§24-3-10. Termination of water service for delinquent sewer or stormwater bills.

(a) In the event that any publicly or privately owned utility, city, incorporated town, municipal corporation, or public service district owns and operates either water facilities or sewer facilities, and a privately owned public utility or a public utility that is owned and operated by a homeowners' association owns and operates the other kind of facilities, either water or sewer, then the privately owned public utility or the homeowners' association may contract with the publicly or privately owned utility, city, incorporated town, or public service district which provides the other services to shutoff and discontinue the supplying of water service for the nonpayment of sewer service fees and charges.

(b) Any contracts entered into by a privately owned public utility or by a public utility that is owned and operated by a homeowners' association pursuant to this section must be submitted to the Public Service Commission for approval.

(c) Any privately owned public utility or any public utility that is owned and operated by a homeowners' association which provides water and sewer service to its customers may terminate water service for delinquency in payment of either water or sewer bills.

(d) Where a privately owned public utility or a public utility that is owned and operated by a homeowners' association is providing sewer service and another utility is providing water service, and the privately owned public utility or the homeowners' association providing sewer service experiences a delinquency in payment, the utility providing water service, upon the request of the homeowners' association or the privately owned public utility providing sewer service to the delinquent account, shall terminate its water service to the customer having the delinquent sewer account.

(e) Any termination of water service must comply with all rules and orders of the Public Service Commission. Nothing contained within the rules of the Public Service Commission shall be deemed to require any agents or employees of the water or sewer utility to accept payment at the customer's premises in lieu of discontinuing water service for a delinquent water or sewer bill.

(f) A publicly or privately owned utility, city, incorporated town, municipal corporation, or public service district that owns or operates water facilities, or a public utility that is owned and operated by a homeowners’ association that owns or operates water facilities may not discontinue or shut off water service to its customers for delinquency in payment of stormwater fees or charges, nor may it contract with any other utility, public or private, to which it provides water service to terminate water service to customers of the other utility for delinquency in the payment of stormwater services, fees, and charges except as provided in subsections (g) and (h) of this section.

(g) The governing body, board, or association collecting the rates, fees, or charges may shut off and discontinue water services to users with delinquent stormwater fees, provided that:

(1) The water service and stormwater fee are in the name of the same user;

(2) The rates, fees, or charges incurred by the user are 90 days past due;

(3) The provider has given the user written notice of termination of water service for nonpayment. Such notice must be given to the user at least 10 days before the termination of service and must notify the user of the user’s right to enter into a deferred payment plan;

(4) The provider has attempted to make personal contact with the user at least two times in the 24 hours immediately before the termination of the service. If the provider makes personal contact with the user, the provider must inform the user of the user’s right to enter into a deferred payment plan.

(5) The water service for a user who has entered into a deferred payment plan under this subsection may not be shut off or discontinued as long as the user is in conformance with the agreed-to payment plan. In the event the user falls out of compliance with the deferred payment plan, no sooner than five days after the missed payment, the provider may terminate service: Provided, That the provider must make one attempt to make personal contact with the user in the 24 hours immediately before the termination of the service.

(h) All rates, fees, or charges, if not paid when due, shall constitute a lien upon the premises served by the works. If any service rate, fee, or charge is not paid within 20 days after it is due, the amount thereof, together with a penalty of 10 percent and a reasonable attorney's fee, may be recovered by the provider in a civil action in the name of the provider. The lien may be foreclosed against the lot, parcel of land, or building in accordance with the laws relating thereto. Where water, stormwater, and sewer services are furnished by any provider to any premises, the schedule of charges may be billed as a single amount or individually itemized and billed for the aggregate thereof.

§24-3-10. Termination of water service for delinquent sewer or stormwater bills.