Email WV Code

Email: Chapter 20, Article 5

§20-5-24. Development of comprehensive incentive plan for West Virginia veterans.

(a) The director, in consultation with the Department of Tourism and the Department of Veterans’ Assistance, shall develop a comprehensive plan for the development of, and support for, a program which encourages the use of state parks and forests by veterans of this state. The plan may include, without being limited to, reduced or discounted rates on charges and fees for campground rental fees, lodging, and park activities.

(b) For purposes of this section, “veteran” means any West Virginia resident who has served as an active member of the armed forces of the United States, the National Guard, or a reserve component as described in 38 U.S.C. §101. Notwithstanding any provision in this code to the contrary, a veteran must be honorably discharged or under honorable conditions as described in 38 U.S.C. §101.

(c) No later than December 1, 2024, the director shall submit to the Joint Committee on Government and Finance a written report detailing the program developed pursuant to subsection (a) of this section.

(d) The director shall promulgate rules, including emergency rules, if necessary, to the Legislature in accordance with §29A-3-1 et seq. of this code.


§20-5-1. Section of parks and recreation; chief of section; existing obligation; appropriations.

(a) The section of parks and recreation of the Division of Natural Resources shall have within its jurisdiction and supervision the parks functions of the former Division of Tourism and parks, transferred to the Division of Natural Resources pursuant to the provisions of section twelve, article one, chapter five-b of this code enacted in the year 1994. The section of parks and recreation shall be under the control of a chief, to be appointed by and to serve at the will and pleasure of the director, who shall be qualified by reason of exceptional training and experience in the field of public recreation administration or natural resource management.

(b) The Division of Natural Resources shall have the duty and authority to administer those properties which are a part of the state parks and public recreation system, to which legal title has remained with the Division of Natural Resources, while the section of parks and recreation was part of the former Division of Tourism and parks.

(c) All existing contracts and obligations of the section of parks and recreation, including those in the name of the Division of Tourism and parks administered on behalf of the section of parks and recreation, shall remain in full force and effect and any existing contracts and obligations relating to parks and recreation shall be performed by the Division of Natural Resources.

(d) The transfer, made pursuant to executive order, to the Division of Natural Resources of the unexpended balance existing on June 30, 1995, in any appropriation originally made to the Division of Tourism and parks is hereby ratified.

§20-5-2. Powers of the director with respect to the section of parks and recreation.

(a) The Director of the Division of Natural Resources is responsible for the execution and administration of the provisions in this article as an integral part of the parks and recreation program of the state and shall organize and staff the section of parks and recreation for the orderly, efficient and economical accomplishment of these ends. The authority granted in the year 1994 to the Director of the Division of Natural Resources to employ up to six additional unclassified personnel to carry out the parks’ functions of the Division of Natural Resources is continued.

(b) The Director of the Division of Natural Resources shall:

(1) Establish, manage and maintain the state’s parks and recreation system for the benefit of the people of this state and do all things necessary and incidental to the development and administration of the state’s parks and recreation system;

(2) Acquire property for the state in the name of the Division of Natural Resources by purchase, lease or agreement; retain, employ and contract with legal advisors and consultants; or accept or reject for the state, in the name of the division, gifts, donations, contributions, bequests or devises of money, security or property, both real and personal, and any interest in the property, including lands and waters, for state park or recreational areas for the purpose of providing public recreation: Provided, That the provisions of section  §20-1-20 et seq. of this code are specifically made applicable to any acquisitions of land: Provided, however, That any sale, exchange or transfer of property for the purposes of completing land acquisitions or providing improved recreational opportunities to the citizens of the state is subject to the procedures of §5a-10-1 et seq. of this code: Provided further, That no sale of any park or recreational area property, including lands and waters, used for purposes of providing public recreation on the effective date of this article and no privatization of any park may occur without statutory authority;

(3) Approve and direct the use of all revenue derived from the operation of the state parks and public recreation system for the operation, maintenance and improvement of the system, individual projects of the system or for the retirement of park development revenue bonds: Provided, That all revenues derived from the operation of the state parks and public recreation system shall be invested by the Treasurer and all proceeds from investment earnings shall accrue for the exclusive use for the operation, maintenance, and improvement of the system, individual projects of the system or for the retirement of park development revenue bonds;

(4) Effectively promote and market the state’s parks, state forests, state recreation areas and wildlife recreational resources by approving the use of no less than 20 percent of the:

(A) Funds appropriated for purposes of advertising and marketing expenses related to the promotion and development of tourism, pursuant to §29-22-18 (j) of this code; and

(B) Funds authorized for expenditure from the Tourism Promotion Fund for purposes of direct advertising, pursuant to §5B-2-12 and §29-22A-10 of this code;

(5) Issue park development revenue bonds as provided in this article;

(6) Provide for the construction and operation of cabins, lodges, resorts, restaurants and other developed recreational service facilities, subject to the provisions of §20-5-15 and §20-1-20 of this code;

(7) The director may sell timber that has been severed in a state park incidental to the construction of park facilities or related infrastructure where the construction is authorized by the Legislature in accordance with §20-1-20 of this code, and the sale of the timber is otherwise in the best interest of park development, without regard to proceeds derived from the sale of timber. The gross proceeds derived from the sale of timber shall be deposited into the operating budget of the park from which the timber was harvested;

(8) Propose rules for legislative approval in accordance with the provisions of §29A-3-1 et seq. of this code to control the uses of parks: Provided, That the director may not permit public hunting, except as otherwise provided in this section, the exploitation of minerals or the harvesting of timber for commercial purposes in any state park;

(9) Exempt designated state parks from the requirement that all payments must be deposited in a bank within 24 hours for amounts less than $500 notwithstanding any other provision of this code to the contrary: Provided, That such designated parks shall make a deposit in any amount no less than every seven working days;

(10) Waive the use fee normally charged to an individual or group for one day’s use of a picnic shelter or one week’s use of a cabin in a state recreation area when the individual or group donates the materials and labor for the construction of the picnic shelter or cabin: Provided, That the individual or group was authorized by the director to construct the picnic shelter or cabin and that it was constructed in accordance with the authorization granted and the standards and requirements of the division pertaining to the construction. The individual or group to whom the waiver is granted may use the picnic shelter for one reserved day or the cabin for one reserved week during each calendar year until the amount of the donation equals the amount of the loss of revenue from the waiver or until the individual dies or the group ceases to exist, whichever first occurs. The waiver is not transferable. The director shall permit free use of picnic shelters or cabins to individuals or groups who have contributed materials and labor for construction of picnic shelters or cabins prior to the effective date of this section. The director shall propose a legislative rule for legislative approval in accordance with §29A-3-1 et seq. of this code governing the free use of picnic shelters or cabins provided in this section, the eligibility for free use, the determination of the value of the donations of labor and materials, the appropriate definitions of a group and the maximum time limit for the use;

(11) Provide within the parks a market for West Virginia arts, crafts and products, which shall permit gift shops within the parks to offer for sale items purchased on the open market from local artists, artisans, craftsmen and suppliers and local or regional crafts cooperatives;

(12) Provide that reservations for reservable campsites may be made, upon two days’ advance notice, for any date for which space is available within a state park or recreational area managed by the parks and recreation section;

(13) Provide that reservations for all state parks and recreational areas managed by the parks and recreation section of the division may be made by use of a valid credit card;

(14) Develop a plan to establish a centralized computer reservation system for all state parks and recreational areas managed by the parks and recreation section and to implement the plan as funds become available; and

(15) Notwithstanding the provisions of §20-2-58 of this code, the Natural Resources Commission is authorized to promulgate rules in accordance with the provisions of §29A-3-1 et seq. of this code to permit and regulate the hunting of white-tail deer in any state park as considered appropriate by the director to protect the ecological integrity of the area.

(16) Permit the use of drones within State Parks, Forests and Rail Trails.  Persons who intend to operate an unmanned aircraft system shall register at the area superintendent’s office prior to engaging or participating in the operation of any unmanned aircraft system and specify where the activity will take place. A superintendent may only prohibit, issue directives, or implement time and place restrictions on unmanned aircraft system use in areas or portions thereof in order to: (i) protect the safety and privacy of other park users, (ii) protect area facilities, (iii) protect the peaceful and quiet atmosphere of the area, or (iv) prevent harassment of wildlife. Upon registration the superintendent shall provide a list and map to the unmanned aircraft system operator of any prohibited areas within the park. Participants in drone operation activities assume full responsibility and liability for any risk or injury related to using an unmanned aircraft system.

§20-5-3. Section of Parks and Recreation; purpose; powers and duties generally.

The purposes of the Section of Parks and Recreation shall be to promote conservation by preserving and protecting natural areas of unique or exceptional scenic, scientific, cultural, archaeological, or historic significance, and to provide outdoor recreational opportunities for the citizens of this state and its visitors. The Section of Parks and Recreation has within its jurisdiction and supervision:

(a) All state parks and recreation areas, including all lodges, cabins, swimming pools, motorboating, and all other recreational facilities therein, except the roads heretofore transferred pursuant to §17-4-1 et seq. of this code to the state road system and to the responsibility of the Commissioner of Highways with respect to the construction, reconstruction, and maintenance of the roads or any future roads for public usage on publicly owned lands for future state parks, state forests, and public hunting and fishing areas;

(b) The authority and responsibility to do the necessary cutting and planting of vegetation along road rights-of-way in state parks and recreational areas;

(c) The administration of all laws and regulations relating to the establishment, development, protection, and use and enjoyment of all state parks and state recreational facilities consistent with the provisions of this article;

(d) The continued operation and maintenance of the Berkeley Springs Historical State Park in Morgan County, as a state recreational facility, designated the Berkeley Springs Sanitarium under prior enactment of this code;

(e) The continued operation and maintenance of that portion of Washington Carver Camp in Fayette County, formerly incorporated within the boundaries of Babcock State Park;

(f) The continued operation and maintenance of Camp Creek State Park as a state recreational facility, formerly delineated according to §19-1A-3 of this code;

(g) The continued operation and maintenance of Moncove Lake State Park as a state recreational facility, formerly delineated pursuant to enactment of §5B-1-13 of this code in 1990;

(h) The continued protection, operation, and maintenance of the right-of-way along the former Greenbrier subdivision of the CSX railway system, collectively designated as the Greenbrier River Trail, including the protection of the trail from motorized vehicular traffic and operation for the protection of adjacent public and private property;

(i) The continued protection, operation, and maintenance of the right-of-way of the CSX railway system designated as the North Bend Rail Trail, including the protection of the trail from motorized vehicular traffic and operation for the protection of adjacent public and private property;

(j) The continued development, operation, and maintenance of Blennerhassett Island Historical State Park, including all the property, powers, and authority previously held by the Blennerhassett Island Historical State Park Commission, formerly delineated pursuant to §29-8-1 et seq. of this code; and

(k) The continued protection, operation, and maintenance of the rights-of-way of the Elk River Coal & Lumber Railroad, the Buffalo Creek & Gauley Railroad, and the Middle Creek Spur, collectively designated as the Elk River Trail, including the protection of the trail from motorized vehicular traffic and operation for the protection of adjacent public and private property.

§20-5-4. Definitions; state parks and recreation system.

As used in this article, unless the context clearly requires otherwise:

"Bonds" shall mean bonds issued by the director.

"Cost of project" shall embrace the cost of construction, the cost of all land, property, material and labor which are deemed essential thereto, cost of improvements, financing charges, interest during construction and all other expenses, including legal fees, trustees", engineers" and architects" fees which are necessary or properly incidental to the project.

"Project" shall be deemed to mean collectively the acquisition of land, the construction of any buildings or other works, together with incidental approaches, structures and facilities, reasonably necessary and useful in order to provide new or improved recreational facilities.

"Recreational facilities" shall mean and embrace cabins, lodges, swimming pools, golf courses, restaurants, commissaries and other revenue producing facilities in any state park or state forest.

"Rent or rental" shall include all moneys received for the use of any recreational facility.

§20-5-5. Authority of director to issue park development revenue bonds; grants and gifts.

The director, with the approval of the Governor, is hereby empowered to raise the cost of any project, as defined in this article, by the issuance of park development revenue bonds of the state, the principal of and interest on the bonds shall be payable solely from the special fund herein provided for the payment. The bonds shall be authorized by order of the director, approved by the Governor, which shall recite an estimate by the director of the cost of the project, and shall provide for the issuance of bonds in an amount sufficient, when sold as hereinafter provided, to produce the cost, less the amount of any grant or grants, gift or gifts received, or in the opinion of the director expected to be received from the United States of America or from any other source. The acceptance by the director of any and all grants and gifts, whether in money or in land, labor or materials, is hereby expressly authorized. All bonds shall have and are hereby declared to have all the qualities of negotiable instruments under the provisions of article eight, chapter forty-six of this code. The director shall have the power:

(a) To issue negotiable bonds, security interests or notes and to provide for and secure the payment thereof and to provide for the rights of the holders thereof and to purchase, hold and dispose of any of its bonds, security interests or notes.

(b) To sell, at public or private sale, any bond or other negotiable instrument, security interests or obligation of the director in any manner and upon such terms as the director deems would best serve the purposes set forth herein.

(c) To issue its bonds, security interests and notes payable solely from the revenues or funds available to the director therefor; and the director may issue its bonds, security interests or notes in such principal amounts as it shall deem necessary to provide funds for any purposes herein including:

(i) The payment, funding or refunding of the principal of, interest on or redemption premiums on any bonds, security interests or notes issued by it whether the bonds, security interests, notes or interest to be funded or refunded have or have not become due.

(ii) The establishment or increase of reserves to secure or to pay bonds, security interests, notes or the interest thereon and all other costs or expenses of the director incident to and necessary or convenient to carry out its purposes and powers. Any bonds, security interests or notes may be additionally secured by a pledge of any revenues, funds, assets or moneys of the special fund herein provided.

(d) To issue renewal notes, or security interests, to issue bonds to pay notes or security interests and, whenever it deems refunding expedient, to refund any bonds by the issuance of new bonds, whether the bonds to be refunded have or have not matured except that no such renewal notes shall be issued to mature more than ten years from date of issuance of the notes renewed, and no such refunding bonds shall be issued to mature more than twenty-five years from the date of original issuance.

(e) To apply the proceeds from the sale of renewal notes, security interests or refunding bonds to the purchase, redemption or payment of the notes, security interests or bonds to be refunded.

(f) To accept gifts or grants or property, funds, security interests, money, materials, labor, supplies or services from the United States of America or from any governmental unit or any person, firm or corporation and to carry out the terms or provisions of, or make agreements with respect to, or pledge, any gifts or grants and to do any and all things necessary, useful, desirable or convenient in connection with the procuring, acceptance or disposition of gifts or grants.

(g) To the extent permitted under its contracts with the holders of bonds, security interests or notes of the authority, to consent to any modification of the rate of interest, time of payment of any installment of principal or interest, security or any other term of any bond, security interest, note or contract or agreement of any kind to which the director is a party.

(h) The director shall determine the form of the bonds, including coupons to be attached thereto to evidence the right of interest payments, which bonds shall be signed by the director, under the great seal of the state, attested by the Secretary of State and the coupons attached thereto shall bear the facsimile signature of the director. In case any of the officers whose signatures appear on bonds or coupons shall cease to be officers before the delivery of the bonds, the signatures shall nevertheless be valid and sufficient for all purposes the same as if they had remained in office until such delivery.

(i) The director shall fix the denominations of the bonds, the principal and interest of which shall be payable at the Office of the Treasurer of the State of West Virginia, at the capitol of the state or, at the option of the holder, at such other place to be named in the bonds in such medium as may be determined by the director.

(j) The director may provide for the registration of the bonds in the name of the owner as to principal alone, and as to both principal and interest under such terms and conditions as the director may determine, and shall sell the bonds in such manner as he or she may determine to be for the best interest of the state, taking into consideration the financial responsibility of the purchaser and the terms and conditions of the purchase and especially the availability of the proceeds of the bonds when required for payment of the cost of the project.

(k) The proceeds of the bonds shall be used solely for the payment of the cost of the project and shall be deposited and withdrawn as provided by section thirteen-g of this article, and under such further restrictions, if any, as the director may provide.

(l) If the proceeds of such bonds, by error in calculation or otherwise, shall be less than the cost of the project, additional bonds may in like manner be issued to provide the amount of the deficiency and, unless otherwise provided for in the trust agreement hereinafter mentioned, shall be deemed to be of the same issue and shall be entitled to payment from the same fund without preference or priority as the bonds before issued.

(m) If the proceeds of bonds issued for the project shall exceed the cost thereof, the surplus shall be paid into a special fund to be established for payment of the principal and interest of the bonds as specified in the trust agreement provided for in the following section. The fund may be used for the purchase of any of the outstanding bonds payable from such fund at the market price, but not exceeding the price, if any, which bonds shall in the same year be redeemable, and all bonds redeemed or purchased shall forthwith be canceled and shall not again be issued. Prior to the preparation of definitive bonds, the director may, under like restrictions, issue temporary bonds with or without coupons exchangeable for definitive bonds upon the issuance of the latter. The revenue bonds may be issued without any other proceedings or the happening of any other conditions or things than those proceedings, conditions and things which are specified and required herein or by the Constitution of the state.

§20-5-6. Tax exemption.

The exercise of the powers granted to the director herein will be in all respects for the benefit of the people of the state, for the improvement of their health, safety, convenience and welfare and for the enhancement of their recreational opportunities and is a public purpose. As the operation and maintenance of park development projects will constitute the performance of essential government functions, the director shall not be required to pay any taxes or assessments upon any park development projects or upon any property acquired or used by the director or upon the income therefrom, other than taxes collected from the consumer pursuant to article fifteen, chapter eleven of this code. The bonds and notes and all interest and income thereon shall be exempt from all taxation by this state or any county, municipality, political subdivision or agency thereof, except inheritance taxes.

§20-5-7. Investment in notes, bonds and security interests.

The notes, bonds and security interests of the director are hereby made securities in which the state Board of Investments, all insurance businesses, all banking institutions, trust companies, building and loan associations, savings and loan associations may invest and upon which notes, security interests or bonds become subject to redemption plus accrued interest to such date. Upon the purchase, the notes, security interests or bonds shall be canceled.

§20-5-8. Disclaimer of any liability of state of West Virginia.

The state of West Virginia shall not be liable on notes, security interests or bonds or other evidences of indebtedness of the director and the notes, security interests or bonds or other evidence of indebtedness shall not be a debt of the State of West Virginia and the notes, security interests or bonds or other evidence of indebtedness shall contain on the face thereof a statement to such effect.

§20-5-9. Trustee for holders of park development revenue bonds.

The director may enter into an agreement or agreements with any trust company, or with any bank having the powers of a trust company, either within or outside the state, as trustee for the holders of bonds issued hereunder, setting forth therein the duties of the state and of the director in respect to acquisition, construction, improvement, maintenance, operation, repair and insurance of the project, the conservation and application of all moneys, the insurance of moneys on hand or on deposit and the rights and remedies of the trustee and the holders of the bonds, as may be agreed upon with the original purchasers of the bonds, and including therein provisions restricting the individual right of action of bondholders as is customary in trust agreements respecting bonds and debentures of corporations, protecting and enforcing the rights and remedies of the trustee and the bondholders and providing for approval by the original purchaser of the bonds of the appointment of consulting architects, and of the security given by those who contract to construct the project, and by any bank or trust company in which the proceeds of bonds or rentals shall be deposited, and for approval by the consulting architects of all contracts for construction. All expenses incurred in carrying out the agreement may be treated as a part of the cost of maintenance, operation and repair of the project.

§20-5-10. Proceeds of park development revenue bonds, grants and gifts.

The proceeds of all bonds sold for any park development project and the proceeds of any grant or gift received by the director for any project financed by the issuance of park development revenue bonds shall be paid to the treasurer of the State of West Virginia, who shall not commingle the funds with any other moneys, but shall deposit them in a separate bank account or accounts. The moneys in the accounts shall be paid by the treasurer on requisition of the director or any other person as the director may authorize to make such requisition. All deposits of the moneys shall, if required by the treasurer or the director, be secured by obligation of the United States, of the State of West Virginia, or of the director, of a market value equal at all times to the amount of the deposit and all banking institutions are authorized to give such deposits.

§20-5-11. Authority of director to pledge revenue from recreational facilities as security.

The director, with the approval of the Governor, shall have authority to pledge all revenue derived from any project as security for any bonds issued to defray the cost of the project. In any case in which the director may deem it advisable, he or she shall also have the authority to pledge the revenue derived from any existing recreational facilities under his or her control, or any state park or forest, as additional security for the payment of any bonds issued under the provisions of this article to pay the cost of any park development project.

§20-5-12. Management and control of project.

The division shall properly maintain, repair, operate, manage and control the project, fix the rates of rental and establish bylaws and rules for the use and operation of the project and may make and enter into all contracts or agreements necessary and incidental to the performance of its duties and the execution of its powers hereunder.

§20-5-13. Provisions of Constitution and law observed; what approval required.

It shall not be necessary to secure from any officer or board not named in this article any approval or consent, or any certificate or finding, or to hold an election, or to take any proceedings whatever, either for the construction of any project, or the improvement, maintenance, operation or repair thereof, or for the issuance of bonds hereunder, except as are prescribed by these provisions or are required by the Constitution of this state.

Nothing contained herein shall be so construed or interpreted as to authorize or permit the incurring of state debt of any kind or nature as contemplated by the provisions of the Constitution of the state in relation to state debt.

§20-5-14. Restaurants and other facilities.

The director may, on all areas under his or her jurisdiction and control, operate commissaries, restaurants and other establishments for the convenience of the public. For these purposes the director may purchase equipment, foodstuffs, supplies and commodities according to law.

§20-5-15. Authority to enter into certain operational contracts; terms and conditions; necessity for legislative notice and public hearing before certain facilities are placed under contract.

(a) The director may enter into a contract with a person, firm, corporation, foundation or public agency for the operation of a commissary, restaurant, recreational facility or other establishment within the state parks and public recreational system, for a duration not to exceed ten years, but the contract may provide for an option to renew at the director’s discretion for an additional term or terms not to exceed ten years at the time of renewal: Provided, That an operational contract for the operation of Prickett’s Fort by the Prickett’s Fort Memorial Foundation, Inc., funded by an appropriation for the specific purpose of such operational contract is exempt from the provisions of article three, chapter five-a of this code. Prior to initiating of a contract for the operation of a state park lodge, cabin, campground, gift shop, golf facility, including pro shop operations, or ski facility, the director shall submit written notice of the specific location subject to the contract to the Legislature by letter to the Senate President and the Speaker of the House of Delegates.

(b) Prior to initiating a contract for a previously state-operated state park lodge, cabin, campground, gift shop, golf facility, including pro shop operations, or ski facility, the director shall conduct a public hearing to be held at a reasonable time and place within the county in which the facility is located. Notice of the time, place and purpose of the public hearing shall be provided as a Class II legal advertisement in accordance with the provisions of section two, article three, chapter fifty-nine of this code which notice shall be given at least for the first publication twenty days in advance of said hearing.

(c) Any contract entered into by the director shall provide an obligation upon the part of the operator that he or she maintain a level of performance satisfactory to the director and shall further provide that any contract may be terminated by the director in the event he or she determines that the performance is unsatisfactory and has given the operator reasonable notice of the termination.

§20-5-16. Authority to enter into contracts with third parties to construct recreational facilities and cabins; public comment.

(a) Notwithstanding any other provision of this code to the contrary, in addition to all other powers and authority vested in the director, he or she may:

(1) Enter into contracts with third parties for the financing, construction, and operation of new recreational, lodging, and ancillary facilities at all state parks and state forests under the jurisdiction of the Division of Natural Resources except for Watoga State Park. The contracts may allow and recognize both direct and subsidiary investment arrangements. The term of the contracts may not exceed a period of 40 years, at which time the full title to the recreational facilities shall vest in the state, except as otherwise provided in this section;

(2) Enter into contracts with third parties for the construction, but not the operation, of cabins at any state park or forest. Upon completion of the construction of the cabins, full title to the cabins shall immediately vest in the state and the cabins shall be operated by the parks and recreation section;

(3) Authorize the construction of at least five cabins by any single third party in state parks and state forests which do not offer the facilities on the effective date of this subsection; and

(4) Propose emergency and legislative rules, in accordance with §29A-3-1 et seq. of this code, that set the conditions upon which the director may enter into a contract with a single third party proposing to construct cabins.

(b) Any contract entered into pursuant to this section shall be approved prior to execution by the Secretary of the Department of Commerce, the Secretary of the Department of Tourism, and the Secretary of the Department of Economic Development.

(c) A contract may provide for renewal for the purpose of permitting continued operation of the facilities at the option of the director for a term or terms not to exceed 10 years.

(d) The director shall provide prior electronic notice of any contract, extension, and renewal entered into pursuant to this section to the Joint Committee on Government and Finance.

(e) Any vendor which is contracted with pursuant to this section may not employ or contract with the individual who holds the position of director when the contract is executed for a period of one year following the individual’s separation from the position of director.

(f) Prior to initiating a contract for new recreational, lodging, and ancillary facilities at all state parks and state forests under the jurisdiction of the Division of Natural resources, the director shall conduct a public hearing to be held at a reasonable time and place within the county in which the facility is located. Notice of the time, place and purpose of the public hearing shall be provided as a Class II legal advertisement in accordance with §59-3-2 of this code which notice shall be given at least for the first publication 20 days in advance of the hearing.

(g) Stonewall Jackson Lake State Park. —

(1) With respect to the financing, construction, and operation of lodging at Stonewall Jackson Lake State Park, in addition to the lodging in existence as of July 1, 2008, contracts entered into pursuant to this section may grant, convey, or provide for commercially reasonable lodging usage and related rights and privileges all on terms and conditions as the director may deem appropriate, desirable or necessary to attract private investment for the construction of additional lodging units.

(2) No contracts may be entered into prior to the preparation of lodging unit development plans and standard lodging unit contract documents in a form and at a level of detail acceptable to the United States Army Corps of Engineers and the director, and subsequent to the presentation of the lodging unit development plans and standard lodging unit contract documents to the Joint Committee on Government and Finance for review and comment.

(3) At a minimum, the lodging unit development plans and standard lodging unit contracts shall comply with the following requirements:

(A) That no more than 100 additional lodging units may be constructed, in addition to the lodging in existence as of July 1, 2008;

(B) That lodging unit contracts, with respect to any additional lodging units that may be financed, constructed or operated pursuant to the provision of this section, shall generally conform to the contracts entered into by federal agencies or the National Park Service with private parties regarding privately financed property that is constructed, developed or operated on public lands administered by federal agencies or the National Park Service, subject to modification and adaptation by the director as the director deems appropriate, suitable and relevant to any lodging units to be constructed at Stonewall Jackson Lake State Park.

(C) That a party granted rights and privileges under lodging unit contracts awarded under the provisions of this subsection shall have the right to renew his or her or its lodging unit contract for successive terms not to extend beyond the termination date of the state’s lease with the United States Army Corps of Engineers; or, in the event that the state’s lease with the United States Army Corps of Engineers is extended beyond the termination date of the lease as of July 1, 2007, not to exceed five 10-year extensions or renewals beyond the termination date of the lease between the state and the United States Army Corps of Engineers in effect as of July 1, 2007: Provided, That the party extended the renewal rights is in compliance with all material rights, duties and obligations arising under his or her or its contract and all relevant and applicable provisions of federal, state and local laws, rules, regulations, contracts or agreements at the time of renewal: Provided, however, That if the director makes an affirmative determination that further renewals beyond the time periods set forth in this subsection are in the best interest of the state and Stonewall Jackson Lake State Park, giving due consideration to financial, operational and other considerations deemed relevant and material by the director, that the director may authorize further renewals;

(D) That all rights and privileges arising under a lodging unit contract shall be transferred to the state or the state’s designee upon the expiration or termination of the contract, upon the terms and conditions as each contract may provide or as may otherwise be agreed upon between the parties;

(E) That the state is not obligated for any costs, expenses, fees, or other charges associated with the development of the additional lodging units under this subsection or the operation and maintenance of the additional lodging units over time, including, but not limited to, costs associated with infrastructure improvements associated with development or operation of the additional lodging units. In his or her discretion, the director may engage professionals to assist the state in connection with its review and oversight of development of the additional lodging units;

(F) That at any time following the initial term and first renewal period of any lodging unit contract entered into with a private party with respect to an additional lodging unit that is constructed under this section, the state shall have the right and option, in its sole discretion, to purchase a lodging unit or lodging units in accordance with the provisions of this subsection and any and all contracts that may be entered into from time to time under this section;

(G) That the state may elect to purchase a lodging unit from a private party. If the private party is paid the fair value of the private party’s residual rights and privileges under the lodging unit contract, the residual rights and privileges to be valued generally in accordance with the valuation standards set forth in the National Park Service’s standard contract provisions, or other relevant federal agency standards applicable to similar or like contract rights and provisions as may be in existence at the time of transfer, all as the same may be considered relevant and appropriate by the director, and all in the exercise of the director’s reasonable discretion. Nothing in this section is intended or may be construed to impose an obligation on the state to purchase, buy, buy out or otherwise acquire or pay for any lodging unit under this section, or to limit the right and ability of a private party to donate or contribute his or her or its interest in and to any lodging unit constructed under this section to the state or any charitable foundation that may be established and operating from time to time to support the continued operation and development of Stonewall Jackson Lake State Park;

(H) That the state has no obligation whatsoever to purchase, buy, buy out or otherwise acquire or pay for any lodging unit that is developed or constructed under this section; and

(I) The director may review and approve the form and content of all contracts that may be entered into pursuant to this subsection in connection with the development, operation, and maintenance of additional lodging units at Stonewall Jackson Lake State Park.

(h) Any facilities constructed under the authority granted under this section must be in accordance with the purpose, powers, and duties of the Section of Parks and Recreation as provided by §20-5-3 of this code.

§20-5-17. Correlation of projects and services.

The director of the Division of Natural Resources shall correlate and coordinate park and recreation programs, projects and developments with the functions and services of other offices and sections of the division and other agencies of the state government so as to provide, consistent with the provisions of this chapter, suitable and adequate facilities, landscaping, personnel and other services at and about all state parks and public recreation facilities under his or her jurisdiction.

§20-5-18. Discounts for West Virginia residents over the age of sixty-two.

The director shall provide to West Virginia citizens who are sixty-two years of age or older, and who document residency and age by a valid West Virginia driver's license, a fifty percent reduction in campground rental fees for each campsite to be used exclusively by said eligible camper: Provided, That the fifty percent reduction in campground rental fees shall only apply to those rentals occurring during the period of time beginning on the day after Labor Day and ending four days prior to Memorial day.

§20-5-19. Discounts for West Virginia residents who are totally and permanently disabled.

The director shall issue a discount card to West Virginia residents who are totally and permanently disabled which would provide a fifty percent reduction in campground rental fees for each campsite to be used exclusively by the eligible camper: Provided, That in order to be eligible for the reduction, the person shall document that he or she is a resident of this state and that he or she has a total and permanent disability. The director shall promulgate rules in accordance with article three, chapter twenty-nine-a of this code setting forth the documentation which is necessary to prove residency and total and permanent disability: Provided, however, That the fifty percent reduction in campground rental fees applies only to those rentals occurring during the period of time beginning on the day after Labor Day and ending four days prior to Memorial Day.



Acts, 2010 Reg. Sess., Ch. 32.

§20-5-21. Legislative findings relating to the historical town of Cass; powers of the director to preserve the integrity of the town and to promulgate rules therefor.

(a) The Legislature finds:

(1) That preserving heritage is essential to promoting the education, prosperity and general welfare of the people of this state;

(2) That the town of Cass, in Pocahontas County, is one of the few remaining historical logging towns in the United States and has been recognized as such by the national registry of historic places;

(3) That the town of Cass is richly endowed with numerous historic buildings, structures and sites, both public and private, which are representative of the historical and cultural heritage of the State of West Virginia;

(4) That historic buildings, structures and sites in the town of Cass should be identified, studied, preserved and protected for the general welfare of the residents of this state and this nation;

(5) That preserving and protecting the historical buildings, structures and sites in the town of Cass will aid economic development in Pocahontas County and surrounding areas, lead to the improvement of property values, enhance this state's attraction of tourists and visitors and contribute to education in this state by preserving such heritage for future generations; and

(6) That it is in the public policy and the public interest of this state to engage in a comprehensive program of historic preservation within the area designated as the town of Cass by the national registry of historic places and to promote the use and preservation of such heritage for the education and general welfare of the people of this state.

Accordingly, this section shall be broadly construed in order to accomplish the purposes herein set forth.

(b) To carry out the purposes of this section within the jurisdictional limits of the town of Cass as designated by the national registry of historic places, the director may:

(1) Make a survey of buildings, structures and sites and designate as historic landmarks those principal buildings, structures and sites that are of local, regional, statewide or national historical or architectural significance;

(2) Mark buildings, structures and sites with appropriately designated markers with the consent of the property owners;

(3) Acquire by purchase, gift or lease and administer historic landmarks, buildings, structures and sites;

(4) Review applications for certificates of appropriateness and grant or deny the same in accordance with the provisions of this section;

(5) Establish standards for the care and management of designated historic landmarks, buildings, structures and sites and, for failure of the owner to maintain the standards as prescribed, withdraw any certificate of appropriateness;

(6) Seek the advice and assistance of individuals, groups and government entities that are conducting historical preservation programs and coordinate the same insofar as possible;

(7) Seek and accept grants, gifts, bequests, endowments or other funds to accomplish the purposes of this section; and

(8) Propose rules for legislative approval in accordance with the provisions of article three, chapter twenty-nine-a of this code for the protection of the historic integrity of the town of Cass and to effectuate the purposes of this section with regard to the use of lands both public and private within the town of Cass.

§20-5-22. Powers and duties of the director relating to oil and gas access roads on state forests.

(a) In addition to the requirements of article six, chapter twenty-two of this code, a party applying for the well work permit within a state forest shall publish a Class I-O legal advertisement in compliance with the provisions of article three, chapter fifty-nine of this code in a qualified newspaper at least sixty days prior to submitting an application with the Department of Environmental Protection. The notice shall state that the Division of Natural Resources will accept public comments prior to the party's application to the Department of Environmental Protection and shall give a postal address and an email address where the public may file comments.

(b) For all new oil and gas road construction proposed in subsection (a) of this section within state forests, written notice shall be provided to the Director, the Division of Forestry and the state Forest Superintendent by the party applying for the well work permit forty-five days before the application of the well work permit is filed with the Department of Environmental Protection.

(c) For routine maintenance of the access roads within the state forest, notice shall be provided to the Director, the Director of the Division of Forestry and the state Forest Superintendent by the well operator for maintenance of the well access road five days before the motorized equipment is to enter the state forest except in the event of an emergency.

(d) The Director of the Division of Natural Resources shall propose emergency and legislative rules in accordance with article three, chapter twenty-nine of this code in consultation with the Department of Environmental Protection and the Division of Forestry that set forth the conditions upon which the permittee may access the land for the purpose of well work in a state forest as permitted by law.

§20-5-23. Establishment of Adopt-A-Trail program for paths and trails.

(a) The West Virginia Division of Natural Resources shall establish an Adopt-A-Trail program that will allow volunteer groups to assist in maintaining and enhancing trails on state- owned land.

(b) Subject to subsection (g) of this section, volunteer groups in the Adopt-A-Trail program may adopt any available trail or trail segment and may choose any one or more of the following activities:

(1) Spring cleanups;

(2) Litter collection;

(3) Accessibility projects;

(4) Special events;

(5) Trail maintenance, enhancement, or realignment;

(6) Public information and assistance; or

(7) Training.

(c) Volunteer groups that want to participate in the Adopt-A-Trail program shall apply to the division on an application provided by the division. Applications shall be reviewed and approved or denied at the division’s discretion. Groups may not perform any activity on a trail or trail segment until approved by the division with an Adopt-A-Trail agreement executed by all parties to the agreement. The division may provide for more than one volunteer group to adopt an eligible trail or trail segment.

(d) Adopt-A-Trail agreements shall include, but not be limited to, the following provisions:

(1) Participating in the program for a term of at least two years;

(2) Assisting with trail or path maintenance when applicable; and

(3) Complying with all reasonable requirements of the division.

(e) Volunteer groups shall consist of people who are 18 years or older. Participants 17 years of age or younger may participate, but must be accompanied by an adult who is 18 years of age or older with a close relationship or connection to any participant 17 years of age or younger. As with the Adopt-A-Highway and the Adopt-A-Stream Programs in this state, groups participating in the Adopt-A-Trail Program may include, but not be limited to, communities, families, individuals, members of 4-H or Future Farmers of America, scouting organizations, any faith-based group, youth group, schools, college organizations, businesses, civic organizations, and government agencies.

(f) Activities performed by volunteer groups may not involve work that:

(1) Reduce hours or compensation of department or division employees;

(3) Could be performed by a laid-off department or division employee; or

(3) Are inconsistent with the terms of a collective bargaining agreement.

(g) If the division operates other programs in the vicinity of the trail that allows volunteers to participate in similar programs, the division shall coordinate these programs to provide for efficient and effective volunteer programs in the area.

(h) Adopted trails may be identified by a sign at a location along the adopted section bearing the Adopt-A-Trail logo and the name of the volunteer group after the group completes 50 hours of service.

(i) The division shall coordinate with the closest solid waste authority so that any tires, appliances, televisions, or trash may be properly disposed of with proper documentation.

(j) Collected litter will be placed at designated locations approved by the division. The division may coordinate with volunteers, local authorities, and state agencies for removal and disposal of collected litter. Garbage bags, safety training, and gloves are to be furnished by the program.

(k) The division may propose rules pursuant to §29A-3-1 et seq. of this code to carry out and implement the Adopt-A-Trail program.