoice to the county from which the student transferred for the amount the county now responsible for educating the student otherwise would have received under aid to exceptional students had such student been included in the county’s prior year’s child count enrollment; and

(4) The county from which the student transferred shall reimburse the county to which the student transferred for the amount of the invoice.

(f) Transfers between states. — Transfer of students from this state to another state shall be upon such terms, including payment of tuition, as shall be mutually agreed upon by the board of the receiving county and the authorities of the school or district from which the transfer is made.

(g) No parent, guardian, or person acting as parent or guardian is required to pay for the transfer of a student or for the tuition of the student after the transfer when the transfer is carried out under the terms of this section.

(h) Nothing in this section supersedes the eligibility requirements for participation in extra-curricular activities established by the Secondary School Activities Commission.

(i) Each county board shall report annually to the State Department of Education the number of resident and nonresident student transfers approved by the county board for the preceding school calendar year, as well as the number of resident and nonresident student transfer applications denied and the reasons for those denials. On or before June 30 of each year, the State Department of Education shall compile the information from the county boards and report the information to the Legislative Oversight Commission on Education Accountability. Information regarding the annual number of resident and nonresident student transfer approvals and denials shall also be made available on each county board’s website.

§18-5-16a. Authorization to transfer pupils from one district to another; mandatory transfer; payment of tuition; net enrollment.

(a) The provisions of this section expire effective July 1, 2020: Provided, That any agreement made pursuant to this section prior to July 1, 2020, shall remain in effect.

(b) Whenever, in the opinion of the board of education of any county, the education and welfare of a pupil will be enhanced, the board of education of such county shall have the authority to transfer any such pupil or pupils on a part-time or full-time basis from one school district to another school district within the state: Provided, That the boards of education of both the transferor and the transferee districts agree to the same by official action of both boards as reflected in the minutes of their respective meetings.

(c) Any pupil attending a school in a district of this state adjacent to the district of residence during the school year 1984-1985, is authorized to continue such attendance in the adjacent district, and, upon written request therefor by the parent or guardian, any person who is entitled to attend the public schools of this state and who resides in the same household and is a member of the immediate family of such pupil is authorized to enroll in such adjacent district. The transferor and transferee school districts shall effectuate any transfer herein authorized in accordance with the provisions of this section.

(d) Whenever a pupil is transferred from one school district to another district on a full-time or part-time basis, the board of education of the school district in which the pupil is a bona fide resident shall pay to the board of education of the school district to which the pupil is transferred a tuition that is agreed upon by both such boards. Tuition for each full-time pupil shall not exceed the difference between the state aid per pupil received by the county to which the pupil is transferred and the county cost per pupil in the county to which said pupil is transferred.

(e) For purposes of net enrollment as defined in §18-9A-2 of this code: (1) Whenever a pupil is transferred on a full-time basis from one school district to another district pursuant to the provisions of this section, the county to which the pupil is transferred shall include such pupil in its net enrollment; and (2) whenever a pupil is transferred on a part-time basis from one school district to another school district pursuant to the provisions of this section, the county in which the student is a bona fide resident shall count the pupil in its net enrollment.



§18-5-17. Compulsory preenrollment hearing, vision and speech and language testing; developmental screening for children under compulsory school age.

(a) All children entering public school for the first time in this state shall be given prior to their enrollments screening tests to determine if they might have vision or hearing impairments or speech and language disabilities. County boards of education may provide, upon request, such screening tests to all children entering nonpublic school. County boards of education shall conduct these screening tests for all children through the use of trained personnel. Parents or guardians of children who are found to have vision or hearing impairments or speech and language disabilities shall be notified of the results of these tests and advised that further diagnosis and treatment of the impairments or disabilities by qualified professional personnel is recommended.

(b) County boards of education shall provide or contract with appropriate health agencies to provide, upon the request of a parent or guardian residing within the district, developmental screening for their child or children under compulsory school attendance age: Provided, That a county board is not required to provide such screening to the same child more than once in any one school year. Developmental screening is the process of measuring the progress of children to determine if there are problems or potential problems or advanced abilities in the areas of understanding language, perception through sight, perception through hearing, motor development and hand-eye coordination, health, and psycho-social or physical development. The boards shall coordinate the provision of developmental screening with other public agencies and the interagency plan for exceptional children under section eight, article twenty of this chapter to avoid the duplication of services and to facilitate the referral of children and their parents or guardians who need other services. The county boards shall provide notice to the public of the availability of these services.

(c) The state Board of Education is hereby authorized to promulgate rules consistent with this section. The state superintendent is directed to apply for federal funds, if available, for the implementation of the requirements of this section.

§18-5-18. Kindergarten programs.

(a) County boards shall provide kindergarten programs for all children who have attained the age of five prior to September 1 of the school year in which the pupil enters the kindergarten program and may, pursuant to the provisions of section forty-four of this article, establish kindergarten programs designed for children below the age of five. The programs for children who shall have attained the age of five shall be full-day everyday programs.

(b) Beginning in the school year 2019-2020, county boards shall provide kindergarten programs for all children who have attained the age of five prior to July 1 of the school year in which the pupil enters the kindergarten program and may, pursuant to the provisions of section forty-four of this article, establish kindergarten programs designed for children below the age of five. The programs for children who shall have attained the age of five shall be full-day everyday programs.

(c) Persons employed as kindergarten teachers, as distinguished from paraprofessional personnel, shall be required to hold a certificate valid for teaching at the assigned level as prescribed by rules established by the state board. The state board shall establish the minimum requirements for all paraprofessional personnel employed in kindergarten programs established pursuant to the provisions of this section and no such paraprofessional personnel may be employed in any kindergarten program unless he or she meets the minimum requirements. Beginning July 1, 2014, any person previously employed as an aide in a kindergarten program and who is employed in the same capacity on and after that date and any new person employed in that capacity in a kindergarten program on and after that date shall hold the position of aide and either Early Childhood Classroom Assistant Teacher I, Early Childhood Classroom Assistant Teacher II or Early Childhood Classroom Assistant Teacher III. Any person employed as an aide in a kindergarten program that is eligible for full retirement benefits before July 1, 2020, may remain employed as an aide in that position and shall be granted an Early Childhood Classroom Assistant Teacher permanent authorization by the state superintendent pursuant to section two-a, article three, chapter eighteen-a of this code.

(d) The state board, with the advice of the state superintendent, shall establish and prescribe guidelines and criteria relating to the establishment, operation and successful completion of kindergarten programs in accordance with the other provisions of this section. Guidelines and criteria so established and prescribed also are intended to serve for the establishment and operation of nonpublic kindergarten programs and shall be used for the evaluation and approval of those programs by the state superintendent, provided application for the evaluation and approval is made in writing by proper authorities in control of the programs. The state superintendent, annually, shall publish a list of nonpublic kindergarten programs, including Montessori kindergartens that have been approved in accordance with the provisions of this section. Montessori kindergartens established and operated in accordance with usual and customary practices for the use of the Montessori method which have teachers who have training or experience, regardless of additional certification, in the use of the Montessori method of instruction for kindergartens shall be considered to be approved.

(e) Pursuant to the guidelines and criteria, and only pursuant to the guidelines and criteria, the county boards may establish programs taking kindergarten to the homes of the children involved, using educational television, paraprofessional personnel in addition to and to supplement regularly certified teachers, mobile or permanent classrooms and other means developed to best carry kindergarten to the child in its home and enlist the aid and involvement of its parent or parents in presenting the program to the child; or may develop programs of a more formal kindergarten type, in existing school buildings, or both, as the county board may determine, taking into consideration the cost, the terrain, the existing available facilities, the distances each child may be required to travel, the time each child may be required to be away from home, the child’s health, the involvement of parents and other factors as each county board may find pertinent. The determinations by any county board are final and conclusive.

§18-5-18a. Maximum teacher-pupil ratio.

(a) County boards of education shall provide sufficient personnel, equipment, and facilities as will ensure that each classroom, or classrooms having two or more grades that include one or more of the kindergarten through sixth grades shall not have more pupils for each teacher as follows, unless the state superintendent has excepted a specific classroom upon application therefor by a county board as provided in this section:

(1) For kindergarten, not more than 20 pupils for each teacher and one early childhood classroom assistant teacher or aide in classrooms with more than 10 pupils;

(2) For first, second, and third grades, not more than 25 pupils for each teacher and one early childhood classroom assistant teacher, aide or paraprofessional in classrooms with more than 12 pupils: Provided, That the early childhood classroom assistant teacher/aide/paraprofessional requirement for classrooms with more than 12 pupils shall be effective beginning the 2023-2024 school year, for first grade classrooms; shall be effective beginning the 2024-2025 school year, for second grade classrooms; and shall be effective beginning the 2025-2026 school year, for third grade classrooms: Provided however, That if all grade level classrooms are already being served by an early childhood classroom assistant teacher/aide/paraprofessional by the school year required, the county board has the discretion to add the assistant teachers/ aides/paraprofessionals in first, second and third grade classrooms of the greatest need beginning July 1, 2023 and completing full implementation by July 1, 2026; and

(3) For grades four, five, and six, not more than 25 pupils for each teacher.

(b) County boards may satisfy the requirements of subsection (a) of this section by employing a full-time interventionist instead of an early childhood assistant teacher, aide or paraprofessional, subject to the following:

(1) If no full-time interventionist is available, a county board may satisfy the requirements of subsection (a) of this section by employing a part-time interventionist; and

(2) County boards are not required to employ an interventionist even if there are an insufficient number of early childhood assistant teachers, aides and paraprofessionals available to fill all the positions required by subsection (a) of this section.

(c) County school boards may not maintain a greater number of classrooms having two or more grades that include one or more of the grade levels referred to in this section than were in existence in said county as of January 1, 1983.

(d) The state superintendent is authorized, consistent with sound educational policy, to:

(1) Permit on a statewide basis, in grades four through six, more than 25 pupils per teacher in a classroom for the purposes of instruction in physical education; and

(2) Permit more than 20 pupils per teacher in a specific kindergarten classroom and 25 pupils per teacher in a specific classroom in grades four through six during a school year in the event of extraordinary circumstances as determined by the state superintendent after application by a county board of education.

(e) The state board shall establish guidelines for the exceptions authorized in this section, but in no event shall the superintendent except classrooms having more than three pupils above the pupil-teacher ratio as set forth in this section.

(f) The requirement for approval of an exception to exceed the 20 pupils per kindergarten teacher per session limit or the 25 pupils per teacher limit in grades four through six is waived in schools where the schoolwide pupil-teacher ratio is 25 or less in grades four through six: Provided, That a teacher shall not have more than three pupils above the teacher/pupil ratio as set forth in this section. Any kindergarten teacher who has more than 20 pupils per session and any classroom teacher of grades four through six who has more than 25 pupils, shall be paid additional compensation based on the affected classroom teacher’s average daily salary divided by 20 for kindergarten teachers, or 25 for teachers of grades four through six, for every day times the number of additional pupils enrolled up to the maximum pupils permitted in the teacher’s classroom. All such additional compensation shall be paid from county funds exclusively.

Notwithstanding any other provision of this section to the contrary, commencing with the school year beginning on July 1, 1996, a teacher in grades one, two, or three, or classrooms having two or more such grade levels, shall not have any pupils above the teacher/pupil ratio as set forth in this section.

(g) No provision of this section is intended to limit the number of pupils per teacher in a classroom for the purpose of instruction in choral, band, or orchestra music.

(h) Each school principal shall assign students equitably among the classroom teachers, taking into consideration reasonable differences due to subject areas and/or grade levels.

(i) The state board shall collect from each county board of education information on class size and the number of pupils per teacher for all classes in grades seven through 12. The state board shall report such information to the Legislative Oversight Commission on Education Accountability before January 1, of each year.

§18-5-18b. School counselors in public schools.

(a) A school counselor means a professional educator who holds a valid school counselor's certificate in accordance with §18A-1-1 of this code.

(b) Each county board shall provide counseling services for each pupil enrolled in the public schools of the county.

(c) The school counselor shall work with individual pupils and groups of pupils in providing developmental, preventive and remedial guidance and counseling programs to meet academic, social, emotional, and physical needs; including programs to identify and address the problem of potential school dropouts. The school counselor also may provide consultant services for parents, teachers, and administrators and may use outside referral services, when appropriate, if no additional cost is incurred by the county board.

(d) The state board may adopt rules consistent with the provisions of this section that define the role of a school counselor based on the "National Standards for School Counseling Programs" of the American School Counselor Association. A school counselor is authorized to perform such services as are not inconsistent with the provisions of the rule as adopted by the state board. To the extent that any funds are made available for this purpose, county boards shall provide training for counselors and administrators to implement the rule as adopted by the state board.

(e) Each county board shall develop a comprehensive drop-out prevention program utilizing the expertise of school counselors and any other appropriate resources available.

(f) School counselors shall be full-time professional personnel, shall spend at least 80 percent of work time in a direct counseling relationship with pupils, and shall devote no more than 20 percent of the workday to administrative activities: Provided, That such activities are directly related to their counseling duties: Provided further, That school counselors may not perform the following duties without a written agreement:

(1) Administering cognitive, aptitude, and achievement testing programs: Provided, That school counselors may administer make up tests and any tests that are required for virtual students, should no other person be available to administer the test;

(2) Routinely signing excuses for students who are tardy or absent;

(3) Performing disciplinary actions or assigning discipline consequences;

(4) Routinely covering classes when teachers are absent or to create teacher planning time;

(5) Maintaining student records: Provided, That school counselors may have access to student records;

(6) Computing grade-point averages: Provided, That school counselors may compute grade-point averages for the purpose of determining a student’s eligibility for scholarships or post-secondary goals;

(7) Routinely supervising classrooms or common areas;

(8) Keeping clerical records: Provided, That school counselors may access clerical records;

(9) Coordinating Individual Education Plans: Provided, That this does not preclude school counselors from otherwise participating in Individual Education Plans when appropriate:

(10) Coordinating 504 Plans: Provided, That this does not preclude school counselors from otherwise participating in 504 Plans when appropriate; and

(11) Coordinating Student Study Teams; Provided, That this does not preclude school counselors from otherwise participating in Student Study Teams when appropriate.

(g) Beginning with the 2024—25 school year, school counselors shall participate in the training set forth below.

(1) At least once every two years, school counselors serving students in grades Pre-K through 12 shall participate in the School Counselors Conference, which shall address the following components:

(A) Career Counseling and Life Planning;

(B) Career awareness;

(C) Career and life planning;

(D) Career and life success;

(E) Opportunities with Career Technical Education available in West Virginia;

(F) Post secondary options;

(G) Academic Counseling and Personalized Planning;

(H) Academic motivation;

(I) Goal setting;

(J) Academic scheduling;

(K) Personalized Education Plans;

(L) Dual credit;

(M) Learning skills;

(N) Personal and Social Counseling;

(O) Decision making;

(P) Personal responsibility;

(Q) Conflict resolution; and

(R) Prevention.

(2) Every two years, school counselors serving students in grades seven through 12 shall receive training regarding building and trades and apprenticeship programs available to students in West Virginia. This training shall be administered by the department of education and provided at no cost to the counselors.

(h) Nothing in this section prohibits a county board from exceeding the provisions of this section, or requires any specific level of funding by the Legislature.

§18-5-18c. Early childhood programs; eligibility and standards for placement; guidelines and criteria.

County boards shall provide by the school year one thousand nine hundred eighty-nine--ninety, and continuing thereafter, programs and instructional procedures that recognize the variability in achievement, development, and background experience of the early childhood years.

Such programs and instructional procedures may include, but shall not be limited to, developmental kindergarten, developmental first grade, early first grade, transitional first grade, and/or developmental second grade.

Placement of children in any of the aforementioned early childhood programs shall be based on the judgment of the teacher and other professional personnel after consultation with the parent or guardian and in accordance with the evaluation model for children as set forth in section two, article two-e of this chapter. Counties may designate one or more classes or schools for such early childhood programs and may transport children to these schools.

Provisions shall be made for early childhood teachers to communicate on a regular basis with other teachers, professional personnel and representatives of other appropriate agencies.

The state board shall establish and prescribe guidelines and criteria relating to the establishment, operation and successful completion of early childhood programs in accordance with the other provisions of this section and high quality educational programs.



Acts, 2007 Reg. Sess., Ch. 9.

§18-5-18e. Study of limits on the number of pupils per teacher in a classroom in elementary and middle schools.


§18-5-19. Night schools and other school extension activities; use of school property for public meetings, etc.

County boards may establish and maintain evening classes or night schools, continuation or part-time day schools, alternative schools and vocational schools, wherever practicable to do so, and shall admit adult persons and all other persons, including persons of foreign birth. County boards may admit school-age children and youth to these classes or schools under the circumstances prescribed by a State Board of Education policy governing alternative education programs. County boards may use school funds for the financial support of such schools and to use the schoolhouses and their equipment for these purposes. Any such classes of schools shall be conducted in accordance with the rules of the state board.

County boards may provide for the free, comfortable and convenient use of any school property to promote and facilitate frequent meetings and associations of the people for discussion, study, recreation and other community activities, and may secure, assemble and house material for use in the study of farm, home and community problems, and may provide facilities for the dissemination of information useful on the farm, in the home or in the community.

In addition to the liability protection for organized use outlined in section nineteen-d of this article, county boards are not liable for any loss or injury arising from the use of school property made available for unorganized recreation. County boards are liable for their acts or omissions which constitute gross negligence or willful and wanton conduct which is the proximate cause of injury or property damage.

§18-5-19a. Special classes for war veterans; authority of county boards to contract therefor and to receive assistance.

The Board of Education of any county shall have authority to enter into contracts of agreement with authorized officials of the "war Veterans' Administration" for the education of veterans in special classes of the elementary and high schools of the county. By reason of such contracts, the county board of education shall have authority to receive tuitions, fees and other forms of assistance that may now or later be made available by act of the Congress for the education of war veterans. Any funds so accruing to such board from tuitions, fees or other forms of financial assistance shall be credited to the current expense fund of the county board of education and reported each year as of June thirtieth in the manner required for other financial reports of the board.

§18-5-19b. Adult education classes and programs; tuition and student assistance loans; authority of county boards to contract with federal agencies.

(a) The Board of Education of any county shall have authority to provide classes and programs for adult education and to charge tuition for members of such classes and/or programs, such tuitions not to exceed in any case the actual cost of operation of such classes and/or programs. The county board of education shall also have authority to enter into contracts of agreement with authorized agencies of the federal government for the education of adults and to provide, assemble and house materials and equipment for efficient instruction in any and all such classes and/or programs, contract for instruction for the term of the class and/or program to be offered, and to use school facilities by way of buildings and equipment under the control of said board. Any funds accruing from such tuitions shall be credited to adult education in the current expense fund of the county board of education and reported each year as of June thirtieth in the manner required for other financial reports of the board.

(b) Student assistance loans for attendance in adult education classes and/or programs shall be available in accordance with the applicable provisions of article twenty-two-d of this chapter to an eligible student pursuant to regulations promulgated by the state Board of Education, who shall administer such loan program as it relates to adult education classes and/or programs, and who shall stand in the place of the board of regents for purposes of loans received pursuant to this section. The limitations on investment provided for in section four of said article twenty-two-d shall remain in full force and effect.

State board regulations shall be in accordance with the provisions of article twenty-two-d to the extent practicable, except that the regulations shall provide for the following:

(1) The eligible student must be a high school graduate or equivalent or must be eighteen years of age;

(2) Maximum loan amounts and the maximum number of loans received by any eligible student shall be prescribed by regulation of the state board;

(3) The loan agreement may provide for the repayment of interest only until such time as the eligible student is no longer enrolled in the approved adult education class and/or program. However, in all cases, repayment of the principal shall commence at such time as the eligible student is no longer enrolled in the adult education class or program for which a loan or loans were received pursuant to this section: Provided, That an eligible student who enrolls in an institution of higher education subsequent to such adult education enrollment may defer such payment until completion or withdrawal from the institution of higher education; and

(4) Notwithstanding the time in which the eligible lending institution may provide for the repayment of the loan, the linked deposit shall be terminated at the maturity date next succeeding complete repayment or five years after cessation of enrollment, whichever is sooner.

The state board is not liable to any eligible lending institution in any manner for payment of the principal or interest on the loan to an eligible student.

(c) The Board of Education of any county shall have authority to enter into contracts of agreement with temporary teachers for the purpose of teaching adult education classes or programs which do not exceed ninety days or seven hundred twenty hours. The appointment of a temporary teacher is a contract of agreement for the duration of the class or program, and the temporary teacher shall not accrue benefits of retirement, personal leave, medical or life insurance, seniority rights, or any other provisions relating to salaries, wages and benefits pursuant to article four, chapter eighteen-a of this code: Provided, That such temporary appointment does not preclude the benefits mandated by federal law, workers' compensation and liability insurance coverage for the duration of the class or program.

§18-5-19c. Division of Technical and Adult Education Services.

(a) The State Superintendent of Schools has authority to establish in the state Department of Education a Division of Technical and Adult Education Services, and to provide for suitable coordination and supervision of the educational programs established in sections nineteen-a and nineteen-b of this article. All programs established under those sections are under rules of the state Board of Education.

(b) The Legislature finds that:

(1) The General Educational Development (GED) exam is an implement for success that can transform the future of a graduate;

(2) For an individual who has not attained a high school diploma, achieving a High School Equivalency Diploma can increase employment opportunities and earning potential;

(3) Individuals who will benefit from a High School Equivalency Diploma often lack the credentials necessary for employment, and therefore lack the resources to afford the costs of the GED exam; and

(4) Many individuals for whom the GED exam is unattainable are likely to remain in a state of poverty.

(c) The state board shall develop and administer a program to provide the GED exam fee for an eligible individual pursuing a High School Equivalency Diploma. The state board shall promulgate a rule in accordance with the provisions of article three-b, chapter twenty-nine-a of this code to implement the program.

(1) The rule shall provide for eligibility requirements as follows:

(A) Successful completion of a GED preparation program;

(B) Successful completion of the GED Official Practice Test;

(C) Standards for measuring successful completion of the program and test required by this subdivision;

(D) GED exam registration with a GED testing center that is approved by the state board; and

(E) Any other requirements established by the state board.

(2) The state board shall provide the GED exam fee directly to the GED testing center.

§18-5-19d. Conditional immunity from liability for community activities; liability insurance; authority of State Board of Risk and Insurance Management.

(a)(1) If the requirements of this subsection are met, the board of education is not liable under any theory of vicarious or imputed liability for the acts or omissions of:

(A) Any person, organization or association using school property for a community activity described in section nineteen of this article;

(B) Any member, employee or agent of such person, organization or association; or

(C) Any person attending or participating in the community activity other than an employee of the board while acting within the scope of employment.

(2) The limitation of liability extended the board of education pursuant to this subsection does not apply unless:

(A) The person, organization or association using school property for a community activity has in effect, at the time of the act or omission described in subdivision (1) of this subsection, a contract of insurance which provides general comprehensive liability coverage of any claim, demand, action, suit or judgment by reason of alleged negligence or other acts resulting in bodily injury or property damage to any person arising out of the use of school property for a community activity described in subdivision (1) of this subsection;

(B) The contract of insurance provides for the payment of any attorney fees, court costs and other litigation expenses incurred by the board in connection with any claim, demand, action, suit or judgment arising from such alleged negligence or other act; and

(C) The insurance coverage is in the amounts specified in the provisions of section five-a, article twelve, chapter twenty-nine of this code.

(3)(A) The insurance described in subdivision (2) of this subsection may be obtained privately or may be obtained pursuant to the provisions of this subdivision. If requested by any person, organization or association seeking such insurance coverage, the State Board of Risk and Insurance Management is authorized to provide such insurance and to enter into any necessary contract of insurance to further the intent of this subdivision.

(B) Where provided by the State Board of Risk and Insurance Management, the cost of the insurance, as determined by the such board, shall be paid by the person, organization or association and may include administrative expenses. All funds received by such board shall be deposited with the West Virginia Board of Investments for investment purposes.

(C) The State Board of Risk and Insurance Management is hereby authorized and empowered to negotiate and effect settlement of any and all claims covered by the insurance provided by such board pursuant to this subdivision to the extent the board is authorized and empowered to negotiate and effect settlement of claims described in section five, article twelve, chapter twenty-nine of this code.

(4) As used in this subsection, "organization" or "association" means a bona fide, not for profit, tax-exempt, benevolent, educational, philanthropic, humane, patriotic, civic, eleemosynary, incorporated or unincorporated association or organization or a rescue unit or other similar volunteer community service organization or association, but does not include any nonprofit association or organization, whether incorporated or not, which is organized primarily for the purposes of influencing legislation or advocating or opposing the nomination, election or defeat of any candidate, or the passage or defeat of any issue, thing or item to be voted upon.

(b) In addition to the liability protection for organized use outlined in this section, county boards are not liable for any loss or injury arising from the use of school property made available for unorganized recreation. County boards are liable for their acts or omissions which constitute gross negligence or willful and wanton conduct which is the proximate cause of injury or property damage.

(c) Nothing in this section shall affect the rights, duties, defenses, immunities or causes of action under other statutes or the common law of this state which may be applicable to boards of education.

§18-5-20. School libraries; librarian.

The board may provide libraries for its schools and may purchase books, bookcases, and other things necessary therefor, and shall pay the cost of such libraries out of school funds of the county. In connection with any such school library, the board may employ a full-time librarian or may require one of the teachers at the school to serve as a part-time librarian. Any such full-time librarian or any such teacher-librarian, who holds a degree in library science based upon the successful completion of a full year of graduate work at an institution qualified and approved to offer such degree, and who holds a collegiate elementary, first-class high school, or other certificate of equal rank, shall be paid the same salary as is prescribed by law for teachers holding a master's degree.

The board shall have authority to employ during the vacation period a librarian for any school having a library of one hundred or more volumes, and to pay such librarian out of the school funds of the county an amount to be determined by the board. Any librarian so appointed shall keep the library open at least one day a week, at which time the patrons and pupils of the school may draw books from the library under such rules and regulations for the care and return thereof as the board may prescribe.

§18-5-21. Free textbooks.

The Board of Education of every county may purchase the necessary textbooks to be used in the free schools by the pupils thereof. All textbooks so purchased shall be kept in charge by the county superintendent and furnished to the pupils of the free schools of the county as hereinafter provided. All such books shall be furnished by the county board as prescribed by law, and purchased at the net wholesale price.

In such case, at the commencement of every term, the county superintendent shall deliver to the teachers of the various schools the textbooks necessary for the use of the several pupils enrolled therein for the ensuing term of school and shall take from them receipts showing the number and kind of textbooks so received. It shall be the duty of the teachers to take charge of such textbooks and to distribute them among the pupils of their schools as needed; and said teachers shall have and exercise general control of all such textbooks, and at the close of the school term, and before receiving an order for salary for the last month of such term, shall collect and gather together all textbooks so used and deliver them to the county superintendent.

If any of the textbooks delivered to any pupils shall be unnecessarily injured or destroyed, they shall be replaced by the pupils who injured or destroyed them.

§18-5-21a. Textbooks to be furnished pupils whose parents are unable to provide same.

The Board of Education of every county shall provide the textbooks to be used in the free schools for the pupils whose parents, in the judgment of the board, are unable to provide the same; such textbooks shall be those adopted by the state Board of Education.

§18-5-21b. Textbooks may be furnished to pupils in private schools whose parents are unable to provide same.

The Board of Education of every county, upon application of the proper authorities of any private school, may likewise provide state-adopted textbooks for use of the pupils enrolled therein whose parents, in the judgment of the board, are unable to provide same.

§18-5-21c. Distribution of free textbook funds; determination of amount county shall receive.

In accordance with the provisions of this act the state Superintendent of Schools shall distribute among the several counties of the state each year such amounts of free textbook money as the Legislature may provide for such distribution. The amount of money that a county shall so receive shall be determined as follows:

Each county shall share in state aid for the purchase of state-adopted textbooks according to the ratio which its total net enrollment in public schools, grades one to eight inclusive, for the preceding school year, bears to the total net enrollment in public schools for the state as a whole, grades one to eight inclusive, for the preceding year.

§18-5-21d. "Free textbook account"; use of surplus; order of preference in providing free textbooks; purchase of library books, supplementary materials, and used textbooks.

The money allocated to a county board of education under this act shall be kept by such county board in a separate account to be known as the "free textbook account" and may be used for no other purpose except as otherwise provided by this section. Any balances being held in the "textbook aid account," as provided by law, are by this act authorized and directed to be transferred to said "free textbook account" to be used in accordance with the provisions of this act.

After complying with sections twenty-one-a and twenty-one-b of this article, the county board of education shall use any proceeds remaining in the "free textbook account" for the purchase (including replacement and repair) of textbooks for all pupils enrolled in the public schools of the county, grades one to eight inclusive, who are not provided with free textbooks under the requirements of sections twenty-one-a and twenty-one-b of said article. Such textbooks shall be those adopted by the state Board of Education for the elementary schools of the state.

The order of preference used in providing free textbooks for such pupils shall be either by grade preference in accordance with the plan as stated in subsection one below, or by subject preference in accordance with the plan as stated in subsection two below. The county board of education shall be required to adopt the one of these plans considered preferable for the county, and shall so advise the state Superintendent of Schools in writing before the plan so chosen is made operative through the requisition or purchase of textbooks in accordance therewith.

(1) In furnishing free textbooks by grade preference, the order of such preference shall be to begin with grade one and to continue by consecutive grades to and including grade eight.

(2) In furnishing free textbooks by subject preference, the order of such preference shall be to begin with the lowest grade and to continue by consecutive grades through grade eight as follows: Reading, arithmetic, history, health and elementary science, music, English, geography, writing, spelling, civics: Provided, That the order of subject preference as specified in subsection two above may be changed with prior approval of the state Board of Education, upon written application of any county stating reasons for wishing to make such change.

In any county in which the provisions of sections twenty-one-a, twenty-one-b, and twenty-one-d of this article shall have been fully complied with, any proceeds yet available in the "free textbook account" shall be used for the purchase of approved library books and other supplementary materials for grades one to eight: Provided, That such purchase shall have the prior approval of the state Board of Education.

In providing free textbooks to pupils under the provisions of this act, the county board of education shall have authority to purchase state-adopted textbooks from pupils who own them, or from their parents, at a price commensurate with the usable value of said books at the time, but in no case to exceed one half the original purchase price of the textbook to the pupil as determined by reference to the official contract price entered into between the publisher and the state Board of Education at the time of adoption of said textbook. All such purchases shall conform to the order of preference, either by grade or by subject, adopted by the county board of education under the provisions of subsection one and two above of this section for furnishing free textbooks to the pupils of said county.

Nothing in this act shall be construed to prevent a county board of education from supplementing its "free textbook account" with county school funds available for that purpose and so approved in the annual school budget.

§18-5-21e. Rules and regulations for care, distribution and use of free textbooks; reports by county boards; funds may be withheld from county for violation of rules.

The state Board of Education shall have authority to prescribe rules and regulations governing the care, distribution and use of free textbooks including their rebinding, reconditioning, replacement, return and storage, and such other measures as may be necessary for efficient and economical administration.

The state Board of Education is further authorized to prescribe and require reports to be made by the various county boards of education concerning the expenditures and distributions and conditions of inventories at such time and in such form as the board may require.

The State Superintendent of Schools is authorized to withhold the state allotment of free textbook money from any county for violation of the rules and regulations herein authorized.

§18-5-22. Medical and dental inspection; school nurses; specialized health procedures; establishment of council of school nurses.

(a) County boards shall provide proper medical and dental inspections for all pupils attending the schools of their county and have the authority to take any other action necessary to protect the pupils from infectious diseases, including the authority to require from all school personnel employed in their county, certificates of good health and of physical fitness.

(b) Each county board shall employ full time at least one school nurse for every one thousand five hundred kindergarten through seventh grade pupils in net enrollment or major fraction thereof: Provided, That each county shall employ full time at least one school nurse: Provided, however, That a county board may contract with a public health department for services considered equivalent to those required by this section in accordance with a plan to be approved by the state board: Provided further, That the state board shall promulgate rules requiring the employment of school nurses in excess of the number required by this section to ensure adequate provision of services to severely handicapped pupils. An appropriation may be made to the state department to be distributed to county boards to support school health service needs that exceed the capacity of staff as mandated in this section. Each county board shall apply to the state superintendent for receipt of this funding in a manner set forth by the state superintendent that assesses and takes into account varying acuity levels of students with specialized health care needs.

(c) Any person employed as a school nurse must be a registered professional nurse properly licensed by the West Virginia Board of Examiners for Registered Professional Nurses in accordance with article seven, chapter thirty of this code.

(d) Specialized health procedures that require the skill, knowledge and judgment of a licensed health professional may be performed only by school nurses, other licensed school health care providers as provided in this section, or school employees who have been trained and retrained every two years who are subject to the supervision and approval by school nurses. After assessing the health status of the individual student, a school nurse, in collaboration with the student's physician, parents and, in some instances, an individualized education program team, may delegate certain health care procedures to a school employee who shall be trained pursuant to this section, considered competent, have consultation with, and be monitored or supervised by the school nurse: Provided, That nothing in this section prohibits any school employee from providing specialized health procedures or any other prudent action to aid any person who is in acute physical distress or requires emergency assistance. For the purposes of this section "specialized health procedures" means, but is not limited to, catheterization, suctioning of tracheostomy, naso-gastric tube feeding or gastrostomy tube feeding. "School employee" means "teachers" as defined in section one, article one of this chapter and "aides" as defined in section eight, article four, chapter eighteen-a of this code. Commencing with the school year beginning on July 1, 2002, "school employee" also means "secretary I", "secretary II" and "secretary III" as defined in section eight, article four, chapter eighteen-a of this code: Provided, however, That a "secretary I", "secretary II" and "secretary III" shall be limited to the dispensing of medications.

(e) Any school service employee who elects, or is required by this section, to undergo training or retraining to provide, in the manner specified in this section, the specialized health care procedures for those students for which the selection has been approved by both the principal and the county board shall receive additional pay of at least one pay grade higher than the highest pay grade for which the employee is paid: Provided, That any training required in this section may be considered in lieu of required in-service training of the school employee and a school employee may not be required to elect to undergo the training or retraining: Provided, however, That commencing with July 1, 1989, any newly employed school employee in the field of special education is required to undergo the training and retraining as provided in this section: Provided further, That if an employee who holds a class title of an aide is employed in a school and the aide has received the training, pursuant to this section, then an employee in the field of special education is not required to perform the specialized health care procedures.

(f) Each county school nurse, as designated and defined by this section, shall perform a needs assessment. These nurses shall meet on the basis of the area served by their regional educational service agency, prepare recommendations and elect a representative to serve on the council of school nurses established under this section.

(g) There shall be a council of school nurses which shall be convened by the state Board of Education. This council shall prepare a procedural manual and shall provide recommendations regarding a training course to the Commissioner of the Bureau for Public Health who shall consult with the state Department of Education. The state board then has the authority to promulgate a rule in accordance with the provisions of article three-b, chapter twenty-nine-a of this code to implement the training and to create standards used by those school nurses and school employees performing specialized health procedures. The council shall meet every two years to review the certification and training program regarding school employees.

(h) The State Board of Education shall work in conjunction with county boards to provide training and retraining every two years as recommended by the Council of School Nurses and implemented by the rule promulgated by the state board.

§18-5-22a. Policy for the administration of medications.

All county boards of education shall develop a specific medication administration policy which establishes the procedure to be followed for the administration of medication at each school.

No school employee shall be required to administer medications: Provided, That nothing herein shall prevent any school employee to elect to administer medication after receiving training as provided herein: Provided, however, That any school employee in the field of special education whose employment commenced on or after July 1, 1989, may be required to administer medications after receiving training as provided herein.

§18-5-22b. Providing for self-administration of asthma medication; definitions; conditions; indemnity from liability; rules.

(a) For the purposes of this section, the following words have the meanings specified unless the context clearly indicates a different meaning:

(1) "Medication" means asthma medicine, prescribed by:

(A) A physician licensed to practice medicine in all its branches; or

(B) A physician assistant who has been delegated the authority to prescribe asthma medications by a supervising physician; or

(C) An advanced practice registered nurse who has a written collaborative agreement with a collaborating physician. Such agreement shall delegate the authority to prescribe the medications for a student that pertain to the student's asthma and that have an individual prescription label.

(2) "Self-administration" or "self-administer" means a student's discretionary use of prescribed asthma medication.

(b) A student enrolled in a public, private, parochial or denominational school located within this state may possess and self-administer asthma medication subject to the following conditions:

(1) The parents or guardians of the student have provided to the school:

(A) A written authorization for the self-administration of asthma medication; and

(B) A written statement from the physician or advanced practice registered nurse which contains the name, purpose, appropriate usage and dosage of the student's medication and the time or times at which, or the special circumstances under which, the medication is to be administered;

(2) The student has demonstrated the ability and understanding to self-administer asthma medication by:

(A) Passing an assessment by the school nurse evaluating the student's technique of self-administration and level of understanding of the appropriate use of the asthma medication; or

(B) In the case of nonpublic schools that do not have a school nurse, providing to the school from the student's physician or advanced practice registered nurse written verification that the student has passed such an assessment; and

(3) The parents or guardians of the student have acknowledged in writing that they have read and understand a notice provided by the county board or nonpublic school that:

(A) The school, county school board or nonpublic school and its employees and agents are exempt from any liability, except for willful and wanton conduct, as a result of any injury arising from the self-administration of asthma medication by the student; and

(B) The parents or guardians indemnify and hold harmless the school, the county board of education or nonpublic school and its employees or guardians and agents against any claims arising out of the self-administration of the medication by the student.

(c) The information provided to the school pursuant to subsection (b) of this section shall be kept on file in the office of the school nurse or, in the absence of a school nurse, in the office of the school administrator.

(d) Permission for a student to self-administer asthma medication is effective for the school year for which it is granted and shall be renewed each subsequent school year if the requirements of this section are met.

(e) Permission to self-administer medication may be revoked if the administrative head of the school finds that the student's technique of self-administration and understanding of the use of the asthma medication is not appropriate or is willfully disregarded.

(f) A student with asthma who has met the requirements of this section may possess and use asthma medication:

(1) In school;

(2) At a school-sponsored activity;

(3) Under the supervision of school personnel; or

(4) Before or after normal school activities, such as before school or after school care on school operated property.

(g) The state board shall promulgate rules necessary to effectuate the provisions of this section in accordance with the provisions of article three-b, chapter twenty-nine-a of this code.

§18-5-22c. Providing for the maintenance and use of epinephrine auto-injectors; administration of injections; notice; indemnity from liability; rules.

(a) A public, private, parochial or denominational school located within this state may possess and maintain at the school a supply of epinephrine auto-injectors for use in emergency medical care or treatment for an anaphylactic reaction. A prior diagnosis for a student or school personnel requiring the use of epinephrine auto-injectors is not necessary to permit the school to stock epinephrine auto-injectors. Epinephrine auto-injectors shall be maintained by the school in a secure location which is only accessible by medical personnel and authorized nonmedical personnel and not by students.

(b) An allopathic physician licensed to practice pursuant to the provisions of article three, chapter thirty of this code or an osteopathic physician licensed to practice pursuant to the provisions of article fourteen, chapter thirty of this code may prescribe within the course of his or her professional practice standing orders and protocols for use when necessary by a school which wishes to maintain epinephrine auto-injector pursuant to the provisions of this section.

(c) A school nurse, as set forth in section twenty-two of this article, may administer an epinephrine auto-injector to a student or school personnel during regular school hours or at a school function when the school nurse medically believes the individual is experiencing an anaphylactic reaction. A school nurse may use the school supply of epinephrine auto-injectors for a student or school personnel authorized to self-administer that meet the requirements of a prescription on file with the school.

(d) Nonmedical school personnel who have been trained in the administration of an epinephrine auto-injector and who have been designated and authorized by the school or county board to administer the epinephrine auto-injector are authorized to administer an epinephrine auto-injector to a student or school personnel during regular school hours or at a school function when the authorized and designated nonmedical school personnel reasonably believes, based upon their training, that the individual is experiencing an anaphylactic reaction. Nonmedical school personnel may use the school supply of epinephrine auto-injectors for a student or school personnel authorized to self-administer that meet the requirements of a prescription on file with the school.

(e) School transportation employees, including bus drivers, who have been trained in the administration of an epinephrine auto-injector and who have been designated and authorized by the school or county board to administer an epinephrine auto-injector may administer an epinephrine auto-injector to a student or school personnel during transportation to or from a school function when the school transportation employee reasonably believes, based upon his or her training, that the individual is experiencing an anaphylactic reaction. A school transportation employee may use the individual’s personal supply of epinephrine auto-injectors or the school’s supply of epinephrine auto-injectors for a student or school personnel authorized to self-administer that meet the requirements of a prescription on file with the school: Provided, That a school transportation employee shall defer to an individual possessing a higher degree of medical training or the parent of the child experiencing an anaphylactic reaction, if either are present at the time of the reaction; Provided, however, That the school transportation employee, trained and authorized to administer epinephrine auto-injectors, is not subject to the terms of section twenty-two of this article.

(f) Prior notice to the parents of a student of the administration of the epinephrine auto-injector is not required. Immediately following the administration of the epinephrine auto-injector, the school shall provide notice to the parent of a student who received an auto-injection.

(g) A school nurse, a trained school transportation employee, or trained and authorized nonmedical school personnel who administer an epinephrine auto-injection to a student or to school personnel as provided in this section is immune from liability for any civil action arising out of an act or omission resulting from the administration of the epinephrine auto-injection unless the act or omission was the result of the school nurse, school transportation employee, or trained and authorized nonmedical school personnel’s gross negligence or willful misconduct.

(h) For the purposes of this section, all county boards of education may participate in free or discounted drug programs from pharmaceutical manufacturers to provide epinephrine auto-injectors to schools in their counties which choose to stock auto-injectors.

(i) All county boards of education are required to collect and compile aggregate data on incidents of anaphylactic reactions resulting in the administration of school maintained epinephrine auto-injectors in their county during a school year and forward the data to the state superintendent of schools. The state superintendent of schools shall prepare an annual report to be presented to the Joint Committee on Government and Finance as set forth in article three, chapter four of this code, by December 31 of each year.

(j) The State Board of Education, as defined in article two of this chapter, shall consult with the state health officer, as defined in section four, article three, chapter thirty of this code, and promulgate rules necessary to effectuate the provisions of this section in accordance with the provisions of article three-b, chapter twenty-nine-a of this code. The rules shall provide, at a minimum, for:

(1) The criteria for selection and minimum requirements of nonmedical school personnel and school transportation employees who may administer epinephrine auto-injectors following the necessary training;

(2) The training requirements necessary for nonmedical school personnel and school transportation employees to be authorized to administer an epinephrine auto-injection;

(3) Training on anaphylaxis and allergy awareness for food service workers in the school system, if easily available locally;

(4) Storage requirements for maintaining the epinephrine auto-injectors within the schools;

(5) Comprehensive notice requirements to the parents of a student who was administered a school maintained epinephrine auto-injection including who administered the injection, the rational for administering the injection, the approximate time of the injection and any other necessary elements to make the student’s parents fully aware of the circumstances surrounding the administration of the injection;

(6) Any and all necessary documentation to be kept and maintained regarding receipt, inventory, storage and usage of all epinephrine auto-injectors;

(7) Detailed reporting requirements for county boards of education on incidents of use of school maintained epinephrine auto-injectors during a school year; and

(8) Any other requirements necessary to fully implement this section.

§18-5-22d. Providing for the maintenance and use of opioid antagonist; administration; notice; indemnity from liability; rules.

(a) A public, private, parochial or denominational school located within this state may possess and maintain at the school a supply of an opioid antagonist for use in emergency medical care or treatment for an adverse opioid event.  Opioid antagonists shall be maintained by the school in a secure location which is only accessible by medical personnel and authorized nonmedical personnel and not by students.

 (b) A school nurse, as set forth in section twenty‑two of this article, is authorized to administer an opioid antagonist to a student, school personnel or a person during regular school hours, at a school function, or at an event on school property when the school nurse medically believes the individual is experiencing an adverse opioid event.

(c) Nonmedical school personnel who have been trained in the administration of an opioid antagonist and who have been designated and authorized by the school to administer the opioid antagonist are authorized to administer an opioid antagonist to a student, school personnel or a person during regular school hours, at a school function, at an event on school property when the authorized and designated nonmedical school personnel reasonably believes, based upon their training, that the individual is experiencing an adverse opioid event.

 (d) Prior notice to the parents of a student of the administration of the opioid antagonist is not required. Immediately following the administration of the opioid antagonist, the school shall provide notice to the parent of a student who received the opioid antagonist.

(e) A school nurse or trained and authorized nonmedical school personnel who administer an opioid antagonist as provided in this section is immune from liability for any civil action arising out of an act or omission resulting from the administration of the opioid antagonist unless the act or omission was the result of the school nurse or trained and authorized nonmedical school personnel’s gross negligence or willful misconduct.

(f) All county boards of education are required to collect and compile aggregate data on adverse opioid events resulting in the administration of school maintained opioid antagonist in their county during a school year and forward the data to State Superintendent of Schools. The State Superintendent of Schools shall prepare an annual report to be presented to the Joint Committee on Government and Finance as set forth in article three, chapter four of this code, by December 31 of each year.

(g)  Nothing in this section requires a public, private, parochial or denominational school located within this state to possess an opioid antagonist. A public, private, parochial or denominational school located within this state or a county board of education is immune from liability from any civil action arising from the public, private, parochial or denominational school located within this state not possessing an opioid antagonist in the school.

(h) The State Board of Education, as defined in article two of this chapter, shall consult with the State Health Officer, as defined in section four, article three, chapter thirty of this code, and promulgate rules necessary to effectuate the provisions of this section in accordance with the provisions of article three-b, chapter twenty-nine-a of this code. The rules shall provide, at a minimum, for:

(1) The criteria for selection and minimum requirements of nonmedical school personnel who may administer opioid antagonist following the necessary training;

(2) The training requirements necessary for nonmedical school personnel to be authorized to administer an opioid antagonist;

(3) Training on what constitutes an adverse opioid event;

(4) Storage requirements for maintaining the opioid antagonist within the schools;

(5) Comprehensive notice requirements to the parents of a student who was administered a school maintained opioid antagonist including who administered the antagonist, the rational for administering the antagonist, the approximate time of the administration of the opioid antagonist and any other necessary elements to make the student’s parents fully aware of the circumstances surrounding the administration of the antagonist;

(6) Any and all necessary documentation to be kept and maintained regarding receipt, inventory, storage and usage of all opioid antagonist;

(7) Detailed reporting requirements for county boards of education on incidents of use of school maintained opioid antagonist during a school year; and

(8) Any other requirements necessary to fully implement this section.

§18-5-23. Dental clinics and treatment.

The Board of Education in any school district or independent school district may, in its discretion, establish and maintain dental clinics or courses for teaching mouth hygiene; and may provide for and furnish treatment, if requested by the parent or guardian or deemed necessary by the board of Education, of children who have defective teeth or mouth conditions, and who shall be found by such Board of Education, or persons deputized for that purpose, to be unable otherwise to procure such treatment. Any expense incurred in connection therewith shall be paid out of the maintenance building fund of said district.

§18-5-24. Purchase and display of United States flag; penalty for failure to display.

Boards of education shall purchase United States flags, four by six feet, of regulation bunting, for schools in its district, and require the flags to be displayed from the schools during the time the school is in session, except in inclement weather. The teacher, custodian or other person in charge of the building during the session is responsible for this flag being displayed at the school.

Any United States flag or flag of the State of West Virginia purchased out of the county board building fund must be manufactured in the United States.

§18-5-25. Duties of superintendent as secretary of board.

The county superintendent as secretary of the board shall:

(1) Take the oath prescribed in the Constitution before performing any of the duties of his office;

(2) Attend all board meetings and record its official proceedings in a book kept for that purpose;

(3) Record the number of each order issued, the name of the payee, the purpose for which the order was issued, and the amount thereof. Every order shall be signed by the secretary and the president of the board;

(4) Care for and keep all papers belonging to the board, including evidences of title, contracts and obligations. They shall be kept in the secretary's office, accessibly arranged for reference;

(5) Record and keep on file all papers and documents pertaining to the business of the board;

(6) Keep the accounts and certify the reports required by law or requested by the board;

(7) Administer oaths to school officers, teachers and others making reports;

(8) Deliver in proper condition to his successor all records and property pertaining to his office; and

(9) Exercise such other duties as are prescribed by law.

§18-5-26. School buildings as child care facilities.

The Legislature finds that school facilities are suitable for the provision of child day care and that such day care centers are needed by school personnel and other parents in the school and the community. Therefore, on or before April 1 of each year, each county board of education shall compile a list of facilities under the jurisdiction of the county board of education which would have space available for child day care for the benefit of school employees and others during the next ensuing school year. Such space shall be made available thereafter for use as a child day care facility upon the decision of the county board or upon written request therefor by a duly authorized representative of the local membership of a statewide association of school personnel, a parent-teacher association or any other entity recognized by the county board as suitably responsible for the implementation of such program in the county until such time as the space is deleted from the list for good cause shown.

The child care facility shall be operated in accordance with guidelines to be adopted by a committee appointed by the state superintendent which shall include representatives of the Legislature, the department of human services, at least two individuals active in statewide associations of school personnel, at least two individuals active in parent-teacher associations, and at least two county school administrators. Such guidelines may provide that the child day care facility be funded by the parents, the school personnel or parent-teacher associations, the county board of education or any combination of funding, including independent or federal funding sources. Within such guidelines and dependent upon adequate facilities and personnel, any county board of education may extend use of the child day care facility to other than school personnel.

Upon decision by the county board and in accordance with state law, any child care facility operated pursuant to the provisions of this section may be deemed operated by the county for purposes of liability and insurance. Personnel hired therefor may be deemed county school personnel or may be independent contractors pursuant to a management contract entered into between the county board and the child care providers. Any parent-teacher association, school personnel association or other entity involved in implementation of the program may also be party to such contract.

Schools need not be open for any other purpose for such day care centers to operate.

§18-5-27. Requirement to publish curriculum online; parental right to inspect instructional materials; listing books on syllabus; right to file complaint.

(a) Each public school shall ensure that the adopted, up-to-date, county-adopted class curriculum is posted on the school’s internet website at the beginning of each school year or no later than 30 business days after new or revised curriculum is adopted: Provided, That only students, parents, or guardians of the students shall be provided the login information to gain access to the online curriculum.

(1) For purposes of this section, class curriculum shall include curriculum created pursuant to §18-5A-6 of this code.

(2) The county board of education may provide access, or authorize access, to the county-adopted class curriculum.

(3) If the public school has no accessible website, the information shall be posted on the website of the appropriate county board of education, or website authorized by the state board of education.

(b) Each classroom teacher shall comply with the request of any parent, custodian, or guardian to inspect additional instructional materials adopted by the county board pursuant to §18-2A-10 of this code, supplementary instructional materials that were not adopted by the county board pursuant to §18-2A-10 of this code, and books in the classroom that are available for students to read, subject to the following:

(1) Only the parent, custodian, or guardian of a child enrolled in the class may make a request pursuant to this subsection;

(2) The classroom teacher may require that the parent, custodian, or guardian schedule an appointment in order to inspect the instructional materials. If the classroom teacher requires an appointment pursuant to this subdivision, the teacher shall schedule the appointment within 10 business days of the request of the parent, custodian, or guardian; and

(3) As part of the inspection and upon request of the parent, custodian, or guardian, the classroom teacher shall demonstrate how the instructional material relates to the content standards adopted by the state board.

(c) For any class in which reading a book or books will be required, the classroom teacher shall include the book or books on a class syllabus. The classroom teacher shall make the syllabus available to any parent, custodian, or guardian of a child enrolled in the class upon request.

(d) Any parent, custodian, or guardian may file a complaint with the county superintendent, on a form developed and provided by the county superintendent, if the classroom teacher fails to comply with any provision of this section. If the complaint is not resolved by the county superintendent within seven business days, the parent, custodian, or guardian may file a complaint with the State Superintendent or his or her designee. The State Superintendent shall make a form available for parents to file a complaint pursuant to this subsection.

(e) By September 1 of each year, each county superintendent shall report to the State Superintendent the number of complaints filed with him or her the previous school year. The State Superintendent, annually by October 1, shall report to the Legislative Oversight Commission on Education Accountability the number of complaints filed during the previous school year. The report shall include the number of complaints filed statewide and by county.

(f) For purposes of this section, "parent" means a parent who has some allocation of physical custody of the child or who has some share of joint decision-making authority for the child. For purposes of this section, "custodian" means a person who has some allocation of physical custody of the child or who has provided to the school written permission of a parent to have access to the information contemplated by this section. For purposes of this section, "guardian" means a person other than a parent or custodian who, pursuant to a court order, acts in loco parentis for the child.

§18-5-28. Meetings among county boards of education to explore and discuss the feasibility of consolidating school districts or sharing certain services.

(a) When two or more county boards of education, in order to provide efficiencies and direct cost savings, elect, by majority vote, to explore and discuss with each other: (1) The idea of possibly consolidating their school districts into a new school district by act of the Legislature as provided by section six, article XII of the Constitution of West Virginia; or (2) possibly sharing administrative, coordinating or other county-level services and functions between or among them, the boards shall agree upon the call of a joint special meeting to be conducted wholly in public and in accordance with guidelines and topics of discussion specified in the call and in all public notices of the meeting. The topics shall include, but not be limited to, the extent to which existing laws appear to enable or complicate the consolidation of the school districts or the sharing of services and functions, as the case may be.

(b) The joint special meeting shall be facilitated by a party upon whom the participating boards agree. Within 21 days following the joint meeting, the facilitator shall prepare and deliver to the participating boards a detailed written report of the meeting's discussions and identifying any areas for further discussion or consideration by the boards. After reviewing the facilitator's report, each participating board shall determine by majority vote whether to accept it and whether the participating boards should meet again to discuss or consider the areas identified by the facilitator. Whether or not a board accepts the report, each participating board shall make the report available to the public.

(c) Upon majority vote by any participating board to accept the facilitator's report and to hold another joint special meeting of the participating boards to discuss or consider areas for further discussion or consideration identified in the facilitator's report, the participating boards shall attend another joint special meeting called for that purpose. The meeting shall be called, noticed, conducted, and facilitated as in the case of the initial joint special meeting. Topics of discussion shall include, but not be limited to, the extent to which existing laws appear to enable or complicate the consolidation of the school districts or the sharing of services and functions, as the case may be. Within 21 days following the joint meeting, the facilitator shall prepare and deliver to the participating boards a detailed written report of the meeting's discussions and identifying any areas for further discussion or consideration by the boards. After reviewing the facilitator's report, each participating board shall determine by majority vote whether to accept it and whether the participating boards should meet again to discuss or consider the areas identified by the facilitator. Whether or not a board accepts the report, each participating board shall make the report available to the public.

(d) The process set forth in subsection (c) of this section shall be repeated until 120 days have passed since the initial joint meeting or until the participating boards no longer wish to meet in joint session for those purposes, whichever first occurs. At that point the facilitator or other individual or committee designated by the participating boards shall promptly prepare and submit to the participating boards a full report of all meetings held under this section. The report shall identify the extent to which the participating boards think existing laws may enable or complicate the consolidation of the school districts or the sharing of services and functions, together with any suggestions of legislation to be considered by the Legislature. Upon approval by any of the participating boards by majority vote, the report shall be forwarded to the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Delegates. If the Legislature elects to consolidate the participating county boards, it may consolidate the county boards as a pilot.

(e) Nothing in this section requires the consolidation of any school districts or that any of the participating boards share administrative, coordinating, or other county-level services and functions between or among them. Nor may this section be construed to rescind, without action by participating county boards, any existing agreements or arrangements for the sharing of such services and functions.

(f) The Legislature may incentivize county boards to explore and discuss the feasibility of consolidating school districts or sharing of services pursuant to this section.



Acts, 1933 Ex. Sess., Ch. 8.



Acts, 1933 Ex. Sess., Ch. 8.



Acts, 1983 Reg. Sess., Ch. 70.

§18-5-32. Assistant superintendents; directors and supervisors of instruction and other educational activities.

(a) The county board, upon the recommendation of the county superintendent, may employ an assistant whose term of employment may be not less than one nor more than four years: Provided, That his or her term may not extend beyond that of the incumbent county superintendent.

(b) The board may not employ more than one assistant for each two hundred teachers or major fraction thereof.

(c) The county board, upon the recommendation of the county superintendent, is authorized to employ general and special supervisors or directors of instruction and of other educational activities as may be considered necessary.

(d) The employment of the assistant superintendent shall be on a twelve-month basis. The period of employment for all others named herein shall be at the discretion of the county board.

(e) Rules for qualifications of assistant superintendents, and directors and supervisors of instruction and of other educational activities shall be fixed by the state board: Provided, That the qualifications required for any assistant superintendent may not be higher than those required for the county superintendent: Provided, however, That the rules do not affect the status of any incumbent nor his or her right to succeed himself or herself in his or her assigned position.

(f) The county board is authorized to reimburse the employees for their necessary traveling expenses upon presentation of a monthly, itemized, sworn statement approved by the county superintendent.

(g) Any person employed under the foregoing provision of this section, provided he or she holds a valid teacher's certificate, shall be given continuing contract status as a teacher and shall hold that status unless dismissed for statutory reasons.

(h) The job duties of a professional educator employed under the provisions of this section, including a professional educator employed as a "supervisor" or "central office administrator" as defined in section one, article one, chapter eighteen-a of this code, shall include substitute teaching on at least three instructional days each school year: Provided, That the substitute teaching requirement of this subsection does not apply to the superintendent and those who have never held a teaching certificate or an administrative certificate.

(i) All acts or parts of acts inconsistent with this section are hereby repealed.

§18-5-33. Board may fix special salary schedules.

The board may fix special salary schedules for the superintendent, assistant superintendents, teachers and other employees so long as the salary schedule does not conflict with the general provisions of this chapter.

§18-5-34. Other authority and duties of district boards.

The district Board of Education shall exercise such other authority and perform such other duties as may be prescribed by law or by the regulations of the state Board of Education.

§18-5-35. Group insurance.

Whenever a majority of the full-time instructional and administrative employees of a county board of education, or a majority of the full-time nonteaching employees of said board shall indicate in writing to the board of Education that it has subscribed to an automobile, a life, health and accident, hospitalization or surgery insurance, or death benefit plan on a group basis, and such majority has selected a licensed insurance agent or a company duly licensed to do business in this state to write or provide for any one or more of such group insurance, or death benefit coverages, the board may make proper periodical premium deductions from the regular salary of any such employee as specified in a written assignment furnished it by each such employee subscribing thereto, and pay the aggregate of such salary deductions over to the insurance company or companies or voluntary association so selected.

For the purpose of this section when an employee shall have attained the age of eighteen years, the said employee may be eligible to participate in the defined group plans.

§18-5-36. Payment for fire services on public school property.

Where a fire company or fire department necessarily renders service in preventing or extinguishing fires upon public school property situated beyond their legal sphere of operation, the county board of education may pay, as a consideration for said services, a reasonable compensation to such fire company or fire department and such expenditures therefor shall be made from the general current expense fund as an incidental expense.

§18-5-36a. Authority to offer rewards.

A county board of education shall have the authority to offer a reward for information leading to the arrest and/or conviction of any person or persons who damage or destroy school property, or who threaten, offer or attempt to do so.



Acts, 2013 Reg. Sess., Ch. 83.



Acts, 2014 Reg. Sess., Ch. 47.

§18-5-39. Establishment of summer school programs; tuition.

(a) Inasmuch as the present county school facilities for the most part lie dormant and unused during the summer months, and inasmuch as there are many students who are in need of remedial instruction and others who desire accelerated instruction, it is the purpose of this section to provide for the establishment of a summer school program, which is to be separate and apart from the full school term as established by each county.

(b) The board of any county has the authority to establish a summer school program utilizing the public school facilities and to charge tuition for students who attend the summer school. The tuition may not exceed in any case the actual cost of operation of the summer school program: Provided, That any deserving pupil whose parents, in the judgment of the board, are unable to pay the tuition, may attend the summer school program at a reduced charge or without charge. The county board may determine the term and curriculum of the summer schools based upon the particular needs of the individual county. The curriculum may include, but is not limited to, remedial instruction, accelerated instruction and the teaching of manual arts. The term of the summer school program may not be established in such a manner as to interfere with the regular school term.

(c) The county boards may employ any certified teacher as teachers for this summer school program. Certified teachers employed by the county board to teach in the summer school program shall be paid an amount to be determined by the county board and shall enter into a contract of employment in such form as is prescribed by the county board: Provided, That teachers who teach summer courses of instruction which are offered for credit and which are taught during the regular school year shall be paid at the same daily rate they would receive if paid in accordance with the then current minimum monthly salary in effect for teachers in that county.

(d) Any funds accruing from the tuitions shall be credited to and expended within the existing framework of the general current expense fund of the county board.

(e) Notwithstanding any other provision of this code to the contrary, the board shall fill professional positions established pursuant to the provisions of this section on the basis of certification and length of time the professional has been employed in the county's summer school program. In the event that no employee who has been previously employed in the summer school program holds a valid certification or licensure, a board shall fill the position as a classroom teaching position in accordance with section seven-a, article four, chapter eighteen-a of this code.

(f) Notwithstanding any other provision of the code to the contrary, the county board may employ school service personnel to perform any related duties outside the regular school term as defined in section eight, article four, chapter eighteen-a of this code. An employee who was employed in any service personnel job or position during the previous summer shall have the option of retaining the job or position if the job or position exists during any succeeding summer. If the employee is unavailable or if the position is newly created, the position shall be filled pursuant to section eight-b, article four, chapter eighteen-a of this code. When any summer employee is absent, qualified regular employees within the same classification category who are not working because their employment term for the school year has ended or has not yet begun the succeeding school employment term, shall be given first opportunity to substitute for the absent summer employee on a rotating and seniority basis. When any summer employee who is employed in a summer position is granted a leave of absence for the summer months, the board shall give regular employment status to the employee for that summer position which shall be filled under the procedure set forth in section eight-b, article four, chapter eighteen-a of this code. The summer employee on leave of absence has the option of returning to that summer position if the position exists the succeeding summer or whenever the position is reestablished if it were abolished. The salary of a summer employee shall be in accordance with the salary schedule of persons regularly employed in the same position in the county where employed and persons employed in those positions are entitled to all rights, privileges and benefits provided in sections five-b, eight, eight-a, ten and fourteen, article four, chapter eighteen-a of this code: Provided, That those persons are not entitled to a minimum employment term of two hundred days for their summer position.

(g) If a county board reduces in force the number of employees to be employed in a particular summer program or classification from the number employed in that position in previous summers, the reductions in force and priority in reemployment to that summer position shall be based upon the length of service time in the particular summer program or classification.

(h) For the purpose of this section, summer employment for service personnel includes, but is not limited to, filling jobs and positions as defined in section eight, article four, chapter eighteen-a of this code and especially established for and which are to be predominantly performed during the summer months to meet the needs of a county board.



Acts, 2013 Reg. Sess., Ch. 56.

§18-5-41. Content based censorship of American history prohibited.

(a) No county board of education shall prohibit the use as an educational resource or teaching device any historical document related to the founding of the United States of America or any government publication solely because the document contains a religious reference or references: Provided, That the use of such materials must serve a bona fide secular educational purpose which does not advance or inhibit a religion or particular religious belief.

(b) (1) As used in subsection (a) of this section, the term "historical document related to the founding of the United States of America" shall include, but not be limited to, such documents as the declaration of independence and the United States Constitution.

(2) As used in subsection (a) of this section, the term "government publication" shall include, but not be limited to, such documents as decisions of the United States supreme court and acts of Congress.

(c) In determining the purpose of the use of a document containing a reference to a deity or a religion, consideration shall be given to the overall context of the document's use.

§18-5-42. County-wide council on productive and safe schools.

(a) Each county shall develop a county-wide council on productive and safe schools, which shall be comprised of the following members:

(1) The county superintendent, who shall serve as the chair of the county-wide council on productive and safe schools;

(2) One representative from each local school improvement council, to be elected by a majority vote of each local school improvement council;

(3) The prosecuting attorney or his or her designee;

(4) A representative of the Department of Human Services, to be appointed by the secretary of the department;

(5) A representative of the law-enforcement agencies situated in the county in which the school is situated to be recommended by the county sheriff;

(6) A representative of the county board of education for the county in which the school is situated to be appointed by the president of the county board of education;

(7) The county board of education's supervisor of transportation; and

(8) A representative of the regional comprehensive behavioral health center as designated by the office of behavioral health services in which the county school system is situated, to be appointed by the executive director of the center.

(9) When the members listed in subdivisions (1) through (8) do not include at least two classroom teachers, then the county superintendent shall appoint additional members so that at least two classroom teachers are members of the county-wide council.

(10) When the members listed in subdivisions (1) through (8) do not include at least two school principals, then the county superintendent shall appoint additional members so that at least two school principals are members of the county-wide council.

(b) The county superintendent shall call an organizational meeting of the council as soon as practicable after the effective date of this section.

(c) The council shall compile the local school improvement council's guidelines developed pursuant to §18-5A-2(f) and shall report and deliver such guidelines to the county board of education, along with the council's assessment and recommendations regarding the guidelines. The council also shall provide a report of the estimated cost for any proposed alternative settings or programs.

(d) No meetings of the county-wide council shall be held during instructional time.

§18-5-43. Duty of the county board of education to report the county-wide productive and safe school plans to the West Virginia Board of Education.


§18-5-44. Early childhood education programs.

(a) For the purposes of this section, an "early childhood education program" means a program created under this section for children who have attained the age of four prior to September 1 of the school year in which the children enter the program.

(b) For the purposes of this section beginning in the school year 2018-2019, an "early childhood education program" means a program created under this section for children who have attained the age of four prior to July 1 of the school year in which the children enter the program.

(c) Findings. –

(1) Among other positive outcomes, early childhood education programs have been determined to:

(A) Improve overall readiness when children enter school;

(B) Decrease behavioral problems;

(C) Improve student attendance;

(D) Increase scores on achievement tests;

(E) Decrease the percentage of students repeating a grade; and

(F) Decrease the number of students placed in special education programs;

(2) Quality early childhood education programs improve school performance and low-quality early childhood education programs may have negative effects, especially for at-risk children;

(3) West Virginia has the lowest percentage of its adult population twenty-five years of age or older with a bachelor’s degree and the education level of parents is a strong indicator of how their children will perform in school;

(4) During the 2006-2007 school year, West Virginia ranked thirty-ninth among the fifty states in the percentage of school children eligible for free and reduced lunches and this percentage is a strong indicator of how the children will perform in school;

(5) For the school year 2008-2009, 13,135 students were enrolled in prekindergarten, a number equal to approximately sixty-three percent of the number of students enrolled in kindergarten;

(6) Excluding projected increases due to increases in enrollment in the early childhood education program, projections indicate that total student enrollment in West Virginia will decline by one percent, or by approximately 2,704 students, by the school year 2012-2013;

(7) In part, because of the dynamics of the state aid formula, county boards will continue to enroll four-year-old students to offset the declining enrollments;

(8) West Virginia has a comprehensive kindergarten program for five-year-olds, but the program was established in a manner that resulted in unequal implementation among the counties, which helped create deficit financial situations for several county boards;

(9) Expansion of current efforts to implement a comprehensive early childhood education program should avoid the problems encountered in kindergarten implementation;

(10) Because of the dynamics of the state aid formula, counties experiencing growth are at a disadvantage in implementing comprehensive early childhood education programs; and

(11) West Virginia citizens will benefit from the establishment of quality comprehensive early childhood education programs.

(d) County boards shall provide early childhood education programs for all children who have attained the age of four prior to September 1 of the school year in which the children enter the early childhood education program. These early childhood education programs shall provide at least forty-eight thousand minutes annually and no less than fifteen hundred minutes of instruction per week.

(e) Beginning in the school year 2018-2019, county boards shall provide early childhood education programs for all children who have attained the age of four prior to July 1 of the school year in which the children enter the early childhood education program.

(f) The program shall meet the following criteria:

(1) It shall be voluntary, except that, upon enrollment, the provisions of section one-a, article eight of this chapter apply to an enrolled student, subject to subdivision (4) of this subsection;

(2) It shall be open to all children meeting the age requirement set forth in this section;

(3) It shall provide no less than fifteen hundred minutes of instruction per week, in a full-day program with at least forty-eight thousand minutes of instruction annually; and

(4) It shall permit a parent of an enrolled child to withdraw the child from that program by notifying the district in writing. A child withdrawn under this section is not subject to the attendance provisions of this chapter until that child again enrolls in a public school in this state.

(g) Enrollment of students in Head Start, or in any other program approved by the state superintendent as provided in this section, may be counted toward satisfying the requirement of subsection (c) of this section.

(h) For the purposes of implementation financing, all counties are encouraged to make use of funds from existing sources, including:

(1) Federal funds provided under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act pursuant to 20 U. S. C. §6301, et seq.;

(2) Federal funds provided for Head Start pursuant to 42 U. S. C. §9831, et seq.;

(3) Federal funds for temporary assistance to needy families pursuant to 42 U. S. C. §601, et seq.;

(4) Funds provided by the School Building Authority pursuant to article nine-d of this chapter;

(5) In the case of counties with declining enrollments, funds from the state aid formula above the amount indicated for the number of students actually enrolled in any school year; and

(6) Any other public or private funds.

(i) Each county board shall develop a plan for implementing the program required by this section. The plan shall include the following elements:

(1) An analysis of the demographics of the county related to early childhood education program implementation;

(2) An analysis of facility and personnel needs;

(3) Financial requirements for implementation and potential sources of funding to assist implementation;

(4) Details of how the county board will cooperate and collaborate with other early childhood education programs including, but not limited to, Head Start, to maximize federal and other sources of revenue;

(5) Specific time lines for implementation; and

(6) Any other items the state board may require by policy.

(j) A county board shall submit its plan to the Secretary of the Department of Human Services. The secretary shall approve the plan if the following conditions are met:

(1) The county board has maximized the use of federal and other available funds for early childhood programs; and

(2) The county board has provided for the maximum implementation of Head Start programs and other public and private programs approved by the state superintendent pursuant to the terms of this section; or

(3) The secretary finds that, if the county board has not met one or more of the requirements of this subsection, the county board has acted in good faith and the failure to comply was not the primary fault of the county board. Any denial by the secretary may be appealed to the circuit court of the county in which the county board is located.

(k) The county board shall submit its plan for approval to the state board. The state board shall approve the plan if the county board has complied substantially with the requirements of subsection (g) of this section and has obtained the approval required in subsection (h) of this section.

(l) Every county board shall submit its plan for reapproval by the Secretary of the Department of Human Services and by the state board at least every two years after the initial approval of the plan and until full implementation of the early childhood education program in the county. As part of the submission, the county board shall provide a detailed statement of the progress made in implementing its plan. The standards and procedures provided for the original approval of the plan apply to any reapproval.

(m) A county board may not increase the total number of students enrolled in the county in an early childhood program until its program is approved by the Secretary of the Department of Human Services and the state board.

(n) The state board annually may grant a county board a waiver for total or partial implementation if the state board finds that all of the following conditions exist:

(1) The county board is unable to comply either because:

(A) It does not have sufficient facilities available; or

(B) It does not and has not had available funds sufficient to implement the program;

(2) The county has not experienced a decline in enrollment at least equal to the total number of students to be enrolled; and

(3) Other agencies of government have not made sufficient funds or facilities available to assist in implementation.

Any county board seeking a waiver shall apply with the supporting data to meet the criteria for which they are eligible on or before March 25 for the following school year. The state superintendent shall grant or deny the requested waiver on or before April 15 of that same year.

(o) The provisions of subsections (b), (c) and (d), section eighteen of this article relating to kindergarten apply to early childhood education programs in the same manner in which they apply to kindergarten programs.

(p) Except as required by federal law or regulation, no county board may enroll students who will be less than four years of age prior to September 1 for the year they enter school.

(q) Except as required by federal law or regulation, beginning in the school year 2018-2019, no county board may enroll students who will be less than four years of age prior to July 1 for the year they enter school.

(r) Neither the state board nor the state department may provide any funds to any county board for the purpose of implementing this section unless the county board has a plan approved pursuant to subsections (h), (i) and (j) of this section.

(s) The state board shall promulgate a rule in accordance with the provisions of article three-b, chapter twenty-nine-a of this code for the purposes of implementing the provisions of this section. The state board shall consult with the Secretary of the Department of Human Services in the preparation of the rule. The rule shall contain the following:

(1) Standards for curriculum;

(2) Standards for preparing students;

(3) Attendance requirements;

(4) Standards for personnel; and

(5) Any other terms necessary to implement the provisions of this section.

(t) The rule shall include the following elements relating to curriculum standards:

(1) A requirement that the curriculum be designed to address the developmental needs of four-year-old children consistent with prevailing research on how children learn;

(2) A requirement that the curriculum be designed to achieve long-range goals for the social, emotional, physical and academic development of young children;

(3) A method for including a broad range of content that is relevant, engaging and meaningful to young children;

(4) A requirement that the curriculum incorporate a wide variety of learning experiences, materials and equipment, and instructional strategies to respond to differences in prior experience, maturation rates and learning styles that young children bring to the classroom;

(5) A requirement that the curriculum be designed to build on what children already know in order to consolidate their learning and foster their acquisition of new concepts and skills;

(6) A requirement that the curriculum meet the recognized standards of the relevant subject matter disciplines;

(7) A requirement that the curriculum engage children actively in the learning process and provide them with opportunities to make meaningful choices;

(8) A requirement that the curriculum emphasize the development of thinking, reasoning, decision making and problem-solving skills;

(9) A set of clear guidelines for communicating with parents and involving them in decisions about the instructional needs of their children; and

(10) A systematic plan for evaluating program success in meeting the needs of young children and for helping them to be ready to succeed in school.

  (u) After the school year 2012-2013, on or before July 1 of each year, each county board shall report the following information to the Secretary of the Department of Human Services and the state superintendent:

(1) Documentation indicating the extent to which county boards are maximizing resources by using the existing capacity of community-based programs, including, but not limited to, Head Start and child care; and

(2) For those county boards that are including eligible children attending approved, contracted community-based programs in their net enrollment for the purposes of calculating state aid pursuant to article nine-a of this chapter, documentation that the county board is equitably distributing funding for all children regardless of setting.

§18-5-45. School calendar.

(a) As used in this section:

(1) “Instructional day” means a day within the instructional term which meets the following criteria:

(A) Instruction is offered to students for at least the minimum number of minutes as follows:

(i) For early childhood programs as provided in subsection (d) section forty-four of this article;

(ii) For schools with grade levels kindergarten through and including grade five, 315 minutes of instructional time per day;

(iii) For schools with grade levels six through and including grade eight, 330 minutes of instructional time per day; and

(iv) For schools with grade levels nine through and including grade twelve, 345 minutes of instructional time per day.

(B) Instructional time is used for instruction and cocurricular activities; and

(C) Other criteria as the state board determines appropriate.

(2) “Cocurricular activities” are activities that are closely related to identifiable academic programs or areas of study that serve to complement academic curricula as further defined by the state board; and

(3) “Instruction delivered through alternative methods” means a plan developed by a county board and approved by the state board for teachers to assign and grade work to be completed by students on days when schools are closed due to inclement weather or other unforeseen circumstances.

(b) Findings. –

(1) The primary purpose of the school system is to provide instruction for students.

(2) The school calendar, as defined in this section, is designed to define the school term both for employees and for instruction.

(3) The school calendar shall provide for one hundred eighty separate instructional days or an equivalent amount of instructional time as provided in this section.

(c) The county board shall provide a school term for its schools that contains the following:

(1) An employment term that excludes Saturdays and Sundays and consists of at least two hundred days, which need not be successive. The beginning and closing dates of the employment term may not exceed forty-eight weeks;

(2) Within the employment term, an instructional term for students of no less than one hundred eighty separate instructional days, which includes an inclement weather and emergencies plan designed to guarantee an instructional term for students of no less than one hundred eighty separate instructional days, subject to the following:

(A) A county board may increase the length of the instructional day as defined in this section by at least thirty minutes per day to ensure that it achieves at least an amount of instructional time equivalent to one hundred and eighty separate instructional days within its school calendar and:

(i) Apply up to five days of this equivalent time to cancel days lost due to necessary school closures;

(ii) Plan within its school calendar and not subject to cancellation and rescheduling as instructional days up to an additional five days or equivalent portions of days, without students present, to be used as determined by the county board exclusively for activities by educators at the school level designed to improve instruction; and

(iii) Apply any additional equivalent time to recover time lost due to late arrivals and early dismissals;

(B) Subject to approval of its plan by the state board, a county board may deliver instruction through alternative methods on up to five days when schools are closed due to inclement weather or other unforeseen circumstances and these days are instructional days notwithstanding the closure of schools; and

(C) The use of equivalent time gained by lengthening the school day to cancel days lost, and the delivery of instruction through alternative methods, both as defined in this section, shall be considered instructional days for the purpose of meeting the 180 separate day requirement and as employment days for the purpose of meeting the 200 day employment term.

(3) Within the employment term, noninstructional days shall total twenty and shall be comprised of the following:

(A) Seven paid holidays;

(B) Election day as specified in section two, article five, chapter eighteen-a of this code;

(C) Six days to be designated by the county board to be used by the employees outside the school environment, with at least four outside the school environment days scheduled to occur after the one hundred and thirtieth instructional day of the school calendar; (D) One day to be designated by the county board to be used by the employees for preparation for opening school and one day to be designated by the county board to be used by the employees for preparation for closing school: Provided, That the school preparation days may be used for the purposes set forth in paragraph (E) of this subdivision at the teacher’s discretion; and

(E) The remaining days to be designated by the county board for purposes to include, but not be limited to:

(i) Curriculum development;

(ii) Professional development;

(iii) Teacher-pupil-parent conferences;

(iv) Professional meetings;

(v) Making up days when instruction was scheduled but not conducted; and

(vi) At least six two-hour blocks of time for faculty senate meetings with at least one two-hour block of time scheduled in the first month of the employment term, at least one two-hour block of time scheduled in the last month of the employment term and at least one two-hour block of time scheduled in each of the months of October, December, February and April; and

(4) Scheduled out-of-calendar days that are to be used for instructional days in the event school is canceled for any reason.

(d) A county board of education shall develop a policy that requires additional minutes of instruction in the school day or additional days of instruction to recover time lost due to late arrivals and early dismissals.

(e) If it is not possible to complete one hundred eighty separate instructional days with the current school calendar and the additional five days of instructional time gained by increasing the length of the instructional day as provided in subsection (c) of this section are insufficient to offset the loss of separate instructional days, the county board shall schedule instruction on any available noninstructional day, regardless of the purpose for which the day originally was scheduled, or an out-of-calendar day and the day will be used for instruction of students: Provided, That the provisions of this subsection do not apply to:

(1) Holidays;

(2) Election day;

(3) Saturdays and Sundays; and

(4) The five days or equivalent portions of days planned within the school calendar exclusively for activities by educators at the school level to improve instruction that are gained by increasing the length of the instructional day as provided in subsection (c) of this section.

(f) The instructional term shall commence and terminate on a date selected by the county board.

(g) The state board may not schedule the primary statewide assessment program more than thirty days prior to the end of the instructional year unless the state board determines that the nature of the test mandates an earlier testing date.

(h) The following applies to cocurricular activities:

(1) The state board shall determine what activities may be considered cocurricular;

(2) The state board shall determine the amount of instructional time that may be consumed by cocurricular activities; and

(3) Other requirements or restrictions the state board may provide in the rule required to be promulgated by this section.

(i) Extracurricular activities may not be used for instructional time.

(j) Noninstructional interruptions to the instructional day shall be minimized to allow the classroom teacher to teach.

(k) Prior to implementing the school calendar, the county board shall secure approval of its proposed calendar from the state board or, if so designated by the state board, from the state superintendent.

(l) In formulation of a school’s calendar, a county school board shall hold at least two public meetings that allow parents, teachers, teacher organizations, businesses and other interested parties within the county to discuss the school calendar. The public notice of the date, time and place of the public hearing must be published in a local newspaper of general circulation in the area as a Class II legal advertisement, in accordance with the provisions of article three, chapter fifty-nine of this code.

(m) The county board may contract with all or part of the personnel for a longer term of employment.

(n) The minimum instructional term may be decreased by order of the state superintendent in any county declared a federal disaster area and in any county subject to an emergency or disaster declaration by the Governor when the event causing the declaration is substantially related to the loss of instructional days in the county.

(o) Notwithstanding any provision of this code to the contrary, the state board may grant a waiver to a county board for its noncompliance with provisions of chapter eighteen, eighteen-a, eighteen-b and eighteen-c of this code to maintain compliance in reaching the mandatory one hundred eighty separate instructional days established in this section.

(p) The state board shall promulgate a rule in accordance with the provisions of article three-b, chapter twenty-nine-a of this code for the purpose of implementing the provisions of this section.

§18-5-46. Requiring teacher to change grade prohibited; teacher recommendation relating to promotion.

(a) No teacher may be required by a principal or any other person to change a student’s grade on either an individual assignment or a report card unless there is clear and convincing evidence that there was a mathematical error in calculating the student’s grade.

(b) The teacher’s recommendation relating to whether a student should be promoted to the next grade level shall be a primary consideration when making such a determination.

§18-5-47. County board flood insurance requirements.

(a) Each county board shall maintain flood insurance on each insurable building that it owns and that meets one or both of the following requirements:

(1) The building is within the identified special flood hazard area which is the area on a flood hazard boundary map or a flood insurance rate map that is identified as an "A zone", a numbered "A zone" or an "AE zone" or regulatory one hundred year floodplain and the building has a replacement value that is greater than $300,000; or

(2) The building has been damaged in a previous flood and flood insurance is required by the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

(b) Each county board also shall maintain flood insurance on the contents of each insurable building that it owns and that meets one or both of the requirements set forth in subsection (a) of this section.

(c) The buildings and the contents of those buildings required to be insured by this section shall be insured at the maximum amounts available through the National Flood Insurance Program or the estimated replacement value of the structure and contents, whichever is less.


§18-5A-1. Intent and purpose of article.

The intent of this article is to facilitate and encourage the involvement of the school community in the operation of the local schools to improve educational quality. This article is intended to establish processes at each school which provide opportunities for involvement of the school community in the operation of the local schools and to support local initiatives to improve school performance. It is not the intent of this article to restrict the ability of the county board of education in its efforts to effect county-wide school improvements.

§18-5A-2. Local school improvement councils; election and appointment of members and officers; meetings; required meetings with county board; assistance from state board.

(a) A local school improvement council shall be established at every school, consisting of the following:

(1) The principal, who serves as an ex officio member of the council and is entitled to vote;

(2) Three teachers elected by the faculty senate of the school;

(3) Two service persons elected by the service personnel employed at the school, one of whom may be a bus operator who transports students enrolled at the school;

(4) Three parent(s), guardian(s) or custodian(s) of students enrolled at the school elected by the parent(s), guardian(s) or custodian(s) of students enrolled at the school in such manner as may be determined by the principal, one of which may be a representative of the parent-teacher organization. Under no circumstances may a parent member of the council be then employed at that school in any capacity;

(5) Three at-large members appointed by the principal, at least one of whom resides in the school’s attendance area, and at least one of whom represents business or industry, neither of whom are eligible for any local school improvement council membership under any of the other elected classes of members;

(6) In the case of vocational-technical schools, comprehensive middle schools and comprehensive high schools, the vocational director or principal, as applicable, shall appoint up to four additional members from any one or more of the following categories: Employer; employer sponsored training program; apprenticeship program; and post-secondary education; and

(7) In the case of a school with students in grade seven or higher, the student body president or other student in grade seven or higher elected by the student body in those grades.

(b) The principal shall arrange for the election of members to the local school improvement council to be held prior to September 15, of each school year to elect a council and shall give notice of the elections at least one week prior to the elections being held. To the extent practicable, all elections to select council members shall be held within the same week.

(c) Parent(s), guardian(s) or custodian(s), teachers and service personnel elected to the council shall serve a two-year term and elections shall be arranged in such a manner that no more than two teachers, no more than two parent(s), guardian(s) or custodian(s) and no more than one service person are elected in a given year. All other non-ex officio members shall serve one-year terms.

(d) Council members may only be replaced upon death, resignation, failure to appear at three consecutive meetings of the council for which notice was given, or a change in personal circumstances so that the person is no longer representative of the class of members from which appointed. In the case of a vacancy in an elected position, the chair of the council shall appoint another qualified person to serve the unexpired term of the person being replaced or, in the case of an appointed member of the council, the principal shall appoint a replacement as soon as practicable.

(e) As soon as practicable after the election of council members, and no later than October 1, of each school year, the principal shall convene an organizational meeting of the school improvement council. The principal shall notify each member by written or electronic means at least five employment days in advance of the organizational meeting. At this meeting, the principal shall provide each member with the following:

(1) A copy of the current applicable sections of this code;

(2) Any state board rule or regulation promulgated pursuant to the operation of these councils; and

(3) Any information as may be developed by the Department of Education on the operation and powers of local school improvement councils and their important role in improving student and school performance and progress.

(f) The council shall elect from its membership a chair and two members to assist the chair in setting the agenda for each council meeting. The chair shall serve a term of one year. If the chair’s position becomes vacant for any reason, the principal shall call a meeting of the council to elect another qualified person to serve the unexpired term. Once elected, the chair is responsible for notifying each member of the school improvement council in writing five employment days in advance of any council meeting.

(g) School improvement councils shall meet at least once every nine weeks or equivalent grading period at the call of the chair or by the petition of three fourths of its members. The principal shall notify each member by written or electronic means at least five employment days in advance of the organizational meeting. The school improvement council shall ensure that minutes are taken at every meeting and made available to the public on the school’s website and upon request.

(h) The school improvement council annually shall conduct at least one meeting to engage parents, students, school employees, business partners, trade partners, and other interested parties in a positive and interactive dialogue regarding the school's academic performance and standing as determined by measures adopted by the state board. The dialogue shall include an opportunity for the parents, students, school employees, business partners and other interested parties to make specific suggestions on how to address issues which are seen to affect the school’s academic performance which may include, but are not limited to, parent and community involvement, the learning environment, student engagement, attendance, supports for at-risk students, curricular offerings, resources, and the capacity for school improvement. The council shall announce any such meeting 10 employment days in advance. The school improvement council shall ensure that a report of concerns, suggestions, and points raised is produced and made available on the school's website and forwarded to both the county board and the Office of Accountability within the Department of Education or a successor office. The county board shall also post the report on its website.

(i) The local school improvement council of each school deemed to be low performing under the accountability system established by the state board shall meet at least annually with the county board. At any such meeting, the principal and local school improvement council chair, or another member designated by the chair, shall be prepared to address the dialogue at its meeting or meetings to give the parents, students, school employees, business partners and other interested parties an opportunity to make specific suggestions on how to address issues which are seen to affect the school’s academic performance and any other matters as may be requested by the county board as specified in the meeting agenda provided to the council and may further provide any other information, comments or suggestions the local school improvement council wishes to bring to the county board’s attention. Anything presented under this subsection shall be submitted to the county board in writing.

(j) Local school improvement councils shall be considered for the receipt of school of excellence awards and competitive grant awards and may receive and expend such grants for the purposes provided. Local school improvement councils may propose alternatives to the operation of the school in accordance with §18-5A-3 of this code and may include in the proposal a request for a waiver of rules and policies of the county board and state board, state superintendent interpretations, and state statutes if necessary to implement the proposal.

(k) In any and all matters which may fall within the scope of both the school improvement councils and the school curriculum teams authorized in §18-5A-5 of this code, the school curriculum teams have jurisdiction.

(l) In order to promote innovations and improvements in the environment for teaching and learning at the school, a school improvement council shall receive cooperation from the school in implementing policies and programs it may adopt to:

(1) Encourage the involvement of parent(s), guardian(s) or custodian(s) in their child's educational process and in the school;

(2) Encourage businesses to provide time for their employees who are parent(s), guardian(s) or custodian(s) to meet with teachers concerning their child’s education;

(3) Encourage advice and suggestions from the business community;

(4) Encourage school volunteer programs and mentorship programs;

(5) Foster utilization of the school facilities and grounds for public community activities;

(6) Encourage students to adopt safe and healthy lifestyles; and

(7) Communicate to students the common skills and attributes sought by employers in prospective employees.

(m) Councils may adopt their own guidelines established under this section. In addition, the councils may adopt all or any part of the guidelines proposed by other local school improvement councils, as developed under this section, which are not inconsistent with the laws of this state, the policies of the West Virginia Board of Education or the policies of the county board.

(n) The State Board of Education shall provide assistance to a local school improvement council upon receipt of a reasonable request for that assistance. The state board also may solicit proposals from other parties or entities to provide orientation training for local school improvement council members and may enter into contracts or agreements for that purpose. Any training for members shall meet the guidelines established by the state board.

(o) The state board shall ensure that training in the role and governance of local school improvement councils is provided to principals, county boards, and others the state board determines appropriate, upon employment and every three years thereafter. The state board shall also ensure that a document is produced explaining to parents and community leaders their role in local school improvement councils. This document shall be made available on the West Virginia Department of Education's website and may be distributed to all parents.

(p) Any public charter school established pursuant to §18-5G-1 et seq. of this code may, at its discretion, abide by all or some of the local school improvement council requirements of this section and may modify any of the requirements it elects to follow to adapt them to be consistent with the operations of the school.

§18-5A-2a. Local school improvement council modification for certain jointly established and across county schools.

(a) For the purposes of this section, "parent" or "parents" means the person or persons who have legal responsibility for a student, including parents, guardians or custodians.

(b) Jointly established schools --

(1) In the case of a school that is jointly established by two or more adjoining counties as provided in section eleven, article five of this chapter, the school's local school improvement council shall be modified to include a composition of parents and at-large members in its membership as follows, notwithstanding subdivisions (4) and (5), subsection (a), section two of this article:

(A) Five parents of students enrolled at the school elected by the parent members of the school's parent teacher organization. If there is no parent teacher organization, the parent members shall be elected by the parents of students enrolled at the school in such manner as may be determined by the principal. No more than three parents may be residents of the same county; and

(B) Four at-large members appointed by the principal:

(i) Two shall reside in the school's attendance area, but may not be from the same county; and

(ii) Two shall represent business or industry and may not be from the same county.

(C) None of the at-large members is eligible for membership under any of the other elected classes of members.

(2) The local school improvement council shall meet at least once each year with the advisory council as established in the memorandum of understanding or with the joint governing partnership board for the jointly established school as applicable.

(3) Prior to commencing an authorized action under section three of this article for the purpose of proposing alternatives to the operation of the school and for the purpose of requesting a waiver of policy, interpretation or statute if needed to implement the alternative, the local school improvement council shall seek advice from the jointly established school's advisory council or joint governing partnership board.

(c) In the case of a school that is not a jointly established school as provided in section eleven, article five of this chapter, but whose net enrollment includes at least one hundred fifty students whose parents are residents of an adjoining county, upon a petition signed by a majority of the parents of the students who are enrolled at the school, but who reside in an adjoining county, the local school improvement council of the school shall be modified as provided in subdivisions (1) and (2), subsection (a) of this section.

(d) For local school improvement councils under this section who are proposing alternatives to the operation of the school which require the request of a waiver of policy, interpretation or statute under the authority and procedures as set forth in section three of this article, the terms "appropriate board" and "affected board" as used in section three, mean the board or the multiple boards from whom a waiver is necessary for the proposal to be implemented.

§18-5A-3. County board authority to designate innovation schools; local school improvement council proposals of alternatives to operation of school; process for requesting waivers of rules, policies, interpretations and statutes to implement alternatives.

(a) The intent of this section is to encourage and facilitate the design and implementation of innovative initiatives by local schools, working through their local school improvement councils, that meet the school’s needs and circumstances. A school level initiative may propose alternatives to the operation of the public school that will enable the school to better meet or exceed the high quality standards established by the state board, increase administrative efficiency, enhance the delivery of instructional programs, promote student engagement in the learning process, promote business partnerships, promote parent and community involvement at the school, or improve the educational performance of the school generally. In accordance with this intent, a local school improvement council established under the provisions of §18-5A-2 of this code may submit to its county board proposed alternatives to the operation of the public school in accordance with this section. If the county board approves the proposal in accordance with this section, it may designate the school as an innovation school and may provide funding to support implementation of the proposal, if necessary.

(b) An alternative proposed by a local school improvement council shall set forth:

(1) The objective or objectives to be accomplished under the proposal;

(2) How the accomplishment of such objective or objectives will meet or exceed the standards established by the state board;

(3) The indicators upon which the meeting of such standards should be judged;

(4) A projection of any funds to be saved by the proposal and how such funds will be reallocated within the school, or any costs associated with the proposal and proposed funding sources; and

(5) Any policies or rules promulgated by the state or county board, any state superintendent interpretations and any state statutes for which a waiver will be required for the proposed alternative to be implemented; and

(c) For an alternative to be proposed, at least two thirds of the members of the local school improvement council must vote in favor of the proposal. If the alternative to be proposed includes the request for a waiver of policies or rules promulgated by the state or county board, state superintendent interpretations or state statutes affecting employees, then prior to the proposal of the alternative, a majority of the local affected employee group must agree.

(d) A local school improvement council shall submit its proposed alternative to the county board. The county board shall acknowledge receipt of the proposal and promptly review the proposed alternative. The county board may request additional information and clarifications from the local school improvement council regarding the proposed alternative. The county board shall approve or disapprove the proposal and return it to the council with a statement of the reasons for the action taken, subject to the following:

(1) If an alternative proposed by the local school improvement council requires the waiver of any policies or rules promulgated by the county board, approval of the proposal by the county board constitutes a grant of the waiver;

(2) If an alternative proposed by the local school improvement council requires the waiver of any policies or rules promulgated by the state board and the county board approves the proposal except that a waiver by the state board is required, the county board shall forward the approved proposal to the state board for final determination. The state board shall acknowledge receipt of the proposal and promptly review the proposed alternative in consultation with the county board or their agents and, in its discretion, approve implementation of the alternative or reply to the county board and council within a reasonable time as to its reasons for not approving the proposed alternative. Approval of the proposal by the state board constitutes a grant of the waiver;

(3) If an alternative proposed by the local school improvement council requires the waiver of a state superintendent’s interpretation and the county board approves the proposal except that a waiver by the state superintendent is required, the county board shall forward the approved proposal to the state superintendent for final determination. The state superintendent shall acknowledge receipt of the proposal and promptly review the proposed alternative in consultation with the county board or their agents and, in his or her discretion, approve implementation of the alternative or reply to the county board and council within a reasonable time as to its reasons for not approving the proposed alternative. Approval of the proposal by the state superintendent constitutes a grant of the waiver;

(4) If an alternative proposed by the local school improvement council requires the waiver of a state statute and the county board approves the proposal except that a waiver of the statute is required, the county board shall forward the approved proposal to the Legislative Oversight Commission on Education Accountability. The commission shall acknowledge receipt of the proposal and promptly review the proposed alternative in consultation with the county board or their agents and determine whether a recommendation should be made for an Act of the Legislature to waive the statute to permit implementation of the proposed alternative;

(5) If an alternative that requires a waiver is proposed by more than one local school improvement council in the county and the county board approves, the county board may forward a consolidated proposal requesting the waiver to the appropriate bodies as provided in this subsection; and

(6) When an alternative to the operation of a school is approved, the county board shall establish a process for evaluation of the operation of the alternative. Approval for the operation of the alternative may be continued or revoked at any time based on the results and findings of the evaluation.

(e) Notwithstanding any other provisions of the law to the contrary, a local school improvement council is not prohibited from permitting off-site classrooms to be developed in conjunction with local businesses if those sites meet the requirements established by the county board for sites that are located off campus.

(f) The state board shall submit a report to the Legislative Oversight commission on education accountability and the Governor on September 1, of each year summarizing the proposed alternatives received, approved or rejected, continued or revoked during the preceding school year and the results and findings of the evaluations. The report shall specifically identify all policy, rule, and interpretation waiver requests including those requests made to county boards by local school improvement councils received during the preceding year and the disposition of each.

§18-5A-3a. Waivers of statutes granted to public schools pursuant to recommendations submitted by local school improvement councils; limitations.

(a) The Legislature hereby grants a waiver from the statute or statutes indicated for the following school or schools pursuant to and for the purposes enumerated in the written statement recommending the waiver, with supporting reasons, approved by the local school improvement council of the respective schools and recommended by the Legislative Oversight Commission on Education Accountability in accordance with the provisions of section three of this article. The grant of a waiver to a statute means that the school or schools granted the waiver may implement the actions as specifically described in their written statement notwithstanding the provisions of this code from which they are specifically waived. These waivers are limited to the purposes as specifically described in the statement upon which the Legislative Oversight Commission on Education Accountability made its recommendation for a waiver to the Legislature and are expressly repealed for any modification or implementation of the described actions which changes those purposes. However, nothing in this section prohibits a local school improvement council school that has been granted a waiver from submitting a request to the Legislative Oversight Commission on Education Accountability for modifications, subject to approval in accordance with section three of this article.

(b) The following waivers are granted:

(1) Section two-b, article three, chapter eighteen-a of this code is waived for the schools of Cabell County for the purpose of implementing a comprehensive new teacher induction program, which purposes are as more specifically described in the schools written statement approved by the county board and submitted to the Legislative Oversight Commission on Education Accountability on February 24, 2011.

(2) Section one-a, article eight, chapter eighteen of this code is waived for the schools of Marshall County for the purpose of increasing the compulsory school attendance age in Marshall County from seventeen to eighteen years of age as a part of its countywide dropout prevention initiative as requested by letter dated January 4, 2016, and recommended by the Legislative Oversight Commission on Education Accountability on January 18, 2016.

(3) Section one-a, article eight, chapter eighteen of this code is waived for the schools of Wyoming County for the purpose of increasing the compulsory school attendance age in Wyoming County from seventeen to eighteen years of age as a part of its countywide dropout prevention initiative as requested by letter dated February 25, 2016 and recommended by the Legislative Oversight Commission on Education Accountability on February 25, 2016.

§18-5A-4. State board to establish criteria for selecting schools of excellence; annual school of excellence awards.

The state Board of Education shall promulgate rules, in accordance with the provisions of article three-b, chapter twenty-nine-a of this code, outlining criteria for the identification of schools of excellence. Such criteria shall include, but not be limited to, improvement in student achievement in comparison to state and national norms, improvement in reducing drop-out rates, improvement in standardized test scores, implementation of advanced or innovative programs, implementation of the goals and purposes of jobs through education as provided in section eight, article two-e of this chapter, improvement in parent and community involvement, improvement in parent, teacher and student satisfaction, improvement in student attendance and other factors which promote excellence in education. Such rules shall be promulgated by January 1, 1991. Such rules may not prohibit any school from applying for consideration as a school of excellence.

Each year, the state board shall select one high school, one middle or junior high school and one elementary school within each regional educational service agency district, and one vocational school selected on a statewide basis to be awarded school of excellence status.

The rules promulgated by the state board shall outline appropriate methods of recognizing and honoring the students, teachers and other employees and parents or members of the school community who have contributed to excellence in education at the school.

§18-5A-5. Public school faculty senates established; election of officers; powers and duties.

(a) There is established at every public school in this state a faculty senate which is comprised of all permanent, full-time professional educators employed at the school who shall all be voting members. "Professional educators", as used in this section, means "professional educators" as defined in chapter eighteen-a of this code. A quorum of more than one half of the voting members of the faculty shall be present at any meeting of the faculty senate at which official business is conducted. Prior to the beginning of the instructional term each year, but within the employment term, the principal shall convene a meeting of the faculty senate to elect a chair, vice chair and secretary and discuss matters relevant to the beginning of the school year. The vice chair shall preside at meetings when the chair is absent. Meetings of the faculty senate shall be held during the times provided in accordance with subdivision (12), subsection (b) of this section as determined by the faculty senate. Emergency meetings may be held during noninstructional time at the call of the chair or a majority of the voting members by petition submitted to the chair and vice chair. An agenda of matters to be considered at a scheduled meeting of the faculty senate shall be available to the members at least two employment days prior to the meeting. For emergency meetings the agenda shall be available as soon as possible prior to the meeting. The chair of the faculty senate may appoint such committees as may be desirable to study and submit recommendations to the full faculty senate, but the acts of the faculty senate shall be voted upon by the full body.

(b) In addition to any other powers and duties conferred by law, or authorized by policies adopted by the state or county board or bylaws which may be adopted by the faculty senate not inconsistent with law, the powers and duties listed in this subsection are specifically reserved for the faculty senate. The intent of these provisions is neither to restrict nor to require the activities of every faculty senate to the enumerated items except as otherwise stated. Each faculty senate shall organize its activities as it considers most effective and efficient based on school size, departmental structure and other relevant factors.

(1) Each faculty senate shall control funds allocated to the school from legislative appropriations pursuant to section nine, article nine-a of this chapter. From those funds, each classroom teacher and librarian shall be allotted  $300 for expenditure during the instructional year for academic materials, supplies or equipment which, in the judgment of the teacher or librarian, will assist him or her in providing instruction in his or her assigned academic subjects or shall be returned to the faculty senate: Provided, That nothing contained herein prohibits the funds from being used for programs and materials that, in the opinion of the teacher, enhance student behavior, increase academic achievement, improve self-esteem and address the problems of students at risk. The remainder of funds shall be expended for academic materials, supplies or equipment in accordance with a budget approved by the faculty senate. Notwithstanding any other provisions of the law to the contrary, funds not expended in one school year are available for expenditure in the next school year: Provided, however, That the amount of county funds budgeted in a fiscal year may not be reduced throughout the year as a result of the faculty appropriations in the same fiscal year for such materials, supplies and equipment. Accounts shall be maintained of the allocations and expenditures of such funds for the purpose of financial audit. Academic materials, supplies or equipment shall be interpreted broadly, but does not include materials, supplies or equipment which will be used in or connected with interscholastic athletic events.

(2) A faculty senate may establish a process for members to interview or otherwise obtain information regarding applicants for classroom teaching vacancies that will enable the faculty senate to submit recommendations regarding employment to the principal. To facilitate the establishment of a process that is timely, effective, consistent among schools and counties, and designed to avoid litigation or grievance, the state board shall promulgate a rule pursuant to article three-b, chapter twenty-nine-a of this code to implement the provisions of this subdivision. The rule may include the following:

(A) A process or alternative processes that a faculty senate may adopt;

(B) If determined necessary, a requirement and procedure for training for principals and faculty senate members or their designees who may participate in interviews and provisions that may provide for the compensation based on the appropriate daily rate of a classroom teacher who directly participates in the training for periods beyond his or her individual contract;

(C) Timelines that will assure the timely completion of the recommendation or the forfeiture of the right to make a recommendation upon the failure to complete a recommendation within a reasonable time;

(D) The authorization of the faculty senate to delegate the process for making a recommendation to a committee of no less than three members of the faculty senate; and

(E) Such other provisions as the state board determines are necessary or beneficial for the process to be established by the faculty senate.

(3) A faculty senate may nominate teachers for recognition as outstanding teachers under state and local teacher recognition programs and other personnel at the school, including parents, for recognition under other appropriate recognition programs and may establish such programs for operation at the school.

(4) A faculty senate may submit recommendations to the principal regarding the assignment scheduling of secretaries, clerks, aides and paraprofessionals at the school.

(5) A faculty senate may submit recommendations to the principal regarding establishment of the master curriculum schedule for the next ensuing school year.

(6) A faculty senate may establish a process for the review and comment on sabbatical leave requests submitted by employees at the school pursuant to section eleven, article two of this chapter.

(7) Each faculty senate shall elect three faculty representatives to the local school improvement council established pursuant to section two of this article.

(8) Each faculty senate may nominate a member for election to the county staff development council pursuant to section eight, article three, chapter eighteen-a of this code.

(9) Each faculty senate shall have an opportunity to make recommendations on the selection of faculty to serve as mentors for beginning teachers under beginning teacher internship programs at the school.

(10) A faculty senate may solicit, accept and expend any grants, gifts, bequests, donations and any other funds made available to the faculty senate: Provided, That the faculty senate shall select a member who has the duty of maintaining a record of all funds received and expended by the faculty senate, which record shall be kept in the school office and is subject to normal auditing procedures.

(11) Any faculty senate may review the evaluation procedure as conducted in their school to ascertain whether the evaluations were conducted in accordance with the written system required pursuant to section twelve, article two, chapter eighteen-a of this code or pursuant to section two, article three-c, chapter eighteen-a of this code, as applicable, and the general intent of this Legislature regarding meaningful performance evaluations of school personnel. If a majority of members of the faculty senate determine that such evaluations were not so conducted, they shall submit a report in writing to the State Board of Education: Provided, That nothing herein creates any new right of access to or review of any individual’s evaluations.

(12) A local board shall provide to each faculty senate at least six two-hour blocks of time for faculty senate meetings with at least one two-hour block of time scheduled in the first month of the employment term, one two-hour block of time scheduled in the last month of the employment term and at least one two-hour block of time scheduled in each of the months of October, December, February and April. A faculty senate may meet for an unlimited block of time during noninstructional days to discuss and plan strategies to improve student instruction and to conduct other faculty senate business. A faculty senate meeting scheduled on a noninstructional day shall be considered as part of the purpose for which the noninstructional day is scheduled. This time may be used and determined at the local school level and includes, but is not limited to, faculty senate meetings.

(13) Each faculty senate shall develop a strategic plan to manage the integration of special needs students into the regular classroom at their respective schools and submit the strategic plan to the superintendent of the county board periodically pursuant to guidelines developed by the State Department of Education. Each faculty senate shall encourage the participation of local school improvement councils, parents and the community at large in developing the strategic plan for each school.

Each strategic plan developed by the faculty senate shall include at least: (A) A mission statement; (B) goals; (C) needs; (D) objectives and activities to implement plans relating to each goal; (E) work in progress to implement the strategic plan; (F) guidelines for placing additional staff into integrated classrooms to meet the needs of exceptional needs students without diminishing the services rendered to the other students in integrated classrooms; (G) guidelines for implementation of collaborative planning and instruction; and (H) training for all regular classroom teachers who serve students with exceptional needs in integrated classrooms.

§18-5A-6. Establishment of school curriculum teams; process for teacher collaboration to improve learning.

(a) There shall be established at each school in the state a school curriculum team composed of the school principal, the counselor designated to serve that school and no fewer than three teachers representative of the grades taught at the school and chosen by the faculty senate: In instances where the counselor is assigned to an elementary school or a combination elementary and middle school on less than a one-half time basis, a school curriculum team established at that school may meet on days when the counselor is not at the school and the principal shall consult with the counselor on the issues relevant to the meeting agenda.

(b) The purposes of this section are to implement the following goals:

(1) Provide professional opportunities for teachers, administrators and other school personnel that allow them to have a direct voice in the operation of their schools and to create a culture of shared decision-making focused on the ultimate goal of raising student achievement;

(2) Encourage the use of different, high-quality models of teaching, scheduling and other aspects of educational delivery that meet a variety of student needs;

(3) Increase high-quality educational opportunities for all students that close achievement gaps between high-performing and low-performing groups of public school students; and

(4) Provide public schools with increased school-level freedom and flexibility to achieve these purposes when they have achieved exceptional levels of results-driven accountability.

(c) Powers and duties of the school curriculum team. --

(1) Establish for use at the school the programs and methods to be used to implement a curriculum based on state-approved content standards that meet the needs of students at the individual school.

(A) The curriculum shall focus on reading, composition, mathematics, science and technology.

(B) The curriculum thus established shall be submitted to the county board which may approve for implementation at the school or may return to the curriculum team for reconsideration.

(2) Review the list of other, non-required testing and assessment instruments provided by the state board through the statewide assessment program as provided in section five, article two-e of this chapter. The curriculum team may select one or more tests or assessment instruments that are applicable to the grade levels at the school for use at the school to improve student learning.

(3) Establish for use at the school the assessments, instructional strategies and programs that it determines are best suited to promote student achievement and to achieve content standards for courses required by the state board. The curriculum team shall submit the established assessments, instructional strategies and programs to the county board which shall approve the recommendations for implementation at the school or shall return them to the curriculum team for reconsideration.

(d) Notwithstanding subsection (c) of this section, the school curriculum team established at a school that has achieved adequate yearly progress or has achieved an accreditation status of distinction or exemplary in accordance with section five, article two-e of this chapter, may use the assessments and implement the instructional strategies and programs consistent with the approved curriculum that it determines are best suited to promote student achievement at the school.

(1) The school may not be required to assess students using any specific assessment except the state summative assessment known as the WESTEST2 or any successor tests, the Alternative Performance Task Assessment, the Online Writing Assessment, and the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP); and

(2) The school may not be required to employ any specific instructional strategy or program to achieve content standards for courses required by the state board, except as approved by the school curriculum team.

(e) If a school fails to achieve adequate yearly progress or if it receives any school approval level other than distinction or exemplary as set forth in section five, article two-e of this chapter, the curriculum team may not exercise the options provided in subsections (d) and (i) of this article until the school has regained one or more of these credentials.

(f) Nothing in this section exempts a school from assessments required by statute or state board policy including, but not limited to, the state summative assessment known as the WESTEST2 or any successor tests, the Alternative Performance Task Assessment, the Online Writing Assessment, and the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP).

(g) The school curriculum team may apply for a waiver for instructional resources approved and adopted pursuant to article two-a of this chapter if, in the judgment of the team, the instructional resources necessary for the implementation of the instructional strategies and programs best suited to teach the school's curriculum are not available through the normal adoption process.

(h) The school curriculum team may apply for a grant from the state board to develop and/or implement remedial and accelerated programs to meet the needs of the students at the individual school.

(i) Process for teacher collaboration. --

(1) Notwithstanding the application and approval process established by article five-c of this chapter, at a school that has achieved adequate yearly progress or has achieved a school accreditation status of distinction or exemplary in accordance with section five, article two-e of this chapter, the faculty senate, with approval of the principal, may establish a process for teacher collaboration to improve instruction and learning.

(A) The collaborative process may be established in addition to, or as an alternative to, the school curriculum team provided for in subsection (a) of this section.

(B) The mission of the collaboration process is to review student academic performance based on multiple measures, to identify strategies to improve student performance and make recommendations for improvement to be implemented subject to approval of the principal.

(C) The teacher collaborative includes members the faculty senate determines are necessary to address the needed improvements in the academic performance of students at the school. If applicable, the collaborative may consist of multiple subject area subcommittees which may meet independently.

(2) If a collaborative process is established as an alternative to the school curriculum team, the teacher collaborative has all the powers and duties assigned to school curriculum teams.

(A) The collaborative process also may incorporate the functions of the Strategic Planning Committee, the Technology Team, and/or the School Support Team.

(B) When the functions of any or all of these committees are incorporated into the collaborative process, the school is not required to establish a separate committee for any one whose functions have been assumed by the collaborative.


§18-5B-1. Title.

This article shall be known as the "School Innovation Zones Act".

§18-5B-2. Legislative findings and purpose.

(a) Legislative findings. -- The Legislature finds that:

(1) Decades of school improvement literature substantiate that schools where the principal uses a collaborative and distributed approach to leadership and where the teachers have a unity of purpose, operate in a cohesive learning-centered culture and implement consistent, pervasive and research-based approaches to learning, can and do improve student learning;

(2) As in all enterprises, rules are established in public education to manage the resources efficiently, allot time among the activities and processes required and ensure attention to the goals mandated, but rules, by their nature, also limit the flexibility of professional educators to engage in those activities and implement those approaches that may best improve the learning of their students for the twenty-first century;

(3) Allowing individual schools to seek and receive exceptions from certain statutes, policies, rules and interpretations through the creation of school innovation zones will provide them greater control over important educational factors that impact student achievement, such as curriculum, personnel, organization of the school day, organization of the school year, technology utilization and the delivery of educational services to improve student learning; and

(4) Providing greater flexibility at innovation zone schools will enable school-level, professional educators to exercise more fully their professional judgment to improve student learning for the twenty-first century by instituting creative and innovative practices.

(b) Intent and purpose. -– The intent and purpose of this article is to:

(1) Provide for the establishment of school innovation zones to improve educational performance;

(2) Provide principals and teachers at schools approved as innovation zones with greater flexibility and control to meet the needs of a diverse population of students by removing certain policy, rule, interpretive and statutory constraints;

(3) Provide a testing ground for innovative educational reform programs and initiatives to be applied on an individual school level;

(4) Provide information regarding the effects of specific innovations and policies on student achievement;

(5) Document educational strategies that enhance student success; and

(6) Increase the accountability of the state's public schools for student achievement as measured by the state assessment programs and local assessment processes identified by the schools.

§18-5B-3. School innovation zones; application for designation; state board rule.

(a) A school, a group of schools, a subdivision or department of a group of schools, or a subdivision or department of a school may be designated as an innovation zone in accordance with this article.

(b) The state board shall promulgate a rule, including an emergency rule if necessary, in accordance with article three-b, chapter twenty-nine-a of this code to implement the provisions of this article. The rule shall include provisions for at least the following:

(1) A process for a school, a group of schools, a subdivision or department of a group of schools or a subdivision or department of a school to apply for designation as an innovation zone that encompasses at least the following:

(A) The manner, time and process for the submission of an innovation zone application;

(B) The contents of the application, which must include a general description of the innovations the school or schools seek to institute and an estimation of the employees who may be affected by the implementation of the innovations; and

(C) Factors to be considered by the state board when evaluating an application, which shall include, but are not limited to, the following factors:

(i) The level of staff commitment to apply for designation as an innovation zone as determined by a vote by secret ballot at a special meeting of employees eligible to vote on the plan, as provided in section six of this article;

(ii) Support from parents, students, the county board of education, the local school improvement council and school business partners; and

(iii) The potential for an applicant to be successful as an innovation zone; and

(2) Standards for the state board to review applications for designation as innovation zones and to make determinations on the designation of innovation zones.

(c) The state board shall review innovation zone applications in accordance with the standards adopted by the board and shall determine whether to designate the applicant as an innovation zone. The state board shall notify an applicant of the board's determination within sixty days of receipt of an innovation zone application.

When initially designating innovation zones after the enactment of this article by the first extraordinary session of the 2009 Legislature, the state board shall consider applicants for designation in the following order: (1) A school and groups of schools; (2) a group of schools seeking designation across the same subdivision or department of the schools; and (3) a school seeking designation of a subdivision or a department.

(d) When designating innovation zones under these provisions following the amendment and reenactment of this section by the Legislature at its regular session 2014, and for each of the four succeeding school years, the state board shall establish a priority for applications that include the establishment of entrepreneurship education programs as a curricular offering for students. To qualify under this priority, the program strategy must include the active involvement of one or more partners from the business community in program delivery. Nothing in this subsection requires the state board to designate all applicants that include the establishment of entrepreneurship education programs as innovation zones, or to exclude other qualified applicants for innovations in other areas from designation.

§18-5B-4. Innovation zones; required plans; plan approval; state board rule.

(a) The rule promulgated by the state board pursuant to section three of this article also shall include at least the following:

(1) Each school, group of schools, subdivision or department of a group of schools or subdivision or department of a school designated as an innovation zone or seeking designation as an innovation zone in accordance with this article shall develop an innovation zone plan;

(2) The innovation zone plan shall contain:

(A) A description of the programs, policies or initiatives the school, group of schools, subdivision or department of a group of schools or subdivision or department of a school intends to implement as an innovative strategy to improve student learning if the plan is approved in accordance with section five of this article;

(B) A list of all county and state board rules, policies and interpretations, and all statutes, if any, identified as prohibiting or constraining the implementation of the plan, including an explanation of the specific exceptions to the rules, policies and interpretations and statutes required for plan implementation. A school, a group of schools, a subdivision or department of a group of schools or a subdivision or department of a school may not request an exception nor may an exception be granted from any of the following:

(i) An assessment program administered by the West Virginia Department of Education;

(ii) Any provision of law or policy required by the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, Public Law No. 107-110 or other federal law; and

(iii) Section seven, article two and sections seven-a, seven-b, eight and eight-b, article four, chapter eighteen-a of this code, except as provided in section eight of this article; and

(C) Any other information the state board requires.

(3) The innovation zone plan may include:

(A) An emphasis in the early childhood through intermediate grade levels on ensuring that each student is prepared fully at each grade level, including additional intervention strategies at grade levels three and eight to reinforce the preparation of students who are not prepared fully for promotion, or an emphasis in the secondary grade levels on ensuring that each student is prepared fully for college or other post-secondary education, as applicable for the school; and

(B) An emphasis on innovative strategies that allows academically advanced students to pursue academic learning above grade level or not available through the normal curriculum at the school.

(b) Each school, group of schools, subdivision or department of a group of schools or subdivision or department of a school designated or seeking designation as an innovation zone shall submit its innovation zone plan to the school's employees, the county superintendent and county board having jurisdiction over the school, the state board, and the state superintendent in accordance with section five of this article.

§18-5B-5. Approval of innovation zone plans; waiver of statutes, policies, rules or interpretations.

(a) Each school, group of schools, subdivision or department of a group of schools or subdivision or department of a school designated or seeking designation as an innovation zone shall:

(1) Submit its innovation zone plan to each employee regularly employed at the school if the employee's primary job duties would be affected by the implementation of the plan. An innovation zone plan is approved by school employees when approved by a vote by secret ballot as provided in section six of this article;

(2) Submit its innovation zone plan as approved by vote of school employees to the county superintendent and board for review. The county board shall within sixty days of receipt of the plan review the plan and with recommendations from the county superintendent report its support or concerns, or both, and return the plan and report to the school principal, faculty Senate and local school improvement council; and

(3) Submit its innovation zone plan as approved by vote of the school employees eligible to vote on the plan along with the report of the county board to the state board and state superintendent for review. The county board shall be given an opportunity to present its concerns with the plan, if any, to the state board during its review. Except as provided in subsection (c) of this section, the state board and state superintendent shall approve or disapprove the plan within sixty days of receipt, subject to the following:

(A) No exceptions to county or state board rules, policies or interpretations are granted unless both the state superintendent and the state board approve the plan at least conditionally pursuant to subsections (b) and (c) of this section; and

(B) If the plan is disapproved, the state superintendent, the state board or both, as applicable, shall communicate the reasons for the disapproval to the school, the group of schools, the subdivision or department of a group of schools or the subdivision or department of a school and shall make recommendations for improving the plan. The school, the group of schools, the subdivision or department of a group of schools or the subdivision or department of a school may amend the plan pursuant to subsection (d) of this section.

(b) Upon the approval of an innovation zone plan by the state board and state superintendent, all exceptions to county and state board rules, policies and interpretations listed within the plan are granted, subject to the limitations contained in subdivision (B), subparagraph (2), subsection (a) of section four of this article.

(c) If an innovation zone plan, or a part thereof, may not be implemented unless an exception to a statute is granted by Act of the Legislature, the state board and state superintendent may approve the plan, or the part thereof, only upon the condition that the Legislature acts to grant the exception. If the state board and state superintendent approve a plan on that condition, the state board and state superintendent shall submit the plan with the request for an exception to a statute, along with supporting reasons, to the Legislative Oversight Commission on Education Accountability. The commission shall review the plan and exemption request and make a recommendation to the Legislature regarding the exception requested.

(d) The rule promulgated by the state board pursuant to section three of this article shall include a process for amending or revising an innovation zone plan. The process shall require that any amendments or revisions to an innovation zone plan are subject to the approval requirements of subsection (a) of this section.

§18-5B-6. Employee approval of innovation plan application and plan; transfer of employees.

(a) An employee shall be eligible to vote in accordance with the provisions of this section if: (1) The employee is regularly employed at the school; and (2) the employee's primary job duties will be affected by the implementation of the innovation zone plan. The panel created in subsection (c) of this section and the principal shall determine which employees are eligible to vote in accordance with this subsection. No employee may be eligible to vote unless both the panel and the principal determine that the employee is eligible to vote.

(b) A secret ballot vote at a special meeting of all employees regularly employed at the school who are eligible to vote in accordance with this section shall be conducted to determine the following:

(1) The level of employee commitment to apply for designation as an innovation zone in accordance with section three of this article; and

(2) The approval of an innovation zone plan as required by section five of this article.

(c) A panel consisting of the elected officers of the faculty Senate of the school or schools, one representative of the service personnel employed at the school and three parent members appointed by the local school improvement council shall call the meeting required in subsection (b) of this section, conduct the votes and certify the results to the principal, the county superintendent and the president of the county board. The panel shall provide notice of the special meeting to all employees eligible to vote at least two weeks prior to the meeting and shall provide an absentee ballot to each employee eligible to vote who cannot attend the meeting to vote.

(d) At least eighty percent of the employees who are eligible to vote in accordance with this section must vote to apply for designation as an innovation zone and to approve the school's innovation zone plan before the level of staff commitment at the school is sufficient for the school to apply for designation and before the plan is approved by the school.

(e) An employee regularly employed at a school applying for or designated as an innovation zone whose job duties may be affected by implementation of the innovation zone plan or proposed plan may request a transfer to another school in the school district. The county board shall make every reasonable effort to accommodate the transfer.

§18-5B-7. Progress reviews and annual reports.

At least annually, the state board or its designated committee shall review the progress of the development or implementation of an innovation zone plan. If, following such a review, the state board determines that a designated school, group of schools, subdivision or department of a group of schools, subdivision or department of a school or a school created by a state institution of higher education in accordance with section nine of this article has not made adequate progress toward developing or implementing its plan, the board shall submit a report to the designated school, group of schools, subdivision or department of a group of schools, subdivision or department of a school or a school created by a state institution of higher education in accordance with section nine of this article identifying its areas of concern. The state board or its designated committee may conduct an additional review within six months of submitting a report in accordance with this section. If, following such additional review, the state board or its designated committee determines that the designated school, group of schools, subdivision or department of a group of schools, subdivision or department of a school or a school created by a state institution of higher education in accordance with section nine of this article has not made adequate progress toward developing or implementing its innovation zone plan, the state board may revoke the designation as an innovation zone or, if the innovation zone plan has been approved in accordance with section five of this article, rescind its approval of the plan.

§18-5B-8. Teacher vacancies in an innovation zone; job postings exceeding certain qualifications and requirements; approval of postings.

A school, group of schools, subdivision or department of a group of schools, or a subdivision or department of a school whose school innovation zone plan has been approved in accordance with section five of this article may make a job posting for a teacher vacancy at the school, the group of schools, the subdivision or department of a group of schools, or the subdivision or department of a school designated as an innovation zone that sets forth standards or qualifications that exceed the standards and qualifications provided in section seven-a, article four, chapter eighteen-a of this code: Provided, That teachers in the county approve the job posting by majority vote: Provided, however, That the county superintendent administers the vote and the record of the vote remains on file in the personnel office of the county board until the school group of schools, subdivision or department of a group of schools, or a subdivision or department of a school is no longer designated as an innovation zone.

§18-5B-9. Establishment of new innovation zone schools by state institutions of higher education.

(a) A state institution of higher education may establish a new innovation zone school subject to the following:

(1) The school will be under the jurisdiction of the state institution of higher education;

(2) The county board with jurisdiction over the school district in which the new school is planned to be located must approve the establishment of the new innovation zone school;

(3) The state institution of higher education must enter into cooperative agreements with the county board or county boards whose students attend the new innovation zone school. The agreements shall include at least required reporting on student attendance, academic progress and any other matters relating to the administration, operation and support of the school agreed to by institution and the board or boards;

(4) Students attending the school shall be enrolled in a school in their county of residence subject to the policies of the county. The students may participate in extracurricular and cocurricular activities at the county school in which they are enrolled and, subject to the cooperative agreement with the state institution of higher education, participate in curricular activities at the county school in which they are enrolled;

(5) No funds provided to support the planning and implementation of school innovation zones pursuant to this article may be used for a state institution of higher education to establish a new innovation zone school; and

(6) A school established in accordance with this section may not be funded with: (1) Moneys appropriated by the Legislature to fund the innovation zone program; or (2) state or county moneys that result from the school aid formula.

(b) The state board shall promulgate a rule, including an emergency rule if necessary, in accordance with article three-b, chapter twenty-nine-a of this code for a state institution of higher education to establish a new innovation zone school. The rule shall include provisions for at least the following:

(1) A process for a state institution of higher education in accordance with this section to apply for designation as innovation zone and for approval of its innovation zone plan that encompasses at least the following:

(A) The manner, time and process for the submission of an application for innovation zone designation and for approval of its innovation zone plan;

(B) The contents of the application; and

(C) Factors to be considered by the state board when evaluating an application and plan, which shall include, but are not limited to, support from parents, students, county board or boards of education, the local school improvement council or councils and school business partners and the potential for a school to be successful as an innovation zone.

(2) A school created by state institution of higher education designated as an innovation zone or seeking designation as an innovation zone in accordance with this section shall develop an innovation zone plan that includes at least the following:

(A) A description of the programs, policies or initiatives the state institution of higher education intends to implement as an innovative strategy to improve student learning if the plan is approved;

(B) The approval of the county board of education with jurisdiction over the school district in which the new school is planned to be or is located and the cooperative agreements with the county board or county boards whose students attend the new innovation zone school;

(C) A list of all county and state board rules, policies and interpretations, and all statutes, if any, identified as prohibiting or constraining the implementation of the plan, including an explanation of the specific exceptions to the rules, policies and interpretations and statutes required for plan implementation;

(D) A policy under which the state institution of higher education and participating county board or boards of education agree to meet the accountability requirements for student assessment under all applicable assessment programs administered by the West Virginia Department of Education and provisions of law or policy required by the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, Public Law No. 107-110 or other federal law; and

(E) Any other information the state board requires.

(3) Standards for the state board to review applications for designation as innovation zones and to make determinations on the approval of innovation zone plans.

(c) The state board and state superintendent shall review innovation zone applications and plans of a school created by a state institution of higher education in accordance with the standards adopted by the board and shall determine whether to designate it as an innovation zone or approve it plan, as applicable. The state board and state superintendent shall notify an applicant of the board's determination within sixty days of receipt of an innovation zone application and receipt of an innovation zone plan. If the plan is disapproved, the state board and state superintendent shall communicate the reasons for the disapproval to the school and make recommendations for improving the plan. The school may amend and resubmit the plan to the state board.

(d) Upon the approval of an innovation zone plan by the state board and state superintendent, all exceptions to county and state board rules, policies and interpretations listed within the plan are granted. If an innovation zone plan, or a part thereof, may not be implemented unless an exception to a statute is granted by Act of the Legislature, the state board and state superintendent may approve the plan, or the part thereof, only upon the condition that the Legislature acts to grant the exception. If the state board and state superintendent approve a plan on that condition, the state board and state superintendent shall submit the plan with the request for an exception to a statute, along with supporting reasons, to the Legislative Oversight Commission on Education Accountability. The commission shall review the plan and request and make a recommendation to the Legislature on the exception requested.

§18-5B-10. Exceptions to statutes granted to innovation zones; limitations.

(a) The Legislature hereby grants an exception to the statute or statutes indicated for the following schools pursuant to and for the purposes enumerated in their innovation zone plans approved by the state board at its meeting on the date specified. The grant of an exception to a statute means that the school or schools granted the exception may implement the actions as specifically described in their approved innovation zone plan notwithstanding the provisions of this code from which they are specifically excepted. These exceptions are limited to the purposes as specifically described in the plan approved on the date indicated and are expressly repealed for any plan modification or plan implementation which changes those purposes. However, nothing in this section prohibits a school or schools with an approved innovation zone plan from requesting plan modifications, subject to approval of the state board, and if the modifications change the purposes for which an exception to a statute was granted, the state board shall request an exception to achieve the new purposes in the manner provided in section five of this article for requesting exceptions to a statute. If the approved innovation zone plan of a school or schools is withdrawn by the state board, or the innovation zone designation of a school or schools is revoked by the state board, the exception granted to that school or those schools is expressly repealed.

(b) The following exceptions are granted:

(1) Piedmont Elementary School, Kanawha County, is excepted from subsection (3), section fourteen, article four, chapter eighteen-a of this code for the purpose of allowing specialist teachers to take their planning period before and after school totaling one hour, three days per week, and from section eighteen-a, article five of this chapter for the purpose of permitting a number of students in music and physical education classes in excess of the class size limits to provide the time and structure for teams to meet in professional learning communities, which purposes are as more specifically described in the school's innovation zone plan approved by the state board on January 13, 2010;

(2) Putnam County High Schools Consortium comprised of Buffalo High School, Hurricane High School, Poca High School, Winfield High School and Putnam Career and Technical Center, Putnam County, is excepted from section forty-five, article five of this chapter only to the extent necessary for the purpose of establishing a structured transition program for freshman only one day prior to the beginning of the regular instructional term, and for the purpose of permitting the creation of not more than three hours each month during the school term of structured, regularly scheduled time for all teachers to work in professional learning communities, which purposes are as more specifically described in the schools' innovation zone plan approved by the state board on January 13, 2010;

(3) Nellis Elementary School, Boone County, is excepted from subsection (a), section two, article five-a of this chapter, for the purpose of expanding the membership of its local school improvement council, which purpose is as more specifically described in the school's innovation zone plan approved by the state board on January 13, 2010;

(4) Cabell County Secondary School Consortium comprised of Cabell County Career Technical Center, Cabell Midland High School and Huntington High School, Cabell County, is excepted from sections one and one-a, article eight of this chapter for the purpose of raising the compulsory school attendance age to eighteen years old, and from section two-b, article three, chapter eighteen-a of this code for the purpose of providing a customized high quality beginning teacher induction program developed at the county level, which purposes are as more specifically described in the schools' innovation zone plan approved by the state board on January 13, 2010;

(5) Clay County Schools is excepted from section fifteen, article five of this chapter for the purpose of allowing persons over the age of twenty-one years to enroll without charge of fees in the Clay County Schools "iREAD" program and upon, successful completion, be awarded a Clay County High School Diploma, which purposes are more specifically described in the Clay County School's innovation zone plan approved by the state board on January 12, 2011. The grant of this exception does not abrogate the authority of the state board to determine the minimum standards for granting diplomas pursuant to section six, article two of this chapter and does not permit persons over the age of twenty-one who reenter the public schools to be included in net enrollment for the purposes of funding pursuant to article nine-a of this chapter, except as otherwise provided by law;

(6) Monroe County Schools is excepted from subdivision (3), subsection (a), section one-a, article eight of this chapter for the purpose of allowing the school district to increase the compulsory school attendance age from seventeen years of age to eighteen years of age as part of its county-wide dropout prevention initiative as more specifically described in the Monroe County School's Local Solutions Dropout Prevention and Recovery Innovation Zone plan approved by the state board on November 14, 2012; and

(7) Nicholas County Schools is excepted from sections four, eight and eleven, article eight of this chapter only to the extent necessary to permit up to two unexcused absences per semester on regular instructional days to be erased from a student's attendance record and not used toward the initiation of the attendance enforcement actions as set-forth in those sections, if the student successfully completes the county's Saturday instruction program operated as part of the county's county-wide Attendance Recovery dropout prevention initiative as more specifically described in the Nicholas County School's Local Solutions Dropout Prevention and Recovery Innovation Zone plan approved by the state board on October 3, 2012.

§18-5B-11. Local Solution Dropout Prevention and Recovery Innovation Zone Act.

(a) Legislative findings, intent and purpose.

The Legislature finds that:

(1) High school graduation is an essential milestone for all West Virginia students and impacts the future success of the individual, community and state;

(2) There are significant correlations between educational attainment and labor market outcomes, greater labor force participation rate, increased employment rates, improved health, and decreased levels of poverty and crime. The negative impact on these linkages is most evident in the absence of high school completion;

(3) Dropping out of school is a process, not an event, with factors building and compounding over time;

(4) Students at risk of not completing high school can be identified as early as sixth grade using the indicators of attendance, behavior and course failures. Therefore, a comprehensive graduation plan must include a comprehensive systemic approach that emphasizes early interventions;

(5) Research identifies a number of effective strategies for engaging students that have the most positive impact on improving high school graduation rates. Some of these strategies are school-community collaboration, safe learning environments, family engagement, early literacy development, mentoring and tutoring services, service learning opportunities, alternative and nontraditional schooling, offering multiple pathways and settings for attaining high school diplomas, after-school opportunities, individualized instruction and career and technical education;

(6) Schools cannot solve the dropout problem alone. Research shows when educators, parents, elected officials, business leaders, faith-based leaders, human service personnel, judicial personnel and civic leaders collectively work together they are often able to find innovative solutions to address school and community problems; and

(7) Increasing high school graduation rates is an important factor in preparing a college and career-ready citizenry. Higher education institutions, including community and technical colleges, are essential partners in creating local and statewide solutions.

(b) Therefore, the intent of the Legislature is to provide a separate category of innovation zones designated "Local Solution Dropout Prevention and Recovery Innovation Zones" intended to achieve the following purposes:

(1) Provide for the establishment of Local Solution Dropout Prevention and Recovery Innovation Zones to increase graduation rates and reduce the number of dropouts from West Virginia schools;

(2) Provide schools and communities with opportunities for greater collaboration to plan and implement systemic approaches that include evidence-based solutions for increasing graduation rates and reducing the number of dropouts;

(3) Provide a testing ground for innovative graduation programs, incentives and approaches to reducing the number of dropouts;

(4) Provide information regarding the effects of specific innovations, collaborations and policies on graduation rates and dropout prevention and recovery; and

(5) Document educational strategies that increase graduation rates, prevent dropouts and enhance student success.

(c) Local Solution Dropout Prevention and Recovery Innovation Zones.

A school, a group of schools or a school district may be designated as a Local Solution Dropout Prevention and Recovery Innovation Zone in accordance with the provisions of this article, subject to the provisions of this section. The state board shall propose rules for legislative promulgation, including an emergency rule if necessary, in accordance with article three-b chapter twenty-nine of this code to implement the provisions of this section. All provisions of this article apply to Local Solution Dropout Prevention and Recovery Innovation Zones, including, but not limited to, the designation, application, approval, waiver of statutes, policies, rule and interpretations, employee approval, employee transfers, progress reviews, reports and revocations, and job postings, subject to the following:

(1) For purposes of this section, a "school, a group of schools or a school district" means a high school, a group of schools comprised of a high school and any of the elementary and middle schools whose students will attend the high school, or a school district whose graduation rate in the year in which an application is made is less than ninety percent based on the latest available school year data published by the Department of Education;

(2) The contents of the application for designation as a Local Solution Dropout Prevention and Recovery Innovation Zone must include a description of the dropout prevention and recovery strategies and that the school, group of schools or school district plans to implement if designated as a Local Solution Dropout Prevention and Recovery Innovation Zone, and any other information the state board requires. The application also shall include a list of all county and state board rules, policies and interpretations, and all statutes, if any, identified as prohibiting or constraining the implementation of the plan, including an explanation of the specific exceptions to the rules, policies and interpretations and statutes required for plan implementation. A school, a group of schools, or school district may not request an exception nor may an exception be granted from any of the following:

(i) An assessment program administered by the West Virginia Department of Education;

(ii) Any provision of law or policy required by the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, Public Law No. 107-110 or other federal law; and

(iii) Section seven, article two and sections seven-a, seven-b, eight and eight-b, article four, chapter eighteen-a of this code, except as provided in section eight of this article;

(3) The factors to be considered by the state board when evaluating an application shall include, but are not limited to, the following:

(A) Evidence that other individuals or entities and community organizations are involved as partners to collectively work with the applicant to achieve the purposes as outlined in the dropout prevention and recovery plan. These individuals or entities and community organizations may include, but are not limited to, individuals or entities and community organizations such as parents, local elected officials, business leaders, faith-based leaders, human service personnel, judicial personnel, civic leaders community and technical colleges Higher education institutions;

(B) The level of commitment and support of staff, parents, students, the county board of education, the local school improvement council and the school's business partners as determined in accordance with this article apply to become a Local Solutions Dropout Prevention and Recovery Innovation Zone;

(C) The potential for an applicant to be successful in building community awareness of the high school dropout problem and developing and implementing its dropout prevention and recovery plan; and

(D) Implementation of the statewide system of easily identifiable early warning indicators of students at risk of not completing high school developed by the state board in accordance with section six, article eight of this chapter, known as The High School Graduation Improvement Act, along with a plan of interventions to increase the number of students earning a high school diploma;

(4) The rule shall provide standards for the state board to review applications for designation as a Local Solutions Dropout Prevention and Recovery Innovation Zones;

(5) The application for designation as a Local Solutions Dropout Prevention and Recovery Innovation Zone under this section is subject to approval in accordance with sections five and six of this article. In addition to those approval stages, the application, if approved by the school employees, shall be presented to the local school improvement council for approval prior to submission to county superintendent and board. Approval by the local school improvement council is obtain when at least eighty percent of the local school improvement council members present and voting after a quorum is established vote in favor of the application; and

(6) Upon approval by the state board and state superintendent of the application, all exceptions to county and state board rules, policies and interpretations listed within the plan are granted. The applicant school, group of schools or school district shall proceed to implement the plan as set forth in the approved application and no further plan submissions or approval are required, except that if an innovation zone plan, or a part thereof, may not be implemented unless an exception to a statute is granted by Act of the Legislature, the state board and state superintendent may approve the plan, or the part thereof, only upon the condition that the Legislature acts to grant the exception as provided in this article.

(d) Local solutions dropout prevention and recovery fund.

There is hereby created in the State Treasury a special revenue fund to be known as the "Local Solutions Dropout Prevention and Recovery Fund." The fund shall consist of all moneys received from whatever source to further the purpose of this article. The fund shall be administered by the state board solely for the purposes of this section. Any moneys remaining in the fund at the close of a fiscal year shall be carried forward for use in the next fiscal year. Fund balances shall be invested with the state's consolidated investment fund and any and all interest earnings on these investments shall be used solely for the purposes that moneys deposited in the fund may be used pursuant to this section.

§18-5B-12. School system collaborative innovation zone; requirements to qualify; application for designation; required plans for innovation zones; plan approval; waiver of statutes, policies, rules or interpretations; progress reviews and annual reports; teacher vacancies, job postings and approval.

(a) The Legislature makes the following findings and expressions of legislative intent:

(1) The Legislature created a performance-based accreditation system in 1988 and has amended these provisions several times, significantly in 1998 to set forth a process for improving education consisting of four elements: (i) High quality education standards; (ii) an assessment of the performance and progress of schools and school systems in achieving these standards with a primary focus on student learning; (iii) holding schools and school systems accountable for performance and progress to provide assurances that a thorough and efficient education is being provided; and (iv) a process for targeting resources strategically to improve teaching and learning. These provisions include a process for the state board to declare a state of emergency and intervene in the operation of a school system when its educational program does not meet the standards and it fails to implement an improvement plan or meet the plan's deadlines and improve within a reasonable time. Since the inception of these provisions, the state board has declared a state of emergency in nine county school systems and intervened, including delegating decision-making authority to the state superintendent or his or her designee for system operations. Of these nine school systems, three improved sufficiently over a period of time for the state of emergency to be rescinded, the longest of which took ten years and six months. Of the six systems remaining under state board intervention, although most are fairly recent, one school system has been under state intervention for more than ten years and its improvement is progressing slowly;

(2) School systems do not exist in a vacuum and external circumstances and events can have a significant impact on them and the students they serve, as well as on the system's capacity to deliver the thorough and efficient education to which those students are entitled. For example, the McDowell County school system which in the 1950's at its height of employment in coal production had a total population of about 100,000 residents, faced much different challenges than it does today with that county's total population now at 22,113 based on the 2010 census. This school system has lost nearly 70 percent of its enrollment in the past 30 years, declining from 11,715 students in 1981-82 to 3,535 in 2011-12. Along with the steep decline in the historical bedrock of employment in the county in the coal industry and the large number of middle class workers and services it supported, including housing, utilities and medical care, the county's rugged mountainous topography contributes to its vulnerability to natural disasters such as the devastating floods in 2001 and 2002 that swept away many homes and much of the infrastructure along the creek beds throughout the county. This topography also significantly limits the amount of land suitable for development and transportation networks, and makes planning for future economic development alternatives difficult. The social and economic byproducts of these external circumstances and events leave a school system with many atypical challenges for addressing the needs of its students and making the improvements in performance and progress needed to assure a thorough and efficient education;

(3) Among the findings, intent and purposes of this article are that: (i) Allowing exceptions from certain statutes, policies, rules and interpretations through the creation of innovation zones will enable greater local control over the important educational factors that impact student achievement and the delivery of educational services to improve student learning; and (ii) innovation zones will provide greater flexibility and local control to meet the needs of a diverse population of students. In addition, among the findings of the Local Solution Dropout Prevention and Recovery Innovation Zone Act as set forth in section eleven of this article are findings that when educators, parents, elected officials, business leaders, faith-based leaders, human service personnel, judicial personnel and civic leaders collectively work together they are often able to find innovative solutions to address school and community problems. Since the creation of this article, forty-five innovation zone projects have been approved by the state board, nine of which were Dropout Prevention and Recovery Innovation Zone projects. Twenty-seven policy waivers and five statutory waivers have been granted to enable implementation of these projects. In one county, an innovation zone project was expanded to all of the remaining schools in the county when the schools used the Local School Improvement Council waiver process to request and receive a statutory waiver to implement a comprehensive new teacher induction process countywide. Collectively, these projects illustrate how local schools, and in some cases school systems, have increased their capacity by using the innovation zone process to collaboratively plan and implement a variety of changes to increase student engagement, develop more flexible schedules, enhance student and teacher ownership of the learning process and increase student achievement;

(4) Choosing one county school system under a declared state of emergency due to nonapproval status to designate as an innovation zone would allow the testing of innovations that could be replicated in other school systems facing similar circumstances across the state, nation and world;

(5) Numerous studies have shown an association between a young person's health status and his or her ability to succeed in educational settings;

(6) McDowell County is unique and should be given the first opportunity to use innovative solutions to improve its education system when the totality of the circumstances set forth in this subsection are considered. Other facts specifically applicable to McDowell County include the following:

(A) The McDowell County school system has been under a continuous declared state of emergency by the state board due to nonapproval status longer than any other county that is currently under a declared state of emergency;

(B) The McDowell County school system is engaged in a public-private partnership to begin addressing challenges both within the school system and in the community at large; and

(C) McDowell County has a chronic shortage of good roads, public transportation, housing, Internet bandwidth, recreation centers and health clinics;

(7) This section is intended as an additional tool for an eligible school system in collaboration with community and business partners to plan and implement new approaches to improve the performance and progress of the students, schools and system to achieve full approval at the earliest possible date. It is further the intent of the Legislature that the process for an eligible school system to apply for exceptions under this section should allow multiple opportunities to apply for additional exceptions as the system moves forward with its partners toward fulfillment of its improvement goals; and

(8) In accordance with the intent of this section as an additional tool for planning and implementing new approaches to improve the performance and progress of the students, schools and school system to achieve full approval at the earliest possible date, the state board shall rescind the state of emergency and nonapproval status of a school system designated as a school system collaborative innovation zone as soon as the requisite conditions are met as provided in section five, article two-e of this chapter, notwithstanding the designation. If a school system that has been designated as a school system collaborative innovation zone is subsequently issued a school system approval status that would make it ineligible for the designation, the designation shall remain in effect as provided in this section.

(b) The state board is authorized to choose one county school system currently under a declared state of emergency by the state board due to nonapproval status to participate in a program to test the effectiveness of allowing such county school systems to be considered school system collaborative innovation zones. Due to the reasons set forth in subsection (a) of this section, the McDowell County Board of Education shall be provided the first opportunity to submit a school system collaborative innovation zone application under this article. If the McDowell County Board of Education has not submitted an application by April 1, 2013 or less than fifty percent cast ballots in an election to approve a school system collaborative innovation zone plan, the state board may accept applications from other county boards under a declared state of emergency by the state board due to nonapproval status.

(c) The Legislature finds that an emergency exists and, therefore, no later than April 16, 2012, the state board shall promulgate an emergency rule in accordance with section ten, article three-b, chapter twenty-nine-a of this code, to implement the provisions of this section. The state board also shall promulgate a legislative rule, in accordance with article three-b, chapter twenty-nine-a of this code, to implement this section. Both rules shall include, but not be limited to, the following provisions:

(1) The manner, time and process for the submission of a school system collaborative innovation zone application;

(2) The contents of the application, which must include a general description of the innovations the county school district seeks to institute;

(3) Factors to be considered by the state board when evaluating an application, which shall include, but are not limited to, the following factors:

(A) Support from teachers, staff, parents, students, the county board of education, the local school improvement council and school business partners; and

(B) The potential for an applicant to be successful in raising student achievement as a school system collaborative innovation zone; and

(4) Standards for the state board to review applications for designation as a school system collaborative innovation zone and to make determinations on the designation of a school system collaborative innovation zone.

(d) The state board shall review school system collaborative innovation zone applications in accordance with the standards adopted by the board and shall determine whether to designate the applicant as a school system collaborative innovation zone. The state board shall notify an applicant of the board's determination within thirty days of receipt of the application.

(e) Prior to designation by the state board as a school system collaborative innovation zone, county school systems submitting applications shall develop school system collaborative innovation zone plans. The school system collaborative innovation zone plan may include, but is not limited to, the following proposals:

(1) Allowing increased collaborative site-based decision-making powers over the budgeting for and spending on programs and services for students;

(2) Allowing increased collaborative site-based decision-making powers over teacher recruitment;

(3) Allowing a collaborative process which ensures accountability and transparency to all stakeholders;

(4) Allowing a collaborative process which provides input and demonstrative buy-in from education personnel regarding appropriate professional development, supports, resources and working conditions.

(5) Allowing a collaborative site-based process to reduce certain requirements to allow staff to meet the school's mission;

(6) Allowing, through a collaborative site-based process, flexibility to the alternative teacher certification provided in section one-a, article three, chapter eighteen-a of this code;

(7) Utilizing virtual school courses aligned with the Southern Regional Education Board's Standards for Quality Online Courses; and

(8) Other innovation zone plans approved under the provisions of this article and being implemented in other schools and school systems throughout the state.

(f) Prior to submitting a school system collaborative innovation zone plan to the state board:

(1) The school system in collaboration with its public-private partnership shall conduct public town hall meetings in at least two schools in the county for the purpose of soliciting input from those in attendance on the challenges affecting the quality of education in the county and the potential strategies and priorities for addressing them. The two meetings shall occur within ten days of each other;

(2) Within fifteen days after the last town hall meeting, the county superintendent shall hold a meeting for the purpose of reviewing the input gathered at the public town hall meetings and developing the school system collaborative innovation zone plan. The meeting shall include the principals employed within the county, the chairs of the faculty senates of each school in the county, employee organization representatives, a school service person from each work site, parents and other stakeholders;

(3) Within fifteen days after the meeting to develop the school system collaborative innovation zone plan, the county superintendent shall hold a meeting of all regularly employed school employees for the purpose of educating those employees about the plan and for the purpose of providing the employees an opportunity to examine and discuss the school system collaborative innovation zone plan; and

(4) At the meeting required by subdivision (3) of this section, the county superintendent shall direct that a vote of all regularly employed school employees in the county be conducted to determine the level of school employee support for the school system collaborative innovation zone plan. The vote shall be completed within fifteen days after the meeting required by subdivision (3) of this subsection. The vote shall be by secret ballot administered by the panels created in subsection (c), section six of this article for each school and shall be administered in accordance with that subsection. For the vote to be valid, ballots must be cast by at least fifty percent of all regularly employed school employees in the county. The plan may not be submitted to the state board and the state board may not designate the school system as a school system collaborative innovation zone unless at least two-thirds of the employees voting vote to submit the plan.

(g) Approval of a school system collaborative innovation zone plan pursuant to this section is at the sole discretion of the state board. Any approval requirement not contained within this section does not apply.

(h) The plan is intended to serve as the basis for the innovation zone activities of the school system and to provide a vision for the school improvement goals it will work to accomplish in collaboration with its school and community partners. The plan is not intended as a limit on the normal school improvement activities that all school systems are expected to pursue, nor is the plan intended as a restriction on the ability of the school system or its schools to pursue other innovative strategies in accordance with the other provisions of this article, specifically the designation as a Local Solution Dropout Prevention and Recovery Innovation Zone in accordance with section eleven of this article.

(i) The designation as a school system collaborative innovation zone authorizes the school system to submit requests as provided in subsection (j) of this section to the state board for exceptions to statutes, policies, rules and interpretations that are required to permit implementation by the school system of the innovative strategies contemplated in its school system collaborative innovation zone plan. The designation shall be for a period of five years, during which the school system may submit multiple individual requests for exceptions to permit implementation of different strategies contemplated in the plan as the strategies are developed. Each request for an exception shall be submitted and may be approved by the state board in accordance with subsection (j) of this section.

(j) (1) A school system designated as a school system collaborative innovation zone may request an exception to a statute, policy, rule or interpretation by submitting an application to the state board that contains the following information:

(A) A description of the program or initiative the school system intends to implement as an innovative strategy to improve student achievement if the request is approved by the state board;

(B) An explanation of the specific exception to a statute, policy, rule or interpretation, in the singular or plural, that the school system has identified as prohibiting or constraining the implementation of the program or initiative and why the exception is necessary;

(C) An explanation of how the program or initiative furthers the activities contemplated in the school system collaborative innovation zone plan;

(D) A certification by the county superintendent that the request for an exception was approved by a vote of the eligible employees in accordance with the process for voting as set forth in section six of this article, except that notwithstanding subsection (d) of said section six, at least two-thirds of the eligible employees voting must vote to request the exception for it to be approved for submission to the state board: Provided, That for the vote to be valid, ballots must be cast by at least fifty percent of the eligible employees; and

(E) Any other information the state board requires as set forth in its rule pursuant to subsection (c) of this section.

(2) The state board shall review the request in accordance with the standards adopted by the board in its rule and shall determine whether to approve or disapprove the request. The approval or disapproval of a request is at the sole discretion of the state board. Any approval requirement not contained within this section does not apply.

(3) Except as provided in subdivision (5) of this subsection, the state board shall approve or disapprove the request within thirty days of receipt, subject to the following:

(A) No exceptions to state board policies, rules or interpretations are granted unless the state board approves the request at least conditionally pursuant to subdivisions (2) and (5) of this subsection; and

(B) If the request is disapproved, the state board shall communicate its reasons for the disapproval to the school system and shall make recommendations for improving the request. The school system may amend and resubmit the request.

(4) Upon approval of the request by the state board, all of the exceptions to state board policies, rules and interpretations that were requested are granted; and

(5) If a request, or a part thereof, may not be implemented unless an exception to a statute is granted by an Act of the Legislature, the state board may approve the request, or the part thereof, only upon the condition that the Legislature acts to grant the exception. If the state board approves a request on that condition, the state board shall submit the request for an exception to a statute, along with supporting reasons, to the Legislative Oversight Commission of Education Accountability. The commission shall review the request and make a recommendation to the Legislature regarding the exception requested.

(k) A school system collaborative innovation zone may not request an exception nor may an exception be granted from any of the following:

(A) A required statewide assessment program administered by the West Virginia Department of Education;

(B) Any provision of law or policy required by the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, Public Law No. 107-110 or other federal law; and

(C) Sections two and seven, article two, chapter eighteen-a of this code and sections seven-a, seven-b, eight and eight-b, article four, chapter eighteen-a of this code, except that a school system collaborative innovation zone may make a job posting for a teacher vacancy in accordance with the procedures and the approval by a vote of the teachers as provided in section eight of this article.

(l) A county board designated as a school system collaborative innovation zone pursuant to this section that has an approved innovation zone plan may revise its plan and resubmit its plan to the state board for approval after conducting the vote pursuant to subdivision (4), subsection (f) of this section and complying with all other applicable plan requirements set forth in this section except for holding the public town hall meetings required by subdivision (1), subsection (f) of this section.

(m) The designation of a county school system as a school system collaborative innovation zone shall be for a period of five years. The state board, upon request of the school system, may extend the designation for an additional two years if the school system has outstanding items in its school system collaborative innovation zone plan that it still wants to pursue and only for the purpose of pursuing those outstanding items. The expiration of the designation does not negate any exceptions to statutes, policies, rules or interpretations granted to the school system, unless and until specifically revoked, repealed or modified by the state board or by the Legislature, as applicable.

(n) The state board or its designated committee shall perform annual performance reviews and provide annual reports in accordance with section seven of this article.

(o) A county school system whose plan has been approved may make a job posting for a teacher vacancy in accordance with the procedures and approval provided by section eight of this article.

(p) For any county that is designated as a school system collaborative innovation zone under the provisions of this section and to the extent the following provisions are applicable:

(1) The county commission of the designated county shall collaborate with the Office of Coalfield Community Development in including any land and infrastructure needs in the land use master plan provided for in section nine, article two-a, chapter five-b of this code. These needs may include, but are not limited to, advancement of public education, economic development, highway development, recreational amenities and housing development;

(2) An area health organization, such as Tug River Health Association, Inc., is authorized to work with the county board to address the health, wellness and fitness needs of students, parents, school personnel and all others in the county. Tug River Health Association may partner with the Robert C. Byrd Center for Rural Health and the Marshall University Medical School in addressing these needs. In addressing the health, wellness and fitness needs, the following should be considered:

(A) New evaluations of school-aged children are needed to reassess their health status and direct further interventions;

(B) Prior to developing new assessment tools and initiating programs, a comprehensive inventory of prior assessment tools and programs is needed to determine their strengths and weaknesses. This can direct further studies and interventions;

(C) New assessment tools should include objective markers of disease as well as subjective opinions of individual health status and barriers to health;

(D) Objective and subjective data should be linked at individual and disease-specific levels;

(E) Disease-specific data may be used to address common barriers to health as perceived by a specific population and tailor interventions to these specific populations;

(F) The effectiveness of interventions should be assessed using the same health status markers used to develop the intervention;

(G) Interventions should use available technology that allows individuals to track measures of health and provide assistance in making informed decisions about their health;

(H) Assessments and interventions should be developed and implemented using community-based participatory research models; and

(I) Assessments and interventions should be multidisciplinary, collaborative efforts with existing organizations and programs; and

(3) Area institutions of higher education, such as Concord University and the June Harless Center at Marshall University, are authorized to work with the county board on innovative strategies to address challenges facing the school system and community, including, but not limited to, the areas of critical need and shortage in the teaching force, educator professional development and improving the college-going rate. In addressing the areas of critical need shortage in the teaching force, consideration should be given to the implementation of an intensively supervised and mentored teacher-in-residence program for prospective teachers during their senior year in lieu of student teaching.

§18-5B-13. Innovation school district Act; legislative findings, intent and purpose; eligibility; application; innovation plan and plan approval; designation; waiver of statutes, policies, rules or interpretations; exceptions; progress reviews and annual reports; state board rule.

(a) Legislative findings:

(1) High school completion is an essential milestone for all West Virginia students and impacts the future success of the individual, community and state as well as providing the pathway to and appreciation for life-long learning endeavors;

(2) There are significant correlations between educational attainment and labor market outcomes, greater labor force participation rate, increased employment rates, improved health, and decreased levels of poverty and crime. The negative impact on these linkages is most evident in the absence of high school completion;

(3) West Virginia as a state must improve in areas of student achievement, graduation rate, attendance, the college going rate and other indicators of academic success in public schools;

(4) Research identifies a number of effective strategies for engaging students that have the most positive impact on improving student success and high school graduation. Some of these strategies are school-community collaboration, safe learning environments, family engagement, early literacy development, mentoring and tutoring services, service learning opportunities, alternative and nontraditional schooling, offering multiple pathways and settings for attaining high school diplomas, after-school opportunities, individualized instruction and career and technical education;

(5) Among the major issues raised by the Efficiency Audit of West Virginia's Primary and Secondary Education System conducted by Public Works, LLC, is a description of West Virginia's system of schools as heavily regulated. The report expresses the advantages of more local autonomy to better meet the needs of students, elevate their aspirations, and prepare them for post-secondary education and careers. Among its general conclusions is the need to drive more educational decision-making to the level closest to the students, to the classroom and building level - allowing principals to lead and teachers to deliver the most effective curriculum for their students - and then holding them accountable for student success;

(6) The Goals for Education, Vision 2020: An Education Blueprint for Two Thousand Twenty include policy-oriented objectives for restoring the autonomy, authority, flexibility, and capacity of local schools and county boards to improve student learning to meet or exceed the expectations established by the state board and Legislature;

(7) Allowing exceptions from certain statutes, policies, rules and interpretations through the creation of innovation school districts will restore the autonomy, authority, flexibility, and capacity of local schools and county boards to enable greater local autonomy and encourage innovation over the important factors that impact student achievement and the delivery of educational services to improve student learning; and

(8) When educators, parents, elected officials, business leaders, faith-based leaders, human service personnel, judicial personnel and civic leaders collectively work together, they are often able to find innovative solutions to address school and community problems and implement a variety of innovative improvements that increase student engagement, develop more flexible schedules, enhance student and teacher ownership of the learning process and increase student achievement.

(b) Legislative intent and purpose of section:

In light of the foregoing findings, it is the intent of the Legislature through this section to create a special category of innovation zones entitled "Innovation School Districts" to provide an additional tool for school systems in collaboration with community and business partners to plan and implement new approaches to improve the performance and progress of the students, schools and school system. This section is intended to establish a process that includes:

(1) Broad participation and collaboration in the establishment of an innovation school district plan that includes approaches to build the capacity of the district to improve the performance and progress of its students, schools and school system; and

(2) Provides multiple opportunities over a period of five years for a school system designated as an innovation school district to seek and receive exceptions to certain statutes, policies, rules and interpretations applicable throughout the county or at certain schools within the county as needed to best meet the needs of its students as the system moves forward with its partners toward fulfillment of its innovation school district plan.

(c) School System Eligibility:

All county boards are eligible to apply for designation as an innovation school district: Provided, That a district that has expended funds or incurred obligations in violation of section twenty-six, article eight, chapter eleven of this code is not eligible to apply for designation as an innovation school district, unless otherwise determined by the state board. The applications shall be taken in four categories: Sparse Density County; Low Density County; Medium Density County; and High Density County, as those terms are defined in section two, article nine-a of this chapter. The state board is authorized to designate no more than one county from each category as an innovation school district beginning July 1, 2015: Provided, That the State Board, after July 1, 2016, may designate one additional county from each category as an innovation school district as long as the number of counties designated at any one time does not exceed two counties from each category as innovation school districts, subject to other considerations included herein. The designation of counties as innovation school districts shall be on a competitive basis.

(d) Application for designation as Innovation School District:

The rule promulgated by the state board to implement this section shall include an application and approval process for innovation school district plans that includes, but is not limited to, the following provisions:

(1) The manner, time and process for the submission of innovation school district applications. The initial application deadline may not be prior to January 2015. If after consideration of the applications submitted to it during an application period, the state board in its sole discretion does not designate the allotted number of school systems in each density category as innovation school districts, the state board may establish another application period to permit county boards in a density category not filled to reapply. In addition, at any time the number of designated innovation school districts in a density category is less than the maximum number allowed by subsection (c) of this section due to the revocation or expiration of a designation, the state board may establish an application period and may select on a competitive basis new school systems to achieve the maximum number allowed by subsection (c) of this section per density category;

(2) The contents of the application, which must include:

(A) The innovation school district plan approved in accordance with subsection (f) of this section; and

(B) A general description of the innovations the school district seeks to institute as proposed in its innovation school district plan;

(3) Factors to be considered by the state board when evaluating an application, which shall include, but are not limited to, the following factors:

(A) Support from teachers, staff, parents, students, the county board of education, the local school improvement council and school business partners; and

(B) The potential for an applicant to be successful in raising student achievement as an innovation school district;

(4) Standards for the state board to review applications for designation as an innovation school district and to make determinations on the designation of a school system as an innovation school district; and

(5) An innovation zone application review committee and recommendation process which shall be the same committee and process as used for all other innovation zones under this article.

(e) Innovation School District Plan:

The innovation school district plan is intended to serve as the basis for the innovative activities of the school system and to provide a vision for the school improvement goals it will work to accomplish in collaboration with its school and community partners. The plan is not intended as a limit on the normal school improvement activities that all school systems are expected to pursue, nor is the plan intended as a restriction on the ability of the school system or its schools to pursue other innovative strategies in accordance with the other provisions of this article. The innovation school district plan may include, but are not limited to, the following proposals:

(1) Methods for providing schools and communities with opportunities for greater collaboration to plan and implement systemic approaches that include evidence-based solutions for increasing graduation rates, increasing achievement and educational outcomes and reducing the number of dropouts;

(2) Innovative approaches to revitalize vocational and technical education, an essential mission of county boards;

(3) Increased collaborative site-based decision-making powers over the budgeting for and spending on programs and services for students;

(4) Increased collaborative site-based decision-making powers over teacher recruitment;

(5) Improved site-based mentoring, collaboration and support for strengthening the professional practices of new and emerging teachers, including recognizing and supporting school-based teacher leaders that perform these duties;

(6) Allowing a collaborative process which ensures accountability and transparency to all stakeholders, provides information and additional measures of the effects of specific innovations upon which the success of the plan may be judged, and documents student, school and school system success;

(7) Allows input and demonstrative buy-in from education personnel regarding appropriate professional development, supports, resources and working conditions.

(8) Allowing a collaborative site-based process to reduce certain requirements to allow staff to meet the school's mission;

(9) Allowing, through a collaborative site-based process, flexibility to the alternative teacher certification programs;

(10) Utilizing virtual school courses aligned with the Southern Regional Education Board's Standards for Quality Online Courses;

(11) Providing for greater autonomy for county board, and through the board's innovation's, for local schools; and

(12) Other innovation zone plans approved under the provisions of this article and being implemented in other schools and school systems throughout the state.

The innovation school district plan shall include a general description of the innovations the county school district seeks to institute, a proposed time line for implementation and measures for judging the success of the innovation school district plan.

(f) Innovation School District Plan - District Level Approval:

Prior to submitting an innovation school district plan to the state board, the county board shall:

(1) Form a broad based innovation school district stakeholders committee which may include, but is not limited to, educators, parents, elected officials, business leaders, faith-based leaders, human service personnel, judicial personnel and civic leaders, but at a minimum shall include the principals employed within the county, the chairs of the faculty senates of each school in the county, employee organization representatives, a school service person from each work site and parent representatives. The stakeholder committee shall compose a conceptual proposal for the purpose of soliciting input on a variety of approaches that may be undertaken within the county if designated as an innovation school district and to guide development of an innovation school district plan;

(2) Direct the county superintendent to hold a meeting of all regularly employed school employees to provide them an opportunity to examine and discuss the conceptual proposal. The superintendent shall direct that a vote of all regularly employed school employees in the county be conducted within fifteen days of the meeting to determine the level of school employee support for the conceptual proposal. The vote shall be by secret ballot administered by the panels created in subsection (c), section six of this article for each school and shall be administered in accordance with that subsection. For the vote to be valid, ballots must be cast by at least fifty percent of all regularly employed school employees in the county. Before proceeding with the succeeding subdivisions of this subsection, the conceptual proposal must be approved by at least two-thirds ballots cast voting to approve it. If not approved, the stakeholder committee may revise the conceptual proposal and, subject to direction of the county board, the superintendent shall repeat the steps set forth in this subdivision for a revote;

(3) Make its conceptual proposal for an innovation school district available to the public at least 20 days prior to the public town hall meetings required under subdivision (4) of this subsection. In order to comply with this public notice requirement, the proposed plan shall be posted on the county board's web site, as well as hard copies of the proposed plan being made available at all county school sites and the county's central office, for public viewing and copying;

 (4) After the closure of the 20 day public review period, conduct public town hall meetings in at least three schools in the county, including at least one each at schools with separate secondary, middle and elementary programmatic levels, or as near as possible considering the county's facility infrastructure, for the purpose of soliciting input from those in attendance on the challenges affecting the quality of education in the county and the potential strategies and priorities for addressing them;

(5) Direct the county superintendent to hold a meeting of the innovation school district stakeholders committee following the public town hall meetings for the purpose of reviewing the input gathered at the meetings and developing an innovation school district plan;

(6) Direct the county superintendent to hold a meeting of all regularly employed school employees to provide them an opportunity to examine and discuss the innovation school district plan. The superintendent shall direct that a vote of all regularly employed school employees in the county be conducted within fifteen days of the meeting to determine the level of school employee support for the innovation school district plan. The vote shall be conducted as provided in subdivision (2) of this subsection, except that for the vote to be valid, ballots must be cast by at least sixty percent of all regularly employed school employees in the county and the innovation school district plan must be approved by at least two-thirds of the ballots cast voting to approve it. If not approved, the stakeholder committee may revise the plan and, subject to direction of the county board, the superintendent shall repeat the steps set forth in this subdivision for a revote; and

(7) The plan may then be submitted by the county superintendent to the county board for a vote to submit the plan to the state board. The authority of a county board to vote to submit an innovation school district plan and the right to submit the plan and be designated as an innovation school district, if selected, in accordance with this section are not subject to or affected by the approval status of the school system or intervention in the authority of county board for school system operation pursuant to section five, article two-e of this chapter.

(g) State Board Designation of Innovation School Districts:

The state board shall review the innovation school district applications in accordance with the standards adopted by the board, shall determine the highest rated applicants in each category and shall determine whether to designate those applicants as innovation school districts. The designation of an applicant as an innovation school district is at the sole discretion of the state board. The state board shall notify each applicant of the board's determination within thirty days of the final determinations.

(h) Innovation School Districts:

The designation of a school system as an innovation school district authorizes the county board to submit requests to the state board for exceptions to statutes, policies, rules and interpretations that are required to permit implementation of the innovative strategies contemplated in its innovation school district plan. The designation as an innovation school district authorizes the county board to submit to submit multiple individual requests for exceptions to permit implementation of different strategies contemplated in the plan as the strategies are developed. Each request for an exception shall be submitted and may be approved by the state board subject to the following:

(1) The county board of a school system designated as an innovation school district may request an exception to a statute, policy, rule or interpretation by submitting an application to the state board that contains the following information:

(A) A description of the program or initiative the school system intends to implement at a school, group of schools or district-wide as an innovative strategy to improve student achievement if the request is approved by the state board;

(B) An explanation of the specific exception to a statute, policy, rule or interpretation, in the singular or plural, that the school system has identified as prohibiting or constraining the implementation of the program or initiative and why the exception is necessary;

(C) An explanation of how the program or initiative furthers the activities contemplated in the innovation school district plan;

(D) A certification by the county superintendent that the request for an exception was approved by a vote of the eligible employees in accordance with the process for voting as set forth in section six of this article; and

(E) Any other information the state board requires as set forth in its rule to implement this section.

(2) The state board shall review the request in accordance with the standards in its rule and shall determine whether to approve or disapprove the request. The approval or disapproval of a request is at the sole discretion of the state board in accordance with the requirements of this section.

(3) Except as provided in subdivision (5) of this subsection, the state board shall approve or disapprove the request within sixty days of receipt, subject to the following:

(A) No exceptions to state board policies, rules or interpretations are granted unless the state board approves the request at least conditionally pursuant to subdivisions (2) and (5) of this subsection; and

(B) If the request is disapproved, the state board shall communicate its reasons for the disapproval to the county board and shall make recommendations for improving the request. The county board may amend and resubmit the request.

(4) Upon approval of the request by the state board, all of the exceptions to state board policies, rules and interpretations that were requested are granted;

(5) If a request, or a part thereof, may not be implemented unless an exception to a statute is granted by an Act of the Legislature, the state board may approve the request, or the part thereof, only upon the condition that the Legislature acts to grant the exception. If the state board approves a request on that condition, the state board shall submit the request for an exception to a statute, along with supporting reasons, to the Legislative Oversight Commission of Education Accountability. The commission shall review the request and make a recommendation to the Legislature regarding the exception requested; and

(6) An innovation school district may not request an exception nor may an exception be granted from any of the following:

(A) A required statewide assessment program administered by the West Virginia Department of Education;

(B) Any provision of law or policy required by Public Law 94-142, Public Law No. 107-110 or other federal law;

(C) Sections two and seven, article two, chapter eighteen-a of this code and sections seven-a, seven-b, eight and eight-b, article four, chapter eighteen-a of this code, except that an innovation school district may make a job posting for a teacher vacancy in accordance with the procedures and the approval by a vote of the teachers as provided in section eight of this article; and

(D) Any statute, policy, rule or other requirements of the state board or other agency related to the health and safety of students or employees, any requirements imposed by ethics laws or opinions, any requirements imposed by open records or open meetings laws, any requirements related to financial or academic reporting or transparency, or any requirements designed to protect the civil rights of students or employees.

(i) Revision, Extension and Revocation of Innovation School District Plan:

(1) The county board of a school system designated as an innovation school district pursuant to this section may revise its innovation school district plan and resubmit its plan to the state board for approval after complying with all other applicable plan requirements set forth in this section for initial plan approval.

(2) The designation of a school system as an innovation school district shall be for a period of five years. The state board, upon request of the county board, may extend the designation for an additional two years if the school system has outstanding items in its school system collaborative innovation zone plan that it still wants to pursue and only for the purpose of pursuing those outstanding items.

(3) The state board after periodic review of an established innovation school district may, upon recommendation of the innovation zone application review committee, revoke the school district's designation as an innovation school district for noncompliance or nonperformance.

(j) Affect of Plan Expiration on Innovations:

The expiration of a school system's designation as an innovation school district does not negate any exceptions to statutes, policies, rules or interpretations granted to the school system unless and until specifically revoked, repealed or modified by the state board or by the Legislature, as applicable.

(k) State Board Rule and Annual Reviews:

The state board shall adopt, in accordance with article three-b, chapter twenty-nine-a of this code, a rule for the implementation of this section. The state board or its designated committee shall perform annual performance reviews and provide annual reports in accordance with section seven of this article.

§18-5B-14. Termination of funding for School Innovation Zones and Local Solution Dropout Prevention and Recovery Innovation Zones.

No school, group of schools, district, subdivision or department of a group of schools, or a subdivision or department of a school designated or to be designated as an Innovation Zone or Local Solution Dropout Prevention and Recovery Innovation Zone shall receive any funding pursuant to this article after June 30, 2016.


§18-5C-1. Purpose.

The purposes of this article are as follows:

(1) To facilitate and encourage teacher collaboration by empowering schools to create alternative decision-making processes that address school and classroom improvement. The intent is to authorize reorganization or consolidation of certain school committees and teams required by state board rules, including the Strategic Planning Committee, the Technology Team and the School Support Team; and

(2) To recognize that schools in this state differ greatly in enrollment, grade configuration, demographics and student needs and to provide teachers and principals with flexibility to determine the types of committees and teams that are needed to move the school forward.

§18-5C-2. Application to create or augment existing collaborative teams; contents and approval of application; grant of rule waivers for certain school-level committees required by state board rule.

(a) Request for reorganization. -- A school may submit an application to the state board to create collaborative teams that replace, or to augment its existing collaborative teams by replacing, any or all of the following school-level committees required by state board rule: The Strategic Planning Committee, the Technology Team and the School Support Team. Reorganization under this article may not replace the Local School Improvement Council, the School Curriculum Team, the Student Assistance Team or the Faculty Senate. Reorganization under this article does not supercede the authorization of the faculty senate with approval of the principal to form a collaborative team as an alternative to the school curriculum team pursuant to section six, article five-a of this chapter.

(b) Contents of application. –- The application shall include:

(1) A description of the collaborative teams, which shall address all of the following:

(A) An emphasis on teacher collaboration and leadership;

(B) School and classroom effectiveness;

(C) Involvement and support of stakeholders; and

(D) A coherent learner-focused improvement plan;

(2) A list of the school-level committees that will be replaced by the collaborative teams, an explanation of how the existing membership of the committees replaced will have representation in the reorganization, and how the roles, responsibilities and tasks of the committees replaced will be instituted in the reorganization;

(3) Evidence that the employees and stakeholders who are involved in restructured collaborative teams have, or will enter into, a process of professional learning that develops the necessary knowledge and skills to enhance learner-focused collaboration; and

(4) Evidence that employees and stakeholders have researched viable improvement structures and processes and have proposed an effective structure that addresses the particular needs of the school, its students and employees.

(c) Local-level approval. –- Before submitting the waiver application to the state board, a school shall take the following steps:

(1) Present to the faculty senate a detailed explanation of the proposed structure, roles and responsibilities addressed by the reorganization plan;

(2) Provide for the chair of the faculty senate to conduct a vote by secret ballot on the issues addressed in the reorganization plan;

(3) Obtain a favorable vote for the reorganization plan from at least eighty percent of the faculty senate members present and voting after a quorum is established;

(4) Present to the local school improvement council a detailed explanation of the proposed structure, roles and responsibilities addressed by the reorganization plan;

(5) If the faculty senate vote is favorable and if it meets the percentage threshold established in subdivision (3) of this subsection, within one week of the vote taken by the faculty senate, provide for the chair of the council to conduct a vote on the issues addressed in the reorganization;

(6) Obtain a favorable vote for the reorganization plan from at least eighty percent of the local school improvement council members present and voting after a quorum is established; and

(7) Obtain approval for the reorganization plan from the county superintendent and the county board.

(d) State board approval. -- After meeting the requirements of subsection (c) of this section, the school shall submit its application to the state board. After review of the waiver application, the state board may approve the waiver of rules requiring the Strategic Planning Committee, the Technology Team or the School Support Team. After the state board has reviewed and approved a school's reorganization plan, the school may institute the plan as presented in its application.

§18-5C-3. Rulemaking.

By October 1, 2010, the state board shall promulgate a legislative rule in accordance with article three-b, chapter twenty-nine-a of this code to implement the provisions of this article. The rule shall include a process for schools to appeal to the state board for approval of an application under this article for which approval has been denied by the county superintendent or county board, or both.


§18-5D-1. Short title.

This act shall be known and may be cited as the West Virginia Feed to Achieve Act.

§18-5D-2. Legislative findings; intent.

(a) The Legislature finds and declares that:

(1) Every child in school needs to have nutritious meals in order to achieve his or her potential. Providing the best schools and teachers alone does not ensure a child is mentally present and able to learn. A growing body of research establishes that a hungry child is less able to process the information provided and is less likely to be attentive to the lessons being taught.

(2) President Harry S. Truman began the national school lunch program in 1946 as a measure of national security to safeguard the health and well-being of the nation's children and to encourage the domestic consumption of nutritious agricultural commodities and other food. Last year in West Virginia, 32.3 million school lunches were served to students in public schools.

(3) Research shows that healthy eating, proper nutrition and regular physical activity result in students who have: (A) Increased standardized achievement test scores; (B) improved attendance; (C) reduced tardiness; (D) improved academic, behavioral and emotional functioning; and (E) improved nutrition, and for many students, the nutritious breakfast at school is essential.

(4) Schools that provide universal breakfast programs also report: (A) Decreases in discipline and psychological problems; (B) decreases in visits to school nurses; (C) decreases in tardiness; (D) increases in student attentiveness; (E) increases in attendance; and (F) improved learning environments, and these positive attributes are furthered through comprehensive healthy schools policies that include quality nutrition, integrating physical activity during the school day, and teaching children about the importance of embracing a healthy active lifestyle.

(5) An effective school breakfast program is not an interruption of the school day; it is an integral and vital part of the school day.

(6) The participation rate for the school breakfast program varies greatly among our counties. Those counties which have made a determined effort to increase participation by offering programs to best meet student needs, such as Grab-And-Go Breakfasts, providing Breakfast in the Classroom or providing Breakfast After First Period, are feeding significantly higher percentages of their students.

(7) The West Virginia Center on Budget and Policy reports that in 2011 more than 25 percent of the children in West Virginia lived in homes with a household income below the federal poverty line, which is $23,050 for a family of four. About 50 percent of West Virginia children live in homes with a household income below twice the federal poverty level, $46,100 for a family of four, which is approximately the level of the Work Force West Virginia self-sufficiency standard.

(8) The majority of students from families below the self-sufficiency standard are currently not eating breakfast at school. On the average school day during the 2011-2012 school year, less than half of the West Virginia students eligible for a federally funded free breakfast actually received one. On that same average day, only about one third of the students eligible to receive a reduced price breakfast actually received one.

(9) In order to maximize each child's potential to learn and develop, the Legislature, schools and communities must partner to provide the most basic support for learning: nutritious meals.

(10) In order to maximize student participation in school nutrition programs and to reduce the secondary adverse impacts of poverty, it is important that schools provide nutritious meals without a risk to students of being stigmatized as poor.

(11) High rates of childhood hunger and childhood obesity occur simultaneously because children are not receiving healthy, nutritious food. According to the Data Resource Center for Child and Adolescent Health and others, in 2008 West Virginia ranked 44 in overall prevalence of childhood obesity, with 35.5 percent of children considered either overweight or obese.

(12) According to the 2008 Pediatric Nutrition Surveillance System, which assesses weight status of children from low-income families participating in the Women, Infants and Children program, 28.3 percent of low income children age 2-5 are overweight or obese in West Virginia.

(13) The Food Research and Action Center has found that providing a balanced school breakfast may protect against childhood obesity. School breakfast participation, particularly when combined with comprehensive efforts that include regular physical activity and promote healthy eating habits, is associated with a lower body mass index, a lower probability of being overweight and lower probability of obesity, all of which help prevent a range of chronic diseases including Type II Diabetes, high blood cholesterol, high blood pressure, heart disease and stroke.

(14) Participation in federally funded meals in child care, preschool, school, or summer settings is associated with a lower body mass index among young, low income children.

(15) Private and nonprofit sectors have shown a willingness to commit significant resources to addressing hunger in America, leveraging federal programs and enlisting their employees, customers and clients to improve the availability and accessibility of affordable, healthy food for those in need of assistance.

(16) Public schools in this state and others are adopting a continuum of policies to implement low cost, effective programs that include physical activity, physical education, proper nutrition and the promotion of healthy eating habits, along with involvement by school staff, families and communities, and a variety of resources to assist schools in adopting and implementing these programs are easily accessible on the internet and through the Office of Healthy Schools in the West Virginia Department of Education.

(b) In order to maximize the economies of scale and to access all available federal funds to support our school nutrition programs, the Feed to Achieve initiative directs schools to make available and to promote the federally approved and subsidized meals to all pre-kindergarten through twelfth grade students, to make them readily available and to consider reducing or eliminating the cost to students if sufficient funds become available.

(c) The Legislature intends to provide a framework for the State Board of Education and the county boards of education to provide, as effectively and as efficiently as possible, a minimum of two nutritious meals each school day to all students.

(d) The Legislature intends for the state and county boards of education to enter into public-private partnerships to eventually provide free nutritious meals for all pre-kindergarten through twelfth grade school children in West Virginia.

(e) The Legislature encourages county boards to examine the options available for comprehensive policies and programs to improve student health and promote academic achievement and to establish a comprehensive policy on healthy schools that best meets the needs of their student population.

(f) It is not the intention of the Legislature to allow or encourage parents to abdicate their parental responsibility related to providing healthy, nutritious meals for their children. However, it is the intent of the Legislature that no child be denied nutritious meals.

(g) It is the intent of the Legislature that healthy nutritious school lunches be made available to all students in a manner which maximizes participation and minimizes stigma attached to participating low income students.

§18-5D-3. School nutrition programs.

(a) Each county board of education shall establish and operate school nutrition programs under which, at a minimum, a nutritious breakfast and lunch are made effectively available to all students enrolled in the schools of the county in accordance with the State Board of Education standards. The standards shall include guidelines for determining the eligibility of students for paid, free and reduced meals. The standards shall also establish procedures and guidelines for the Feed to Achieve initiative to allow for the provision of healthy, nutritious meals to all elementary school students, without cost to students, where schools find it practical to do so.

(b) The Feed to Achieve initiative will be phased in for all elementary schools as sufficient funds become available, through donations, contributions and payments made by individuals, communities, businesses, organizations and parents or guardians on behalf of students. Nothing in this article prohibits any school from providing free meals to all of its students.

(c) Each county board of education shall:

(1) Require all schools to adopt a delivery system approved by the state Office of Child Nutrition, no later than the 2015 school year, that ensures all students are given an adequate opportunity to eat breakfast. These approved systems shall include, but are not limited to, Grab-And-Go Breakfasts, Breakfast in the Classroom or Breakfast After First Period; and

(2) Collaborate with the state Office of Child Nutrition to develop strategies and methods to increase the percentage of children participating in the school breakfast and lunch nutrition programs.

(d) In addition to other statistics, the county boards of education, in consultation with the state Office of Child Nutrition, shall determine the number of children in each school who are participating in each meal offered by the school; the number of children who are not eating each meal offered by the school; and the total daily attendance.

(e) The state Office of Child Nutrition shall report to the Joint Committee on Government and Finance, the Select Committee on Children and Poverty and the Legislative Oversight Commission on Education Accountability on or before December 31, 2015, and each year thereafter, on the impacts of the Feed to Achieve Act and any recommendations for legislation.

(f) County boards of education may utilize the nonprofit funds or foundations established in section four of this article or other available funds to offset the costs of providing free meals, after school and summer nutrition programs to elementary students.

(g) If at any time federal financial appropriations to this state for school nutrition programs are terminated, county boards of education are hereby authorized, but not required, to continue the programs at their own expense.

(h) Classroom teachers may not be required to participate in the operation of the school breakfast program as part of their regular duties.

§18-5D-4. Creating public-private partnerships; creating nonprofit foundation or fund; audit.

(a) The Department of Education and each county board of education shall promptly establish a fund that is restricted solely for the receipt and expenditure of gifts, grants and bequests for the purposes of this article and may establish in lieu thereof a nonprofit foundation for this purpose. The purpose of the fund or nonprofit foundation is to provide supplemental or matching funds to increase participation in the nutrition programs in the Feed to Achieve initiative set forth in subsection (c) of this section. The Department of Education shall utilize its fund or nonprofit foundation to assist county boards of education in counties whose fund or foundation lacks sufficient business, industry and individual contributors to fund the Feed to Achieve nutrition programs.

(b) Financial support for the fund or foundation may come from either public or private gifts, grants, contributions, bequests and endowments.

(c) Expenditures from the state or county funds or by the foundations shall be used for provision of food to students through any of the programs or initiatives approved by the Office of Child Nutrition, including the following programs: School Breakfast Program, National School Lunch Program, the Summer Food Service Program, the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program, the Child and Adult Care Food Program, the farm-to-school initiative and community gardens. Expenditures may also be made for initiatives developed with the Department of Human Services and public-private partnerships to provide outreach and nutritional meals when students are not in school.

(d) No administrative expenses or personnel expenses for any of the state departments implementing this act, the State Board of Education, any county board of education, school or program may be paid from the funds or by the foundations.

(e) Individuals or businesses that contribute to the funds or foundations may specify schools or nutrition programs for which the contribution is to be used.

(f) The Department of Education and county boards of education may establish public-private partnerships to enhance current or advance additional nutrition programs that provide nutritious food for children to take home for weekend meals.

(g) The Department of Education and county boards of education shall form or expand existing partnerships with the federal and state departments of agriculture, Department of Human Services, local master gardeners, county extension agents or other experts in the field of agriculture or gardening to develop community gardens, farm-to-school programs and other such programs that teach students how to grow and produce healthy food and provide healthy food to the students.

(h) The Department of Education shall collaborate with the Department of Human Services to develop effective strategies and programs such as after school nutrition outreach and programs that improve the healthy lifestyle of all students in pre-kindergarten through twelfth grade. The Department of Human Services may propose rules for promulgation in accordance with the provisions of article three, chapter twenty-nine-a of this code to effectuate any programs so developed.

(i) All moneys contributed to a fund or foundation established pursuant to this section and all expenditures made therefrom shall be audited as part of the annual independent audit of the State Board of Education and the county boards of education.


§18-5E-1. Purpose.

The purpose of this act is to encourage and incentivize public schools to improve overall student outcomes through the implementation of key innovational priorities for improving education in the following areas:

(1) Science, technology, engineering and math (STEM);

(2) Community school partnership;

(3) Entrepreneurship;

(4) Career pathways; and

(5) The arts.

This act provides a mechanism for public schools designated by the state board as Innovation in Education schools to redesign their curriculum, instructional delivery and instructional strategies, to enhance student engagement, to develop meaningful community partnerships and to operate under greater flexibility to increase student achievement.

§18-5E-2. Innovation in Education school defined.

(a) An Innovation in Education school is a public school in this state that applies to and is designated by the state board in accordance with this article as an Innovation in Education School with a principal focus in one of the following areas:

(1) Science, technology, engineering and math (STEM);

(2) Community school partnership;

(3) Entrepreneurship;

(4) Career pathways; and

(5) The arts.

(b) Nothing in this article prohibits an Innovation in Education school from incorporating more than one of the attributes of STEM education, community school partnerships, entrepreneurship, career pathways or the arts into its program design, notwithstanding the primary designation under which it applies or is subsequently designated.

(c) An Innovation in Education school:

(1) Shall provide a program of public education that includes one or more of the grade levels prekindergarten to grade twelve, including any associated post-secondary dual credit, advanced placement and industry or workforce credential programs;

(2) Shall design its educational program to meet or exceed the student performance standards required under section five, article two-e of this chapter and is subject to all student assessment, accreditation and federal accountability requirements applicable to other public schools in this state.  However, nothing shall prohibit an Innovation in Education school from establishing additional student assessment measures or implementing competency-based course completion strategies that go beyond state requirements;

(3) Shall operate according to an Innovation in Education plan developed by the school’s principal and faculty with input from its local school improvement council, the county board, the county superintendent and, if the school is a high school, the students of the school;

(4) Shall, if designated by the state board as an Innovation in Education Demonstration School, host visits and tours of its facility and programs to provide information and an opportunity to observe any successful innovations which may be replicated in other schools.  The school may require the payment of a fee to off-set the cost of hosting such visits and tours; and

(5) May solicit and accept gifts, donations or grants for school purposes from public or private sources in any manner that is available to a local school district and expend or use such gifts, donations or grants in accordance with the conditions prescribed by the donor except that a gift, donation or grant may not be accepted if subject to a condition that is contrary to any provision of law or term of the school’s Innovation in Education plan.  Any monies received by an Innovation in Education school from any source remaining in the school’s accounts at the end of a fiscal year shall remain in its accounts for use during subsequent fiscal years.

§18-5E-3. Application for Innovation in Education school designation; application review and approval; state board rule.

(a) The state board may designate a school as a STEM, community school partnership, entrepreneurship, career pathways or the arts Innovation in Education school in accordance with this article and shall promulgate a rule, including an emergency rule if necessary, in accordance with article three-b, chapter twenty-nine-a of this code to implement the provisions of this article. The rule shall include at least the following:

(1) A process for a school to apply for designation as an Innovation in Education school in STEM, community school partnership, entrepreneurship, career pathways or the arts;  

 (2) Clear and concise application evaluation factors in rubric form, including standards for the state board to review and make a determination of whether to designate an applicant as an Innovation in Education school;

(3) The manner, time and process for application submission;

(4) The form and necessary contents of the application, including but not limited to, the following:

(A) The proposed mission and vision of the school as it pertains to becoming an Innovation in Education school, including identification of the designation it seeks to obtain as a primary focus on which may include: (i) Science, technology, engineering and math (STEM); (ii) community school partnership; (iii) entrepreneurship; (iv) career pathways; or (v) the arts;

(B) An executive summary;

(C) The school’s proposed academic program, including a description of the school’s instructional design, learning environment, class structure, curriculum overview, teaching methods, research basis and other elements required in the school’s Innovation in Education plan pursuant to section four of this article;

(D) A clear articulation of the areas of autonomy and flexibility in curriculum, budget, school schedule and calendar, professional development, and staffing policies and procedures which would require a waiver of policy or code; and

(E) The school’s Innovation in Education plan; and

(7) Following the initial evaluation of Innovation in Education schools as provided in section six of this article, the process by which the state board will periodically review the performance and student success of Innovation in Education schools, reaffirm or reconsider the designation of a school, and identify exemplary schools to serve as demonstration sites.

(b) The state board may provide for the West Virginia Department of Education to independently assess applicants based on the evaluation factors rubric and provide the state board with this assessment. The state board shall consider the evaluation factors in rubric form in making any Innovation in Education school designation determination.  In making a designation determination, the state board shall:

(1) Grant a designation only to applicants who have demonstrated competence in each element of the evaluation factors and who have demonstrated their capacity to operate an Innovation in Education school that will increase student achievement;

(2) Base determinations on documented evidence collected through the application review process;

(3) If appropriate, include in a designation determination reasonable conditions that the applicant must meet before commencing operation under the designation, including resubmission of the application;

(4) Decline weak or inadequate applications and clearly state its reasons for denial;

(5) Make and announce all designations of Innovation in Education schools in a meeting open to the public and clearly state in a resolution the reasons for the decisions.  A copy of the resolution shall be submitted to Legislative Oversight Commission on Education Accountability; and

(6) Convey its determination on an application in writing to the applicant.

(c) An Innovation in Education school may not commence or continue operations without a signed operational agreement as provided in section five of this article between the county board and the school principal.

§18-5E-4. Innovation in Education Plan; required contents; measurable annual performance goals; uses.

The Innovation in Education Plan for a STEM, community school partnership, entrepreneurship, career pathways or the arts Innovation in Education school shall include each of the following:

(1) A description of how the school will address the overall climate and culture of the school as a high performing learning environment in which every child may succeed to the best of his or her ability, including but not limited to measurable annual goals to:

(A) Increase overall student achievement;

(B) Address dropout prevention; and

(C) Transform school culture;

(2) A curriculum plan that includes a detailed description of the curriculum and related programs for the proposed school and how the curriculum is expected to improve school performance and student achievement;

(3) Measurable annual performance goals to assess the school’s performance and student success across multiple measures and that will serve as the basis evaluating the Innovation in Education school, including but not limited to, goals relating to the following:

(A) Student attendance;

(B) Student safety and discipline;

(C) Student promotion and graduation and dropout rates;

(D) Student performance on the state-wide summative assessment and other assessment required by the state board;

(E) Progress in areas of academic underperformance;

(F) Progress among subgroups of students, including, but not limited to, low-income students and students receiving special education;

(G) With respect to high school, postsecondary readiness, including the percentage of graduates submitting applications to postsecondary institutions, and postsecondary enrollment or employment; and

(H) Parent and community engagement; and

(4) A budget plan that includes a detailed description of how funds will be used in the proposed school to support school performance and student achievement that is or may be different than how funds are used in other public schools in the district;

(5) A school schedule plan that includes a detailed description of the ways the program or calendar of the proposed school may be enhanced or expanded;

(6) A staffing plan and professional development plan that includes a detailed description of how the school may provide professional development to its administrators, teachers and other staff;

(7) A policies and procedures plan that includes:

(A) A detailed description of the unique operational policies and procedures to be used by the school seeking designation and how the procedures will support school performance and student achievement; and

(B) Any exemptions to rule, policy or statute the school is seeking: Provided, That a school may not request an exemption nor may an exemption be granted from any assessment program required by the state board or any provision of law or policy required by the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 or other federal law;

(8) The school’s plan, if any, for using additional internal and external metrics of the performance agreed to by the school and the county board to measure the school’s performance and student success;

(9) Opportunities and expectations for parent involvement; and

(8) Any other information the state board requires.

§18-5E-5. Operational agreement between Innovation in Education school and county board.

An Innovation in Education school designated by the state board may not commence or continue operations without a signed operational agreement between the county board and the school principal which sets forth at least the following:

(1) Any conditions which must be met before the Innovation in Education school may begin full operations.  If necessary, the full implementation of an Innovation in Education school may be postponed for up to one school year following its initial designation to enable all conditions necessary for full operation to be met;

(2) Any material term of the school’s Innovation in Education Plan concerning curriculum, budget, school schedule, calendar, staffing, professional development and policies and procedures to be adhered to by both the county board and the school;

(3) An agreed-upon process for amending or refining the school’s Innovation in Education Plan to improve the school’s performance and student success, including but not limited to, the request for additional waivers of rules, policies, interpretations and statutes through the local school improvement council process;

(4) The annual performance targets set by the county board and the school to assess and evaluate the school’s progress in achieving its annual measureable goals as set forth in its Innovation in Education Plan, including any additional internal and external metrics of performance agreed to by the school and the county board to measure the school’s performance and student success.  The annual performance targets may be refined or amended by mutual agreement of the county board and the school after the school has been fully operational for one year and has collected baseline performance data;

(5) The process and criteria that the county board will use to annually monitor and evaluate the overall performance and student success of the school, including a process to conduct annual site visits;

(6) Any information needed by the county board from the school for the purposes of accountability and reporting by the school on the implementation of its mission as an Innovation in Education school;

(7) The process the county board will use to notify the school of any deficiencies and the process by which the school may submit an improvement plan; and

(8) In the event that an Innovation in Education school’s performance appears unsatisfactory, specific provisions addressing the parameters under which the county board may promptly notify the school in writing of perceived problems and provide reasonable opportunity for the school to remedy the problems, or if not remedied, may intervene or recommend to the state board that it place the school’s designation on probationary status, require a remedial action plan and potentially revoke the designation.  At a minimum, these parameters shall include the circumstances of poor fiscal management and a lack of academic progress.

§18-5E-6. Evaluation of Innovation in Education designated schools.

(a) During its third full year of operation the county superintendent shall issue a performance report on the Innovation in Education school. The performance report shall summarize the school’s performance record to date based on the data collected under school’s Innovation in Education Plan and operational agreement and shall provide notice of any weaknesses or concerns perceived by the superintendent concerning the school that may jeopardize its designation if not timely rectified. The school and the superintendent shall mutually agree to a reasonable time period for the school to respond to the performance report and submit any corrections to the report.

(b) After its fourth full year of operation, and periodically thereafter as may be provided by the state board, the Innovation in Education school shall be evaluated by the county superintendent. The county superintendent shall submit the evaluation to the county board and the state board. The evaluation shall determine whether the school has met the annual goals outlined in its Innovation in Education Plan and operational agreement and assess the implementation of the Innovation in Education plan at the school.

(c) The county superintendent may recommend to the county board and state board in the evaluation:

(1) To amend or suspend one or more components of the Innovation in Education Plan and operational agreement if the county superintendent determines an amendment or suspension is necessary to improve the performance and student success of the school;

(2) To amend or suspend one or more components of the Innovation in Education Plan and operational agreement if the county superintendent determines an amendment or suspension is necessary because of subsequent changes in the district that affect one or more components of such Innovation in Education Plan;

(3) To support continued operation of the Innovation in Education school in accordance with its Innovation in Education Plan and operational agreement; or

(4) To recommend to the state board that the school be designated as an Innovation in Education demonstration school based on its exemplary performance and student success.

(d) Based on the county superintendent’s evaluation and a data analysis conducted by the West Virginia Department of Education the state board may:

(1) Amend or recommend an amendment to one or more components of the school’s Innovation in Education Plan and operational agreement;

(2) Suspend one or more components of the school’s Innovation in Education Plan and operational agreement;

(3) Affirm continuation of the Innovation in Education school under its current Innovation in Education Plan and operational agreement; or

(4) If it is determined that the school has substantially failed to meet the goals outlined in its Innovation in Education Plan and operational agreement, terminate the Innovation in Education designation of the school.

(e) An amendment, suspension or termination may not take place before the completion of the school year.

§18-5E-7. Innovation in education fund.

There is hereby created in the State Treasury a special revenue fund to be known as the "Innovation in Education Fund." The fund shall consist of all moneys received from whatever source to further the purpose of this article. The fund shall be administered by the state board solely for the purposes of this article, including providing grants and other financial assistance to innovation in education designated schools to implement and carry out such schools innovation in education plans. Any moneys remaining in the fund at the close of a fiscal year shall be carried forward for use in the next fiscal year. Fund balances shall be invested with the state's consolidated investment fund and any and all interest earnings on these investments shall be used solely for the purposes that moneys deposited in the fund may be used pursuant to this article.


§18-5F-1. Short title.

This article shall be known and may be cited as the Accessibility and Equity in Public Education Enhancement Act.

§18-5F-2.  Legislative findings; purpose.

(a) The Legislature finds and declares that:

(1) County school districts have called for more local control and flexibility to meet the education needs of their communities;

(2) Students, parents and teachers are seeking alternatives to the traditional classroom delivery of education that better meets the educational needs of students;

(3) Public schools should be able to provide a variety of instructional delivery models;

(4) The county school districts can enhance education opportunities for students, using technology;

(5) Using technology to deliver instruction can provide flexibility and increase options for instruction;

(6) Giving county school districts the flexibility to create innovative programs will provide teachers with new instructional opportunities; and

(7) This Act is not intended to save money through the reduction of school personnel positions.

(b) The purpose of this article is to enhance access and equity in public education in West Virginia.

§18-5F-3.  Definitions.

For the purposes of this article, unless a different meaning clearly appears from the context:

(a) “Blended program” means a formal education program in which a student learns:

(1) At least in part through online learning, with some element of student control over time, place, path or pace;

(2) At least in part in a supervised setting outside the home; and

(3) In such a way that the modalities of each student’s learning path within a course or subject are connected to provide an integrated learning experience;

(b) “Eligible student” means a student eligible for attendance in public schools in a school district that provides a virtual instruction program, that is a member of a multicounty consortium providing a virtual instruction program or that does not provide a virtual instruction program and is not a member of a multicounty consortium but participates through a collaborative agreement between the school district in which the student is enrolled and a school district or a multicounty consortium providing a virtual instruction program;

(c) “Multicounty consortium” means a written arrangement where two or more county boards act in concert to establish a virtual school that will serve eligible students; and

(d) “Virtual instruction program” means a program implemented by a county board or multicounty consortium that provides a full-time online or blended program of instruction for students enrolled in any composition of grades kindergarten through twelve.

§18-5F-4.  County board policy adoption.

(a) A county board or a multicounty consortium may create a virtual instruction program for one or more schools serving any composition of grades kindergarten through twelve by adopting a policy creating the program and after adopting the policy may contract with virtual school providers.  When there is a multicounty consortium, each county board in the consortium shall adopt a policy creating the virtual instruction program.  The virtual instruction program may begin July 1, 2017, or at any point thereafter: Provided, That, notwithstanding any other provision of this article to the contrary, no eligible students in grades kindergarten through five may participate in a virtual instruction program until after the program has been in operation for one full school year.

(b) The policy adopted by the county board pursuant to this section shall govern the virtual instruction program offered by the county board or multicounty consortium.

(c) The policy shall be consistent with this article and may offer eligible students in grades kindergarten through twelve an online pathway for earning a high school diploma and, at a minimum, shall include the following:

(1) The scope, instructional model and capacity for the virtual education program;

(2) Assessment protocol and specific requirements for monitoring performance that are consistent with section five, article two-e of this chapter;

(3) A plan for monitoring students receiving virtual instruction in accordance with pacing and completion of the required virtual coursework: Provided, That, if virtual instruction occurs in a public school classroom then a teacher, professional personnel, professional educator or paraprofessional employed by that county must be present to monitor;

 (4) Qualifications of faculty, which at a minimum shall include a teaching certificate issued pursuant to article three, chapter eighteen-a of this code and state board rules; and

(5) A requirement that any virtual school provider contracted with comply with state and federal privacy laws.

§18-5F-5.  Compliance with existing state law.

(a) An eligible student enrolled in a virtual instruction program shall:

(1) Be counted in the net enrollment of the school district in which the student resides for the purposes of calculating and receiving state aid;

(2) Be subject to the same state assessment requirements as other students in the school district; and

(3) Receive a diploma from the school district, upon completing the same coursework required of regular public school students in the district.

(b) An eligible student participating in a virtual instruction program, to the extent the program as delineated in the county board policy allows or requires instruction to occur outside of a school building, is not required to comply with compulsory school attendance requirements set forth in article eight of this code or any other provision of law or state board rule relating to attendance.

(c) Neither the school district, the eligible student nor the parents of the student participating in a virtual instruction program, to the extent the program as delineated in the county board policy allows or requires instruction to occur outside of a school building, may incur any penalty or be held accountable for the absence of the student from the school building.

(d) For an eligible student participating in a virtual instruction program, neither the school district nor the student, to the extent the program as delineated in the county board policy is a learn at your own pace program, is required to comply with the instructional term requirement set forth in section forty-five, article five of this chapter or any other law or state board rule requiring a student to be receiving instruction for any set time.

(e) An eligible student participating in a virtual instruction program shall be considered to be attending the school in the attendance district created by the county board pursuant to section sixteen, article five of this chapter that the eligible student resides in unless otherwise transferred to another school pursuant to that section or any other provision of this code.  The eligible student may participate in any cocurricular and extracurricular activities of that school, but is subject to the same participation requirements imposed on a traditional student attending the school.  

(f) A county board is exempt from any provision of law or state board rule that applies to the traditional delivery of instruction such as requirements relating to the physical presence of a student, student monitoring and security, the maximum teacher-pupil ratio set forth in section eighteen-a, article five of this chapter, instructional time requirements and physical education requirements to the extent any of the foregoing conflict with the delivery of the virtual instruction program.

(g) The virtual instruction program is not subject to online course restrictions imposed by the state board, state superintendent or the West Virginia Department of Education.

(h) Coursework offered through a virtual instruction program shall be aligned to the appropriate academic standards as required by state law and state board rule.

(i) The assessment results of a student shall be included in the assessment results of the school and the school district in which the student is considered enrolled pursuant to this section for purposes of accountability.

§18-5F-6. Report to Legislative Oversight Commission on Education Accountability.



§18-6-1. Purpose and objectives of article.

The purpose of this article is to ensure that every secondary school pupil has the opportunity, at or about the time he or she reaches licensing age, to enroll in a course of driver education designed to train him or her to drive skillfully and safely under all traffic and roadway conditions and circumstances.

§18-6-2. Where provided; permit or certificate for persons who are not professional educators to teach course.

 (a) There shall be offered in all public secondary schools within the state, without charge to students, an approved, comprehensive course in driver education. The course may be offered in summer school in addition to the regular instructional term.(b) In those counties where sufficient public secondary school driver education courses are not available to meet all requests for the course, county boards of education shall, as quickly as possible, make sufficient courses available to fill those requests.

(c) Under the authority and subject to the conditions provided in section two-a, article three, chapter eighteen-a of this code, the State Superintendent may issue a permit or other certificate to persons who do not qualify for the professional certificate for the purpose of providing instruction in driver education subject to the following:

(1) The applicant for the permit or certificate is subject to the criminal history check of applicants for licensure provided in section ten, article three, chapter eighteen-a of this code;

(2) The permit or certificate may not be given permanent status, but may be renewed in accordance with rules adopted by the State Department of Education;

(3) The duties of a person who has a valid permit or certificate under this subsection may include the supervision of students;

(4) The person, when providing instruction in the public schools, may only be employed under a contract with the respective county board of education that specifies the duties to be performed, a rate of pay that is equivalent to the rate of pay for professional educators in the district who accept similar duties as extra duty assignments and provides for liability insurance associated with the activity;

(5) The person may not be considered an employee of the board for salary and benefit purposes other than as specified in the contract;

(6) The person completes an orientation program designed and approved in accordance with State Department of Education rules; and

(7) The position is posted annually and a professional educator fully certified for the position has not applied.

§18-6-3. State board to establish minimum course standards; students with mental or physical defects; minimum standards specified.

(a) The state Board of Education shall establish minimum standards for all driver education courses offered and made available to persons within the state, regardless of whether the courses are offered by public, private, parochial, denominational or commercial schools, but no person shall be permitted to enroll in any driver education course who has a known mental or physical defect that would prevent the person from qualifying for an operator's license, unless the mental or physical defect is controlled or corrected so the person could so qualify.

(b) The minimum standards shall provide at least that:

(1) All driver education courses offered within the state are taught by instructors certified by the state board as qualified for these purposes; and

(2) Each person enrolled in a driver education course shall receive practice driving and observation in a dual control automobile and instruction in at least the following:

(A) Basic and advanced driving techniques, including techniques for handling emergencies;

(B) Traffic regulations and laws of the road as provided in chapter seventeen-c of this code and other applicable state and local laws and ordinances;

(C) Critical mechanical parts of vehicles requiring preventive maintenance for safety;

(D) The vehicle, highway and community features that aid the driver in avoiding crashes; protect him or her and his or her passengers in crashes; and maximize the salvage of the injured;

(E) Signs, signals, highway markings and highway design features which require understanding for safe operation of motor vehicles;

(F) Differences in characteristics of urban and rural driving, including safe use of modern expressways;

(G) Pedestrian safety; and

(H) Motorcycle safety awareness in a program which shall include, but not be limited to, ensuring that the driver has knowledge and awareness of motorcycles sharing the roads of this state for the safety of motorcyclists.

(c) In addition, in driver education courses, participating students shall be encouraged to acquire first aid skills.

§18-6-4. Rules.

In accordance with article three-b, chapter twenty-nine-a of this code, the state board shall, with the advice of the State Superintendent and the Superintendent of the State Police, adopt rules governing the establishment, conduct and scope of driver education for use in the public, private and parochial secondary schools located within this state, subject to the requirements and exceptions set forth in this article.

§18-6-5. Establishment and maintenance of driver education course; who may enroll; exemption from learner's permit requirement; nonpermit student drivers.

The State Superintendent shall promote and direct the establishment and maintenance of courses of instruction in driver education in secondary schools in accordance with the provisions of this article and the rules that the state board adopts pursuant to section four of this article. Directors, trustees or other persons having control or authority over private or parochial secondary schools, who establish and maintain the courses in the schools under their control or supervision, shall comply with the rules that the state board adopts pursuant to section four of this article.

In the case of a pupil who will not reach the age of fifteen years before completion of the driver education course in which enrolled, instruction shall be limited to the classroom. Pupils who are fifteen years of age and older shall receive instruction and practical training in the operation of motor vehicles on the public streets and highways.

Notwithstanding section three-a, article two, chapter seventeen-b of this code, any student who is at least fifteen years of age and is enrolled in a driver education course in accordance with the provisions of this article and the rules that the state board adopts pursuant to section four of this article, may operate a motor vehicle on the roadways of West Virginia while accompanied by a certified driver education teacher or instructor permitted by the state superintendent to provide driver education instruction.

§18-6-6. Expenditure of school funds for driver education courses; appropriations.

County boards of education, subject to the rules and regulations of the state board, may expend school funds to maintain and repair vehicles used for instructional purposes, to purchase fuel, lubricants, parts and accessories therefor, to pay the compensation of teachers or instructors and to procure automobile insurance, where the expenditures are for the purpose of establishing or maintaining driver education courses in public secondary schools pursuant to this article. These expenditures, including compensation of teachers or instructors, may be made over a period of twelve months.

Each county board of education shall receive from funds specially appropriated for the driver education courses provided in public secondary schools a sum which shall be proportionate to the total amount available for distribution for that purpose to all county boards in the state in the ratio which the number of pupils who are enrolled in driver education courses in public secondary schools in the county bears to the total number of pupils who are enrolled in driver education courses in all public secondary schools within the state, but the payment shall not exceed the sum of $35 for each such pupil per school year.

§18-6-7. Automobile liability insurance covering vehicles used in driver education.

County boards of education shall procure or require automobile liability insurance in the amount the state board shall prescribe covering motor vehicles owned or operated for driver education courses. The board having control of the financial and business affairs of any other state educational institution which offers driver education courses shall procure or require automobile liability insurance in like amount covering motor vehicles owned or operated for any driver education course. The insurance shall be against any liability arising out of the use of vehicles in connection with any driver education course.

§18-6-8. Driver education course to be made available to all secondary school pupils prior to their graduation; exemption; application by pupil for unrestricted operator's license.

Before any pupil graduates from a secondary school, he or she shall first be provided an opportunity and encouraged to successfully complete a driver education course approved by the state board in a public, private or parochial secondary school within the state. If a pupil has successfully completed a similar course in a secondary school of another state or in a commercial driving school or class and the course is accepted by the state board as adequately meeting and complying with the course standards established by the state board, then the aforementioned requirement shall be deemed fulfilled regarding that pupil.

Any secondary school pupil sixteen years of age or older, but under eighteen years of age, who has successfully completed a driver education course approved by the state board in a public, private, parochial secondary school within the state or a similar course in a secondary school of another state or in a commercial driving school or class and accepted by the state board as adequately meeting and complying with the course standards established by the state board, shall be exempted from submitting a sworn affidavit certified by the parent, legal guardian, or other responsible adult over the age of twenty-one that the applicant has successfully completed the minimum number of hours of behind-the-wheel training as provided in section three-a, article two, chapter seventeen-b of the code.



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§18-7A-1. Establishment of retirement system.

A retirement system to be known as the "state Teachers Retirement System" is hereby established for the purpose of providing retirement allowances for the teachers of West Virginia.

§18-7A-2. Supplemental benefits.

Nothing in this article shall be construed to preclude any employer from providing retirement benefits to retired teachers not eligible to benefits under this article; nor shall it be construed to preclude any employer from supplementing retirement benefits to be received by any of its employees under this article.

No such benefits, however, shall be paid to a present teacher who elects not to become a member of the Teachers Retirement System.

§18-7A-2a. Governing boards of educational institutions authorized to pay supplemental retirement benefits.

The governing boards of state educational institutions shall have authority to provide retirement benefits for teachers and other employees who have served at the institutions under their control, to supplement benefits received by such employees under the state Teachers Retirement System. Payment therefor shall be made from funds appropriated for personal services at the institution from which the teacher or employee was retired, and the amount thereof shall be determined in accordance with rules promulgated by the governing board of the institution.

§18-7A-3. Definitions.

As used in this article, unless the context clearly requires a different meaning:

"Accumulated contributions" means all deposits and all deductions from the gross salary of a contributor plus regular interest.

"Accumulated net benefit" means the aggregate amount of all benefits paid to or on behalf of a retired member.

"Actuarially equivalent" or "of equal actuarial value" means a benefit of equal value computed upon the basis of the mortality table and interest rates as set and adopted by the retirement board in accordance with the provisions of this article: Provided, That when used in the context of compliance with the federal maximum benefit requirements of Section 415 of the Internal Revenue Code, "actuarially equivalent" shall be computed using the mortality tables and interest rates required to comply with those requirements.

"Annuities" means the annual retirement payments for life granted beneficiaries in accordance with this article.

"Average final salary" means the average of the five highest fiscal year salaries earned as a member within the last 15 fiscal years of total service credit, including military service as provided in this article, or if total service is less than 15 years, the average annual salary for the period on which contributions were made: Provided, That salaries for determining benefits during any determination period may not exceed the maximum compensation allowed as adjusted for cost of living in accordance with §5-10D-7 of this code and Section 401(a)(17) of the Internal Revenue Code.

"Beneficiary" means the recipient of annuity payments made under the retirement system.

"Contributor" means a member of the retirement system who has an account in the Teachers Accumulation Fund.

"Deposit" means a voluntary payment to his or her account by a member.

"Electing charter school" means a public charter school established pursuant to §18-5G-1 et seq. of this code which has elected to participate in this retirement system as permitted in the definitions of "Nonteaching member" and "Teacher member" in this section.

"Employer" means the agency of and within the state which has employed or employs a member, a county board of education which has employed or employs a member, or an electing charter school which has employed or employs a member. "Participating public employer" or "participating employer" means "employer" unless the context clearly requires otherwise.

"Employer error" means an omission, misrepresentation, or deliberate act in violation of relevant provisions of the West Virginia Code, or the West Virginia Code of State Regulations, or the relevant provisions of both the West Virginia Code and of the West Virginia Code of State Regulations by the participating public employer that has resulted in an underpayment or overpayment of contributions required.

"Employment term" means employment for at least 10 months, a month being defined as 20 employment days.

"Gross salary" means the fixed annual or periodic cash wages paid by a participating public employer to a member for performing duties for the participating public employer for which the member was hired. Gross salary shall be allocated and reported in the fiscal year in which the work was done. Gross salary also includes retroactive payments made to a member to correct a clerical error, or made pursuant to a court order or final order of an administrative agency charged with enforcing federal or state law pertaining to the member's rights to employment or wages, with all retroactive salary payments to be allocated to and considered paid in the periods in which the work was or would have been done. Gross salary does not include lump sum payments for bonuses, early retirement incentives, severance pay, or any other fringe benefit of any kind including, but not limited to, transportation allowances, automobiles or automobile allowances, or lump sum payments for unused, accrued leave of any type or character.

"Internal Revenue Code" means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as it has been amended.

"Medical examination" means an in-person or virtual examination of a member's physical or mental health, or both, by a physician or physicians selected or approved by the board; or, at the discretion of the board, a medical record review of the member's physical or mental health, or both, by a physician selected or approved by the board.

"Member" means any person who has accumulated contributions standing to his or her credit in the State Teachers Retirement System. A member shall remain a member until the benefits to which he or she is entitled under this article are paid or forfeited, or until cessation of membership pursuant to §18-7A-13 of this code.

"Members of the administrative staff of the public schools" means deans of instruction, deans of men, deans of women, and financial and administrative secretaries.

"Members of the extension staff of the public schools" means every agricultural agent, boys and girls club agent, and every member of the agricultural extension staff whose work is not primarily stenographic, clerical, or secretarial.

"New entrant" means a teacher who is not a present teacher.

"Nonteaching member" means any person, except a teacher member, who is regularly employed for full-time service by: (A) Any county board of education or educational services cooperative; (B) the State Board of Education; (C) the Higher Education Policy Commission; (D) the West Virginia Council for Community and Technical College Education; (E) a governing board, as defined in §18B-1-2 of this code; or (F) a public charter school established pursuant to §18-5G-1 et seq. of this code if the charter school includes in its charter contract entered into pursuant to §18-5G-7 of this code a determination to participate in the retirement systems under this article and §18-7B-1 et seq. of this code, subject to §18-7B-7a of this code: Provided, That any person whose employment with the Higher Education Policy Commission, the West Virginia Council for Community and Technical College Education, or a governing board commences on or after July 1, 1991, is not considered a nonteaching member.

"Plan year" means the 12-month period commencing on July 1 and ending the following June 30 of any designated year.

"Present member" means a present teacher or nonteacher who is a member of the retirement system.

"Present teacher" means any person who was a teacher within the 35 years beginning July 1, 1934, and whose membership in the retirement system is currently active.

"Prior service" means all service as a teacher completed prior to July 1, 1941, and all service of a present member who was employed as a teacher and did not contribute to a retirement account because he or she was legally ineligible for membership during the service.

"Public schools" means all publicly supported schools, including colleges and universities in this state. Unless the context clearly requires otherwise, "public school" may not include a public charter school which is not an "electing charter school" as defined herein.

"Refund beneficiary" means the estate of a deceased contributor or a person he or she has nominated as beneficiary of his or her contributions by written designation duly executed and filed with the retirement board.

"Regular interest" means interest at four percent compounded annually, or a higher earnable rate if set forth in the formula established in legislative rules, series seven of the Consolidated Public Retirement Board, 162 CSR 7.

"Regularly employed for full-time service" means employment in a regular position or job throughout the employment term regardless of the number of hours worked or the method of pay.

"Required beginning date" means April 1 of the calendar year following the later of: (A) The calendar year in which the member attains age 70.5 (if born before July 1, 1949) or age 72 (if born after June 30, 1949); or (B) the calendar year in which the member retires, or ceases covered employment under the retirement system.

"Retirant" means any member who commences an annuity payable by the retirement system.

"Retirement board" means the Consolidated Public Retirement Board created pursuant to §5-10D-1 et seq. of this code.

"Retirement system" means the State Teachers Retirement System established by this article.

"Teacher member" means the following persons, if regularly employed for full-time service: (A) Any person employed by a public school for instructional service in the public schools of West Virginia; (B) principals employed by a public school; (C) librarians employed by a public school; (D) superintendents of schools and assistant county superintendents of schools; (E) any county school attendance director holding a West Virginia teacher's certificate; (F) members of the research, extension, administrative, or library staffs of the public schools; (G) the State Superintendent of Schools, heads and assistant heads of the divisions under his or her supervision, or any other employee under the state superintendent performing services of an educational nature; (H) employees of the State Board of Education who are performing services of an educational nature; (I) any person employed in a nonteaching capacity by the State Board of Education, any county board of education, the State Department of Education, or the State Teachers Retirement Board, if that person was formerly employed as a teacher in the public schools; (J) all classroom teachers, principals, and educational administrators in schools under the supervision of the Division of Corrections and Rehabilitation, the Division of Health, or the Division of Human Services; (K) an employee of the State Board of School Finance, if that person was formerly employed as a teacher in the public schools; (L) employees of an educational services cooperative who are performing services of an educational nature; (M) any person designated as a 21st Century Learner Fellow pursuant to §18A-3-11 of this code who elects to remain a member of the State Teachers Retirement System provided in this article; and (N) any person employed for instructional service or as a principal or librarian by a public charter school established pursuant to §18-5G-1 et seq. of this code if the charter school includes in its charter contract entered into pursuant to §18-5G-7 of this code a determination to participate in the retirement systems under this article and §18-7B-1 et seq. of this code.

"Total service" means all service as a teacher or nonteacher while a member of the retirement system since last becoming a member and, in addition thereto, credit for prior service, if any.

Age more than 70 years shall be considered to be 70 years.

§18-7A-3a. Federal qualification requirements.

The retirement system is intended to meet the federal qualification requirements of Section 401(a) and related sections of the Internal Revenue Code as applicable to governmental plans. Notwithstanding any other provision of state law, the board shall administer the retirement system to fulfill this intent for the exclusive benefit of the members and their beneficiaries. Any provision of this article referencing or relating to these federal qualification requirements shall be effective as of the date required by federal law. The board may promulgate rules and amend or repeal conflicting rules in accordance with the authority granted to the board pursuant to section one, article ten-d of chapter five to assure compliance with this section.

§18-7A-4. Teachers retirement board.

 The general administration and the management of the retirement system are hereby continued in a "Teachers' Retirement Board" through June 30, 1991, and thereafter, in the Consolidated Public Retirement Board created by article ten-d, chapter five of this code. The retirement board shall have the right to sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, contract and be contracted with and shall make all necessary rules and regulations to carry out the provisions of this article. All of the business of the board shall be transacted, all of its funds invested, all warrants for money drawn and payments made, and all of its cash and securities and other property shall be held in the name of the "Teachers' Retirement Board."



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§18-7A-11. Records; actuarial data; tables; specification of actuarial assumptions.

The retirement board shall maintain an individual account with each member, showing the amount of the member's contributions and the interest accumulations thereon. It shall collect and keep in convenient form data as may be necessary for the preparation of the required mortality and service tables, and for the compilation of such other information as may be needed for the actuarial valuation of the funds created by this article. The retirement board shall specify and adopt all actuarial assumptions for the system at its first meeting of every calendar year or as soon thereafter as may be practicable, which assumptions shall become part of the terms of the system.

§18-7A-12. Reports by retirement board.

At such times as the retirement board may deem it necessary, but at least once within the first three years of the operation of this article and each quinquennial period thereafter, the retirement board shall employ a competent actuary to prepare a report containing an evaluation of the present and prospective assets and liabilities of the funds created by this article.

The retirement board shall publish an annual report showing the condition of the various funds created by this article. It shall certify in such report the amount of accumulated cash and securities in the funds and shall present a full account of the operation of the system.

§18-7A-13. Membership in retirement system; cessation of membership; reinstatement of withdrawn service.

The membership of the retirement system shall consist of the following:

(a) New entrants, whose membership in the system is compulsory upon employment as teachers and nonteachers: Provided, That any teaching member or nonteaching member, as defined in section three of this article, who has concurrent employment in an additional job or jobs which would require the teaching member or nonteaching member to be a member of the West Virginia Deputy Sheriff Retirement System, the West Virginia Municipal Police Officers and Firefighters Retirement System or the West Virginia Emergency Medical Services Retirement System shall abide by the concurrent employment statutory provisions of said retirement system and shall participate in only one retirement system administered by the retirement board.

(b) The membership of the retirement system shall not include any person who is an active member of or who has been retired by the West Virginia Public Employees Retirement System, the judge's retirement system, or the retirement system of the West Virginia State Police or the supplemental retirement system as provided in section four-a, article twenty-three of this chapter. The membership of any person in the retirement system ceases: (1) Upon the withdrawal of accumulated contributions after the cessation of service; (2) upon effective retirement date; (3) at death; or (4) upon the date, if any, when after the cessation of service, the outstanding balance of any loan obtained by the member pursuant to section thirty-four of this article or section five, article seven-d of this chapter, plus accrued interest, equals or exceeds the member's accumulated contributions.

(c) Any former member of the retirement system who has withdrawn accumulated contributions but subsequently reenters the retirement system may repay to the retirement fund the amount withdrawn, plus interest at a rate set by the board, compounded annually from the date of withdrawal to the date of repayment: Provided, That no repayment may be made until the former member has completed two years of contributory service after reentry; and the member shall be accorded all the rights to prior service and experience as were held at the time of withdrawal of the accumulated contributions: Provided, however, That no withdrawn service may be reinstated that has been transferred to another retirement system from which the member is currently or will in the future draw benefits based on the same service. The interest paid shall be deposited in the reserve fund.

(d) No member is eligible for prior service credit unless he or she is eligible for prior service pension, as prescribed by section twenty-two of this article; however, a new entrant who becomes a present teacher as provided in this subdivision shall be considered eligible for prior service pension upon retirement.

(e) Any individual who is a leased employee is not eligible to participate in the system. For purposes of this system, a "leased employee" means any individual who performs services as an independent contractor or pursuant to an agreement with an employee leasing organization or other similar organization. If a question arises regarding the status of an individual as a leased employee, the board has final power to decide the question.

§18-7A-13a. Resumption of service by retired teachers.

(a) For the purpose of this section, reemployment of a former or retired teacher as a teacher may in no way impair the teacher's eligibility for a prior service pension or any other benefit provided by this article.

(b) Retired teachers who qualified for an annuity because of age or service may not receive prior service allowance from the retirement board when employed as a teacher and when regularly employed by the State of West Virginia. The payment of the allowance shall be discontinued on the first day of the month within which the employment begins and shall be resumed on the first day of the month succeeding the month within which the employment ceases. The annuity paid the teacher on first retirement resulting from the Teachers' Accumulation Fund and the Employers' Accumulation Fund shall continue throughout the governmental service and thereafter according to the option selected by the teacher upon first retirement.

(c) Retired teachers who qualified for an annuity because of disability may receive no further retirement payments if the retirement board finds that the disability of the teacher no longer exists; payment shall be discontinued on the first day of the month within which the finding is made. If the retired teacher returns to service as a teacher, he or she shall contribute to the Teachers' Accumulation Fund as a member of the system. His or her prior service eligibility, if any, shall not be impaired because of his or her disability retirement. His or her accumulated contributions which were transferred to the benefit fund upon his or her retirement shall be returned to his or her individual account in the Teachers' Accumulation Fund, minus retirement payments received which were not supported by such contributions and interest. Upon subsequent retirement, he or she shall receive credit for all contributory experience, anything to the contrary in this article notwithstanding.

(d) Notwithstanding any provision of this code to the contrary, a person who retires under the system provided by this article may subsequently become employed on either a full-time basis, part-time basis, or contract basis by any institution of higher education without any loss of retirement annuity or retirement benefits if the person's retirement commences between the effective date of the enactment of this section in 2002 and December 31, 2002: Provided, That the person may not be eligible to participate in any other state retirement system provided by this code.

(e) The retirement board may require of the retired teachers and their employers such reports as it deems necessary to effectuate the provisions of this section.

(f) Prior to any retirant subsequently becoming employed with an employer on a permanent (regularly employed for full-time service), substitute, or temporary basis, the employer shall notify the retirement board and the retirant, in writing, when the retirant's potential permanent, substitute, or temporary employment will negatively impact the retirant's retired status or benefits. Upon the retirant's acceptance of either permanent, substitute, or temporary employment, the employer shall notify the retirement board, in writing, of the retirant's subsequent employment.

§18-7A-13b. Option of certain present members to elect between state and federal retirement systems; payment of contributions to federal system.

Notwithstanding any other provision of this article to the contrary, any present member of the retirement system who as an employee of the board of Governors in the cooperative extension service of West Virginia University holds a federal appointment, making him eligible for membership in the federal civil service retirement system, shall have an option to terminate his membership in the state Teachers Retirement System at any time within twelve months after the effective date hereof, or to continue his membership if he so desires. If he elects to terminate his membership, he shall be entitled to withdrawal benefits similar to those that are provided in section twenty-three of this article for members who withdraw from service prior to retirement, and he shall be required to join the federal civil service retirement system. Any future employee in the cooperative extension service who is eligible for membership in the federal civil service retirement system shall be required to join that system, and shall be ineligible for membership in the state Teachers Retirement System during such period of employment. Should employment cease with the cooperative extension service of West Virginia University and the employee assumes a position that subjects him to membership in the Teachers Retirement System, he shall receive service credit for each year served in the cooperative extension service and within this state providing: (1) That the member pays to the system a contribution equal to the amount he contributed during his first full year of current employment, times the number of years for which credit is granted, plus interest at a rate equal to that established by the retirement board for the purchase of service as a teacher in the employment of the federal government, and (2) that such years of service for which he receives credit hereunder have not and will not, in the future, be used to obtain or enhance a retirement benefit from any other retirement system whatsoever, including the federal civil service retirement system.

The board of Governors shall have the authority and shall be required to withhold from each salary payment due any employee in the cooperative extension service, who is a member of the federal civil service retirement system, the amount of the contribution he is required to make to the federal treasury for such membership. Upon proper requisition of the board, the Auditor shall periodically issue a warrant payable to the treasurer of the United States for the total membership contributions so withheld from the salaries of all employees in the cooperative extension service.

§18-7A-14. Contributions by members; contributions by employers; forfeitures.

(a) At the end of each month every member of the retirement system shall contribute six percent of that member's monthly gross salary to the retirement board: Provided, That any member employed by a state institution of higher education shall contribute on the member's full earnable compensation, unless otherwise provided in section fourteen-a of this article. The sums are due the State Teachers Retirement System at the end of each calendar month and shall be paid not later than fifteen days following the end of the calendar month. Each remittance shall be accompanied by a detailed summary of the sums withheld from the gross compensation of each member for that month on forms, either paper or electronic, provided by the State Teachers Retirement System for that purpose.

(b) Annually, the contributions of each member shall be credited to the member's account in the State Teachers Retirement System Fund. The contributions shall be deducted from the gross salaries of the members as prescribed in this section and every member shall be considered to have given consent to the deductions. No deductions, however, shall be made from the earnable compensation of any member who retired because of age or service and then resumed service unless as provided in section thirteen-a of this article.

(c) The aggregate of employer contributions, due and payable under this article, shall equal annually the total deductions from the gross salary of members required by this section. Beginning July 1, 1994, the rate shall be seven and one-half percent; beginning on July 1, 1995, the rate shall be nine percent; beginning on July 1, 1996, the rate shall be ten and one-half percent; beginning on July 1, 1997, the rate shall be twelve percent; beginning on July 1, 1998, the rate shall be thirteen and one-half percent; and beginning on July 1, 1999, and thereafter, the rate shall be fifteen percent: Provided, That the rate shall be seven and one-half percent for any individual who becomes a member of the State Teachers Retirement System for the first time on or after July 1, 2005, or any individual who becomes a member of the State Teachers Retirement System as a result of the voluntary transfer contemplated in article seven-d of this chapter.

(d) Payment by an employer to a member of the sum specified in the employment contract minus the amount of the employee's deductions shall be considered to be a full discharge of the employer's contractual obligation as to earnable compensation.

(e) Each employer shall file with the retirement board a completed enrollment form showing the contributor's date of birth and other data needed by the retirement board.

(f) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this article, forfeitures under the retirement system shall not be applied to increase the benefits any member would otherwise receive under the retirement system.

§18-7A-14a. Options of certain members to elect between state Teachers Retirement System, a combination of that system and a supplemental retirement system, and a retirement plan other than the state Teachers Retirement System.

Notwithstanding any other provisions of this article to the contrary, any present member of the retirement system, or person who was a member on February 12, 1970, who, as an employee of the West Virginia board of regents was limited in the amount he could pay into the retirement system to $216 per year from July 1, 1963, to July 1, 1970, and to $288 from July 1, 1970, shall have the option, at any time within twelve months from the effective date hereof, to pay into the retirement system twice the amount of the difference between such limitations and the amount he would have paid therein had he been paying the full amount provided by law for members of the retirement system other than employees of the board of regents: Provided, That this additional payment into the retirement system by any such member who was employed by the board of regents while he was under thirty years of age shall be reduced to once the amount of such difference so far as any salary he received from the board while under thirty years of age is concerned.

If such a member makes such election, he must thereafter make contributions into the retirement system on his entire salary without limitation, unless later imposed by law, and after such election is made the board of regents as his employer shall no longer make payments for such employee for the supplemental retirement plan authorized by section four-a, article twenty-three of this chapter, but the matching contributions made by the state or employer in his behalf for retirement plans shall be limited to those provided by sections fourteen and sixteen of this article.

Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (a) of Plan B, section twenty-six of this article, or any other provision herein, any such member who exercises such option and makes the required additional payment will then be considered entitled to retirement, death, withdrawal and all other benefits under the retirement system to the same extent as if he had been paying into the retirement system the full amount provided by law for members of the system other than employees of the board of regents throughout the period of his membership in the retirement system.

Any such member who does not make such election shall have the options of retaining his present status under the retirement system and the supplemental retirement plan as provided by section four-a, article twenty-three of this chapter, or of ceasing to pay any portion of his salary into the retirement system and paying a percentage of his entire salary into a retirement plan established by the board of regents pursuant to the provisions of said section four-a, article twenty-three of this chapter. In the event he makes the latter election he shall, upon retirement, receive benefits under the retirement system as if he had retired at the date he ceased making payments into the system, except that between such time and the time of actual retirement regular interest shall be considered in computing such benefits.

A person employed by the West Virginia board of regents in the future shall have the option, as of the date of his employment, to elect whether he is to pay a percentage of his entire salary into the state retirement system, or to pay a percentage of such salary into a retirement plan established by the board of regents pursuant to the provisions of section four-a, article twenty-three of this chapter, and shall receive benefits according to the retirement plan he selects.

Since persons employed by the former board of Governors of West Virginia University, and by the state Board of Education at institutions of higher education, on July 1, 1969, became employees of the West Virginia board of regents on that date, employment by such board of Governors and the state Board of Education at institutions of higher education shall be deemed to have been employment by the board of regents for the purposes of this section.

§18-7A-14b. Members' option to make contributions for periods of temporary total disability.

Any member who was absent from work while receiving temporary total disability benefits pursuant to the provisions of chapter twenty-three of this code as a result of a compensable injury received in the course of and as a result of his or her employment with the covered employer, may purchase credited service for that time period or those time periods the member was absent from work as a result of a compensable injury and receiving temporary total disability benefits: Provided, That the member returned to work with his or her covered employer within one year following the cessation of temporary total disability benefits. The member desiring to purchase such credited service may do so only by lump sum payment from personal funds within two years of the end of the disability period for which credit is sought to be purchased: Provided, however, That in order to purchase such service credit, the member shall pay to the board his or her regular contribution and an equal amount that represents the employer's contribution, based on the salary the member was receiving immediately prior to having sustained such compensable injury: Provided further, That the member purchasing service credit under the provisions of this section may not be charged interest. The maximum number of years of service credit that may be purchased under this section shall not exceed two: And provided further, That each year purchased under this section shall count as a year of experience for purposes of the increment set forth in section two or section eight-a, article four, chapter eighteen-a of this code, as applicable.

§18-7A-14c. Correction of errors; underpayments; overpayments.

(a) General rule. — Upon learning of any errors, the board shall correct errors in the retirement system in a timely manner whether the individual, entity or board was at fault for the error with the intent of placing the affected individual, entity and retirement board in the position each would have been in had the error not occurred.

(b) Underpayments to the retirement system. — Any error resulting in an underpayment to the retirement system, may be corrected by the member or retirant remitting the required employee contribution or underpayment and the participating public employer remitting the required employer contribution or underpayment. Interest shall accumulate in accordance with the legislative rule 162 CSR 7 concerning retirement board refund, reinstatement, retroactive service, loan and correction of error interest factors and any accumulating interest owed on the employee and employer contributions or underpayments resulting from an employer error shall be the responsibility of the participating public employer. The participating public employer may remit total payment and the employee reimburse the participating public employer through payroll deduction over a period equivalent to the time period during which the employer error occurred. If the correction of an error involving an underpayment to the retirement system will result in the plan paying the retirant an additional amount, this additional payment shall be made only after the board receives full payment of all required employee and employer contributions or underpayments, including interest.

(c) Overpayments to the retirement system by an employer. — When mistaken or excess employer contributions or other employer overpayments have been made to the retirement system, the board shall credit the employer with an amount equal to the erroneous overpayment, to be offset against the employer’s future liability for employer contributions to the retirement system. If the employer has no future liability for employer contributions to the retirement system, the retirement board shall refund the erroneous contributions directly to the employer. Earnings or interest shall not be returned, offset or credited to the employer under any of the means used by the retirement board for returning employer overpayments to the retirement system.

(d) Overpayments to the retirement system by an employee. — When mistaken or excess employee contributions or overpayments, have been made to the retirement system, the board shall have sole authority for determining the means of return, offset or credit to or for the benefit of the individual making the mistaken or excess employee contribution of the amounts and may use any means authorized or permitted under the provisions of section 401(a), et seq. of the Internal Revenue Code and guidance issued thereunder applicable to governmental plans. Alternatively, in its full and complete discretion, the board may require the employer employing the individual to pay the individual the amounts as wages, with the retirement board crediting the participating public employer with a corresponding amount to offset against its future contributions to the plan. If the employer has no future liability for employer contributions to the retirement system, the retirement board shall refund said amount directly to the employer: Provided, That the wages paid to the individual shall not be considered compensation for any purposes of this article. Earnings or interest shall not be returned, offset, or credited under any of the means used by the retirement board for returning member overpayments.

(e) Overpayments from the retirement system. — If any error results in any member, retirant, beneficiary, entity or other individual receiving from the system more than he would have been entitled to receive had the error not occurred the board, upon learning of the error, shall correct the error in a timely manner. If correction of the error occurs after annuity payments to a retirant or beneficiary have commenced, the board shall prospectively adjust the payment of the benefit to the correct amount. In addition, the member, retirant, beneficiary, entity or other person who received the overpayment from the retirement system shall repay the amount of any overpayment to the retirement system in any manner permitted by the board. If the member, retirant, beneficiary or other person who received the overpayment is deceased and an annuity or lump sum benefit is still payable, the amount of the remaining overpayment shall be offset against the benefit payment owed in a manner consistent with the retirement board’s error correction policy. Interest shall not accumulate on any corrective payment made to the retirement system pursuant to this subsection.

(f) Underpayments from the retirement system. — If any error results in any member, retirant, beneficiary, entity or other individual receiving from the retirement system less than he would have been entitled to receive had the error not occurred, the board, upon learning of the error, shall correct the error in a timely manner. If correction of the error occurs after annuity payments to a retirant or beneficiary have commenced, the board shall prospectively adjust the payment of the benefit to the correct amount. In addition, the board shall pay the amount of such underpayment to the member, retirant, beneficiary or other individual in a lump sum. Interest shall not be paid on any corrective payment made by the retirement system pursuant to this subsection.

(g) Eligibility errors. — If the board finds that an individual, employer, or both individual and employer currently or formerly participating in the retirement system is not eligible to participate, the board shall notify the individual and his or her employer of the determination, and terminate participation in the retirement system. Any erroneous payments to the retirement system shall be returned to the employer and individual in accordance with the methods described in subsections (c) and (d) of this section and any erroneous payments from the retirement system to such individual shall be returned to the retirement system in accordance with the methods described in subsection (e) of this section. Any erroneous service credited to the individual shall be removed. If the board determines that an individual or employer, or both, has not been participating in the retirement system, but was eligible to and required to be participating in the retirement system, the board shall as soon as practicable notify the individual and his or her employer of the determination, and the individual and his or her employer shall prospectively commence participation in the retirement system as soon as practicable. Service credit for service prior to the date on which the individual prospectively commences participation in the retirement system shall be granted only if the board receives the required employer and employee contributions for such service, in accordance with subsection (b) of this section, including interest.

§18-7A-15. Collection of membership contributions.

Each employer shall each month deduct six percent from the salary of each employee who is a member of the retirement system, in an amount not to exceed the amount named in §18-7A-14 of this code, and shall at the end of each month remit to the retirement board the amounts so deducted, and shall transmit therewith a list of all new members employed and the name and number of members transferring from another county. At such times as the retirement board may deem advisable each employer shall report to the retirement board the total amount so deducted from the salary of each employee. The monthly payments which members would receive from employers as compensation for service in the absence of this article shall be decreased by the amount of the contribution due hereunder.

Each employer shall be held accountable for the sum composing the contributions made by its member employees. Whenever any county board of education or electing charter school fails to make timely remittance of the member contributions deducted as provided in this section, the retirement board may take such steps as are necessary and authorized pursuant to § 5-10D-13 of this code.

§18-7A-16. Transfer of appropriations.

The retirement board, on receipt of contributions from teachers deducted and remitted by employers as provided in section fifteen of this article, shall make requisition on the State Auditor for an amount equaling such contributions. On receipt of the requisitions duly certified, the State Auditor shall transfer the amount so requisitioned from the general state revenue fund to the employers accumulation fund.

At the beginning of each quarter the Governor shall transfer to the employers accumulation fund one fourth of the annual appropriations therefor.

§18-7A-17. Statement and computation of teachers' service.

(a) Under rules adopted by the retirement board, each teacher and nonteaching member shall file a detailed statement of his or her length of service as a teacher or nonteacher for which he or she claims credit. The retirement board shall determine what part of a year is the equivalent of a year of service. In computing the service, however, it shall credit no period of more than a month's duration during which a member was absent without pay, nor shall it credit for more than one year of service performed in any calendar year.

(b) For service as a teacher in the employment of the federal government, or a state or territory of the United States, or a governmental subdivision of that state or territory, the retirement board shall grant credit to the member: Provided, That the member shall pay to the system 12 percent of that member's gross salary earned during the first full year of current employment whether a member of the Teachers Retirement System or the Teachers' Defined Contribution Retirement System, times the number of years for which credit is granted, plus interest at a rate to be determined by the retirement board. The interest shall be deposited in the reserve fund and service credit granted at the time of retirement may not exceed the lesser of 10 years or 50 percent of the member's total service as a teacher in West Virginia. Any purchase of out-of-state service, as provided in this article, may not be used to establish eligibility for a retirement allowance and the retirement board shall grant credit for the purchased service as additional service only: Provided, however, That a purchase of out-of-state service is prohibited if the service is used to obtain a retirement benefit from another retirement system: Provided further, That salaries paid to members for service prior to entrance into the retirement system may not be used to compute the average final salary of the member under the retirement system.

(c) No members may be considered absent from service while serving as a member or employee of the Legislature of the State of West Virginia during any duly constituted session of that body or while serving as an elected member of a county commission during any duly constituted session of that body.

(d) No member may be considered absent from service as a teacher or nonteacher while serving as an officer with a statewide professional teaching association, or who has served in that capacity, and no retirant, who served in that capacity while a member, may be considered to have been absent from service as a teacher by reason of that service: Provided, That the period of service credit granted for that service may not exceed 10 years: Provided, however, That a member or retirant who is serving or has served as an officer of a statewide professional teaching association shall make deposits to the Teachers Retirement System, for the time of any absence, in an amount double the amount which he or she would have contributed in his or her regular assignment for a like period of time.

(e) The Teachers Retirement System shall grant service credit to any former or present member of the West Virginia Public Employees Retirement System who has been a contributing member of the Teachers Retirement System for more than three years, for service previously credited by the Public Employees Retirement System upon his or her written request and: (1) Shall require the transfer of the member's Public Employees Retirement System accumulated contributions to the Teachers Retirement System; or (2) shall require a repayment of the amount withdrawn from the Public Employees Retirement System, plus interest at a rate to be determined by the retirement board, compounded annually from the date of withdrawal to the date of payment, any time prior to the member's effective retirement date: Provided, That there shall be added by the member to the amounts transferred or repaid under this subsection an amount which shall be sufficient to equal the contributions he or she would have made had the member been under the Teachers Retirement System during the period of his or her membership in the Public Employees Retirement System, plus interest at a rate determined by the retirement board, compounded annually from the date the additional contribution would have been made had the member been under the Teachers Retirement System to the date of payment: Provided, however, That members of the Public Employees Retirement System who first became a member of the Public Employees Retirement System on or after July 1, 2023, may only transfer service credit to the Teachers Retirement System if they first became a member of the Teachers Retirement System on or after July 1, 2015. All interest paid or transferred shall be deposited in the reserve fund.

(f) For service as a teacher in an elementary or secondary parochial school, located within this state and fully accredited by the West Virginia Department of Education, the retirement board shall grant credit to the member: Provided, That the member shall pay to the system 12 percent of that member's gross salary earned during the first full year of current employment whether a member of the Teachers Retirement System or the Teachers' Defined Contribution Retirement System, times the number of years for which credit is granted, plus interest at a rate to be determined by the retirement board. The interest shall be deposited in the reserve fund and service granted at the time of retirement may not exceed the lesser of 10 years or 50 percent of the member's total service as a teacher in the West Virginia public school system. Any purchase of parochial school service, as provided in this section, may not be used to establish eligibility for a retirement allowance and retirement board shall grant credit for the purchase as additional service only: Provided, however, That a purchase of parochial school service is prohibited if the service is used to obtain a retirement benefit from another retirement system.

(g) Active members who previously worked in Comprehensive Employment and Training Act (CETA) may receive service credit for time served in that capacity: Provided, That in order to receive service credit under the provisions of this subsection the following conditions shall be met: (1) The member shall have moved from temporary employment with the participating employer to permanent full-time employment with the participating employer within 120 days following the termination of the member's CETA employment; (2) the retirement board shall receive evidence that establishes to a reasonable degree of certainty as determined by the retirement board that the member previously worked in CETA; and (3) the member shall pay to the retirement board an amount equal to the employer and employee contribution plus interest at the amount set by the retirement board for the amount of service credit sought pursuant to this subsection: Provided, however, That the maximum service credit that may be obtained under the provisions of this subsection is two years: Provided further, That a member shall apply and pay for the service credit allowed under this subsection and provide all necessary documentation by March 31, 2003: And provided further, That the retirement board shall exercise due diligence to notify affected employees of the provisions of this subsection.

(h) If a member is not eligible for prior service credit or pension as provided in this article, then his or her prior service may not be considered a part of his or her total service.

(i) A member who withdrew from membership may regain his or her former membership rights as specified in §18-7A-13 of this code only in case he or she has served two years since his or her last withdrawal.

(j) Subject to the provisions of subsections (a) through (k), inclusive, of this section, the retirement board shall verify as soon as practicable the statements of service submitted. The retirement board shall issue prior service certificates to all persons eligible for the certificates under the provisions of this article. The certificates shall state the length of the prior service credit, but in no case shall the prior service credit exceed 40 years.

(k) Notwithstanding any provision of this article to the contrary, when a member is or has been elected to serve as a member of the Legislature, and the proper discharge of his or her duties of public office require that member to be absent from his or her teaching or administrative duties, the time served in discharge of his or her duties of the legislative office are credited as time served for purposes of computing service credit: Provided, That the retirement board may not require any additional contributions from that member in order for the retirement board to credit him or her with the contributing service credit earned while discharging official legislative duties: Provided, however, That nothing in this section may be construed to relieve the employer from making the employer contribution at the member's regular salary rate or rate of pay from that employer on the contributing service credit earned while the member is discharging his or her official legislative duties. These employer payments shall commence as of June 1, 2000: Provided further, That any member to which the provisions of this subsection apply may elect to pay to the retirement board an amount equal to what his or her contribution would have been for those periods of time he or she was serving in the Legislature. The periods of time upon which the member paid his or her contribution shall then be included for purposes of determining his or her final average salary as well as for determining years of service: And provided further, That a member using the provisions of this subsection is not required to pay interest on any contributions he or she may decide to make.

(l) The Teachers Retirement System shall grant service credit to any former member of the State Police Death, Disability and Retirement System who has been a contributing member for more than three years for service previously credited by the State Police Death, Disability and Retirement System; and: (1) Shall require the transfer of the member's contributions to the Teachers Retirement System; or (2) shall require a repayment of the amount withdrawn any time prior to the member's retirement: Provided, That the member shall add to the amounts transferred or repaid under this paragraph an amount which is sufficient to equal the contributions he or she would have made had the member been under the Teachers Retirement System during the period of his or her membership in the State Police Death, Disability and Retirement System plus interest at a rate to be determined by the retirement board compounded annually from the date of withdrawal to the date of payment. The interest paid shall be deposited in the reserve fund.

§18-7A-17a. Qualified military service.

(a) Except as provided in subsection (b) of this section, for the purpose of this article, the retirement board shall grant prior service credit to members of the retirement system who were honorably discharged from active duty service in any of the Armed Forces of the United States in any period of national emergency within which a federal Selective Service Act was in effect. For purposes of this section, “Armed Forces” includes Women's Army Corps, women's appointed volunteers for emergency service, Army Nurse Corps, SPARS, Women's Reserve and other similar units officially part of the military service of the United States. The military service is considered equivalent to public school teaching, and the salary equivalent for each year of that service is the actual salary of the member as a teacher for his or her first year of teaching after discharge from military service. Prior service credit for military service shall not exceed ten years for any one member, nor shall it exceed twenty-five percent of total service at the time of retirement. Notwithstanding the preceding provisions of this subsection, contributions, benefits and service credit with respect to qualified military service shall be provided in accordance with Section 414(u) of the Internal Revenue Code. For purposes of this section, “qualified military service” has the same meaning as in Section 414(u) of the Internal Revenue Code. The retirement board is authorized to determine all questions and make all decisions relating to this section and, pursuant to the authority granted to the retirement board in section one, article ten-d, chapter five of this code, may promulgate rules relating to contributions, benefits and service credit to comply with Section 414(u) of the Internal Revenue Code. No military service credit may be used in more than one retirement system administered by the Consolidated Public Retirement Board.

(b) Subsection (a) of this section does not apply to any member who first becomes an employee of a participating public employer on or after July 1, 2015. This subsection applies to any member who first became an employee of a participating public employer on or after July 1, 2015, and also applies to any member who became an employee of a participating public employer before July 1, 2015, and is unable to meet the requirements of subsection (a) of this section.

(1) Any member may purchase up to sixty months of military service credit for time served in active military duty prior to first becoming an employee of a participating public employer if all of the following conditions are met:

(A) The member has completed a complete fiscal year of contributory service;

(B) The active military duty occurs prior to the date on which the member first becomes an employee of a participating public employer; and

(C) The employee pays to the retirement system the actuarial reserve purchase amount within forty-eight months after the date on which employer and employee contributions are first received by the retirement system for the member and while he or she continues to be in the employ of a participating public employer and contributing to the retirement system, or within forty-eight months of July 1, 2015, whichever is later: Provided, That any employee who ceases employment with a participating public employer before completing the required actuarial reserve purchase amount in full shall not be eligible to purchase the military service.

(2) Notwithstanding paragraph (A), subdivision (1) of this subsection, a member who first becomes an employee of a participating public employer on or after July 1, 2015, but who does not remain employed and contributing to the retirement system for at least a complete fiscal year after his or her initial employment, shall be considered to have met the requirement of said paragraph the first time he or she becomes an employee of a participating public employer and completes at least a complete fiscal year of contributing service. Such a member shall be considered to have met the requirement of paragraph (C) of said subdivision if he or she pays to the retirement system the actuarial reserve purchase amount within forty-eight months after the date on which employer and employee contributions are first received by the retirement system for the member the first time he or she becomes an employee of a participating public employer and completes at least a complete fiscal year of contributing service, and while he or she continues to be in the employ of a participating public employer and contributing to the retirement system.

(3) A member who first becomes an employee of a participating public employer on or after July 1, 2015, may purchase military service credit for active military duty performed on or after the date he or she first becomes an employee of a participating public employer only if all of the following conditions are met: Provided, That the maximum military service credit such member may purchase shall take into account any military service credit purchased for active military duty pursuant to subdivision (1) of this subsection in addition to any military service credit purchased pursuant to this subdivision:

(A) The member was an employee of a participating public employer, terminated employment and experienced a break in contributing service in the retirement system of one or more months, performed active military service while not an employee of the participating public employer and not contributing to the retirement system, then again becomes an employee of a participating public employer and completes at least a complete fiscal year of contributory service;

(B) The member does not qualify for military service credit for such active military duty pursuant to subsection (d) of this section; and

(C) The member pays to the retirement system the actuarial reserve purchase amount within forty-eight months after the date on which employer and employee contributions are first received by the retirement system for the member after he or she again becomes an employee of a participating public employer immediately following the period of active military duty and break in service and completes at least a complete fiscal year of contributory service, and while he or she continues to be in the employ of a participating public employer and contributing to the retirement system.

(4) Notwithstanding paragraph (A), subdivision (3) of this subsection, a member who otherwise meets the requirements of said paragraph, but who does not remain employed and contributing to the retirement system for at least a complete fiscal year when he or she first becomes an employee of a participating public employer after the period of active military duty and break in service, shall be considered to have met the requirement of said paragraph the first time he or she again becomes an employee of a participating public employer and completes at least a complete fiscal year of contributing service. Such a member shall be considered to have met the requirement of paragraph (C) of said subdivision if he or she pays to the retirement system the actuarial reserve purchase amount within forty-eight months after the date on which employer and employee contributions are first received by the retirement system for the member for the first time he or she again becomes an employee of a participating public employer and completes at least a complete fiscal year of contributing service, and while he or she continues to be in the employ of a participating public employer and contributing to the retirement system.

(5) For purposes of this subsection, the following definitions shall apply:

(A) “Active military duty” means full-time active duty in the Armed Forces of the United States for a period of thirty or more consecutive calendar days. Active military duty does not include inactive duty of any kind.

(B) “Actuarial reserve purchase amount” means the purchase annuity rate multiplied by the purchase accrued benefit, calculated as of the calculation month, plus annual interest accruing at seven and one-half percent from the calculation month through the purchase month, compounded monthly.

(C) “Armed forces of the United States” means the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard, the reserve components thereof, and the National Guard of the United States or the National Guard of a state or territory when members of the same are on full-time active duty pursuant to Title 10 or Title 32 of the United States Code.

(D) “Calculation month” means the month immediately following the month in which the member completes a complete fiscal year of contributory service with a participating public employer required by subdivision (1), (2), (3) or (4) of this subsection, as applicable.

(E) “Purchase accrued benefit” means two percent times the purchase military service times the purchase average monthly salary.

(F) “Purchase age” means the age of the employee in years and completed months as of the first day of the calculation month.

(G) “Purchase annuity rate” means the actuarial lump sum annuity factor calculated as of the calculation month based on the following actuarial assumptions: Interest rate of seven and one-half percent; mortality of the 1971 group annuity mortality table, fifty percent blended male and female rates, applied on a unisex basis to all members; if purchase age is under age sixty-two, a deferred annuity factor with payments commencing at age sixty-two; and if purchase age is sixty-two or over, an immediate annuity factor with payments starting at the purchase age.

(H) “Purchase average monthly salary” means the average monthly salary of the member during the number of months of the member’s contract during the fiscal year of contributory service required by subdivisions (1), (2), (3) and (4) of this subsection, as applicable. For any member who first became an employee of a participating public employer before July 1, 2015, the purchase average monthly salary means the average monthly salary of the member during the number of months of the member’s contract during his or her complete fiscal year of contributory service on or after July 1, 2015.

(I) “Purchase military service” means the amount of military service being purchased by the employee in months up to the sixty-month maximum, calculated in accordance with subdivision (7) of this subsection.

(J) “Purchase month” means the month in which the employee deposits the actuarial reserve lump sum purchase amount into the plan trust fund in full payment of the service credit being purchased or makes the final payment of the actuarial reserve purchase amount into the plan trust fund in full payment of the service credit being purchased.

(6) A member may purchase military service credit for a period of active military duty pursuant to this subsection only if the member received an honorable discharge for the period. Anything other than an honorable discharge, including, but not limited to, a general or under honorable conditions discharge, an entry-level separation discharge, an other than honorable conditions discharge or a dishonorable discharge, shall disqualify the member from receiving military service credit for the period of service. The board shall require a member requesting military service credit to provide official documentation establishing that the requirements set forth in this subsection have been met.

(7) To calculate the amount of military service credit a member may purchase, the board shall add the total number of days in each period of a member’s active military duty eligible to be purchased, divide the total by thirty, and round up or down to the nearest integer (fractions of 0.5 shall be rounded up), in order to yield the total number of months of military service credit a member may purchase, subject to the sixty-month maximum. A member may purchase all or part of the maximum amount of military service credit he or she is eligible for in one-month increments.

(8) To receive credit, a member must submit a request to purchase military service credit to the board, on such form or in such other manner as shall be required by the board, within the complete fiscal year period required by subdivision (1), (2), (3) or (4) of this subsection, as applicable. The board shall then calculate the actuarial reserve lump sum purchase amount, which amount must be paid by the member within the 48-month period required by said subdivisions, as applicable. A member purchasing military service credit pursuant to this subsection must do so in a single, lump sum payment: Provided , That the board may accept partial, installment or other similar payments if the employee executes a contract with the board specifying the amount of military service to be purchased and the payments required: Provided, however, That any failure to pay the contract amount in accordance with this section shall be treated as an overpayment or excess contribution subject to section fourteen-c of this article and no military service shall be credited.

(9) The board shall require a member requesting military service credit to provide official documentation establishing that the requirements set forth in this subsection have been met.

(10) Military service credit purchased pursuant to this subsection shall not be considered contributing service credit or contributory service for purposes of this article.

(11) If a member who has purchased military service credit pursuant to this subsection is eligible for and requests a withdrawal of accumulated contributions pursuant to the provisions of this article, he or she shall also receive a refund of the actuarial reserve purchase amount he or she paid to the retirement system to purchase military service credit, together with regular interest on such amount.

(c) No period of military service shall be used to obtain credit in more than one retirement system administered by the board and once used in any system, a period of military service may not be used again in any other system.

(d) Notwithstanding the preceding provisions of this section, contributions, benefits and service credit with respect to qualified military service shall be provided in accordance with Section 414(u) of the Internal Revenue Code and the Federal Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA), and regulations promulgated thereunder, as the same may be amended from time to time. For purposes of this section, “qualified military service” has the same meaning as in Section 414(u) of the Internal Revenue Code.

(e) In any case of doubt as to the period of service to be credited a member under the provisions of this section, the board has final power to determine the period. The board is authorized to determine all questions and make all decisions relating to this section and, pursuant to the authority granted to the board in section one, article ten-d of this chapter, may propose rules to administer this section for legislative approval in accordance with the provisions of article three, chapter twenty-nine-a of this code.

§18-7A-17b. Military service credit for members of the West Virginia National Guard.

(a)(1) The Legislature recognizes the men and women who have dedicated themselves to the defense and service of this state through their service in the West Virginia National Guard. It is the intent of this section to confer military service credit upon members of the Teachers Retirement System for any time served in the West Virginia National Guard when they meet the requirements of this section.

(2) In addition to any benefit provided by federal law, any active member of the retirement system who currently or previously has served in the West Virginia National Guard may purchase credited service for the time served in the West Virginia National Guard, not to exceed sixty months if the following conditions are met:

(A) The active member substantiates by appropriate documentation or evidence his or her service in the West Virginia National Guard;

(B) The active member has completed a complete fiscal year of contributory service to the retirement system on or after July 1, 2015; and

(C) The employee pays to the retirement system the actuarial reserve purchase amount within forty-eight months after July 1, 2015, if he or she was employed with an employer during a complete fiscal year in fiscal year 2016 or the first date on which employer and employee contributions are received by the retirement system for the member for a complete fiscal year if he or she was not employed with an employer for a complete fiscal year during fiscal year 2016 and while he or she continues to be in the employ of an employer and contributing to the retirement system: Provided, That any member who ceases employment with an employer before completing the required actuarial reserve purchase amount in full is not eligible to purchase the military service.

(3) Any member of the retirement system who serves, or has served, in the West Virginia National Guard may purchase one month of military service credit for every fifteen points earned toward a reserve component retirement during a qualifying year as computed in subdivision (7) of this subsection. For purposes of this section, points will be verified using the National Guard Current Annual Statement, Point Credit Summary or other equivalent document, along with any documentation of any periods of active service with the State of West Virginia as verified by the Adjutant General’s office. All documentation will be submitted to the retirement board by the active member.

(4) In no event, however, may a member purchase or receive a total of more than sixty months of military service credit under this section, section seventeen-a, article seven-a, chapter eighteen; or any other retirement system administered by the retirement board.

(5) In any case of doubt as to the period of service to be credited a member under the provisions of this section, the retirement board shall have the final power to determine the period.

(6) To receive credit, an active member must submit a request to purchase military service credit to the retirement board, on such form or in such other manner as shall be required by the retirement board, within the complete fiscal year required by this subsection or by October 31, 2016, whichever occurs later. The retirement board shall then calculate the actuarial reserve lump sum purchase amount, which amount must be paid by the employee within the forty-eight-month period required by this subsection, as applicable. An active member purchasing military service credit pursuant to this subsection must do so in a single, lump sum payment: Provided, That the retirement board may accept partial installments or other similar payments if the employee executes a contract with the board specifying the amount of military service to be purchased and the payments required: Provided, however, That any failure to pay the contract amount in accordance with this section shall be treated as an overpayment or excess contribution subject to section fourteen-c of this article and no military service shall be credited.

(7) To calculate the amount of military service credit an active member may purchase, the retirement board shall add the total number of points accrued in a qualifying year, divide the total by fifteen, and round up or down to the nearest integer (fractions of 0.5 or greater shall be rounded up), in order to yield the total number of months of military service credit an active member may purchase, subject to the sixty-month maximum. An active member may purchase in one-month increments all or part of the maximum amount of military service credit for which he or she is eligible.

(8) If a member who has purchased military service credit pursuant to this subsection is eligible for and requests a withdrawal of accumulated contributions pursuant to the provisions of this article, he or she shall also receive a refund of the actuarial reserve purchase amount he or she paid to the retirement system to purchase military service credit, together with regular interest on the amount.

(9) Military service credit purchased pursuant to this subsection may not be considered contributing service credit or contributory service for purposes of this article.

(b)(1) Active members of an employer who continue concurrently in active service of the State of West Virginia with the West Virginia National Guard after the eligible period to purchase military service credit as set forth in subsection (a) of this section, or active members who join the West Virginia National Guard after participation in the retirement system has commenced may purchase military service credit earned after the service computed under subsection (a) of this section up to the sixty-month maximum in every even calendar year following if the following conditions are met:

(A) The active member substantiates by appropriate documentation or evidence his or her service in the West Virginia National Guard;

(B) The active member has completed a complete fiscal year of contributory service to the retirement system in the prior odd year; and

(C) The active member pays to the retirement system the actuarial reserve purchase amount within three months from the date of the cost letter provided by the retirement board and while he or she continues to be in the employ of an employer and contributing to the retirement system: Provided, That a member who ceases employment with an employer before completing the required actuarial reserve purchase amount in full is not eligible to purchase the military service credit.

(2) Any member of the retirement system who serves or has served in the West Virginia National Guard may purchase one month of military service credit for every fifteen points earned toward a reserve component retirement during a qualifying year as computed in subdivision (6) of this subsection. For purposes of this section, points will be verified using the Army National Guard Current Annual Statement, Point Credit Summary or other equivalent document, along with any documentation of any periods of Active service with the State of West Virginia as verified by the Adjutant General’s Office. All documentation shall be submitted to the retirement board by the active member.

(3) In no event, however, may a member purchase or receive a total of more than sixty months of military service credit under this section, section seventeen-a, article seven-a, chapter eighteen, or any other retirement system administered by the retirement board.

(4) In any case of doubt as to the period of service to be credited a member under the provisions of this section, the retirement board shall have final power to determine the period.

(5) To receive credit, an active member must submit a request to purchase military service credit to the retirement board, on such form or in such other manner as shall be required by the retirement board, by October 31 of each even calendar year following the years computed under subsection (a) of this section. The retirement board shall then calculate the actuarial reserve lump sum purchase amount, which amount must be paid by the active member within three months from the date of the cost letter provided by the retirement board. An active member purchasing military service credit pursuant to this subsection must do so in a single, lump sum payment.

(6) To calculate the amount of military service credit an active member may purchase, the retirement board shall add the total number of points accrued in a qualifying year, divide the total by fifteen. and round up or down to the nearest integer (fractions of 0.5 or greater shall be rounded up), in order to yield the total number of months of military service credit an active member may purchase, subject to the sixty-month maximum. An active member may purchase in one month increments, all or part of the maximum amount of military service credit for which he or she is eligible.

(7) If a member who has purchased military service credit pursuant to this subsection is eligible for and requests a withdrawal of accumulated contributions pursuant to the provisions of this article, he or she shall also receive a refund of the actuarial reserve purchase amount he or she paid to the retirement system to purchase military service credit, together with regular interest on the amount.

(8) Military service credit purchased pursuant to this subsection may not be considered contributing service credit or contributory service for purposes of this article.

(c) For purposes of this section:

(1) “Active service of the State of West Virginia” means full-time state active duty in the West Virginia Army National Guard or the West Virginia Air National Guard when the duty is performed upon orders of the Adjutant General of the West Virginia National Guard or the Governor of West Virginia and which is funded entirely by the state.

(2) “Actuarial reserve purchase amount” means the purchase annuity rate multiplied by the purchase accrued benefit, calculated as of the calculation month, plus annual interest accruing at seven and one-half percent from the calculation month through the purchase month, compounded monthly: Provided, That if the employee elects to pay the full purchase amount on an installment or partial payment basis as permitted under subsection (a) of this section, the actuarial reserve purchase amount will include the lump sum payment plus additional interest accruing at seven and one-half percent until the purchase amount is paid in full.

(3) “Calculation month” means the month immediately following the month in which the employee completes a complete fiscal year of contributory service with an employer on or after July 2015 for computations under subsection (a) of this section, or the month immediately following the month in which the employee completes a complete fiscal year of contributory service with an employer in the preceding odd calendar year for computations under subsection (b) of this section.

(4) “Purchase accrued benefit” means two percent times the purchase military service times the purchase average monthly salary.

(5) “Purchase age” means the age of the employee in years and completed months as of the first day of the calculation month.

(6) “Purchase annuity rate” means the actuarial lump sum annuity factor calculated as of the calculation month based on the following actuarial assumptions:

(A) Interest rate of seven and one-half percent;

(B) Mortality of the 1971 group annuity mortality table, fifty percent blended male and female rates, applied on a unisex basis to all members; and

(C) If purchase age is under age sixty-two, a deferred annuity factor with payments commencing at age sixty-two; or

(D) If purchase age is sixty-two or over, an immediate annuity factor with payments starting at the purchase age.

(7) “Purchase average monthly salary” means the average monthly salary of the active member during the number of months of the member’s contract during the fiscal year of contributory service as required by this section.

(8) “Purchase military service” means the amount of military service being purchased by the active member in months up to the sixty-month maximum, calculated in accordance with subdivision (7) of subsection (a) and subdivision (6) of Subsection (b) of this section.

(9) “Purchase month” means the month in which the active member deposits the actuarial reserve lump sum purchase amount in full payment of the service credit being purchased or makes the final payment of the actuarial reserve purchase amount into the plan trust fund in full payment of the service credit being purchased.

(10) “Qualifying year” means any year in which a member earns the minimum number of points required to receive credit for the year toward retired pay pursuant to Section 12732 of Title 10, United States Code.

(11) “Service in the West Virginia National Guard” means full-time active duty for annual training in the National Guard, Inactive Duty Training, Active Duty Operational Support, Active Duty Special Work, funeral honors, State Active Duty as a member of the West Virginia National Guard or any other similar periods of Title 32 service or active service of the State of West Virginia.

(12) “West Virginia National Guard” means the West Virginia Army National Guard and the West Virginia Air National Guard.

(d) The retirement board is authorized to determine all questions and make all decisions relating to this section and, pursuant to the authority granted to the retirement board in section one, article ten-d of chapter five, may propose rules for legislative approval in accordance with the provisions of article three, chapter twenty-nine-a of this code to administer this section.

§18-7A-18. Teachers Retirement System Fund; transfers.

(a) There is hereby created in the State Treasury a special revenue account designated the "Teachers Employers Contribution Collection Account" to be administered by the Consolidated Public Retirement Board. The Teachers Employers Contribution Collection Account shall be an interest-bearing account with interest credited to and deposited in the account and transferred in accordance with the provisions of this section: Provided, That on or before June 30, 2014, the Consolidated Public Retirement Board shall close the Teachers Employers Contribution Collection Account and transfer any balance in the Teachers Employers Contribution Collection Account to the Teachers Retirement System Fund. After the Teachers Employers Contribution Collection Account is closed, any amounts required to be transferred or remitted to the Teachers Employers Contribution Collection Account shall be transferred or remitted to the Teachers Retirement System Fund.

(b) There is hereby continued in the State Treasury a separate irrevocable trust designated the Teachers Retirement System Fund. The Teachers Retirement System Fund shall be invested as provided in section nine-a, article six, chapter twelve of this code.

(c) Beginning July 1, 2014, there shall be deposited into the Teachers Retirement System Fund, the following:

(1) Contributions of employers, through state appropriations, and the amounts shall be included in the budget bill submitted annually by the Governor;

(2) Beginning on July 1, 2005, contributions from each county in an amount equal to fifteen percent of all salary paid in excess of that authorized for minimum salaries in sections two and eight-a, article four, chapter eighteen-a of this code and any salary equity authorized in section five of said article or any county supplement equal to the amount distributed for salary equity among the counties for each individual who was a member of the Teachers Retirement System before July 1, 2005: Provided, That the rate shall be seven and one-half percent for any individual who becomes a member of the Teachers Retirement System for the first time on or after July 1, 2005 or any individual who becomes a member of the Teachers Retirement System as a result of the transfer contemplated in article seven-d of this chapter;

(3) Member contributions provided in section fifteen of this article;

(4) Gifts and bequests to the fund and any accretions and accumulations which may properly be paid into and become a part of the fund;

(5) Specific appropriations to the fund made by the Legislature;

(6) Interest on the investment of any part or parts of the fund; and

(7) Any other moneys, available and not otherwise expended, which may be appropriated or transferred to the Teachers Retirement System or the Fund.

(d) The Teachers Retirement System Fund shall be the fund from which annuities shall be paid.

(e) The Consolidated Public Retirement Board has sole authority to direct and approve the making of any and all fund transfers as provided in this section, anything in this code to the contrary notwithstanding.

(f) References in the code to the Teachers Accumulation Fund, the Employers Accumulation Fund, the Benefit Fund, the Reserve Fund and the Expense Fund mean the Teachers Retirement System Fund.

§18-7A-18a. Calculation of allocation to Teachers Retirement System Fund.

(a) There shall be an annual allocation from the State General Revenue Fund to the Teachers Retirement System Fund, created by section eighteen of this article, equal to the actuarially required contribution, reduced by any employer contributions and other allocated amounts.

(b) There shall be an additional allocation in each year an amount equal to the total of all irrevocably forfeited amounts in the suspension account established in section eleven, article seven-b of this chapter plus earnings thereon which have been certified to the several contributing employers as irrevocably forfeited in the prior fiscal year and subsequently used by the contributing employers to reduce their total aggregate contribution requirements pursuant to section seventeen, article seven-b of this chapter.

(c) The additional allocation provided in this section represents a funding method by which a part of a rational amortization plan will be established to amortize the current unfunded liability of the Teachers Retirement System created by this article. The additional allocations are not and shall not be construed to be moneys which are owed to, nor earned by any employee.

§18-7A-19. Custody of funds; disbursements; bond of custodian; annual statement.

The State Treasurer shall be the custodian of the funds and securities of the retirement system. Disbursements from the funds of the retirement system shall be made by the custodian only upon warrants signed by a member or members of the retirement board, or an official thereof, authorized to do so by resolution of the retirement board. The State Treasurer shall give a separate and additional bond in such amount as may be fixed by the Governor for the faithful performance of the duties as custodian of the retirement system. Such bond shall be approved by the Governor and filed in the same office as are the bonds of other state officers. The cost of such bond shall be paid from the expense fund.

The custodian shall furnish annually to the retirement board a sworn statement of the amount of the funds in his custody belonging to the retirement system.

§18-7A-20. Investment of funds.

The members of the retirement board shall be the trustees of the several funds created by this article, and shall determine from time to time what part of the moneys belonging to the retirement system shall be invested. When such board shall determine to invest any moneys or to convert or sell any securities, it shall by resolution so direct the custodian. The board of public works is hereby empowered to determine in what securities the investments shall be made, but such investments shall be made only in those securities to which the board of public works is limited in the investment of workers' compensation funds under section two, article three, chapter twenty-three of this code, or in bonds, notes, or other instruments evidencing loans secured by mortgages or deeds of trust insured, or with respect to which commitments to insure have been made by the United States, or by the secretary of agriculture, pursuant to the Bankhead-Jones Farm Tenant Act of 1937, as heretofore or hereinafter amended. It shall be the duty of every county, school district or municipality issuing any bonds to offer them in writing to the board of public works, prior to advertising the bonds for sale. The board of public works, within fifteen days after receipt of such offer, may accept or reject such offer in whole or in part. It shall be the duty of the custodian to collect the principal and the interest on investments when they become due and payable and to credit such collections to the retirement system.

§18-7A-21. Misuse of funds; penalties.

No member nor employee of the retirement board, for himself or as an agent or partner of others, or for a corporation of which he is an officer, stockholder or member, shall directly or indirectly borrow any of the funds or deposits of the retirement board or in any manner use such funds except to make such payments as are authorized by the board under this article. Any member or employee violating the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction, be fined not more than $1,000 or be imprisoned for one year, or both.

§18-7A-22. Persons eligible for prior service pensions.

The following shall be eligible for prior service pensions:

(a) Present members upon retirement;

(b) Any person who has served at least twenty-five years as a teacher prior to July 1, 1941; and

(c) A new entrant who becomes a present teacher.

§18-7A-23. Withdrawal and death benefits.

(a) Benefits upon withdrawal from service prior to retirement under the provisions of this article shall be as follows:

(1) A contributor who withdraws from service for any cause other than death, disability or retirement shall, upon application, be paid his or her accumulated contributions up to the end of the fiscal year preceding the year in which application is made, after offset of any outstanding loan balance, plus accrued loan interest, pursuant to section thirty-four of this article, but in no event shall interest be paid beyond the end of five years following the year in which the last contribution was made: Provided, That the contributor, at the time of application, is then no longer under contract, verbal or otherwise, to serve as a teacher; or

(2) Except as provided in section twenty-five-b of this article, if the inactive member has completed twenty years of total service, he or she may elect to receive at age sixty an annuity which shall be computed as provided in this article: Provided, That if the inactive member has completed at least five, but fewer than twenty, years of total service in this state, he or she may elect to receive at age sixty-two an annuity which shall be computed as provided in this article. The inactive member must notify the retirement board in writing concerning the election. If the inactive member has completed fewer than five years of service in this state, he or she shall be subject to the provisions as outlined in subdivision (1) of this subsection.

(b) Benefits upon the death of a contributor prior to retirement under the provisions of this article shall be paid as follows:

(1) If the contributor was at least fifty years old and if his or her total service as a teacher or nonteaching member was at least twenty-five years at the time of his or her death, then the surviving spouse of the deceased, provided the spouse is designated as the sole primary refund beneficiary, is eligible for an annuity computed as though the deceased were actually a retirant at the time of death and had selected a survivorship option which pays the spouse the same monthly amount which would have been received by the deceased; or

(2) If the facts do not permit payment under subdivision (1) of this subsection, then the following sum shall be paid to the refund beneficiary of the contributor: (A) The contributor's accumulated contributions up to the plan year of his or her death plus an amount equal to his or her member contributions: Provided, That the latter sum shall emanate from the Employer's Accumulation Fund; and (B) the refund beneficiary of any individual who became a member of the retirement system as a result of the voluntary transfer contemplated in article seven-d of this chapter shall also be paid the member contributions plus the vested portion of employer contributions made on his or her behalf to the Teachers' Defined Contribution Retirement System, plus any earnings thereon, as of June 30, 2008, as stated by the retirement board.

§18-7A-23a. Terminal benefits.

(a) This section provides for the payment of the balance in a retired member's account to paid in the manner described in this section in the event that all claims to benefits payable to, or on behalf of, a member expire before his or her member account has been fully exhausted. The expiration of the rights to benefits would be on the later of either the death of the retired member drawing benefits under a straight life annuity, or the death of a survivor annuitant drawing benefits under any optional form of benefit selected by the retired member.

(b) In the event that all claims to benefits payable to, or on behalf of, a retired member expire, and the accumulated contributions exceed the accumulated net benefit payments paid to or on behalf of the retired member, the balance in the retired member's account shall be paid to the person or persons as the retired member has nominated by written designation duly executed and filed with the board of trustees. If there is no designated person or persons surviving the retired member following the expiration of the claims, the excess of the accumulated contributions over the accumulated net benefit, if any, shall be paid to the retired member's estate: Provided, That the provisions of this section are retroactive to all members who entered retirement status on or after June 9, 2000.



Acts, 2006 Reg. Sess., Ch. 200.

§18-7A-25. Eligibility for retirement allowance.

(a) Except for a person who first becomes a member of the retirement system on or after July 1, 2015, any actively contributing member who has attained the age of 60 years or any member who has 35 years of total service as a teacher or nonteaching member in West Virginia, regardless of age, is eligible for an annuity. No new entrant nor present member is eligible for an annuity, however, if either has less than five years of service to his or her credit: Provided, That on and after July 1, 2013, any person who becomes a new member of this retirement system shall, in qualifying for retirement under this section, have five or more years of contributory service, all of which shall be actual, contributory ones.

(b) Except for a person who first becomes a member of the retirement system on or after July 1, 2015, any member who has attained the age of 55 years and who has served 30 years as a teacher or nonteaching member in West Virginia is eligible for an annuity.

(c) Except for a person who first becomes a member of the retirement system on or after July 1, 2015, any member who has served at least 30 but less than 35 years as a teacher or nonteaching member in West Virginia and is less than 55 years of age is eligible for an annuity, but the annuity shall be the reduced actuarial equivalent of the annuity the member would have received if the member were age 55 at the time the annuity was applied for.

(d) The request for any annuity shall be made by the member in writing to the retirement board, but in case of retirement for disability, the written request may be made by either the member or the employer.

(e) A member is eligible for annuity for disability if he or she satisfies the conditions in either subdivision (1) or (2) of this subsection and meets the conditions of subdivision (3) of this subsection as follows:

(1) His or her service as a teacher or nonteaching member in West Virginia must total at least 10 years and service as a teacher or nonteaching member must have been terminated because of disability, which disability must have caused absence from service for at least six months before his or her application for disability annuity is approved.

(2) His or her service as a teacher or nonteaching member in West Virginia must total at least five years and service as a teacher or nonteaching member must have been terminated because of disability, which disability must have caused absence from service for at least six months before his or her application for disability annuity is approved and the disability is a direct and total result of an act of student violence directed toward the member.

(3) A medical examination by a physician or physicians selected by the retirement board must show that the member is at the time mentally or physically incapacitated for service as a teacher or nonteaching member, that for that service the disability is total and likely to be permanent and that he or she should be retired in consequence of the disability.

(f) Continuance of the disability of the retirant shall be established by medical examination, as prescribed in subdivision (3), subsection (e) of this section, annually for five years after retirement, and thereafter at such times required by the retirement board. Effective July 1,1998, a member who has retired because of a disability may select an option of payment under the provisions of §18-7A-28: Provided, That any option selected under the provisions of §18-7A-28 shall be in all respects the actuarial equivalent of the straight life annuity benefit the disability retirant receives or would receive if the options under said section were not available and that no beneficiary or beneficiaries of the disability retirant may receive a greater benefit, nor receive any benefit for a greater length of time, than the beneficiary or beneficiaries would have received had the disability retirant not made any election of the options available under said section. In determining the actuarial equivalence, the retirement board shall take into account the life expectancies of the member and the beneficiary: Provided, however, That the life expectancies may at the discretion of the retirement board be established by an underwriting medical director of a competent insurance company offering annuities. Payment of the disability annuity provided in this article shall cease immediately if the retirement board finds that the disability of the retirant no longer exists, or if the retirant refuses to submit to medical examination as required by this section.

§18-7A-25a. Prohibited forced retirement of college and university professors.

As of the effective date of this section, no person serving under a contract of unlimited tenure or similar arrangement providing for unlimited tenure at an institution of higher education shall be compelled to retire from such employment prior to attaining seventy years of age. In the event such person shall reach age seventy in the middle of a semester or fiscal year, such person shall not be compelled to retire prior to the end of the semester or fiscal year: Provided, That in no event shall such retirement be postponed beyond six months after the date on which such person attained the age of seventy: Provided, however, That nothing in this section shall be construed to preclude discharge of such person for cause.

§18-7A-25b. Withdrawal and eligibility for retirement allowance for a person who first becomes a member of the retirement system on or after July 1, 2015.

(a) A person who first becomes a member of the retirement system on or after July 1, 2015, who has ten or more years of contributing service, and attains or has attained the age of sixty-two years, may retire upon his or her written application filed with the board of trustees setting forth the date on which the member desires to be retired. Upon retirement, the member shall receive an annuity provided in section twenty-six of this article.

(b) Any person who first becomes a member of the retirement system on or after July 1, 2015, who has ten or more years of contributing service and who leaves the employ of a participating public employer prior to attaining age sixty-two years for any reason except his or her disability or death, is entitled to an annuity computed according to section twenty-two of this article: Provided, That he or she does not withdraw his or her accumulated contributions from the members' deposit fund. His or her annuity shall begin the first day of the calendar month next following the month in which his or her application for same is filed with the board of trustees on or after his or her attaining age sixty-four years.

(c) Any member who qualifies for deferred retirement benefits in accordance with subsections (a) and (b) of this section and has twenty or more years of contributing service in force is entitled to an annuity computed as in subsection (a) of this section: Provided, That he or she does not withdraw his or her accumulated contributions from the members' deposit fund: Provided, however, That his or her annuity shall begin the first day of the calendar month next following the month in which his or her application for same is filed with the board of trustees on or after his or her attaining age sixty-three.

(d) Notwithstanding any of the other provisions of this section or of this article, except sections twenty-eight-a and twenty-eight-b of this article, and pursuant to rules promulgated by the board, any member who first becomes a member of the retirement system on or after July 1, 2015, and has ten or more years of contributing service in force, is currently employed by a participating public employer and who elects to take early retirement, which for the purposes of this subsection means retirement following attainment of age sixty but prior to attaining age sixty-two, is entitled to the full computation of annuity according to section twenty-two of this article but with the reduced actuarial equivalent of the annuity the member would have received if his or her benefit had commenced at age sixty-two when he or she would have been entitled to full computation of benefit without any reduction: Provided, That his or her annuity shall begin the first day of the calendar month next following the month in which his or her application for same is filed with the board of trustees on or after his or her attaining age sixty.

(e) Any member who first becomes a member of the retirement system on or after July 1, 2015, and has twenty or more years of contributing service in force, is currently employed by a participating public employer and who elects to take early retirement, which for the purposes of this subsection means retirement following attainment of age fifty-seven but prior to attaining age sixty-two, is entitled to the full computation of annuity according to section twenty-two of this article but with the reduced actuarial equivalent of the annuity the member would have received if his or her benefit had commenced at age sixty-two when he or she would have been entitled to full computation of benefit without any reduction: Provided, That his or her annuity shall begin the first day of the calendar month next following the month in which his or her application for same is filed with the board of trustees on or after his or her attaining age fifty-seven.

(f) Any member who first becomes a member of the retirement system on or after July 1, 2015, and has thirty or more years of contributing service in force, is currently employed by a participating public employer and who elects to take early retirement, which for the purposes of this subsection means retirement following attainment of age fifty-five but prior to attaining age sixty-two, is entitled to the full computation of annuity according to section twenty-two of this article but with the reduced actuarial equivalent of the annuity the member would have received if his or her benefit had commenced at age sixty-two when he or she would have been entitled to full computation of benefit without any reduction: Provided, That his or her annuity shall begin the first day of the calendar month next following the month in which his or her application for same is filed with the board of trustees on or after his or her attaining age fifty-five.

§18-7A-26. Computation of annuities.

(a) Retirants whose annuities were approved by the retirement board effective before July 1, 1980, shall be paid the annuities which were approved by the retirement board.

(b) Annuities approved by the retirement board effective after June 30, 1980, shall be computed as provided in this section.

(c) Upon establishment of eligibility for a retirement allowance, a member shall be granted an annuity which shall be two percent of the member's average salary multiplied by his or her total service credit, subject to reduction if necessary to comply with the maximum benefit provisions of Section 415 of the Internal Revenue Code and section twenty-eight-a of this article.

In this subsection "average salary" means the average of the highest annual salaries received by the member during any five plan years contained within his or her last fifteen years of total service credit: Provided, That the highest annual salary used in this calculation for certain members employed by the West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission under its control shall be $4,800, as provided by section fourteen-a of this article.

(d) The disability annuities of all disabled retirants shall be based upon a disability table prepared by a competent actuary approved by the retirement board. Disability annuity benefits will begin the first day of the month following the latter of: (1) Six months of absence caused by said disability; (2) date of written report by physician selected by retirement board stating member is mentally or physically incapacitated for service and that disability is total and likely to be permanent; and (3) termination of employment.

(e) Upon the death of a retirant who qualified for an annuity as the surviving spouse of an active member or because of permanent disability, the estate of the deceased or beneficiary designated for such purpose shall be paid the difference, if any, between the member's contributions with regular interest thereon, and the sum of the annuity payments. Upon the death of a spouse who was named as the member's survivor, a retirant may elect an annuity option approved by the retirement board in an amount adjusted on a fair basis to be of equal actuarial value as the annuity prospectively in effect relative to the surviving member at the time the new option is elected.

(f) All annuities shall be paid in twelve monthly payments. In computing the monthly payments, fractions of a cent shall be considered a cent. The monthly payments shall cease with the payment for the month within which the beneficiary dies, and shall begin with the payment for the month succeeding the month within which the retirant became eligible under this article for the annuity granted; in no case, however, shall a retirant receive more than four monthly payments which are retroactive after the retirement board receives his or her application for annuity. The monthly payments shall be made on the twenty-fifth day of each month, except the month of December, when the payment shall be made on December 18. If the date of payment falls on a holiday, Saturday or Sunday, then the payment shall be made on the preceding workday.

(g) In case the retirement board receives data affecting the approved annuity of a retirant, the annuity shall be changed in accordance with the data, the change being effective with the payment for the month within which the retirement board received the new data.

(h) Any person who has attained the age of sixty-five and who has served at least twenty-five years as a teacher or nonteacher prior to July 1, 1941, is eligible for prior service credit and for prior service pensions as prescribed in this section.

§18-7A-26a. Additional benefits for certain annuitants.

Annuitants whose annuities were approved by the retirement board on or before December 18, 1962, shall, upon written application, receive in addition to such approved annuities a monthly allowance computed as follows: The annuitant's years of service shall be multiplied by $30 and this product shall then be divided by his monthly retirement allowance, as computed prior to the above-stated date, excluding any portion of said allowance which is based on voluntary deposits of the annuitant.

In addition thereto, beginning July 1, 1965, each annuitant under the provisions of this section shall receive a monthly amount equal to 76¢ multiplied by his total service credit.

§18-7A-26b. Supplemental benefits for certain annuitants.

As an additional supplement to other retirement allowances provided, each annuitant whose annuity was approved by the retirement board prior to January 1, 1967, shall receive a monthly amount equal to 25¢ multiplied by his total service credit.

§18-7A-26c. Supplemental benefits for certain annuitants.

As an additional supplement to other retirement allowances provided, each annuitant whose annuity was approved by the retirement board prior to January 1, 1969, shall receive a monthly amount equal to 50¢ multiplied by his total service credit.

§18-7A-26d. Supplemental benefits for certain annuitants.

As an additional supplement to other retirement allowances provided, each annuitant whose annuity was approved by the retirement board prior to July 1, 1970, shall receive, upon application, an amount equal to twenty-five percent of his present retirement allowance.

§18-7A-26e. Supplemental benefits to certain annuitants.

(a) An annuitant whose annuity was approved by the board effective after June 30, 1963, and before July 1, 1970, may receive, at his election, an annuity of two percent of his average final salary times his total service credit, plus deposits and tax sheltered annuities, but not including the supplemental benefits permitted pursuant to sections twenty-six-a, twenty-six-b, twenty-six-c and twenty-six-d of this article. Any additional benefit conferred herein shall not be retroactive, but shall be paid beginning July 1, 1971, if the option to elect the above plan is exercised by the annuitant prior to May 31, 1971.

(b) An annuitant whose annuity was approved by the board effective before July 1, 1963, and any annuitant who is eligible for, but does not elect the plan specified in subsection (a) of this section shall receive, upon application, an additional amount equal to twenty-five percent of his present retirement allowance.

(c) Any retired teacher who was an employee of the West Virginia board of Governors or the state Board of Education and who was limited in the amount he could pay into the retirement system to $216 per year from July 1, 1963, to July 1, 1970, and who retired prior to February 1, 1970, shall have the option at any time within six months from the effective date hereof, to pay into the retirement system the difference between such limitations and twice the amount he would have paid therein had he been paying the full amount provided by law for members of the retirement system other than employees of the West Virginia board of Governors or the state Board of Education. Upon completion of such above-named contributions the annuitant shall be entitled to benefits under the formula specified in subsection (a) of this section, plus deposits and tax sheltered annuities, but not including the supplemental benefits permitted pursuant to sections twenty-six-a, twenty-six-b, twenty-six-c and twenty-six-d of this article. Any additional benefit conferred herein shall not be retroactive to the time of retirement, but shall be paid beginning July 1, 1971.

§18-7A-26f. Supplemental benefits for certain annuitants.

As an additional supplement to other retirement allowances provided, each annuitant whose retirement allowance became effective during the respective dates indicated in this section shall receive, upon application, an increased amount, payable monthly, which is the product of his present retirement allowance multiplied by the percentage increase applicable, according to the effective date of retirement and according to the plan of retirement, as provided by the schedule below.

Effective Date of Percentage of

Retirement Retirement Allowance Increase

July 1, 1941 through June 30, 1953 16.00%

July 1, 1953 through June 30, 1963 19.00%

July 1, 1963 through June 30, 1965 14.00%

July 1, 1965 through June 30, 1966 10.50%

July 1, 1966 through June 30, 1968 9.50%

July 1, 1968 through June 30, 1969 6.00%

July 1, 1969 through June 30, 1970 9.00%

Any additional benefit conferred herein shall not be retroactive to the time of retirement, but shall be paid as follows: One half of the respective retirement allowance percentage increase shall become effective July 1, 1973, and one half of the respective retirement allowance percentage increase shall become effective July 1, 1974.

§18-7A-26g. Supplemental benefits for certain annuitants.

From an appropriation of General Revenue Funds made annually by the Legislature for this purpose and as an additional supplement to other retirement allowances, each annuitant whose retirement allowance became effective during the respective dates indicated in this section shall receive, upon application, an amount which is the product of his present retirement allowance, including all of the supplemental benefits provided in the preceding section of this article, multiplied by the percentage increase applicable, according to the effective date of retirement and according to the plan of retirement, as provided by the schedule below.

Effective Date Percentage of Retirement

 of Retirement Allowance Increase

July 1, 1941 through June 30, 1953 13.50%

July 1, 1953 through June 30, 1963 15.25%

July 1, 1963 through June 30, 1965 12.25%

July 1, 1965 through June 30, 1966 9.00%

July 1, 1966 through June 30, 1968 8.75%

July 1, 1968 through June 30, 1969 5.50%

July 1, 1969 through June 30, 1970 8.25%

Any additional benefit conferred herein shall not be retroactive to the time of retirement, but shall be paid beginning July 1, 1975.

§18-7A-26h. Supplemental benefits for certain annuitants.

Any annuitant who is receiving a retirement annuity of less than $7,500 annually on the effective date of this section shall receive a supplemental benefit, prospectively, under this section: Provided, That the effective date of retirement for such annuitant was prior to July 1, 1979, and he had ten years or more of credited service at the time of such retirement. For the purposes of this section, "effective date of retirement" means the last day of actual employment, or the last day carried on the payroll of the employer, whichever is later, together with a meeting fully of all eligibility requirements for retirement prior to the aforesaid effective date. Any annuitant retired pursuant to the disability provisions of this article shall be considered to have had ten years or more credited service at the time of such retirement.

Each such annuitant shall receive as his supplemental benefit an increased annual amount which is the product of the sum of $18 multiplied by his years of credited service: Provided, That the total annuity of any annuitant affected by the provisions of this section, together with any of the other provisions of this article, shall not exceed $7,500 annually.

Any annuitant receiving the supplemental benefit provided for herein for the annuity payment period just prior to July 1, 1985, or any annuitant made newly eligible for receipt of such supplemental benefit on such date, shall receive a nineteen percent increase in the amount of such supplemental benefit prior received or newly calculated, effective on and after July 1, 1985, and irrespective of the maximum total annuity proviso, and limitation of $7,500 annually. In any fiscal year in which pay increases are granted by the Legislature to active teachers, there may also be given an increase in retirement benefits for retired teachers, if funding is available for this purpose.

For the purpose of calculating the supplemental benefit provided in this section, fractional parts of a service credit year are to be disregarded unless in excess of one half of a credited service year, in which event the same shall constitute a full year of service credit.

On or after July 1, 1982, for the purpose of computation for determination of eligibility and for the amount of any supplemental benefit hereunder, separate computation shall be made of a retirant's own benefit and that which may be receivable as beneficiary of another, under the provisions of this article, with each such benefit being eligible for the supplemental benefit herein provided.

§18-7A-26i. Supplemental benefits for retired teachers.

Beginning on January 1, 1991, any annuitant who is receiving a retirement annuity on the effective date of this section shall receive a supplemental benefit, prospectively, if the effective date of retirement for such annuitant was prior to July 1, 1981, and such annuitant is not receiving supplemental benefits pursuant to section twenty-six-h of this article. For the purposes of this section, "effective date of retirement" means the last day of actual employment or the last day carried on the payroll of the employer, whichever is later, together with fully meeting all of the eligibility requirements for retirement prior to the aforesaid effective date.

Each such eligible annuitant shall receive as his or her supplemental benefit an increased annual amount which is the product of the sum of $18 multiplied by his or her years of credited service.

For the purpose of calculating the supplemental benefit provided in this section, fractional parts of a service credit year are to be disregarded unless in excess of one half of a credited service year, in which event a full year of service credit shall be given.

For the purpose of computation for determination of eligibility and for the amount of any supplemental benefit hereunder, separate computation shall be made of a retirant's own benefit and that which may be receivable as beneficiary of another, under the provisions of this article, with each such benefit being eligible for the supplemental benefit herein provided.

Prior to January 1, 1991, the executive secretary of the board shall provide to the Legislature information as to the number of annuitants who retired before July 1, 1981, the amounts of the annuities they receive, the amount of funds necessary to provide cost of living increases to such annuitants, and such other detail and related information as the Joint Committee on Government and Finance may direct.

§18-7A-26j. Supplemental benefits for certain teachers who retired prior to July 1, 1981.

As an additional supplement to other retirement allowances provided, each annuitant whose annuity was approved by the retirement board prior to July 1, 1981, and such annuitant is not receiving supplemental benefits pursuant to section twenty-six-i of this article, shall receive a monthly amount equal to $1.25 multiplied by his or her total service credit.

§18-7A-26k. Supplemental benefits for certain teachers who retired between July 1, 1981, and July 1, 1982.

As an additional supplement to other retirement allowances provided, each annuitant who retired between July 1, 1981, and July 1, 1982, shall receive a monthly amount equal to $2 multiplied by his or her total service credit.

§18-7A-26l. Supplemental benefits for certain teachers who retired prior to July 1, 1982.

As an additional supplement to other retirement allowances provided, each annuitant whose annuity was approved by the retirement board prior to July 1, 1982, and whose benefits were increased in the year 1990, pursuant to the provisions of section twenty-six-i of this article, shall receive a monthly amount equal to 50¢ multiplied by his or her total service credit.

§18-7A-26m. Supplemental benefits for certain teachers.

(a) As an additional supplement to other retirement allowances provided, each annuitant whose annuity was approved by the retirement board prior to January 1, 1971, and who is receiving a monthly pension of $300 or less, shall receive a monthly amount equal to $1 multiplied by his or her total service credit.

(b) As an additional supplement to other retirement allowances provided, each annuitant whose annuity was approved on or after July 1, 1982, and before July 1, 1984, shall receive a monthly amount equal to $2 multiplied by his or her total service credit.

§18-7A-26n. Supplemental benefits for certain teachers who retired on or after July 1, 1984, but prior to July 1, 1986.

As an additional supplement to other retirement allowances provided, each annuitant who retired on or after July 1, 1984, and before July 1, 1986, shall receive a monthly amount equal to $2 multiplied by his or her total service credit.

§18-7A-26o. Supplemental benefits for certain teachers who retired prior to July 1, 1986.

As an additional supplement to other retirement allowances provided, each annuitant who retired before July 1, 1986, and who is receiving a monthly pension of $300 or less, shall receive a monthly total amount equal to $1 multiplied by his or her total service credit.

§18-7A-26p. Supplemental benefits for certain teachers who retired on or after July 1, 1986, but prior to April 1, 1988.

As an additional supplement to other retirement allowances provided, each annuitant who retired on or after July 1, 1986, and before April 1, 1988, shall receive a monthly amount equal to $2 multiplied by his or her total service credit.

§18-7A-26q. Supplemental benefits for certain teachers who retired prior to April 1, 1988.

As an additional supplement to other retirement allowances provided, each annuitant who retired before April 1, one thousand nine hundred eighty-eight, and who is receiving a monthly pension of $300 or less, shall receive a monthly total amount equal to $1 multiplied by his or her total service credit.

§18-7A-26r. Minimum benefit for certain retired members; legislative declaration; state interest and public purpose.

The Legislature hereby finds and declares that an important state interest exists in providing a minimum retirement annuity for certain retired members who are credited with twenty or more years of total service; that such program constitutes a public purpose; and that the exclusion of total service for certain employees of institutions of higher education is a reasonable and equitable exclusion for purposes of determining eligibility for such minimum benefits.

If the retirement annuity of a retired member (or if applicable, a spouse thereof) with at least twenty years of total service is less than $500 per month (including any supplemental or additional benefits provided by this article), then the monthly retirement annuity for any such retired member shall be increased to $500 per month: Provided, That any year of service while an employee of an institution of higher education shall not be taken into account for purposes of this section if his or her salary is capped under the retirement system at $4,800 per year pursuant to section fourteen-a of this article.

The payment of any minimum benefit under this section shall be in lieu of, and not in addition to, the payments of any retirement annuity or supplemental or additional benefits otherwise provided by this article: Provided, That the minimum benefit provided herein shall be subject to any limitations thereon under §415 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as the same may be amended, and section twenty-eight-a of this article.

Any minimum benefit conferred herein shall not be retroactive to the time of retirement and shall apply only to members who have retired prior to the effective date of this section, or, if applicable, to beneficiaries receiving benefits under the retirement system prior to the effective date.

The minimum benefit provided herein shall be subject to a recommendation by the Governor for such minimum benefit through the delivery of an executive message to the Legislature and an appropriation by the Legislature for such minimum benefit, such appropriation to be made over a continuous six-year period following the effective date of this section.

§18-7A-26s. One-time supplement for certain annuitants effective July 1, 2001.

(a) A one-time supplement to retirement benefits shall be provided to retirees of this system who have: (i) Reached the specified age threshold; and (ii) have been in retirement status for the specified number of years, as follows:

(1) For retirees who, as of July 1, 2001, are at least sixty-five years of age and who have been an annuitant for at least five consecutive years, this one-time supplement shall equal five percent of his or her annuity benefit as of the effective date of this section;

(2) For retirees who, as of July 1, 2001, are at least seventy years of age and who have been an annuitant for at least five consecutive years, this one-time supplement shall equal ten percent of his or her annuity benefit as of the effective date of this section; and

(3) For any person who, as of July 1, 2001, is at least sixty-five years of age and who retired under the early retirement incentive provided in section thirty-five-b of this article, this one-time supplement shall equal three percent of his or her annuity benefit as of the effective date of this section and subdivisions (1) and (2) of this subsection do not apply.

(b) The one-time supplement provided for in this section applies only to members who have retired prior to or as of the effective date of this section or, if applicable, to beneficiaries receiving benefits under the retirement system prior to or as of the effective date of this section: Provided, That the supplement provided herein is subject to any applicable limitations thereon under Section 415 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.

§18-7A-26t. One-time supplement for certain annuitants effective July 1, 2006.

(a) A one-time supplement to retirement benefits of three percent shall be provided to all retirees that are age seventy or older and have been annuitants for at least five consecutive years as of July 1, 2006, and beneficiaries of deceased members who would have been at least seventy years of age or older and have been annuitants for at least five consecutive years as of July 1, 2006.

(b) The one-time supplement provided in this section applies only to members who have retired at least five years prior to July 1, 2006, or, if applicable, to beneficiaries of deceased members who have been receiving benefits under the retirement system at least five years prior to July 1, 2006: Provided, That the supplement provided herein is subject to any applicable limitations thereon under Section 415 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.

§18-7A-26u. One-time bonus payment for certain annuitants effective July 1, 2008.

(a) As an additional bonus payment to other retirement allowances provided, a one-time bonus payment to retirement benefits shall be paid to retirants of the retirement system as provided in subsection (b) of this section. The one-time bonus payment shall equal $600 and shall be paid on July 25, 2008.

(b) The one-time bonus payment provided in this section applies to any retirant with at least twenty years of service as a contributing member who currently receives an annual retirement annuity of not more than $7,200. This one-time bonus payment is subject to any applicable limitations under section 415 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.

(c) The one-time bonus payment provided by this section shall be payable pro rata to any beneficiaries of a qualifying retirant who currently receive an annuity or other benefit payable by the retirement system.

§18-7A-26v. One-time bonus payment for certain annuitants effective July 1, 2011.

(a) As an additional bonus payment to other retirement allowances provided, a one-time bonus payment to retirement benefits shall be paid to retirants of the retirement system as provided in subsection (b) of this section. The one-time bonus payment shall equal $1,200 and shall be paid on July 27, 2011.

(b) The one-time bonus payment provided in this section applies to any retirant with at least twenty years of service as a contributing member who currently receives an annual retirement annuity of not more than $7,200. This one-time bonus payment is subject to any applicable limitations under section 415 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.

(c) The one-time bonus payment provided by this section shall be payable pro rata to any beneficiaries of a qualifying retirant who currently receive an annuity or other benefit payable by the retirement system.

§18-7A-27. Regular interest.

Regular interest shall be added to all sums, except for prior service, due and payable to beneficiaries under this article.

§18-7A-28. Options to beneficiaries; change of certain options because of divorce or annulment; limitation on recalculated monthly benefits.

The retirement board is hereby authorized to offer plans, optional with the beneficiary, for the payment of allowances due such beneficiary for retirement, withdrawal or prior service pensions under the retirement system. No plans shall be offered, however, which are not approved by competent actuaries.

When a beneficiary and his or her spouse have been approved for a retirement plan which provides for them a joint life annuity, and their marriage is subsequently dissolved, the board shall permit such beneficiary to convert to the maximum life annuity plan approved by the board: Provided, That the beneficiary shall furnish to the board proof of entry of a final decree of divorce or annulment: Provided, however, That a beneficiary who qualifies for the change of retirement plans afforded by this section shall be permitted only one such change: Provided further, That the recalculated monthly benefits, independently of increases granted by law after the beneficiary's retirement, shall not exceed the monthly benefits which would have been applicable under the maximum life annuity plan at the time the beneficiary retired; and with such recalculation to be effective on the first day of the month following submission to the board by the beneficiary of proof of entry of a final decree of divorce or annulment.

Upon remarriage, a retirant may name the new spouse as an annuitant for any of the survivorship retirement benefit options offered by the provisions of this section: Provided, That the beneficiary shall furnish to the retirement board satisfactory proof of the marriage: Provided, however, That the retirant certifies under penalty of perjury that no qualified domestic relations order that would restrict such a designation is in effect: Provided further, That no cause or action against the board may then arise or be maintained on the basis of having permitted the retirant to name a new spouse as annuitant for any of the survivorship retirement benefit options. The value of the new survivorship annuity shall be the actuarial equivalent of the retirant's benefit prospectively in effect at the time the new annuity is elected.

§18-7A-28a. Federal law maximum benefit limitations.

Notwithstanding any other provision of this article or state law, the board shall administer the retirement system in compliance with the limitations of Section 415 of the Internal Revenue Code and regulations under that section to the extent applicable to governmental plans (hereafter sometimes referred to as the "415 limitation(s)" or "415 dollar limitation(s)"), so that the annual benefit payable under this system to a member shall not exceed those limitations. Any annual benefit payable under this system shall be reduced or limited if necessary to an amount which does not exceed those limitations. The extent to which any annuity or other annual benefit payable under this retirement system shall be reduced, as compared with the extent to which an annuity, contributions or other benefits under any other defined benefit plans or defined contribution plans required to be taken into consideration under Section 415 of the Internal Revenue Code shall be reduced, shall be proportional on a percentage basis to the reductions made in such other plans administered by the board and required to be so taken into consideration under Section 415, unless a disproportionate reduction is determined by the board to maximize the aggregate benefits payable to the member. If the reduction is under this retirement system, the board shall advise affected members of any additional limitation on the annuities or other annual benefit required by this section. For purposes of the 415 limitations, the "limitation year" shall be the calendar year. The 415 limitations are incorporated herein by reference, except to the extent the following provisions may modify the default provisions thereunder:

(a) The annual adjustment to the 415 dollar limitations made by Section 415(d) of the Internal Revenue Code and the regulations thereunder shall apply for each limitation year. The annual adjustments to the dollar limitations under Section 415(d) of the Internal Revenue Code which become effective: (i) After a retirant's severance from employment with the employer; or (ii) after the annuity starting date in the case of a retirant who has already commenced receiving benefits, will apply with respect to a retirant's annual benefit in any limitation year. A retirant's annual benefit payable in any limitation year from this retirement system shall in no event be greater than the limit applicable at the annuity starting date, as increased in subsequent years pursuant to Section 415(d) of the Internal Revenue Code and the regulations thereunder.

(b) For purposes of this section, the "annual benefit" means a benefit that is payable annually in the form of a straight life annuity. Except as provided below, where a benefit is payable in a form other than a straight life annuity, the benefit shall be adjusted to an actuarially equivalent straight life annuity that begins at the same time as such other form of benefit, using factors prescribed in the 415 limitation regulations, before applying the 415 limitations. No actuarial adjustment to the benefit shall be made for: (1) Survivor benefits payable to a surviving spouse under a qualified joint and survivor annuity to the extent such benefits would not be payable if the member's benefit were paid in another form; (2) benefits that are not directly related to retirement benefits (such as a qualified disability benefit, preretirement incidental death benefits and post-retirement medical benefits); or (3) the inclusion in the form of benefit of an automatic benefit increase feature, provided the form of benefit is not subject to Section 417(e)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and would otherwise satisfy the limitations of this article, and the plan provides that the amount payable under the form of benefit in any limitation year shall not exceed the limits of this article applicable at the annuity starting date, as increased in subsequent years pursuant to Section 415(d) of the Internal Revenue Code. For this purpose an automatic benefit increase feature is included in a form of benefit if the form of benefit provides for automatic, periodic increases to the benefits paid in that form.

(c) Adjustment for benefit forms not subject to Section 417(e)(3). -- The straight life annuity that is actuarially equivalent to the member's form of benefit shall be determined under this subsection if the form of the member's benefit is either: (1) A nondecreasing annuity (other than a straight life annuity) payable for a period of not less than the life of the member (or, in the case of a qualified preretirement survivor annuity, the life of the surviving spouse); or (2) an annuity that decreases during the life of the member merely because of: (i) The death of the survivor annuitant (but only if the reduction is not below fifty percent of the benefit payable before the death of the survivor annuitant); or (ii) the cessation or reduction of Social Security supplements or qualified disability payments (as defined in Section 411(a)(9) of the Internal Revenue Code). The actuarially equivalent straight life annuity is equal to the greater of: (I) The annual amount of the straight life annuity (if any) payable to the member under the plan commencing at the same annuity starting date as the member's form of benefit; and (II) the annual amount of the straight life annuity commencing at the same annuity starting date that has the same actuarial present value as the member's form of benefit, computed using a five percent interest rate assumption and the applicable mortality table defined in Treasury Regulation §1.417(e)-1(d)(2) (Revenue Ruling 2001-62 or any subsequent Revenue Ruling modifying the applicable provisions of Revenue Ruling 2001-62) for that annuity starting date.

(d) Adjustment for benefit forms subject to Section 417(e)(3). -- The straight life annuity that is actuarially equivalent to the member's form of benefit shall be determined under this subsection if the form of the member's benefit is other than a benefit form described in subdivision (c) of this section. In this case, the actuarially equivalent straight life annuity shall be determined as follows: The actuarially equivalent straight life annuity is equal to the greatest of: (1) The annual amount of the straight life annuity commencing at the same annuity starting date that has the same actuarial present value as the member's form of benefit, computed using the interest rate specified in this retirement system and the mortality table (or other tabular factor) specified in this retirement system for adjusting benefits in the same form; (2) the annual amount of the straight life annuity commencing at the same annuity starting date that has the same actuarial present value as the member's form of benefit, computed using a five and a half percent interest rate assumption and the applicable mortality table defined in Treasury Regulation §1.417(e)-1(d)(2) (Revenue Ruling 2001-62 or any subsequent Revenue Ruling modifying the applicable provisions of Revenue Ruling 2001-62) for that annuity starting date; and (3) the annual amount of the straight life annuity commencing at the same annuity starting date that has the same actuarial present value as the member's form of benefit, computed using the applicable interest rate defined in Treasury Regulation §1.417(e)-1(d)(3) and the applicable mortality table defined in Treasury Regulation §1.417(e)-1(d)(2) (the mortality table specified in Revenue Ruling 2001-62 or any subsequent Revenue Ruling modifying the applicable provisions of Revenue Ruling 2001-62), divided by 1.05.

(e) Benefits payable prior to age sixty-two. --

(1) Except as provided in paragraphs (2) and (3) of this subdivision, if the member's retirement benefits become payable before age sixty-two, the 415 dollar limitation prescribed by this section shall be reduced in accordance with regulations issued by the Secretary of the Treasury pursuant to the provisions of Section 415(b) of the Internal Revenue Code, so that the limitation (as so reduced) equals an annual straight life benefit (when the retirement income benefit begins) which is equivalent to an annual benefit in the amount of the applicable dollar limitation of Section 415(b)(1)(A) of the Internal Revenue Code (as adjusted pursuant to Section 415(d) of the Internal Revenue Code) beginning at age sixty-two.

(2) The limitation reduction provided in paragraph (1) of this subdivision shall not apply if the member commencing retirement benefits before age sixty-two is a qualified participant. A qualified participant for this purpose is a participant in a defined benefit plan maintained by a state, or any political subdivision of a state, with respect to whom the service taken into account in determining the amount of the benefit under the defined benefit plan includes at least fifteen years of service: (i) As a full-time employee of any police or fire department organized and operated by the state or political subdivision maintaining the defined benefit plan to provide police protection, firefighting services or emergency medical services for any area within the jurisdiction of such state or political subdivision; or (ii) as a member of the Armed Forces of the United States.

(3) The limitation reduction provided in paragraph (1) of this subdivision shall not be applicable to preretirement disability benefits or preretirement death benefits.

(4) For purposes of adjusting the 415 dollar limitation for benefit commencement before age sixty-two or after age sixty-five (if the plan provides for such adjustment), no adjustment is made to reflect the probability of a member's death: (i) After the annuity starting date and before age sixty-two; or (ii) after age sixty-five and before the annuity starting date.

(f) Adjustment when member has less than ten years of participation. -- In the case of a member who has less than ten years of participation in the retirement system (within the meaning of Treasury Regulation §1.415(b)-1(g)(1)(ii)), the 415 dollar limitation (as adjusted pursuant to Section 415(d) of the Internal Revenue Code and subdivision (e) of this section) shall be reduced by multiplying the otherwise applicable limitation by a fraction, the numerator of which is the number of years of participation in the plan (or one, if greater), and the denominator of which is ten. This adjustment shall not be applicable to preretirement disability benefits or preretirement death benefits.

(g) The application of the provisions of this section shall not cause the maximum annual benefit provided to a member to be less than the member's accrued benefit as of December 31, 2008 (the end of the limitation year that is immediately prior to the effective date of the final regulations for this retirement system as defined in Treasury Regulation §1.415(a)-1(g)(2)), under provisions of the retirement system that were both adopted and in effect before April 5, 2007, provided that such provisions satisfied the applicable requirements of statutory provisions, regulations and other published guidance relating to Section 415 of the Internal Revenue Code in effect as of December 31, 2008, as described in Treasury Regulation §1.415(a)-1(g)(4). If additional benefits are accrued for a member under this retirement system after January 1, 2009, then the sum of the benefits described under the first sentence of this subdivision and benefits accrued for a member after January 1, 2009, must satisfy the requirements of Section 415, taking into account all applicable requirements of the final 415 Treasury Regulations.

§18-7A-28b. Federal law minimum required distributions.

The requirements of this section apply to any distribution of a member’s or beneficiary’s interest and take precedence over any inconsistent provisions of this retirement system. This section applies to plan years beginning after December 31, 1986. Notwithstanding anything in the retirement system to the contrary, the payment of benefits under this article shall be determined and made in accordance with section 401(a)(9) of the Internal Revenue Code and the regulations promulgated thereunder as applicable to governmental plans, including without limitation the minimum distribution incidental benefit (MDIB) requirement of section 401(a)(9)(G) and the regulations thereunder, and the incidental benefit rule of section 1.401-1(b)(1)(i) of the regulations. Any term used in this article has the same meaning as when used in a comparable context in section 401(a)(9) of the Internal Revenue Code and the federal regulations promulgated thereunder unless a different meaning is clearly required by the context or definition in this article. The following provisions apply to payments of benefits required under this article:

(a) The payment of benefits under the retirement system to any member shall be distributed to him or her not later than the required beginning date, or be distributed to him or her commencing not later than the required beginning date, in accordance with regulations prescribed under section 401(a)(9) of the Internal Revenue Code, over the life of the member or over the lives of the member and his or her beneficiary or over a period not extending beyond the life expectancy of the member and his or her beneficiary: Provided, That the requirements of this section may not be construed to grant a right to a form of benefit which is not otherwise available to a particular member under this retirement system: Provided, however, That if the member elects an annuity option which provides survivor benefits to a beneficiary who is not the member’s spouse, and the annuity option elected would provide survivor payments that exceed the applicable percentage permitted by the MDIB regulations under section 401(a)(9) of the Internal Revenue Code, the member’s annuity election shall be changed to the highest survivor annuity option offered under this retirement system which satisfies the MDIB regulations. Benefit payments under this section shall not be delayed pending, or contingent upon, receipt of an application for retirement from the member.

(b) If a member dies after distribution to him or her has commenced pursuant to this section but before his or her entire interest in the retirement system has been distributed, then the remaining portion of that interest shall be distributed at least as rapidly as under the method of distribution being used at the date of his or her death.

(c) If a member dies before distribution to him or her has commenced, then his or her entire interest in the retirement system is to be distributed by December 31 of the calendar year containing the fifth anniversary of the member’s death, unless the provisions of subsection (d) of this section apply.

(d) If a member dies before distribution to him or her has commenced, and the member’s interest is eligible to be paid in the form of a survivor annuity to a designated beneficiary, distributions are to be made over the life of that beneficiary or over a period certain not greater than the life expectancy of that beneficiary, commencing on or before the following:

(1) December 31 of the calendar year immediately following the calendar year in which the member died; or

(2) If the member’s sole designated beneficiary is either the surviving spouse or a former spouse who, as an alternate payee under a Qualified Domestic Relations Order, is receiving 100 percent of the survivor benefit, distributions are to commence on or before the later of:

(A) December 31 of the calendar year in which the member would have attained age 70.5 (if born before July 1, 1949) or age 72 (if born after June 30, 1949); or

(B) December 31 of the calendar year immediately following the calendar year in which the member died.

(e) If a member dies before distribution to him or her has commenced and the survivor annuity provisions of subsection (d) of this section are not applicable, any designated beneficiary who is eligible to receive a distribution pursuant to the provisions of subsection (c) of this section may elect to have life expectancy treatment apply to the distribution for purposes of determining whether any portion of the distribution is an eligible rollover distribution: Provided, That any such election shall not delay the required distribution of the deceased member’s entire interest in the retirement system beyond December 31 of the calendar year containing the fifth anniversary of the member’s death as required by subsection (c) of this section: Provided, however, That the election is timely made in a form acceptable to the board on or before the following:

(1) December 31 of the calendar year immediately following the calendar year in which the member died; or

(2) If the member’s sole designated beneficiary is either the surviving spouse or a former spouse who, as an alternate payee under a Qualified Domestic Relations Order, is receiving 100 percent of the survivor benefit, election of life expectancy treatment must be made on or before the earlier of (A) or (B) below:

(A) The later of: (i) December 31 of the calendar year immediately following the calendar year in which the member died; or (ii) December 31 of the calendar year in which the member would have attained age 70.5 (if born before July 1, 1949) or age 72 (if born after June 30, 1949); or

(B) October 31 of the calendar year containing the fifth anniversary of the member’s death.

§18-7A-28c. Direct rollovers.

(a) Except where otherwise stated, this section applies to distributions made on or after January 1, 1993. Notwithstanding any provision of this article to the contrary that would otherwise limit a distributee's election under this system, a distributee may elect, at the time and in the manner prescribed by the board, to have any portion of an eligible rollover distribution paid directly to an eligible retirement plan specified by the distributee in a direct rollover. For purposes of this section, the following definitions apply:

(1) "Eligible rollover distribution" means any distribution of all or any portion of the balance to the credit of the distributee, except that an eligible rollover distribution does not include any of the following: (A) Any distribution that is one of a series of substantially equal periodic payments not less frequently than annually made for the life or life expectancy of the distributee or the joint lives or the joint life expectancies of the distributee and the distributee's designated beneficiary, or for a specified period of ten years or more; (B) any distribution to the extent the distribution is required under Section 401(a)(9) of the Internal Revenue Code; (C) the portion of any distribution that is not includable in gross income determined without regard to the exclusion for net unrealized appreciation with respect to employer securities; and (D) any hardship distribution described in Section 401(k)(2)(B)(i)(iv) of the Internal Revenue Code. For distributions after December 31, 2001, a portion of a distribution shall not fail to be an eligible rollover distribution merely because the portion consists of after-tax employee contributions which are not includable in gross income. However, this portion may be paid only to an individual retirement account or annuity described in Section 408(a) or (b) of the Internal Revenue Code, or (for taxable years beginning before January 1, 2007) to a qualified trust which is part of a defined contribution plan described in Section 401(a) or (for taxable years beginning after December 31, 2006) to a qualified trust or to an annuity contract described in Section 403(a) or (b) of the Internal Revenue Code that agrees to separately account for amounts transferred (including interest or earnings thereon), including separately accounting for the portion of the distribution which is includable in gross income and the portion of the distribution which is not so includable, or (for taxable years beginning after December 31, 2007) to a Roth IRA described in Section 408A the Internal Revenue Code.

(2) "Eligible retirement plan" means an individual retirement account described in Section 408(a) of the Internal Revenue Code, an individual retirement annuity described in Section 408(b) of the Internal Revenue Code, an annuity plan described in Section 403(a) of the Internal Revenue Code, or a qualified plan described in Section 401(a) of the Internal Revenue Code, that accepts the distributee's eligible rollover distribution: Provided, That in the case of an eligible rollover distribution prior to January 1, 2002, to the surviving spouse, an eligible retirement plan is limited to an individual retirement account or individual retirement annuity. For distributions after December 31, 2001, an eligible retirement plan also means an annuity contract described in Section 403(b) of the Internal Revenue Code and an eligible plan under Section 457(b) of the Internal Revenue Code which is maintained by a state, political subdivision of a state, or any agency or instrumentality of a state or political subdivision of a state and which agrees to separately account for amounts transferred into the plan from this system. For distributions after December 31, 2007, an eligible retirement plan also means a Roth IRA described in Section 408A of the Internal Revenue Code: Provided, however, That in the case of an eligible rollover distribution after December 31, 2007, to a designated beneficiary (other than a surviving spouse) as such term is defined in Section 402(c)(11) of the Internal Revenue Code, an eligible retirement plan is limited to an individual retirement account or individual retirement annuity which meets the conditions of Section 402(c)(11) of the Internal Revenue Code.

(3) "Distributee" means an employee or former employee. In addition, the employee's or former employee's surviving spouse and the employee's or former employee's spouse or former spouse who is the alternate payee under a qualified domestic relations order, as defined in Section 414(p) of the Internal Revenue Code, as applicable to governmental plans, are distributees with regard to the interest of the spouse or former spouse. For distributions after December 31, 2007, "distributee" also includes a designated beneficiary (other than a surviving spouse) as such term is defined in Section 402(c)(11) of the Internal Revenue Code.

(4) "Direct rollover" means a payment by the system to the eligible retirement plan.

(b) Nothing in this section may be construed as permitting rollovers into this system or any other retirement system administered by the board.

§18-7A-28d. Rollovers and transfers to purchase service credit or repay withdrawn contributions.

(a) This section applies to rollovers and transfers as specified in this section made on or after January 1, 2002. Notwithstanding any provision of this article to the contrary that would otherwise prohibit or limit rollovers and plan transfers to this system, the retirement system shall accept the following rollovers and plan transfers on behalf of a member solely for the purpose of purchasing permissive service credit, in whole or in part, as otherwise provided in this article or for the repayment of withdrawn or refunded contributions, in whole or in part, with respect to a previous forfeiture of service credit as otherwise provided in this article: (i) One or more rollovers within the meaning of Section 408(d)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code from an individual retirement account described in Section 408(a) of the Internal Revenue Code or from an individual retirement annuity described in Section 408(b) of the Internal Revenue Code; (ii) one or more rollovers described in Section 402(c) of the Internal Revenue Code from a retirement plan that is qualified under Section 401(a) of the Internal Revenue Code or from a plan described in Section 403(b) of the Internal Revenue Code; (iii) one or more rollovers described in Section 457(e)(16) of the Internal Revenue Code from a governmental plan described in Section 457 of the Internal Revenue Code; or (iv) direct trustee-to-trustee transfers or rollovers from a plan that is qualified under Section 401(a) of the Internal Revenue Code, from a plan described in Section 403(b) of the Internal Revenue Code or from a governmental plan described in Section 457 of the Internal Revenue Code: Provided, That any rollovers or transfers pursuant to this section shall be accepted by the system only if made in cash or other asset permitted by the board and only in accordance with the policies, practices and procedures established by the board from time to time. For purposes of this article, the following definitions and limitations apply:

(1) "Permissive service credit" means service credit which is permitted to be purchased under the terms of the retirement system by voluntary contributions in an amount which does not exceed the amount necessary to fund the benefit attributable to the period of service for which the service credit is being purchased, all as defined in Section 415(n)(3)(A) of the Internal Revenue Code: Provided, That no more than five years of "nonqualified service credit", as defined in Section 415(n)(3)(C) of the Internal Revenue Code, may be included in the permissive service credit allowed to be purchased (other than by means of a rollover or plan transfer), and no nonqualified service credit may be included in any such purchase (other than by means of a rollover or plan transfer) before the member has at least five years of participation in the retirement system.

(2) "Repayment of withdrawn or refunded contributions" means the payment into the retirement system of the funds required pursuant to this article for the reinstatement of service credit previously forfeited on account of any refund or withdrawal of contributions permitted in this article, as set forth in Section 415(k)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

(3) Any contribution (other than by means of a rollover or plan transfer) to purchase permissive service credit under any provision of this article must satisfy the special limitation rules described in Section 415(n) of the Internal Revenue Code, and shall be automatically reduced, limited or required to be paid over multiple years if necessary to ensure such compliance. To the extent any such purchased permissive service credit is qualified military service within the meaning of Section 414(u) of the Internal Revenue Code, the limitations of Section 415 of the Internal Revenue Code shall be applied to such purchase as described in Section 414(u)(1)(B) of the Internal Revenue Code.

(4) For purposes of Section 415(b) of the Internal Revenue Code, the annual benefit attributable to any rollover contribution accepted pursuant to this section shall be determined in accordance with Treasury Regulation §1.415(b)-1(b)(2)(v), and the excess, if any, of the annuity payments attributable to any rollover contribution provided under the retirement system over the annual benefit so determined shall be taken into account when applying the accrued benefit limitations of Section 415(b) of the Internal Revenue Code and section twenty-eight-a of this article.

(b) Nothing in this section shall be construed as permitting rollovers or transfers into this system or any other system administered by the retirement board other than as specified in this section and no rollover or transfer shall be accepted into the system in an amount greater than the amount required for the purchase of permissive service credit or repayment of withdrawn or refunded contributions.

(c) Nothing in this section shall be construed as permitting the purchase of service credit or repayment of withdrawn or refunded contributions except as otherwise permitted in this article.

§18-7A-28e. Limitations on benefit increases.

(a) The state shall not increase any existing benefits or create any new benefits for any retirees or beneficiaries currently receiving monthly benefit payments from the retirement system, other than an increase in benefits or new benefits effected by operation of law in effect on the effective date of this article, in an amount that would exceed more than one percent of the accrued actuarial liability of the system as of the last day of the preceding fiscal year as determined in the annual actuarial valuation for each plan completed for the Consolidated Public Retirement Board as of the first day of the following fiscal year.

(b) If any increase of existing benefits or creation of new benefits for any retirees or beneficiaries currently receiving monthly benefit payments under the retirement system, other than an increase in benefits or new benefits effected by operation of law in effect on the effective date of this article, causes any additional unfunded actuarial accrued liability in any of the West Virginia state sponsored pension systems as calculated in the annual actuarial valuation for each plan during any fiscal year, additional unfunded actuarial accrued liability of that pension system shall be fully amortized over no more than the six consecutive fiscal years following the date the increase in benefits or new benefits become effective as certified by the Consolidated Public Retirement Board. Following the receipt of the certification of additional actuarial accrued liability, the Governor shall submit the amount of the amortization payment each year for the retirement system as part of the annual budget submission or in an executive message to the Legislature.

(c) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsections (a) and (b) of this section, the computation of annuities or benefits for active members due to retirement, death or disability as provided for in the retirement system shall not be amended in such a manner as to increase any existing benefits or to provide for new benefits.

(d) The provisions of this section terminate effective July 1, 2034: Provided, That if bonds are issued pursuant to article eight, chapter twelve of this code, the provisions of this section shall not terminate while any of the bonds are outstanding.

§18-7A-29. Fraud; penalties.

Any person who shall knowingly make any false statement or shall falsify or permit to be falsified any record or records of the retirement system in any attempt to defraud such system shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction, be punished by a fine not exceeding $1,000, or imprisonment in jail not exceeding one year or both.

§18-7A-30. Exemption from taxation, garnishment and other process; exception for qualified domestic relations order.

The moneys in the various funds and the right of a member to a retirement allowance, to the return of contributions, or to any benefit under the provisions of this article, are hereby exempt from municipal tax; shall not be subject to execution, garnishment, attachment or any other process whatsoever except that any benefits or contributions under this system shall be subject to "qualified domestic relations orders" as that term is defined in Section 414(p) of the Internal Revenue Code with respect to governmental plans; and shall be unassignable except as is provided in this article.

§18-7A-31. Unexpended funds under prior appropriations.

Any unexpended funds for teachers' retirement benefits, which were appropriated from general revenue prior to the enactment of this article, shall be credited and transferred to the reserve fund of the retirement system.

§18-7A-32. Inconsistent acts repealed.

All previous acts and parts of acts inconsistent with this article are hereby repealed.

§18-7A-33. Constitutionality.

If any part of this article is declared unconstitutional, it shall not affect any portion which remains, but the remaining portions of the article shall be in full force and effect as if the portions declared unconstitutional had never been a part of the article.

§18-7A-34. Loans to members.

(a) An actively contributing member of the retirement system upon written application may borrow from his or her individual account in the Teachers Retirement System, subject to these restrictions:

(1) Loans shall be made in multiples of $10, the minimal loan being $100 and the maximum being $8,000: Provided, That the maximum amount of any loan when added to the outstanding balance of all other loans granted under this section shall not exceed the lesser of the following: (A) $8,000 reduced by the excess, if any, of the highest outstanding balance of loans during the one-year period ending on the day before the date on which the loan is made, over the outstanding balance of loans to the member on the date on which the loan is made; or (B) fifty percent of the member's contributions to his or her individual account in the Teachers Retirement System: Provided, however, That if the total amount of loaned money outstanding exceeds $40 million, the maximum shall not exceed $3,000 until the retirement board determines that loans outstanding have been reduced to an extent that additional loan amounts are again authorized: Provided further, That the amount of any loan made pursuant to article seven-d of this chapter is not included for the purposes of determining if the $40 million threshold has been exceeded.

(2) Interest charged on the amount of the loan shall be six percent per annum, or a higher rate as set by the board: Provided, That interest charged shall be commercially reasonable in accordance with the provisions of Section 72(p)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code, and the federal regulations issued thereunder. If repayable in installments, the interest shall not exceed the annual rate so established upon the principal amount of the loan, for the entire period of the loan, and the charge shall be added to the principal amount of the loan. The minimal interest charge shall be for six months.

(3) No member is eligible for more than one outstanding loan at any time: Provided, That the foregoing provision does not apply to any loan made pursuant to article seven-d of this chapter. Upon full payment of a loan, a member may apply for a subsequent loan after sixty days beginning the first day of the month following receipt of final payment.

(4) If a refund of accumulated contributions is payable to the borrower or his or her beneficiary before he or she repays the loan with interest, the balance due with interest to date shall be deducted from the refund. A member with an unpaid loan balance who wishes to retire or becomes eligible to receive disability benefits under any provision of this article may have the loan repaid in full by accepting retirement income or disability payments reduced by deducting from the actuarial reserve for the accrued benefit the amount of the unpaid balance plus accrued interest, if any, and then converting the remaining of the reserve to a monthly pension or disability benefit payable in the form of the annuity desired by the member.

(5) From his or her monthly salary as a teacher or a nonteacher the member shall pay the loan and interest by deductions which will pay the loan and interest in substantially level payments in not more than sixty nor less than six months. Upon notice of loan granted and payment due, the employer is responsible for making the salary deductions and reporting them to the retirement board. At the option of the board, loan deductions may be collected as prescribed herein for the collection of members' contribution, or may be collected through issuance of warrant by employer. If the borrower is no longer employed as a teacher or nonteaching member, the borrower must make monthly loan payments directly to the Consolidated Public Retirement Board and the board must accept the payments.

(6) The entire unpaid balance of any loan, and interest due thereon, shall, at the option of the board, become due and payable without further notice or demand upon the occurrence with respect to the borrowing member of any of the following events of default: (A) Any payment of principal and accrued interest on a loan remains unpaid after it becomes due and payable under the terms of the loan or after the grace period established in the discretion of the board; (B) the borrowing member attempts to make an assignment for the benefit of creditors of his or her refund or benefit under the retirement system; or (C) any other event of default set forth in rules promulgated by the board in accordance with the authority granted pursuant to section one, article ten-d, chapter five of this code: Provided, That any refund or offset of an unpaid loan balance shall be made only at the time the member is entitled to receive a distribution under the retirement system.

(7) Loans shall be evidenced by such form of obligations and shall be made upon such additional terms as to default, prepayment, security, and otherwise as the board determines.

(8) Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, the loan program authorized by this section shall comply with the provisions of Section 72(p)(2) and Section 401 of the Internal Revenue Code, and the federal regulations issued thereunder, and accordingly, the retirement board is authorized to: (A) Apply and construe the provisions of this section and administer the plan loan program in such a manner as to comply with the provisions of Section 72(p)(2) and Section 401 of the Internal Revenue Code and the federal regulations issued thereunder; (B) adopt plan loan policies or procedures consistent with these federal law provisions; and (C) take such actions as it considers necessary or appropriate to administer the plan loan program created hereunder in accordance with these federal law provisions. The retirement board is further authorized in connection with the plan loan program to take any actions that may at any time be required by the Internal Revenue Service regarding compliance with the requirements of Section 72(p)(2) or Section 401 of the Internal Revenue Code, and the federal regulations issued thereunder, notwithstanding any provision in this article to the contrary.

(b) Notwithstanding anything in this article to the contrary, the loan program authorized by this section shall not be available to any teacher or nonteacher who becomes a member of the Teachers Retirement System on or after July 1, 2005: Provided, That a member is eligible for a loan under article seven-d of this chapter to pay all or part of the Actuarial Reserve, or if available in accordance with the provisions of subsection (d), section six, article seven-d of this chapter, the one and one-half percent contribution for service in the Teachers' Defined Contribution System for the purpose of receiving additional service credit in the state Teachers Retirement System pursuant to section six, article seven-d, of this chapter.

(c) A member who ceases service with an unpaid loan balance will no longer be a member when the unpaid loan balance, plus accrued interest, equals or exceeds the member's accumulated contributions.

§18-7A-35. Coverage for nonteaching employees; prior service credit.

(a) Nonteaching employees shall mean all persons, except teachers, regularly employed for full-time service by the following educational agencies: (a) Any county board of education, (b) the state Board of Education, (c) the West Virginia board of regents, and (d) the Teachers' Retirement Board.

(b) Such nonteaching employees shall be entitled to all the rights, privileges and benefits provided for teachers by this article, upon the same terms and conditions as are herein prescribed for teachers. Any member who was employed as a regular full-time employee in a nonteaching capacity by a Board of Education, school principal or school administrator, prior to the time he became eligible for membership in the state Teachers Retirement System, shall be granted prior service credit for such service upon making application to the retirement board and providing satisfactory evidence of such service.

(c) Except as provided in section thirteen-b of this article, employees of the cooperative extension service and its predecessors in title, (agriculture extension division, West Virginia extension agency, and West Virginia University cooperative extension service) shall be entitled to all the rights, privileges and benefits provided for teachers by this article, upon the same terms and conditions as are herein prescribed for teachers. Any member of the extension service or its predecessors in title, who was employed for thirty hours or more per week, prior to the time he became eligible for membership in the state Teachers Retirement System, shall be granted service credit for such service upon making application to the retirement board and providing satisfactory evidence of such service. When the prior service is credited, each member of the retirement system so credited shall contribute an amount equal to the amount he would have contributed had he been a member of the retirement system during the period credited.

§18-7A-35a. Prior service credit for former members of the state Teachers Retirement System employed in a nonteaching capacity.

Any former member of the state Teachers Retirement System who was employed as a regular full-time employee in a nonteaching capacity by a Board of Education, school principal or school administrator, prior to the time he became eligible for membership in the state Teachers Retirement System, shall be eligible for prior service credit for such service. Upon making application to the retirement board and providing satisfactory evidence, prior service credit shall be granted and his retirement allowance shall be recomputed and adjusted to include such prior service credit. Any increased retirement allowance resulting from the provisions of this section shall not be retroactive.

§18-7A-35b. Temporary early retirement incentives program; legislative declarations and findings; termination date.

Under the prior enactment of this section, the Legislature found and declared that a compelling state interest existed in providing a temporary, early retirement incentives program for encouraging the early, voluntary retirement of those public employees who were current, active, contributing members of this retirement system on April 1, 1988, in the reduction of the number of the employees and in reduction of governmental costs for the employees. The Legislature further found that maintaining an actuarily sound retirement fund is essential and that the reemployment in any manner, including reemployment on a contract basis, by the state of any person who retired under this section is contrary to the intent of the early retirement program and severely threatens the fiscal integrity of the retirement fund. The early retirement program under the prior enactment of this section, offered employees three retirement incentive options. Any person who retired under the provisions of the prior enactment of this section are subject to the restrictions contained in this section.

(a) For the purposes of this section: (1) "Contract" means any personal service agreement, not involving the sale of commodities, that cannot be performed within sixty days or for which the total compensation exceeds $7,500 in any twelve-month period. The term "contract" does not include any agreement obtained by a retirant through a bidding process and which is for the furnishing of any commodity to a government agency; (2) "governmental entity" means the State of West Virginia; a Constitutional branch or office of the state government, or any subdivision of state government; a county, city or town in the state; a county board of education; a separate corporation or instrumentality established pursuant to a state statute; any other entity currently permitted to participate in any state public retirement system or the Public Employees Insurance Agency; or any officer or official of any entity listed in this subsection who is acting in his or her official capacity; (3) "substitute teacher" means a teacher, public school librarian, registered professional nurse employed by the county board of education or any other person employed for counselling or instructional purposes in a public school in this state who is temporarily fulfilling the duties of an existing person employed in a specific position who is temporarily absent from that specific position; and (4) "part-time elected or appointed office" means any elected or appointed office that compensates its members in an amount less than $2,500 or requires less than sixty days of service in any twelve-month period.

(b) Any member who participated in the retirement incentive program under the prior enactment of this section is not eligible to accept further employment or accept, directly or indirectly, work on a contract basis from a governmental entity: Provided, That the executive director may approve, upon written request for good cause shown, an exception allowing a retirant to perform work on a contract basis: Provided, however, That a person may retire under this section and thereafter serve in an elective office: Provided further, That he or she shall not receive the incentive option he or she elected under the prior enactment of this section during the term of service in that office for which the total compensation exceeds $7,500, but shall receive his or her annuity calculated on regular basis, as if originally taken not under the prior enactment of this section but on a regular basis. At the end of the term and cessation of service in the office, the incentive option resumes. In respect of an appointive office, as distinguished from an elective office, any person retiring under this section and thereafter serving in the appointive office for which the total compensation exceeds $7,500 shall not receive the incentive option he or she elected under the prior enactment of this section during the term of service in that office, but the incentive option resumes during that period: And provided further, That at the end of the term and cessation of service in the appointive office the incentive option provided for under the prior enactment of this section resumes: And provided further, That any person elected or appointed to office by the state or any of its political subdivisions who waives whatever salary, wage or per diem compensation he or she may be entitled to by virtue of service in that office and who does not receive any income from service in that office except the reimbursement of out-of-pocket costs and expenses that are permitted by the statutes governing the office shall continue to receive the incentive option he or she elected under this section. The service may not be counted as contributed or credited service for purposes of computing retirement benefits.

(c) If the elected or appointed office is a part-time elected or appointed office, a person electing retirement under this section may serve in the elective or appointive office with no loss of the benefits provided under the prior enactment of this section.

(d) Prior to the initiation or renewal of any contract for which the total compensation exceeds $7,500 and entered into pursuant to this section or the acceptance of any elective or appointive office for which the total compensation exceeds $7,500, a person who has elected to retire under the early retirement provisions of the prior enactment of this section shall complete a disclosure and waiver statement executed under oath and acknowledged by a notary public. The board shall propose rules for promulgation, pursuant to article three, chapter twenty-nine-a of this code, regarding the form and contents of the waiver and disclosure statement. The disclosure and waiver statement shall be forwarded to the appropriate state public retirement system administrator who shall take action to ensure that the early retirement incentive option benefit is reduced in accordance with the provisions of this section. The administrator shall then certify that action in writing to the appropriate governmental entity.

(e) In any event, an eligible member who retired under the prior enactment of this section may continue to receive his or her incentive annuity and be employed as a substitute teacher, as adjunct faculty, as a school service personnel substitute, or as a part-time member of the faculty of southern West Virginia community college or West Virginia northern community college: Provided, That the board of directors determines that the part-time employment is in accordance with policies to be adopted by the board regarding adjunct faculty. For purposes of this section, a "part-time member of the faculty" means an individual employed solely to provide instruction for not more than twelve college credits per semester.

(f) Any incentive retirants, under the prior enactment of this section, may not receive an annuity and enter or reenter any governmental retirement system established or authorized to be established by the state, notwithstanding any provision of the code to the contrary, unless required by Constitutional provision.

(g) The additional annuity allowed for temporary early retirement is intended to be paid from the retirement incentive account created as a special account in the State Treasury and from the funds in the special account established with moneys required to be applied or transferred by heads of spending units from the unused portion of salary and fringe benefits in their budgets accruing in respect to the positions vacated and subsequently canceled under this temporary early retirement program. Salary and fringe benefit moneys actually saved in a particular fiscal year constitute the fund source. No additional annuity shall be disallowed even though initial receipts may not be sufficient, with funds of the system to be applied for the purpose, as for the base annuity.

(h) The executive secretary of the retirement system shall file a quarterly report to the Legislature detailing the number of retirees who have elected to accept early retirement incentive options, the dollar cost to date by option selected, and the projected annual cost through the year 2000.

(i) Termination of temporary retirement incentives program. -- The right to retire under this section terminated on June 30, 1989.

§18-7A-35c. Termination of benefits; procedure.

Whenever the board determines that (1) any person has knowingly made any false statement or falsified or permitted to be falsified any record or records of the retirement system in an attempt to defraud the system, or (2) any person who resumes employment with any governmental entity or accepts, directly or indirectly, work on a contract basis from any governmental entity, except as provided for under this article, the board shall terminate any benefit that a person is receiving, has received, or is entitled to receive under the early retirement provisions of this article. Further, if any person taking early retirement under this article desires to revoke his or her early retirement incentive, he or she shall be allowed to do so if he or she is entitled to regular retirement pursuant to this article: Provided, That such revocation shall be retroactive to the date of last employment and any incentive annuity already received by the retiree be repaid to the retirement system. Any person who revokes his or her early retirement incentive shall be thereafter carried upon the records of the retirement system as a regular retiree and shall not be entitled to any enhanced benefit by reason of the early retirement options contained in this article: Provided, however, That any person who opted to retire pursuant to the early retirement provisions of this article who would not have been and is not eligible for regular retirement but for the early retirement incentive options must upon returning to the employment of a participating employer, reapply for admission to a retirement system and repay all pension benefits paid to that person since the date his previous employment ceased. Any termination of benefits may be appealed pursuant to the state administrative procedures act in chapter twenty-nine-a of this code. The board shall promulgate rules regarding the procedure for termination of benefits and the repayment of any benefit, in accordance with the provisions of article three, chapter twenty-nine-a of this code.

§18-7A-36. Joint study of state retirement systems; report to Joint Committee on Government and Finance by specified date of study conclusions.


§18-7A-37. Benefits not forfeited if system terminates.

If the retirement system is terminated or contributions are completely discontinued, the rights of all members to benefits accrued or contributions made to the date of such termination or discontinuance, to the extent then funded, are not forfeited.

§18-7A-38. Maximum number of days a retired teacher may accept employment; calculating days worked for retirants engaged in substitute teaching.

(a) The Legislature finds that:

(1) The Consolidated Public Retirement Board has determined that retired substitute teachers should not perform substitute teaching without limit;

(2) The Consolidated Public Retirement Board has established, by rule, a maximum number of days in which a retired teacher may accept employment prior to having his or her retirement benefit reduced; and

(3) There have been inconsistencies in the manner in which county boards calculate the maximum number of days established by rule.

(b) The Consolidated Public Retirement Board may not set forth in rule a maximum number of days in which a retired teacher may accept employment prior to having his or her retirement benefit reduced that is less than one hundred forty days.

(c) For the purpose of calculating whether a retired substitute teacher has exceeded the maximum number of days in which a substitute teacher may accept employment without incurring a reduction in his or her retirement benefit, the number of days worked shall be determined by:

(1) Totaling the number of hours worked; and

(2) Dividing by the standard number of hours that a full-time teacher works per day.

§18-7A-39. Employee Pension and Health Care Benefits Fund.

(a) There is hereby created in the state Treasury a special revenue account designated as the "Employee Pension and Health Care Benefits Fund" to be administered by the Department of Administration. Funds in this account may be invested in the manner permitted by the provisions of article six, chapter twelve of this code, with all interest income credited to this Fund.

(b) Effective July 1, 2005, any savings realized from the reduction in employer contributions for current retirement benefits, being the difference between the required employer contributions that would have been required into the Teachers Defined Contribution System as in effect immediately prior to July 1, 2005 and the required employer contribution for normal cost into the state Teachers Retirement System on and after July 1, 2005, shall be deposited into the Employee Pension and Health Care Benefits Fund. The Consolidated Public Retirement Board shall determine the annual amount of the savings based on the annual actuarial valuation for the plan prepared as of July 1, following the end of each fiscal year and certify the amount to the Governor by the thirty-first day of January of that fiscal year. The Governor shall submit the amount of the savings as part of the annual budget submission or in an executive message to the Legislature.

(c) Moneys in the Employee Pension and Health Care Benefits Fund are to be used and expended to pay for the cost of unfunded health care benefits or unfunded pension benefits, or to be transferred into the Pension Liability Redemption Fund created in section eight, article eight, chapter twelve of this code as appropriated by the Legislature.

§18-7A-40. Higher education employees.

Nothing in this article or article seven-b of this chapter shall be construed:

(1) To be in conflict with section four-a, article twenty-three, chapter eighteen of this code; or

(2) To affect the membership of higher education employees who are currently members of either the state Teachers Retirement System created in this article or the Teachers' Defined Contribution Retirement System created in article seven-b of this chapter: Provided, That any higher education employees who are currently members of the Teachers' Defined Contribution Retirement System may become members of the Teachers Retirement System upon meeting the requirements of article seven-d of this chapter.


§18-7B-1. Short title.

This article shall be known and may be cited as the "Teacher's Retirement Reform Act".

§18-7B-2. Definitions.

As used in this article, unless the context clearly requires a different meaning:

"Annual addition" means, for purposes of the limitations under Section 415(c) of the Internal Revenue Code, the sum credited to a member's account for any limitation year of: (A) Employer contributions; (B) employee contributions; and (C) forfeitures. Repayment of cash-outs or contributions as described in Section 415(k)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, rollover contributions and picked-up employee contributions to a defined benefit plan may not be treated as annual additions, consistent with the requirements of Treasury Regulation §1.415(c)-1.

"Annuity account" or "annuity" means an account established for each member to record the deposit of member contributions and employer contributions and interest, dividends, or other accumulations credited on behalf of the member.

"Compensation" means the full compensation actually received by members for service whether or not a part of the compensation is received from other funds, federal or otherwise, than those provided by the state or its subdivisions: Provided, That annual compensation for determining contributions during any determination period may not exceed the maximum compensation allowed as adjusted for cost of living in accordance with §5-10D-7 of this code and Section 401(a)(17) of the Internal Revenue Code: Provided, however, That solely for purposes of applying the limitations of Section 415 of the Internal Revenue Code to any annual addition, "compensation" has the meaning given it in §18-7B-13(d) of this code.

"Consolidated board" or "board" means the Consolidated Public Retirement Board created and established pursuant to §5-10D-1 et seq. of this code.

"Defined contribution system" or "system" means the Teachers' Defined Contribution Retirement System created and established by this article.

"Electing charter school" means a public charter school established pursuant to §18-5G-1 et seq. of this code which has elected to participate in this retirement system as permitted in the definition of "Member" or "employee" in this section.

"Employer" means the agency of and within the State of West Virginia which has employed or employs a member, a county board of education which has employed or employs a member, or an electing charter school which has employed or employs a member. "Participating public employer" or "participating employer" means "employer" unless the context clearly requires otherwise.

"Employer contribution" means an amount deposited into the member's individual annuity account on a periodic basis coinciding with the employee's regular pay period by an employer from its own funds.

"Employer error" means an omission, misrepresentation, or deliberate act in violation of relevant provisions of the West Virginia Code, the West Virginia Code of State Regulations, or the relevant provisions of both the West Virginia Code and of the West Virginia Code of State Regulations by the participating public employer that has resulted in an underpayment or overpayment of contributions required.

"Employment term" means employment for at least 10 months in any plan year with a month being defined as 20 employment days.

"Existing employer" means any employer who employed or employs a member of the system.

"Existing retirement system" means the State Teachers Retirement System established in §18-7A-1 et seq. of this code.

"Internal Revenue Code" means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as it has been amended.

"Member" or "employee" means the following persons, if regularly employed for full-time service: (A) Any person employed by a public school for instructional service in the public schools of West Virginia; (B) principals employed by a public school; (C) librarians employed by a public school; (D) superintendents of schools and assistant county superintendents of schools; (E) any county school attendance director holding a West Virginia teacher's certificate; (F) members of the research, extension, administrative, or library staffs of the public schools; (G) the State Superintendent of Schools, heads and assistant heads of the divisions under his or her supervision, or any other employee under the state superintendent performing services of an educational nature; (H) employees of the State Board of Education who are performing services of an educational nature; (I) any person employed in a nonteaching capacity by the State Board of Education, any county board of education, an electing charter school, or the State Department of Education, if that person was formerly employed as a teacher in the public schools; (J) all classroom teachers, principals, and educational administrators in schools under the supervision of the Division of Corrections and the Department of Human Services; (K) any person who is regularly employed for full-time service by any county board of education, electing charter school, educational services cooperative, or the State Board of Education; (L) the administrative staff of the public schools including deans of instruction, deans of men and deans of women, and financial and administrative secretaries; (M) any person designated as a 21st Century Learner Fellow pursuant to §18A-3-11 of this code who elects to remain a member of the Teachers' Defined Contribution Retirement System established by this article; and (N) any person employed by a public charter school established pursuant to §18-5G-1 et seq. of this code if the charter school includes in its charter contract entered into pursuant to §18-5G-7 of this code a determination to participate in the retirement systems under this article, subject to §18-7B-7a and §18-7A-1 et seq. of this code.

"Member contribution" means an amount reduced from the employee's regular pay periods and deposited into the member's individual annuity account within the Teachers' Defined Contribution Retirement System.

"Permanent, total disability" means a mental or physical incapacity requiring absence from employment service for at least six months: Provided, That the incapacity is shown by an examination by a physician or physicians selected by the board: Provided, however, That for employees hired on or after July 1, 2005, "permanent, total disability" means an inability to engage in substantial gainful activity by reason of any medically determinable physical or mental impairment that can be expected to result in death, or has lasted or can be expected to last for a continuous period of not less than 12 months and the incapacity is so severe that the member is likely to be permanently unable to perform the duties of the position the member occupied immediately prior to his or her disabling injury or illness.

"Plan year" means the 12-month period commencing on July 1 of any designated year and ending on the following June 30.

"Public schools" means all publicly supported schools, including normal schools, colleges, and universities in this state. Unless the context clearly requires otherwise, "public school" shall not include a public charter school which is not an "electing charter school" as defined herein.

"Regularly employed for full-time service" means employment in a regular position or job throughout the employment term regardless of the number of hours worked or the method of pay.

"Required beginning date" means April 1 of the calendar year following the later of: (A) The calendar year in which the member attains age 70.5 (if born before July 1, 1949) or age 72 (if born after June 30, 1949); or (B) the calendar year in which the member retires or otherwise ceases employment with a participating employer.

"Retirement" means a member's withdrawal from the active employment of a participating employer and completion of all conditions precedent to retirement.

"Year of employment service" means employment for at least 10 months, with a month being defined as 20 employment days: Provided, That no more than one year of service may be accumulated in any 12-month period.

§18-7B-3. Defined contribution retirement system created and established; body corporate.

The teachers' defined contribution retirement system is hereby created and established to provide for the secure, fair and orderly retirement of the teachers and related personnel of the state. The defined contribution retirement system shall constitute a body corporate and all business of the system shall be transacted in the name of the teachers' defined contribution retirement system.

§18-7B-4. Article to be liberally construed; purpose; federal qualification requirements.

The provisions of this article shall be liberally construed so as to provide a general annuity based retirement system for teachers in this state. The purpose of this article is to provide a defined contribution retirement program which is fully funded on a current basis from employer and employee contribution.

The retirement system is intended to meet the federal qualification requirements of Section 401(a) and related sections of the Internal Revenue Code as applicable to governmental plans. Notwithstanding any other provision of state law, the board shall administer the retirement system to fulfill this intent for the exclusive benefit of the members and their beneficiaries. Any provision of this article referencing or relating to these federal qualification requirements shall be effective as of the date required by federal law. The board may promulgate rules and amend or repeal conflicting rules in accordance with the authority granted to the board pursuant to section one, article ten-d, chapter five of this code to assure compliance with the requirements of this section.

§18-7B-5. Administration of the teachers' defined contribution retirement system.

The Consolidated Public Retirement Board created pursuant to article ten-d, chapter five of this code shall administer the teachers' defined contribution retirement system. The board may sue and be sued, contract and be contracted with and conduct all the business of the defined contribution system in the name of the teachers' defined contribution retirement system.

§18-7B-6. Powers and duties of the consolidated board in the administration of the defined contribution system.

The board has all powers necessary to effectuate the purposes of this article. The board shall contract with a private pension, insurance, annuity, mutual fund or other qualified company or companies to administer the day-to-day operations of the system. In selecting such company or companies the board shall take into account as its highest duty, the proper safeguard and protection of the member and employer contributions and the interest dividends, or other return thereon. The board shall promulgate rules regarding the proper investment of funds notwithstanding the provisions of article six, chapter twelve of this code.

§18-7B-7. Participation in Teachers' Defined Contribution Retirement System; limiting participation in existing Teachers Retirement System.

(a) Beginning July 1, 1991, and except as provided in this section, the Teachers' Defined Contribution Retirement System shall be the single retirement program for all new employees whose employment commences on or after that date and all new employees shall be required to participate. No additional new employees except as may be provided in this section may be admitted to the existing Teachers Retirement System.

(b) Members of the existing Teachers Retirement System whose employment continues beyond July 1, 1991, and those whose employment was terminated after June 30, 1991, under a reduction in force are not affected by subsection (a) of this section and shall continue to contribute to and participate in the existing Teachers Retirement System without a change in plan provisions or benefits.

(c) Any person who was previously a member of the Teachers Retirement System and who left participating employment before the creation of the Teachers' Defined Contribution Retirement System on July 1, 1991, and who later returns to participating employment after the effective date of this section shall return to the existing Teachers Retirement System.

(d) Any person who was, prior to July 1, 1991, a member of the existing Teachers Retirement System who left participating employment before the creation of the Teachers' Defined Contribution Retirement System on July 1, 1991, and who later returned to participating employment after that date and who was precluded from returning to the existing Teachers Retirement System as a result of prior provisions of this section, may become a member of the Teachers Retirement System upon meeting the requirements provided in article seven-d of this chapter.

(e) Any employee whose employment with an employer was suspended or terminated while he or she served as an officer with a statewide professional teaching association, is eligible for readmission to the existing retirement system in which he or she was a member.

(f) An employee whose employment with an employer or an existing employer is suspended as a result of an approved leave of absence, approved maternity or paternity break in service or any other approved break in service authorized by the board is eligible for readmission to the existing retirement system in which he or she was a member.

(g) In all cases in which a question exists as to the right of an employee to readmission to membership in the existing Teachers Retirement System, the Consolidated Public Retirement Board shall decide the question.

(h) Any individual who is not a "member" or "employee" as defined by section two of this article and any individual who is a leased employee is not eligible to participate in the Teachers' Defined Contribution Retirement System. For purposes of this section, a "leased" employee means any individual who performs services as an independent contractor or pursuant to an agreement with an employee leasing organization or other similar organization. In all cases in which a question exists as to whether an individual is eligible for membership in this system, the Consolidated Public Retirement Board shall decide the question.

(i) Effective July 1, 2005 and continuing through January 1, 2006, any employee of River Valley Child Development Services, Inc., who is a member of the Teachers' Defined Contribution Retirement System may elect to withdraw from membership and join the private pension plan provided by River Valley Child Development Services, Inc.

(j) River Valley Child Development Services, Inc., and its successors in interest shall provide for their employees a pension plan in lieu of the Teachers' Defined Contribution Retirement System on or before July 1, 2005, and continuing thereafter during the existence of the River Valley Child Development Services, Inc., and its successors in interest. All new employees hired after June 30, 2005, shall participate in the pension plan in lieu of the Teachers' Defined Contribution Retirement System.

(k) The administrative body of River Valley Child Development Services, Inc., shall, on or before June 1, 2005, give written notice to each employee who is a member of the Teachers' Defined Contribution Retirement System of the option to withdraw from or remain in the system. The notice shall include a copy of this section and a statement explaining the member's options regarding membership. The notice shall include a statement in plain language giving a full explanation and actuarial projection figures, prepared by an independent actuary, in support of the explanation regarding the individual member's current account balance, vested and nonvested, and his or her projected return upon remaining in the Teacher's Defined Contribution Retirement System until retirement, disability or death, in comparison with the projected return upon withdrawing from the Teachers' Defined Contribution Retirement System and joining a private pension plan provided by River Valley Child Development Center, Inc., and remaining therein until retirement, disability or death. The administrative body shall keep in its records a permanent record of each employee's signature confirming receipt of the notice.

§18-7B-7a. Plan closed to persons employed for the first time after June, 2005; former employees.

The retirement system created and established in this article shall be closed and no new members accepted in the system after June 30, 2005. Notwithstanding the provisions of sections seven and eight of this article, all persons who are regularly employed for full-time service as a member or an employee whose initial employment commences after June 30, 2005, shall become a member of the state Teachers' Retirement System created and established in article seven-a of this chapter: Provided, That any person rehired after June 30, 2005, shall become a member of the Teachers' Defined Contribution Retirement System created and established in this article, or of the Teachers Retirement System created and established in article seven-a of this chapter, depending upon which system he or she last contributed to while he or she was employed with an employer mandating membership and contributions to one of those plans: Provided, however, That a rehired person who thereby becomes a member of the Teachers' Defined Contribution Retirement System may become a member of the Teachers Retirement System within the applicable time periods and upon meeting the requirements provided in article seven-d of this chapter: Provided further, That any person rehired after December 31, 2007, who did not have at least $1 in the Teachers Defined Contribution Retirement System on December 31, 2007, and for whom the Teachers Defined Contribution Retirement System was the system to which he or she last contributed while employed by an employer who required membership and contributions to one of the two teachers retirement plans, shall, within ten days of returning to employment, affirmatively choose to reenter the Teachers Defined Contribution Retirement System or to become a contributing member of the Teachers Retirement System. Those rehired prior to July 1, 2008, and who did not have at least $1 in the Teachers Defined Contribution Retirement System on December 31, 2007, as determined by the Consolidated Public Retirement Board, shall be permitted to voluntarily elect to transfer effective August 1, 2008, upon written request to the Consolidated Public Retirement Board received no later than July 15, 2008.

§18-7B-8. Voluntary participation in system; expiration of right to elect membership in defined contribution system.

(1) Any employee who is a member of the existing retirement system may, upon written election, voluntarily elect membership in the Teachers' Defined Contribution Retirement System, on a prospective basis, on or after July 1, 1991. All benefits earned by any employee making a voluntary election under the existing retirement system prior to the voluntary election shall be frozen and made available to that employee upon retirement as provided by the existing retirement system. A member of the existing retirement system who has less than five years of contributing service in the existing retirement system may elect to withdraw his or her contribution plus interest thereon as if the member is terminating employment and upon withdrawal shall deposit the funds in the defined contribution system: Provided, That the member's years of contributing service in the existing system shall be applied toward the years of employment service required under section eleven of this article: Provided, however, That this election is allowed on a retroactive basis to July 1, 1991. For the purposes of this section, "frozen" means that the member's salary, years of service and any other factor to determine benefits shall be calculated as of the date that the member elected membership in the defined contribution system and after that date no increase in salary, years of service or any other factor may be used to increase the retirement benefit above that which it would be if a person retired upon the date that the election is made. After having made the election, the employee may not change such election or again become a member of the existing retirement system.

(2) Notwithstanding any provision of this section to the contrary, after June 30, 2005, no person who is a member of the state Teachers Retirement System may elect membership in the Teachers' Defined Contribution Retirement System.

§18-7B-8a. Qualified military service.

Contributions, benefits and service credit with respect to qualified military service will be provided in accordance with section 414(u) of the Internal Revenue Code. For purposes of this section, "qualified military service" has the same meaning as in Section 414(u) of the Internal Revenue Code. The retirement board is authorized to determine all questions and make all decisions relating to this section and, pursuant to the authority granted to the retirement board in section one, article ten-d, chapter five of this code, may promulgate rules relating to contributions, benefits and service credit to comply with Section 414(u) of the Internal Revenue Code.

§18-7B-9. Members' contributions; annuity account established.

(a) Each employee who is a member of the Defined Contribution System shall contribute four and one-half percent of his or her gross compensation by salary deduction. The salary deductions shall be made by the employer and shall be paid to the Teachers' Defined Contribution Retirement System within fifteen days of the end of the pay period: Provided, That the board may require any employer to make the payments within such shorter period as it may determine, upon at least sixty days notice to the employer, if the board determines the employer has the technological capacity to transfer the funds within the shorter period. The employer payments shall be remitted by the board within five working days to the private pension, insurance, annuity, mutual fund, or other qualified company or companies designated by the board to administer the day-to-day operations of the system.

(b) All member contributions shall be immediately deposited to an account or accounts established in the name of the member and held in trust for the benefit of the member. An account agreement shall be issued to each member setting forth the terms and conditions under which contributions are received, and the investment and retirement options available to the member. The Board shall propose for legislative approval in accordance with article three, chapter twenty-nine-a of this code, pursuant to section six of this article, rules defining the minimum requirements for the investment and retirement options to be provided to the members.

(c) The legislative rules proposed by the board, to the extent not inconsistent with the applicable provisions of the Internal Revenue Code of the United States, shall provide for varied retirement options including, but not limited to:

(1) Lump sum or periodic payment distributions;

(2) Joint and survivor annuities;

(3) Other annuity forms in the discretion of the board;

(4) Variable annuities which gradually increase monthly retirement payments: Provided, That said increased payments are funded solely by the existing current value of the member's account at the time the member's retirement payments commence and not, to any extent, in a manner which would require additional employer or employee contributions to any member's account after retirement or after the cessation of employment; and

(5) The instances in which, if any, distributions or loans can be made to members from their annuity account balances prior to having attained the age of fifty-five.

§18-7B-10. Employer contributions.

Each participating employer shall annually make a contribution equal to seven and one-half percent of each member's gross compensation. The pro rata share of this amount shall be paid upon each date that a member contribution is made and shall be remitted as provided for in section nine of this article for credit to the member's annuity account. Each participating employer has a fiduciary duty to its employees to ensure that the employer contributions are timely made. In the case of an officer or employee of the state, any unpaid contribution shall be a state debt, contracted as a result of a casual deficit in state revenues, to be accorded preferred status over other expenditures.

In the event that any payment is not timely made, the participating employer shall immediately give to the employee and the State Auditor notice in writing of the nonpayment, in such form and accompanied by such documentation as may be required by the Auditor. Notice to the Auditor shall operate in the manner of a requisition, and the Auditor shall transmit a warrant to the treasurer. At such time as funds are available in the appropriate account, the treasurer shall pay the employer contribution, together with appropriate daily interest.

§18-7B-11. Termination of membership.

(a) Any member whose employment with a participating employer terminates after the completion of six complete years of employment service is eligible to terminate his or her annuity account and receive a distribution from the member's annuity account, in an amount equal to the member's contribution plus one third of the employer contributions and any earnings thereon. Any member whose employment with a participating employer terminates after the completion of nine complete years of employment service is eligible to terminate his or her annuity account and receive a distribution from the member's annuity account, in an amount equal to the member's contribution plus two thirds of the employer's contributions and any earnings thereon. Any member whose employment with a participating employer terminates after the completion of twelve complete years of employment service is eligible to terminate his or her annuity account and receive a distribution of all funds contributed and accumulated in his or her annuity account. Any member whose employment with a participating employer terminates prior to the completion of six complete years of employment service is eligible to terminate his or her annuity account and receive a distribution from the member's annuity account, in an amount equal to the member's contribution plus any earnings thereon: Provided, That on the death or permanent, total disability of any member, that member is eligible to terminate his or her annuity account and receive all funds contributed to or accumulated in his or her annuity account.

(b)(1) Upon termination of employment, regardless of whether the member has taken a distribution of all or a portion of his or her vested account, the remaining balance, if any, in the member's employer account that is not vested shall be remitted and paid into a suspension account to be administered by the board. The Board shall propose rules for legislative approval in accordance with article three, chapter twenty-nine-a of this code regarding the distribution of any balance in the special account created by this section: Provided, That any funds in the account shall be used solely for the purpose of reducing employer contributions in future years.

(2) Any account balances remitted to the suspension account herein shall be maintained by the board in the suspension account in the name of the terminated employee for a period of five years following the member's termination of employment. For each terminated employee at the culmination of the five-year period, the board shall certify in writing to each contributing employer the amount of the account balance plus earnings thereon attributable to each separate contributing employer's previously terminated employee's account which has been irrevocably forfeited due to the elapse of a five-year period since termination pursuant to section sixteen of this article.

(c) Upon certification to the several contributing employers of the aggregate account balances plus earnings thereon which have been irrevocably forfeited pursuant to this section, the several contributing employers shall be permitted in the next succeeding fiscal year or years to reduce their total aggregate contribution requirements pursuant to section seventeen of this article, for the then current fiscal year by an amount equal to the aggregate amounts irrevocably forfeited and certified as such to each contributing employer: Provided, That should the participating employer no longer be contributing to the Defined Contribution System, any funds in the account shall be paid directly to the employer.

(d) Upon the use of the amounts irrevocably forfeited to any contributing employer as a reduction in the then current fiscal year contribution obligation and upon notification provided by the several contributing employers to the board of their intention to use irrevocably forfeited amounts, the board shall direct the distribution of the irrevocably forfeited amounts from the suspension account to be deposited on behalf of the contributing employer to the member annuity accounts of its then current employees pursuant to section seventeen of this article: Provided, That notwithstanding any provision of this article to the contrary, when a member is or has been elected to serve as a member of the Legislature, and the proper discharge of his or her duties of public office requires that member to be absent from his or her teaching, nonteaching or administrative duties, the time served in discharge of his or her duties of the legislative office are credited as time served for purposes of computing service credit, regardless when this time was served: Provided, however, That the board may not require any additional contributions from that member in order for the board to credit him or her with the contributing service credit earned while discharging official legislative duties: Provided further, That nothing herein may be construed to relieve the employer from making the employer contribution at the member's regular salary rate or rate of pay from that employer on the contributing service credit earned while the member is discharging his or her official legislative duties. These employer payments shall commence as of July 1, 2003: And provided further, That any member to which the provisions of this subsection apply may elect to pay to the board an amount equal to what his or her contribution would have been for those periods of time he or she was serving in the Legislature.

§18-7B-11a. Rollovers and transfers to repay cashed-out or withdrawn contributions.

(a) This section applies to rollovers and transfers as specified in this section made on or after January 1, 2002. Notwithstanding any provision of this article to the contrary that would otherwise prohibit or limit rollovers and plan transfers to this system, the defined contribution system shall accept the following rollovers and plan transfers on behalf of a member solely for the purpose of repayment of cashed-out or withdrawn contributions, in whole or in part, as otherwise provided in this article or the rules applicable to the defined contribution system: (i) One or more rollovers within the meaning of Section 408(d)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code from an individual retirement account described in Section 408(a) of the Internal Revenue Code or from an individual retirement annuity described in Section 408(b) of the Internal Revenue Code; (ii) one or more rollovers described in Section 402(c) of the Internal Revenue Code from a retirement plan that is qualified under Section 401(a) of the Internal Revenue Code or from a plan described in Section 403(b) of the Internal Revenue Code; (iii) one or more rollovers described in Section 457(e)(16) of the Internal Revenue Code from a governmental plan described in Section 457 of the Internal Revenue Code; or (iv) direct trustee-to-trustee transfers or rollovers from a plan that is qualified under Section 401(a) of the Internal Revenue Code: Provided, That any rollovers or transfers pursuant to this section shall be accepted by the system only if made in cash or other asset permitted by the board and only in accordance with the policies established by the board from time to time.

(b) Nothing in this section shall be construed as permitting rollovers or transfers into this system or any other system administered by the retirement board other than as specified in this section and no rollover or transfer shall be accepted into the system in an amount greater than the amount required for the repayment of cashed-out or withdrawn contributions.

(c) Nothing in this section shall be construed as permitting the repayment of cashed-out or withdrawn contributions except as otherwise permitted in this article or the rules applicable to the defined contribution system.

§18-7B-12. Retirement, commencement of annuity payments, payments under a qualified domestic relations order.

(a) Subject to the provisions of section twelve-a of this article, an employee attaining fifty-five years of age, may elect to take retirement by notifying the board or its designee in writing of his or her intention to retire. The notice of retirement must be received by the board or its designee no fewer than sixty days prior to the effective date of retirement. Retirement payments shall commence within thirty days of the retirement date under the payment option selected by the employee.

(b) An alternate payee named in a qualified domestic relations order may elect to receive a distribution awarded from this plan. If the alternate payee elects, the board or its designee shall promptly compute the amount due without regard to whether the employee is receiving benefits at the time of election. After the amount due has been computed, the board shall promptly initiate payments to the alternate payee.

(c) For purposes of this section, the term "qualified domestic relations order" means a "qualified domestic relations order" as defined in Section 414(p) of the Internal Revenue Code with respect to government plans.

§18-7B-12a. Federal minimum required distributions.

The requirements of this section apply to any distribution of a member’s or beneficiary’s interest and take precedence over any inconsistent provisions of this defined contribution system. This section applies to plan years beginning after December 31, 1986. Notwithstanding anything in this system to the contrary, the payment of benefits under this article shall be determined and made in accordance with section 401(a)(9) of the Internal Revenue Code and the federal regulations promulgated thereunder as applicable to governmental plans, including without limitation the minimum distribution incidental benefit (MDIB) requirement of section 401(a)(9)(G) and the regulations thereunder, and the incidental benefit rule of section 1.401-1(b)(1)(i) of the regulations. Any term used in this article has the same meaning as when used in a comparable context in section 401(a)(9) of the Internal Revenue Code and the federal regulations promulgated thereunder unless a different meaning is clearly required by the context or definition in this article. The following provisions apply to payments of benefits required under this article:

(a) The payment of benefits under the defined contribution system to any member shall be distributed to him or her not later than the required beginning date, or be distributed to him or her commencing not later than the required beginning date, in accordance with regulations prescribed under section 401(a)(9) of the Internal Revenue Code, over the life of the member or over the lives of the member and his or her beneficiary or over a period not extending beyond the life expectancy of the member and his or her beneficiary (subject to the provisions of subsection (g) of this section: Provided, That the requirements of this section may not be construed to grant a right to a form of benefit which is not otherwise available to a particular member under this retirement system: Provided, however, That if the member elects an annuity option which provides survivor benefits to a beneficiary who is not the member’s spouse, and the annuity option elected would provide survivor payments that exceed the applicable percentage permitted by the MDIB regulations under section 401(a)(9) of the Internal Revenue Code, the member’s annuity election shall be changed to the highest survivor annuity option offered under this retirement system which satisfies the MDIB regulations. Benefit payments under this section shall not be delayed pending, or contingent upon, receipt of an application for retirement from the member.

(b) If a member dies after distribution to him or her has commenced pursuant to this section but before his or her entire interest in the system has been distributed, then the remaining portion of that interest shall be distributed at least as rapidly as under the method of distribution being used at the date of his or her death (subject to the provisions of subsection (g) of this section).

(c) If a member dies before distribution to him or her has commenced, then his or her entire interest in the retirement system is to be distributed by December 31 of the calendar year containing the fifth anniversary of the member’s death, unless the provisions of subsection (d) of this section apply.

(d) If a member dies before distribution to him or her has commenced, and the member’s interest is eligible to be paid in the form of a survivor annuity to a designated beneficiary, distributions are to be made over the life of that beneficiary or over a period certain not greater than the life expectancy of that beneficiary (subject to the provisions of subsection (g) of this section), commencing on or before the following:

(1) December 31 of the calendar year immediately following the calendar year in which the member died; or

(2) If the member’s sole designated beneficiary is either the surviving spouse or a former spouse who, as an alternate payee under a Qualified Domestic Relations Order, is receiving 100 percent of the survivor benefit, distributions are to commence on or before the later of:

(A) December 31 of the calendar year in which the member would have attained age 70.5 (if born before July 1, 1949) or age 72 (if born after June 30, 1949); or

(B) December 31 of the calendar year immediately following the calendar year in which the member died.

(e) If a member dies before distribution to him or her has commenced and the survivor annuity provisions of subsection (d) of this section are not applicable, any designated beneficiary who is eligible to receive a distribution pursuant to the provisions of subsection (c) of this section may elect to have life expectancy treatment apply to the distribution for purposes of determining whether any portion of the distribution is an eligible rollover distribution (subject to the provisions of subsection (g) of this section, if applicable): Provided, That any such election shall not delay the required distribution of the deceased member’s entire interest in the retirement system beyond December 31 of the calendar year containing the fifth anniversary of the member’s death as required by subsection (c) of this section: Provided, however, That the election is timely made in a form acceptable to the board on or before the following:

(1) December 31 of the calendar year immediately following the calendar year in which the member died; or

(2) If the member’s sole designated beneficiary is either the surviving spouse or a former spouse who, as an alternate payee under a Qualified Domestic Relations Order, is receiving 100 percent of the survivor benefit, election of life expectancy treatment must be made on or before the earlier of (A) or (B) below:

(A) The later of: (i) December 31 of the calendar year immediately following the calendar year in which the member died; or (ii) December 31 of the calendar year in which the member would have attained age 70.5 (if born before July 1, 1949) or age 72 (if born after June 30, 1949); or

(B) October 31 of the calendar year containing the fifth anniversary of the member’s death.

(f) For purposes of this section, any amount paid to a child of a member will be treated as if it had been paid to the surviving spouse of the member if the remaining amount becomes payable to the surviving spouse when the child reaches the age of majority.

(g) The provisions of this subsection will apply to distributions with respect to members who die on or after January 1, 2022, and to the designated beneficiaries of members who die prior to January 1, 2022, as described in subdivision (2) of this subsection. This subsection will not apply to qualified annuities described in SECURE Act section 401(b)(4)(B)[P.L. 116-94, Div. O].

(1) 10-Year Rule. — If the distributee of a deceased member’s account is a designated beneficiary who is not an “Eligible Designated Beneficiary,” then the system will distribute the member’s vested account in full no later than December 31 of the 10th year following the year of the member’s death.

(2) Beneficiary Death. — If an Eligible Designated Beneficiary dies before receiving distribution of the beneficiary’s entire interest in the member’s account, the system will distribute the remaining interest in full no later than December 31 of the 10th year following the year of the Eligible Designated Beneficiary’s death. Similarly, if a member died before January 1, 2022, the limitations of this subsection (g) shall apply to distributions to the beneficiary of the member’s designated beneficiary.

(3) Eligible Designated Beneficiary. — An individual is an “Eligible Designated Beneficiary” of a member if the individual qualifies as a designated beneficiary under section 401(a)(9)(E) of the Internal Revenue Code and is (1) the member’s spouse, (2) the member’s child who has not reached the age of majority (as defined for purposes of section 401(a)(9)(F) of the Internal Revenue Code, (3) an individual not more than 10 years younger than the member, (4) a disabled individual, as defined in section 72(m)(7) of the Internal Revenue Code, or (5) an individual who has been certified to be chronically ill, as defined in section 7702B(c)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code, for a reasonably lengthy period, or indefinitely. Certain trusts may be treated as Eligible Designated Beneficiaries pursuant to sections 401(a)(9)(H)(iv) and (v) of the Internal Revenue Code. When a child of the member reaches the age of majority, the system will distribute the child’s account in full no later than 10 years after that date.

§18-7B-13. Amount of annuity payments; federal law maximum benefit


(a) The amount of annuity payments a retired member shall receive shall be based solely upon the balance in the member's annuity account at the date of retirement, the retirement option selected, or in the event of an annuity option being selected, the actuarial life expectancy of the member and such other factors as normally govern annuity payments.

(b) The board, or its designee, is authorized upon retirement of a member, with the approval of that member, to purchase an annuity with the balance of the member's account. Upon delivery of the annuity to the member upon his or her retirement, the member shall execute a release surrendering any claim the member may have against the retirement trust.

(c) Notwithstanding any other provision of this article or state law, the board shall administer the retirement system in compliance with the limitations of Section 415 of the Internal Revenue Code (as such limitations are adjusted for cost of living in accordance with Section 415(d) of the Internal Revenue Code) and Treasury Regulations thereunder to the extent applicable to governmental plans (hereafter sometimes referred to as the "415 limitation(s)" or "415 annual addition limitation(s)") so that an annual addition made under this system shall not exceed those limitations. Any annual addition made under this system shall be reduced or limited if necessary to an amount which does not exceed those limitations. The extent to which an annual addition under this retirement system shall be reduced, as compared to the extent which an annual addition under any other defined benefit plans or defined contribution plans required to be taken into consideration under Section 415 of the Internal Revenue Code shall be reduced, shall be proportional on a percentage basis to the reductions made in such other plans administered by the board and required to be so taken into consideration under Section 415, unless a disproportionate reduction is determined by the board to maximize the aggregate benefits payable to the member. If the reduction is under this retirement system, the board shall advise affected members of any additional limitation on the annual addition required by this section The 415 limitations shall apply as if the total annual additions under all defined contribution plans in which a member has been a member were payable from one plan for any member who has at any time been a member in any other defined contribution plan maintained by the member's participating employer. For purposes of the 415 limitations, the "limitation year" shall be the calendar year.

(d) Solely for purposes of calculating and applying the 415 limitations, a member's compensation for a limitation year is defined to be wages within the meaning of Section 3401(a) of the Internal Revenue Code (including amounts that would be included in wages but for an election under Section 125(a), 132(f)(4), 402(e)(3), 402(h)(1)(B), 402(k) or 457(b) of the Internal Revenue Code), plus all other payments of compensation to a member by a participating employer (in the course of the employer's trade or business) for which the employer is required to furnish the employee a written statement under Sections 6041(d), 6051(a)(3) and 6052 of the Internal Revenue Code, and determined without regard to any rules that limit the remuneration included in wages based upon the nature or location of employment or services performed. In addition:

(1) For limitation years beginning on or after January 1, 2009, compensation for a limitation year shall also include:

(A) Compensation paid by the later of two and one-half months after a member's severance from employment with the employer or the end of the limitation year that includes the date of the member's severance from employment with the employer maintaining the plan, if the payment is regular compensation for services during the member's regular working hours, or compensation for services outside the employee's regular working hours (such as overtime or shift differential), commissions, bonuses, or other similar payments and, absent a severance from employment, the payments would have been paid to the member while the member continued in employment with the employer;

(B) Back pay, within the meaning of Treasury Regulation §1.415(c)-2(g)(8), for the limitation year to which the back pay relates, but only to the extent the back pay represents wages and compensation that would otherwise be included in compensation under this definition; and

(C) For an employee in qualified military service (within the meaning of Section 414(u)(5) of the Internal Revenue Code), compensation such employee would have received during such period if the employee were not in qualified military service, to the extent required pursuant to Section 414(u)(7) of the Internal Revenue Code.

(2) For limitation years beginning on or after January 1, 2009, compensation for a limitation year may not exceed the maximum compensation allowed as adjusted for cost of living in accordance with section seven, article ten-d, chapter five of this code and Section 401(a)(17) of the Internal Revenue Code.

§18-7B-13b. Direct rollovers.

(a) Except where otherwise stated, this section applies to distributions made on or after January 1, 1993. Notwithstanding any provision of this article to the contrary that would otherwise limit a distributee's election under this system, a distributee may elect, at the time and in the manner prescribed by the board, to have any portion of an eligible rollover distribution that is equal to at least $500 paid directly to an eligible retirement plan specified by the distributee in a direct rollover. For purposes of this section, the following definitions apply:

(1) "Eligible rollover distribution" means any distribution of all or any portion of the balance to the credit of the distributee, except that an eligible rollover distribution does not include any of the following: (i) Any distribution that is one of a series of substantially equal periodic payments not less frequently than annually made for the life or life expectancy of the distributee or the joint lives or the joint life expectancies of the distributee and the distributee's designated beneficiary, or for a specified period of ten years or more; (ii) any distribution to the extent such distribution is required under Section 401(a)(9) of the Internal Revenue Code; (iii) the portion of any distribution that is not includable in gross income determined without regard to the exclusion for net unrealized appreciation with respect to employer securities; (iv) any hardship distribution described in Section 401(k)(2)(B)(i)(iv) of the Internal Revenue Code; and (v) any other distribution or distributions reasonably expected to total less than $200 during a year. For distributions after December 31, 2001, a portion of a distribution shall not fail to be an eligible rollover distribution merely because the portion consists of after-tax employee contributions which are not includable in gross income. However, this portion may be paid only to an individual retirement account or annuity described in Section 408(a) or (b) of the Internal Revenue Code, or (for taxable years beginning before January 1, 2007) to a qualified trust which is part of a defined contribution plan described in Section 401(a) or (for taxable years beginning after December 31, 2006) to a qualified trust or to an annuity contract described in Section 403(a) or (b) of the Internal Revenue Code that agrees to separately account for amounts transferred (including interest or earnings thereon), including separately accounting for the portion of the distribution which is includable in gross income and the portion of the distribution which is not so includable, or (for taxable years beginning after December 31, 2007) to a Roth IRA described in Section 408A of the Internal Revenue Code.

(2) "Eligible retirement plan" means an individual retirement account described in Section 408(a) of the Internal Revenue Code, an individual retirement annuity described in Section 408(b) of the Internal Revenue Code, an annuity plan described in Section 403(a) of the Internal Revenue Code or a qualified plan described in Section 401(a) of the Internal Revenue Code that accepts the distributee's eligible rollover distribution: Provided, That in the case of an eligible rollover distribution prior to January 1, 2002, to the surviving spouse, an eligible retirement plan is limited to an individual retirement account or individual retirement annuity. For distributions after December 31, 2001, an eligible retirement plan shall also mean an annuity contract described in Section 403(b) of the Internal Revenue Code and an eligible plan under Section 457(b) of the Internal Revenue Code which is maintained by a state, political subdivision of a state or any agency or instrumentality of a state or political subdivision of a state and which agrees to separately account for amounts transferred into the plan from this system. For distributions after December 31, 2007, an eligible retirement plan also means a Roth IRA described in Section 408A of the Internal Revenue Code: Provided, That in the case of an eligible rollover distribution after December 31, 2007, to a designated beneficiary (other than a surviving spouse) as such term is defined in Section 402(c)(11) of the Internal Revenue Code, an eligible retirement plan is limited to an individual retirement account or individual retirement annuity which meets the conditions of Section 402(c)(11) of the Internal Revenue Code.

(3) "Distributee" means an employee or former employee. In addition, the employee's or former employee's surviving spouse and the employee's or former employee's spouse or former spouse who is the alternate payee under a qualified domestic relations order, as defined in Section 414(p) of the Internal Revenue Code with respect to governmental plans, are distributees with regard to the interest of the spouse or former spouse. For distributions after December 31, 2007, "distributee" also includes a designated beneficiary (other than a surviving spouse) as such term is defined in Section 402(c)(11) of the Internal Revenue Code.

(4) "Direct rollover" means a payment by the system to the eligible retirement plan.

(b) Nothing in this section may be construed as permitting rollovers into this retirement system or any other retirement system administered by the board.

§18-7B-14. Supplemental annuity contracts.

The board shall authorize the private pension, insurance, annuity, mutual fund or other qualified company or companies with whom it contracts to make available to members such supplemental annuity options, disability and other insurance or benefits as the board deems appropriate: Provided, That such supplemental annuities, insurance and benefits shall be funded solely from employee contributions.

§18-7B-15. Account statements.

The board shall prepare or cause to be prepared, on an annual basis, an account statement for each members' annuity account. The statement shall include, but not be limited to, a statement of the current market value of the members' account. The board shall prescribe the form and content of the account statement not inconsistent with the provisions of this section.

§18-7B-16. Years of employment service.

(a) A member of the Defined Contribution System who terminates employment with a participating employer and does not remove any funds from his or her vested employee and employer account, or who removes the funds and repays them within five years after termination, and becomes reemployed with a participating employer within five years does not forfeit any amounts placed into the suspension account pursuant to section eleven of this article and they shall be returned to his or her employer account.

(b) All years of employment service shall be counted for vesting purposes under section eleven of this article.

§18-7B-17. Deposits to the members' annuity accounts.

Beginning on July 1, 1991 and thereafter, each county board of education or electing charter school shall deposit in the member's annuity account created pursuant to §18-7B-9 of this code an amount equal to seven and one-half percent of all compensation paid to members of the defined contribution system in excess of that authorized for minimum salaries in §18A-4-2 and §§18A-4-8a of this code to the extent that the excess exceeds the amount distributed for salary equity to the county.

§18-7B-18. Right to benefits not subject to execution, etc.; exception for qualified domestic relations orders.

The right of any person to a benefit provided for in this article shall not be subjected to execution, attachment, garnishment, the operation of bankruptcy or insolvency laws, or other process whatsoever with the exception that the benefits or contributions under this system shall be subject to "qualified domestic relations orders" as that term is defined in Section 414(p) of the Internal Revenue Code with respect to governmental plans, nor shall any assignment thereof be enforceable in any court.

§18-7B-19. Benefits not forfeited if system terminates.

If the retirement system is terminated or contributions are completely discontinued, the rights of all members to contributions made to the date of such termination or discontinuance, to the extent then funded, are not forfeited.

§18-7B-20. Prohibition of involuntary cash-outs.

Notwithstanding any provision of this section or of any legislative rule contained in series three, involuntary cash-outs to members may not be made after June 30, 2005.

§18-7B-21. Correction of errors; underpayments; overpayments.

(a) General rule. — Upon learning of any errors, the board shall correct errors in the retirement system in a timely manner whether the individual, entity or board was at fault for the error with the intent of placing the affected individual, entity and retirement board in the position each would have been in had the error not occurred.

(b) Underpayments to the system. — Any error resulting in an underpayment to the system, may be corrected by the member or retirant remitting the required employee contribution or underpayment and the existing employer remitting the required employer contribution or underpayment. Interest shall accumulate in accordance with the legislative rule 162 CSR 7 concerning retirement board Refund, Reinstatement, Retroactive Service, Loan and Correction of Error Interest Factors and any accumulating interest owed on the employee and employer contributions or underpayments resulting from an employer error shall be the responsibility of the participating public employer. The participating public employer may remit total payment and the employee reimburse the participating public employer through payroll deduction over a period equivalent to the time period during which the employer error occurred. If the correction of an error involving an underpayment to the system will result in the system paying the retirant an additional amount, this additional payment shall be made only after the board receives full payment of all required employee and employer contributions or underpayments, including interest.

(c) Overpayments to the system by an employer. — When mistaken or excess employer contributions or other employer overpayments have been made to the system, the board shall credit the employer with an amount computed by the board, to be offset against the employer’s future liability for employer contributions to the system. If the employer has no future liability for employer contributions to the retirement system, the board shall refund the erroneous contributions directly to the employer.

(d) Overpayments to the retirement system by an employee. — When mistaken or excess employee contributions or overpayments, have been made to the retirement system, the board shall have sole authority for determining the means of return, offset or credit to or for the benefit of the individual making the mistaken or excess employee contribution of the amounts, and may use any means authorized or permitted under the provisions of section 401(a), et seq. of the Internal Revenue Code and guidance issued thereunder applicable to governmental plans. Alternatively, in its full and complete discretion, the board may require the existing employer employing the individual to pay the individual the amounts as wages, with the board crediting the participating public employer with a corresponding amount to offset against its future contributions to the plan. If the employer has no future liability for employer contributions to the retirement system, the board shall refund said amount directly to the employer: Provided, That the wages paid to the individual are not considered compensation for any purposes of this article.

(e) Overpayments from the retirement system. — If any error results in any member, retirant beneficiary, entity or other individual receiving from the system more than he would have been entitled to receive had the error not occurred the board upon learning of the error shall correct the error in a timely manner. If correction of the error occurs after annuity payments to a retirant or beneficiary have commenced, the board shall prospectively adjust the payment of the benefit to the correct amount. In addition, the member, retirant, beneficiary, entity or other person who received the overpayment from the retirement system shall repay the amount of any overpayment to the retirement system in any manner permitted by the board. If the member, retirant, beneficiary or other person who received the overpayment is deceased and an annuity or lump sum benefit is still payable, the amount of the overpayment shall be offset against the benefit payment owed in a manner consistent with the board’s error correction policy. Interest shall not accumulate on any corrective payment made to the retirement system pursuant to this subsection.

(f) Underpayments from the retirement system. — If any error results in any member, retirant, beneficiary, entity or other individual receiving from the retirement system less than he would have been entitled to receive had the error not occurred, the board, upon learning of the error, shall correct the error in a timely manner. If correction of the error occurs after annuity payments to a retirant or beneficiary have commenced, the board shall prospectively adjust the payment of the benefit to the correct amount. In addition, the board shall pay the amount of such underpayment to the member, retirant, beneficiary or other individual in a lump sum. Interest shall not be paid on any corrective payment made by the retirement system pursuant to this subsection.

(g) Eligibility errors. — If the board finds that an individual, employer, or both individual and employer currently or formerly participating in the retirement system is not eligible to participate, the board shall notify the individual and his or her employer of the determination, and terminate participation in the retirement system. Any erroneous payments to the retirement system shall be returned to the employer and individual in accordance with the methods described in subsections (c) and (d) of this section and any erroneous payments from the retirement system to such individual shall be returned to the retirement system in accordance with the methods described in subsection (e) of this section. Any erroneous service credited to the individual shall be removed. Service credit for service prior to the date on which the individual prospectively commences participation in the retirement system shall be granted only if the board receives the required employer and employee contributions for such service, in accordance with subsection (b) of this section, including interest.




Acts, 2008 1ES. Sess., Ch. 7.


§18-7D-1. Legislative findings and purpose.

(a) The Legislature hereby finds and declares as follows:

(1) That the quality of this state's education system is largely dependent upon the quality of its teachers and educational service personnel;

(2) That many West Virginia teachers and education service personnel who currently are members of the Teachers' Defined Contribution Retirement System desire to join a defined benefit system, which relieves participants of bearing the risk of investment performance and offers the security of providing participants with advanced knowledge of their anticipated retirement benefit;

(3) That other members of the Teachers' Defined Contribution Retirement System remain comfortable with bearing the attendant market risks and performance of their investments associated with managing the individual retirement accounts of that system;

(4) That it is in the best interests of the teachers and education service personnel in this state, as well as the state's system of public education as a whole, to permit members of the Teachers' Defined Contribution Retirement System to voluntarily elect membership in the state Teachers Retirement System pursuant to the provisions of this article; and

(5) That the prudent and fiscally sound management of the state Teachers Retirement System necessitates that a sufficient number of members of the Teachers' Defined Contribution Retirement System elect to voluntarily transfer their assets to the state Teachers Retirement System in accordance with the provisions of this article.

§18-7D-2. Definitions.

As used in this article, unless the context clearly requires a different meaning:

(1) "Actively contributing member of the Teachers' Defined Contribution Retirement System" means a member of that retirement system who was actively contributing to the Teachers' Defined Contribution Retirement System on December 31, 2007.

(2) "Actuarial Reserve" means the Actuarial Reserve Lump Sum Value of the additional service credit being purchased by a member so electing in accordance with the provisions of section six of this article.

(3) "Actuarial Reserve Adjusted Salary" means either:

(A) For a member with a full year service credit in the fiscal year ending June 30, 2007, the member's 2007 fiscal year salary increased by seven percent;

(B) For a member with less than a full year service credit in the fiscal year ending June 30, 2007, the member's 2007 fiscal year salary annualized to a full year based on the partial year service credit increased by seven percent; or

(C) For a member without service credit in the fiscal year ending June 30, 2007, the member's annualized contract salary in effect on December 31, 2007 increased by seven percent, or the member's annual contract salary on the date of rehire if after December 31, 2007.

(4) "Actuarial Reserve Benefit Date" means the first day of the month coincident with or next following the date at which the member attains the age of sixty, or June 30, 2009, whichever is later.

(5) "Actuarial Reserve Benefit Date Factors" mean the actuarial lump sum value factors based on a life only annuity starting on the Actuarial Reserve Benefit Date applying the 1983 Group Annuity Mortality Tables on a seventy-five percent female and a twenty-five percent male blended Unisex basis and interest at seven and one-half percent.

(6) "Actuarial Reserve Discount Factor" means the annual discount factor applied for the period between June 30, 2009 and the Actuarial Reserve Benefit Date, if any. Such factor based on the state Teachers Retirement System actuarial valuation assumptions shall estimate the impact of mortality, disability, and economic factors for such discount period by application of a net four percent discount rate.

(7) "Actuarial Reserve Lump Sum Value" means a single sum amount calculated as: A benefit of two percent multiplied by the Defined Contribution Retirement System service credit being purchased multiplied by the Actuarial Reserve Adjusted Salary; such benefit multiplied by the Actuarial Reserve Benefit Date Factors to determine the lump sum value multiplied by the Actuarial Reserve Discount Factor.

(8) "Affirmatively elect to transfer" means the voluntary execution and delivery to the Consolidated Public Retirement Board, by a member of the Teachers' Defined Contribution Retirement System of a document in a form prescribed by the board that irrevocably authorizes the board to transfer the member and all the member's assets in the Teachers' Defined Contribution Retirement System to the state Teachers Retirement System: Provided, That delivery of the document to the Consolidated Public Retirement Board may be accomplished through submission of the document to the supervisor of a work site pursuant to section seven of this article: Provided, however, That any previous member of the state Teachers Retirement System who voluntarily elected to terminate his or her membership in the state Teachers Retirement System to become a member of the Teachers' Defined Contribution Retirement System and signed an irrevocable transfer request also may affirmatively elect to transfer notwithstanding the prior transfer request.

(9) "Assets" means all member contributions and employer contributions made on the member's behalf to the Defined Contribution Retirement System and earnings thereon, less any applicable fees as approved by the board: Provided, That if a member has withdrawn or cashed out any amounts, the amounts must have been repaid.

(10) "Board" means the Consolidated Public Retirement Board established in article ten-d, chapter five of this code, and its employees.

(11) "Date of transfer" means, in the event that sixty-five percent or more of the actively contributing members of the Defined Contribution Retirement System affirmatively elect to transfer to the state Teachers Retirement System within the period provided in section seven of this article, July 1, 2008: Provided, That for any member whose election to transfer was received by the board after May 12, 2008, but on or before May 20, 2008, and has not been certified as accepted by the board on or before the effective date of the amendments to this section enacted during the second extraordinary session of the Legislature, 2008, "date of transfer" means August 1, 2008.

(12) "Defined Contribution Retirement System" means the Teachers' Defined Contribution Retirement System established in article seven-b of this chapter.

(13) "Member" means any person who has an account balance standing to his or her credit in the Teachers' Defined Contribution Retirement System.

(14) "Salary" means:

(A) For a member contributing to the Defined Contribution Retirement System during the 2007 fiscal year, the actual salary earned for the 2007 fiscal year divided by the employment service earned in the 2007 fiscal year.

(B) For a member not contributing to the Defined Contribution Retirement System during the 2007 fiscal year, the contract salary on the date of rehire.

(15) "State Teachers Retirement System" means the state Teachers Retirement System established in article seven-a of this chapter.

§18-7D-3. Voluntary transfers.

(a) In accordance with the provisions of this article, the Consolidated Public Retirement Board shall effect the voluntary transfer of members of the Teachers' Defined Contribution Retirement System to the state Teachers Retirement System.

(b) If at least sixty-five percent of actively contributing members of the Teachers' Defined Contribution System affirmatively elect to transfer to the state Teachers Retirement System within the period provided in section seven of this article, then the Consolidated Public Retirement Board shall transfer to the state Teachers Retirement System, effective July 1, 2008, all members who affirmatively elected to do so during that period. If at least sixty-five percent of actively contributing members of the Teachers' Defined Contribution Retirement System do not affirmatively elect to transfer to the state Teachers Retirement System within that period, the Defined Contribution Retirement System continues as the retirement system for all members in that system as of June 30, 2008.

§18-7D-4. Notice, education, record-keeping requirements.

(a) Commencing not later than April 1, two thousand eight, the board shall begin an educational program with respect to the voluntary transfer of actively contributing members of the Teachers' Defined Contribution Retirement System and their assets to the state Teachers Retirement System.

(1) This educational program shall address, at a minimum:

(A) The law providing for the transfer;

(B) The mechanics of the transfer;

(C) The process by which an actively contributing member may affirmatively elect to transfer;

(D) Relevant dates and time periods;

(E) The benefits, potential advantages and potential disadvantages if members fail or refuse to affirmatively elect to transfer;

(F) The benefits, potential advantages and potential disadvantages of becoming a member of the state Teachers Retirement System;

(G) Potential state and federal tax implications attendant to the various options available to the members;

(H) For each member, a summary to include his or her most recent account balance; the average rate of return of the Standard and Poor's and the Lehman U.S. Corporate/Government Index for the previous ten years; the average rate of return of an indexed balanced fund for the previous ten years; the member's projected account balance if he or she retires at age sixty and age sixty-five; the current cost of purchasing a monthly annuity under the Teachers' Defined Contribution Retirement System; the monthly annuity that the member would receive under the Teachers Retirement System if the member chooses to purchase the full service credit and retire at age sixty and age sixty-five; the monthly annuity under the Teachers Retirement System if the participant chooses not to purchase the full service credit and retires at age sixty and age sixty-five, and the potential cost to the member of purchasing the Actuarial Reserve or the one and one-half percent contribution plus accrued interest, as the case may be, not including the cost of obtaining a loan under section five of this article.

(I) Any other pertinent information considered relevant by the board.

(2) The board shall disseminate the information through:

(A) Its website;

(B) Computer programs;

(C) Written or electronic materials, or both;

(D) Classes or seminars, pursuant to subdivision (3) of this subsection;

(E) At the discretion of the board, through a program of individual counseling which is optional on the part of the member; and

(F) Through any other educational program considered necessary by the board.

(3) The Consolidated Public Retirement Board shall provide the information set forth in subdivision (1) of this subsection through classes or seminars in accordance with the following:

(A) The Consolidated Public Retirement Board shall provide training for conducting the classes or seminars for employees of county boards, for employees of state institutions of higher education or for any other person that the county board or the institution of higher learning determines, with the approval of the Consolidated Public Retirement Board, would be appropriate to conduct the classes or seminars;

(B) Each county board shall require at least two representatives to attend the training. The representatives must be approved by the Consolidated Public Retirement Board prior to attending the board's training class;

(C) Each county board shall ensure that each employee of that county board who is a member of the Teachers' Defined Contribution Retirement System has had an opportunity to attend a class or a seminar on the topics set forth in subdivision (1) of this subsection at his or her work site during his or her workday;

(D) The class or seminar shall be conducted by any person who attended the training or by a representative of a school personnel organization that the Consolidated Public Retirement Board considers qualified to conduct the class or seminar;

(E) The classes or seminars may be conducted at the time allocated for professional activities for teachers on instructional support and enhancement days, before school, after school and at any other time during an employee's work day: Provided, That the classes or seminars may interfere with instructional time only if no other time is available to conduct the classes or seminars;

(F) Each county board shall ensure that informational booths are set up at each work site under the jurisdiction of the county board and that the booths are attended on a rotating basis by an person trained to conduct the classes or seminars or by a representative of a school personnel organization that the Consolidated Public Retirement Board considers qualified to attend the booth;

(G) During the period provided by this section for the educational program, each county board and its superintendent shall allow representatives of the Consolidated Public Retirement Board entry upon the premises of each school in this state where the Consolidated Public Retirement Board determines appropriate on at least one occasion for the duration of at least sixty minutes during regular school hours to provide educational programs as the Consolidated Public Retirement Board determines appropriate for members of the Teachers' Defined Contribution Retirement System;

(b) The board shall provide each actively contributing member with a copy of the written or electronic educational materials and with a copy of the notice of the opportunity to affirmatively elect to transfer, to the extent deliverable, by mailing a copy thereof, first class postage prepaid, through the United States mails to the most current mailing address provided by the member to the board. The board is not required to deliver, nor is any member entitled to delivery of, these materials by any other means. The notice shall provide full and appropriate disclosure regarding the process by which a member may affirmatively elect to transfer, including the period of the opportunity to affirmatively elect to transfer.

(c) It is the responsibility of each member of the Teachers' Defined Contribution Retirement System to keep the board informed of his or her current address. A member who does not is considered to have waived his or her right to receive any information from the board with respect to the purposes of this article.

(d) Once the board has complied with the provisions of this section, each actively contributing member of the Teachers' Defined Contribution Retirement System is considered to have actual notice of the opportunity to affirmatively elect to transfer and all matters pertinent thereto.

(e) The executive director of the Consolidated Public Retirement Board shall report to the Governor, the President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the House of Delegates no later than April, 1, two thousand eight, a plan for the execution of the education and outreach requirements set forth in this section.

§18-7D-5. Conversion of assets from Defined Contribution Retirement System to State Teachers Retirement System; contributions; loans.

(a) If at least sixty-five percent of actively contributing members of the Teachers' Defined Contribution Retirement System affirmatively elect to transfer to the state Teachers Retirement System within the period provided in section seven of this article, then the Consolidated Public Retirement Board shall transfer the members and all properties held in the Teachers' Defined Contribution Retirement System's Trust Fund in trust for those members who affirmatively elected to do so during that period to the state Teachers Retirement System, effective on July 1, 2008: Provided, That the board shall, for any member whose election to transfer was received by the board after May 12, 2008, but on or before May 20, 2008, and has not been certified as accepted by the board on or before the effective date of the amendments to this section enacted during the second extraordinary session of the Legislature, 2008, effectuate the transfer as provided in this subsection on August 1, 2008.

(b) The board shall make available to each member a loan for the purpose of paying all or part of the Actuarial Reserve, or if available in accordance with the provisions of subsection (d), section six of this article, the one and one-half percent contribution for service in the Teachers' Defined Contribution System to receive additional service credit in the state Teachers Retirement System for service in the Teachers' Defined Contribution Retirement System pursuant to section six of this article. The loan shall be offered in accordance with the provisions of section thirty-four, article seven-a of this chapter.

(1) Notwithstanding any provision of this code, rule or policy of the board to the contrary, the interest rate on any loan may not exceed seven and one-half percent per annum. The total amount borrowed may not exceed $40,000: Provided, That the loan may not exceed the limitations of the Internal Revenue Code Section 72(p).

(2) In the event a loan made pursuant to this section is used to pay the Actuarial Reserve or the one and one-half percent contribution, as the case may be, the board shall make any necessary adjustments at the time the loan is made.

(3) The board shall make this loan available to any member who has provided to the board by the effective date of the amendments to this section enacted in the 2009 regular legislative session a signed verification of cost for service credit purchase form until June 30, 2009, or no later than ninety days after the postmarked date on a final and definitive contribution calculation from the board, whichever is later.

(c) The board shall develop and institute a payroll deduction program for repayment of the loan established in this section.

(d) If at least sixty-five percent of actively contributing members of the Teachers' Defined Contribution Retirement System affirmatively elect to transfer to the state Teachers Retirement System within the period provided in section seven of this article:

(1) As of July 1, 2008, or August 1, 2008, as the case may be, the transferred members' contribution rate becomes six percent of his or her salary or wages; and

(2) All transferred members who work one hour or more and who make a contribution into the state Teachers Retirement System on or after July 1, 2008, are governed by the provisions of article seven-a of this chapter, subject to the provisions of this article.

(e) Subject to the provisions of subdivision (1) of this subsection, if a member has withdrawn or cashed out part of his or her assets, that member will not receive credit for those moneys cashed out or withdrawn. The board shall make a determination as to the amount of credit a member loses based on the periods of time and the amounts he or she has withdrawn or cashed out, which shall be expressed as a loss of service credit.

(1) A member may repay those amounts he or she previously cashed out or withdrew, along with interest as determined by the board, and receive the same credit as if the withdrawal or cash-out never occurred. To receive full credit for the cashed-out or withdrawn amounts being repaid to the state Teachers Retirement System, the member also shall pay the actuarial reserve, or the one and one-half percent contribution, as the case may be, pursuant to section six of this article.

(2) The loan provided in this section is not available to members to repay previously cashed out or withdrawn moneys.

(3) If the repayment occurs five or more years following the cash-out or withdrawal, the member also shall repay any forfeited employer contribution account balance along with interest determined by the board.

(f) Notwithstanding any provision of subsection (e) to the contrary, if a member has cashed out or withdrawn any of his or her assets after June 30, 2003, and that member chooses to repurchase that service after June 30, 2008, the member shall repay the previously distributed amounts and any applicable interest to the state Teachers Retirement System.

(g) Any service in the state Teachers Retirement System a member has before the date of the transfer is not affected by the provisions of this article.

(h) The board shall take all necessary steps to see that the voluntary transfers of persons and assets authorized by this article do not affect the qualified status with the Internal Revenue Service of either retirement plan.

§18-7D-6. Service credit in State Teachers Retirement System following transfer; conversion of assets; adjustments.

(a) Any member who has affirmatively elected to transfer to the State Teachers Retirement System within the period provided in section seven of this article whose assets have been transferred from the Teachers' Defined Contribution Retirement System to the State Teachers Retirement System pursuant to the provisions of this article and who has not made any withdrawals or cash-outs from his or her assets is, depending upon the percentage of actively contributing members affirmatively electing to transfer, entitled to service credit in the State Teachers Retirement System in accordance with the provisions of subsection (c) of this section.

(b) Any member who has made withdrawals or cash-outs will receive service credit based upon the amounts transferred. The board shall make the appropriate adjustment to the service credit the member will receive.

(c) More than seventy-five percent of actively contributing members of the Teachers' Defined Contribution Retirement System affirmatively elected to transfer to the State Teachers Retirement System within the period provided in section seven of this article. Therefore, any member of the Teachers' Defined Contribution Retirement System who decides to transfer to the State Teachers Retirement System calculates his or her service credit in the State Teachers Retirement System as follows:

(1) For any member affirmatively electing to transfer, the member's State Teachers Retirement System credit shall be seventy-five percent of the member's Teachers' Defined Contribution Retirement System service credit, less any service previously withdrawn by the member or due to a qualified domestic relations order and not repaid;

(2) To receive full credit in the State Teachers Retirement System for service in the Teachers' Defined Contribution Retirement System for which assets are transferred, members who affirmatively elected to transfer and who provided to the board a signed verification of cost for service credit purchase form by the effective date of the amendments to this section enacted in the 2009 regular legislative session shall pay into the State Teachers Retirement System a one and one-half percent contribution by no later than July 1, 2015, or no later than ninety days after the postmarked date on a final and definitive contribution calculation from the board, whichever is later. This contribution shall be calculated as one and one-half percent of the member's estimated total earnings for which assets are transferred, plus interest of four percent per annum accumulated from the date of the member's initial participation in the Teachers' Defined Contribution Retirement System through June 30, 2009, and interest of seven and one-half percent per annum accumulated from July 1, 2009, through July 1, 2015: Provided, That any member who transferred and provided to the board a signed verification of cost for service credit purchase form by June 30, 2009, but was unable to complete the purchase of the one and one-half percent contribution, or any member who did not request a verification of cost letter but attempted to purchase the one and one-half percent contribution and was denied in writing by the board on or before December 31, 2009, may request the board on or before April 15, 2015, to recalculate the contribution for 2015. To receive full credit, the member shall pay into the State Teachers Retirement System the recalculated purchase amount by July 1, 2015, or no later than sixty days after the postmarked date on a contribution recalculation from the board, whichever is later. The recalculated contribution shall include the interest loss at the actuarial rate of seven and one-half percent. The board's executive director may correct clerical errors.

(A) For a member contributing to the Teachers' Defined Contribution Retirement System at any time during the 2008 fiscal year and commencing membership in the State Teachers Retirement System on July 1, 2008, or August 1, 2008, as the case may be:

(i) The estimated total earnings shall be calculated based on the member's salary and the member's age nearest birthday on June 30, 2008;

(ii) This calculation shall apply both an annual backward salary scale from that date for prior years' salaries and a forward salary scale for the salary for the 2008 fiscal year.

(B) The calculations in paragraph (A) of this subdivision are based upon the salary scale assumption applied in the West Virginia Teachers Retirement System actuarial valuation as of July 1, 2007, prepared for the Consolidated Public Retirement Board. This salary scale shall be applied regardless of breaks in service.

(d) All service previously transferred from the State Teachers Retirement System to the Teachers' Defined Contribution Retirement System is considered Teachers' Defined Contribution Retirement System service for the purposes of this article.

(e) Notwithstanding any provision of this code to the contrary, the retirement of a member who becomes eligible to retire after the member's assets are transferred to the State Teachers Retirement System pursuant to the provisions of this article may not commence before September 1, 2008: Provided, That the Consolidated Public Retirement Board may not retire any member who is eligible to retire during the calendar year 2008 unless the member has provided a written notice to his or her county board of education by July 1, 2008, of his or her intent to retire.

(f) The provisions of section twenty-eight-e, article seven-a of this chapter do not apply to the amendments to this section enacted during the 2009 regular legislative session or the 2015 regular legislative session.

§18-7D-7. Period for affirmative election to transfer; board may contract for professional services.

(a) The board shall provide the members of the Teachers' Defined Contribution Retirement System an opportunity to voluntarily execute and deliver to the Consolidated Public Retirement Board, or its designee, a written document in a form prescribed by the board that irrevocably authorizes the board to transfer the member and all the member's assets in the Teachers' Defined Contribution Retirement System to the state Teachers Retirement System in accordance with the provisions of this article.

(b) If at least sixty-five percent of actively contributing members of the Teachers' Defined Contribution Retirement System affirmatively elect to transfer to the state Teachers Retirement System:

(1) The Consolidated Public Retirement Board shall, for each member who affirmatively elected to transfer as provided in this section, transfer the assets held in the Teachers' Defined Contribution Retirement System's Trust Fund in trust for that member to the state Teachers Retirement System on July 1, 2008: Provided, That the board shall, for each member whose election to transfer was received by the board after May 12, 2008, but on or before May 20, 2008, and has not been certified as accepted by the board on or before the effective date of the amendments to this section enacted during the second extraordinary session of the Legislature, 2008, transfer the assets of such member as provided in this subdivision on August 1, 2008;

(2) On July 1, 2008, or August 1, 2008, as the case may be, each member who so elected becomes a member of the state Teachers Retirement System and after working one or more hours and contributing to the state Teachers Retirement System is entitled to the benefits of the state Teachers Retirement System; and

(3) Each such member is governed by the provisions of the state Teachers Retirement System subject to the provisions of this article.

(c) If fewer than sixty-five percent of actively contributing members of the Teachers' Defined Contribution Retirement System affirmatively elect to transfer to the state Teachers Retirement System, the transfers described in this section shall not occur.

(d) Any person who has $1 or more in assets in the Teachers' Defined Contribution Retirement System on December 31, 2007, may and is eligible to affirmatively elect to transfer to the state Teachers Retirement System as provided in this section. For purposes of this article:

(1) The tabulation of the percentage required for transfer as required in this article shall only include documents affirmatively electing to transfer submitted under the provisions of this subsection by those who are actively contributing members of the Teachers' Defined Contribution Retirement System as that term is defined in section two of this article; and

(2) Notwithstanding the opportunity to submit documents affirmatively electing to transfer extended by this article to members other than those who are actively contributing members of the Teachers' Defined Contribution Retirement System, there shall be no duty or other obligation on the part of the board to provide any education, information or notice regarding matters contained in this article to members who are not actively contributing members of the Teachers' Defined Contribution Retirement System regarding any matter described in this article, nor any right on the part of those other members to receive the same.

(e) Notwithstanding any other provision of this code to the contrary, the board may do all things necessary and convenient to maintain the Teachers' Defined Contribution Retirement System and the state Teachers Retirement System during the transitional period and may retain the services of the professionals it considers necessary to do so. The board may also retain the services of professionals necessary to:

(1) Assist in the preparation of educational materials;

(2) Assist in the educational process;

(3) Assist in the process for submission of the documents whereby members may affirmatively elect to transfer; and

(4) Ensure compliance with all relevant state and federal laws.

(f) Due to the time constraints inherent in the initial processes established for the submission of documents affirmatively electing to transfer set forth in this article in specific, and due to the nature of the professional services required by the Consolidated Public Retirement Board in general, the provisions of article three, chapter five-a of this code, do not apply to any materials, contracts for any actuarial services, investment services, legal services or other professional services authorized under the provisions of this article and the provisions of article six, chapter twenty-nine do not apply to any employment of or contracting for personnel by the board for the purposes of implementing the provisions of this article.

(g) The submission of the documents whereby members may affirmatively elect to transfer may be held through any method the board determines is in the best interest of the members: Provided, That for members of the Teachers' Defined Contribution Retirement System, the submission of the documents whereby those members elect to transfer shall be pursuant to the procedure established by the Consolidated Public Retirement Board set forth in subsection (j) of this section.

(h) The period for submission of the documents whereby members may affirmatively elect to transfer shall begin not later than April 1, 2008. The board shall ascertain the results of the submissions not later than May 31, 2008. The board shall certify the results of the submissions to the Governor, the Legislature and the members not later than June 5, 2008.

(i) The submission period terminates and elections to transfer may not be accepted from a member after May 12, 2008, subject to the following:

(1) If elections to transfer are permitted through the mail, any submission postmarked later than May 12, 2008, is void and may not be counted: Provided, That notwithstanding the provisions of this subdivision, any submission received by the board on or before May 20, 2008 shall be counted;

(2) If elections to transfer are delivered to a supervisor on selection day or on or before May 9, 2008, any submission postmarked or deposited with a commercial carrier later than May 13, 2008, is void and may not be counted: Provided, That notwithstanding the provisions of this subdivision, any submission received by the board on or before May 20, 2008 shall be counted: Provided, however, That delivery by mail must be by certified mail, return receipt requested or delivery by commercial courier that requires written confirmation by the board of delivery;

(3) May 5, 2008, is selection day upon which each county board and superintendent shall provide an opportunity in each school within the county for members of the Teachers' Defined Contribution System to affirmatively elect to transfer.

(j) The Consolidated Public Retirement Board shall collaborate with the state superintendent, the Chancellor for Higher Education and the Chancellor for Community and Technical College Education to establish a procedure whereby all actively contributing members of the Teachers' Defined Contribution Retirement System may deliver to the Consolidated Public Retirement Board or its designee the written document authorizing transfer through a supervisor at each work site where any contributing member of the Defined Contribution Retirement System is employed. The procedure shall include at least the following:

(1) The supervisor at each work site is responsible for collecting the written documents authorizing the transfer from all actively contributing members of the Teachers' Defined Contribution Retirement System employed at the work site who choose to submit the written document. The supervisor shall record the receipt of all written documents authorizing transfer, shall direct the member submitting the written document to initial a receipt log and shall issue a receipt to the member submitting the written document.

(2) On and after May 6, 2008, but on or before May 9, 2008, the supervisor at the work site shall make reasonable efforts to contact verbally and in writing all actively contributing members of the Teachers' Defined Contribution Retirement System employed at the work site that have not submitted their written documents as of that date to remind those members of the upcoming deadline for submitting their written document authorizing transfer: Provided, That failure of the supervisor to make contact with any of those members shall not be a basis for a cause of action to allow a member to transfer after the period provided in this section or for any other cause of action.

(3) The supervisor at each work site shall forward all of the written documents to the Consolidated Public Retirement Board, or its designee, through certified mail, or delivery by commercial courier that requires written confirmation by the board of delivery, no later than May 13, 2008: Provided, That notwithstanding the provisions of this subdivision, any submission received by the board on or before May 20, 2008, shall be counted. The work site supervisor shall inform the Consolidated Public Retirement Board of all of the written documents received each day so that the board, or its designee, can record which members of the Teachers' Defined Contribution Retirement System have submitted their written documents authorizing transfer pursuant to subsection (k) of this section.

(4) For the purposes of this subdivision, the principal of a school with any of grades prekindergarten through twelve is the work site supervisor. For the purposes of this subdivision, for any work site under the jurisdiction of the Higher Education Policy Commission or the West Virginia Council for Community and Technical College Education, the human resource administrator or other designee may be considered the work site supervisor. In any case where the person who is the work site supervisor is in question, the state board, the Chancellor for Higher Education or the Chancellor for Community and Technical College Education, whichever entity has jurisdiction over the work site, shall designate the supervisor.

(5) The state board, the Chancellor for Higher Education and the Chancellor for Community and Technical College Education shall ascertain the names of all work site supervisors under their jurisdiction and transmit a list of the names of the work site supervisors to the Consolidated Public Retirement Board on or before March 31, 2008.

(k) The Consolidated Public Retirement Board, or its designee, shall record the receipt of all written documents authorizing the transfer so that it knows the percentage of contributing members of the Teachers' Defined Contribution Retirement System that have submitted the written documents by work site and by county.

(l) Notwithstanding any other provision of this article to the contrary, any member of the Teachers Defined Contribution Retirement System who was erroneously identified by the employer as being a member of the Teachers Retirement System and who did not have at least $1 in the Teachers Defined Contribution Retirement System on December 31, 2007, and therefore was denied an opportunity to select transfer as determined by the Consolidated Public Retirement Board, shall be provided promptly with an opportunity to select membership in the Teachers Retirement System. The Consolidated Public Retirement Board is authorized to establish procedures and time periods to provide notice, education, selection opportunity and transfer for these members to correct the erroneous assignment to the Teachers Retirement System.

§18-7D-8. Results considered final.

Every member of the Teachers' Defined Contribution Retirement System is considered to have made an informed, educated, knowing and voluntary decision and choice with respect to the opportunities provided by this article to transfer membership and assets to the state Teachers Retirement System. Each member who failed or refused to affirmatively elect to transfer is also considered to have made an informed, educated, knowing and voluntary decision and choice with respect thereto and is bound by the results thereof, except as may be required by federal law.

§18-7D-9. Qualified domestic relations orders.

Any transferring member having a qualified domestic relations order against his or her defined contribution account is allowed to repurchase service in the state Teachers Retirement System. The member shall repay any moneys previously distributed to the alternate payee along with the interest as set by the board. To receive full credit for the previous distribution to the alternate payee pursuant to a qualified domestic relations order being repaid to the state Teachers Retirement System, the member shall also pay the Actuarial Reserve, or the one and one-half percent contribution, as the case may be, pursuant to section six of this article. The member shall repay by June 30, 2014. The provisions of this section are void and of no effect if there is no transfer from the Teachers' Defined Contribution Retirement System to the state Teachers Retirement System. An alternate payee is not, solely as a result of that status, a member of either the Teachers' Defined Contribution Retirement System or the state Teachers Retirement System for any purpose under the provisions of this article and no interest held by the alternate payee is transferred to the state Teachers Retirement System pursuant thereto.

§18-7D-10. Vesting.

Any member who works one hour or more after his or her assets are transferred to the state Teachers Retirement System pursuant to this article is subject to the vesting schedule set forth in article seven-a of this chapter: Provided, That if a member is vested under the Teachers' Defined Contribution Retirement System and his or her last contribution was not made to the state Teachers Retirement System, that member is subject to the vesting schedule set forth in article seven-b of this chapter.

§18-7D-11. Minimum guarantees.

(a) Any member of the Teachers' Defined Contribution Retirement System who works one hour or more and who has made a contribution to the state Teachers Retirement System after his or her assets are transferred to the state Teachers Retirement System pursuant to this article, is guaranteed a minimum benefit equal to his or her member contributions plus the vested portion of employer contributions made on his or her behalf to the Teachers' Defined Contribution Retirement System, plus any earnings thereon, as of June 30, 2008, as stated by the board.

(b) A member of the Teachers' Defined Contribution Retirement System who works one hour or more and who has made contributions to the state Teachers Retirement System after his or her assets are transferred to the state Teachers Retirement System, upon eligibility to receive a distribution under article seven-a of this chapter, shall have at a minimum the following two options:

(1) The right to receive an annuity from the state Teachers Retirement System based upon the provisions of article seven-a of this chapter; or

(2) The right to withdraw from the state Teachers Retirement System and receive his or her member accumulated contributions in the state Teachers Retirement System, plus refund interest thereon, as set forth in article seven-a of this chapter and the right to withdraw and receive his or her member contributions plus the vested portion of employer contributions made on his or her behalf to the Teachers' Defined Contribution Retirement System, plus any earnings thereon as of the date his or her assets are transferred to the state Teachers Retirement System pursuant to this article, as determined by the board pursuant to the vesting provisions of article seven-a of this chapter. This amount shall be distributed in a lump sum.

(c) Any member of the Teachers' Defined Contribution Retirement System who does not work one hour or more and who makes no contribution to the state Teachers Retirement System after his or her assets are transferred to the state Teachers Retirement System pursuant to this article, is guaranteed the receipt of the amount in his or her total vested account in the Teachers' Defined Contribution Retirement System on the date of the transfer, plus interest thereon, at four percent accruing from the date of the transfer. This amount shall be distributed in a lump sum: Provided, That no benefits may be obtained under this subsection solely by the reciprocity provisions of sections three, four and six, article thirteen, chapter five of this code.

§18-7D-12. Transferees' eligibility to retire.

(a) For purposes of determining a transferring member's eligibility for retirement in accordance with section twenty-five, article seven-a of this chapter, any member who has affirmatively elected to transfer to the state Teachers Retirement System pursuant to the provisions of this article shall be fully credited for his or her years of service in the Teachers' Defined Contribution Retirement System: Provided, That the calculation of any transferring member's service credit in the state Teachers' Retirement System following the transfer shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of section six of this article.

(b) For purposes of this section, "years of service" shall mean all years as a member of the Teachers' Defined Contribution Retirement System and, in addition thereto, credits for any prior service, if any: Provided, That service previously withdrawn by a member may not be included in "years of service" unless repaid.


§18-8-1. Compulsory school attendance; exemptions.

(a) Exemption from the requirements of compulsory public school attendance established in §18-8-1a of this code shall be made on behalf of any child for the causes or conditions set forth in this section. Each cause or condition set forth in this section is subject to confirmation by the attendance authority of the county. A child who is exempt from compulsory school attendance under this section is not subject to prosecution under §18-8-2 of this code, nor is such a child a status offender as defined by §49-1-202 of this code.

(b) A child is exempt from the compulsory school attendance requirement set forth in §18-8-1a of this code if the requirements of this subsection, relating to instruction in a private, parochial, or other approved school, are met. The instruction shall be in a school approved by the county board and for a time equal to the instructional term set forth in §18-5-45 of this code. In all private, parochial, or other schools approved pursuant to this subsection, it is the duty of the principal or other person in control, upon the request of the county superintendent, to furnish to the county board such information and records as may be required with respect to attendance, instruction, and progress of students enrolled.

(c) A child is exempt from the compulsory school attendance requirement set forth in §18-8-1a of this code if the requirements of either subdivision (1) or subdivision (2) of this subsection, both relating to home instruction, are met.

(1) The instruction shall be in the home of the child or children or at some other place approved by the county board and for a time equal to the instructional term set forth in §18-5-45 of this code. If the request for home instruction is denied by the county board, good and reasonable justification for the denial shall be furnished in writing to the applicant by the county board. The instruction shall be conducted by a person or persons who, in the judgment of the county superintendent and county board, are qualified to give instruction in subjects required to be taught in public elementary schools in the state. The person or persons providing the instruction, upon request of the county superintendent, shall furnish to the county board information and records as may be required periodically with respect to attendance, instruction, and progress of students receiving the instruction. The state board shall develop guidelines for the home schooling of special education students including alternative assessment measures to assure that satisfactory academic progress is achieved.

(2) The child meets the requirements set forth in this subdivision: Provided, That the county superintendent may, after a showing of probable cause, seek from the circuit court of the county an order denying home instruction of the child. The order may be granted upon a showing of clear and convincing evidence that the child will suffer neglect in his or her education or that there are other compelling reasons to deny home instruction.

(A) Upon commencing home instruction under this section the parent of a child receiving home instruction shall present to the county superintendent or county board a notice of intent to provide home instruction that includes the name, address, and age of any child of compulsory school age to be instructed and assurance that the child shall receive instruction in reading, language, mathematics, science, and social studies, and that the child shall be assessed annually in accordance with this subdivision. The person providing home instruction shall notify the county superintendent upon termination of home instruction for a child who is of compulsory attendance age. Upon establishing residence in a new county, the person providing home instruction shall notify the previous county superintendent and submit a new notice of intent to the superintendent of the new county of residence: Provided, That if a child is enrolled in a public school, notice of intent to provide home instruction shall be given on or before the date home instruction is to begin.

(B) The person or persons providing home instruction shall submit satisfactory evidence of a high school diploma or equivalent, or a post-secondary degree or certificate from a regionally accredited institution, or from an institution of higher education that has been authorized to confer a post-secondary degree or certificate in West Virginia by the West Virginia Council for Community and Technical College Education or by the West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission.

(C) Annually, the person or persons providing home instruction shall obtain an academic assessment of the child for the previous school year in one of the following ways:

(i) The child receiving home instruction takes a nationally normed standardized achievement test published or normed not more than 10 years from the date of administration and administered under the conditions as set forth by the published instructions of the selected test and by a person qualified in accordance with the test’s published guidelines in the subjects of reading, language, mathematics, science, and social studies. The child is considered to have made acceptable progress when the mean of the child’s test results in the required subject areas for any single year is within or above the fourth stanine or, if below the fourth stanine, shows improvement from the previous year’s results;

(ii) The child participates in the testing program currently in use in the state’s public schools. The test shall be administered to the child at a public school in the county of residence. Determination of acceptable progress shall be based on current guidelines of the state testing program;

(iii) A portfolio of samples of the child’s work is reviewed by a certified teacher who determines whether the child’s academic progress for the year is in accordance with the child’s abilities. The teacher shall provide a written narrative about the child’s progress in the areas of reading, language, mathematics, science, and social studies and shall note any areas which, in the professional opinion of the reviewer, show need for improvement or remediation. If the narrative indicates that the child’s academic progress for the year is in accordance with the child’s abilities, the child is considered to have made acceptable progress; or

(iv) The child completes an alternative academic assessment of proficiency that is mutually agreed upon by the parent or legal guardian and the county superintendent.

(D) A parent or legal guardian shall maintain copies of each student’s Academic Assessment for three years. When the annual assessment fails to show acceptable progress, the person or persons providing home instruction shall initiate a remedial program to foster acceptable progress. The county board upon request shall notify the parents or legal guardian of the child, in writing, of the services available to assist in the assessment of the child’s eligibility for special education services. Identification of a disability does not preclude the continuation of home schooling. In the event that the child does not achieve acceptable progress for a second consecutive year, the person or persons providing instruction shall submit to the county superintendent additional evidence that appropriate instruction is being provided.

(E) The parent or legal guardian shall submit to the county superintendent the results of the academic assessment of the child at grade levels three, five, eight, and 11, as applicable, by June 30 of the year in which the assessment was administered.

(3) This subdivision applies to both home instruction exemptions set forth in subdivisions (1) and (2) of this subsection. The county superintendent or a designee shall offer such assistance, including textbooks, other teaching materials and available resources, all subject to availability, as may assist the person or persons providing home instruction. Any child receiving home instruction may upon approval of the county board exercise the option to attend any class offered by the county board as the person or persons providing home instruction may consider appropriate subject to normal registration and attendance requirements.

(d) A child is exempt from the compulsory school attendance requirement set forth in §18-8-1a of this code if the requirements of this subsection, relating to physical or mental incapacity, are met. Physical or mental incapacity consists of incapacity for school attendance and the performance of school work. In all cases of prolonged absence from school due to incapacity of the child to attend, the written statement of a licensed physician or authorized school nurse is required. Incapacity shall be narrowly defined and in any case the provisions of this article may not allow for the exclusion of the mentally, physically, emotionally, or behaviorally handicapped child otherwise entitled to a free appropriate education.

(e) A child is exempt from the compulsory school attendance requirement set forth in §18-8-1a of this code if conditions rendering school attendance impossible or hazardous to the life, health, or safety of the child exist.

(f) A child is exempt from the compulsory school attendance requirement set forth in §18-8-1a of this code upon regular graduation from a standard senior high school or alternate secondary program completion as determined by the state board.

(g) A child is exempt from the compulsory school attendance requirement set forth in §18-8-1a of this code if the child is granted a work permit pursuant to the subsection. After due investigation the county superintendent may grant work permits to youths under the termination age designated in §18-8-1a of this code, subject to state and federal labor laws and regulations. A work permit may not be granted on behalf of any youth who has not completed the eighth grade of school.

(h) A child is exempt from the compulsory school attendance requirement set forth in §18-8-1a of this code if a serious illness or death in the immediate family of the child has occurred. It is expected that the county attendance director will ascertain the facts in all cases of such absences about which information is inadequate and report the facts to the county superintendent.

(i) A child is exempt from the compulsory school attendance requirement set forth in §18-8-1a of this code if the requirements of this subsection, relating to destitution in the home, are met. Exemption based on a condition of extreme destitution in the home may be granted only upon the written recommendation of the county attendance director to the county superintendent following careful investigation of the case. A copy of the report confirming the condition and school exemption shall be placed with the county director of public assistance. This enactment contemplates every reasonable effort that may properly be taken on the part of both school and public assistance authorities for the relief of home conditions officially recognized as being so destitute as to deprive children of the privilege of school attendance. Exemption for this cause is not allowed when the destitution is relieved through public or private means.

(j) A child is exempt from the compulsory school attendance requirement set forth in §18-8-1a of this code if the requirements of this subsection, relating to church ordinances and observances of regular church ordinances, are met. The county board may approve exemption for religious instruction upon written request of the person having legal or actual charge of a child or children. This exemption is subject to the rules prescribed by the county superintendent and approved by the county board.

(k) A child is exempt from the compulsory school attendance requirement set forth in §18-8-1a of this code if the requirements of this subsection, relating to alternative private, parochial, church, or religious school instruction, are met. Exemption shall be made for any child attending any private school, parochial school, church school, school operated by a religious order, or other nonpublic school which elects to comply with the provisions of §18-28-1 et seq. of this code.

(l) Completion of the eighth grade does not exempt any child under the termination age designated in §18-8-1a of this code from the compulsory attendance provision of this article.

(m) A child is exempt from the compulsory school attendance requirements set forth in §18-8-1a of this code if the child is an eligible recipient participating in the Hope Scholarship Program, as provided for in §18-31-1 et seq. of this code and provides a notice of intent to participate in the Hope Scholarship Program to the county superintendent. The county superintendent shall enter the following into the West Virginia Education Information System (WVEIS):

(1) The filing of the notice of intent pursuant to this subsection;

(2) In the case of a Hope Scholarship recipient who chooses an individualized instructional program, annually, the child’s test results or determination that a student is making academic progress commensurate with his or her age and ability, as applicable, pursuant to §18-31-8(a)(4) of this code; and

(3) In the case of an eligible recipient enrolling in a participating school, annually, the filing of a notice of enrollment pursuant to §18-31-11(a)(6) of this code.

(n) A child is exempt from the compulsory school attendance requirement set forth in §18-8-1a of this code if the child participates in a learning pod or microschool pursuant to this subsection.

(1) For the purposes of this subsection:

(A) “Learning pod” means a voluntary association of parents choosing to group their children together to participate in their elementary or secondary academic studies as an alternative to enrolling in a public school, private school, homeschool, or microschool, including participation in an activity or service provided to the children in exchange for payment; and

(B) “Microschool” means a school initiated by one or more teachers or an entity created to operate a school that charges tuition for the students who enroll and is an alternative to enrolling in a public school, private school, homeschool, or learning pod.

(2) Upon beginning participation in a learning pod or microschool pursuant to this subsection, the parent or legal guardian of the child participating shall present to the county superintendent or county board a notice of intent to participate in a learning pod or microschool that includes the name, address, and age of any child of compulsory school age participating and assurance that the child shall receive instruction in reading, language, mathematics, science, and social studies, and that the child shall be assessed annually in accordance with this subsection. The person providing instruction shall notify the county superintendent upon termination of participation in a learning pod or microschool for a child who is of compulsory attendance age. Upon establishing residence in a new county, the person providing instruction shall notify the previous county superintendent and submit a new notice of intent to the superintendent of the new county of residence: Provided, That if a child is enrolled in a public school, notice of intent to participate in a learning pod or microschool shall be given on or before the date participation is to begin.

(3) The person or persons providing instruction shall submit satisfactory evidence of a high school diploma or equivalent, or a post-secondary degree or certificate from a regionally accredited institution, or from an institution of higher education that has been authorized to confer a post-secondary degree or certificate in West Virginia by the West Virginia Council for Community and Technical College Education or by the West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission.

(4) Annually, the person or persons providing instruction shall obtain an academic assessment of the child for the previous school year in one of the following ways:

(A) The child participating in a learning pod or microschool takes a nationally normed standardized achievement test published or normed not more than 10 years from the date of administration and administered under the conditions as set forth by the published instructions of the selected test and by a person qualified in accordance with the test’s published guidelines in the subjects of reading, language, mathematics, science, and social studies. The child is considered to have made acceptable progress when the mean of the child’s test results in the required subject areas for any single year is within or above the fourth stanine or, if below the fourth stanine, shows improvement from the previous year’s results;

(B) The child participates in the testing program currently in use in the state’s public schools. The test shall be administered to the child at a public school in the county of residence. Determination of acceptable progress shall be based on current guidelines of the state testing program;

(C) A portfolio of samples of the child’s work is reviewed by a certified teacher who determines whether the child’s academic progress for the year is in accordance with the child’s abilities. The teacher shall provide a written narrative about the child’s progress in the areas of reading, language, mathematics, science, and social studies and shall note any areas which, in the professional opinion of the reviewer, show need for improvement or remediation. If the narrative indicates that the child’s academic progress for the year is in accordance with the child’s abilities, the child is considered to have made acceptable progress; or

(D) The child completes an alternative academic assessment of proficiency that is mutually agreed upon by the parent or legal guardian and the county superintendent.

(5) A parent or legal guardian shall maintain copies of each student’s Academic Assessment for three years. When the annual assessment fails to show acceptable progress, the person or persons providing instruction shall initiate a remedial program to foster acceptable progress. The county board upon request shall notify the parents or legal guardian of the child, in writing, of the services available to assist in the assessment of the child’s eligibility for special education services. Identification of a disability does not preclude the continuation of participation in a learning pod or microschool. In the event that the child does not achieve acceptable progress for a second consecutive year, the person or persons providing instruction shall submit to the county superintendent additional evidence that appropriate instruction is being provided.

(6) The parent, legal guardian, learning pod, or microschool shall submit to the county superintendent the results of the academic assessment of the child with the same frequency prescribed in §18-8-1(c)(2)(E) of this code: Provided, That instead of the academic assessment results being submitted individually, the learning pod or microschool may submit the school composite results.

(7) The county superintendent or a designee shall offer such assistance, including textbooks, other teaching materials and available resources, all subject to availability, as may assist the person or persons providing instruction. Any child participating in a learning pod or microschool may upon approval of the county board exercise the option to attend any class offered by the county board as the person or persons providing instruction may consider appropriate subject to normal registration and attendance requirements.

(8) No learning pod or microschool which meets the requirements of this subsection is subject to any other provision of law relating to education: Provided, That any learning pod or microschool which has a student requiring special education instruction must comply with the provisions of §18-20-11 of this code, including, but not limited to, placement of video cameras for the protection of that exceptional student.

(9) Making learning pods and microschools subject to the home instruction provisions and requirements does not make learning pods and microschools the same as homeschooling.

§18-8-1a. Commencement and termination of compulsory school attendance; public school entrance requirements; exceptions.

(a) Notwithstanding the provisions of section one of this article, compulsory school attendance begins with the school year in which the sixth birthday is reached prior to July 1 of such year or upon enrolling in a full-time publicly funded kindergarten program, and continues to the 17th birthday or for as long as the student continues to be enrolled in a school system after the 17th birthday.

(1) A child may be removed from such kindergarten program when the parent or guardian determines that the best interest of the child would not be served by requiring further attendance: Provided, That the principal shall make the final determination with regard to compulsory school attendance in a publicly supported kindergarten program.

(2) The compulsory school attendance provision of this article shall be enforced against a person 18 years of age or older for as long as the person continues to be enrolled in a school system and may not be enforced against the parent, guardian, or custodian of the person.

(3) Notwithstanding the provisions of section one of this article, compulsory school attendance begins with the school year in which the sixth birthday is reached prior to September 1 of such year or upon enrolling in a publicly supported kindergarten program and continues to the seventeenth birthday or for as long as the student continues to be enrolled in a school system after the 17th birthday: Provided, That beginning in the school year 2019-2020, compulsory school attendance begins with the school year in which the sixth birthday is reached prior to July 1 of such year or upon enrolling in a publicly supported kindergarten program.

(b) A parent, as defined in §18-31-2 of this code, shall have the option, prior to enrolling in a publicly supported kindergarten program, to apply for a Hope Scholarship on behalf of his or her child as set forth in §18-31-1 et seq. of this code. Every year thereafter, a parent shall have the option to renew his or her child's enrollment in the Hope Scholarship Program pursuant to §18-31-8 of this code.

(c) Attendance at a state-approved, nonpublic kindergarten program, including a Montessori kindergarten program as provided in §18-5-18 of this code, homeschool kindergarten program, Hope Scholarship kindergarten program, or private, parochial, or church kindergarten program recognized under §18-8-1(k) of this code is deemed school attendance for the purposes of this section. Students entering the public school system after such kindergarten program shall be placed in the developmentally and academically appropriate grade level.

(d) Notwithstanding the provisions of this section and §18-5-18 of this code, a county board may provide for advanced entrance or placement under policies adopted by said board for any child who has demonstrated sufficient mental and physical competency for such entrance or placement.

(e) A student from another state, or who is eligible to enroll in a public school in this state, shall be enrolled in the same grade in a public school in West Virginia as the student was enrolled at the school or program from which the student transferred. A transcript or other credential provided by a public school program, private school program, homeschool program, microschool program, or HOPE scholarship program shall be accepted by a public school in this state as a record of a student's previous academic performance for the purposes of placement and credit assignment.

§18-8-2. Offenses; penalties; cost of prosecution; jurisdiction.

(a) Any parent, guardian, or custodian who fails to cause a child or children under 18 years of age in that person's legal or actual charge to attend school in violation of this article or without just cause, is guilty of a misdemeanor and, shall, upon conviction of a first offense, be fined not less than $50 nor more than $100 together with the costs of prosecution. The magistrate or circuit court judge, upon conviction and pronouncing sentence, may delay the sentence for a period of 60 school days provided the child is in attendance every day during said 60-day period. Following the 60-day period, if the child was present at school for every school day, the delayed sentence may be suspended and dismissed. Upon conviction of a second offense, a fine may be imposed of not less than $50 nor more than $100 together with the costs of prosecution or confined in jail not less than five nor more than 20 days. Every day a child is out of school contrary to this article constitutes a separate offense. Magistrates shall have concurrent jurisdiction with circuit courts for the trial of offenses arising under this section.

(b) Any person 18 years of age or older who is enrolled in school who, after receiving due notice, fails to attend school in violation of this article or without just cause, is guilty of a misdemeanor and, shall, upon conviction of a first offense, be fined not less than $50 nor more than $100 together with the costs of prosecution and required to attend school and remain throughout the school day. The magistrate or circuit court judge, upon conviction and pronouncing sentence, may delay the imposition of a fine for a period of 60 school days provided the person is in attendance every day during said 60-day period. Following the 60-day period, if the student was present at school every day, the delayed sentence may be suspended and dismissed. Upon conviction of a second offense, a fine may be imposed of not less than $50 nor more than $100 together with the costs of prosecution and the person may be required to go to school and remain throughout the school day until such time as the person graduates or withdraws from school or confined in jail not less than five nor more than 20 days. Every day a student is out of school contrary to this article constitutes a separate offense. Magistrates shall have concurrent jurisdiction with circuit courts for the trial of offenses arising under this section.

(c) Upon conviction of a third offense, any person 18 years of age or older who is enrolled in school shall be withdrawn from school during the remainder of that school year. Enrollment of that person in school during the next school year or years thereafter is conditional upon all absences being excused as defined in law, state board policy and county board of education policy. More than one unexcused absence of such a student shall be grounds for the director of attendance to authorize the school to withdraw the person for the remainder of the school year. Magistrates shall have concurrent jurisdiction with circuit courts for the trial of offenses arising under this section.

(d) Jurisdiction to enforce compulsory school attendance laws lies in the county in which a student resides and in the county where the school at which the student is enrolled is located. When the county of residence and enrollment are different, an action to enforce compulsory school attendance may be brought in either county and the magistrates and circuit courts of either county have concurrent jurisdiction for the trial of offenses arising under this section.

§18-8-3. Employment of county director of school attendance and assistants; qualifications; salary and traveling expenses; removal.

(a) The county board of education of every county, no later than August 1 of each year, shall employ the equivalent of a full-time county director of school attendance if such county has a net enrollment of more than 4,000 pupils, at least a half-time director of school attendance if such county has a net enrollment equal to or less than 4,000 pupils and such assistant attendance directors as deemed necessary. All persons to be employed as attendance directors shall have the written recommendation of the county superintendent.

(b) The county board of education may establish special and professional qualifications for attendance directors and assistants as are deemed expedient and proper and are consistent with regulations of the State Board of Education relating thereto: Provided, That if the position of attendance director has been posted, the county may employ a person who holds full attendance certification or a person who holds a professional administrative certificate.

(c) The attendance director or assistant director shall be paid a monthly salary as fixed by the county board. The attendance director or assistant director shall prepare attendance reports and such other reports as the county superintendent may request.

(d) The county board of education shall reimburse the attendance directors or assistant directors for their necessary traveling expenses upon presentation of a monthly, itemized, sworn statement approved by the county superintendent.

§18-8-4. Duties of attendance director and assistant directors; complaints, warrants and hearings.

(a) For the purposes of this article, the following definitions apply:

(1) “Excused absence” means:

(A) A medical or dental appointment with written excuse from physician or dentist;

(B) Personal illness or injury of the student accompanied by a timely written excuse from the student’s parent, guardian, or custodian: Provided: That the total absences under this section combined with absences permitted under subdivision (C) of this subsection do not exceed more than 10 per school year unless supported by a physician’s note: Provided however: That a medically documented chronic health condition or disability that adversely impacts in-person attendance approved by a county school board or the principal is not subject to this limitation, and that absences of students with disabilities shall be in accordance with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 and the federal and state regulations adopted in compliance therewith;

(C) Personal illness or injury of the student’s parent, guardian, custodian, or family member: Provided, That the excuse must provide a reasonable explanation for why the student’s absence was necessary and caused by the illness or injury in the family, and the total absences under this section in combination with section (1)(B) may not exceed more than ten excuses per school year;

(D) Death in the family;

(E) School-approved or county-approved curricular or extra-curricular activities;

(F) A judicial obligation or court appearance involving the student; and

(G) A military requirement for students enlisted or enlisting in the military.

(2) “Meaningful contact” means two-way communication by the school administrator or other school designee and the student’s parent, guardian, or custodian to discuss the student’s attendance record in an effort to prevent subsequent truancy or other legal proceedings relating to compulsory school attendance, and to minimize additional absences. Methods of meaningful contact include, but are not limited to, phone calls, video conferencing, home visits, and the use of digital platforms.

(3) “System of Support Plan” (“SOS Plan”) refers to a plan to be developed by the State Board of Education designed to encourage students to attend school. It shall, at a minimum, require county attendance directors, principals, or other school designees to make periodic contact with the parent, guardian, or custodian of a student subject to compulsory school attendance to ascertain the reason or reasons for the student’s absence or absences and what measures the school may employ to assist the student in attending school and not incurring additional absences. It shall also impart upon the student’s parents, guardians, and custodians the importance of the student’s attendance and the seriousness of failing to do so.

(4) “Unexcused absence” means any absence not specifically included in the definition of “excused absence”.

(b) The county attendance director and his or her assistants shall diligently promote regular school attendance. The director and assistants shall:

(1) Ascertain the reasons for unexcused absences from school of students of compulsory school age; and students who remain enrolled beyond the compulsory school age

(2) Ensure the implementation of the SOS Plan as developed by the State Board, including encouraging the attendance of students and imparting upon the parents, guardians, and custodians the important of attendance and the seriousness of failing to do so.

(c) All documentation relating to absences shall be provided to the school no later than three instructional days after the first day the student returns to school. In the event documentation is not provided to the school within three instructional days after the first day the student returns to school, the absences are unexcused.

(d) In the case of three total unexcused absences of a student during a school year, the attendance director, his or her assistant, or the principal shall make meaningful contact with the parent, guardian, or custodian of the student to ascertain the reasons for the unexcused absences and what measures the school may employ to assist the student in attending and not incurring any additional unexcused absences.

(e) In the case of five total unexcused absences, the attendance director, his or her assistant or the principal shall again make meaningful contact with the parent, guardian, or custodian of the student to ascertain the reasons for the unexcused absences and what measures the school may employ to assist the student in attending school and not incurring any additional unexcused absences.

(f) In the case of 10 total unexcused absences of a student during a school year, the attendance director or assistant may make a complaint against the parent, guardian, or custodian before a magistrate of the county. If it appears from the complaint that there is probable cause to believe that an offense has been committed and that the accused has committed it, a summons or a warrant for the arrest of the accused shall issue to any officer authorized by law to serve the summons or to arrest persons charged with offenses against the state. More than one parent, guardian, or custodian may be charged in a complaint. Initial service of a summons or warrant issued pursuant to the provisions of this section shall be attempted within 10 calendar days of receipt of the summons or warrant and subsequent attempts at service shall continue until the summons or warrant is executed or until the end of the school term during which the complaint is made, whichever is later.

(g) The magistrate court clerk, or the clerk of the circuit court performing the duties of the magistrate court as authorized in §50-1-8 of this code, shall assign the case to a magistrate within 10 days of execution of the summons or warrant. The hearing shall be held within 20 days of the assignment to the magistrate, subject to lawful continuance. The magistrate shall provide to the accused at least 10 days’ advance notice of the date, time and place of the hearing.

(h) When any doubt exists as to the age of a student absent from school, the attendance director and his or her assistants may require a properly attested birth certificate or an affidavit from the parent, guardian, or custodian of the student stating the age of the student. In the performance of his or her duties, the county attendance director and his or her assistants have authority to take without warrant any student absent from school in violation of the provisions of this article and to place the student in the school in which he or she is or should be enrolled.

(i) The county attendance director and his or her assistants shall devote as much time as is required to the duties of attendance director in accordance with this section during the instructional term and at any other times as the duties of an attendance director are required. All attendance directors and assistants hired for more than 200 days may be assigned other duties determined by the superintendent during the period in excess of 200 days. The county attendance director is responsible under direction of the county superintendent for efficiently administering school attendance in the county.

(j) In addition to those duties directly relating to the administration of attendance, the county attendance director and his or her assistant directors also shall perform the following duties:

(1) Assist in directing the taking of the school census to see that it is taken at the time and in the manner provided by law;

(2) Confer with principals and teachers on the comparison of the school census and enrollment for the detection of possible nonenrollees;

(3) Cooperate with existing state and federal agencies charged with enforcing child labor laws;

(4) Promote attendance in the county by compiling data for schools and by furnishing suggestions and recommendations for publication through school bulletins and the press, or in any manner directed by the county superintendent;

(5) Participate in school teachers’ conferences with parents and students;

(6) Assist in any other ways directed by the county superintendent for improving school attendance;

(7) Make home visits of students who have excessive unexcused absences, as provided in subsection (a) of this section, or if requested by the chief administrator, principal, or assistant principal; and

(8) Serve as the liaison for homeless children and youth.

§18-8-5. Duties of principal, administrative head or other chief administrator.

It shall be the duty of the principal, administrative head or other chief administrator of each school, whether public or private, to make prompt reports to the county attendance director, or proper assistant, of all cases of unexcused absences arising within the school which require the services of an attendance worker. Such reports shall be on the form prescribed for such purpose, by telephone, or in person, and shall include essential information about the child and the name and residence of any parent, guardian or custodian of a child.

It shall also be the duty of each principal, administrative head or other chief administrator of each public school to ascertain and report promptly the name of any parent, guardian or custodian of any child of compulsory school age as defined in this article who was or should be enrolled in the school reporting and who has not enrolled in any school that year. By way of ascertaining the status of school attendance, each principal, administrative head or other chief administrator shall compare the school census with the school enrollment at the opening of the school term and each month thereafter, or as directed by the county superintendent of schools, and report the same to the county attendance director: Provided, That any child who was or should be enrolled in a particular school, but who is at the time enrolled in another school shall be considered as attending the school in which enrolled and shall be included only in the report of attendance from the school in which the child is enrolled at the time.

If the principal, administrative head or other chief administrator of a school determines that an enrolled pupil has accumulated unexcused absences from attendance at such school for five instructional days during any one half of the instructional term, the principal, administrative head or other chief administrator shall contact any parent, guardian or custodian of the pupil and shall hold a meeting with any person so contacted, and the pupil, and any other person that the administrator deems a relevant participant in such meeting.

§18-8-5a. Home visitations.

If approved by the principal, administrative head or other chief administrator, a teacher may use one noninstructional day during an employment term for the purpose of home visitations with the parent, guardian or custodian of any pupil or pupils designated by the principal, administrative head or other chief administrator. Priority shall be given to those pupils identified as potential school dropouts or whose school attendance is otherwise jeopardized.

Such home visitations shall be deemed the equivalent of one day of continuing education in accordance with rules and regulations of the state board requiring such education.

The county board may adopt rules and regulations regarding such home visitations and shall reimburse a teacher for the necessary traveling expenses upon presentation of an itemized, sworn statement.

§18-8-6. The High School Graduation Improvement Act.

(a) This section is known and may be cited as "The High School Graduation Improvement Act."

(b) The Legislature makes the following findings:

(1) West Virginia has a dire need to implement a comprehensive approach to addressing the high school drop-out crisis, and to develop policies and strategies that successfully assist at-risk students to stay in school, earn a high school diploma, and ultimately become productively contributing members of society;

(2) The current demands for a highly skilled workforce require a high school diploma at the very minimum;

(3) The state has several dynamic programs that are capable of actively engaging students in learning, providing students with a sense of relevancy in academics, and motivating students to succeed in school and ultimately earn a high school diploma;

(4) Raising the compulsory school attendance age alone will neither increase the graduation rate nor decrease the drop-out rate. It is imperative that the state shift the focus from merely compelling students to attend school to instead providing vibrant and engaging programs that allow students to recognize the value of a high school diploma or workforce credential and inspire students to graduate from high school, especially those students who are at risk of dropping out of school;

(5) Investing financially in this focus shift will result in the need for fewer resources to be committed to enforcing compulsory attendance laws and fewer incidents of disruptive student behavior;

(6) Absenteeism is proven to be the highest predictor of course failure. Truant students face low self-confidence in their ability to succeed in school because their absences cause them to fall behind their classmates, and the students find dropping out easier than catching up;

(7) There is a strong relationship between truancy and dropping out of high school. Frequent absences are one of the most common indicators that a student is disengaging from the learning process and likely to drop out of school early. Intervention after fewer absences is likely to have a positive impact on a student's persistence to graduation;

(8) Students cite many reasons for dropping out of school, some of which include engaging in drug culture, lack of positive influence, role model or parental involvement, absence of boundaries and direction, lack of a positive home environment, peer pressure, and poor community expectations;

(9) Dropping out of school has a profound negative impact on an individual's future, resulting in limited job choices, substantially lower wages and less earned over a life-time than high school graduates, and a greater likelihood of depending on public assistance and engaging in criminal activity;

(10) Career-technical education is a dynamic system in West Virginia which offers numerous concentrations that provide students with industry-recognized credentials, while also preparing them for post-secondary education;

(11) All career-technical education students in the state have an opportunity to earn free college credit through the Earn a Degree-Graduate Early (EDGE) program;

(12) The current high school graduation rate for secondary career-technical education completers is significantly higher than the state graduation rate;

(13) Students involved in career-technical education learn a marketable skill, are likely to find jobs, and become prepared for post-secondary education;

(14) A significant number of students who could benefit from participating in a career-technical program are denied access due to a number of factors, such as dropping out of high school prior to enrolling in career-technical education, requirements that students repeat academic courses that they have failed, and scheduling conflicts with the high schools;

(15) There has been a dramatic change over the years from vocational education, which was very basic and lacked high level skills, to the career-technical programs of today which are computer based, require national tests and certification, and often result in jobs with high salaries;

(16) West Virginia's employers and technical education job placement rates show that the state needs graduates with technical skills to compete in the current and future job markets;

(17) The job placement rate for students graduating from career-technical programs statewide is greater than ninety-five percent;

(18) Among the reasons students cite for dropping out of school are feelings of hopelessness when they have failed classes and can not recover credits in order to graduate;

(19) The state offers full-day programs consisting of credit recovery, hands on experiences in career-technical programs and basic education, which are valuable resources for re-engaging students who have dropped out of school, or have a potential for or are at risk of dropping out;

(20) A student is significantly more likely to graduate from high school if he or she completes four units of training in technical education;

(21) Learning is increased and retained at a higher level if the content is taught through a relevant and applied experience, and students who are able to experience academics through real life projects have a higher probability of mastering the appropriate concepts;

(22) Programs such as "GED Option" and "Techademics" are valuable resources for providing relevant and applied experience for students;

(23) The Techademics programs administered by the department of education has embedded math competencies in career-technical program curricula whereby students simultaneously earn credit for mastery of math competencies and career-technical courses;

(24) Students would greatly benefit if West Virginia were designated as a "GED Option" state. Currently a student is ineligible to take the General Educational Development (GED) exam if he or she is enrolled in school, which requires the student to drop out of high school in order to participate in a GED preparation program or take the exam, even if the student desires to remain enrolled;

(25) A GED Option state designation by the American Council on Education would allow students in this state to remain enrolled in school and continue acquiring academic and career-technical credits while pursuing a GED diploma. The GED Option would be blended with the West Virginia virtual schools or a career-technical education pathway. Upon completion, rather than being a dropout, the student would have a GED diploma and a certification in the chosen career-technical or virtual school pathway;

(26) The Mountaineer Challenge Academy is a positive option for students at risk of dropping out of school, as it provides students with structure, stability, and a focus on positive change, all in an environment where negative influences and distractions can be left behind;

(27) Students attending the Mountaineer Challenge Academy would greatly benefit if the GED Option were implemented at the Academy;

(28) The Health Sciences and Technology Academy (HSTA) program prepares rural, minority and economically disadvantaged students for college and careers in the health sciences, and demonstrates tremendous success in its high percentage of students who graduate from high school and participate in post-secondary education.

(29) The West Virginia GEAR UP (Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs) program is aimed at increasing the academic performance and rigorous preparation of students, increasing the number of high-poverty, at-risk students who are prepared to enter and succeed in post-secondary education, and increasing the high school graduation rate;

(30) The GEAR UP program successfully aids students in planning, applying and paying for education and training beyond high school;

(31) Each dropout involved in drugs or crime or dependent on public assistance creates a huge fiscal burden on society;

(32) The intense treatment and individual monitoring provided through the state's juvenile drug courts have proven to be highly effective in treating drug addictions, and rehabilitating drug-addicted youth and improving their educational outcomes;

(33) Services provided by juvenile drug courts include substance abuse treatment, intervention, assessment, juvenile and family counseling, heavy supervision by probation officers including school-based probation officers who provide early intervention and diversion services, and addressing some of the underlying reasons why students are not successful in school;

(34) School participation and attendance are required for students participating in juvenile drug courts, and along with academic progress are closely monitored by the courts;

(35) Juvenile drug courts are an important strategy to improve substance abuse treatment outcomes, and serve to save the state significant cost on incarceration of the juveniles, along with the future costs to society of individuals who remain substance abusers;

(36) Juvenile drug courts produce greater cost benefits than other strategies that address criminal activity related to substance abuse and addiction that bring individuals into the criminal justice system;

(37) Funding for the increased number of students enrolled in school during the 2010-2011 school year due to the compulsory school attendance age increase established by this act will not be reflected in the state aid formula allocation until the 2011-2012 school year, which will require additional funds to be provided to county boards for the 2010-2011 school year to accommodate the increased enrollment;

(38) The state will benefit both fiscally and through improved quality of life if scarce state resources are targeted toward programs that result in providing a competitive advantage as adults for those students who are at risk of dropping out of school;

(39) Funds invested toward education and ensuring that students complete high school pay tremendous dividends through the moneys saved on incarceration, unemployment and underemployment as those students reach adulthood;

(40) Increasing the compulsory school attendance age will have little effect in aiding students to complete high school if additional resources, both fiscal and programmatic, are not dedicated to supporting student achievement, providing real-life relevancy in curriculum, and engaging students in learning, particularly for those students who have become so disengaged from school and learning that they are at risk of dropping out of school; and

(41) Schools cannot solve the dropout problem alone. Research shows when educators, parents, elected officials, business leaders, faith-based leaders, human service personnel, judicial personnel and civic leaders collectively work together they are often able to find innovative solutions to address school and community problems. (c) The Legislature intends as follows:

(1) The state will continue to explore diverse instructional delivery strategies to accommodate various learning styles and will focus on a state-wide dropout intervention and prevention program to provide support for students having academic difficulty;

(2) A general credit recovery program shall be implemented statewide, including delivery through West Virginia virtual schools;

(3) The state board will continue to improve the way career-technical education is offered, including expansion of the Techademics program;

(4) Up to five additional juvenile drug courts shall be established by January 1, 2012;

(5) The state will invest additional state funds and other resources in strategies and programs that engage disconnected and discouraged students in a positive learning environment as a critical first step to ensuring that students persist and graduate;

(6) County boards will develop plans to demonstrate how they will use available funds to implement the intent of this section; and

(7) The state board shall develop a statewide system in electronic format that will provide schools with easily identifiable early warning indicators of students at risk of not graduating from high school. The system shall be delivered through the uniform integrated regional computer information system (commonly known as the West Virginia Education Information System) and shall at a minimum incorporate data on the attendance, academic performance and disciplinary infractions of individual students. The state board shall require implementation of the system in Local Solution Dropout Prevention and Recovery Innovation Zones along with a plan of interventions to increase the number of students earning a high school diploma, and may utilize the zones as a pilot test of the system.

(d) Each county board shall include in its alternative education program plan required by section six, article two, of this chapter a plan to improve student retention and increase the graduation rate in the county. The plan is subject to approval of the state board, and shall include strategies the county board will implement to achieve the following goals:

(1) Increasing the graduation rate for the county;

(2) Identifying at the earliest age possible those students who are at risk of dropping out of school prior to graduation; and

(3) Providing additional options for delivering to at-risk students academic credentials and career-technical training if appropriate or desired by the student. The options may include such programs as Techademics, Earn a Degree-Graduate Early (EDGE), Health Sciences and Technology Academy (HSTA), Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs (GEAR UP), truancy diversion, early intervention, dropout prevention, prevention resource officers, GED option, credit recovery, alternative learning environments, or any other program or strategy approved by the state board.

(e) As soon as is practicable the state superintendent or his or her designee shall pursue designation of West Virginia as a "GED Option" state by the American Council on Education. If so designated, the state board shall:

(1) Develop and implement a program whereby a student may pursue a GED diploma while remaining enrolled in high school; and

(2) Ensure that the GED Option is offered to students attending the Mountaineer Challenge Academy.

(f) The state board shall continue to expand:

(1) The Techademics program to include each major academic subject and increase the academic credit available through the program to students; and

(2) The Health Sciences and Technology Academy to ensure that the program is available for any school containing any of the grade levels of eligible students.

(g) The state board shall ensure that the dropout information required by section twenty-four, article one-b, chapter fifteen of this code is provided annually to the Mountaineer Challenge Academy.

(h) Some career and technical education programs only accept students in certain upper high school grade levels due to lack of capacity to accept the students in the lower high school grade levels. This can be detrimental to efforts to keep students identified as at risk of dropping out of school prior to graduation in school. Therefore, those career and technical education programs that limit enrollment to students in certain upper high school grade levels may make exceptions for those at risk students and enroll any of those at risk students who are in grades nine and above.

§18-8-6a. Incentive for county board participation in circuit court juvenile probation truancy programs.

A county board that enters into a truancy program agreement with the circuit court of the county that (1) provides for the referral of truant juveniles for supervision by the court’s probation office pursuant to §49-4-711 of this code and (2) requires the county board to pay for the costs of the probation officer or officers assigned to supervise truant juveniles, shall be reimbursed for one half of the costs of the probation officer or officers, subject to appropriation of the Legislature for this purpose to the West Virginia Department of Education. For any year in which the funds appropriated are insufficient to cover the reimbursement costs, the county’s costs shall be reimbursed pro rata.

§18-8-7. Aiding or abetting violations of compulsory attendance; penalty.

Any person who induces or attempts to induce any child or student unlawfully to absent himself or herself from school, or who harbors or employs any child or student of compulsory school age or any student over sixteen years of age who is enrolled in a school while the school to which he or she belongs and which he or she is required to attend is in session, or who employs such child or student within the term of such school on any day such school is in session without the written permission of the county superintendent of schools, or for a longer period than such work permit may specify shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not less than $25 nor more than $50 and may be confined in jail not less than ten nor more than thirty days.

§18-8-8. Child suspended for failure to comply with requirements and regulations treated as unlawfully absent.

If a child be suspended from school because of improper conduct or refusal of such child to comply with the requirements of the school, the school shall immediately notify the county superintendent of such suspension, and specify the time or conditions of such suspension. Further admission of the child to school may be refused until such requirements and regulations be complied with. Any such child shall be treated by the school as being unlawfully absent from the school during the time he refuses to comply with such requirements and regulations, and any person having legal or actual control of such child shall be liable to prosecution under the provisions of this article for the absence of such child from school: Provided, That the county board of education does not exclude or expel the suspended child from school.

§18-8-9. Report and disposition of fines collected.

All fines collected under the provisions of this article shall be paid on or before the last day of each calendar month by the magistrate, or other proper official having jurisdiction in the case, to the sheriff and by him credited to the county school fund; and the magistrate shall file with the county superintendent on the last day of each month an itemized statement of all fines paid over to the sheriff.

§18-8-10. Compulsory education of deaf and blind; offenses; penalties; names of deaf and blind.

Every parent, guardian or other person having control of any mentally normal minor over six years of age, who is defective in sight or hearing to the extent that he cannot be benefited by instruction in the public schools, shall be required to send such minor to the West Virginia schools for the deaf and the blind at Romney. Such minor shall continue to attend such schools for a term of at least thirty-six weeks each year until he has completed the course of instruction prescribed for such schools by the state Board of Education, or has been discharged by the superintendent of said school.

Any such deaf or blind minor shall be exempt from attendance at said schools for any of the following reasons: (a) Instruction by a private tutor or in another school approved by the state Board of Education for a time equal to that required by the first paragraph of this section; (b) physical incapacity for school work; (c) any other reason deemed good and sufficient by the superintendent of such schools, with the approval of the state Board of Education.

Any parent, guardian or other persons in charge of such minor or minors who fails or refuses to comply with the requirements of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not less than ten nor more than $30 for each offense. Failure for the period of one week within the school year to send such minor to school shall constitute an offense: Provided, That the time necessary for such minor to travel from his home to the school shall not be counted as time absent from school.

Any person who induces or attempts to induce such blind or deaf minor to absent himself from school, or who employs or harbors such minor unlawfully, while said school is in session, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not less than twenty nor more than $50 for each offense.

It shall be the duty of school attendance directors and assistants, prosecuting attorneys, and any special attendance directors appointed by said school for the deaf and the blind to enforce the provisions of this section.

The county superintendent of schools shall furnish to the superintendents of the state-supported schools for the deaf and/or blind and to the state Superintendent of Schools the names of persons in his county between the ages of six and eighteen reported to him to be deaf and blind with the names and addresses of their parents or guardians.

§18-8-11. School attendance and satisfactory academic progress as conditions of licensing for privilege of operation of motor vehicle.

(a) Whenever a student at least 15 but less than 17 years of age, except as provided in subsection (e) of this section, withdraws from school, the attendance director or chief administrator shall notify the Division of Motor Vehicles of the student’s withdrawal no later than five days from the date of the withdrawal. Within five days of receipt of the notice, the Division of Motor Vehicles shall send notice to the student that the student’s instruction permit or license to operate a motor vehicle will be restricted to driving for work or medical purposes or educational or religious pursuits under the provisions of §17B-3-6 of this code on the 30th day following the date the notice was sent unless documentation of compliance with the provisions of this section is received by the Division of Motor Vehicles before that time. The notice shall also advise the student that he or she is entitled to a hearing before the county superintendent of schools or his or her designee or before the appropriate private school official concerning whether the student’s withdrawal from school was due to a circumstance or circumstances beyond the control of the student. If restricted, the division may not reinstate an instruction permit or license until the student returns to school and shows satisfactory academic progress or until the student attains 17 years of age.

(b) Whenever a student at least 15 but less than 17 years of age is enrolled in a secondary school and fails to maintain satisfactory academic progress, the attendance director or chief administrator shall follow the procedures set out in subsection (a) of this section to notify the Division of Motor Vehicles. Within five days of receipt of the notice, the Division of Motor Vehicles shall send notice to the student that the student’s instruction permit or license will be restricted to driving for work or medical purposes or educational or religious pursuits under the provisions of §17B-3-6 of this code on the 30th day following the date the notice was sent unless documentation of compliance with the provisions of this section is received by the Division of Motor Vehicles before that time. The notice shall also advise the student that he or she is entitled to a hearing before the county superintendent of schools or his or her designee or before the appropriate private school official concerning whether the student’s failure to make satisfactory academic progress was due to a circumstance or circumstances beyond the control of the student. Once the restriction is ordered, the division may not reinstate an instruction permit or license until the student shows satisfactory academic progress or until the student attains 17 years of age.

(c) Upon written request of a student, within 10 days of receipt of a notice of restriction as provided by this section, the Division of Motor Vehicles shall afford the student the opportunity for an administrative hearing. The scope of the hearing shall be limited to determining if there is a question of improper identity, incorrect age, or some other clerical error.

(d) For the purposes of this section:

(1) “Withdrawal” is defined as more than 10 consecutive or 15 total days unexcused absences during a school year, or suspension pursuant to §18A-5-1a(a) and §18A-5-1a(b) of this code.

(2) “Satisfactory academic progress” means the attaining and maintaining of grades sufficient to allow for graduation and course work in an amount sufficient to allow graduation in five years or by age 19, whichever is earlier.

(3) “Circumstances outside the control of the student” shall include, but not be limited to, medical reasons, familial responsibilities, and the necessity of supporting oneself or another.

(4) Suspension or expulsion from school or imprisonment in a jail or a West Virginia correctional facility is not a circumstance beyond the control of the student.

(e) Whenever the withdrawal from school of the student, the student’s failure to enroll in a course leading to or to obtain a GED or high school diploma, or the student’s failure to make satisfactory academic progress is due to a circumstance or circumstances beyond the control of the student, or the withdrawal from school is for the purpose of transfer to another school as confirmed in writing by the student’s parent or guardian, no notice shall be sent to the Division of Motor Vehicles to restrict the student’s motor vehicle operator’s license and if the student is applying for a license, the attendance director or chief administrator shall provide the student with documentation to present to the Division of Motor Vehicles to excuse the student from the provisions of this section. The school district superintendent (or the appropriate school official of any private secondary school) with the assistance of the county attendance director and any other staff or school personnel shall be the sole judge of whether any of the grounds for restriction of a license as provided by this section are due to a circumstance or circumstances beyond the control of the student.

(f) The state board shall promulgate rules necessary for uniform implementation of this section among the counties and as may otherwise be necessary for the implementation of this section. The rule may not include attainment by a student of any certain grade point average as a measure of satisfactory progress toward graduation.

§18-8-12. Issuance of a diploma or other appropriate credential by public, private, home

school, microschool, or learning pod administrator.

A person who administers a program of secondary education at a public school, private school, home school, microschool, learning pod, or individualized instructional program pursuant to the Hope Scholarship Act that meets the requirements of this chapter may issue a diploma or other appropriate credential to a person who has completed the program of secondary education. Such diploma or credential is legally sufficient to demonstrate that the person meets the definition of having a high school diploma or its equivalent. No state agency or institution of higher learning in this state may reject or otherwise treat a person differently solely on the grounds of the source of such a diploma or credential. Nothing in this section prevents an institution, once a student has been fully admitted, from administering placement tests or other assessments to determine the appropriate placement of students into college-level course sequences or to assess the content thereof for the purposes of determining whether a person meets other requirements for a specific program.


§18-8A-1. Legislative findings; definition of homeless child.

(a) The Legislature hereby finds and declares that because of the growing number of children and families who are homeless in West Virginia there is a need to ensure that all homeless children receive a proper education. It is the intent of the Legislature that no child shall be denied the benefits of a free education in the public schools because the child is homeless.

The Legislature further finds that programs and materials must be made available to homeless and at-risk children to assure opportunities for an equal education. Programs shall include, but not be limited to, incorporating the ideas of academic achievement, career exploration, self-esteem enhancement, behavior modification and other programs relating to student development.

(b) As used in this article, unless the context otherwise requires, "homeless child" means:

(1) A child who lacks a fixed, regular and adequate nighttime residence; or

(2) A child who has a primary nighttime residence which is:

(i) A supervised, publicly or privately operated shelter designed to provide temporary living accommodations, including welfare hotels, congregate shelters and transitional housing for the mentally ill;

(ii) An institution that provides a temporary residence for individuals intended to be institutionalized; or

(iii) A public or private place not designed for, nor ordinarily used as, a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings.

(c) "Homeless child" does not include any individual imprisoned or otherwise detained pursuant to an act of Congress or a state law.

§18-8A-2. Residence of child.

A child considered to be homeless pursuant to the provisions of section one of this article who presently seeks shelter or is located in a school district shall be considered to reside in that school district and may attend public school in that district.

§18-8A-3. Attendance of homeless children.

Nothing in this article may be construed to prohibit a child from attending a public school without the payment of tuition solely because the child is homeless as defined in section one of this article.

§18-8A-4. Report on at-risk children.

The state Board of Education shall present to the Legislature no later than January 1, 1993, a report which shall include the identification of existing programs which exemplify academic achievement, career exploration, self-esteem enhancement, behavior modification and other programs relating to student development. The report shall also include findings and recommendations for funding such programs so as to provide delivery to all children at-risk of not succeeding in school. The report shall also include teaching techniques and learning strategies and the state board definition of "children at-risk".


§18-9-1. School levies; when levy election necessary; special election.


§18-9-2. Elections under this chapter; procedure.


§18-9-2a. Levies.




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§18-9-2c. Transfer of funds remaining after retirement of school bonds; use of funds.

The treasurers of the county boards of education are hereby authorized and directed to transfer to the credit of the school current fund of the boards of education of their respective counties, all remaining funds collected for the retirement of school bonds after such bonds shall have been retired, if the fact of such retirement has been certified by the state sinking fund commission.

When such bonds have been retired the state sinking fund commission shall certify the fact of the retirement of such bonds to the treasurer of the board of Education of the county. Such funds shall be used in the same manner as other funds now to the credit of, or which may hereafter be placed to the credit of, the school current fund by the respective county boards of education.

§18-9-2d. Transfer of funds for investment.

Any funds of a county board of education raised by levy or by the sale of bonds which cannot be used within a reasonable time may be transferred to the state sinking fund commission for investment, except as otherwise provided in this chapter.

§18-9-3. Collection and disbursement of school money by sheriff; signing of orders for payment of money; forgery of signatures; penalties.

The sheriff shall receive, collect and disburse all levies, and any other school moneys he may receive to the treasurer of the county board of education unless the sheriff has been designated treasurer of the county board pursuant to section six, article nine, chapter eighteen of this code. He shall keep accounts of the money belonging to the several funds and shall credit and charge every amount to the fund to which it belongs. The treasurer of the board of Education shall pay money only upon the order of the board. The order shall specify the amount to be paid, the purpose for which it is paid, and the fund to which it shall be charged. The order shall be signed by the president and shall be countersigned by the secretary: Provided, That such signatures authorizing the payment of such orders may be made by means of such mechanical or electrical device as the board may select. Such mechanical or electrical device for the making of the signatures of the president and secretary shall be safely kept so that no one shall have access thereto except the president and the secretary of the board and such of their respective employees as may be authorized to have access thereto. If any person shall sign the names of the president or secretary of the board of Education, without having authority so to do, by the use of any mechanical or electrical device, or otherwise, or use the facsimile of the signature of either of them on any order, he shall be guilty of forgery; and if any person shall utter or attempt to employ as true such forged order, knowing the same to be forged, he shall, in either event, be guilty of a felony, and, upon conviction, shall be confined in the penitentiary not less than two nor more than ten years.

§18-9-3a. Preparation, publication, and disposition of financial statements by county boards of education.

(a) The county board of every county, within 120 days after the beginning of each fiscal year, shall prepare on a form to be prescribed by the State Auditor and the state superintendent of free schools, and cause to be published, a statement providing the following information:

(1) The receipts and expenditures of the board during the previous fiscal year arranged under descriptive headings;

(2) The name of each firm, corporation, and person who received more than $250 in the aggregate from all funds during the previous fiscal year, together with the aggregate amount received from all funds and the purpose for which paid; and

(3) All debts of the board, the purpose for which each debt was contracted, its due date, and to what date the interest thereon has been paid.

(b) The financial statement shall be published either:

(1) As a Class I-0 legal advertisement in compliance with the provisions of §59-3-1 et seq. of this code, and the publication area for such publication shall be the county; or

(2) On the county board’s website: Provided, That the county board shall, prior to publishing a financial statement on the county board’s website for the first time after the effective date of the changes made by the amendments to this section enacted during the regular session of the Legislature, 2021, hold a public hearing at which interested persons may express their views on whether the county board should publish the statement as a Class I-0 legal advertisement or on the county board’s website: Provided, however, That upon publishing a financial statement on the county board’s website for the first time after the effective date of the changes made by the amendments to this section enacted during the 2021 regular session of the Legislature, public notice of the availability of such website posting shall be published once a week in a qualified newspaper of general circulation for two successive weeks.

(c) The financial statement, if published as a Class I-0 legal advertisement, shall not include the name of any person who has entered into a contract with the county board pursuant to the provisions of §18A-2-2, §18A-2-3, §18A-2-4, and §18A-2-5 of this code.

(d) The financial statement, if published on the county board’s website, shall remain posted on the county board’s website at least until publication of the next annual statement, and shall, in addition to the information required in subsection (a) of this section, include:

(1) The name of every person who has entered into a contract with the county board pursuant to the provisions of §18A-2-2, §18A-2-3, §18A-2-4, and §18A-2-5 of this code, and amounts paid to each;

(2) Budget estimates; and

(3) A list of the names of each firm, corporation, and person who received less than $250 from any fund during such fiscal year showing the amount paid to each and the purpose for which paid.

(e) The county board shall pay the cost of publishing the financial statement, if published as a Class I-0 legal advertisement, from the maintenance fund of the board.

(f) As soon as is practicable following the close of the fiscal year, but no later than 90 days after the end of the fiscal year, a copy of the published statement herein required shall be filed by the county board with the State Auditor and with the state superintendent of free schools.

(g) The county board shall transmit to any resident of the county requesting the same a copy of the published statement for the fiscal year designated, supplemented by a list of the names of all school personnel employed by the board during such fiscal year showing the amount paid to each, and a list of the names of each firm, corporation, and person who received less than $250 from any fund during such fiscal year showing the amount paid to each and the purpose for which paid.

(h) The changes made by the amendments to this section enacted during the regular session of the Legislature, 2021, shall be effective for financial statements for the fiscal year commencing on July 1, 2023.

§18-9-4. Nonpayment of order; liability of treasurer of county board.

If, when an order of any county board of education is presented to the treasurer of the board, there are no funds to pay the same, the person entitled to receive the sum of money specified in such order may require the treasurer to endorse thereon, or write across the face thereof, the words "presented for payment," with the proper date, and sign the same; and the order, if it was due at the time of presentment, shall in such case be payable with legal interest from such date.

Any such order not paid when presented as aforesaid shall again be presented to the treasurer of the county board for payment by the person entitled to receive the money thereon not later than December 1, after such endorsement, and if not so presented, no further interest shall be allowed or paid on such order thereafter, until such order shall be so presented and endorsed as aforesaid a second time by the treasurer, and in no case shall interest be allowed or paid on such order for the period of time elapsed from December 1, following the first endorsement of such order by the treasurer and the date when such order is presented for payment or endorsement by the treasurer a second time.

In no event shall any such order bear interest for a longer period than one year and six months from date of its issue. But if the treasurer of the county board, having funds to pay the same, fails to pay any proper order of any Board of Education of his county, properly endorsed, when presented to him during business hours by a person entitled to receive the money therein specified, if the same be then due and payable, he and his sureties, and the personal representatives of such of them as are dead, shall be liable to the person entitled to receive the money due on said order for the whole amount due thereon at the time of such presentation, with legal interest on such amount from that time until payment, and ten percent on the same amount as damages.



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§18-9-6. Transfer of moneys; appointment of treasurer; bonding of treasurer; approval of bank accounts; authority to invest; security for funds invested.

The sheriff of each county shall remit to the board of education all moneys in his or her possession held on behalf of the county board of education, whether or not deposited in a bank or depository, unless the sheriff has been designated treasurer of the board of education as provided in this section. The transfer of funds shall be made as of the balances on hand on June 30 of the year in which the board of education appoints a treasurer other than the sheriff, and shall be completed no later than August 1 of that year. The transfer shall be adjudged complete and final upon the approval of the sheriff’s official settlement for the fiscal year ending on June 30 of the year in which the board of education appoints a treasurer other than the sheriff, and any minor adjustment made necessary by the actually known figures shall also be made at that time. All balances in all county school funds at the end of each month after June 30 of the year in which the board of Education appoints a treasurer other than the sheriff shall be transferred by the sheriff to the county board of education not later than the tenth day of the following month.

On or before the first Monday in May each county board of education shall upon recommendation of the county superintendent appoint a treasurer for the board. The treasurer is the fiscal officer of the board, or an employee commonly designated as the person in charge of the financial affairs of the county board, or the county sheriff: Provided, That once a board of education has appointed a treasurer other than the sheriff, the sheriff may not be named treasurer of the board in a subsequent year. Upon appointment this person shall be titled and referred to as treasurer of the board of education. For the faithful performance of this duty, the treasurer shall execute a bond, to be approved by the board of education, in the penalty to be fixed by the board of education, not to exceed the amount of school funds which it is estimated the treasurer will handle within any period of two months. The premium on the bond shall be paid by the board of education.

The board of education may open a bank account, or accounts, as required to adequately and properly transact the business of the district in a depository, or banks, within the county. The depositories, or banks, shall provide bond to cover the maximum amount to be deposited at any one time. However, the county board of education may, in lieu of such bond, accept as security for money deposited letters of credit from a federal home loan bank, securities of the United States, or of a state, county, district or municipal corporation, or federal agency securities: Provided, That a banking institution is not required to provide a bond or security in lieu of bond if the deposits accepted are placed in certificates of deposit meeting the following requirements: (1) The funds are invested through a designated state depository selected by the county board of education; (2) the selected depository arranges for the deposit of the funds in certificates of deposit in one or more banks or savings and loan associations wherever located in the United States, for the account of the county board of education; (3) the full amount of principal and accrued interest of each certificate of deposit is insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation; (4) the selected depository acts as custodian for the county board of education with respect to such certificates of deposit issued for the county’s account; and (5) on the same date the public moneys are redeposited by the public depository, the public depository may, in its sole discretion, choose whether to receive deposits, in any amount, from other banks, savings banks, or savings and loan associations: Provided, however, That a banking institution is not required to provide a bond or security in lieu of bond if the deposits accepted are placed in a designated state depository that is selected and authorized by the county board of education to arrange for the redeposit of the funds through a deposit placement program that meets the following conditions: (1) On or after the date that the county board of education funds are received the selected depository: (i) Arranges for the redeposit of the funds into deposit accounts in one or more federally insured banks or savings and loan associations that are located in the United States; and (ii) serves as custodian for the county with respect to the money redeposited into such accounts. (2) County board of education funds deposited in a selected depository in accordance with this section and held at the close of business in the selected depository in excess of the amount insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation shall be secured in accordance with the second and third sentences of this paragraph. (3) The full amount of the funds of the county board of education redeposited by the selected depository into deposit accounts in banks or savings and loan associations pursuant to this section (plus accrued interest, if any) shall be insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. (4) On the same date the public moneys are redeposited by the public depository, the public depository may, in its sole discretion, choose whether to receive deposits, in any amount, from other banks, savings banks, or savings and loan associations.

One hundred ten percent of the face or par value of the securities may not be less than the sum hereinbefore specified as the amount to be named in the bond in lieu of which the securities are accepted, or the county board of education may accept the securities as partial security to the extent of their face value for the money so deposited and require bond for the remainder of the full amount hereinbefore specified, to be named in the bond, and, in the bond so required, the acceptance of securities as partial security and the extent thereof shall be set forth. The hypothecation of the securities shall be by proper legal transfer as collateral security to protect and indemnify by trust any and all loss in case of any default on the part of the banking institution in its capacity as depository as aforesaid. All such securities shall be delivered to or deposited for the account of the county board of education, and withdrawal or substitution thereof may be permitted from time to time upon approval by the county board of education by order of record, but the collateral security shall be released only by order of record of the county board of education when satisfied that full and faithful accounting and payment of all the moneys has been made under the provisions hereof. If actual possession of the hypothecated securities is delivered to the county board of education, it shall make ample provision for the safekeeping thereof, and the interest thereon when paid shall be turned over to the banking institution, so long as it is not in default as aforesaid. The county board of education may permit the deposit under proper receipt of such securities with one or more banking institutions within the State of West Virginia and may contract with any such institution for safekeeping and exchange of any such hypothecated securities, and may prescribe the rules for handling and protecting the same.

On and after July 1, 1973, all levies and any other school moneys received by the sheriff and paid to the treasurer of the county board of education shall be deposited in these accounts, and all proper payments from such funds shall be made by the designated depository or bank upon order or draft presented for payment and signed by the duly authorized signatories of the Board of Education: Provided, That in determining the depository for Board of Education funds a board member who has a pecuniary interest in a bank within the county shall not participate in the determination of the depository for such funds.

If it is considered that sufficient funds are on hand in any account at any one time which may be more than are normally required for the payment of incurred expenses, the funds in the amount so considered available may be invested by the treasurer of the county board with the West Virginia Municipal Bond Commission, or in guaranteed certificates of deposit issued by the depository or bank, or other guaranteed investments such as treasury bills, treasury notes or certificates of deposit issued by either the United States government or a banking institution in which federal or state guarantees are applicable. Interest earned in such investments is to be credited to the fund from which the moneys were originally available.

§18-9-6a. County Board of Education treasurer authorized to make funds available to state Board of Investments; allocation of income.

Notwithstanding any other provision of this code, when it appears to any of the various county boards of education that funds on deposit in its demand deposit account exceed the current requirements or demands, and it further be determined by the treasurer for such county board of education that the available interest rate offered by an acceptable depository in such treasurer's county be less than the interest rate, net of administrative fees referred to in article six, chapter twelve of this code, offered it through the state Board of Investments, the county board of education treasurer may, with the approval in writing of each county board of education whose funds are involved, make such funds available to the state Board of Investments for investment in accordance with the provisions of said article six, chapter twelve of the code. Any county board of education treasurer may enter into an agreement with any state agency from which they receive funds to allow such funds to be transferred to their investment account with the state Board of Investments.

Any income earned on such investment shall be allocated by such treasurer to the board of Education whose funds were made available, such allocation to be made in accordance with the accounting and allocation principles established by the board of Investments.



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§18-9A-1. Legislative findings; public school support plan.

The Legislature finds and declares that the future of education in this state is dependent upon a plan of financial support for the public schools which provides for a fair and adequate pay scale for teachers sufficient to ensure teacher excellence, as well as adequate financial support for the public schools generally; upon an economic base which ensures levels of revenue sufficient to fund the public schools; and upon independent professional management of public funds in order to assure a climate of financial stability and responsibility in which construction and maintenance of school facilities becomes possible.

The plan of support for the public schools, which will be known as the West Virginia public school support plan, will fix statutorily both state and county responsibility for the financing of the same. In enacting this plan, the Legislature has in mind the following purpose: To effect a basic foundation support plan that shall provide for program growth which will assure more equitable educational opportunity for all children and youth irrespective of where they may live.

§18-9A-2. Definitions.

For the purpose of this article:

(a) "State board" means the West Virginia Board of Education.

(b) "County board" or "board" means a county board of education.

(c) "Professional salaries" means the state legally mandated salaries of the professional educators as provided in §18A-4-1 et seq. of this code.

(d) "Professional educator" shall be synonymous with and shall have the same meaning as "teacher" as defined in §18-1-1 of this code, and includes technology integration specialists.

(e) "Professional instructional personnel" means a professional educator whose regular duty is as that of a classroom teacher, librarian, attendance director, or school psychologist. A professional educator having both instructional and administrative or other duties shall be included as professional instructional personnel for that ratio of the school day for which he or she is assigned and serves on a regular full-time basis in appropriate instruction, library, attendance, or psychologist duties.

(f) "Professional student support personnel" means a "teacher" as defined in §18-1-1 of this code who is assigned and serves on a regular full-time basis as a counselor or as a school nurse with a bachelor’s degree and who is licensed by the West Virginia Board of Examiners for Registered Professional Nurses. Professional student support personnel shall also include professional personnel providing direct social and emotional support services to students, as well as professional personnel addressing chronic absenteeism. For all purposes except for the determination of the allowance for professional educators pursuant to §18-9A-4 of this code, professional student support personnel are professional educators.

(g) "Service personnel salaries" means the state legally mandated salaries for service personnel as provided in §18A-4-8a of this code.

(h) "Service personnel" means all personnel as provided in §18A-4-8 of this code. For the purpose of computations under this article of ratios of service personnel to net enrollment, a service employee shall be counted as that number found by dividing his or her number of employment days in a fiscal year by 200: Provided, That the computation for any service person employed for three and one-half hours or fewer per day as provided in §18A-4-8a of this code shall be calculated as one-half an employment day.

(i) "Net enrollment" means the number of pupils enrolled in special education programs, kindergarten programs, and grades one to 12, inclusive, of the public schools of the county. Net enrollment further shall include:

(1) Adults enrolled in vocational programs: Provided, That  net enrollment includes no more than 2,500 of those adults counted on the basis of full-time equivalency and apportioned annually to each county to support Advanced Career Education programs, as provided in §18-2E-11 of this code, in proportion to the adults participating in vocational programs counted on the basis of full-time equivalency: Provided further, That beginning with the 2021 fiscal year and every year thereafter, a career technical education center may only receive the funding for enrollment as authorized by this paragraph if the center has satisfied the requirements of §18-2E-11 of this code;

 (2) Students enrolled in early childhood education programs as provided in §18-5-44 of this code, counted on the basis of full-time equivalency;

(3) A pupil may not be counted more than once by reason of transfer within the county or from another county within the state, and a pupil may not be counted who attends school in this state from another state;

(4) The enrollment shall be modified to the equivalent of the instructional term and in accordance with the eligibility requirements and rules established by the state board; and

(5) For the purposes of determining the county’s basic foundation program only, for any county whose net enrollment as determined under all other provisions of this definition is less than 1,400, the net enrollment of the county shall be increased by an amount to be determined in accordance with the following:

(A) Divide the state’s lowest county student population density by the county’s actual student population density;

(B) Multiply the amount derived from the calculation in §18-9A-2(i)(5)(A) of this code by the difference between 1,400 and the county’s actual net enrollment;

(C) Add the amount derived from the calculation in paragraph (B) of this subdivision to the county’s actual net enrollment and increase that total amount by 10 percent; and

(D) If the net enrollment as determined under this subdivision is greater than 1,400, the calculated net enrollment shall be reduced to 1,400; and

(E) During the 2008-2009 interim period and every three interim periods thereafter, the Legislative Oversight Commission on Education Accountability shall review this subdivision to determine whether these provisions properly address the needs of counties with low enrollment and a sparse population density.

(j) "Sparse-density county" means a county whose ratio of net enrollment, excluding any increase in the net enrollment of counties, pursuant to §18-9A-2(i)(5) of this code, of the definition of "net enrollment", to the square miles of the county is less than five.

(k) "Low-density county" means a county whose ratio of net enrollment, excluding any increase in the net enrollment of counties, pursuant to §18-9A-2(i)(5) of this code, of the definition of "net enrollment", to the square miles of the county is equal to or greater than five but less than 10.

(l) "Medium-density county" means a county whose ratio of net enrollment, excluding any increase in the net enrollment of counties, pursuant to §18-9A-2(i)(5) of this code, of the definition of "net enrollment", to the square miles of the county is equal to or greater than 10 but less than 20.

(m) "High-density county" means a county whose ratio of net enrollment, excluding any increase in the net enrollment of counties, pursuant to §18-9A-2(i)(5) of this code, of the definition of "net enrollment", to the square miles of the county is equal to or greater than 20.

(n) "Levies for general current expense purposes" means  85 percent of the levy rate for county boards of education calculated or set by the Legislature pursuant to §11-8-6f of this code.

 (o) "Technology integration specialist" means a professional educator who has expertise in the technology field and is assigned as a resource teacher to provide information and guidance to classroom teachers on the integration of technology into the curriculum.

(p) "State aid eligible personnel" means all professional educators and service personnel employed by a county board in positions that are eligible to be funded under this article and whose salaries are not funded by a specific funding source such as a federal or state grant, donation, contribution, or other specific funding source not listed.

(q) The amendments to this section during the 2019 First Extraordinary Session of the Legislature shall be effective for the 2019-2020 funding year, and the provisions of this section existing immediately prior to the 2019 First Extraordinary Session of the Legislature remain in effect for funding years prior to the 2019-2020 funding year.



Acts, 2014 1ES Sess., Ch. 5.

§18-9A-3. Total state basic foundation program.

The total basic foundation program for the state for any year shall be the sum of the computed costs for the counties in aggregate, as hereinafter determined, for the following:

(1) Allowance for professional educators;

(2) Allowance for service personnel;

(3) Allowance for fixed charges;

(4) Allowance for transportation cost;

(5) Allowance for administrative cost;

(6) Allowance for other current expense and substitute employees; and

(7) Allowance to improve instructional programs.



Acts, 2013 Reg. Sess., Ch. 56.



Acts, 2013 Reg. Sess., Ch. 56.

§18-9A-4. Foundation allowance for professional educators.

(a) The basic foundation allowance to the county for professional educators is the amount of money required to pay the state minimum salaries, in accordance with §18A-4-1 et seq. of this code, subject to the following:

(1) In making this computation a county shall receive an allowance for state aid eligible professional educator positions to each one thousand students in net enrollment as follows:

(A) For each high-density county, seventy-two and three tenths professional educators per each one thousand students in net enrollment;

(B) For each medium-density county, seventy-two and forty-five one hundredths professional educators per each one thousand students in net enrollment;

(C) For each low-density county, seventy-two and six tenths professional educators per each one thousand students in net enrollment;

(D) For each sparse-density county, seventy-two and seventy-five one hundredths professional educators per each one thousand students in net enrollment; and

(E) For any professional educator positions, or fraction thereof, determined for a county pursuant to paragraphs (A), (B), (C) and (D) of this subdivision that exceed the number employed, the county’s allowance for these positions shall be determined using the average state funded salary of professional educators for the county;

(2) The number of and the allowance for personnel paid in part by state and county funds shall be prorated; and

(3) Where two or more counties join together in support of a vocational or comprehensive high school or any other program or service, the professional educators for the school or program may be prorated among the participating counties on the basis of each one’s enrollment therein and the personnel shall be considered within the above-stated limit.

(b) Each county board shall establish and maintain a minimum ratio of professional instructional personnel per state aid funded professional educators as follows:

(1) For each high-density county, the minimum ratio of professional instructional personnel per state aid funded professional educators, or the number employed, whichever is less, is ninety-one and twenty-nine one hundredths percent;

(2) For each medium-density county, the minimum ratio of professional instructional personnel per state aid funded professional educators, or the number employed, whichever is less, is ninety-one and twenty-four one hundredths percent;

(3) For each low-density county, the minimum ratio of professional instructional personnel per state aid funded professional educators, or the number employed, whichever is less, is ninety-one and eighteen one hundredths percent;

(4) For each sparse-density county, the minimum ratio of professional instructional personnel per state aid funded professional educators, or the number employed, whichever is less, is ninety-one and seven one hundredths percent; and

(5) Where two or more counties join together in support of a vocational or comprehensive high school or any other program or service, the professional instructional personnel for the school or program may be prorated among the participating counties on the basis of each one’s enrollment therein and the personnel shall be considered within the above-stated limit.

(c) Any county board which does not establish and maintain the applicable minimum ratio required in subsection (b) of this section shall suffer a pro rata reduction in the allowance for professional educators under this section: Provided, That a county may not be penalized if it has increases in enrollment during that school year: Provided, however, That a county board of education serving as the fiscal agent for a multi-county vocational center may not be penalized if the county’s failure to meet the applicable minimum ratio is due to the staffing levels at the multi-county vocational center.

(d) A county may not increase the number of administrative personnel employed as either professional educators or pay grade “H” service personnel above the number which were employed, or for which positions were posted, on June 30, 1990, and, therefore, county boards shall whenever possible utilize classroom teachers for curriculum administrative positions through the use of modified or extended contracts.

§18-9A-5. Foundation allowance for service personnel.

(a) The basic foundation allowance to the county for service personnel shall be the amount of money required to pay the annual state minimum salaries in accordance with the provisions of §18A-4-1 et seq. of this code to such service personnel employed, subject to the following:

(1) A county shall receive an allowance for state aid eligible service personnel positions per 1,000 students in net enrollment, as follows:

(A) For each high-density county, 43.97 service personnel per 1,000 students in net enrollment: Provided, That this ratio of service personnel per 1,000 students in net enrollment shall increase to 47.39 beginning July 1, 2023; 50.65 beginning July 1, 2024; and 53.79 beginning July 1, 2025;

(B) For each medium-density county, 44.53 service personnel per 1,000 students in net enrollment: Provided, That this ratio of service personnel per 1,000 students in net enrollment shall increase to 47.95 beginning July 1, 2023; 51.21 beginning July 1, 2024; and 54.35 beginning July 1, 2025;

(C) For each low-density county, 45.10 service personnel per 1,000 students in net enrollment: Provided, That this ratio of service personnel per 1,000 students in net enrollment shall increase to 48.52 beginning July 1, 2023; 51.78 beginning July 1, 2024; and 54.92 beginning July 1, 2025;

(D) For each sparse-density county, 45.68 service personnel per 1,000 students in net enrollment: Provided, That this ratio of service personnel per 1,000 students in net enrollment shall increase to 49.10 beginning July 1, 2023; 52.36 beginning July 1, 2024; and 55.50 beginning July 1, 2025; and

(E) For any service personnel positions, or fraction thereof, determined for a county pursuant to subdivision (1) of this subsection that exceed the number employed, the county’s allowance for these positions shall be determined using the average state funded minimum salary of service personnel for the county;  

(2) The number of and the allowance for personnel paid in part by state and county funds shall be prorated; and

(3) Where two or more counties join together in support of a vocational or comprehensive high school or any other program or service, the service personnel for the school or program may be prorated among the participating counties on the basis of each one’s enrollment therein and that the personnel shall be considered within the above-stated limit.



Acts, 2008 Reg. Sess., Ch. 71.



Acts, 2008 Reg. Sess., Ch. 71.

§18-9A-6. Foundation allowance for fixed charges.

The total allowance for fixed charges shall be the sum of the following:

(1) The sum of the foundation allowance for professional educators and the foundation allowance for other personnel, as determined in sections four, five and eight of this article, multiplied by the current social security rate of contribution; plus

(2) The sum of the foundation allowance for professional educators and the foundation allowance for other personnel, as determined in sections four, five and eight of this article, multiplied by four hundredths of one percent as an allowance for unemployment compensation contribution; plus

(3) The sum of the foundation allowance for professional educators and the foundation allowance for other personnel, as determined in sections four, five and eight of this article, multiplied by the rate which is derived by dividing the total estimated contributions for workers' compensation for all county boards by the sum of the foundation allowance for professional educators and other personnel, as determined in sections four, five and eight of this article. The total estimated contribution for Workers Compensation is determined by multiplying each county board's allowance for professional educators and other personnel, as determined by sections four, five and eight of this article, by the county's actual contribution rate by using data of the most recent year for which it is available; plus

(4) The teachers retirement fund allowance as determined in section six-a of this article.

§18-9A-6a. Teachers retirement fund allowance; unfunded liability allowance.

(a) The total teachers retirement fund allowance is the sum of the basic foundation allowance for professional educators, the basic foundation allowance for professional student support personnel and the basic foundation allowance for service personnel, as provided in §18-9A-4, §18-9A-5 and §18-9A-8 of this code; all salary equity appropriations authorized in §18A-4-5 of this code; and such amounts as are to be paid by the counties pursuant to §18A-4-5a and §18A-4-5b of this code to the extent such county salary supplements are equal to the amount distributed for salary equity among the counties, multiplied by the average retirement contribution rate for each county board. The average contribution rate for each county board is based on the required employer contributions for state aid eligible employees participating in the retirement plans pursuant to §18-7A-1 et seq. and §18-7B-1 et seq. of this code.

(b) The teachers retirement fund allowance amounts provided for in subsection (a) of this section shall be accumulated in the employers accumulation fund of the State Teachers Retirement System Fund pursuant to §18-7A-18 of this code and shall be in lieu of the contribution required of employers pursuant to §18-7A-18(b) of this code as to all personnel included in the allowance for state aid in accordance with §18-9A-4, §18-9A-5 and §18-9A-8 of this code.

(c) In addition to the teachers retirement fund allowance provided for in subsection (a) of this section, there shall be an allowance for the reduction of any unfunded liability of the teachers retirement fund in accordance with the following provisions of this subsection. On or before December 31, of each year, the actuary or actuarial firm employed in accordance with the provisions of §5-10D-4 of this code shall submit a report to the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Delegates which sets forth an actuarial valuation of the teachers retirement fund as of the preceding June 31. Each annual report shall recommend the actuary’s best estimate, at that time, of the funding necessary to both eliminate the unfunded liability over a 40-year period beginning on July 1, 1994, and to meet the cash flow requirements of the fund in fulfilling its future anticipated obligations to its members. In determining the amount of funding required, the actuary shall take into consideration all funding otherwise available to the fund for that year from any source. In any year in which the actuary determines that the teachers retirement fund is not being funded in such a manner, the allowance made for the unfunded liability for the next fiscal year shall be not less than the amount of the actuary’s best estimate of the amount necessary to conform to the funding requirements set forth in this subsection.



Acts, 2014 Reg. Sess., Ch. 47.

§18-9A-7. Foundation allowance for transportation cost.

(a) The allowance in the foundation school program for each county for transportation is the sum of the following computations:

(1) A percentage of the transportation costs incurred by the county for maintenance, operation and related costs exclusive of all salaries, including the costs incurred for contracted transportation services and public utility transportation, as follows:

(A) For each high-density county, 87.5 percent;

(B) For each medium-density county, 90 percent;

(C) For each low-density county, 92.5 percent;

(D) For each sparse-density county, 95 percent;

(E) For any county for the transportation cost for maintenance, operation and related costs, exclusive of all salaries, for transporting students to and from classes at a multicounty vocational center, the percentage provided in paragraphs (A) through (D) of this subdivision as applicable for the county plus an additional 10 percent; and

(F) For any county for that portion of its school bus system that uses as an alternative fuel compressed natural gas, propane, or is fully powered by electricity that is stored in an onboard rechargeable battery or other storage device, the percentage provided in paragraphs (A) through (D) of this subdivision as applicable for the county plus an additional 10 percent, as well as an additional 5% for the portion of its school bus system that is manufactured within the state of West Virginia: Provided, That any county using an alternative fuel and qualifying for the additional allowance under this subdivision shall submit a plan regarding the intended future use of alternatively fueled school buses;

(2) The total cost, within each county, of insurance premiums on buses, buildings and equipment used in transportation;

(3) An amount equal to 8.33 percent of the current replacement value of the bus fleet within each county as determined by the state board. The amount shall only be used for the replacement of buses except as provided in subdivision (4) of this subsection. Buses purchased after July 1, 1999, that are driven 180,000 miles, regardless of year model, are subject to the replacement value of 8.33 percent as determined by the state board. In addition, in any school year in which its net enrollment increases when compared to the net enrollment the year immediately preceding, a school district may apply to the state superintendent for funding for an additional bus or buses. The state superintendent shall make a decision regarding each application based upon an analysis of the individual school district’s net enrollment history and transportation needs: Provided, That the superintendent may not consider any application which fails to document that the county has applied for federal funding for additional buses. If the state superintendent finds that a need exists, a request for funding shall be included in the budget request submitted by the state board for the upcoming fiscal year;

(4) Notwithstanding the restriction on the use of funds for the replacement of buses pursuant to subdivision (3) of this subsection, up to $200,000 of these funds in any school year may be used by a county for school facility and equipment repair, maintenance and improvement or replacement or other current expense priorities if a request by the county superintendent listing the amount, the intended use of the funds and the serviceability of the bus fleet is approved by the state superintendent. Before approving the request, the state superintendent shall verify the serviceability of the county’s bus fleet based upon the state school bus inspection defect rate of the county over the two prior years; and

(5) Aid in lieu of transportation equal to the state average amount per pupil for each pupil receiving the aid within each county.

(b) The total state share for this purpose is the sum of the county shares: Provided, That a county may not receive an allowance which is greater than one-third above the computed state average allowance per transportation mile multiplied by the total transportation mileage in the county exclusive of the allowance for the purchase of additional buses.

(c) One half of one percent of the transportation allowance distributed to each county is for the purpose of trips related to academic classroom curriculum and not related to any extracurricular activity. Any remaining funds credited to a county for the purpose of trips related to academic classroom curriculum during the fiscal year shall be carried over for use in the same manner the next fiscal year and shall be separate and apart from, and in addition to, the appropriation for the next fiscal year. The state board may request a county to document the use of funds for trips related to academic classroom curriculum if the board determines that it is necessary.

§18-9A-8. Foundation allowance for professional student support services.

(a) Until the 2019-2020 fiscal year, the basic foundation allowance to the county for professional student support personnel shall be the same amount of money as in the 2013 fiscal year, plus any additional amount of funding necessary to cover any increases in the State Minimum Salary Schedule set forth in §18A-4-2 of this code.

(b) Effective for the 2019-2020 fiscal year and thereafter, the basic foundation allowance to the county for professional student support personnel is the amount of money required to pay the state minimum salaries, in accordance with provisions of §18A-4-1 et seq. of this code, subject to the following:

(1) In making this computation, each county shall receive an allowance for five state aid eligible professional student support personnel positions to each 1,000 students in net enrollment: Provided, That nothing in this section precludes the county from entering into public-private partnerships or other contracts to provide these services;

(2) For any professional student support personnel positions, or fraction thereof, determined for a county pursuant to subdivision (1) of this subsection that exceed the number employed, the county’s allowance for these positions shall be determined using the average state funded salary of professional student support personnel for the county;

(3) The number of and the allowance for personnel paid in part by state and county funds shall be prorated; and

(4) Where two or more counties join together in support of a vocational or comprehensive high school or any other program or service, the professional student support personnel for the school or program may be prorated among the participating counties on the basis of each one’s enrollment therein and the personnel shall be considered within the above-stated limit.

(5) For the 2019-2020 fiscal year only, the number of positions funded for each county by subdivision (1) cannot be less than the number of positions that would have been funded in accordance with the previous methodology for determining the number of professional student support personnel positions funded for each county.

18-9A-8a. Foundation allowance for regional education service agencies.


§18-9A-9. Foundation allowance for other current expense and substitute employees and faculty senates.

The total allowance for other current expense and substitute employees is the sum of the following:

(1) For current expense:

(A) The non-salary related expenditures for operations and maintenance, exclusive of expenditures reported in special revenue funds, for the latest available school year, in each county, divided by the total square footage of school buildings in each county is used to calculate a state average expenditure per square foot for operations and maintenance;

(B) The total square footage of school buildings in each county divided by each county’s net enrollment for school aid purposes is used to calculate a state average square footage per student;

(C) Each county’s net enrollment for school aid purposes multiplied by the state average expenditure per square foot for operations and maintenance as calculated in paragraph (A) of this subdivision and multiplied by the state average square footage per student as calculated in paragraph (B) of this subdivision is that county’s state average costs per square footage per student for operations and maintenance;

(D) Where two or more counties join together in support of a vocational or comprehensive high school or any other program or service, the allowance for current expense may be prorated among the participating counties by adjusting the net enrollment for school aid purposes utilized in the calculation by the number of students enrolled therein for each county; and

(E) Each county’s allowance for current expense is 70.25% of the county’s state average costs per square footage per student for operations and maintenance amount as calculated in paragraph (C) of this subdivision: Provided, That effective for the 2019-2020 fiscal year and each year thereafter, each county’s allowance for current expense is 71.25 percent of the county’s state average costs per square footage per student for operations and maintenance amount as calculated in paragraph (C) of this subdivision; plus

(2) For professional educator substitutes or current expense, two and five-tenths percent of the computed state allocation for professional educators and professional student support personnel as determined in §18-9A-4 and §18-9A-8 of this code. Distribution to the counties is made proportional to the number of professional educators and professional student support personnel authorized for the county in compliance with §18-9A-4 and §18-9A-8 of this code; plus

(3) For service personnel substitutes or current expense, two and five-tenths percent of the computed state allocation for service personnel as determined in §18-9A-5 of this code. Distribution to the counties is made proportional to the number of service personnel authorized for the county in compliance with §18-9A-5 of this code; plus

(4) For academic materials, supplies and equipment for use in instructional programs, $400 multiplied by the number of professional instructional personnel and professional student support personnel employed in the schools of the county. Distribution is made to each county for allocation to the faculty senate of each school in the county on the basis of  $400 per professional instructional personnel and professional student support personnel employed at the school. "Faculty Senate" means a faculty senate created pursuant to §18-5A-5 of this code. Decisions for the expenditure of such funds are made at the school level by the faculty senate in accordance with the provisions of said section five, article five-a and may not be used to supplant the current expense expenditures of the county. Beginning on September 1, 1994, and every September thereafter, county boards shall forward to each school for the use by faculty senates the appropriation specified in this section. Each school shall be responsible for keeping accurate records of expenditures.

§18-9A-10. Foundation allowance to improve instructional programs, instructional technology, and teacher and leader induction and professional growth.

(a) The total allowance to improve instructional programs and instructional technology is the sum of the following:

(1) For instructional improvement, in accordance with county and school electronic strategic improvement plans required by §18-2E-5 of this code, an amount equal to 10 percent of the increase in the local share amount for the next school year shall be added to the amount of the appropriation for this purpose for the immediately preceding school year. The sum of these amounts shall be allocated to the counties as follows:

(A) One hundred fifty thousand dollars shall be allocated to each county; and

(B) Allocation to the counties of the remainder of these funds shall be made proportional to the average of each county's average daily attendance for the preceding year and the county's second month net enrollment.

Moneys allocated by this subdivision shall be used to improve instructional programs according to the county and school strategic improvement plans required by §18-2E-5 of this code and approved by the state board.

Up to 50 percent of this allocation for the improvement of instructional programs may be used to employ professional educators and service personnel in the county. Prior to the use of any funds from this subdivision for personnel costs, the county board must receive authorization from the state superintendent. The state superintendent shall require the county board to demonstrate: (1) The need for the allocation; (2) efficiency and fiscal responsibility in staffing; (3) sharing of services with adjoining counties in the use of the total local district board budget; and (4) employment of technology integration specialists to meet the needs for implementation of the West Virginia Strategic Technology Learning Plan. County boards shall make application for the use of funds for personnel for the next fiscal year by May 1 of each year. On or before June 1, the state superintendent shall review all applications and notify applying county boards of the approval or disapproval of the use of funds for personnel during the fiscal year appropriate. The state superintendent shall require the county board to demonstrate the need for an allocation for personnel based upon the county’s inability to meet the requirements of state law or state board policy.

The funds available for personnel under this subdivision may not be used to increase the total number of professional noninstructional personnel in the central office beyond four.

The plan shall be made available for distribution to the public at the office of each affected county board; plus

(2) For the purposes of improving instructional technology, an amount equal to 20 percent of the increase in the local share amount for the next school year shall be added to the amount of the appropriation for this purpose for the immediately preceding school year. The sum of these amounts shall be allocated to the counties as follows:

(A) Thirty thousand dollars shall be allocated to each county; and

(B) Allocation to the counties of the remainder of these funds shall be made proportional to the average of each county's average daily attendance for the preceding year and the county's second month net enrollment.

Moneys allocated by this subdivision shall be used to improve instructional technology programs according to the county board's strategic technology learning plan.

This allocation for the improvement of instructional technology programs may also be used for the employment of technology system specialists essential for the technology systems of the schools of the county to be fully functional and readily available when needed by classroom teachers. The amount of this allocation used for the employment of technology system specialists shall be included and justified in the county board’s strategic technology learning plan; plus

(3) One percent of the state average per pupil state aid multiplied by the number of students enrolled in dual credit, advanced placement, and international baccalaureate courses, as defined by the state board, distributed to the counties proportionate to enrollment in these courses in each county; plus

(4) For the purpose of supporting county-level implementation of the comprehensive systems for teacher and leader induction and professional growth pursuant to §18A-3C-3 of this code, an amount equal to 20 percent of the increase in the local share amount for the next school year shall be added to the amount of the appropriation for this purpose for the immediately preceding school year. The sum of these amounts shall be allocated to the counties in a manner established by the state board which considers the following factors:

(A) The number of full-time-equivalent teachers employed by the county with zero years of experience;

(B) The number of full-time-equivalent teachers employed by the county who are less than fully certified for the teaching position in which they are employed;

(C) The total number of full-time-equivalent teachers employed by the county with one year of experience, with two years of experience, and with three years of experience;

(D) The number of full-time-equivalent principals, assistant principals, and vocational administrators employed by the county who are in their first or second year of employment as a principal, assistant principal, or vocational administrator;

(E) The number of full-time-equivalent principals, assistant principals, and vocational administrators employed by the county who are in their first year in an assignment at a school with a programmatic level in which they have not previously served as a principal, assistant principal, or vocational administrator; and

(F) Needs identified in the strategic plans for continuous improvement of schools and school systems including those identified through the performance evaluations of professional personnel.

Notwithstanding any provision of this subsection to the contrary, no county may receive an allocation for the purposes of this subdivision which is less than the county’s total 2016-2017 allocation from the Teacher Mentor and Principals Mentorship appropriations to the Department of Education. Moneys allocated by this subdivision shall be used for implementation of the comprehensive systems for teacher and leader induction and professional growth pursuant to §18A-3C-3 of this code. Notwithstanding any provision of this subsection to the contrary, for each of the five school years beginning with the school year 2020 – 2021 and ending after the school year 2024 – 2025, from funds to be allocated under this subdivision, $100,000 shall be retained by the Department of Education to assist county boards with the design and implementation of a teacher leader framework to accomplish the teacher induction and professional growth aspects of their comprehensive systems of support for teacher and leader induction and professional growth pursuant to §18A-3C-3 of this code. The Department of Education may also retain an additional amount of funds to be allocated under this subdivision beginning with the school year 2024 – 2025, not exceeding $15,000,000, to accommodate the participation by county school systems in regional professional learning cadres or teacher leadership networks established or supported by the Department of Education, to expand regional professional learning cadres or teacher leadership networks designed to support the full implementation of the Third Grade Success Act provided in §18-2E-10 of this code, to implement the Department of Education's academic initiatives, and to assist teachers who are less than fully certified for the teaching position in which they are employed as further provided in §18A-3C-3 of this code. Up to $1,000,000 of the $15,000,000 shall be distributed to county boards for the purpose of expanding the school districts’ ability to contract with organizations that facilitate the school districts’ participation in regional professional learning cadres or teacher leadership networks designed to support math and science improvement or to support teachers who are less than fully certified for the teaching position in which they are employed as further provided in §18A-3C-3 of this code. The $1,000,000 shall be distributed to the county boards under a grant program to be established by the state board by rule pursuant to §29A-3B-1 et seq. of this code. The rule shall include at least the following:

(A) A requirement and procedures for county boards to submit applications for a grant;

(B) Criteria on which awards of the grants will be based on; and

(C) A requirement for an external evaluation for any program funded by a grant.

(b) Notwithstanding the restrictions on the use of funds pursuant to subdivisions (1) and (2), subsection (a) of this section, a county board may:

(1) Utilize up to 25 percent of the allocation for the improvement of instructional programs in any school year for school facility and equipment repair, maintenance, and improvement or replacement and other current expense priorities and for emergency purposes. The amount of this allocation used for any of these purposes shall be included and justified in the county and school strategic improvement plans or amendments thereto; and

(2) Utilize up to 50 percent of the allocation for improving instructional technology in any school year for school facility and equipment repair, maintenance, and improvement or replacement and other current expense priorities and for emergency purposes. The amount of this allocation used for any of these purposes shall be included and justified in the county board’s strategic technology learning plan or amendments thereto.



Acts, 2008 Reg. Sess., Ch. 71.

§18-9A-11. Computation of local share; appraisal and assessment of property; valuations for tax increment financing purposes; computations in growth counties; public library support.

(a) On the basis of each county's certificates of valuation as to all classes of property as determined and published by the assessors pursuant to section six, article three, chapter eleven of this code for the next ensuing fiscal year in reliance upon the assessed values annually developed by each county assessor pursuant to articles one-c and three of that chapter, the state board shall for each county compute by application of the levies for general current expense purposes, as defined in section two of this article, the amount of revenue which the levies would produce if levied upon one hundred percent of the assessed value of each of the several classes of property contained in the report or revised report of the value made to it by the Tax Commissioner as follows:

(1) For each fiscal year beginning before July 1, 2014, the state board shall first take ninety-five percent of the amount ascertained by applying these rates to the total assessed public utility valuation in each classification of property in the county. For each fiscal year beginning after June 30, 2014, the state board shall first take ninety-six percent of the amount ascertained by applying these rates to the total assessed public utility valuation in each classification of property in the county; and

(2) For each fiscal year beginning before July 1, 2014, the state board shall then apply these rates to the assessed taxable value of other property in each classification in the county as determined by the Tax Commissioner and shall deduct therefrom five percent as an allowance for the usual losses in collections due to discounts, exonerations, delinquencies and the like. For each fiscal year beginning after June 30, 2014, the state board shall then apply these rates to the assessed taxable value of other property in each classification in the county as determined by the Tax Commissioner and shall deduct therefrom four percent as an allowance for the usual losses in collections due to discounts, exonerations, delinquencies and the like. All of the amount so determined shall be added to the ninety-five or ninety-six percent, as applicable, of public utility taxes computed as provided in subdivision (1) of this subsection and this total shall be further reduced by the amount due each county assessor's office pursuant to section eight, article one-c, chapter eleven of this code and this amount shall be the local share of the particular county.

As to any estimations or preliminary computations of local share required prior to the report to the Legislature by the Tax Commissioner, the state shall use the most recent projections or estimations that may be available from the Tax Department for that purpose.

(b) It is the intent of the Legislature that the computation of local share for public school support continue to be based upon actual real property values rather than assumed assessed real property values that are based upon an assessment ratio study, and that the annual amount of local share for which a county board of education is responsible continue to be computed without reference to whether the real property assessments in that county were at least fifty-four percent of market value in the prior year as indicated by the assessment ratio study. Accordingly, the effective date of the operation of this section as amended and reenacted during 2014, and the effective date of the operation of the repeal of section two-a of this article and the operation of the repeal of section five-b, article one-c, chapter eleven of this code, all as provided under this enactment, are expressly made retrospective to June 30, 2013.

(c) Whenever in any year a county assessor or a county commission fails or refuses to comply with this section in setting the valuations of property for assessment purposes in any class or classes of property in the county, the State Tax Commissioner shall review the valuations for assessment purposes made by the county assessor and the county commission and shall direct the county assessor and the county commission to make corrections in the valuations as necessary so that they comply with the requirements of chapter eleven of this code and this section and the Tax Commissioner may enter the county and fix the assessments at the required ratios. Refusal of the assessor or the county commission to make the corrections constitutes grounds for removal from office.

(d) For the purposes of any computation made in accordance with this section, in any taxing unit in which tax increment financing is in effect pursuant to article eleven-b, chapter seven of this code, the assessed value of a related private project shall be the base-assessed value as defined in section two of said article.

(e) For purposes of any computation made in accordance with this section, in any county where the county board of education has adopted a resolution choosing to use the Growth County School Facilities Act set forth in section six-f, article eight, chapter eleven of this code, estimated school board revenues generated from application of the regular school board levy rate to new property values, as that term is designated in said section, may not be considered local share funds and shall be subtracted before the computations in subdivisions (1) and (2), subsection (a) of this section are made.

(f) The Legislature finds that public school systems throughout the state provide support in varying degrees to public libraries through a variety of means including budgeted allocations, excess levy funds and portions of their regular school board levies. A number of public libraries are situated on the campuses of public schools and several are within public school buildings serving both the students and public patrons. To the extent that public schools recognize and choose to avail the resources of public libraries toward developing within their students such legally recognized elements of a thorough and efficient education as literacy, interests in literature, knowledge of government and the world around them and preparation for advanced academic training, work and citizenship, public libraries serve a legitimate school purpose and may do so economically. Therefore, county boards are encouraged to support public libraries within their counties.

§18-9A-12. County basic foundation; total basic state aid allowance.

(a) The basic foundation program for each county for the fiscal year shall be the sum of the amounts computed in accordance with the provisions of sections four, five, six, seven, eight, nine and ten of this article. On the first working day of July in each year, the State Board shall determine the basic foundation program for each county for that fiscal year. Data used in the computations relating to net and adjusted enrollment, and the number of professional educators, shall be for the second month of the prior school term. Transportation expenditures used in these computations shall be for the most recent year in which data are available. The allocated state aid share of the county's basic foundation program shall be the difference between the cost of its basic foundation program and the county's local share as determined in section eleven of this article except as provided in subsection (b) of this section.

(b) The allocated state aid share shall be adjusted in the following circumstances in the following manner: Provided, That prior to such adjustment, the State Tax Commissioner shall provide the State Board, by January 15 of each year, a certified listing of those counties in which such adjustment shall be made pursuant to this subsection, together with the amount of revenue which will not be available to each county board in the ensuing fiscal year as a result of the circumstance:

(1) In those instances where the local share as computed under section eleven of this article is not reflective of local funds available because the county is under a final court order, or a final decision of a board of assessment appeals under section twenty-four-b, article three, chapter eleven of this code, to refund or credit property taxes paid in prior years, the allocated state aid share shall be the county's basic foundation program, minus the local share as computed under section eleven of this article, plus the amount of property tax the county is unable to collect or must refund due to the final court order or final decision of a board of assessment appeals: Provided, That said adjustment shall not be made or shall only be made proportionately when the Legislature fails to fund or funds only in part the public school basic foundation support plan state share at a level sufficient to cover the reduction in state share: Provided, however, That nothing herein provided shall be construed to require or mandate any level of funding by the Legislature.

(2) In those instances where the local share as computed under section eleven of this article is not reflective of local funds available because the county is collecting tax based upon an assessed value which is less than that determined by the Tax Commissioner in the most recent published survey of property valuations in the state due to an error in the published survey, which error is certified to by the Tax Commissioner, the allocated state aid share shall be the county's basic foundation program, minus the local share as computed under section eleven of this article, plus the amount of property tax the county is unable to collect based on differences in the assessed valuation between those in the most recent published survey of valuation and the corrected assessed value actually levied upon by the county: Provided, That said adjustment shall not be made or shall only be made proportionately when the Legislature fails to fund or funds only in part the public school basic foundation support plan state share at a level sufficient to cover the reduction in state share: Provided, however, That nothing herein provided shall be construed to require or mandate any level of funding by the Legislature.

(3) In instances where a county is unable to collect property taxes from a taxpayer during the pendency of any court proceeding, the allocated state aid share shall be the county's basic foundation program minus the local share as computed under section eleven of this article, plus the amount the county is unable to collect as a result of the pending court proceedings as certified by the Tax Commissioner: Provided, That the county is required to reimburse the amount of allocated state aid share attributable to the amount of property tax it later receives upon completion of court proceedings, which shall be paid into the General Revenue Fund of the state: Provided, however, That said adjustment shall not be made or shall only be made proportionately when the Legislature fails to fund or funds only in part the public school basic foundation support plan state share at a level sufficient to cover the reduction in state share: Provided further, That nothing herein provided shall be construed to require or mandate any level of funding by the Legislature.

(c) The allocated state aid share shall be adjusted in any county receiving payments or contributions in lieu of property taxes. In instances where a county receives payments or contributions in lieu of property taxes, the allocated state aid share shall be the county's basic foundation program minus the local share as computed under section eleven of this article, plus any amounts added pursuant to subsection (b) of this section minus the payments or contributions in lieu of property taxes which are distributed by the sheriff to the county board of education. In determining the amount of such contribution or payment in lieu of taxes, each county commission shall provide to the State Tax Commissioner, by January 1 of each year, the total amount of such payments or contributions paid to the county and the proportion of the total amount that has been or will be distributed to the county board of education. The State Tax Commissioner then shall provide the State Board, by January 15 of each year, a certified listing of those counties in which an adjustment pursuant to this section shall be made, together with the amount of revenue which will be available to each county board in the ensuing fiscal year as a result of contribution or payment in lieu of taxes.

(d) Total basic state aid to the county shall be the computed state share of basic foundation support. After such computation is completed, the State Board shall immediately certify to each county board the amount of state aid allocated to the county for that fiscal year, subject to any qualifying provisions of this article.



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§18-9A-14. Allowance for county transfers.

In order to encourage county boards to utilize fully their facilities and to provide county boards with fiscal flexibility, county boards that agree to transfer students to another county pursuant to an agreement approved by the state board after the effective date of this article, pursuant to subsection (19), section thirteen, article five, chapter eighteen of this code, shall forward in the year in which the transfers occur to the receiving county the amount agreed upon in the agreement, not to exceed the per pupil allocation in the state aid formula. Subject to appropriations by the Legislature, funds equal to the agreed upon amount will be provided to the county which transfers students as an allowance for facility efficiency in the year in which the transfers occur. Subject to appropriations by the Legislature, for the first year after the transfers occur, the county board shall receive one-half the amount provided for in the agreement. Subject to appropriations by the Legislature, for the second year after the transfers occur, the county board shall receive one-fourth the amount provided for in the agreement. If professional or service personnel obtain full-time employment pursuant to the terms of section eight-i, article four, chapter eighteen-a of this code, then the state board shall deduct an appropriate amount from the funds to be received pursuant to this section.



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§18-9A-15. Allowance for increased enrollment; extraordinary sustained increased enrollment impact supplement.

(a) To provide for the support of increased net enrollments in the counties and public charter schools in a school year over the net enrollments used in the computation of total state aid for that year, there shall be appropriated for that purpose from the General Revenue Fund an amount to be determined as follows:

(1) The state board shall promulgate a rule pursuant to §29A-3B-1 et seq. of this code that establishes an objective method for projecting the increase in net enrollment for each school district, exclusive of the net enrollment of public charter schools physically locate in the district. The state superintendent shall use the method prescribed by the rule to project the increase in net enrollment for each school district.

(2) The state superintendent shall multiply the average total state aid per net pupil by the sum of the projected increases in net enrollment for all school districts and report this amount to the Governor for inclusion in his or her proposed budget to the Legislature. The Legislature shall appropriate to the West Virginia Department of Education the amount calculated by the state superintendent and proposed by the Governor.

(3) The state superintendent shall calculate each school district’s share of the appropriation by multiplying the increase in net enrollment for the school district by the average total state aid per net pupil and shall distribute each school district’s share to the school district on or before December 31, of each year.

Nothing in this subsection prohibits, however, the state superintendent, at the request of a school district, before the actual increase in net enrollment is available, from advancing a partial distribution to the school district of up to 60 percent of its estimated share based on its projected increased enrollment, subject to the following:

(A) If the amount of the advanced partial distribution to a school district is greater than the total amount to which a district is entitled to receive for the year, the district shall refund the difference to the Department of Education prior to June 30 of the fiscal year in which the excess distribution is made; and

(B) The Department of Education shall notify the Joint Committee on Government and Finance and the Legislative Oversight Commission on Education Accountability whenever an advanced partial distribution is made.

(4) If the amount of the appropriation for increased enrollment is not sufficient to provide payment in full for the total of these allocations, each county allocation shall be reduced to an amount which is proportionate to the appropriation compared to the total of the allocations and the allocations as thus adjusted shall be distributed to the counties as provided in this section: Provided, That the Governor shall request a supplemental appropriation at the next legislative session for the reduced amount.

(b) To help offset the budgetary impact of extraordinary and sustained increases in net enrollment in a county, there shall be included in the basic state aid of any county whose most recent three-year average growth in second month net enrollment is two percent or more, an amount equal to one fourth of the state average per pupil state aid multiplied by the increase in the county’s second month net enrollment in the latest year.

(c) No provision of this section shall be construed to in any way affect the allocation of moneys for educational purposes to a county under other provisions of law.

(d) The state board shall promulgate a rule pursuant to §29A-3B-1 et seq. of this code that establishes an objective method for calculating the increase in net enrollment for each public charter school based on the school’s net enrollment for the current year compared to the prior year. Increased enrollment funding calculated for a public charter school shall be paid directly to the school by the Department of Education no later than December 31st.

§18-9A-16. General school fund and its use.

There is continued a separate school fund to be known as the “general school fund” which shall be administered by the state superintendent. The proceeds from the income of this school fund, and the interest thereon, as provided for under the irreducible school fund amendment to the Constitution shall accrue to the General School Fund which, with moneys appropriated by the Legislature, shall be used to support the public schools of the state. All other State funds and taxes formerly dedicated to the General School Fund shall hereafter be paid into the State General Fund.

§18-9A-17. Administration of school finance.

Notwithstanding any and all references to the board of school finance as found in article nine-b of this chapter, the West Virginia Board of Education, through its chief executive officer, shall direct and carry out all provisions of said article nine-b.

§18-9A-18. Rules and regulations.

The state board shall have authority to make such reasonable rules and regulations as may be necessary to enable it to carry out the purposes and intent of this article with respect to the allocation of state aid for schools.

§18-9A-19. State Aid Block Grant Funding.

Beginning for the school year 2019-2020 and thereafter, each county board shall receive its allocated state aid share of the county’s basic foundation program as calculated pursuant to this article in the form of block grants. Notwithstanding other provisions within this article, all funds distributed to a county board in a block grant shall be exempt from expenditure requirements and limitations contained within this article and a recipient county board may expend such funds in any authorized and allowable manner the county board deems appropriate: Provided, That all expenditures shall be consistent with the provisions of all other articles of this code.

§18-9A-20. Repeal of inconsistent provisions.

The provisions of any section or parts of sections, or articles or parts of articles, of the Code of West Virginia, 1931, as amended, which are inconsistent with the provisions of this article, are hereby repealed to the extent of such inconsistency.

§18-9A-21. Funding for alternative education programs.

(a) An appropriation may be made to the state department to be distributed to county boards for the operation of alternative education and prevention programs established in accordance with policies and procedures adopted by the state board under section six, article two of this chapter. The appropriation shall be an amount equal to $18 per student in net enrollment, subject to appropriation by the Legislature. The state board shall distribute ninety-eight percent of the total appropriation to the county boards proportionate to each county's net enrollment. The remaining two percent of the appropriation shall be retained by the state department to support the provision of services to the county boards in administering programs established in accordance with policies and procedures adopted by the state board under section six, article two of this chapter.

(b) Nothing in this section may be construed to require any specific level of funding by the Legislature.

(c) The increase from $12 per student in net enrollment to $18 per student in net enrollment pursuant to the amendment and enactment of this section during the 2010 regular session of the Legislature is not subject to the provisions of section three-a.

§18-9A-22. Supplemental funding for the provision of programs required for Limited English Proficient (LEP) students.

Any funds appropriated by the Legislature to the Department of Education for distribution to the county boards of education to supplement programs required for Limited English Proficient students as defined by state board policy in accordance with federal law shall be used to supplement a program when the cost of the program exceeds the capacity of a county board to provide the program with funds available. Any appropriation made pursuant to this section shall be distributed to the county boards in a manner that takes into account the varying proficiency levels of the students and the capacity of the county board to deliver the needed programs. In order to receive the funding, a county board must apply to the state superintendent. The state board shall promulgate a rule in accordance with the provisions of article three-b, chapter twenty-nine-a of this code that sets forth the manner in which county boards apply for the funding and to implement the other provisions of this section.

§18-9A-23. Obtaining state funds by falsifying reports; penalty.

It shall be unlawful for any person knowingly and intentionally to falsify any enrollment or attendance reports for the purpose of obtaining state funds allocated to a county under the provisions of this article.

Any person who violates the provisions of this section is guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be confined in the county jail for not more than six months, or fined not more than $1,000, or both.

§18-9A-24. Foundation allowance for Public Employees Insurance Fund.

(a) The allowance to the Public Employees Insurance Agency for school employees shall be made in accordance with the following: The number of individuals employed by county boards as professional educators pursuant to section four of this article, plus the number of individuals employed by county boards as service personnel pursuant to section five of this article, plus the number of individuals employed by county boards as professional student support personnel pursuant to section eight of this article, multiplied by the average premium rate for all county board of education employees established by the Public Employees Insurance Agency Finance Board. The average premium rate for all county board of education employees shall be incorporated into each financial plan developed by the Finance Board in accordance with section five, article sixteen, chapter five of this code. The premiums shall include any proportionate share of retirees subsidy established by the Finance Board and the difference, if any, between the previous year's actual premium costs and the previous year's appropriation, if the actual cost was greater than the appropriation. The amount of the allowance provided in this subsection shall be paid directly to the West Virginia Public Employees Insurance Agency. Each county board shall reflect its share of the payment as revenue on its financial statements to offset its expense for the employer annual required contribution, as defined in article sixteen-d, chapter five of this code.

(b) Notwithstanding any other provision of section six, article sixteen-d, chapter five of this code to the contrary, any amount of employer annual required contribution allocated and billed to county boards on or after July 1, 2012, and any amount of the employer annual required contribution allocated and billed to the county boards prior to that date for employees who are employed as professional employees within the limits authorized by section four of this article, employees who are employed as service personnel within the limits authorized by section five of this article, and employees who are employed as professional student support personnel within the limits authorized by section eight of this article, shall be charged to the state: Provided, That nothing in this subsection requires any specific level of funding by the Legislature in any particular year: Provided, however, That charging specified amounts to the state pursuant to this section is not to be construed as creating an employer employee relationship between the State of West Virginia and any employee under the employ of a county board or as creating a liability of the state.

(c) County boards are liable for the employer annual required contribution allocated and billed to the county boards on or after July 1, 2012, and any amount of the employer annual required contribution allocated and billed to the county boards prior to that date for individuals who are employed as professional employees above and beyond those authorized by section four of this article, individuals who are employed as service personnel above and beyond those authorized by section five of this article and individuals who are employed as professional student support personnel above and beyond those authorized by section eight of this article. For each such employee, the county board shall forward to the Public Employees Insurance Agency an amount equal to the average premium rate established by the finance board in accordance with subsection (a) of this section: Provided, That the county board shall pay the actual employer premium costs for any county board employee paid from special revenues, federal or state grants, or sources other than state general revenue or county funds.

(d) Prior to July 1, 1995, nothing in this article shall be construed to limit the ability of county boards to use funds appropriated to county boards pursuant to this article to pay employer premiums to the Public Employees Insurance Agency for employees whose positions are funded pursuant to this article. Funds appropriated to county boards pursuant to this article shall not be used to pay employer premiums for employees of such boards whose positions are not, or will not be within twenty months, funded by funds appropriated pursuant to this article.

§18-9A-25. Funding for Hope Scholarship Program.

(a) Notwithstanding any other provision of this article to the contrary, for fiscal year 2023 and each fiscal year thereafter, in addition to all other amounts required by this article, the Department of Education shall include in its budget request, and the Governor shall include in each budget bill submitted to the Legislature, an appropriation to the Department of Education for the greater of an amount not less than two percent of net public school enrollment adjusted for state aid purposes or the total number of estimated Hope Scholarship applications for the fiscal year, multiplied by the prior year's statewide average net state aid allotted per pupil. The Hope Scholarship Board shall certify the estimated number of Hope Scholarship applications for the fiscal year to the Department of Education by December 10 of each year. The amount appropriated shall be transferred by the Department of Education to the Hope Scholarship Board to be used solely to meet the Hope Scholarship Program obligations set forth in §18-31-1 et seq. of this code except as otherwise provided in this section. The Governor shall also provide in each budget for the reappropriation for expenditure during the ensuing fiscal year the unused accumulated balance in the Hope Scholarship Fund.

(b) Each fiscal year, the amount required to be requested and included in the budget bill for appropriation under subsection (a) of this section shall be reduced by an amount equal to the unused accumulated amounts transferred to the Hope Scholarship Board for these purposes from previous years.



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§18-9B-1. Purpose and construction of article.

Because of the adoption of the “Tax Limitation Amendment,” it has become necessary for the state to participate, to an increasing degree, in the financing of the free public schools. In the fiscal year 1938-1939, this participation aggregated 55 percent of the total expended by county boards of education for the operation of the schools of the state, and in 17 counties state aid represented in excess of 70 percent of the total amounts spent for public education in those counties. In consequence of this state investment in local education, the state has acquired a paramount interest in the sound and stable management of the financial affairs of county school districts so that the maximum effectiveness of education may be obtained from the expenditure of the limited funds available.

With the foregoing purposes in view, this article is enacted to develop improved methods of financial administration and to bring increased financial guidance and assistance to the management of county school affairs.

The provisions of this article shall be construed to be in addition to the authority now exercised by the State Auditor as chief inspector and supervisor of public offices under §6-9-1 et seq. of the code for the purposes of fidelity accounting and auditing. The intent of the Legislature is that the powers granted by this article to the State Superintendent of Schools over financial management shall in administration be fully coordinated with those of the State Auditor over the legality and fidelity of public expenditures.

The provisions of this article shall be liberally construed to give effect to the purposes stated.

§18-9B-2. Definitions.

For the purposes of this article:

“State superintendent” means the State Superintendent of Schools.

“Budget” means the annual budget of school revenues and expenditures prepared and adopted by a county board of education in accordance with this article.

“Levy estimate” means the summary statement of the total budgeted school requirements prepared and adopted by a county board of education in accordance with law, in justification of the amount levied upon taxable property within the county for the support of the local schools.

“Appropriation” means an item, or the amount of an item, budgeted by a county board of education for expenditure during the fiscal year.

“Expenditure schedule” means a schedule for the expenditure of amounts budgeted throughout the fiscal year and adopted in conjunction with the annual budget.

“County board” means a county board of education.

§18-9B-3. State Superintendent of Schools.

The State Superintendent of Schools shall exercise the powers and perform the duties conferred upon him or her by this article.

§18-9B-4. Powers and duties of State Superintendent of Schools.

The State Superintendent of Schools, in addition to the specific powers and duties conferred upon him or her, shall advise and assist county boards of education and county superintendents in the planning and management of school finances to the end that the most effective program of public education be realized from the funds available for expenditure by the several counties.

In the exercise of the powers granted under this article, the state superintendent shall not substitute his or her discretion and judgment for that of a county board of education with respect to the desirability or reasonability of a lawful school expenditure if the provisions of law and the orders of the state superintendent are complied with by the county board. If, however, a county board fails or refuses to provide for the support of the standard school term, to adhere to the budget and the expenditure schedule, or to comply with other provisions of this article, the state superintendent may require such action on the part of the county board, not in violation of law, as the state superintendent may find to be best calculated to restore the financial affairs of the county board to a proper and lawful basis.

§18-9B-5. School district budgeting.

The state superintendent shall formulate and prescribe a uniform system of school district budgeting for the use of all county school districts to include, at least:

(1) Itemization schedules for estimating anticipated revenues and receipts of all kinds;

(2) Itemization schedules for estimating anticipated requirements for expenditure during the fiscal year;

(3) The form, classification and itemization of budget items for appropriation purposes;

(4) Expenditure schedules for the allotment of amounts of proposed expenditures throughout the fiscal year;

(5) A budget calendar fixing the dates by or upon which schedules shall be prepared, budgets adopted, and reports made to the state superintendent;

(6) Methods and procedures of budgeting to be followed in the use of the uniform system.

§18-9B-6. Submission and approval of budget.

A county board of education shall, on or before the day fixed by the budget calendar, submit its proposed budget to the state superintendent together with such supporting schedules as the state superintendent may require.

A county board shall not finally adopt its budget until after the written approval of the state superintendent has been received, and the levy estimate has been approved by the State Auditor as required by law. If the State Auditor finds that the levy estimate, based upon the budget, does not conform to the requirements of law, the board shall authorize and require such further revision of the budget as may be necessary for the correction of the levy estimate as required by the State Auditor.

A county board of education shall submit a preliminary budget upon requirement of the state superintendent, which approved budget shall be considered by the State Auditor when approving levy estimates.

§18-9B-6a. Delaying submission of budget.

Notwithstanding any other provisions of the code to the contrary, the county board shall not be required to submit its budget for approval by the state superintendent as provided by §18-9B-6 and §18-9B-7 of this code, until the 10th day next following the state superintendent’s transmittal of final state aid computations following the adoption of the state budget, but no later than May 30: Provided, That, in any year in which the state budget is not adopted on or before May 1, the state superintendent may require the county board to adopt a preliminary budget and to submit it to the state superintendent no later than May 30, and when final computations of state aid are transmitted to the county board, the county board shall make such adjustments as are necessary prior to final adoption of the budget.

§18-9B-7. Determination by the state superintendent before final approval of budget; length of term.

The state superintendent, before giving his or her final approval to a proposed budget, shall require that:

(1) Estimates of revenue and receipts are reasonable and accurate;

(2) Amounts are budgeted so as to cover actual requirements of school operation; and

(3) Amounts are budgeted so as to maintain the schools of the county for the employment term and the instructional term as provided by §18-5-45 of this code.

§18-9B-8. Projected expenditures order of revision in budget.

If the state superintendent finds that the proposed budget for a county will not maintain the proposed educational program as well as other financial obligations of their county board of education, he or she may require that the budget be revised, but in no case shall he or she permit the reduction of the instructional term pursuant to the provisions contained in §18-5-45 of this code nor the employment term below 200 days. Any required revision in the budget for this purpose may be made in the following order:

(1) Postpone expenditures for permanent improvements and capital outlays except from the permanent improvement fund;

(2) Reduce the amount budgeted for maintenance exclusive of service personnel so as to guarantee the payment of salaries for the employment term; or

(3) Adjust amounts budgeted in any other way so as to assure the required employment term of 200 days and the required instructional term of 180 days under the applicable provisions of law.

§18-9B-9. Uniform accounting systems for school districts.

The state superintendent shall formulate the requirements of a uniform system of management accounting for the use of county school districts. The requirements shall include at least:

(1) The accrual accounting of all revenues and other receipts from whatever source;

(2) The accounting of expenditures under the several items of appropriation in accordance with the expenditure schedule;

(3) Monthly and quarterly reports of rate of expenditure, encumbrances, and free balances under the several items of appropriation;

(4) Methods of accounting practice and procedures to be followed in the use of the uniform system.

The accounting requirements so formulated shall be certified to the State Auditor. The State Auditor shall then incorporate the requirements into a uniform system of school district accounting and as chief inspector and supervisor of local government offices, shall prescribe the use of the uniform system by all county school districts by virtue of the authority vested in him or her by §6-9-2 of this code.

§18-9B-10. Restrictions on county boards.

County boards of education shall:

(1) Authorize the expenditure of funds and incur obligations only in accordance with the budget and the expenditure schedule;

(2) Make transfers between items of appropriation only with the prior written approval of the state superintendent.



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§18-9B-11a. Adjustments in average daily attendance to assure equitable allocation of aid.


§18-9B-12. Practices of fiscal administration.

The state superintendent may formulate the requirements of adequate practices of fiscal administration to be followed by county school districts. Such requirements may include:

(1) Procedures for the receipts, control and disbursement of county school funds;

(2) Forms for requisitions, purchase orders, disbursements, and other necessary documents;

(3) Regulations for the performance of the powers and duties pertaining to school finance;

(4) Regulations for the exercise of the comptroller function;

(5) Other instructions and regulations for the proper procedures and practices of fiscal administration in the county schools.

The requirements formulated by the state superintendent shall be certified by the state superintendent to the State Auditor. The State Auditor as chief inspector and supervisor of local government offices shall incorporate the requirements so certified in his or her instructions with respect to fiscal administration and shall prescribe their use by all county school districts by virtue of the authority vested in him or her by §6-9-2 of this code.

§18-9B-13. Inspection and audit of school finance administration.

The state superintendent may, through his or her duly authorized representatives, make inspections and examinations of the fiscal administration of a county school district. The inspection and examination may extend to any matter or practice subject to regulation by the state superintendent. Regular and special examinations may be made by a certified public accountant approved pursuant to §6-9-7 of this code selected by the county board in accordance with nonemergency regulations submitted by the chief inspector, or by the chief inspector himself or herself. All examinations shall be made as provided in §6-9-7 of this code. The state superintendent may make selective audits to determine the accuracy of statements and reports made by a county board or superintendent.

The report of the examination shall be certified to the county board, which should include the identification of procedures and practices found to not be in accordance with the requirements of the state superintendent. The county board shall comply with the instructions forthwith.

The state superintendent, through his or her duly authorized representatives, shall have full access to all books, records, papers, and documents of the county board.

§18-9B-14. Establishment of permanent improvement fund; contents and use of fund.

A county board of education may establish a special fund for county school purposes to be known as the “permanent improvement fund.” The fund shall consist of:

(1) The proceeds of the levy allocated to that purpose by §11-8-6c, §11-8-12 and §11-8-12a of this code;

(2) Unexpended balances of other funds transferred to the fund, with the approval of the state superintendent, at the end of the fiscal year; and

(3) Any other moneys authorized by law to be used for the purposes of the fund.

The proceeds of the fund shall be used only for the support of building and permanent improvement projects. The fund may be accumulated from year to year but moneys shall not be paid into the fund so as to increase the assets of the fund to a total amount in excess of 25 percent of the amount of the foundation school program for that county for the same school year.

§18-9B-14a. County boards authorized to create special building funds; transfers to and use of fund.

The Board of Education of any county is hereby authorized and empowered to create a special building fund and to transfer to such special fund any part or all of the unexpended balance accumulated in the "permanent improvement fund," heretofore established by section fourteen, article nine-b, chapter eighteen of the Code of West Virginia, 1931, as amended. Such boards of education are further authorized and empowered to use and expend the special funds, created under the authority of this section, to construct, erect, furnish and equip a building for educational purposes suitable for instruction in transfer, terminal, technical, and adult education courses.

§18-9B-15. Permanent improvement fund — To be treated as separate fund; expenditures; limitation on accumulations and assets of fund.

A county board shall treat the permanent improvement fund as a separate fund in the annual budget for county school purposes. Expenditures shall be made from the fund only in accordance with an appropriation made pursuant to the annual budget, or made otherwise in accordance with this article. If the state superintendent finds, in his or her examination of the budget of a county school district, that a county board has accumulated, or with proposed additions to the fund in the fiscal year will accumulate, the fund of the county to an amount in excess of 25 percent of the amount of the foundation school program of the county for the same fiscal year, the state superintendent shall order that no moneys in excess of the limitation be appropriated for or paid into the fund. If the state superintendent finds that the assets of the fund of a county exceed 25 percent of the amount of the foundation school program for the county for the same year, the state superintendent may require that building and permanent improvement projects included in the annual budget, be paid for out of the fund.

The state superintendent shall administer this section so as to keep the accumulated assets of the fund, as near as may be, within the limitation of 25 percent of the amount of the foundation school program.



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§18-9B-17. Duties of county board and county superintendent.

A county board of education and a county superintendent shall comply with the instructions of the state superintendent and shall perform the duties required of them in accordance with the provisions of this article.

§18-9B-18. Issuance and enforcement of orders.

The state superintendent shall enforce the requirements of and his or her regulations issued under this article. The state superintendent may issue orders to county boards of education requiring specific compliance with his or her instructions. If a county board fails or refuses to comply, the state superintendent may proceed to enforce his or her order by any appropriate remedy in any court of competent jurisdiction.

§18-9B-19. Withholding of state aid for noncompliance by county board.

The state superintendent may withhold payment of state aid from a county board that fails or refuses to comply with the provisions of this article or the requirements of the state superintendent made in accordance therewith.

§18-9B-20. Fiscal reports to state superintendent.

The state superintendent may require, and prescribe the form of, fiscal reports to be made to the state superintendent at such times and to contain such information as the state superintendent may determine.

§18-9B-21. Reports by state superintendent.

The state superintendent shall make an annual report to the Legislative Oversight Commission on Education Accountability regarding the finances of each school district. Any school district that fails to report its finances to the state superintendent may be subject to a reduction of its state funding as authorized in §18-9B-19 of this code. The state superintendent shall make such special reports as the Legislative Oversight Commission on Education Accountability may request.




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§18-9D-1. School Building Authority; powers.

(a) The School Building Authority consists of eleven members, including the Governor or designee; the State Superintendent of Schools, ex officio; three members of the state Board of Education, elected by the state board; and six citizens of the state, appointed by the Governor, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, who are knowledgeable in matters relevant to the issues addressed by the authority, one of whom is representative of the interests of the construction trades.

(b) Citizen members are appointed for three-year terms, which are staggered in accordance with the initial appointments under prior enactment of this section. State Board of Education members are elected for three-year terms and may not be elected to serve additional consecutive terms or portions thereof.

(c) The Governor or designee serves as chair. The authority shall annually elect one of its public members as vice chair and shall appoint a secretary, who need not be a member of the Authority and who shall keep records of its proceedings.

(d) The Governor appoints an executive director of the Authority, with the advice and consent of the Senate, who serves at the Governor's will and pleasure. The director is responsible for managing and administering the daily functions of the authority and for performing all other functions necessary to the effective operation of the authority.

(e) The Governor may remove any appointed member for incompetency, neglect of duty, moral turpitude or malfeasance in office. If the Governor removes a member, the Governor shall fill the vacancy for the remainder of the unexpired term in the same manner as the original appointment.

(f) The School Building Authority shall meet at least quarterly and the citizen members shall be reimbursed for reasonable and necessary expenses actually incurred in the performance of their official duties in a manner consistent with guidelines of the travel management office of the Department of Administration from funds appropriated or otherwise made available for such purpose upon submission of an itemized statement.

(g) The acts performed by the members of the state Board of Education in their capacity as members of the School Building Authority are solely the acts of the authority.

§18-9D-2. Definitions.

For the purposes of this article, unless a different meaning clearly appears from the context:

(1) "Authority" means the School Building Authority of West Virginia;

(2) "Bonds" means bonds issued by the authority pursuant to this article;

(3) "Construction project" means a project in the furtherance of a facilities plan with a cost greater than $1 million for the new construction, expansion or major renovation of facilities, buildings, and structures for school purposes, including:

(A) The acquisition of land for current or future use in connection with the construction project;

(B) New or substantial upgrading of existing equipment, machinery, and furnishings;

(C) Installation of utilities and other similar items related to making the construction project operational.

(D) Construction project does not include such items as books, computers or equipment used for instructional purposes; fuel; supplies; routine utility services fees; routine maintenance costs; ordinary course of business improvements; other items which are customarily considered to result in a current or ordinary course of business operating charge or a major improvement project;

(4) "Cost of project" means the cost of construction, expansion, renovation, repair and safety upgrading of facilities, buildings and structures for school purposes; the cost of land, equipment, machinery, furnishings, installation of utilities and other similar items related to making the project operational; and the cost of financing, interest during construction, professional service fees and all other charges or expenses necessary, appurtenant or incidental to the foregoing, including the cost of administration of this article;

(5) "Facilities plan" means the 10-year countywide comprehensive educational facilities plan established by a county board in accordance with guidelines adopted by the authority to meet the goals and objectives of this article that:

(A) Addresses the existing school facilities and facility needs of the county to provide a thorough and efficient education in accordance with the provisions of this code and policies of the state board;

(B) Best serves the needs of individual students, the general school population and the communities served by the facilities, including, but not limited to, providing for a facility infrastructure that avoids excessive school bus transportation times for students consistent with sound educational policy and within the budgetary constraints for staffing and operating the schools of the county;

(C) Includes the school major improvement plan;

(D) Includes the county board’s school access safety plan required by §18-9F-3 of this code;

(E) Is updated annually to reflect projects completed, current enrollment projections and new or continuing needs; and

(F) Is approved by the state board and the authority prior to the distribution of state funds pursuant to this article to any county board or other entity applying for funds;

(6) "Project" means a construction project or a major improvement project;

(7) "Revenue" or "revenues" means moneys:

(A) Deposited in the School Construction Fund pursuant to §18-9D-6 of this code.

(B) Deposited in the School Construction Fund pursuant to §11-15-30 of this code and §29-22-18 of this code;

(C) Deposited in the School Building Debt Service Fund pursuant to §29-22-18 of this code;

(D) Deposited in the School Major Improvement Fund pursuant to §11-15-30 of this code;

(E) Received, directly or indirectly, from any source for use in any project completed pursuant to this article;

(F) Received by the authority for the purposes of this article; and

(G) Deposited in the Excess Lottery School Building Debt Services Fund pursuant to §29-22-18a of this code.

(8) "School major improvement plan" means a 10-year school maintenance plan that:

(A) Is prepared by a county board in accordance with the guidelines established by the authority and incorporated in its Countywide Comprehensive Educational Facilities Plan, or is prepared by the state board or the administrative council of an area vocational educational center in accordance with the guidelines if the entities seek funding from the authority for a major improvement project;

(B) Addresses the regularly scheduled maintenance for all school facilities of the county or under the jurisdiction of the entity seeking funding;

(C) Includes a projected repair and replacement schedule for all school facilities of the county or of entity seeking funding;

(D) Addresses the major improvement needs of each school within the county or under the jurisdiction of the entity seeking funding; and

(E) Is required prior to the distribution of state funds for a major improvement project pursuant to this article to the county board, state board or administrative council; and

(9) "School major improvement project" means a project with a cost greater than $50,000 and less than $1 million for the renovation, expansion, repair, and safety upgrading of existing school facilities, buildings, and structures, including the substantial repair or upgrading of equipment, machinery, building systems, utilities and other similar items related to the renovation, repair or upgrading in the furtherance of a school major improvement plan. A major improvement project does not include such items as books, computers or equipment used for instructional purposes; fuel; supplies; routine utility services fees; routine maintenance costs; ordinary course of business improvements; or other items which are customarily considered to result in a current or ordinary course of business operating charge.

§18-9D-3. Powers of authority; School Building Authority Fund.

(a) The School Building Authority has the power:

(1) To sue and be sued, plead, and be impleaded;

(2) To have a seal and alter the same at pleasure;

(3) To contract to acquire and to acquire, in the name of the authority, by purchase, lease-purchase not to exceed a term of 25 years, or otherwise, real property or rights or easements necessary or convenient for its corporate purposes and to exercise the power of eminent domain to accomplish those purposes;

(4) To acquire, hold and dispose of real and personal property for its corporate purposes;

(5) To make bylaws for the management and rule of its affairs;

(6) To appoint, contract with and employ attorneys, bond counsel, accountants, construction and financial experts, underwriters, financial advisers, trustees, managers, officers, and such other employees and agents as may be necessary in the judgment of the authority and to fix their compensation: Provided, That contracts entered into by the School Building Authority in connection with the issuance of bonds under this article to provide professional and technical services, including, without limitation, accounting, actuarial, underwriting, consulting, trustee, bond counsel, legal services, and contracts relating to the purchase or sale of bonds are subject to the provisions of §5A-3-1 et seq. of this code: Provided, however, That notwithstanding any other provisions of this code, any authority of the Attorney General of this state relating to the review of contracts and other documents to effectuate the issuance of bonds under this article shall be exclusively limited to the form of the contract and document: Provided further, That the Attorney General of this state shall complete all reviews of contracts and documents relating to the issuance of bonds under this article within 10 calendar days of receipt of the contract and document for review;

(7) To make contracts and to execute all instruments necessary or convenient to effectuate the intent of and to exercise the powers granted to it by this article;

(8) To renegotiate all contracts entered into by it whenever, due to a change in situation, it appears to the authority that its interests will be best served;

(9) To acquire by purchase, eminent domain or otherwise all real property or interests in the property necessary or convenient to accomplish the purposes of this article;

(10) To require proper maintenance and insurance of any project authorized under this section, including flood insurance for any facility within the 100-year flood plain at which authority funds are expended;

(11) To charge rent for the use of all or any part of a project or buildings at any time financed, constructed, acquired, or improved, in whole or in part, with the revenues of the authority;

(12) To assist any county board of education that chooses to acquire land, buildings and capital improvements to existing school buildings and property for use as public school facilities, by lease from a private or public lessor for a term not to exceed 25 years with an option to purchase pursuant to an investment contract with the lessor on such terms and conditions as may be determined to be in the best interests of the authority, the State Board of Education and the county board of education, consistent with the purposes of this article, by transferring funds to the State Board of Education as provided in §18-9D-15(f) of this code for the use of the county board of education;

(13) To accept and expend any gift, grant, contribution, bequest or endowment of money and equipment to, or for the benefit of, the authority or any project under this article, from the State of West Virginia or any other source for any or all of the purposes specified in this article or for any one or more of such purposes as may be specified in connection with the gift, grant, contribution, bequest, or endowment;

(14) To enter on any lands and premises for the purpose of making surveys, soundings and examinations;

(15) To contract for architectural, engineering or other professional services considered necessary or economical by the authority to provide consultative or other services to the authority or county board requesting professional services offered by the authority, to evaluate any facilities plan or any project encompassed in the plan, to inspect existing facilities or any project that has received or may receive funding from the authority or to perform any other service considered by the authority to be necessary or economical. Assistance to the district may include the development of preapproved systems, plans, designs, models, or documents; advice or oversight on any plan or project; or any other service that may be efficiently provided to county boards by the authority;

(16) To provide funds on an emergency basis to repair or replace property damaged by fire, flood, wind, storm, earthquake or other natural occurrence, the funds to be made available in accordance with guidelines of the School Building Authority;

(17) To transfer moneys to custodial accounts maintained by the School Building Authority with a state financial institution from the School Construction Fund and the School Improvement Fund created in the State Treasury pursuant to §18-9D-6 of this code, as necessary to the performance of any contracts executed by the School Building Authority in accordance with the provisions of this article;

(18) To enter into agreements with county boards and persons, firms or corporations to facilitate the development of county board projects and county board facilities plans. The county board participating in an agreement shall pay at least 25 percent of the cost of the agreement. Nothing in this section may be construed to supersede, limit, or impair the authority of county boards to develop and prepare their projects or plans;

(19) To encourage any project or part thereof to provide opportunities for students to participate in supervised, unpaid work-based learning experiences related to the student’s program of study approved by the county board. The work-based learning experience must be conducted in accordance with a formal training plan approved by the instructor, the employer, and the student and which sets forth at a minimum the specific skills to be learned, the required documentation of work-based learning experiences, the conditions of the placement, including duration and safety provisions, and provisions for supervision and liability insurance coverage as applicable. Projects involving the new construction and renovation of vocational-technical and adult education facilities should provide opportunities for students to participate in supervised work-based learning experiences, to the extent practical, which meet the requirements of this subdivision. Nothing in this subdivision may be construed to affect registered youth apprenticeship programs or the provisions governing those programs; and

(20) To do all things necessary or convenient to carry out the powers given in this article.

(b) The special revenue account in the State Treasury known as the “School Building Authority Fund” is hereby continued. The fund is to be administered by the School Building Authority. Expenditures from the fund shall be for the purposes set forth in this article and are not authorized from collections but are to be made only in accordance with appropriation by the Legislature and in accordance with the provisions of §12-3-1 et seq. of this code and upon fulfillment of the provisions of §11B-2-1 et seq. of this code.

§18-9D-4. School building authority authorized to issue refunding revenue bonds for school building capital improvement projects.

The School Building Authority may by resolution, in accordance with the provisions of this article, issue revenue bonds of the authority from time to time, either to finance the cost of construction projects for public schools in this state, or to refund, at the discretion of the authority, bonds issued to finance the cost of the construction projects for public schools in this state and outstanding under and pursuant to the provisions of this article. The principal of, interest and redemption premium, if any, on the bonds shall be payable solely from the special fund herein provided for such payment.

§18-9D-4a. Savings from issuance of refunding bonds.

Any aggregate savings resulting from the issuance of refunding bonds pursuant to section four of this article shall be retained by the School Building Authority. Any savings shall be utilized solely for the construction and maintenance of schools and may not be used to fund administrative costs of the authority.

§18-9D-4b. School Building Authority authorized to issue bonds and pay debt service on bonds with funds distributed from State Excess Lottery Fund.

The School Building Authority is expressly authorized to issue bonds and pay debt service on bonds pursuant to the provisions of this article with funds distributed from the State Excess Lottery Fund under section eighteen-a, article twenty-two, chapter twenty-nine of this code and deposited into the Excess Lottery School Building Debt Service Fund and any federal subsidies received by the School Building Authority and deposited into the Excess Lottery School Building Debt Service Fund with respect to bonds authorized by this section.

§18-9D-4c. School Building Authority authorized to temporarily finance projects through the issuance of loans, notes or other evidences of indebtedness.

The School Building Authority may by resolution, in accordance with the provisions of this article, temporarily finance the cost of projects and other expenditures permitted under this article for public schools, including, but not limited to, comprehensive high schools and comprehensive middle schools as defined in this article, in this state through the issuance of loans, notes or other evidences of indebtedness: Provided, That the principal amount of loans, notes or other evidences of indebtedness outstanding at any one time shall not exceed $16 million: Provided, however, That the principal of, interest and premium, if any, on and fees associated with any such temporary financing shall be payable solely from the sources from which the principal of, interest and premium, if any, on bonds is payable under this article or from the proceeds of bonds.

§18-9D-4d. Emergency facility and equipment repair or replacement fund for financially distressed counties.

From the funds available to it the School Building Authority shall maintain a reserve fund in the amount of not less than $600,000 for the purpose of making emergency grants to financially distressed county boards to assist them in making repairs or performing urgent maintenance to facilities or facility related equipment or facility related equipment replacement necessary to maintain the serviceability or structural integrity of school facilities currently in use or necessary for educating the students of the county.  The grants shall be made in accordance with guideline established by the school building authority.  For the purposes of this section, “financially distressed county” means a county either in deficit or on the most recently established watch list established by the Department of Education of those counties at-risk of becoming in deficit.

§18-9D-5. School building authority authorized to offer individual higher education savings plans.


§18-9D-6. School Construction Fund in State Treasury; School Building Debt Service Fund in State Treasury; School Improvement Fund in State Treasury; collections to be paid into special funds; Excess Lottery School Building Debt Service Fund in State Treasury; authority to pledge the collections as security for refunding revenue bonds; authority to finance projects on a cash basis.

(a) The School Building Capital Improvements Fund is closed and terminated upon the effective date of the 2023 enactment of this section. Any moneys remaining in the fund shall be transferred to the School Construction Fund.

(b) There is continued in the State Treasury a special revenue fund named the School Building Debt Service Fund into which shall be deposited the amounts specified in §29-22-18 of this code. All amounts deposited in the fund shall be pledged to the repayment of the principal, interest and redemption premium, if any, on any revenue bonds or refunding revenue bonds authorized by this article for which moneys deposited in the School Building Debt Service Fund have been pledged by the authority. Additionally, the authority may provide in the resolution and in the trust agreement for priorities on the revenues paid into the School Building Debt Service Fund that are necessary for the protection of the prior rights of the holders of bonds issued at different times under the provisions of this article. On or prior to May 1 of each year, the authority shall certify to the state Lottery Director the principal and interest and coverage ratio requirements for the following fiscal year on any revenue bonds issued on or after January 1, 1994, and for which moneys deposited in the School Building Debt Service Fund have been pledged, or will be pledged, for repayment pursuant to this section.

After the authority has issued bonds authorized by this article for which moneys deposited in the School Building Debt Service Fund have been pledged and after the requirements of all funds have been satisfied, including coverage and reserve funds established in connection with the bonds issued pursuant to this article, any balance remaining in the School Building Debt Service Fund may be used for the redemption of any of the outstanding bonds issued under this article, for which moneys deposited in the School Building Debt Service Fund have been pledged, which, by their terms, are then redeemable or for the purchase of the outstanding bonds at the market price, but not to exceed the price, if any, at which the bonds are redeemable and all bonds redeemed or purchased shall be immediately canceled and may not again be issued: Provided, That after the authority has issued bonds authorized by this article and after the requirements of debt service and all associated funds have been satisfied for the fiscal year for which moneys deposited in the School Building Debt Service Fund have been pledged, including coverage and reserve funds established in connection with the bonds issued pursuant to this article, any remaining balance in the School Building Debt Service Fund may be transferred to the School Construction Fund created in subsection (c) of this section and used by the School Building Authority in its discretion to finance the cost of school construction or improvement projects authorized in accordance with the provisions of §18-9D-16 of this code on a cash basis.

(c) There is continued in the State Treasury a special revenue fund named the School Construction Fund into which shall be deposited the amounts specified in §11-15-30 of this code, together with any moneys appropriated to the fund by the Legislature.

Expenditures from the School Construction Fund shall be for the purposes set forth in this article, including lease-purchase payments under agreements made pursuant to §18-9D-15 (e) of this code and §18-5-9 of this code and are authorized from collections in accordance with the provisions of §12-3-1 et seq. of this code and from other revenues annually appropriated by the Legislature from lottery revenues as authorized by §29-22-18 of this code pursuant to the provisions set forth in §5A-2-1 et seq. of this code. Amounts collected which are found, from time to time, to exceed the funds needed for purposes set forth in this article may be transferred to other accounts or funds and redesignated for other purposes by appropriation of the Legislature. The School Construction Fund shall be an interest-bearing account, with the interest credited to and deposited in the School Construction Fund and expended in accordance with the provisions of this article. Deposits to and expenditures from the School Construction Fund are subject to the provisions of §18-9D-15(k) of this code.

(d) There is continued in the State Treasury a special revenue fund named the School Major Improvement Fund into which shall be deposited the amounts specified in §11-15-30 of this code, together with any moneys appropriated to the fund by the Legislature. Expenditures from the School Major Improvement Fund shall be for the purposes set forth in this article and are authorized from collections in accordance with the provisions of §12-3-1 et seq. of this code and from other revenues annually appropriated by the Legislature from lottery revenues as authorized by §29-22-18 of this code pursuant to the provisions set forth in §5A-2-1 et seq. of this code. Amounts collected which are found, from time to time, to exceed the funds needed for purposes set forth in this article may be transferred to other accounts or funds and redesignated for other purposes by appropriation of the Legislature. The School Major Improvement Fund shall be an interest-bearing account, with interest being credited to and deposited in the School Major Improvement Fund and expended in accordance with the provisions of this article.

(e) There is created in the State Treasury a special revenue fund named the Excess Lottery School Building Debt Service Fund into which shall be deposited the amounts specified in §29-22-18a of this code. All amounts deposited in the fund shall be pledged, as designated by the authority, to the repayment of the principal, interest, and redemption premium, if any, on revenue bonds or refunding revenue bonds authorized by §18-9D-4b of this code. On or prior to May 1 of each year, the authority shall certify to the state Lottery Director the principal and interest and coverage ratio requirements for the following fiscal year on any revenue bonds issued for which moneys deposited in the Excess Lottery School Building Debt Service Fund have been pledged, or will be pledged, for repayment pursuant to this section.

After the authority has issued bonds authorized by this article for which moneys deposited in the Excess Lottery School Building Debt Service Fund have been pledged and after the requirements of all funds have been satisfied, including coverage and reserve funds established in connection with the bonds issued pursuant to this article, any balance remaining in the Excess Lottery School Building Debt Service Fund may be used for the redemption of any of the outstanding bonds issued under this article, for which moneys deposited in the Excess Lottery School Building Debt Service Fund have been pledged, which, by their terms, are then redeemable or for the purchase of the outstanding bonds at the market price, but not to exceed the price, if any, at which the bonds are redeemable and all bonds redeemed or purchased shall be immediately canceled and may not again be issued: Provided, That after the authority has issued bonds authorized by this article and after the requirements of debt service and all associated funds have been satisfied for the fiscal year, including coverage and reserve funds established in connection with the bonds issued pursuant to this article for which moneys deposited in the Excess Lottery School Building Debt Service Fund have been pledged, any remaining balance in the Excess Lottery School Building Debt Service Fund may be transferred to the School Construction Fund created in subsection (c) of this section and used by the School Building Authority in its discretion to finance the cost of school construction or improvement projects authorized in accordance with the provisions of §18-9D-16 of this code on a cash basis.

(f) Beginning for fiscal year 2023 and each fiscal year thereafter, the School Building Authority shall annually request the Governor to include in the budget bill an amount equal to $24 million for appropriation to the agency’s General Revenue Fund. These funds shall be transferred to the School Construction Fund and used for purposes set out within subsection (e) of this section.

(g) The Legislature finds and declares that the Supreme Court of Appeals of West Virginia has held that the issuance of additional revenue bonds authorized under the School Building Authority Act, as enacted in this article prior to July 20, 1993, constituted an indebtedness of the state in violation of section four, article X of the Constitution of West Virginia, but that revenue bonds issued under this article prior to July 20, 1993, are not invalid.

The Legislature further finds and declares that the financial capacity of a county to construct, lease and improve school facilities depends upon the county’s bonding capacity (local property wealth), voter willingness to pass bond issues and the county’s ability to reallocate other available county funds instead of criteria related to educational needs or upon the ability of the School Building Authority created in this article to issue bonds that comply with the holding of the West Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals or otherwise assist counties with the financing of facilities construction and improvement. The Legislature further finds and declares that this section, as well as §29-22-18 of this code, had been reenacted during the first extraordinary session of the West Virginia Legislature in the year 1994 in an attempt to comply with the holding of the Supreme Court of Appeals of West Virginia.

The Legislature further finds and declares that it intends, through the reenactment of this section and §29-22-18 of this code, to dedicate a source of state revenues to special revenue funds for the purposes of paying the debt service on bonds and refunding bonds issued subsequent to January 1, 1994, the proceeds of which will be used for the construction and improvement of school building facilities. The Legislature further finds and declares that it intends, through the reenactment of this section and §11-15-30 of this code and §29-22-18 of this code, to appropriate revenues to two special revenue funds for the purposes of construction and improvement of school building facilities. Furthermore, the Legislature intends to encourage county boards to maintain existing levels of county funding for construction, improvement, and maintenance of school building facilities and to generate additional county funds for those purposes through bonds and special levies whenever possible. The Legislature further encourages the School Building Authority, the state board and county boards of education to propose uniform project specifications for comparable projects whenever possible to meet county needs at the lowest possible cost.

The Legislature further finds and declares that it intends, through the reenactment of this section and §29-22-18 of this code, to comply with the provisions of sections four and six, article X of the Constitution of West Virginia; and section one, article XII of said Constitution.

§18-9D-7. Authority to fix and collect rents.

The authority may fix and collect a rental fee for the use of all or any part of a capital improvement project completed under this article to provide revenues for deposit in the School Construction Fund to pay, in whole or in part, the principal of, interest and redemption premium, if any, on the bonds authorized to be issued pursuant to this article as the same mature and become due and to make all reserve and other payments to be required by the proceedings which authorize these bonds; to provide any additional protective pledge of revenues and reserve or other payments as the School Building Authority may require by the resolution authorizing any issue of bonds pursuant to this article and any trust agreement made in connection therewith; and to make any other payments required or authorized by this article or any proceedings, resolutions or trust agreements authorized hereunder.

§18-9D-8. Use of proceeds of bonds; bonds exempt from taxation.

(a) The maximum aggregate amount of bonds outstanding at any time, for which the moneys in the School Building Debt Service Fund or the Excess Lottery School Building Debt Service Fund are to be pledged, is $500 million; however, any amount of bonds for which moneys have been deposited in a sinking fund, reserve fund or other fund established to provide payment of principal or interest on the bonds shall be excluded from the calculation of the maximum aggregate amount of bonds outstanding at any time. The issuance of revenue bonds under this article shall be authorized, from time to time, by resolution or resolutions of the School Building Authority, copies of which shall be provided to the Governor, the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Delegates within five days of their approval, which shall set forth the proposed projects authorized in accordance with §18-9D-16 of this code and provide for the issuance of bonds in amounts sufficient, when sold as provided in this section, to provide moneys considered sufficient by the authority to pay the costs, less the amounts of any other funds available for the costs or from any appropriation, grant or gift for the costs: Provided, That bond issues from which bond revenues are to be distributed in accordance with §18-9D-15 of this code for projects authorized pursuant to §18-9D-16 of this code are not required to set forth the proposed projects in the resolution. The resolution shall prescribe the rights and duties of the bondholders and the School Building Authority and, for that purpose, may prescribe the form of the trust agreement referred to in this section. The bonds may be issued, from time to time, in such amounts; shall be of such series; bear such date or dates; mature at such time or times not exceeding 40 years from their respective dates; bear interest at such rate or rates; be in such denominations; be in such form, either coupon or registered, carrying such registration, exchangeability and interchangeability privileges; be payable in such medium of payment and at such place or places within or without the state; be subject to such terms of redemption at such prices not exceeding 105 percent of the principal amount of the bonds; and be entitled to the priorities on the revenues paid into the fund pledged for repayment of the bonds as may be provided in the resolution authorizing the issuance of the bonds or in any trust agreement made in connection with the bonds: Provided, however, That revenue bonds issued on or after January 1, 2008, which are secured by lottery proceeds from §29-22-18 or §29-22-18a of this code, shall mature at such time or times not exceeding 20 years from their respective dates.

(b) The bonds shall be signed by the Governor, his or her designee or the vice chair of the authority, under the great seal of the state, attested by the Secretary of State, and the coupons attached to the bonds shall bear the facsimile signature of the Governor, his or her designee or the vice chair of the authority. If any of the officers whose signatures appear on the bonds or coupons cease to be officers before the delivery of the bonds, the signatures shall nevertheless be valid and sufficient for all purposes the same as if the officers had remained in office until the delivery. The revenue bonds shall be sold in the manner determined by the authority to be for the best interests of the State.

(c) The proceeds of any bonds shall be used solely for the purpose or purposes as may be generally or specifically set forth in the resolution authorizing those bonds and shall be disbursed in the manner and with the restrictions, if any, that the authority provides in the resolution authorizing the issuance of the bonds or in the trust agreement referred to in this section securing the bonds. If the proceeds of the bonds, by error in calculations or otherwise, are less than the cost of any projects specifically set forth in the resolution, additional bonds may in like manner be issued to provide the amount of the deficiency; and unless otherwise provided for in the resolution or trust agreement hereinafter mentioned, the additional bonds shall be considered to be of the same issue and are entitled to payment from the same fund, without preference or priority, as the bonds before issued for the projects. If the proceeds of bonds issued for the projects specifically set forth in the resolution authorizing the bonds issued by the authority exceed the cost of the bonds, the surplus may be used for any other projects authorized in accordance with §18-9D-16 of this code or in any other manner that the resolution authorizing the bonds provides. Prior to the preparation of definitive bonds, the authority may, under like restrictions, issue temporary bonds with or without coupons, exchangeable for definitive bonds upon the issuance of the definitive bonds.

(d) After the issuance of any revenue bonds, the revenues pledged for the revenue bonds may not be reduced as long as any of the revenue bonds are outstanding and unpaid except under the terms, provisions and conditions that are contained in the resolution, trust agreement or other proceedings under which the revenue bonds were issued.

(e) The revenue bonds and the revenue refunding bonds and bonds issued for combined purposes, together with the interest on the bonds, are exempt from all taxation by the State of West Virginia, or by any county, school district, municipality, or political subdivision thereof.

(f) Any school construction bonds issued under this section shall be issued on parity with any existing School Building Authority bonds previously issued under this article.

§18-9D-9. Issuance of revenue refunding bonds; use of moneys; power to enter into escrow agreements; call for redemption.

The issuance of revenue refunding bonds under the provisions of this article shall be authorized by resolution of the School Building Authority and shall otherwise be subject to the limitations, conditions, and provisions of other revenue bonds under this article. The revenue refunding bonds may be issued in an amount at the option of the authority sufficient to pay either in part or in full, together with interest earned on the investment of the proceeds thereof, whether or not at the time of the issuance of the revenue refunding bonds the hereafter mentioned bonds are payable or callable for optional redemption: (1) The principal of the outstanding bonds; (2) the redemption premium, if any, on the outstanding bonds if they are to be redeemed prior to maturity; (3) the interest due and payable on the outstanding bonds to and including the maturity date thereof or the first date upon which the outstanding bonds are to be redeemed, including any interest theretofore accrued and unpaid; and (4) all expenses of the issuance and sale of said revenue refunding bonds, including all necessary financial and legal expenses, and also including the creation of initial debt service reserve funds. Any existing moneys pledged with respect to the outstanding bonds may be used for any or all of the purposes stated in (1), (2), (3) and (4) above or may be deposited in a sinking fund or reserve fund or other funds for the issue of bonds which have been issued wholly or in part for the purpose of such refunding. Such amount of the proceeds of the revenue refunding bonds as shall be sufficient for the payment of the principal, interest and redemption premium, if any, on the outstanding bonds which will not be immediately due and payable shall be deposited in trust, for the sole purpose of making such payments, in a banking institution chosen by the authority and in accordance with any provisions which may be included in the resolution authorizing the issuance of such bonds or in the trust agreement securing the same. Any of the moneys so deposited in trust may, prior to the date on which such moneys will be needed for the payment of principal of, interest and redemption premium, if any, on the outstanding bonds, be invested and reinvested as determined by the authority, in whole or in part: (a) In direct obligations issued by the United States of America or one of its agencies or in direct obligations of the State of West Virginia; (b) in obligations unconditionally guaranteed by the United States of America as to principal and interest; or (c) in certificates of deposit of a banking corporation or association which is a member of the federal deposit insurance corporation, or successor; but any such certificates of deposit must be fully secured as to both principal and interest by pledged collateral consisting of direct obligations of or obligations guaranteed by the United States of America, or direct obligations of the State of West Virginia, having a market value, excluding accrued interest, at all times at least equal to the amount of the principal of and accrued interest on the certificates of deposit. Any such investments must mature, or be payable in advance of maturity at the option of the holder, and shall bear interest in such manner as to provide funds which, together with uninvested money, will be sufficient to pay when due or called for redemption the bonds refunded, together with interest accrued and to accrue thereon and redemption premiums, if any, and the refunding bonds’ proceeds or obligations so purchased therewith shall be deposited in escrow and held in trust for the payment and redemption of the bonds refunded: Provided, That if interest earned by any investment in the escrow is shown to be in excess of the amounts required from time to time for the payment of interest on and principal of the refunded bonds, including applicable redemption premium, then the excess may be withdrawn from escrow and disbursed in such manner as the authority shall by resolution determine. Any moneys in the sinking or reserve funds or other funds maintained for the outstanding bonds to be refunded may be applied in the same manner and for the same purpose as are the net proceeds of refunding bonds or may be deposited in the special fund or any reserve funds established for account of the refunding bonds.

The authority to issue revenue refunding bonds shall be in addition to any other authority to refund bonds conferred by law.

The School Building Authority may enter into such escrow agreements with such bank or banks and to insert therein such protective and other covenants and provisions as it may consider necessary to permit the carrying out of the provisions of this article and to ensure the prompt payment of the principal of and interest and redemption premiums on the revenue bonds refunded.

Where any revenue bonds to be refunded are not to be surrendered for exchange or payment and are not to be paid at maturity with escrowed obligations, but are to be paid from such source prior to maturity pursuant to call for redemption exercised under a right of redemption reserved in such revenue bonds, the authority shall, prior to the issuance of the refunding bonds, determine which redemption date or dates shall be used, call the revenue bonds for redemption and provide for the giving of the notice of redemption required by the proceedings authorizing the revenue bonds. Where notice is to be given at a time subsequent to the issuance of the refunding bonds, the necessary notices may be deposited with the State Treasurer or the bank acting as escrow agent of the refunding bond proceeds and the escrow agent appropriately instructed and authorized to give the required notices at the prescribed time or times. If any officer of the public body signing any such notice shall no longer be in office at the time of the utilization of the notice, the notice shall nevertheless be valid and effective for its intended purpose.

§18-9D-10. Bonds may be issued for combined purposes.

The School Building Authority may authorize by one or more resolutions a single issue of bonds for the combined purposes of refunding the outstanding bonds as herein authorized and financing one or more of the projects authorized hereunder.

§18-9D-11. Bonds shall be negotiable instruments.

The revenue bonds, revenue refunding bonds and bonds issued for combined purposes under the provisions of this article shall, independently of the requirements of any other provision of law and solely by virtue of the provisions of this section, be and have all the qualities and incidents of negotiable instruments.

§18-9D-12. Trust agreements for holders of bonds.

The School Building Authority may enter into an agreement or agreements with any trust company, or with any bank having the powers of a trust company, either within or outside the state, to act as trustee for the holders of bonds issued hereunder, setting forth therein such duties and containing such legally binding covenants of the School Building Authority with the holders of the bonds in respect to the payment of the bond; the fixing and collecting of rents hereinbefore referred to; the completion of authorized projects; the custody, safeguarding and disposition of the proceeds of the bonds, and the moneys in such special funds, sinking funds, reserve funds, or any other moneys or funds, notwithstanding provisions of this article to the contrary; the security for moneys on hand or on deposit, and the rights and remedies of the trustee and the holders of the bonds, as may be agreed upon with the purchasers of such bonds; provisions restricting the individual right of action of bondholders as is customary in trust agreements respecting bonds and debentures of municipal corporations, protecting and enforcing the rights and remedies of the trustee and the bondholders; and provisions as to any other matters which are deemed necessary and advisable by the School Building Authority in the best interests of the state and to enhance the marketability of the bonds. Any such agreement entered into by the School Building Authority shall be binding in all respects on such authority and its successors from time to time in accordance with the terms thereof; and all the provisions thereof shall be enforceable by appropriate proceedings at law or in equity, or otherwise.

§18-9D-13. Payment of bonds.

From the School Building Debt Service Fund or the Excess Lottery School Building Debt Service Fund, the authority shall make periodic payments in an amount sufficient to meet the requirements of any issue of bonds sold under the provisions of this article and for which the authority has pledged revenues in the fund for the payment of the bonds, as may be specified in the resolution of the authority authorizing the issue thereof or in any trust agreement entered into in connection therewith. The payments so made shall be placed as specified in the resolution or trust agreement in a special sinking fund which is hereby pledged to and charged with the payment of the principal of the bonds of the issue and the interest thereon, and to the redemption or repurchase of the bonds, the sinking fund to be a fund for all bonds of the particular issue without distinction or priority of one over another, except as may be provided in the resolution authorizing the issuance of the bonds. The moneys in the special sinking fund, less the reserve for payment of principal and interest and redemption premium, if any, as may be required by the resolution of the School Building Authority authorizing the issue or any trust agreement made in connection therewith, may be used for redemption of any of the outstanding bonds payable from the fund which by their terms are then redeemable, or for the purchase of bonds at the market price, but not exceeding the price, if any, at which the bonds shall in the same year be redeemable; and all bonds redeemed or purchased shall forthwith be canceled and may not again be issued.

§18-9D-14. Credit of state not pledged.

No provisions of this article shall be construed to authorize the School Building Authority at any time or in any manner to pledge the credit or taxing power of the state, nor shall any of the obligations or debts created by the School Building Authority under the authority herein granted be deemed to be obligations of the state.

§18-9D-15. Legislative intent; allocation of money among categories of projects; lease-purchase options; limitation on time period for expenditure of project allocation; county maintenance budget requirements; project disbursements over period of years; preference for multicounty arrangements; submission of project designs; set-aside to encourage local participation.

(a) It is the intent of the Legislature to empower the School Building Authority to facilitate and provide state funds and to administer all federal funds provided for the construction and major improvement of school facilities so as to meet the educational needs of the people of this state in an efficient and economical manner. The authority shall make funding determinations in accordance with the provisions of this article and shall assess existing school facilities and each facility’s school major improvement plan in relation to the needs of the individual student, the general school population, the communities served by the facilities and facility needs statewide.

(b) An amount that is not more than 10 percent of the sum of moneys that are determined by the authority to be available for distribution during the then current fiscal year from:

(1) The issuance of revenue bonds for which moneys in the School Building Debt Service Fund or the Excess Lottery School Building Debt Service Fund are pledged as security;

(2) Moneys paid into the School Construction Fund pursuant to §18-9D-6 of this code; and

(3) Any other moneys received by the authority, except moneys paid into the School Major Improvement Fund pursuant to §18-9D-6 of this code and moneys deposited into the School Access Safety Fund pursuant to §18-9F-5 of this code, may be allocated and may be expended by the authority for projects authorized in accordance with §18-9D-16 of this code that service the educational community statewide or, upon application by the state board, for educational programs that are under the jurisdiction of the state board. In addition, upon application by the state board or the administrative council of an area vocational educational center established pursuant to §18-2B-1 et seq. of this code, the authority may allocate and expend under this subsection moneys for school major improvement projects authorized in accordance with §18-9D-16 of this code proposed by the state board or an administrative council for school facilities under the direct supervision of the state board or an administrative council, respectively. Furthermore, upon application by a county board, the authority may allocate and expend under this subsection moneys for school major improvement projects for vocational programs at comprehensive high schools, vocational programs at comprehensive middle schools, vocational schools cooperating with community and technical college programs, or any combination of the three. Each county board is encouraged to cooperate with community and technical colleges in the use of existing or development of new vocational technical facilities. All projects eligible for funds from this subsection shall be submitted directly to the authority which shall be solely responsible for the project’s evaluation, subject to the following:

(A) Any project funded by the authority shall be in accordance with a comprehensive educational facility plan which must be approved by the state board and the authority. The authority may not expend any moneys for a school major improvement project proposed by the state board or the administrative council of an area vocational educational center unless the state board or an administrative council has submitted a 10-year facilities plan; and

(B) The authority shall, before allocating any moneys to the state board or the administrative council of an area vocational educational center for a school improvement project, consider all other funding sources available for the project.

(c) An amount that is not more than two percent of the moneys that are determined by the authority to be available for distribution during the current fiscal year from:

(1) The issuance of revenue bonds for which moneys in the School Building Debt Service Fund or the Excess Lottery School Building Debt Service Fund are pledged as security;

(2) Moneys paid into the School Construction Fund pursuant to §18-9D-6 of this code; and

(3) Any other moneys received by the authority, except moneys deposited into the School Major Improvement Fund and moneys deposited into the School Access Safety Fund pursuant to §18-9F-5 of this code, shall be set aside by the authority as an emergency fund to be distributed in accordance with the guidelines adopted by the authority.

(d) An amount that is not more than five percent of the moneys that are determined by the authority to be available for distribution during the current fiscal year from:

(1) The issuance of revenue bonds for which moneys in the School Building Debt Service Fund or the Excess Lottery School Building Debt Service Fund are pledged as security;

(2) Moneys paid into the School Construction Fund pursuant to §18-9D-6 of this code; and

(3) Any other moneys received by the authority, except moneys deposited into the School Major Improvement Fund and moneys deposited into the School Access Safety Fund pursuant to §18-9F-5 of this code, may be reserved by the authority for multiuse vocational-technical education facilities projects that may include post-secondary programs as a first priority use. The authority may allocate and expend under this subsection moneys for any purposes authorized in this article on multiuse vocational-technical education facilities projects, including equipment and equipment updates at the facilities, authorized in accordance with §18-9D-16 of this code. If the projects approved under this subsection do not require the full amount of moneys reserved, moneys above the amount required may be allocated and expended in accordance with other provisions of this article. A county board, the state board, an administrative council, or the joint administrative board of a vocational-technical education facility which includes post-secondary programs may propose projects for facilities or equipment, or both, which are under the direct supervision of the respective body: Provided, That the authority shall, before allocating any moneys for a project under this subsection, consider all other funding sources available for the project.

(e) The remaining moneys determined by the authority to be available for distribution during the then current fiscal year from:

(1) The issuance of revenue bonds for which moneys in the School Building Debt Service Fund or the Excess Lottery School Building Debt Service Fund are pledged as security;

(2) Moneys paid into the School Construction Fund pursuant to §18-9D-6 of this code; and

(3) Any other moneys received by the authority, except moneys deposited into the School Major Improvement Fund and moneys deposited into the School Access Safety Fund pursuant to §18-9F-5 of this code, shall be allocated and expended on the basis of need and efficient use of resources for projects funded in accordance with §18-9D-16 of this code.

(f) If a county board proposes to finance a project that is authorized in accordance with §18-9D-16 of this code through a lease with an option to purchase leased premises upon the expiration of the total lease period pursuant to an investment contract, the authority may not allocate moneys to the county board in connection with the project: Provided, That the authority may transfer moneys to the state board which, with the authority, shall lend the amount transferred to the county board to be used only for a one-time payment due at the beginning of the lease term, made for the purpose of reducing annual lease payments under the investment contract, subject to the following conditions:

(1) The loan shall be secured in the manner required by the authority, in consultation with the state board, and shall be repaid in a period and bear interest at a rate as determined by the state board and the authority and shall have any terms and conditions that are required by the authority, all of which shall be set forth in a loan agreement among the authority, the state board and the county board;

(2) The loan agreement shall provide for the state board and the authority to defer the payment of principal and interest upon any loan made to the county board during the term of the investment contract, and annual renewals of the investment contract, among the state board, the authority, the county board and a lessor, subject to the following:

(A) If a county board which has received a loan from the authority for a one-time payment at the beginning of the lease term does not renew the lease annually until performance of the investment contract in its entirety is completed, the county board is in default and the principal of the loan, together with all unpaid interest accrued to the date of the default, shall, at the option of the authority, in consultation with the state board, become due and payable immediately or subject to renegotiation among the state board, the authority and the county board;

(B) If a county board renews the lease annually through the performance of the investment contract in its entirety, the county board shall exercise its option to purchase the leased premises;

(C) The failure of the county board to make a scheduled payment pursuant to the investment contract constitutes an event of default under the loan agreement;

(D) Upon a default by a county board, the principal of the loan, together with all unpaid interest accrued to the date of the default, shall, at the option of the authority, in consultation with the state board, become due and payable immediately or subject to renegotiation among the state board, the authority and the county board; and

(E) If the loan becomes due and payable immediately, the authority, in consultation with the state board, shall use all means available under the loan agreement and law to collect the outstanding principal balance of the loan, together with all unpaid interest accrued to the date of payment of the outstanding principal balance; and

(3) The loan agreement shall provide for the state board and the authority to forgive all principal and interest of the loan upon the county board purchasing the leased premises pursuant to the investment contract and performance of the investment contract in its entirety.

(g) To encourage county boards to proceed promptly with facilities planning and to prepare for the expenditure of any state moneys derived from the sources described in this section, any county board or other entity to whom moneys are allocated by the authority that fails to expend the money within three years of the allocation shall forfeit the allocation and thereafter is ineligible for further allocations pursuant to this section until it is ready to expend funds in accordance with an approved facilities plan: Provided, That the authority may authorize an extension beyond the three-year forfeiture period not to exceed an additional two years. Any amount forfeited shall be added to the total funds available in the School Construction Fund of the authority for future allocation and distribution. Funds may not be distributed for any project under this article unless the responsible entity has a facilities plan approved by the state board and the School Building Authority and is prepared to commence expenditure of the funds during the fiscal year in which the moneys are distributed.

(h) The remaining moneys that are determined by the authority to be available for distribution during the then current fiscal year from moneys paid into the School Major Improvement Fund pursuant to §18-9D-6 of this code shall be allocated and distributed on the basis of need and efficient use of resources for projects authorized in accordance with §18-9D-16 of this code, subject to the following:

(1) The moneys may not be distributed for any project under this section unless the responsible entity has a facilities plan approved by the state board and the authority and is to commence expenditures of the funds during the fiscal year in which the moneys are distributed;

(2) Any moneys allocated to a project and not distributed for that project shall be deposited in an account to the credit of the project, the principal amount to remain to the credit of and available to the project for a period of two years; and

(3) Any moneys which are unexpended after a two-year period shall be redistributed on the basis of need from the School Major Improvement Fund in that fiscal year.

(i) Local matching funds may not be required under the provisions of this section. However, this article does not negate the responsibilities of the county boards to maintain school facilities. Therefore, as a prerequisite for eligibility to receive an allocation of school major improvement funds from the authority, a county board shall provide annual school facility maintenance expenditure data to the authority which shall be jointly reviewed by the authority and the state Department of Education Office of School Facilities and Transportation to assist the authority in its determination of the most meritorious projects to be funded through the School Major Improvement Fund. The state board shall promulgate rules relating to county boards’ school facility maintenance budgets, including items which shall be included in these budgets.

(j) Any county board may use moneys provided by the authority under this article in conjunction with local funds derived from bonding, special levy, or other sources. Distribution to a county board, or to the state board or the administrative council of an area vocational educational center pursuant to subsection (b) of this section, may be in a lump sum or in accordance with a schedule of payments adopted by the authority pursuant to guidelines adopted by the authority.

(2) A county board may apply to the authority for funding under this article as part of the county’s bond finance plan for a proposed capital improvement bond levy to be submitted to the voters of that county. The county board shall first submit a request for the funding to the executive director of the authority prior to the county board’s proposed bond levy election. After initial consultation with the executive director, the county board shall prepare a written outline of the bond finance plan, the capital improvements to be made with levy funds, and the amount and timing of funding requested from the authority. The county board shall then present its request at a meeting of the members of the authority.

Grants of financial assistance that have received initial approval under this section are contingent upon passage of the bond levy and final approval by the School Building Authority of the county’s bond finance plan. Any materials produced by the county or its county board that refer to the authority shall include a statement of this contingency and terms. Notwithstanding any other provision of this subsection, financial assistance to be provided by the authority may only be used to pay costs of capital improvements and may not be pledged as security for or repayment of any bonds issued by the county board.

Upon passage of the bond levy, the county board shall have four years to finalize the project: Provided, That the authority may grant an extension to the four years in extenuating circumstances. The provisions of this subsection do not apply to any proposed capital improvement bond levy that is scheduled to be submitted to the voters on or before December 31, 2023.

(k) Funds in the School Construction Fund shall first be transferred and expended as follows:

(1) Any funds deposited in the School Construction Fund shall be expended first in accordance with an appropriation by the Legislature.

(2) To the extent that funds are available in the School Construction Fund in excess of that amount appropriated in any fiscal year, the excess funds may be expended for projects authorized in accordance with §18-9D-16 of this code.

(l) It is the intent of the Legislature to encourage county boards to explore and consider arrangements with other counties that may facilitate the highest and best use of all available funds, which may result in improved transportation arrangements for students, or which otherwise may create efficiencies for county boards and the students. In order to address the intent of the Legislature contained in this subsection, the authority shall grant preference to those projects which involve multicounty arrangements as the authority shall determine reasonable and proper.

(m) County boards shall submit all designs for construction of new school buildings to the School Building Authority for review and approval prior to preparation of final bid documents. A vendor who has been debarred pursuant §5A-3-33b through §5A-3-33f of this code may not bid on or be awarded a contract under this section.

(n) The authority may elect to disburse funds for approved construction projects over a period of more than one year subject to the following:

(1) The authority may not approve the funding of a school construction project over a period of more than three years;

(2) The authority may not approve the use of more than 50 percent of the revenue available for distribution in any given fiscal year for projects that are to be funded over a period of more than one year; and

(3) In order to encourage local participation in funding school construction projects, the authority may set aside limited funding, not to exceed $500,000, in reserve for one additional year to provide a county the opportunity to complete financial planning for a project prior to the allocation of construction funds. Any funding shall be on a reserve basis and converted to a part of the construction grant only after all project budget funds have been secured and all county commitments have been fulfilled. Failure of the county to solidify the project budget and meet its obligations to the state within 18 months of the date the funding is set aside by the authority will result in expiration of the reserve and the funds shall be reallocated by the authority in the succeeding funding cycle.

§18-9D-16. Authority to establish guidelines and procedures for facilities and major improvement plans; guidelines for modifications and updates, etc.; guidelines for project evaluation; submission of certified list of projects to be funded; department on-site inspection of facilities; enforcement of required changes or additions to project plans.

(a) The authority shall establish guidelines and procedures to promote the intent and purposes of this article and assure the prudent and resourceful expenditure of state funds for projects under this article including, but not limited to, the following:

(1) Guidelines and procedures for the facilities plans, school major improvement plans and projects submitted in the furtherance of the plans that address, but are not limited to, the following:

(A) All of the elements of the respective plans as defined in section two of this article;

(B) The procedures for a county to submit a preliminary plan, a plan outline or a proposal for a plan to the authority prior to the submission of the facilities plan. The preliminary plan, plan outline or proposal for a plan shall be the basis for a consultation meeting between representatives of the county and members of the authority, including at least one citizen member, which shall be held promptly following submission of the preliminary plan, plan outline or proposal for a plan to assure understanding of the general goals of this article and the objective criteria by which projects will be evaluated, to discuss ways the plan may be structured to meet those goals, and to assure efficiency and productivity in the project approval process;

(C) The manner, time line and process for the submission of each plan and annual plan updates to the authority;

(D) The requirements for public hearings, comments or other means of providing broad-based input on plans and projects under this article within a reasonable time period as the authority may consider appropriate. The submission of each plan must be accompanied by a synopsis of all comments received and a formal comment by the county board, the state board or the administrative council of an area vocational educational center submitting the plan;

(E) Any project specifications and maintenance specifications considered appropriate by the authority including, but not limited to, such matters as energy efficiency, preferred siting, construction materials, maintenance plan and any other matter related to how the project is to proceed;

(F) A prioritization by the county board, the state board or the administrative council submitting the plan of each project contained in the plan. In prioritizing the projects, the county board, the state board or the administrative council submitting the plan shall make determinations in accordance with the objective criteria formulated by the School Building Authority in accordance with this section. The priority list is one of the criteria that shall be considered by the authority deciding how the available funds should be expended;

(G) The objective means to be set forth in the plan and used in evaluating implementation of the overall plan and each project included in the plan. The evaluation must measure how the plan addresses the goals of this article and any guidelines adopted under this article, and how each project is in furtherance of the facilities plan and school major improvement plan, as applicable, as well as the importance of the project to the overall success of the facilities plan or school major improvement plan and the overall goals of the authority; and

(H) Any other matters considered by the authority to be important reflections of how a construction project or a major improvement project or projects will further the overall goals of this article.

(2) Guidelines and procedures which may be adopted by the authority for requiring that a county board modify, update, supplement or otherwise submit changes or additions to an approved facilities plan or for requiring that a county board, the state board or the administrative council of an area vocational educational center modify, update, supplement or otherwise submit changes or additions to an approved school major improvement plan. The authority shall provide reasonable notification and sufficient time for the change or addition as delineated in guidelines developed by the authority. The guidelines shall require an update of the estimated duration of school bus transportation times for students associated with any construction project under consideration by the authority that includes the closure, consolidation or construction of a school or schools.

(3) Guidelines and procedures for evaluating project proposals that are submitted to the authority that address, but are not limited to, the following:

(A) Any project funded by the authority must be in furtherance of the facilities plan or school major improvement plan and in compliance with the guidelines established by the authority;

(B) If a project is to benefit more than one county in the region, the facilities plan must state the manner in which the cost and funding of the project will be apportioned among the counties;

(C) If a county board proposes to finance a construction project through a lease with an option to purchase pursuant to an investment contract as described in subsection (f), section fifteen of this article, the specifications for the project must include the term of the lease, the amount of each lease payment, including the payment due upon exercise of the option to purchase, and the terms and conditions of the proposed investment contract; and

(D) The objective criteria for the evaluation of projects which shall include, but are not limited to, the following:

(i) How the current facilities do not meet and how the plan and any project under the plan meets the following:

(I) Student health and safety including, but not limited to, critical health and safety needs;

(II) Economies of scale, including compatibility with similar schools that have achieved the most economical organization, facility use and pupil-teacher ratios;

(III) Reasonable travel time and practical means of addressing other demographic considerations. The authority may not approve a project after July 1, 2008, that includes a school closure, consolidation or new construction for which a new bus route will be created for the transportation of students in any of the grade levels prekindergarten through grade five to and from any school included in the project, which new bus route exceeds by more than fifteen minutes the recommended duration of the one-way school bus transportation time for elementary students adopted by the state board as provided in section five-d, article two-e of this chapter, unless the county has received the written permission of the state board to create the route in accordance with said section five-d;

(IV) Multicounty and regional planning to achieve the most effective and efficient instructional delivery system;

(V) Curriculum improvement and diversification, including the use of instructional technology, distance learning and access to advanced courses in science, mathematics, language arts and social studies;

(VI) Innovations in education;

(VII) Adequate space for projected student enrollments;

(VIII) The history of efforts taken by the county board to propose or adopt local school bond issues or special levies to the extent Constitutionally permissible; and

(IX) Regularly scheduled preventive maintenance; and

(ii) How the project will assure the prudent and resourceful expenditure of state funds and achieve the purposes of this article for constructing, expanding, renovating or otherwise improving and maintaining school facilities for a thorough and efficient education.

(4) Guidelines and procedures for evaluating projects for funding that address, but are not limited to, the following:

(A) Requiring each county board's facilities plan and school major improvement plan to prioritize all the construction projects or major improvement projects, respectively, within the county. A school major improvement plan submitted by the state board or the administrative council of an area vocational educational center shall prioritize all the school improvement projects contained in the plan. The priority list shall be one of the criteria to be considered by the authority in determining how available funds shall be expended. In prioritizing the projects, the county board, the state board or the administrative council submitting a plan shall make determinations in accordance with the objective criteria formulated by the School Building Authority;

(B) The return to each county submitting a project proposal an explanation of the evaluative factors underlying the decision of the authority to fund or not to fund the project; and

(C) The allocation and expenditure of funds in accordance with this article, subject to the availability of funds.

(b) Prior to final action on approving projects for funding under this article, the authority shall submit a certified list of the projects to the Joint Committee on Government and Finance.

(c) The State Department of Education shall conduct on-site inspections, at least annually, of all facilities which have been funded wholly or in part by moneys from the authority or state board to ensure compliance with the county board's facilities plan and school major improvement plan as related to the facilities; to preserve the physical integrity of the facilities to the extent possible; and to otherwise extend the useful life of the facilities: Provided, That the state board shall submit reports regarding its on-site inspections of facilities to the authority within thirty days of completion of the on-site inspections: Provided, however, That the state board shall promulgate rules regarding the on-site inspections and matters relating thereto, in consultation with the authority, as soon as practical and shall submit proposed rules for legislative review no later than December 1, 1994.

(d) Based on its on-site inspection or notification by the authority to the state board that the changes or additions to a county's board facilities plan or school major improvement plan required by the authority have not been implemented within the time period prescribed by the authority, the state board shall restrict the use of the necessary funds or otherwise allocate funds from moneys appropriated by the Legislature for those purposes set forth in section nine, article nine-a of this chapter.

§18-9D-17. Limitations on contracts for sale of bonds or other securities.

Parliamentarian's NOTE: In a mandamus proceeding, the Supreme Court of the state declined to issue a writ of mandamus and held that this act violated Section 4, Article X of the Constitution. (State ex rel. Marockie v. Wagoner (1993), 190 W.Va. 467, 438 S.E. 2d 811).



Acts, 2010 Reg. Sess., Ch. 32.

§18-9D-19. Comprehensive high schools.

(a) When planning the construction of a high school which has been approved by the authority and which meets the required authority efficiencies, the authority shall provide funding for comprehensive vocational facilities to be located, when feasible, on the same site as the high school and may, in cooperation with the Higher Education Policy Commission, established in §18B-1B-1 of this code, provide funding for facilities for community and technical college education. When building in conjunction with the Higher Education Policy Commission, an educational specification must be developed for the proposed new facility by the appropriate institutional governing board as defined in §18B-1-2 of this code. The county board is the fiscal agent for construction. All planning, design, bidding, and construction must be completed with authority guidelines and under the supervision of the authority.

(b) When planning the construction of a high school which has been approved by the authority and meets the required authority efficiencies, the authority shall provide funding sufficient for the construction of at least one auxiliary gymnasium. The authority may establish standards for the auxiliary gymnasium.

(c) Upon application of a county board to construct comprehensive vocational facilities at an existing high school, the authority will provide technical assistance to the county in developing a plan for construction of the comprehensive vocational facility. The facility may, in cooperation with the Higher Education Policy Commission in accordance with the provisions of subsection (a) of this section, include facilities for community and technical college education. Upon development of the plan, the authority shall consider funding based on the following criteria:

(1) The distance of any existing vocational facilities from the high schools it serves;

(2) The time required to travel to and from the vocational facility to the high schools it serves;

(3) The ability of the county board to provide local funds for the construction of new comprehensive vocational facilities;

(4) The size of the existing high schools and the demand for vocational technical courses;

(5) The age and physical condition of the existing vocational facilities; and

(6) Such other criteria as the authority shall consider appropriate.

(d) When planning the construction of a high school in a county which is served by a multicounty vocational technical facility, the county may not be required to include the construction of a comprehensive vocational facility in the plan. If the county board elects to construct a comprehensive vocational facility pursuant to this section, the board shall include the multicounty center director and board in planning programs to be offered at the vocational facility which complement the programs offered at the multicounty center and may as part of the plan include facilities for community and technical college education at the multicounty center. The programs offered at the vocational facility may not replace the programs offered at the multicounty vocational technical center without the consent of the center board.

(e) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this section to the contrary, the county board in which there is an existing comprehensive vocational center, may eliminate any vocational offering from a new comprehensive high school if the county board:

(1) Completes a comprehensive vocational curriculum study, as required by the authority, including an evaluation of both the programmatic and physical facilities of the existing center and coordinates the county’s vocational curriculum; and

(2) Submits the plan to the authority for review and obtains the authority’s approval.

§18-9D-19a. Comprehensive middle schools.

(a) The Legislature finds the following:

(1) Students learn more through hands on, applied learning activities;

(2) Career technical education students have a much higher graduation rate than other students;

(3) Although thirty-seven percent of West Virginia middle and junior high school students are enrolled in a form of career technical education, the number has been dropping by approximately three thousand students per year; and

(4) As the benefits of career technical education have increased as academics have become more embedded in career technical education, it is important that career technical education opportunities be increased at the middle and junior high school level.

(b) "Comprehensive middle school" means a middle or junior high school that meets the definition of a comprehensive middle school established by the state board. The definition of a comprehensive middle school shall be established by the state board in a legislative rule promulgated in accordance with article three-b, chapter twenty-nine-a of this code. The definition shall include at least the following:

(1) A comprehensive curriculum that:

(A) Includes the core subjects in English/language arts, mathematics, science, social studies;

(B) Provides students with engaging learning opportunities where students are provided connections between what they are learning and what they will learn in high school and beyond;

(C) Establishes the foundation for college and career readiness;

(D) Embeds career exploration and project based career activities where possible to provide all student with comprehensive career development and counseling;

(E) Provides career technical options for students that are integrated with academic course requirements where possible; and

(F) Provides authentic opportunities in the visual and performing arts, health and wellness, physical education, world languages and career technical activities;

(2) Harnessing the power of technology to provide personalized learning twenty-four hours per day and seven days per week and produce a digital individualized student portfolio of student mastery and progression; and

(3) A seamless integration with the secondary school curriculum that enables students to further explore their options and further pursue their career interests at the secondary and post-secondary levels.

(c) When planning the construction of a middle or junior high school which has been approved by the authority and which meets the required authority efficiencies, the authority shall provide funding for a comprehensive middle school that includes comprehensive career technical education facilities to be located, when feasible, on the same site as the middle or junior high school.

(d) Upon application of a county board to construct comprehensive career technical education facilities that would allow an existing middle or junior high school to become a comprehensive middle school, the authority will provide technical assistance to the county in developing a plan for construction of the comprehensive career technical education facility. Upon development of the plan, the authority shall consider funding based on the following criteria:

(1) The ability of the county board to provide local funds for the construction of the comprehensive career technical education facilities;

(2) The size of the existing middle and junior high schools;

(3) The age and physical condition of the existing career technical education facilities;

(4) The potential for improving in the graduation rate; and

(5) Such other criteria as the authority shall consider appropriate.

§18-9D-20. Authority to promulgate rules; legislative authorization; effective date of rules; technical deficiencies waived.

(a) The authority is hereby empowered to promulgate, adopt, amend or repeal rules in accordance with the provisions of article three-a, chapter twenty-nine-a of this code.

(b) All rules adopted or promulgated by the authority and in effect on June 8, 2007, shall be refiled pursuant to the provisions of article three-a, chapter twenty-nine-a of this code on or before September 1, 2007.

(1) Any interpretive or procedural rule shall continue in effect until rescinded or appropriately refiled by the authority.

(2) Any legislative rule shall continue in effect until approved or rejected by the Legislature or rescinded by the authority.

(c) Under the provisions of article three-a, chapter twenty-nine-a of this code, the Legislature expressly authorizes the promulgation of the rules described in this article, subject only to the limitations with respect to each rule set forth by law authorizing its promulgation. The Legislature further declares that all rules now or hereafter authorized in this article are within the legislative intent of the statute which the rule is intended to implement, extend, apply or interpret.

(d) The effective date of a legislative rule authorized in section twenty-one of this article is governed by the provisions of section fourteen, article three-a, chapter twenty-nine-a of this code under the following conditions:

(1) The School Building Authority, in promulgating the rule, establishes an effective date which is earlier than that provided by that section, in which case the effective date established by the authority controls; or

(2) The Legislature, in the bill authorizing the rule, establishes an effective date for the rule, in which case the effective date established by the Legislature controls.

(e) The Legislature further declares each legislative rule now or hereafter authorized under this article to have been validly promulgated, notwithstanding any failure to comply with any requirement of article three-a, chapter twenty-nine-a of this code relating to the promulgation of rules at any stage of the promulgation process prior to authorization by the Legislature in this article.

§18-9D-21. Authorizing rules of School Building Authority.

(a) The legislative rule filed in the State Register on September 27, 2007, relating to the School Building Authority (School Building Authority requirements for Comprehensive Educational Facility Plan rule), is repealed and enrolled as a procedural rule.

(b) The legislative rule filed in the State Register on June 26, 2018, relating to the School Building Authority (funding School Building Authority projects rule), is authorized.

(c) The legislative rule filed in the State Register on June 26, 2018, relating to the School Building Authority (School Building Authority school planning and design criteria rule), is authorized.

(d) The legislative rule filed in the State Register on June 26, 2018, relating to the School Building Authority (School Building Authority project administration and review rule), is authorized.

(e) The legislative rule filed in the State Register on June 26, 2018, relating to the School Building Authority (School Building Authority contract and agreements rule), is authorized.

(f) The legislative rule filed in the State Register on June 26, 2018, relating to the School Building Authority (School Building Authority reporting procedures rule), is repealed.

(g) The legislative rule filed in the State Register on June 26, 2018, relating to the School Building Authority (School Access Safety Act rule), is authorized.

(h) The legislative rule filed in the State Register on December 16, 2019, relating to the School Building Authority (School Building Authority Contracts and Agreements; Post-Project Evaluation; Suspension of Right to Bid rule), is authorized.

(i) The legislative rule filed in the State Register on December 15, 2021, relating to the School Building Authority (Funding School Building Authority Projects), is authorized.


§18-9E-1. Short title.

This article is titled and may be cited as the "Air Quality in New Schools Act of 1998."

§18-9E-2. Definitions.

For the purposes of this article, "new school building" means any public school in the state for which design and construction begin after January 1, 1998, for the education of students in grades kindergarten through twelfth.

§18-9E-3. Air quality in new schools.

(a) In an effort to create well-ventilated school environments and notwithstanding any other provision of this code to the contrary, any new school building designed and constructed in the state by a county board, regardless of the funding source, shall be designed and constructed in compliance with the current standards of the American society of heating, refrigerating and air conditioning engineers handbook (ASHRAE), the national fire protection association code (NFPA) and the code of the building officials and code administrators (BOCA).

(b) Upon notice from the School Building Authority that a new public school building is occupied, the division of health shall perform radon testing in the school within the first year after occupancy and at least every five years thereafter. The county board shall provide any reasonable assistance to the division of health that is necessary to perform the radon testing. The radon testing shall include all major student-occupied areas at or below grade level. If it is determined that radon is present in amounts greater than the amount determined to be acceptable by the rules promulgated by the School Building Authority, pursuant to subsection (d) of this section, any industry accepted mitigation technique shall be used to reduce the radon level to the level or below the level determined acceptable by the School Building Authority.

(c) If the School Building Authority determines that it is feasible to test for radon prior to the construction of a school building, the School Building Authority may cause preconstruction site testing for radon to be performed.

(d) The School Building Authority shall promulgate rules pursuant to article three-a, chapter twenty-nine-a of this code to ensure that any new school building designed after the effective date of this article is designed and constructed in accordance with the current ASHRAE, NFPA and BOCA standards. The School Building Authority shall promulgate rules, pursuant to article three-a, chapter twenty-nine-a of this code, that establish standards for safe levels of radon for public school buildings. The rules shall include the requirement that county boards submit all new school designs to the School Building Authority for review and approval for compliance with current education standards and design efficiencies prior to preparation of final bid documents.

(e) On or before July 1, 2002, the School Building Authority shall promulgate rules to establish a process for independent testing, adjusting and balancing (TABS) heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems in new school buildings or renovated schools when the HVAC system has been replaced prior to occupancy. The process shall be consistent with current ASHRAE standards and shall include, but not be limited to, the following:

(1) Requiring HVAC designers to be professional engineers registered in this state in the specific discipline associated with the system being designed;

(2) Requiring a process to ensure that the HVAC system has been installed in the prescribed manner and will operate within the performance guidelines as designed;

(3) Requiring participation of the design engineer who designed the system to verify the intent of the design;

(4) Requiring the TAB agent to be qualified to perform the desired services and perform testing and balancing procedures, or qualified to perform other School Building Authority-approved certification according to the procedures contained in the associated air balance council (AABC) national standards, the national environmental balancing bureau (NEBB) procedural standards and the environment engineering consultants (EEC) standards for testing, adjusting and balancing of environmental systems;

(5) Requiring that the independent TAB agent directly represent the building owner and is under contract with the building owner and paid from project funds;

(6) Requiring that sufficient documentation is provided to the owner to facilitate control and maintenance of the systems in accordance with the manufacturer's requirements;

(7) Requiring that sufficient training is provided by the equipment manufacturer or an agent of the manufacturer to those persons who will operate and maintain the systems prior to occupation of the facility, including at least one full day follow-up training between six and eight months after the facility has been occupied; and

(8) Requiring certification upon successful completion of the TAB process by the independent TAB agent.

(f) To ensure proper maintenance and operation of new and replacement HVAC equipment, the Department of Education, using existing staff, shall provide county maintenance personnel additional training on the equipment and its controls at the site of the installation. The training shall occur within one year after student occupation of any new school facility or at any existing school facility where the HVAC system has been replaced or generally rehabilitated. Additionally, the Department of Education's facility staff shall provide on-site training to the county maintenance staff on the county's HVAC equipment at any facility that has been determined to have problematic indoor air quality as identified through the complaint procedure set forth in state board policy 6202.

(g) Upon completion of the required training, the Department of Education's facility staff shall provide the county board a report summarizing the training that was completed and a plan for continuing education of the county's HVAC staff. If sufficient staff is not available to the county to perform maintenance on HVAC systems, the Department of Education's staff shall assist the county in the development of an immediate and long range maintenance plan to ensure that HVAC systems are maintained and operated according to the manufacturer's recommendations.

(h) Beginning July 1, 2002, and every three months thereafter, the Department of Education shall forward to the School Building Authority copies of any complaints received by the Department of Education of indoor air quality problems which require system repair or replacement and are identified through the complaint procedure established in state board policy 6202.

(i) The state board shall promulgate rules, pursuant to article three-b, chapter twenty-nine-a of this code, in consultation with the division of health, that authorize the use of any appropriate floor covering in public school buildings, based on user needs and performance specifications.

§18-9E-4. Heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning technicians.

(a) Subject to appropriation by the Legislature therefor, the state board, in consultation with the division of health, shall promulgate rules pursuant to article three-b, chapter twenty-nine-a of this code that will address servicing public school buildings by heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) technicians. The rules shall set forth a job description for the HVAC technician. At the discretion of the state board, HVAC technicians may be employed by the county board of education, by the regional educational service agency servicing the county or by the Department of Education using the funds allocated pursuant to this section. The hiring entity shall set a salary for the HVAC technician that is competitive with other employers of HVAC technicians in the region after accounting for annual leave, sick leave, insurance benefits, retirement benefits and any other benefits provided. Existing employees who have advanced HVAC skills or existing employees who receive appropriate HVAC training may be utilized as HVAC technicians. The rules also shall provide for sufficient continuing education training for HVAC technicians to maintain proficiency in the changing technologies in the field. The rules shall be submitted to the Legislative Oversight commission on educational accountability prior to September 1, 1999.

(b) County boards, regional educational service agencies and the Department of Education shall have the option to contract for HVAC services from prequalified vendors if this option is more cost effective than using existing employees or creating a new position: Provided, That an existing employee may not be displaced by contracting for HVAC technician services: Provided, however, That HVAC services that have been performed in the past or which require knowledge and experience the employer does not have access to, may be contracted out to a prequalified vendor.

(c) Funds appropriated for the purpose of hiring HVAC technicians shall be appropriated originally to the Department of Education. The Department of Education then may allocate the funds to the regional educational service agencies or to the counties, depending upon which entity employs the HVAC technician as specified by rule.

§18-9E-5. Investigation of indoor air quality complaints in existing schools and schools subsequently constructed.

(a) The state board, in consultation with the division of health, shall promulgate rules pursuant to article three-b, chapter twenty-nine-a of this code which require each county board to investigate all reports of indoor air quality problems within the county. The rules shall set forth a designated official or officials within the county school system to be responsible for addressing, pursuant to this section, any indoor air quality complaints. The rules also shall set forth a procedure for any party to file a complaint with the designated official or officials. Any indoor air quality complaint found to be valid by the designated official or officials shall be addressed by forming a plan of correction. Any county board that addresses an indoor air quality complaint is encouraged to seek any available assistance from local, state and federal agencies in both investigating the complaint and in forming the plan of correction. A county board shall consider any documented plans of closure of a school building when forming any plan of correction for that school building. The rules shall be submitted to the Legislative Oversight commission on education accountability prior to September 1, 1999. Additionally, the rules shall set an appropriate cost for a plan of correction over which all such plans of correction shall be reported to the Legislative Oversight commission on education accountability. Based upon the Legislative Oversight commission on education accountability's experience in receiving the complaints, the commission shall submit a recommendation for funding the plans of correction.

(b) Furthermore, each plan of correction shall be incorporated into each county board's ten-year county-wide major improvement plan set forth in section sixteen, article nine-d of this chapter. Also pursuant to section sixteen, article nine-d of this chapter, the state board may restrict the use of the necessary funds or otherwise allocate funds from moneys appropriated by the Legislature for those purposes set forth in section nine, article nine-a of this chapter: Provided, That nothing in this subsection shall be interpreted as requiring that a county board make addressing an air quality complaint a priority over other projects in the county board's ten-year county-wide major improvement plan.


§18-9F-1. Legislative findings and intent.

(a) The Legislature finds that:

(1) Establishing and maintaining safe and secure schools is critical to fostering a healthy learning environment and maximizing student achievement;

(2) All school facilities in the state should be designed, constructed, furnished and maintained in a manner that enhances a healthy learning environment and provides necessary safeguards for the health, safety and security of persons who enter and use the facilities;

(3) Adequate safeguards for the ingress to and egress from school facilities of pupils, school employees, parents, visitors and emergency personnel are critical to the overall safety of the public schools in this state;

(4) Safety upgrades to the means of ingress to and egress from school facilities for pupils, school employees, parents, visitors and emergency personnel must be part of a comprehensive analysis of overall school safety issues that takes into consideration the input of local law-enforcement agencies, local emergency services agencies, community leaders, parents, pupils, teachers, administrators and other school employees interested in the prevention of school crime and violence;

(5) In order to help ensure safety in all schools within the state and to be prepared to adequately respond to potential crises, including any traumatic event or emergency condition that creates distress, hardship, fear or grief, each school must have an up-to-date comprehensive crisis response plan as detailed in section nine of this article.

(b) It is the intent of the Legislature to empower the School Building Authority to facilitate and provide state funds for the design, construction, renovation, repair and upgrading of facilities so as to enhance school access safety and provide secure ingress to and egress from school facilities to pupils, school employees, parents, visitors and emergency personnel.

§18-9F-2. Definitions.

As used in this article, these terms have the meanings ascribed unless the context clearly indicates a different meaning:

(1) "Authority" means the School Building Authority of West Virginia;

(2) "Department of Education" means the West Virginia Department of Education;

(3) "New school building" means any public school in the state for educating students in any of grades kindergarten through twelve, for which design and construction begin after July 1, 2007;

(4) "Project cost" means the cost of:

(A) Evaluating a school facility to ascertain its safety needs;

(B) Determining appropriate measures to address safety needs;

(C) Developing a safety plan;

(D) Administering a safety project;

(E) The design, construction, renovation, repair and safety upgrading of a school's means of ingress and egress;

(F) Equipment, machinery, installation of utilities and other similar items necessary to making the project operational;

(G) Effectively maintaining structural and equipment investments made pursuant to this article, including, but not limited to, such provisions as maintenance contracts on security equipment and video surveillance services; and

(H) All other charges necessary, appurtenant or incidental to the provisions of this subdivision, including the cost of administering this article;

(5) "School Access Safety Fund" means the special account established in section five of this article;

(6) "School access safety plan" or "safety plan" means the comprehensive countywide school access safety plan that:

(A) Is prepared by each county board seeking funding under this article and incorporated into its comprehensive educational facilities plan in accordance with guidelines established by the authority;

(B) Addresses the access safety needs for all school facilities in the county;

(C) Includes a projected school access safety repair and renovation schedule for all school facilities of the county; and

(D) Is required prior to the disbursement of state funds for a school access safety project pursuant to this article; and

(7) "School access safety project" or "safety project" means a project administered in furtherance of a school access safety plan pursuant to the provisions of this article.

§18-9F-3. School access safety plan.

(a) To facilitate the goals of this article and to ensure the prudent and resourceful expenditure of state funds, each county board seeking funds for school access safety projects during a fiscal year shall submit to the authority a school access safety plan or annual plan update that addresses the school access safety needs of each school facility in the county. In developing its plan, the county board shall consult with the Countywide Council on Productive and Safe Schools in accordance with the provisions of this section and section forty-two, article five of this chapter.

(b) The safety plan shall include at least the following:

(1) A countywide inventory of each school facility's means of ingress to and egress from the school for students, school employees, parents, visitors and emergency personnel including, but not limited to:

(A) The number of controlled points of ingress to the school facility;

(B) The number and placement of exterior doors;

(C) The use of monitoring systems on exterior doors;

(D) The use of timed, magnetic or other locks on exterior doors;

(E) The use of two-way communication systems between points of ingress and school personnel;

(F) The use of functional panic or other alarm hardware on exterior doors; and

(G) The use of remote visitor access systems on points of ingress;

(2) The recommendations and guidelines developed by the Countywide Council on Productive and Safe Schools pursuant to section forty-two, article five of this chapter, together with the county board's assessment of the recommendations and guidelines;

(3) Recommendations for effective communication and coordination between school facilities, local law-enforcement agencies and local emergency services agencies in the county;

(4) An assessment of the current status of crime committed on school campuses and at school-related functions;

(5) A projected school access safety repair and renovation schedule for all school facilities in the county;

(6) A prioritized list of all projects contained in the plan, including the projected cost of each project;

(7) A description of how:

(A) The plan addresses the goals of this article and guidelines established by the authority;

(B) Each project furthers the county board's safety plan, facilities plan and school major improvement plan;

(8) Notation of the funds available for allocation and disbursement to the county board pursuant to section six of this article;

(9) A description of any source of local funds that the county board intends to contribute to the safety projects, or an approved financial hardship waiver, to satisfy the local contribution requirements of section six of this article; and

(10) Any other element considered appropriate by the authority or required by the guidelines established pursuant to section three of this article, including any project and maintenance specification.

§18-9F-4. Guidelines and procedures for school access safety plans; project evaluation; on-site inspection of facilities.

(a) By June 1, 2007, the authority shall establish and distribute to each county board guidelines and procedures regarding school access safety plans and school access safety projects, which shall address at least the following:

(1) All of the necessary elements of the school access safety plan required in accordance with the provisions of section three of this article;

(2) The manner, time line and process for submission to the authority of each safety plan and annual plan update, including guidelines for modification of an approved safety plan;

(3) Any project and maintenance specifications considered appropriate by the authority;

(4) Procedures for a county board to submit a preliminary plan, plan outline or plan proposal to the authority prior to submitting the safety plan. The preliminary plan, plan outline or plan proposal shall be the basis for a consultation meeting between representatives of the county board and the authority. The meeting shall be held as soon as practicable following submission in order to:

(A) Ensure understanding of the goals of this article;

(B) Discuss ways the plan may be structured to meet the goals of this article; and

(C) Ensure efficiency and productivity in the approval process; and

(5) Procedures for notifying county boards of the funds available for allocation and disbursement during each fiscal year pursuant to section six of this article.

(b) By June 1, 2007, the authority shall establish and distribute to each county board guidelines and procedures for evaluating safety plans and safety projects that address at least the following:

(1) Whether the proposed safety project furthers the safety plan and complies with the guidelines established by the authority;

(2) How the safety plan and safety project will ensure the prudent and resourceful expenditure of state funds and achieve the purposes of this article;

(3) Whether the safety plan and safety project advance student health and safety needs, including, but not limited to, critical health and safety needs;

(4) Whether the safety plan and safety project include regularly scheduled preventive maintenance; and

(5) Consideration of the prioritized list of projects required by section three of this article.

(c) The authority shall establish guidelines and procedures for allocating and disbursing funds in accordance with section six of this article, subject to the availability of funds.

(d) Each county board receiving funds pursuant to this article annually shall conduct an on-site inspection and submit an audit review to the state board. The inspection shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of the Department of Education's Handbook on Planning School Facilities.

§18-9F-5. School Access Safety Fund.

(a) There is hereby established in the state Treasury a special account designated the School Access Safety Fund.

(b) All funds accruing to the authority pursuant to the provisions of this article shall be deposited into the fund and expended in accordance with provisions of this article.

(c) Any funds remaining in the account at the end of a fiscal year, including accrued interest, do not revert to the General Revenue Fund, but remain in the account.

(d) The authority may transfer moneys from the fund to custodial accounts maintained by the authority with a state financial institution, as necessary to the performance of any contracts executed by the authority in accordance with the provisions of this article.

§18-9F-6. Allocation of funds; eligibility for funding.

(a) On or before May 1 of each year, the authority shall determine the amount of funds available in the School Access Safety Fund for allocation and disbursement during that fiscal year.

(b) The authority shall divide the amount of funds available pursuant to subsection (a) of this section by the total net enrollment in public schools for the state as a whole. That quotient is the per pupil amount. The authority shall allocate to each county board the per pupil amount of funds for each student in net enrollment of that county, as defined in section two, article nine-a of this chapter.

(c) The authority shall notify in writing each county board of education the amount of funds available to that board as soon as practicable upon determining that amount pursuant to subsection (b) of this section.

(d) Except as provided in subdivision (3) of this subsection, to be eligible to receive a disbursement of funds pursuant to this article, a county board shall contribute local funds derived from bonding, special levy or other identified sources to the school access safety projects contained in the county board's school access safety plan.

(1) The amount of a county board's contribution shall equal at least fifteen percent of the funds available to the county board pursuant to subsection (b) of this section.

(2) A county board may submit a financial hardship waiver request to the state board for consideration regarding the county board's inability to provide the contribution required by this subsection. Upon review and approval of the request by the state board, the authority shall waive the contribution requirement for that county board and allocate and disburse funds pursuant to this article.

(e) The authority may disburse funds pursuant to this section only to a county board that:

(1) Has a safety plan that has been approved by the authority; and

(2) Is prepared to commence expending the funds during the fiscal year in which the funds are disbursed.

(f) The authority may disburse funds to a county board in a lump sum or according to a schedule of payments adopted by the authority that is consistent with its guidelines.

(g) To encourage county boards to proceed promptly with school access safety planning and to prepare for the expenditure of funds derived pursuant to this article, a county board forfeits any funds that it fails to expend within one year of disbursement by the authority. The county board is ineligible for any additional allocation or disbursement pursuant to this article until it is prepared to expend funds according to an approved school access safety plan.

(1) The authority may authorize an extension beyond the one-year forfeiture period not to exceed an additional six months.

(2) Any forfeited funds shall be returned to the School Access Safety Fund and made available for future allocation and disbursement.

§18-9F-7. School access safety requirements for new schools.

(a) Notwithstanding any other provision of this code to the contrary, and in an effort to enhance school access safety, the design and construction of any new school building receiving funds from the authority shall comply with the school access safety standards established by the authority. Any new school building that does not comply with the school access safety standards may not receive any funds from the authority pursuant to this article.

(b) The authority shall propose a rule for legislative approval in accordance with the provisions of article three-a, chapter twenty-nine-a of this code that establishes standards for school access safety in public school buildings. The rule shall require for any project that will receive funding pursuant to this article that the county board shall submit any new school design to the authority for review and approval for compliance with this section prior to preparing final bid documents.

§18-9F-8. Report.

The authority shall report to the Legislative Oversight Commission on Education Accountability regarding its duties under this article, including but not limited to:

(1) County school access safety plans or annual plan updates;

(2) Allocations, transfers, and disbursements of School Access Safety Fund moneys; and

(3) Collaboration with the state board and the Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management in complying with the provisions of this article.

§18-9F-9. Crisis Response Plan.

(a) The state board in conjunction with the Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management shall promulgate by December 31, 2011, a legislative rule in accordance with article three-b, chapter twenty-nine-a of this code, and if necessary may promulgate an emergency rule in accordance with said article, for the establishment of an up-to-date, school specific crisis response plan at every school in the state. In developing the rule, the state board shall consider plans currently being developed as part of the safe schools initiative currently underway by the School Building Authority and the Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management. In addition, those portions of a school's access safety plan created pursuant to section three of this article may be used as a portion of the school's school specific crisis response plan if there are any overlapping requirements. The rule shall provide for at least the following:

(1) A model school crisis response plan for use by each school in the state, including a uniform template which shall be used by each school to file the plan, including at least the following information, in a secure electronic system identified by the Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management:

(A) The school employee in charge during a crisis and a designated substitute;

(B) A communication plan to be used during a crisis;

(C) Protocols for responding to immediate physical harm of students, faculty or staff and to traumatic events, including the period after the events have concluded;

(D) Disaster and emergency procedures to respond to earthquakes, fire, flood, other natural disasters, explosions or other events or conditions in which death or serious injury is likely;

(E) Crisis procedures for safe entrance to and exit from the school by students, parents, and employees, including an evacuation and lock down plan; and

(F) Policies and procedures for enforcing school discipline and maintaining a safe and orderly environment during the crisis.

(2) A requirement that each school's school specific crisis response plan shall be in place and filed with that school's county board, and included in a secure electronic system identified by the Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, no later than August 1, 2013, or soon after completion by the school, whichever occurs first;

(3) The necessary safeguards to protect information contained in each school specific crisis response plan that may be considered protected critical infrastructure information, law enforcement sensitive information or for official use only. These safeguards must have the approval the Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management. County boards shall provide the same necessary safeguards for the information in the plan;

(4) The annual review and necessary update of the model plan and uniform template by state board in conjunction with the Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management by December 31 of each year after 2011;

(5) The development by each school of a school specific crisis response plan by using the state board's model plan as an example and with consultation from local social services agencies, local first response agencies including police, fire, emergency medical services (EMS), emergency management and any other local entities that the school's crisis response planning team determines should be consulted;

(6) Procedures for the annual review and update if necessary by each school of its school specific crisis response planning plan. Each school shall file either an updated crisis response plan or a memorandum stating that no update to the crisis response plan was necessary with its county board and the Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management no later than August 1 of each year after 2013.

(7) Procedures for each school within the state to form a crisis response planning team, which team may consist of the school's Local School Improvement Council or a separate team consisting of the principal, two teachers, one service person and two parents of children attending the school. In addition the school may include on the team one member of the county board, a school counselor, a member from local law-enforcement authorities, the local county emergency services director and one student in grade ten or higher if the school has those grades;

(8) Procedures for informing and training school personnel on any actions required of them to effectuate the school's school specific crisis response plan;

(9) A model template for redacted copies of the school crisis response plan for the public inspection and for the release and notice to parents of information related to the plan; and

(10) Procedures for non public schools to establish, file and update school crisis response plans consistent with subdivision (1) subsection (a) of this section.

(b) The county board shall keep the current crisis response plan of each school in the county on file and, unless otherwise provided for, provide a copy of each school's crisis response plan to each local emergency response agency that has a role in the plan. Local emergency response agencies that maintain a copy of the plan shall provide the necessary safeguards for the information in the plan established pursuant to the state board rule promulgated pursuant to subsection (a) of this section. Upon request, a redacted copy of a school crisis response plan shall be made available for inspection by the public with any information removed that is necessary for compliance with the necessary safeguards. Following the filing of its school specific crisis response plan with the county board pursuant to subdivision (2), subsection (a) of this section, each school shall annually send notice home to all parents and guardians of students at the school alerting the parents and guardians to the existence of the plan and the ability to review a redacted copy at the offices of the county board.


§18-10-1. Assent to federal land grants for West Virginia University; investment of funds from sale of land warrants.

The state of West Virginia hereby renews its assent to the provisions and purposes of the act of Congress of July second, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, entitled "An act donating public lands to the several states and territories which may provide colleges for the benefit of agriculture and the mechanic arts," and of all subsequent acts of Congress amending or supplementing said act, and accepts the grants authorized thereby. The funds derived from the sale of United States land warrants which were donated to this state for the purpose of endowing an agricultural college shall be invested by the board of the school fund in a loan or public stocks of the United States, or otherwise, as required by Congress, for the use and benefit of West Virginia University.

§18-10-2. Federal aid for West Virginia agricultural experiment station.

The state of West Virginia hereby renews its assent to the provisions and purposes of the act of Congress of March second, eighteen hundred and eighty-seven, entitled "An act to establish agricultural experiment stations in connection with the colleges established in the several states under the provisions of an act approved July second, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, and of the acts supplementary thereto," and of all subsequent acts of Congress amending or supplementing said act, and accepts the appropriations of money authorized thereby.

§18-10-3. Federal aid for West Virginia University and West Virginia State University.

The state of West Virginia hereby renews its assent to the provisions and purposes of the act of Congress of August thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety, entitled "An act to apply a portion of the proceeds of the public land to the more complete endowment and support of the colleges for the benefit of agriculture and the mechanic arts established under the provisions of the act of Congress approved July second, eighteen hundred and sixty-two," and of all subsequent acts of Congress amending or supplementing said act, and accepts the appropriations of money authorized thereby.

The state of West Virginia hereby designates West Virginia University as the beneficiary of appropriations under the eighteen hundred and sixty-two act of Congress referred to in section one of this article and West Virginia State University as the beneficiary of appropriations under the eighteen hundred and ninety act of Congress referred to in this section and shall maximize the full federal matching requirement, including, but not limited to, 7 U.S.C. § 3222d(c) through a separate line item appropriation for each of the two institutions.

§18-10-4. Federal aid for cooperative agricultural extension work.

The state of West Virginia hereby renews its assent to the provisions and purposes of the act of Congress of May eighth, nineteen hundred and fourteen, entitled "An act to provide for cooperative agricultural extension work between the agricultural colleges in the several states receiving the benefits of an act of Congress approved July second, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, and of acts supplementary thereto, and the United States Department of Agriculture," and of all subsequent acts of Congress amending or supplementing said act, and accepts the appropriations of money authorized thereby.

§18-10-5. Federal aid for vocational education; duties of state Board of Education.

The provisions and purposes of the act of Congress of February twenty-third, nineteen hundred and seventeen, entitled "An act to provide for the promotion of vocational education; to provide for cooperation with the states in the promotion of such education in agriculture and the trades and industries; to provide for cooperation with the states in the preparation of teachers of vocational subjects; and to appropriate money and regulate its expenditures," are hereby accepted by the State of West Virginia as to (a) appropriations for the salaries of teachers, supervisors and directors of agricultural subjects; (b) appropriations for salaries of teachers of vocational and industrial subjects; (c) appropriations for the training of teachers, supervisors and directors of vocational subjects.

The state Board of Education is hereby designated as the state board to carry out the provisions of said act so far as the same relates to the cooperation of the states and the federal government, and shall have full power to do all things necessary in the formulation and execution of plans for the promotion of education in agriculture, in trades and industries, and to formulate and execute plans for the preparation of teachers of vocational subjects.



Acts, 1945 Reg. Sess., Ch. 58.



Acts, 1945 Reg. Sess., Ch. 58.

§18-10-8. Acceptance and distribution of future federal funds available to state.

The state Board of Education is hereby authorized and empowered to accept for the State of West Virginia, and expend for the purpose designated, any funds that may hereafter be made available to the board out of the federal treasury by an act or acts of Congress and allocated to this state for vocational education, or for the use or benefit of the state colleges and other state institutions under the direct control and supervision of the board, or for any other educational purpose.

The state superintendent of free schools is hereby authorized and empowered to accept for the State of West Virginia any funds that may hereafter be made available to the state Department of Education or to the state superintendent of free schools out of the federal treasury by an act or acts of Congress for current expense, capital outlay, free textbooks, or any other educational purpose in local public school units, or for any other educational purpose.

Subject to the provisions and conditions of applicable federal law with respect to the allocation and distribution of any federal funds for current expense purposes in local public school units, the state board of school finance is hereby authorized and empowered to allocate and distribute said federal funds in accordance with the following provisions:

1. Of said federal funds received, seventy-one percent shall be allocated for teachers' salaries and the distribution to each county board of education shall be made on the basis of actual teachers employed at the end of the second month of the current school term and said allocated share of such funds shall be used in said county for the purpose of adding to the present minimum legal salaries the following increments:

(a) Ten dollars per month for all teachers holding emergency certificates based on less than two years of college training.

(b) Twenty-five dollars per month for all teachers holding regular certificates based on less than four years of college training and all teachers holding emergency certificates based on two or more years of college training.

(c) Sixty-five dollars per month for all teachers holding regular certificates based on college degrees.

All such increments may be reduced or increased on a proportionate basis in accordance with the amount of funds available under the seventy-one percent allocation.

2. The balance of said federal funds, the equivalent of twenty-nine percent of said funds, shall be distributed among the several counties. Such distribution shall be based on the net enrollment for the fourth school month of the current year and determined on a ratio that said net enrollment of each county bears to the total net enrollment of the state.

§18-10-9. State Board of Education, board of Governors and commissioner of public institutions empowered to carry out provisions of federal aid acts.

The state Board of Education as to educational matters other than those relating to the West Virginia University, the board of Governors of West Virginia University as to educational matters relating to said university, and the state commissioner of public institutions, as to financial and business matters, as provided by law, are authorized and empowered to carry out the provisions of the original and supplemental acts of Congress mentioned or referred to in this article, and of any subsequent act or acts of Congress making appropriations to this state for educational purposes.

§18-10-10. Custody and disbursement of federal funds.

The treasurer of this state shall be the custodian of all moneys received by the state from appropriations made by any of the original or supplemental acts of Congress mentioned or referred to in sections two to six, inclusive of this article, and of all moneys received by the state from appropriations for educational purposes that may hereafter be made by any act or acts of Congress, and is authorized to receive and provide for the proper custody of the same. He shall keep an accurate account of the moneys so received, shall place the same to the credit of the proper institutions or funds, and, unless a different method is provided by law, shall make disbursements therefrom upon warrants of the State Auditor issued on requisitions of the state commissioner of public institutions: Provided, however, That disbursements from the funds received for vocational education and vocational rehabilitation shall be made upon warrants of the State Auditor issued on requisitions of the state Board of Education approved by the state commissioner of public institutions. The treasurer shall include in his biennial report to the Governor a statement of his receipts and disbursements under the provisions of this article.

§18-10-11. West Virginia Library Commission authorized to accept federal appropriations for rural library service; Governor may supplement state appropriation.

The West Virginia Library Commission, established by section twelve, article one, chapter ten of this code, is hereby authorized and empowered to accept for the State of West Virginia any appropriations of money for rural library service, and for similar library purposes, that may hereafter be made out of the federal treasury by an act or acts of Congress.

Should the appropriation provided by the Legislature for the purpose prove insufficient in amount to meet the requirements of the federal government relative to library purposes, the Governor may supplement, from his contingent fund or from any other funds available for the purpose, said legislative appropriation by an amount sufficient to meet the said requirements of the federal government.

§18-10-12. Custody and disbursement of library funds.

The treasurer of this state shall be the custodian of all moneys received by the state from appropriations made by any of the original or supplemental acts of Congress mentioned or referred to in section eleven of this article, and specifically of all moneys received by the state from appropriations for such library purposes that may hereafter be made by any act or acts of Congress; and he is authorized to receive and to provide for the proper custody of the same. He shall also be the custodian of such library moneys received by the state from any other agencies, private and/or otherwise; and he is similarly authorized to receive and provide for the proper custody of these funds. The treasurer shall keep an accurate account of the moneys so received from whatever source, shall place the same to the credit of the West Virginia Library Commission; and, unless a different method is provided by law, he shall make disbursements therefrom upon warrants of the State Auditor issued on requisitions of the West Virginia Library Commission approved by the state commissioner of public institutions. The said Library Commission shall make bylaws, rules and regulations for the allocation and administration of all library funds, and for the establishment of an adequate system of auditing and reporting such disbursements. The treasurer shall include in his biennial report to the Governor a statement of his receipts and disbursements under the provisions of this section.

§18-10-13. State educational institutions authorized to participate in federal student loan program.

The governing board of each state educational institution is hereby authorized and empowered to comply with all provisions of federal law necessary to permit participation by such institution in the federal student loan program established by the "National Defense Education Act of 1958" or by any other act of Congress heretofore or hereafter enacted. The state matching funds needed to qualify the institution for receipt of federal contributions under any such program may be provided by the board from gifts or grants available to the institutions for loans to students unless the terms of the gift or grant would preclude its use for matching purposes.


§18-10A-1. Definitions.

As used in this article and §18-10B-1 et seq. of this code:

(1) “State board” means the Secretary of the Department of Commerce, or where required by federal law, the board, commission or council designated by the Secretary of the Department of Commerce to oversee certain functions of the Division of Rehabilitation Services. All references in this code to the state board of vocational education, except where the context clearly indicates the provision of vocational education to other than disabled individuals, means the state board defined by this subsection.

(2) “Division” means the division of vocational rehabilitation established by this article.

(3) “Director” means the director of the division of vocational rehabilitation.

(4) “Employment handicap” means a physical or mental condition which constitutes, contributes to, or if not corrected will probably result in, an obstruction to occupational performance.

(5) “Disabled individual” means any person who has a substantial employment handicap.

(6) “Vocational rehabilitation” and “vocational rehabilitation services” means any services, provided directly or through public or private instrumentalities, found by the director to be necessary to compensate a disabled individual for his or her employment handicap and to enable him or her to engage in a remunerative occupation including, but not limited to, medical and vocational diagnosis, vocational guidance, counseling and placement, rehabilitation training, attendant care services, physical restoration, transportation, occupational licenses, occupational tools and equipment, including motor vehicles, maintenance, and training books and materials.

(7) “Rehabilitation training” means all necessary training provided to a disabled individual to compensate for his or her employment handicap including, but not limited to, manual, preconditioning, prevocational, vocational, and supplementary training and training provided for the purpose of achieving broader or more remunerative skills and capacities.

(8) “Physical restoration” means any medical, surgical, or therapeutic treatment necessary to correct or substantially reduce a disabled individual’s employment handicap within a reasonable length of time including, but not limited to, medical, psychiatric, dental and surgical treatment, nursing services, hospital care not to exceed ninety days, convalescent home care, drugs, medical and surgical supplies, and prosthetic appliances, but excluding curative treatment for acute or transitory conditions.

(9) “Prosthetic appliance” means any artificial device necessary to support or take the place of a part of the body or to increase the acuity of a sense organ.

(10) “Occupational licenses” means any license, permit or other written authority required by any governmental unit to be obtained in order to engage in an occupation.

(11) “Maintenance” means money payments not exceeding the estimated cost of subsistence during vocational rehabilitation.

(12) “Regulations” means regulations made by the director with the approval of the secretary of the Department of Commerce or the state board.

(13) “Attendant care evaluation unit” means any agency certified by the division of vocational rehabilitation that employs a qualified evaluator to provide evaluations and attendant referrals such as the centers for independent living, the West Virginia Rehabilitation Center and any other unit approved by the division.

(14) “Attendant care services” means services which include, but are not limited to:

(a) Routine bodily functions such as bowel and bladder care;

(b) Dressing;

(c) Ambulation;

(d) Meal preparation and consumption;

(e) Assistance in moving in and out of bed;

(f) Bathing and grooming;

(g) Housecleaning and laundry; and

(h) Any other similar activity of daily living.

(15) “Attendant” means a self-employed individual who is trained to perform attendant care services and who works as an independent contractor.

§18-10A-2. Division of Rehabilitation Services.

(a) The Division of Rehabilitation Services is transferred to the Department of Commerce created in §5F-1-1 et seq. of this code. The secretary shall appoint any board, commission, or council over the division to the extent required by federal law to qualify for federal funds for providing rehabilitation services for disabled persons. The secretary and the boards, commissions or councils as he or she is required by federal law to appoint are authorized and directed to cooperate with the federal government to the fullest extent in an effort to provide rehabilitation services for disabled persons.

(b) References in this article or §18-10B-1 et seq. of this code to the state Board of Vocational Education, the state Board of Rehabilitation or the state board as the governing board of vocational or other rehabilitation services or facilities mean the Secretary of Commerce. All references in the code to the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation mean the Division of Rehabilitation Services and all references to the Director of the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation means the Director of the Division of Rehabilitation Services.

§18-10A-2a. Rehabilitation teachers.

(a) Notwithstanding any other provision of this code to the contrary, beginning July 1, 2012, rehabilitation teachers shall be paid at the equivalent rate of pay of teachers, pursuant to section two, article four, chapter eighteen-a of this code. Rehabilitation teachers shall be paid outside the public school support plan, defined in section one, article nine-a of this chapter, and shall receive the equivalent of the salary supplement paid to teachers employed by the county board within the county where the administrative headquarters of the division are located, pursuant to section five-a, article four, chapter eighteen-a of this code.

(b) For purposes of this section, the following words shall be construed as follows:

(1) "Rehabilitation teacher" means any person employed by the division and who meets the certification requirements of section two-a, article three, chapter eighteen-a of this code, or who has been certified to teach by a state or nationally recognized organization, as approved by the office of the secretary of education and the arts. The teachers shall maintain current certification in their teaching areas in order to remain employed and may teach only in the areas in which they are certified: Provided, That teachers who were employed on or before April 1, 1995, are exempt from the following requirements:

(A) Certification pursuant to section two-a, article three, chapter eighteen-a of this code;

(B) Maintenance of current certification in their teaching areas in order to remain employed; and

(C) Teaching only in the areas in which they are certified.

(2) "Equivalent rate of pay" means an annualized rate based on a two hundred forty-day teaching schedule and includes pay for vacation and legal state holidays.

§18-10A-3. Director of division of vocational rehabilitation; powers and duties.

The division shall be administered, under the general supervision and direction of the Secretary of the Department of Commerce or, if required by federal law his or her designated state board, by a director appointed by the secretary, or if required by federal law his or her designated state board in accordance with established personnel standards and on the basis of his or her education, training, experience, and demonstrated ability.

In carrying out his or her duties under this article, the director shall:

(1) Appoint such personnel as he or she considers necessary for the efficient performance of the functions of the division.

(2) Establish a merit system of personnel management, or in lieu thereof, avail himself or herself of the services of the state merit system upon payment of a fair share of the expenses of the operation of the system.

(3) Make regulations governing the protection of records and confidential information; the manner and form of filing applications for vocational rehabilitation services, eligibility therefor, and investigation and determination thereof; procedures for fair hearings; and such other matters as may be necessary or desirable in accomplishing the purposes of this article.

(4) Have the authority to establish and operate a staff development program for the employees of the division and may, in furtherance of such a program, and utilizing any funds appropriated or made available, for such purpose, pay to the employees compensation or expenses, or both, while the employees are pursuing approved training courses or academic studies for the purpose of becoming better equipped for their employment in the division; the staff development program shall be conducted subject to appropriate rules as adopted by the director and approved by the state board: Provided, That these rules shall include reasonable provisions for the return of any employee, receiving the benefits of such training, for a reasonable period of duty, or for reimbursement to the state for expenditures incurred on behalf of the training of such employee.

(5) Establish appropriate subordinate administrative units within the division.

(6) Prepare and submit to the Secretary of the Department of Commerce or his or her designated state board annual reports of activities and expenditures and, prior to each regular session of the Legislature, estimates of sums required for carrying out the provisions of this article and estimates of the amounts to be made available for this purpose from all sources.

(7) Make requisition for disbursement, in accordance with regulations of the funds available for vocational rehabilitation purposes.

(8) Take such other action as may be determined necessary or appropriate to carry out the purposes of this article.

§18-10A-4. Vocational rehabilitation services.

Except as otherwise provided by law the division shall provide vocational rehabilitation services to disabled individuals determined by the director to be eligible therefor, and for this purpose the division is authorized among other things to:

(1) Cooperate with other departments, agencies and institutions, both public and private, in providing for the vocational rehabilitation of disabled individuals, in studying the problems involved therein, and in establishing, developing and providing, in conformity with the provisions of this article, such programs, facilities and services as may be necessary or desirable.

(2) Enter into reciprocal agreements with any other state to provide for the vocational rehabilitation of residents of such state.

(3) Conduct research and compile statistics relating to the vocational rehabilitation of disabled individuals.

§18-10A-4a. Attendant care services.

The purpose of this section is to declare the intent of the state to enable severely physically disabled adults to enter or continue in the workforce, to enhance the opportunities for disabled individuals to participate fully in society through self-fulfillment and economic independence.

The division shall administer the provision of attendant care services as a separate and distinct program to any severely physically disabled adult who is present in the state at the time of filing their application. The division may administer the program or may enter into a contract with a private or public organization to administer and operate the program. If the program is administered by the division, the funds shall be used as payments for attendant care services, evaluations, attendant management training and administrative costs. If the division enters into a contract with a private or public organization, the private or public organization may use the funds as payments for attendant care services, evaluations, attendant management training and for reasonable administrative costs. The administrative costs allowed under the contract shall be negotiated and approved by the director. The division shall establish a waiting list of eligible disabled individuals if sufficient funds are not available under the program. Determination will be made by a certified evaluation unit that such adult needs fourteen or more hours of attendant care per week: Provided, That the severely physically disabled adult is eighteen years of age or older, is employed or will be ready for employment within six months of the time application for services is made and has a total income of no more than $30,000 annually. The maximum income allowable will be recalculated each year based on changes in the consumer price index. The eligible adult shall be reevaluated by a certified evaluation unit at the direction of the division at least once every two years to determine their continuing need for attendant care services. The eligible adult is responsible for hiring, firing and supervising his or her attendant. Any subsidy received under the provisions of this section for the purpose of providing attendant care services shall not be considered income to the severely disabled person for any purpose to the extent permitted by federal law and regulations (IRS Act of 1954) but shall supplement any other aid for which the adult is eligible.

The division is responsible for accepting applications for attendant care services from severely physically disabled adults and making determinations of eligibility. The division shall provide for certifying evaluation units and shall make determination regarding certification for each evaluation unit which makes application.

The cost of evaluation fees, training of both attendants and eligible adults in the management of attendants and provision of attendant care services shall be borne by the division from funds allocated for this program.

The division shall acquire from a certified evaluation unit an evaluation of the attendant care needs for each applicant. Within thirty days of the time that any application for attendant care services is filed, the applicant shall be notified that arrangements have been made for the applicant to be evaluated by a certified evaluation unit. Based upon the evaluator's information, the division shall develop a plan for each eligible applicant that shall include the amount of attendant care time needed per week and an estimate of the length of time the attendant care services will be needed. Notice shall be given to the applicant and the evaluator as soon as a decision has been made regarding the eligibility of each applicant. If the recommendations of the certified evaluation unit are not followed, the division shall include the reasons for reaching its decision in the notice sent to the applicant and evaluator.

The division shall promulgate policies and procedures for the administration of this program. The division shall adopt rules for full fiscal accountability for all appropriated funds and financial assistance shall be given in accordance with a sliding payment scale established by the division. The division shall also establish a consumer advisory committee for the purpose of advising on policies and procedures and related matters involved in administration of the program.

The division shall be responsible for establishing an appeals procedure for those applicants who have been denied attendant care services and for informing all applicants of their right to appeal a decision of the division.

§18-10A-5. Cooperation with federal government.

The division, or if required by federal law the board, commission or council appointed by the secretary of the Department of Education and the arts to oversee certain functions of the division, shall make agreements or plans to cooperate with the federal government in carrying out the purposes of any federal statutes pertaining to vocational rehabilitation and to this end may adopt such methods of administration as are found by the federal government to be necessary for the proper and efficient operation of such agreements or plans for vocational rehabilitation and to comply with such conditions as may be necessary to secure the full benefits of such federal statutes.

§18-10A-6. Custody and disbursement of vocational rehabilitation funds.

The State Treasurer is hereby designated as the custodian of all funds received from the federal government under any federal statutes pertaining to vocational rehabilitation. The State Treasurer shall make disbursements from such funds and from all state funds available for vocational rehabilitation purposes on warrants of the State Auditor, requisitioned as provided in section three of this article.

§18-10A-6a. West Virginia Rehabilitation Services Special Account; expenditures.

(a) There is hereby established in the State Treasury a separate account which shall be designated the “West Virginia Rehabilitation Services Special Account”. The director of rehabilitation services shall deposit promptly into the account all fees received for services provided by the West Virginia Rehabilitation Center from whatever source, including the federal government, state government or from other third-party payers or personal payments.

(b) A five-year West Virginia rehabilitation services long-range plan shall be developed by the director and shall be adopted by the Secretary of Commerce. The West Virginia rehabilitation services’ long-range plan shall be updated and revised at least every two years.

(c) The director may expend the moneys deposited in the West Virginia Rehabilitation Services Special Account in accordance with federal laws and regulations and with the laws of this state necessary for the development of the five-year long-range plan and subsequent revisions.

(d) The director may expend the moneys deposited in the West Virginia Rehabilitation Services Special Account as provided in the long-range plan at such times and in such amounts as the director determines to be necessary for the purpose of maintaining or improving the delivery of rehabilitation services: Provided, That during the budget preparation period which occurs prior to the convening of the Legislature, the director shall submit for inclusion in the executive budget document and budget bill his or her recommended capital expenditures, recommended priorities, estimated costs, and request for appropriations for maintaining or improving the delivery of vocational rehabilitation services.

(e) The director shall make an annual report to the Legislature on the status of the West Virginia Rehabilitation Services Special Account, including the previous year’s expenditures and projected expenditures for the next year.

§18-10A-7. Gifts.

The director is hereby authorized and empowered to accept and use gifts made unconditionally by will or otherwise for carrying out the purposes of this article. Gifts made under such conditions as in the judgment of the state board are proper and consistent with the provisions of this article may be so accepted and shall be held, invested, reinvested, and used in accordance with the conditions of the gift.

§18-10A-8. Eligibility for vocational rehabilitation.

Vocational rehabilitation services shall be provided to any disabled individual who is present in the state at the time of filing his application therefor, if the director after full investigation shall determine that his rehabilitation can be satisfactorily achieved. Such services shall also be provided to any person who is eligible therefor under the terms of an agreement with another state or with the federal government.

Except as otherwise provided by law or as specified in an agreement with the federal government with respect to classes of individuals certified to the state board thereunder, the following rehabilitation services shall be provided at public cost only to disabled individuals found to require financial assistance with respect thereto:

(1) Physical restoration.

(2) Transportation, for any other purpose than that of determining the eligibility of the individual for vocational rehabilitation services and the nature and extent of the services necessary.

(3) Occupational licenses.

(4) Occupational tools, equipment, initial stocks and supplies, books and training material; the title to any or all of which may be conveyed to the individual.

(5) Maintenance.

The rights of a disabled individual under the provisions of this article shall not be transferable or assignable at law or in equity.

§18-10A-9. Grievance hearings.

Any individual applying for or receiving vocational rehabilitation who is aggrieved by any action or inaction of the division shall be entitled, in accordance with regulations, to a fair hearing.

§18-10A-10. Misuse of vocational rehabilitation lists and records; penalty.

It shall be unlawful, except for purposes directly connected with the administration of the vocational rehabilitation program and in accordance with regulations, for any person or persons to solicit, disclose, receive, or make use of, or authorize, knowingly permit, participate in, or acquiesce in the use of, any list of, or names of, or any information concerning, persons applying for or receiving vocational rehabilitation, directly or indirectly derived from the records, papers, files, or communications of the state or subdivisions or agencies thereof, or acquired in the course of the performance of official duties.

Any person who violates any of the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof shall be fined not less than $50 nor more than $500, or imprisoned for not less than thirty days nor more than ninety days, or both such fine and imprisonment, in the discretion of the court.



Acts, 2009 Reg. Sess., Ch. 35.

§18-10A-12. Vocational evaluation and work adjustment program for disadvantaged individuals.

The division, under the direction of any federally mandated board, commission, or council appointed by the Secretary of the Department of Commerce, is authorized and directed to cooperate with the federal government in providing vocational evaluation and work adjustment services to disadvantaged individuals.

“Vocational evaluation and work adjustment services” include, as appropriate in each case, such services as:

(a) A preliminary diagnostic study to determine that the individual is disadvantaged, has an employment handicap, and that services are needed;

(b) A thorough diagnostic study consisting of a comprehensive evaluation of pertinent medical, psychological, vocational, educational, cultural, social, and environmental factors which bear on the individual’s handicap to employment and rehabilitation potential including, to the degree needed, an evaluation of the individual’s personality, intelligence level, educational achievements, work experience, vocational aptitudes and interests, personal and social adjustments, employment opportunities, and other pertinent data helpful in determining the nature and scope of services needed;

(c) Services to appraise the individual’s patterns of work behavior and ability to acquire occupational skills, and to develop work attitudes, work habits, work tolerance, and social and behavior patterns suitable for successful job performance, including the utilization of work, simulated or real, to assess and develop the individual’s capacities to perform adequately in a work environment;

(d) Any other goods or services provided to a disadvantaged individual, determined (in accordance with regulations of the federal government) to be necessary for, and which are provided for the purpose of, ascertaining the nature of the handicap to employment and whether it may reasonably be expected the individual can benefit from vocational rehabilitation services or other services available to disadvantaged individuals;

(e) Outreach, referral, and advocacy; and

(f) The administration of these evaluation and work adjustment services.

As used in this section, the term “disadvantaged individuals” means: (1) Disabled individuals as defined in §18-10A-1(5) of this code; (2) individuals disadvantaged by reason of their youth or advanced age, low educational attainments, ethnic or cultural factors, prison or delinquency records, or other conditions which constitute a barrier to employment; and (3) other members of their families when the provision of vocational rehabilitation services to family members is necessary for the rehabilitation of the individual described in subdivision (1) or (2) above.

§18-10A-12a. Workers' compensation for clients participating in unpaid work-based training programs.

(a) The workers' compensation commission shall create a classification and calculate a base premium tax rate for clients of the Division of Rehabilitation Services participating in unpaid work-based training programs within integrated community-based settings. The workers' compensation commission shall report to the Division of Rehabilitation Services:

(1) The amount of the base premium tax rate for the class; and

(2) The hourly wages per client to be used to provide the minimum weekly benefits required by section six, article four, chapter twenty-three of this code.

(b) The base premium tax rate reported annually to the Division of Rehabilitation Services by the workers' compensation commission shall not be effective until July 1, and shall remain in effect through the last day of the next June.

(c) The Division of Rehabilitation Services and the participating entity shall be considered the joint employers of record of the clients while the clients are participating in unpaid work-based training programs in integrated community-based settings: Provided, That the participating entity shall not be held responsible for any liability due the workers' compensation commission. The clients shall be considered to be paid the amount of wages sufficient to provide the minimum workers' compensation weekly benefits required by section six, article four, chapter twenty-three of this code.

§18-10A-13. Social security disability determination section.

The disability determination section of the division of vocational rehabilitation created pursuant to the provisions of section three, article ten-a, chapter eighteen of this code, is hereby continued and shall be named the social security disability determination section.

The social security disability determination section shall be subject to chapter twenty-nine-a of this code.

§18-10A-14. Duties of assistant director of social security disability determination section.

In addition to duties imposed by other federal and state laws, the assistant director shall:

(1) Ensure that each client of the agency who is denied benefits is

(a) Advised of his right to appeal an agency decision to an administrative law judge,

(b) Advised of proper procedures for filing and pursuing an appeal, and

(c) Encouraged to exercise his right of appeal when he feels a decision was made in error and is unjust;

(2) Promulgate rules establishing criteria for granting promotion and salary increases which are to be based on merit;

(3) Prepare and submit to the state board, and the social security disability board, an annual report showing compliance and noncompliance with the provisions of this section. A copy of the report shall be filed with the Secretary of State's office to be made available for public inspection;

(4) Ensure that physicians evaluating medical impairments are qualified by experience and educational specialty to make proper medical judgments on the medical impairments they are assigned to evaluate; and

(5) Ensure that the evaluation of the claimant's personal physician is given due consideration in the disability determination process.

§18-10A-15. Establishment of a central registry of traumatic head injury; acute care facility required to report head injury.

(a) The Center for Excellence in Disabilities shall maintain a central registry of persons who sustain severe head injury other than through disease, whether or not permanent disability results, in order to facilitate the provision of appropriate services through referral and collaboration with the division and other state agencies for such persons.

(b) The current acute care facility shall report to the Center for Excellence in Disabilities by the most expeditious means within seven days after identification of any person sustaining such an injury. The report shall contain the name and residence of the person and the name of the current acute care facility.


§18-10B-1. Definitions.

As used in this article:

(1) "Vocational rehabilitation facility" means a facility which is operated for the primary purpose of providing vocational rehabilitation services to, or gainful employment for, handicapped individuals, or, for providing evaluation and work adjustment services for disadvantaged individuals, and which provides singly or in combination one or more of the following services for handicapped individuals: (a) Comprehensive rehabilitation services which shall include, under one management, medical, psychological, social, and vocational services; (b) testing, fitting, or training in the use of prosthetic and orthopedic devices; (c) provocational conditioning or recreational therapy; (d) physical and occupational therapy; (e) therapy for speech and hearing pathology; (f) psychological and social services; (g) evaluation; (h) personal and work adjustment; (i) vocational training (in combination with other rehabilitation services); (j) evaluation or control of special disabilities; and (k) extended employment for the severely handicapped who cannot be readily absorbed in the competitive labor market; but all medical and related health services must be prescribed by, or under the formal supervision of, persons licensed to practice medicine or surgery in the state.

(2) "Workshop" means a particular type of vocational rehabilitation facility where any manufacture or handiwork is carried on and which is operated by a public agency or by a private corporation or association, no part of the net earnings of which inures or may lawfully inure to the benefit of any private shareholder or individual, or by a cooperative, for the primary purpose of providing remunerative employment to disabled persons (a) as an interim step in the rehabilitation process for those who cannot be readily absorbed in the competitive labor market; or (b) during such time as employment opportunities for them in the competitive labor market do not exist; or (c) for providing vocational evaluation and work adjustment services for disadvantaged persons.

(3) "Cooperative" means an association, or membership corporation, whose membership is limited to disabled individuals and which is organized and operated on a cooperative basis for the exclusive benefit of its members and, by its charter or bylaws, is required to divide any profits, realized from the operation of workshops operated by it and not reinvested in such workshops, among its disabled members actually working therein.

(4) "Nonprofit institution" means a corporation or association no part of the net earnings of which inures, or may lawfully inure, to the benefit of any private shareholder or individual.

(5) "State board,""division," and "director" shall have the same meaning as in article ten-a of this code.

§18-10B-2. Establishment of state vocational rehabilitation facilities.

The state board, through the division, is authorized and empowered to establish, operate, and maintain vocational rehabilitation facilities: Provided, That to establish vocational rehabilitation facilities includes the acquisition by purchase, lease, gift, or otherwise, of necessary lands, and the construction, expansion, remodeling, or alteration and equipment of necessary buildings; or, for any particular facility, the making of contracts and agreements with any state, county, or municipal agency, or nonprofit institution providing for the equipment, operation or maintenance by the state board, through the division, of any facility of such agency or institution in accordance with, and for the purpose of this article: Provided further, That notwithstanding any other provisions of law, the state board, through the division, shall, itself, properly operate, maintain, repair, and manage and control the fiscal affairs of vocational rehabilitation facilities established pursuant to this section: Provided further, That the state board, through the division, is authorized and empowered to make and enter into all contracts and agreements necessary and incidental to the performance of its powers and duties under this section, in connection with which it is also authorized and empowered to cooperate with other agencies of the state.

§18-10B-2a. Advance payment to facilities.

Notwithstanding section ten, article three, chapter twelve of this code, the director of the division of vocational rehabilitation is authorized to make advance payments to public and private nonprofit sheltered workshops when it has been determined by the director after serious consideration to be necessary for the initiation or continuation of such workshops. Such advance payments shall be for a period no greater than ninety days in advance of rendition or continuation of rehabilitation services provided by the public or private nonprofit sheltered workshop.

§18-10B-3. Establishment of local vocational rehabilitation facilities.

Counties and municipalities in accordance with rules, regulations and standards made and adopted by the director, individually or jointly with any one or more such counties or municipalities are authorized and empowered to establish, operate, and maintain necessary vocational rehabilitation facilities for disabled persons: Provided, That to establish vocational rehabilitation facilities includes the acquisition by purchase, lease, gift, or otherwise, of necessary lands, and the construction, expansion, remodeling, or alteration and equipment of necessary buildings.

§18-10B-4. Rules and regulations.

The director shall make and adopt rules, regulations, and standards for the establishment, operation and maintenance, government and control of vocational rehabilitation facilities established pursuant to this article, including such rules, regulations and standards as may be necessary for cooperation under and compliance with any existing or future federal statutes pertaining to grants-in-aid for vocational rehabilitation facilities.

§18-10B-5. Cooperation with federal government in vocational rehabilitation facility program.

The state board, through the division, is hereby designated the sole state agency to cooperate with the federal government in any federal program relating to the establishment, operation and maintenance of vocational rehabilitation facilities; and is hereby authorized and empowered to adopt and supervise the administration of such a statewide plan, or such statewide plans, for the establishment of vocational rehabilitation facility or workshop programs as may be necessary to comply with the requirements and conditions of federal law with respect to federal grants-in-aid for such purposes.

§18-10B-6. Cooperation with state department of health.

The state board, through the division, and the state department of health shall cooperate to assure coordination of the vocational rehabilitation facility program under this article with the hospital construction program provided for under chapter sixteen, article one, section fourteen of the Code of West Virginia, 1931, as amended.

§18-10B-7. Personnel.

The director shall appoint in accordance with chapter eighteen, article ten-a, section five of the Code of West Virginia, 1931, as amended, all personnel he deems necessary for the efficient and economical operation and maintenance of vocational rehabilitation facilities established, operated and maintained pursuant to section two of this article.

§18-10B-8. Advisory committee.

There shall be an advisory committee of not less than five and not more than ten members to serve as advisors and consultants to the director of the division. The committee shall meet at least twice each year and at the call of the director of the division. The members of the committee shall annually elect one of its members to serve as chairman.

The advisory committee shall be appointed by the director, by and with the advice and consent of the state board, and shall include among its members representatives of state and nongovernmental agencies concerned with the establishment, operation or utilization of vocational rehabilitation services and facilities, and at least one of the members shall be a person well versed in problems related to employment of the disabled.

The members shall serve for five-year terms, or until replaced, except that in the first year one fifth of the members shall be named for a one-year term, one fifth for a two-year term, one fifth for a three-year term, one fifth for a four-year term, and one fifth for a five-year term. Thereafter each member shall be appointed for five years or until his successor is appointed. In the case of a vacancy the appointee shall serve the remainder of the unexpired term.

Members of the advisory committee shall be eligible to succeed themselves. Members of the advisory committee shall serve without compensation but shall be entitled to reimbursement for all reasonable and necessary expenses actually incurred in the performance of the duties of their office.

§18-10B-9. Contracts for supplying goods and services; remuneration to client; vocational rehabilitation industries account.

Whereas, it is considered to be an essential part of any complete rehabilitation program to provide remunerative employment to severely handicapped or blind persons in order to prepare them to take their place in the competitive labor market, the division is hereby authorized to:

(a) Enter into contracts with any person, firm, corporation or association for the provision of goods and services by the division;

(b) Provide remuneration to the clients of the division from the proceeds of said contracts based upon standards established by the director of the division: Provided, however, That said clients so paid shall in no way be considered employees of the state for any purpose whatsoever. To effectuate the provisions of this section, there is hereby created a special revolving account in the office of the State Treasurer designated "vocational rehabilitation industries account." All moneys collected by the division from the sale or disposition of articles, products manufactured, and services provided by the clients of the division in accordance with the provisions of this article shall be deposited in said special account, and shall be used solely for the purchase of manufacturing supplies, equipment, machinery and materials used to carry out the purposes of this article, as well as for the payment of remuneration to the clients of the division who are utilized in the manufacture of said products or articles. The division may deposit into said account an initial amount which the director determines necessary to establish the program herein authorized and may deposit additional amounts in said account as from time to time may become necessary to continue said program. All funds so deposited shall be from moneys appropriated therefor, or which are made available by the federal government or other sources for such purposes.

§18-10B-10. Authorized rental of State Vocational Rehabilitation facilities.

Notwithstanding any other provision of this code to the contrary, the Director may allow school groups and other youth or civic organizations or groups to use state vocational rehabilitation facilities and shall charge and collect a reasonable rent for the facilities: Provided, That all such rental revenue shall be used exclusively to defray the cost, maintenance and repair or replacement of the vocational rehabilitation facilities.


§18-10C-1. Approval of compact.

The following compact is hereby approved and ratified, and the State of West Virginia is hereby declared to be a party thereto, subject to the approval of other states now parties to the compact, and all agreements, covenants and obligations therein shall be binding upon the State of West Virginia. The Southern Regional Education Compact

Whereas, The states who are parties hereto have during the past several years conducted careful investigation looking toward the establishment and maintenance of jointly owned and operated regional educational institutions in the southern states in the professional, technological, scientific, literary and other fields, so as to provide greater educational advantages and facilities for the citizens of the several states who reside within such region; and

Whereas, Meharry Medical College of Nashville, Tennessee, has proposed that its lands, buildings, equipment, and the net income from its endowment, be turned over to the southern states, or to an agency acting in their behalf, to be operated as a regional institution for medical, dental and nursing education upon terms and conditions to be hereafter agreed upon between the southern states and Meharry Medical College, which proposal, because of the present financial condition of the institution, has been approved by the said states who are parties hereto; and

Whereas, The said states desire to enter into a compact with each other providing for the planning and establishment of regional educational facilities; now, therefore,

In consideration of the mutual agreements, covenants and obligations assumed by the respective states who are parties hereto (hereinafter referred to as "states"), the said several states do hereby form a geographical district or region consisting of the areas lying within the boundaries of the contracting states which, for the purposes of this compact, shall constitute an area for regional education supported by public funds derived from taxation by the constituent states and derived from other sources for the establishment, acquisition, operation and maintenance of regional educational schools and institutions for the benefit of citizens of the respective states residing within the region so established as may be determined from time to time in accordance with the terms and provisions of this compact.

The states do further hereby establish and create a joint agency which shall be known as the "Board of Control for Southern Regional Education" (hereinafter referred to as the "board"), the members of which board shall consist of the Governor of each state, ex officio, and four additional citizens of each state to be appointed by the Governor thereof, with the advice and consent of the Senate, at least one of whom shall be selected from the field of education, and at least one of whom shall be a member of the Legislature of that state. The Governor shall continue as a member of the board during his tenure of office as Governor of the state; but the members of the board appointed by the Governor shall hold office for a period of four years, except that in the original appointments one board member so appointed by the Governor shall be designated at the time of his appointment to serve an initial term of two years, one board member to serve an initial term of three years, and the remaining board members to serve the full term of four years, but thereafter the successor of each appointed board member shall serve the full term of four years. Vacancies on the board caused by death, resignation, refusal or inability to serve, shall be filled by appointment by the Governor for the unexpired portion of the term. The officers of the board shall be a chairman, a vice chairman, a secretary, a treasurer, and such additional officers as may be created by the board from time to time. The board shall meet annually and officers shall be elected to hold office until the next annual meeting. The board shall have the right to formulate and establish bylaws not inconsistent with the provisions of this compact to govern its own actions in the performance of the duties delegated to it, including the right to create and appoint an executive committee and a finance committee with such powers and authority as the board may delegate to them from time to time. The board may, within its discretion, elect as its chairman, a person who is not a member of the board, provided such person resides within a signatory state; and upon such election, such person shall become a member of the board with all the rights and privileges of such membership.

It shall be the duty of the board to submit plans and recommendations to the states from time to time for their approval and adoption by appropriate legislative action for the development, establishment, acquisition, operation and maintenance of educational schools and institutions within the geographical limits of the regional area of the states, of such character and type and for such educational purposes, professional, technological, scientific, literary, or otherwise, as they may deem and determine to be proper, necessary or advisable. Title to all such educational institutions when so established by appropriate legislative actions of the states and to all properties and facilities used in connection therewith shall be vested in said board as the agency of and for the use and benefit of the said states and the citizens thereof; and all such educational institutions shall be operated, maintained and financed in the manner herein set out, subject to any provisions or limitations which may be contained in the legislative acts of the states authorizing the creation, establishment and operation of such educational institutions.

In addition to the power and authority heretofore granted, the board shall have the power to enter into such agreements or arrangements with any of the states and with educational institutions or agencies, as may be required in the judgment of the board, to provide adequate services and facilities for the graduate, professional, and technical education for the benefit of the citizens of the respective states residing within the region, and such additional and general power and authority as may be vested in the board from time to time by legislative enactment of the said states.

Any two or more states who are parties of this compact shall have the right to enter into supplemental agreements providing for the establishment, financing and operation of regional educational institutions for the benefit of citizens residing within an area which constitutes a portion of the general region herein created, such institutions to be financed exclusively by such states and to be controlled exclusively by the members of the board representing such states provided such agreement is submitted to and approved by the board prior to the establishment of such institution.

Each state agrees that, when authorized by the Legislature, it will from time to time make available and pay over to said board such funds as may be required for the establishment, acquisition, operation and maintenance of such regional educational institutions as may be authorized by the states under the terms of this compact, the contribution of each state at all times to be in the proportion that its population bears to the total combined population of the states who are parties hereto as shown from time to time by the most recent official published report of the bureau of the census of the United States of America; or upon such other basis as may be agreed upon.

This compact shall not take effect or be binding upon any state unless and until it shall be approved by proper legislative action of as many as six or more of the states whose Governors have subscribed hereto within a period of eighteen months from the date hereof. When and if six or more states shall have given legislative approval of this compact within said eighteen months' period, it shall be and become binding upon such six or more states sixty days after the date of legislative approval by the sixth state; and the Governors of such six or more states shall forthwith name the members of the board from their states as hereinabove set out, and the board shall then meet on call of the Governor of any state approving this compact, at which time the board shall elect officers, adopt bylaws, appoint committees and otherwise fully organize. Other states whose names are subscribed hereto shall thereafter become parties hereto upon approval of this compact by legislative action within two years from the date hereof, upon such conditions as may be agreed upon at the time: Provided, however, That with respect to any state whose Constitution may require amendment in order to permit legislative approval of the compact, such state or states shall become parties hereto upon approval of this compact by legislative action within seven years from the date hereof, upon such conditions as may be agreed upon at the time.

After becoming effective this compact shall thereafter continue without limitation of time: Provided, however, That it may be terminated at any time by unanimous action of the states: And provided further, That any state may withdraw from this compact if such withdrawal is approved by its Legislature, such withdrawal to become effective two years after written notice thereof to the board accompanied by a certified copy of the requisite legislative action, but such withdrawal shall not relieve the withdrawing state from its obligations hereunder accruing up to the effective date of such withdrawal. Any state so withdrawing shall ipso facto cease to have any claim to or ownership of any of the property held or vested in the board or to any of the funds of the board held under the terms of this compact.

If any state shall at any time become in default in the performance of any of its obligations assumed herein or with respect to any obligation imposed upon said state as authorized by and in compliance with the terms and provisions of this compact, all rights, privileges and benefits of such defaulting state, its members on the board

§18-10C-2. Engrossed copies of article to be furnished Governors.

Immediately upon the enactment hereof, the Governor shall sign and send to the Governor of each state that is a party to the above compact an engrossed copy of this article.



Acts, 2010 Reg. Sess., Ch. 32.


§18-10D-1. Enactment of compact.

The compact for education is hereby enacted into law and entered into by the State of West Virginia with any and all states legally joining therein in accordance with its terms, in the form substantially as follows:


Article I. Purpose and Policy

A. It is the purpose of this compact to:

1. Establish and maintain close cooperation and understanding among executive, legislative, professional educational and lay leadership on a nationwide basis at the state and local levels.

2. Provide a forum for the discussion, development, crystalization and recommendation of public policy alternatives in the field of education.

3. Provide a clearinghouse of information on matters relating to educational problems and how they are being met in different places throughout the nation, so that the executive and legislative branches of state government and of local communities may have ready access to the experience and record of the entire country, and so that both lay and professional groups in the field of education may have additional avenues for the sharing of experience and the interchange of ideas in the formation of public policy in education.

4. Facilitate the improvement of state and local educational systems so that all of them will be able to meet adequate and desirable goals in a society which requires continuous qualitative and quantitative advance in educational opportunities, methods and facilities.

B. It is the policy of this compact to encourage and promote local and state initiative in the development, maintenance, improvement and administration of educational systems and institutions in a manner which will accord with the needs and advantages of diversity among localities and states.

C. The party states recognize that each of them has an interest in the quality and quantity of education furnished in each of the other states, as well as in the excellence of its own educational systems and institutions, because of the highly mobile character of individuals within the nation, and because the products and services contributing to the health, welfare and economic advancement of each state are supplied in significant part by persons educated in other states.

Article II. State Defined.

As used in this compact, "state" means a state, territory or possession of the United States, the District of Columbia, or the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.

Article III. The Commission.

A. The education commission of the states, hereinafter called "the commission," is hereby established. The commission shall consist of seven members representing each party state. One of such members shall be the Governor; two shall be members of the State Legislature selected by its respective houses and serving in such manner as the Legislature may determine; and four shall be appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the Governor, unless the laws of the state otherwise provide. If the laws of a state prevent legislators from serving on the commission, six members shall be appointed and serve at the pleasure of the Governor, unless the laws of the state otherwise provide. In addition to any other principles or requirements which a state may establish for the appointment and service of its members of the commission, the guiding principle for the composition of the membership on the commission from each party state shall be that the members representing such state shall, by virtue of their training, experience, knowledge or affiliations be in a position collectively to reflect broadly the interests of the state government, higher education, the state education system, local education, lay and professional, public and nonpublic educational leadership. Of those appointees, one shall be the head of a state agency or institution, designated by the Governor, having responsibility for one or more programs of public education. In addition to the members of the commission representing the party states, there may be not to exceed ten nonvoting commissioners selected by the steering committee for terms of one year. Such commissioners shall represent leading national organizations of professional educators or persons concerned with educational administration.

B. The members of the commission shall be entitled to one vote each on the commission. No action of the commission shall be binding unless taken at a meeting at which a majority of the total number of votes on the commission are cast in favor thereof. Action of the commission shall be only at a meeting at which a majority of the commissioners are present. The commission shall meet at least once a year. In its bylaws, and subject to such directions and limitations as may be contained therein, the commission may delegate the exercise of any of its powers to the steering committee or the executive director, except for the power to approve budgets or requests for appropriations, the power to make policy recommendations pursuant to Article IV and adoption of the annual report pursuant to Article III J.

C. The commission shall have a seal.

D. The commission shall elect annually, from among its members, a chairman, who shall be a Governor, a vice chairman and a treasurer. The commission shall provide for the appointment of an executive director. Such executive director shall serve at the pleasure of the commission, and together with the treasurer and such other personnel as the commission may deem appropriate shall be bonded in such amount as the commission shall determine. The executive director shall be secretary.

E. Irrespective of the civil service, personnel or other merit system laws of any of the party states, the executive director subject to the approval of the steering committee shall appoint, remove or discharge such personnel as may be necessary for the performance of the functions of the commission, and shall fix the duties and compensation of such personnel. The commission in its bylaws shall provide for the personnel policies and programs of the commission.

F. The commission may borrow, accept or contract for the services of personnel from any party jurisdiction, the United States, or any subdivision or agency of the aforementioned governments, or from any agency of two or more of the party jurisdictions or their subdivisions.

G. The commission may accept for any of its purposes and functions under this compact any and all donations, and grants of money, equipment, supplies, materials and services, conditional or otherwise, from any state, the United States, or any other governmental agency, or from any person, firm, association, foundation, or corporation, and may receive, utilize and dispose of the same. Any donation or grant accepted by the commission pursuant to this paragraph or services borrowed pursuant to paragraph F of this article shall be reported in the annual report of the commission. Such report shall include the nature, amount and conditions, if any, of the donation, grant, or services borrowed, and the identity of the donor or lender.

H. The commission may establish and maintain such facilities as may be necessary for the transacting of its business. The commission may acquire, hold, and convey real and personal property and any interest therein.

I. The commission shall adopt bylaws for the conduct of its business and shall have the power to amend and rescind these bylaws. The commission shall publish its bylaws in convenient form and shall file a copy thereof and a copy of any amendment thereto, with the appropriate agency or officers in each of the party states.

J. The commission annually shall make to the Governor and Legislature of each party state a report covering the activities of the commission for the preceding year. The commission may make such additional reports as it may deem desirable.

Article IV. Powers.

In addition to authority conferred on the commission by other provisions of the compact, the commission shall have authority to:

1. Collect, correlate, analyze and interpret information and data concerning educational needs and resources.

2. Encourage and foster research in all aspects of education, but with special reference to the desirable scope of instruction, organization, administration, and instructional methods and standards employed or suitable for employment in public educational systems.

3. Develop proposals for adequate financing of education as a whole and at each of its many levels.

4. Conduct or participate in research of the types referred to in this article in any instance where the commission finds that such research is necessary for the advancement of the purposes and policies of this compact, utilizing fully the resources of national associations, regional compact organizations for higher education, and other agencies and institutions, both public and private.

5. Formulate suggested policies and plans for the improvement of public education as a whole, or for any segment thereof, and make recommendations with respect thereto available to the appropriate governmental units, agencies and public officials.

6. Do such other things as may be necessary or incidental to the administration of any of its authority or functions pursuant to this compact.

Article V. Cooperation with Federal Government.

A. If the laws of the United States specifically so provide, or if administrative provision is made therefor within the federal government, the United States may be represented on the commission but not to exceed ten representatives. Any such representative or representatives of the United States shall be appointed and serve in such manner as may be provided by or pursuant to federal law, and may be drawn from any one or more branches of the federal government, but no such representative shall have a vote on the commission.

B. The commission may provide information and make recommendations to any executive or legislative agency or officer of the federal government concerning the common educational policies of the states, and may advise with any such agencies or officers concerning any matter of mutual interest.

Article VI. Committees.

A. To assist in the expeditious conduct of its business when the full commission is not meeting, the commission shall elect a steering committee of thirty-two members which, subject to the provisions of this compact and consistent with the policies of the commission, shall be constituted and function as provided in the bylaws of the commission. One fourth of the voting membership of the steering committee shall consist of Governors, one fourth shall consist of legislators, and the remainder shall consist of other members of the commission. A federal representative on the commission may serve with the steering committee, but without vote. The voting members of the steering committee shall serve for terms of two years, except that members elected to the first steering committee of the commission shall be elected as follows: Sixteen for one year and sixteen for two years. The chairman, vice chairman, and treasurer of the commission shall be members of the steering committee and, anything in this paragraph to the contrary notwithstanding, shall serve during their continuance in these offices. Vacancies in the steering committee shall not affect its authority to act, but the commission at its next regularly ensuing meeting following the occurrence of any vacancy shall fill it for the unexpired term. No person shall serve more than two terms as a member of the steering committee: Provided, That service for a partial term of one year or less shall not be counted toward the two term limitation.

B. The commission may establish advisory and technical committees composed of state, local, and federal officials, and private persons to advise it with respect to any one or more of its functions. Any advisory or technical committee may, on request of the states concerned be established to consider any matter of special concern to two or more of the party states.

C. The commission may establish such additional committees as its bylaws may provide.

Article VII. Finance.

A. The commission shall advise the Governor or designated officer or officers of each party state of its budget and estimated expenditures for such period as may be required by the laws of that party state. Each of the commission's budgets of estimated expenditures shall contain specific recommendations of the amount or amounts to be appropriated by each of the party states.

B. The total amount of appropriation requests under any budget shall be apportioned among the party states. In making such apportionment, the commission shall devise and employ a formula which takes equitable account of the populations and per capita income levels of the party states.

C. The commission shall not pledge the credit of any party states. The commission may meet any of its obligations in whole or in part with funds available to it pursuant to Article III G of this compact: Provided, That the commission take specific action setting aside such funds prior to incurring an obligation to be met in whole or in part in such manner. Except where the commission makes use of funds available to it pursuant to Article III G thereof, the commission shall not incur any obligation prior to the allotment of funds by the party states adequate to meet the same.

D. The commission shall keep accurate accounts of receipts and disbursements. The receipts and disbursements of the commission shall be subject to the audit and accounting procedures established by its bylaws. However, all receipts and disbursements of funds handled by the commission shall be audited yearly by a qualified public accountant, and the report of the audit shall be included in and become part of the annual reports of the commission.

E. The accounts of the commission shall be open at any reasonable time for inspection by duly constituted officers of the party states and by any persons authorized by the commission.

F. Nothing contained herein shall be construed to prevent commission compliance with laws relating to audit or inspection of accounts by or on behalf of any government contributing to the support of the commission.

Article VIII. Eligible Parties;

Entry into and Withdrawal.

A. This compact shall have as eligible parties all states, territories, and possessions of the United States, the District of Columbia, and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. In respect of any such jurisdiction not having a Governor, the term "Governor," as used in this compact, shall mean the closest equivalent official of such jurisdiction.

B. Any state or other eligible jurisdiction may enter into this compact and it shall become binding thereon when it has adopted the same, provided that in order to enter into initial effect, adoption by at least ten eligible party jurisdictions shall be required.

C. Adoption of the compact may be either by enactment thereof or by adherence thereto by the Governor: Provided, That in the absence of enactment, adherence by the Governor shall be sufficient to make his state a party only until December thirty-one, nineteen hundred and sixty-seven. During any period when a state is participating in this compact through gubernatorial action, the Governor shall appoint those persons who, in addition to himself shall serve as the members of the commission from his state, and shall provide to the commission an equitable share of the financial support of the commission from any source available to him

D. Except for a withdrawal effective on December thirty-one, nineteen hundred and sixty-seven, in accordance with paragraph C of this article, any party state may withdraw from this compact by enacting a statute repealing the same, but no such withdrawal shall take effect until one year after the Governor of the withdrawing state has given notice in writing of the withdrawal to the Governors of all other party states. No withdrawal shall affect any liability already incurred by or chargeable to a party state prior to the time of such withdrawal.

Article IX. Construction and Severability.

This compact shall be liberally construed so as to effectuate the purposes thereof. The provisions of this compact shall be severable and if any phrase, clause, sentence or provision of this compact is declared to be contrary to the Constitution of any state or of the United States, or the application thereof to any government, agency, person or circumstance is held invalid, the validity of the remainder of this compact and the applicability thereof to any government, agency, person or circumstance shall not be affected thereby. If this compact shall be held contrary to the Constitution of any state participating therein, the compact shall remain in full force and effect as to the state affected as to all severable matters.

§18-10D-2. Members of the education commission of the states; term; qualifications.

In pursuance of Article III A of said compact, there shall be seven members of the education commission of the states from the State of West Virginia consisting of the Governor and four persons appointed by the Governor, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, who shall serve at the pleasure of the Governor, and two members of the Legislature, one appointed from the Senate by the president thereof and one appointed from the House of Delegates by the speaker thereof, who shall serve at the pleasure of the appointing officer. Members so appointed shall have the qualifications specified in said Article III A of the compact.

§18-10D-3. West Virginia education council; composition; meetings; duties.

There is hereby established the "West Virginia education council" composed of the members of the education commission of the states representing this state. The chairman shall be designated by the Governor from among its members. The council shall meet on the call of its chairman or at the request of a majority of its members, but in any event the council shall meet not less than three times each year. The council may consider any and all matters relating to recommendations of the education commission of the states and the activities of the members in representing this state thereon.

§18-10D-4. Bylaws of commission filed with Secretary of State.

Pursuant to Article III I of the compact, the commission shall file a copy of its bylaws and any amendments thereto with the Secretary of State of West Virginia.

§18-10D-5. Cooperation of state agencies, boards, departments, etc.

The departments, boards, agencies, commissions, officers and employees of the state and its subdivisions are authorized to cooperate with the council in the furtherance of any of its activities pursuant to this compact.

§18-10D-6. Appropriations.

The Legislature may appropriate such funds as it deems necessary to carry out the provisions of this chapter, article, and sections.

§18-10D-7. Severability clause.

If for any reason any section or provision of this article shall be held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such unconstitutionality or invalidity shall not affect the remainder of the article.


§18-10E-1. Enactment of compact.

The interstate compact on qualifications of educational personnel is hereby enacted into law and entered into with all jurisdictions legally joining therein, in the form substantially as follows:



Article I. Purpose, Findings and Policy.

1. The states party to this compact, desiring by common action to improve their respective school systems by utilizing the teacher or other professional educational person wherever educated, declare that it is the policy of each of them, on the basis of cooperation with one another to take advantage of the preparation and experience of such persons wherever gained, thereby serving the best interests of society, of education, and of the teaching profession. It is the purpose of this compact to provide for the development and execution of such programs of cooperation as will facilitate the movement of teachers and other professional educational personnel among the states party to it, and to authorize specific interstate educational personnel contracts to achieve that end.

2. The party states find that included in the large movement of population among all sections of the nation are many qualified educational personnel who move for family and other personal reasons but who are hindered in using their professional skill and experience in their new locations. Variations from state to state in requirements for qualifying educational personnel discourage such personnel from taking the steps necessary to qualify in other states. As a consequence, a significant number of professionally prepared and experienced educators is lost to our school systems. Facilitating the employment of qualified educational personnel without reference to their states of origin, can increase the available educational resources. Participation in this compact can increase the availability of educational manpower.

Article II. Definitions.

As used in this compact and contracts made pursuant to it, unless the context clearly requires otherwise:

1."Educational personnel" means persons who must meet requirements pursuant to state law as a condition of employment in educational programs.

2."Designated state official" means the education official of a state selected by that state to negotiate and enter into, on behalf of his state, contracts pursuant to this compact.

3."Accept," or any variant thereof, means to recognize and give effect to one or more determinations of another state relating to the qualifications of educational personnel in lieu of making or requiring a like determination that would otherwise be required by or pursuant to the laws of a receiving state.

4."State" means a state, territory or possession of the United States; the District of Columbia; or the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.

5."Originating state" means a state and the subdivision thereof, if any, whose determination that certain educational personnel are qualified to be employed for specific duties in schools is acceptable in accordance with the terms of a contract made pursuant to Article III.

6."Receiving state" means a state and the subdivisions thereof which accept educational personnel in accordance with the terms of a contract made pursuant to Article III.

Article III. Interstate Educational Personnel Contracts.

1. The designated state official of a party state may make one or more contracts on behalf of his state with one or more other party states providing for the acceptance of educational personnel. Any such contract for the period of its duration shall be applicable to and binding on the states whose designated state officials enter into it, and the subdivisions of those states, with the same force and effect as if incorporated in this agreement. A designated state official may enter into a contract pursuant to this article only with states in which he finds that there are programs of education, certification standards or other acceptable qualifications that assure preparation or qualification of educational personnel on a basis sufficiently comparable, even though not identical to that prevailing in his own state.

2. Any such contract shall provide for:

(a) Its duration;

(b) The criteria to be applied by an originating state in qualifying educational personnel for acceptance by a receiving state;

(c) Such waivers, substitutions and conditional acceptances as shall aid the practical effectuation of the contract without sacrifice of basic educational standards;

(d) Any other necessary matters.

3. No contract made pursuant to this compact shall be for a term longer than five years but any such contract may be renewed for like or lesser periods.

4. Any contract dealing with acceptance of educational personnel on the basis of their having completed an educational program shall specify the earliest date or dates on which originating state approval of the program or programs involved can have occurred. No contract made pursuant to this compact shall require acceptance by a receiving state of any persons qualified because of successful completion of a program prior to January 1, 1954.

5. The certification or other acceptance of a person who has been accepted pursuant to the terms of a contract shall not be revoked or otherwise impaired because the contract has expired or been terminated. However, any certificate or other qualifying document may be revoked or suspended on any ground which would be sufficient for revocation or suspension of a certificate or other qualifying document initially granted or approved in the receiving state.

6. A contract committee composed of the designated state officials of the contracting states or their representatives shall keep the contract under continuous review, study means of improving its administration, and report no less frequently than once a year to the heads of the appropriate education agencies of the contracting states.

Article IV. Approved and Accepted Programs.

1. Nothing in this compact shall be construed to repeal or otherwise modify any law or regulation of a party state relating to the approval of programs of educational preparation having effect solely on the qualification of educational personnel within that state.

2. To the extent that contracts made pursuant to this compact deal with the educational requirements for the proper qualification of educational personnel, acceptance of a program of educational preparation shall be in accordance with such procedures and requirements as may be provided in the applicable contract.

Article V. Interstate Cooperation.

The party states agree that:

1. They will, so far as practicable, prefer the making of multilateral contracts pursuant to Article III of this compact.

2. They will facilitate and strengthen cooperation in interstate certification and other elements of educational personnel qualification and for this purpose shall cooperate with agencies, organizations, and associations interested in certification and other elements of educational personnel qualification.

Article VI. Agreement Evaluation.

The designated state officials of any party states may meet from time to time as a group to evaluate progress under the compact, and to formulate recommendations for changes.

 Article VII. Other Arrangements.

Nothing in this compact shall be construed to prevent or inhibit other arrangements or practices of any party state or states to facilitate the interchange of educational personnel.

Article VIII. Effect and Withdrawal.

1. This compact shall become effective when enacted into law by two states. Thereafter it shall become effective as to any state upon its enactment of this compact.

2. Any party state may withdraw from this compact by enacting a statute repealing the same, but no such withdrawal shall take effect until one year after the Governor of the withdrawing state has given notice in writing of the withdrawal to the Governors of all other party states.

3. No withdrawal shall relieve the withdrawing state of any obligation imposed upon it by a contract to which it is a party. The duration of contracts and the methods and conditions of withdrawal therefrom shall be those specified in their terms.

Article IX. Construction and Severability.

This compact shall be liberally construed so as to effectuate the purposes thereof. The provisions of this compact shall be severable and if any phrase, clause, sentence or provision of this compact is declared to be contrary to the Constitution of any state or of the United States, or the application thereof to any government, agency, person or circumstances is held invalid, the validity of the remainder of this compact and the applicability thereof to any government, agency, person or circumstance shall not be affected thereby. If this compact shall be held contrary to the Constitution of any state participating therein, the compact shall remain in full force and effect as to the state affected as to all severable matters.

The "designated state official" for this state shall be the State Superintendent of Schools. He may enter into contracts pursuant to Article III of the compact only with the approval of the specific text thereof by the state Board of Education.

True copies of all contracts made on behalf of this state pursuant to the compact shall be kept on file in the office of the State Superintendent of Schools and in the office of the Secretary of State. The State Superintendent of Schools shall publish all such contracts in convenient form.

§18-10E-2. Effective date.

The effective date of this article shall be July 1, 1969.


§18-10F-1.  Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children.

This article is known and may be cited as the “Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children”.

§18-10F-2. Enactment of Interstate Compact.

The Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children is hereby enacted into law and entered into by the State of West Virginia with any and all states legally joining therein in accordance with its terms, in the form substantially as follows:




It is the purpose of this compact to remove barriers to educational success imposed on children of military families because of frequent moves and deployment of their parents by:

(a) Facilitating the timely enrollment of children of military families and ensuring that they are not placed at a disadvantage due to difficulty in the transfer of education records from a previous school district or variations in entrance or age requirements;

(b) Facilitating the student placement process through which children of military families are not disadvantaged by variations in attendance requirements, scheduling, sequencing, grading, course content or assessment;

(c) Facilitating the qualification and eligibility for enrollment, educational programs, and participation in extracurricular academic, athletic and social activities;

(d) Facilitating the on-time graduation of children of military families;

(e) Providing for the promulgation and enforcement of administrative rules implementing the provisions of this compact;

(f) Providing for the uniform collection and sharing of information between and among member states, schools and military families under this compact;

(g) Promoting coordination between this compact and other compacts affecting military children; and

(h) Promoting flexibility and cooperation between the educational system, parents and students in order to achieve educational success for students.


As used in this article and compact, unless the context clearly requires a different meaning:

(a) "Active duty" means full-time duty status in any of the active uniformed services of the United States, including service in the National Guard and Reserve pursuant to active duty orders in accordance with 10 U.S.C. Sections 1209 and 1211;

(b) "Child of a military family" means any school-aged child enrolled in any of grades kindergarten through twelfth who is in the household of an active duty uniformed services member;

(c) "Compact commissioner" means the voting representative of a compacting state appointed pursuant to Article VIII of this compact;

(d) "Deployment" means the time period beginning one month prior to a uniformed services member's departure from his or her home station on military orders and ending six months after return to his or her home station;

(e) "Education records" means all documents, files, data and official records directly related to a student and maintained by a school or county board. This includes all material kept in the student's cumulative file, such as but not limited to generally-identifying data, attendance records, academic work completion records, achievement records, evaluative test results, health data, disciplinary records, test protocols, and individualized education program or service records;

(f) "Extracurricular activities" means voluntary activities sponsored by a school, a county board or an organization sanctioned by a county board or the state board of education. Extracurricular activities include, but are not limited to, preparation for and involvement in public performances, contests, athletic competitions, demonstrations, displays, organizations and clubs;

(g) "Interstate Commission on Educational Opportunity for Military Children" or "Interstate Commission" means the Commission that is created by Article IX of this compact;

(h) "County board" means a county board of education, which is the public entity legally constituted by this state as an administrative agency to provide control of and direction for grades kindergarten through twelfth in the public schools in the county in which it operates;

(i) "Member state" means a state that has enacted this compact;

(j) "Military installation" means a base, camp, post, station, yard, center, homeport facility for any ship, or other facility under the jurisdiction of the Department of Defense, including any leased facility, which is located within any of the several states, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, the Northern Marianas Islands or any other United States Territory. "Military installation" does not include any facility used primarily for civil works, rivers and harbors projects, or flood control projects;

(k) "Non-member state" means a state that has not enacted this compact;

(l) "Receiving state" means a state to which a child of a military family is sent, brought, or caused to be sent or brought;

(m) "Rule" means a written statement by the Interstate Commission which:

(1) Is promulgated pursuant to Article XII of this compact;

(2) Is of general applicability;

(3) Implements, interprets or prescribes a policy or provision of this compact, or an organizational, procedural, or practice requirement of the Interstate Commission;

(4) Has the force and effect of statutory law in a member state; and

(5) May be amended, repealed, or suspended by act of the Interstate Commission;

(n) "Sending state" means a state from which a child of a military family is sent, brought, or caused to be sent or brought;

(o) "State" means a state of the United States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, the Northern Marianas Islands and any other United States Territory;

(p) "Student" means a child of a military family who is formally enrolled in any of grades kindergarten through twelfth and for whom a county board receives public funding;

(q) "Transition" means:

(1) The formal and physical process of transferring from one school to another; or

(2) The period of time during which a student moves from one school in a sending state to another school in the receiving state;

(r) "Uniformed services" means the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, and the Commissioned Corps of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and Public Health Services;

(s) "Veteran" means a person who performed active duty service and was discharged or released therefrom under conditions other than dishonorable; and

(t) "The West Virginia Council for Educational Opportunity for Military Children" or "West Virginia Council" means the state coordinating council established in Article VIII of this compact.


(a) This compact applies to:

(1) Each county board of education; and

(2) The children of:

(A) Active duty members of the uniformed services as defined in this compact, including members of the National Guard and Reserve on active duty orders pursuant to 10 U.S.C. Sections 1209 and 1211;

(B) Members or veterans of the uniformed services who are severely injured and medically discharged or retired for a period of one year after medical discharge or retirement; and

(C) Members of the uniformed services who die on active duty or as a result of injuries sustained on active duty for a period of one (1) year after death.

(b) Except as provided in subsection (a) of this Article III, this compact does not apply to the children of:

(1) Inactive members of the National Guard or military reserves;

(2) Retired members of the uniformed services;

(3) Veterans of the uniformed services;

(4) Other United States Department of Defense personnel; nor

(5) Any other federal agency civilian or contract employees not defined as active duty members of the uniformed services.


(a) Unofficial or "hand-carried" education records C-

In the event that official education records cannot be released to a student's parents or legal guardians for the purpose of transfer, the custodian of the records in the sending state shall prepare and furnish to the parents a complete set of unofficial educational records containing uniform information as determined by the Interstate Commission. As quickly as possible upon receipt of the unofficial education records by a school in the receiving state, the school shall enroll and appropriately place the student based on the information provided in the unofficial records pending validation by the official records.

(b) Official education records/transcripts --

Simultaneous with the enrollment and conditional placement of a student, the school in the receiving state shall request the student's official education records from the school in the sending state. Upon receipt of this request, the school in the sending state shall process and furnish the official education records to the school in the receiving state within ten days or such other time period as is determined reasonable under the rules promulgated by the Interstate Commission.

(c) Immunizations –-

(1) A county board shall allow a student thirty days from the date of enrollment to obtain any required immunizations, or such other time period as is determined reasonable under the rules promulgated by the Interstate Commission.

(2) In any case where a series of immunizations is required, the student shall obtain the initial vaccination within thirty days of enrollment, or such other time period as is determined reasonable under the rules promulgated by the Interstate Commission.

(d) Enrollment at current grade level –-

(1) A student shall be permitted to enroll in the grade level in this state, including kindergarten, which is commensurate with the grade level in which he or she was enrolled in the sending state at the time of transition, regardless of his or her age.

(2) A student that has satisfactorily completed the prerequisite grade level in the sending state is eligible for enrollment in the next highest grade level in this state, regardless of his or her age.


(a) Course placement --

(1) When a student transfers to this state before or during the school year, the school in this state shall initially place the student in educational courses based on the courses in which he or she was enrolled in the sending state, educational assessments conducted at the school in the sending state, or both, if the courses are offered at the school to which the student is transferring. This course placement provision includes, but is not limited to Honors, International Baccalaureate, Advanced Placement, vocational, technical and career pathways courses.

(2) A school shall give paramount consideration to continuing a student's academic program from the previous school, and promoting placement in academically and career-challenging courses, when considering course placement.

(3) A school is not precluded from performing subsequent evaluations to ensure appropriate placement and continued enrollment of the student in any course.

(b) Educational program placement –-

When a student transfers to this state, the school shall initially place the student in educational programs based on current educational assessments conducted at the school in the sending state or participation or placement in like programs in the sending state. Such programs include, but are not limited to gifted and talented programs and English as a second language (ESL). A school is not precluded from performing subsequent evaluations to ensure appropriate placement of the student.

(c) Special education services –-

(1) In compliance with the federal requirements of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), 20 U.S.C.A. Section 1400 et seq, a school in this state shall initially provide comparable services to a student with disabilities based on his or her current Individualized Education Program (IEP); and

(2) In compliance with the requirements of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, 29 U.S.C.A. Section 794 (Section 504), and with Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act, 42 U.S.C.A. Sections 12131-12165 (Title II), any school in this state shall make reasonable accommodations and modifications to address the needs of incoming students with disabilities, subject to an existing Section 504 or Title II plan, to provide the student with equal access to education. The school is not precluded from performing subsequent evaluations to ensure appropriate placement of the student.

(d) Placement flexibility –-

County board administrative officials have flexibility in waiving course and program prerequisites, or other preconditions for placement in courses or programs offered under the authority of the county board.

(e) Absence as related to deployment activities –-

A student whose parent or legal guardian is an active duty member of the uniformed services and has been called to duty for, is on leave from, or immediately returned from deployment to a combat zone or combat support posting, shall be granted additional excused absences at the discretion of the county superintendent to visit with his or her parent or legal guardian relative to such leave or deployment of the parent or guardian.


(a) Eligibility for enrollment –-

(1) Special power of attorney, relative to the guardianship of a child of a military family and executed under applicable law is sufficient for the purposes of enrollment and all other actions requiring parental participation and consent.

(2) A county board may not charge local tuition to a transitioning military child placed in the care of a noncustodial parent or other person standing in loco parentis who lives in a school district other than that of the custodial parent.

(3) A transitioning military child, placed in the care of a noncustodial parent or other person standing in loco parentis who lives in a school district other than that of the custodial parent, may continue to attend the school in which he or she was enrolled while residing with the custodial parent.

(b) Eligibility for extracurricular participation --

The State Board of Education and county boards shall facilitate the opportunity for transitioning military children to be included in extracurricular activities, regardless of application deadlines, to the extent the children are otherwise qualified.


In order to facilitate the on-time graduation of children of military families the State Board of Education and each county board shall incorporate the following procedures:

(a) Waiver requirements –-

County board administrative officials shall either waive specific courses required for graduation if a student has satisfactorily completed similar course work in another local education agency, or provide reasonable justification for denial. If a waiver is not granted to a student who would qualify to graduate from the sending school, the county board shall provide an alternative means of acquiring required coursework so that the student may graduate on time.

(b) Exit exams --

Any school in this state shall accept:

(1) Exit or end-of-course exams required for graduation from the sending state;

(2) National norm-referenced achievement tests; or

(3) Alternative testing, in lieu of testing requirements for graduation in the receiving state. In the event that the alternatives in this subsection cannot be accommodated by a school for a student transferring in his or her senior year, then the provisions of subsection (c) of Article VII of this compact apply.

(c) Transfers during senior year –-

If a student transferring at the beginning of or during his or her senior year is ineligible to graduate from a school in this state after all alternatives have been considered, the county board and the local education agency in the sending state shall ensure that the student receives a diploma from the sending state, if the student meets the graduation requirements of the local education agency in the sending state. In the event that one of the states in question is not a member of this compact, the member state shall use best efforts to facilitate the on-time graduation of the student in accordance with subsections (a) and (b) of this Article VII.


(a) The West Virginia Council for Educational Opportunity for Military Children is hereby established for the purpose of coordinating entities in this state regarding participation in the Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children.

(b) Membership of the Council consists of at least six members as follows:

(1) The State Superintendent of Schools;

(2) The superintendent of a county board in the state which has a high concentration of military children, appointed by the Governor. If the Governor determines there is not a county school district that contains a high concentration of military children, he or she may appoint a superintendent from any county school district to represent county boards on the State Council;

(3) An individual representing a military installation in this state appointed by the Governor by and with the advice and consent of the Senate. This member serves a term of four years, except that the term of the individual initially appointed expires June 30, 2015. Each subsequent term begins on July 1 in the year of appointment.

(4) An individual representing the executive branch of government, appointed by the Governor;

(5) One member of the West Virginia Senate, appointed by the President of the West Virginia Senate; and

(6) One member of the West Virginia House of Delegates, appointed by the Speaker of the West Virginia House of Delegates.

(c) The Governor shall appoint a Compact Commissioner who is responsible for administering and managing the state's participation in the compact. The Governor may select the Commissioner from members appointed to the Council as provided in subsection (b) of this Article VIII, or may appoint another individual to serve in this capacity. A individual who is not already a full voting member of the Council becomes an ex officio member of the Council if appointed as Commissioner.

(d) The West Virginia Council has and may exercise all powers necessary or appropriate to carry out and effectuate the purpose and intent of this compact, including, but not limited to the following:

(1) Facilitate coordination among state agencies and governmental entities of West Virginia, including county boards and military installations, concerning the state's participation in, and compliance with, this compact and Interstate Commission activities; and

(2) Appoint or designate a military family education liaison to assist military families and the state in facilitating implementation of the compact. This individual becomes an ex officio member of the West Virginia Council if he or she is not already a full voting member of the Council when so appointed or designated.



(a) The member states hereby create the "Interstate Commission on Educational Opportunity for Military Children." The activities of the Interstate Commission are the formation of public policy and are a discretionary state function.

(b) The Interstate Commission:

(1) Is a body corporate and joint agency of the member states and has all the responsibilities, powers and duties set forth herein, and such additional powers as may be conferred upon it by a subsequent concurrent action of the respective Legislatures of the member states in accordance with the terms of this compact;

(2) Consists of one Interstate Commission voting representative from each member state who is that state's Compact Commissioner.

(A) Each member state represented at a meeting of the Interstate Commission is entitled to one vote.

(B) A majority of the total member states constitutes a quorum for the transaction of business, unless a larger quorum is required by the bylaws of the Interstate Commission.

(C) A representative may not delegate a vote to another member state. In the event a Compact Commissioner is unable to attend a meeting of the Interstate Commission, the Governor or State Council of the Compact Commissioner's state may delegate voting authority to another person from that state for a specified meeting.

(D) The bylaws may provide for meetings of the Interstate Commission to be conducted by telecommunication or electronic communication;

(3) Consists of ex-officio, nonvoting representatives who are members of interested organizations. Such ex-officio members, as defined in the bylaws, may include, but are not limited to, members of the representative organizations of military family advocates, local education agency officials, parent and teacher groups, the United States Department of Defense, the Education Commission of the States, the Interstate Agreement on the Qualification of Educational Personnel, and other interstate compacts affecting the education of children of military members;

(4) Meets at least once each calendar year. The chairperson may call additional meetings and, upon the request of a simple majority of the member states, shall call additional meetings;

(5) Establishes an executive committee, whose members shall include the officers of the Interstate Commission and such other members of the Interstate Commission as established in the bylaws. Each member of the executive committee serves a one year term. Each member of the executive committee is entitled to one vote. The executive committee has the power to act on behalf of the Interstate Commission, with the exception of rulemaking, during periods when the Interstate Commission is not in session. The executive committee shall oversee the daily activities of the administration of the compact, including enforcement and compliance with the provisions of the compact, its bylaws and rules, and such other duties as it determines are necessary. A representative of the United States Department of Defense serves as an ex-officio, nonvoting member of the executive committee;

(6) Establishes bylaws and rules that provide for conditions and procedures under which the Interstate Commission makes its information and official records available to the public for inspection or copying. The Interstate Commission may exempt from disclosure information or official records to the extent they would adversely affect personal privacy rights or proprietary interests;

(7) Gives public notice of all meetings. All meetings shall be open to the public, except as set forth in the rules or as otherwise provided in the compact. The Interstate Commission and its committees may close a meeting, or portion thereof, where it determines by two-thirds vote that an open meeting would be likely to:

(A) Relate solely to the Interstate Commission's internal personnel practices and procedures;

(B) Disclose matters specifically exempted from disclosure by federal and state statute;

(C) Disclose trade secrets or commercial or financial information which is privileged or confidential;

(D) Involve accusing a person of a crime, or formally censuring a person;

(E) Disclose information of a personal nature where disclosure would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy;

(F) Disclose investigative records compiled for law enforcement purposes; or

(G) Specifically relate to the Interstate Commission's participation in a civil action or other legal proceeding;

(8) Causes its legal counsel or designee to certify that a meeting may be closed, and reference each relevant exemptable provision for any meeting or portion of a meeting which is closed pursuant to this provision. The Interstate Commission shall maintain a minute record of each meeting which shall fully and clearly describe all matters discussed in the meeting. The minute record shall provide a full and accurate summary of actions taken, and the reasons therefore, including a description of the views expressed and the record of a roll call vote. All documents considered in connection with an action shall be identified in the minute record. All minutes and documents of a closed meeting shall remain under seal, subject to release by a majority vote of the Interstate Commission.

(9) Collects standardized data concerning the educational transition of the children of military families under this compact as directed through its rules. The rules shall specify the data to be collected, the means of collection and data exchange and reporting requirements. Such methods of data collection, exchange and reporting shall, in so far as is reasonably possible, conform to current technology and coordinate its information functions with the appropriate custodian of records as identified in the bylaws and rules; and

(10) Creates a process that permits military officials, education officials and parents to inform the Interstate Commission if and when there are alleged violations of the compact or its rules or when issues subject to the jurisdiction of the compact or its rules are not addressed by the state or local education agency. This subdivision does not create a private right of action against the Interstate Commission or any member state.


The Interstate Commission has the following powers:

(a) To provide for dispute resolution among member states;

(b) To promulgate rules and take all necessary actions to effect the goals, purposes and obligations as enumerated in this compact. The rules have the force and effect of statutory law and are binding in the compact states to the extent and in the manner provided in this compact;

(c) To issue, upon request of a member state, advisory opinions concerning the meaning or interpretation of the compact, its bylaws, rules and actions;

(d) To enforce compliance with the compact provisions, the rules promulgated by the Interstate Commission, and the bylaws, using all necessary and proper means, including but not limited to the use of judicial process;

(e) To establish and maintain offices which shall be located within one or more of the member states;

(f) To purchase and maintain insurance and bonds;

(g) To borrow, accept, hire or contract for services of personnel;

(h) To establish and appoint committees including, but not limited to, an executive committee as required by Article IX of this compact, which have the power to act on behalf of the Interstate Commission in carrying out its powers and duties hereunder;

(i) To elect or appoint such officers, attorneys, employees, agents or consultants, and to fix their compensation, define their duties and determine their qualifications; and to establish the Interstate Commission's personnel policies and programs relating to conflicts of interest, rates of compensation, and qualifications of personnel;

(j) To accept any and all donations and grants of money, equipment, supplies, materials, and services, and to receive, utilize, and dispose of such;

(k) To lease, purchase, accept contributions or donations of, or otherwise to own, hold, improve or use any property, real, personal, or mixed;

(l) To sell, convey, mortgage, pledge, lease, exchange, abandon, or otherwise dispose of any property, real, personal or mixed;

(m) To establish a budget and make expenditures;

(n) To adopt a seal and bylaws governing the management and operation of the Interstate Commission;

(o) To report annually to the Legislatures, Governors, judiciary, and state councils of the member states concerning the activities of the Interstate Commission during the preceding year. Such reports also shall include any recommendations that may have been adopted by the Interstate Commission;

(p) To coordinate education, training and public awareness regarding the compact, its implementation and operation for officials and parents involved in such activity;

(q) To establish uniform standards for reporting, collecting and exchanging data;

(r) To maintain corporate books and records in accordance with the bylaws;

(s) To perform such functions as may be necessary or appropriate to achieve the purposes of this compact; and

(t) To provide for the uniform collection and sharing of information between and among member states, schools and military families under this compact.



(a) The Interstate Commission shall, by a majority of the members present and voting, within twelve months after the first Interstate Commission meeting, adopt bylaws to govern its conduct as may be necessary or appropriate to carry out the purposes of the compact, including, but not limited to:

(1) Establishing the fiscal year of the Interstate Commission;

(2) Establishing an executive committee, and such other committees as may be necessary;

(3) Providing for the establishment of committees and for governing any general or specific delegation of authority or function of the Interstate Commission;

(4) Providing reasonable procedures for calling and conducting meetings of the Interstate Commission, and ensuring reasonable notice of each meeting;

(5) Establishing the titles and responsibilities of the officers and staff of the Interstate Commission;

(6) Providing a mechanism for concluding the operations of the Interstate Commission and the returning surplus funds that may exist upon termination of the compact after the payment and reserving of all of its debts and obligations; and

(7) Providing start-up rules for initial administration of the compact.

(b) The Interstate Commission shall, by a majority of the members, elect annually from among its members a chairperson, a vice-chairperson, and a treasurer, each of whom shall have such authority and duties as may be specified in the bylaws. The chairperson or, in the chairperson's absence or disability, the vice-chairperson, shall preside at all meetings of the Interstate Commission. The officers so elected serve without compensation or remuneration from the Interstate Commission. Subject to the availability of budgeted funds, the officers shall be reimbursed for ordinary and necessary costs and expenses incurred by them in the performance of their responsibilities as officers of the Interstate Commission.

(c) Executive Committee, Officers and Personnel --

(1) The executive committee has such authority and duties as may be set forth in the bylaws, including but not limited to:

(A) Managing the affairs of the Interstate Commission in a manner consistent with the bylaws and purposes of the Interstate Commission;

(B) Overseeing an organizational structure within, and appropriate procedures for the Interstate Commission to provide for the creation of rules, operating procedures, and administrative and technical support functions; and

(C) Planning, implementing, and coordinating communications and activities with other state, federal and local government organizations in order to advance the goals of the Interstate Commission.

(2) The executive committee may, subject to the approval of the Interstate Commission, appoint or retain an executive director for such period, upon such terms and conditions and for such compensation, as the Interstate Commission may deem appropriate. The executive director serves as secretary to the Interstate Commission, but is not a Member of the Interstate Commission. The executive director shall hire and supervise such other persons as may be authorized by the Interstate Commission.

(d) The Interstate Commission's executive director and its employees are immune from suit and liability, either personally or in their official capacity, for a claim for damage to or loss of property or personal injury or other civil liability caused or arising out of or relating to an actual or alleged act, error, or omission that occurred, or that such person had a reasonable basis for believing occurred, within the scope of Interstate Commission employment, duties, or responsibilities. The executive director and employees are not protected from suit or liability for damage, loss, injury, or liability caused by the intentional or willful and wanton misconduct of such person.

(1) The liability of the Interstate Commission's executive director and employees or Interstate Commission representatives, acting within the scope of employment or duties for acts, errors, or omissions occurring within his or her state may not exceed the limits of liability set forth under the constitution and laws of that state for state officials, employees, and agents. The Interstate Commission is considered to be an instrumentality of the states for the purposes of any such action. This subsection does not protect the executive director or employees from suit or liability for damage, loss, injury, or liability caused by his or her intentional or willful and wanton misconduct.

(2) The Interstate Commission shall defend the executive director and its employees and, subject to the approval of the Attorney General or other appropriate legal counsel of the member state represented by an Interstate Commission representative, shall defend such Interstate Commission representative in any civil action seeking to impose liability arising out of an actual or alleged act, error or omission that occurred within the scope of Interstate Commission employment, duties or responsibilities, or that the defendant had a reasonable basis for believing occurred within the scope of Interstate Commission employment, duties, or responsibilities, provided that the actual or alleged act, error, or omission did not result from intentional or willful and wanton misconduct on the part of such person.

(3) To the extent not covered by the state involved, member state, or the Interstate Commission, the representatives or employees of the Interstate Commission shall be held harmless in the amount of a settlement or judgment, including attorney's fees and costs, obtained against the individual arising out of an actual or alleged act, error, or omission that occurred within the scope of Interstate Commission employment, duties, or responsibilities, or that the individual had a reasonable basis for believing occurred within the scope of Interstate Commission employment, duties, or responsibilities, provided that the actual or alleged act, error, or omission did not result from intentional or willful and wanton misconduct on the part of the individual.



(a) Rulemaking Authority --

The Interstate Commission shall promulgate reasonable rules in order to effectively and efficiently achieve the purposes of this compact. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event the Interstate Commission exercises its rulemaking authority in a manner that is beyond the scope of the purposes of this Act, or the powers granted hereunder, then such an action by the Interstate Commission is invalid and has no force nor effect.

(b) Rulemaking Procedure --

Rules shall be made pursuant to a rulemaking process that substantially conforms to the "Model State Administrative Procedure Act," of 1981 Act, Uniform Laws Annotated, Vol. 15, p.1 (2000) as amended, as may be appropriate to the operations of the Interstate Commission.

(c) Not later than thirty days after a rule is promulgated, any person may file a petition for judicial review of the rule. Filing such a petition does not stay or otherwise prevent the rule from becoming effective unless the court finds that the petitioner has a substantial likelihood of success. The court shall give deference to the actions of the Interstate Commission consistent with applicable law and may not find the rule to be unlawful if the rule represents a reasonable exercise of the Interstate Commission's authority.

(d) If a majority of the Legislatures of the compacting states rejects a rule by enactment of a statute or resolution in the same manner used to adopt the compact, then that rule has no further force nor effect in any compacting state.



(a) Oversight --

(1) The executive, legislative and judicial branches of state government in each member state shall enforce this compact and shall take all actions necessary and appropriate to effectuate the compact's purposes and intent. The provisions of this compact and the rules promulgated hereunder shall have standing as statutory law.

(2) All courts shall take judicial notice of this compact and the rules in any judicial or administrative proceeding in a member state pertaining to the subject matter of this compact which may affect the powers, responsibilities or actions of the Interstate Commission.

(3) The Interstate Commission is entitled to receive all service of process in any such proceeding, and has standing to intervene in the proceeding for all purposes. Failure to provide service of process to the Interstate Commission renders a judgment or order void as to the Interstate Commission, this compact or promulgated rules.

(b) Default, Technical Assistance, Suspension and Termination --

If the Interstate Commission determines that a member state has defaulted in the performance of its obligations or responsibilities under this compact, or the bylaws or promulgated rules, the Interstate Commission shall:

(1) Provide written notice to the defaulting state and other member states, of the nature of the default, the means of curing the default and any action taken by the Interstate Commission. The Interstate Commission shall specify the conditions by which the defaulting state must cure its default; and

(2) Provide remedial training and specific technical assistance regarding the default.

(3) If the defaulting state fails to cure the default, the defaulting state shall be terminated from the compact upon an affirmative vote of a majority of the member states and all rights, privileges and benefits conferred by this compact shall be terminated from the effective date of termination. A cure of the default does not relieve the offending state of obligations or liabilities incurred during the period of the default.

(4) Suspension or termination of membership in the compact may be imposed only after all other means of securing compliance have been exhausted. Notice of intent to suspend or terminate shall be given by the Interstate Commission to the Governor, the majority and minority leaders of the defaulting state's Legislature, and each of the member states.

(5) The state which has been suspended or terminated is responsible for all assessments, obligations and liabilities incurred through the effective date of suspension or termination including obligations, the performance of which extends beyond the effective date of suspension or termination.

(6) The Interstate Commission does not bear any costs relating to any state that has been found to be in default or which has been suspended or terminated from the compact, unless otherwise mutually agreed upon in writing between the Interstate Commission and the defaulting state.

(7) The defaulting state may appeal the action of the Interstate Commission by petitioning the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia or the federal district where the Interstate Commission has its principal offices. The prevailing party shall be awarded all costs of such litigation including reasonable attorney's fees.

(c) Dispute Resolution –-

(1) The Interstate Commission shall attempt, upon the request of a member state, to resolve disputes which are subject to the compact and which may arise among member states and between member and nonmember states.

(2) The Interstate Commission shall promulgate a rule providing for both mediation and binding dispute resolution for disputes as appropriate.

(d) Enforcement –-

(1) The Interstate Commission, in the reasonable exercise of its discretion, shall enforce the provisions and rules of this compact.

(2) The Interstate Commission may by majority vote of the members initiate legal action in the United State District Court for the District of Columbia or, at the discretion of the Interstate Commission, in the federal district where the Interstate Commission has its principal offices, to enforce compliance with the provisions of the compact, its promulgated rules and bylaws, against a member state in default. The relief sought may include both injunctive relief and damages. In the event judicial enforcement is necessary the prevailing party shall be awarded all costs of such litigation including reasonable attorney's fees.

(3) The remedies herein are not the exclusive remedies of the Interstate Commission. The Interstate Commission may avail itself of any other remedies available under state law or the regulation of a profession.


(a) The Interstate Commission shall pay, or provide for the payment of the reasonable expenses of its establishment, organization and ongoing activities.

(b) The Interstate Commission may levy on and collect an annual assessment from each member state to cover the cost of the operations and activities of the Interstate Commission and its staff which must be in a total amount sufficient to cover the Interstate Commission's annual budget as approved each year. The aggregate annual assessment amount shall be allocated based upon a formula to be determined by the Interstate Commission, which shall promulgate a rule binding upon all member states.

(c) The Interstate Commission may not incur obligations of any kind prior to securing the funds adequate to meet the same; nor may the Interstate Commission pledge the credit of any of the member states, except by and with the authority of the member state.

(d) The Interstate Commission shall keep accurate accounts of all receipts and disbursements. The receipts and disbursements of the Interstate Commission are subject to the audit and accounting procedures established under its bylaws. However, all receipts and disbursements of funds handled by the Interstate Commission shall be audited annualy by a certified or licensed public accountant and the report of the audit shall be included in and become part of the annual report of the Interstate Commission.


(a) Any state is eligible to become a member state.

(b) This compact became effective and binding upon legislative enactment of the compact into law by ten states in July 2008. It becomes effective and binding as to any other member state upon enactment of the compact into law by that state. The Governors of nonmember states or their designees shall be invited to participate in the activities of the Interstate Commission on a nonvoting basis prior to adoption of the compact by all states.

(c) The Interstate Commission may propose amendments to the compact for enactment by the member states. An amendment does not become effective and binding upon the Interstate Commission and the member states unless and until it is enacted into law by unanimous consent of the member states.


(a) Withdrawal –-

(1) Once effective, the compact continues in force and remains binding upon each member state. A member state may withdraw from the compact upon repealing the specific statute that enacted the compact into law.

(2) Withdrawal from the compact occurs by repeal of the enacting statute, but withdrawal does not take effect until one year after the effective date of the repealing legislation and until written notice of the withdrawal has been given by the withdrawing state to the Governor of each other member state.

(3) The withdrawing state shall immediately notify the chairperson of the Interstate Commission in writing upon the introduction of any legislation to repeal this compact in the withdrawing state. The Interstate Commission shall notify the other member states of the withdrawing state's potential to withdraw within sixty days of receiving notice.

(4) The withdrawing state is responsible for all assessments, obligations and liabilities incurred through the effective date of withdrawal, including obligations, the performance of which extend beyond the effective date of withdrawal.

(5) Reinstatement following withdrawal of a member state shall occur if the withdrawing state reenacts the compact or upon such later date as may be determined by the Interstate Commission.

(b) Dissolution of Compact –-

(1) This compact shall dissolve effective upon the date of the withdrawal or default of any member state which reduces the membership in the compact to one member state.

(2) Upon the dissolution of this compact, the compact becomes null and void and is of no further force or effect, and the business and affairs of the Interstate Commission shall be concluded and surplus funds shall be distributed in accordance with the bylaws.


(a) The provisions of this compact are severable, and if any phrase, clause, sentence or provision is deemed unenforceable, the remaining provisions of the compact are enforceable.

(b) The provisions of this compact shall be liberally construed to effectuate its purposes.

(c) Nothing in this compact prohibits the applicability of any other interstate compact to which the states are members.


(a) Other Laws --

(1) Nothing in this compact prevents the enforcement of any other law of a member state that is not inconsistent with this compact.

(2) All member states' laws conflicting with this compact are superseded to the extent of the conflict.

(b) Binding Effect of the Compact –-

(1) All lawful actions of the Interstate Commission, including all rules and bylaws promulgated by the Interstate Commission, are binding upon the member states.

(2) All agreements between the Interstate Commission and the member states are binding in accordance with their terms.

(3) In the event any provision of this compact exceeds the constitutional limits imposed on the Legislature of any member state, that provision is ineffective to the extent of the conflict with the constitutional provision in question in that member state.



Acts, 1994 Reg. Sess., Ch. 146.



Acts, 1994 Reg. Sess., Ch. 146.



Acts, 1994 Reg. Sess., Ch. 146.



Acts, 1994 Reg. Sess., Ch. 146.



Acts, 1994 Reg. Sess., Ch. 146.


§18-10G-1. Policy and purposes; construction of article.

It is hereby declared to be the policy of this state and the purposes of this article to provide blind and severely disabled persons with the maximum opportunities for remunerative employment and for training for such employment; to enlarge the economic opportunities of the blind and severely disabled; and to stimulate them to greater effort in striving to make themselves self-supporting. This article shall be construed so as to most effectively carry out this policy and to accomplish these purposes.

§18-10G-2. Definitions.

For the purpose of this article:

(a) "Active participation" means an ongoing process of negotiations between the division of vocational rehabilitation and the committee of blind vendors to achieve joint planning of policies, procedures and standards affecting the overall operation of the "food services facilities program" prior to their implementation by the division of vocational rehabilitation. It is understood that the division of vocational rehabilitation bears final responsibility for the administration and operation of the "food services facilities program," including the assurance of active participation by the committee of blind vendors.

(b) "Blind person" means a person whose central acuity does not exceed 20/200 in the better eye with correcting lenses or whose visual acuity, if better than 20/200, but is accompanied by a limit to the field of vision in the better eye to such a degree that its widest diameter subtends an angle of no greater than twenty degrees. In determining whether an individual is blind, there shall be an examination by a physician skilled in diseases of the eye or an optometrist, whichever the individual shall select.

(c) "Blind vendor" means a blind licensee who is operating a food services facility on federal, state, public or private property.

(d) "Committee of blind vendors" means an officially constituted body functioning in an advisory capacity of the division of vocational rehabilitation's food services facilities program. This committee is composed of licensed blind vendors, elected biennially and established, constituted and maintained in accordance with applicable federal regulations.

(e) "Food service facility" means and includes a restaurant, cafeteria, snack bar, vending machine for the dispensing of foods, beverages, confections, tobacco or other products for human consumption, and other facilities for the sale or providing of goods and services for the purposes customarily offered in connection with the operation of any of the foregoing. The term "food service facility" does not include, and there is expressly excepted therefrom, goods and services sold, dispensed from, or provided by the veterans administration and the facilities for the sale, dispensing or providing thereof.

(f) "Governmental agency" means and includes the State of West Virginia, each instrumentality and agency thereof, and every county, city and town within and every political subdivision within the State of West Virginia, except county boards of education, the West Virginia board of regents, the department of health, the Department of Commerce and the department of corrections.

(g) "Licensee" means all persons licensed under the division of vocational rehabilitation to operate food service facilities under the Randolph/Sheppert Act, Title XX, United States Code 107, et seq.

(h) "Public office building" means and includes the State Capitol, all county courthouses, all city and town halls, all buildings used primarily for governmental offices of the state and of any county, city and town within the state, but does not include buildings used for institutions under the jurisdiction of the West Virginia board of regents, the department of health, the Department of Commerce and the department of corrections.

(i) "Vending machine income" means receipts other than those of a blind licensee from the operation of vending machines on public property after deducting the cost of goods sold when machines are operated, serviced or maintained by, or with the approval of the division of vocational rehabilitation, or commissions paid to other than a licensee by a commercial vending concern which operates, services or maintains vending machines on public property for or with the approval of the division of vocational rehabilitation.

(j) "Designee" means an individual or an organization of individuals legally constituted, and under the jurisdiction of the division of vocational rehabilitation, doing business in the State of West Virginia, to assist the state agency with the administration and supervision of the food services facilities program.

§18-10G-3. Operation of food service in public office buildings by West Virginia division of vocational rehabilitation; operation of food service by governmental agency in violation of article prohibited.

(a) If a governmental agency proposes operating in a public office building a food service facility, whether such operation be of a food service facility in existence on the effective date of this article or be one thereafter to be instituted, the governmental agency, before continuing such existing operation beyond the period of six months immediately following the effective date of this article or before instituting such proposed new operation, shall in writing offer to the division of vocational rehabilitation the opportunity to operate such food service facility in such public office building. If there is a food service facility in operation in a public office building that is being operated by a blind person not covered or supervised as part of the federal or state rehabilitation program prior to the effective date of the amendments to this article, the blind operator shall be permitted to operate the food service facility until the operator ceases to operate or control that food service facility, after which time that food service facility shall become a part of the food service facility program administered by the division of vocational rehabilitation.

(b) If the division of vocational rehabilitation within sixty days from the receipt of the offer mentioned in subsection (a) of this section elects to operate such food service facility as is mentioned in the offer and if the governmental agency by which such offer was made does not, within such sixty-day period, make the determination mentioned in subsection (d) of this section in the manner prescribed in that subsection, the division of vocational rehabilitation, or its designee, may institute and conduct the operation of such proposed food service facility in such public office building without the payment of rent or other compensation for the premises occupied by it in the rendition of such service or for the privilege of conducting such operation.

(c) If the division of vocational rehabilitation under the authority of subsection (b) of this section institutes and operates such food service facility as is mentioned therein, the governmental agency shall not during the course of such operation, operate a food service facility in such public office building or by contract, lease, license, or otherwise, permit any other person, firm, corporation or agency to do so.

(d) If the division of vocational rehabilitation within sixty days from the receipt of the offer mentioned in subsection (a) of this section rejects or fails to accept the offer, or the governmental agency making the offer determines, in good faith and after a full and thorough study of the relevant circumstances, that the division of vocational rehabilitation is unable to operate such proposed food service facility, or that the division of vocational rehabilitation accepted such offer, but, within the period of six months from such acceptance, failed to institute such food service facility, such proposed food service facility may thereupon be provided in such other manner as may be permitted by law, free from the requirements of this article, and the division of vocational rehabilitation may not thereafter, without the express permission of the offering agency, institute such proposed food service facility in the public office building designated in such offer. If the governmental agency which made the offer makes the determination of inability of the division of vocational rehabilitation to operate the proposed food service facility, the governmental agency shall, within the aforementioned sixty-day period, provide the division of vocational rehabilitation with a full written statement of the reasons upon which such determination was predicated, and a food service facility may not be operated in such public office building free from the requirements of this article until the written statement mentioned in this subsection is first given.

(e) Notwithstanding any other provisions contained in this article, no governmental agency may by reason of the provisions of this article take any action which will result in the violation of the terms of any valid contract, lease or license existing on the effective date hereof, nor may such governmental agency be precluded from extending the period of such an existing contract, lease or license upon the same terms, and with the same contracting parties, as in the contract, lease or license so extended.

§18-10G-4. Licenses.

The division of vocational rehabilitation shall issue a license for the operation of a food service facility to any blind person who qualifies for a license in accordance with the criteria which has been established by the division of vocational rehabilitation and the committee of blind vendors. In issuing any license, the division of vocational rehabilitation shall give preference to any blind person who is a resident of the State of West Virginia. Each license issued shall be for an indefinite period but may be terminated by the division of vocational rehabilitation after affording the licensee an appeal in accordance with the applicable rules and procedures, after the division of vocational rehabilitation and the committee of blind vendors are both satisfied that the food service facility is not being operated in accordance with their rules and procedures.

§18-10G-5. Vending machine income.

(a) If an existing or a new vending machine or a replacement for an existing vending machine is installed after the effective date of the amendments to this article on any public property, vending machine income shall accrue to the licensed blind person operating the food service facility on the same property or, if none, to the division of vocational rehabilitation. The licensed blind person, by contract or otherwise, shall be responsible for servicing and maintaining the vending machine or machines from which vending machine income is received.

(b) Vending machine income which accrues to the division of vocational rehabilitation pursuant to subsection (a) may be used for the following:

(1) Maintenance and replacement of equipment;

(2) Purchase of new equipment;

(3) Management services;

(4) Assuring a fair minimum return to vendors; and

(5) Establishing retirement funds, health insurance contributions, paid sick leave and paid vacation time for blind vendors.

(c) If vending machine income which accrues to the division of vocational rehabilitation pursuant to subsection (a) is limited, it may be used to earn federal funds on a matching basis.

§18-10G-5a. Rehabilitation Services Vending Program Fund created.

There is created in the State Treasury a special revenue fund to be known as the "Rehabilitation Services Vending Program Fund." The fund shall operate as a special revenue fund whereby all deposits and payments thereto do not expire to the General Revenue Fund, but shall remain in the fund and be available for expenditure in succeeding fiscal years. This fund consists of moneys deposited in the fund pursuant to the provisions of section five of this article. Money from this fund shall be expended by the Director of the Division of Rehabilitation Services pursuant to the provisions of section five of this article.

§18-10G-6. Appeals.

(a) Any blind person aggrieved by a decision of the division of vocational rehabilitation under this article may apply for an administrative review or a full evidentiary hearing to be conducted in accordance with the procedures established and approved by the division of vocational rehabilitation and the committee of blind vendors.

(b) The division of vocational rehabilitation or any aggrieved blind vendor may appeal any unfavorable ruling rendered in accordance with this article to the circuit court of Kanawha County or to the circuit court of the county in which the blind vendor resides.

§18-10G-7. Committee of blind vendors.

(a) The division of vocational rehabilitation shall provide for the establishment and operation, including the payment of all reasonable expenses, of a committee of blind vendors to be elected biennially by the licensed blind vendors. Members of the committee of blind vendors shall be elected by secret ballot and the division of vocational rehabilitation in cooperation with the members of the committee of blind vendors shall adopt rules and regulations pertaining to the election of members and the filling of vacancies that may occur on the committee of blind vendors that will assure every blind vendor an opportunity to cast a secret ballot.

(b) The committee of blind vendors shall actively participate in an advisory capacity in the carrying out of all program management responsibilities assigned to the division of vocational rehabilitation in this article, and the division of vocational rehabilitation shall assure active participation with this committee.

These advisory responsibilities include:

(1) Major administrative decisions in policy and program development decisions affecting the overall administration of the state's food services facilities program;

(2) Receiving and transmitting grievances at the request of blind vendors and serving as an advocate for blind vendors in connection with such grievances;

(3) Development and administration of a state system for the transfer and promotion of blind vendors;

(4) Development of training and retraining programs for blind vendors; and

(5) Sponsorship of meetings and instructional conferences for blind vendors within the state.


§18-10H-1. Purpose; legislative intent.

Rapid technological advances, the advent of a global economy, changing demographics and restructuring of the traditional workplace have dictated changes in educational programs designed to prepare work force entrants and incumbents. More emphasis must be placed on the transfer of technology, via the educational system, to the workplace resulting in an academically and technically literate work force. A structure must be established to provide incentives, high expectations and encouragement for talented vocational-technical students to pursue advanced education and training related to their technical disciplines, as well as provide a mechanism for the technical updating of vocational-technical teachers and administrators, including opportunities for the attainment of advanced degrees.

The economic future of the State of West Virginia will be greatly influenced by the ability of the educational system to prepare competent individuals for a highly competitive and technological workplace. Excellence in terms of faculty, programs and educational opportunities for all West Virginians will greatly affect the degree of future economic prosperity within the state. With the enactment of this article, the Legislature intends to address a major void in the current system of vocational-technical education in West Virginia through the creation of a comprehensive program of educational incentives for talented students, teachers and administrators. The results of the programs and initiatives proposed by this article can have a significant impact toward achieving excellence in vocational-technical education within West Virginia and revitalizing the state's economy.

§18-10H-2. Academy for talented vocational-technical education students.

The West Virginia Board of Education shall establish by July 1, 1990, an annual academy for talented vocational-technical education students, including a foundation for receiving private financial support. The purposes of the academy are to stimulate and reward student commitment to excellence in secondary vocational-technical education; to stimulate growth in the critical and creative thinking abilities of vocational-technical students; to assist exceptionally talented secondary vocational-technical education students to achieve their individual potentials; to bridge the gap between educational practice and the technological workplace; and to provide a medium for interaction between talented vocational-technical students and innovative leaders of business and industry and labor.

The state Board of Education may establish a coordinating committee to set operating guidelines for the academy and supporting foundation, including, but not limited to, selection of participants, promotion, program development, location, facilities and staffing.

The nonprofit academy foundation shall exist to solicit private funds and resources to enhance the operation of the academy.

§18-10H-3. Scholarship fund for vocational-technical education students and educators.

Beginning with the school year one thousand nine hundred eighty-nine--ninety, the state Board of Education shall establish a scholarship program for outstanding secondary vocational-technical education graduates to pursue additional post-secondary college work in a related career or technical field. The board may award twenty annual scholarships, not to exceed $2,000 each, based on criteria to be established by the board. Additionally, the board may award fifteen annual scholarships, not to exceed $1,000 each, to outstanding vocational-technical teachers for the purpose of pursing advanced degrees or technical updating of their professional competencies. The criteria for awarding the educator scholarships shall be promulgated by the board. The foundation provided for in section two of this article shall solicit private sector funds for these scholarships.

§18-10H-4. Interdisciplinary doctoral program in vocational-technical education.


§18-10H-5. Vocational-technical education administrator's academy.

The West Virginia Board of Education shall maintain and expand an annual vocational-technical education administrator's academy. The purposes of this academy are to stimulate excellence in vocational-technical education programming statewide through the development of progressive instructional leadership, planning and program development competencies of vocational-technical education administrators.

The board may establish a coordinating committee made up of the Department of Education staff, local vocational administrators and representatives of the vocational-technical education department at Marshall University to plan and administer this program. The nonprofit academy foundation established in section two of this article shall exist to solicit private funds and resources to enhance the operation of the academy.

§18-10H-6. Effective schools program in vocational-technical education.

The state Board of Education shall establish and operate an effective schools program for vocational-technical education, including introductory vocational-technical courses in middle school grades as appropriate. The purpose of the program is to provide vocational-technical education personnel with resources and staff development for school program improvement based on application of the effective schools research, including components such as instructional leadership, school climate, high student expectations, emphasis on academic and occupational achievement and community and parental involvement. The program shall be coordinated by the bureau of vocational, technical and adult education with the advisement from a committee composed of two vocational administrators, two vocational teachers, one vocational guidance counselor, one educator of vocational teachers, one county school superintendent, one comprehensive high school principal, one academic teacher, two business/industry representatives, one labor representative and one vocational education program completer.

§18-10H-7. Unified technology transfer program.

The state Board of Education shall establish a unified technology transfer program for vocational-technical educators, beginning July 1, 1990. This program shall emphasize initiatives designed to improve the transfer of technology through the vocational-technical education curriculum. Such initiatives must impact on improved staff development, curricula and instructional methods reflecting work applications of the new and emerging technologies. The vocational-technical education system must be a catalyst in bridging the gap between high technology and the workplace. Workers for the twenty-first century must know how to install, operate and maintain high technology equipment, systems and processes.

The unified technology transfer program shall provide innovative staff development opportunities through the following initiatives:

(a) A technical update program for vocational-technical education teachers to learn high technology skills needed to teach the operation, maintenance, or repair of high technology equipment, through placement in industry, formal technical coursework, seminars, teleconferences and other staff development functions;

(b) A "Teachers-Teach-Teachers" program to allow the most effective teachers in the state to instruct fellow teachers on how to effectively teach and incorporate high technology skills in the classroom and laboratory;

(c) An "Academy Chair" program to allow education or business-industry persons to serve as a resident expert in the transfer of technology, including conducting seminars in educational institutions, teleconferences and in the workplace;

(d) A business and education exchange program to allow vocational-technical education teachers to work in a company or business, while the business person teaches in the vocational-technical education program;

(e) A beginning teacher internship program to allow new vocational-technical teachers to receive guidance from a mentor teacher in teaching high technology skills, including acquisition of such skills; and

(f) A vocational-technical completer capstone experience program that allows talented students an opportunity to learn high technology skills appropriate for their occupational area of study through internship placement in an appropriate business or industry setting.

The state Board of Education may formulate policies and procedures designed to implement this section.

The foundation provided for in section two of this article shall solicit private sector funds and encourage partnerships to implement this program.


§18-10I-1. Findings.

(a) The West Virginia Legislature acknowledges that persons with severe disabilities can be productive, contributing members of the community, and that supported employment is a way of accomplishing the goal of employment for many persons with severe disabilities.

(b) If persons with disabilities are afforded opportunities to work in socially valued jobs with dignity, opportunities for advancement, and fair pay and compensation, then West Virginians with disabilities will lead more independent and productive lives, pay taxes, and decrease their need for public assistance. Studies have shown that supported employment is cost effective, and it is in the interest of the Legislature and the citizens of West Virginia to experiment within limited resources, through a model program of supported employment for persons with severe disabilities.

§18-10I-2. Definitions.

(a) "Competitive work" means work performed weekly on a part-time or full-time basis, as determined in each individualized written rehabilitation program, and for which compensation is consistent with the wage standards provided for in the Fair Labor Standards Act.

(b) "Division of rehabilitation services" means the state agency created by section one, article ten-a, chapter eighteen of this code.

(c) "Integrated work setting" means job sites where one or more nonhandicapped or nondisabled individuals interact with one or more handicapped or disabled employees on a regular basis in the performance of their respective job duties.

(d) "Supported employment" means competitive work in an integrated work setting with on-going support services for persons with a severe disability for whom competitive employment has not traditionally occurred or has been interrupted or intermittent as a result of severe handicaps.

(e) "Person with a severe disability" means an individual who has a severe physical or mental impairment which seriously limits one or more functional capacities (such as mobility, work tolerance, self-care, self-direction, or interpersonal, communication or work skills) in terms of an employment outcome; and who will require multiple vocational rehabilitation services over an extended period of time.

§18-10I-3. Supported employment program.

(a) Within the available funds as appropriated by the Legislature, the Division of Rehabilitation Services shall establish a model supported employment program in an unserved area of the state. The model program shall be selected through a request for proposal process including proposal review and selection by the West Virginia Division of Rehabilitation Services in cooperation with the state developmental disabilities planning council.

(b) The model supported program and existing supported employment programs approved by the West Virginia Division of Rehabilitation Services shall promote employment services to eligible individuals including:

(1) Job development services to secure competitive jobs;

(2) Services to assist the person with a severe disability in maintaining his or her supported employment position; and

(3) Other employment services not funded through the West Virginia Division of Rehabilitation Services federal Title I and Title VI, Part C programs.

(c) An existing sheltered workshop shall implement the model program selected to be established, with the advice and consultation of the state developmental disabilities planning council.

(d) The Division of Rehabilitation Services shall administer the supported employment program.

§18-10I-4. Eligibility; primary focus.

(a) The primary focus of the supported employment program is providing employment supports for persons with severe disabilities who have never worked or have only worked intermittently due to their disability.

(b) To be eligible for the supported employment program, a person must have a severe disability as defined in section one of this article.


§18-10J-1. Short title.

This article may be cited as the "Blind Persons" Literacy Rights and Education Act."

§18-10J-2. Definitions.

The following words used in this article shall be construed as follows:

(a) "Blind or visually impaired child" means an individual who is eligible for special education services and who:

(1) Has a visual acuity of 20/200 or less in the better eye with correcting lenses or has a limited field of vision such that the widest diameter subtends an angular distance of no greater than twenty degrees; or

(2) Has a medically indicated expectation of visual deterioration.

(b) "Braille" means the system of reading and writing through touch commonly known as standard English braille.

(c) "Individualized education program" and "IEP team" have the meanings provided in Section 614(d) of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (20 U.S.C. Section 1414(d)).

(d) "Textbooks and other instructional materials" means any literary or nonliterary works obtained for use in a course of study.

§18-10J-3. Individualized education program.

In developing the individualized education program for a child who is blind or visually impaired, the individualized education program team shall provide for the child to receive instruction in braille and the use of braille unless the individualized education program team determines, after an evaluation of the child's reading and writing skills, needs, and appropriate reading and writing media (including an evaluation of the child's future needs for instruction in braille or the use of braille), that the instruction or use is not appropriate for the child. Nothing in this section requires the exclusive use of braille if other special education services are appropriate to the child's educational needs. The provision of other appropriate services shall not preclude braille use or instruction.

§18-10J-4. Standards of competency and instruction.

Instruction in braille reading and writing shall be provided with the goal of enabling each blind or visually impaired child to communicate effectively and efficiently with the same level of proficiency expected of the child's peers of comparable ability and grade level. The child's individualized education program shall specify:

(a) The results obtained from the evaluations required under section three of this article;

(b) How braille will be implemented as the primary mode for learning through integration with other classroom activities;

(c) The date on which braille instruction will commence;

(d) The length of the period of instruction and the frequency and duration of each instructional session;

(e) The level of competency in braille reading and writing to be achieved by the end of the period and the objective assessment measures to be used; and

(f) If a decision has been made under section two of this article, that braille instruction or use is not required for the child:

(1) Documentation that the decision was reached after a review of pertinent literature describing the educational benefits of braille instruction and use; and

(2) A specification of the evidence used to determine that the child's ability to read and write effectively without braille instruction is not impaired.

§18-10J-5. Instructional materials.

All publishers of textbooks or other instructional materials sold to the state or any local education agency (including post-secondary institutions) shall furnish computer diskettes for literary subjects in the American standard code for information interchange from which braille versions can be produced. Further, the publishers shall furnish computer diskettes in American standard code for information interchange for nonliterary subjects, including natural sciences, computer science, mathematics and music, when braille specialty code translation software is available.

§18-10J-6. Teacher certification and training.

As part of the professional certification process, teachers seeking to become certified in the education of blind and visually impaired children shall demonstrate competence in reading and writing braille. Before issuing a professional certificate to teach the blind and visually impaired, the West Virginia Department of Education shall require that the applicant demonstrate, based upon standards adopted by the national library service for the blind and physically handicapped, library of congress, Washington, D.C., that he or she is proficient in reading and writing braille. This requirement becomes effective July 1, 2000. Teachers already certified in the education of blind and visually impaired children are not required to demonstrate that proficiency in order to retain their certification. Further, the West Virginia Department of Education shall, on a schedule of at least once every three years, make available to all teachers of blind and visually impaired children a continuing education class in reading or writing braille or a college credit course in reading and writing braille, or both. In order to achieve successful completion of a course, a teacher shall demonstrate proficiency in reading and writing braille at a level commensurate with the standards adopted by the national library service for the blind and physically handicapped, library of congress.


§18-10K-1. Transfer of fund to Department of Health.

(a) Effective July 1, 2018, the West Virginia Traumatic Brain and Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation Fund Board as created by the prior enactment of this article is abolished and its powers and duties are transferred to the West Virginia Department of Health in accordance with §9-10-1 et seq. of this code.

(b) The rules of the West Virginia Traumatic Brain and Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation Fund Board shall remain in force and effect until the promulgation of new or additional rules by the Secretary of the Department of Health, pursuant to §9-10-5 of this code.

(c) On the effective date of this section, all records necessary to effectuate the purposes of §9-10-1 et seq. of this code shall be transferred to the Secretary of the Department of Health.



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Acts, 2018 Reg. Sess., Ch. 118.


§18-10L-1. Short title.

This article may be known and cited as the "Ron Yost Personal Assistance Services Act."

§18-10L-2. Policy; principles; projects.

(a) It is hereby declared to be the public policy of this state that:

(1) Availability of personal assistance services for persons with disabilities should be increased to enable them to live in their own homes and communities;

(2) Recipients of personal assistance will be those with severe disabilities, including mental, sensory or physical impairments, or any combination of impairments, who are in need of assistance to live in a living arrangement of their choice in lieu of a more restrictive setting; and

(3) Recipients of personal assistance have the right to make decisions regarding and to control the provision of their personal assistance services. This includes, but is not limited to, hiring, training, managing, paying and terminating an assistant's employment.

(b) Implementation of the program established in this article shall be based on the following five basic principles:

(1) Services may be received where they are needed, either at home or in the community, subject to available funding;

(2) Services may be scheduled when they are needed, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, as scheduled or needed on an emergency basis, subject to available funding;

(3) Recipients contribute to the cost of services based on their ability to pay;

(4) Recipients are granted control over the services provided to the fullest extent possible including how, when and by whom services are provided; and

(5) Eligibility shall be based on functional needs rather than on a medical diagnosis.

(c) Subject to available funds, other personal assistance projects shall be developed to increase the availability of services throughout the state to serve eligible individuals.

§18-10L-3. Definitions.

The following words and phrases, when used in this article, have the following meanings unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:

(1) "Personal assistance services" means:

(A) Those basic and ancillary services that enable eligible individuals to live in their homes and communities rather than in institutions and to carry out functions of daily living, self-care and mobility;

(B) Basic services include, but are not limited to, getting in and out of a bed, wheelchair or motor vehicle; assistance with routine bodily functions, such as health maintenance activities; bathing and personal hygiene; dressing and grooming; and feeding, including preparation and cleanup.

(2) "Personal assistant" means an individual of the consumer's choice who provides personal assistance services for the eligible individual.

(3) "Recipient" means any individual receiving funds through the Ron Yost personal assistance program.

(4) "Ron Yost personal assistance program functional assessment tool" means the written and physical evaluation used to determine eligibility of individuals to receive services and the hours of service to be provided under this article.

§18-10L-4. Program requirements.

(a) To be eligible for assistance from the Ron Yost personal assistance program, a recipient must have a physical, mental or sensory impairment that affects one or more major life activity, and who:

(1) Experiences any physical, mental or sensory impairment, or combination of impairments, which can be expected to recur or last for a period of not less than twelve months as determined by the evaluation conducted using the Ron Yost personal assistance program functional assessment tool;

(2) Requires assistance to complete functions of daily living, self-care and mobility, including, but not limited to, those functions included in the definition of personal assistance services;

(3) Must apply for Medicaid and provide written documentation of eligibility or denial to the board; and

(4) Is currently not receiving personal assistance services through Medicaid.

(b) The Division of Rehabilitation Services shall, directly or through contract approved by the Ron Yost personal assistance services board:

(1) Administer the personal assistance services program in accordance with the state plan for independent living established pursuant to the provisions of section seven, article ten-m of this chapter; and

(2) Provide training, information, and referral services relating to state and federal payroll taxes, deductions and withholding, and wage withholding for child support and workers' compensation, to recipients as necessary.

(c) The West Virginia statewide independent living council, established pursuant to section six, article ten-m of this chapter, shall:

(1) Appoint members to the Ron Yost personal assistance services board to fulfill the functions as set forth in subsection (d) of this section. The board shall be composed of individuals with disabilities: Provided, That one member shall be a representative of the West Virginia statewide independent living council with a disability; and

(2) Develop and update as necessary, the Ron Yost personal assistance program functional assessment tool.

(d) The Ron Yost personal assistance services board shall:

(1) Determine eligibility and approve hours of service for all applicants based on functional assessments conducted using the Ron Yost personal assistance program functional assessment tool. Each determination shall be in writing, a copy of which shall be provided to the applicant;

(2) Monitor disbursements and utilization of the program;

(3) Survey consumer satisfaction and recommend program revisions to the Division of Rehabilitation Services;

(4) Develop and maintain a waiting list for those eligible individuals who cannot be served immediately;

(5) Contract with public or private entities to assist in fulfilling the functions set forth in this subsection;

(6) Approve contracts proposed by the Division of Rehabilitation Services with a public or private entity for the fiscal management of the program established under this article; and

(7) Establish operating procedures.

(e) No member of the board is eligible to receive personal assistance services through the program provided for in this article.

(f) Recipients shall:

(1) Apply for services through Medicaid and provide a copy of that determination to the board;

(2) Comply with the employer responsibilities of hiring, supervising and, if needed, terminating the employment of a personal assistant;

(3) Manage his or her own financial and legal affairs regarding the Ron Yost personal assistance program; and

(4) Designate an individual, if necessary, to assist in fulfilling the functions set forth in this subsection.

§18-10L-5. Funding.

(a) There is hereby created in the State Treasury a special fund designated the Ron Yost Personal Assistance Services Fund. The fund shall be an appropriated account within the Division of Rehabilitation Services and the moneys shall be expended exclusively for the purposes of this article.

(b) Funds made available under this article may be used only for the Ron Yost Personal Assistance Program, including planning; designing; delivering; and administering services, functional assessment evaluations, and training. The Division of Rehabilitation Services may use not more than seven percent of the total allocation for administrative costs.

(c) The Division of Rehabilitation Services or the contracted program administrator may apply for and use all other funding sources to carry out this program, including state, federal, and other grants and donations.

(d) Funds shall be disbursed in a manner that ensures maximum consumer control of the services provided under the program.

(e) Personal assistance services shall be available only to the extent funding is available through annual appropriations of state, federal, and other allotted funds.

(f) Funds or services provided to eligible individuals by the personal assistance services program under this article is not income to those individuals for any purpose under this code or under the rules of any agency of state government.

§18-10L-6. Rules.

The Division of Rehabilitation Services, as directed by the consumer board, shall propose rules for legislative approval in accordance with the provisions of article three, chapter twenty-nine-a of this code, necessary for the effective administration of this article including a sliding scale for funding based on the recipient's, as the employer, ability to contribute to the cost of services.

§18-10L-7. Report.




Acts, 2010 Reg. Sess., Ch. 32.


§18-10M-1. Short title.

This article shall be known and may be cited as the "West Virginia Independent Living Act".

§18-10M-2. Legislative findings and declarations.

The Legislature hereby finds and declares the following:

(1) The state recognizes the value of independent living services in maximizing the ability of people with disabilities to live more independently in their own homes and communities.

(2) Persons with disabilities have the best capacity to design, develop, manage and implement the programs and services which are intended to assist them.

(3) The federal Rehabilitation Act, as amended, requires this state to develop a state plan for independent living to describe and direct independent living services in West Virginia.

(4) The federal Rehabilitation Act, as amended, further calls for the establishment and operation of a Statewide Independent Living Council to monitor, review and evaluate the implementation of the state’s plan for independent living services.

(5) Approximately twenty-three and one-half percent of West Virginia’s residents have one or more disabilities, many of whom could benefit directly or indirectly from the provision of independent living services by the Division of Rehabilitation Services and the state’s centers for independent living.

(6) A need exists for a coordinated network of consumer-controlled centers for independent living that effectively reaches persons with disabilities in all fifty-five counties of the state.

§18-10M-3. Purpose.

The purpose of this article is to authorize, facilitate or provide for services and activities that will enable individuals with disabilities to live as independently as possible in their own homes and communities; to promote the philosophy of independent living, including consumer control, peer support, self-help, self-determination, equal access and individual and systems advocacy; to enhance and maximize the leadership abilities, empowerment, independence and productivity of individuals with significant disabilities; and to promote and maximize the integration and full inclusion of individuals with significant disabilities into the mainstream of our society. To this end, services provided pursuant to this article shall be offered in the most integrated settings to the maximum extent possible, within available resources.

§18-10M-4. Definitions.

Terms used in this article have the same meanings as those provided in the federal Rehabilitation Act, as amended, as follows:

(a) “Consumer control” means circumstances in which individuals with disabilities having decision-making authority.

(b) “Council” means the Statewide Independent Living Council.

(c) “Designated state entity” means the entity designated in the state plan for independent living to receive and administer federal funding as directed by the plan.

(d) “Federal Rehabilitation Act” or “federal act” means the act codified at 29 U. S. C. §701, et. seq.

(e) “Independent living services” means advocacy; independent living skills; training; information and referral; peer counseling; peer support; transition, including services that facilitate the transition of individuals with significant disabilities from nursing homes and other institutions to home and community-based residences, with the requisite supports and services; provide assistance to individuals with significant disabilities who are at risk of entering institutions so that the individuals may remain in the community; facilitate the transition of youth who are individuals with significant disabilities, who were eligible for individualized education programs pursuant to section 614(d) of the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (20 U. S. C. 1414(d)), and who have completed their secondary education or otherwise left school, to post-secondary life; and any other service directed by the state plan which may include, but is not limited to, the following:

(1) Assistive devices and equipment;

(2) Communication services;

(3) Counseling and related services;

(4) Community awareness programs to enhance the understanding and integration into society of individuals with disabilities;

(5) Environmental modifications;

(6) Family services;

(7) Housing advocacy;

(8) Mobility training;

(9) Personal assistance services;

(10) Prostheses and other appliances and devices; and

(11) Rehabilitation technology.

(f) “Individual with a significant disability” means an individual with a severe physical or mental impairment whose ability to function independently in the family or community or whose ability to obtain, maintain or advance in employment is substantially limited and for whom the delivery of independent living services will improve the ability to function, continue functioning, or move toward functioning independently in the family or community or to continue in employment, respectively.

(g) “State plan” means the state plan for independent living required by the federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended.

§18-10M-5. Eligibility for services.

Any individual with a significant disability, as defined in the state plan, is eligible for services that may be made available pursuant to this article.

§18-10M-6. Statewide Independent Living Council.

(a) The West Virginia Statewide Independent Living Council is continued as a not-for-profit corporation which has been organized to meet the requirements of the federal Rehabilitation Act, as amended. The council may not be established as an entity within any agency or political subdivision of the state. The council shall be governed by a board of directors, consisting of the voting members of the council, as provided in this section. The composition of this board of directors, as well as the composition of the full council’s membership, shall include a majority of members who are persons with disabilities, as defined in the federal Rehabilitation Act, as amended, who are not employed by any agency of the state or center for independent living. The council’s membership shall reflect balanced geographical representation, diverse backgrounds and a broad range of disabilities, including, but not limited to, physical, mental, cognitive, sensory and multiple.

(b) The council shall function as a partner with the centers for independent living, in compliance with the federal Rehabilitation Act, as amended, in the planning and provision of independent living services in the state. In conjunction with the centers for independent living, the council shall develop, approve and submit to the proper federal authorities the state plan for independent living, as required by the federal act. The council shall monitor, review and evaluate the effectiveness of the implementation of the state plan.

(c) Voting members. — The council shall consist of twenty-four voting members, including one director of an independent living center chosen by the directors of the independent living centers in the state. The Governor shall select appointments from among the nominations submitted by the council after having conducted a statewide solicitation from organizations representing a wide range of individuals with disabilities and other interested groups, as coordinated by the council, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate. These members may include individuals with disabilities, other representatives from centers for independent living, parents and guardians of individuals with disabilities, advocates of individuals with disabilities, representatives from the business and educational sectors, representatives of organizations that provide services for individuals with disabilities and other interested individuals, as appropriate to the purpose of the council.

(d) Nonvoting members. — The membership of the council shall also include the following, nonvoting, ex officio members or their designees who shall be appointed by the Governor:

(1) A representative of the designated state entity;

(2) A representative of the Division of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities;

(3) A representative of the West Virginia Housing Development Fund;

(4) A representative of the West Virginia Association of Rehabilitation Facilities;

(5) A representative of the Bureau of Senior Services; and

(6) A representative of the Office of Special Education Programs and Assurance in the Department of Education.

(e) The nonvoting membership may also include additional representatives of groups represented on the board of directors as identified in the bylaws of the council.

(f) Appointment. — All council members are appointed by the Governor. The Governor shall appoint from among the nominations submitted by organizations representing a wide range of individuals with disabilities and other interested groups, as coordinated by the council.

(g) Terms of appointment. — All council members are appointed to serve for a term of three years, except that a member appointed to fill a vacancy occurring prior to the expiration of the term for which a predecessor was appointed shall be appointed for the remainder of the unexpired term. No member of the council may serve more than two consecutive full terms.

(h) Vacancies. — Any vacancy occurring in the appointed membership of the council shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointment. A vacancy does not affect the power of the remaining members to execute the duties of the council.

(i) Delegation. — The Governor may delegate the authority to fill a vacancy to the remaining voting members of the council after initial appointments have been made.

(j) Duties. — The council shall:

(1) In conjunction with the centers for independent living, develop and sign the state plan for independent living;

(2) Monitor, review and evaluate the implementation of the state plan;

(3) Coordinate activities with other bodies that address the needs of specific disability populations and issues under other federal and state law;

(4) Ensure that all regularly scheduled meetings of the council are open to the public and sufficient advance notice is provided;

(5) Submit to the federal funding agency such periodic reports as are required and keep such records and afford access to such records, as may be necessary to verify such reports; and

(6) Ensure that the state plan for independent living sets forth the steps that will be taken to maximize the cooperation, coordination and working relationships among:

(A) The Independent Living Rehabilitation Service Program, the Statewide Independent Living Council and centers for independent living; and

(B) The designated state unit, other state agencies represented on the council, other councils that address the needs of specific disability populations and issues, and other public and private entities determined to be appropriate by the council.

(k) Authorities. — Unless prohibited by state law the council may, consistent with the state plan described in section seven of this article:

(1) Work with centers for independent living to coordinate services with public and private entities to improve services provided to individuals with disabilities;

(2) Conduct resource development activities to support the activities described in this article to support the provision of independent living services by centers for independent living; and

(3) Perform other functions, consistent with the purpose of this article and comparable to other functions described in this subsection, as the council determines to be appropriate.

(l) Staffing and resources. — The council may employ staff as necessary to perform the functions of the council, including an executive director and other staff as may be determined necessary by the council. The council shall supervise and evaluate the executive director. The council shall prepare, in conjunction with the designated state entity, a plan for the use of available resources as may be necessary to carry out the functions and duties of the council pursuant to this article, utilizing eligible federal funds including innovation and expansion funds as directed by the federal Rehabilitation Act, as amended, funds made available under this article and funds from other public and private sources. This resource plan shall, to the maximum extent possible, rely on the use of existing resources during the period of plan implementation.

(m) Compensation and expenses. — The council may use available resources to reimburse members of the council for reasonable and necessary expenses of attending council meetings and performing council duties, such as personal assistance services, and if the member is not employed or must forfeit wages from other employment, to pay compensation to the member for attending official meetings or engaging in official duties not to exceed the amount paid to members of the Legislature for their interim duties as recommended by the Citizens Legislative Compensation Commission and authorized by law.

§18-10M-7. State plan for independent living.

(a) The state plan shall direct the use of federal funds provided to the state under the federal act and appropriated by the Legislature to the designated state entity in a line item for this purpose, in addition to any state funds that may be appropriated to the designated state entity for the provision of independent living services. The state plan, and each subsequent plan or amendment thereto, shall address the priorities set forth in the federal act for establishing a statewide program of independent living services, including a statewide network of centers for independent living. The council chairperson, as authorized by the voting members of the council, and a majority of the directors of the centers for independent living in the state will sign the state plan indicating agreement with the content.  The director of the designated state entity will sign the state plan indicating agreement to serve as the designated state entity, to receive the funding, distribute the funding in accordance to the state plan and to fulfill all responsibilities of the designated state entity as provided in the federal Rehabilitation Act, as amended. The state plan may be amended at any time at the agreement of the council and the centers for independent living.

(b) The state plan, and each subsequent plan and any amendments thereto shall be presented to the Legislative Oversight Commission on Health and Human Resources Accountability, created pursuant to article twenty-nine-e, chapter sixteen of this code, for review and consultation.

§18-10M-8. Funding and grants.

(a) Funds appropriated to the designated state entity for independent living services shall be administered by the designated state entity and may be used to fund any service or activity included in the state plan for independent living, including funding centers for independent living. In order to qualify for funding, a center for independent living shall meet the definition and comply with the standards and indicators therefor, as established in the federal act.

(b) Subject to availability, the state plan may designate funds for purposes including, but not limited to, the following:

(1) To provide independent living services to eligible individuals with significant disabilities;

(2) To demonstrate ways to expand and improve independent living services;

(3) To support the operation of centers for independent living;

(4) To support activities to increase the capacities of centers for independent living to develop comprehensive approaches or systems for providing independent living services;

(5) To conduct studies and analyses, gather information, develop model policies and procedures and present information, approaches, strategies, findings, conclusions and recommendations to policymakers in order to enhance independent living services for individuals with disabilities;

(6) To train individuals with disabilities and individuals who provide services to them and other persons regarding the independent living philosophy; and

(7) To provide outreach to populations that are unserved or underserved by programs under this act, including minority groups and urban and rural populations.

As provided in the state plan, funds appropriated for the purposes of this article shall be utilized directly by the designated state entity for the provision of independent living services or through grants or contracts, with the approval of the council, to agencies that meet the definition of and comply with the standards and indicators for centers for independent living set forth in the federal act.


§18-10N-1. Findings; policy.

The Legislature finds that the use of interactive display terminals by state agencies is becoming a widespread means of access for employees and the public to obtain information available electronically, but that presentation of electronic data solely in a visual format is a barrier to access by individuals who are blind or visually impaired. Individuals who are blind or visually impaired have the right to full participation in the life of the state, including the use of advanced technology which is purchased by the state for use by employees, program participants and members of the general public. The Legislature also recognizes that technological advances allow interactive control of computers and use of the information by visually impaired persons, but that nonvisual access is dependent on the purchase of hardware and software that is compatible with technology used for nonvisual access.

§18-10N-2. Definitions.

The following words have the meanings indicated:

(a) "Access" means the ability to receive, use and manipulate data and operate controls included in information technology.

(b) "Blind or visually impaired individual" means an individual who:

Has a visual impairment that, even with correction, adversely affects a child’s educational performance. The term includes both partial sight and blindness.

(c) "Information technology" means all electronic information processing hardware and software, including telecommunications.

(d) "Nonvisual" means synthesized speech, Braille and other output methods not requiring sight.

(e) "State agency" means the state or any of its departments, agencies or boards or commissions.

(f) "Telecommunications" means the transmission of information, voice, or data by radio, video or other electronic or impulse means.


§18-10R-1. Interstate Compact for School psychologists; purpose.

(a) The purpose of this compact is to facilitate the interstate practice of school psychology in educational or school settings, and in so doing to improve the availability of school psychological services to the public. This compact is intended to establish a pathway to allow school psychologists to obtain equivalent licenses to provide school psychological services in any member state. In this way, this compact shall enable the member states to ensure that safe and effective school psychological services are available and delivered by appropriately qualified professionals in their educational settings.

(b) To facilitate the objectives described in subsection (a) of this section, this compact:

(1) Enables school psychologists who qualify for receipt of an equivalent license to practice in other member states without first satisfying burdensome and duplicative requirements;

(2) Promotes the mobility of school psychologists between and among the member states in order to address workforce shortages and to ensure that safe and reliable school psychological services are available in each member state;

(3) Enhances the public accessibility of school psychological services by increasing the availability of qualified, licensed school psychologists through the establishment of an efficient and streamlined pathway for licensees to practice in other member states;

(4) Preserves and respects the authority of each member state to protect the health and safety of its residents by ensuring that only qualified, licensed professionals are authorized to provide school psychological services within that state;

(5) Requires school psychologists practicing within a member state to comply with the scope of practice laws present in the state where the school psychological services are being provided;

(6) Promotes cooperation between the member states in regulating the practice of school psychology within those states; and

(7) Facilitates the relocation of military members and their spouses who are licensed to provide school psychological services.

§18-10N-3. Purchasing to develop access standards; access clause to be included in contracts.

(a) On or before September 1, 2001, the Purchasing Division of the Department of Administration shall develop nonvisual access standards for information technology systems employed by state agencies that:

(1) Provide blind or visually impaired individuals with access to information stored electronically by state agencies by ensuring compatibility with adaptive technology systems so that blind and visually impaired individuals have full and equal access when needed; and

(2) Are designed to present information, including prompts used for interactive communications, in formats intended for both visual and nonvisual use, such as the use of text-only options.

(b) The Purchasing Division shall consult with state agencies and representatives of individuals who are blind or visually impaired in developing the nonvisual access standards described in subsection (a) of this section and the procurement criteria described in section four of this article.

(c) The head of each state agency shall establish a written plan and develop any proposed budget requests for implementing the nonvisual access standards for its agency at facilities accessible by the public.

§18-10N-4. Procurements by the Purchasing Division.

(a) On or before January 1, 2002, the division shall approve minimum standards and criteria to be used in approving or rejecting procurements by state agencies for adaptive technologies for nonvisual access uses.

(b) Nothing in this article shall require the installation of software or peripheral devices used for nonvisual access when the information technology is being used by individuals who are not blind or visually impaired. Nothing in this article shall be construed to require the purchase of nonvisual adaptive equipment by a state agency.

(c) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (b) of this section, the applications, programs and underlying operating systems, including the format of the data, used for the manipulation and presentation of information shall permit the installation and effective use of and shall be compatible with nonvisual access software and peripheral devices.

(d) Compliance with the procurement requirements of this section with regard to information technology purchased prior to July 1, 2001, shall be achieved at the time of procurement of an upgrade or replacement of existing information technology equipment or software.


§18-10O-1. Short title.

This article is known and may be cited as the "Disability History Week Act."

§18-10O-2. Legislative findings.

The Legislature finds that:

(1) According to the two thousand United States Census over four hundred thousand West Virginians have disabilities, which is nearly twenty-four percent of the state's general population;

(2) In order to ensure the full inclusion of people with disabilities into society, it is necessary to expand the public's knowledge, awareness and understanding of the history of disabilities and the disability rights movement;

(3) The disability rights movement is a civil rights movement that is an important part of the history of this state and this country;

(4) October is recognized nationally as Disability Awareness Month; and

(5) By designating the third week of October as Disability History Week, students and the public will have the opportunity to learn about the history and contributions of people with disabilities.

§18-10O-3. Purpose.

The purpose of this article is to increase the awareness and understanding of the history and contributions of people with disabilities in the state, nation and world by designating the annual observance of the third week of October as Disability History Week.

§18-10O-4. Definitions.

As used in this article the following words and phrases have the following meanings:

(a) "Disability history" means the people, events and timelines of the development and evolution of services to, and the civil rights of, people with disabilities. Disability history includes the contributions of specific people with disabilities; and

(b) "Existing school curriculum" means all the courses and curricula currently in place at a public school.

§18-10O-5. Disability History Week designated.

(a) The third week of October annually is designated as Disability History Week for the State of West Virginia.

(b) In recognition of and to further the purposes of Disability History Week, each public school shall provide instruction on disability history, people with disabilities and the disability rights movement. The instruction shall be integrated into the existing school curriculum in a manner such as, but not limited to, supplementing existing lesson plans, holding school assemblies or providing other school activities. The instruction may be delivered by school personnel or by guest speakers.

(c) State institutions of higher education are encouraged to conduct and promote activities that provide education, awareness and understanding of disability history, people with disabilities and the disability rights movement.

(d) The Legislature is encouraged to annually recognize Disability History Week by introducing a concurrent resolution to:

(1) Recognize youth leaders in the disability rights movement;

(2) Reaffirm a commitment to the full inclusion of people with disabilities in society; and

(3) Recognize the disability rights movement as an important part of the history of this state and nation.

(e) Recognized resources for information, materials and speakers regarding disability history, people with disabilities and the disability rights movement include, but are not limited to:

(1) Centers for Independent Living;

(2) The Statewide Independent Living Council;

(3) The Developmental Disabilities Council; and

(4) The State Americans with Disabilities Act Coordinator.

(f) The provisions of this article are not intended to create a burden, financial or otherwise, for public schools, teachers or state institutions of higher education.


§18-11-1. Continuation; board of Governors [board of regents].

The West Virginia University, heretofore established and located at Morgantown, in Monongalia county, shall be continued, and shall be known as "West Virginia University." The business and educational affairs of the university shall be under the control, supervision and management of the board of Governors, which shall be a corporation, and as such may contract and be contracted with, sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, and have and use a common seal. The board of Governors shall consist of nine members, all of whom shall be citizens of the state, to be appointed by the Governor, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, for overlapping terms of nine years, except that the original appointments shall be for terms of one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, and nine years, respectively. At least one but not more than two members shall be appointed from each congressional district and at least four members shall be graduates of West Virginia University. No more than five members shall belong to the same political party. No person shall be eligible for membership on the board of Governors who is a member of any political party executive committee, or who holds any other public office or public employment under the federal government or under the government of this state or any of its political subdivisions, or who is an appointee or employee of the board. Members shall be eligible for reappointment.

The Governor shall appoint all members of the board of Governors as soon after the effective date hereof as is practicable, for respective terms of office beginning on July 1, 1947. Any vacancy on the board of Governors shall be filled by the Governor by appointment for the unexpired term. The terms of office of present members of the board of Governors shall expire on June 30, 1947.

No member may be removed from office by the Governor except for official misconduct, incompetence, neglect of duty, or gross immorality, and then only in the manner prescribed by law for the removal by the Governor of state elective officers.

Before exercising any authority or performing any duties as a member of the board of Governors, each member shall qualify as such by taking and subscribing to the oath of office prescribed by section 5, article IV of the Constitution, the certificate whereof shall be filed in the office of the Secretary of State. A suitable office or offices for the board shall be provided in the buildings of West Virginia University.

The board of Governors shall have general control, supervision and management of the business and educational affairs of the university and of Potomac State School, and shall have full authority to employ all officers, teachers and other employees of such institutions and fix their yearly or monthly salaries.

The board of Governors shall meet annually in June at the university in the performance of its duties, and may meet at such other times and places as may be necessary for the best interests of the institutions under its control. Special meetings may be called by the board when in session, or by the president, who shall not succeed himself as president of the board. The board shall at each annual meeting elect one of its members as president and one as vice president of the board, and shall appoint a secretary and fix his salary, the same to be paid out of the funds appropriated by the Legislature for the university. The president of the university shall be the chief executive officer of the board. The members of the board shall serve without compensation, but every member shall be reimbursed from the appropriation made by the Legislature for the support of the university for actual expenses incident to the performance of his duties, upon presentation of an itemized sworn statement thereof.

On October 1, of each year, or as soon thereafter as practicable, the board of Governors shall make to the Governor and to the Legislature a full report concerning the educational institutions under its control and management, together with its recommendations in respect to needed legislation.

§18-11-1a. Control of property and business affairs transferred to board of Governors [board of regents].

The control of the financial, business and all other affairs of the West Virginia University and of Potomac State School is hereby transferred from the state board of control to the board of Governors. The board of Governors shall, in respect to the control, management and property of such institutions, have the same rights and powers and shall perform the same duties as were heretofore exercised or performed by the state board of control. The title to all property of such institutions is hereby transferred to and vested in the board of Governors.

§18-11-1b. Additional authority of board of Governors as to revenue bonds for dormitories, etc.

In addition to the authority conferred upon the board of Governors, by virtue of the preceding section, with respect to the issuance of revenue bonds to finance the construction of dormitories, homes or refectories for teachers and students at institutions under its control, the board, whenever the revenue from any such existing facility shall no longer be needed to meet the requirements of the sinking fund established in connection with the bond issue for which such revenue was originally pledged, shall also have authority to pay such unneeded revenue into the sinking fund pledged as security for any other unliquidated bonds issued for such facilities at the institution where the revenue was collected, or to pledge such revenue as added security for the payment of any new issue of revenue bonds sold to finance the construction of any such additional facility at that institution. The board shall also have authority to pledge the revenue from any such existing facility at any institution, even though it was not originally financed by revenue bonds, as added security for any new issue of revenue bonds sold to finance the construction of any such additional facility at the institution.

§18-11-2. President.

The president of the university shall be president of the general faculty and of the faculties of the several colleges and departments thereof, and the executive head of the university in all its departments. Subject to the authority vested by this chapter in the board of Governors, he shall give general direction to the administrative affairs and to the scientific investigations of the university and of its several departments; and, subject to the orders of the board, he shall have authority, in the recess of the board, to remove any employee or subordinate officer, who is not a member of the faculty, and fill for the time any vacancy that may occur by such removal or otherwise.

§18-11-3. Biennial reports of president.

On or before the end of each biennial period the president of the university shall make a report to the board of Governors and the state board of control, showing in detail the progress and condition of the university during such biennium, and such other detailed information about the affairs and the control of the university as said boards may request or as he may deem wise to communicate.

§18-11-4. Colleges, schools, departments and divisions of university.

In consultation with the president of the university, the board of Governors shall have authority to establish and maintain in the university such colleges, schools, departments and divisions as from time to time may be expedient, and shall provide for the organization and management of the same. The board of Governors is hereby authorized and, as soon as funds shall be available for the purpose, is directed to establish and maintain in the university a four-year school of medicine, dentistry and nursing, to be located at such place within the state as may be designated by the Governor.

The Governor shall designate the location of the school on or before July 1, 1951.

§18-11-4a. Authority to contract for medical, dental and nursing school facilities.

Notwithstanding other provisions of this code to the contrary, the board of Governors of West Virginia University is hereby authorized to contract for the planning, design, and construction of buildings and other physical facilities which are in its judgment suitable for the schools of medicine, dentistry and nursing, including the purchase and installation of necessary equipment, the making of sewer, water, gas, electrical and other connections, and the construction of such roadways, sidewalks, landscaping and approaches as may be required, although the total amount of such contracts may be in excess of appropriations available for the purpose at the time such contracts are made.

There is hereby authorized to be appropriated for application to or discharge of any agreement which may be entered into under the authorization herein granted such sums as are or may become available out of the special medical school fund, otherwise provided by law, and funds specially received for the purpose of assisting such construction under the terms of any present or future federal law, or through gift, devise, bequest, or otherwise. Nothing herein contained shall be construed to authorize or permit the board of Governors of West Virginia University, or any person purporting to act for it, to create any obligation or to incur any liability other than such obligations and liabilities as are dischargeable solely from appropriations regularly made pursuant to law.



Acts, 1984 Reg. Sess., Ch. 65.



Acts, 1984 Reg. Sess., Ch. 65.

§18-11-4d. Disposition of tuition fees collected at medical center.

All tuition fees collected at West Virginia University medical center from students in the schools of medicine, medical technology, dentistry, dental technology, nursing, and pharmacy, together with all special tuition and registration fees charged for postgraduate short courses, institutes, and seminars conducted by the medical center, shall be paid into the special medical school fund heretofore created in the State Treasury under the provisions of section two, article nineteen, chapter eleven of this code, and shall be used solely for the construction, maintenance, and operation of the schools of medicine, medical technology, dentistry, dental technology, nursing, and pharmacy.

§18-11-5. Approval of rules and regulations.

The rules and regulations made by the president and faculties of the university governing the admission of students to the university, the standards of scholarship to be maintained, the conferring of degrees and the granting of diplomas, certificates, and other evidences of work done by students of the university, shall be submitted to the board of Governors for its approval. The rules and regulations made by the president and faculties for the general government of the university shall in like manner be submitted to said board for its approval.



Acts, 1985 Reg. Sess., Ch. 58.

§18-11-5b. Payroll deductions for employee participation in group insurance plan.

Whenever any employees of the board of Governors of West Virginia University shall be eligible to participate in any group insurance plan, the board shall have the authority to authorize such participation, and upon the written request of any participating employee, may make periodic deductions from salary payments due such employee of the amount of the contribution he is required to make for such participation. Upon proper requisition of the board, the Auditor shall periodically issue a warrant, payable as specified in the requisition, for the total contributions so withheld from the salaries of all participating employees.



Acts, 1971 Reg. Sess., Ch. 150.

§18-11-5d. Contracting for group insurance and supplemental retirement benefits; exemption of certain insurers from premium and annuity taxes.

In contracting for the group insurance provided for in section five-b and for the supplemental retirement benefits provided for in section five-c of this article, as well as for other insurance benefits for any and all persons employed by it, the board of Governors of West Virginia University shall solicit proposals for the coverage sought, which proposals shall be obtained by public notice inserted at least twice in a newspaper of statewide circulation at least two weeks before the final date of submitting proposals.

The board may also solicit proposals by sending requests by mail to prospective insurers. Upon receipt and consideration of such proposals as may be submitted the board shall have the authority to accept the proposal of and contract with the insurer offering the insurance program or programs determined by the board, in its judgment, to be the most desirable to the beneficiaries thereof, whether such insurer be then licensed as an insurance company in this state or not: Provided, That no contract shall be made effective unless and until the insurance company becomes licensed as a life insurance company in accordance with article three, chapter thirty-three of this code, as amended: Provided further, That if such insurer shall be a life insurance company organized and operated without profit to any private shareholder or individual exclusively for the purpose of aiding and strengthening nonprofit institutions or foundations engaged primarily in education or research, by issuing insurance and annuity contracts only to or for the benefit of such institutions and to individuals engaged in the service of such institutions, it shall be exempt from the payment of premium and annuity taxes provided for by sections fourteen, fourteen-a and fifteen, article three, and any other pertinent premium tax sections, of chapter thirty-three of this code, as amended as to all annuity or insurance contracts made with educational institutions located within, or relative to subjects of insurance resident in, West Virginia.

§18-11-6. Military training; federal aid.

The board of Governors shall maintain and continue its United States army reserve officers training corps and United States air force reserve officers training corps programs for male students of suitable age in the university. Students enrolling in either of these programs shall serve for the time and according to such regulations as the board shall prescribe, and shall be entitled to such special privileges and immunities as the board may determine. The board of Governors shall have authority to accept appropriations, materials, and other benefits from the federal government on account of any federal law providing for aid to the West Virginia University for giving instruction in military science, and to cooperate as far as practicable with the federal government for such purposes.

§18-11-6a. State aid for students of veterinary medicine.

The board of Governors is hereby authorized to enter into a contract with an educational institution or institutions outside the state that offer training in veterinary medicine, by the terms of which the board of Governors may obligate itself to pay to such institution within the limits of any appropriation made for the purpose, a stated amount per year for each West Virginia student the institution will agree to accept for training in veterinary medicine.

The board of Governors shall each year send to any institution with which such contract is made a certified list of all persons, applying to the board for training in veterinary medicine, who have been residents of this state for at least five years prior to the filing of their applications, and who have completed either within or without the state the course of study required by such institution as a prerequisite to the study of veterinary medicine.

§18-11-7. Agricultural experiment station.

The West Virginia agricultural experiment station, heretofore established as a department in the West Virginia University, shall be continued, and shall be managed and controlled as other departments and divisions of the university.

§18-11-8. Creation of cooperative extension service; construction of code references to agricultural extension division.

In order to promote the advancement of agriculture, home economics and forestry within the state, and in order to promote general economic development and the improvement of cultural and social life among the people of the several communities, counties and areas of the state, the agricultural extension division heretofore created and established at West Virginia University shall be continued and shall hereafter be known as the "cooperative extension service." Activities of the cooperative extension service shall be conducted under such rules, regulations and methods as may be approved by the board of Governors. Such activities may include: (1) Organize and extend assistance to youth and adult groups which have for their objective the development of human and natural resources, (2) prepare and distribute educational materials for the advancement of knowledge, particularly in agriculture, forestry, home economics and area and community development, and (3) in cooperation with school officials and the United States Department of Agriculture, conduct programs in group planning and action to assist community, county, regional and state groups in the attainment of the above objectives under the direction of local and volunteer leadership.

Within the limits of funds available for the purpose from federal, state or other sources, the board of Governors shall employ such county extension agents and other extension personnel as may be needed to accomplish the purposes outlined in this section. All extension workers employed under the provisions of this section, or as provided in article eight, chapter nineteen of this code, shall be supervised and trained by the cooperative extension service to promote and advance the economic, cultural and social interests of the people in the respective areas to which they are assigned.

All provisions of this code in reference to the agricultural extension division, to county agricultural agents, to county home demonstration agents, and to other agricultural extension workers shall hereafter be construed to refer to the cooperative extension service and to the extension workers provided for in this section.

§18-11-8a. Advisory committee on farm and home safety.

The board of Governors of West Virginia University is hereby authorized to appoint an advisory committee on farm and home safety, to be composed of seven members, representing various groups and agencies interested in the promotion of farm and home safety. It shall be the duty of the committee to advise and cooperate with the cooperative extension service in the conduct and promotion of such a program.

The cooperative extension service shall have authority to accept funds from any public or private agencies to be expended by it for the purposes of this section.

§18-11-9. Mining experiment station.

The mining experiment station (or bureau of mine research) heretofore established in the college of engineering at West Virginia University shall be continued. It shall conduct investigations and make tests to better safeguard the lives of miners and to bring about greater efficiency and conservation in the mining and mineral industries, shall make such tests and investigations as may be required by the department of mines in the prosecution of its work, shall conduct such experiments and tests as may promote the development of the mineral industries of the state, and shall cooperate with the department of mines in the investigation of the cause of mine disasters and common mine accidents. The work of the mining experiment station shall be conducted under such rules, regulations and methods as may be prescribed by the board of Governors and approved by the department of mines.

§18-11-9a. Coal and energy research bureau.

The coal and energy research bureau, heretofore established at West Virginia University shall be abolished and a new coal and energy research bureau is hereby created. Subject to such rules as may be prescribed by the university of West Virginia board of trustees and West Virginia University, the bureau shall conduct investigations and research into the development of new, safer and more economical ways to mine, transport and use coal, consider environmental problems created through the use and production of coal, develop new uses and markets for coal, other energy fuels and allied minerals, develop new methods of combustion of coal and new uses of coal in the chemical industry, develop greater efficiency and conservation in the mining and mineral industries, and make such tests and investigations as may be required by the office of miner's health, safety and training in the prosecution of its work. The bureau shall conduct such experiments, tests and activities as will promote the development of the mineral industries in the state, and shall cooperate with the office of miner's health, safety and training and other state and federal agencies dealing with issues related to coal and its uses, in the investigation of the causes of mine disasters and common mine accidents. It shall also initiate and carry on a program of research designed to discover and develop new uses and new processes for the utilization of West Virginia coal and other mineral resources.

The costs of financing the research program shall be paid from any funds appropriated by the Legislature for the bureau, from any grants or gifts received by the university or the bureau, and from any income received for research carried on under contract with any federal or state agency, or with any private corporation, association or individual. Within the limits of available funds, research activities may be conducted by the bureau, or under contract with some other research group, corporation or individual.

In order to avoid wasteful duplication, the research program shall be carried on in close cooperation with the federal departments of energy and the interior, the federal environmental protection agency, the federal energy technology center, the national institute for occupational safety and health, and other appropriate federal agencies, research organizations and establishments, the West Virginia geological and economic survey, the West Virginia Development Office, the West Virginia Division of Environmental Protection, and other appropriate state agencies, research organizations and establishments and industry and academic institutions. The university shall from time to time, but at least annually, publish and distribute to the Governor, the Legislature, and to interested persons and agencies reports of the bureau's activities, findings and recommendations.

The "advisory committee on coal and energy research," heretofore existing, is abolished. The bureau shall advise and counsel with West Virginia University concerning the programs of the coal and energy research bureau and make recommendations to the university of West Virginia board of trustees, the Governor and the Legislature concerning the support of the programs of the coal and energy research bureau.

The bureau shall consist of nine appointed members. The chairperson of the bureau shall be the chairperson of the department of mining engineering in the college of engineering and mineral resources at West Virginia University. The remaining members of the bureau shall include the director of the national research center for coal and energy; the director of the national mine land reclamation center; the president of West Virginia University or his or her designee; one member representing union labor and one member representing the coal industry, each to be appointed jointly by the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Delegates; one member appointed by the President of the Senate; one member appointed by the Speaker of the House of Delegates; and one member appointed by the Governor. For the purpose of the original appointments, the member appointed by the President of the Senate shall serve for a term of one year and until his or her successor has been appointed and qualified, the member appointed by the Speaker of the House of Delegates shall serve for a term of two years and until his or her successor has been appointed and qualified, and the member appointed by the Governor shall serve for a term of three years and until his or her successor has been appointed and qualified. Except for the original appointments, those members who are appointees shall serve for a term of three years and until such members' respective successors have been appointed and qualified. Members may be reappointed for any number of terms. Vacancies shall be filled by appointment for the unexpired term by the official who appointed such member for the term vacated. To these members may be added specialists as deemed desirable and appropriate by a majority vote of the bureau.

§18-11-10. Extension and off-campus work of university; disposition of fees charged for graduate level extension and off-campus courses.

The board of Governors is hereby authorized and empowered to organize and conduct, through the organization of the different colleges, schools and departments of the university, extension work and off-campus work in the form of schools, classes, lectures, and other forms of instruction, throughout the state.

Enrollment, tuition and other fees collected from students enrolled in graduate level extension, and graduate level off- campus, courses for credit taught off the campus of the university, excluding educational television courses, shall be paid into a special fund and be used for the purpose of partially or fully covering the costs related to the development and teaching of such graduate level courses: Provided, That no portion of such fees committed to the retirement of any revenue bonds heretofore issued pursuant to the provisions of articles eleven-a and eleven-b of this chapter shall be paid into such special fund for so long as any such bonds remain outstanding and unpaid.

§18-11-10a. Establishment and operation of graduate centers.

The board of Governors is hereby authorized and empowered to continue the operation and maintenance of any graduate centers it has heretofore established, either by itself or in cooperation with other universities or colleges, and to establish, maintain and operate such other graduate centers either by itself or in cooperation with other universities or colleges, at such place or places within the state as it may deem advisable.

No funds shall be expended by the board for the operation or maintenance of, or capital improvements for, any such graduate center, whether established or continued hereunder, except funds provided by student fees, federal grants, state agencies other than the board, county boards of education, other local governmental bodies, corporations or persons, and funds appropriated by the Legislature expressly for such purpose or purposes. Except for the use of funds provided by student fees, federal grants or those appropriated by the Legislature expressly for such purposes, the burden of providing satisfactory and acceptable capital improvements for such centers shall be upon such state agencies, local governmental bodies, corporations or persons, and the board may enter into memoranda of agreements with such state agencies, local governmental bodies, corporations or persons for the use of plant facilities and/or grants or contributions toward the cost of the acquisition or construction of such facilities. Such state agencies and local governmental bodies may convey capital improvements, or lease the same without monetary consideration, to the board for use as a graduate center, and the board may accept such facilities, the use or lease thereof, or such grants or contributions, for such purpose from such governmental bodies, the federal government or any corporation or person.

The board may fix enrollment, tuition and other fees to be charged students enrolling in such graduate centers, and retain the same in a special fund for the partial or full support of the center at which they were collected, including the making of capital improvements. The board may also charge any one or more of the following fees at such centers: (1) Health service fees; (2) infirmary fees; and (3) student activities, recreational, athletic and extracurricular fees. All fees collected under (1), (2) and (3) shall be paid into special funds and shall be used solely for the purpose for which collected.



Acts, 1973 Reg. Sess., Ch. 125.

§18-11-11. Four-H camps.

The "4-H" camp institute and state exhibit of boys' and girls' club work, heretofore established at Jackson's Mill, in Lewis county, shall be continued for the purpose of teaching boys and girls the "4-H" standards of living and to inspire them to lift themselves toward these standards, and to discover and train boys and girls for leadership and for the purpose of teaching standards of excellence in agriculture and home economics. It shall be the duty of the state commissioner of public institutions to secure a site for the aforesaid camp institute and state show, and to erect the necessary buildings, and provide necessary and suitable equipment. It shall be the duty of the state commissioner of public institutions, when such grounds and buildings are provided and equipped, as above stated, to turn them over to the college of agriculture of West Virginia University to be operated by the extension division in carrying out the purposes and intents herein set forth. When not in use by the extension division, and under their regulations, this equipment may be rented to other organizations for convention use. Any money derived from such rent shall be turned over to the state commissioner of public institutions. Any appropriations hereafter made to carry out the provisions and purposes of this section shall be expended through the state commissioner of public institutions.

The regional "4-H" camp, heretofore established at Pinecrest, in Raleigh county, shall also be continued for the purpose of stimulating interest in, and teaching methods of attaining higher standards of living and better modes of life in mining and other industrial communities, and be operated by the extension division of the West Virginia University, as hereinbefore provided in this section.

The county court of any county may appropriate money from the county fund to erect a county building on such "4-H" camp property at Jackson's Mill, and at Pinecrest, or either of them.



Acts, 1983 Reg. Sess., Ch. 10.



Acts 1983, Reg. Sess.,c. 10.



Acts 1983, Reg. Sess., c. 10.



Acts 1983, Reg. Sess., c. 10.



Acts 1983, Reg. Sess., c. 10.



Acts 1983, Reg. Sess., c. 10.



Acts 1983, Reg. Sess., c. 10.

§18-11-19. Authority to construct and lease dormitories; financing thereof.

The state commissioner of public institutions is hereby authorized and empowered to construct and maintain dormitories for the use of students at the West Virginia University, and for such purpose the board is further authorized and empowered to lease to a nonprofit sharing corporation so much of the land owned by the state, and used by the West Virginia University, as may be necessary, for a term not to exceed thirty years, upon condition that such corporation shall construct such dormitories thereon, and, when constructed, shall sublease such dormitories to the commissioner of public institutions, with a provision therein that, from time to time, the rents from such dormitories shall be applied to (a) maintenance, (b) interest, and (c) the principal of the cost of the construction thereof, and when the cost thereof is fully paid, such dormitories shall revert to and become the property of the state free from any claim of said corporation.

§18-11-20. Salaries of president, athletic director and football coaches.

The board of Governors of the West Virginia University shall fix the salaries of the president of the university, athletic director, head football coach and all assistant football coaches at said university.

§18-11-21. Deposit of official books, etc., with division of documents; certified copies as evidence.

Any state, county or other official, except the state historian and archivist, who is the lawful custodian thereof may turn over to the division of documents, West Virginia University, with its consent, as custodian, for permanent preservation and record any official books, records, documents, original papers, or files, or any printed books, records, documents, or reports, not in current use in his office. The division of documents, West Virginia University, is authorized to act as custodian and to receive gifts of historical material from any person or institution.

The division of documents, West Virginia University, shall give a written receipt to any official from whom property is received and shall record in an annual report to the board of Governors a complete list of all property received.

After request of any person entitled thereto, the division of documents shall furnish a certified copy of any record, document, or paper in its possession, upon the payment by the applicant of the cost of transcription. Such copy shall be certified by the head of the division of documents before a notary public, and when so certified shall be entitled to the same weight as evidence as though certified by the official by whom such record, document, or paper was deposited with the division of documents.

§18-11-22. Four-year medical course.

The board of Governors is authorized to establish a four- year medical course for students of the university, such course to be conducted in accordance with rules and regulations made by the president and the faculty of the college of medicine, and approved by the board as provided in this article. The entire course may be given at the university, or it may be given in part at other universities and medical colleges outside the state.

The board is authorized to enter into any agreements which may be necessary to enable the university to award degrees in medicine in conjunction with such other universities and medical colleges, and to that end may direct the expenditure outside the state of any university funds available to the college of medicine.

No student shall be eligible to take the courses which may be established under the provisions of this section unless he (1) has been a bona fide resident of this state at least five years, (2) has completed the medical course provided at the university, and (3) has been chosen for the purpose by the president and faculty of the college of medicine at the university.

§18-11-23. Contractual research revolving fund.

For the purpose of promoting and financing scientific and other research at West Virginia University, the contractual research revolving fund heretofore created as a special fund in the State Treasury shall be continued. The fund shall be administered by the board of Governors as follows:

(1) The moneys in the fund shall be used first for advances necessary to finance scientific research under contracts made with agencies of the federal government, with state agencies such as the state road commission, the state department of health, the state natural resources commission, the state department of mines, the state Department of Agriculture, or any other state agency authorized to enter into contracts for such research, or with any private corporation, trust or individual. Whenever the board has entered into any such contract, it may authorize expenditure from the fund of such sums as may be needed for performance of the contract. In order to reimburse the fund for such advances, all payments received under any such contract shall be redeposited in the fund. The unexpended balance in the fund, together with total reimbursable items payable to the fund under the provisions of this subsection shall never be less than $100,000.

(2) Whenever the amount remaining in the revolving fund, together with the reimbursable items specified in the preceding subsection, shall exceed $100,000, such excess may be used by the board to finance scientific or other research conducted by the university, whether under contract or otherwise.

(3) In the financing of contract or other research, expenditures may be made from the fund for the payment of all expenses needed in the conduct of the research, including the payment of salaries, reimbursement for necessary travel and other expenses, the purchase, rental or repair of equipment, and the purchase of supplies.

(4) Any money in the fund not immediately needed for the conduct of research may be temporarily invested by the board.

§18-11-24. Promotion and financing of scientific research; authority to contract for patents; special research fund.

In order to promote technical scientific investigation, research, experimentation and education, and to encourage the development of patentable inventions by members of the faculty, associates and employees of the university, the board of Governors is hereby authorized to contract with any research foundation, firm, individual or agency for the procurement of patents on such inventions. The compensation of the research foundation, firm, individual or agency shall be limited to a share of the income from such patents, and the contract shall provide for the payment of part of the income to the university and part to the member of the faculty, associate or employee who developed the invention.

All moneys received by the university under any such contract shall be paid into a special research fund, which is hereby created in the State Treasury, and shall be expended only for the furtherance of a university program of general scientific research, through payments for personal services, for the purchase of equipment and supplies, and for other expenses necessarily incident to such a program.

§18-11-25. Financing of parking facilities or areas.

In addition to the provisions of section twenty-six, article twenty-six, chapter eighteen of this code, the board of regents may from time to time issue revenue bonds of the state as provided in this section to finance the construction of additional parking facilities or the acquisition by lease or purchase of additional parking areas and pledge all or any part of the moneys in such special funds for the payment of the principal of and interest on such revenue bonds, and for reserves therefor. Whenever parking facilities are provided in any university building financed in whole or in part by the issue of revenue bonds otherwise authorized by law, the net revenue derived from the parking facilities included in such building may be used or pledged to meet the sinking fund requirements of the bonds issued for construction of the buildings. The pledge of moneys in such special fund for any revenue bonds shall be a prior and superior charge on such special fund over the use of any of the moneys in such fund to pay for the cost of any of such purposes on a cash basis.

Such revenue bonds may be authorized and issued from time to time by the board of regents to finance in whole or in part the purposes provided in this section in an aggregate principal amount not exceeding the amount which the board shall determine can be paid as to both principal and interest and reasonable margins for a reserve therefor from the moneys in such special fund.

The issuance of such bonds shall be authorized by a resolution adopted by the board, and such revenue bonds shall bear such date or dates; mature at such times not exceeding forty years from their respective dates; bear interest at such rate or rates, not exceeding twelve per centum per annum; be in such form either coupon or registered, with such exchangeability and interchangeability privileges; be payable in such medium of payment and at such place or places, within or without the state; be subject to such terms of prior redemption at such prices not exceeding one hundred six per centum of the principal amount thereof; and shall have such other terms and provisions as the board shall determine. Such revenue bonds shall be signed by the Governor and by the president of the board of regents, under the great seal of the state, attested by the Secretary of State, and the coupons, if any, attached thereto shall bear the facsimile signature of the president of the board. Such revenue bonds shall be sold in such manner as the board may determine to be for the best interests of the state, such sale to be made at a price not lower than a price which will show a net return of not more than thirteen per centum per annum to the purchaser upon the amount paid therefor computed to the stated maturity dates of such revenue bonds without regard to any right of prior redemption.

The board may enter into trust agreements with banks or trust companies, within or without the state, and in such trust agreements or the resolutions authorizing the issuance of such bonds may enter into valid and legally binding covenants with the holders of such revenue bonds as to the custody, safeguarding and disposition of the proceeds of such revenue bonds, the moneys in such special fund, sinking funds, reserve funds, or any other moneys or funds; as to the rank and priority, if any, of different issues of revenue bonds under the provisions of this section; and as to any other matters or provisions which are deemed necessary and advisable by the board in the best interests of the state and to enhance the marketability of such revenue bonds.

Such revenue bonds shall be and constitute negotiable instruments under the law merchant and the negotiable instruments law of the state; shall, together with the interest thereon, be exempt from all taxation by the State of West Virginia, or by any county, school district, municipality or political subdivision thereof; and such revenue bonds shall not be deemed to be obligations or debts of the state, and the credit or taxing power of the state shall not be pledged therefor, but such revenue bonds shall be payable only from the revenue pledged therefor as provided in this section.



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§18-11A-1. Board of Governors [board of regents] authorized to issue revenue bonds for new buildings.

The board of Governors of West Virginia University shall have authority, as provided in this article, to issue revenue bonds of the state, not to exceed $10 million in principal amount thereof, to finance the costs of providing new buildings for the college of agriculture, the agricultural experiment station, the cooperative extension service, the college of engineering, the engineering experiment station, and the school of mines of West Virginia University. The principal of and interest on such bonds shall be payable solely from the special nonrevolving fund herein provided for such payment. The costs of any such building or buildings shall include the cost of acquisition of land, the construction and equipment of any such building or buildings, and the provision of roads, utilities and other services necessary, appurtenant or incidental to such building or buildings; and shall also include all other charges or expenses necessary, appurtenant or incidental to the construction, financing and placing in operation of any such building or buildings.

§18-11A-2. Creation of special university capital improvements fund; revenues payable into such fund; authority of board to pledge such revenues into sinking and reserve funds.

There is hereby created in the State Treasury a special nonrevolving university capital improvements fund. On and after July 1, 1957, there shall be paid into such special fund all fees collected under the provisions of section one, article one-a, chapter twenty-five of this code, from students at the university other than students in the schools of medicine, medical technology, dentistry, dental technology, nursing and pharmacy, except such fees as are required by that section to be paid into other special funds.

The board of Governors shall have authority to pledge all or such part of the revenue paid into the special university capital improvements fund as may be needed to meet the requirements of the sinking fund established in connection with any revenue bond issue authorized by this article, including a reserve fund for the payment of the principal of and interest on such revenue bond issue when other moneys in the sinking fund are insufficient therefor; and may provide in the resolution authorizing any issue of such bonds, and in any trust agreement made in connection therewith, for such priorities on the revenues paid into the special fund as may be necessary for the protection of the prior rights of the holders of bonds issued at different times under the provisions of this article.

If any balance shall remain in the special university capital improvements fund after the board has issued the maximum of $10 million worth of bonds authorized by this article, and after the requirements of all sinking funds and reserve funds established in connection with the issue of such bonds have been satisfied, such balance may and shall be used solely for the redemption of any of the outstanding bonds issued hereunder which by their terms are then redeemable, or for the purchase of bonds at the market price, but at not exceeding the price, if any, at which such bonds shall in the same year be redeemable, and all bonds redeemed or purchased shall forthwith be cancelled and shall not again be issued. Whenever all outstanding bonds issued hereunder shall have been paid, the special university capital improvements fund shall cease to exist and any balance then remaining in such fund shall be transferred to the General Revenue Fund of the state. Thereafter all fees formerly paid into such special fund shall be paid into the General Revenue Fund of the state.

§18-11A-3. Issuance of revenue bonds.

The issuance of bonds under the provisions of this article shall be authorized by a resolution of the board of regents, which shall recite an estimate by the board of the cost of the proposed building or buildings; and shall provide for the issuance of bonds in an amount sufficient, when sold as hereinafter provided, to provide moneys sufficient to pay such cost, less the amount of any other funds available for the construction of the building or buildings from any appropriation, grant or gift therefor. Such resolution shall prescribe the rights and duties of the bondholders and the board, and for such purpose may prescribe the form of the trust agreement hereinafter referred to. The bonds shall be of such series, bear such date or dates, mature at such time or times not exceeding thirty years from their respective dates, bear interest at such rate or rates, not exceeding seven per centum per annum, payable semiannually; be in such denominations; be in such form, either coupon or fully registered without coupons, carrying such registration exchangeability and interchangeability privileges; be payable in such medium of payment and at such place or places; be subject to such terms of redemption at such prices not exceeding one hundred five percent of the principal amount thereof, and be entitled to such priorities on the revenues paid into the special university capital improvements fund as may be provided in the resolution authorizing the issuance of the bonds or in any trust agreement made in connection therewith. The bonds shall be signed by the Governor, and by the president of the board of regents, under the great seal of the state, attested by the Secretary of State, and the coupons attached thereto shall bear the facsimile signature of the president of the board. In case any of the officers whose signatures appear on the bonds or coupons cease to be such officers before the delivery of such bonds, such signatures shall nevertheless be valid and sufficient for all purposes the same as if such officers had remained in office until such delivery.

Such bonds shall be sold in such manner as the board may determine to be for the best interests of the state, taking into consideration the financial responsibility of the purchaser, the terms and conditions of the purchase, and especially the availability of the proceeds of the bonds when required for payment of the cost of such building or buildings, such sale to be made at a price not lower than a price which, when computed upon standard tables of bond values, will show a net return of not more than eight percent per annum to the purchaser upon the amount paid therefor. The proceeds of such bonds shall be used solely for the payment of the cost of such building or buildings, and shall be deposited in the State Treasury in a special fund and checked out as provided by law for the disbursement of other state funds. If the proceeds of such bonds, by error in calculation or otherwise, shall be less than the cost of such building or buildings, additional bonds may in like manner be issued to provide the amount of the deficiency; and unless otherwise provided for in the resolution or trust agreement hereinafter mentioned, shall be deemed to be of the same issue, and shall be entitled to payment from the same fund, without preference or priority, as the bonds before issued for such building or buildings. If the proceeds of bonds issued for such building or buildings shall exceed the cost thereof, the surplus shall be paid into the sinking fund to be established for payment of the principal and interest of such bonds as hereinafter provided. Prior to the preparation of definitive bonds, the board may, under like restrictions, issue temporary bonds with or without coupons, exchangeable for definitive bonds upon their issuance.

The bonds issued under the provisions of this article shall be and have all the qualities of negotiable instruments under the law merchant and the Uniform Commercial Code of this state.

§18-11A-4. Trust agreement for holders of bonds.

The board may enter into an agreement or agreements with any trust company, or with any bank having the powers of a trust company, either within or outside the state, as trustee for the holders of bonds issued hereunder, setting forth therein such duties of the board in respect to the payment of the bonds, the fixing, establishing and collecting of the fees hereinbefore referred to, the acquisition, construction, improvement, maintenance, operation, repair and insurance of such building or buildings, the conservation and application of all moneys, the security for moneys on hand or on deposit, and the rights and remedies of the trustee and the holders of the bonds, as may be agreed upon with the original purchasers of such bonds; and including therein provisions restricting the individual right of action of bondholders as is customary in trust agreements respecting bonds and debentures of corporations, protecting and enforcing the rights and remedies of the trustee and the bondholders, and providing for approval by the original purchasers of the bonds of the appointment of consulting engineers and of the security given by those who contract to construct such building or buildings, and for approval by the consulting engineers of all contracts for construction. Any such agreement entered into by the board shall be binding in all respects on such board and its successors from time to time in accordance with its terms; and all the provisions thereof shall be enforceable by appropriate proceedings at law or in equity, or otherwise.

§18-11A-5. Sinking fund for payment of bonds.

From the special university capital improvements fund the board shall make periodic payments to the state sinking fund commission in an amount sufficient to meet the requirements of any issue of bonds sold under the provisions of this article, as specified in the resolution of the board authorizing the issue and in any trust agreement entered into in connection therewith. The payments so made shall be placed by the commission in a special sinking fund which is hereby pledged to and charged with the payment of the principal of the bonds of such issue and the interest thereon, and to the redemption or repurchase of such bonds, such sinking fund to be a fund for all bonds of such issue without distinction or priority of one over another. The moneys in the special sinking fund, less such reserve for payment of principal and interest as may be required by the resolution of the board authorizing the issue and any trust agreement made in connection therewith, may be used for the redemption of any of the outstanding bonds payable from such fund which by their terms are then redeemable, or for the purchase of bonds at the market price; but at not exceeding the price, if any, at which such bonds shall in the same year be redeemable; and all bonds redeemed or purchased shall forthwith be cancelled and shall not again be issued.

§18-11A-6. Credit of state not pledged.

No provisions of this article shall be construed to authorize the board at any time or in any manner to pledge the credit or taxing power of the state, nor shall any of the obligations or debts created by the board under the authority herein granted be deemed to be obligations of the state.

§18-11A-7. Bonds exempt from taxation.

All bonds issued by the board under the provisions of this article shall be exempt from taxation by the State of West Virginia, or by any county, school district or municipality thereof.

§18-11A-8. Supplemental powers conferred; conflicting laws superseded.

The powers conferred by this article shall be in addition and supplemental to the existing powers of the board of Governors. The provisions of any other law or laws conflicting with the provisions of this article shall be and the same are hereby superseded to the extent of any such conflict.


§18-11B-1. Board of Governors [board of regents] of West Virginia University authorized to issue revenue bonds for certain capital improvements.

The board of Governors of West Virginia University shall have authority, as provided in this article, to issue revenue bonds of the state, not to exceed $20 million in principal amount thereof, to refund bonds issued and outstanding under and pursuant to the provisions of article eleven-a of this chapter and this article and to finance the cost of providing new facilities, buildings and structures for West Virginia University including, but not limited to, buildings and structures suitable for use as an academic building, library, laboratory, research facility, maintenance or storage or utility facility and other facilities related thereto or essential or convenient for the instruction of students or the conducting of research or the operation of West Virginia University as an institution for higher education, and also including athletic facilities and stadia as well as parking and other facilities, buildings or structures essential or convenient for the orderly conduct of West Virginia University as an institution for higher education, together with, in each case, land for current or future use in connection therewith and equipment and machinery and other similar items essential or convenient for the operation of a particular facility, building or structure in the manner for which its use is intended but not including such items as books, fuel, supplies or other items which are customarily deemed to result in a current operating charge. The principal of and interest on such bonds shall be payable solely from the special nonrevolving fund herein provided for such payment. The cost of any such facility, building or structure shall include the cost of acquisition of land, the construction and equipment of any such facility, building or structure and the provision for roads, utilities and other services necessary, appurtenant or incidental to such facilities, buildings or structures, and shall also include all other charges or expenses necessary, appurtenant or incidental to the construction, financing and placing in operation of any such facility, building or structure.

§18-11B-2. Special university capital improvements fund continued in State Treasury; collections to be paid into special fund; authority of board of Governors [board of regents] to pledge such collections as security for revenue bonds.

The special nonrevolving university capital improvements fund heretofore created in the State Treasury pursuant to the provisions of article eleven-a of this chapter shall be continued and shall exist so long as any bonds issued pursuant to said article eleven-a or this article remain outstanding and unpaid. Subject only to the prior lien thereon of outstanding bonds heretofore issued pursuant to the provisions of article eleven-a of this chapter, on and after July 1, 1966, there shall be paid into such special university capital improvements fund all fees collected under the provisions of section one, article one-a, chapter twenty-five of this code, from students at the university other than students in the schools of medicine, medical technology, dentistry, dental technology, nursing and pharmacy, except such fees as are now required by that section to be paid into other special funds: Provided, That any future allocation of all or any of such fees to other special funds shall, so long as any bonds issued pursuant to said article eleven-a or this article remain outstanding and unpaid, be expressly subordinate, junior and inferior to the requirements of and pledges made pursuant to this section.

The board of Governors shall have authority to pledge all or such part of the revenue paid into the special university capital improvements fund as may be needed to meet the requirements of the sinking fund established in connection with any revenue bond issue authorized by this article, including a reserve fund for the payment of the principal of and interest on such revenue bond issue when other moneys in the sinking fund are insufficient therefor and including such additional margin of safety as may be provided in the resolution authorizing any issue of such bonds and in any trust agreement made in connection therewith, and may provide in the resolution authorizing any issue of such bonds, and in any trust agreement made in connection therewith, for such priorities on the revenues paid into the special fund as may be necessary for the protection of the prior rights of the holders of bonds issued at different times under the provisions of this article.

Any balance remaining in the special university capital improvements fund after the board has issued the maximum of $20 million worth of bonds authorized by this article, and after the requirements of all sinking funds and reserve funds established in connection with the bonds issued pursuant to this article have been satisfied, may and shall be used solely for the redemption of any of the outstanding bonds issued hereunder which by their terms are then redeemable, or for the purchase of such bonds at the market price, but at not exceeding the price, if any, at which such bonds shall in the same year be redeemable, and all bonds redeemed or purchased shall forthwith be cancelled and shall not again be issued. Whenever all outstanding bonds issued hereunder shall have been paid, the special university capital improvements fund shall cease to exist and any balance then remaining in such fund shall be transferred to the General Revenue Fund of the state. Thereafter all fees formerly paid into such special fund shall be paid into the General Revenue Fund of the state.

§18-11B-3. Board of Governors [board of regents] to fix fees.

The board of Governors shall fix, establish, maintain and collect the fees provided for in section one, article one-a, chapter twenty-five of this code, from students at the university other than students in the schools of medicine, medical technology, dentistry, dental technology, nursing and pharmacy, in amounts at least sufficient, at all times, after depositing in the other special funds such fees as are now required to be deposited therein pursuant to section one, article one-a, chapter twenty-five of this code, to provide revenues for deposit in the special university capital improvements fund which are adequate to pay the principal of and interest on the outstanding bonds heretofore issued pursuant to article eleven-a of this chapter as the same mature and become due and to make all reserve and other payments required by the proceedings which authorized such outstanding bonds, to pay the principal of and interest on any outstanding bonds issued pursuant to this article as the same mature and become due and to provide any margin of safety and reserve or other payments required by the resolution authorizing any issue of bonds pursuant to this article and any trust agreement made in connection therewith, and to make all other payments required by this article or any such proceedings, resolutions or trust agreements.

§18-11B-4. Issuance of revenue bonds.

The issuance of revenue bonds under the provisions of this article shall be authorized by a resolution of the board of regents, which shall recite an estimate by the board of the cost of the proposed facilities, buildings or structures; and shall provide for the issuance of bonds in an amount sufficient, when sold as hereinafter provided, to provide moneys sufficient to pay such cost, less the amount of any other funds available for the construction of the facilities, buildings or structures from any appropriation, grant or gift therefor. Such resolution shall prescribe the rights and duties of the bondholders and the board, and for such purpose may prescribe the form of the trust agreement hereinafter referred to. The bonds shall be of such series, bear such date or dates, mature at such time or times not exceeding thirty years from their respective dates, bear interest at such rate or rates, not exceeding seven per centum per annum, payable semiannually; be in such denominations; be in such form, either coupon or fully registered without coupons, carrying such registration, exchangeability and interchangeability privileges; be payable in such medium of payment and at such place or places; be subject to such terms of redemption at such prices not exceeding one hundred five percent of the principal amount thereof, and be entitled to such priorities on the revenues paid into the special university capital improvements fund as may be provided in the resolution authorizing the issuance of the bonds or in any trust agreement made in connection therewith. The bonds shall be signed by the Governor, and by the president of the board of regents, under the great seal of the state, attested by the Secretary of State, and the coupons attached thereto shall bear the facsimile signature of the president of the board. In case any of the officers whose signatures appear on the bonds or coupons cease to be such officers before the delivery of such bonds, such signatures shall nevertheless be valid and sufficient for all purposes the same as if such officers had remained in office until such delivery.

Such bonds shall be sold in such manner as the board may determine to be for the best interest of the state, taking into consideration the financial responsibility of the purchaser, the terms and conditions of the purchase, and especially the availability of the proceeds of the bonds when required for payment of the cost of such facilities, buildings or structures, such sale to be made at a price not lower than a price which, when computed upon standard tables of bond values, will show a net return of not more than eight percent per annum to the purchaser upon the amount paid therefor. The proceeds of such bonds shall be used solely for the payment of the cost of such facilities, buildings or structures, and shall be deposited in the State Treasury in a special fund and checked out as provided by law for the disbursement of other state funds. If the proceeds of such bonds, by error in calculation or otherwise, shall be less than the cost of such facilities, buildings or structures, additional bonds may in like manner be issued to provide the amount of the deficiency; and unless otherwise provided for in the resolution or trust agreement hereinafter mentioned, shall be deemed to be of the same issue, and shall be entitled to payment from the same fund, without preference or priority, as the bonds before issued for such facilities, buildings or structures. If the proceeds of bonds issued for such facilities, buildings or structures shall exceed the cost thereof, the surplus shall be paid into the sinking fund to be established for payment of the principal and interest of such bonds as hereinafter provided. Prior to the preparation of definitive bonds, the board may, under like restrictions, issue temporary bonds with or without coupons, exchangeable for definitive bonds upon their issuance. The term "cost," as used in this section, shall be deemed to include all of the items contemplated by the use of this term in section one of this article.

§18-11B-5. Issuance of revenue refunding bonds.

The issuance of revenue refunding bonds under the provisions of this article shall be authorized by resolution of the board of Governors and shall otherwise be subject to the limitations, conditions and provisions of section four of this article. Such revenue refunding bonds may be issued in an amount sufficient to pay (1) the principal of any outstanding bonds heretofore issued pursuant to the provisions of article eleven-a of this chapter or this article (hereinafter referred to as "outstanding bonds"); (2) the redemption premium, if any, on such outstanding bonds on the prior redemption thereof; (3) the interest due and payable on such outstanding bonds to and including the first date upon which said outstanding bonds are callable prior to maturity, not exceeding, however, ten years from the date of issuance of such revenue refunding bonds, or the dates upon which the principal of said outstanding bonds matures before such first date on which the same are callable prior to maturity, including any interest theretofore accrued and unpaid; and (4) all expenses of the issuance and sale of said revenue refunding bonds, including all necessary financial and legal expenses, and also including the creation of initial debt service reserve funds. Any moneys in the sinking or reserve funds or other funds for the outstanding bonds may be used for the purposes stated in (1), (2), (3) and (4) above or may be deposited in a sinking fund or reserve fund or other funds for the issue of bonds which have been issued wholly or in part for the purpose of such refunding. Such amount of the proceeds of the revenue refunding bonds as shall be sufficient for the payment of the principal, interest and redemption premiums, if any, on such outstanding bonds which will not be due and payable immediately shall be deposited in trust, for the sole purpose of making such payments, with the treasurer of the State of West Virginia. Any of the moneys so deposited in trust may, prior to the date on which such moneys will be needed for the payment of principal, interest and redemption premiums, if any, on such outstanding bonds, be invested and reinvested in direct obligations of the United States of America.

§18-11B-6. Bonds may be issued for combined purposes.

The board of Governors may authorize by one resolution a single issue of bonds for the combined purposes of refunding the outstanding bonds as herein authorized and financing one or more of the facilities, buildings and structures herein authorized.

§18-11B-7. Bonds shall be negotiable instruments.

The revenue bonds, revenue refunding bonds and bonds issued for combined purposes under the provisions of this article shall, independently of the requirements of any other provision of law and solely by virtue of the provisions of this section, be and have all the qualities and incidents of negotiable instruments.

§18-11B-8. Trust agreements for holders of bonds.

The board may enter into an agreement or agreements with any trust company, or with any bank having the powers of a trust company, either within or outside the state, as trustee for the holders of bonds issued hereunder, setting forth therein such duties of the board in respect to the payment of the bonds, the fixing, establishing and collecting of the fees hereinbefore referred to, the acquisition, construction, improvement, maintenance, operation, repair and insurance of authorized facilities, buildings or structures, the conservation and application of all moneys, the security for moneys on hand or on deposit, and the rights and remedies of the trustee and the holders of the bonds, as may be agreed upon with the original purchasers of such bonds; and including therein provisions restricting the individual right of action of bondholders as is customary in trust agreements respecting bonds and debentures of municipal corporations, protecting and enforcing the rights and remedies of the trustee and the bondholders, and providing for approval by the original purchasers of the bonds of the appointment of consulting engineers and of the security given by those who contract to construct such facilities, buildings or structures and for approval by the consulting engineers of all contracts for construction. Any such agreement entered into by the board shall be binding in all respects on such board and its successors from time to time in accordance with its terms; and all the provisions thereof shall be enforceable by appropriate proceedings at law or in equity, or otherwise.

§18-11B-9. Sinking fund for payment of bonds.

From the special university capital improvements fund the board shall, subject only to the prior lien thereon of the outstanding bonds heretofore issued pursuant to the provisions of article eleven-a of this chapter, make periodic payments to the state sinking fund commission in an amount sufficient to meet the requirements of any issue of bonds sold under the provisions of this article, as specified in the resolution of the board authorizing the issue thereof and in any trust agreement entered into in connection therewith. The payments so made shall be placed by the commission in a special sinking fund which is hereby pledged to and charged with the payment of the principal of the bonds of such issue and the interest thereon, and to the redemption or repurchase of such bonds, such sinking fund to be a fund for all bonds of such issue without distinction or priority of one over another, except as may be provided in the resolution authorizing such issue of bonds. The moneys in the special sinking fund, less such reserve for payment of principal and interest as may be required by the resolution of the board authorizing the issue and any trust agreement made in connection therewith, may be used for the redemption of any of the outstanding bonds payable from such fund which by their terms are then redeemable, or for the purchase of bonds at the market price, but at not exceeding the price, if any, at which such bonds shall in the same year be redeemable; and all bonds redeemed or purchased shall forthwith be cancelled and shall not again be issued.

§18-11B-10. Credit of state not pledged.

No provisions of this article shall be construed to authorize the board at any time or in any manner to pledge the credit or taxing power of the state, nor shall any of the obligations or debts created by the board under the authority herein granted be deemed to be obligations of the state.

§18-11B-11. Bonds exempt from taxation.

All bonds issued by the board under the provisions of this article, and the interest thereon, shall be exempt from taxation by the State of West Virginia, or by any county, school district, municipality or other political subdivision thereof.

§18-11B-12. Conflicting laws repealed.

The powers conferred by this article shall be in addition and supplemental to the existing powers of the board of Governors. The provisions of any other law or laws conflicting with the provisions of this article shall be and the same are hereby superseded to the extent of any such conflict.


§18-11C-1. Definitions.

The following words used in this article shall, unless the context clearly indicates a different meaning, be construed as follows:

(a) "Agreement" means the long-term lease and agreement to be entered into between the board and the corporation pursuant to section four of this article;

(b) "Assets" means all assets of the board constituting tangible and intangible personal property credited to the hospital on the financial ledgers and equipment inventories of the university at the transfer date, and as more particularly or additionally identified or supplemented in the agreement, excluding all hospital funds deposited with the State Treasurer;

(c) For the purposes of this article, "board" or "board of trustees" means the West Virginia University board of Governors;

(d) "Corporation" means the nonstock, not-for-profit corporation to be established under the general corporation laws of the state, which meets the description prescribed by section three of this article;

(e) "Corporation employees" means employees of the corporation;

(f) "Directors" means the board of directors of the corporation;

(g) "Existing facilities" means the West Virginia University hospital and clinics, other than those used for student health and family practice, presently existing at the West Virginia University medical center in Morgantown and owned and operated by the board;

(h) "Health science schools" means the schools of medicine, dentistry, pharmacy and nursing and any other schools at the university considered by the board to be health sciences;

(i) "Hospital" means the inpatient and outpatient health care services of the board, other than those used for student health services and family practice clinics, operated in connection with the university, consisting of the existing facilities and any other health care service components of the West Virginia University medical center at Morgantown rendering patient care services and more particularly identified by the agreement;

(j) "Liabilities" means all liabilities, except those specifically excluded by section four of this article, credited to the hospital on the financial ledgers of the university at the transfer date and as more particularly or additionally identified, supplemented or limited in the agreement;

(k) "Medical personnel" means both university personnel and corporation employees;

(l) "New facilities" means a new hospital facility and out-patient clinics, appurtenant facilities, equipment and necessary services to be acquired, built, operated or contracted for by the corporation on property leased from the board within Monongalia County, West Virginia, pursuant to the agreement;

(m) "Transfer date" means July 1, 1984, or any later date agreed upon by the board and the corporation and filed with the Secretary of State;

(n) "University" means West Virginia University;

(o) "University personnel" means those employees of the board or the university for whose services the corporation contracts with the board or the university, as appropriate; and

(p) "West Virginia health system" or "system" means the nonstock, not-for-profit corporation to be established under the general corporation laws of the state, which meets the description set forth in section three-a of this article.

§18-11C-2. Findings.

(a) It is hereby found and determined with regard to the hospital that:

(1) The purposes of the existing facilities are to facilitate the clinical education and research of the health science schools and to provide patient care, including specialized services not widely available elsewhere in West Virginia. The eventual termination of the services in lieu of replacement or modernization would create an unreasonable hardship on patients in the area and throughout the state;

(2) These purposes separately and collectively serve the highest public interest and are essential to the public health and welfare, but must be realized in the most efficient manner and at the lowest cost practicable and consistent with these purposes;

(3) It is unnecessarily costly and administratively cumbersome for the board to finance, manage and carry out the patient care activities of an academic institution within the existing framework of a state agency. The patient care operations are more efficiently served by contemporary legal, management and procedural structures utilized by similarly situated private entities throughout the nation;

(4) It is fiscally desirable that the state separate the business and service functions of the hospital from the educational functions of the health science schools, that the board cease operation of the existing facilities, that the board transfer the operations to the corporation, that the board pay certain existing sums and assign the assets and certain leasehold interests to the corporation in order to acquire the corporation's agreement to provide certain space and services and to assume the liabilities, that the agreement and certain other contractual relationships between the board and the corporation be authorized, and that the existing facilities operated by the corporation, and subsequently the new facilities owned and operated by the corporation, be self-sufficient and serve to remove the tax burden of operating the existing facilities from the state;

(5) A not-for-profit corporate structure with appropriate governance consistent with the delivery of health care to the patient and academic need of the university is the best means of assuring prudent financial management and the future economy of operation under rapidly changing market conditions, regulation and reimbursement; and

(6) The interests of the citizens of the state will be best met by the board's entering into and carrying out the provisions of the agreement as soon as possible, to provide independence and flexibility of management and funding while enabling the state's tertiary health care and health science education needs to be better served.

(b) It is hereby found and determined with regard to the West Virginia health system that:

(1) The interests of the citizens of the state will be best served by ensuring the continued vitality and viability of the West Virginia based health care institutions which are devoted to addressing the state's tertiary health care and health science education needs and which possess the flexibility and resources to effectively and efficiently compete in a rapidly changing health care environment;

(2) The best interests of the state, and the mission and purposes of the corporation created by this article, will best be met by the authorization and creation of a West Virginia health system as a not-for-profit corporate structure to serve as the parent corporation of the corporation created pursuant to this article and other corporations and institutions;

(3) The citizens of the state are best served by requiring representative governance by the board while maintaining flexibility so that the West Virginia health system may, over time, authorize and stimulate the creation of an integrated health care delivery system which may be comprised of one or more affiliated institutions; and

(4) The citizens of the state are best served by the creation of a coordinated, integrated, efficient and effective health science and health care delivery system which is accountable to the citizens of the state, responsive to the health care and health science education needs of the citizens of the state, and responsive to the financial pressures of a dynamic health care environment.

§18-11C-3. Board authorized to contract with corporation; description to be met by corporation.

The board is hereby authorized to enter into the agreement and any other contractual relationships authorized by this article with the corporation, but only if the corporation meets the following description:

(a) The directors of the corporation, all of whom shall be voting, shall consist of the president of the university, who shall serve ex officio as chairman of the directors, the vice chancellor for health sciences of the Higher Education Policy Commission, one designee of the board: Provided, That if the position of vice chancellor for health sciences has not been filled, the board shall designate one additional member to serve until the position is filled, the vice president for health sciences of the university, the vice president for administration and finance of the university, the chief of the medical staff of the hospital, the dean of the school of medicine of the university, the dean of the school of nursing of the university and the chief executive officer of the corporation, all of whom shall serve as ex officio members of the directors, a representative elected at large by the corporation employees and seven directors to be appointed by the West Virginia health system board. The West Virginia health system board shall select and appoint the seven appointed members in accordance with the provisions of section six-a, article five-b, chapter sixteen of this code: Provided, however, That the current directors of the corporation shall continue to serve until they resign or their term expires. On and after the effective date of this section, the seven appointed directors shall be appointed by the system board for staggered six-year terms. The system board shall select all of the appointed members in a manner which assures geographic diversity and assures that at least two members are from each congressional district.

(b) The corporation shall report its audited records publicly and to the Joint Committee on Government and Finance at least annually.

(c) Upon liquidation of the corporation, the assets of the corporation shall be transferred to the board for the benefit of the university.

§18-11C-3a. Description to be met by the West Virginia health system.

(a) The West Virginia health system shall be a nonstock, not-for-profit corporation established pursuant to the provisions of article one, chapter thirty-one of this code, known as the "West Virginia Corporation Act". The system shall have the general powers of a corporation including, but not limited to, the power and authority to affiliate, in any manner, with the corporation and other health care providers to establish an integrated health care delivery system.

(b) The West Virginia health system shall meet the following description:

(1) The board of directors of the system shall initially consist of eleven voting members, all of whom shall represent the university. As the system affiliates with other health care providers, representatives of those providers may be appointed to the board. The West Virginia health system board shall provide for the manner and appointment of nonuniversity representatives.

The voting members representing the university are hereby designated as "university representatives". The university representatives shall include the following ex officio members: the president of the university, who shall serve as chair of the board of directors; the vice president for health sciences of the university; a member or designee of the board of trustees; and a member of the medical staff of the corporation. For each of the seven remaining university representative positions the directors of the corporation shall submit a list of three nominees to the Governor for each open university representative position. If there is more than one open university position at any one time, the directors of the corporation may not nominate any person for more than one of the open university positions. The Governor may appoint the board member from the list of nominees submitted or he or she may reject the list of nominees for any open university position and request that the directors of the corporation submit a list of three different nominees for that open university position. The board members appointed by the Governor shall be appointed with the advice and consent of the Senate. The directors of the corporation shall select its nominees and the Governor shall select all of the appointed members in a manner which assures geographic diversity and assures that at least two members are from each congressional district. The appointed university representatives shall serve six-year terms: Provided, That of the initial members appointed, three members shall serve for a term of two years, two members shall serve for a term of four years, and two members shall serve for a term of six years.

(2) The number of members of the West Virginia health system's board may be increased by the majority vote of the existing system board members. The number of university representative positions on the system's board shall be increased, as a matter of law, upon a passing vote by the board to increase the number of nonuniversity representatives so that the total number of university representatives shall at all times constitute a majority of voting members of the system's board. Any additional system board positions which are created shall be created to provide for representation valuable to the board, including, but not limited to, representation of hospitals or health care providers which may, from time to time, become affiliated with the system. Newly created university representative positions shall be filled in accordance with the provisions of subdivision (3) of this subsection. To the extent possible, persons appointed to newly-created university representative positions shall be appointed to staggered terms so that the terms of approximately one third of the appointed university representatives expire every two years.

(3) Any vacancies in the university representative positions shall be filled with qualified university representatives pursuant to the ex officio designation or nomination and appointment procedure set forth in subdivision (1) of this subsection, so as to maintain the university's required majority of voting members of the system's board. To permit the orderly operation of the system, vacant university representative positions may be filled on an interim basis, as follows: (i) If the vacant position is one of the ex officio positions, then the position may be filled by the individual designated by the university to serve in the position on an acting or interim basis, or if no individual has been designated, the position may be filled by a member or designee of the board of trustees of the university; (ii) if the vacant position is among the appointed university representatives, then the position may be filled by an additional member or designee of the board of trustees of the university until the vacancy can be filled pursuant to the nomination and appointment process set forth in subdivision (1) of this subsection.

(c) The system's board shall make audited records of the system available to the public and provide those records to the Joint Committee on Government and Finance at least annually.

(d) The system may not, in any manner, assign, transfer or divest its rights in or to its membership in the corporation.

(e) For purposes of organizing, incorporating and conducting the business of the West Virginia health system or otherwise implementing the provisions of this article, the ex officio members of the system's board are authorized to act on behalf of the system until the remainder of the system's board members can be appointed and confirmed.

§18-11C-4. Agreement; required provisions.

Notwithstanding section three, article twenty-three of this chapter, or section ten, article three, chapter twelve of this code, or any other provision of this code to the contrary, the board is hereby authorized to enter into the agreement with the corporation, which agreement shall contain the following provisions, subject to further specification as shall be mutually agreed upon by the board and the corporation;

(a) On the transfer date, the board shall disburse and pay to the corporation the sums on deposit in the following accounts as reflected on the financial ledgers of the university:

(i) That portion of accounts numbered 928000, 928001, 928002 and 928003 which are made up from hospital revenue;

(ii) The capital reserve account numbered 9285, which is accumulated through the capital surcharge on patient receipts;

(iii) The cafeteria account numbered 8612330000;

(iv) The kidney reimbursement account numbered 8610108810;

(v) The general stores account numbered 8610601230;

(vi) The home dialysis account numbered 8610601450;

(vii) The vending income account numbered 8610600180;

(viii) The optical shop account numbered 8610601350;

(ix) The emergency medical education account numbered 8610601460;

(x) The radiation safety account numbered 8610600320; and

(xi) The Monongalia General Hospital an account numbered 8610106530: Provided, That the aggregate amount so paid to the corporation shall not exceed $3,400,000; and shall assign to the corporation all the assets, a leasehold interest in the existing facilities prior to completion of the new facilities and a leasehold interest in the proposed site for the new facilities, which site shall be mutually agreed upon by the board and the corporation, for a period not to exceed ninety-nine years, all in order to acquire the corporation's agreement to provide not less than one hundred thousand square feet of space in the new facilities for educational and research purposes, to provide an annual allowance of not less than $4 million for residents' and interns' expenses and an annual clinical teaching subsidy of not less than $6 million, to provide other property or services to be specified in the agreement nad to assume the liabilities, including the accounts payable, but excluding liabilities for other than accrued sick leave, accrued annual leave and unemployment compensation benefits relating to corporation employees arising prior to the transfer date and excluding other liabilities of a contingent nature. Effective on the transfer date, the corporation shall assume responsibility for and shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the university, the board and the state with respect to all liabilities and duties of the university or the board pursuant to contracts and agreements for commodities, services and supplies utilized by the hospital, and all claims for breach of contract resulting from the corporation's action or failure to act after the transfer date. The value and the adequacy of the services by and other agreements of the corporation shall be mutually agreed upon by the board and the corporation. Upon completion of the construction and occupation of the new facilities the lease upon the existing facilities shall terminate.

(b) On and after the transfer date, the corporation shall lease, manage and operate the existing facilities, subject to the provisions of this article, and shall construct, own and operate the new facilities, and shall have the power to encumber and otherwise deal with the assets, without limitation or regard to their sources: Provided, That the corporation shall have no power to mortgage or otherwise encumber the real property constituting a part of the existing facilities.

(c) The existing facilities and, subsequently, the new facilities will serve as the primary clinical setting for health science school students to receive educational and research experiences. The university faculty shall have exclusive medical and dental staff privileges at the existing facilities and, subsequently, at the new facilities.

(d) The corporation may utilize both corporation employees and university personnel. On or after the transfer date, each university employee working in the hospital shall elect to be either a corporation employee or a part of university personnel. No university employee may be required to become an employee of the corporation as the condition of employment or promotion. All university personnel are university employees in all respects.

(e) If reasonable progress toward construction of new facilities has not been made by July 1, 1985, the agreement shall automatically terminate, and the transfers of operations of the existing facilities and the assets and liabilities under the agreement shall revert to the board and the university.

(f) After completion of construction of the new facilities and vacation of the existing facilities by the corporation, the board and the university may not use the existing facilities or otherwise provide services competing with the new facilities: Provided, That the existing facilities may be used for student health and family practice clinics and for medical support services and other appropriate university purposes which will not compete with the services offered by the new facilities.

(g) The new facilities shall be constructed by the corporation in a manner so as to provide sufficient space for conducting clinical education for the health science schools.

§18-11C-5. Exemption from certain requirements; audit.

In order, as expeditiously as possible, to cease operation of the existing facilities by the board, to transfer the operations of the existing facilities and the assets and liabilities to the corporation, which will construct the new facilities, at the same time maintaining the educational services of an operating hospital facility, the transactions provided by this article shall be exempt from the bidding and public sale requirements, from the approval of contractual agreements by the department of finance and administration or the Attorney General and from the requirements of chapter five-a of this code. The transactions provided by this article shall be subject to an audit by an independent Auditor mutually agreed upon by the board and the corporation.

§18-11C-6. Conflicts of interest; statement; penalties.

(a) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this code to the contrary, officers and employees of the board and the university may hold appointments to offices of the corporation and the system and be members of the boards of directors, or officers or employees of other entities contracting with the corporation, the system or the board or the university. The board and the directors of the corporation and the system, as the case may be, must be informed of the appointments annually, and either the board or the directors of the corporation or the system may require that an appointment be terminated to avoid an actual or potential conflict of interest as determined by the appropriate board: Provided, That between the first and fifteenth day of January of each year, every member of the board of the corporation and the system shall file a written statement, which shall be fully available for public disclosure, with the appropriate chairman of the board, under oath, setting forth:

(1) The name of every person, firm, corporation, association, partnership, sole proprietorship or other business association in which the member, the member's spouse or the unemancipated minor child or children of the member, in their own or the member's name, or beneficially, own at least ten percent of such business entity, or of which he or they are an officer, director, agent, attorney, representative, employee, partner or employer, and which to his actual knowledge is then furnishing or within the previous calendar year has furnished to the state, the board of trustees, West Virginia University or the corporation or system defined in this article, commodities or printing as those terms are defined in section one, article one, chapter five-a of this code; and

(2) Any other interest or relationship which might reasonably be expected to be affected by action taken by the board of the corporation or the system or which in the public interest should be disclosed.

Those persons to whom the provisions of subdivisions (1) and (2) of this subsection are not applicable shall file a written statement to that effect with the chairman of the board at the same time the reports specified in subdivisions (1) and (2) are required to be filed.

(b) Any person who fails or refuses to file a written statement under oath as required in subsection (a) of this section shall, by operation of law, be automatically removed from the board until the statement is filed.

(c) Any person who intentionally files a false statement under this section is guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction there of, shall be confined in jail not less than six months nor more than one year.

§18-11C-7. No waiver of sovereign immunity.

Nothing contained in this article shall be deemed or construed to waive or abrogate in any way the sovereign immunity of the state or to deprive the board, the university or any officer or employee thereof of sovereign immunity.

§18-11C-8. Not obligation of the state.

Obligations of the corporation and the system shall not constitute debts or obligations of the university, the board or the state.

§18-11C-8a. Agreements subject to other provisions of law.

Any agreements entered into between the system and any county hospital, municipal hospital or hospital created by special act of the Legislature shall be subject to the provisions of section three-a, article twenty-three, chapter eight of this code. No agreements entered into by the system shall relieve any hospital of any obligation or responsibility imposed upon it by law, except to the extent that actual and timely performance thereof by the system or any of its members may be offered in satisfaction of the obligation or responsibility.

§18-11C-9. Sections and provisions severable.

The sections of this article, and the provisions and parts of said sections, are severable, and it is the intention to confer the whole or any part of the powers provided for in this article, and, if any of said sections, or the provisions or parts of any said sections, or the application thereof to any person or circumstance, are for any reason held unconstitutional or invalid, it is the intention that the remaining sections of this article, and the remaining provisions or parts of any said sections, shall remain in full force and effect.

§18-11C-10. Liberal construction.

This article, being necessary for the health, safety, convenience and welfare of the people of the state, shall be liberally construed to effectuate the purposes hereof.


§18-11D-1. Definition of board; cost of constructing, reconstructing, remodeling, repairing, improving, extending, equipping or furnishing the football stadium, the athletic facilities building or related facilities of West Virginia University to be financed by revenue bonds or notes.

(a) Notwithstanding the provisions of section one, article one of this chapter, the word "board," when used in this article, means the West Virginia board of regents.

(b) For the purpose of financing the cost of any or all of the following: Constructing, reconstructing, remodeling, repairing, improving, extending, equipping or furnishing the football stadium, the athletic facilities building or related facilities of West Virginia University, the board periodically may issue negotiable bonds or notes of the state in a principal amount, not in excess of seven and one- half million dollars, which, in the opinion of the board, shall be necessary to finance said cost. Such cost shall include, but not be limited to, the following: The cost of such construction, reconstruction, remodeling, repair, improvement, extension, equipment or furnishings; studies and surveys; plans, specifications, architectural and engineering services; legal, organizational, marketing or other special services; interest and carrying charges prior to, during and for six months after completion of such construction, reconstruction, remodeling, repair, improvement, extension, equipment or furnishing; the costs of issuing the bonds or notes; and a reasonable reserve for payment of the principal of and interest on the bonds or notes.

(c) The board periodically may issue renewal notes of the state, may issue revenue bonds of the state to pay notes and, if it considers refunding expedient, may refund or refund in advance bonds issued by the board by the issuance of new bonds of the state, pursuant to the requirements of section six of this article.

(d) Except as may otherwise be expressly provided by the board, every issue of bonds or notes by it shall be special obligations of the state, payable solely from the revenues or other moneys pledged therefor.

(e) The bonds and the notes shall be authorized by resolution of the board, shall bear such date and shall mature at such time or times, in the case of any such note or any renewals thereof not exceeding five years from the date of issue of such original note, and in the case of any such bond not exceeding forty years from the date of issue, as such resolution may provide. The bonds and notes shall bear interest at such rate or rates, be in such denominations, be in such form, either coupon or registered, carry such registration privileges, be payable in such medium of payment and at such place or places and be subject to such terms of redemption as the board may authorize. The bonds and notes may be sold by the board in the manner and at or not less than the price the board determines. The bonds and notes shall be executed by the Governor and the president of the board, both of whom may use facsimile signatures. The great seal of the state or a facsimile thereof shall be affixed thereto or printed thereon and attested, manually or by facsimile signature, by the Secretary of State, and any coupons attached thereto shall bear the manual or facsimile signature of the president of the board. In case any officer whose signature, or a facsimile of whose signature, appears on any bonds, notes or coupons ceases to be such officer before delivery of such bonds or notes, such signature or facsimile is nevertheless sufficient for all purposes the same as if he had remained in office until such delivery; and, in case the seal of the state has been changed after a facsimile has been imprinted on such bonds or notes, such facsimile seal will continue to be sufficient for all purposes.

(f) A resolution authorizing bonds or notes or an issue of bonds or notes under this article may contain provisions, which shall be a part of the contract with the holders of the bonds or notes, as to any or all of the following:

(1) With the written approval of the director of athletics at West Virginia University, which approval shall be specific as to such moneys pledged, pledging and creating a lien on all or any portion of the moneys derived from admission fees to athletic contests at West Virginia University to secure the payment of the bonds or notes or of any issue of bonds or notes, subject to those agreements with bondholders or noteholders which then exist;

(2) Pledging and creating a lien on any loan, grant or contribution to be received from the federal, state or local government or other source;

(3) Setting aside of reserves or sinking funds and the regulation and disposition thereof;

(4) Limitations on the purpose to which the proceeds of sale of bonds or notes may be applied and pledging the proceeds to secure the payment of the bonds or notes or of any issue of the bonds or notes;

(5) Limitations on the issuance of additional bonds or notes and the terms upon which additional bonds or notes may be issued and secured;

(6) The procedure by which the terms of a contract with the bondholders or noteholders may be amended or abrogated, the amount of bonds or notes the holders of which must consent thereto and the manner in which the consent may be given; and

(7) Vesting in a trustee or trustees the property, rights, powers, remedies and duties which the board considers necessary or convenient.

(g) Prior to the preparation of definitive bonds or notes, the board may under like restrictions, issue temporary bonds or notes, with or without coupons, exchangeable for definitive bonds or notes, as the case may be, upon the issuance of the latter.

§18-11D-2. Trustee for bondholders or noteholders; contents of trust agreement.

In the discretion of the board, any bonds, refunding bonds or notes issued by the board may be secured by a trust agreement between the board and a corporate trustee, which trustee may be any trust company or banking institution having the powers of a trust company within or without the state. Any such trust agreement may contain provisions as set forth in section one of this article with respect to the resolution. All expenses incurred in carrying out such agreement may be treated as a part of the cost of constructing, reconstructing, remodeling, repairing, improving, extending, equipping or furnishing the football stadium, the athletic facilities building or related facilities of West Virginia University affected by such agreement.

§18-11D-3. Payment of principal of and premium, if any, and interest on bonds and notes from all or any portion of the moneys derived from admission fees to athletic contests at West Virginia University; approval of director of athletics.

Whenever bonds or notes are issued for financing the cost of any or all of the following: Constructing, reconstructing, remodeling, repairing, improving, extending, equipping or furnishing the football stadium, the athletic facilities building or related facilities of West Virginia University, the board may, with the written approval of the director of athletics at West Virginia University, pledge to the payment of the principal of and premium, if any, and interest on said bonds or notes all or any portion of the moneys derived from admission fees to athletic contests at West Virginia University: Provided, That said approval of the director of athletics must specify all or any said portion of the moneys to be pledged: Provided, however, That no fees paid by students other than the regular student activity fee may be so pledged.

§18-11D-4. Enforcement of payment and validity of bonds and notes.

(a) The provisions of this article and any resolution or trust agreement shall continue in effect until the principal of and interest on the bonds or notes of the state issued by the board have been fully paid, and the duties of the board under this article and any resolution or trust agreement shall be enforceable by any bondholder or noteholder by mandamus or other appropriate action in any court of competent jurisdiction.

(b) The resolution authorizing the bonds or notes shall provide that such bonds or notes shall contain a recital that they are issued pursuant to this article, which recital shall be conclusive evidence of their validity and of the regularity of their issuance.

§18-11D-5. Pledges; time; liens; recordation.

Any pledge made by the board shall be valid and binding from the time the pledge is made: Provided, That the pledge by the board of all or any portion of the moneys derived from admission fees to athletic contests at West Virginia University shall be subject to the written approval of the director of athletics at West Virginia University. The moneys so pledged and thereafter received by the board shall immediately be subject to the lien of such pledge without any physical delivery thereof or further act. The lien of any such pledge shall be valid and binding as against all parties having claims of any kind in tort, contract or otherwise against the board, irrespective of whether such parties have notice thereof.

§18-11D-6. Refunding bonds.

Any bonds issued under the provisions of this article and at any time outstanding may at any time and from time to time be refunded by the board by the issuance of refunding bonds of the state in such amount as it may deem necessary to refund the principal of the bonds so to be refunded, together with any unpaid interest thereon; to provide additional funds for the purposes authorized by this article; and to pay any premiums and commissions necessary to be paid in connection therewith. Any such refunding may be effected whether the bonds to be refunded shall have then matured or shall thereafter mature, either by sale of the refunding bonds and the application of the proceeds thereof for the redemption of the bonds to be refunded thereby, or, together with the interest on such proceeds, for the payment of the bonds to be refunded thereby and the interest thereon as the same come due, or by exchange of the refunding bonds for the bonds to be refunded thereby: Provided, That the holders of any bonds to be refunded shall not be compelled without their consent to surrender their bonds for payment or exchange prior to the date on which they are payable or, if they are called for redemption, prior to the date on which they are by their terms subject to redemption. Any refunding bonds issued under the authority of this section shall be payable from the revenues out of which the bonds to be refunded thereby were payable, from other moneys or from the principal of and interest on or other investment yield from investments or proceeds of bonds or other applicable funds and moneys, including investments of proceeds of any refunding bonds, and shall be subject to the provisions contained in and shall be secured in accordance with this article.

§18-11D-7. Purchase and cancellation of bonds or notes.

The board, subject to such agreements with bondholders or noteholders as may then exist, shall have the power, out of any funds available therefor, to purchase bonds, including refunding bonds or notes of the state issued by the board. If the bonds or notes are then redeemable, the price of such purchase shall not exceed the redemption price then applicable plus accrued interest to the next interest payment date thereon. If the bonds or notes are not then redeemable, the price of such purchase shall not exceed the redemption price applicable on the first date after such purchase upon which the bonds or notes become subject to redemption plus accrued interest to such date. Upon such purchase, such bonds or notes shall be canceled.

§18-11D-8. Federal and private assistance.

The board is authorized and empowered to accept loans or grants or temporary advances for the purpose of paying part or all of the cost of constructing, reconstructing, remodeling, repairing, improving, extending, equipping or furnishing the football stadium, the athletic facilities building or related facilities of West Virginia University and the other purposes herein authorized from the United States of America or such federal or public agency or department of the United States or any private agency, corporation or individual, which loans or temporary advances may be repaid out of the proceeds of the bonds authorized to be issued under the provisions of this article, and to enter into the necessary contracts and agreements to carry out the purposes hereof with the United States of America or such federal or public agency or department of the United States or with any private agency, corporation or individual.

§18-11D-9. Vested rights; impairment.

The state pledges and agrees with the holders of any bonds or notes issued under this article that the state will not limit or alter the rights vested in the board to fulfill the terms of any agreements made with the holders thereof, or in any way impair the rights and remedies of the holders, until the bonds or notes, together with the interest thereon, and all costs and expenses in connection with any action or proceeding by or on behalf of such holders, are fully met and discharged. The board is authorized to include his pledge and agreement of the state in any agreement with the holders of such bonds or notes.

§18-11D-10. Bonds and notes not debt of state, county, municipality or any political subdivision; expenses incurred pursuant to article.

Bonds, refunding bonds and notes issued under the authority of this article and any coupons in connection therewith shall not constitute a debt or a pledge of the faith and credit or taxing power of the state or of any county, municipality or any other political subdivision of the state, and the holders and owners thereof shall have no right to have taxes levied by the Legislature or the taxing authority of any county, municipality or any other political subdivision of the state for the payment of the principal thereof or interest thereon, but such bonds and notes shall be payable solely from the revenues and funds pledged for their payment as authorized by this article: Provided, That notes issued in anticipation of the issuance of bonds or bonds being refunded may be paid from the proceeds of bonds which are payable solely from revenues and funds pledged for their payment as authorized by this article. All such bonds and notes shall contain on the face thereof a statement to the effect that the bonds or notes, as to both principal and interest, are not debts of the state or any county, municipality or political subdivision thereof, but are payable solely from revenues and funds pledged for their payment.

All expenses incurred in carrying out the provisions of this article shall be payable solely from funds provided under the authority of this article. This article does not authorize the board to incur indebtedness or liability on behalf of or payable by the state or any county, municipality or any other political subdivision.

§18-11D-11. Negotiability of bonds and notes.

Other provisions of this code to the contrary notwithstanding, the bonds or notes authorized to be issued by this article are negotiable instruments within the meaning of and for all the purposes of the uniform commercial code, subject only to the provisions of the bonds or notes for registration.

§18-11D-12. Bonds and notes legal investments.

The provisions of sections nine and ten, article six, chapter twelve of this code to the contrary notwithstanding, the bonds and notes of the state issued by the board are securities in which all public officers and bodies of the state, including the West Virginia state Board of Investments, all municipalities and other political subdivisions of the state, all insurance companies and associations and other persons carrying on an insurance business, including domestic for life and domestic not for life insurance companies, all banks, trust companies, societies for savings, building and loan associations, savings and loan associations, deposit guarantee associations and investment companies, all administrators, guardians, executors, trustees and other fiduciaries and all other persons whatsoever who are authorized to invest in bonds or other obligations of the state may properly and legally invest funds, including capital, in their control or belonging to them.

§18-11D-13. Exemption from taxation.

The exercise of the powers granted to the board by this article will be in all respects for the benefit of the students and the faculty and other employees at West Virginia University and the other people of the state, for the improvement of their safety, convenience and welfare, and is a public purpose. As the operation and maintenance of the football stadium, the athletic facilities building and related facilities at West Virginia University constitute the performance of essential governmental functions, the board shall not be required to pay any taxes or assessments upon any property acquired or used by the board or upon the income therefrom. All bonds and notes of the state issued by the board, and all interest and income thereon, shall be exempt from all taxation by the state and any county, municipality, political subdivision or agency thereof, except inheritance taxes.

§18-11D-14. Article regarded as supplementary.

This article shall be deemed to provide an additional and alternative method for the doing of the things authorized hereby and shall be regarded as supplementary and additional to powers conferred by other laws.

§18-11D-15. Liberal construction.

This article, being necessary for the safety, convenience and welfare of the students and the faculty and other employees at West Virginia University and the other people of the state, shall be liberally construed to effectuate the purposes hereof.


§18-11E-1. Definition of board; cost of construction, reconstructing, remodeling, repairing, improving, extending, equipping or furnishing the football stadium or other athletic facilities of Marshall University to be financed by revenue bonds or notes.

(a) Notwithstanding the provisions of section one, article one of this chapter, the word "board," when used in this article, means the West Virginia board of regents.

(b) For the purpose of financing the cost of any or all of the following: Constructing, reconstructing, remodeling, repairing, improving, extending, equipping or furnishing the football stadium or other athletic facilities of Marshall University, the board periodically may issue negotiable bonds or notes of the state in a principal amount, not in excess of $15 million, which, in the opinion of the board, shall be necessary to finance said cost. Such cost shall include, but not be limited to, the following: The cost of such construction, reconstruction, remodeling, repair, improvement, extension, equipment or furnishings; studies and surveys; plans, specifications, architectural and engineering services; legal, organizational, marketing or other special services; interest and carrying charges prior to, during and for six months after completion of such construction, reconstruction, remodeling, repair, improvement, extension, equipment or furnishing; the costs of issuing the bonds or notes; and a reasonable reserve for payment of the principal of and interest on the bonds or notes.

(c) The board periodically may issue renewal notes of the state, may issue revenue bonds of the state to pay notes and, if it considers refunding expedient, may refund or refund in advance bonds issued by the board by the issuance of new bonds of the state, pursuant to the requirements of section six of this article.

(d) Except as may otherwise be expressly provided by the board, every issue of bonds or notes by it shall be special obligations of the state, payable solely from the revenues or other moneys pledged therefor.

(e) The bonds and the notes shall be authorized by resolution of the board, shall bear such date and shall mature at such time or times, in the case of any such note or any renewals thereof not exceeding five years from the date of issue of such original note, and in the case of any such bond not exceeding forty years from the date of issue, as such resolution may provide. The bonds and notes shall bear interest at such rate or rates, be in such denominations, be in such form, either coupon or registered, carry such registration privileges, be payable in such medium of payment and at such place or places and be subject to such terms of redemption as the board may authorize. The bonds and notes may be sold by the board in the manner and at or not less than the price the board determines. The bonds and notes shall be executed by the Governor and the president of the board, both of whom may use facsimile signatures. The great seal of the state or a facsimile thereof shall be affixed thereto or printed thereon and attested, manually or by facsimile signature, by the Secretary of State, and any coupons attached thereto shall bear the manual or facsimile signature of the president of the board. In case any officer whose signature, or a facsimile of whose signature, appears on any bonds, notes or coupons ceases to be such officer before delivery of such bonds or notes, such signature or facsimile is nevertheless sufficient for all purposes the same as if he had remained in office until such delivery; and, in case the seal of the state has been changed after a facsimile has been imprinted on such bonds or notes, such facsimile seal will continue to be sufficient for all purposes.

(f) A resolution authorizing bonds or notes or an issue of bonds or notes under this article may contain provisions, which shall be a part of the contract with the holders of the bonds or notes, as to any or all of the following:

(1) With the written approval of the director of athletics at Marshall University, which approval shall be specific as to such moneys pledged, pledging and creating a lien on all or any portion of the moneys derived from admission fees to athletic contests at Marshall University to secure the payment of the bonds or notes or of any issue of bonds or notes, subject to those agreements with bondholders or noteholders which then exist;

(2) Pledging and creating a lien on any loan, grant or contribution to be received from the federal, state or local government or other source;

(3) Setting aside of reserves or sinking funds and the regulation and disposition thereof;

(4) Limitations on the purpose to which the proceeds of sale of bonds or notes may be applied and pledging the proceeds to secure the payment of the bonds or notes or of any issue of the bonds or notes;

(5) Limitations on the issuance of additional bonds or notes and the terms upon which additional bonds or notes may be issued and secured;

(6) The procedure by which the terms of a contract with the bondholders or noteholders may be amended or abrogated, the amount of bonds or notes the holders of which must consent thereto and the manner in which the consent may be given; and

(7) Vesting in a trustee or trustees the property, rights, powers, remedies and duties which the board considers necessary or convenient.

(g) Prior to the preparation of definitive bonds or notes, the board may under like restrictions, issue temporary bonds or notes, with or without coupons, exchangeable for definitive bonds or notes, as the case may be, upon the issuance of the latter.

§18-11E-2. Trustee for bondholders or noteholders; contents of trust agreement.

In the discretion of the board, any bonds, refunding bonds or notes issued by the board may be secured by a trust agreement between the board and a corporate trustee, which trustee may be any trust company or banking institution having the powers of a trust company within or without the state. Any such trust agreement may contain provisions as set forth in section one of this article with respect to the resolution. All expenses incurred in carrying out such agreement may be treated as a part of the cost of constructing, reconstructing, remodeling, repairing, improving, extending, equipping or furnishing the football stadium or other athletic facility at Marshall University affected by such agreement.

§18-11E-3. Payment of principal of and premium, if any, and interest on bonds and notes from all or any portion of the moneys derived from admission fees to athletic contests at Marshall University; approval of director of athletics.

Whenever bonds or notes are issued for financing the cost of any or all of the following: Constructing, reconstructing, remodeling, repairing, improving, extending, equipping or furnishing the football stadium or other athletic facilities of Marshall University, the board may, with the written approval of the director of athletics at Marshall University, pledge to the payment of the principal of and premium, if any, and interest on said bonds or notes all or any portion of the moneys derived from admission fees to athletic contests and deposited in the athletic accounts at Marshall University: Provided, That said approval of the director of athletics must specify all or any said portions of the moneys to be pledged: Provided, however, That no fees paid by students other than the regular student activity fee may be so pledged.

§18-11E-4. Enforcement of payment and validity of bonds and notes.

(a) The provisions of this article and any resolution or trust agreement shall continue in effect until the principal of and interest on the bonds or notes of the state issued by the board have been fully paid, and the duties of the board under this article and any resolution or trust agreement shall be enforceable by any bondholder or noteholder by mandamus or other appropriate action in any court of competent jurisdiction.

(b) The resolution authorizing the bonds or notes shall provide that such bonds or notes shall contain a recital that they are issued pursuant to this article, which recital shall be conclusive evidence of their validity and of the regularity of their issuance.

§18-11E-5. Pledges; time; liens; recordation.

Any pledge made by the board shall be valid and binding from the time the pledge is made: Provided, That the pledge by the board of all or any portion of the moneys derived from admission fees to athletic contests and deposited into athletic accounts at Marshall University shall be subject to the written approval of the director of athletics at Marshall University. The moneys so pledged and thereafter received by the board shall immediately be subject to the lien of such pledge without any physical delivery thereof or further act. The lien of any such pledge shall be valid and binding as against all parties having claims of any kind in tort, contract or otherwise against the board, irrespective of whether such parties have notice thereof.

§18-11E-6. Refunding bonds.

Any bonds issued under the provisions of this article and at any time outstanding may at any time and from time to time be refunded by the board by the issuance of refunding bonds of the state in such amount as it may deem necessary to refund the principal of the bonds so to be refunded, together with any unpaid interest thereon; to provide additional funds for the purposes authorized by this article; and to pay any premiums and commissions necessary to be paid in connection therewith. Any such refunding may be effected whether the bonds to be refunded shall have then matured or shall thereafter mature, either by sale of the refunding bonds and the application of the proceeds thereof for the redemption of the bonds to be refunded thereby, or, together with the interest on such proceeds, for the payment of the bonds to be refunded thereby and the interest thereon as the same come due, or by exchange of the refunding bonds for the bonds to be refunded thereby: Provided, That the holders of any bonds to be refunded shall not be compelled without their consent to surrender their bonds for payment or exchange prior to the date on which they are payable or, if they are called for redemption, prior to the date on which they are by their terms subject to redemption. Any refunding bonds issued under the authority of this section shall be payable from the revenues out of which the bonds to be refunded thereby were payable, from other moneys or from the principal of and interest on or other investment yield from investments or proceeds of bonds or other applicable funds and moneys, including investments of proceeds of any refunding bonds, and shall be subject to the provisions contained in and shall be secured in accordance with this article.

§18-11E-7. Purchase and cancellation of bonds or notes.

The board, subject to such agreements with bondholders or noteholders as may then exist, shall have the power, out of any funds available therefor, to purchase bonds, including refunding bonds or notes of the state issued by the board. If the bonds or notes are then redeemable, the price of such purchase shall not exceed the redemption price then applicable plus accrued interest to the next interest payment date thereon. If the bonds or notes are not then redeemable, the price of such purchase shall not exceed the redemption price applicable on the first date after such purchase upon which the bonds or notes become subject to redemption plus accrued interest to such date. Upon such purchase, such bonds or notes shall be canceled.

§18-11E-8. Federal and private assistance.

The board is authorized and empowered to accept loans or grants or temporary advances for the purpose of paying part or all of the cost of constructing, reconstructing, remodeling, repairing, improving, extending, equipping or furnishing the football stadium or other athletic facilities of Marshall University and the other purposes herein authorized from the United States of America or such federal or public agency or department of the United States or any private agency, corporation or individual, which loans or temporary advances may be repaid out of the proceeds of the bonds authorized to be issued under the provisions of this article, and to enter into the necessary contracts and agreements to carry out the purposes hereof with the United States of America or such federal or public agency or department of the United States or with any private agency, corporation or individual.

§18-11E-9. Vested rights; impairment.

The state pledges and agrees with the holders of any bonds or notes issued under this article that the state will not limit or alter the rights vested in the board to fulfill the terms of any agreements made with the holders thereof, or in any way impair the rights and remedies of the holders, until the bonds or notes, together with the interest thereon, and all costs and expenses in connection with any action or proceeding by or on behalf of such holders, are fully met and discharged. The board is authorized to include his pledge and agreement of the state in any agreement with the holders of such bonds or notes.

§18-11E-10. Bonds and notes not debt of state, county, municipality or any political subdivision; expenses incurred pursuant to article.

Bonds, refunding bonds and notes issued under the authority of this article and any coupons in connection therewith shall not constitute a debt or a pledge of the faith and credit or taxing power of the state or of any county, municipality or any other political subdivision of the state, and the holders and owners thereof shall have no right to have taxes levied by the Legislature or the taxing authority of any county, municipality or any other political subdivision of the state for the payment of the principal thereof or interest thereon, but such bonds and notes shall be payable solely from the revenues and funds pledged for their payment as authorized by this article: Provided, That notes issued in anticipation of the issuance of bonds or bonds being refunded may be paid from the proceeds of bonds which are payable solely from revenues and funds pledged for their payment as authorized by this article. All such bonds and notes shall contain on the face thereof a statement to the effect that the bonds or notes, as to both principal and interest, are not debts of the state or any county, municipality or political subdivision thereof, but are payable solely from revenues and funds pledged for their payment.

All expenses incurred in carrying out the provisions of this article shall be payable solely from funds provided under the authority of this article. This article does not authorize the board to incur indebtedness or liability on behalf of or payable by the state or any county, municipality or any other political subdivision.

§18-11E-11. Negotiability of bonds and notes.

Other provisions of this code to the contrary notwithstanding, the bonds or notes authorized to be issued by this article are negotiable instruments within the meaning of and for all the purposes of the uniform commercial code, subject only to the provisions of the bonds or notes for registration.

§18-11E-12. Bonds and notes legal investments.

The provisions of sections nine and ten, article six, chapter twelve of this code to the contrary notwithstanding, the bonds and notes of the state issued by the board are securities in which all public officers and bodies of the state, including the West Virginia state Board of Investments, all municipalities and other political subdivisions of the state, all insurance companies and associations and other persons carrying on an insurance business, including domestic for life and domestic not for life insurance companies, all banks, trust companies, societies for savings, building and loan associations, savings and loan associations, deposit guarantee associations and investment companies, all administrators, guardians, executors, trustees and other fiduciaries and all other persons whatsoever who are authorized to invest in bonds or other obligations of the state may properly and legally invest funds, including capital, in their control or belonging to them.

§18-11E-13. Exemption from taxation.

The exercise of the powers granted to the board by this article will be in all respects for the benefit of the students and the faculty and other employees at Marshall University and the other people of the state, for the improvement of their safety, convenience and welfare, and is a public purpose. As the operation and maintenance of the football stadium or other athletic facilities at Marshall University constitute the performance of essential governmental functions, the board shall not be required to pay any taxes or assessments upon any property acquired or used by the board or upon the income therefrom. All bonds and notes of the state issued by the board, and all interest and income thereon, shall be exempt from all taxation by the state and any county, municipality, political subdivision or agency thereof, except inheritance taxes.

§18-11E-14. Article regarded as supplementary.

This article shall be deemed to provide an additional and alternative method for the doing of the things authorized hereby and shall be regarded as supplementary and additional to powers conferred by other laws.

§18-11E-15. Liberal construction.

This article, being necessary for the safety, convenience and welfare of the students and the faculty and other employees at Marshall University and the other people of the state, shall be liberally construed to effectuate the purposes hereof.


§18-12-1. Change of names; management; continuation of functions; courses and degrees; rules and regulations; qualifications of president and teachers.

The state teachers' colleges heretofore established and known as state normal schools shall be continued and shall be known respectively, as follows:"Fairmont State College," "Shepherd College,""Glenville State College,""West Liberty State College" and "Concord College." The educational affairs of the aforesaid institutions shall be under the control, supervision and management of the state Board of Education, as provided in section thirteen, article two of this chapter, and their financial and business affairs shall be under the charge and control of the state commissioner of public institutions, as provided in section four, article one, chapter twenty-five of this code. The functions of these colleges shall continue to be the preparation of teachers through such courses of study as the faculties thereof may prescribe with the approval of the state Board of Education, and also the offering of such curricula in general and vocational education as the state Board of Education may direct or approve. The colleges are authorized to grant the degrees of bachelor of arts and bachelor of science to students completing the curricula for such degrees as approved by the state Board of Education. The rules and regulations made by the presidents and faculties of these colleges for their general government, for the admission of students thereto, the standards of scholarship to be maintained therein and the graduation of students therefrom shall be submitted to the state Board of Education for its approval. The president and teachers of each of the colleges shall be persons of broad and liberal education, as evidenced by the possession of a bachelor's degree from a standard college or university, or the equivalent thereof, as a minimum requirement.


§18-12A-1. Authority of board of regents to issue revenue bonds for certain capital improvements.

The West Virginia board of regents shall have authority, as provided in this article, to issue revenue bonds of the state, not to exceed $8,500,000 in principal amount thereof, which shall be in addition to the revenue bonds heretofore authorized pursuant to this article, to finance the cost of providing a new classroom and office building, an addition to the library, renovation of administration building, additional land for a new student center building for Marshall University; and to acquire land and to improve and add parking, educational and athletic facilities. The principal of and interest on such bonds shall be payable solely from the special nonrevolving fund herein provided for such payment. The costs of any such building or buildings or improvements shall include the cost of acquisition of land, the construction and equipment of any such building or buildings, and the provision of roads, utilities and other services necessary, appurtenant or incidental to such building or buildings; and shall also include all other charges or expenses necessary, appurtenant or incidental to the construction, financing and placing in operation of any such building or buildings.

§18-12A-2. Creation of special university capital improvements fund; revenues payable into special fund; authority of board of regents to pledge revenues to sinking and reserve funds.

There is hereby created in the State Treasury a special nonrevolving Marshall University capital improvements fund. On and after July 1, 1963, or on and after the date of the final payment of all principal of and interest on the revenue bonds heretofore issued pursuant to this article, or the making of adequate provision for the payment of all principal of and interest on said revenue bonds, whichever is later, there shall be paid into such special fund all fees collected under the provisions of section one, article twenty-four, chapter eighteen of this code, from students at Marshall University, except such fees as are required by that section to be paid into other special funds.

The board of regents shall have authority to pledge all or such part of the revenue paid into the special Marshall University capital improvements fund as may be needed to meet the requirements of the sinking fund established in connection with any revenue bond issue authorized by this article, including a reserve fund for the payment of the principal of and interest on such revenue bond issue when other moneys in the sinking fund are insufficient therefor; and may provide in the resolution authorizing any issue of such bonds, and in any trust agreement made in connection therewith, for such priorities on the revenues paid into the special fund as may be necessary for the protection of the prior rights of the holders of bonds issued at different times under the provisions of this article. The board of regents shall also have authority to use all or any part of the revenue paid into the special Marshall University capital improvements fund for the payment of all or any part of the cost of providing said classroom and office building, addition to the library, renovation of administration building and additional land for a new student center building for Marshall University and, to acquire land and to improve and add parking, educational and athletic facilities: Provided, That in the event all or any part of such revenue is so used and applied, the amount of revenue bonds which the board of regents may issue pursuant to this article shall be correspondingly reduced so that the total amount expended pursuant to this article for the payment of the cost of providing said classroom an office building, addition to the library, renovation of administration building and additional land for a new student center building for Marshall University and, to acquire land and to improve and add parking, educational and athletic facilities, shall not exceed the total amount of bonds authorized herein exclusive of any appropriations, grants, gifts, or contributions therefor.

If any balance shall remain in the special Marshall University capital improvements fund after the board has issued the maximum amount of bonds authorized by this article, and after the requirements of all sinking funds and reserve funds established in connection with the issue of such bonds have been satisfied in each year as provided in the resolution or trust agreement authorizing the issuance of such bonds, such balance shall be used solely for the redemption of any of the outstanding bonds issued hereunder which by their terms are then redeemable, or for the purchase of bonds at the market price, but at not exceeding the price, if any, at which such bonds shall be redeemable on the next ensuing date upon which such bonds are redeemable prior to maturity, and all bonds redeemed or purchased shall forthwith be cancelled and shall not again be issued. Whenever all outstanding bonds issued under this article shall have been paid, the special Marshall University capital improvements fund shall cease to exist and any balance then remaining in such fund shall be transferred to the General Revenue Fund of the state. Thereafter all fees formerly paid into such special fund shall be paid into the General Revenue Fund of the state.

§18-12A-3. Issuance of revenue bonds.

The issuance of bonds under the provisions of this article shall be authorized by a resolution of the board of regents, which resolution shall recite an estimate by the board of the cost of the proposed building or buildings, improvements and land; and shall provide for the issuance of bonds in an amount sufficient, when sold as hereinafter provided, to provide moneys sufficient to pay such cost, less the amount of revenue paid into the special Marshall University capital improvements fund which is used to pay any part of the cost of providing such classroom and office building, addition to the library, renovation of administration building and additional land for a new student center building for Marshall University and, to acquire land and to improve and add parking, educational and athletic facilities, as authorized by section two of this article and exclusive of the amount of any other funds available for the construction or acquisition of the building or buildings, improvements and land from any appropriation, grant, gift or contribution therefor. Such resolution shall prescribe the rights and duties of the bondholders and the board, and for such purpose may prescribe the form of the trust agreement hereinafter referred to. The bonds shall be of such series, bear such date or dates, mature at such time or times not exceeding thirty years from their respective dates, bear interest at such rate or rates, not exceeding seven per centum per annum, payable semiannually; be in such denominations; be in such form, either coupon or fully registered without coupons, carrying such registration exchangeability and interchangeability privileges; be payable in such medium of payment and at such place or places; be subject to such terms of redemption at such prices not exceeding one hundred five percent of the principal amount thereof, and be entitled to such priorities on the revenues paid into the special Marshall University capital improvements fund as may be provided in the resolution authorizing the issuance of the bonds or in any trust agreement made in connection therewith. The bonds shall be signed by the Governor, and by the president of the board of regents, under the great seal of the state, attested by the Secretary of State, and the coupons attached thereto shall bear the facsimile signature of the president of the board. In case any of the officers whose signatures appear on the bonds or coupons cease to be such officers before the delivery of such bonds, such signatures shall nevertheless be valid and sufficient for all purposes the same as if such officers had remained in office until such delivery.

Such bonds shall be sold in such manner as the board may determine to be for the best interests of the state, taking into consideration the financial responsibility of the purchaser, the terms and conditions of the purchase, and especially the availability of the proceeds of the bonds when required for payment of the cost of such building or buildings, improvements and land, such sale to be made at a price not lower than a price, which when computed upon standard tables of bond values, will show a net return of not more than eight percent per annum to the purchaser upon the amount paid therefor. The proceeds of such bonds shall be used solely for the payment of the cost of such building or buildings, improvements and land, and shall be deposited in the State Treasury in a special fund and checked out as provided by law for the disbursement of other state funds. If the proceeds of such bonds, by error in calculation or otherwise, shall, together with any other funds used therefor as hereinbefore in this article authorized, be less than the cost of such building or buildings, improvements and land, additional bonds may in like manner be issued to provide the amount of the deficiency, but in no case to exceed the total amount of bonds authorized herein less the amount of any other funds used therefor as hereinbefore in this article authorized; and unless otherwise provided for in the resolution or trust agreement hereinafter mentioned, shall be deemed to be of the same issue, and shall be entitled to payment from the same fund, without preference or priority, as the bonds before issued for such building or buildings. If the proceeds of bonds issued for such building or buildings, improvements and land shall, together with the amount of any other funds used therefor as hereinbefore in this article authorized, exceed the cost thereof, the surplus shall be paid into the sinking fund or reserve fund to be established for payment of the principal and interest of such bonds as hereinafter provided. Prior to the preparation of definitive bonds, the board may, under like restrictions, issue temporary bonds with or without coupons, exchangeable for definitive bonds upon their issuance.

The bonds issued under the provisions of this article shall be and have all the qualities of negotiable instruments under the law merchant and the Uniform Commercial Code of this state.

§18-12A-4. Trust agreement for holders of bonds.

The board may enter into an agreement or agreements with any trust company, or with any bank having the powers of a trust company, either within or outside the state, as trustee for the holders of bonds issued hereunder, setting forth therein such duties of the board in respect to the payment of the bonds, the fixing, establishing and collecting of the fees hereinbefore referred to, the acquisition, construction, improvement, maintenance, operation, repair and insurance of such building or buildings, the conservation and application of all moneys, the security for moneys on hand or on deposit, and the rights and remedies of the trustee and the holders of the bonds, as may be agreed upon with the original purchasers of such bonds; and including therein provisions restricting the individual right of action of bondholders as is customary in trust agreements respecting bonds and debentures of corporations, protecting and enforcing the rights and remedies of the trustee and the bondholders, and providing for approval by the original purchasers of the bonds of the appointment of consulting engineers and of the security given by those who contract to construct such building or buildings, and for approval by the consulting engineers of all contracts for construction. Any such agreement entered into by the board shall be binding in all respects on such board and its successors from time to time in accordance with its terms; and all the provisions thereof shall be enforceable by appropriate proceedings at law or in equity, or otherwise.

§18-12A-5. Sinking fund for payment of bonds.

From the special Marshall University capital improvements fund the board shall make periodic payments to the state sinking fund commission in an amount sufficient to meet the requirements of any issue of bonds sold under the provisions of this article, as specified in the resolution of the board authorizing the issue and in any trust agreement entered into in connection therewith. The payments so made shall be placed by the commission in a special sinking fund which is hereby pledged to and charged with the payment of the principal of the bonds of such issue and the interest thereon, and to the redemption or repurchase of such bonds, such sinking fund to be a fund for all bonds of such issue without distinction or priority of one over another. The moneys in the special sinking fund, less such reserve for payment of principal and interest as may be required by the resolution of the board authorizing the issue and any trust agreement made in connection therewith, may be used for the redemption of any of the outstanding bonds payable from such fund which by their terms are then redeemable, or for the purchase of bonds at the market price, but at not exceeding the price, if any, at which such bonds shall be redeemable on the next ensuing date upon which such bonds are redeemable prior to maturity, and all bonds redeemed or purchased shall forthwith be cancelled and shall not again be issued.

§18-12A-6. Credit of state not pledged.

No provisions of this article shall be construed to authorize the board at any time or in any manner to pledge the credit or taxing power of the state, nor shall any of the obligations or debts created by the board under the authority herein granted be deemed to be obligations of the state.

§18-12A-7. Bonds exempt from taxation.

All bonds issued by the board under the provisions of this article shall be exempt from taxation by the State of West Virginia, or by any county, school district or municipality thereof.

§18-12A-8. Supplemental powers conferred; conflicting laws superseded.

The powers conferred by this article shall be in addition and supplemental to the existing powers of the Board of Education. The provisions of any other law or laws conflicting with the provisions of this article shall be and the same are hereby superseded to the extent of any such conflict.


§18-12B-1. Board of regents authorized to issue revenue bonds for certain capital improvements; payment of relocation costs.

The West Virginia board of regents shall have authority, as provided in this article, to issue revenue bonds of the state from time to time, either to finance the cost of major renovations, repairs and safety upgrading and providing new capital improvements consisting of facilities, buildings and structures, for those state institutions of higher education as determined by resolution of the board of regents, including any college, university or community college under its supervision, management and control, or to refund, at the discretion of the board of regents, bonds issued and outstanding under and pursuant to the provisions of this article or article eleven-b of this chapter, or both. Such major renovations, repairs and safety upgrading and capital improvements may, in each case, include land for current or future use in connection therewith and equipment and machinery and other similar items essential or convenient in connection with the foregoing but shall not include such items as books, fuel, supplies or other items which are customarily deemed to result in a current operating charge. The principal of, interest and redemption premium, if any, on such bonds shall be payable solely from the special fund herein provided for such payment. The costs of any such major renovations, repairs and safety upgrading and capital improvements shall include the cost of acquisition of land, the construction and acquisition of any such major renovations, repairs and safety upgrading and capital improvements and equipment and machinery therefor, and the provision of roads, utilities, and other services necessary, appurtenant or incidental to the foregoing; and shall also include all other charges or expenses necessary, appurtenant or incidental to the construction, acquisition, and financing including, but not limited to, debt service reserve requirements and capitalized interest, and placing in operation of any such major renovations, repairs and safety upgrading and capital improvements: Provided, That from time to time but not later than March 1, 1978, the board shall issue and sell bonds pursuant to this article in an amount which, when combined with cash available under the provisions of section two of this article, will be sufficient to finance the costs of the following purposes and projects:

(1) Refunding of all bonds issued and outstanding under and pursuant to the provisions of article eleven-b of this chapter;

(2) A building to house the music, arts and theatre programs at Shepherd College, at a cost not to exceed $2,500,000;

(3) A field house at West Liberty State College at a cost not to exceed ,700,000;

(4) A shop and laboratory building at West Virginia State College at a cost not to exceed ,600,000;

(5) A multipurpose physical education facility at Marshall University, at a cost not to exceed 18,000,000;

(6) A new football stadium at West Virginia University (at a different location than the existing stadium) at a cost not to exceed 20,000,000; and

(7) An all-purpose shell building for sports and physical education at West Virginia University, at a cost not to exceed $4,500,000.

In the event that private real property is acquired in connection with the above enumerated projects or any board projects initiated on or after July 1, 1988, the board shall reimburse individuals, families and business concerns for relocation costs incurred as a consequence of being displaced by such acquisition. With respect to payment of such relocation costs, the board shall follow the same procedure and be subject to the same limitations as required for the commissioner of highways under section twenty, article two-a, chapter seventeen of this code and regulations promulgated pursuant thereto.

§18-12B-2. State system tuition fee special capital improvements fund in State Treasury; collections to be paid into special fund; authority of board of regents to pledge such collections as security for revenue bonds; authority of board to finance projects on a cash basis.

There is created in the State Treasury a state system tuition fee special capital improvements fund to be expended by the board of regents for the benefit of the state institutions of higher education, which shall include any college, university or community college under its supervision, management and control.

On and after July 1, 1977, the board of regents may periodically transfer from the special nonrevolving West Virginia University capital improvements fund created in the State Treasury pursuant to the provisions of article eleven-b of this chapter and from the special nonrevolving Marshall University capital improvements fund created in the State Treasury pursuant to the provisions of article twelve-a of this chapter, into the state system tuition fee special capital improvements fund moneys in excess of the amount pledged for the payment of the principal of, interest and redemption premium, if any, on any revenue bonds or revenue refunding bonds issued pursuant to such articles eleven-b or twelve-a prior to July 1, 1977. Said Marshall University capital improvements fund is hereby continued notwithstanding the retirement of outstanding bonds issued pursuant to such article twelve-a, but on and after July 1, 1977, no bonds shall be issued pursuant to article twelve-a, nor shall any moneys be expended (unless the board of regents shall by board action have made a commitment with respect thereto) pursuant to such article twelve-a. On and after July 1, 1977, there shall be paid directly into such state system tuition fee special capital improvements fund subject to the prior lien and pledge, if any, of outstanding bonds issued pursuant to the provisions of articles eleven-b and twelve-a of this chapter all tuition fees collected under the provisions of section one, article twenty-four, chapter eighteen of this code, from students at West Virginia and Marshall Universities; and on and after July 1, 1978, in addition to said fees from students at West Virginia University and Marshall University (and subject to said prior lien and pledge, if any) there shall be paid directly into such state system tuition fee special capital improvements fund all tuition fees collected under the provisions of section one, article twenty-four, chapter eighteen of this code, from students at all other state institutions of higher education which are under the supervision, management and control of the board of regents: Provided, That tuition fees from students at community colleges shall not be paid into the state system tuition fee special capital improvements fund unless the board shall otherwise determine by resolution.

The board of regents shall have authority to pledge all or such part of the revenues and tuition fees paid into the state system tuition fee special capital improvements fund as may be needed to meet the requirements of any revenue bond issue or issues authorized by this article, including the payment of principal of, interest and redemption premium, if any, on such revenue bonds, the establishing and maintaining of a reserve fund or funds for the payment of the principal of, interest and redemption premium, if any, on such revenue bond issue or issues when other moneys pledged may be insufficient therefor and including such additional protective pledge of revenues and fees as the board of regents in its discretion may provide by resolution authorizing the issue of such bonds and in any trust agreement made in connection therewith, and the board of regents may further provide in such resolution and in such trust agreement, for such priorities on the revenues and fees paid into such state system tuition fee special capital improvements fund as may be necessary for the protection of the prior rights of the holders of bonds issued at different times under the provisions of this article.

Any balance remaining in the state system tuition fee special capital improvements fund after the board of regents has issued bonds authorized by this article, and after the requirements of all funds including reserve funds established in connection with the bonds issued pursuant to this article have been satisfied, may be used (i) for the redemption of any of the outstanding bonds issued hereunder which by their terms are then redeemable, or for the purchase of such bonds at the market price, but at not exceeding the price, if any, at which such bonds shall in the same year be redeemable, and all bonds redeemed or purchased shall forthwith be canceled and shall not again be issued or (ii) for any lawful purpose for which the board of regents may expend funds.

The board of regents, in its discretion, may use the moneys in such state system tuition fee special capital improvements fund to finance the cost of projects and purposes on a cash basis. Any pledge of moneys in such fund for revenue bonds shall be a prior and superior charge on such fund over the use of any of the moneys in such fund to pay for the cost of any project or purpose on a cash basis: Provided, That except for the projects and purposes expressly enumerated in section one of this article, any expenditures from such fund, other than for the retirement of revenue bonds, may only be made by the board to meet the cost of a predetermined capital improvements program for one or more of the state institutions of higher education, in such order or priority as shall have been agreed upon by the board of regents and presented to the Governor for inclusion in the annual budget bill, and only with the approval of the Legislature as indicated by direct appropriation for the purpose.

§18-12B-3. Board of regents to fix and collect fees.

The board of regents shall fix, establish, maintain and collect the tuition fees provided for in section one, article twenty-four, chapter eighteen of this code, from students at all state institutions of higher education other than (unless the board of regents shall otherwise determine by resolution) tuition fees from students attending community colleges, in amounts at least sufficient, at all times, after depositing (subject to, or until termination of, the lien and pledge referred to in section two of this article) in the special nonrevolving Marshall University capital improvements fund, and the special nonrevolving West Virginia University capital improvements fund referred to in section two of this article such tuition fees as are now required to be deposited therein pursuant to section one, article twenty-four, chapter eighteen of this code, to provide revenues for deposit in the state system tuition fee special capital improvements fund which are adequate to pay the principal of, interest and redemption premium, if any, on the bonds authorized to be issued pursuant to this article as the same mature and become due and to make all reserve and other payments to be required by the proceedings which authorize such bonds, and to provide any additional protective pledge of revenues and fees and reserve or other payments as the board of regents may in its discretion require by the resolution authorizing any issue of bonds pursuant to this article and any trust agreement made in connection therewith, and to make all other payments required by this article or any such proceedings, resolutions or trust agreements.

§18-12B-4. Issuance of revenue bonds; use of proceeds; bonds exempt from taxation.

The issuance of revenue bonds under the provisions of this article shall be authorized from time to time by resolution or resolutions of the board of regents, which shall set forth the proposed major renovations, repairs and safety upgrading and capital improvements authorized by section one of this article; and shall provide for the issuance of bonds in amounts sufficient, when sold as hereinafter provided, to provide moneys deemed by the board of regents sufficient to pay such costs, less the amounts of any other funds available for said costs from any other moneys of the board of regents available therefor or from any appropriation, grant or gift therefor. Such resolution shall prescribe the rights and duties of the bondholders and the board of regents, and for such purpose may prescribe the form of the trust agreement hereinafter referred to. The bonds may be issued from time to time, in such amounts, shall be of such series, bear such date or dates, mature at such time or times not exceeding forty years from their respective dates, bear interest at such rate or rates; be in such denominations; be in such form, either coupon or registered, carrying such registration, exchangeability and interchangeability privileges; be payable in such medium of payment and at such place or places within or without the state; be subject to such terms of redemption at such prices not exceeding one hundred five percent of the principal amount thereof; and be entitled to such priorities on the revenues and fees paid into the state system tuition fee special capital improvements fund as may be provided in the resolution authorizing the issuance of the bonds or in any trust agreement made in connection therewith. The bonds shall be signed by the Governor, and by the president or vice president of the board of regents, under the great seal of the state, attested by the Secretary of State, and the coupons attached thereto shall bear the facsimile signature of the president or vice president of the board of regents. In case any of the officers whose signatures appear on the bonds or coupons cease to be such officers before the delivery of such bonds, such signatures shall nevertheless be valid and sufficient for all purposes the same as if such officers had remained in office until such delivery. Such revenue bonds shall be sold in such manner as the board of regents may determine to be for the best interests of the state.

Any pledge of funds and fees for such revenue bonds made by the board of regents shall be valid and binding between the parties from the time the pledge is made; and the funds so pledged shall immediately be subject to the lien of such pledge without any further physical delivery thereof or further act. The lien of such pledge shall be valid and binding against all parties having claims of any kind in tort, contract or otherwise, irrespective of whether such parties have notice of the lien of such pledge, and such pledge shall be a prior and superior charge over any other use of such funds so pledged.

The proceeds of such bonds shall be used solely for the payment of the cost of those major renovations, repairs and safety upgrading and capital improvements as generally and specifically set forth in section one of this article, and shall be deposited in the State Treasury in a special fund to be disbursed as provided by law for the disbursement of any other state funds. If the proceeds of such bonds, by error in calculations or otherwise, shall be less than the cost of such major renovations, repairs and safety upgrading and capital improvements, additional bonds may in like manner be issued to provide the amount of the deficiency; and unless otherwise provided for in the resolution or trust agreement hereinafter mentioned, such additional bonds shall be deemed to be of the same issue, and shall be entitled to payment from the same fund, without preference or priority, as the bonds before issued for major renovations, repairs and safety upgrading and capital improvements. If the proceeds of bonds issued for such major renovations, repairs and safety upgrading and capital improvements shall exceed the cost thereof, the surplus may be used for such other capital improvements as the board of regents may determine or in such other manner as the resolution authorizing such bonds may provide. Prior to the preparation of definitive bonds, the board may, under like restrictions, issue temporary bonds with or without coupons, exchangeable for definitive bonds upon the issuance of such definitive bonds. The term "cost," as used in this section, shall be deemed to include all of the items contemplated by the use of that term in section one of this article.

After the issuance of any of such revenue bonds, the tuition fees at the state institutions of higher education pledged therefor shall not be reduced as long as any of such revenue bonds are outstanding and unpaid except under such terms, provisions and conditions as shall be contained in the resolution, trust agreement or other proceedings under which such revenue bonds were issued.

Such revenue bonds and the revenue refunding bonds, and bonds issued for combined purposes shall, together with the interest thereon, be exempt from all taxation by the State of West Virginia, or by any county, school district, municipality or political subdivision thereof.

§18-12B-5. Issuance of revenue refunding bonds; use of moneys; power to enter into escrow agreements; call for redemption.

The issuance of revenue refunding bonds under the provisions of this article shall be authorized by resolution of the board of regents and shall otherwise be subject to the limitations, conditions and provisions of section four of this article. Such revenue refunding bonds may be issued in an amount at the option of the board of regents sufficient to pay either in full or together with interest earned on the investment of the proceeds thereof, whether or not at the time of the issuance of the revenue refunding bonds the hereafter mentioned bonds are payable or callable for optional redemption, (1) the principal of any outstanding bonds heretofore issued pursuant to the provisions of article eleven-b of this chapter or this article (hereinafter referred to as the "outstanding bonds"); (2) the redemption premium, if any, on such outstanding bonds or the prior redemption thereof; (3) the interest due and payable on such outstanding bonds to and including the first date upon which said outstanding bonds are callable prior to maturity, not exceeding, however, ten years from the date of issuance of such revenue refunding bonds, or the dates upon which the principal of said outstanding bonds mature before such first date on which the same are callable prior to maturity, including any interest theretofore accrued and unpaid; and (4) all expenses of the issuance and sale of said revenue refunding bonds, including all necessary financial and legal expenses, and also including the creation of initial debt service reserve funds. Any moneys in funds pledged with respect to the outstanding bonds may be used for any or all of the purposes stated in (1), (2), (3) and (4) above or may be deposited in a sinking fund or reserve fund or other funds for the issue of bonds which have been issued wholly or in part for the purpose of such refunding. Such amount of the proceeds of the revenue refunding bonds as shall be sufficient for the payment of the principal of, interest and redemption premium, if any, on such outstanding bonds which will not be immediately due and payable shall be deposited in trust, for the sole purpose of making such payments, with the treasurer of the State of West Virginia or the state sinking fund commission. Any of the moneys so deposited in trust may, prior to the date on which such moneys will be needed for the payment of principal of, interest and redemption premium, if any, on such outstanding bonds, be invested and reinvested as determined by the board of regents, in whole or in part: (a) In direct obligations issued by the United States of America or one of its agencies or in direct obligations of the State of West Virginia, (b) in obligations unconditionally guaranteed by the United States of America as to principal and interest, or (c) in certificates of deposit of a banking corporation or association which is a member of the federal deposit insurance corporation, or successor; but any such certificates of deposit must be fully secured as to both principal and interest by pledged collateral consisting of direct obligations of or obligations guaranteed by the United States of America, or direct obligations of the State of West Virginia, having a market value, excluding accrued interest, at all times at least equal to the amount of the principal of and accrued interest on such certificates of deposit. Any such investments must mature, or be payable in advance of maturity at the option of the holder, and must bear interest in such manner as to provide funds which, together with uninvested money, will be sufficient to pay when due or called for redemption the bonds refunded, together with interest accrued and to accrue thereon and redemption premiums, if any, and such refunding bonds' proceeds or obligations so purchased therewith shall be deposited in escrow and held in trust for the payment and redemption of the bonds refunded: Provided, That if interest earned by any investment in such escrow is shown to be in excess of the amounts required from time to time for the payment of interest on and principal of the refunded bonds, including applicable redemption premium, then such excess may be withdrawn from escrow and disbursed in such manner as the board of regents shall by resolution determine, subject to the provisions of section two of this article. Any moneys in the sinking or reserve funds or other funds maintained for the outstanding bonds to be refunded may be applied in the same manner and for the same purpose as are the net proceeds of refunding bonds or may be deposited in the special fund or any reserve funds established for account of the refunding bonds.

The authority to issue revenue refunding bonds shall be in addition to any other authority to refund bonds conferred by law.

The board of regents shall have power to enter into such escrow agreements and to insert therein such protective and other covenants and provisions as it may consider necessary to permit the carrying out of the provisions of this article and to insure the prompt payment of principal of and interest and redemption premiums on the revenue bonds refunded.

Where any revenue bonds to be refunded are not to be surrendered for exchange or payment and are not to be paid at maturity with escrowed obligations, but are to be paid from such source prior to maturity pursuant to call for redemption exercised under a right of redemption reserved in such revenue bonds, the board of regents shall, prior to the issuance of the refunding bonds, determine which redemption date or dates shall be used, call such revenue bonds for redemption and provide for the giving of the notice of redemption required by the proceedings authorizing such revenue bonds. Where such notice is to be given at a time subsequent to the issuance of the refunding bonds, the necessary notices may be deposited with the state sinking fund commission or the bank acting as escrow agent of the refunding bond proceeds and the escrow agent appropriately instructed and authorized to give the required notices at the prescribed time or times. If any officer of the public body signing any such notice shall no longer be in office at the time of the utilization of the notice, the notice shall nevertheless be valid and effective for its intended purpose.

§18-12B-6. Bonds may be issued for combined purposes.

The board of regents may authorize by one or more resolutions a single issue of bonds for the combined purposes of refunding the outstanding bonds as herein authorized and financing one or more of the major renovations, repairs and safety upgrading and capital improvements herein authorized.

§18-12B-7. Bonds shall be negotiable instruments.

The revenue bonds, revenue refunding bonds and bonds issued for combined purposes under the provisions of this article shall, independently of the requirements of any other provision of law and solely by virtue of the provisions of this section, be and have all the qualities and incidents of negotiable instruments.

§18-12B-8. Trust agreements for holders of bonds.

The board of regents may enter into an agreement or agreements with any trust company, or with any bank having the powers of a trust company, either within or outside the state, to act as trustee for the holders of bonds issued hereunder, setting forth therein such duties and containing such legally binding covenants of the board of regents with the holders of the bonds in respect to the payment of the bonds, the fixing, establishing and collecting of the fees hereinbefore referred to; the acquisition, construction, improvement, maintenance, operation, repair and insurance of authorized major renovations, repairs and safety upgrading and capital improvements; the custody, safeguarding and disposition of the proceeds of the bonds, and the moneys in such special funds, sinking funds, reserve funds, or any other moneys or funds, notwithstanding provisions of this article to the contrary; the security for moneys on hand or on deposit, and the rights and remedies of the trustee and the holders of the bonds, as may be agreed upon with the purchasers of such bonds; provisions restricting the individual right of action of bondholders as is customary in trust agreements respecting bonds and debentures of municipal corporations, protecting and enforcing the rights and remedies of the trustee and the bondholders; and provisions as to any other matters which are deemed necessary and advisable by the board of regents in the best interests of the state and to enhance the marketability of the bonds. Any such agreement entered into by the board of regents shall be binding in all respects on such board and its successors from time to time in accordance with the terms thereof; and all the provisions thereof shall be enforceable by appropriate proceedings at law or in equity, or otherwise.

§18-12B-9. Sinking fund for payment of bonds.

From the state system tuition fee special capital improvements fund the board of regents shall make periodic payments to the state sinking fund commission in an amount sufficient to meet the requirements of any issue of bonds sold under the provisions of this article, as may be specified in the resolution of the board authorizing the issue thereof and in any trust agreement entered into in connection therewith. The payments so made shall be placed by the commission in a special sinking fund which is hereby pledged to and charged with the payment of the principal of the bonds of such issue and the interest thereon, and to the redemption or repurchase of such bonds, such sinking fund to be a fund for all bonds of such issue without distinction or priority of one over another, except as may be provided in the resolution authorizing such issue of bonds. The moneys in the special sinking fund, less such reserve for payment of principal and interest and redemption premium, if any, as may be required by the resolution of the board of regents, authorizing the issue and any trust agreement made in connection therewith, may be used for the redemption of any of the outstanding bonds payable from such fund which by their terms are then redeemable, or for the purchase of bonds at the market price, but at not exceeding the price if any, at which such bonds shall in the same year be redeemable; and all bonds redeemed or purchased shall forthwith be canceled and shall not again be issued.

§18-12B-10. Credit of state not pledged.

No provisions of this article shall be construed to authorize the board of regents at any time or in any manner to pledge the credit or taxing power of the state, nor shall any of the obligations or debts created by the board under the authority herein granted be deemed to be obligations of the state.

§18-12B-11. Attorney general or his duly appointed legal representative to serve as bond counsel.

The Attorney General, or his duly appointed legal representative, shall serve as bond counsel and shall be responsible for the issuance of a final approving opinion regarding the legality of the sale of bonds under this article.

§18-12B-12. Powers of board are supplemental; conflicting laws superseded.

The powers conferred by this article shall be in addition and supplemental to the existing powers of the board of regents. The provisions of any other law or laws conflicting with the provisions of this article shall be and the same are hereby superseded to the extent of any such conflict.


§18-13-1. Earn a Degree - Graduate Early (EDGE) initiative established; purposes.

The Earn a Degree - Graduate Early initiative herein established is known and may be cited as "West Virginia EDGE". This program is part of the programs of study and seamless curriculum initiative that focuses on aligning curriculum between education levels. Specifically, West Virginia EDGE is established to connect public schools with higher education for the following purposes:

(a) To prepare public high school students for success in the workplace or postsecondary education; and

(b) To provide the opportunity for these students to earn community and technical college credit free-of-charge for the duplicated secondary and postsecondary courses identified during the curriculum alignment process.

§18-13-2. Goals for West Virginia EDGE.

In order to serve the citizens of the state by promoting a higher college-going rate, reducing the time and cost for students to obtain college credentials and expanding opportunities for economic development, the West Virginia EDGE initiative shall meet the following goals:

(1) Create incentives for more students to continue their education beyond high school by providing all students with information about and access to courses that will prepare them to meet college-level standards;

(2) Expand successful concurrent enrollment programs that include all students, not just those who are designated as college bound. The goal here is to prepare all students for both work and postsecondary education with the same rigorous curriculum;

(3) Align junior and senior year secondary courses with community and technical college certificate and associate degree programs. This alignment provides access to early entrance college courses which offer all students the opportunity to establish a college transcript while still in high school;

(4) Increase the number of students attending public community and technical colleges by participating in a collaborative partnership between the public schools and the state community and technical colleges; and

(5) Establish programs of study pathways in combination with early entrance college courses which together allow a student to obtain an associate degree one year after high school graduation or to receive an associate degree along with the high school diploma.

§18-13-3. Program administration and accountability.

(a) West Virginia EDGE is administered by the Assistant State Superintendent of the Division of Technical, Adult and Institutional Education who serves as State Tech-Prep Coordinator. The community and technical college/career and technical education consortia planning districts created by section four, article three-c, chapter eighteen-b of this code serve as regional consortia to implement the program.

(b) The duties of State Tech-Prep Coordinator include, but are not limited to, the following:

(1) Developing a collaborative agreement with the facilitating state community and technical college or colleges in each consortium district and with the Council for Community and Technical College Education to meet the goals and objectives of this article.

(2) Meeting the record-keeping requirements of section nine, article eight, chapter five of this code:

(A) By developing or adapting an existing comprehensive relational data base and data analysis system for student tracking to assure that consistent, reliable data relevant to the goals of the program are available; and

(B) By tracking and evaluating EDGE outcomes across all eight consortia districts and by creating a standardized reporting procedure for collecting consistent EDGE data at the state level;

(3) Assuring that coordinators in the district consortia prepare and retain reliable supporting source documents necessary to validate the data included with the state electronic database;

(4) Providing documentation to substantiate program outcomes, including, but not limited to, the number of students who enroll in the program, specific courses taken, student course and final exam grades, the number who earn EDGE credits and, of these, the number who apply the credits in pursuit of degrees or certifications at state community and technical colleges; and

(5) Collecting data relevant to the goals and objectives established for this initiative, analyzing the data, and preparing a report for the Legislative Oversight Commission on Education Accountability by December 1, 2012, and annually thereafter. The specific focus of the report is the analysis of data on program outcomes to demonstrate to what degree the initiative has met the goals and objectives of this article.

§18-13-4. Joint rule required.

The State Board and the West Virginia Council for Community and Technical College Education, created in section three, article two-b, chapter eighteen-b of this code, shall promulgate a joint legislative rule in accordance with article three-b, chapter twenty-nine-a of this code, for the administration of West Virginia EDGE. This rule shall incorporate strategies designed to achieve the overall goals of the program, methods of operation, and step-by-step procedures for achieving the objectives outlined in section two and for implementing the reporting and accountability measures set forth in section three of this article.

§18-13-5. No specific level of appropriation required.

The Legislature recognizes the importance of the West Virginia Edge Program and will endeavor to provide sufficient funds to meet program goals and objectives. However, funding is subject to appropriation by the Legislature and nothing in this article requires any specific level of appropriation.




Acts, 2005 Reg. Sess., Ch. 89.




Acts, 1996 Reg. Sess., Ch. 119.


§18-16-1. Short title.

This article shall be known and may be cited as the West Virginia Anti-hazing Law.

§18-16-2. Definitions.

As used in this article:

(1) "Hazing" means to cause any action or situation which recklessly or intentionally endangers the mental or physical health or safety of another person or persons or causes another person or persons to destroy or remove public or private property for the purpose of initiation or admission into or affiliation with, or as a condition for continued membership in, any organization the members of which are primarily students or alumni of an institution of higher education. The term includes, but is not limited to, acts of a physical nature, such as whipping, beating, branding, required consumption of any food, liquor, drug, or other substance, or any other required physical activity which could reasonably be deemed to adversely affect the physical health and safety of the person or persons so treated, and includes any activity which would subject the person or persons so treated to extreme mental stress, such as sleep deprivation, forced exclusion from social contact, required conduct which could result in extreme embarrassment, or any other required activity which could reasonably be deemed to adversely affect the mental health or dignity of the person or persons so treated, or any willful destruction or removal of public or private property: Provided, That the implied or expressed consent or willingness of a person or persons to hazing may not be a defense under this section.

(2) "Institution of higher education" or "institution" means any public or private institution as defined in §18B-1-2 of this code.

(3) "Organization" means any fraternity, sorority, association, corporation, order, society, corps, club, or similar group, or a national or international affiliate thereof, the membership of which is primarily made up students or alumni of an institution of higher education.

§18-16-3. Hazing prohibited.

Any person who causes hazing is guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not less than $100 nor more than $1,000, or confined in jail for not more than nine months, or both fined and confined.

§18-16-4. Enforcement by institutions.

(a) Anti-hazing policy. —The governing body of each institution of higher education in this state shall promulgate and enforce anti-hazing rules consistent with this article.

(b) Enforcement and penalties. —

(1) Each institution shall provide a program for the enforcement of rules promulgated pursuant to subsection (a) of this section and shall adopt appropriate penalties for violations thereof.

(2) Penalties may include recision of permission for an organization to operate on campus property or to otherwise operate under the sanction or recognition of the institution.

(3) All penalties imposed under the authority of this section shall be in addition to any penalty imposed for violation of §18-16-3 of this code or of any of the criminal laws of this state.

(4) Rules adopted pursuant hereto apply to acts conducted on or off campus whenever such acts constitute hazing as defined in §18-16-2 of this code.


§18-17-1. Continuation; management; minimum salary scale for all employees.

The West Virginia schools for deaf pupils and blind pupils heretofore established and located at Romney, in Hampshire County, shall be continued and shall be known as the "West Virginia schools for the deaf and the blind." The schools shall be maintained for the care and education of the deaf youth and blind youth of the state. The educational or business affairs of the schools shall be under the control, supervision and management of the state Board of Education, and the state board shall employ the superintendent, principals, teachers and other employees and shall fix the yearly or monthly salary to be paid to each person so employed.

The minimum salary scale for said principals, teachers and other employees shall be the same as set forth in sections two, three and eight-a, article four, chapter eighteen-a of this code.

§18-17-2. Admission and record of applicants; special programs and services.

Deaf and/or blind youth residents in the state, between the ages of five and twenty-three, inclusive, shall be enrolled in the schools on application to the superintendent, until the schools are filled. Applicants shall be admitted by the superintendent on the basis of need and degree of impairment as determined by the schools' admissions committee. It shall be the duty of the superintendent to keep a careful record of the names of all applicants with the dates of their admission and discharge, their ages, post-office addresses, the names of their parents or guardians, and the degree, cause and circumstances of their deafness or blindness.

Nothing in this section shall be construed to prevent the school from providing special education programs including, but not limited to, classes, parent education, home teaching or visiting teacher services for deaf and blind children from birth. The schools may also enter into contractual arrangements with counties to provide evaluation, short-term instruction and other educational services, including direct instruction.

Any deaf or blind youth who is not a resident of the State of West Virginia may apply to the state board for admission to the school. The state board may approve such admission: Provided, That such youth shall be required to pay all related costs of attending the school.

§18-17-3. Tuition, board and clothing of pupils; indigent clothing fund.

All such deaf pupils and blind pupils shall be admitted to the schools without charge for board and tuition. When not otherwise provided with clothing they shall be furnished therewith by the institution while they are pupils therein, and the superintendent shall make out an account therefor in each case against the county where the pupil receiving the clothing resided at the time the clothing was furnished, in an amount not exceeding $75 per annum for any one pupil, which account shall be sworn to by the superintendent and countersigned by the business manager and shall be transmitted by the superintendent to the Auditor of the state, who shall forward a copy thereof to the clerk of the county court of such county. The county court shall, at its next levy term, provide for the payment of the same and cause the amount to be paid directly to the West Virginia schools for the deaf and the blind to be deposited into the indigent clothing fund. All money so received shall be disbursed upon requisitions for the payment of accounts incurred thereunder. If any such accounts are not paid within a reasonable time after such levy term, it shall be the duty of the Auditor to collect the same.

§18-17-4. Period of attendance; special admissions.

The pupils of said schools may continue therein until completion of the prescribed course of study, or a lesser period of time which the condition and progress of the pupils may justify, as determined by the state Board of Education upon recommendation of the school's superintendent. After all applicants between the prescribed ages of five and twenty-three years, inclusive, who are deaf or blind individuals working toward completion of the requirements for high school graduation have been enrolled, if there are additional accommodations, the superintendent, on recommendation of the admissions committee, may enroll other deaf pupils and blind pupils who first are of preschool age, and second are post-secondary students up to twenty-three years of age who have completed the requirements for high school graduation, and upon such terms as the state Board of Education may prescribe; but it shall be distinctly understood that such persons shall withdraw from the institution in the order of their admission to make room for new applicants between the ages prescribed in section two of this article.

Vocational education and other educational services may be provided for deaf and blind students beyond age twenty- three in cooperation with the division of vocational rehabilitation.

§18-17-5. Course of instruction.

The course of instruction in the institution shall be prescribed by the state Board of Education with the advice of the superintendent, and shall be as extensive in the intellectual, musical, vocational, and prevocational departments as the capacities and interests of the pupils may require.

§18-17-6. Registration of deaf and blind by assessors.

In addition to their other duties the county assessors of the state are hereby required to register the names of all deaf persons and blind persons under eighteen years of age in their respective counties, with the degree and cause of deafness and blindness in each case, as far as can be ascertained from the heads of the families or from other persons whom the county assessors may conveniently consult, their ages, the names of their parents or guardians, their post-office addresses, and such other facts as may be useful in making the institution efficient in the education of the deaf and of the blind. They shall complete the registration on or before June one of each year and forward their report to the State Superintendent of Schools and to the superintendent of the West Virginia schools for the deaf and the blind on or before July one of each year. The superintendent shall immediately communicate with the parents or guardians of all the deaf persons and the blind persons mentioned in the assessor's report, with a view of their admission as pupils into said schools.

§18-17-7. Sale of lands; application of proceeds.

The state Board of Education may, from time to time, sell and transfer such part or portion of the lands comprising the West Virginia schools for the deaf and the blind as the board may deem surplus to the needs of such schools, and shall expend the proceeds therefrom for the maintenance, operation and improvement of such schools.

§18-17-8. Continuing contract status established; dismissal and suspension procedures.

Before entering upon their duties, all teachers shall execute a contract with the state board, which contract shall state the salary to be paid and shall be in the form prescribed by the state superintendent. Every such contract shall be signed by the teacher and by the president and secretary of the state board.

A teacher's contract, under this section, shall be for a term of not less than one nor more than three years; and if, after three years of such employment, the teacher who holds a professional certificate, based on at least a bachelor's degree, has met the qualifications for the same, and the state board enter into a new contract of employment, it shall be a continuing contract.

Notwithstanding any other provisions of law, the state board may suspend or dismiss any teacher, auxiliary personnel or service personnel, subject to the provisions of this article, for immorality, incompetency, cruelty, insubordination, intemperance or willful neglect of duty. The charges shall be stated in writing and the teacher, auxiliary personnel or service personnel affected shall be given an opportunity to be heard by the state board, sitting as a hearing board, or by an assigned hearing examiner employed by the state board to preside at the taking of evidence upon not less than ten days' written notice. A hearing examiner shall prepare his or her own proposed finding and recommendation, make copies of the findings available to the parties and then submit the entire record to the state board for final decision. The state board shall set a time and place for hearing of arguments by the parties on the record at a regular meeting of the state board or at a special meeting called for that purpose and shall deliberate and issue a decision at the conclusion of arguments. Written notice of the final decision shall be served within five days of the state board's consideration of the matter.

§18-17-9. Employment of auxiliary and service personnel, dismissal and suspension procedures.

The state board is authorized to employ such auxiliary and service personnel as is deemed necessary for meeting the needs of the schools for the deaf and blind. Before entering upon their duties such personnel shall execute with the board a written contract which may be in a letter form and shall state the classification and terms of work, the employment period and pay, and shall certify that said employment has been made a matter of minute record. The letter shall provide space for an acceptance provision and shall be signed and returned to the board by the employee, or otherwise he shall forfeit his right to employment.

After three years of acceptable employment each auxiliary and service personnel, at the end of his contractual period of employment shall be notified in writing on or before May 1 in the year in which such employment shall terminate if he is not to be reemployed for the ensuing year. Such notice shall be by certified mail, return receipt requested, and the employee shall have the right of a hearing before the state board, if requested, before final action is taken by the board upon the termination of such employment.




Acts, 1955 Reg. Sess., Ch. 53.


§18-19-1. Appropriation to provide educational opportunities.

(a) The purpose of this article is to provide educational opportunities for the children and spouses of those:

(1) Who served in:

(A) The Army, Navy or Marine Corps of the United States during the world war from April 6, 1917, to July 2, 1921, all dates inclusive;

(B) The Armed Forces of the United States of America at any time between December 1, 1941, and the declaration of peace by the Congress of the United States, all dates inclusive;

(C) The Armed Forces of the United States of America at any time between June 27, 1950, and January 31, 1955, all dates inclusive;

(D) The Armed Forces of the United States of America at any time between August 5, 1964, and May 7, 1975, all dates inclusive; or

(E) The Armed Forces of the United States of America at any time during which the forces or members of the reserve components are called to active duty by the President of the United States under Title 10 of the United States Code for the purpose of entering into armed combat; and

(2) Who were killed in action or have died or may hereafter die from disease or disability resulting from their war service.

(b) For the purpose of this article, there is appropriated from the state General Revenue Fund the sum of at least $5,000 for each fiscal year commencing July 1, and ending on June 30 of each year of the next biennium to be used for the benefit of these children and spouses while attending post-secondary education or training institutions.

(c) This benefit also shall be given to children and spouses of a service member killed during hostile actions as defined by the agency administering this section.

(d) The term "children" as used in this article includes any child of a veteran who has been legitimized by operation of law prior to the veteran's demise.

(e) The term "spouse" as used in this article includes any spouse who remained married to the veteran prior to the veteran's demise and who was neither the plaintiff nor defendant in any active divorce or annulment proceedings against the veteran at the time of the veteran's demise.

§18-19-2. Eligibility of applicant for benefits; application forms; preference.

(a) To be eligible for the benefits of this article, a child or spouse as set forth in §18-19-1 of this code shall meet the following conditions:

(1) In the case of a child, is at least 16 and not more than 25 years of age;

(2) Is enrolled in a post-secondary education or training institution in this state; and

(3) Is the child or spouse of an enlisted or commissioned service member who designated West Virginia as his or her state of record.

(b) The application shall be made to, and upon forms provided by, the West Virginia Department of Veterans Assistance. The department shall determine the eligibility of those who apply and the yearly amount to be allotted each applicant. The amount, in the discretion of the department, may vary from year to year, but may not exceed the sum of $1,000 in any one semester or a total of $2,000 in any one year. In selecting those to receive the benefits of this article, preference shall be given those who are otherwise financially unable to secure the educational opportunities.

§18-19-3. No tuition fees to be charged; how funds to be expended; cessation of allowances.

(a) A state post-secondary education or training institution may not charge tuition and fees to an eligible applicant attending that institution pursuant to this article. The funds appropriated in this article shall be expended by the West Virginia Division of Veterans' Affairs only for matriculation fees, board, room rent, books, supplies and other necessary living expenses of those children.

(b) In the event that a child or spouse eligible for a tuition waiver pursuant to this section attends a private post-secondary education or training institution where the tuition waiver is not applicable, that child or spouse remains eligible for up to $2,000 per year in education benefits pursuant to section two of this article.

(c) In addition to the tuition waiver available pursuant to this section, a child or spouse attending a state post-secondary education or training institution is eligible for up to $2,000 per year in education benefits as provided in section two of this article.

(d) The division is charged with the duty of disbursing the funds provided in this article and shall draw its requisitions upon the State Auditor for that purpose. In its discretion, the division, if satisfied as to the accuracy and amounts of the expenditures, shall make the requisitions payable to the post-secondary education or training institutions or to those furnishing to the children or spouses board, room rent, books, supplies and other necessary living expenses.

(e) A member or employee of the division may not receive any additional compensation for the services required in this article.

(f) Acceptance of benefits or tuition waivers pursuant to this article does not limit the acceptance of any other scholarship or grant for which a student may be eligible.

§18-19-4. Reversion of balances in fund to treasury.

Balances in this fund remaining at the end of any fiscal year shall not revert to the treasury but shall be available for use during the subsequent fiscal years, except that any balance accruing and remaining at the end of the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1962, shall revert to the treasury.


§18-20-1. Establishment of special programs and teaching services for students with exceptionalities.

(a) In accordance with the following provisions, local educational agencies (LEAs), including all county boards of education, schools and facilities under the supervision of the State board, and public charter schools acting as their own local educational agency (LEA) throughout the state shall establish and maintain special education services for all exceptional school-age students between five and twenty-one years of age, including, but not limited to, services provided in general education classrooms, co-teaching classrooms, special education resource classes, self-contained classes, homebound services, and other placements determined appropriate to meet the unique needs of students with disabilities as determined by Individualized Education Program (IEP) teams. Special education programs must be provided to students until the end of the school year in which they reach the age of 21 years or until the student earns a regular high school diploma, whichever occurs first. Provisions shall be made for educating exceptional students (including students with disabilities and students identified as gifted or exceptionally gifted who differ from their non-disabled peers to the extent that they need specially designed instruction in order to access the curriculum and receive a free appropriate public education. The term "gifted" means exceptional intellectual abilities and potential for achievement that requires specially designed instruction and/or services beyond those normally provided in the general classroom instruction. The term "exceptional gifted" means those students in grades nine through twelve meeting the criteria for gifted with at least one of the additional criteria as identified in State Board Policy 2419. Exceptional gifted students shall be referred for identification pursuant to state board policy. Each local education agency (LEA) is mandated to provide gifted education to its students according to guidelines promulgated by the state board and consistent with the provisions of this chapter. In addition, county boards of education may establish and maintain other educational services for exceptional students as the State Superintendent of Schools may approve.

(b) Each local educational agency (LEA) shall establish and maintain special educational programs which include services outside the school environment for students who are homebound due to injury or who for any other reason as certified by a licensed physician are homebound for a period that has lasted or will last more than three weeks. The state board shall adopt rules to advance and accomplish this program and to assure that all exceptional students in the state, including students in mental health facilities, residential institutions, foster care, correctional facilities, and private schools, will receive an education in accordance with the mandates of state and federal laws.

(c) Each local educational agency (LEA) shall adopt a policy that allows a student with disabilities, whose individualized education program provides for an alternate diploma to participate in the graduation ceremony with their same-grade classmates if requested in writing by their parent or legal guardian, or the student who is subject to this request if the student is of the age of majority. The local educational agency (LEA) shall also permit the student to continue receiving special education services after the graduation ceremony until the end of the school year in which the student reaches the age of 21 years. The local educational agency (LEA) may not terminate, deny, or declare the student ineligible for post-graduation ceremony special education services due to their participation in the graduation ceremony.

§18-20-12. Special education student instructor ratio; waiver; compensation to teacher when ratio exceeded.

(a) Self-contained and resource classrooms, as well as any special education environment, shall not have a student/instructor ratio over the current limit provided for in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act 2004 and State Board Policy 2419. A two-week waiver may be signed with the understanding that the local county board is responsible to remediate the situation while compensating the teacher with overage pay provided by the county per county or federal funds. This waiver shall be good for two weeks to allow the district time to find an additional classroom teacher. Should the district be unable to find an additional classroom teacher, the district, upon the agreement of the teacher, may submit a waiver to the state board of education. This waiver shall have the teachers signature acknowledging that although they are over the limit, they recognize that this is a dire situation.

(b) The county may not submit a waiver to exceed the current limit of students set forth in Individuals with Disabilities Education Act 2004 and Policy 2419 without the written consent of the special education instructor. If the instructor chooses to sign the waiver to exceed the limit, that instructor shall be entitled to the full amount of compensation as provided per county.

(c) The county may not allow more than three students over the limit, even with the additional pay for the teacher.

§18-20-1a. Preschool programs for students with disabilities or developmental delays; rules and regulations.

(a) Each local educational agency (LEA) shall develop a coordinated service delivery plan in accordance with standards for preschool programs for students with disabilities or developmental delays and begin services where plans are already developed with IEPs in place by the student’s 3rd birthday.

(b) Each local educational agency (LEA) shall establish and maintain a special educational program, including, but not limited to, universal Pre-K classes which integrate students with disabilities, special classes and services provided in out-of-school environments for all students with disabilities three through five years of age.

(c) As used in this section, the term “students with disabilities” means those eligible individuals who fall in any one of the disability categories as defined in federal or state special education regulations. Special education and related services for eligible students with a developmental delay will be provided as of the student's third birthday when eligibility is determined prior to the third birthday.

(d) This programming is available to all such students in the state, including in mental health facilities, residential institutions, and private entities who have entered into an agreement for collaborative programming with a local educational agency (LEA).

§18-20-1b. Preschool programs for handicapped children; rules and regulations.


§18-20-1c. Integrated classrooms serving students with exceptional needs; and requirements as to the assistance, training and information to be provided to integrated classroom teachers.

(a) The general education classroom teacher is entitled to the following when a student with exceptional needs is placed into an integrated classroom and the student's individualized education program (IEP) requires curriculum modifications, including delivery of, instruction or services and accommodations to be provided by the regular classroom teacher:

(1) Training provided pursuant to the rules developed by the State Board of Education, if requested by the regular classroom teacher to prepare the teacher to meet the exceptional needs of individual students. Whenever possible, the training shall be provided prior to the placement. Where prior training is not possible, the training shall be commenced no later than ten days following the placement of the student into the integrated classroom. Unavoidable delays in the provision of training may not result in the exclusion of a student with exceptional needs from any class if the training cannot be provided in ten days;

(2) A signed copy of the individualized education program for the special education student prior to the placement of the student into the regular classroom. When possible, the receiving and referring teachers shall participate in the development of that student's individualized education program and shall also sign the individualized education program as developed. In all cases the teacher shall receive a copy of the individualized education program for the student with exceptional needs prior to or at the time of the placement of the student into the regular classroom. Any teacher or other member of the IEP team disagreeing with the individualized education program team's recommendation shall file a written explanation outlining his or her disagreement or recommendation;

(3) Participation by referring teachers in all eligibility committees and participation by referring and receiving teachers in all individualized education program committees which involve possible placement of a student with exceptional needs in an integrated classroom;

(4) Opportunity to reconvene the committee responsible for the individualized education program of the student with exceptional needs assigned to the regular classroom teacher. Any teacher may request an IEP meeting if the data after 45 days shows that a student is not in the least restrictive environment for academic growth. The meeting shall include all persons involved in a student's individualized education program and shall be held within twenty-one days of the time the request is made. If changes are made to a student’s IEP, affecting services and/or placement, the services shall be available immediately upon the change in placement; and

(5) A teacher may not be penalized in any way for advocating for his or her student and the teacher may work with the family or guardian of the student to recommend local advocates, share documentation and information, inform the guardians of his or her due process rights, and may call for an IEP meeting to review the information gathered form documentation to best address the student’s special education needs; and

(6) Assistance from persons trained or certified to address a student's exceptional needs whenever assistance is part of the student's individualized education program as necessary to promote accomplishment of the program's goals and objectives: Provided, That aides in the area of special education cannot be reassigned to more than one school without the employee's consent.

(b) Except teachers already required to participate in the development of a student's individualized education program and sign it as provided in subdivision (2) of this section, all other teachers in whose class or program a student with exceptional needs is enrolled shall:

(1) Participate in the meeting to develop the student's individualized education program, or read and sign a copy of the student's individualized education program plan acknowledging that he or she has read and understands it; and

(2) Make appropriate accommodations and modifications for the student, if needed or identified, to help the student succeed in the class or program, and document, at minimum, the provision of these accommodations and modifications: Provided, That the general education teacher shall not be responsible for daily accommodation logs. The general education teacher shall only be responsible for acknowledging, at the end of each grading period, that each accommodation as required by the IEP has been met. All accommodations of the students shall be discussed before placement and it is the responsibility of the special education instructor to monitor progress: Provided further, That parents and guardians may request daily accommodation logs.

(3) Data to support the decision to place a student into an integrated classroom shall be included in the Individualized Education Plan.

(4) Nothing in this section may be construed as interfering with or limiting access to the Federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, and regulatory Due Process and complaint procedures available to students, families, and personnel.

(c) This requirement includes, but is not limited to, music education, art, driver education, health, foreign language, and other instruction offered.

(d) If the teacher provides a series of documentation within a 45-day grading period that shows that the student is not in their least restrictive environment, to the point that his or her placement does not ensure the student with exceptionalities makes appropriate progress toward meeting the student’s annual goals, the teacher may begin all available Federal and State process and complaint procedures. The teacher may not be penalized in any way for advocating for his or her student and the teacher may work with the family or guardian of the student to recommend local advocates, share documentation and information, inform the guardians of his or her due process rights, and may call for an IEP meeting to review the information gathered from documentation and address the concerns to best adjust the IEP, as necessary, to best address the student’s special education needs.

§18-20-1d. Adoption of a state model for individualized education program.

The state board shall adopt a basic model for individualized education programs to be used by all special education teachers throughout the public schools of the state when preparing individualized education programs for students with exceptional needs.

The model achieved through the online IEP platform shall comply with, but may not exceed, all state laws and federal laws, policies, rules, and regulations relating to providing education services to students with exceptional needs and shall allow for the individualization of programming based on the unique needs of each student.

No professional educator may be required to prepare or implement an individualized education program which exceeds the requirements of federal and state laws, policies, rules or regulations.

§18-20-2. Providing suitable educational facilities, equipment and services.

(a) Each county board shall provide suitable educational facilities, special equipment and special services that are necessary to implement the IEP of each student with a disability. Special services include provisions and procedures for finding and enumerating exceptional students of each type, diagnosis by appropriate specialists who will certify the student's need and eligibility for special education and make recommendations for treatment and prosthesis as may accommodate the disability, such as specially designed instruction by qualified teachers, transportation, and related services. Qualifications of teachers and therapists shall be in accordance with standards prescribed or approved by the state board.

(b) A county board may provide for educating resident exceptional children by contracting with other counties or other educational agencies which maintain special education facilities. Fiscal matters shall follow policies approved by the state board.

(c) The county board shall provide a four-clock-hour program of training for any teacher aide employed to assist teachers in providing services to exceptional children under this article prior to the assignment. The program shall consist of training in areas specifically related to the education of exceptional children, pursuant to rules of the state board. The training shall occur during normal working hours and an opportunity to be trained shall be provided to a service person prior to filling a vacancy in accordance with the provisions of section eight-b, article four, chapter eighteen-a of this code.

(d) The county board annually shall make available during normal working hours to all regularly employed teachers' aides twelve hours of training that satisfies the continuing education requirements for the aides regarding:

(1) Providing services to students who have displayed challenging or aggressive behavior or have demonstrated the potential for challenging or aggressive behavior; and

(2) Providing services to children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. This training shall be structured to permit the employee to qualify as an autism mentor after thirty hours of staff development related to providing instructional support to students with autism including prevention and de-escalation techniques with alternative to restraint. The county board shall:

(A) Notify in writing all teachers' aides of the location, date and time when training will be offered for qualification as an autism mentor; and

(B) Consider partial or full reimbursement of tuition for any regularly employed or substitute teacher's aide who elects to attend this training.

(e) For any student whose individualized education plan (IEP) or education plan established pursuant to Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, 29 U.S.C. §794, requires the services of a sign support specialist or an educational sign language interpreter I or II:

(1) Any educational sign language interpreter I or II assigned to assist that student is a related service provider member of the education team who participates in IEP meetings and works with the team to implement the IEP;

(2) A sign support specialist may be assigned to a student with an exceptionality other than deaf or hard of hearing if it is determined that the student needs signs to support his or her expressive communication; and

(3) A sign support specialist may be assigned to a student who is deaf or hard of hearing in lieu of an interpreter only if an educational sign language interpreter I or II is unavailable, and the sign support specialist is executing a professional development plan while actively seeking certification as an educational sign language interpreter I or II. After two years the sign support specialist may remain in the assignment only if an educational sign language interpreter I or II remains unavailable, and with an approved waiver by the West Virginia Department of Education. An employee in this situation is entitled to full payment of the costs of certification acquisition or renewal pursuant to the certification renewal provisions of section four, article two, chapter eighteen-a of this code.

(f) Every teacher of a student for whom a school or local educational agency (LEA) prepares a plan of accommodation pursuant to Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, 29 U.S.C. §794, shall receive specific instruction from the school regarding the contents and requirements of the plan and the teacher shall receive a copy of the written plan and every update thereto and the teacher shall sign an acknowledgment of receipt of each plan and update.

§18-20-3. Local educational agency reports.

(a) Each local educational agency (LEA) shall, after having received from the faculty Senates in its schools, the strategic plans mandated by subsection (13), section five, article five-a of this chapter, develop a local educational agency (LEA) strategic plan which includes the integration of students with exceptional needs into the regular classroom to the maximum extent appropriate and addresses steps to improve proficiency in all subgroups, including the students with disabilities subgroup, and submit said strategic plan to the State Superintendent of Schools annually.

Each local educational agency (LEA) must maintain a continuum of services for students with disabilities including, but not limited to, general education full-time, which encompasses the integrated classroom and services in out of school environments. Relevant training shall be provided related to integrated education, basic and specialized health care procedures including the administration of medications, receiving or requesting reimbursement from state appropriated funds, and submitting annual reports and such other reports as the State Superintendent of Schools may require.

§18-20-4. Examination and report by medical or other specialists.

Each student prior to receiving a special education program shall be evaluated by a qualified professional, including but not limited to, a psychologist, educational specialist (reading specialist, speech and language clinician, or other specialists as required by the state Board of Education for specific areas of exceptionality) who shall report to the local educational agency (LEA) superintendent of schools. The specialists' report shall include relevant data and recommendations for individualized interventions.

No educationally exceptional student eligible for a free appropriate public education shall be excluded from attending public schools.

§18-20-5. Powers and duties of state superintendent.

(a) The State Superintendent of Schools shall organize, promote, administer and be responsible for:

(1) Providing leadership and support to local educational agencies (LEA) in establishing, organizing and maintaining a continuum of services for students with exceptionalities.

(2) Cooperating with all other public and private agencies engaged in providing medical, mental health, educational, or respite services for students with exceptionalities, and in helping coordinate the services of such agencies.

(3) (A) Preparing the necessary rules, policies, and formulas for distribution of available appropriated funds, reporting forms and procedures necessary to define minimum standards in providing suitable facilities for education of students with exceptionalities and ensuring the employment, certification and approval of qualified teachers and therapists subject to approval by the State Board of Education: Provided, That no state rule, policy or standard under this article or any county board rule, policy or standard governing special education may exceed the requirements of federal law or regulation.

(B) A separate appropriation shall be made to the Department of Education to be disbursed to county boards and public charter schools authorized pursuant to §18-5G-1 et seq. of this code to assist them with serving exceptional students with high cost/high acuity exceptional needs that exceed the capacity of the local educational agency (LEA) to provide with funds available. Each local educational agency (LEA) shall apply to the state superintendent to receive this funding in a manner set forth by the state superintendent that assesses and takes into account varying acuity levels of the students with exceptionalities. Any remaining funds at the end of a fiscal year from the appropriation shall be carried over to the next fiscal year. When possible, federal funds shall be disbursed to local educational agencies (LEAs) for this purpose before any of the state appropriation is disbursed. The state board shall promulgate a rule in accordance with the provisions of §29A-3B-1 et seq. of this code that implements the provisions of this subdivision relating to disbursing the funds to the local educational agencies (LEAs). The rule at least shall include a definition for “children with high acuity needs”.

(4) Receiving from local educational agencies (LEAs), their applications, annual reports and claims for reimbursement from such moneys as are appropriated by the Legislature, auditing such claims, and preparing vouchers to reimburse said local educational agencies the amounts reimbursable to them.

(5) Assuring that all students with exceptionalities in the state, including students in mental health facilities, residential institutions, private schools receiving public funds and correctional facilities as provided in §18-2-13f of this code receive an education in accordance with state and federal laws: Provided, That the state superintendent shall also assure that adults in correctional facilities and regional jails receive an education to the extent funds are provided therefor and to the extent that those adult students are still eligible to receive a free appropriate public education (FAPE).

(6) Performing other duties and assuming other responsibilities in connection with this program as needed.

(b) Nothing contained in this section shall be construed to prevent any local education agency (LEA) from establishing and maintaining a full continuum of services for students with exceptionalities out of funds available from local revenue.

§18-20-6. Advisory council for the education of exceptional children.

In accordance with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, there shall be an advisory council for the education of students with exceptionalities which shall advise and consult with the state Board of Education on matters pertinent thereto. The advisory council shall be composed of twelve members appointed by the state superintendent of schools, four of which shall be parents of students with exceptionalities utilizing or eligible for the services of the special educational programs established hereunder. Other members of the advisory council shall include at least one individual with a disability, teacher of students with exceptionalities, state education official, local education official, and an administrator of programs for students with exceptionalities. No more than two officers and employees of the state may be eligible for appointment to the advisory council. Members shall be appointed for terms of three years except for initial terms which may be for one, two or three years. Each year the terms of office of one third of the advisory council shall expire. The members of the advisory council shall be citizens and residents of this state, who by reason of their training, education or experience are qualified to carry out the functions of the advisory council under this article.

The advisory council shall elect a chairperson annually.

All members shall be eligible for reappointment. A member shall, unless sooner removed, continue to serve until the member’s term expires and the member’s successor has been appointed and has qualified. A vacancy caused by the death, resignation or removal of a member prior to the expiration of the member's term shall be filled only for the remainder of such term.

For the purpose of carrying out its functions under this article, six members of the advisory council shall constitute a quorum. The advisory council shall meet at least four times each year and at a time designated by the chairperson. Additional meetings may be held when called by the chairperson or when requested by six members of the advisory council.

The time and place of all meetings and agenda items must be publicly announced and available to the public upon request at least ten days prior to the meeting, and meetings must be open to the public. Official minutes must be kept of all council meetings and shall be made available to the public upon request.

Members of the council shall not receive any compensation for their services on the council, but shall be reimbursed any actual expenses incurred by them in carrying out their duties from funds appropriated to the Department of Education.

The council shall:

(a) Consult with the state Board of Education concerning and comment publicly upon any rules and regulations formulated by such board regarding the education of students with exceptionalities;

(b) Consult with and advise the state board and superintendent and the Legislature concerning any problems presented to the council including unmet needs within the state in the education of students with exceptionalities;

(c) Hold public meetings at such times and places as the advisory council deems appropriate;

(d) Periodically review and comment publicly upon the state plan for special programs and make any recommendations it may have concerning changes it may deem proper. Annually, the advisory council shall submit an annual report of its activities and suggestions to the state Board of Education and the superintendent, and shall make such report available to the public.

§18-31-14. Reporting.

(a) The board shall provide a comprehensive report on the status of the Hope Scholarship Program to the Legislative Oversight Commission on Education Accountability on or before December 31, 2026, and annually on or before December 31 of each year thereafter, addressing the progress of the program throughout the state. As part of the annual report, the board, in collaboration with the state and county boards of education, shall survey participating Hope Scholarship families to determine:

(1) The types of educational services chosen by Hope Scholarship students;

(2) Demographic and geographic data of participating students;

(3) Number of students participating with special needs;

(4) For Hope Scholarship students who withdrew from a public school, the stated reason for withdrawing;

(5) County superintendent and board compliance with Hope Scholarship reporting requirements; and

(6) Parent satisfaction with the Hope Scholarship Program.

(b) The board shall use only aggregate, nonidentifying evaluation data when compiling any such public reports.

§18-20-7. Exceptional children program compliance monitoring and accountability review teams.

The state board shall establish exceptional children program compliance monitoring and accountability review teams to conduct cyclical on-site reviews of such programs at least every four years in each local educational agency (LEA) for the purpose of reviewing identification procedures, complying with any or all applicable laws and policies, delivering services, verifying enrollment and attendance reports, recommending changes, providing support for continuous improvement, and fulfilling such other duties as may be established by the state board.

Each monitoring and accountability review team unit shall consist of individuals with expertise in state and federal laws applicable to the education of students with disabilities, as well as the identification and delivery of special education services to students with disabilities.

§18-20-8. Interagency plan for exceptional children; advisory council.

(a) The state departments of human services and education shall enter into a collaborative agreement for the purpose of developing a statewide plan of coordinating comprehensive, multidisciplinary interagency programs providing appropriate early intervention services to all developmentally delayed and at-risk children, ages birth through five years, and their families.

This comprehensive, coordinated statewide plan shall include, at a minimum:

(1) Specification of the population to be served;

(2) The development of regulations and procedural safeguards;

(3) The development of procedures for administration, supervision and monitoring;

(4) The identification and coordination of all available resources; and

(5) The development of formal interagency agreements that define the financial responsibility of each agency and all additional components necessary to ensure meaningful cooperation and coordination.

(b) To assist in the development of such a plan, an advisory council consisting of twelve members shall be created. The departments of health, human services and education shall each appoint four members, and each shall include in such appointments one parent of a child with a disability under the age of six; one public or private provider of early intervention services for developmentally delayed and at-risk children; one individual involved in the education training of personnel who work with preschool special needs; and one other person.

The functions of the council shall include the following:

(1) Meet at least quarterly;

(2) Solicit information and opinions from concerned agencies, groups and individuals; and

(3) Advise and assist the departments of health, human services and education in the development of the statewide plan herein required.

Following the submission of the advisory council’s first annual report, the joint committee on education is authorized and empowered to disband the council or alter its functions as it deems advisable.

The members of the council may be reimbursed for actual and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their official duties in accordance with state law from appropriations to the departments of health, human services and education or available federal funds.

§18-20-9. Gifted education caseload review.

Notwithstanding any other provision of this code to the contrary, the teacher-student ratio for gifted, honors, and advanced placement education in grades nine through twelve shall be the same as regular classroom education and not as required for special education of students with exceptionalities: Provided, That this shall not apply to education of exceptional gifted, as defined in section one, article twenty of this chapter.

§18-20-10. Dyslexia and dyscalculia defined.

(a) The Legislature finds as follows:

(1) Reading difficulties are the most common cause of academic failure and underachievement;

(2) There are many students who demonstrate significant weaknesses with reading, writing and mathematics that are influenced by specific learning disabilities, including dyslexia, dyscalculia, and related learning difficulties. Of those who are referred to special education services in public schools, the majority are referred because of problems with language, reading, writing, or a combination of each;

(3) Teaching reading effectively, especially to students experiencing difficulty, requires considerable knowledge and skill. Informed and effective classroom instruction, especially in the early grades, can prevent and relieve the severity of language difficulties, and significantly improve literacy development;

(4) For those students with specific learning disabilities, including dyslexia and dyscalculia, who need specialized instruction, competent intervention can lessen the impact of the disorder and help the student overcome the most debilitating symptoms;

(5) While programs for specific learning disabilities, including dyslexia and dyscalculia, that certify or support teachers, clinicians or specialists differ in their preparation methodologies, teaching approaches and organizational purposes, they should ascribe to a common set of professional standards for the benefit of the students they serve. Compliance with such standards can assure the public that individuals who serve students with specific learning disabilities in public schools are prepared to implement scientifically based and clinically proven practices;

(6) The International Dyslexia Association (IDA) offers widely-adopted and consistent standards to guide the preparation, certification, and professional development for teachers of reading and related literacy skills in classroom, remedial and clinical settings; and

(7) The basis of ascribing to common standards to benefit students with specific learning disabilities, including dyslexia and dyscalculia, requires recognizing common characteristics of the disabilities. The Legislature finds that the definitions of dyslexia and dyscalculia prescribed by the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition, Text Revision (DSM-5-TR) are the appropriate measures for recognizing characteristics of dyslexia and dyscalculia in students.

(b) The Legislature recognizes the following regarding dyslexia and dyscalculia:

(1) Dyslexia and dyscalculia are conditions that may be considered under the specific learning disability category, and their definitions are consistent with IDEA and state board policy. State board policy provides that "specific learning disability" means a disorder in one or more of the basic psychological processes involved in understanding or in using language, spoken or written, that may manifest itself in the imperfect ability to listen, think, speak, read, write, spell, or to do mathematical calculations, including conditions such as perceptual disabilities, brain injury, minimal brain dysfunction, dyslexia and developmental aphasia;

(2) Dyslexia is an alternative term used to refer to a pattern of learning difficulties characterized by problems with accurate or fluent word recognition, poor decoding, and poor spelling abilities. If dyslexia is used to specify this particular pattern of difficulties, it is important also to specify any additional difficulties that are present, such as difficulties with reading comprehension or math reasoning; and

(3) Dyscalculia is an alternative term used to refer to a pattern of learning difficulties characterized by problems processing numerical information, learning arithmetic facts, and performing accurate or fluent calculations. If dyscalculia is used to specify this particular pattern of mathematic difficulties, it is important also to specify any additional difficulties that are present, such as difficulties with math reasoning or word reasoning accuracy.

(c) The state board shall:

(1) Develop a list of appropriate screeners, early assessments, and professional development that address and ensure that all students receive the necessary and appropriate screenings, evaluations, and early assessments for specific learning disabilities, including dyslexia and dyscalculia which contain information related to the following:

(A) Appropriate literacy and numeracy screening tools for identifying students who are at risk for academic difficulty in reading and/or math, including dyslexia and dyscalculia, and who require tiered intervention;

(B) Appropriate diagnostic assessment components that can be used to help identify and diagnose;

(C) Appropriate evidence-based instruction and intervention strategies for students who are at risk for academic difficulty in reading and/or mathematics, including students who exhibit possible indicators of risk for dyslexia and/or dyscalculia;

(D) Appropriate accommodations for students who exhibit possible indicators of risk for, or who have been diagnosed with, dyslexia, dyscalculia, and/or other specific learning disabilities;

(E) Connecting a multi-tiered system of support framework to specific learning disability identification; and

(F) The use of the terms "dyslexia" and "dyscalculia" in Individualized Education Programs, and in evaluation reports by professionals qualified to render these diagnoses; and

(2) Explore options to assist any local educational agency (LEA) with acquiring approved literacy and/or numeracy screening tools: Provided, That the local educational agency is unable to acquire its own literacy and/or numeracy screening tools that are consistent with state educational agency recommendations;

(3) Adopt and make publicly available guidelines for including dyslexia diagnostic evaluation components in comprehensive assessments for special education and related services. These guidelines shall:

(A) Recommend at least one person on each multidisciplinary evaluation team be knowledgeable about dyslexia and be able to recognize when a dyslexia diagnostic component should be requested in the evaluation process;

(B) Recommend that a diagnosis of dyslexia be given when the data from the comprehensive evaluation components indicate such a diagnosis is appropriate;

(C) Include recommendations for how to document a dyslexia diagnosis in an IEP; and

(D) Include that a Section 504 Plan be considered if a student has a dyslexia diagnosis but does not qualify for special education services;

(4) Adopt and make publicly available a list of approved diagnostic assessment components that can be used to help identify and diagnose dyslexia during comprehensive multidisciplinary evaluations;

(5) Adopt and make publicly available guidelines and a list of resources for dyslexia intervention practices that are evidence-based, including practices consistent with the Science of Reading and Structured Literacy, that are explicit, direct, sequential, systematic, and multisensory;

(6) Adopt and make publicly available a list of recommended accommodations and instructional practices to be used with students who exhibit signs of dyslexia or have been diagnosed with dyslexia. These shall reflect contemporary research and guidelines of the Science of Reading related to dyslexia. These recommendations shall include, but are not limited to, structured literacy approaches that are explicit, direct, sequential, systematic, and multisensory;

(7) Adopt and make publicly available a list of available professional development resources that support evidence-based intervention for struggling readers, including the Science of Reading and Structured Literacy. This list shall be made publicly available and include resources endorsed or espoused by technical assistance centers, research organizations, and professional associations that support the Science of Reading and Structured Literacy regarding dyslexia, including the International Dyslexia Association; and

(8) Develop and make publicly available informational materials related to dyslexia for parents and guardians that include information about the multidisciplinary evaluation process, updated regularly.

(d) The local education agency shall:

(1) Develop a system for parents and guardians to annually receive digital and print informational materials related to dyslexia;

(2) Ensure at least one educator at each school is trained to administer, score, and interpret the data from the literacy screening instrument or instruments, and to recognize signs of dyslexia;

(3) Notify parents of the results of these literacy screeners while emphasizing that not all students who perform poorly on these screening instruments have dyslexia. Also, not all students with dyslexia will perform poorly on the screeners;

(4) Provide evidence-based reading intervention to students who exhibit academic risk in future reading performance, including indicators of dyslexia;

(5) Conduct comprehensive assessments to determine eligibility for special education services when a student does not respond or only minimally responds to intervention strategies and/or when there is a suspected disability of dyslexia. If a determination is made through the evaluation process that a student needs to be assessed for dyslexia, provide assessment and diagnosis as necessary per West Virginia Department of Education guidelines;

(6) Employ appropriate accommodations and instructional practices recommended by the West Virginia Department of Education based upon the students’ needs. When those needs are related to dyslexia, these accommodations and instructional techniques or strategies shall also meet the West Virginia Department of Education-approved guidelines for dyslexia accommodations and instructional practices;

(7) Require all elementary educators, special educators, reading interventionists or specialists, and other personnel determined appropriate by the local education agency to receive professional development on the possible signs of dyslexia and the related classroom accommodations and instructional practices approved by the West Virginia Department of Education;

(8) Administer a literacy screening instrument or instruments to students in grades 3-5 who transfer from a local education agency where literacy screening instruments were not administered. If the literacy screening instrument indicates a deficit in reading, the school will provide intervention according to current policy. If a student does not respond or only minimally responds to intervention, a referral for multidisciplinary evaluation shall be made; and

(9) Require all appropriate personnel, as determined by the local education agency, to annually receive professional development relating to the possible indicators for dyslexia and dyscalculia, accommodations and modifications in the classroom environment, proper instructional practices for educating students who exhibit possible indicators of risk for, or who have been, diagnosed with dyslexia, dyscalculia, and/or other specific learning disabilities. Local education agencies may create more than one module to satisfy the requirements of this subdivision.

(e) The state board shall promulgate a rule pursuant to §29A-3B-1 et seq. of this code to implement this section. In addition to other provisions to implement this section, the rule shall at least include the following:

(1) If a student is reading substantially below grade level according to formal and/or informal assessments, including benchmark assessments, and has never been evaluated for special education, a request may be made by a school, parent, or teacher for the administration of an age- or grade-appropriate West Virginia Department of Education-approved literacy screening instrument or instruments. These points of data may be used to either start intervention and progress monitoring per West Virginia Department of Education guidance, or make a referral for a special education evaluation;

(2) Acknowledgement that each local education agency may have one certified Literacy and Numeracy Specialist in each local educational agency, or another appropriate professional designated by relevant local educational agency leadership, to be appropriately trained, or be seeking appropriate training, in intervention, accommodations, and instructional strategies for students with dyslexia or a related disorder. The trained individual(s) shall serve as an advisor and trainer for dyslexia and related disorders for the local educational agency. The reading specialist(s) or other designated professional(s) shall have an understanding of the definition of dyslexia and a working knowledge of:

(A) Techniques to help a student on the continuum of skills with dyslexia;

(B) Dyslexia characteristics that may manifest at different ages and levels;

(C) The basic foundation of the keys to reading, including multisensory, explicit, systematic, and structured literacy instruction; and

(D) Appropriate interventions, accommodations, and assistive technology supports for students with dyslexia.

(f) Legislative Oversight Commission on Education Accountability (LOCEA):

(1) The final draft of the state board’s literacy and numeracy rule shall be submitted to the Legislative Oversight Commission on Education Accountability (LOCEA) by August 1, 2023.

(2) The following shall be submitted to the Legislative Oversight Commission on Education

Accountability (LOCEA) annually:

(A) Disaggregated data concerning literacy and numeracy patterns statewide;

(B) Statewide interventions implemented; and

(C) The statewide professional development plan.

(3) Progress monitoring regarding K-2 screening and 3-8 formative assessments shall be presented to the Legislative Oversight Commission on Education Accountability (LOCEA) after data is collected for the beginning, middle, and end of the school year.


§18-21-1. Definition of "at-risk youth".

As used in this article "at-risk youth" means all children between birth and seventeen and young adults between the ages of eighteen and twenty-one who are low income, receiving benefits from the Department of Human Services, legally under the jurisdiction of the Department of Human Services or in custody of the West Virginia Division of Juvenile Services, the selected county's juvenile court/probation department or the selected county's alternative school system program.

§18-21-2. Creation of a special Community-Based Pilot Demonstration Project to Improve Outcomes for At-Risk Youth.

Effective July 1, 2012, if funds are available, the Secretary of the Department of Human Services shall select a community-based organization to establish a special Community-Based Pilot Demonstration Project to Improve Outcomes for At-Risk Youth in a specified community for a duration of seven years. The project will identify, implement and document best practices that can be replicated in other communities. The designated community-based organization shall operate the special pilot project under the direction of the Secretary of the Department of Human Services and shall work in collaboration with the State School Superintendent, local county school superintendent, Chancellor for Community and Technical College Education, the closest community and technical college and four-year college or university, State Workforce Investment Division, Executive Director of the West Virginia Vocational Rehabilitation Services, the local juvenile court system, the local workforce investment board, the Chancellor for Higher Education, the Director of West Virginia Division of Juvenile Services, the local mental or behavioral health organizations and other governmental and community-based organizations.

§18-21-3. Secretary of Department of Human Services responsibilities.

The Secretary of the Department of Human Services shall:

(1) Identify a county with the most at-risk youth, that also has adequate facilities and community leadership, to run a community-based pilot program that brings together both state and local organizations, to work collaboratively to provide comprehensive, intense wrap-around services to at-risk youth and their families in a seamless coordinated system; and

(2) Identify the challenges confronting the most at-risk youth and their families and make specific recommendations to the pilot program administrators to improve the outcomes for these youths; specifically, to reduce the number of abuse and neglect cases to reduce the number of youth in out-of-home and out-of-state placements; to reduce high school drop-out rates, to reduce substance abuse among youth including smoking, reduce teen pregnancies, to reduce juvenile delinquency and to reduce the number of juvenile delinquents and youth aging out of foster care that eventually enter into the adult criminal justice system.

(3) Document best practices which can be replicated in other counties.

(4) Establish base line and goals for each performance measure in conjunction with the director of the community-based organization operating the pilot project.

(5) Beginning in January 2013, on or before the first day of the regular session of the Legislature, and each year thereafter, the Secretary of Department of Human Services along with the director of the community-based organization operating the pilot program shall make a status report to the Legislative Oversight Committee on Health and Human Resources Accountability.

§18-21-4. Organization and goals of the community-based pilot demonstration program.

(a) The pilot program shall be operated by a local community-based organization under the direction of the Secretary of the West Virginia Department of Human Services and in collaboration with the State School Superintendent, county school superintendent, Executive Director of the State Workforce Investment Division, Executive Director of WV Vocational Rehabilitation Services, the local juvenile court system, the Chancellor for Higher Education, the Chancellor for Community and Technical College Education, president of the local community and technical college and four-year college or university, the Director of the West Virginia Division of Juvenile Services, the local mental or behavioral health organizations and other governmental and community-based organizations and partner agencies to serve as a clearinghouse to coordinate comprehensive youth and family services. The pilot project shall be housed within the community and will be directed by a local community-based nonprofit organization.

(b) The pilot project shall operate out of a centrally located building to coordinate services to youth and their families in the selected county from birth to seventeen years of age who are referred by the Department of Human Services.

(c) The goal of the pilot program is to improve outcomes for at-risk youth as measured by the following metrics:

(1) Early childhood development:

(A) Increase in the number of mothers receiving early prenatal care;

(B) Increase in the number of mothers participating in the Right From the Start Program;

(C) Increase in the number of children screened by the birth to three year-old program for early development delays;

(D) Increase in the number of three year-olds enrolled in Head Start;

(E) Increase in the number of four year-olds enrolled in preschool.

(2) Preschool youth and teen measures:

(A) Decrease in school truancy;

(B) Decrease in truancy hearings;

(C) Decrease in school suspensions;

(D) Decrease in school expulsions;

(E) Decrease in high school dropouts at a select school;

(F) Increase in the number of youth participating in a mentoring program;

(G) Increase in academic performance for select students;

(H) Increase in the number of youth participating in summer employment; and

(I) Increase in the number of youth entering postsecondary education or the workforce.

(3) Parent measures:

(A) Increase in the number of individuals registered at the WorkForce West Virginia Center;

(B) Increase in the number of individuals enrolled in job training;

(C) Increase in the number of individuals completing job training with a certification or credential;

(D) Increase in the number of individuals placed in employment; and

(E) Increase in the number of children enrolled in the CHIP program.




Acts, 1989 Reg. Sess., Ch. 64.




Acts, 2002 Reg. Sess., Ch. 118.




Acts, 1993 Reg. Sess., Ch. 47.


§18-22C-1. Legislative intent.

The Legislature declares that there exists within the State of West Virginia the Greenbrier College of Osteopathic Medicine which is an accredited, private institution of graduate study for the purpose of training doctors of osteopathic medicine. This article, therefore, is adopted as a measure of providing additional graduate education opportunities to citizens of the State of West Virginia.

§18-22C-2. State aid for students of osteopathy.

The board of regents is hereby authorized to enter into a contract with the Greenbrier College of Osteopathic Medicine to offer training in osteopathic medicine, by the terms of which the board of regents may obligate itself to pay such institution within the limits of any appropriation made for the purpose, a stated amount per year for each West Virginia student the institution will agree to accept for training in osteopathic medicine.

The board of regents shall each year send to the Greenbrier College of Osteopathic Medicine a certified list of all persons, applying to the board for training in osteopathic medicine, who are bona fide citizens and residents of this state prior to the filing of their applications, and who have completed either within or without the state the course of study required by such institution as a prerequisite to the study of osteopathic medicine.

Any person who receives state aid under this section shall, upon graduation from an educational institution for study of osteopathic medicine, be required to practice osteopathic medicine for a period of two years in this state, or in lieu thereof shall, within sixty days from the date of graduation, reimburse the board of regents for any tuition advance by it in his behalf.


§18-22D-1. Legislative purpose.

The Legislature finds that the percentage of the population in this state attending college is substantially lower than the national average; that higher education in this age of advanced technology is a key element in the efforts to invigorate and develop the economy of our state; that opportunities for students attending a college or university in this state are diminished because of limited access to programs of financial assistance; and that the cost of attending college has dramatically increased and has become a great burden upon family budgets.

It is therefore the policy of the Legislature to establish a state higher education student assistance loan program to guarantee that deserving residents of this state have the opportunity to continue their education at an approved institution of higher education of their choice in this state.

§18-22D-2. Definitions.

The following words when used in this article have the meaning hereinafter ascribed to them, unless the context clearly indicates a different meaning:

(a) "Board" or "governing board" means the university of West Virginia board of trustees or the board of directors of the state college system, whichever is applicable within the context referred to in this article, unless the context clearly indicates a different meaning.

(b) "Eligible lending institution" or "institution" means a financial institution that is eligible to make commercial loans, is a public depository of state funds and agrees to participate in the West Virginia higher education student assistance loan program.

(c) "Eligible student" means any individual who:

(1) Is a citizen or eligible noncitizen of the United States;

(2) Has been a resident of the state for at least one year immediately preceding the date of application for a West Virginia higher education student assistance loan;

(3) Is currently enrolled in good standing or accepted for enrollment at the approved institution of higher education in this state of the student's choice; and

(4) Is certified by such institution in accordance with section three of this article.

(d) "Linked deposit" means a certificate of deposit placed by the state Board of Investments with an eligible lending institution at three percent below current market rates, as determined and calculated by the state Board of Investments, provided the institution agrees to lend the value of such deposit, according to the deposit agreement provided for by this article, to eligible students at three percent below the present borrowing rate applicable to each such student at the time of the deposit of state funds in the institution.

(e) "Approved institution of higher education in this state" means nonprofit, degree-granting two-year and four-year colleges and universities located in West Virginia.

§18-22D-3. Certification of eligibility; information as to other financial assistance; approval of maximum loan amount.

(a) The board of regents shall have full authority to administer the program in accordance with the provisions of this article. In furtherance of such administration, the board shall approve institutions of higher education in this state for participation in the loan program, establish guidelines for use by such institutions in determining which applicants are eligible students and in calculating the maximum loan amounts, and develop a uniform eligibility certification and maximum loan amount form to be used by the applicant and the approved institution of higher education in determining and certifying eligibility and maximum loan amounts. The board shall further provide information as to the federal guaranteed student loan program and other financial assistance which may be available to the applicant, which information shall be conveyed to such applicants by the approved institution of higher education.

(b) Upon receipt of an applicant's certification form, the approved institution of higher education shall review such form, certify any student who meets the eligibility guidelines promulgated by the board and indicate on such form the maximum loan amount which may be received by the applicant pursuant to this article. The institution shall calculate such amount with consideration to any other financial assistance which is or will be received by the applicant and shall assist such applicant in receiving such other financial assistance. In no case shall the annual loan amount to an eligible student exceed $6,000 for undergraduate study or $10,000 for graduate or professional study, and the eligible student shall receive not more than five such loans for undergraduate study and three such loans for graduate or professional study. Any applicant who is not certified as eligible shall be notified in writing as to the reasons for which certification was not granted.

(c) Any applicant who is denied eligibility certification or has a maximum loan amount approved which is less than the applicant reasonably believes is required for attendance at the approved institution of higher education may request in writing to the board a hearing on any such matter. The board may conduct such hearing or may respond in writing as to the reasons such hearing is denied. Any decision by the board regarding eligibility or maximum loan amount shall be final.

§18-22D-4. Limitations on investment in linked deposits.

The state Board of Investments shall invest in linked deposits as identified by the board through an approved application, provided that at the time of placement of the linked deposit, exclusive of the linked deposit program provided for in article one-a, chapter twelve of this code, not more than two percent of the state's total investment portfolio is so invested. The total amount initially deposited in any one year shall not exceed $2 million, and the total amount so deposited at any one time shall not exceed, in the aggregate, $20 million.

§18-22D-5. Applications for loans; loan package.

(a) An eligible lending institution that desires to receive a linked deposit shall accept and review applications for loans from applicants certified as eligible students. The lending institution shall apply all usual lending standards to determine the credit worthiness of each eligible student. In no case shall the applicant request, nor the eligible lending institution approve, an annual loan amount in excess of the maximum amount indicated on the form certifying such applicant as an eligible student.

(b) An eligible student shall certify on the loan application that the reduced rate loan will be used exclusively to attend an approved institution of higher education in this state. Whoever knowingly makes a false statement concerning such application shall be prohibited from entering into the West Virginia higher education student assistance loan program. Whoever knowingly uses loan proceeds received pursuant to this article for reasons other than attendance at an approved institution of higher education shall be prohibited from benefitting from the linked deposit, which deposit shall be withdrawn upon maturity, and the loan shall revert to the rate of market interest originally determined.

(c) Upon approval of all or any portion of the loan amount requested for which a linked deposit is sought, the eligible lending institution shall forward to the board a linked deposit loan package, in such form and manner as shall be prescribed by the state Board of Investments in cooperation with the board. The package shall include such information as may be needed by the board or the state Board of Investments including the certification form and the amount of the loan requested by the eligible student. The eligible lending institution shall certify, for each eligible student, the present borrowing rate applicable to such student.

§18-22D-6. Acceptance or rejection of loan package; deposit agreement.

(a) The board may approve or reject a linked deposit loan package. Upon approval by the board of the linked deposit loan package, the board shall forward such approved application to the state Board of Investments and the state Board of Investments shall place certificates of deposit, within the limitations provided for in section four of this article, with the eligible lending institution at three percent below current market rates, as determined and calculated by the state Board of Investments.

(b) The eligible lending institution shall enter into a deposit agreement with the state Board of Investments, which shall include requirements necessary to carry out the purposes of this article. Such requirements shall reflect the market conditions prevailing in the eligible lending institution's lending area. The agreement may include a specification of the period of time in which the eligible lending institution is to lend funds after the placement of a linked deposit and shall include provisions for the certificates of deposit to be placed for up to two-year maturities that may be renewed for periods up to two years until such time as the loan has been completely repaid, or ten and one-half years after the eligible student's cessation of enrollment in the approved institution of higher education to which the loan proceeds were paid, whichever is sooner. Interest shall be paid at the times determined by the state Board of Investments.

§18-22D-7. Rate of loan; repayment.

(a) Upon placement of a linked deposit with an eligible lending institution, such institution is required to lend such funds to each approved eligible student listed in the linked deposit loan package required in subsection (c), section five of this article, and in accordance with the deposit agreement required by subsection (b), section six of this article. The loan shall be at three percent below the present borrowing rate applicable to each eligible student.

(b) Upon request therefor and approval thereof, the loan agreement may require repayment of interest only, until such time as the eligible student commences repayment of the principal. Such repayment of the principal shall commence at or before such time as the eligible student is no longer enrolled in the approved institution of higher education for which the loan proceeds were paid or within five years of receipt of the loan, whichever is sooner: Provided, That an eligible student who enrolls in graduate or professional school subsequent to the enrollment for which a loan or loans were received pursuant to this section may defer such repayment time until completion or withdrawal from the graduate or professional school.

(c) Notwithstanding the time in which the eligible lending institution may provide for the repayment of the loan, the linked deposit shall be terminated at the maturity date next succeeding complete repayment or ten and one-half years after cessation of enrollment, whichever is sooner. The amount of interest on the loan shall revert to the market rate originally determined at such time as the linked deposit is withdrawn.

§18-22D-8. Certification and monitoring of compliance; reports.

(a) A certification of compliance with any applicable provisions of this article, in such form and manner as shall be prescribed by the state Board of Investments in cooperation with the board, shall be required of the eligible lending institution.

The senior administrator jointly employed by the West Virginia board of trustees and the board of directors of the state college system, in cooperation with the state Board of Investments, shall monitor compliance by the eligible student with the applicable provisions of this article and may take whatever action may be deemed necessary in furthering the intent of the student loan program.

(b) By January 1, April, July and October of each year, the Board of Investments shall report on the linked deposit program for the preceding calendar quarter to the Governor, the Joint Committee on Government and Finance, and the board. The reports shall set forth the linked deposits made by the state Board of Investments under the program during the quarter and shall include information regarding the nature, terms and amounts of the loans upon which the linked deposits were based and the eligible students to which the loans were made.

§18-22D-9. Liability.

The state, the governing boards and the state Board of Investments are not liable to any eligible lending institution in any manner for payment of the principal or interest on the loan to an eligible student. Any delay in payment or default on the part of an eligible student does not in any manner affect the deposit agreement between the eligible lending institution and the state Board of Investments.




Acts, 2002 Reg. Sess., Ch. 118.




Acts, 2010 Reg. Sess., Ch. 56.



Acts, 2010 Reg. Sess., Ch. 56.



Acts, 2010 Reg. Sess., Ch. 56.



Acts, 2010 Reg. Sess., Ch. 56.



Acts, 2011 Reg. Sess., Ch. 79.



Acts, 2010 Reg. Sess., Ch. 56.

§18-23-6. Bonds of officers and employees of state institutions of higher education.

The governing boards shall have authority to cause the head officer or any other officer of any state institution of higher education or any employee thereof under its control or management in whole or in part, or any of its own employees, to give bond, in such sum as the governing boards may require, conditioned for the faithful performance of their duties, and for accounting for and paying over all money and other property of the state which shall come into their hands or control by virtue of their office. The governing boards may provide that the surety in any such bond shall be a surety or bonding company authorized to do business in this state, and cause the premiums for bonds so given to be paid out of the current or contingent expense fund of the institution or governing board with which the person so bound is connected. All such bonds shall be approved by the Attorney General as to form, and by the governing boards as to sufficiency, and, when so approved, shall be filed with the treasurer of the governing boards and by him recorded and safely kept.

§18-23-7. Disposition of state moneys in possession of officers of state institutions of higher education; manner of expending appropriations; certification of deficiency in appropriations.

All moneys and funds belonging to the state which shall come into the possession or under the control of the head officer, or any other officer, of any state institution of higher education, or of any person connected therewith, under the control and management of the governing boards in whole or in part, or the fiscal or financial affairs of which are subject to the control and management of the governing boards, shall be paid to the treasurer of said boards monthly, on or before the tenth day of the month succeeding the month in which such moneys or funds were received, under such rules and regulations as the governing boards shall prescribe. They shall cause such moneys and funds to be paid into the State Treasury immediately in the manner provided in article two, chapter twelve of this code.

All moneys appropriated for the governing boards or for any state institution of higher education under their supervision and management may be expended on proper requisitions issued by the appropriate governing board. Whenever the appropriations by the Legislature for any of said institutions are insufficient to pay the expenses of conducting such institution, the deficiency shall be certified by the appropriate governing board to the Governor. Such certificate shall state the name of the institution and the items and amount in detail needed, and the Governor may direct payment of the same or any part thereof out of any appropriation available for that purpose.

§18-23-8. Visitation and inspection of state institutions of higher education.

The governing boards, or one or more of their members, shall visit each of the state institutions of higher education under their control and management in whole or in part as often as may be necessary, and may hold a regular meeting of the governing boards at any such institution. During any such visitation the governing boards or any member thereof shall thoroughly inspect all the departments thereof and investigate the condition and management of the same; and for the purpose of aiding any such investigation the governing boards or any member thereof shall have power to summon and compel the attendance of witnesses, to be examined under oath, which any member shall have the power to administer; and the governing boards or any member thereof shall have access to all books, papers and property necessary to any such investigation, and may order the production of any books, papers or property. Witnesses, other than employees of the state, shall be entitled to the same fees as in civil cases in the circuit court. In any investigation by the governing boards, or by any member thereof, they or he may cause the testimony to be taken in shorthand and transcribed and filed in the office of the governing board as soon after the same is taken as practicable. Any person refusing or failing to obey the order of the governing boards or any member thereof, issued under the provisions of this section, or to give or produce any evidence required, shall be reported by the governing boards or the member thereof conducting the investigation to the proper circuit court or the judge thereof, and such person so refusing or failing shall be dealt with by the court or judge as for contempt.

§18-23-9. Books and accounts.

The governing boards shall cause to be kept at their office a proper and complete set of books and accounts with each state institution of higher education under their respective control, which shall clearly show every expenditure authorized and made thereat. The books shall exhibit an account of all appropriations made by the Legislature concerning any institution under their control, and of all other funds under the control of the governing boards. They shall, in conjunction with and subject to the approval of the chief inspector of public offices, prescribe the form of vouchers, records and methods of keeping accounts at and by each of the institutions under their control. Such vouchers, records and methods of accounts of the institutions shall be as nearly uniform as possible. The governing boards, or any member thereof, shall have the power to investigate the conditions and to examine and check the records of any of said institutions at any time. The governing boards shall also have the power to authorize any of their members or officers, its bookkeeper, accountant, or other employee, to proceed to any of the institutions under their control, and to examine and check its records, take inventory of its property, or that of any of its departments or for any other purpose the governing boards may deem necessary. Any person doing such work shall receive, in addition to regular compensation, his actual expenses incurred thereby. Upon the completion of any such special work the governing boards shall cause a full and complete written report of the same to be made to it as soon as practicable.

§18-23-10. Records of state institutions of higher education for statistical and other purposes; conference of chief officers.

The governing boards shall prescribe the records to be kept for statistical and other purposes in the state institutions of higher education under their respective control. Each month they shall require a copy of such record to be transmitted to them for the preceding month, and they shall keep in their office in a substantially bound book a copy of every report that they may require from the chief officers of any institution under their control. The governing boards shall have authority to assemble the chief officers of the institutions under their respective control or any of them at their office, for the purpose of discussing any question which may be common to their welfare. The actual expenses made necessary in traveling to and from such meeting, and while in attendance thereat, shall be paid out of the funds of the several institutions involved in any such meetings.

§18-23-11. Special investigation of any state institution of higher education by Governor or committee appointed by him

The Governor is hereby empowered to make a special investigation, either in person or by a committee appointed by him of the condition, management or affairs of any state institution of higher education, and for the purpose of aiding any such investigation the Governor or committee shall have the same powers as are conferred upon the governing boards by section eight of this article, in making similar investigations.

§18-23-12. Governing boards to perform duties required by Governor.

The Governor may require the governing boards to perform any duty or work pertaining to the management and control of any of the institutions under their control and consistent with the objects of this article.



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§18-23-16. Cost of dormitories, housing facilities, food service facilities and motor vehicle parking facilities to be paid from proceeds of revenue bonds.

The governing boards may pay the cost, as defined in sections thirteen through twenty-four, inclusive, of this article, of any one or more of the dormitories, housing facilities, food service facilities and motor vehicle parking facilities out of the proceeds of revenue bonds of the state. The governing boards are authorized to issue revenue bonds of the state by a resolution of the board which shall recite an estimate by the board of the cost, the principal and interest of which bonds shall be payable solely from the special fund or funds herein provided for the payment. The board, after any issue of bonds or simultaneously therewith, may issue further issues of bonds to pay the cost of any other one or more of the dormitories, housing facilities, food service facilities and motor vehicle parking facilities in the manner and subject to all of the provisions herein contained as to the bonds first mentioned in this section. All these bonds shall have and are hereby declared to have all the qualities of negotiable instruments under the Uniform Commercial Code. These bonds shall bear interest at such rates, payable at such times, and shall mature in not more than thirty years from their date or dates and may be made redeemable at the option of the state, to be exercised by the governing boards, at a price and under terms and conditions as they may fix prior to the issuance of the bonds. They shall determine the form of the bonds, which bonds shall be signed by the Governor and the president of the appropriate governing board, under the great seal of the state and attested by the Secretary of State. In case any of the officers whose signatures appear on the bonds shall cease to be officers before the delivery of the bonds, the signatures shall nevertheless be valid and sufficient for all purposes the same as if they had remained in office until the delivery. The governing boards shall fix the denominations of the bonds, the principal and interest of which shall be payable at the Office of the Treasurer of the State of West Virginia, at the capitol of the state or, at the option of the holder, at some bank or trust company within or outside of the state, to be named in the bonds, in lawful money of the United States of America. The bonds and the interest thereon shall be exempt from taxation by the State of West Virginia or any county, school district or municipality therein. The governing boards may provide for the registration of the bonds in the name of the owner as to principal alone or as to both principal and interest under the terms and conditions as the governing boards may determine and shall sell the bonds in such manner as they may determine to be for the best interest of the state, taking into consideration the financial responsibility of the purchaser and the terms and conditions of the purchase and especially the availability of the proceeds of the bonds when required for payment of the cost of the dormitories, housing facilities, food service facilities and motor vehicle parking facilities.

The proceeds of the bonds shall be used solely for the payment of the cost of the dormitories, housing facilities, food service facilities and motor vehicle parking facilities and costs of issuance of the bonds, which costs shall be deemed to include the cost of site acquisition or construction thereof, the cost of all property, rights, easements and franchises deemed necessary or convenient therefor and for the improvements determined upon as provided in this article; interest upon bonds prior to and during construction or acquisition and for a reasonable period after completion of construction or of acquisition of the improvements; engineering, architectural and legal expenses; expense for estimates of cost and of revenues; expenses for plans, specifications and surveys; other expenses necessary or incidental to determining the feasibility or practicability of the improvements; and other expenses as may be necessary or incidental to the financing herein authorized and the construction or acquisition of the improvements and the placing thereof in operation. The bonds shall be authorized and approved by resolution of the appropriate governing board. If the proceeds of the bonds, by error or otherwise, shall be less than the cost of the dormitories, housing facilities, food service facilities and motor vehicle parking facilities, additional parity bonds may in like manner be issued to provide the amount of the deficit and, unless otherwise provided in the trust agreement hereinafter mentioned, shall be deemed to be of the same issue and shall be entitled to payment from the same fund, without preference or priority of the bonds first issued for the same dormitories, housing facilities, food service facilities and motor vehicle parking facilities. If the proceeds of bonds issued for any dormitories, housing facilities, food service facilities and motor vehicle parking facilities shall exceed the cost thereof, the surplus shall be paid into the fund hereinafter provided for payment of the principal and interest of the bonds. The fund may be used for the purchase of any of the outstanding bonds payable from the fund at the market price, but not exceeding the price, if any, at which the bonds in the same year shall be redeemable and all bonds redeemed or purchased shall forthwith be cancelled and shall not again be issued.

Prior to the preparation of definitive bonds, the governing boards may under like restrictions issue temporary bonds, exchangeable for definitive bonds upon the issuance of the latter. The revenue bonds may be issued without any other proceedings or the happening of any other conditions and things than those proceedings, conditions and things which are specified and required by this article or by the Constitution of the state.

§18-23-17. Agreements with trustees for bondholders.

The governing boards may enter into an agreement or agreements with any trust company or with any bank having trust powers, either within or outside of the state, as trustee for the holders of the bonds issued hereunder, setting forth therein such duties of the state and of the governing boards in respect of the acquisition, construction, erection, improvement, maintenance, operation, repair and insurance of the dormitories, housing facilities, food service facilities and motor vehicle parking facilities, the conservation and application of all moneys, the insurance of moneys on hand or on deposit and the rights and remedies of the trustee and the holders of the bonds, as may be agreed on with the original purchasers of the bonds, and including therein provisions restricting the individual right of action of bondholders as is customary in trust agreements respecting bonds and debentures of corporations, protecting and enforcing the rights and remedies of the trustee and the bondholders and providing for approval by the original purchasers of the bonds, of the appointment of consulting engineers and of the security given by those who contract to make improvements and by any bank or trust company in which the proceeds of bonds or rents, fees or charges shall be deposited and for approval by the consulting engineers of all contracts for improvements. All expenses incurred in carrying out an agreement may be treated as a part of the cost of maintenance, operation and repair of the dormitories, housing facilities, food service facilities and motor vehicle parking facilities affected by the agreement. Any agreement entered into by the governing boards shall be binding in all respects on the governing boards from time to time in accordance with its terms and all the provisions thereof shall be enforceable by appropriate proceedings at law or in equity, or otherwise.



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§18-23-19. Payment of principal and interest of construction bonds from revenues of dormitories, housing facilities, food service facilities or motor vehicle parking facilities; redemption of bonds.

Whenever bonds are issued for the construction, erection or equipment of dormitories, housing facilities, food service facilities or motor vehicle parking facilities or for the improvement or equipment of existing dormitories, housing facilities, food service facilities or motor vehicle parking facilities, or for any or all of the purposes, as joint or several projects, for which a single or several issues of bonds may be issued within the discretion of the governing boards, rents, fees and charges shall be fixed, charged and collected in connection with the use or occupancy of, or service to be thereby rendered and furnished by, dormitories, housing facilities, food service facilities or motor vehicle parking facilities of the particular state educational institution as the governing board thereof shall determine, and shall be so fixed or adjusted, as to provide a fund sufficient to pay the principal and interest of each issue of bonds and to provide an additional fund to pay the cost of maintaining, repairing, operating and insuring such dormitories, housing facilities, food service facilities or motor vehicle parking facilities. Whenever bonds are issued to finance the construction and erection of dormitories, housing facilities, food service facilities or motor vehicle parking facilities, together with additions or extensions to existing dormitories, housing facilities, food service facilities and motor vehicle parking facilities for students or teachers at state institutions of higher education, either the combined gross revenues derivable from all the dormitories, housing facilities, food service facilities or motor vehicle parking facilities or the separate gross revenues derivable from the dormitories, the housing facilities, the food service facilities or the motor vehicle parking facilities of the particular state institution of higher education as the governing board thereof shall determine, may be pledged to provide a fund sufficient to pay the principal and interest of the issue of bonds and of any other bonds thereafter issued for the same purpose and to provide an additional fund to pay the cost of maintaining, repairing, operating and insuring such dormitories, housing facilities, food service facilities or motor vehicle parking facilities. Except as may otherwise be provided in the trust agreement authorized in section seventeen of this article, the rents, fees and charges from the dormitories, housing facilities, food service facilities or motor vehicle parking facilities for which a single issue of bonds is issued, in an amount sufficient to pay, when due, the principal of, redemption premium, if any, and interest on such bonds shall be transmitted each month to the Municipal Bond Commission and by it placed in a special fund which is hereby pledged to and charged with the payment of the principal of the bonds and the interest thereon and to the redemption or repurchase of the bonds, the special fund to be a fund for all these bonds without distinction or priority of one over another. The moneys in the special fund, less any reserve for payment of interest, if not used by the Municipal Bond Commission within a reasonable time for the purchase of bonds for cancellation at a price not exceeding the market price and not exceeding the redemption price, shall be applied to the redemption by lot of any bonds which by their terms are then redeemable, at the redemption price then applicable: Provided, That if said revenue bonds are sold to and purchased by the United States of America or any federal or public agency or department created under and by virtue of the laws of the United States of America, then at the option of the United States of America or such federal or public agency or department in lieu of the moneys being transmitted to the Municipal Bond Commission and by it placed in a special fund the rents, fees and charges from the dormitories, housing facilities, food service facilities or motor vehicle parking facilities, in an amount sufficient to pay, when due, the principal of, redemption premium, if any, and interest on the bonds may be transmitted and paid to a trustee designated and named by the United States of America or a federal or public agency or department in its agreement and contract with the appropriate governing board, for the payment of the principal of such bonds and the interest thereon, under such terms and conditions as may be agreed upon.

§18-23-20. When dormitories, housing facilities, food service facilities or motor vehicle parking facilities become property of state.

When the particular bonds for any dormitory or dormitories, housing facilities, food service facilities or motor vehicle parking facilities and the interest on the bonds shall have been paid or a sufficient amount has been provided for their payment and shall continue to be held for that purpose, the dormitories, housing facilities, food service facilities or motor vehicle parking facilities shall thereafter be exclusively the property of the State of West Virginia and thereafter the rents, fees and charges collected for the use or occupancy of, or service rendered and furnished by, the dormitories, housing facilities, food service facilities or motor vehicle parking facilities shall be paid into the state Board of Investments as provided by the provisions of section two, article two, chapter twelve of this code, as amended, and used and expended for the benefit of the institution where collected: Provided, That nothing in this section precludes any governing board from pledging the rents, fees and charges to pay the principal and interest on any bonds thereafter issued to construct new or to improve existing dormitories, housing facilities, food service facilities or motor vehicle parking facilities pursuant to section nineteen of this article. The rents, fees and charges shall be paid as may be provided in a trust agreement authorized pursuant to section seventeen of this article and in the absence of such trust agreement as provided in section nineteen of this article.

§18-23-21. State debt not to be incurred for dormitories, housing facilities, food service facilities or motor vehicle parking facilities; federal and private assistance; provisions separable.

Nothing in these sections dealing with dormitories, housing facilities, food service facilities or motor vehicle parking facilities may be so construed or interpreted as to authorize or permit the incurring of state debt of any kind or nature as contemplated by the Constitution of this state in relation to the state debt. The dormitories, housing facilities, food service facilities or motor vehicle parking facilities herein are of the character described as self-liquidating projects under the laws of this state.

Any governing board authorized to issue bonds under the provisions of this article is authorized and empowered to accept loans or grants or temporary advances for the purpose of paying part or all of the cost of construction of the dormitories, housing facilities, food service facilities or motor vehicle parking facilities and the other purposes herein authorized, from the United States of America or a federal or public agency or department of the United States or any private agency, corporation or individual, which temporary advances may be repaid out of the proceeds of the bonds authorized to be issued under the provisions of this article and to enter into the necessary contracts and agreements to carry out the purposes hereof with the United States of America or a federal or public agency or department of the United States or with any private agency, corporation or individual. The provisions and parts of this section are separable and are not matters of mutual essential inducement and it is the intention to confer the whole or any part of the powers herein provided for and if any of the sections or provisions, or parts thereof, are for any reason illegal or invalid, it is the intention that the remaining sections and provisions or parts thereof shall remain in full force and effect.



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§18-25-1. Authority to make tax deferred investments for teachers and other employees.

A county board of education, the Teachers’ Retirement Board, the West Virginia Board of Education and the Department of Education and the arts and their agencies may provide by written agreement between the department, any such board or agency and any teacher or other employee to reduce the cash salary payable to the teacher or other employee, and, in consideration thereof, to pay an amount equal to the amount of the reduction as premiums on an annuity contract or investments into a custodial account or other investment owned by the teacher or other employee. The annuity contract, custodial account or other investment shall be in such form and upon such terms as will qualify the payments thereon for tax deferment under the United States Internal Revenue Code. The amount of the reduction may not exceed the amount excludable from income under the United States Internal Revenue Code, and amendments and successor provisions thereto, and shall be considered a part of the teachers or employees salary for all purposes other than federal and state income tax.

The transaction of making the tax deferred investment for a teacher or other employee by a Board of Education, the Teachers’ Retirement Board, the West Virginia Board of Education and the Department of Education and the arts and their agencies imposes no liability nor responsibility whatsoever on the boards, department or members thereof except to show that the payments have been remitted for the purposes for which deducted.




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§18-28-1. Policy.

In conformity with the Constitutions of the United States and of West Virginia, it is the public policy of the state in matters of education that no human authority shall, in any case whatever, control or interfere with the rights of conscience or with religious liberty and that no person shall be enforced, restrained, molested or burdened, in body or goods, or otherwise suffer, on account of his or her religious opinions or belief, but all people shall be free to profess, and by argument, to maintain their opinions in matters of religion; and further be free to select their religious instructor, and to make for his or her support, such private contract as they shall please, and that religion, morality and knowledge being necessary to good government and the happiness of humankind, the means of education shall forever be encouraged.

§18-28-2. Attendance; health and safety regulations.

The following is applicable to private, parochial or church schools or schools of a religious order:

(a) Each school shall observe a minimum instructional term of one hundred eighty days with an average of five hours of instruction per day;

(b) Each school shall make and maintain annual attendance and disease immunization records for each pupil enrolled and regularly attending classes. The attendance records shall be made available to the parents or legal guardians;

(c) Upon the request of the county superintendent, a school (or a parents organization composed of the parents or guardians of children enrolled in the school) shall furnish to the county board a list of the names and addresses of all children enrolled in the school between the ages of seven and sixteen years;

(d) Attendance by a child at any school which complies with this article satisfies the requirements of compulsory school attendance;

(e) Each school is subject to reasonable fire, health and safety inspections by state, county and municipal authorities as required by law, and is required to comply with the West Virginia school bus safety regulations; and

(f) Each school shall establish, file and update a school specific crisis response plan which complies with the requirements established for it by the state board and the Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management pursuant to section nine, article nine-f of this chapter.

§18-28-3. Standardized testing requirements.

(a) Each private, parochial or church school or school of a religious order or other nonpublic school electing to operate under this statute in lieu of the approval requirements set forth as part of §18-8-1(b) of this code, shall administer during each school year a nationally normed standardized achievement test which test shall be selected by the chief administrative officer of each school. The test shall be administered to students at the same grade levels and in the same subject areas as required in the public schools of the state for administration of the state-wide summative assessment. The selected test shall be published or normed within the last ten years and shall be administered under standardized conditions as set forth by the published instructions of the selected test. The student participation rate on the standardized achievement test must be the same as that required in the public schools for a school’s composite score to be considered valid.

(b) Notwithstanding subsection (a) of this section, any private, parochial, church school, school of a religious order or other nonpublic school that exclusively teaches special education students or children with learning disabilities shall academically assess students by one or more of the following methods: (1) A standardized group achievement test; (2) a standardized individual achievement test; (3) a written narrative of an evaluation of a portfolio of samples of a child’s work; (4) an alternative academic assessment of the child’s proficiency as mutually agreed by the county superintendent, parent(s) or legal guardian(s) and the school. The assessment shall be made of students at the same grade levels and in the same subject areas as required in the public schools of the state for administration of the state-wide summative assessment,

(c) Nothing in this section prohibits a private parochial, church school, school of a religious order or other nonpublic school from administering standardized achievement tests in additional subject areas or at additional grade levels as they may choose at their sole discretion.

(d) Each child’s testing or assessment results and the school composite results shall be made available to the child’s parents or legal guardians. Upon request of a duly authorized representative of the West Virginia Department of Education, the school’s composite results shall be furnished by the school or by a parents organization composed of the parents or guardians of children enrolled in said school to the State Superintendent of Schools.

(e) Each school to which this article applies shall:

(1) Establish curriculum objectives, the attainment of which will enable students to develop the potential for becoming literate citizens.

(2) Provide an instructional program that will make possible the acquisition of competencies necessary to become a literate citizen.

(f) If the school’s composite test results for any single year fall below the fortieth percentile on the selected standardized achievement test or a comparable level established by the state board for assessment methods authorized pursuant to subsection (b) of this section, the school shall initiate a remedial program to foster achievement above that level. If after two consecutive calendar years school composite test results are not above the fortieth percentile or comparable level, attendance at the school no longer satisfies the compulsory school attendance requirement of §18-8-1(k) of this code, until the percentile standards herein set forth are met.

§18-28-4. Voluntary participation in state programs.

Any private, parochial or church school or school of a religious order or other nonpublic school complying with the provisions of this article may, on a voluntary basis, participate in any state operated or state sponsored program otherwise made available to such schools by law.

§18-28-5. New school notice requirements; termination.

(a) Any new school to which this article relates shall send to the State Superintendent of Schools of the State of West Virginia a notice of intent to operate, name and address of the school, and name of the school's chief administrator.

(b) Any school to which this article applies shall notify the State Superintendent of Schools of the State of West Virginia upon termination.

§18-28-6. Requirements exclusive.

No private, parochial or church school or school operated by any other religious group or body as part of its religious ministry or other nonpublic school which complies with the requirements of this article shall be subject to any other provision of law relating to education except requirements of law respecting fire, safety, sanitation and immunization.

§18-28-7. Waiver of required assessment for certain students attending parochial school.

The state superintendent may waive the assessment requirement for parochial schools set forth in section three of this article if the state superintendent determines that a court of law has held that the assessment requirement would violate a provision of the state or federal Constitution.




Acts, 2007 Reg. Sess., Ch. 207.


§18-30-1. Title.

This article is known and cited as the West Virginia College Savings Program Act.

§18-30-2. Legislative findings and purpose.

The Legislature finds and determines that enhancing the accessibility and affordability of education for all citizens of West Virginia will promote a well-educated and financially secure population to the ultimate benefit of all citizens of West Virginia, and that assisting individuals and families in planning for future educational expenses by making the tax incentives in 26 U.S.C. § 529 available to West Virginians is one of the proper governmental functions and purposes of the state.

§18-30-3. Definitions.

For the purposes of this article, the following terms have the meanings ascribed to them, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise or as otherwise provided in 26 U.S.C. § 529:

"Account" means a savings plan account established in accordance with this article.

"Account owner" means the individual, corporation, association, partnership, trust, or other legal entity who enters into a savings plan contract and invests money in a savings plan account.

"Beneficiary" means the individual designated as a beneficiary at the time an account is established, the individual designated as the beneficiary when beneficiaries are changed, the individual entitled to receive distributions from an account, and any individual designated by the account owner, his or her agent, or his or her estate in the event the beneficiary is unable or unwilling to receive distributions under the terms of the contract.

"Board" means the Board of Trustees of the West Virginia College and Jumpstart Savings Programs as provided in §18-30-4 of this code.

"Distribution" means any disbursement from an account in accordance with 26 U.S.C. § 529.

"Eligible educational institution" means an institution of higher education or a private or religious primary, middle, or secondary school that qualifies under 26 U.S.C. § 529 as an eligible educational institution.

"Outstanding obligations of the Prepaid Tuition Plan" means the outstanding contract obligations of the board to persons owning Prepaid Tuition Plan accounts. The term also includes any fees, charges, expenses, penalties, or any other obligation or liability of the Prepaid Tuition Trust Fund or plan.

"Prepaid Tuition Program" means the Prepaid Higher Education Program and Plan, which was previously established and authorized by this article as reflected in chapter 80, Acts of the Legislature, Regular Session, 1997, and which was closed in 2021.

"Program" means the West Virginia College Savings Program established pursuant to this article and as defined in §18-30-4(a) of this code.

"Qualified education expenses" means expenses treated as "qualified higher education expenses" under 26 U.S.C. § 529.

"Savings plan" means the plan that allows account distributions for qualified higher educational expenses and tuition at private or religious primary, middle, and secondary schools.

"Savings plan account" means an account established by an account owner pursuant to this article, in order for the beneficiary to apply distributions toward qualified higher education expenses and tuition expenses at eligible educational institutions.

"Savings plan contract" means a contract entered into by the board or its agent, if any, and an account owner establishing a savings plan account.

"Treasurer" means the West Virginia State Treasurer.

"Tuition" means the quarter, semester, or term charges imposed by an eligible educational institution and all mandatory fees required as a condition of enrollment by all students for full-time attendance.

§18-30-4. The Board of Trustees of the West Virginia College and Jumpstart Savings Programs; members; terms; compensation; proceedings generally.

(a) The West Virginia College Savings Program is continued. The program consists of the savings plan administered according to this article and the requirements of 26 U.S.C. §529.

(b) The Board of Trustees of the College Prepaid Tuition and Savings Program is continued as a public instrumentality of the State of West Virginia: Provided, That the Board shall hereafter be known as the Board of Trustees of the West Virginia College and Jumpstart Savings Programs.

(c) The board consists of 11 members and includes the following:

(1) The State Treasurer, or his or her designee;

(2) The State Superintendent of Schools, or his or her designee;

(3) A representative of the Higher Education Policy Commission, who may or may not be a member of the Higher Education Policy Commission, appointed by the commission who serves as a voting member of the board;

(4) A representative of the Council for Community and Technical College Education, who may or may not be a member of the Council for Community and Technical College Education, appointed by the council who serves as a voting member of the board; and

(5) Seven other members, appointed by the Governor, with the advice and consent of the Senate, as follows:

(A) Three private citizens with knowledge, skill, and experience in a financial field, who are not employed by, or an officer of, the state or any political subdivision of the state: Provided, That reasonable efforts shall be made to appoint one such citizen to the board who holds a designation of Chartered Financial Analyst, offered by the CFA Institute;

(B) Two private citizens, appointed by the Governor, with knowledge, skill, and experience in trade occupations or businesses, to be appointed as follows:

(i) A member representing a labor organization that represents tradespersons in this state; and

(ii) A member representing a business or entity offering trade or skilled labor apprenticeships in this state; and

(C) Two members representing the interests of private institutions of higher education located in this state appointed from one or more nominees of the West Virginia Independent Colleges and Universities.

(d) Only state residents are eligible for appointment to the board.

(e) Members appointed by the Governor serve a term of five years and are eligible for reappointment at the expiration of their terms. If there is a vacancy among appointed members, the Governor shall appoint a person representing the same interests to fill the unexpired term.

(f) Members of the board serve until the later of the expiration of the term for which the member was appointed or the appointment of a successor. Members of the board serve without compensation. The Treasurer may pay all expenses, including travel expenses, actually incurred by board members in the conduct of their official duties. Expense payments are made from the College and Jumpstart Savings Administrative Account and are made at the same rate paid to state employees.

(g) The Treasurer may provide support staff and office space for the board.

(h) The Treasurer is the chairperson and presiding officer of the board and may appoint the employees the board considers advisable or necessary. A majority of the members of the board constitutes a quorum for the transaction of the business of the board.

§18-30-5. Powers of the board to administer the College Savings Program.

(a) The board shall administer the College Savings Program in accordance with this article and 26 U.S.C. § 529.

(b) The board shall offer and issue interests in the Savings Plan Trust to eligible members of the public.

(c) The board is authorized to take any lawful action necessary to effectuate the provisions of this article and successfully administer the program, subject to applicable state and federal law, including, but not limited to, the following:

(1) Adopt and amend bylaws;

(2) Execute contracts and other instruments for necessary goods and services, employ necessary personnel, and engage the services of private consultants, auditors, counsel, managers, trustees, and any other contractor or professional needed for rendering professional and technical assistance and advice: Provided, That selection of these services is not subject to the provisions of §5A-3-1 et seq. of this code: Provided, however, That all expenditures and monetary and financial transactions may be subject to periodic audits by the Legislative Auditor;

(3) Implement the program through use of financial organizations as account depositories and managers, as provided in §18-30-6 of this code;

(4) Develop and impose requirements, policies, procedures, and guidelines to implement and manage the program;

(5) Establish the method by which funds shall be allocated to pay for administrative costs and assess, collect, and expend administrative fees, charges, and penalties;

(6) Authorize the assessment, collection, and retention of fees and charges against the amounts paid into and the earnings on the trust funds by a financial institution, investment manager, fund manager, West Virginia Investment Management Board, the Board of Treasury Investments, or other professional managing or investing the trust funds and accounts;

(7) Invest and reinvest any of the funds and accounts under the board’s control with a financial institution, an investment manager, a fund manager, the West Virginia Investment Management Board, the Board of Treasury Investments, or other professional investing the funds and accounts: Provided, That investments made under this article shall be made in accordance with the provisions of §44-6C-1 et seq. of this code;

(8) Solicit and accept gifts, including bequests or other testamentary gifts made by will, trust, or other disposition; grants; loans; aid; and property, real or personal of any nature and from any source, or to participate in any other way in any federal, state, or local governmental programs in carrying out the purposes of this article: Provided, That the board shall use the property received to effectuate the desires of the donor, and shall convert the property received into cash within 90 days of receipt;

(9) Make all necessary and appropriate arrangements with eligible educational institutions in order to fulfill its obligations under the savings plan contracts; and

(10) Propose legislative rules for promulgation in accordance with §29A-3-1 et seq. of this code, including emergency rules when necessary.

(d) The power and duties of the board provided in this article are in addition to the powers and duties of the board provided in §18-30A-1 et seq. of this code.

§18-30-6. Use of financial organizations as program depositories and managers.

(a) The board may implement the program through use of financial organizations as account depositories and managers. The board may solicit proposals from financial organizations to act as depositories and managers of the program. Financial organizations submitting proposals shall describe the investment instruments which will be held in accounts. The board may select more than one financial organization and investment instrument for the program. The board shall select financial organizations to act as program depositories and managers, based on the following criteria:

(1) The financial stability and integrity of the financial organization;

(2) The safety of the investment instrument being offered;

(3) The ability of the financial organization to satisfy recordkeeping and reporting requirements;

(4) The financial organization’s plan for promoting the program and the investment the organization is willing to make to promote the program;

(5) The fees, if any, proposed to be charged to the account owners;

(6) The minimum initial deposit and minimum contributions that the financial organization will require;

(7) The ability of the financial organization to accept electronic deposits and withdrawals, including payroll deduction plans; and

(8) Other benefits to the state or its residents included in the proposal, including fees payable to the state to cover expenses of operation of the program.

(b) The board may enter into any contracts with a financial organization necessary to effectuate the provisions of this article. Any management contract shall include, at a minimum, terms requiring the financial organization to:

(1) Take any action required to keep the program in compliance with requirements of this article and any other applicable state or federal law;

(2) Keep adequate records of each account, keep each account segregated from each other account, and provide the board with the information necessary to prepare the statements required by this article and other applicable state and federal laws;

(3) Compile, summarize, and total information contained in statements required to be prepared under this article and applicable state and federal laws and provide such compilations to the board;

(4) Provide the board with access to the books and records of the program manager and with any other information needed to determine compliance with the contract, this article, and any other applicable state or federal law;

(5) Hold all accounts for the benefit of the account owner or owners;

(6) Be audited at least annually by a firm of certified public accountants selected by the program manager and provide the results of such audit to the board;

(7) Provide the board with copies of all regulatory filings and reports made by the financial organization during the term of the management contract or while the financial organization is holding any accounts, other than confidential filings or reports that will not become part of the program. The program manager shall make available for review by the board and the Treasurer the results of any periodic examination of such manager by any state or federal banking, insurance, or securities commission, except to the extent that such report or reports may not be disclosed under law; and

(8) Ensure that any description of the program, whether in writing or through the use of any medium, is consistent with the marketing plan developed pursuant to the provisions of this article.

(c) The board may:

(1) Enter into contracts it deems necessary for the implementation of the program, including but not limited to a contract with a financial institution, manager, consultant or other professional to provide services to both the College Savings Program and the Jumpstart Savings Program, established in §18-30A-1 et seq. of this code;

(2) Require that an audit be conducted of the operations and financial position of the program depository and manager at any time if the board has any reason to be concerned about the financial position, the record-keeping practices, or the status of accounts of such program depository and manager; and

(3) Terminate or decline to renew a management agreement: Provided, That if the board terminates or does not renew a management agreement, the board shall seek to promptly transfer such accounts to another financial organization that is selected as a program manager or depository and into investment instruments as similar to the original instruments as possible.

§18-30-7. West Virginia Savings Plan Trust.

(a) The board may establish a Savings Plan Trust, and may establish a Savings Plan Trust Fund Account, titled the Savings Plan Trust Fund, within the accounts held by the Treasurer or with a financial institution, an investment manager, a fund manager, the West Virginia Investment Management Board, or any other person for the purpose of managing and investing the trust fund. Assets of the Savings Plan Trust are held in trust for account owners and beneficiaries.

(b) The Savings Plan Trust Fund shall receive all moneys from account owners on behalf of beneficiaries of savings plan contracts or from any other source, public or private. Earnings derived from the investment of the moneys in the college Savings Trust Fund shall remain in the fund, held in trust in the same manner as contributions, except as refunded, applied for purposes of the beneficiaries, and applied for purposes of maintaining and administering the savings plan.

(c) The corpus, assets, and earnings of the Savings Plan Trust Fund do not constitute public funds of the state and are available solely for carrying out the purposes of this article. Any contract entered into by or any obligation of the board on behalf of and for the benefit of the savings plan does not constitute a debt or obligation of the state, but is solely an obligation of the Savings Plan Trust Fund. The state has no obligation to any designated beneficiary or any other person as a result of the savings plan. All amounts payable from the Savings Plan Trust Fund are limited to amounts available in the fund.

(d) Nothing in this article or in any savings plan contract is a promise or guarantee that the distributions available for a beneficiary will cover the cost of qualified education expenses at an eligible educational institution, or as a promise or guarantee of admission to, continued enrollment in, or graduation from an eligible education institution.

(e) The requirements of the provisions of §32-1-101 et seq. of this code do not apply to the sale of a savings plan contract by the board, its employees, and agents.

(f) The savings plan and any Savings Plan Trust Fund shall continue in existence until terminated by the Legislature as it determines or by the board upon determining that continued operation is infeasible. Upon termination of the plan, the balances of savings plan accounts, less any distributions, refunds, fees, charges, and penalties, are sent to account owners, to the extent possible, and any unclaimed assets in the program shall revert to the state in accordance with the Uniform Unclaimed Property Act in §36-8-1 et seq. of this code.

(g) The state pledges to account owners and beneficiaries of the savings plans that the state will not limit or alter the rights under this article which are vested until the obligations are met and discharged. However, nothing in this subsection prohibits the Legislature from discontinuing or terminating a savings plan.

(h) In order to fulfill the charitable and public purposes of this article, neither the earnings nor the corpus of the savings plan trust fund is subject to taxation by the state or any of its political subdivisions.

(i) Notwithstanding any provision of this code to the contrary, money in the Savings Plan Trust Fund is exempt from creditor process and not subject to attachment, garnishment, or other process; is not available as security or collateral for any loan, or otherwise subject to alienation, sale, transfer, assignment, pledge, encumbrance, or charge; and is not subject to seizure, taking, appropriation, or application by any legal or equitable process or operation of law to pay any debt or liability of any account owner, beneficiary or successor in interest.

§18-30-8. The College and Jumpstart Savings Administrative Account.

(a) There is hereby continued a separate special revenue account within the State Treasury titled the “college prepaid tuition and savings program administrating account”, which shall hereafter be known as the College and Jumpstart Savings Administrative Account. The board shall administer and make expenditures from the account for the purposes of implementing, operating, and maintaining the trust funds, the program created by this article, and the program created by §18-30A-1 et seq. of this code.

(b) The administrative account shall receive all fees, charges, and penalties collected by the board. Expenditures from the fund are authorized from collections. Any balance, including accrued interest and other returns, remaining in the fund at the end of each fiscal year shall not revert to the General Revenue Fund but shall remain in the fund to be expended as authorized by this section.

§18-30-9. Income tax deduction for purchasers.

As provided in section twelve-a, article twenty-one, chapter eleven of this code, any payment made under a prepaid tuition contract or other college savings plan administered by the board, pursuant to the provisions of this article, is eligible for a tax deduction.

§18-30-10. Reports and account; annual audit.

(a) In addition to any other requirements of this article, the board shall:

(1) Provide annual statements on the savings plan accounts to the respective account owners; and

(2) Prepare, or have prepared, a quarterly report on the status of the program, including the trust funds and the administrative account, and provide a copy of the report to the Joint Committee on Government and Finance and the Legislative Oversight commission on education accountability.

(b) All accounts of the board, including the trust funds, are subject to an annual external audit by an accounting firm, selected by the board, of which all members or partners assigned to head the audit are members of the American institute of certified public accountants. The audit shall comply with the requirements of §5A-2-33 of this code.

§18-30-11. Financial aid eligibility.

The calculations of a beneficiary’s eligibility for state student financial aid for higher education may not include or consider the value of distributions available in a savings plan account.

§18-30-12. Confidentiality.

Any information that would tend to disclose the identity of a beneficiary, account owner or donor is exempt from the provisions of chapter twenty-nine-b of this code. Nothing in this section prohibits disclosure or publication of information in a statistical or other form which does not identify the individuals involved or provide personal information. Account owners are permitted access to their own personal information.

§18-30-13. Remaining obligations of the Prepaid Tuition Program and Escrow Fund.

(a) The Prepaid Tuition Trust Escrow Fund, which was previously authorized by §18-30-6 of this code, is continued in the State Treasury to guarantee payment of outstanding obligations of the Prepaid Tuition Plan arising after the plan’s closure. The board is authorized to take any action necessary to satisfy obligations of the Prepaid Tuition Plan arising after the plan’s closure.

(b) The Prepaid Tuition Trust Escrow Fund shall consist of any moneys in the fund on the effective date of this section. Up to $1,000,000 may be maintained in the Prepaid Tuition Trust Escrow Fund for a period not to exceed 10 years following the closure of the Prepaid Tuition Fund for the purpose of satisfying any claims against the Prepaid Tuition Trust Plan arising after the plan’s closure: Provided, That upon the expiration of 10 years following the date of closure of the Prepaid Tuition Trust Fund or when the balance of the Prepaid Tuition Trust Escrow Fund is zero, whichever occurs first, the account shall be closed and any moneys remaining in the Prepaid Tuition Trust Escrow Fund upon said fund’s closure shall revert to the state’s General Revenue Fund.

(c) The board shall invest the Prepaid Tuition Trust Escrow Fund, in accordance with the provisions of this article, in fixed income securities, and all earnings of the fund shall accrue to the fund and be available for expenditure in accordance with this section.



Acts, 1997 Reg. Sess., Ch. 80.



Acts, 1997 Reg. Sess., Ch. 80.



Acts, 1997 Reg. Sess., Ch. 80.



Acts, 1997 Reg. Sess., Ch. 80.


§18-31-1. Short title.

This article shall be known as the “Hope Scholarship Act.” The program created by this act shall be known as the “Hope Scholarship Program.”


§18-32-1. Severability.

Pursuant to section ten, article two, chapter two of this code, if any provision of this chapter or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is held unconstitutional or invalid, such unconstitutionality or invalidity shall not affect other provisions or applications of the chapter, and to this end the provisions of this chapter are declared to be severable.

§18-2-41. Education and Prevention of the Sexual Abuse of Children.

(a) Education of children in grades K-12 — Beginning July 1, 2019, children in grades K-12 shall receive body age-appropriate safety information at least once per academic school year, with a preference for four times per academic year. To facilitate this process and develop resources, the state board shall propose a legislative rule for promulgation, in accordance with §29A-3b-1 et seq. of this code, by December 31, 2018. The rule shall provide for at least the following:

(1) Developmentally appropriate education and resources;

(2) Social media usage and content;

(3) Implementation of best practices;

(4) Differing county and school sizes, demographics, etc. relating to implementation strategies;

(5) Strategies for dealing with disclosures after student education;

(6) Rules informed by family voice;

(7) Offender dynamics;

(8) Child-on-child scenarios;

(9) Rules on development of supplementary materials, including posting of the child abuse hotline, to embed into the school climate;

(10) Protocols for local crisis response in conjunction with §18-9F-9 of this code.

(b) Training of public school employees upon their employment and then again every three years. The state board shall propose by December 31, 2018 a legislative rule for promulgation in accordance with §29A-3b-1 et seq. of this code, and if necessary may promulgate an emergency rule in accordance with said article, for the establishment of standards for training requirements of all public school employees focused on developing skills, knowledge, and capabilities related to preventing child sexual abuse and recognizing and responding to suspected abuse and neglect. The rule shall provide for at least the following:

(1) This required training shall include comprehensive instruction and information to better equip schools and their employees, including how to:

(A) Recognize sexually offending behaviors in adults, questionable behaviors such as boundary violations, and signs in adults that might indicate they pose a sexual risk to children;

(B) Recognize, appropriately respond to, and prevent sexually inappropriate, coercive, or abusive behaviors among children and youth served by schools;

(C) Recognize behaviors and verbal cues that might indicate a child or youth has been a victim of abuse or neglect;

(D) Support the healthy development of children and youth and the building of protective factors to mitigate against their sexual victimization by adults or peers; 

(E) Recognize and appropriately respond to student infatuations and flirtations with adults in schools;

(F) Recognize appropriate and inappropriate social media usage by adults and children;

(G) Provide consistent and standard protocols for responding to disclosures of sexual abuse or reports of boundary-violating behaviors by adults or children in a supportive and appropriate manner which meet mandated reporting requirements;

(H) Provide adequate understanding of the age-appropriate, comprehensive, evidence-informed child sexual abuse prevention education which will be offered to their students; and

(I) Reflect the research on Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and trauma-informed care.

(2) The rule shall contain provisions to ensure public school employees complete the required training every three years.

(A) The required training shall be at least a cumulative four hours (half day) of instruction on the elements identified in this section.

(B) A skills renewal is required every three years thereafter.

(C) The mode of delivery for the trainings may include in-person or e-learning instruction and may include a series of trainings or modules.

(D) The state board shall provide certificates of satisfactory completion for the employee and the employer documenting the employee completed the required training.

§18-2A-10. Transition to system of instructional resources adoption at county board level.

(a) The purpose of this section is to provide for a transition to the county board level of the process for review and adoption of instructional resources required to be used in the schools under the jurisdiction of the county board. Notwithstanding any other provision of this article to the contrary, for instructional resources adopted by a county board for use in the school year beginning July 1, 2019, and successive school years, the provisions of sections one, two, three, four, five, six, seven and eight of this article are repealed to the extent that they are in conflict with the provisions of this section: Provided, That nothing in this section limits or prevents a county board from adopting instructional resources approved and included on the state multiple list under those provisions for the duration of the adoption cycle if they choose to do so.

(b) As used in this section, “instructional resources” means print materials, electronic resources and systems, or combinations of such instructional resources which convey information to a student that covers no less than eighty percent the required content and skills approved by the state board for subjects taught in the public schools of the state.

(c) The state board shall set by rule an adoption cycle for instructional resources.  

(d) Any person, firm or corporation desiring to offer instructional resources for use by students in the public schools of West Virginia shall, before the instructional resources may be adopted and purchased by any county board, file with the state superintendent, on or before January 1 of each year, a statement containing and verifying the following information:

(1) The instructional resources to be offered for purchase meet the non-negotiable evaluation criteria established by the state board;

(2) The instructional resources to be offered for purchase by the vendor covers no less than eighty percent of the required content and skills for the subject as approved by the state board;

(3) The list wholesale price to county boards in West Virginia for the specified instructional resource will be no more than the lowest list wholesale price available to school districts in any other state; and

(4) The list wholesale price filed for any specified number of electronic files for any print instructional resources the publisher offers with the print instructional resources does not exceed the list wholesale price for the same number of the printed version of the print instructional resources.

(e) The state board shall annually provide to all county boards of education a list of all vendors that have provided a statement in accordance with subsection (d) of this section.

(f) A county board may not adopt or cause to be used in the public schools any instructional resource unless the person, firm or corporation offering the instructional resource for adoption or use has complied with this section, except for the adoption of instructional resources approved and included on the state multiple list as provided in subsection (a) of this section.

(g) If a person, firm or corporation files a statement under subsection (d) of this section and fails or refuses to furnish the instructional resources to any county board in accordance with the terms provided in the statement, the board at once shall notify the state superintendent of the failure or refusal. If the state superintendent finds the failure or refusal to be true, the state superintendent shall disqualify the person, firm or corporation and notify each county board that its instructional resources may not thereafter be adopted and purchased by any county board until the person, firm or corporation is requalified.

(h) This section does not apply to the purchase of supplementary instructional resources, including, but not limited to, reading books, library books, reference books, or any other books.  These supplementary instructional resources shall be ordered, received, examined, and paid for in the same manner and by the same persons as other supplies and equipment.

(i) Each county board shall furnish, free of charge, the necessary instructional resources to the students attending the public schools in that county. A county board that chooses to furnish electronic instructional resources to its students shall provide reasonable access to the electronic resources and necessary computer equipment to students required to complete homework assignments that require using the resources and equipment and to teachers providing these homework assignments. All instructional resources furnished as provided in this section shall be the property of the county board and loaned to students on terms as each board prescribes.

(j) Every county board shall adopt a policy regarding the adoption of instructional resources which shall include, at a minimum, the following:

(1) The process for reviewing instructional resources to ensure the resources meet the non-negotiable requirements established by the state board and cover no less than eighty percent of the required content and skills for a subject as approved by the state board: Provided, That a county board may rely on an instructional material review completed by the state department of education to fulfill this requirement;

(2) The composition, duties and responsibilities of the county’s instructional resource review committee;

(3) The process for recommending instructional resources that are proposed for adoption;

(4) At a properly noticed meeting, the county board shall determine by a majority vote of all members elected which instructional resources shall be required in the schools under its control; and

(5) The county board shall provide an annual report of the instructional resources adopted to the state board of education.

(k) A board of education member or employee may not act as sales agent, either directly or indirectly, for any person, firm, or corporation that files an instructional resources statement with the state superintendent.

§18-5D-5. Shared table initiative.

(a) The Legislature finds and determines that:

(1) In West Virginia, one in four children suffer from food insecurity; however, every day each school has a large percentage of food that is left uneaten and thrown away, and in many cases this food can be reused;  

(2) A new initiative called “The Shared Table” encourages schools to collect unused food appropriate for redistribution, and make that food available throughout the day to students who may be hungry, to provide a method for discrete distribution of that food to be taken home by kids with food insecurity, and to donate any unused food to local food pantries and other entities that distribute food to those in need;

(3) This program has begun to catch on nationally and has shown itself to be an effective way to distribute excess school food;  

(4) The Shared Table initiative can be as simple as designating a table or location in the school for food to be taken by students through the school day, and can also provide a system of discretely placing food in containers in student’s lockers each day to take home, and other creative initiatives to promote consumption of unused food already provided by schools to students and others who have food insecurity at home; and

(5) The Shared Table initiative does not require school cafeterias to produce extra food and is only intended to promote the more effective consumption of existing food particularly to students who may otherwise go without. Similar initiatives have been implemented in various states and have been very successful in safely distributing food consistent with U.S. Food and Drug Administration and local health agencies requirements.

Therefore, the purpose of this section is to establish a statewide initiative to facilitate this worthwhile program.

(b) The state board shall promulgate a rule in accordance with §29A-3B-1 et seq. of this code that provides policy guidance to county boards on the management and distribution of excess school food consistent with state and county health department and United States Food and Drug Administration requirements and guidelines for the distribution of excess foods. The guidance policy at a minimum shall provide a list of food products and methodologies for distribution that include, but are not limited to:

(1) The types of foods that may be distributed;

(2) Methods of distribution to make excess food available at other times during the school day;

(3) Methods of distributing excess food to students to consume after school; and

(4) Methods to otherwise donate excess food to persons or organizations providing food to persons or families suffering from food insecurity.

(c) The preparation, safety, and donation of food made available to students during a regular school meal time and donated to a food bank or any other nonprofit charitable organization for distribution, shall comply with and be thereby covered by the Good Samaritan Food Donation Act, §55-7D-1 et seq. of this code.

(d) The methods of distributing excess food to students within a school may include a sharing table where food service staff, students and faculty may return appropriate food items consistent with state board guidelines to make those food items available to students during the school day.  

(e) Each county board of education shall establish a program to assist and encourage schools to participate in the Shared Table initiative.

§18-2-7d. Program in workforce preparedness.

(a) The Legislature finds that, in addition to specialized skills relating to specific professions and trades, students will be better prepared to enter the workforce and succeed in their chosen fields of employment or education by having the opportunity to participate in training related to general workforce preparedness, productive workplace skills and processes, time management and efficiency, and teamwork and leadership competencies in the workplace. The Legislature further finds that employers in the state are the best source for articulating the general skills and attributes they, in common, seek in future employees and that employers may collaborate in the development of a graduate profile incorporating these skills and attributes.

(b) The state board shall promulgate a rule pursuant to §29A-3B-1 et seq. of this code that adopts a program of instruction in general workforce and career preparedness for all students. The program of instruction shall include guidelines for schools working through their local school improvement councils and business partners to communicate to students the knowledge, college and career skills and life characteristics needed for success in occupations and entrepreneurship in the changing world of work. At the middle school level, the program may be integrated with comprehensive career exploration which also may include, but is not limited to, Career Technical Education foundational courses, stand-alone Career Exploration courses and mini courses, field trips, guest speakers, and career mentors as provided in the state board rule.

(c) Beginning with the school year 2022 — 2023, county boards of education shall provide elective Career Technical Education courses for middle school students that may include, but are not limited to, foundational Career Technical Education courses, Career Technical Education courses developed with a focus on high need occupational areas within the area or region, agriculture, industrial arts and family and consumer sciences.

§18-2-42. Providing career and technical education program information to students and parents; transcript of post-secondary credit; career technical education student participation in graduation ceremony.

(a) The State Board of Education, the Council for Community and Technical College Education, and the Department of Commerce shall coordinate efforts for the collection and dissemination of information on the career and technical cluster and major programs of study established for the public schools including, but not limited to, the following:

(1) Programs of study and the curriculum of courses at the secondary and post-secondary level established pursuant to §18B-3C-4 of this code that lead to an industry-recognized credential, a certificate of applied science degree or an associate degree that satisfy a workforce need;

(2) Programs of study and the curriculum of courses at the secondary level recognized pursuant to §21-1E-1 et seq. of this code, §29-3-9 of this code and §30-1E-1 et seq. of this code as satisfying a portion of the requirements for an apprenticeship and other employer sponsored training programs, as well as any associated programs of study and the curriculum of courses at the post-secondary level that enable the student to also satisfy the requirements for an associate degree; and

(3)  The EDGE program, established by §18-13-1 et seq. of this code, which provides the opportunity for the student to obtain articulated credits that count toward high school graduation requirements, as well as count toward the student’s achievement of a certificate or associate degree.

(b) The dissemination of the information on programs of study as provided in subsection (a) of this section shall be easily accessible to all students and their parents beginning in the middle school grades.

(c) All post-secondary credits earned by a public school student through the EDGE program and any other articulated credit and dual credit program shall be transcripted and provided to the student by the post-secondary institution at which the credit was earned.

(d) Any career technical education student who fulfills the high school graduation requirements required of other students in the district in which he or she is enrolled shall be eligible to participate in the graduation ceremony in the same manner as all other students in the district.

§18-2E-8g. Creating successful careers through agricultural education.

(a) Findings and intent. — The Legislature finds that through agricultural education students are provided opportunities for leadership development, personal growth, and career success in the science, business, and technology of agriculture. Quality agricultural education instruction is delivered through three major components of classroom and laboratory instruction, supervised agricultural experience programs, and student leadership organizations such as the National Future Farmers of America (FFA) Organization. The Legislature further finds that opportunities to prepare for career success in the science, business, and technology of agriculture should be available to every West Virginia high school student.

(b) To provide opportunities for all state high school students to prepare for successful careers in agriculture and related fields, beginning in the 2020-2021 school year, school districts and multicounty vocational centers are encouraged to make available agricultural programs to high school students, including, but not limited to, such programs that would allow for and support the establishment of a local FFA chapter. Upon the request of any district or multicounty vocational center that does not have an agricultural program, the State Department of Education shall assist the district or multicounty vocational center in establishing agricultural programs available to high school students in the district. To the extent that funding is the primary reason that an agricultural program is not established, the State Department of Education shall report the same to the Legislative Oversight Commission on Education Accountability.

§18-2E-11. Advanced Career Education.

(a) The Legislature hereby makes the following findings:

(1) Preparing West Virginia students to achieve post-secondary career education and to excel in the workforce is a responsibility shared among all state education agencies and institutions. The state’s education agencies and institutions can fulfill this responsibility by establishing partnerships that enable students to attain advanced career education and valuable workforce skills in a more efficient and advantageous manner;

(2) The formation of partnerships between public secondary schools and community and technical colleges or public or not-for-profit private baccalaureate institutions which establish advanced career education programs would ensure that a full range of community and technical college programs and services are provided in all areas of the state;

(3) Programs which create clear and efficient pathways that begin during secondary education and lead to obtaining advanced certifications and associate degrees will increase the number of students that ultimately obtain a post-secondary credential or degree; and

(4) West Virginia’s economic prosperity is directly tied to the level and quality of its workforce career education. Providing the students of this state with increased access to career education will not only improve the general well-being of its citizens, but greatly enhance the economic prosperity of the state.

(b) The purpose of this section and the Advanced Career Education (ACE) programs authorized herein is to connect secondary schools with community and technical colleges or public or not-for-profit private baccalaureate institutions that provide associate degrees to accomplish the following:

(1) Prepare secondary students for success in post-secondary education and the workforce; and

(2) Provide more opportunities for secondary students to earn post-secondary college credits, certifications, and associate degrees.

(c) To effectuate the purposes set forth in §18-2E-11(b) of this code, community and technical colleges, public or not-for-profit private baccalaureate institutions, career technical education centers, and county boards of education, or any combination of such secondary and postsecondary entities, shall establish partnerships that provide for ACE programs which feature defined pathways that begin when a student is in secondary education and that ultimately lead to advanced certifications or associate degrees awarded by community and technical colleges or baccalaureate institutions. ACE programs shall be equally available to public, nonpublic, and homeschool students.

(d) ACE programs shall include pathways that consist of a curriculum of courses leading to advanced certifications or an associate degree that have been deemed to satisfy a workforce need as determined by the Department of Commerce.

(1) The Department of Commerce shall, on occasion, but at least annually, provide written notification to the State Board of Education, the West Virginia Council for Community and Technical College Education and the West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission of a determination of areas of workforce need within the state.

 (2) The Department of Commerce, in consultation with the council, the commission, and business partners, shall develop a hierarchy of high demand skilled professions and workforce needs with shortages, which shall be given priority in administration of the program.

(e) The State Superintendent of Schools, the Chancellor of the Council for Community and Technical College Education, and the Chancellor of the Higher Education Policy Commission, or their designees, shall facilitate the ACE programs. At a minimum, an ACE program shall satisfy the following objectives:

(1) Provide additional opportunities to students in this state to attain advanced certifications and college credentials leading to associate degrees through ACE pathways;

(2) Increase the number of students in this state that attain advanced certifications and college credentials leading to associate degrees through ACE pathways;

(3) Allow students in this state to attain advanced certifications and college credentials leading to associate degrees through ACE pathways at little or no cost;

(4) Ensure that ACE pathways provide a clear roadmap to the courses and requirements necessary to attain advanced certifications and college credentials leading to associate degrees; and

(5) Ensure that course requirements within ACE pathways are not duplicated.

(f) The board and council shall jointly promulgate guidelines for the administration of ACE programs and pathways, which must be affirmatively adopted by the board and the council. At a minimum, such guidelines shall provide for the following:

(1) That ACE program partnerships established between community and technical colleges, public or not-for-profit private baccalaureate institutions, career technical education centers, and county boards of education, or any combination of such secondary and postsecondary entities, shall be reduced to written partnership agreements;

(2) The information required to be contained within partnership agreements;

(3) That ACE programs and pathways shall meet the requirements of the accrediting entity for the community and technical college or public or not-for-profit private baccalaureate institution awarding the associate degrees or advanced certificates;

(4) That partnership agreements shall be approved by the State Superintendent of Schools, the Chancellor for the Council for Community and Technical College Education and the Chancellor of the Higher Education Policy Commission; and

(5) Any other provisions necessary to effectuate the purposes of this section.

(g) The board and the council shall maintain and annually report to the Governor and the Legislative Oversight Commission on Education Accountability the following information about ACE programs:

(1) The identity and number of partnership agreements;

(2) The ACE programs and pathways that are being utilized by career technical education centers, county boards of education, community and technical colleges, and public or not-for-profit private baccalaureate institutions; and

(3) The nature and number of degrees and certifications awarded to students participating in ACE programs by each community and technical college, public or not-for-profit private baccalaureate institution and career technical education center.

§18-5-13d. Use of school facilities for funeral and memorial services.

(a) Public schools in this state serve as an integral part of the community and the death of a community member of distinction who was a military service member or veteran who served under honorable conditions, or who served as a first responder, can have a significant impact on students and the surrounding community.  

(b) Notwithstanding any other provision of this code or any policy currently in place, county boards of education shall allow school facilities in the county to be used for the funeral or memorial service, or both funeral and memorial services, of a community member of distinction who was a military service member or veteran who served under honorable conditions or who served as a first responder, consistent with this section.  County boards may set up a process by which requests to use school facilities for such purposes may be made. County boards may not be responsible for additional costs incurred as a result of holding the funeral or memorial service at the school facility.

(c) Any funeral or memorial service held at a school facility may not disrupt or interfere with classroom instruction, any other scheduled school event or activity, or other official governmental use, such as when a school serves as a polling place for an election.

§18-5E-8. Innovation in Education/Mastery-Based schools; legislative findings, purpose  and intent; definitions; applicability of other provisions; state board duties for implementation; student credentials upon transfer and matriculation.

(a) The Legislature finds that when instruction is delivered to a class of students at a uniform pace, some students accumulate knowledge and skill deficits as they progress through the curriculum which, particularly in the STEM areas, limit their ability to be successful at higher levels. This traditional time-based system of education pushes students forward at the end of the allotted time period even if they have not mastered the content fully. For too many students, these accumulated deficits result in required remediation prior to undertaking collegiate level coursework or at least some gaps in the preparation of recent high school graduates for the demands of the workplace. Concurrently, this time-based system limits the educational progress of students who do master the content more quickly by not permitting them to move on to more challenging material, elective subjects, or dual credit and advanced placement courses that they have already demonstrated their readiness to undertake.

The Legislature finds further that new approaches to educational delivery that simultaneously address these challenges are being implemented in some innovative schools and school systems.  These approaches use an instructional delivery model where students progress as they master the content, rather than when they receive at least the minimum passing grade at the end of a set time period. These approaches, typically referred to as mastery-based, proficiency-based or competency-based education, empower students who demonstrate content mastery to progress more quickly to higher levels and, consequently, allow additional attention to be given to meeting the needs of those who have not yet mastered the content. Because the shift to such models often requires fundamental changes in scheduling, assessment, grading, the award of credits and diplomas and other aspects of traditional schooling, implementation requires an intentional approach that engages multiple stakeholders in developing and executing a long-term plan. The statutes and policies designed to regulate the traditional time-based system may also create real or perceived barriers to a mastery-based approach. For these reasons, several states have established pilot programs specific to implementing these new approaches that provide developmental assistance, additional support and regulatory waivers when necessary for the pilot schools to make the transition.

(b) The purpose of this section is to create a separate category under this act, entitled Innovation in Education/Mastery-Based, for schools interested in undertaking the transition to mastery-based education. It is the intent of this section to establish a multistep process that  assists these schools to develop a broader awareness and understanding of mastery-based education prior to application, assess the capacity and readiness of schools to proceed, allow several options for implementation or for opting-out of the application process, and create an network incubator process for continuing the support of schools designated as Innovation in Education/Mastery-Based schools following full application and grant award.

(c) For purposes of this section:

"Incubator process" means a process where schools that are willing and ready to begin implementing a mastery-based model of education form a network of not more than 20 mastery-based education schools. The schools in this network will receive support for, including, but not limited to, program development, professional development, stakeholder education, establishing mastery assessment, coaching and on-going technical assistance. The incubator process will enable schools within the network to share information on their progress and setbacks, collaborate on innovative approaches, and provide data on student progress and best practices for the continued implementation of mastery-based education.

"Mastery-based education" means an education system designed to improve educational outcomes by advancing student mastery of content knowledge and skills through the following core principles:

(A) Student advancement upon mastery of a concept or skill;

(B) Competencies that include explicit, measurable, and transferable learning objectives that empower a student;

(C) Assessment that is meaningful and provides a positive learning experience for a student;

(D) Timely, differentiated support based on a student’s individual learning needs;

(E) Learning outcomes that emphasize competencies that include application and creation of knowledge along with the development of important skills and dispositions;

(F) Incorporating partnerships with post-secondary institutions and members of industry; and

(d) Other provisions of this article related to schools designated as Innovation in Education schools also apply to Innovation in Education/Mastery-Based schools unless otherwise specifically provided by this section, including, but not limited to, the following:

(1) Innovation in Education/Mastery-Based schools are not limited to the implementation of key innovational priorities in the five areas, i.e., STEM, community school partnership, entrepreneurship, career pathways, and the arts, listed in §18-5E-1 of this code. References in this article to these areas relative to Innovation in Education application, designation, plan and evaluation for the purposes of this section means Innovation in Education/Mastery-Based and are applicable to Innovation in Education/Mastery-Based schools except as otherwise provided in this section: Provided, That nothing in this subdivision prohibits an Innovation in Education/Mastery-Based school from including an emphasis in one or more of the five listed areas in their mastery-based plan, nor prohibits a school previously designated as an Innovation in Education school from transitioning to mastery-based education under this section;

(2) The application, application review and state board rule pursuant to §18-5E-3 of this code for implementing Innovation in Education schools shall be modified to accommodate the multistep process for Innovation in Education/Mastery-Based schools consistent with the provisions of this section; and

(3) Legislative appropriations made for Innovation in Education/Mastery-Based schools shall be deposited in the Innovation in Education Fund created in §18-5E-7 of this code and may be used solely for the purposes of Innovation in Education/Mastery-Based schools consistent with this section.

(e) The state board shall perform the following activities for implementing the Innovation in Schools/Mastery-Based program:

(1) Establish an advisory committee including, but not limited to, public school professional educators, representatives of community and technical colleges, colleges and universities, employers and organizations advocating for education on behalf of employers, parents and Department of Education staff and others who may possess knowledge of mastery-based education. The advisory committee shall advise and assist the state board in carrying out the activities under this section, including, but not limited to, building a broader awareness and understanding of mastery-based models of education, identifying potential roadblocks and potential solutions to implementing mastery-based models of education, recognizing student mastery upon matriculation or transfer, establishing evaluative criteria to assess the readiness of schools to undertake the transition to mastery-based education, reviewing applications of schools interested in implementing mastery-based education and making recommendations to the state board and developing an incubator process for supporting the network of schools willing and ready to begin the transition to a mastery-based education model;

(2) Promote a broader awareness and understanding in mastery-based education among teachers, administrators, parents, students, business leaders and policymakers;

(3) Develop and publish an application designed specifically for schools interested in initial consideration for becoming an Innovation in Education/Mastery-Based school. The application for initial consideration is separate from the application for Innovation in Education designation pursuant to §18-5E-3 of this code and may not require an Innovation in Education plan pursuant to §18-5E-4 of this code. In addition, the application process shall:

(A) Include the evaluative criteria that will be used to assess the readiness of schools to undertake the transition to mastery-based education. Within the evaluative criteria, the state board may include an intent to select any proportion of schools of diverse demographic character and programmatic levels for participation in the initial network of mastery-based education schools; and

(B) Be open to all schools including those currently designated as Innovation in Education schools who are interested in adding mastery-based education to their existing plan;

(4) Establish a process, which may include an on-site visit to schools which apply for initial consideration for becoming an Innovation in Education/Mastery-Based school to assess the readiness of applicants to undertake the transition to mastery-based education. This process shall be used to assist in identifying and recommending to the state board an initial network of not more than 20 schools who are ready to undertake the transition to mastery-based education.  

(5) Establish a process to deepen the understanding of mastery-based education of the schools selected for the initial network of schools.  The process may include, but is not limited to, visits to schools that have implemented an education system that incorporates the core principals of mastery-based education as defined in this section.

(6) For schools selected for the initial network who elect to proceed with the implementation of a mastery-based model of education, provide technical assistance to prepare an Innovation in Education/Mastery-Based plan and operational agreement with their county board as provided in §18-5E-4 and §18-5E-5 of this code. Schools in the initial network may:

(A) Opt-out of further participation prior to submission of an Innovation in Education/Mastery-Based plan and agreement;

(B) Apply for an Innovation in Education/Mastery-Based grant for the transition to a mastery-based education model within a limited subject area or areas across multiple grade levels, such as, but not limited to, mathematics or STEM related academic and technical programs of study; or

(C) Apply for an Innovation in Education/Mastery-Based grant for the transition to a school-wide mastery-based education model or other configurations as may be determined practicable by the state board.

(7) In addition to any applicable measures of success required for an Innovation in Education plan pursuant to §18-5E-4 of this code, an Innovation in Education/Mastery-Based plan shall include a subset of uniform measures of success in improving education outcomes by advancing student mastery of the content knowledge and skills.

(8) Implement an incubator process to support the network of schools that are awarded Innovation in Education/Mastery-Based education grants pursuant to this article.

(f) In addition to any grant or other financial assistance awarded to a school designated as an Innovation in Education/Mastery-Based school in accordance with this section, the school shall participate in the incubator process established under this section.

(g) A student enrolled at a school that establishes mastery-based education who then transfers to another school within the county or in any other county in this state that does not have a mastery-based education program, may not be penalized by being required to repeat course work covering content that the student has successfully mastered or by any other penalty related to the student’s previous attendance in the mastery-based education program.

(h) An institution of higher education in this state shall recognize and accept credentials and diplomas awarded to students indicating a level of content mastery gained, in whole or in part, through mastery-based education on equal footing as a traditional high school transcript and diploma.

§18-7A-26w. Minimum benefit for certain retired members.

(a)  If the retirement annuity of a retirant (or applicable beneficiary thereof) with at least 25 years of total service is less than $750 per month (including any supplemental or additional benefits provided by this article), then the monthly retirement annuity for the retirant shall be increased to $750 per month: Provided, That any year of service while an employee of an institution of higher education may not be taken into account for purposes of this section if his or her salary was capped under the retirement system at $4,800 per year pursuant to §18-7A-14a of this code.

(b) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (a) of this section to the contrary, if the retirement annuity of a beneficiary of a retirant who chose option B – 50% joint and survivor annuity as provided in §162-4-5.1.3 and who had at least 25 years of credited service as of the effective date of this section is less than $375 per month (including any supplemental benefits or incentives provided by this article), then the monthly retirement benefit for the beneficiary shall be increased to $375 per month: Provided, That any year of service while an employee of an institution of higher education may not be taken into account for purposes of this section if his or her salary was capped under the retirement system at $4,800 per year pursuant to §18-7A-14a of this code.

(c) The payment of any minimum benefit under this section is in lieu of, and not in addition to, the payments of any retirement annuity or supplemental or additional benefits otherwise provided by this article: Provided, That the minimum benefit provided in this section is subject to any limitations thereon under §415 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as the same may be amended, and §18-7A-28a of this code.

(d) Any minimum benefit conferred in this section is not retroactive to the time of retirement and applies only to members who have retired prior to the effective date of this section, or, if applicable, to beneficiaries receiving benefits under the retirement system prior to the effective date.

§18-9F-10. School safety requirements.

In addition to any other requirement contained in this article or the Crisis Response Plan required by §18-9F-9 of this code, each county board of education shall implement a school safety program before September 1, 2019, that at a minimum, requires:

(1) Room numbers to be placed on exterior walls or windows of school buildings, so rooms with exterior walls can be identified by law enforcement, first responders, and State Fire Marshals from the outside;

(2) Providing updated floor plans of the school to first responders, local law enforcement, and State Fire Marshals by September 1 of each school year;

(3) First aid training, that includes blood borne pathogen information, for all school personnel upon employment; and

(4) Active shooter training for all school personnel and students at the beginning of each school year.

§18-5G-10. Charter contract renewal; performance report by authorizer and renewal guidance; renewal application; renewal term; nonrenewal; closure and dissolution.

(a) No later than June 30 of a public charter school’s fourth year of operation under each five-year term of a charter contract, the authorizer shall issue a performance report on the public charter school. The performance report shall summarize the public charter school’s performance record to date, based on the data collected under the statutory requirements of this act and the charter contract, and shall provide notice of any weaknesses or concerns perceived by the authorizer concerning the school that may jeopardize its position in seeking renewal if not timely rectified. The school and the authorizer shall mutually agree to a reasonable time period for the public charter school to respond to the performance report and submit any corrections for the report.

(b) No later than June 30 of the school year before a public charter school’s final year of operation under terms of a charter contract, the authorizer shall issue contract renewal application guidance to the school. The renewal application guidance required by this subsection shall include or refer explicitly to the criteria and standards that will guide the authorizer’s renewal decisions as it pertains to the named public charter school. These criteria and standards shall be based on the statutory requirements of this act and the charter contract. The renewal application guidance shall, at a minimum, require and provide an opportunity for the public charter school to:

(1) Present additional evidence, beyond the data contained in the performance report, supporting its case for charter renewal;

(2) Describe improvements undertaken or planned for the school; and

(3) Detail the school’s plans for the next charter term.

(c) No later than September 30 of a public charter school’s final authorized year of operation under a term of a charter contract, the governing board of the public charter school seeking renewal shall submit a renewal application to the authorizer pursuant to the renewal application guidance offered by the authorizer under subsection (b) of this section. The authorizer shall rule in a public meeting and by resolution on the renewal application no later than 45 days after the filing of the renewal application. In making charter renewal decisions, the authorizer shall:

(1) Ground its decisions on a thorough analysis of evidence of the school’s performance over the term of the charter contract in accordance with the terms set forth in the charter contract, annual performance reports, and any required financial audits;

(2) Ensure that data used in making renewal decisions are available to the public charter school and the public;

(3) Provide a public report summarizing the evidence basis for each decision; and

(4) Include one of the following rulings:

(A) Renew the charter contract for another term of up to five years based on the school’s performance data and demonstrated capacities of the public charter school; or

(B) Decline to renew the charter contract. The authorizer shall clearly state in a resolution the reasons for the nonrenewal. The governing board of the school shall be granted 30 days to respond in writing to the decision and public report before that decision becomes final. The governing board shall be allowed to provide the authorizer with such arguments and supporting information as it sees fit, and shall be granted an opportunity for a recorded public hearing, at the request of the governing board. The governing board may be represented by counsel at the hearing and may call witnesses to testify. The authorizer shall consider the governing board’s response, testimony, and documentation, as well as the recorded public hearing, prior to rendering a final decision on the renewal of the charter contract. The authorizer shall render its final determination within 10 days of the close of the 30-day period. Any nonrenewal of a charter contract may be appealed to the state board pursuant to §18-5G-13 of this code.

(d) The failure of the authorizer to act on a renewal application within the designated time frames shall be deemed an approval of the renewal application.

(e) Within 10 days of taking final action to renew or not renew a charter under this section, the authorizer shall report the action taken and reasons for the decision to the school’s governing board and the state board or affected county board, as applicable. A copy of the report shall be submitted at the same time to the state superintendent.

(f) Renewal of a charter contract may be denied if the authorizer determines that the health and safety of students attending the public charter school is threatened or, at such time following the process set forth in this section, if the public charter school has:

(A) Failed to substantially comply with the provisions of this article:

(B) Committed a material violation of any of the terms, conditions, standards, or procedures required under this chapter or the charter contract;

(C) Failed to substantially meet the performance expectations set forth in the charter contract;

(D) Failed to substantially meet generally accepted standards of fiscal management; or

(E) Violated any provision of law from which the school was not exempted.

(g) If an authorizer revokes or does not renew a charter contract, the authorizer shall close the school: Provided, That when the charter is revoked or not renewed for a school that began as a conversion public charter school or program conversion public charter school, the county board of the district in which the school is located may return it to noncharter public school status.

(h) A charter contract may be revoked at any time if the authorizer determines that the health and safety of students attending the public charter school is threatened, if an administrator employed by or member of the governing board over the charter school is convicted of fraud or misappropriation of funds, if there is a failure to meet generally accepted standards of financial management, if there is a material breach of the charter contract, there is a substantial violation of any provision of law from which the public charter school is not exempted, or if there are dire and chronic academic deficiencies.

(i) In the event of a public charter school closure for any reason, the authorizer shall oversee and work with the closing school to ensure a smooth and orderly closure and transition for students and parents, as guided by the closure protocol established by the state board including, but not limited to, the following:

(1) Overseeing and working with the closing public charter school to ensure timely notification to parents, orderly transition of students and student records to new schools and proper disposition of school funds, property, and assets in accordance with the requirements of this chapter; and

(2) Distributing the assets of the public charter school first to satisfy outstanding payroll obligations to and required payments to retirement systems on behalf of employees of the public charter school and then to creditors of the public charter school. Any remaining funds shall be paid to the county board. If the assets of the public charter school are insufficient to pay all parties to whom the public charter school owes compensation, the prioritization of distribution of assets may be determined by decree of a court of law.

(j) If a public charter school is subject to closure or transition, following exhaustion of any appeal allowed under §18-5G-13 of this code, an authorizer may remove at will at any time any or all of the members of the board of directors of the public charter school in connection with ensuring a smooth and orderly closure or transition. If the authorizer removes members of the board of directors such that the board of directors can no longer function, the authorizer shall be empowered to take any further necessary and proper acts connected with closure or transition of the public charter school in the name and interest of the public charter school.

§18-5G-9. Charter contract requirements; term of contract.

(a) Within 90 days of the approval of a charter application, the governing board and the authorizer shall negotiate and enter into a charter contract, which may incorporate and be consistent with the approved application. Alternatively, the parties may agree to also have part or all of the charter application be a part of the charter contract as long as it contains all of the requirements below.

(b) The charter contract shall address, in detail, the following items:

(1) The term of the contract: Provided, That the contract term shall be no longer than five years;

(2) The agreements relating to each item required in the charter application and, if applicable, the agreement with an education service provider that the governing boards intends to contract with for educational program implementation or comprehensive management;

(3) The rights and duties of the authorizer and the public charter school;

(4) The administrative relationship between the authorizer and the public charter school;

(5) The process the authorizer will use to provide ongoing oversight;

(6) The process and criteria the authorizer will use to annually monitor and evaluate the overall academic, operating, and fiscal conditions of the public charter school, including the process the authorizer will use to oversee the correction of any deficiencies found;

(7) The process for revision or amendment to the terms of the charter contract agreed to by the authorizer and the governing board;

(8) The process agreed to by the authorizer and the governing board that identifies how disputes between the authorizer and the board will be handled; and

(9) Any other terms and conditions agreed to by the authorizer and the governing board, including preopening conditions.

(c) The charter contract shall include provisions relating to the performance of the public charter school which will include the academic, and operational performance indicators, measures, and metrics to be used by the authorizer to evaluate the public charter school. At a minimum, the performance provisions shall include indicators, measures, and metrics for:

(1) Student academic proficiency;

(2) Student academic growth;

(3) Achievement gaps in both student proficiency and student growth between student subgroups, including race, sex, socioeconomic status, and areas of exceptionality;

(4) Student attendance;

(5) Student suspensions;

(6) Student withdrawals;

(7) Recurrent enrollment from year to year;

(8) Governing board’s performance and stewardship, including compliance with all applicable statutes and terms of charter contract; and

(9) Additional valid and reliable indicators requested by the public charter school.

(d) A charter contract shall include provisions consistent with this Act and setting forth under what conditions a charter contract may be non-renewed and the process by which a non-renewal may occur. At a minimum, these provisions shall include:

(1) The amount of time before non-renewal in which the authorizer shall notify the public charter school of the prospect that the charter contract may be non-renewed and the reasons for the potential non-renewal;

(2) The right to be represented by counsel at all meetings, hearings, and interactions between the governing board and the authorizer;

(3) A reasonable opportunity and timeframe of not less than 60 days for the governing board to provide a response to the proposed non-renewal;

(4) An opportunity for the governing board to submit documentation and provide testimony as to setting forth why the charter contract should be renewed;

(5) An opportunity for a recorded public hearing, at the request of the governing board;

(6) That the authorizer shall consider the governing board’s response, testimony, and documentation, as well as the recorded public hearing, prior to rendering a final decision on the nonrenewal of the charter contract;

(7) The information that must be included in the authorizer’s final decision if it determines not to renew the charter contract;

(8) A timeline for an authorizer to render a final decision on whether or not to renew a charter contract;

(9) Rendering of the authorizer’s decision shall be adopted as a resolution during an open meeting; and

(10) A provision that the failure of the authorizer to act on a renewal application within the designated timeframes shall be deemed approval of the application.

(e) The authorizer shall be responsible for collecting and reporting to the state board all state-required assessment and achievement data for the public charter school.

(f) The charter contract shall be signed by the chair of the governing board and the president of the county board, presidents of the county boards, the president of the state board or the chairman of the West Virginia Professional Charter School Board, as applicable. A copy of the executed charter contract shall be provided to the State Superintendent of Schools.

(g) No public charter school may commence operations without a charter contract that meets the requirements of this section, has been properly executed, and has been approved by, as applicable, a county board, county boards, or the state board, or the West Virginia Professional Charter School Board.

§18-5G-8. Application to establish public charter school.

(a) To establish a new public charter school, to convert an existing noncharter public school to a public charter school or establish a program conversion public charter school, an applicant shall submit a charter application to an authorizer. Charter authorizers shall accept and document the date and time of receipt of all charter applications.

(b) The application shall contain, at a minimum, the following information:

(1) A mission statement and a vision statement for the public charter school, including specialized academic focus, if any, to be promoted and advanced through the establishment of the public charter school;

(2) A detailed description of the public charter school’s proposed program;

(3) The student achievement goals for the public charter school’s program and the chosen methods of evaluating whether students have attained the skills and knowledge specified for those goals;

(4) The school’s plan for using data derived from student evaluations and assessments, including the statewide summative assessment, to drive instruction and promote continued school improvement;

(5) An explanation of how the school’s proposed program is likely to improve the achievement of traditionally underperforming students in the local school district;

(6) The proposed governance structure of the school, including a list of members of the initial governing board, a draft of bylaws that include the description of the qualifications, terms, and methods of appointment or election of governing board members, and the organizational structure of the school that clearly presents lines of authority and reporting between the governing board, school administrators, staff, any related bodies such as advisory bodies or parent and teacher councils, and any external organizations that will play a role in managing the school;

(7) Plans and timelines for student enrollment, including the school primary recruitment area and policies and procedures for conducting transparent and random admission lotteries when applications for enrollment exceed capacity that are open to the public and consistent with this article;

(8) A proposed five-year budget, including the start-up year and projections for four additional years with clearly stated assumptions;

(9) Proposed fiscal and internal control policies for the public charter school;

(10) Acknowledgement that the public charter school will participate in the state’s accountability system;

(11) A proposed handbook that outlines the personnel policies of the public charter school, including the criteria to be used in the hiring of qualified teachers, school administrators, and other school employees, a description of staff responsibilities, and the school’s plan to evaluate personnel on an annual basis;

(12) An explanation of proposed student discipline procedures, including disciplinary procedures for students with disabilities, which shall be consistent with the requirements of due process and with state and federal laws and regulations governing the placement of students with disabilities;

(13) A description of the facilities to be used by the public charter school, including the location of the school and how the facility supports the implementation of the school’s program. The school shall obtain all required occupation and operation certificates and licenses prior to the first instructional day for students;

(14) The proposed ages and grade levels to be served by the public charter school, including the planned minimum and maximum enrollment per grade per year;

(15) The school calendar and school day schedule;

(16) Types and amounts of insurance coverage to be obtained by the public charter school, which:

(A) Shall include adequate insurance for liability, property loss, and the personal injury of students comparable to noncharter public schools within the local school district operated by the county board; and

(B) May include coverage from the Board of Risk and Insurance Management pursuant to §29-12-5a of this code;

(17) A description of the food services to be provided to students attending the school;

(18) Process and procedures to be followed in the case of the closure or dissolution of the public charter school, including provisions for the transfer of students and student records to the appropriate local school district and an assurance and agreement to payment of net assets or equity after payment of debts;

(19) A code of ethics for the school setting forth the standards of conduct expected of its governing board, officers, and employees;

(20) The public charter school’s plan for successfully serving students with disabilities, students who are English language learners, bilingual students, and students who are academically behind and gifted, including, but not limited to, the school’s plan for compliance with all applicable federal and state laws and regulations;

(21) A description of cocurricular and extracurricular programs to be offered by the public charter school and how they will be funded and delivered;

(22) The process by which the school will resolve any disputes with the authorizer;

(23) A detailed start-up plan, including financing, tasks, timelines, and individuals responsible for carrying out the plan;

(24) The public charter school’s plan for notice to parents and others of enrollment in the school as an option available for students and the school’s primary recruitment area; and

(25) The public charter school’s plan for parental involvement.

(c) If the applicant intends to contract with an education service provider for educational program implementation or comprehensive management, the application shall additionally require the applicant to provide the following information with respect to the educational service provider:

(1) Evidence of success in serving student populations similar to the targeted population, including demonstrated academic achievement as well as successful management of nonacademic school functions, if applicable;

(2) Student performance data and financial audit reports for all current and past public charter schools;

(3) Documentation of and explanation for any actions taken, legal or otherwise, against any of its public charter schools for academic, financial, or ethical concerns;

(4) The proposed duration of the service contract;

(5) The annual proposed fees and other amounts to be paid to the education service provider;

(6) The roles and responsibilities of the governing board, the school staff, and the education service provider;

(7) The scope of services and resources to be provided by the education service provider;

(8) Performance evaluation measures and timelines;

(9) Methods of contract oversight and enforcement;

(10) Investment disclosure;

(11) Conditions for renewal and termination of the contract; and

(12) Disclosure and explanation any existing or potential conflicts of interest between the governing board and the proposed education service provider or any affiliated business entities.

§18-5G-7. Public Charter school governing board.

(a) To ensure compliance with this article, a public charter school shall be administered by a governing board accountable to the authorizer as set forth in the charter contract. A public charter school governing board shall consist of no fewer than five members elected or selected in a manner specified in the charter application, including at least the following:

(1) Two parents of students attending the public charter school operating under the governing board; and

(2) Two members who reside in the community served by the public charter school.

(b) Members of the governing board shall:

(A) Not be an employee of the public charter school administered by the governing board;

(B) Not be an employee of an education service provider that provides services to the public charter school, unless the services are provided by a state institution of higher education;

(C) File a full disclosure report to the authorizer identifying potential conflicts of interest, relationships with management organizations, and relationships with family members who are employed by the public charter school or have other business dealings with the school, the management organization of the school, or any other public charter school;

(D) Collectively possess expertise in leadership, curriculum and instruction, law, and finance; and

(E) Be considered an officer of a school district under the provisions of §6-6-7 of this code and removal from office shall be in accordance with the provisions of that section.

(c) The public charter school governing board shall:

(1) Operate under the oversight of its authorizer in accordance with its charter contract;

(2) As a public corporate body, have the powers necessary for carrying out the terms of its charter contract, including, but not limited to the power to:

(A) Receive and disburse funds for school purposes;

(B) Secure appropriate insurance and enter into contracts and leases;

(C) Contract with an education service provider, so long as the governing board retains final oversight and authority over the school;

(D) Pledge, assign, or encumber its assets to be used as collateral for loans or extensions of credit;

(E) Solicit and accept any gifts or grants for school purposes, subject to applicable laws and the terms of its charter; and

(F) Acquire real property for use as its facilities or facilities from public or private sources;

(3) Enroll students in the public charter school pursuant to §18-5G-11 of this code;

(4) Require any education service provider contracted with the governing board to provide a monthly detailed budget to the board; and

(5) Provide programs and services to a student with a disability in accordance with the student’s individualized education program and all federal and state laws, rules, and regulations. A public charter school shall deliver the services directly or contract with another provider to deliver the services.

(d) A public charter school authorized under this article may:

(1) Negotiate and contract with its authorizer or any third party for the use, operation, and maintenance of a building and grounds, liability insurance, and the provision of any service, activity, or undertaking that the public charter school is required to perform in order to carry out the educational program described in its charter contract. Any services for which a public charter school contracts with a school district shall be provided by the district at cost and shall be negotiated as a separate agreement after final charter contract negotiations;

(2) Sue and be sued in its own name;

(3) Own, rent, or lease its space;

(4) Participate in cocurricular activities to the same extent as noncharter public schools; and

(5) Participate in extracurricular activities to the same extent as noncharter public schools.

(e) The public charter school governing board is responsible for the operation of its public charter school, including, but not limited to, ensuring compliance with the public charter school criteria, governance and statutory compliance set forth §18-5G-3 of this code, the preparation of an annual budget, contracting for services, school curriculum, personnel matters, and achieving the objectives and goals of the public charter school’s program.

(f) The public charter school governing board shall comply with the provisions of §29B-1-1 et seq. of this code relating to freedom of information and the provisions of §6-9A-1 et seq. of this code relating to open governmental proceedings.

(g) Notwithstanding anything else in this Code, when a state institution of higher education is an applicant and after its application is approved by an authorizer, the governing board of the public charter school may be an administrative unit of the state institution of higher education, and the governing board may enter into the charter contract on behalf of the state institution of higher education.

§18-5G-5. State board rule relating to funding for public charter school enrollment and other necessary provisions; local education agency status; authorizer oversight fee.

(a) The state board shall promulgate a rule pursuant to the provisions of §29A-3B-1 et seq. of this code setting forth requirements for public charter school funding. The rule shall include a requirement that 99 percent of the per pupil total basic foundation allowance follow the student to the public charter school, subject to the following:

(1) Notwithstanding §18-9A-1 et seq. of this code, the rule may provide for modifications to the calculations set forth in §18-9A-7 of this code regarding the allowance for student transportation and in §18-9A-9(1) of this code regarding the allowance for current expense for the purpose of making appropriate adjustments to those allowances to account for student transportation and current expense related funding a school district loses in situations where it pays money to a public charter school pursuant to this subsection without a corresponding decrease in the county’s transportation and current expense related expenditures;

(2) The rule shall designate which county school district is required to pay for a student attending a public charter school, and notwithstanding the terms in the definition of "net enrollment" in §18-9A-2 of this code, shall provide that the county school district paying for the student attending a public charter school have that student included in its net enrollment for the purposes of §18-9A-1 et seq. of this code;

(3) When a student in grades kindergarten through 12 transfers on a full-time basis after the beginning of the school year from a school district to a public charter school, or vice versa, or to another public charter school, hereinafter referred to as entities, the following apply:

(A) If the student is included in the second month net enrollment for the purposes of §18-9A-2 of this code, of the entity from which the student transferred, the entity to which the student transfers may invoice the entity from which the student transferred for the amount, determined on a pro rata basis, based on the amount required pursuant to subdivision (2) of this subsection for a student attending a public charter school;

(B) If the student is included in the second month net enrollment for the purposes of §18-9A-2 of this code, of the entity from which the student transferred and is eligible for aid to exceptional students, the entity to which the student transfers may invoice the entity from which the student transferred for the amount, determined on a pro rata basis, of the aid to exceptional students due for that student;

(C) If the student is included in the certified child count of exceptional students for the school year of the entity from which the student transferred, the entity to which the student transfers may invoice the entity from which the student transferred for the amount, determined on a pro rata basis, due for that student in the certified child count of exceptional students; and

(D) Invoices issued pursuant to paragraphs (A), (B) and (C) of this subdivision shall be paid by the entity from which the student transferred within 30 days of receipt of the invoice; and

(4) The rule shall require the Department of Education to follow federal requirements in ensuring that federal funding follows the student to a public charter school.

(b) The state board may promulgate a rule in accordance with §29A-3B-1 et seq. of this code, if necessary, for ensuring the accountability of public charter schools for meeting the standards for student performance required of other public school students under §18-2E-5 of this code and the accountability of authorizers for ensuring that those standards are met in the schools authorized by it. If an authorizer fails to close a public charter school that does not meet the standards, the authorizer shall appear before the state board to justify its decision. The state board may uphold or overturn the authorizer’s decision and may revoke the authority of the authorizer to authorize public charter schools.

(c) Any public charter school authorized pursuant to this article shall be treated and act as its own local education agency for all purposes except as needed under the provisions of the Public School Support Plan for funding purposes.

(d) To cover authorizer costs for overseeing public charter schools, the state board shall establish a statewide formula for authorizer oversight funding, which shall apply uniformly to every authorizer in the state. Each public charter school shall remit to its respective authorizer an oversight fee. The oversight fee shall be drawn from and calculated as a uniform percentage of the per pupil basic foundation allowance as provided pursuant to state board rule promulgated in accordance with this section, not to exceed one percent of each public charter school’s per-student funding in a single school year. The state board may establish a sliding scale for authorizing funding, with the funding percentage decreasing after the authorizer has achieved a certain threshold, such as after a certain number of schools have been authorized or after a certain number of students are enrolled in the authorizer’s public charter schools. The state board shall establish a cap on the total amount of funding that an authorizer may withhold from a full-time public charter school. The state board shall annually review the effectiveness of the state formula for authorizer funding and shall adjust the formula if necessary to maximize public benefit and strengthen the implementation of this act.

(e) The state board shall promulgate a rule in accordance with §29A-3B-1 et seq. of this code to clarify, if necessary, the requirements of this article and address any unforeseen issues that might arise relating to the implementation of the requirements of this article: Provided, That nothing in this rule may conflict with this code. The rule also shall include a provision prohibiting a county board from discrimination against any district employee involved directly or indirectly with an application to establish a public charter school under this article.

(f) All state board rules required to be promulgated by this article shall be promulgated on or before July 1, 2021. The state board may file emergency rules if necessary to meet the July 1, 2021, deadline.

§18-5G-6. Authorizer powers and duties.

(a) Each authorizing authority is responsible for exercising in accordance with this article the following powers and duties with respect to the oversight and authorization of public charter schools:

(1) Demonstrate public accountability and transparency in all matters concerning its charter-authorizing practices, decisions, and expenditures;

(2) Establish and maintain policies and practices consistent with the principles and professional standards for authorizers of public charter schools, including standards relating to:

(A) Organizational capacity and infrastructure;

(B) Evaluating applications;

(C) Ongoing public charter school oversight and evaluation; and

(D) Charter approval, renewal, and revocation decision-making.

(3) Solicit applications and guide the development of high-quality public charter school applications;

(4) Approve new charter applications that meet the requirements of this article, and on the basis of their application satisfying all requirements of §18-5G-8 of this code, that demonstrate the ability to operate the school in an educationally and fiscally sound manner, and that are likely to improve student achievement through the program detailed in the charter application;

(5) Decline to approve charter applications that fail to meet the requirements of §18-5G-8 of this code;

(6) Negotiate and execute in good faith a charter contract with each public charter school it authorizes;

(7) Monitor the performance and compliance of public charter schools according to the terms of the charter contract; and

(8) Determine whether each charter contract it authorizes merits renewal or revocation.

(b) After an applicant submits a written application to establish a public charter school, the authorizer shall:

(1) Complete a thorough review process;

(2) Conduct an in-person interview with the applicant;

(3) Provide an opportunity in a public forum for local residents to provide input and learn about the charter application;

(4) Provide a detailed analysis of the application to the applicant or applicants;

(5) Allow an applicant a reasonable time to provide additional materials and amendments to its application to address any identified deficiencies; and

(6) Approve or deny a charter application based on established objective criteria or request additional information.

(c) In deciding to approve a charter application, the authorizer shall:

(1) Approve charter applications only to applicants that possess competence in all elements of the application requirements identified in this section and §18-5G-8 of this code;

(2) Base decisions on documented evidence collected through the application review process; and

(3) Follow charter-granting policies and practices that are transparent, based on merit, and avoid conflicts of interest.

(d) No later than 90 days following the filing of the charter application, the authorizer shall approve or deny the charter application. The authorizer shall provide its decision in writing, including an explanation stating the reasons for approval or denial of its decision during an open meeting. Any failure to act on a charter application within the time specified shall be deemed an approval by the authorizer.

(e) An authorizer’s charter application approval shall be submitted to the West Virginia Department of Education.

(f) An authorizer shall conduct or require oversight activities that enable it to fulfill its responsibilities under this article, including conducting appropriate inquiries and investigations, so long as those activities are consistent with the intent of this article, adhere to the terms of the charter contract, and do not unduly inhibit the autonomy granted to charter schools. In the event that a public charter school’s performance or legal compliance appears unsatisfactory, the authorizer shall promptly notify, in writing, the public charter school governing board of perceived problems and provide reasonable opportunity for the school to remedy the problems.

(g) An authorizer shall take appropriate corrective actions or exercise sanctions in response to apparent deficiencies in a charter school’s performance or legal compliance. If warranted, the actions or sanctions may include requiring a charter school to develop and execute a corrective action plan within a specified time frame;

(h) An authorizer shall require each charter school it oversees to submit an annual report to assist the authorizer in gathering complete information about each school, consistent with the statutory requirements of this act and the charter contract.

(i) To cover authorizer costs for overseeing public charter schools, each public charter school shall remit to its respective authorizer an oversight fee drawn from and calculated as a uniform percentage of the per student operational funding allocated to each public charter school as established by the state board by rule pursuant to §18-5G-5 of this code.

(j) An authorizer may receive and expend appropriate gifts, grants, and donations of any kind from any public or private entity to carry out the purposes of this act, subject to all lawful terms and conditions under which the gifts, grants, or donations are given, and may apply for any federal funds that may be available for the implementation of public charter school programs;

(k) Notwithstanding any provision of this code to the contrary, no civil liability shall attach to an authorizer or to any of its members or employees for any acts or omissions of the public charter school. Except to the extent the provisions of §5-10D-11 or §5-10D-13 of this code may be applicable relating to successor liability for, and collection of, delinquent retirement contributions, neither the county board of education nor the State of West Virginia shall be liable for the debts or financial obligations of a public charter school or any person or entity that operates a public charter school.

(l) Regulation of public charter schools by the state board and a county board shall be limited to those powers and duties of authorizers prescribed in this article and general supervision consistent with the spirit and intent of this article.

§18-5G-4. West Virginia Board of Education; powers and duties for implementation, general supervision and support of public charter schools.

(a) The state board along with the West Virginia Public Charter School Board established in §18-5G-15 of this code shall consult with nationally recognized charter school organizations and establish and maintain a catalogue of best practices for public charter schools applicable for all applicants, authorizers, governing board members, and administrators that are consistent with this article and nationally recognized principles and professional standards for quality public charter school authorizing and governance in all major areas of authorizing and governance responsibility in the following areas:

(1) Organizational capacity and infrastructure;

(2) Solicitation and evaluation of charter applications;

(3) A framework to guide the development of charter contracts;

(4) Performance contracting including a performance framework;

(5) Providing transparency and avoiding all conflicts of interest;

(6) Ongoing public charter school oversight and evaluation; and

(7) Charter approval and renewal decision-making;

(b) The state board is responsible for exercising, in accordance with this article, the following powers and duties with respect to the oversight and authorization of public charter schools:

(1) Provide forms to promote the quality and ease of use for authorizers to solicit applications for public charter schools, for applicants to complete applications, and for establishing quality charter contracts that include a framework for performance standards. The forms shall be available for use and solicitations made not later than the beginning of February, 2020. The forms shall include an application deadline of August 31st of the year prior to the beginning of operations for the proposed school year. No public charter school may begin operation prior to the beginning of the proposed school year following the previous year August application;

(2) Provide training programs for public charter school applicants, administrators and governing board members, as applicable, that include, but are not limited to:

(i) Pre-application training programs and forms to assist in the development of high quality public charter school applications;

(ii) The required components and the necessary information of the public charter school application and the charter contract as set forth in this article;

(iii) The public charter school board’s statutory role and responsibilities;

(iv) Public charter school employment policies and practices; and

(v) Authorizer responsibilities for public charter school contract oversight and performance evaluation;

(3) Receive and expend appropriate gifts, grants and donations of any kind from any public or private entity to carry out the purposes of this act, subject to all lawful terms and conditions under which the gifts, grants or donations are given;

(4) Apply for any federal funds that may be available for the implementation of public charter school programs;

(5) Establish reporting requirements that enable the state board to monitor the performance and legal compliance of authorizers and public charter schools;

(6) Establish a framework and procedures for interactions between public charter schools, public noncharter schools and county boards of education to facilitate cooperation for shared services, training and information and to ensure the prompt transfer of student records, including IEP’s, so as to minimize the interruption of a student’s education when transferring between noncharter public schools and public charter schools; and

 (7) Submit to the Governor and the Legislature an annual report within 60 days of the end of each school year summarizing:

(A) The student performance of all operating public charter schools; and

(B) The authorization status of all public charter schools within the last school year, identifying all public charter schools as:

(i) Application pending;

(ii) Application denied and reasons for denial;

(iii) Application approved, but not yet operating;

(iv) Operating and years of operation;

(v) Renewed and years of operation;

(vi) Terminated;

(vii) Closed;

(viii) Never opened; and

(ix) Any successful innovations applied in authorized public charter schools which may be replicated in other schools. The report shall provide information about how noncharter public schools may implement these innovations.

(c) The state board shall be the authorizer of a public charter school when a county board or boards approve the application for a public charter school and requests the state board to perform the authorizer duties and responsibilities or when an application to form a public charter school or to renew a charter contract is submitted from an applicant within a county in which the state board has intervened and limited the power of the county board to act pursuant to §18-2E-5 of this code.

§18-5G-3. Public charter school criteria, governance structure and statutory compliance requirements; applicable federal and state laws.

(a) Public charter schools authorized pursuant to this article shall meet the following general criteria:

(1) Are part of the state’s system of public schools and are subject to general supervision by the West Virginia Board of Education for meeting the student performance standards required of other public school students under §18-2E-5(d) and (e) of this code;

(2) Are subject to the oversight of the school’s authorizer for operating in accordance with its approved charter contract and for meeting the terms and performance standards established in the charter contract;

(3) Are not home school-based;

(4) Are not affiliated with or espouse any specific religious denomination, organization, sect, or belief and do not promote or engage in any religious practices in their educational program, admissions, employment policies, or operations;

(5) Are not affiliated with any organized group whose espoused beliefs attack or malign an entire class of people, typically for immutable characteristics, as identified through listings of such groups as may be made by the U. S. Department of Justice, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, or officials having similar jurisdiction in this state;

(6) Are public schools to which parents or legal guardians choose to send their child or children;

(7) Do not charge tuition and may only charge such fees as may be imposed by noncharter public schools in this state; and

(8) Have no requirements that would exclude any child from enrollment who would not be excluded at a noncharter public school.

(b) A public charter school authorized pursuant to this article shall be governed by a board that meets the requirements established in §18-5G-7 of this code and:

(1) Has autonomy over key decisions, including, but not limited to, decisions concerning finance, personnel, scheduling, curriculum, and instruction except as provided in this article;

(2) Has no power to levy taxes;

(3) Operates in pursuit of a specific set of educational objectives as defined in its charter contract;

(4) Provides a program of public education that:

(A) Includes one or more of the following: Prekindergarten and any grade or grades from kindergarten to grade 12 including any associated post-secondary embedded credit, dual credit, advanced placement, internship, and industry or workforce credential programs that the public charter school chooses to incorporate into its programs. If a public charter school chooses to incorporate post-secondary embedded credit, dual credit, and industry and workforce credential programs into its educational program, institutions of higher education may not impose any requirements on the public charter school that are not required of noncharter public schools;

(B) May include in its mission a specific focus on students with special needs, including, but not limited to, at-risk students, English language learners, students with severe disciplinary problems at a noncharter public school, or students involved with the juvenile justice system;

(C) May include a specific academic approach or theme including, but not limited to, approaches or themes such as STEM education, mastery-based education, early college, or fine and performing arts; and

(D) May include before school and/or after school programs as a part of the public charter school’s education program. No part of the education program of a public charter school is subject to regulation as a childcare facility;

(5) Provides programs and services to a student with a disability in accordance with the student’s individualized education program and all federal and state laws, regulations, rules and policies. A charter school shall deliver the services directly or contract with a county board or another provider to deliver the services as set forth in its charter contract;

(6) Is eligible to participate in state-sponsored or district-sponsored athletic and academic interscholastic leagues, competitions, awards, scholarships, and recognition programs for students, educators, administrators, and schools to the same extent as noncharter public schools.  If a public charter school does not sponsor an extracurricular athletic and/or academic interscholastic activity for the students enrolled in the public charter school, the public charter school students may participate on the same basis as other public school students in those activities that are sponsored by the noncharter public school serving the attendance area in which the student resides;

 (7) Employs its own personnel as employees of the public charter school and is ultimately responsible for processing employee paychecks, managing its employees’ participation in the applicable retirement system, and managing its employees’ participation in insurance plans: Provided, That nothing in this subdivision prohibits the public charter school from contracting with another person or entity to perform services relating to managing its employees’ participation in the retirement system or insurance plan. A county board may not require any employee of its school system to be employed in a public charter school. A county board may not harass, threaten, discipline, discharge, retaliate, or in any manner discriminate against any school system employee involved directly or indirectly with an application to establish a public charter school as authorized under this section. All personnel in a public charter school who were previously employed by the county board shall continue to accrue seniority with the county board in the same manner that they would accrue seniority if employed in a noncharter public school in the county for purposes of employment in noncharter public schools; and

(8) Is responsible for establishing a staffing plan that includes the requisite qualifications and any associated certification and/or licensure that it determines necessary for teachers and other instructional staff to be employed at the public charter school and for verifying that these requirements are met.

(c) A public charter school authorized pursuant to this article is exempt from all statutes, state board policies and rules applicable to a noncharter public school or board of education except the following unless otherwise specifically provided in this article:

(1) All federal laws and authorities applicable to noncharter public schools in this state including, but not limited to, the same federal nutrition standards, the same civil rights, disability rights and health, life and safety requirements applicable to noncharter public schools in this state;

(2) The provisions of §29B-1-1 et seq. of this code relating to freedom of information and the provisions of §6-9A-1 et seq. of this code relating to open governmental proceedings;

(3) The same immunization requirements applicable to noncharter public schools;

(4) The same compulsory school attendance requirements applicable to noncharter public schools;

(5) The same minimum number of days or an equivalent amount of instructional time per year as required of noncharter public school students under §18-5-45 of this code;

(6) The same student assessment requirements applicable to noncharter public schools in this state, but only to the extent that will allow the state board to measure the performance of public charter school students pursuant to §18-2E-5(d) and (e) of this code. Any virtual public charter school may administer any required state assessment, if available, in a virtual setting utilizing remote proctoring that best meets the educational needs of the student. Nothing precludes a public charter school from establishing additional student assessment measures that go beyond state requirements;

(7) The Student Data Accessibility, Transparency and Accountability Act pursuant to §18-2-5h of this code;

(8) Use of the electronic education information system established by the West Virginia Department of Education for the purpose of reporting required information;

(9) Reporting information on student and school performance to parents, policy-makers, and the general public in the same manner as noncharter public schools utilizing the electronic format established by the West Virginia Department of Education. Nothing precludes a public charter school from utilizing additional measures for reporting information on student and school performance that go beyond state requirements;  

(10) All applicable accounting and financial reporting requirements as prescribed for public schools, including adherence to generally accepted accounting principles. A public charter school shall annually engage an external auditor to perform an independent audit of the school’s finances. The public charter school shall submit the audit to its authorizer and to the state superintendent of schools within nine months of the end of the fiscal year for which the audit is performed;

(11) A criminal history check pursuant to §18A-3-10 of this code for any staff person that would be required if the person was employed in a noncharter public school, unless a criminal history check has already been completed for that staff person pursuant to that section. Governing board members and other public charter school personnel are subject to criminal history record checks and fingerprinting requirements applicable to noncharter public schools in this state. Contractors and service providers or their employees are prohibited from making direct, unaccompanied contact with students and from access to school grounds unaccompanied when students are present if it cannot be verified that the contractors, service providers or employees have not previously been convicted of a qualifying offense pursuant to §18-5-15c of this code: Provided, That nothing in this subdivision, including the reference to §18A-3-10 of this code, requires public charter school employees to be certified or licensed as a condition of employment in a public charter school. A public charter school may, but is not required to, establish certification or licensure as a condition of employment by the school;

(12) The same zoning rules for its facilities that apply to noncharter public schools in this state;

(13) The same building codes, regulations and fees for its facilities that apply to noncharter public schools in this state, including any inspections required for noncharter public schools under this chapter and the West Virginia State Fire Marshal for inspection and issuance of a certificate of occupancy for any facility used by the public charter school; and

(14) The same student transportation safety laws applicable to public schools when transportation is provided.

§18-5G-2. Definitions.

The following words used in this article and any proceedings pursuant thereto have the following meanings unless the context clearly indicates a different meaning:

(1) "Applicant" means any one or more in combination of parents, community members, teachers, school administrators, or institutions of higher education in this state who are interested in organizing a public charter school and:

(A) Have obtained 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status or have submitted an application for 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status, or be a state institution of higher education as defined in §18B-1-2 of this code; and

(B) Have developed and submitted an application to an authorizer to establish a public charter school;

(2) "Authorizer" means the entity empowered under this article to review applications, decide whether to approve or reject applications, enter into charter contracts with applicants, oversee public charter schools, and decide whether to renew or not renew charter contracts. Authorizers include:

(A) A county school board when the charter school or application to form a charter school includes a primary recruitment area that is wholly within the county over which the board has jurisdiction;

(B) Two or more county school boards who must act together and function as a single authorizer in all respects under the law when the public charter school or application to form a public charter school includes a primary recruitment area that encompasses territory in the two or more counties over which the respective boards have jurisdiction: Provided, That if such two or more school boards functioning together as authorizer reject the application, then one or more of the individual county boards may approve the application, but in such instance the charter school site must be located in one of the counties where the application was approved.

(C) The West Virginia Professional Charter School Board created pursuant to §18-5G-15 of this code; or

(D) The West Virginia Board of Education in the following instances:

(i) The charter school or application to form a charter school or to renew a charter contract is in a county where the state board has intervened in the operation of the school system and limited the authority of the county board to act pursuant to §18-2E-5 of this code; and

(ii) The application to form a public charter school or to renew a charter contract is approved by the affected county board or boards and is forwarded it to the West Virginia Board of Education with a request that it perform to the authorizer function.

(3) "Charter application" means a proposal from an applicant to an authorizer to enter into a charter contract whereby the proposed school obtains public charter school status;

(4) "Charter contract" or "contract" means a fixed-term, renewable contract between a public charter school’s governing board and an authorizer that identifies the roles, powers, responsibilities, operational duties, accountability, and performance expectations for each party to the contract, consistent with the requirements of this article;

(5) "Conversion public charter school" means a public charter school that existed as a noncharter public school before becoming a public charter school;

(6) "County board" means a board exercising management and control of a school district. A county board’s management and control of a public charter school is limited to only that granted under this article. In the case of a school district in which the state board has intervened and limited the authority of the county board to act pursuant to §18-2E-5 of this code, "county board" means the state board. In the case of a multicounty vocational or technical center, "county board" means the administrative council of the multicounty center;

(7) "Education service provider" means a public or private nonprofit or for-profit education management organization, school design provider, or any other partner entity with which a public charter school contracts for educational design, implementation, or comprehensive management;

(8) A "full-time virtual public charter school" means a public charter school that offers educational services predominantly through an online program.

(9) "Governing board" means a public charter school governing board that meets the requirements §18-5G-3 and §18-5G-7 of this code and is party to the charter contract with the authorizer;

(10) "Noncharter public school" means a public school or multicounty vocational center other than a public charter school established pursuant to this article;

(11) "Parent" means a parent, guardian, or other person or entity having legal custody over a child;

(12) "Public charter school" means a public school or program within a public school that is authorized in accordance with the provisions of this article and meets the general criteria, governance structure and statutory compliance requirements described in §18-5G-3 of this code, and other provisions of this article;

(13) "Program conversion public charter school" means a program within an existing noncharter public school that is either preexisting and converted or newly created to become a separate and discreet program governed and operated in accordance with this article within the noncharter public school;

(14) "Start-up public charter school" means a public charter school that did not exist as a noncharter public school prior to becoming a public charter school.

(15) "State board" means the West Virginia Board of Education;

(16) "Student" means any person that is eligible for attendance in a public school in West Virginia; and

(17) "West Virginia Professional Charter School Board" means the board created pursuant to §18-5G-15 of this code.

§18-5G-1. Legislative purpose and intent; liberal interpretation; prohibiting conversion of private schools; prohibiting profit or monetary consideration by elected officials; limiting authorization of public charter schools; legislative auditor report.

(a) The purpose of this article is to establish a process for the creation, governance and oversight accountability of public charter schools with a renewed commitment to the mission, goals, and diversity of public education that benefits students, parents, teachers, and community members.

(b) Public charter schools are intended to empower new, innovative, and more flexible ways of educating all children within the public school system to:

(1) Improve student learning by creating more diverse public schools with high standards for student performance;

(2) Allow innovative educational methods, practices and programs that engage students in the learning process, thus resulting in higher student achievement;

(3) Enable schools to establish a distinctive school curriculum, a specialized academic or technical theme, or method of instruction;

(4) Provide expanded opportunities within the public schools for parents to choose among the school curricula, specialized academic or technical themes, and methods of instruction that best serve the interests or needs of their child;

(5) Provide students, parents, community members, and local entities with expanded opportunities for involvement in the public school system;

(6) Allow authorized public schools and programs within public schools exceptional levels of self-direction and flexibility in exchange for exceptional levels of results-driven accountability for student learning; and

(7) Encourage the replication of successful strategies for improving student learning.

(c) All public charter schools established under this article are public schools and are part of the state’s public education system.

(d) The provisions of this article shall be interpreted liberally to support the purpose and intent of this section and to advance a renewed commitment by the state to the mission, goals and diversity of public education.

(e) No provision of this article may be interpreted to allow the conversion of private schools into public charter schools.

(f) The total number of public charter schools authorized and in operation under an approved contract in this state shall be limited to 10 pilot public charter schools until July 1, 2023. The State Board shall report to the Legislative Oversight Commission on Education Accountability by November 1, 2022, and every 3 years thereafter, on the status of the state’s public charter schools. LOCEA shall report its findings and recommendations, if any, to the Legislature during its next Regular Session. Beginning July 1, 2023, and every 3 years thereafter, an additional 10 public charter schools may be authorized and in operation under an approved contract in this state. The Mountaineer Challenge Academy, if converted to a public charter school, shall not count towards the limitation established by this subsection.

(g) Two years after the first public charter school commences operations under the provisions of this article, the Legislative Auditor shall conduct an audit of the public charter school program and report the findings to the Legislative Oversight Commission on Education Accountability.

(h) It is the intent of the Legislature that public charter school students be considered as important as all other school students in the state and, to that end, comparable funding levels from existing and future sources should be maintained for public charter school students.


§18-5-48. Safety and security measures for school facilities; Safe Schools Fund created.

(a) Each county board of education, public charter school, and multicounty vocational center shall annually assess the safety and security of each of the school facilities for which they are responsible. Safety and security measures of each facility shall be upgraded when necessary to ensure, to the best of the county board’s, public charter school governing board’s or multicounty vocational center administrative council’s ability, the safety of the students within each facility. Each county board of education, public charter school governing board, and multicounty vocational center administrative council shall report annually the safety and security measures it has put in place, including upgrades thereto, to the State Department of Education. Annually, the State Department of Education shall compile the information received and report it to the Legislative Oversight Commission on Education Accountability.

(b) As used in this section, "safety and security measures" means action taken by a county board of education, a public charter school, or multicounty vocational center that improves the security of a school facility and the safety of the students within such facility, including, but not limited to, hiring a school resource officer, installing weapon detection systems, upgrading facility doors or windows.

(c) There is hereby created in the State Treasury a special revenue fund to be known as the Safe Schools Fund. The fund shall consist of all moneys received from legislative appropriations and other sources to further the purpose of this section: Provided, That annually, the West Virginia Department of Education shall request an appropriation based on the requests of the county boards of education, public charter school governing boards and multicounty vocational center administrative councils.  Subject to legislative appropriation, the funds appropriated annually to the School Safety Fund shall be distributed to the county boards of education, public charter schools, and multicounty vocational centers, on the basis of need. Moneys distributed from this fund shall not be used to make permanently affixed improvements, alterations or additions to a physical facility that a county board of education, public charter school or multicounty vocational center does not own. If the West Virginia Department of Education distributes any moneys from this fund for the purpose of making safety improvements on or in a facility that is not owned, it shall require that the improvements be accomplished in such a manner that they may be removed with minimal effort. All moneys distributed from this fund shall be used to support the purpose and intent of this section and all moneys must be spent to support the school for which the funding was derived: Provided, however, That moneys distributed from this fund also may be used for the purposes of § 18-20-11 of this code, relating to video cameras in certain special education classrooms. Until such time as all school facilities are in full compliance with the special education video requirements, the West Virginia Department of Education shall first allocate the funding appropriated for the Safe Schools Fund based on the remaining need for video cameras in public school facilities. After all public school facilities have been provided sufficient funds to meet the special education video camera requirements, the funds shall be distributed by the West Virginia Department of Education to meet the needs of school facilities to have safe school entry ways.  After safe school entry way needs have been met, the West Virginia Department of Education shall distribute funds based upon a determination of need. Any moneys remaining in the fund at the close of the fiscal year shall be carried forward for use in the next fiscal year. Fund balances shall be invested with the state’s Consolidated Investment Fund and any and all interest shall be used solely for the purposes that moneys deposited in the fund may be used pursuant to this article.

(d) The West Virginia Board of Education shall promulgate rules pursuant to § 29A-3B-1 et seq. of this code to establish a process by which county boards of education, public charter school governing boards and multicounty vocational center administrative councils may submit requests to obtain needs-based funding from the Safe Schools Fund. Such rules shall address:

(1) The manner, time line and process for the submission of a request;

(2) The criteria by which requests shall be evaluated and prioritized; and

(3) Any other matters deemed necessary to further the goals of this article.

§18-5-49. County board exceptional needs expenditures from surplus funds.

Each county board may by policy establish an exceptional needs fund from surpluses for students who are likely to perform better outside of the public school setting. The policy may include:

(1) Allowing the county board to use excess funds or donated funds for expenditures related to services and materials necessary for that student’s educational success that are not met within the public education school district;

(2) The amount of funds that is to be deposited into the fund each year which may vary based on availability of surpluses;

(3) The qualifying expenses that funds in the fund may be used for;

(4) Measures for protecting against improper use of the funds which may include auditing all expenditures related to an individual student for services outside of the public education district;

(5) The conditions under which payments from the Exceptional Needs Success Fund are to cease;

(6) Eligibility requirements for education service providers that can accept payments from the fund;

(7) A requirement that any overpayments recaptured from refunded expenditures revert to the Exceptional Student Success Fund; and

(8) Any other provision the county board determines appropriate.

§18-2E-12. Mountain State Digital Literacy Project.

(a) Beginning for the school year 2020-2021, the state board shall implement a pilot project, hereby designated the Mountain State Digital Literacy Project. The state board shall determine the number of schools eligible to participate in the pilot project and may adjust that number on a yearly basis. The state board shall select the schools to participate in the project, but selected schools shall possess varying geographic and demographic characteristics and serve students in grades K-8.

(b) Subject to legislative appropriation for this purpose, schools participating in the project shall be provided with instructional resources for students and teachers that feature an extensive curriculum related to digital literacy, online assessment preparation, and internet safety. Administrators and teachers at the participating schools shall be provided access to online digital literacy related professional development and support.

(c) The project shall be designed and implemented to compliment and build upon the digital literacy standards and assessments established pursuant to §18-2-12, §18-2E-5(c)(16), and §18-2E-5(d)(5) of this code.

(d) The state board may contract with a third-party to facilitate the project. Any such third-party shall satisfy the following qualifications:

(1) Possesses demonstratable experience facilitating similar digital literacy initiatives with public school systems;

(2) Provides extensive digital literacy content over the internet that may be adapted to age or grade specific users and assessment tools, and integrates with widely used platforms; and

(3) Provides digital literacy-related professional development and support resources for administrators and teachers.

(e) On or before January 1, 2020, the state board shall submit to the Governor and the Legislative Oversight Committee on Education Accountability a report that provides information on the development, structure, and fiscal estimate of the Mountain State Digital Literacy Project.

(f) On or before January 1, 2025, the state board shall submit to the Governor and the Legislative Oversight Committee on Education Accountability an evaluation of the pilot project’s impact on the performance and progress of students at the participating schools. The evaluation shall include a recommendation for pilot project continuation, expansion or termination and, if recommended for continuation or expansion, any recommendations for program modifications and utilization of the successful participating schools as demonstration sites to facilitate program expansion.

§18-9B-22. Searchable budget database and website.

(a) Effective July 1, 2020, the state superintendent shall provide the State Auditor with the required data for use by the searchable budget data website: Provided, That the state superintendent shall not be required to violate the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act in providing such data. The data shall also contain the required information for the previous three fiscal years provided such data is available.

(b) The required data shall include for use by the searchable budget database website the following content:

(1) The name and principal location or residence of the entity or recipients of funds:  Provided, That employee addresses shall not be made public or otherwise displayed on the budget data website;

(2) The name of the person or entity requesting the funds;

(3) The amount of funds expended;

(4) The funding or expending agency;

(5) The funding source of the revenue expended;

(6) The budget program or activity of the expenditure;

(7) A descriptive purpose for the funding action or expenditure;

(8) Any state audit or report relating to the entity or recipient of funds or the budget program or agency; and

(9) Any other relevant information specified by the Legislature.

(c) The information shall be updated for each fiscal year no later than 30 days following the end of the fiscal year. In addition, the State Auditor shall update the searchable budget database website as new data becomes available. The State Auditor shall provide guidance to the state superintendent to ensure compliance with this section.

(d) Nothing in this subsection is intended to cause a substantial modification to the West Virginia Education Information System.

§18-20-11. Video cameras required in certain special education classrooms; audio recording devices required in restroom of a self-contained classroom.

(a) A local educational agency (LEA) shall ensure placement of video cameras in self-contained classrooms and audio recording devices in the restrooms of self-contained classrooms as defined in state board policy.

(b) As used in this section:

(1) "Incident" means a raised suspicion by a teacher, aide, parent, or guardian of a student, of bullying, abuse, or neglect of a student or of harm to an employee of a public school by:

(A) An employee of a public school or local educational agency (LEA); or

(B) Another student;

(2) "Self-contained classroom" means a classroom at a public school in which a majority of the students in regular attendance are provided special education instruction and as further defined in state board policy; and

(3) "Special education" means the same as defined in §18-20-1 et seq. of this code.

(c) (1) A local educational agency (LEA) shall provide a video camera to a public school for each self-contained classroom that is a part of that school which shall be used in every self-contained classroom.

(2) Prior to August 1, 2023, a local educational agency (LEA) shall provide an audio recording device to a public school to be used in the restroom of each self-contained classroom that is a part of that school. If the public school is not able to receive the audio recording device by August 1, 2023, the public school may apply to the state Department of Education for a waiver to extend that date to August 1, 2024.

(3) The principal of the school or other school administrator whom the principal assigns as a designee shall be the custodian of the video camera and audio recording device, all recordings generated by the video camera and audio recording device, and access to those recordings pursuant to this section.

(d)(1) Every public school that receives a video camera under this section shall operate and maintain the video camera in every self-contained classroom that is part of that school.

(2) Every public school that receives an audio recording device under this section shall operate and maintain the audio recording device in every restroom that is a part of a self-contained classroom that is part of that school: Provided, That each restroom of a self-contained classroom shall have posted on its door a notice that states: "Pursuant to state law, this restroom is equipped with an audio recording device for the protection of the students."

(3) If there is an interruption in the operation of the video camera or audio recording device for any reason, a written explanation should be submitted to the school principal and the local educational agency (LEA) board explaining the reason and length for which there was no recording. The explanation shall be maintained at the local educational agency (LEA) board office for at least one year.

(e)(1) A video camera placed in a self-contained classroom shall be capable of:

(A) Monitoring all areas of the self-contained classroom, including, without limitation, a room attached to the self-contained classroom and used for other purposes; and

(B) Recording audio from all areas of the self-contained classroom, including, without limitation, a room attached to the self-contained classroom and used for other purposes.

(2) A video camera placed in a self-contained classroom shall not monitor a restroom or any other area in the self-contained classroom where a student changes his or her clothes except, for incidental monitoring of a minor portion of a restroom or other area where a student changes his or her clothes because of the layout of the self-contained classroom.

(3) An audio recording device shall be placed in the restroom of the self-contained classroom and notice provided pursuant to §18-20-11(d)(2) of this code.

(4) A video camera or audio recording device required by this section is not required to be in operation during the time in which students are not present in the self-contained classroom.

(f) Before a public school initially places a video camera in a self-contained classroom or an audio recording device in the restroom of a self-contained classroom pursuant to this section, the local educational agency (LEA) shall provide written notice of the placement to:

(1) The parent or legal guardian of a student who is assigned to the self-contained classroom: Provided, That the parent or guardian be allowed the opportunity to opt out of the bathroom audio monitoring for their student. An Individual Education Plan or 504 plan shall outline the opt out and an alternative arrangement for the student or parent needs and requested accommodation; and

(2) The school employee(s) who is assigned to work with one or more students in the self-contained classroom.

(g)(1) Except as provided in subdivision (2) of this subsection, a public school shall retain video and audio recorded pursuant to this section for at least three months after the date of the recording, subject to the following:

(A) If the minimum three-month period overlaps the summer break occurring between the last day of one instructional term and the first day of the next instructional term, the minimum three-month period shall be extended by the number of days occurring between the two instructional terms;

(B) For any school-based camera system or audio device recording device that is installed or replaced after April 1, 2022, the public school shall retain video recorded from a camera or audio device recording for at least 365 days after the date the video or audio was recorded and no extension of this time period during the summer break is required.

(2) If a person requests to review a recording under subsection (k) or subsection (l) of this section, the public school shall retain the recording from the date of the request until:

(A) The earlier of the person reviewing the recording or 60 days after the person who requested the video or audio recording was notified by the public school that the video or audio recording is available; and

(B) Any investigation and any administrative or legal proceedings that result from the recording have been completed, including, without limitation, the exhaustion of all appeals.

(3) In no event may the recording be deleted or otherwise made unretrievable before the time period set forth in subdivision (1) of this subsection elapses.

(h) This section does not:

(1) Waive any immunity from liability of a public local educational agency (LEA) or employee of a public local educational agency (LEA);

(2) Create any liability for a cause of action against a public school or local educational agency (LEA) or employee of a public school or local educational agency (LEA); or

(3) Require the principal or other designated school administrator to review the recording absent an authorized request pursuant to this code section or suspicion of an incident except as otherwise provided in subsection (j) of this section.

(i) A public school or local educational agency (LEA) shall not use video or audio recorded under this section for:

(1) Teacher evaluations; or

(2) Any purpose other than the promotion and protection of the health, wellbeing, and safety of students receiving special education and related services in a self-contained classroom or restroom of a self-contained classroom.

(j) Except as provided under subsections (k) and (l) of this section, a recording made under this section is confidential and shall not be released or reviewed by anyone except the school principal, other school administration designee, or local educational agency (LEA) designee if the school principal or other school administration designee is unable to review the video or audio recording pursuant to this subsection. The school principal, other school administration designee, or local educational agency (LEA) designee shall review no less than 15 minutes of the video and no less than 15 minutes of audio of each self-contained classroom and restroom at the school no less than every 90 calendar days. The state board shall include in its rule authorized by this section requirements for documentation of compliance with the video and audio reviewing requirements of this subsection.

(k) Within seven days of receiving a request, a public school or local educational agency (LEA) shall allow review of a recording by:

(1) A public school or local educational agency (LEA) employee who is involved in an alleged incident that is documented by the recording and has been reported to the public school or local educational agency (LEA);

(2) A parent or legal guardian of a student who is involved in an alleged incident that is documented by the recording and has been reported to the public school or local educational agency (LEA); or

(3) An employee of a public school or local educational agency (LEA) as part of an investigation into an alleged incident that is documented by the recording and has been reported to the public school or local educational agency (LEA).

(l) Within seven days of receiving a request, a public school or local educational agency (LEA) shall allow review of a recording by and comply with all subsequent requests for review or release of the recording by:

(1) A law-enforcement officer or employee of the Department of Human Services, as part of an investigation into an alleged incident that is documented by the recording and has been reported to the agency: Provided, That if a release of the recording is requested pursuant to this subdivision, the agency receiving a copy of the recording shall maintain strict confidentiality of the recording and not further release the recording without authorization from the public local educational agency (LEA) through its superintendent; or

(2) A judge, counsel, or other legal entity that is charged with deciding or representing either the school board, students, or employees in any matters related to legal issues arising from an incident: Provided, That the recording may only be released pursuant to an appropriate protective order or under seal.

(m) If an incident is discovered while initially reviewing a recording that requires a report to be made under §49-2-803 of this code, that report shall be made by the reviewer pursuant to that section within 24 hours of viewing the incident.

(n) When a recording is under review as part of the investigation of an alleged incident, and the recording reveals a student violating a disciplinary code or rule of the school, which violation is not related to the alleged incident for which the review is occurring, and which violation is not already the subject of a disciplinary action against the student, the student is not subject to disciplinary action by the school for such unrelated violation unless it reveals a separate incident as described in §18-20-11(b)(1) of this code.

(o) It is not a violation of subsection (j) of this section if a contractor or other employee of a public school or local educational agency (LEA) incidentally reviews a recording under this section if the contractor or employee of a public school or local educational agency (LEA) is performing job duties related to the:

(1) Installation, operation, or maintenance of video or audio equipment; or

(2) Retention of video or audio recordings.

(p) This section applies solely to cameras and audio recording devices installed pursuant to this code section and does not limit the access of a student’s parent or legal guardian to a recording reviewable under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, 20 U.S.C. §1232g, or any other law.

(q) A public school or local educational agency (LEA) shall:

(1) Take necessary precautions to conceal the identity of a student who appears in a video recording but is not involved in the alleged incident documented by the video recording for which the public school allows viewing under subsection (j) of this section, including, without limitation, blurring the face of the uninvolved student; and

(2) Provide procedures to protect the confidentiality of student records contained in a recording in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, 20 U.S.C. §1232g, or any other law.

(r) (1) Any aggrieved person may appeal to the State Board of Education an action by a public school or local educational agency (LEA) that the person believes to be in violation of this section.

(2) The state board shall grant a hearing on an appeal under this subsection within 45 days of receiving the appeal.

(s) (1) A public school or local educational agency (LEA) may use funds distributed from the Safe Schools Fund created in §18-5-48 of this code or any other available funds to meet the requirements of this section.

(2) A public school or local educational agency (LEA) may accept gifts, grants, or donations to meet the requirements of this section.

(t) The state board may promulgate a rule in accordance with §29A-3B-1 et seq. of this code to clarify the requirements of this section and address any unforeseen issues that might arise relating to the implementation of the requirements of this section.

§18-5G-11. Public charter school students; enrollment and eligibility; enrollment preferences; random selection lottery; enrollment discrimination prohibited; credit transfers; participation in interscholastic sports.

(a) Public charter schools are open for enrollment to all students of appropriate grade level age and all students shall be enrolled in accordance with the following:

(1) A public charter school shall provide or publicize to parents and the general public information about the public charter school as an enrollment option for students and the process for application and enrollment, including dates and timelines. If the public charter school includes in its mission a specific focus on students with special needs, including, but not limited to, at-risk students, English language learners, students with severe disciplinary problems at a noncharter public school or students involved with the juvenile justice system, it shall include the information in such publication. A public charter school’s recruitment effort shall include all segments of the student populations served by noncharter public schools of comparable grade levels;

(2) A county board shall provide or publicize to parents and the general public information about public charter schools within the county as an enrollment option to the same extent and through the same means that the county provides and publicizes information about noncharter public schools in the county;

(3) A county board may not require any student residing in the county to enroll in a public charter school, nor may it prohibit any public charter school student from returning to a noncharter public school;

(4) A public charter school shall designate its primary recruitment area in its charter application and charter contract. The establishment of a primary recruitment area by a public charter school does not negate any overlapping attendance area or areas established by a county board or boards for noncharter public schools. A primary recruitment area may include territory in more than one county;

(5) The primary recruitment area shall be based on the public charter school’s estimated facility and program capacity. The capacity of the public charter school shall be determined annually by the governing board of the public charter school in conjunction with its authorizer and in consideration of the public charter school’s ability to facilitate the academic success of its students, to achieve the other objectives specified in the charter contract, and to ensure that the student enrollment does not exceed the capacity of its facility, site and programs. An authorizer may not restrict the number of students a public charter school may enroll;

(6) Public charter schools may not discriminate against any person on any basis which would be unlawful for noncharter public schools in the school district. A public charter school may not establish admission policies or limit student admissions in any manner in which a public school is not permitted to establish admission policies or limit student admissions: Provided, That this subdivision may not be construed to limit the formation of a public charter school that is dedicated to focusing its education program and services on students with special needs, including, but not limited to, at-risk students, English language learners, students with severe disciplinary problems at a noncharter public school, or students involved with the juvenile justice system;

(7) A public charter school may establish any one or more of the following enrollment preferences for:

(A) Children who reside within the school’s primary recruitment area;

(B) Students enrolled in the public charter school the previous school year and siblings of students already enrolled in the public charter school;

(C) Children with special needs, including, but not limited to, at-risk students, English language learners, students with severe disciplinary problems at a noncharter public school, or students involved with the juvenile justice system; and

(D) Children of governing board members and full-time employees of the school as long as the number of students enrolled under this preference constitute no more than five percent of the school’s total student enrollment;

(8) A start-up public charter school shall enroll all students who apply and to whom an enrollment preference has been established. If the school has excess capacity after enrolling these students, the school shall enroll all other students who apply: Provided, That if the remaining applicants exceed the enrollment capacity of the program, class, grade level or building of the public charter school, the public charter school shall select students for enrollment from among all remaining applicants by a random selection lottery. The school’s lottery procedures and timelines support equal and open access for all students and take place in an open meeting;

(9) A conversion public charter school shall guarantee enrollment to all students who were previously enrolled in the noncharter public school and shall adopt and maintain a policy that gives enrollment preference to students who reside within the attendance area as established prior to the conversion of the school. If the school has excess capacity after enrolling these students and all others to whom an enrollment preference has been given, the school shall enroll all other students who apply: Provided, That if the remaining applicants exceed the enrollment capacity of the program, class, grade level or building of a public charter school, the public charter school shall select students for enrollment from among all remaining applicants by a random selection lottery. The school’s lottery procedures and timelines support equal and open access for all students and take place in an open meeting; and

(10) A program conversion public charter school shall enroll all students who apply for enrollment in the program who, at the time of authorization, are enrolled in the noncharter public school at which the program is operated. A program conversion public charter school shall adopt and maintain a policy that gives enrollment preference to students who are enrolled in the noncharter public school at which the program is operated. If the school has excess capacity after enrolling these students, the school shall enroll all other students who apply: Provided, That if the remaining applicants exceed the enrollment capacity of the program, class, grade level or building of a public charter school, the public charter school shall select students for enrollment from among all remaining applicants by a random selection lottery. The school’s lottery procedures and timelines support equal and open access for all students and take place in an open meeting.

(b) If a student who was previously enrolled in a public charter school transfers enrollment to a noncharter public school in this state, the school to which the student transfers shall accept credits earned by the student in courses or instructional programs at the public charter school in a uniform and consistent manner and according to the same criteria that are used to accept academic credits from other noncharter public schools or that consider content competency when appropriate due to differences in curriculum delivery, instructional methods and strategies, or course designations and sequence.

(c) Each public charter school shall be given access to and shall utilize the electronic education information system established by the West Virginia Department of Education, is subject to the Student Data Accessibility, Transparency and Accountability Act pursuant to section §18-2-5h of this code, and shall report information on student and school performance to parents, policy-makers and the general public in the same manner as noncharter public schools utilizing the electronic format established by the West Virginia Department of Education.

(d) Each public charter school shall certify annually to the State Department of Education and to the county board of the school district in which the public charter school is located its student enrollment, average daily attendance and student participation in the national school lunch program, special education, vocational education, gifted education, advanced placement and dual credit courses, and federal programs in the same manner as school districts.

§18-5G-12. Access to public facilities.

(a) A public charter school may request usage of public facilities from the county board or other public entity in the county where the charter school is located or proposes to locate. A county board or other public entity shall make facilities available to the charter school that are either not used, in whole or in part, for classroom instruction at the time the charter school seeks to use or lease the public facility.

(b) If a charter school seeks to lease the whole or part of a public facility, the cost of the lease must be at or under current market value.

(c) During the term of the lease, the charter school is solely responsible for the direct expenses related to the public facility lease, including utilities, insurance, maintenance, repairs, and remodeling. The county school board is responsible for any debt incurred or liens that are attached to the school building before the charter school leases the public facility.

§18-5-22e. Cardiac response plans.

(a) For the purposes of this section, the following terms are defined:

"Cardiac Emergency Response Plan" or "the plan" means a written document that establishes the specific steps to reduce death from cardiac arrest.

"Automated External Defibrillator" means a lightweight, portable device that delivers an electric shock through the chest to the heart.

"School" means any school with an athletic department or organized athletic program under the jurisdiction of a county board of education.

"Sudden Cardiac Arrest" means when the heart malfunctions and stops beating unexpectedly.

(b) A school shall develop a cardiac emergency response plan that provides for the following:

(1) A school with an athletic department or organized athletic program shall develop a cardiac emergency response plan that addresses the appropriate use of school personnel to respond to incidents involving an individual experiencing sudden cardiac arrest or a similar life-threatening emergency while attending or participating in an athletic practice or event while on school grounds; and

(2) School staff trained in first-aid, CPR, and automated external defibrillator use that follow evidence-based guidelines including but not limited to licensed coaches, school nurses, and athletic trainers.

(c) Prior to the start of each athletic season, a school subject to this section shall hold an informational meeting for students, parents, guardians, or other persons having care or charge of a student, regarding the warning signs of sudden cardiac arrest for children of all ages.

(d) No student may participate in an athletic activity until the student has submitted to a designated school official, a form signed by the student and the parent, guardian, or other person having care or charge of the student, stating that the student and the parent, guardian, or other person having care or charge of the student have received and reviewed a copy of the cardiac emergency response plan developed by the school and posted on its webpage. A completed form shall be submitted each school year in which the student participates in an athletic activity.

(e) No individual may coach an athletic activity unless the individual has completed, on an annual basis, the sudden cardiac arrest training course approved by the Department of Education.

(f) A student shall not be allowed to participate in an athletic activity if either of the following is the case:

(1) The student is known to have exhibited syncope or fainting at any time prior to or following an athletic activity and has not been evaluated and cleared for return after exhibiting syncope or fainting; or

(2) The student experiences syncope or fainting while participating in, or immediately following, an athletic activity.

(g) If a student is not allowed to participate in or is removed from participation in an athletic activity under subsection (f) of this section, the student shall not be allowed to return to participation until the student is evaluated and cleared for return in writing by any of the following: (1) A physician authorized under §30-3-1 et seq. and §30-14-1 et seq. of this code;

(2) A certified nurse practitioner, or certified nurse specialist; or

(3) A physician assistant licensed under §30-3E-1 et seq. and §30-14A-1 et seq. of this code.

(h) School officials shall work directly with local emergency service providers to integrate the plan into the community’s EMS responder protocols, which shall include, at a minimum, the following:

(1) Establishing a cardiac emergency response team;

(2) Activating the team in response to a sudden cardiac arrest;

(3) Implementing automated external defibrillator placement and routine maintenance within the school;

(4) Disseminating the plan throughout the school campus;

(5) Maintaining ongoing staff training in CPR/AED use;

(6) Plan for practicing skills learned;

(7) Integrating local EMS with the plan;

(8) Ongoing and annual review and evaluation of the plan; and

(9) Appropriate automated external defibrillator placement.

(i) The State Board of Education may promulgate a legislative rule pursuant §29A-3B-1 et seq. of this code to ensure compliance with this section by county school boards.

(j) A county board of education may accept gifts, grants, and donations, including in-kind donations designated for the purchase of an automatic external defibrillator that meets the standards established by the United States Food and Drug Administration and for the costs incurred to inspect and maintain such device and train staff in the use of such device.

§18-34-1. Laken's Law.

(a) The Fentanyl Prevention and Awareness Education Act or “Laken’s Law” would help prevent overdose deaths in teens and young adults due to fentanyl and fentanyl components. This shall be accomplished through education of students in grades 6-12 in all public schools and be mandated annually using the following methods:

(1) Students will be taught about fentanyl, heroin, and opioids awareness, prevention, and abuse;

(2) Students will be instructed in the life-saving use of FDA-approved opioid reversal agents;

(3) Students will be instructed on the prevention of the abuse of and addiction to fentanyl;

(4) Students will be instructed on available state and community resources and organizations that work to prevent and reduce youth substance use; and

(5) Students will receive health education covering the issues of substance abuse and youth substance abuse in particular.

(b) This mandatory instruction will begin in the 2024-2025 school year.

§18-34-2. Policy enacted.

(a) A student’s absence due to a student’s pregnancy or parenting needs is an excused absence as provided under this section and for purposed of §18-8-4(a)(1) of this code.

(b) The State Board of Education shall develop a written attendance policy for pregnant and parenting students that, at a minimum, meets the requirements of this article. The policy developed under this section shall:

(1) Excuse all absences due to pregnancy or parenting-related conditions, including absences for:

(A) Labor;

(B) Delivery;

(C) Recovery; and

(D) Prenatal and postnatal medical appointments;

(2) Provide at least 8 weeks of excused absences for a mother for the birth of the student’s child, including both natural/vaginal delivery and c-section delivery;

(3) Provide excused absences for antenatal care by recommendation of the medical provider;

(4) Provide two weeks excused absence for the father of the child;

(A) A doctor’s or medical excuse shall be provided up to the initial 8 weeks' absence and a separate excuse for each period of absence after the initial 8 weeks.

(B) County boards shall make reasonable efforts to encourage the parent to remain on track for graduation by providing academic support options including, but not limited to, work provided virtually and a homebound instructor for weekly visits to ensure accountability.

(5) Provide an excused absence for parenting students whose children are sick: Provided, That they shall provide a doctor’s excuse for that child.

(6) The schools shall refer the pregnant and parenting student to a "pregnancy help organization" by providing a list of pregnancy or postpartum assistance organizations within the county and surrounding counties as defined under §16-66-1 of this code.

§18-2-43. Addressing disciplinary action in West Virginia schools.

(a) The Department of Education shall analyze statewide data collected on school disciplinary action and, based on the findings of this data, develop a statewide program intended to address the number of disciplinary actions taken by school personnel and county school boards against students enrolled in grades K-12. This program will include information by subgroup, including, but not limited to, race, gender, and disability.

(b) County boards of education shall implement the program outlined in subsection (a) of this section with the ultimate goal of improving disciplinary outcomes.

(c) The Department of Education shall prepare a report on the findings of statewide disciplinary data and, in addition to these findings, provide a summary of the progress of the statewide program and individual county programs, evaluating the extent to which the programs have successfully led to making a positive impact in disciplinary actions in West Virginia school systems. The Department of Education shall present these findings to the Legislative Oversight Commission on Education Accountability every two years starting in the year 2022.

§18-2E-11a. Nursing career pathway.

(a) The Legislature finds that:

(1) There are numerous reports relating that the nursing shortage is causing currently employed nurses to be overworked and that hospitals are bringing in travel nurses from other states;

(2) While the recent passage of the Advance Career Education and West Virginia Invests Grant programs legislation would address nursing shortages along with addressing other shortage areas, having a sufficient number of qualified nurses is of such importance to the health of the citizens of the state that additional efforts should be made to ensure that there is an adequate number of nurses to meet the state’s health care needs as soon as possible; and

(3) Providing a seamless process for students pursuing careers in nursing from high school through attainment of a nursing credential or degree would assist in ensuring an adequate nursing workforce.

(b) The State Superintendent of Schools, the Chancellor for the Higher Education Policy Commission, and the Chancellor for the Community and Technical College System shall convene the West Virginia Nursing Career Pathway Workgroup consisting of:

(1) Representatives of health care providers that need nurses and could potentially provide clinical space. Due to the importance of health care providers providing clinical space, as many representatives of health care providers as possible, especially the largest health care providers, shall be invited to be members of the workgroup, provide input, and be encouraged to provide clinical space.  Invitations to join the workgroup at least shall be extended to the West Virginia Health Care Association and the West Virginia Hospital Association;

(2) A representative of the West Virginia Department of Education;

(3) A representative of the Higher Education Policy Commission;

(4) A representative of the Council for Community and Technical College Education;

(5) Representatives of institutions of higher education in West Virginia;

(6) A representative of the Board for Registered Professional Nurses;

(7) A representative of the Board of Examiners for Licensed Practical Nurses; and

(8) Any other persons that the State Superintendent, the Chancellor for Higher Education, and the Chancellor for Community and Technical College Education determine beneficial.

(c) The West Virginia Nursing Career Pathway Workgroup shall be charged with developing a career pathway to address the unmet need for nursing assistants, licensed practical nurses, registered nurses, and registered nurses with a bachelor’s degree in nursing.  The nursing program of study will begin in high school and progress through college, providing employment opportunity with industry partners and pathway re-entry at specified student attainment points: Nursing assistant certification, licensed practical nurse diploma and licensure, registered nurse associate degree and licensure, and bachelor of science in nursing completion.  The career pathway shall align affordable, effective, and sustainable secondary to post-secondary nursing programs to increase credential attainment for a broad and diverse student population. 

(1) The career pathway shall include participating high school students enrolling in a specified curriculum of college preparatory, career and technical health science courses, or dual college-high school credit courses, as well as participating in career experiences through a health care provider or a work-based learning clinical experience.

(2) Students shall have the opportunity to apply for admission to a practical nursing program at a community and technical college or career and technical education center.

(3) Upon completion of a practical nursing program, students shall have the opportunity to apply for admission to a licensed practical nursing to registered nurse associate degree program.

(4) Upon completion of a licensed practical nursing to registered nurse associate degree program, students then shall have the opportunity to apply for admission to a registered nurse to bachelor of science in nursing program.

(5) The career pathway shall be made available to students statewide beginning with the cohort of students entering ninth grade during the 2021-2022 school year.

(d) The State Superintendent, the Chancellor for Higher Education, the Chancellor for Community and Technical College Education, or any combination thereof, shall report to the Legislative Oversight Commission on Education Accountability, as requested, but at least annually, on the progress in implementing the career pathway up until such time as the career pathway is fully implemented statewide.

(e) In establishing the nursing career pathway, the State Superintendent, the Chancellor for Higher Education, the Chancellor of Community and Technical College Education, and the workgroup created pursuant to subsection (c) of this section shall consider the following:

(1) If the career pathway is difficult to implement due to nursing programs being at full capacity, the workgroup shall explore the use of online programs currently in existence or the creation of new online programs in overcoming any lack of capacity in the current nursing programs and to make programs more accessible to students; and

(2) The nursing career pathway shall include the use of any available financial assistance in order to minimize, or if possible, eliminate tuition costs for students and their families.  This assistance can include, if a student is eligible, the Federal Pell Grant Program, the Higher Education Grant Program, the PROMISE Scholarship Program, the West Virginia Invests Grant Program, and any other grants or scholarships that might be available.  Health care providers in need of nurses also shall be encouraged to establish scholarship programs to help cover tuition costs.

§18-3-13. Behavior Interventionist Pilot Program.

(a) The Legislature finds that:

(1) Behavior problems of special education students can be better addressed by personnel who specialize in addressing student behavior issues;

(2) With the advent of the opioid crisis in recent years in West Virginia, behavior problems in the state’s elementary and secondary education system have increased significantly;

(3) Behavior problems impact not just the student who is misbehaving, but also other students at the school;

(4) The state should explore various ways to address this issue;

(5) One such method of successfully addressing behavioral problems could be through the use of behavior interventionists; and

(6) A behavior interventionist who is trained to address student behavior issues at a school could free classroom teachers from having to address behavior issues and allow them to focus exclusively on teaching students which could result in academic achievement increases for other students in the classroom.

(b) The state superintendent shall immediately establish a Behavior Interventionist Pilot Program to be implemented in not less than two nor more than 10 county school districts for the duration of three years. In selecting the county school districts, the state superintendent shall select districts meeting the following criteria:

(1) The districts shall have among the highest number in the state of students with an individual education program;

(2) The districts designated by the state superintendent for the pilot program shall have schools that have a significant number of students enrolled with behavior issues; and

(3) The districts shall have the resources to hire and train personnel who specialize in addressing students with behavior issues.

(c) The county school districts designated for the pilot programs pursuant to this section may immediately create a new employment position, entitled “behavior interventionist”, which is a school-based position that specializes in addressing behavior issues at a school. Once the counties are chosen, the county superintendent shall convene an advisory committee consisting of principals, teachers, classroom aides, and the education organizations to advise the county superintendent and county board on qualifications and hiring.  Behavior interventionists shall be designated by the county board as either a professional person or a service person.  If the behavior interventionist is designated as a service person, he or she shall be assigned a pay grade D, at a minimum, for the purpose of the salary schedule set forth in §18A-4-8a of this code. The county school districts designated for the pilot programs shall establish the qualifications for personnel employed in the behavior interventionist position and shall establish the initial and continuing training requirements for the personnel employed in the position.

(d) Annually, for the duration of the pilot programs and once after the conclusion of the pilot programs, the county superintendents of the county school districts designated for the pilot programs shall report to the Legislative Oversight Commission on Education Accountability on:

(1) Progress toward and methods of implementation of the pilot programs, including the required qualifications and training for personnel employed in the behavior interventionist position;

(2) Indicators of the success of the pilot programs, which may include reductions in disciplinary actions and increases in student achievement at the schools in which the behavior interventionists are assigned;

(3) Their recommendation on whether the pilot programs should continue beyond the current duration of the pilot programs; and

(4) Their recommendation on whether the pilot programs should be replicated in other school districts that have a high percentage of students with an individual education program, that have schools with significant student behavior problems, or both, and if so, how the pilot programs could best be replicated based on the experience and knowledge gained from the pilot programs established pursuant to this section.

§18-10P-1. Short title.

This article shall be known and may be cited as the Students’ Right-to-Know Act.

§18-10P-2. Purpose.

The purpose of this article is to help high school students make more informed decisions about their futures and ensure they are adequately aware of the costs and benefits of certificate programs, vocational programs, two-year college, four-year college, and other alternative career paths.

§18-10P-3. Career landscape information collection.

The following information, to the extent available, shall be collected and compiled by the State Board of Education, in collaboration with the Higher Education Policy Commission and the Council for Community and Technical College Education, on an annual basis:

 (1) The most in-demand occupations in the state, including entry wage and common degree levels (e.g., associate’s, bachelor’s, or master’s) for entering the occupation;

(2) The average cost of two and four-year colleges, universities, and vocational schools in the state by type of institution;

(3) The federal and state scholarship, merit, and need-based aid programs available for attending two and four-year colleges, universities, and vocational schools in the state by type of institution;

(4) The average monthly student loan payment and the average total amount of student loans for individuals who attend all two and four-year colleges, universities, and vocational schools in the state by the type of institution;

(5) The average student loan default rate for two and four-year colleges, universities, and vocational schools in the state by type of institution;

(6) Information relating to the availability of paid internship and externship opportunities for students attending two and four-year colleges, universities, and vocational schools in the state by type of institution;

(7) The average graduation rate for two and four-year colleges, universities, and vocational schools in the state by type of institution;

(8) The completion rates for apprenticeship programs, high school credential programs, and career and technical education programs;

(9) The percentage of college graduates working in an occupation that does not require a college degree for each major;

(10) Median annual wages for public college/university graduates by degree level and degree area;

(11) The average starting salary of career-technical education completers;

(12) The number of military first-term enlistments and each branch’s starting salary;

(13) Contact information for each of the two and four-year colleges, universities, and vocational schools in the state, and each branch of the U.S. armed forces, National Guard, and reserves; and

(14) Any other information the State Board of Education, the Higher Education Policy Commission, or the Council for Community and Technical College Education deem appropriate to assist high school students in weighing the costs and benefits of post-high school training and education.

§18-10P-4. Information distribution.

No later than October 15 of each year, the State Superintendent shall distribute the information collected by the State Board of Education in §18-10P-3 of this code:

(1) To every public high school in the state for distribution to students by school guidance counselors; and

(2) To the public by making it readily available through publishing on the Department of Education’s website.

§18-10P-5. Data sharing.

The State Board of Education may execute a memorandum of understanding with any department, agency, or division for information required to be collected by this article. Any department, agency, or division that possesses information required to be collected by this article, at least including the Department of Commerce and the Higher Education Policy Commission, shall provide that information to the State Board of Education annually.

§18-10P-6. Effective date.

The requirements of this article are effective on January 1, 2021.

§18-2-25c. Defibrillator required at certain events.

(a) In memory of Alex Miller, a Roane County football player who collapsed and died during a school football game, this law shall be known as The Alex Miller Law.

(b) By the 2021-2022 school year, the West Virginia Secondary School Activities Commission shall require that an automated external defibrillator device, as well as a posted emergency action plan, be present on the school or event grounds during the duration of all athletic events and practices under the control, supervision, and regulation of the commission, and that appropriate school sports personnel be trained in the use of the device.

(c) The commission shall propose rules for promulgation by the State Board in accordance with §29A-3B-1 et seq. of this code to implement the provisions of this section including proximity.

(d) No individual, school, county board of education, or other entity shall be held liable for civil damages when such individual, school, county board of education, or other entity in good faith attempted to comply with the requirements of this section or rules promulgated pursuant thereto.

§18-2-7e. Business and community partnerships for improving student engagement and preparation; roles of school district leadership and local school improvement councils; future-ready graduate profile.


(a) The purpose of this section is to complement the delivery of programs in workforce preparation set forth in §18-2-7d of this code by providing a framework for schools, school systems, and communities to:

(1) Engage their local stakeholders in developing a shared vision of the knowledge, college, and career skills, and life characteristics that a future-ready graduate of their school system will need for success in occupations and entrepreneurship in the changing world of work;

(2) Build strategic partnerships that instill within students an awareness of the changing world of work, build an appreciation of the relevancy of academic subject matter for future success, nurture the whole child, and promote student acquisition of the knowledge, skills, and characteristics needed for success; and

(3) Provide an opportunity for students to gain valuable experience and skills in a workplace environment while still exploring their interests and abilities.

(b) A county board may establish a diverse stakeholder working group which may include, but is not limited, to educators from both public and higher education, businesses and business organizations, associations and authorities, families, students, community leaders, and any other stakeholders they may choose. Working with the school system leadership, the purpose of the stakeholder working group is to assist in the development of a succinct profile of a future-ready graduate of the school system containing the knowledge, college and career skills, and life characteristics that they agree are needed for success in occupations and entrepreneurship in the changing world of work. The school system leadership may include the stakeholders in creating visibility and support for their unique, shared vision of a future-ready graduate and in setting the stage for planning and action steps that may be necessary to prepare future-ready graduates. The school system leadership may engage external champions who are committed to the shared vision of a future-ready graduate to help generate community awareness and support for the project and to build strategic partnerships for program implementation. The action steps should include clearly articulating the profile of the future-ready graduate to participating schools, parents and the community, nurturing the whole child, and beginning the development of foundational knowledge, skills, and characteristics beginning in the early years of school, and establishing multiple paths toward college and career readiness for students that include internships, externships, and credentialing.

(c) Local school improvement councils can play a key role in the implementation of programs at the age appropriate grade levels by engaging the school’s business and community partners, including two-year and four-year institutions of higher education, to help develop within students an awareness of the changing world of work and an appreciation of the relevancy of academic subject matter for success in various occupations and entrepreneurship. This may include, but is not limited to, presentations by guest speakers, demonstrations, hands-on creative projects, virtual or on-site visits to work places, and internships, externships, and credentialing appropriate for the grade levels of the school to reinforce the competencies students will need for success. Local school improvement councils may exercise their authority pursuant to §18-5A-3 of this code to seek waivers from rules, policies, interpretations, and statutes for plan implementation.

§18-2-7f. Alternative educational opportunities for elective course credit.

(a) The Legislature finds and declares that:

(1) Programs outside of the traditional classroom have educational value;

(2) Many entities, including, but not limited to, nonprofit organizations, afterschool programs, businesses, and trade associations may have an interest in offering programs outside of the traditional classroom that are attractive to students and contain educational value;

(3) Learning opportunities that are designed to address the interests and aptitudes of the individual student will enable students to discover, develop, and apply their individual talents to realize their full potential;

(4) Policies that allow for educational opportunities outside of the traditional classroom exist in other states;

(5) Providing credit for alternative educational opportunities will enrich the learning environment of students and develop well-rounded individuals ready for a life of learning, productive work, and community involvement.

(b) Program established. — The State Board of Education shall establish, develop, and maintain a program whereby students can earn elective course credit for extended learning opportunities that take place outside of the traditional classroom setting. In accordance with the requirements of this section, the State Board of Education shall permit any high school student to receive up to six elective course credits towards graduation for participating and completing any approved extended learning opportunity program.

(c) Eligibility of extended learning opportunity programs. — Entities eligible to provide extended learning opportunity programs within a county shall be broadly defined and shall include, but are not limited to, the following:

(1) Nonprofit organizations;

(2) Businesses with established locations in the state;

(3) Trade associations;

(4) Parents of students involved in programs that may otherwise qualify as an alternative educational program;

(5) Teachers involved in programs outside of the traditional classroom; and

(6) School personnel involved in programs outside of the traditional classroom.

In order to be certified as an eligible extended learning opportunity program, an individual or entity shall successfully complete an application process as established by the State Board of Education pursuant to the requirements of this section.

(d) Application process. — An extended learning opportunity program shall qualify for elective course credit if it has been approved by the State Board of Education. Individuals or entities seeking program accreditation shall complete an application form promulgated by the board, which shall include the following application criteria:

(1) A general explanation of the program’s qualifications and benefits;

(2) An outline of the overall program, including its goals, competencies, and expected student outcomes;

(3) An outline of specific instructional activities, materials, and learning environments;

(4) Written content standards and objectives;

(5) A description of the facilities, if any, utilized by the program; and

(6) An explanation of how the program intends to monitor student progress and complete assessment and grading for participating students.

The State Board of Education shall consider a completed extended learning opportunity program application within 45 days of receipt. An approved extended learning opportunity provider shall comply with all applicable federal and state health and safety laws and regulations, as well as any standards and safeguards as provided by the State Board of Education. Background checks are required for all key personnel or instructional staff of an extended learning opportunity provider, and a program shall provide its background check policy to participating families. A participating program shall also have proof of insurance.

(e) Program denial. — If an extended learning opportunity program application is denied, the State Board of Education shall provide a detailed explanation of the reasons for the denial as well as an explanation of ways in which the program may improve its application in order to obtain a more favorable review by the board. Denial of an extended learning opportunity program application may not prohibit a provider from submitting another application aimed at addressing the concerns or improvements originally suggested by the board.

(f) Program evaluation. — An approved extended learning opportunity program shall be monitored and evaluated at the end of its first year by the State Board of Education, which may consider in its evaluation input from any participating school’s principal or guidance counselors. If an extended learning opportunity program continues to meet the requirements of this section, its approval may be extended by the board for a period of five years.

Thereafter, the extended learning opportunity program shall be inspected and monitored on an annual basis. The State Board of Education may evaluate an approved program at any time and may disqualify an approved program if the provider has violated the requirements of state law or State Board of Education policies. An extended learning opportunity program may appeal any disqualification to the circuit court of Kanawha County or to the circuit court of the county in which the program is administered.

(g) Program implementation and participation. — Approved extended learning opportunity programs shall be implemented and coordinated at the local school level. The county boards of education shall adopt an alternative educational opportunities policy that facilitates implementation and participation in accordance with this section. The policy shall:

(1) Provide for a designee within each school that shall have primary responsibility for ensuring implementation and coordination of the extended learning opportunity policy; and

(2) Provide for a student seeking elective course credit in an accredited extended learning opportunity program to work with his or her designated advisor or guidance counselor towards participation in the program.

Students under the age of 18 shall have approval from a parent or legal guardian to participate in an extended learning opportunity program.

(h) Student credit transfer. — Students transferring from other schools may request acceptance of elective course credits awarded for completed extended learning opportunity programs. If the transferring student has completed a program previously approved by the State Board of Education, the credits shall be accepted and applied toward the student’s transcript. Completion of nonapproved extended learning opportunity programs shall be evaluated in accordance with a county board of education’s adopted policy on alternative educational opportunities for purposes of awarding credit.

(i) Transportation. — Because extending learning opportunity programs take place outside of the traditional classroom, transportation to and from an approved program is the responsibility of a student and his or her parent or legal guardian: Provided, That a local school district may provide transportation at its discretion.

(j) Auditing of approved programs. — The State Board of Education may audit approved extended learning opportunity programs at any time. If the audit results in findings that an approved program is not meeting the provisions of this section, then the board may disqualify the program immediately.

(k) The Department of Education shall prepare a report with respect to the implementation of extended learning opportunity programs in accordance with the provisions of this section to the Legislative Oversight Commission on Education Accountability no later than December 31, 2022.

§18-2-8b. West Virginia Remembers Program; rulemaking.

(a) There is hereby created the “West Virginia Remembers Program” whereby children in the public schools may learn about military service, patriotism and courage in the defense of our country from veterans who volunteer to share their experiences in the educational setting. Participation in the program by classroom teachers is voluntary and may not be considered a course requirement or mandatory in any other way.

(b) The state board may promulgate a rule in accordance with §29A-3B-1 et seq. of this code to implement this section with regard to solicitation of speakers from veterans’ groups and maintenance of lists by county boards of available speakers.

§18-2-9a. Elective courses of instruction on the Bible.

(a) County boards of education may offer to students in grade nine or above:

(1) An elective social studies course on the Hebrew Scriptures, Old Testament of the Bible;

(2) An elective social studies course on the New Testament of the Bible; or

(3) An elective social studies course on the Hebrew Scriptures and the New Testament of the Bible.

(b) The purpose of a course under this section is to:

(1) Teach students knowledge of biblical content, characters, poetry, and narratives that are prerequisites to understanding the development of American society and culture, including literature, art, music, mores, oratory, and public policy; and

(2) Familiarize students with, as applicable:

(A) The contents of the Hebrew Scriptures or New Testament;

(B) The history of the Hebrew Scriptures or New Testament;

(C) The literary style and structure of the Hebrew Scriptures or New Testament; and

(D) The influence of the Hebrew Scriptures or New Testament on law, history, government, literature, art, music, customs, morals, values, and culture.

(c) A student may not be required to use a specific translation as the sole text of the Hebrew Scriptures or New Testament and may use as the basic textbook a different translation of the Hebrew Scriptures or New Testament from that chosen by the county board or school.

(d) The county board of education shall submit to the West Virginia Department of Education the course standards for any elective to be offered pursuant to subsection (a), of this section including the teacher qualifications and required professional development.

(e) A course offered under this section shall follow applicable law and all federal and state guidelines in maintaining religious neutrality and accommodating the diverse religious views, traditions, and perspectives of students in the school. A course under this section may not endorse, favor, promote, disfavor, or show hostility toward, any particular religion or nonreligious faith or religious perspective. Any county board offering a course under this section, shall not violate any provision of the United States Constitution or federal law, the West Virginia Constitution or any state law, any administrative regulations of the United States Department of Education, or any rule of the state board. The state board shall provide guidance to the county boards on complying with the requirements of this subsection.


§18-33-1. West Virginia Student Religious Liberties Act.

This article shall be known and may be cited as the “West Virginia Student Religious Liberties Act.”

§18-33-2. Student expression.


A public school district shall not discriminate against students or parents on the basis of a religious viewpoint or religious expression. A school district shall treat a student’s voluntary expression of a religious viewpoint, if any, on an otherwise permissible subject in the same manner the district treats a student’s voluntary expression of a secular or other viewpoint on an otherwise permissible subject and may not discriminate against the student based on a religious viewpoint expressed by the student on an otherwise permissible subject.

§18-33-3. Religious expression in class assignments.


As more fully set forth in §18-33-5(b) of this code, students may express their beliefs about religion in homework, artwork, and other written and oral assignments free from discrimination and may not be penalized or rewarded on account of the religious content of their work: Provided, That a student may express disagreement and offer opposing views regarding any issue based on religious beliefs, but may not be excused from answering a test question or other assignment correctly because the answer to that question that was provided in course content is counter to the religious beliefs of the student.

§18-33-4. Freedom to organize and advertise religious groups and activities.


As more fully set forth in §18-33-5(c) and §18-33-5(d) of this code, students in public schools may pray or engage in religious activities or religious expression before, during, and after the school day in the same manner and to the same extent that students may engage in nonreligious activities or expression.

§18-33-5. Student expression of religious viewpoints; religious expression in class assignments; freedom to organize and advertise religious groups and activities; displaying religious messages or symbols.


(a) Student expression of religious viewpoints. — The school district shall treat a student’s voluntary expression of a religious viewpoint, if any, on an otherwise permissible subject in the same manner the district treats a student’s voluntary expression of a secular or other viewpoint on an otherwise permissible subject and may not discriminate against the student based on a religious viewpoint expressed by the student on an otherwise permissible subject.

(b) Religious expression in class assignments. — Students may express their beliefs about religion in homework, artwork, and other written and oral assignments free from discrimination based on the religious content of the students’ submissions. Homework and classroom work shall be judged by ordinary academic standards of substance and relevance and against other legitimate pedagogical concerns identified by the school. Students may not be penalized or rewarded on account of religious content. If a teacher’s assignment involves writing a poem, the work of a student who submits a poem in the form of a prayer (for example, a psalm) should be judged on the basis of academic standards, including literary quality, and not penalized or rewarded on account of its religious content.

(c) Freedom to organize and advertise religious groups and activities. — Students may organize prayer groups, religious clubs, “see you at the pole” gatherings, and other religious gatherings before, during, and after school to the same extent that students are permitted to organize other noncurricular student activities and groups. Religious groups must be given the same access to school facilities for assembling as is given to other noncurricular groups, without discrimination based on the religious content of the group’s expression. If student groups that meet for nonreligious activities are permitted to advertise or announce the groups’ meetings, for example, by advertising in a student newspaper, putting up posters, making announcements on a student activities bulletin board or public address system, religious groups must also be permitted to advertise or announce group meetings.

(d) Displaying religious messages or symbols. — Students in public schools may wear clothing, accessories, and jewelry that display religious messages or religious symbols in the same manner and to the same extent that other types of clothing, accessories, and jewelry that display messages or symbols are permitted.

§18-33-6. Certain acts restricted.


This act may not be construed to authorize this state or any of its political subdivisions to do either of the following:

(1) Require any person to participate in prayer or in any other religious activity; or

(2) Violate the constitutional rights of any person.

§18-33-7. Certain authority may not be limited.


This act shall not be construed to limit the authority of any public school to do any of the following:

(1) Maintain order and discipline on the campus of the public school in a content- and viewpoint-neutral manner;

(2) Protect the safety of students, employees, and visitors of the public school; and

(3) Adopt and enforce policies and procedures regarding student speech at school, provided that the policies and procedures do not violate the rights of students as guaranteed by the United States and West Virginia constitutions and laws.

§18-33-8. First school year affected.


This act shall be in force beginning with the 2020-2021 school year.

§18-9A-7a. Report on alternate method for funding student transportation costs required.


§18-2-25d. Clarifying participation for sports events to be based on biological sex of the athlete at birth.

(a) The Legislature hereby finds:

(1) There are inherent differences between biological males and biological females, and that these differences are cause for celebration, as determined by the Supreme Court of the United States in United States v. Virginia (1996);

(2) These inherent differences are not a valid justification for sex-based classifications that make overbroad generalizations or perpetuate the legal, social, and economic inferiority of either sex. Rather, these inherent differences are a valid justification for sex-based classifications when they realistically reflect the fact that the sexes are not similarly situated in certain circumstances, as recognized by the Supreme Court of the United States in Michael M. v. Sonoma County, Superior Court (1981) and the Supreme Court of Appeals of West Virginia in Israel v. Secondary Schools Act. Com’n (1989);

(3) In the context of sports involving competitive skill or contact, biological males and biological females are not in fact similarly situated. Biological males would displace females to a substantial extent if permitted to compete on teams designated for biological females, as recognized in Clark v. Ariz. Interscholastic Ass’n (9th Cir. 1982);

(4) Although necessarily related, as concluded by the United States Supreme Court in Bostock v. Clayton County (2020), gender identity is separate and distinct from biological sex to the extent that an individual’s biological sex is not determinative or indicative of the individual’s gender identity. Classifications based on gender identity serve no legitimate relationship to the State of West Virginia’s interest in promoting equal athletic opportunities for the female sex; and

(5) Classification of teams according to biological sex is necessary to promote equal athletic opportunities for the female sex.

(b) Definitions. - As used in this section, the following words have the meanings ascribed to them unless the context clearly implies a different meaning:

(1) “Biological sex” means an individual’s physical form as a male or female based solely on the individual’s reproductive biology and genetics at birth.

(2) “Female” means an individual whose biological sex determined at birth is female. As used in this section, “women” or “girls” refers to biological females.

(3) “Male” means an individual whose biological sex determined at birth is male. As used in this section, “men” or “boys” refers to biological males.

(c) Designation of Athletic Teams. —

(1) Interscholastic, intercollegiate, intramural, or club athletic teams or sports that are sponsored by any public secondary school or a state institution of higher education, including a state institution that is a member of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA), or National Junior College Athletic Association (NJCAA), shall be expressly designated as one of the following based on biological sex:

(A) Males, men, or boys;

(B) Females, women, or girls; or

(C) Coed or mixed.

(2) Athletic teams or sports designated for females, women, or girls shall not be open to students of the male sex where selection for such teams is based upon competitive skill or the activity involved is a contact sport.

(3) Nothing in this section shall be construed to restrict the eligibility of any student to participate in any interscholastic, intercollegiate, or intramural athletic teams or sports designated as “males,” “men,” or “boys” or designated as “coed” or “mixed”: Provided, That selection for a team may still be based on those who try out and possess the requisite skill to make the team.

(d) Cause of Action. —

(1) Any student aggrieved by a violation of this section may bring an action against a county board of education or state institution of higher education alleged to be responsible for the alleged violation. The aggrieved student may seek injunctive relief and actual damages, as well as reasonable attorney’s fee and court costs, if the student substantially prevails.

(2) In any private action brought pursuant to this section, the identity of a minor student shall remain private and anonymous.

(e) The State Board of Education shall promulgate rules, including emergency rules, pursuant to §29A-3B-1 et. seq. of this code to implement the provisions of this section. The Higher Education Policy Commission and the Council for Community and Technical College Education shall promulgate emergency rules and propose rules for legislative approval pursuant to §29A-3A-1 et. seq. of this code to implement the provisions of this section.

§18-30-6a. Special revenue account created for fulfillment of savings and investment programs.


§18-5G-13. Appeal of authorizer’s decision to West Virginia Board of Education.

(a) A charter applicant or governing board of an existing public charter school may appeal a decision of an authorizer concerning the denial of a charter application or the nonrenewal of a charter contract to the state board within 30 days of the authorizer’s decision: Provided, That the authority to appeal an authorizer’s decision pursuant to this subsection does not apply to instances where the state board is the authorizer that denies the charter application or fails to renew a charter contract.

(b) The state board shall promulgate a rule pursuant to §29A-3B-1 et seq. establishing the process and timeline for appeals filed pursuant to this section.

(c) The state board shall remand the authorizer’s decision back to the authorizer for further proceedings if the substantive rights of the applicant have been prejudiced because the authorizer’s findings, inferences, conclusions, or decisions are:

(1) In violation of constitutional or statutory provisions or state board policy;

(2) In excess of the statutory authority or jurisdiction of the authorizer;

(3) Made upon unlawful procedures;

(4) Affected by other error of law;

(5) Clearly wrong in view of the reliable, probative, and substantial evidence on the whole record; or

(6) Arbitrary or capricious or characterized by abuse of discretion or clearly unwarranted exercise of discretion.

§18-5G-14. Virtual public charter schools.

(a) Virtual public charter schools may be authorized pursuant to this article. To the extent they do not conflict with the following provisions, virtual public charter schools are subject to the same requirements as non-virtual public charter schools:

(1) The Professional Charter School Board may authorize two statewide virtual public charter school which shall not count against the limit in §18-5G-1 of this code. A statewide virtual public charter school shall enroll no more than five percent of the headcount enrollment per year;

(2) County boards may authorize virtual public charter schools for students in an identified primary recruitment area within the state that is set forth in the charter application. Each county board may authorize no more than one virtual public charter school. Attendance to a virtual public charter school authorized by a county board is limited to students within the primary recruitment area identified in the application. Applications to establish a virtual public charter school shall not include within its primary recruitment area a location that is included in the primary recruitment area of another virtual public schools that has already been authorized. A county virtual public charter school shall enroll no more than 10 percent of a county’s headcount enrollment;

(3) The charter for a virtual public charter school is for a term of five years; and virtual public charter school renewals are also for a term of five years;

(4) Virtual public charter school funding shall be consistent with other public charter school funding as set forth in §18-5G-5 of this code;

(5) When enrolling a student who may require special education services, the same obligations apply to a virtual public charter school as applies to all other public charter schools. Enrollment shall not be denied or delayed on the basis of a disability and the charter school shall convene an Individualized Education Program (IEP) meeting after admission to ensure that the school develops an appropriate IEP in accordance with all of the requirements set forth in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA);

(6) The governing body of a virtual public charter school shall undergo at least one training per year related to appropriate oversight of the virtual public charter school;

(7) A virtual public charter school student, to the extent the charter contract allows or requires instruction to occur outside of a school building, is not required to be physically present in a school building or classroom;

(8) Neither the virtual public charter school governing board, virtual public charter school personnel, the virtual public charter school student nor the parents or guardian of the virtual public charter school student, to the extent the program as delineated in the charter contract allows or requires instruction to occur outside of a school building, may incur any penalty or be held accountable for the absence of the student from the school building;

(9) For a virtual public charter school student, neither the school district nor the student, to the extent the program as delineated in the charter contract is a learn at your own pace program, as defined in the contract, is required to comply with the instructional term requirement set forth in section forty-five, article five of this chapter or any other law or state board rule requiring a student to be receiving instruction for any set time;

(10) A virtual public charter school is exempt from any provision of law or state board rule that applies to the traditional delivery of instruction such as requirements relating to the physical presence of a student, student monitoring and security, the maximum teacher-pupil ratio set forth in section eighteen-a, article five of this chapter, instructional time requirements and physical education requirements to the extent any of the foregoing conflict with the delivery of the virtual instruction program;

(11) Each virtual charter school in the state shall offer a student orientation, notify the parents and guardians and each student who enrolls in that school of the requirement to participate in the student orientation, and require all students enrolled to complete the student orientation prior to completing any other instructional activity;

(12) Virtual charter schools must provide, in a manner agreed to in the charter contract, data demonstrating student progress toward graduation.  Measurement of such progress shall account for specific characteristics of each enrolled student, including but not limited to age and course credit accrued prior to enrollment in educational instruction and course content that are delivered primarily over the internet pursuant to enrollment, and shall be consistent with evidence-based best practices. Virtual charter schools shall also maintain clear requirements relating to student engagement and teacher responsiveness for virtual charter school students and teachers;

(13) (A) For the purposes of this section, “instructional activities” means the following classroom-based or nonclassroom-based activities that a student is expected to complete, participate in, or attend during any given school day:

(i) Online logins to curriculum or programs;

(ii) Offline activities;

(iii) Completed assignments within a particular program, curriculum, or class;

(iv) Testing;

(v) Face-to-face communications or meetings with school staff or service providers;

(vi) Telephone or video conferences with school staff or service providers; or

(vii) Other documented communication with school staff or service providers related to school curriculum or programs.

(B) Each virtual charter school shall develop and adopt a policy regarding failure to participate in instructional activities. The policy shall state that a student shall become subject to certain consequences, including disenrollment from the school, if both the following conditions are satisfied: (i) After the student’s parent, guardian, or custodian receives a written report, the student fails to comply with the policy adopted under the paragraph within a reasonable period of time specified by the school; and (ii) Other intervention strategies contained in the policy adopted under this paragraph fail to cause a student to consistently participate in instructional activities. If a virtual charter school disenrolls a student pursuant to a policy adopted under this paragraph, the student shall be transferred to the district of residence and shall not be eligible to enroll in that virtual charter school or another virtual charter school for one school year from the date of the student’s disenrollment.

(C) If a student is transferred under this section, the virtual charter school shall coordinate directly with the school district of residence on the appropriate educational placement for the student in the district. The appropriate educational placement shall be based on assessments of the student’s abilities; and

(14) The authorizer may establish additional requirements for virtual charter schools enrolling students in grades six and below to ensure they are developmentally appropriate for students. Virtual charter schools enrolling any student in grades six and below shall meet any requirements established and agreed upon by the authorizer and applicant in the contract, and shall develop a mechanism to ensure that these requirements, if any, are met.

(b) None of the requirements of this section applies to virtual instruction programs created pursuant to §18-5F-1 et seq. of this code.

§18-5G-15. West Virginia Professional Charter School Board; members; appointments; meetings.

(a) There is hereby created the West Virginia Professional Charter School Board which shall report directly to and be responsible to the state board, separate from the Department of Education, for carrying out its duties in accordance with this article. The mission of the board is to authorize high-quality public charter schools throughout the state that provide more options for students to attain a thorough and efficient education, particularly through schools designed to expand the opportunities for at-risk students. The Professional Charter School Board and public charter schools authorized in accordance with this article are subject to the general supervision of the state board solely for the purposes of accountability for meeting the standards for student performance required of other public school students under §18-2E-5 of this code.

(b) The Professional Charter School Board shall consist of five voting members, appointed by the Governor, with the advice and consent of the Senate.

(c) The chair of the House Committee on Education and the chair of the Senate Committee on Education shall serve as nonvoting ex officio members of the Professional Charter School Board.

(d) Each appointed member shall represent the public interest and must satisfy the following requirements:

(1) Be a citizen of the state;

(2) Possess experience and expertise in public or nonprofit governance, management and finance, public school leadership, assessment, curriculum or instruction, or public education law; and

(3) Have demonstrated an understanding of, and commitment to, charter schooling as a strategy for strengthening public education.

(e) No more than three of the appointed members of the Professional Charter School Board may be of the same political party. The members shall reside in geographically diverse areas of the state, with no more than two members residing in the same county. No person may be appointed who holds any other public office or public employment under the government of this state or any of its political subdivisions, or who is an appointee or employee of any charter school governing board or an immediate family member of an employee under the jurisdiction of the Professional Charter School Board or any charter school governing board. No person may be appointed who is engaged in or employed by a person or company whose primary function involves, the sale of services and activities to public charter schools or charter school governing boards.

(f) The initial appointments made pursuant to this section shall be for staggered one- and two-year terms. Three of the initial members appointed by the Governor shall serve two-year terms; and two of the initial members appointed by the Governor shall serve one-year terms. Thereafter, all appointments shall be for a term of two years. The initial appointments shall be made before August 1, 2021. The Professional Charter School Board shall meet as soon as practical after August 1, 2021, upon the call of the Governor, and shall organize for business by selecting a chairman and adopting bylaws. Subsequent meetings shall be called by the chairman.

(g) An appointed member of the Professional Charter School Board may be removed from office by the Governor for official misconduct, incompetence, neglect of duty, or gross immorality. A member may also be removed if the member’s personal incapacity renders the member incapable or unfit to discharge the duties of the office or if the member is absent from a number of meetings of the Professional Charter School Board as determined and specified by the commission in its bylaws. Whenever an appointed member vacancy on the Professional Charter School Board exists, the Governor shall appoint a qualified person for the remainder of the vacated term.

(h) Except in the case of gross negligence or reckless disregard of the safety and well-being of another person, the Professional Charter School Board and members of that board in their official capacity are immune from civil liability with respect to all activities related to a public charter school approved by the Public Charter School Board. The official actions of the members of the Professional Charter School Board who are serving in a nonvoting ex officio capacity by virtue of their designation as chair of the House Committee on Education or chair of the Senate Committee on Education are Professional Charter School Board member actions only, and may not be construed as official actions or positions of such member’s committee or legislative body.

(i) The Professional Charter School Board may appoint an executive director and may employ such additional staff as may be necessary. The executive director shall serve at the will and pleasure of the Professional Charter School Board. The executive director must demonstrate an understanding of and commitment to charter schooling as a strategy for strengthening public education and must possess an understanding of state and federal education law.

(j) The Professional Charter School Board shall meet as needed, but at least bi-annually. From funds appropriated or otherwise made available for such purpose, its members shall be reimbursed for reasonable and necessary expenses actually incurred in the performance of official duties upon submission of an itemized statement in a manner consistent with guidelines of the Travel Management Office of the Department of Administration.

(k) The Professional Charter School Board shall investigate official complaints submitted to it that allege serious impairments in the quality of education in a public charter school or virtual public charter school it has authorized pursuant to this article, or that allege such schools are in violation of the policies or laws applicable to them. The Professional Charter School Board also may at its own discretion conduct or cause to be conducted audits of the education and operation of public charter schools or virtual public charter schools it has authorized pursuant to this article that it determines necessary to achieve its mission of authorizing high-quality public charter schools. Upon a determination that serious impairments or violations exist, the Professional Charter School Board shall promptly notify in writing the public charter school governing board of the perceived serious impairments or violations and provide reasonable opportunity for the school to remedy the serious impairments or violations. The Professional Charter School Board shall take corrective actions or exercise sanctions in response to apparent serious impairments or violations. If warranted, the actions or sanctions may include requiring a charter school to develop and execute a corrective action plan within a specified time frame.

(l) The Professional Charter School Board may receive and expend appropriate gifts, grants and donations of any kind from any public or private entity to carry out the purposes of this act, subject to all lawful terms and conditions under which the gifts, grants or donations are given; may apply for any federal funds that may be available for the implementation of public charter school programs; and may make start-up grants to public charter schools from funds appropriated or otherwise available to it from federal, state, or other sources.


§18-30A-1. Short Title.

This article shall be known, and may be cited as, the “West Virginia Jumpstart Savings Act”.

§18-30A-10. Opening a Jumpstart Savings Account; deposits.

(a) Beginning on July 1, 2022, a person may open a Jumpstart Savings Account.

(b) To open a Jumpstart Savings Account, the account owner must:

(1) Provide all information required by the Treasurer;

(2) Make a minimum opening deposit, if required by the board; and

(3) Name a single person as the designated beneficiary: Provided, That the designated beneficiary may be the account owner himself or herself, or another person: Provided, however, That the beneficiary may not be a business, corporation, or enterprise.

(c) The Treasurer will deposit $100 from the College and Jumpstart Savings Administrative Account into a newly opened Jumpstart Savings Account if the following criteria are met:

(1) The designated beneficiary is a resident of West Virginia;

(2) Any minimum deposit required by the board is made to the account within 30 days of the account’s opening; and

(3) The account is opened when the designated beneficiary is under 18 years of age; or

(4) The account is opened within the 180 days following the date of the designated beneficiary’s enrollment in an apprenticeship, training, or educational program described in §18-30A-3(a)(12) of this code.

(d) Any person may make a contribution to a Jumpstart Savings Account after the account is opened, subject to applicable state and federal laws.

(e) The Treasurer shall prescribe all forms required to open and make deposits to a Jumpstart Savings Account and make the forms available in a prominent location on the Treasurer’s website.

(f) The board may establish minimum deposits or amounts for accounts to be considered active and may establish procedures to close inactive accounts.

§18-30A-11. Distributions.

(a) A distribution from a Jumpstart Savings Account that was used to pay for qualified expenses is not subject to the increasing income tax modification provided in §11-21-12m(c) of this code.

(b) A change in the designated beneficiary of a Jumpstart Savings Account is not a distribution for the purposes of this article or §11-21-1 et seq. of this code if the new beneficiary is a family member of the prior beneficiary.

(c) Pursuant to the rule-making authority provided in this article, the board shall promulgate rules specifying the expenditures that constitute qualified expenses, according to §18-30A-3(a)(11)(D) of this code.

§18-30A-12. State tax benefits related to a Jumpstart Savings Account.

(a) As provided in §11-21-12m, §11-21-25, and §11-24-10a of this code, contributions, distributions, and employer matching contributions are eligible for specified decreasing modifications in determining taxable income, or specified tax credits against tax imposed by §11-21-1 et seq. and §11-24-1 et seq. of this code.

(b) Nothing in this article nor in §11-21-12m, §11-21-25, or §11-24-10a of this code shall be construed to decrease or otherwise impact any person’s federal tax obligations or to authorize any act which violates federal law.

§18-30A-13. Reports and account; annual audit.

(a) In addition to any other requirements of this article, the board shall:

(1) Prepare and provide an annual summary of information on the financial condition of the Jumpstart Savings Trust Fund and statements on the savings program accounts to the respective account owners; and

(2) Prepare, or have prepared, a quarterly report on the status of the program, including the Jumpstart Savings Trust Fund and the College and Jumpstart Savings Administrative Account, and provide a copy of the report to the Joint Committee on Government and Finance: Provided, That the report submitted pursuant to §18-30-10 of this code fulfills this subdivision’s requirement concerning the College and Jumpstart Savings Administrative Account.

(b) All accounts administered under the program, including the Jumpstart Savings Trust Fund, are subject to an annual external audit by an accounting firm, selected by the board, of which all members or partners assigned to head the audit are members of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. The audit shall comply with the requirements and standards in §5A-2-33 of this code.

§18-30A-14. Records; confidentiality.

(a) Notwithstanding any other provision of this code, the board and an apprenticeship provider, training or educational institution, or employer, are authorized to exchange information regarding participants in the program to carry out the purposes of this article: Provided, That the tax information confidentiality provisions of §11-10-5d of this code shall apply to tax returns and tax return information.

(b) Records containing personally identifying information regarding Jumpstart Savings Account holders and beneficiaries is exempt from disclosure under §29B-1-1 et seq. of this code.

§18-30A-15. Limitation on liability.

Nothing in this article creates any obligation of the board, the Treasurer, the state, or any agency or instrumentality of the state to guarantee for the benefit of any account holder or designated beneficiary with respect to the:

(1) Return of principal;

(2) Rate of interest or other return on any account; or

(3) Payment of interest or other return on any account.

§18-30A-16. Legislative rules required.

Prior to the commencement of the program, the board shall promulgate legislative, procedural, or emergency rules, or any combination thereof, in accordance with the provisions of §29A-3-1 et seq. of this code, that include at a minimum, the following:

(1) Requirements for any contract to be entered between the board and an account holder upon opening a Jumpstart Savings Account to ensure compliance with the requirements of this article and applicable state and federal laws;

(2) Examples of qualified expenses, as described in §18-30A-11 of this code; and

(3) Procedures for opening Jumpstart Savings Accounts, making contributions thereto, requesting distributions therefrom, and instructions for accessing any necessary forms.

§18-30A-2. Findings.

(a) The Legislature recognizes the importance of cultivating an environment in West Virginia where our tradespersons and entrepreneurs can be successful in their careers and remain in their home state. The Legislature finds that a savings and investment program to assist our citizens who wish to embark on a new trade or establish a new business within this state, is an investment in the future of West Virginia and its hardworking citizens.

(b) The Legislature further finds that, whenever possible, this article should be read in pari materia and construed in harmony with the West Virginia College Savings Program Act, §18-30-1 et seq. of this code.

(c) The Legislature further finds that interests in the Jumpstart Savings Program Trust are intended:

(1) To qualify for relevant federal securities law exemptions for public instrumentalities of a state; and

(2) To be exempt from registration under Chapter 32 of the West Virginia Code, titled the “Uniform Securities Act.”

§18-30A-3. Definitions.

(a) For the purposes of this article, the following terms shall have the following meanings:

(1) "Account owner" means the person who opens and invests money into a Jumpstart Savings Account, as provided in this article.

"Advanced Career Education" or ACE, shall mean the same as that term is used in §18-25-11 of this code.

(2) "Beneficiary" means the person designated as a beneficiary at the time an account is established, or the individual designated as the beneficiary when the beneficiary is changed.

(3) The "board" means the Board of Trustees of the West Virginia College and Jumpstart Savings Programs created in §18-30-4 of this code.

(4) "Contribution" means any amount of money deposited into a Jumpstart Savings Account according to the procedures established and required by the board or the Treasurer.

(5) "Deduction" as used in this article has the same meaning as when used in a comparable context in the laws of the United States relating to income taxes, unless a different meaning is clearly required. Deduction means and refers to a deduction allowable under the federal income tax code for the purpose of determining federal taxable income or federal adjusted gross income, unless text clearly indicates otherwise.

(6) "Distributee" has the same meaning provided in §11-21-12m of this code.

(7) "Distribution" means any disbursement from an account.

(8) The term "family member", as used to describe a person’s relationship to a designated beneficiary, includes any of the following:

(A) The spouse of the beneficiary;

(B) A child of the beneficiary or a descendant of the beneficiary’s child;

(C) A brother, sister, stepbrother, or stepsister of the beneficiary;

(D) The father or mother of the beneficiary, or an ancestor of either;

(E) A first cousin of the beneficiary;

(F) A stepfather or stepmother of the beneficiary;

(G) A son or daughter of a brother or sister of the beneficiary;

(H) A brother or sister of the father or mother of the beneficiary;

(I) A son-in-law, daughter-in-law, father-in-law, mother-in-law, brother-in-law, or sister-in-law of the beneficiary; or

(J) The spouse of any person described in paragraphs (B) through (I) of this subdivision.

(K) Any term set forth in this subdivision means and includes such term as established through a lawful adoption, including, but not limited to, adoptions of a child or children, or other natural person, by a natural person or natural persons who are not the father, mother, or stepparent of the child or person.

(9) "Labor organization" means any organization, agency, association, union, or employee representation committee of any kind that exists, in whole or in part, to assist employees in negotiating with employers concerning grievances, labor disputes, wages, rates of pay, or other terms or conditions of employment.

(10) The "program" refers to the Jumpstart Savings Program established by this article.

(11) "Qualified expense" means an account distribution, or any amount thereof, expended by an account beneficiary in the taxable year of receipt of the distribution or the next succeeding taxable year that:

(A) Is allowable as a federal personal income tax deduction pursuant to 26 U.S.C. § 162, as an ordinary and necessary business expense, and is incurred in carrying on a qualifying profession;

(B) Is allowable as a federal personal income tax deduction pursuant to 26 U.S.C. § 195(b), as a business start-up expenditure, and is incurred in carrying on a qualifying profession; or

(C) Is expended for goods, services, or other expenses that qualify for a federal personal income tax deduction for depreciation or amortization over time, pursuant to a provision of 26 U.S.C. § 161-199a and that are used to carry on a qualifying profession; or

(D) Is not allowable as any one of the federal personal income tax deductions described in paragraphs (A) through (C) of this subdivision and is expended for:

(i) The purchase of tools, equipment, or supplies used exclusively in a qualifying profession;

(ii) Costs to establish a business in this state to practice a qualifying profession; or

(iii) Fees for required certification or licensure in a qualifying profession: Provided, That in no event shall any dues, fees, subscriptions, or any other payments to a labor organization constitute qualified expenses for the purposes of this article; and

(iv) Is not reimbursed by the taxpayer’s employer.

(12) "Qualifying profession" means an occupation, profession, or trade for which the designated beneficiary is required to:

(A) Complete an apprenticeship program registered and certified with the United States Department of Labor, as provided in 29 U.S.C. § 50;

(B) Complete an apprenticeship program required by any provision of this code or a legislative rule promulgated pursuant to this code;

(C) Earn a license or certification from an Advanced Career Education (ACE) career center; or

(D) Earn an associate degree or certification from a community and technical college or from a school or program, authorized by the West Virginia Council for Community or Technical College Education or a similar agency in another state, to award associates degrees or technical certifications;

(E) Earn a license or certification from a career and technical education or vocational training program at a public secondary school; or

(F) Complete any other apprenticeship or educational program consistent with the purposes of this article, as approved by the board.

(13) The "Treasurer" refers to the West Virginia State Treasurer or his or her designee.

(b) The amendments to this section adopted during the regular session of the Legislature, 2023, are effective January 1, 2023.

§18-30A-4. West Virginia Jumpstart Savings Program established.

The West Virginia Jumpstart Savings Program is hereby established, to be operable on or before July 1, 2022. The board shall implement and administer the program under the terms and conditions required by this article.

§18-30A-5. The Board of Trustees of the West Virginia College and Jumpstart Savings Programs.

The West Virginia Jumpstart Savings Program shall be administered by the Board of Trustees of the West Virginia College and Jumpstart Savings Programs. The board is created in §18-30-4 of this code and is a public instrumentality of the State of West Virginia.

§18-30A-6. Powers of the board to implement and administer the Jumpstart Savings Program.

(a) The board shall implement and administer the Jumpstart Savings Program in accordance with this article and all applicable laws and regulations.

(b) The board is authorized to take any lawful action necessary to effectuate the provisions of this article and successfully administer the program, subject to applicable state and federal law, including, but not limited to, the following:

(1) Adopt and amend bylaws;

(2) Execute contracts and other instruments for necessary goods and services, employ necessary personnel, and engage the services of private consultants, auditors, counsel, managers, trustees, and any other contractor or professional needed for rendering professional and technical assistance and advice: Provided, That selection of these services is not subject to the provisions of §5A-3-1 et seq. of this code: Provided, however, That all expenditures and monetary and financial transactions may be subject to periodic audits by the Legislative Auditor;

(3) Implement the program through use of financial organizations as account depositories and managers, as provided in §18-30A-9 of this code;

(4) Develop and impose requirements, policies, procedures, and guidelines to implement and manage the program;

(5) Establish the method by which funds shall be allocated to pay for administrative costs and assess, collect, and expend administrative fees, charges, and penalties;

(6) Authorize the assessment, collection, and retention of fees and charges against the amounts paid into and the earnings on the trust funds by a financial institution, investment manager, fund manager, West Virginia Investment Management Board, the Board of Treasury Investments, or other professional managing or investing the trust funds and accounts;

(7) Invest and reinvest any of the funds and accounts under the board’s control with a financial institution, an investment manager, a fund manager, the West Virginia Investment Management Board, the Board of Treasury Investments, or other professional investing the funds and accounts: Provided, That investments made under this article shall be made in accordance with the provisions of §44-6C-1 et seq. of this code;

(8) Solicit and accept gifts, including bequests or other testamentary gifts made by will, trust, or other disposition; grants; loans; aid; and property, real or personal of any nature and from any source, or to participate in any other way in any federal, state, or local governmental programs in carrying out the purposes of this article: Provided, That the board shall use the property received to effectuate the desires of the donor, and shall convert the property received into cash within 90 days of receipt; and

(9) Propose legislative rules for promulgation in accordance with §29A-3-1 et seq. of this code, including emergency rules when necessary.

(c) The board may enter into agreements with other states or agencies of, subdivisions of, or residents of those states related to the program or a program that is substantially similar to the Jumpstart Savings Program established by another state.

(d) The power and duties of the board provided in this article are in addition to the powers and duties of the board provided in §18-30-1 et seq. of this code.

§18-30A-7. Powers and duties of the Treasurer.

(a) In order to implement and administer the program, the Treasurer shall:

(1) Provide support staff and office space for the board;

(2) Establish and monitor, at the direction of the board, the methods and processes by which the funds held in accounts are deposited and distributed;

(3) Charge and collect any necessary administrative fees, penalties, and service charges in connection with any agreement, contract, or transaction relating to the program;

(4) Develop marketing plans and promotional material to ensure that potential program beneficiaries will be aware of the program and the advantages the program offers; and

(5) Present the annual evaluations and reports required by §18-30A-13 of this code at any meeting or proceeding of the Legislature or the Office of the Governor upon request.

(b) In order to implement and administer the program, the Treasurer may:

(1) Collect all necessary information from program account holders and beneficiaries;

(2) Create forms necessary for implementation of the program;

(3) Propose legislative rules for legislative approval, in accordance with the provisions of §29A-3-1 et seq. of this code, that are necessary to effectuate the provisions and purposes of this article; and

(4) Perform all other lawful actions necessary to effectuate the provisions of this article, subject to applicable state and federal law.

§18-30A-8. West Virginia Jumpstart Savings Program Trust and Trust Fund created; administrative account.

(a) There is hereby established the Jumpstart Savings Program Trust, a public instrumentality of the State of West Virginia. The Jumpstart Savings Program Trust shall offer and issue interests in the trust to eligible members of the public.

(b) There is hereby also established a Jumpstart Savings Program Trust Fund Account, titled the Jumpstart Savings Trust Fund, within the accounts held by the Treasurer or with a financial institution, an investment manager, a fund manager, the West Virginia Investment Management Board, the Board of Treasury Investments, or any other person for the purpose of managing and investing the trust fund. Assets of the Jumpstart Savings Program Trust are held in trust for account owners and beneficiaries.

(c) The Jumpstart Savings Trust Fund shall receive all moneys from account owners on behalf of beneficiaries or from any other source, public or private. Earnings derived from the investment of the moneys in the Jumpstart Savings Trust Fund shall remain in the fund, held in trust in the same manner as contributions, except as refunded, applied for purposes of the beneficiaries, and applied for purposes of maintaining and administering the program.

(d) The corpus, assets, and earnings of the Jumpstart Savings Trust Fund do not constitute public funds of the state and are available solely for carrying out the purposes of this article. Any contract entered into by, or any obligation of the board on behalf of and for the benefit of the program, does not constitute a debt or obligation of the state but is solely an obligation of the Jumpstart Savings Trust Fund.

(e) All interest derived from the deposit and investment of moneys in the Jumpstart Savings Trust Fund shall be credited to the fund. At the end of any fiscal year, all unexpended and unencumbered moneys in the trust fund may not be credited or transferred to the State General Fund or to any other fund.

(f) In order to fulfill the charitable and public purposes of this article, neither the earnings nor the corpus of the Jumpstart Savings Trust Fund is subject to taxation by the state or any of its political subdivisions.

(g) Notwithstanding any provision of this code to the contrary, money in the Jumpstart Savings Trust Fund is exempt from creditor process and not subject to attachment, garnishment, or other process; is not available as security or collateral for any loan, or otherwise subject to alienation, sale, transfer, assignment, pledge, encumbrance, or charge; and is not subject to seizure, taking, appropriation, or application by any legal or equitable process or operation of law to pay any debt or liability of any account owner, beneficiary, or successor in interest.

(h) The College and Jumpstart Savings Administrative Account, established in §18-30-8 of this code, shall receive all fees, charges, and penalties collected by the board. All expenses incurred by the board or the Treasurer in developing and administering the program shall be payable from the College and Jumpstart Savings Administrative Account.

§18-30A-9. Use of financial organizations as program depositories and managers.

(a) The board may implement the program through use of financial organizations as account depositories and managers. The board may solicit proposals from financial organizations to act as depositories and managers of the program. Financial organizations submitting proposals shall describe the investment instruments which will be held in accounts. The board may select more than one financial organization and investment instrument for the program. The board shall select financial organizations to act as program depositories and managers based on the following criteria:

(1) The financial stability and integrity of the financial organization;

(2) The safety of the investment instrument being offered;

(3) The ability of the financial organization to satisfy recordkeeping and reporting requirements;

(4) The financial organization’s plan for promoting the program and the investment the organization is willing to make to promote the program;

(5) The fees, if any, proposed to be charged to the account owners;

(6) The minimum initial deposit and minimum contributions that the financial organization will require;

(7) The ability of the financial organization to accept electronic deposits and withdrawals, including payroll deduction plans; and

(8) Other benefits to the state or its residents included in the proposal, including fees payable to the state to cover expenses of operation of the program.

(b) The board may enter into any contracts with a financial organization necessary to effectuate the provisions of this article. Any management contract shall include, at a minimum, terms requiring the financial organization to:

(1) Take any action required to keep the program in compliance with requirements of this article and any other applicable state or federal law;

(2) Keep adequate records of each account, keep each account segregated from each other account, and provide the board with the information necessary to prepare the statements required by this article and other applicable state and federal laws;

(3) Compile, summarize, and total information contained in statements required to be prepared under this article and applicable state and federal laws and provide such compilations to the board;

(4) Provide the board with access to the books and records of the program manager and with any other information needed to determine compliance with the contract, this article, and any other applicable state or federal law;

(5) Hold all accounts for the benefit of the account owner or owners;

(6) Be audited at least annually by a firm of certified public accountants selected by the program manager and provide the results of such audit to the board;

(7) Provide the board with copies of all regulatory filings and reports made by the financial organization during the term of the management contract or while the financial organization is holding any accounts, other than confidential filings or reports that will not become part of the program. The program manager shall make available for review by the board and the Treasurer the results of any periodic examination of such manager by any state or federal banking, insurance, or securities commission, except to the extent that such report or reports may not be disclosed under law; and

(8) Ensure that any description of the program, whether in writing or through the use of any medium, is consistent with the marketing plan developed pursuant to the provisions of this article.

(c) The board may:

(1) Enter into contracts it deems necessary for the implementation of the program, including, but not limited to, a contract with a financial institution, manager, consultant or other professional to provide services to both the Jumpstart Savings Program, and the College Savings Program, established in §18-30-1 et seq. of this code;

(2) Require that an audit be conducted of the operations and financial position of the program depository and manager at any time if the board has any reason to be concerned about the financial position, the record-keeping practices, or the status of accounts of such program depository and manager; and

(3) Terminate or decline to renew a management agreement. If the board terminates or does not renew a management agreement, the board shall seek to promptly transfer such accounts to another financial organization that is selected as a program manager or depository and into investment instruments as similar to the original instruments as possible.

§18-31-10. Auditing of Hope Scholarship Program; suspension of accounts and providers.

(a) The board may propose legislative rules for approval pursuant to §29A-3-1 et seq. of this code for the auditing of individual Hope Scholarship accounts and shall conduct or contract for the random auditing of individual Hope Scholarship accounts as needed to ensure compliance with the requirements of this article and rules promulgated pursuant to this article.

(b) As part of the auditing process, the board may remove a parent or eligible recipient from the Hope Scholarship Program and close a Hope Scholarship account for failure to comply with the terms of the parental agreement required by §18-31-5 of this code, failure to comply with the applicable laws, failure of the student to remain eligible, or intentional and fraudulent misuse of Hope Scholarship funds: Provided, That the board shall create procedures to ensure that a fair process exists to determine the removal of a parent or eligible recipient from the Hope Scholarship Program and a parent or Hope Scholarship student may appeal the decision to make the student ineligible for funds to the board.

(c) The board may propose legislative rules for approval pursuant to §29A-3-1 et seq. of this code for the auditing of education service providers and shall conduct or contract for the random auditing of individual providers as needed to ensure compliance with the requirements of this article and rules promulgated pursuant to this article.

(d) If the board determines that an education service provider has intentionally and substantially misused Hope Scholarship funds, the board may bar the education service provider from continuing to receive payments. The board shall create procedures to ensure that a fair process exists to determine whether an education service provider may be barred from receiving payment from Hope Scholarship accounts and an education service provider may appeal a decision to bar it from receiving payments to the board. If the board bars an education service provider from receiving payments from Hope Scholarship accounts, it shall notify parents and students of its decision as quickly as possible.

(e) If the board obtains evidence of potential fraudulent use of Hope Scholarship funds, it may refer suspected cases to the State Auditor for purposes of investigation, collection, and potential criminal investigation.

§18-31-11. Requirements for and rights of education service providers.

(a) To be eligible to accept payments from a Hope Scholarship account, an education service provider shall:

(1) Submit notice to the board that they wish to participate in the Hope Scholarship Program;

(2) Provide participating parents with a receipt for all qualifying educational expenses for the Hope Scholarship student;

(3) Agree not to refund, rebate, or share Hope Scholarship funds with parents or students in any manner, except that funds may be remitted or refunded to a Hope Scholarship account in accordance with §18-31-7(c) of this code;

(4) Certify that it will not discriminate on any basis prohibited by 42 U.S.C. 1981;

(5) Submit any employee or other person who will have contact with Hope Scholarship students receiving services from the provider to a criminal background check and certify that said background check does not indicate conviction of a felony involving violence to the person and that the employee or other person is not on a federal or state sex offender registry; and

(6) In the case of a participating school, provide notice of each Hope Scholarship student's enrollment annually to the county superintendent of any student for which a student's tuition is being paid through the Hope Scholarship Program.

(b) This article does not limit the independence or autonomy of an education service provider or make the actions of an education service provider the actions of the state government.

(c) Education service providers shall be given maximum freedom to provide for the educational needs of Hope Scholarship students without governmental control.

(d) A participating school or education service provider is not required to alter its creed, practices, admission policy, hiring policy or curriculum in order to accept eligible recipients whose parents pay tuition or fees from a Hope Scholarship account pursuant to this article: Provided, That an education service provider is prohibited from requiring a student or family to pay tuition, costs, or fees above or in addition to the provider's regular tuition or fee schedule based in whole or in part upon a student or family member's participation in the Hope Scholarship Program.

(e) This article does not expand the regulatory authority of the state, its officers, or any school district to impose any additional regulation of education service providers beyond those necessary to enforce the requirements of the program.

§18-31-12. Responsibilities of resident school districts.

The resident school district or school district in which a Hope Scholarship student was last enrolled, as applicable, shall provide an education service provider that has enrolled the student with a complete copy of the student’s school records, while complying with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (20 U.S.C. § 1232g).

§18-31-13. Legal proceedings; severability.

(a) No liability arises on the part of the board or the state or of any county school district based on the award or use of a Hope Scholarship awarded pursuant to this article.

(b) It is the intention of the Legislature in the enactment of this article that if any part of this article is challenged in court as violating either the state or federal constitution, the parents of eligible Hope Scholarship students should be deemed to have standing to be parties to such litigation, and should be permitted by the court to intervene if they are not already parties to such litigation.

(c) If any provision of this article or the application of any such provision of this article to any person or circumstance is held invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remainder of this article or the application of its provisions to persons or circumstances other than those to which it is held invalid is not affected thereby.

§18-31-2. Definitions.

The following words have the meanings ascribed to them unless the context clearly indicates a different meaning:

(1) "Account" or "scholarship" means a Hope Scholarship account, awarded pursuant to this article, to which funds are allocated by the board to the parent or parents of an eligible Hope Scholarship student in order to pay qualifying elementary and secondary education expenses to educate the student pursuant to the requirements and conditions of this article;

(2) "Board" means the Hope Scholarship Board created pursuant to §18-31-3 of this code;

(3) "Curriculum" means a complete course of study for a particular elementary or secondary education content area or grade level including, but not limited to, textbooks; workbooks; student and teacher curriculum kits; activity, learning, or study guides; or any supplemental materials required by the curriculum;

(4) "Education service provider" means a person or organization that receives payments from Hope Scholarship accounts to provide educational goods and services to Hope Scholarship students;

(5) "Eligible recipient" means a child who:

(A) Is a resident of this state; and

(B) Is enrolled full-time and attending a public elementary or secondary school program in this state for at least 45 calendar days during an instructional term at the time of application and until an award letter is issued by the board under §18-31-5(c) of this code, or enrolled full-time in a public elementary or secondary school program in this state for the entire instructional term the previous year, or is eligible at the time of application to enroll in a kindergarten program in this state pursuant to §18-8-1a of this code, except that if on July 1, 2024, the participation rate of the combined number of students in the Hope Scholarship Program and students eligible who have applied to participate in the Hope Scholarship program during the previous school year is less than five percent of net public school enrollment adjusted for state aid purposes for the previous school year, then, effective July 1, 2026, a child is considered to meet the requirements of this paragraph if he or she is enrolled, eligible to be enrolled, or required to be enrolled in a kindergarten program or public elementary or secondary school program in this state at the time of application;

(6) "Hope scholarship funds" means the moneys deposited in a Hope Scholarship student's account in accordance with the requirements of this article:

(7) "Hope scholarship student" means a student who receives a scholarship pursuant to this article;

(8) "Individualized Instructional Program (IIP)" means a customized educational experience that takes place either at home or another location. Hope Scholarship students participating in an IIP are not enrolled in a participating school and shall be governed by the requirements of this article, unless otherwise stated, and not any other compulsory school attendance exemption requirements;

(9) "Parent" means a biological parent, legal guardian, custodian, or other person with legal authority to act on behalf of an eligible recipient or Hope Scholarship student;

(10) "Participating school" means any private school that provides education to elementary and/or secondary students and has notified the board of its intention to participate in the program and comply with the program's requirements;

(11) "Resident school district" means the county school district in which the student resides; and

(12) "Treasurer" means the West Virginia State Treasurer.

§18-31-3. West Virginia Hope Scholarship Board; members; terms; compensation; proceedings generally.

(a) The West Virginia Hope Scholarship Program shall be administered by the West Virginia Hope Scholarship Board.

(b) The board shall consist of nine members and include the following:

(1) The State Treasurer, or his or her designee;

(2) The State Auditor, or his or her designee;

(3) The State Attorney General, or his or her designee;

(4) The State Superintendent of Schools, or his or her designee;

(5) The Chancellor of Higher Education, or his or her designee;

(6) The Director of the Herbert Henderson Office of Minority Affairs, or his or her designee; and

(7) Three members appointed by the Governor with the advice and consent of the Senate who are parents of Hope Scholarship students, or for the initial appointments of board members following the effective date of this article, parents who intend to apply for the Hope Scholarship on behalf of eligible recipients, to be appointed as follows:

(A) Only state residents are eligible for appointment to the board;

(B) The parent members shall reside in geographically diverse areas of the state;

(C) For appointments made after July 1, 2024, the parent members shall represent parents of students engaged in a diverse range of educational options, such as microschools or other individualized instruction;

The Governor shall make appointments necessary to satisfy the requirements of subdivision (7) of this section to staggered terms as determined by the Governor. After the initial staggering of terms, appointed parent board members shall serve for three-year terms and are eligible for reappointment at the expiration of their terms; and

(D) If there is a vacancy among appointed members, the vacancy shall be filled by appointment to the unexpired term of a person meeting the requirements of this section by the Governor with the advice and consent of the Senate. Members of the board shall serve until the later of the expiration of the term for which the member was appointed or the appointment of his or her successor.

(c) Members of the board shall serve without compensation. The board may reimburse members for all reasonable and necessary expenses, including travel expenses, actually incurred by board members in the conduct of their official duties. Any expense reimbursements shall be made from the West Virginia Hope Scholarship Program Expense Fund at the same rate paid to state employees.

(d) The Treasurer is the chairman and presiding officer of the board. The Treasurer may provide office space and staff to the board upon request of the board.

(e) The State Superintendent of Schools may provide staff to the board, upon request of the board.

(f) A majority of the members of the board constitutes a quorum for the transaction of the business of the board.

(g) Members of the board are subject to the ethical standards and financial disclosure requirements of the West Virginia Governmental Ethics Act in §6B-1-1 et seq. of this code.

§18-31-4. Powers of the board.

The board is authorized to take any action necessary to effectuate the provisions of this article and to successfully administer the Hope Scholarship Program, subject to applicable state and federal law including, but not limited to, the following:

(1) Adopt and amend bylaws;

(2) Execute contracts and other instruments for necessary goods and services, employ necessary personnel and engage the services of private consultants, actuaries, auditors, counsel, managers, trustees, and any other contractor or professional needed for rendering professional and technical assistance and advice: Provided, That election of these services is not subject to the provisions of §5A-3-1 et seq. of this code;

(3) Implement the program through the use of financial organizations as account depositories and managers;

(4) Develop and impose requirements, policies, procedures, and guidelines to implement and manage the program;

(5) Determine whether an expenditure of Hope Scholarship funds is or was a qualifying expense to educate a Hope Scholarship student pursuant to §18-31-7 of this code. The board may approve or deny expenditures by a majority vote;

(6) Review any appeals made pursuant to §18-31-10(b) and §18-31-10(d) of this code;

(7) Establish the method by which moneys in the Hope Scholarship Expense Fund shall be allocated to pay for administrative costs and assess, collect and expend administrative fees, charges, and penalties;

(8) Authorize the assessment, collection, and retention of fees and charges against the amounts paid into and the earnings on the Hope Scholarship funds by a financial institution, investment manager, fund manager, West Virginia Investment Management Board, West Virginia Board of Treasury Investments, or other professional managing or investing the Hope Scholarship funds and accounts;

(9) Invest and reinvest any of the funds and accounts under the board's control with a financial institution, an investment manager, a fund manager, the West Virginia Investment Management Board, West Virginia Board of Treasury Investments, or other professionals investing the funds and accounts: Provided, That investments made under this article shall be made in accordance with the provisions of §44-6C-1 et seq. of this code;

(10) Solicit and accept gifts, including bequests and other testamentary gifts made by will, trust, or other disposition; grants; loans; aid; and property, real or personal of any nature and from any source, or to participate in any other way in any federal, state, or local governmental programs in carrying out the purposes of this article: Provided, That the board shall use the property received to effectuate the desires of the donor, and shall convert the property received into cash within 180 days of receipt;

(11) Take any issues relating to Hope Scholarship student participation in established public charter schools to the West Virginia Professional Charter School Board; and

(12) Request such information from the Department of Education and the county boards as is necessary for the completion of the board's responsibilities pursuant to this article.

§18-31-5. Award of Hope Scholarships.

(a) The Hope Scholarship Program is established to provide the option for a parent to better meet the individual elementary and secondary education needs of his or her eligible child. The program shall be operational no later than July 1, 2022.

(b) The board shall create a standard application form that a parent can submit to establish his or her student's eligibility for the award of Hope Scholarship funds, to be placed in a personal education savings account to be used for qualifying education expenses on behalf of the eligible recipient as provided for in §18-31-7 of this code. Information about scholarship funds and the application process shall be made available on the board's website.

(c) The board shall process, accept, and make available Hope Scholarship applications and awards at any time during the calendar year. The board may update the application as needed. The board shall issue an award letter to eligible recipients within 45 days of receipt of a completed application and all required documentation.

(d) The board shall approve an application for a Hope Scholarship if all of the following circumstances are met:

(1) A parent submits an application for a Hope Scholarship in accordance with the legislative rules promulgated by the board;

(2) A student on whose behalf the parent is applying is an eligible recipient, as provided in §18-31-2(5) of this code;

(3) The parent signs an agreement with the board, promising to do all of the following:

(A) To provide an education for the eligible recipient in at least the subjects of reading, language, mathematics, science, and social studies;

(B) To use the Hope Scholarship funds exclusively for qualifying expenses incurred in providing the student an elementary or secondary education as provided for in §18-31-7 of this code;

(C) To comply with the rules and requirements of the Hope Scholarship Program;

(D) To afford the Hope Scholarship student opportunities for educational enrichment such as organized athletics, art, music, or literature; and

(E) To notify the Hope Scholarship Board immediately and cease use of Hope Scholarship funds upon the student's reenrollment in a public school or when the student graduates from or otherwise successfully completes a secondary school program;

(4) The board confirms with the West Virginia Department of Education that the student satisfies §18-31-2(5) of this code: Provided, That if the department does not reply within 30 days, this criteria is considered satisfied.

(e) All records accepted or maintained by the board containing personally identifying information of a Hope Scholarship student, applicant, or parent are confidential and not a public record subject to release pursuant to the West Virginia Freedom of Information Act, as codified in §29B-1-1 et seq. of this code.

§18-31-6. Funding of Hope Scholarships; program and expense funds.

(a) There is hereby created in the State Treasury a special revenue fund designated and known as the West Virginia Hope Scholarship Program Fund. The fund shall be administered by the Treasurer and shall consist of funds transferred by the Department of Education in accordance with §18-9A-25 of this code. All interest and other returns derived from the deposit and investment of moneys in the Hope Scholarship Fund shall be credited to the fund. Any balance, including accrued interest and other returns, remaining in the fund at the end of each fiscal year shall not revert to the General Revenue Fund but shall remain in the fund and be expended as provided by this section.

(b) The amount of Hope Scholarship funds made available to an eligible recipient on a yearly basis shall be equal to 100 percent of the prior year's statewide average net state aid share allotted per pupil based on net enrollment adjusted for state aid purposes, subject to the provisions of subsection (c) of this section: Provided, That the amount of the funding to an eligible recipient who is awarded a Hope Scholarship account for less than a full fiscal year shall be prorated based on the portion of the fiscal year the eligible recipient is awarded the Hope Scholarship account. On or prior to the submission of the Department of Education's budget request each year, the board shall notify the Department of Education of the estimated number of Hope Scholarship applications for the fiscal year for purposes of facilitating the necessary transfer of moneys pursuant to §18-9A-25 of this code.

(c) Expenditures from the Hope Scholarship Fund shall be limited to the purposes set forth in this article: Provided, That an amount not to exceed five percent of the fund shall be transferred annually to the West Virginia Hope Scholarship Program Expense Fund established in subsection (h) of this section to cover the annual administrative costs of the Hope Scholarship Program. If the number of Hope Scholarship accounts increases significantly after any fiscal year, the Treasurer may request an appropriation by the Legislature to the West Virginia Hope Scholarship Program Expense Fund in an amount equal to the administrative costs associated with the increase in Hope Scholarship accounts.

(d) The first deposit of Hope Scholarship funds into an eligible recipient account shall be subject to the execution of the parental agreement required by §18-31-5 of this code. Upon execution of the required parental agreement, and subject to the provisions of §18-31-9(e) of this code, one half of the total annually required deposit shall be made no later than August 15 of every year into an eligible recipient’s Hope Scholarship account, and one half of the total annually required deposit shall be made no later than January 15 of every year. Any funds remaining in a Hope Scholarship account at the end of the fiscal year may be carried over to the next fiscal year upon successful renewal of the account.

(e) Funds deposited in a student's Hope Scholarship account, other than those funds expended on transportation services pursuant to §18-31-7(11) of this code, do not constitute taxable income to the parent or the Hope Scholarship student.

(f) The board shall continue to make deposits into an eligible recipient's Hope Scholarship account in accordance with the provisions of this section unless any of the following conditions have occurred:

(1) A parent of an eligible recipient fails to renew a Hope Scholarship account or withdraws from the Hope Scholarship Program;

(2) The board determines that a student is no longer eligible for a Hope Scholarship;

(3) The board suspends or revokes participation in the Hope Scholarship Program for failure to comply with the requirements of this article;

(4) The Hope Scholarship student successfully completes a secondary education program or does not commence kindergarten-level education in the year that eligibility is based on the student's kindergartener status; or

(5) The Hope Scholarship student reaches 21 years of age.

(g) If any of the conditions in subsection (f) of this section occur, the board shall notify the parent that the eligible recipient's account will be closed in 45 calendar days. If a parent fails to adequately address the condition or conditions upon which closure is based or does not respond within 30 calendar days of receipt of notice, the board shall close the account and any remaining moneys shall be returned to the state.

(h)(1) There is hereby created in the State Treasury a special revenue fund designated and known as the West Virginia Hope Scholarship Program Expense Fund. The account shall consist of moneys received pursuant to this section; moneys, if any, transferred from special revenue funds administered by the Treasurer; or any governmental or private grants and any state general fund appropriations, if any, for the Hope Scholarship Program. All interest and other returns derived from the deposit and investment of moneys in the Hope Scholarship Program Expense Fund shall be credited to the fund. Any balance, including accrued interest and other returns, remaining in the fund at the end of each fiscal year shall not revert to the General Revenue Fund but shall remain in the fund and be expended as provided by this section.

(2) All expenses incurred by the Treasurer or the board in developing and administering the Hope Scholarship Program shall be payable from the West Virginia Hope Scholarship Expense Fund.

§18-31-7. Qualifying expenses for Hope Scholarship accounts.

(a) Parents of a Hope Scholarship student shall agree to use the funds deposited in their student's Hope Scholarship account only for the following qualifying expenses to educate the student:

(1) Ongoing services provided by a public school district pursuant to §18-31-8(f) of this code, including without limitation, individual classes and extracurricular activities and programs: Provided, That notwithstanding the provisions of §18-5G-3 of this code, a public charter school may invoice a Hope Scholarship student's account for said services;

(2) Tuition and fees at a participating school;

(3) Tutoring services provided by an individual or a tutoring facility: Provided, That such tutoring services are not provided by a member of the Hope Scholarship student's immediate family;

(4) Fees for nationally standardized assessments, advanced placement examinations, any examinations related to college or university admission, and tuition and/or fees for preparatory courses for the aforementioned exams;

(5) Tuition and fees for programs of study or the curriculum of courses that lead to an industry-recognized credential that satisfies a workforce need;

(6) Tuition and fees for nonpublic online learning programs including, but not limited to, online curriculum courses and tutorial programs;

(7) Tuition and fees for alternative education programs;

(8) Fees for after-school or summer education programs;

(9) Educational services and therapies including, but not limited to, occupational, behavioral, physical, speech-language, and audiology therapies;

(10) Curriculum as defined in §18-31-2 of this code;

(11) Instruments or equipment required as part of a music education course or curriculum;

(12) Fees for transportation paid to a fee-for-service transportation provider for the student to travel to and from an education service provider; and

(13) Any other qualifying expenses as approved by the board established pursuant to §18-31-3 of this code: Provided, That the board may adopt rules and procedures for Hope Scholarship students who want to continue to receive services provided by a public school or district.

(b) Hope Scholarship funds may only be used for educational purposes in accordance with subsection (a) of this section. Nothing in this section requires that a Hope Scholarship student be enrolled, full- or part-time, in either a private school or nonpublic online school.

(c) Hope Scholarship funds may not be refunded, rebated, or shared with a parent or student in any manner: Provided, That the Hope Scholarship Board shall promulgate legislative rules to ensure that an education service provider with 15 or more students can provide compensation to employees of the provider in the provider’s regular course of business, notwithstanding the fact that an employee’s child receives services from the education service provider.

(d) The board may adopt procedures for establishing a reimbursement process for any qualifying expenses not available for purchase by a Hope Scholarship parent through the existing online Hope Scholarship Program portal. Any refund or rebate for goods or services purchased with Hope Scholarship funds shall be credited directly to a student's Hope Scholarship account.

(e) Nothing in this section prohibits the parents of a Hope Scholarship student from making payments for the costs of educational goods and services not covered by the funds in their student’s Hope Scholarship account. However, personal deposits into a Hope Scholarship account are not permitted.

§18-31-8. Annual continuation of Hope Scholarship accounts; participation in public school system.

(a) Notwithstanding any changes in eligibility, effective January 1, 2025, a Hope Scholarship student may continue participation in the program from school year to school year without reapplying for the program until one of the conditions set forth in §18-31-6(f) occurs: Provided, That the board shall verify with the Department of Education the following information by July 1 of every year:

(1) A list of all active Hope Scholarship accounts;

(2) The resident school district of each Hope Scholarship student;

(3) For a Hope Scholarship student who chooses to attend a participating school, annual confirmation of his or her continued attendance at a nonpublic school that complies with all requirements that other nonpublic school students must comply with; and

(4) For a Hope Scholarship student who chooses an individualized instructional program:

(A) (i) He or she has annually taken a nationally normed standardized achievement test of academic achievement in the subject areas of reading, language, and mathematics, and when available for the student's grade-level, science and social studies;

(ii) The mean of the child's overall test results in the subject areas tested for any single year is within or above the fourth stanine or, if below the fourth stanine, show improvement from the previous year's results; and

(iii) The mean of the child's overall test results are reported to the county superintendent; or

(B) (i) A certified teacher conducts a review of the student's academic work annually;

(ii) The certified teacher determines that the student is making academic progress commensurate with his or her age and ability; and

(iii) The certified teacher's determination is reported to the county superintendent.

(b) As a condition of continued participation in the Hope Scholarship Program from one school year to the next, a parent must annually meet the following requirements, according to the deadlines and procedures established by the Board:

(1) The parent must submit proof of the student’s continued West Virginia residency;

(2) The parent must execute the parent agreement with the Board described in §18-31-5(d)(3) of this code ahead of each school year; and

(3) The parent must report to the county superintendent of the student’s county of residence that the student has complied with all attendance and academic requirements in accordance with subsection (a) of this section for the most recent school year.

(c) Each county superintendent shall submit the test results and determinations reported to him or her pursuant to subsection (a) of this section to the board and the Department of Education each year on or before June 15.

(d) If a parent fails to meet the annual conditions for continued participation in the Hope Scholarship Program described in subsection (b) of this section, the board shall notify the parent that the eligible recipient's account will be closed in 45 calendar days. If a parent declines continued participation in the program or does not respond within 30 calendar days of receipt of notice, the board shall close the account and any remaining moneys shall be returned to the state.

(e) If an eligible recipient decides to return to the Hope Scholarship Program after failing to meet the conditions for continued participation described in subsection (b) of this section, they must reapply.

(f) The board, in consultation with the Department of Education, may adopt rules and policies for Hope Scholarship students who want to continue to receive services provided by a public school or district, including individual classes and extracurricular programs, in combination with an individualized instructional program. The board, in consultation with the Department of Education, shall ensure that any public school or school district providing such services receives the appropriate pro rata share of a student's Hope Scholarship funds based on the percentage of total instruction provided to the student by the public school or school district. County boards and charter school governing boards shall charge tuition to Hope Scholarship students who enroll for services in a public school within the county or in a public charter school. Hope Scholarship students who enroll for services part-time in public school shall not be included in net enrollment for state aid funding purposes under §18-9A-2 of this code. Nothing in this subsection prohibits a Hope Scholarship student from using the funds deposited in his or her account on both services provided by a public school or district and other qualifying expenses as provided for in §18-31-7 of this code.

(g) The board, in consultation with the Department of Education, may adopt rules and policies to provide the least disruptive process for Hope Scholarship students who desire to stop receiving Hope Scholarship payments and return full-time to a public school.

§18-31-9. Administration of Hope Scholarship accounts.

(a) In addition to the duties, obligations, and authority stated in this section and in other parts of this article, the board has the following duties, obligations, and authority with respect to the administration of Hope Scholarship accounts:

(1) To maintain an updated list of participating schools and shall ensure that the list is publicly available through various sources, including the internet;

(2) To provide parents with a written explanation of the allowable uses of Hope Scholarship funds, the responsibilities of parents, the duties of the board and the role of any private financial management firms or other private organizations that the board may contract with to administer the Hope Scholarship Program or any aspect of the program; and

(3) To ensure that parents of students with a disability receive notice that participation in the Hope Scholarship Program is a parental placement under 20 U.S.C. § 1412 of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) along with an explanation of the rights that parentally placed students possess under (IDEA) and any applicable state laws and regulations.

(b) The board may contract with private organizations to administer the Hope Scholarship Program. This includes, but is not limited to, private financial management firms to manage Hope Scholarship accounts.

(c) The board shall implement, or contract with a private organization to implement, a commercially viable, cost effective, and parent-friendly system for payment for services from Hope Scholarship accounts to participating schools or education service providers, including, but not limited to, the use of debit cards or other electronic or online fund transfers: Provided, That a Hope Scholarship account may not be reduced for debit card or electronic payment fees.

(d) The board shall also seek to implement a commercially viable, cost-effective, and parent-friendly system for publicly rating, reviewing, and sharing information about participating schools and education service providers, ideally as part of the same system that facilitates the electronic or online funds transfers so as to create a one-stop-shop for parents and Hope Scholarship students.

(e) If an education service provider requires partial payment of tuition or fees prior to the start of the academic year to reserve space for a Hope Scholarship student admitted to the education service provider, such partial payment may be paid prior to the start of the school year in which the Hope Scholarship is awarded, and deducted in an equitable manner from subsequent Hope Scholarship deposits to ensure adequate funds remain available throughout the school year; but if a Hope Scholarship student decides not to use the education service provider, the partial reservation payment must be returned to the board by such education service provider and credited to the student’s Hope Scholarship account.

(f) The board may accept gifts and grants from any source to cover administrative costs, to inform the public about the Hope Scholarship Program, or to provide additional funding for Hope Scholarship Accounts.

(g) The board may propose legislative rules for legislative approval pursuant to §29A-3-1 et seq. of this code, including emergency rules, if necessary, to meet timelines set forth in this article, that are not inconsistent with this article and that are necessary for the administration of this article, including:

(1) Establishing or contracting for the establishment of a fraud reporting system;

(2) Policies that require a surety bond for education service providers receiving more than $100,000 in Hope Scholarship funds;

(3) Procedures for refunding payments from education service providers back to Hope Scholarship accounts; and

(4) Procedures for entering into reciprocal agreements with other state education savings account agencies or entities, whether public or private, to recognize and allow education service providers approved in other states to receive payments from Hope Scholarship accounts under this article.

(h) The rules or policies adopted by the board should avoid excessive bureaucracy and overly prescriptive mandates and instead shall focus on encouraging participation in the program and encouraging education service providers to provide parents and Hope Scholarship students with a broad array of educational options.


§18-10Q-1. Legislative findings.

The Legislature finds a need to create a state initiative to promote competitive, integrated, and customized employment opportunities for disabled citizens using publicly funded services regardless of the individual’s level of disability. The state Employment First Policy initiative is intended to promote the expectation that individuals with intellectual, developmental, and other disabilities are valued members of the workforce, and can often meet the same employment standards, responsibilities, and expectations as other working-age adults when provided the proper education, reasonable accommodations, and supports.

§18-10Q-2. Definitions.

“Competitive Employment” means work that is performed on a full-time or part-time basis (including self-employment) for which an individual is compensated at a rate that is not less than the rates specified in §21-5C-2 of this code, and for which the employee is eligible for the level of benefits provided to other employees and which presents opportunities for advancement that are similar to those for other employees who are not individuals with disabilities who have similar positions.

“Customized Employment” means those employment supports and services for an individual that are designed in a way to personalize the employment relationship between the person with a disability and employer in a way that meets the needs of both.

“Integrated employment” means employment at a location where the percentage of employees with disabilities relative to the employees without disabilities is consistent with the norms of the general workforce, and where the employees with disabilities interact with other persons, to the same extent as employees in comparable positions without disabilities.

§18-10Q-3. Creation of Employment First Taskforce; membership; meeting requirements.

(a) The Commissioner of the West Virginia Bureau for Behavioral Health shall establish a taskforce for the purpose of developing and implementing a state Employment First Policy.

(b) The commissioner shall appoint the membership of the taskforce, which shall include, at a minimum, the following members:

(1) The Commissioner of the West Virginia Bureau for Behavioral Health, or his or her representative, who shall chair the taskforce;

(2) An individual with a developmental disability;

(3) An individual with an intellectual disability;

(4) A family member of a person with a disability;

(5) A representative of the Department of Education;

(6) A representative of Workforce West Virginia;

(7) A representative of the Division of Rehabilitation Services;

(8) A representative of the Bureau for Medical Services (State Medicaid Agency);

(9) A representative of the West Virginia Developmental Disabilities Council;

(10) A representative of a provider of integrated and competitive employment services who does not also provide sheltered or otherwise segregated services for individuals with disabilities;

(11) A representative of West Virginia Center of Excellence in Disabilities;

(12) A representative of Disability Rights of West Virginia (the Governor-designated state protection and advocacy agency);

(13) A representative of the West Virginia Statewide Independent Living Council;

(14) A representative of the West Virginia Community and Technical College Systems;

(15) A representative of the West Virginia Behavioral Healthcare Providers Association;

(16) A representative of the West Virginia Association of Rehabilitation Facilities; and

(17) The State of West Virginia Americans with Disabilities Act Coordinator.

(c) The taskforce shall hold meetings at the call of the chairperson or upon written request of a majority of the members. The taskforce shall meet at least four times a year.

(d) The chairman of the taskforce shall appointment a member to act as secretary for the purposes of the taking of minutes. The minutes shall be approved by the taskforce at each meeting. The minutes and all other documentation shall be maintained by the chair.

§18-10Q-4. Powers and duties of the taskforce; state Employment First Policy; required plan; reporting requirements.

(a) The state Employment First Taskforce shall develop and implement a plan that includes the following:

(1) Describes time frames and proposals for aligning state policies, including eligibility and funding priorities, allocations for responsibility, and authority for ensuring implementation;

(2) Details cost projections for additional state funding needed over a five-year period to:

(A) Provide rate increases and incentives to providers that implement Employment First services; and

(B) Train or retrain the workforce;

(3) Describes strategies, timelines, and plans to increase investment in integrated employment services and may carefully consider plans to reduce sheltered work settings;

(4) Incorporates Employment First practices and methods in policy improvement plans providing customized, person-centered, and individually tailored employment supports to people with intellectual, developmental, and other disabilities, including people with complex support needs;

(5) Complies with federal policy and practice mandates regarding employment services design, settings, and coordination among stakeholders, including:

(A) The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Home and Community-Based Services;

(B) Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act; and

(C) The United States Department of Justice rulings that found that segregated work settings violate the “most integrated setting” rule of the Americans with Disabilities Act relative to the findings of the Supreme Court of the United States in the Olmstead court case;

(6) Describes minimal workforce competency-based training standards applicable for job coaches, case managers, and other relevant personnel;

(7) Establishes interagency agreements, as appropriate, to improve coordination of services, and collect and share data to inform long-term systems planning;

(8) Proposes initiatives to address the culture of low expectations, to which parents of young children with intellectual, developmental, and other disabilities are exposed;

(9) Provides the Governor and Legislature the State Employment First Policy within 12 months of the enactment of this bill;

(10) Ensures:

(A) That individuals, particularly secondary and post-secondary students with disabilities, understand the importance of, and are given the opportunity to explore, options for further training as a pathway to integrated employment;

(B) The availability and accessibility of individualized training and support in an individual’s preferred employment options;

(C) The availability and accessibility of resources necessary to enable an individual to understand possible effects of earned income and accumulation of assets on the individual’s eligibility for public benefits and opportunities to properly manage and save income and assets without jeopardizing such benefits;

(D) That competitive integrated employment, while being the first and preferred outcome, is not required of an individual with a disability to secure and maintain necessary public benefits, health care, training, and support for individuals with disabilities and this statute may not be construed to limit or disallow any disability benefits to which a person with a disability who is unable to be employed as contemplated by this statute would otherwise be entitled; and

(E) That the staff of public schools, vocational service programs, and community providers are trained and supported to assist in achieving the goal of competitive integrated employment for all individuals with disabilities; and

(11) Promotes partnerships with employers to overcome barriers to meet workforce needs, including the creative use of technology and innovation

(b) The taskforce shall provide a written report annually to the Governor and the Joint Committee on Government and Finance on the findings and results of the efforts of the taskforce to accomplish the goals of the plan. These reports shall present data which reflects the number of people with disabilities who attained employment as a result of the implementation of the plan, as well as any barriers to implementation and strategies developed to address them.

(c) The plan as required by this section shall be updated biennially or more frequently as needed.

(d) The Bureau for Behavioral Health, Division of Rehabilitation Services, the Department of Education, Workforce West Virginia, and the Bureau for Medical Services shall, as recommended by the Employment First Taskforce as established in §18-10Q-3 of this code, adopt and implement a joint State Employment First Policy, which recognizes that earning a wage through competitive employment in the general workforce is the first and preferred outcome of all publicly funded services provided to working-age individuals with disabilities.

§18-10Q-5. Sunset date.

The taskforce established in §18-10Q-3 of this code shall terminate and cease to exist on December 31, 2025, unless continued by act of the Legislature.

§18-5-15g. Vocational education classes for homeschooled and private schooled students.

County boards of education shall permit students who are homeschooled or attend private schools to enroll and take classes at the county’s vocational schools, if any are provided and as capacity allows, at no expense or cost greater than expenses or costs normally charged to public school students: Provided, That if a homeschool or private school student is not permitted to enroll in a county vocational school, the county shall notify the parent or guardian of the student in writing and a copy of the written notification shall also be sent to the West Virginia Department of Education.

§18-5-45a. Legislative findings; time lost due to work stoppage or strike; effect on pay and extracurricular activities; closure of schools due to work stoppage or strike prohibited.

(a) Legislative findings. —

(1) The West Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals held, in Jefferson County Bd. of Educ. v. Jefferson County Educ. Ass’n, 183 W.Va. 15 (1990), that “[p]ublic employees have no right to strike in the absence of express legislation or, at the very least, appropriate statutory provisions for collective bargaining, mediation, and arbitration”.

(2) Public employees in West Virginia have no right, statutory or otherwise, to engage in collective bargaining, mediation, or arbitration, and any work stoppage or strike by public employees is hereby declared to be unlawful. Furthermore, any work stoppage or strike by employees of a county board of education poses a serious disruption to the thorough and efficient system of free schools, guaranteed to the children of West Virginia by section one, article XII of the Constitution of West Virginia.

(3) Section 18-5-45 of this code is designed to define the school term both for employment of school personnel and for instruction of students. The employment term consists of at least 200 days and, within the employment term, an instructional term for students must consist of at least 180 separate instructional days. Section 18-5-45 of this code also defines the minimum length of an instructional day, requires county boards to develop a policy for additional minutes of instruction to recover time lost due to late arrivals and early dismissals, and allows schools with an instructional day in excess of certain minimums to apply this equivalent instructional time to cancel time lost due to necessary closures and other purposes designed to improve instruction. Furthermore, §18-5-45 of this code allows a county board, subject to approval of its plan by the state board, to deliver instruction through alternative methods for a maximum of five days, when schools are closed and provides that these days are considered to be instructional days, notwithstanding the closure of schools.

(4) The Legislature intended, by providing for equivalent instructional time and the use of alternative methods to deliver instruction on days when schools are closed, as defined in §18-5-45 of this code, to: (1) Provide flexibility for collaborative time and other methods of improving instruction; and (2) lessen the disruption of the planned school calendar if rescheduling and adding instructional days became necessary to make up lost days due to closures pursuant to §18-4-10(5) of this code, when conditions are detrimental to the health, safety, or welfare of pupils. The Legislature did not intend with the enactment of these provisions to permit a reduction in the instructional term for students or in the employment term for personnel when the conditions causing the closure of the school are a concerted work stoppage or strike by the employees.

(b) For the purposes of this section, an employee of a county board of education is considered to be participating in a concerted work stoppage or strike if, on any day during a concerted stoppage of work or interruption of operations by the employees of the county board of education:

(1) The employee does not report to work as required by his or her contract of employment;

(2) The employee is not on leave, as specifically permitted by any provision of this code: Provided, That nothing in this section permits an employee to use personal leave in connection with a work stoppage or strike in violation of §18A-4-10 of this code; and

(3) The employee is not otherwise prevented from reporting to work based on circumstances beyond the employee’s control, that are unrelated to the employee’s participation in the ongoing concerted work stoppage or strike, as determined by the county superintendent.

(c) The provisions of §18-5-45 of this code, permitting accrued and equivalent instructional time to cancel days lost, and the delivery of instruction through alternative methods, do not apply to and may not be used to cancel days lost due to a concerted work stoppage or strike. Notwithstanding any provision of this code to the contrary, the state board may not grant a waiver to a county board of education for its noncompliance with the 200-day minimum employment term or the 180-day minimum instructional term requirements if such noncompliance is the result of a concerted work stoppage or strike.

(d) Notwithstanding §18A-5-2 of this code or any other provision of this code to the contrary, if an employee remains employed by the county board of education, notwithstanding his or her participation in a concerted work stoppage or strike, which the Legislature hereby determines to be a ground for termination, the county board of education shall withhold the prorated salary or hourly pay of each employee participating in the concerted work stoppage or strike for each day that such employee participates in a concerted work stoppage or strike, and such sums shall be forfeited to the county board of education.

§18-30-3a. 2022 Legislative findings; statutory construction.

(a) The Legislature makes the following findings regarding the amendments to this article adopted during the 2022 Regular Session of the Legislature:

(1) Whereas the Prepaid Tuition Program and Plan, administered by the board from 1998 until 2021, was statutorily closed to new accounts in 2001;

(2) Whereas the board initiated a statutorily authorized buyout of all remaining accounts in 2021 and terminated the Prepaid Tuition Program, Plan, and Trust Fund;

(3) Whereas the Jumpstart Savings Act, adopted during the 2021 Regular Session of the Legislature, created a new savings and investment program to become operational on July 1, 2022;

(4) Whereas the Jumpstart Savings Program is structurally similar to the College Savings Program, both programs share the objective of assisting West Virginians to obtain the education and skills that they need for productive and successful livelihoods, and the Jumpstart Savings Act allows state tax rollovers from a SMART529 account into a Jumpstart Savings Account;

(5) Whereas authorizing a single board to administer both the College Savings Program and Jumpstart Savings Program, rather than requiring each program to have a separate board, will significantly reduce management and administrative costs to the state;

(6) Therefore, the Board of Trustees of the College Prepaid Tuition and Savings Program should be continued and re-designated as “the Board of Trustees of the West Virginia College and Jumpstart Savings Programs” and said board should be tasked with administering the College Savings Program, established by this article, and the Jumpstart Savings Program, established by §18-30A-1 et seq. of this code.

(b) The Legislature further finds that, whenever possible, this article should be read in pari materia and construed in harmony with the Jumpstart Savings Act, located in §18-30A-1 et seq. of this code.

(c) The Legislature further finds that interests in the College Savings Program Trust are intended:

(1) To qualify for relevant federal securities law exemptions for public instrumentalities of a State; and

(2) To be exempt from registration under chapter 32 of the West Virginia Code, the Uniform Securities Act.

§18-5G-16. Charter contract and enrollment application deadlines for schools opening in 2022, only.

Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, for public charter schools intending to open in the school year beginning July 1, 2022, only, the last day for the school’s governing board and its authorizer to enter into a charter contract is May 15, 2022. If the charter contract is not executed by May 15, 2022, the approved public charter school may not open until the following school year.

Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, for public charter schools intending to open in the school year beginning July 1, 2022, only, the primary round of public charter school student enrollment applications, lottery and enrollment shall conclude on May 15, 2022.

§18-2-40a. Education on and prevention of self-harm behavior and eating disorders.

(a) This section shall be known and cited as “Meghan’s Law”.

(b) Training of public school employees and volunteers – The state board shall promulgate, by September 1, 2022, a legislative rule pursuant to §29A-3B-1 et seq. of this code, and if necessary may promulgate an emergency rule in accordance with said article, to establish training requirements for all county board employees who might come into contact with a student, including full-time, part-time, and contract employees, as well as any volunteers of a school or school district that might come into contact with a student as such employees and volunteers may be further defined in the rule. The training shall be focused on developing skills, knowledge, and capabilities related to preventing, recognizing, and responding to students’ self-harm behaviors and eating disorders. The rule shall provide for at least the following:

(1) The required training shall include instruction and information to better equip schools and their employees, including how to:

(A) Recognize warning signs of self-harm behaviors and eating disorders that can lead to serious health issues and death;

(B) Support the healthy development of students by learning how to appropriately respond to or refer a student who exhibits warning signs of self-harm or eating disorders; and

(C) Provide consistent and standard protocols for responding to disclosures or discovery of self-harm or an eating disorder;

(2) The rule shall contain provisions to ensure that public school employees complete the required training every three years; and

(3) The rule may provide for this training to be administered virtually or through self-review of materials and resources provided by the state board.

(c) Education of middle school and high school students — Beginning September 1, 2022, children in grades 5-12 shall receive information regarding self-harm and eating disorder signs, prevention, and treatment.

(1) This education shall occur at least once per academic school year.

(2) The information may be obtained from the Bureau for Behavioral Health and Health Facilities, a licensed healthcare provider, or from commercially developed awareness and prevention training programs for the awareness, treatment resources, and prevention of self-harm behavior and eating disorders approved by the state board in consultation with the bureau to assure the accuracy and appropriateness of the information.

(3) To facilitate this process and develop resources, the state board may promulgate a legislative rule pursuant to §29A-3B-1 et seq. of this code.

§18-9G-1. Purpose.

The purpose of this bill is to support maintaining a child’s overall health, such as regulating temperature, transporting nutrients, and preventing disease. Drinking sufficient amounts of water can have many health benefits, such as reduced dental cavities and maintaining a healthy body weight. Studies show when water bottle filling stations are installed in schools, students nearly triple the amount of how much water they drink at lunch time and the likelihood of students in those same schools being at an unhealthy weight is greatly reduced. Additionally, studies have shown that there are more germs found on an average classroom water fountain spigot than a toilet seat or an animal cage. Accordingly, promoting the use of a water bottle filling station reduces the spread of germs and disease.

§18-9G-2. Definitions.

As used in this section these words have the following meaning:

(1) “Construction project” means a project in the furtherance of a facilities plan with a cost of greater than $1,000,000 for the new construction, expansion, or major renovation of the facilities, buildings, and structures for school purposes, including:

(A) The acquisition of land for current or future use in connection with the construction project;

(B) New or substantial upgrading of existing equipment, machinery, or furnishings; and

(C) Installation of utilities and other similar items related to making the construction project operational.

(D) “Construction project” does not include such items as books, computers, or equipment used for instructional purposes; fuel supplies; routine utility service fees and routine maintenance costs; ordinary course of business improvements; and other items which are customarily considered to result in a current or ordinary course of business operating charge or a major improvement project.

(2) “Major improvement” means a project meeting one or more of the following:

(A) Increasing the square footage of a school by more than 5,000 square feet; or

(B) Any renovations or upgrades to a school with a cost greater than $500,000 where plumbing work constitutes more than 20 percent of the project’s construction cost.

(3) “Public school” means any school under the general supervision of the West Virginia Board of Education pursuant to section two, article XIII of the Constitution of West Virginia and includes any charter school pursuant to §18-5G-1 et seq. of this code.

(4) “Water bottle filling station” means a station to which the following apply:

(A) The station is designed to fill a bottle with water;

(B) The station dispenses filtered drinking water;

(C) The station may be integrated into a drinking fountain; and

(D) The station shall be touchless for sanitary reasons.

§18-9G-3. Plans for new construction and major improvements of public school buildings required to provide sufficient water bottle filling stations.

(a) The state board shall promulgate a rule pursuant to §29A-3B-1 et seq. of this code on or before November 1, 2022, to require newly constructed public school buildings to include the following:

(1) A minimum of one water bottle filling station on each floor and wing of each public school building;

(2) At least one water bottle filling station in all school food service areas;

(3) At least one water bottle filling station near gymnasiums and outdoor learning and activity areas, including playgrounds and athletic facilities; and

(4) A minimum of at least one water bottle filling station per 200 building occupants projected upon completion of the projected construction.

(b) The state board shall promulgate a rule pursuant to §29A-3B-1 et seq. of this code on or before November 1, 2022, to require existing public school buildings undergoing a major improvement to include a minimum of half of the facility’s existing water coolers being retrofitted or replaced to provide water bottle filling capability and be made ADA compliant. Pending the availability of a water supply line and sanitary plumbing, the preferred placement of these stations shall be in the following areas:

(1) School food service areas;

(2) Near gymnasiums and outdoor learning and activity areas, including playgrounds and athletic facilities; and

(3) Grouped toilet areas.

(c) Any water bottle filling station installed in a public school building shall:

(1) Dispense filtered, clean drinking water;

(2) Be touchless for sanitary reasons;

(3) Be regularly cleaned to maintain sanitary conditions; and

(4) Be regularly maintained to ensure proper functioning.

(d) County boards shall adopt a policy to permit students in schools with one or more water bottle filling stations to carry water bottles.

§18-5D-6. West Virginia Emergency School Food Act.

(a) The Legislature finds and declares that:

(1) The Feed to Achieve initiative has successfully improved the availability and awareness for the need to provide nutritious food to state students and the Shared Table Initiative has facilitated a spirit of innovation and consciousness in our counties to find alternative ways to feed children in need;

(2) A periodic assessment of the needs for county students and availability of county resources would be helpful in determining what type of resources are available and needed to reduce food insecurity for students when they are not in school;

(3) That expansion of the Shared Table Initiative to include a program to encourage county schools to locate, participate in, and initiate programs to provide meals during summers and non-school-day times when some children may not have access to healthy meals could assist in reducing food insecurity for thousands of children in this state, and therefore, creating a mechanism that is not a directive from the Legislature upon county school boards, but rather an authorization to use school resources to find innovative ways, within the means of the county school systems, to assist the communities they serve, will provide a public benefit.

(b) Any county public school system may conduct an annual countywide survey of public-school students to determine their noninstructional or nontraditional remote learning and virtual school day eating patterns and the availability of nutritious food to them when schools are closed. The West Virginia Office of Child Nutrition may assist and facilitate with this survey to determine the needs for supplemental food services in every county.

(c) Any county board may collect and compile information regarding the availability of food resources in the county during noninstructional or nontraditional remote learning days as well as include a plan that includes virtual school students and distribute this information to all students. These resources may include any public, private, religious group, or charity that will provide food to children with food insecurity.

(d) Any county school board may investigate and implement any program that may facilitate this initiative including, but not limited to, entrepreneurship programs to foster innovation in providing assistance, utilizing participation in programs as a positive discipline option, and creating mentorship programs or other opportunities to participate in the feeding program.

(e) Any county school board may provide an annual countywide or a coordinated regional training opportunity, with assistance from the West Virginia Office of Child Nutrition, that ensures that any entity that potentially qualifies as a summer feeding site according to the county survey, is afforded the opportunity to receive training on operation of a feeding site.

(f) Any county board may provide its survey, a summary of its activities, and any findings or recommendations the county school board has related thereto, to the West Virginia Office of Child Nutrition at a date determined each year by that office.

(g) Each West Virginia public school may include in its crisis response plan, created pursuant to §18-9F-9, an assessment and plan to feed students during noninstructional or nontraditional remote learning days and public virtual school students that includes emergency situations that may require innovative ways to deliver food to student homes. Community support and resources should be utilized when creating this plan.

(h) The West Virginia Office of Child Nutrition may monitor these activities and share between counties information about innovative and successful program initiatives around the state to promote and facilitate the West Virginia Emergency School Food Act.




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Acts, 1989 Reg. Sess., Ch. 64.



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Acts, 2008 1ES. Sess., Ch. 7.

§18-2E-13. Establishment of vocational math class.

(a) Legislative findings and purpose. – The Legislature find that empowering students to enter the trades is of paramount importance. Restructuring current math programming to assist students for a career in the trades is the best way to achieve this goal. The restructuring of the technical transition math class to help students with workforce math will provide students with the opportunity to prepare themselves for a career in the trades.

(b) Enactment. – There is hereby established for all public-school curriculum in West Virginia a technical transition math class geared towards students interested in careers in the trades. This class will pertain to math curriculum in the fields of fractions, conversion from fractions to decimals, application of measurement, reading blueprints, geometry pertaining to workforce math and other math skills needed to succeed in the trades.

(c) Qualifications. – In order to be able to teach this class, an instructor must meet the same qualifications as needed to teach current trade classes and specific content in the public schools. Students shall be eligible for this class once entering high school. This class can be taken as a personalized math credit to meet graduation requirements.

§18-2-40b. Dissemination of information on suicide prevention.

Commencing one year from the date of reenactment of this section in the 2023 regular session of the Legislature, a public school that serves students in grades 6 to 12, inclusive, and that issues student identification cards shall have printed on either side of the student identification cards the information for the Suicide & Crisis Lifeline, which can be reached by calling or texting 988; and shall have printed on either side of the student identification cards the information for the Crisis Text line, which can be accessed by texting HOME to 741741.

§18-5-50. West Virginia Tutoring Program.

(a) Purpose. — County boards of education may contract with an independent contractor who is a retired teacher to provide tutoring services as that term is defined in this section. The purpose of the contract is to provide additional support to students who necessitate additional one-on-one instruction in the core subjects of reading and math. Any county board of education may contract with as many independent contractors as the county school board considers necessary.

(b) Definitions. — For purposes of this section the following words have the following meanings:

"Contract" means an agreement between a county board of education and an independent contractor relating to the procurement of tutoring services;

"County school board" means the same as that term is used in §18-5-1 et seq. of this code;

"Independent contractor" means the same as that term is used in §21-5I-4 of this code;

"Tutoring services" means academic support provided by an expert teacher who has a deep knowledge or defined expertise in a particular subject or set of subjects;

"Tutor" means an independent contractor who is a retired teacher that provides tutoring services in the area of reading or math; and

"Retired teacher" means the same as that term is used in §18A-2-3 of this code.

(c) Requirements for participation. — Prior to entering into a contract with a tutor, the county school board shall require an applicant to provide proof that he or she:

(1) Is a citizen of the United States;

(2) Has retired from his or her employment as a teacher;

(3) Meets any other requirements imposed by the county school board that apply to current teachers, which may include, but are not limited to, a background check or training; and

(4) Carries appropriate liability insurance at his or her expense: Provided, That the imposition of this requirement is at the discretion of the county school board.

(d) Exclusions from participation. — Any of the following disqualifying criminal offenses shall preclude a county board from engaging the services of a tutor:

(1) Any sex offense;

(2) Crimes against persons, which include, but are not limited to, manslaughter, murder, child abuse, domestic violence, stalking, kidnapping, or aggravated assault or battery;

(3) Unlawful manufacture, delivery, or possession with intent to deliver any controlled substance; and

(4) Any other misdemeanor or felony conviction deemed exclusionary for contracting with the independent contractor by the county school board.

(e) Liability. — A county school board may not be held civilly liable or be criminally prosecuted for any action of an independent contractor tutor acting within the scope of the duties for which their services were contracted unless the county school board can be shown to be grossly negligent or committed willful misconduct.

(f) Miscellaneous. —

(1) In contracting for the services set forth in this section, county school boards may not be subject to purchasing requirements set forth in in §5A-3-1 et seq. of this code.

(2) Nothing in this section requires a county board of education to contract with a tutor pursuant to this section. Participation by a county board of education is voluntary and subject to the availability of county funds. Any county board of education that opts to participate shall do so at its own expense. The provisions of this section place no obligation for the state to appropriate moneys for the purposes set forth in this section.

(3) An independent contractor tutor is not eligible for participation in the public employee insurance plan, workers’ compensation, additional state retirement credited to employment as a West Virginia tutor, or any other state-sponsored or offered state benefit plan.

(4) Participation in the West Virginia Tutoring Program shall not affect the retired teacher’s retirement benefits in any manner.

§18-5-51. Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Instruction Fund.

There is hereby created in the State Treasury a special revenue fund designated and known as the Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Instruction Fund which is an interest- and earnings-accumulating account. The fund is established to support cardiopulmonary instruction for public high schools and all moneys must be spent to support the school for which the funding was derived. The fund consists of moneys appropriated by the Legislature, grants, gifts, devises, and donations from any public or private source. Funds shall be distributed to the county boards of education and multicounty vocational centers, with the funding amount per school determined by multiplying the number of projected regular public school graduates by $5. All interest and other returns derived from the deposit and investment of moneys in the Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Instruction Fund shall be credited to the fund. Any balance, including accrued interest and other returns, remaining in the fund at the end of each fiscal year shall not revert to the General Revenue Fund but shall remain in the fund and be expended as provided in this section. The West Virginia Department of Education shall administer the fund.

§18-7A-26x. One-time bonus payment for certain annuitants.

(a) As an additional bonus payment to other retirement allowances provided, a one-time bonus payment to retirement benefits shall be paid to retirants of the retirement system as provided in subsection (b) of this section. The one-time bonus payment shall equal $1,500 and shall be paid on or before December 31, 2023.

(b) The one-time bonus payment provided in this section applies to any retirant age 70 as of July 1, 2023, who has at least 20 years of service as of July 1, 2023, and whose monthly annuity is less than $1,000. This one-time bonus payment is subject to any applicable limitations under Section 415 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.

(c) The one-time bonus payment provided by this section shall be payable pro rata to any beneficiary of a qualifying retirant who currently receives an annuity or other benefit payable by the retirement system.

§18-7A-26y. Minimum benefit for certain retired members.

(a) If the retirement annuity of a retirant (or applicable beneficiary thereof) at least 70 years of age with at least 25 years of total service as of July 1, 2023, is less than $1,000 per month (including any supplemental or additional benefits provided by this article), then the monthly retirement annuity for the retirant, beginning on or before December 31, 2023, shall be increased to $1,000 per month: Provided, That any year of service while an employee of an institution of higher education may not be taken into account for purposes of this section if his or her salary was capped under the retirement system at $4,800 per year pursuant to §18-7A-14a of this code.

(b) Notwithstanding any provision of subsection (a) of this section to the contrary, if the retirement annuity of a beneficiary at least 70 years of age as of July 1, 2023, of a retirant who chose option B – 50 percent joint and survivor annuity under the retirement system and who had at least 25 years of total service is less than $500 per month (including any supplemental benefits or incentives provided by this article), then the monthly retirement benefit for the beneficiary shall be increased to $500 per month beginning on or before December 31, 2023: Provided, That any year of service while an employee of an institution of higher education may not be taken into account for purposes of this section if his or her salary was capped under the retirement system at $4,800 per year pursuant to §18-7A-14a of this code.

(c) The payment of any minimum benefit under this section is in lieu of, and not in addition to, the payments of any retirement annuity or supplemental or additional benefits otherwise provided by this article: Provided, That the minimum benefit provided in this section is subject to any limitations thereon under Section 415 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as the same may be amended, and §18-7A-28a of this code.

(d) Any minimum benefit conferred in this section is not retroactive to the time of retirement and applies only to members who have retired prior to the effective date of this section, or, if applicable, to beneficiaries receiving benefits under the retirement system prior to the effective date.

§18-2-25e. Athletic eligibility of transfer students.

(a) The West Virginia Secondary School Activities Commission shall modify its rule, prior to the 2023-2024 school year, to allow students to transfer schools and retain athletic eligibility at least one time during a student's four years of secondary school, inclusive of grades nine through 12. The West Virginia Secondary School Activities Commission may promulgate an emergency rule, if necessary, to modify its rule prior to the 2023-2024 school year.

(b) Nothing in this section is intended to limit or restrict a student transferring more than one time for the following reasons:

(1) The West Virginia Secondary School Activities Commission's ability to make eligibility determinations on a case-by-case basis when warranted by a student's circumstances in accordance with the West Virginia Secondary School Activities Commission's rules; or

(2) For any other reason permitted under the rules of the West Virginia Secondary School Activities Commission.

§18-5G-17. Charter Schools Stimulus Fund.

(a) There is hereby created in the State Treasury a special revenue fund designated and known as the Charter Schools Stimulus Fund. The fund is established for the purpose of providing financial support to charter school applicants and charter schools that may not otherwise have the resources for start-up costs such as costs associated with renovating or remodeling existing buildings and structures and costs for the purchase of school buses. The fund consists of money appropriated by the Legislature, grants, gifts, devises, and donations from any public or private source. All interest and other returns derived from the deposit and investment of money in the Charter Schools Stimulus Fund shall be credited to the fund. Any balance, including accrued interest and other returns, remaining in the fund at the end of each fiscal year shall not revert to the General Revenue Fund, but shall remain in the fund and be expended as provided in this section. The West Virginia Professional Charter School Board shall administer the fund.

(b) On or before June 1, 2023, the state board shall promulgate legislative rules pursuant to §29A-3B-1 et seq. of this code to implement the provisions of this section. If necessary to meet the June 1, 2023, deadline, the state board shall promulgate an emergency rule. The rules shall include application requirements, requirements for the West Virginia Professional Charter School Board to notify potential applicants, and a requirement for the applicant to attest to or demonstrate that it:

(1) Would not otherwise have the financial capacity without money from the Charter Schools Stimulus Fund to:

(A) Successfully apply to an authorizer; or

(B) Start a public charter school; and

(2) Is not working with or financed by any organization that has started or financed other charter schools to the degree that facilitating and starting charter schools is a significant portion of the organization’s purpose.

(c) Subject to the availability of funding, the West Virginia Professional Charter School Board shall distribute money from the Charter Schools Stimulus Fund to qualifying charter school applicants and charter schools in the following manner:

(1) Each qualifying charter school applicant or charter school shall be awarded an initial grant of up to $300,000 during or before the first two years of the charter school’s operation. If an applicant for a charter school receives an initial grant pursuant to this paragraph and fails to begin operating a charter school within the next 30 months, the applicant shall reimburse the West Virginia Professional Charter School Board for the initial grant plus interest calculated at a prorated rate of 10 percent a year: Provided, That the West Virginia Professional Charter School Board may lengthen this 30-month time period in extenuating circumstances; and

(2) Applicants for charter schools and charter schools that received initial grants pursuant to subdivision (1) of this subsection may apply to the West Virginia Professional Charter School Board for an additional grant of up to $100,000. If an applicant for a charter school receives an additional grant pursuant to this paragraph and fails to begin operating a charter school within the next 30 months, the applicant shall reimburse the West Virginia Professional Charter School Board for the additional grant plus interest calculated at a prorated rate of 10 percent a year: Provided, That the West Virginia Professional Charter School Board may lengthen this 30-month time period in extenuating circumstances. A reimbursement required by this subdivision is in addition to any reimbursement required by subdivision (1) of this subsection.

§18-21A-2. Career and technical education pilot program for middle school students established; funding.

(a) A four-year pilot program is hereby established to provide participating middle schools with an elective course to better prepare fifth through eighth grade students to take advantage of West Virginia's career and technical education programs and to improve students' college and career readiness prior to high school.

(b) Funding. — A middle school’s participation in the pilot program is contingent upon the availability of existing funding. 

§18-21A-3. Rulemaking; reporting.

(a) The state board shall promulgate a legislative rule, and, if necessary, an emergency rule, pursuant to §29A-3B-1, et seq. to implement the provisions of this article. The provisions of the rule shall include, at a minimum:

(1) Guidelines for admission to the pilot program;

(2) Administration of the program which includes parameters that include the definitions contained in §18-21A-1 of this code; and

(3) Requirement that program participants receive a certificate upon successful completion of the pilot program.

(b) By July 1, 2025, and annually thereafter for the duration of the pilot program, the state superintendent shall report to the Legislative Oversight Commission on Education Accountability on:

(1) The number of students participating;

(2) The graduation rates of participating students;

(3) To the extent practicable, the job placement rates of participant students,

(4) Any issues with the program reported by students, parents, and participating middle schools; how these issues are being addressed; and whether the issues require legislative action; and

(5) A recommendation from the state superintendent on whether the program should continue beyond its four-year period.

§18-5-19e. Adult education taskforce.

(a) The Legislature finds that:

(1) While adult learning centers are part of the West Virginia Department of Education, that department is not obligated to fund these adult learning centers;

(2) Funding for adult learning centers derives its income from many areas without any regularity;

(3) A taskforce to study and consider funding options, the existing funding sources, and the best approach to provide direct funding for the adult learning centers would stabilize the regularity of funding these centers.

(b) The State Superintendent of Schools shall establish in the West Virginia Department of Education a taskforce to consider options for direct funding of adult education learning centers.

(c) The taskforce shall include at a minimum the State Superintendent of Schools, or his or her designee, the head of the adult education learning centers, and geographically diverse representatives from the community, including, but not limited to, representation from business and the community college system, appointed by the State Superintendent of Schools, in consultation with the Chancellor for Community and Technical College Education.

(d) The State Superintendent of Schools shall determine the number of members of the taskforce and eligibility to serve.

(e) The meetings of the taskforce shall be open to the public and follow the Open Governmental Meetings Act.

(f) The taskforce shall be created and begin its meetings on or before July 1, 2024, and submit a report of recommendations to the Legislative Oversight Commission on Education Accountability by December 1, 2024.

(g) The provisions of the section shall sunset on December 31, 2025.

§18-10R-10. Oversight, dispute resolution, and enforcement.

(a) Oversight;

(1) The executive and judicial branches of the State government in each member state shall enforce this compact and take all actions necessary and appropriate to implement the compact.

(2) Venue is proper and judicial proceedings by or against the commission shall be brought solely and exclusively in a court of competent jurisdiction where the principal office of the commission is located. The commission may waive venue and jurisdictional defenses to the extent it adopts or consents to participate in alternative dispute resolution proceedings. Nothing in this subdivision shall affect or limit the selection or propriety of venue in any action against a licensee for professional malpractice, misconduct or any such similar matter.

(3) The commission shall be entitled to receive service of process in any proceeding regarding the enforcement or interpretation of the compact and shall have standing to intervene in such a proceeding for all purposes. Failure to provide the commission service of process shall render a judgment or order void as to the commission, this compact, or promulgated rules.

(b) Default, Technical Assistance, and Termination;

(1) If the commission determines that a member state has defaulted in the performance of its obligations or responsibilities under this compact or the promulgated rules, the commission shall provide written notice to the defaulting state. The notice of default shall describe the default, the proposed means of curing the default, and any other action that the commission may take, and shall offer training and specific technical assistance regarding the default.

(2) The commission shall provide a copy of the notice of default to the other member states.

(c) If a state in default fails to cure the default, the defaulting state may be terminated from the compact upon an affirmative vote of a supermajority of the delegates of the member states, and all rights, privileges and benefits conferred on that state by this compact may be terminated on the effective date of termination. A cure of the default does not relieve the offending state of obligations or liabilities incurred during the period of default.

(d) Termination of membership in the compact shall be imposed only after all other means of securing compliance have been exhausted. Notice of intent to suspend or terminate shall be given by the commission to the governor, the majority and minority leaders of the defaulting State’s legislature, the defaulting state’s licensing authority and each of the member states’ licensing authorities.

(e) A state that has been terminated is responsible for all assessments, obligations, and liabilities incurred through the effective date of termination, including obligations that extend beyond the effective date of termination.

(f) Upon the termination of a state’s membership from this compact, that state shall immediately provide notice to all Licensees within that state of such termination. The terminated state shall continue to recognize all licenses granted pursuant to this compact for a minimum of six (6) months after the date of said notice of termination.

(g) The commission shall not bear any costs related to a state that is found to be in default or that has been terminated from the compact, unless agreed upon in writing between the commission and the defaulting state.

(h) The defaulting state may appeal the action of the commission by petitioning the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia or the federal district where the commission has its principal offices. The prevailing party shall be awarded all costs of such litigation, including reasonable attorney’s fees.

(i) Dispute Resolution;

(1) Upon request by a member state, the commission shall attempt to resolve disputes related to the compact that arise among member states and between member and non- member states.

(2) The commission shall promulgate a rule providing for both mediation and binding dispute resolution for disputes as appropriate.

(j) Enforcement;

(1) By majority vote as provided by rule, the commission may initiate legal action against a member state in default in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia or the federal district where the commission has its principal offices to enforce compliance with the provisions of the compact and its promulgated rules. The relief sought may include both injunctive relief and damages. In the event judicial enforcement is necessary, the prevailing party shall be awarded all costs of such litigation, including reasonable attorney’s fees. The remedies in this subdivision shall not be the exclusive remedies of the commission. The commission may pursue any other remedies available under federal or the defaulting member state’s law.

(2) A member state may initiate legal action against the commission in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia or the federal district where the commission has its principal offices to enforce compliance with the provisions of the compact and its promulgated rules. The relief sought may include both injunctive relief and damages. In the event judicial enforcement is necessary, the prevailing party shall be awarded all costs of such litigation, including reasonable attorney’s fees.

(3) No person other than a member state shall enforce this compact against the Commission.

§18-10R-11. Effective date, withdrawal, and amendment.

(a) The compact shall come into effect on the date on which the compact statute is enacted into law in the seventh member state.

(1) On or after the effective date of the compact specified in subsection (a) of this section, the commission shall convene and review the enactment of each of the charter member states to determine if the statute enacted by each such charter member state is materially different than the model compact statute.

(A) A charter member state whose enactment is found to be materially different from the model compact statute shall be entitled to the default process set forth in §18-10R-10 of this code.

(B) If any member state is later found to be in default, or is terminated or withdraws from the compact, the commission shall remain in existence and the compact shall remain in effect even if the number of member states should be less than seven.

(2) Member states enacting the compact subsequent to the charter member states shall be subject to the process set forth in §18-10R-7(C)(21) to determine if their enactments are materially different from the model compact statute and whether they qualify for participation in the compact.

(3) All actions taken for the benefit of the commission or in furtherance of the purposes of the administration of the compact prior to the effective date of the compact or the commission coming into existence shall be considered to be actions of the commission unless specifically repudiated by the commission.

(A) Any state that joins the compact subsequent to the commission’s initial adoption of the Rules and bylaws shall be subject to the rules and bylaws as they exist on the date on which the compact becomes law in that state. Any rule that has been previously adopted by the commission shall have the full force and effect of law on the day the compact becomes law in that state.

(B) Any member state may withdraw from this compact by enacting a statute repealing the same.

(C) A member state’s withdrawal shall not take effect until 180 days after enactment of the repealing statute.

(D) Withdrawal shall not affect the continuing requirement of the withdrawing state’s licensing authority to comply with the investigative and adverse action reporting requirements of this compact prior to the effective date of withdrawal.

(E) Upon the enactment of a statute withdrawing from this compact, a state shall immediately provide notice of such withdrawal to all licensees within that state. Notwithstanding any subsequent statutory enactment to the contrary, such withdrawing state shall continue to recognize all licenses granted pursuant to this compact for a minimum of six (6) months after the date of such notice of withdrawal.

(i) Nothing contained in this compact shall be construed to invalidate or prevent any licensure agreement or other cooperative arrangement between a member state and a non-member state that does not conflict with the provisions of this compact.

(ii) This compact may be amended by the member states. No amendment to this compact shall become effective and binding upon any member state until it is enacted into the laws of all member states.

§18-10R-12. Construction and severability.

(a) This compact and the commission’s rulemaking authority shall be liberally construed so as to effectuate the purposes, and the implementation and administration of the compact. Provisions of the compact expressly authorizing or requiring the promulgation of rules shall not be construed to limit the commission’s rulemaking authority solely for those purposes.

(b) The provisions of this compact shall be severable and if any phrase, clause, sentence or provision of this compact is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be contrary to the constitution of any Member state, a State seeking participation in the compact, or of the United States, or the applicability thereof to any government, agency, person or circumstance is held to be unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, the validity of the remainder of this compact and the applicability thereof to any other government, agency, person or circumstance shall not be affected thereby.

(c) Notwithstanding subsection B of this section, the commission may deny a state’s participation in the compact or, in accordance with the requirements of §18-10R-10.B of this code, terminate a member state’s participation in the compact, if it determines that a constitutional requirement of a Member state is a material departure from the compact. Otherwise, if this compact shall be held to be contrary to the constitution of any member state, the compact shall remain in full force and effect as to the remaining member states and in full force and effect as to the Member state affected as to all severable matters.

§18-10R-13. Consistent effect and conflict with other state laws.

(a) Nothing in this article shall prevent or inhibit the enforcement of any other law of a member state that is not inconsistent with the compact.

(b) Any laws, statutes, regulations, or other legal requirements in a member state in conflict with the compact are superseded to the extent of the conflict.

(c) All permissible agreements between the commission and the member states are binding in accordance with their terms.

§18-10R-2. Definitions.

“Active Military Member” means any person with full-time duty status in the armed forces of the United States, including members of the National Guard and Reserve.

“Adverse Action” means disciplinary action or encumbrance imposed on a license by a state licensing authority.

“Alternative Program” means a non-disciplinary, prosecutorial diversion, monitoring, or practice remediation process entered into in lieu of an adverse action which is applicable to a school psychologist and approved by the state licensing authority of a member state in which the participating school psychologist is licensed. This includes, but is not limited to, programs to which licensees with substance abuse or addiction issues may be referred in lieu of an adverse action.

“Commissioner” means the individual appointed by a member state to serve as the representative to the commission for that member state.

“Compact” means this School Psychologist Interstate Licensure Compact.

“Continuing Professional Education” means a requirement, imposed by a member state as a condition of license renewal to provide evidence of successful participation in professional educational activities relevant to the provision of school psychological services.

“Criminal Background Check” means the submission of fingerprints or other biometric- information for a license applicant for the purpose of obtaining that applicant’s criminal history record information, as defined in 28 C.F.R. § 20.3(d), and the state’s criminal history record repository as 81 defined in 28 C.F.R. § 20.3(f).

“Doctoral Level Degree” means a graduate degree program that consists of at least 90 graduate semester hours in the field of school psychology including a supervised internship.

“Encumbered License” means a license that a state licensing authority has limited in any way other than through an alternative program, including temporary or provisional licenses.

“Executive committee” means the commission’s chair, vice chair, secretary and treasurer and any other commissioners as may be determined by commission rule or bylaw.

“Equivalent License” means a license to practice school psychology which a member state has identified as a license which may be provided to school psychologists from other member states pursuant to this compact.

“Home state” means the member state that issued the home state license to the licensee and is the licensee’s primary state of practice.

“Home state License” means the license that is not an encumbered license issued by the home state to provide school psychological services.

“School Psychological Services” means academic, mental and behavioral health services including assessment, prevention, consultation and collaboration, intervention, and evaluation provided by a school psychologist in a school, as outlined in applicable professional standards as determined by commission rule.

“License” means a current license, certification, or other authorization granted by a member state’s licensing authority that permits an individual to provide school psychological services.

“Licensee” means an individual who holds a license from a member state to provide school psychological services.

“Licensing Authority” means a member state’s regulatory body responsible for issuing licenses or otherwise overseeing the practice of school psychology.

“Member State” means a state that has enacted the compact and been admitted to the commission in accordance with the provisions of this article and commission rules.

“Model Compact” means the model language for the School Psychologist Interstate Licensure Compact on file with the Council of State Governments or other entity as designated by the commission.

“Practice of School Psychology” means the delivery school psychological services.

“School Psychologist Interstate Licensure Compact Commission” or “Commission” means the joint government agency established by this compact whose membership consists of representatives from each member state that has enacted the compact, and as further described in section seven of this article.

“Specialist-Level Degree” means a degree program that requires at least 60 graduate semester hours or their equivalent in the field of school psychology including a supervised internship.

“Qualifying National Exam” means a national licensing examination endorsed by the National Association of School Psychologists and any other exam as approved by the rules of the commission.

“Qualifying School Psychologist Education Program” means an education program which awards a Specialist-Level or Doctoral-Level degree or equivalent upon completion and is approved by the rules of the commission as meeting the necessary minimum educational standards to ensure that its graduates are ready, qualified, and able to engage in the practice of school psychology.

“Remote State” means a member state other than the home state where a licensee holds a license through the compact.

“Rule” means a regulation promulgated by an entity, including but not limited to the commission and the state licensing authority of each member state, that has the force of law.

“School Psychologist” means an individual who has met the requirements to obtain a home state license that legally conveys the professional title of school psychologist, or its equivalent as determined by the rules of the commission.

“Scope of Practice” means the procedures, actions, and processes a school psychologist licensed in a state is permitted to undertake in that state and the circumstances under which that licensee is permitted to undertake those procedures, actions, and processes. The procedures, actions, and processes, and the circumstances under which they may be undertaken, may be established through means including, but not limited to, statute, rules, case law, and other processes available to the state licensing authority or other government agency.

“State” means any state, commonwealth, district, or territory of the United States of America.

“State Licensing Authority” means an agency, whether the Department of Education or otherwise, or other entity operating as an arm of a state that is responsible for the licensing and regulation of school psychologists.

“State Specific Requirement” means a requirement for licensure covered in coursework or examination that includes content of unique interest to the state.

“Unencumbered License” means a license that authorizes a licensee to engage in the full and unrestricted practice of school psychology.

§18-10R-3. State participation in the compact.

(a) To be eligible to join this compact, and to maintain eligibility as a member state, a state shall:

(1) Enact a compact statute that is not materially different from the model compact as defined in the commission’s rules;

(2) Participate in the sharing of information with other member states as reasonably necessary to accomplish the objectives of this compact, and as further defined in section eight of this article;

(3) Identify and maintain with the commission a list of equivalent licenses available to licensees who hold a home state license under this compact;

(4) Have a mechanism in place for receiving and investigating complaints about licensees;

(5) Notify the commission, in compliance with the terms of the compact and the commission’s rules, of any adverse action taken against a licensee, or of the availability of investigative information which relates to a licensee or applicant for licensure;

(6) Require that applicants for a home state license have:

(A) Taken and passed a qualifying national exam as defined by the rules of the commission;

(B) Completed a minimum of 1200 hours of supervised internship, of which at least 600 have been completed in a school, prior to being approved for licensure;

(C) Graduated from a qualifying school psychologist education program; and

(7) Comply with the terms of this compact and the rules of the commission.

(b) Each member state shall grant an equivalent license to practice school psychology in that state upon application by a licensee who satisfies the criteria of §18-10R-4(a) of this code. Each member state shall grant renewal of the equivalent license to a licensee who satisfies the criteria of §18-10R-4(b) of this code.

(c) Member states may set and collect a fee for granting an equivalent license.

§18-10R-4. School psychologist participant in the compact .

(a) To obtain and maintain an equivalent license from a receiving state under this compact, a licensee must:

(1) Hold and maintain an active home state license;

(2) Satisfy any applicable state specific requirements established by the member state after an equivalent license is granted;

(3) Complete any administrative or application requirements which the commission may establish by rule, and pay any associated fees;

(4) Complete any requirements for renewal in the home state, including applicable continuing professional education requirements; and

(5) Upon their application to receive a license under this compact, undergo a criminal background check in the member state in which the equivalent license is sought in accordance with the laws and regulations of such member state.

(b) To renew an equivalent license in a member state other than the home state, a licensee must only apply for renewal, complete a background check, and pay renewal fees as determined by the licensing authority.

§18-10R-5. Active military members or their spouses.

A licensee who is an active military member or is the spouse of an active military member shall be considered to hold a home state license in any of the following locations:

(a) The licensee’s permanent residence;

(b) A member state that is the licensee’s primary state of practice; or

(c) A member state where the licensee has relocated pursuant to a permanent change of station (PCS).

§18-10R-6. Discipline; adverse actions.

(a) Nothing in this compact shall be considered or construed to limit the authority of a member state to investigate or impose disciplinary measures on licensees according to the state’s practice laws.

(b) Member states may receive, and shall provide, files and information regarding the investigation and discipline, if any, of licensees in other member states upon request. Any member state receiving such information or files shall protect and maintain the security and confidentiality thereof, in at least the same manner that it maintains its own investigatory or disciplinary files and information. Prior to disclosing any disciplinary or investigatory information received from another member state, the disclosing state shall communicate its intention and purpose for such disclosure to the member state which originally provided that information.

§18-10R-7. Establishment of the School Psychologist Interstate Licensure Compact Commission.

(a) The member states hereby create and establish a joint government agency whose membership consists of all member states that have enacted the compact, and this agency shall be known as the School Psychologist Interstate Licensure Compact Commission. The commission is an instrumentality of the member states acting jointly and not an instrumentality of any one state. The commission shall come into existence on or after the effective date of the compact as set forth in §18-10R-11 of this code.

(b) Membership, Voting, and Meetings.

(1) Each member state shall have and be limited to one delegate selected by that member state’s licensing authority.

(2) The delegate shall be the primary administrative officer of the member state licensing authority or his or her designee who is an employee of the member state licensing authority.

(3) The commission shall by rule or bylaw establish a term of office for delegates and may by rule or bylaw establish term limits.

(4) The commission may recommend removal or suspension of any delegate from office.

(5) A member state’s licensing authority shall fill any vacancy of its delegate occurring on the commission within 60 days of the vacancy.

(6) Each delegate has one vote on all matters before the commission requiring a vote by commission delegates.

(7) A delegate shall vote in person or by such other means as provided in the bylaws. The bylaws may provide for delegates to meet by telecommunication, videoconference, or other means of communication.

(8) The commission shall meet at least once during each calendar year. Additional meetings may be held as set forth in the bylaws. The commission may meet by telecommunication, video conference or other similar electronic means.

(c) The powers, duties, and responsibilities of the commission include:

(1) Establishing the fiscal year of the commission;

(2) Establishing code of conduct and conflict of interest policies;

(3) Establishing and amending rules and bylaws;

(4) Establishing the procedure through which a licensee may change his or her home state;

(5) Maintaining its financial records in accordance with the bylaws;

(6) Meeting and taking such actions as are consistent with the provisions of this compact, the commission’s rules, and the bylaws;

(7) Initiating and concluding legal proceedings or actions in the name of the commission, provided that the standing of any member state licensing authority to sue or be sued under applicable law shall not be affected;

(8) Maintaining and certifying records and information provided to a member state as the authenticated business records of the commission, and designating an agent to do so on the commission's behalf;

(9) Purchasing and maintaining insurance and bonds;

(10) Borrowing, accepting, or contracting for services of personnel, including, but not limited to, employees of a member state;

(11) Conducting an annual financial review;

(12) Hiring employees, electing or appointing officers, fixing compensation, defining duties, granting such individuals appropriate authority to carry out the purposes of the compact, and establishing the commission’s personnel policies and programs relating to conflicts of interest, qualifications of personnel, and other related personnel matters;

(13) Assessing and collecting fees;

(14) Accepting any and all appropriate gifts, donations, grants of money, other sources of revenue, equipment, supplies, materials, and services, and receiving, using, and disposing of the same; provided that at all times the commission shall avoid any appearance of impropriety and/or conflict of interest;

(15) Leasing, purchasing, retaining, owning, holding, improving, or using any property, real, personal, or mixed, or any undivided interest therein;

(16) Selling, conveying, mortgaging, pledging, leasing, exchanging, abandoning, or otherwise disposing of any property real, personal, or mixed;

(17) Establishing a budget and making expenditures;

(18) Borrowing money;

(19) Appointing committees, including standing committees, composed of members, state regulators, state legislators or their representatives, and consumer representatives, and such other interested persons as may be designated in this compact and the bylaws;

(20) Providing and receiving information from, and cooperating with, law enforcement agencies;

(21) Establishing and electing an executive committee, including a chair and a vice chair;

(22) Determining whether a state’s adopted language is materially different from the model compact language such that the state would not qualify for participation in the compact; and

(23) Performing any other functions necessary or appropriate to achieve the purposes of this compact.

(d) The Executive committee may act on behalf of the commission according to the terms of this compact. The powers, duties, and responsibilities of the executive committee include:

(1) Overseeing of the day-to-day activities of the administration of the compact including enforcement and compliance with the provisions of the compact, its rules and bylaws, and other such duties as considered necessary;

(2) Recommending to the commission changes to the rules or bylaws, changes to this compact legislation, fees charged to member states, fees charged to licensees, and other fees;

(3) Ensuring compact administration services are appropriately provided, including by contract;

(4) Preparing and recommending the budget;

(5) Maintaining financial records on behalf of the commission;

(6) Monitoring compact compliance of member states and provide compliance reports to the commission;

(7) Establishing additional committees as necessary;

(8) Exercising the powers and duties of the commission during the interim between commission meetings, except for adopting or amending Rules, adopting or amending bylaws, and exercising any other powers and duties expressly reserved to the commission by rule or bylaw; and

(9) Performing other duties as provided in the rules or bylaws of the commission.

(e) The executive committee shall be composed of up to seven members:

(1) The chair and vice chair of the commission shall be voting members of the executive committee; and

(2) The commission shall elect five voting members from the current membership of the commission.

(f) The commission may remove any member of the executive committee as provided in the commission’s bylaws.

(g) The executive committee shall meet at least annually.

(1) Executive committee meetings shall be open to the public, except that the executive committee may meet in a closed, non-public meeting as provided in subdivision four, subsection (h) of this section.

(2) The executive committee shall give 30 days’ notice of its meetings, posted on its website and as determined to provide notice to persons with an interest in the business of the commission.

(3) The executive committee may hold a special meeting in accordance with subsection subdivision three, subsection (h) of this section.

(4) The commission shall adopt and provide to the member states an annual report.

(h) Meetings of the commission.

(1) All meetings shall be open to the public, except that the commission may meet in a closed, non-public meeting as provided subdivision four, subsection (h) of this section.

(2) Public notice for all meetings of the full commission of meetings shall be given in the same manner as required under the rulemaking provisions in §18-10R-9 of this code, except that the commission may hold a special meeting as provided subsection subdivision three, subsection (h) of this section.

(3) The commission may hold a special meeting when it must meet to conduct emergency business by giving 48 hours’ notice to all commissioners, on the commission’s website, and other means as provided in the commission’s rules. The commission’s legal counsel shall certify that the commission’s need to meet qualifies as an emergency.

(4) The commission or the executive committee or other committees of the commission may convene in a closed, non-public meeting for the commission or executive committee or other committees of the commission to receive legal advice or to discuss:

(i) Non-compliance of a member state with its obligations under the compact;

(1) The employment, compensation, discipline or other matters, practices or procedures related to specific employees;

(2) Current or threatened discipline of a Licensee by the commission or by a member state’s licensing authority;

(3) Current, threatened, or reasonably anticipated litigation;

(4) Negotiation of contracts for the purchase, lease, or sale of goods, services, or real estate;

(5) Accusing any person of a crime or formally censuring any person;

(6) Trade secrets or commercial or financial information that is privileged or confidential;

(7) Information of a personal nature where disclosure would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy;

(8) Investigative records compiled for law enforcement purposes;

(9) Information related to any investigative reports prepared by or on behalf of or for use of the commission or other committee charged with responsibility of investigation or determination of compliance issues pursuant to the compact;

(10) Matters specifically exempted from disclosure by federal or Member state law; or

(11) Other matters as promulgated by the commission by rule.

(j) If a meeting, or portion of a meeting, is closed, the presiding officer shall state that the meeting will be closed and reference each relevant exempting provision, and such reference shall be recorded in the minutes.

(k) The commission shall keep minutes that fully and clearly describe all matters discussed in a meeting and shall provide a full and accurate summary of actions taken, and the reasons therefore, including a description of the views expressed. All documents considered in connection with an action shall be identified in such minutes. All minutes and documents of a closed meeting shall remain under seal, subject to release only by a majority vote of the commission or order of a court of competent jurisdiction.

(l) Financing of the commission.

(1) The commission shall pay, or provide for the payment of, the reasonable expenses of its establishment, organization, and ongoing activities.

(2) The commission may accept any and all appropriate revenue sources as provided in subsection subdivision 14, subsection (c) of this section.

(3) The commission may levy on and collect an annual assessment from each member state and impose fees on licensees practicing in the member states under an equivalent license to cover the cost of the operations and activities of the commission and its staff, which must be in a total amount sufficient to cover its annual budget as approved each year for which revenue is not provided by other sources. The aggregate annual assessment amount for member states shall be allocated based upon a formula that the commission shall promulgate by rule.

(4) The commission shall not incur obligations of any kind prior to securing the funds adequate to meet the same; nor shall the commission pledge the credit of any of the member states, except by and with the authority of the member state.

(5) The commission shall keep accurate accounts of all receipts and disbursements. The receipts and disbursements of the commission shall be subject to the financial review and accounting procedures established under its bylaws. However, all receipts and disbursements of funds handled by the commission shall be subject to an annual financial review by a certified or licensed public accountant, and the report of the financial review shall be included in and become part of the annual report of the commission.

(j) Qualified Immunity, Defense, and Indemnification.

(1) The members, officers, executive director, employees and representatives of the commission shall be immune from suit and liability, both personally and in their official capacity, for any claim for damage to or loss of property or personal injury or other civil liability caused by or arising out of any actual or alleged act, error, or omission that occurred, or that the person against whom the claim is made had a reasonable basis for believing occurred within the scope of commission employment, duties or responsibilities; provided that nothing in this subdivision shall be construed to protect any such person from suit or liability for any damage, loss, injury, or liability caused by the intentional or willful or wanton misconduct of that person. The procurement of insurance of any type by the commission shall not in any way compromise or limit the immunity granted hereunder.

(2) The Commission shall defend any member, officer, executive director, employee, and representative of the Commission in any civil action seeking to impose liability arising out of any actual or alleged act, error, or omission that occurred within the scope of commission employment, duties, or responsibilities, or as determined by the commission that the person against whom the claim is made had a reasonable basis for believing occurred within the scope of commission employment, duties, or responsibilities: Provided, That nothing in this subdivision shall be construed to prohibit that person from retaining their own counsel at their own expense: Provided, however, that the actual or alleged act, error, or omission did not result from that person’s intentional or willful or wanton misconduct.

(3) The commission shall indemnify and hold harmless any member, officer, executive director, employee, and representative of the commission for the amount of any settlement or judgment obtained against that person arising out of any actual or alleged act, error, or omission that occurred within the scope of commission employment, duties, or responsibilities, or that such person had a reasonable basis for believing occurred within the scope of commission employment, duties, or responsibilities, provided that the actual or alleged act, error, or omission did not result from the intentional or willful or wanton misconduct of that person.

(4) Nothing in this section shall be construed as a limitation on the liability of any licensee for professional malpractice or misconduct, which shall be governed solely by any other applicable state laws.

(5) Nothing in this compact shall be interpreted to waive or otherwise abrogate a member state’s state action immunity or state action affirmative defense with respect to antitrust claims under the Sherman Act, Clayton Act, or any other state or federal antitrust or anticompetitive law or regulation.

(6) Nothing in this compact shall be construed to be a waiver of sovereign immunity by the Member states or by the commission.

§18-10R-8. Facilitating information exchange.

(a) The commission shall provide for facilitating the exchange of information to administer and implement the provisions of this compact in accordance with the rules of the commission, consistent with generally accepted data protection principles.

(b) Notwithstanding any other provision of state law to the contrary, a member state shall agree to provide for the facilitation of the following Licensee information as required by the Rules of the commission, including:

(1) Identifying information;

(2) Licensure data;

(3) Adverse actions against a license and information related thereto;

(c) Non-confidential information related to alternative program participation, the beginning and ending dates of such participation, and other information related to such participation not made confidential under member state law;

(1) Any denial of application for licensure, and the reasons for such denial;

(2) The presence of investigative information; and

(3) Other information that may facilitate the administration of this compact or the protection of the public, as determined by the rules of the commission.

(d) Nothing in this compact shall be considered or construed to alter, limit, or inhibit the power of a member state to control and maintain ownership of its licensee information or alter, limit, or inhibit the laws or regulations governing Licensee information in the member state.

§18-10R-9. Rulemaking.

(a) The commission shall exercise its rulemaking powers pursuant to the criteria set forth in this interstate compact and the rules adopted thereunder. Rules and amendments shall become binding as of the date specified in each rule or amendment.

(b) The commission shall promulgate reasonable rules to achieve the intent and purpose of this interstate compact. In the event the commission exercises its rulemaking authority in a manner that is beyond purpose and intent of this interstate compact, or the powers granted hereunder, then such an action by the commission shall be invalid and have no force and effect of law in the member states.

(c) If a majority of the legislatures of the member states rejects a rule, by enactment of a statute or resolution in the same manner used to adopt the compact within four (4) years of the date of adoption of the rule, then such rule shall have no further force and effect in any member state.

(d) Rules or amendments to the Rules shall be adopted or ratified at a regular or special meeting of the commission in accordance with commission rules and Bylaws.

(e) Prior to promulgation and adoption of a final rule or rules by the commission, and at least thirty (30) days in advance of the meeting at which the rule will be considered and voted upon, the commission shall file a notice of proposed rulemaking:

(1) On the website of the commission or other publicly accessible platform; and

(2) On the website of each member state licensing authority or other publicly accessible platform or the publication in which each state would otherwise publish proposed rules.

(f) Upon determination that an emergency exists, the commission may consider and adopt an emergency rule with 48 hours’ notice, with opportunity to comment, provided that the usual rulemaking procedures shall be retroactively applied to the rule as soon as reasonably possible, in no event later than ninety (90) days after the effective date of the rule. For the purposes of this provision, an emergency rule is one that must be adopted immediately in order to:

(1) Meet an imminent threat to public health, safety, or welfare.

(2) Prevent a loss of commission or member state funds.

(3) Meet a deadline for the promulgation of an administrative Rule that is established by federal law or rule; or

(4) Protect public health and safety.

§18-2-44. Safety While Accessing Technology education program; annual instruction required.

(a) The state board shall, in collaboration with law-enforcement agencies, criminal justice agencies, and other nongovernmental organizations with experience in child online safety issues and human trafficking prevention, develop a Safety While Accessing Technology (SWAT) education program for elementary and secondary school students in the State of West Virginia. The SWAT education program shall include instruction on the following topics:

(1) Safe and responsible use of social networking websites, including internet chat rooms, email, instant messaging, and other modes of electronic communication;

(2) The risks of transmitting personal information on the internet and the importance of privacy protection;

(3) Copyright laws on written materials, photographs, music, and videos posted or shared online;

(4) The importance of establishing open communication with responsible adults about any online communications or activities;

(5) How to recognize, avoid, and report suspicious, potentially dangerous, or illegal online communications or activities, including: (A) Potential solicitation by sexual predators; (B) unsolicited or deceptive communications; and (C) harassment and cyberbullying;

(6) Resources and assistance programs available for any child or parent who may have encountered online solicitation by sexual predators or other illegal online communications or activities, including the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children's Cyber Tipline; and

(7) The risks associated with sharing sexually suggestive or sexually explicit materials including at a minimum:

(A) The legal consequences and penalties for sharing sexually suggestive or sexually explicit materials;

(B) The non-legal consequences of sharing sexually suggestive or sexually explicit materials, including but not limited to, the effect on relationships, mental health, loss of educational and employment opportunities, and being barred or removed from school programs and extracurricular activities;

(C) The potential, based on the unique characteristics of the internet, of long-term and unforeseen consequences for sharing sexually suggestive or sexually explicit materials;

(D) The potential of long-term and unforeseen consequences for sharing sexually suggestive or sexually explicit materials during past relationships; and

(E) The potential connection between bullying, cyber-bullying, sextortion, and human trafficking and juveniles sharing sexually suggestive or sexually explicit materials.

(b) The state board may develop and provide age-appropriate instructional materials and resources to assist county boards in establishing and implementing the SWAT education program. In developing any such instructional materials and resources, the board may collaborate with law-enforcement agencies, criminal justice agencies, and other nongovernmental organizations with expertise in child online safety issues and human trafficking prevention.

(c) Each county school board shall adopt policies requiring all elementary and secondary schools in the district to provide the SWAT education program to students in grades three through 12 at least once each school year. The policies shall include:

(1) A process for allowing a parent, guardian, or custodian of any child enrolled in any elementary or secondary school in the district to review the instructional materials used in the SWAT education program; and

(2) An option to permit the parent, guardian, or custodian of any child enrolled in any elementary or secondary school in the district to opt his or her child out of participating in the SWAT education program.

(d) The board shall make the SWAT education program created pursuant to this act, and any accompanying instructional materials and resources, available to county school boards before the start of the 2025-2026 school year. Each county school board shall implement the SWAT education program beginning with the 2025-2026 school year.

(e) The SWAT education program shall be based on the peer-to-peer observational learning and modeling concepts prescribed in Social Foundations of Thought and Action: A Social Cognitive Theory by Albert Bandura, PhD.

§18-31-2a. Educational privileges and programs available to Hope Scholarship students.

(a) Notwithstanding any provision of this code to the contrary, a Hope Scholarship student that pursues an individualized instructional program is exempt from the requirements of compulsory school attendance pursuant to §18-8-1(m) of this code and shall be subject to the requirements of this article unless otherwise stated: Provided, That a Hope Scholarship student that pursues an individualized instructional program shall have the same privileges and access to programs that this code makes available to students exempt from compulsory school attendance pursuant to §18-8-1(c) of this code including, but not limited to:

(1) The ability to receive a diploma from the student's secondary educational program administrator according to the requirements of §18-8-12 of this code;

(2) The ability to receive the PROMISE scholarship according to the requirements of §18C-7-1 et seq. of this code;

(3) The ability to receive a work permit without prior review by a school administrator pursuant to §21-6-3 of this code; and

(4) The ability to participate in an ACE program according to the requirements in §18-2E-11 of this code.

(b) Notwithstanding any provision of this code to the contrary, a Hope Scholarship student that attends a participating school shall have the same privileges and access to programs available to students exempt from compulsory school attendance pursuant to §18-8-1 of this code by virtue of attendance of a nonpublic school including, but not limited to:

(1) The ability to receive a diploma from the student's school administrator according to the requirements of §18-8-12 of this code;

(2) The ability to receive the PROMISE scholarship according to the requirements of §18C-7-1 et. seq. of this code; and

(3) The ability to participate in an ACE program according to the requirements in §18-2E-11 of this code.

(c) Nothing in this section may be construed as subjecting homeschool students or nonpublic school students not participating in the Hope Scholarship Program to the requirements of this article.


§18-34-3. Effective date.

This article shall become effective on July 1, 2024.

§18-5-41a. Allowing discussion of certain scientific theories.

No public school board, school superintendent, or school principal may prohibit a public school classroom teacher from responding to student inquiries or answering questions from students about scientific theories of how the universe and/or life came to exist.

§18-2-45. Patriotic societies; opportunity to speak and recruit at public schools.

(a) As used in this section, "patriotic society" means any youth group listed in Title 36 of the United States Code.

(b) Beginning with the 2024-2025 school year, the principal of each public school in the state shall allow representatives of a patriotic society the opportunity to speak with and recruit school students to participate in their organization during school hours to inform the students of how the patriotic society may further the students’ educational interests and civic involvement to better their schools, communities, and themselves. Participation of students is voluntary and must not interfere with instructional learning.

(c) The patriotic society must notify the board of education of its intent to speak to the students. Upon approval from the board the patriotic society shall provide verbal or written notice to the principal. The principal shall provide verbal or written approval of the specific day and time for the society to address the students.


§18-35-1. Legislative intent.

The West Virginia Legislature finds that parents of children throughout any age in middle or high school should be given the utmost support, because they face a unique set of challenges and circumstances on their road to graduation. School systems in West Virginia shall implement programs to provide educational support to those students with children at any age through graduation. The goal of this act is to assist these students to stay in school while providing enough time for proper medical recovery after the birth of the child.

§18-35-2. Policy enacted.

(a) A student’s absence due to a student’s pregnancy or parenting needs is an excused absence as provided under this section and for purposed of §18-8-4(a)(1) of this code.

(b) The State Board of Education shall develop a written attendance policy for pregnant and parenting students that, at a minimum, meets the requirements of this article. The policy developed under this section shall:

(1) Excuse all absences due to pregnancy or parenting-related conditions, including absences for:

(A) Labor;

(B) Delivery;

(C) Recovery; and

(D) Prenatal and postnatal medical appointments;

(2) Provide at least 8 weeks of excused absences for a mother for the birth of the student’s child, including both natural/vaginal delivery and c-section delivery;

(3) Provide excused absences for antenatal care by recommendation of the medical provider;

(4) Provide two weeks excused absence for the father of the child;

(A) A doctor’s or medical excuse shall be provided up to the initial 8 weeks' absence and a separate excuse for each period of absence after the initial 8 weeks.

(B) County boards shall make reasonable efforts to encourage the parent to remain on track for graduation by providing academic support options including, but not limited to, work provided virtually and a homebound instructor for weekly visits to ensure accountability.

(5) Provide an excused absence for parenting students whose children are sick: Provided, That they shall provide a doctor’s excuse for that child.

(6) The schools shall refer the pregnant and parenting student to a "pregnancy help organization" by providing a list of pregnancy or postpartum assistance organizations within the county and surrounding counties as defined under §16-66-1 of this code.

§18-35-3. Effective date.

This article shall become effective on July 1, 2024.

§18-5-19f. Adult education taskforce.

(a) The Legislature finds that:

(1) While adult learning centers are part of the West Virginia Department of Education, that department is not obligated to fund these adult learning centers;

(2) Funding for adult learning centers derives its income from many areas without any regularity;

(3) A taskforce to study and consider funding options, the existing funding sources, and the best approach to provide direct funding for the adult learning centers would stabilize the regularity of funding these centers.

(b) The State Superintendent of Schools shall establish in the West Virginia Department of Education a taskforce to consider options for direct funding of adult education learning centers.

(c) The taskforce shall include at a minimum the State Superintendent of Schools, or his or her designee, the head of the adult education learning centers, and geographically diverse representatives from the community, including, but not limited to, representation from business and the community college system, appointed by the State Superintendent of Schools, in consultation with the Chancellor for Community and Technical College Education.

(d) The State Superintendent of Schools shall determine the number of members of the taskforce and eligibility to serve.

(e) The meetings of the taskforce shall be open to the public and follow the Open Governmental Meetings Act.

(f) The taskforce shall be created and begin its meetings on or before July 1, 2024, and submit a report of recommendations to the Legislative Oversight Commission on Education Accountability by December 1, 2024.

(g) The provisions of the section shall sunset on December 31, 2025.