Email WV Code

Email: Chapter 31G, Article 1A, Section 4

§31G-1A-4. Collection of data.

(a) In order to ascertain, categorize, analyze, map, and update the status of broadband in the state, as well as to enable the Office of Broadband to make informed policy and legislative recommendations, the Office of Broadband may establish a voluntary data collection program. The program may include voluntarily submitted data from internet service providers, including any home or region data rate meters utilized by the provider. The program may also utilize and collect voluntarily submitted data rate information submitted by any person reflecting the person’s personal data rate at a particular IP address. This personal data rate may be based upon a web-based test or analysis program.

(b) Any and all data collected by the Office of Broadband shall not be deemed public information and is not subject to public release or availability pursuant to §29B-1-1 et seq. of this code.

(c) Any data collection program established by the Office of Broadband shall:

(1) Make clear to those providers or persons submitting information that the data rate speed may become public, including specific reference to the person’s physical address;

(2) Make clear this is a voluntary data collection program and that submission of information shall be deemed consent to use and make public such data rate information; and

(3) Not include any person’s personal web history or search information, or otherwise publicly identify the person’s name in connection with an IP address or physical address.

(d) The Office of Broadband may establish guidelines and additional rules governing a data collection program through the legislative rulemaking pursuant to the provisions of §29A-3-1 et seq. of this code.