§5A-10-3a. Regulation of parking on state-owned or leased property in Charleston; creation of fund.

(a) The Real Estate Division may regulate the parking of motor vehicles in accordance with the provisions of this section with regard to the following state-owned property in the city of Charleston, Kanawha County:

(1) The east side of Greenbrier Street between Kanawha Boulevard and Washington Street, East;

(2) The west side of California Avenue between Kanawha Boulevard and Washington Street, East;

(3) The state-owned or leased grounds upon which state office buildings number one through twenty and the Laidley Field Complex are located; and

(4) Any other property now or hereafter owned or leased by the state or any of its agencies and used for parking purposes in conjunction with the State Capitol or any state office buildings.

(b) The Real Estate Division is authorized to collect fees for parking pursuant to subsection (a) of this section. The fees shall be deposited into a special revenue fund to be known as the Parking Lots Operating Fund within the State Treasury. Expenditures from the fund are authorized from collections. The fund may only be used in a manner consistent with this article and in accordance with the provisions of article three, chapter twelve and article two, chapter eleven-b of this code. Any balance remaining in the Special Revenue Fund at the end of any fiscal year does not revert to the General Revenue Fund, but remains in the Special Revenue Fund. All costs and expenses incurred pursuant to this section, including administrative, shall be paid from those funds.

(c) The secretary shall propose legislative rules pursuant to article three, chapter twenty-nine-a of this code relating to parking and to allocate parking spaces to public officers and employees of the state upon all of the property set forth in subsection (a) of this section: Provided, That notwithstanding this or any other provision of law to the contrary, during sessions of the Legislature, including regular, extended, extraordinary and interim sessions, and any other times designated by the Speaker of the House of Delegates and the President of the Senate, parking on the east side of Greenbrier Street between Kanawha Boulevard and Washington Street, East, in the Culture Center parking lot, on the north side of Kanawha Boulevard between Greenbrier Street and California Avenue, on the west side of California Avenue between Kanawha Boulevard and Washington Street, East, in the parking lot on the east side of California Avenue across from the loading dock entrance and any other areas designated by a joint policy of the Speaker of the House of Delegates and the President of the Senate shall be managed and controlled by the Legislature. Any person parking any vehicle contrary to this section or the rules promulgated under authority of this subsection is subject to a fine as established by rule of the secretary. In addition, a designee of the secretary or the Legislature, as the case may be, may cause the removal, immobilization or other remedy considered necessary, at owner expense, of any vehicle that is parked in violation of the rules or the joint policy between the Speaker of the House of Delegates and the President of the Senate. Magistrates in Kanawha County have jurisdiction over all the offenses under this section.

(d) The secretary, the Speaker of the House of Delegates and the President of the Senate may employ persons as may be necessary to enforce the parking rules as provided for under the provisions of this section.

(e) The Parking Garage Fund, created in the former section five, article four of this chapter, is continued in the Department of Administration as a special fund consisting of funds that are appropriated and funds from other sources to be used for the construction and maintenance of a parking garage on the State Capitol Complex.

§5A-10-3a. Regulation of parking on state-owned or leased property in Charleston; creation of fund.

Bill History For §5a-10-3A